Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you, do when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One race cars then go for broke.
Chapter 14
R and R or as dad called it crash and burn
Mom and dad gave us all the last five days off. We were able to see some of the Australian countryside. I have to admit that it is a very pretty country. Or is that continent. I not sure any more. I know that Australia is a name for both a country and a continent. Oh, the hell with it all. I’ll figure it out later. For now, I just wanted to get through the rest of the week in peace and quiet. Thanks to Mr. Gunderson the press have taken to leaving me and Beth alone for now.
Well, I should also give a shit tone of credited to the guys of my pit crew. It seems that one of the reporters got a little out of hand. They paid him a visit with knuckles sandwiches as a gift. Said reporter is now trying to find a dentist to replace his front teeth. The fool made the mistake of trying to get pictures of Beth’s car’s engine as it was being loaded onto the plane. If it hadn’t been for the airport security, my guys would have most likely put the asshole in the grave.
Talk about your press FUBAR. I know that my crew can be a bunch of rowdy South Carolina red necks, but the press do have a tendency to push the bounds of common decency. I know that the press won’t dare try to pull something like that with the other teams. I can only believe that because we’re such a new team they believe they can bullshit their way into areas were they normally won’t dare try. The problem is my Crew Chiefs are old hands at the race world, and MRDI has been around for long enough to know about security. The press just haven’t figure it out that we’re just not going to rollover for their bullshit yet.
One of the things that mom arranged for us to do on our days off was a flight into the Outback. We got see Ayers Rock. Which I found out was the right name. Our guide informed us all that the correct name was Uluru. I all know is that is one BIG damn slab of sandstone rock. Our guide told us that the rock changes color with the changes in atmospheric conditions. That is why there are times when Uluru looks red and other times purple. I really enjoyed the two days we spent there. On the third day we flew into Queensland, Australia. From there we spent the next day snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef. Talk about having a blast. The next day it was back to Melbourne. We flew out the next morning for the next stop on the circuit. With a short two day stop at home.
The Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix, at the Bahrain International Circuit in Sakhir, Bahrain. After that it’s onto the Chinese Grand Prix at the Shanghai International Circuit in Shanghai, China a week later. Two weeks later it is off to the Azerbaijan Grand Prix held on the Baku City Circuit, a street circuit in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. In one month, we’ll visit three different countries and three tacks.
The next break we’ll have like this will be between Azerbaijan and the Spanish Grand Prix. It used to be called the Formula 1 Gran Premio de España Pirelli. The Spanish Grand Prix is held at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya located in Montmeló, Spain.
Mom and dad have already scheduled for the teams to be home for at least one of those two weeks. Which for me and Beth will be a welcomed break by then. As it is neither of us is looking forward to Bahrain. We have been going over the track on our laptops during the flight to Sakhir, Bahrain. We’re not happy with the layout of the track. It was too much like a partially stretched out paperclip for our liking.
The first speed trap is on the pit straightaway for the Bahrain Grand Prix, so turn 1, also known as the ‘Michael Schumacher turn’ is a prime overtaking opportunity. The corner itself is incredibly tight; a typical F1 car must brake approximately 100 meters before the corner and down shift all the way to first gear. The width of the track further adds to the overtaking possibilities. Turns 2 and 3 are flat out and gaining a good exit can set up another overtaking opportunity into turn 4. The straightaway leading to turn 4 is very long, and the track at the corner itself is incredibly wide, at about thirty meters.
