Johannes Malt Shop was a Benton mainstay, located on a few doors down from “Ginger Evens Bakery” and only a quarter mile from the towns only supermarket in town “Sunflower: Food store” it the main hang out for the tweens and teens all year round. And to honesty, really everybody stopped here to get a quick snack. There hamburgers, where to die for, and their milkshakes were the best around. Thick and creamy.
Also, you had all your social groups here, you had your cheerleaders, your football players, your band geeks, your bookworms, your Goths/Medal Heads, your hunters, and fisherman. And finally, you had people like me, the silent mute who just hang out in the background.
You see Johannes was something of what we call “Common Ground” kind of like the Skating ring or Silver dollar Video Arcade or the varies other dozen and a half hangs out around town. As long as you paid for your meal with ready cash (Transactions of fifteen dollars or more could be paid with a back or a bank checking card) and picked up your trash. Mrs. Johannes, the head checker, and Mr. Bill, the owner, and husband to Johannes, who was also head fry cook and grill master were fine with you.
And since it was common ground, it was a perfect place to meet with Robin and Lily. See Robin and Lily two of the coolest girls I knew. Both where Juniors and both treated me like a little. The last part I was thankful for, because like I’ve mentioned before I think, My older sister Kayla had grown from treating me like a younger sister to like a daughter or something. So having those two to hang around was a good thing.
I had been waiting around ten or twelve minutes before in the doorway appeared the two girls. Both were still dressed in there school uniforms. For Robin that would be a snow-white blouse with brown buttons going down the center. The shirttails of the blouse were tucked into the waistline of a pleated navy blue skirt. White stocking and brown Oxford slip ones completed the look.
For Lily, the uniform was a white peter pan style blouse. A small patch the size of a half dollar with the words “BA” was sewn onto the left breast pocket. The “BA” of course stood for Benton Academy. She too wore a skirt, only her skirt was trimmed with white and red, the colors of Benton Academy. I gotta say the private school’s get the best uniforms. Brown penny-loafers completed her outfit as well.
Lily, who had the most beautiful head of flaming red hair I’ve ever seen on a girl noticed me first. Followed by Robin who had been graced with the most brilliant hue of flaming red hair I’ve ever laid eyes on, noticed me second. Both offered me a small smile and a little wave as they made their way toward my table. Lily was the first to sit down followed by Robin.
“So, we got your text,” Robin said as she reached over the table and took a few of my remaining French fries. “So, the old witch had you stay late to help clean out the fish tanks?” She said popping some of the salty chips into her mouth.
“I’m going to honest with you girl. You really need to stop getting into trouble.” Lily said with a shake of her head. “First it was Saturday detention and then it was normal detention. You're going to get a name like this.” She said reaching over and taking a few fries for herself.
I felt a deep blush color my cheeks as I looked down at the table. It seemed like I was always getting scolded or lectured on something. Ever since I told my sister that summer that I was series about being Madeline, she has been riding me hard. Like pointing out minor things, like the way I sat down while wearing a skirt. The way I held myself. And even the way I dressed.
“I mean, I can understand taking time to talk with your boyfriend and such. But your lessons always come first. Anyway, lecturing aside. We do need to have a heart to heart talk. We have some business we need to talk over with you.” Lily said.
“You see.” Robin started. “We're going to open up a maid-them café here in Benton. Mrs. Evens has already agreed to supply some pastries and help with the start-up money.”
“It's going to be a three-way partnership. With Mrs. Even’s have a third, Lily having a third and I having a third. The daily running and operations are going to fall to Lily and me.” Robin quickly added in before either of us had a chance to talk.
“And that brings us back to you. Madeline believes it or not, you're becoming quite popular around town. You’ve done like one it was the dunking booth for the Discover Benton Festival this past summer. And then it was the yearly dunking stool thing. So that tells us, you have a charitable heart.” Lily chimed in. “And we’ve talked to your sister. It seems your going to start taking ballet classes. And it seems your thinking about entering into the Junior Miss. Mississippi pageant. Pretty bold for a girl on low.”
“What we're trying to say is this,” Robin said again before I had a chance to talk. “And please forgive us for doing all the talking, we just have a lot of ground to cover darling. But yes, what we're saying is this. We know people who know people. People who can help you. See, we're all about helping people. Lily and I.”
I nodded my head. And then before Lily or Robin could open their mouths I started to speak. But Lily held up our hand.
“You will, of course, forgive our rudeness. And we promise you, once we're done talking you’ll have plenty of time to ask questions, comment or anything else. But what Lily and I are getting at is this. We need a helper… apprentice if you wish.” Lily said.
“You have excellent cooking skills, you can sew with the best with your amazing cosplay. Your marks in other areas are kind of average. All in all, you have the talents to become one our apprentice. But do you have the drive to?”
I open my mouth to protest and then Robin held up her hand and said.
“Before you protest, let me say one more thing. What we mean by that is this. Do you have the drive to keep your grades up, like an at least a ‘B’ average in all subjects? You also much be willing to walk in heels, how to properly apply make-up.” She paused before saying. “We’ll also mentor you in all that, and teach you social grace and how to properly serve tea.”
“And you know, all the other skills a proper southern belle requires. And yes you will be getting paid for your time. Right now we're thinking, when you start working for us, we’ll pay around four dollars an hour, plus tips from the tables you wait on.” Lily said.
“And once you learn to brew tea, bake cakes, decorate cakes, manage the cash register and such. We’ll bump your pay a little. So the more you learn, the more you earn.” Robin chimed in again. “Any questions?”
I shook my head. I did have a question. But I lost my train of thought the minute she mentioned pay. The pay seemed low compared to what I was earning now doing chores around the house. But when she mentioned tips, I knew I could charm my way into the big dollars with a little practice.
“No..” I paused. “I’ll have to talk to my sister first. Before I can give you a firm yes or no. But I would love too.” I said smiling a little as I peered toward the pair.
“Oh, one more thing,” Robin added. “We also love to do charity events. Last spring we did a messy charity vote. Like last spring the people voted me to go into a gunge tank.” A pale pink blush formed upon her face. “It was.. Something..” Her voice trailed off.
“Yep. Robin was quite a mess a walking blob of frosting. She smelled of strawberries for a whole week! It was something real.” Lily said smiling softly. “So expect to get a little messy.” She said sticking her tongue out. “I’m thinking of something of a ‘Pie the Petite’ like a pie toss, charge them like five dollars or something,” Lily said musing.
“Anyway, we're going to let you. We don’t want you getting in trouble with Kayla. We know you have some chores that need to do.” They both said in unison as they stood and peered at me. “And Homework that needs to be turned in too!” They said together again as if to drive the point home.
I nodded my head and finished off my fries. I was quite lost for words. But they where right, I did have some homework problems to work on and a few minor chores that needed to be done. And there our episode ends.