Robbi discovers more about herself and her abilities as she becomes more feminine.
Drawn Together Ch. 3
Paula Dillon
Robby woke early. He went to his bathroom and took care of his morning business. This weekend had seemed like it had all been a dream, but the satin sleep shirt brought it back to him. He smiled as he looked into the mirror. He did his skin care bit and wanted to try the makeup, but he knew that it would never wash at school. He secured his hair in his favorite pony tail and left the bathroom.
He opened the door to the guest room and saw Tiffany sleeping there. He knelt besides the bed and gently shook her. She opened her eyes and looked into his. She smiled, reached out and drew him into a kiss.
He broke the kiss and said, “We need to get ready for school. I love you Tiff.”
“I know, I love you too, Robby,” she said giving him another more passionate kiss.
“The bathroom is yours Tiff.”
“Ok, thanks.”
Robby trotted off to his room. He took off his sleep shirt and saw the panties he had on. “Well I don’t have to dress for PE today I might as well keep these on,” he thought. He reached into his drawer and pulled out a camisole, instead of his usual white t-shirt. Dressed he found a dark pull over polo and his regular jeans. He started to pull on his jeans, stopped and grabbed a pair of pantyhose. What he wore underneath was his business he thought. These pantyhose were nearly opaque and he liked the feel. He finished dressing tucking his shirt into his pants and pulling on his trainers on.
He got his school stuff together but today he carried an 11X14 art pad with him, and several art pencils. He bounded down the stairs to the kitchen his Mom had just gotten up and had made coffee.
“Morning Momma, how are you today,” he said giving his Mom a big hug.
“Morning Robby you are awfully cheery today. I could go with you being like this all the time. Tiffany get up already?”
“Yes ma’am she is in the bathroom last I heard,” he said sipping a hot cup of coffee. “She drinks hot tea Mom, can you boil her some water.”
Sandy put on a kettle and started cooking breakfast for the kids. Tiffany popped in as Sandy was putting the plates of food on the table.
“Morning Mom… I mean Sandy,”
“That is the second time you have called me Mom, in the morning,” Sandy giggled, “You trying to tell me something.”
“Sorry Sandy, it just popped out. It feels so right.”
“Don’t apologize; I kinda like it too dear. Well you two finish up and I will get dressed.”
Robby whispered to Tiffany about what he was wearing. She checked him out closely, and said, “Nobody will be able to tell,” giving him a quick kiss.
Tiffany and Robby cleared off the table, and washed the dishes. Sandy showed up her face made and in one of her new dresses.
“Momma you look wow,” Robby smiled.
“You’re just terrific Sandy,”
“Well thank you.”
The kids hustled out to the car. Tiffany got in first in the front seat and Robby followed. He sat and turned in his legs together.
“Robby guys don’t get in a car that way. You need to be careful today.” Tiffany said.
“Ok, don’t worry.”
In a few minutes they were at school. Robby and Tiffany had no classes in common so they agreed to meet for lunch. In his homeroom class he saw Beth. She was a nice girl but she had a problem. Every few days her face would erupt with a mega case of zits. She had a fresh outbreak today. She would be so pretty if she would stop having out breaks. He heard the kids teasing her often, it kept them from teasing him so much. He was the shortest and smallest boy in the whole school; most of the girls were taller and bigger than him. He decided to draw the real her at lunch. He looked her over memorizing her features.
Robby’s concentration was broken when Kelly came in the class. She was the Captain of the Junior Varsity cheerleaders. She gave everybody hard time, Beth and him were her special projects,; they were just not the right people. Today was no different.
“Oh Beth, you’ve had another out break,” Kelly said dripping with sarcasm loud enough for everyone to hear. “It’s a real shame that you can’t have flawless skin like most girls. You really ought to take better care of your skin.” As if there was anything she hadn’t already tried.
Robby saw Beth flush and saw her pulse pounding at her temples. He had to give her credit she kept her tongue.
“Hey shrimp how are you today.” Kelly said to him.
“It is good to see the Neanderthals at school today; did you ever learn to read Kelly, oh and did you finally get your period back?” Robby said.
Kelly went livid; nobody had ever talked to her like that before. He should have bitten his tongue but he just had to open his mouth. It felt good. It brought a chorus of laughter, but he would probably have to pay for that remark later. Kelly’s boyfriend was a six foot sophomore and a linebacker on the varsity football team.
When the teacher got to class Kelly complained to her and Robby found himself outside the office of Vice Principal Karen Stringer.
Ms. Stringer found him sitting there and said. “What is Robby Davis doing sitting outside my office? I know this is going to be a strange day now. Come on in. Now tell me why one of my straight A freshman who has never been in trouble anywhere is sitting in my office. It had better be good.”
Robby just handed her his disciplinary slip. She took it and read it.
“You said that to her,” Ms. Stringer asked with amazement in her voice.
“Yes Mam I did. I am not proud of it, but I got tired of her picking on me, and she verbally attacked Beth about her pimples.”
“Two wrongs don’t make a right. Robby you are a good kid and there may be consequences to what you said to her. You can’t go around implying girls are or have been pregnant. I believe everything you’ve said, but I am giving you five hours detention. One hour every day this week. I will deal with Kelly; she needs to be taken down a notch herself. Sit outside and then catch your second period class.”
Robby took that time to draw Beth’s picture. He was very careful to draw her skin flawlessly, a lovely hair style and emphasized her better facial features. When the bell rang he hurried to his next class.
School really drug that day, word had traveled fast about what Robby had done. He wondered if lunch would ever get there and whether he should go to the cafeteria. He could hear the whispers. He made if safely to the cafeteria and got his tray. He found Tiffany who had already heard what went down. A whole lot of eyes were drawn to him as he sat next to Tiffany.
“Ooooh wee son, you know how to stir a kettle.”
“I know I was bad I’ll let you spank me later. I have detention everyday this week. I just couldn’t let her get away with dissing Beth.”
“I heard she was horrible.”
Robby opened his pad and showed Tiffany his drawing, “That is how Beth should look like. She has a pretty face. Why don’t you give this picture to her Tiff? I think she’ll like it.”
“I know she will, you sure you’re not falling for her?”
“No, I just felt sorry for her, I love you.”
That comment drew a smile and a quick kiss from Tiffany.
“I will tell your Mom, she is going to pick me up so I can get my stuff home. She ain’t going to be happy, but I am proud of you. Just keep an eye out for her boyfriend Justin. At least Justin and Kelly don’t have the same lunch we do.”