We haven’t even walked the track yet, and we can already tell that the first section of the track is going to be a real bitch on our tyres. Section two won’t be much better. It starts off with turns 5, 6 and 7. They make up a high-speed left-right-left "S" section that leads into turn 8, a hard right-hand hairpin. We figure that taking a wide line can avoid the bump on the apex which unsettles the car. Turns 9 and 10 are just a flat out bitch as they’re two blind left-handers where we’ll have to brake, downshift, and turn simultaneously. We’ll have to go from 205 km/h in 5th gear down to 63 km/h in 1st gear while trying to avoid locking up our inside front tyre. This is also where the first of two DRS zones sits. We come out of turn 10 into the back straightaway. This straightaway is also the second speed trap for this track. It leads down into turns 11, 12 and 13, a medium-speed complex of corners. While we can take turn 11 in 4th gear it’s a left hander that leads immediately into the flat-out bitch right hander of turn 12 that has me worried.
The exit of turn 12 starts section three and the ‘fun’ part of the track. Beth and me still cannot decide how to handle this section of the track. For starters we’ll have to down shift again, only this time to 3rd gear before the right-hander for turn 13. Turn 13 requires a good exit to gain any real speed down the following straightaway. Beth is of the opinion that it is worth braking quite early for turn 14 to gain speed down the main straightaway. Beth thinks we need to brake about 100 meters before the apex. I’m not so sure. I keep thinking that we can push the breaking closer towards the apex. Turn 14 is also the second DRS zone. Either way it is easy to keep it tidy through the slow right hander. I figure that we can also put the power down early, gaining speed all the way through turn 15 and onto the main straightaway.
The problem we’ve been having is there is no footage from a driver’s point of view or from the track during a race. Without that we can’t get a feel for the track under race conditions. Sure, there’s the virtual lap of the track but it doesn’t show how a car actually reacts to the track. Each section is different from the other two. I really need to see actual race footage for the Bahrain race if I’m going to come up with any type of strategy. I know Beth feels the same way, as she’s been bitching about not finding any race video footage.
I know that it sounds petty of us but without that footage we’re at a distinct disadvantage strategy wise. Something we really need to come up with if we’re to have any real chance at a good showing in Bahrain. We started off the year fantastically. Now we need to keep that momentum going. The team as a whole is in great shape for the manufactures race, points wise. As for our positions in the drivers’ standings Beth is ahead of me in first place with twenty-five points, with me in second place with only eighteen points. The other drivers have been making comments about putting the rookies in their places already.
That, and there is no way for us to keep up our blistering pace on the tracks. That sooner or later we’ll crash. One particular ass wipe even went so far as to make the comment that we’ll lose our sponsors before the end of the third race.
Sadly a few of the press vultures have been listening to the loud mouths and other talking heads. That is not our only problem. It seems that a few of those reporters didn’t take my warning as being real. According to Joey and a few of the gearheads there are a few vultures rooting around Darlington. From what I was told they’re looking for dirt on either me or Beth. The funny part according to Joey, Tommy Hart and his buddies from over at ‘Slow Jake’s Garage where you can’t rush speed’ caught one of them trying to break into their garage. Talk about your stupid stunts. The only garage that has more security than ours is Slow Jake’s.
Trust me when I say the only people who are more protective of their cars’ secrets than professional drivers are street racers. Those boys and girls get down right nasty when it comes to their cars. I should know, I used to hang around with more than a few of them. Hell, I still do when I get the chance. I warned those reporters not to go snooping around Darlington, but they just won’t listen to me. The dumbass who broke into Jake’s almost got sent to the morgue. As it is he is spending the next month in the hospital wing of J. Ruben Long Correctional.
I know that I shouldn’t be happy about someone getting hurt but there are just certain lines you don’t cross. I’m just glad that the paparazzi left us alone during our break. Even now as we’re heading home for a few days is going to be a nice break before heading to Bahrain. I have a promise to keep. In nine hours, and fourteen minutes I’ll finally be able to fulfill that promise.
I’ll be so happy to just stand up and stretch my legs on solid ground. I never thought that I would become sick of flying in such a short time. We may be in First class but sitting for hours on end is boring. Even with going over the track specs for our next both Beth and I were fast losing our minds. The pit crews at least had something to keep them busy. Both Chef Hailee and Marks have setup a classroom introduction into automotive mechanics and designs for them. I know that the stewardesses weren’t to happy with them at first, but a tip in the form of autographs and sign team photos smoothed over a bunch of ruffled feathers.
