The Headmaster peered at me for a good long minute before leaning back in his chair. He shifted his eyes around the room and finally brought them back to me. A ghost of a smile formed upon the bowl of his lips as he folded his hands on the desk and leaned int.
“James Christopher Potter, I don’t see this going in your favor. Because standing in front of me, I see a boy, with long hair, that in clear violation of the school rules. I’ve been letting you get away with that boy, now, instead of getting down on your knees, as you should be, you're standing up to me.” He raised his lips to show his teeth.
“I think, you should go downtown right now. There a nice little barber shop down there, go in there and tell them you want a real haircut. Then come back here... Show me it and I’ll let you stay in school. You and that sister of yours. Otherwise, you can pack up your things, and transfer to the city schools. The choice is yours.” He said smirking.
I was about to snap out when I felt my dad touch my shoulder, I looked up and saw him smiling. He winked at me and stepped forward. He cleared his throat and then in a loud, booming, commanding tone of voice called out.
“That sir would be in clear violation of a longstanding agreement the Potter Family has with the School Board. If you remove MY daughters from school. With as far as I can tell, neither having done anything wrong. Or harmed anybody. Then the half the land this school sits on, will be returned to the Potter Family. As you know, my grandfather Sherman Potter, allowed the school to build on his land.” He smiled and tapped his foot down on the ground. “The original deed and contract are at home in the family safe. A copy of the deed and contract is also stored in City Hall and at the Court House in Yazoo City.”
“And..” The headmaster’s face was turning a dark, blood red.
“If you REMOVE my DAUGHTERS.” He said adding a little force to the words ‘Remove’ and ‘Daughters’. “Then you will break the first clause of the contract. Saying that as long as the school is open. Any descended of him, that being Sherman Potter shall have the right and privilege to attend this school, as long as they obey the school rules, are respectful and maintain their grades.”
“YOUR SON HAS ALREADY BROKEN A RULE. HIS HAIR IS TOO LONG. HE LOOKS LIKE A GIRL, MAN, DO YOU HAVE NO PRIDE IN YOURSELF.” He bellowed as he stood up and slammed his hands hard on the desk. The sounds of the open palm’s slamming into the desk caused us all to jump.
My dad just stood there and took a deep breath. “There nothing in the rules about being Transgender. If my son is my daughter then so be it. Since you’re a big fan of the bible. Read the book of Genesis, starting at chapter one verse twenty-six.” He cleared his throat and then in the same tone of voice he uses when he reads the lessons at Sunday Mass he said.
“Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” He paused and added. “The word of the Lord.”
“Thanks be to God.” Mom, Lily, Fr. Brown and I said as we crossed ourselves.
The Headmaster, Linda, and Mr. Perry just stood their mouths hung open. And after a long pause, the headmaster cleared his throat and said.
“Well, I guess..” He paused and shook his head. “I guess I’ll need to address the school board about this. If this young man..”
“Women.” Dad corrected as he peered toward the headmaster.
The headmaster took a deep breath and balled up his fist.
“Fine, women.. Is going to be attending school.” He grinned as if he found an ace in the hole. “I demand she at least wear the female uniform. A white button-down blouse, pleated skirt, white stocking, and black dress shoes. As you know, there is a small clothing shop here. I suggest, buying at least three sets of uniforms and at least one Girls P.E uniform.” He said smiling softly.
“Done..” I said without thinking. “I want that in writing..”
The Headmaster blinked and drew back in his chair, he then peered toward me, he then reached down and picked up a piece of paper. “Of course, Ms. Potter anything else..”
The Rev. John coughed and all eyes turned toward him.
“I must object to that. The boy is clearly insane, demons have tainted his mind. I suggest we pray the demons out of this boy. You sir, as headmaster of this school, must stand firm. Do not be tempted by the evil spirits that surround this boy. Do not give in to the pressure. Stand firm, brother stand firm and throw back the legions of hell that will use this, poor, wayward soul as a gateway to doom! Doom I say all the poor, gentle lamps of this gentle floor to the everlasting fires of hell.”
“You are a fool.” Fr. Brown said before any of us could speak. “Jamie is a sweet, kind, and loving girl. She one of our Acolytes. I’m proud to have her help with the celebration of the Mass. She a very devoted girl, attending almost all Sunday Services and midweek services.” His tone of voice was raised when he came to the next part. “If the prince of darkness, has chosen a vessel to launch an attack on this school. He’s chosen a might strangle one.”
Fr. Brown walked over to me and smiled as he placed his hand upon my shoulder. I looked up and saw him smiling down at me. He then looked down and in a very stern tone of voice asked me.
“Jamie, if you serious about this. Then as your spiritual director. I would recommend that this coming Sunday, we have an Affirmation of Baptismal Faith.” He paused and took a deep breath before pushing on. “Since according to what I understand, you will be coming to school dressed as a girl, you will be addressed by your chosen name, Jamie or Ms. Potter. I feel its only right that as rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church and spiritual father of this parish. That I welcome you into the community using your new name.”
I blinked and blinked again. The headmaster sighed. It seemed to have the local Episcopal Priest throwing his weight behind my cause counted more than anything I could muster. I kind of felt sorry for the man. He seemed caught between two opposing forces.
“This is bullshit.” Mr. Perry said taking a deep breath. “I don’t give a hoot what you people believe in, I’m here to say that I don’t like the fact that my daughters going to be attending school with a freak like that boy right there. I pay good money to send my daughter here. And you people are ruining her high school experience. This is supposed to be a god fearing school.” He bellowed.
“Your daughter! My former friend, threatening to have the football team, rape my little sister!” Lily belled as she looked up and shot Linda a look. “She waited to the last minute to voice her concerns, and then when all was said in done, she acted like a total jerk toward Jamie, she was not only rude to her, but shoved her down and threaten her safety. That why she was removed from the cheerleading squad. If I’m to demoted and kicked off the squad for defending my little sister. Then I demand that Linda Perry also is expelled from school.” Lilly bellowed at the top of her lungs.
All eyes then turned Linda, who stood there with her arms folded around her chest. The color was slowly starting to drain from her face. Her father and moved close to her and wrapped left arm proactively over her shoulder. And the Rev. John Mark just stood there behind the two. In a way, I felt the tide was starting to turn. Everything was coming to a head now. No half measures this time. We either carried the field today or surrender all chances of victory. And so surrounded by my loving family I waited to see what would happen now.