The bell rang and they separated and hurried off to their next class. Robby was reaching into his locker when he head was propelled forward and bounced off the back of the locker. He was pulled out and turned around, his pony tail was put in his locker and the door shut and locked by Justin. At least he wasn’t bleeding and nothing else was done to him. A teacher found him standing in the hall she got a school maintenance man to get the lock cut off the locker, and he was taken to the nurse’s office. He just had a small bump on his head, but nothing serious. He found himself outside Ms. Stringer’s office again.
“Well Robby, we now know what consequences are now do we? Who did this to you?”
“I’m not sure Ma’am.”
“Of course you know. Who was it?”
“I can’t say.”
“Ok but be careful. I will put the word out that, that is unacceptable behavior, and teachers will be out in the halls. Maybe that will be enough. Just in case I will specifically talk to Justin. Yes I already know. He will know that if nothing else happens he got away with one, but if something else happens and it won’t have to be him that does it, he will be suspended, and probably arrested. My school is not going to be the scene of class struggle. Now get on to your regular class.”
The rest of the day went smoothly, and after his last class he reported to study hall. He giggled when he saw that Kelly was in detention also. He always kept up on his homework so he didn’t have anything to do. He had a crazy idea. He drew a very pretty Kelly sitting on the lap of Robert Adams. Robert was the freshman and an honest to god computer loving geek. He then drew a picture of a very pretty Beth on the lap of Justin. Justin wasn’t a bad guy, he just had bad tastes. His time went fast in detention. Kelly was miserable, but he had enjoyed his time.
His Mom and Tiffany were waiting for him, when he emerged.
“I am not happy with you son. We are meeting John for dinner in an hour I want you to get dressed in some nice clothes Robby and we will have a talk when we get back.”
“Yes Momma.”
They drove home; he had time to put on a dress shirt and suit pants, he carried his suit coat in his arms. He had to hurry so they could get to the restaurant on time. Tiffany whispered in his ear.
“I can see you still have on a camisole dear.”
“Is it bad?”
“Put your coat on, and don’t take it off,” She giggled, “I like knowing a secret like this.”
They got to the restaurant and Robby put on his coat. John already had a table. Robby helped Tiffany with her chair, while John helped Sandy with hers. The parents hit it off just fine without any help. Tiffany sometimes held hands with Robby under the table. Robby got up to use the restroom, and Tiffany got up with him. He finished before she did but waited for her.
“The olds seem to fit together just fine Robby,”
“Oh yes, they seem to be doing real good.”
They headed back to the table, both parents seemed to be intent on the kids where abouts, and smiled as they came into view.
“Well we better call it a day; I need to talk to Robby and tomorrow is a school day. We must do it again soon John,” Sandy said.
John nodded and said, “It was very nice dinning with the two of you. Yes we must do it again soon.”
Tiff and Robby were a little disappointed in seeing just a handshake, but hey it was still early. At the car Tiffany retrieved her luggage and hugged Sandy and Robby before everybody saddled up and headed home.
“Now young man, tell me two things. First what the heck happened at school.”
“Well Momma I kinda stuck my foot in my mouth up to the knee. Kelly Graham, one of the junior varsity cheerleaders, verbally attacked Beth Jennings. Beth has an acne problem. Kelly rubbed Beth’s nose in it loud enough to be heard by the whole class, and she then called me shrimp. I can live with me being called shrimp, Mom. Heck I know it is true but she had no call in hurting Beth. So I kinda implied that she was a Neanderthal, that she had a reading problem, and she might have terminated a pregnancy.”
“Robby!!! Tell me you’re joshing.”
“I could but I would be lying if I did, and I don’t think that would make you happy. That cow deserved what I said.”
“Robby just because, she is a snob doesn’t give you reason to lower yourself to her level. It only feels good for a short while when you do it.”
“Tell me about it. I got my ponytail shut in my locker door and somebody else’s lock to keep me from getting loose. Ok what is two.”
“Why are you wearing a camisole?”
“I like em. Don’t worry I won’t wear em when I have to dress out for PE, and I will check to see my clothes conceal them if I do wear em.”
“Ok, I can live with that. I just worry about you son. I love you. Technically you are grounded while you are on detention dear. No friends over but Tiffany, no TV, or video games. Ok.”
“Sure Momma, I know I screwed up. You should have heard Ms. Stringer when she saw me outside her office. It was way cool.”
“I can just imagine Robby.”
Robby went to his room and changed out of his clothes and took a shower. He dressed in a different sleep shirt and laid down on his bed. He got his 24X30 drawing pad out and started drawing. He started drawing John and his Mom together. He gave John a Rhett Butler type appearance and his mother a Scarlet look complete with an multi-tiered white with green and red trim antebellum gown. John had his arm around Sandy’s narrow waist, and she looked lovingly in his eyes. He put the drawing away as it was getting late.
He went to his mom’s room and knocked. He entered when she called out to him. “Momma, why didn’t you change your last name when you divorced dad?”
“Well I wanted you to have the same last name as I did. The name thing can cause, some problems.”
“Well if you changed back to your maiden name, I would be willing to change mine to your maiden name. I would rather be a Howard than a Davis. Dad never cared a flip for me and I know he never paid you a cent in child support.”
“Well he paid some, but I could buy a very nice car and then some with what he has missed. I will check it out son, but I think your dad might object.”
“Let him I will give him what for. I love you Momma, you ain’t nevah given up on me.”
“Momma’s nevah do give up on their children, son, or they shouldn’t at least.”
Robby hugged and kissed his Mom and then headed off to bed. Sleep came easy and before he knew it, morning came.
Robby dressed as a guy fully, because he needed to. He took his gym clothes and stuffed them in his bag, and got the rest of his school stuff ready. He then headed on down to breakfast.
“Morning Momma, you look very nice today,” Robby said giving a big hug to his mother.
Sandy was dressed smartly, a thousand percent better than frumpy.
“Thank you son, you look alright your self kiddo.”
“Thanks Momma.”
They ate their breakfast and chatted. It seemed as if his Mom was a different person more open and cheerful. He gave her a quick peck on her cheek, as they cleared the table. He helped with the dishes, Sandy washed and he dried. Afterwards Sandy put a big glop of hand cream more than she needed so she rubbed her hands together and then rubbed Robby’s hands. Robby noticed the smell of jasmine but it didn’t bother him, he just rubbed the excess cream into his hands. He liked the feel.
All too soon it was time to head to school. He smiled as he saw Tiffany waiting for them. She reached into Mom’s open window and gave her a hug and a kiss.
