Patricia increases the speed on Vector 2 and goes orbital with the fighter craft. The modifications the engineers made to it were what she remembered. She hits the upper atmosphere and turns the fighter back down towards Aero Flight. She feels a slight vibration as she extends her ability to the craft. It wasn’t as advanced as Ghost, but it did the job. Vector 1 was undergoing the new upgrades, just like Vector 2 had.
They did Vector 2 first after Patricia gave her recommendations. Vector 1 was having its engine redone and flights systems overhauled. Vector Three and Four were undergoing refits like Vector 1.
Aero Flight drone technology was already far more advanced then the governments. They already had basic artificial intelligence technology built into them. However, all the drones were being redone with new technology.
The special project division of Aero Flight was already working on adapting the technology from the alien craft to some of the more normal vehicles at AFI. They were building two new shuttles with some of the technology the alien craft had. That way the scientist that Janet was recruiting could use it to go into space.
The personal weapons R&D were going over the lasers, particle rifles and blasters they found. Patricia warned them that personal energy weapons weren’t allowed at a lot of alien space stations. Neither were slug throws. Some stations allowed edge weapons to be carried, but most had rules that you couldn’t carry weapons on their station.
The R&D was also working on new space suits and environment systems. The medical division of Aero Flight was going over all the medical technology and medicines the craft had available. Some of it, they knew they couldn’t use right away. The reason for it, was the alien chemicals and such that were needed. They would have to go to the suppliers that were listed to purchase what they needed. They checked with Patricia to see if she knew about the suppliers.
She had to check with Ghost, since she wasn’t in the medical field. She had him relay the information back to the people who asked.
“AFI flight tower to Vector 2. AFI flight tower to Vector 2, what are you doing over Russia right now?” Jackie was watching the satellite tracking they had with Vector 2.
“Seeing who is watching and looking for someone to play with.” Patricia had a playful smile on her face.
“You’re not authorized to engage anyone Vector 2. Bring the craft back home.” Jackie didn’t need for them to get chewed out by the
government for causing an international incident.
“God, you take all the fun out of flying.” Patricia mentally programs the flight course back to Aero Flight main headquarters.
Patricia comes within radar range of AFI flight tower “Vector 2 requesting permission to land.”
“Vector 2, come in on runway 5 and proceed to maintenance hangar 5.” Jackie has been informed by Sam that she wanted Vector 2 at that
“Roger, flight tower. Heading over towards runway 5.” Patricia brings Vector 2 in and rolls him over towards Hangar 5.
Normally, Sam didn’t use that hangar. She normally used hangar 4 or hangar 1. She spotted Sam and her flight crew waiting for her. Once the fighter comes to a stop, a ladder is brought over for Patricia to climb down out of the cockpit.
“Hey Sam, why are you working over here, instead of Hangar 4?” As Patricia removes her flight helmet.
“Vector 1, 3 and 4 are being overhauled over there. You can put Vector 2 in hangar 5. So, how did she do?” Sam walks over to the fighter.
“She had a slight vibration coming back down from orbit, but she made the climb up without any problems. The new engines did fine in the thin
atmosphere.” Patricia knew the engines would because they were the predecessors to Ghost current engines.
His engines were the third incarnation of the JXL 11 engines. The more evolved form of the JXL 8’s. Samantha and her team created them.
“I’ll check the recorders and see what caused it. It might have been your flying.” Sam knew that Pat could fly with her own skills or with her ability.
“Okay, well I’m off. I have a meeting with your mother and some of the scientist she invited to the compound.” Patricia heads off towards the main conference room.
She is stopped by the guards of the place and searched. Everyone who enters was searched before and after. Security around the main compound had been increasing. That included all communications as well. Jammers had been set-up in certain rooms and there were guards in the main corridor and near the conference room.
Patricia enters the conference room and for the next four hours she ends up explaining everything the scientist had questions about. If she couldn’t answer them, she let Ghost explain it or gave them a demonstration of how something worked. She was lucky that she had patience’s to deal with them.
By the time Patricia left the conference, she was exhausted. Some of the scientists were still in the conference room talking about what they learned, and the evidence put forth before them. As Patricia was walking away from the conference room.
“Ms. MacQuien can I speak with you please?” Mr. Perelman had rushed out of the conference room to catch Pat.
Pat stops and turns around to face Mr. Perelman “what can I do for you, Mr. Perelman?”
“I would like to know, why you feel it is necessary to keep the existence of the alien craft so secret?” Mr. Perelman wanted to know more and knew his superiors would also.
“Because there are things about that craft the world and some governments aren’t readily prepared for.” Patricia knew that there was technology on the alien ship that could change things.
“What do you mean, Ms. MacQuien?” Alexander Perelman was confused.
“I mean, till all the governments stop trying to kill each other. They shouldn’t have access to technology or knowledge that would cause the destruction of the world. The path Mrs. Blake is on is the best path.”
“What makes you so sure, she’s on the right path?” Mr. Perelman was curious.
“Because I’m the one who will have to fix the problem.” Patricia turns around and walks off.
She doesn’t want to think about the people she had to kill or places she had to destroy. All because the leaders of certain countries couldn’t stop trying to grab power and posses things they had no right to.
Too many times she had to go and erase the information from a system or remove a person. Patricia heads down to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. She walks over to a table that didn’t have anyone sitting at it and sat down.
A few minutes after she sat down, Roger comes over to her. He sits down across from her.
“How did you know Ivy would say yes, if I asked her out?” Roger was curious because he took Pat’s advice and asked Ivy out.
“I can’t tell you that, Roger. All I can say is the two of you were meant for each other.” Pat takes a bite out of the sub she got.” She hopes Roger doesn’t ask her where he should take her.
“Well, thanks for the advice. You wouldn’t….”
“Don’t ask me that question, Roger. That is for you to discover yourself. So, if don’t mind now. I would like to eat my lunch in peace.” Patricia
just wanted to be by herself right now.
Roger gets up and leaves. He has heard rumors on how fast and deadly she was. Some security guards had watched her down in the gym.
Spar with some of their most experienced fighters and wiped the floor with them.
Once Patricia was done with her lunch. She heads back to her quarters and changes her outfit. She’s been wearing her flight suit since she got
back from her flight. Since the compound has an indoor swimming pool, designed to train their astronauts and pilots. She was going to go and have a swim.