This time I got to give it to those two old wrench monkeys. They decently knew their opponents. I’ve never seen such smooth talking rogues in action. One minute those guys and gals were all set to raise hell with my Crew Chefs the next they had the stewardesses eating out of their hands. I must admit I just had to surrender to the advantage that age gives someone.
As I was saying I envy my pit crews. All me and Beth have to keep out minds busy is the track specs and how to attack it. They’re at least learning something new. It’s not like we can go over the track specs none stop. As crazy as it sounds the more we studied the track virtually the more we realized that we needed to actually drive the track. We just couldn’t get a real feel for the turns and straightaways. It was like we were watching a cartoon or video game of the race. Neither of which is good for a driver.
As Jacky Steward and Paul Minard learned the hard way. Steward felt that he could learn everything he needed to know about a track from an 8 millimeter film, while thirty years later Minard felt that all he needed was a laptop to figure out a track. Both men were proven wrong. The only lucky thing was that they both walked away unharmed after their wrecks and no one else was hurt.
“This is your captain, please return your seats to the upright position, return your tables to their storage positions, and turn off all electronics.” I haven’t been paying attention to the time it seems. We’re already coming into Charleston, South Carolina.
I still can’t believe that it has already been 27 hours sense we left Melbourne. Then again mom, dad, and Coach Hall had us all get some sleep during the 18 hour flight from Melbourne to LAX. I don’t know about the others, but I got about 7 hours of sleep. The 4 hour lay-over and 5 hour flight into Charleston gave me a chance at getting another 4 hours of sleep. Not bad for 27 hours of traveling around the world. I just hope that when we head out in 4 days for Bahrain that I won’t be totally wiped out.
I know that the smart thing would be for us to head directly for Bahrain, but the teams need this stop over. First to see and spend time with their families. Second, to get a change of clothes for the next 2 weeks. Lastly, time to let their minds unwind before they take off for 6 weeks of non-stop travel. Fans think that all that traveling around the world is cool. Which it is, but they forget the toll that it takes on a person.
I mean this is just our first race and I can already see that the trip has taken a toll on the teams. Sure, they got to see some of the country besides the track. Still, they were there to work just like I was. For those who think that racing isn’t hard work I only got one thing to say. Get your ass out here on the track in 90 degree heat wearing 3 layers of clothing, a full face helmet, while pulling 3 to 4 gees at over 150 mph. Or, wear the same 3 layers of fire proof clothing while waiting in that same 90 degree heat for a driver to pull in and perform a 2 second pit stop.
My ears started to pop as the 747 slowly descended. I know that we would be on the ground soon. And in four hours the rest of the team would at home. Not for me, I got a stop to make here in Charleston. One that means a shit load more than hanging out with my old friends back in Darlington. I made a promise to someone. I can finally keep that promise today.
I had kept copies of all the local newspapers from Melbourne showing me and Beth on the front page. We were standing in the winners’ circle with our fists raised in triumph. I still get a laugh out of the headlines. They basically all went something like ‘Americans take first and second.’ or ‘American Rookies blow the competition out of the race.’ I know that Lisa is going to get a real laugh out of those headlines.
I just hope that she is doing better this time around with her chemo. I remember the last time all too well. I thought she was going to give up towards the end. I do know that she lost close to twenty pounds before she finished her treatments. It’s bad enough that she tried to kill herself. One of the things that Sharron fought so hard to get me to understand was that you can’t give up. No matter how fucked up your life gets.
When we got down to luggage pickup Kelly joined me. “You heading over to MUSC now or later?”