“Morning Sandy, it is so good seeing you.”
“You too Tiffany, you look so nice today but watch how much you are showing behind you dear.”
Tiffany blushed and pulled her skirt down in back. She hooked arms with Robby and headed to the building.
“I think your Mom made a hit with my Dad, I have never seen him so happy this morning.”
“I know it was weird Mom, was the same way. I for one am glad. By the way Mom said I am grounded, but that you can come over.”
“I am glad too, Dad has been a loner for about four years. I’ll just have to keep you company then Robby.”
They hung around each other talking till a few minutes before the bell. Robby got a lot of jealous looks from the other guys. In his home room Beth was already in her chair, she smiled when she saw Robby and slipped a note in his shirt pocket. Her face looked much better today, she had fewer zits on her face. Robby took his seat and pulled out the note.
Thank you Robby for yesterday, I know you paid
a price for yesterday, but you have got a friend
in me. Thank you for that lovely picture you drew.
It means a lot to me. Tiffany and you are the best.
Robby looked up to see Beth smiling back at him. He smiled back at her. Kelly was one of the last students to come in before the bell. She didn’t look happy at all. The rest of the morning went well. A lot of students that had never spoken to him were stopping him and wishing him well. The last period before lunch he received a shock Justin was waiting by his locker. Robby held his breath as he approached.
“Hey kid you kept your tongue when you could have ratted me out, football is important to me and any trouble could have hurt my chances. Thanks you’re alright.”
“Ok, thank you Justin.”
Wonders will never cease, he thought. I just might survive high school.
At lunch he found Tiffany, there were four girls around her but there was a chair open next to her. He took that chair.
“Robby hi, these girls are in my computer class and we are working on a project together. This is Carol Miller, Marge Hamilton and Katy Wilson. Mr. Brown assigned a group project and this is my group. We have to design a web site.” Tiffany said and introduced the girls.
They chatted while they ate, he was the center of attention but he didn’t know why. Robby related what had happened so far to Tiffany, she was shocked to hear of his latest encounter with Justin. It was a lot of fun eating with the girls. Several asked him to do their portraits when they heard he drew. All too soon lunch was over. Tiffany gave him a big hug and a kiss as they parted.
In no time at all it seemed he took his seat in detention. They had a different teacher today, some female teacher he hadn’t seen before. He sat and took out his art pad and started drawing one of the girls from lunch Carol. He was in a different place when he was drawing, and didn’t notice the teacher had moved from her seat.
“Why aren’t you in my art classes, Mr. Davis?”
Robby startled and nearly jumped out of his skin. When his pulse returned to almost normal he said, “I don’t know I just never gave it any thought.” Robby looked at his drawing it looked almost like his was drawing a nude in high heels, but he wasn’t. He found it easier to get the clothed body right if he first got the body right and then dressed the form. He was afraid that the teacher got the wrong idea.
“I am Janice Sanderson I teach art here, Mr. Davis. Continue what you are doing but stop at my desk before you leave today.”
He started drawing a gown on the figure. A bridesmaid gown fitted tight from the waist up off the shoulders and had like a peasants top, long sleeve gloves and a very full skirt that extended out from the hips. Just a hint of lace extended past the hem of the skirt. He gave the girl a page boy hairdo with a of hint fullness and highlighted the features of her face. He was almost finished when the bell rang. He collected his things and then stopped by the teacher’s desk, and showed her the work.
“Did you add the clothes to make me happy or was this your intention to begin with.”
“Ma’am I find it easier to get the clothes right if I know what the body should look like first. Miranda Rollins wanted me to do her portrait. I drew her as she should look and then added the clothes.”
“Yes I know Miranda it is a very good likeness of her, you were very generous to her. I would give you an A+ for this drawing. I expect you in my art classes Robby Davis, and I will throw a tizzy fit if you aren’t in them this fall. Now go, your Mom will wonder where you are.”
“Yes Ma’am, and thank you.”
Sandy and Tiffany were waiting for him as he exited the school. It was good that he didn’t have to walk to or from school alone. It was always nice to see friendly faces.
“Hi Momma, Tiff.”
“Hi Robby, We have to go by the Mall, I talked to Alice and she says she already has orders for you. You need to change into Robbi real fast.”
At home Robby ran to his room and threw his clothes off, he pulled on a pair of panties, pantyhose and put his breast forms in his bra. His put on his black blouse and stonewashed jeans, the jeans seemed to fit better. He put on his heels and brushed out his hair, putting it back in a ponytail. He put on mascara and lipstick before grabbing his purse and one of his portfolio cases all in less than thirty minutes. They were off to the mall.
“You did that very well Robby; even like that you look so nice,” Sandy said.
“The jeans seem to be fitting better, they are still tight but it wasn’t a struggle to put them on.”
“Your Mom is right though you do look good.”
“Thanks Tiff,” Robby said beaming a big smile.
At the mall they went directly to Alice’s. Alice smiled when she saw the trio coming.
“Hello Robbi, Sandy and Tiffany, I am so glad to see you. How are you?”
“We are fine Alice; we got here as soon as we could. What do you have for Robby?”
“Well I have six preorders, three 11X 14’s, two 16X20’s and one 24X30 for about three thousand dollars. They have brought me pictures for you to work from,” she said pulling out the pictures and sheets of paper detailing the work. “One lady is a past Miss Texas from years ago and wants to remember her youth. Here is her picture today and her picture back when she won. She wants you to work your magic and bring the two pictures together dear. She is a wonderful lady, but time has not been kind to her and I believe you can make her feel better.”
“I like her looks now Alice, sure she is not as pretty but I can see she has a warm, caring, loving personality.”
“That she is Robbi, she is a lot like many women though who are a little vain about their appearance. She just likes to dream. Don’t erase all the years, she knows she’ll never look twenty again, but make her picture more pretty than she is. She likes her Miss Texas hairstyle, you don’t have to take out the gray, she can live with it.”
“I think I understand. I will give it my best shot Ma’am. I may modernize her hair a little but it will be close. I will try to have these done by Sunday. The others appear pretty simple.”
Robbi hugged Alice and the three left for the art store. Robby selected better paper stock for these drawings each wanted more than just the basic picture. Debbie was very helpful in this regard. Together they found the right paper for each application. This would also help Robby decide on paper for this weekend. Robby was glad he had brought his portfolio.
