Ginny and Stephen were out running in their animal forms. They had gotten permission from Bryan and Job to run around on their property. Job warned them not to attack any of their cattle.
Ginny was leading the run, while Stephen chased after her. She was enjoying being in her coywolf form. She runs a little faster to get away from Stephen. She was happy that Bryan had finally found his mate.
Ginny notices Rebecca and runs towards her. She liked the teenage girl and was amazed to learn she was extremely old. She yips barks at Rebecca and wags her tail.
Rebecca watches how silly Ginny was acting. She walks over and pets her. She has never seen anything like her.
Stephen barks at Rebecca to get her attention. He liked being petted as well.
Rebecca looks at Stephen “okay, I’ll pet you as well.”
Stephen wags his tail and jumps around like a newborn pup. He was having fun as he chases after a ball Rebecca tosses. He knew he was acting like an ordinary house dog, but he liked Rebecca. So, he didn’t mind chasing after the red rubber ball.
Ginny was sitting near Rebecca just watching Stephen. It was weird for her to watch him chase after a red rubber ball. Then again, Stephen was already weird.
Rebecca looks down at Ginny “do you like being a coywolf?”
Ginny changes and stands near Rebecca in the nude. Her change was faster than most Were’s.
“I have gotten used to it. I can’t say it was something I went after, but Bryan and the rest of the guys have been nice to me.” Ginny brushes aside some of her hair.
Rebecca glances over at Ginny and could see why the guys liked her. Her body showed she would be a proper mate for someone. She starts feeling the loss of her own mate.
He was a Were, just like her father. He had died during a bombing raid during World War II. They were trying to escape from the bombing raid and her mate wasn’t with them. He had been killed when the first bombs fell. She felt his death and the backlash from him dying all sudden. It nearly killed her.
If her mother hadn’t caught her and held her. She would have died as well. She and her mate’s bond had been very strong. So, when he was killed. It caused a massive backlash to her.
“Did you ever have a mate?” Ginny was curious about Rebecca.
“Yes, a long time ago.” Rebecca wipes some tears away from her eyes.
Roberta and Bryan:
Roberta looks at her image in the mirror and couldn’t get over how curvy she was. She loved the fact that she was whole, both physically and spiritually. She feels Bryan’s arms wrap his arms around her waist. She was still nude as he held her.
Bryan takes a deep breath of her scent and could tell that she was with child. After so long he had finally found his mate. He holds her tight and just enjoys feeling her body pressed against his.
Roberta places her hand on top of his “have you heard back from the council yet?”
“Yes, and they have approved of the idea of sending a representative with Andre’s paranormal researchers. One is coming from Ava’s group and another is coming from Esmeralda Lupas. The one coming from Ava’s group is her cousin. She is a Were-Lynx just like her. The one coming from Esmeralda Lupas is a well respected Were who has a degree in paranormal research.” Bryan figures they would be at the ranch in a day or two.
“Who is he?” Roberta was curious.
“Edward Alexander Warren, he’s been doing paranormal research almost as long as Andre has. The council felt he would make a good addition because most Were’s and vampires fear him.” Bryan meets him one time and he was a rather unusual person and Were.
“Who’s the Were-Lynx that is being sent with them?” Roberta didn’t even know there was such a thing as a Were-Lynx.
“She’s a cousin of Ava Wilson and from the same Native American Were-tribe Ava is a descendant from.” None of the council members had known there was a Native American tribe composed of Were-Lynx’s.
“Who’s Ava Wilson?” Roberta was curious.
“I really need to bring you up on all the different Were families. Ava Wilson is a very powerful Were. Her family has been intermarrying with the fae for centuries. They also are the only family around that still practices the ancient tradition of having their young mentored and raised by another Were group. The Chattan clan and the Hipamika clan were once fierce rivals until one of Ava’s family members made a pact with them.
The pack was any child born in the Chattan clan, must be a mentor by a member of the Hipamika clan and vice-versa. It stopped the rivalry between the two clans. However, they stopped the practice till Ava came along. She married into the Hipamika clan. The strange thing about the Wilson family line is that they carry the gene for producing a Were-Wolf, Were-cat or a half-fey in their blood. Even the Were’s they give birth too, are unusual because they aren’t affected by silver, but cold iron because of the fey blood in their veins. Their abilities and gifts are given to them from their fey blood” Bryan had volumes of books on them.
“Wow, they are that unusual?” Roberta was still learning about being a Were.
“Yes, they are one of the oldest and most unusual Were families around.” Bryan has met a few throughout the years.
“Why don’t we get dress and check on our wayward children.” Roberta turns around in his arms and kisses him.
Bryan returns the kiss as he holds her close. He and his wolf were happy.