“I figured that I would go now. I know that Lisa could really use something to pick up her sprites.” I wasn’t really looking at her but the luggage carousel. There was more in my main suitcase than just clothes. It held something extremely important. Namely, five team pictures and twenty of my new posters. Most of those posters will be going to the kids on the cancer ward. But four of them and four team pictures are spoken for already. Doc Sharron, Nurse Suzie, Lisa, and Lee are first in line for the team pictures and posters. I know that sounds crazy, but I have to do this for them.
Besides, Mr. Corely will get his team picture tomorrow when I swing by the school for a visit. Until then I got a bunch of kids to make happy today. I know that Nurse Suzie had the race on ESPN on the Dayroom TV last Sunday or Saturday. If she didn’t have it on in the rooms as well. I swear Nurse Suzie has to be the biggest Formula One fan that I know. I remembered the day she came onto the ward wearing her Mercedes hoodie and sweat pants. She really made me smile that day. One of the worst days during my second round of chemo treatments. I know that she’ll get a kick out of seeing me on her floor.
Then again, she might not even remember me or recognize me. The last time Suzie saw me I was going by the name of Robbie McGuire and still trying to pass myself as a boy. I sure as shit wasn’t walking around her ward as Roberta ‘Bobbie’ McGuire, Formula One rookie driver and second place finisher for the Australian Grand Prix. I just know that she is going to flip out. I just hope that I have enough posters for kids on her ward.
“Don’t worry, Bobbie. I’ve got thirty posters in my suitcase if you need them.” I looked over at Kelly in surprise. She just giggled then held up a set of keys. “Your mom told me that you would most likely be heading for UMSC before going home. I called ahead and asked my mom to reserve a car for us.”
I leaned over and hugged her tight. I whispered into her ear. “Thanks baby. I’ll make it up to you.”
“Nothing to make up, Bobbie. I figure that every time we land in Charleston, we’ll be making a trip to UMSC before heading for Darlington.” Kelly returned my hug then kissed me on the cheek. I went to say something, but Kelly just chuckled. “Screw the norms. If they don’t like me kissing my girlfriend, I’ll just tell them you’re really a guy.”
I chuckled at that. “Like they would believe you. Not with the way I look anymore.”
“I’ll just pull your pants and panties down as I tell them.” Kelly leaned in close whispering into my ear. “I know for a fact the evidence is overwhelming.”
It took everything I had to keep from laughing. “You’re bad, you know that. In the worst way.”
Before Kelly could saying anything more our luggage arrived. I quickly grabbed my suitcase then hers. They weren’t hard to miss. I mean mine was a dark purple while hers was a neon blue. Her mother and mine had gotten together to get us the luggage. Personally, I would have gone with the classic black, but mom pointed out that it would be easier to spot our luggage this way.
As we headed for the exit, I was glad that I had listened to mom. We had our luggage already and were on our way out the door. There were people still looking through the luggage on the carousel. Most of which was the classic black bag. As we exited the airport, I was slightly surprised to see the families of my pit crews. Then I thought about how they had become members of an international racing team. My pit crew were now local heroes.
I just chuckled as their parents and younger siblings swarmed them. I knew that they would be retelling the story of Beth’s victory and my second place finish. I also knew that I would be expected to tell my grandparents the story at least once. The same as Beth would be expected to do for them and Joey. I hate that he couldn’t go with us to Australia but he still has another month of school to go yet. I looked down at the paperwork that came with the rental car to figure out where it was parked.
“Come on, Kelly. We got enough time to make it to the hospital and still get home before sunset.” I started walking towards the Green Monster car rental parking garage with a smile.
“We need to wait for Beth and Tony, babe.” I looked over at Kelly and she smiled. “I thought I told you. Beth and Tony want to go with us to the hospital to visit the kids.”
“That explains how mom was able to get us a sperate car. She put it in the company name so either of us could drive.” I chuckled. I also knew that Beth and Tony were most likely waiting for us at the car already. “Kelly, I got twenty bucks that says Beth is waiting for us at the car.”