They didn’t stay long at the mall, They needed to get Tiffany home. Robby gave Tiffany a kiss when they got to her house. Robby stepped out to let Tiffany get out of the car, just as John drove up. Sandy got out of the car and walked up to John, and Tiffany brought Robby with her. John looked strangely at Robby who felt like he was doused in cold water.
“Your Robby aren’t you.”
“Yes sir, I am,” Robby said, more than just a little afraid.
“I figured as much after seeing you yesterday. Also seeing my daughter with two color lipsticks on her face just now didn’t help.” John said. His voice had a little edge to it, and his face showed he wasn’t happy right now.
“I am sorry sir; we didn’t mean to deceive you. It would have been hard to explain. I like Tiffany very much and I like looking like this at times. Don’t get mad at Tiff it wasn’t her fault. I just don’t know what to say.” Robby said.
“I am sorry John, it is mostly my fault. Don’t get mad at the kids they have been good for each other,” Sandy said.
“I don’t know how I feel about it, I am not mad at the kids or you Sandy. I would like to know more about Robby, but not just now. I love my Tiffany very much and she has been so much happier these last few days. We’ll talk again later.” John turned and walked into the house.
“Don’t worry Robby, I will talk to him. I don’t think it is that bad. See ya tomorrow.” Tiffany said kissing Robby again.
Sandy and Robby headed home. Robby could see the worry on his mom’s face. But for some reason he felt calm about it. He believed that Tiffany knew her father better and she wasn’t worried.
“Momma I think he likes you and I think he will accept me.”
“Maybe son, maybe,” was all she could say.
At home Robby went to his room and started working on the pictures he was to draw. He roughed out three of them before dinner. He was determined to do a good job. He worked fast but he was accurate. He was really into it when he made the shift to Robbi. His already fine skills took on a greater degree of control. It was Robbi who went down to dinner.
She moved with grace and elegance, she hugged her mom tightly and reassured her. They chatted while they ate and it seemed as if a dark pall lifted while they talked. Robbi put on Mom’s apron and did the dishes as she relaxed. Robbi gave her mom another hug before she retired to her room.
She finished two of the drawings before nine and then she pulled out the one of Sandy and John. She drew Robbi in front of John his hand resting on her shoulder and then she drew Tiffany in front of Sandy like a civil war era family portrait. She felt hope as she drew and her spirit soared as she drew. It was still rough but it would be her best work. About ten thirty she showered and got ready for bed.
Robby woke early got up and dressed for school. He wore his pantyhose and panties as he only dresses for PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He put the pictures of the Lady in his art pad and headed down. He ate fast and encouraged his mom to take him earlier to school. Tiffany had arrived just a minute before. She waved excitedly as they drove up. Sandy got out for a minute and they hugged.
“I think it is going to be alright Sandy, Dad was a little moody for awhile last night. I talked with him and told him almost everything. Later his mood seemed to improve. He was like nothing bad had happened this morning. Also call him today I think he wants you and I to do what we talked about earlier Sandy.” Tiffany said and seeing my confusion she said, “Don’t worry about it Robby it is girly stuff.”
“Ok Tiffany, I will call him, you two take care.”
Tiffany and Robby got some snuggle time in before school. She just wanted to be held. It made Robby feel good too. Beth came up to us as we were hugging each other. I was amazed her face was so much better only three or four zits remained and she just beamed. That was a major break through for her. Beth was jumping up and down and wrestled Tiffany from Robby’s grasp (sort of at least) and hugged her. Her enthusiasm was contagious she drew a crowd of girls around her. Robby was just happy for her.
Robby saw Kelly come up she avoided everyone. It was not like Kelly to pass giving jibes to someone.
Tiffany swung her elbow around and hit Robby in the chest.
“OH SHIT!!! Oh my god, that hurt,” Robby exclaimed.
It almost hurt as bad as if he had been kicked in the crotch. He rubbed himself where he hurt.
“You ok Robby,” Tiffany asked with concern.
“Yeah I caught your elbow between ribs. Remind me never to get you mad at me, girl with the killer elbows,” Robby chuckled.
“Remember that,” Tiffany said giggling, “We girls have many weapons to handle the lesser sex.” She had a look of concern even though she displayed mirth.
The first bell rang and the kids rushed to get to their homerooms. Kelly was sitting in her chair dark circles under her eyes, clearly she looked unhappy, when Robby entered his home room. Compare that to Beth who was on top of the world, a stark difference in just three days.
The day went better for Robby than it had in a long while. People seemed to treat him with more respect than he could remember. He gave Miranda her picture. She had a look of wonder and amazement on her face, as she looked at her picture. She whispered in Tiffany’s ear and Tiff just looked at her and nodded. The girl came over and gave Robby a kiss on both cheeks. She then rubbed both his cheeks.
“Sorry I left lip prints on you Robby, Thank you for this picture. I think it is just fab.”
Tiffany giggled as she saw looked at Robby. Miranda had not completely rubbed off the lipstick. It looked like Robby was wearing blusher. She figured that Miranda did that intentionally. She whispered in Robby’s ear and handed him a tissue and her compact. Robby blushed as he looked in the compact mirror and wiped the color off his cheeks.
The lunch bell rang and they parted their ways. His remaining classes went well and he found himself in back in detention. Ms. Sanderson was over Detention again. Robby took his art pad up front and asked.
“Ms. Sanderson may I ask you a question?”
“Sure Mr. Davis.”
Robby laid out the two pictures of the lady. “I have been asked to take these two pictures and create a third picture, kinda morphing them together. The lady doesn’t want to look twenty one again but as you can see she hasn’t aged gracefully.”
“Well even though she is not as pretty as she use to be, what do you see in these two pictures?”
“In her young picture she is pretty, but she also appears vain and uncaring. That may just be me I don’t know. In the other picture yes she is wrinkled and gray, but she has warmth and a caring look in her eyes. I like her gray hair it adds to her character. If I met these two people separately it is the second that I would like to get to know.”
“I think you are right in some ways Robby. Women who compete in beauty pageants are often seen as vain. They have to be, to be able to compete. I suggest you take the features you like most about the second picture and enhance them and add the best from the first. What about clothes Robby?”
“I like that suit on her. I think a more youthful style suit would be a happy medium. For a grandmother type her legs are alright.”
Janice giggled at Robby’s comments.
“She just wants to look a little more like she use to.”
“There use to be an actress named Lucille Ball, Robby. She was a lot like that. In her old age she had to wear tons of makeup to regain her youthful look. Other actresses subject themselves to rounds and rounds of facial plastic surgery so they can look young. I think this lady just wants to know what she would look like. Take out most of the wrinkles but give her face the warmth and caring you see in her and I am sure she will be happy. Also give her a more youthful bust and waist I think. See how gravity has lowered her bust.”
