The minute I reached the office, the office secretary, greeted with a small smile. She was an older woman, her iron-gray hair was pulled back in a tight bun. Her outfit, a white button down blouse, tucked into the waistline of a black skirt was free of wrinkles and dust. White stockings and black dress shoes rounded out the outfit. And as she stood upon the old wooden desk, her hands folded upon the clean, highly polished surface. She fixed me with a look.
“Hello, Mr. Potter.” She said her small smile became one of a sinister. “The Headmaster is expecting you. Your mother and father are also here. They have a little business concerning you and what transpired over homecoming. A little bird told me, that a certain young man pulled the wool over the eyes of a lot of people.” She said grinning as she stood up and pushed her wooden chair back. She stepped out from behind the desk and motioned for me to follow her.
“Please,” I said taking a deep. “Its Ms. Potter,” I said in a forceful tone of voice. I knew I had to stand up for the person I believed I was called to be, I had to stand up for what I felt was right. I had to. This was my life, nobody else’s. And nobody else would run it but me.
The women turned around and glared at me. She then straightens her back up, fixed me with a look and in a deadly whisper said to me.
“Its high time you stop with that little game, Mr. Potter. I think this little meeting will change your mind. I heard Rev. John is a wonderful preacher. He’s been invited to help you, with your problem. We at Manchester Academy strive to instill a sense of boldness in our students.” She said state as she weaved her fingers together.
“And we do not like our boys, to prance around here pretending to be girls. This is not some state-funded, bedlam. This is a private school, founded on Christina morals, guided by Christina ethics. You will do well to remember that... Mr. Potter.” She lectured as she guided me down the hallway toward the headmaster's office. She then stopped in front of a door, a brass plate in the center of the door read “Headmaster”,
“Here we go. Mr. McPhail is waiting for you.” She said in a tone of voice that was just an octave above yelling. You could sense the tension in every world.
“Thank you, ma’am,” I said smiling. “But again, it's Ms. Potter, not Mister,” I said as I reached down and wrapped my fingers around the brass door handle. If looks could kill, I would be dead as a doornail, for as soon as I said that she gave me a look that would have slain a basilisk.
Once she was gone, I took a deep breath and entered the office. I was greeted by a crowded room, to one side stood my sister, Lily Potter, and my mom and dad. Fr. Brown was also there They all stood to one side, to the other side stood Linda, her father, and the Rev. John Mark. And in the middle sitting behind a big old desk, there could be seen the headmaster.
The headmaster was a big man, big as in he was tall and well built. In his long forgotten youth, He had been the star quarterback for the Benton Raiders. He later graduated from Benton Academy, studied at some school up north of us, graduated with a degree in History I think, before returning to coach the football program. Using his leadership skills, and tactics the Benton Raiders defeated the Manchester Mavericks only ever record homecoming victory. The hostage for Benton that year was some cheerleader by the name Ginger Jennifer Evens and the hostage for Manchester was some girl by the name of Isabella Mari Upton... Anyway, that little bit of lore out of the way. The man is a total dick, and snake.
“Mr. Potter, it’s a pleasure for you to finally join us.” The headmaster said as he took a deep breath. “Please have a seat, we have some business we need to handle. And a few problems that need to be solved before they become bigger problems.” He said in a tone of voice that reminded of a snake oil salesman.
“It's Ms. Potter,” I said taking a deep breath moved toward my mom and dad. Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. Mom stood behind me and placed a loving hand upon my shoulder. Lilly stood beside me. Without saying a word she reached over and wrapped her fingers around mine and gave my hand a squeeze. I was surrounded by my family.. My heart was fit to burst.
“Yes about that. Where about to address that.” He paused and shifted his eyes toward the Rev. John Mark. “Brother Mark, would you please tell us what the good book has to say about that.” He leaned back and smiled.
“With pleasure Brother McPhail. We only need to look to First Corinthians chapter eleven verse fourteen to find why this poor child has already strayed from the one true path. As Paul writes to the Corinthians in this book. ‘Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him.’ By allowing this boy to grow out his hair. His mother and father have not only brought shame upon there son but upon there lovely daughter and themselves.” He said in a commanding tone of voice.
I felt my cheeks flush with color. They burned a deep dark red. I felt my fathers arm start to tremble. I looked up and noticed his eyes seemed hard as ice.
“Allow me to say something.” He said removing his arm from my shoulder and walking toward the pastor and then toward Mr. McPhail. “I did not come here to talk about my daughter's problem. I came here to address an issue that happens during homecoming. There around a three-minute clip, floating around social media of this man.” My father said with a nod of his head toward Linda’s father.
“A three-minute clip of this man. If he can be called that, yelling at my daughters, That why I’m here. How I raise my children is my own personal business sir.” He turned around and gave Mr. McPhail a look that could melt ice.
“As Headmaster, how do you plan on addressing this problem, sir?” He said with forced politeness.
Mr. McPhail took a deep breath and started to shift his weight around a little. He cleared his throat and then peered toward my father. And then he peered toward Lily, a small smirk formed upon his face as he peered leered toward my older sister. I noticed the look, and so did my mother who wrapped her arm around Lily shoulders and held her close to her.
“I’m aware of that little fight. It seems Ms. Potter took it upon herself to remove Ms. Perry here from the Cheerleading team over a few off colored comments made toward Mr. Potter. I think Mr. Perry was only trying to find justice for his daughter. While Ms. Perry did act out a little, I don’t think her actions warranted the punishment she was given.” He said smiling ear to ear as he slowly dripped the words. Each word seemed as toxic as droplets of acid.
“And your point.,” Lily said as she snuggled into moms embrace.
“My point is this Ms. Potter you overstepped your authority. Since you’ve proven to us, I think beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can not properly manage the cheerleading team. I think its best if we remove you from your current office.” He cleared his voice and smirked. “In short, you're no longer cheerleading Capitan, and you're no longer on the team. You may try out next year to get your spot back.”
Lily looked like she was about to break down in tears as Mr. McPhail told her that. Her face drained of color and her eyes became moist. She buried her head into my mom's chest and started to cry. As the sound of her crying filled the office, I noticed Linda just stood there, her arm’s folded across her chest. She wore the smuggest look I’ve ever seen a human being give another one.
“With all due respect sir,” I said taking a deep breath. “I’m afraid.. That will do more harm than good.” I said smirking a little as I felt all eyes turned toward me.
“That video so far has only been shared a few hundred times.” I said peering toward Mr. McPhail, “Its no telling how many people have downloaded it... Even if you remove it, somebody else could upload it again and again and again. It's hard to remove something that been uploaded to the internet.” I said smirking. Following homecoming and at the urging of Joan I had downloaded a copy of the clip.
I swear it was like somebody had sucked all the life out of the room. All eyes were glued on me.
“For example, let's say that video made its way into the mainstream. Think of the long-lasting effects that would have on the school, and your career as well.” I closed my eyes and folded my hands in my center. “It like taking a ton of firewood, and soaking the stuff in gas. It takes just one little match to set the whole thing ablaze.”
“What are you proposing Mr. Potter..” Mr. McPhail said as turned his leering gaze away from my sister and toward me.
“First, cut the ‘Mr. Potter’ business, please either call me Jamie or Ms. Potter.” I said holding up one finger. “And before we go any further. You will agree to address me as such until informed by either me, my sister or my mother and father.”
It was now time to play hardball.