I just pulled my suitcase and Kelly quickly moved to fallow. It didn’t take us long to find the car. I was right about Kelly and Tony waiting for us. We may have the keys, but they got their bags first and were out the door before us. I held up the keys and Beth stuck out her tongue. Tony just chuckled.
“We’re not going to have a Days of Thunder moment, are we?” Kelly asked with a smirk. I looked over at her for a second. I had to think about the movie the scene she was talking about. Needless to say, the rest of us started to laugh.
I couldn’t help myself and leaned on the roof of the car. In my best North Carolina accent, I dropped my voice an octave then said. “Well this is the way I see it. You agree that I ain’t going to let you drive me to dinner and you ain’t going to let me drive you to dinner in this car, there is only one way to settle this.”
I got the response that I was hoping for as Beth, Kelly, and Tony started laughing all the harder. I tossed the keys to Beth after unlocking the trunk, then the car’s doors. Beth snatched the keys out of the air and slid behind the wheel. Tony got in on the front passenger side while Kelly slipped in behind Beth. I got in behind Tony and snuggled up next to Kelly.
I did this for two reasons. First, I wanted to spend time holding Kelly. For the past twenty-nine hours we’ve been in the eyes of the public and hadn’t been able to even hold hands. This whole public fucking image thing was starting to get on my nerves. The second reason is Beth had more experience driving in downtown Charleston. Now some people say that the worse place to drive is New York City. Me, I can only say that until you’ve driven in the mad house that is downtown Charleston don’t tell me how bad your city is for driving. There is a third reason that I don’t want to admit to, but it concerns my temper. If I drove right now, I know that I’ll get pulled over for road-rage.
For some reason for the pass few days I’ve been on edge. The last twenty-nine hours have just upped the stress level for some reason. The more that I looked out the windows for Charleston the more that I want to get out of the city. I know the reason behind my edginess I just don’t want to admit it. The closer we get to MUSC the more nervous I become.
Kelly must have sensed my growing unease and pulled me into a tight hug. “Don’t worry Bobbie. I’m here for you.”
“I didn’t realize just how tuff this was going to be.” Beth looked up into the rearview mirror at me. Tony turned to look me. “The memories are still a little too fresh for me.”
“How long has it been?” Tony asked.
“Three years, five months, two weeks, and three days.” I rattled off the amount of time that had passed sense I was last in this hospital. The last time that I walked through those doors I was wondering IF I was even going to leave. That was the start of the experimental drug treatments, and my slow change into the woman that I am today. I know that it sounds stupid but this hospital both scares the shit out of me and gives me hope for those kids on the children’s cancer ward.
I know that I owe my life to this hospital, but I just can’t get that irrational fear out of my head. The fear that I’m going to die if I ever walk back though those doors. It must have been written all over my face. Because at the next red light Beth turned to look me in the eye.
“You don’t have to do this Bobbie. I can go up for the both of us. You and Kelly can stay in the car.”
I took a deep breath before answering her. “Wrong Beth. I got to do this. If I don’t then I’ll never be able to look myself in the mirror again. I beat that bastard once. I just got to find a way to get pass the fact that I’m not going to die in there.”
Tony turned as far around in his seat as he could to face me. “This coming from the gal that has set the unofficial track record for Darlington. Who just took second place in the Australian Grand Prix. That has so many rat-race wins under her belt that she could fill her family’s company parking lot with won cars it isn’t even funny. The gal that faces down death at over a buck-fifty with a smile on her face and heavy metal blasting in her ears.”
It took everything I had to keep from punching Tony in the mouth just then. If it hadn’t been for Kelly holding my hands I would have. It took a few minutes before what Tony was saying sank in but when it did, I had to do a double take. He was right. I had done all those things and done them on my terms. I faced life the way I raced. Head on and take no prisoners.
“Thanks Tony. I needed that reminder.” I knew that I was blushing just then. Not that I really cared.