“You mean her breasts appear lower, closer to her elbows than in her youth. I don’t think an hour glass waist would look good on her?”
“Maybe not an hour glass figure, but she doesn’t have to be as thick waisted as she appears in the second photo. It is the female hormones that help keep a woman’s figure feminine Robby, after women stop ovulating their hormones drop drastically. When that happens they sometimes take on more male characteristics. Some develop heavier facial hair, not as thick as a males but not feminine. Their breasts sag, their skin loses its translucence and their waists grow thicker, some more than others.”
“Thank you Ms. Sanderson I think I know what I am going to do. I hope she likes it.”
“I think she will. Now let me ask you a question?” She said in a softer tone and volume. “You are Robbi, am I right? I have been hearing rumblings about a female artist. I have been to the mall and have seen your work.”
“Ah I don’t know what you mean,” he blushed.
“Yes you do, I don’t care what you look like, if you can draw like that. I will see you this weekend Robby. I want to watch you work, and I would kill anybody that tried to hurt you dear, myself included. So don’t worry.”
“Yes it is me, please don’t say anything about it.”
“I won’t, but I expect you in my art classes this fall.”
“I am going to take tailoring too, Ms. Sanderson.”
“Really that is good. Are you thinking about fashion as a career? I just love the way you dress your women.”
“Yes ma’am, I am.”
“I think you will be good in it.”
The hour up, Robby left and met his mom, he was a little disappointed that Tiffany wasn’t there but that was ok. His Mom looked nice; she seemed to have abandoned her frumpy ways. At home he worked on the rest of his smaller drawings. He had them all roughed out by dinner and by bedtime he had completed all but the last drawing. He even had time to work on his family drawing. He never pictured himself wearing an antebellum gown before, but it just seemed so right. Tiffany, his mom and himself looked so adorable dressed for a southern ball. John’s expression showed so much pride in the three.
At ten thirty he put everything away showered. He noticed a bruise next to his right nipple where he caught the elbow. Both nipples were a little tender, but he just ignored it. He dressed in his satin sleep shirt and hit the sack.
Thursday Mom was dressed very smartly.
“Robby I talked to John yesterday. He was a little put off by our deception but I think he is over that. Tiffany and I are going to be doing something today and I am sorry but you can’t go. I am picking her up at eleven and we will pick you up after detention.”
“Momma, it just ain’t fair.”
“I know dear, but that is life. I love you, you know that don’t you?”
“Yes, I know.” Robby said with a little disappointment in his voice.
They departed for school, Tiffany was waiting for him when he got there. They shared a hug and a kiss. She was very excited.
“I think dad is ok with you as Robby or Robbi. He just wants to know that we aren’t active if you know what I mean.”
“That is great and how about him and mom.”
“He trusts her enough for her to take me to a doctor, Robby. Your Mom and I both have appointments today.”
“What are ya’ll sick or something? Mom didn’t say anything about a doctor.”
“No silly it’s a female doctor.”
Robby looked perplexed, so Tiffany whispered in his ear. That had Robby blushing, much to Tiffany’s amusement. They sat out front, holding each other as much as they could get away with decently.
Beth arrived and for the first time in years, since puberty hit her, her skin was flawless. She was radiant; it was like she was a whole different person. She was full of confidence and zeal. She even wore makeup, something she had been afraid to do, fearing she would make her condition worse. She was even dressing nicer; apparently her mom was so thrilled they had gone shopping.
If Robby hadn’t had Tiffany, he would have been interested.
“Tiff she looks so much like my drawing now. It is so strange.”
“Yes she does, I am so happy for her. You know at one time she was so embarrassed about her acne she had considered suicide. She got help for how she felt, but nothing she had done had any affect on her acne.”
“Tiffany have you lost weight, your waist seem smaller?”
“Not really, my waist is smaller but I picked up in my hips and bust.”
“Your butt doesn’t look bigger, I think it looks nice.”
“Yeah but my skirts are fitting tighter at the hips though and looser at the waist. I may have to get bigger bras too soon. I hope they don’t grow too big. My boobs are already bigger than most girls my age. I sure could use an inch or two in height.”
“I could use four or five there myself. Would you still love me if you were 5’8” and I were 5’?”
“You know I would. We could be like Mutt and Jeff.” She giggled.
The bell rung and they hurried to their classes. Kelly didn’t show up this day. School was still on the upswing for Robby. He was enjoying not being a target.
Tiffany’s friends met him for lunch. They treated him as one of the gang. Some of the girls wanted their pictures but Tiffany had explained to them that he had some things that were keeping him busy. Still he missed eating with Tiffany.
At detention he started working on blending the images from the two pictures. He was working on a smaller pad doing just the head for now. Ms. Sanderson was there again and came by to see how he was doing. She made a few comments about some of the changes and he worked on those. He was beginning to like what he was seeing. She didn’t look as youthful or pretty, but she was taking on a vibrancy and life that neither picture had shown, she almost looked regal. That is best how he could describe it. He pictured her in his mind as a queen. Older, wiser, but full of compassion and caring.
Ms. Sanderson had to snap him but to reality. His hour had passed and he had been engrossed in his drawing.
“Robby I think you have gotten it. That is wonderful dear, but it is time to go.”
Tiffany and Sandy were waiting for him as he hit the exit of the building. He got hugs from both sides.
“Guess what Robby?” Tiffany asked
“I am spending this weekend with you again. Dad wants to go fishing again. He seems so much more relaxed. I can’t tell you how worried I have been about him. I am coming over to your house tonight, after we all go out to eat. He wants to see Robbi tonight though and dinner is at seven.”
“You mean with ah everything,” he motioned in front of his chest.
“Yeppers. You have got it.”
They hurried home and Robby took a quick shower. Tiffany braided his hair in a French braid as his mom did his makeup. Tiffany was very good with his hair. There were very few stray hair to be seen a sign of a job well done. He dressed in his white lace bra with breast forms just in the cups, matching panties, nude pantyhose, padded girdle, one of his leather mini-skirts, a silk scoop neck tank, with a matching long sleeve silk blouse, and his four-inch black pumps.
Tiffany and Sandy both got dressed as Robby waited. The three of them would defiantly turn heads tonight, but Robby was still a little worried. He checked his purse to see if he had all he needed. Somewhere in the middle of all this he became Robbi. She walked downstairs. She looked at herself in the full length mirror in the hall closet. Her waist seemed narrower and her hips were fuller.