“Forget about it, Bobbie.” Tony just shrugged it off. “Just remember that you have always done things your own way. If anyone ever tries to tell you how you should live your life remember what I just told you. I have to do the same thing every time I climb into the ring. I got to remind myself that more than earned my place in that ring. You and Beth both earned your place out there on the track. No matter what the talking heads say.”
“Thanks for the pep talk, Tony. Now, can you tell me how to get over being afraid of a building?” I snarked.
“Well, I would say you challenge it to a race, only you have an unfair advantage.” The smirk Tony gave me had me wanting to bust out laughing. “You’re a professional driver now.”
That was it I lost it. Tony brought up the one thing that I couldn’t fight. It was true, I was a professional racecar driver.
For the next twenty-five minutes we joked around for the rest of the ride to the hospital. Beth pulled into the MUSC parking garage and we all started to look for a parking space. We found one on the fourth floor of the garage. Talk about getting lucky. I can hear you out there. What is so lucky about parking on the fourth floor of an eight floor parking garage. Well, when you can expect to park on the eight-floor because floors one through seven are full. Then yes finding a parking space on the fourth floor is lucky. I don’t know how many times mom and dad had to use the rooftop parking when I was undergoing chemo.
Once we parked Beth, Kelly, and I drug out our suitcases. After getting the posters and two team pictures out we headed for the elevator. It took us another five minutes to get across the street and into the main lobby for the hospital. I almost lost my temper in the lobby when the Security Guard stopped. I forgot that the hospital employed the suited apes of First Armor Security. I really hate those guys because they treat everyone as a threat.
It took us having to get their Supervisor down on the floor to sort things out. Once the Supervisor found out who we are and what we were there to do, he signed us in without further complaint. When we stepped off the elevator on the Children’s Ward I almost turned around. The memories came rushing back full force the second I smelled the disinfectant. Kelly grabbed my hand to steady me. I knew that I had to get a hold of myself.
I took a few deep breaths with my eyes closed. “Thank you, Kelly. I’m good now. Let’s go make some kids happy.”
With that I headed down the hallway. I walked straight up to the nurse’s station and knocked on the desktop. I smiled as Nurse Suzie looked up at me then over at Beth. Her mouth fell open and her eyes bugged out. I reached over, then pushed up on her jaw with a smirk and a wink. “Hi, Nurse Suzie! We’re the McGuire sisters. We were wondering if there are any racing fans around?”
I said this load enough to grab the attention of ever kid on that floor. It was like pouring oil on a campfire. I have to give it to Nurse Suzie. She’s gotten another batch of kids hooked on Formula 1 racing. I figured that when she found out that there was an all American team this year and one that was from South Carolina she would have the race on in every room. Just so the kids could root for some home grown heroes. I was proven right with the first words out her mouth.
“You’re really here! You’re them! Oh My God!” I think that she was more excited than the kids were at us being there. I knew that her present was going to be one of her most cherished positions. It was one of the reasons why she was getting a Team photo. The other was for every time she held me as I cried myself to sleep at night on this very ward. I could also tell that she either didn’t remember me or was just too excited to connect the dots.
“Yup. We’re them. The fabulous McGuire racing sisters.” Beth popped off. “We’re here to shear our victory with some real fighters. How many kids are on the floor?”
Nurse Suzie turned serious as she answered with a sigh. “Currently there are twenty-nine patients on the ward girls. I know that they’ll all love to meet you.”
I just smiled and turned to Beth. “Why don’t you go first Beth. I have something that I need to take care of with Nurse Suzie before going into see any of the kids.”
“Sure. You take care of your business Bobbie.” She turned and grabbed Tony’s arm. “Come on big boy. Let’s go brighten up some days. I know these kids could use something like this.”
Once we were alone, I looked back to Nurse Suzie. “I don’t know if you remember me or not Nurse Suzie?”
“I remember you Bobbie.” She said with a small smile. “You and Lisa were the first ones that I ever got hooked on Formula One. I never expected you to go out actually become a driver though.”
With that I pulled out the team picture and poster that I had already sign for her. “I’ll be honest Nurse Suzie. I never expected to make it as a professional driver. I just wanted to keep my promise to Lisa.” I swallowed hard before I asked her the next question. “She isn’t here is she?”
Suzie just nodded head yes. Then she stood up and waved for me to follow. Once we were in the nurse’s breakroom she turned me. “I’m not supposed to tell anyone not that is not family this Bobbie. But it doesn’t look good for Lisa.”
“How bad is it, Nurse Suzie?” I asked quietly.
“You know that they gave her a total hysterectomy?” I nodded my head yes. “They didn’t get all of the cancer. It had already metastasized. She’s not responding to the chemo and radiation. I’m sorry but she doesn’t have much longer Bobbie.”
“How long?” I crocked out.
“The doctors have given her eight to nine months at the most.” Suzie gave me a look that said she knew better. “Look, Bobbie, I’ve worked this floor for the past ten years. I have to be honest with you. I give Lisa another six months before her parents have to start thinking about hospice.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat and wiped away the tears in my eyes. “Do her parents know this?”
“They were told two weeks ago on Friday. Bobbie I have to tell you this. Seeing your race on Sunday gave a lot of kids on this floor have hope. Lisa kind of blew your cover with the other kids with all of her yelling and cheering you on. All she told them was that she was your best friend and that you had survived leukemia. She never said anything about how you used to be a boy.”
I could tell that Nurse Suzie was trying to ease my fears over being outed by my friend. I just chuckled at her. “I don’t care Nurse Suzie. If she blew my cover to these kids.”
“Why?” Suzie and Kelly asked at the same time for different reasons. Me, I just chuckled at their reactions.
“It’s simple. They all need to see that they can overcome anything if they don’t give up.” I finished wiping away my tears. “Now which room is Lisa in? I got a few things for her holding up the bag in my hand. I had picked up a few souvenirs for Lisa.
Suzie just hugged me and smiled. “I think she’ll be just be happy at seeing you walk through her door, Bobbie. She’s in four-oh-four. We’ve just got done picking up the dinner trays.”
“Thanks, Nurse Suzie.” I turned to leave the breakroom but stopped. “If you ever need anything and I can help just call me. I’ll do what I can. I still owe you.”
With that I felt the room and headed down the hall towards my friend. I still had a promise to keep. I stopped at each room on the way to signed posters and take pictures with the other patients in rooms 400-403 before going straight to Lisa’s room. I needed the time to get my shit together before facing my dying friend.
When I came to her room, I found her mother and father were in with her visiting. I knocked on the door jam and forced a smile before calling out. “Hey, stranger!”
Lisa looked over at me and squealed. “BOBBIE!” I just chuckled and walked over to her and hugged her. “Oh My God! You’re really here. I thought that you would be on your way to Bahrain by now. You didn’t lose your ride already did you? Where’s Beth?”
“Whoa! There Lisa. Slow down and take a breath already.” I chuckled as I stepped back. Lisa had rattled off everything in one breath she was so excited. “Yes, I’m really here. As for me being in Bahrain, I’ll be there on Wednesday. I’ve got plenty of time before the next race to get ready. No. I didn’t lose my ride. Mom and dad felt the team should spend a little time with their families before heading off for a month of glob trotting.”
I gave a quirky look. “You know there is an easier way to get me to visit you than this?”
Lisa just flipped me off. Then gave me a smile. “How else was I going to get the attention of a world famous racer?”
“Oh I don’t know. Maybe, say, an email, or phone call?” I said then stuck out my tongue. My answer and actions had the desired effect on my friend. They got her to laugh. I looked over at her mother and father. I could tell that they didn’t recognize me. “Hi Mister and Misses Hill. It’s been a long time.”