They headed out to the restaurant it was a fairly nice establishment. John and the waiter helped the women with their chairs. Somehow he was sitting next to John one side, while his mom was on the other. John was really being charming. He treated Sandy and Robbi quite well, and doted on his daughter. It was hard to believe how things were going.
The kids headed to the restroom and spent quite a bit of time checking their faces and talking, anything to give the olds a little time to themselves. When they came back Sandy had a face that showed mock concern about how long we were gone.
“Everything alright girls you were gone a while?”
“Yeah we are alright Mom. Tiffany and I were talking about school, while we were checking our faces.”
John paid the tab and we headed out to our vehicles. Tiffany gave her dad a big hug and a kiss. John also gave Sandy and Robbi a hug. Tiffany and Robbi left Sandy talking to John and headed to Sandy’s Buick. The kids snuggled a little, nothing unseemly for two girls, while the parents talked. Tiffany giggled and squeezed Robbi’s hand as John kissed Sandy, before getting into his car and driving off.
On the drive home Robby asked his mom a question. “Mom have you lost some inches around the waist and hips and gotten bigger in the chest maybe?”
“Yes a little why do you ask? Cause Tiffany and I have gotten smaller in the waist, larger in the hips, Tiffany is larger in the bust and I don’t know about mine.”
“Say that again.”
“Tiffany has gotten bigger in the hips and bust and lost in the waist. I have lost in the waist, and gotten bigger in the hips. I don’t know about my chest. All in just the last week.”
“That is right Sandy,” Tiff added.
“I don’t know why that would happen. Tiffany is a growing girl that is not unusual for her. I should be fairly stable in those areas, and you should be growing in the waist and chest son, not the hips. We’ll check it out when we get home. I have your measurements from last week.”
At home all three of us got undressed and Mom got her measuring tape out. Tiffany measured mom first Mom was 37D-27-36, she said she gained an inch across her bust, lost an inch in the waist and lost an inch at the hips. Mom then measured Tiffany. We didn’t have a baseline on her but she was almost a 35C almost a D-25-34, she wore a 34C bra. She showed us where a skirt she had worn last week that had fit at the waist tightly was now a little loose, but hey women gain and loose water weight regularly. Then came Robby’s turn, he was a 31-28-33, he gained an inch at the chest, lost and inch and a half at the waist and gained an inch in the butt. That wasn’t the kicker though, Mom and Tiffany both looked at the area around his nipples, and swore that they were darker. It didn’t mean much to him but Tiffany carefully massaged his nipples.
“How does this feel Robby?”
“Hmmm nice.”
Tiffany, ever so lightly, rubbed her fingers across the tips of his nipples. Robby almost came unglued.
“That good huh? I don’t know Sandy, but that looked like a girls reaction to her sensitive nipples.”
“I think your right Tiffany, we might ought to set up a doctors visit for Robby. Step outside for a second Tiffany and close the door. Robby I want you to check yourself out. Check your penis and scrotum that area and tell me bigger, smaller or the same.”
Robby was a little self conscious about that, but did as he was told. “About the same really I don’t know really, I never measured myself.”
“Well do it. Measure the length and circumference of your penis.”
He did it; he was about four and a half inches long and a little over 4 inches in circumference soft. He knew he was longer and fatter erect but he wasn’t going to do that now.
“Do you get erections son?”
“No problems with em.”
“No except for the timing of em.”
“Does Tiffany give you erections at bad times occasionally.”
“Do you ever have a sticky white fluid erupt for your penis.”
“Good if any of those answers change or you start getting smaller don’t be embarrassed tell me. It’s that important son. Go get your sleep shirt on and send Tiffany back in.”
He sent Tiffany into his Mom’s room and he went in to his own. He put on his sleep shirt and went down to the office. He remembered the drawings on the computer. He brought up the pictures of his mom and Tiffany looking at them closely. He then checked out his Robbi portrait. Tiffany joined him and sat on one of his legs.
“Estimate her size Tiffany.”
“Tiffany looked closely at the portrait. About 5’ 6” 36D-22-36 I would guess.”
“Ok estimate just your bust waist and hip here.” He said pulling up her portrait.”
“About 36D-24-36 , but I am just guessing.”
“Ok come with me,” Robby said. They went to his room and he pulled out his large drawing pad. “Ok look at this. Assume your dad and my mom are as tall as they are normally. Now guesstimate.”
“Oh my, I love this. You have me standing next to Sandy showing me to be about 5’ 6” you appear to be about 5’ 4” and I would guess about the same as before for the rest. I love everything in this picture you, me, Sandy and dad. I love our gowns especially your moms how precious.”
“Just remember those measurements ok, and don’t say anything about this picture. You don’t have any hidden birthmarks do you.”
“No, why do you ask?”
“I want to try something. If you see any come up. Right about here tell me.” He said pointing to a spot covered by her panty.
“Here you mean,” she said moving her panty from the spot he pointed.
“Yes,” he said blushing.
“Whatever,” she giggled.
She grabbed Robby and they fooled around for about twenty minutes. Kissing, hugging and some petting. She was sure Robby worked alright without getting down and dirty so to speak. They kissed and parted.
Robby should have gone to sleep but he wanted to try something he drew a good picture of Robbi and before he drew clothes, he enhanced himself in one area, just a bit, okay maybe a bit and a half, no make two bits. He drew Tiffany with a small strawberry shaped birthmark an two inches above and an inch to the left of her pubic mound.
Sandy had to wake Robby up on Friday. He was just a little groggy. He poured a cup of coffee down his throat, after he got dressed and down to the kitchen. He wore a camisole under his dark shirt, panties and pantyhose beneath his jeans. The camisole felt good to his itchy nipples. He liked seeing his Mom happy, and she was happy. He liked seeing Tiffany in the mornings. He got all kinds of hugs and kisses.
“I have five out of six drawings done I just have the last one to do and I will be finished. I already know how it is going to look I just need to get it on paper.”
“How long will that take you?” Sandy asked.
“About two to two and a half hours Mom. I could do it faster but I want to get it right.”
“At the prices you are charging you need to get it right. From what I have seen though I am not worried. I still have a hard time believing all this.”
They drove to school and took their usual position outside the doors waiting for the bell. Today they saw Beth come up looking beautiful again, but this time talking to Justin. Kelly came up too she was smiling and by herself.
“Tiffany keep an ear out for Kelly it looks like she and Justin are no more, tell me if she is seen with someone else, and no I really ain’t interested in her. I got you.”