“um… yes it has dear.” Mrs. Hill stammered out. Then she blushed. “Please forgive me young lady, but I’ve forgotten your name.”
I just smiled. “I’m not surprised that you don’t remember me Mrs. Hill.” I dropped my voice to just above a whisper. “I used to go by Robert McGuire ma’am.”
Both Mr. and Mrs. Hill’s jaws dropped to the floor. I held up my hand to forestall any questions. I wave at my body. “This is due to the side effects of my last round of chemo treatments. They were still in the experimental stage. I’m still dealing with some of the side effects. The easiest way for me to live is for me to just live as a woman. I can’t go the HRT route because of the dangers that involves.”
Mr. Hill just shook his head. “Damn. That is just fucked up.” I looked up and saw me grinning. “Pardon my French.”
“No worries Mr. Hill. I’ve heard worse in the pits and around the garage. I’ve used use on the tracks. Both during Qualifying and a race. Just ask my sister when she comes in.” As if summoned by my words Beth walked into Lisa’s room and stopped cold.
“Ah, shit! I thought you were on the other side of the ward, you brat.” Beth snapped as she punched me in the arm. “You always get to have all the fun.”
“Hi, Beth. That was one heck of a pass for the win.” Lisa said.
“Wait a minute here, Lisa.” Mrs. Hill said then looked closely at both Beth and me. “Oh My! You REALLY do know the McGuire sisters. Fred these are the girls that won the Australian Grand Prix!”
Then she looked over at me and got a strange look on her face. In knew that she was still trying to grasp the idea that her daughter knew a pair of Formula 1 drivers. To help her out I handed Lisa the team picture and my poster. Lisa’s face light up like the night sky on the fourth of July during a fireworks display.
As Lisa was staring at the signed poster and photo I started setting out the souvenirs that I got her in Australia. The first thing I placed on her hospital tray was a kangaroo plushie, flowed by a rubber crocodile, and lastly a koala teddy bear. When she looked at the three animals on her tray Lisa started to tear up. “You remembered.” Was all she whispered.
“I always keep my promises, Lisa.” I gave her one more hug. “You should know that better than anyone else.”
“Yah, you would drive straight through Hell wearing nothing but tissue paper panties and a smile to keep your promise to someone.” She wiped away a few tears then smiled at me. “I just never expected you to be the one keep their end of the promise first.”
“I had help, dummy. All I have to do is go around a race track as fast as I can. The rest of the credit goes to the pit crews.” I looked over at Beth. “Ain’t that right sis?”
“In more ways than one Lisa. Trust me, Bobbie couldn’t do half what she does on the track with the pit crews.” Beth chuckled as I stuck my tongue out at her. Lisa, and her parents just sat there watching in silence. I looked over at them and smiled.
Mrs. Hill gave Beth a questioning look before asking. “Do you two go at each other like this on the track?”
“They’re worse on the track ma’am.” Kelly said. Only to get a glare from both Beth and me. “Well, it’s true. You two fight like a pair of cats in heat when you’re racing. Unless someone else decides to get in between the two of you. Then all bets are off.”
Lisa just had to laugh at that one. “You just said a mouth full. Hi, I’m Lisa by the way. I take it that you’re Bobbie’s girlfriend Kelly Ringwald.” Lisa held out her hand to Kelly.
Kelly smiled and took Lisa’s hand. “And you have to be the other woman, Lisa Hill.” Kelly joked. “Bobbie never said that you were so good looking. Why’d you dump the dummy? Not that I’m bitching.”
I just stood there with my mouth open. “I think I’ve just been given a back handed compliment, I think.” Not that it matter as Lisa just started laughing and nodding her head.
“I know you were. Now behave yourself and go see the other kids Bobbies.” Lisa said with a smile as she held onto Kelly’s hand. “I’m going to spend the next few hours filling Kelly here in on all your nasty little secrets.”