“Boy you have some strange requests lately but yes I will. I heard Justin split with her after he almost got in trouble over you. Word was she wanted you pulverized. I have not heard anything else.”
“Here can you keep these two drawings and not look at them till I tell ya to.” Robby said handing her two folded drawings.
“Sure baby, anything for you.”
The bell rung and everybody hurried off. He got a final kiss before he departed. Kelly was already at her desk and he stopped by.
“Kelly I am really sorry for the way I talked to you, the other day. You didn’t deserve to be spoken to like that.”
“I am sorry too Robby. I have learned what a snob I was. I have mistreated too many people, and I know you are a really good kid. I need to apologize to Beth also. Thank you for showing me what a fool I was. If you and Tiffany were not a number I would kiss you, but you two were made for each other.”
Robby went to his seat and sat. When Beth came in Kelly really did speak to her. Beth’s expression went from anger to guarded to understanding. Kelly was almost in tears. Teacher came in and took a double take seeing two girls who really didn’t get along getting along. She sent the two to the Nurse’s office with a note to let them talk it out.
The rest of the morning went well and soon it was lunch time. Tiffany and her friends were waiting for Robby. Miranda handed a stack of paper to Robby. He ate as he flopped through the pages of a website they had designed for him. They had all his drawings that Tiffany had copied and it was an awesome job. The background was a grayed out version of his Robbi.
“That is a real website Robby it was just going to be our project then after we saw your work we Kinda posted it and mailed it off to the copyright office. When you go home type that URL up and see it on the web. We put it on a free site and bought the name for two years. It even has a counter on it.”
Tiffany handed him a large stack of business cards with his new email address on it and a cell phone number.
“This is nice but I don’t have a cell phone.”
“Yes you do,” Tiffany said handing him one, “and it is already programmed with all your important numbers. Mine. Dad wanted you to have one in case you had problems you can call for help. He got four phones you can guess where the other three are, and 1000 minutes, but talking to each other is no charge. I think you have won him over, either you or Sandy that is.”
All too soon lunch was over and they had to go their separate ways. Time flew and I found myself in detention for my last day. Ms. Sanderson was there and Kelly looking happy also. I did a small drawing similar to what I wanted to do for the Lady. I incorporated and the features but was a bit soft on the details and I showed her the results.
“Ms. Sanderson this is what I have in mind. The final drawing will be 24X30 and contain more detail what do you think?”
“If she isn’t happy with that she won’t be happy ever Mr. Davis. It is lovely.”
Kelly came over to see what we were doing and looked at the picture.
“Oh, is that Mrs. Marshall.”
“You know her?” Robbi asked.
“Yes she is a friend of my mom’s. Mrs. Marshall’s daughter and my mom went to school together. She was a Miss Texas years and years ago.”
Robby showed Kelly a Picture of the lady wearing the Miss Texas sash.
“Yes she was very pretty Robby, but I like your depiction of her better.”
“Ok detention is over Robby you are free now, Kelly you owe us one hour.”
“Yes ma’am,” we chorused.
Robby handed one of his new business cards to Ms. Sanderson, collected his things and left. Kelly was waiting for him and they walked to the door. Sandy and Tiffany were waiting for him. Kelly raced to Tiffany and they walked off talking quietly for a few minutes. They talked and then hugged before parting.
“Looks like Kelly has decided to join the human race,” Robby said to Tiffany, “but never worry, I am all yours Tiff.”
“Your right Robby she has changed, and you’re mine, don’t forget that or your ears won’t be the only thing pierced.” She said hugging Robby.
They hurried home, Sandy had Robby dress as Robbi, with undies, breast forms, makeup, jeans, top, and heels then they went out.
“I have an appointment for you Robby,” she said as they pulled into a salon. “I got you in for hair, nails and a facial, same for you and me Tiffany.”
“Momma I need to be able to change back.”
“They know dear, nothing will be permanent, dear. Trust me.”
Robby had been in a salon before with his mom, but he had never been a customer. They checked in and were led back to the stylists. Sandy explained to them all that was to be done, and then went with her stylist.
“Hi Robbi I am Stacy. I am your stylist today. How are you dear.”
“I am fine, thank you and how are you.”
“I am great. Your mom has shown me a picture of how you want your hair,” she said showing him the picture. “Is this right?”
“Yes I just love the big hair look.”
“Your hair is beautiful dear, it will look just fabulous. Follow me to a shampoo station dear.”
Robby followed her, and it was wonderful being pampered. Stacy was a delightful lady and made Robby feel at ease. The fragrance of the shampoo and conditioner were lovely scents of coconut. He never realized how sensual coconut could be. Her hands felt divine as they worked on his scalp and hair. Stacy wrapped his hair in a towel and led him back to her workstation. She unwrapped his hair and inspected it.
“You haven’t had it worked on in a while have you?”
“No it has been two years or so.”
“Well honey you ought to come in a little more often. I will need to take off an inch or two to shape and remove the split ends but overall your hair is in great condition. You seem to take pretty good care of it.”
“Mom, told me if I was going to let it grow long I had to take care of it.”
“Well she is right Honey.”
They continued talking as she worked Stacy was a very interesting lady. Robby found it fun talking with her. After she trimmed his hair she rolled it and covered his face with a gunk before putting him under a dryer hood. He was joined on one side by his Mom and on the other by Tiffany. They all looked quite a fright in rollers and a mask. It was impossible to talk over the roar of the dryer so he just closed his eyes and relaxed.
Robbi woke with a small start as she was gently shaken awake by Stacy. She followed her to her station and sat. Stacy cleaned toned and moisturized her face before working on her hair. Robbi was familiar to the sensations of backcombing and teasing. In a matter of minutes she finished and started on her makeup. Stacy was wonderful Robbi tried hard not to laugh at some of her jokes as she talked afraid she would mess up and make her look like a clown. Finally though Stacy turned her chair towards the mirror and held a mirror behind her. Her hair was gorgeous, her makeup was flawless, she brought her hands up to feel her hair and noticed her long red talons. ‘When did this happen?’ she thought.
“Not bad for a fourteen year old girl is it?”
“I didn’t know you were fourteen, Honey. I thought you were seventeen or eighteen. I wouldn’t have used that makeup scheme on a fourteen year old.”
“That’s ok, I will get the lecture from Mom, she will smile and love it for today.”
“Yes I will, you are very lovely dear, your hair is so shiny and silky, we have to get you some of that shampoo and conditioner.” Sandy said.
Sandy and Tiffany were standing behind Robbi.
“It is a little mature for my baby but very nice.”
“Robbi I am jealous, you are gorgeous girl,” Tiffany added.
Tiffany looked very good, but her makeup was more age appropriate. Sandy looked downright glamorous too bad John was communing with the fishes. Robbi got up and joined them. She hugged her Mom and Tiffany.
“Well let’s go get something to eat girls,”
It wasn’t a fancy restaurant but it was nice. All three of them were drawing lots of attention, male and female. Several ladies elbowed their male escorts as we passed them. We ate our meal and discussed what we were going to do Saturday and Sunday. Tiffany would take orders and schedule sessions, Sandy was going to help Alice and keep up with Charge slips. They needed to be at the Mall at eight thirty to set up. Robbi told them she would need two hours tonight to finish Mrs. Marshall’s portrait.
“Mrs. Marshall, how did you find out her name?” Sandy asked.
“Kelly saw a rough draft of her drawing and recognized her. I don’t know what happened to her but she is a changed girl.”
Tiff jumped in saying, “Oh, I meant to tell you, she was seen sitting with a ah…”
“Robert Adams?” Robbi provided.
“Yes, how did you know.”
“Check out those drawings.”
Tiffany opened her purse and looked at the two drawings.
“Oh my god, when did you draw these?”
“In detention on Monday.”
Tiffany looked kinda strange at Robby.
They headed home early so Robbi could finish her drawings. Robby got her big paper out and started working. Everything she planned started coming out as she worked. Time and her pencil flew as Mrs. Marshall took form and then came to life in front of her. Robbi loved drawing and that love flowed through her pencil into her drawing. In a little over two hours and twenty minutes she finished. She stepped back and looked at her work. Mrs. Marshall appeared majestic, regal loving and caring. It really was a work of art. She showed Tiffany and her Mom. They just stood there with their mouths open speechless.
“Is it that bad?” Robbi asked.
“No it’s that good Hun. You need to sign it and spray it dear.”
Robbi took care of all her work, and after they dried she carefully put them in her portfolio. Tiffany joined Robbi in her bedroom closing her door.
“Robby I have something to show you and you have a lot to explain.” Tiffany said.
She took off her skirt and pulled down her pantyhose and panty a bit, showing Robbi a strawberry shaped spot. “This has just come up since last night. Robbi touched the spot, it was definitely in the skin like a birthmark or tattoo. Tiffany rearranged her undies as Robbi pulled out a drawing he made last night and showed Tiffany. The position and shape were identical.
“My god, how did you do that.”
“I just drew it and it happened. Don’t ask me how. I don’t understand it. Those pictures I drew of Beth, Kelly, Robert and Justin have all come true. Your figure, mine and mom’s are all changing. It seems if I draw it, it just happens. The smaller the change the faster it happens it seems.”
“He took his pencil and drew a matching spot on the other side and gave her a heart shaped pubic mound.”
Tiffany giggled when she saw that and punched Robbi in the arm.
“What other things have you enhanced dear.”
Robbi was a little embarrassed but she showed Tiffany her drawing. “Mom made me measure myself down there when ya’ll started noticing my changes. I wanted to see if I could enhance myself down there.”
“Well get out the tape Robby and check,” Tiffany giggled.
Robbi went and found her measuring tape and returned to her room. Tiffany helped her change into her sleep shirt. Robbi’s nipples were definitely darker and larger. Tiffany felt all around them and said, “They are growing Robbi. They are firm and look like a girl’s who just hit puberty. Now measure yourself.”
Robbi hesitated till, Tiffany said, “I have shown you mine now you show me yours.”
Robbi pulled down her panties and measured she was five by four and three quarters. “I am a half inch longer and three quarters larger in circumference.”
“How big did you draw yourself.”
“About seven and a half maybe eight by six, it is hard to tell,” Robbi blushed at the pun.
“Ooo I can’t wait to see,” she said hugging Roby
Robbi hugged Tiffany dropping the sleep shirt over her crotch covering herself. Soon though there was no hiding it as her sleep shirt was tented in front. That had Tiffany giggling.
“It seems your going to be as much male as female Robby. I think I like that very much. You will know what it is like as a girl, but you will be able to make this girl very happy. To bad though, I have made promises I intend to keep, to your mom and my dad, that we won’t make whoopi. So you are going to have to take care of that yourself. I am going to get my sleep shirt on dear, take care of Mr. Happy then meet me in the office.”
Robby took care of his problem and tucked himself in his panties. Down in the office Tiffany and Sandy were at the computer.
“Robby have you seen your website,” Sandy said. “Tiffany and the girls have done a great job.”
“Let me see, I have seen screen prints of the site but not the site itself.”
“I hope you like it Robby the four of us got an A for our work. We printed out all the material and sent them to the copyright office and we trademarked your logo. So your drawings are now or rather soon will be copyrighted.”
Tiffany showed Robby how to log on to his website and navigate around it. She gave him the site password if he wanted to change it. She checked the site counter and his site had received 335 hits. “You have gotten just over 300 hits Robby. We accounted for 33 hits setting it up; the counter was the first thing on your website.”
“They are just random hits Tiffany. A blank page with a name would get hits.” Robby said. “Tell the girls I appreciate their efforts and when I get time I will do a portrait for each of them, and let’s take them out for pizza next Saturday Mom.”
“That is very thoughtful Robby I think that is a very nice idea,” Sandy added. “Instead of Pizza though Robby, we’ll take the girls to Lombardo’s. You have earned enough to do that much for them.”
“I assume they know about Robbi, is that right Tiff?”
“Kinda, they are not dummies.”
“That reminds me Ms. Sanderson knows too. She is the art teacher at school. According to her I have to take art this fall. I told her I am taking tailoring, but she emphasized I will be taking art. I think she knows Alice.”
“She is cool. I like her,” Tiff said.
“Well ni ninight, night girls, we have a busy day tomorrow, Oh Robby let me net your hair so it will be easier to handle in the morning.”
Robby and Sandy headed to her room. He sat at her vanity and she brushed his hair and covered it with a hair net.
“With that shaping you got today it should be easier to handle in the morning dear. We have to get up earlier as it is to get us all ready and there by eight thirty. So straight to bed dear.”
“I love you Momma, thanks for all you have done.”
“I love you too, Robby. You really are one sweet kid.”
Robby stopped by Tiffany’s room on the way to his bed, they hugged and kissed a bit before he headed off to sleep.
(to be continued)