T'aa Onasi sighed. For years she had known she was different. A doctor just told her why. Some how her parents had wanted a girl so bad they had her modified while in the womb. Instead of the body she should have had it grew into a female's body. Her genetic code told her she should have been male. It all clicked together once they revealed that. There was just one thing they didn't account for and that was her mind. She felt she was male. Even thought like one. Her actions or body language had been changing, but her physical self wouldn't allow everything to change. She knew the Force and in fact she was very strong. Stronger than any of her current trainers had known. Her only conflict was that she wanted to be male more than anything. Her body had developed female down to a womb and ovaries. The doctors had ran another test and she could get pregnant and one had pestered her to donate a few eggs. She didn't think it was right.
Had her masters known they might have destroyed the samples or worse. Her connection to the Force could be present in the children. Some part of her didn't care. She pushed that aside and delved back into the Force. Since she found out she was trying to see if she could turn on the process to make her body develop as a male. She had the genetics as they said. She calmed down and lost all feeling of the normal world. Her focus on her body and deeper she went. Hours passed as she found a thread. She followed it hoping to unlock her male change. She suddenly saw a man typing away at a keyboard and glancing at a screen. She saw herself in this man. He was older,but that didn't matter. His furnishings looked strange, but comfortable.
The only problem she saw was that he wasn't much for keeping his body in good shape. She could see that sitting and writing was his main focus. He than clicked a few things and opened another screen. On it she saw strange images. She somehow knew it was a game. Than she saw his characters for the game were all female. Every one of them and he went from one to other. He finally settled on one that shocked her as it looked just like her. The armor she wore was the same as she had been given. The blades on her hips ones she had yet earned the right to use. She heard her talk as she went up to another character to do something. The voice even sounded like hers. The man grinned as he made a choice and the screen flared white. His decision was the right one to make she felt. She then heard him talk and his deep voice was perfect.
She then reached for him. Touched him with the Force and he felt it as he sat straighter. He looked around and she now feel he was nervous and uneasy. She sent soothing waves at him and he relaxed a bit. He stood up and moved to a cabinet and pulled out a few items in less than a minute he was wearing female clothing. He had a chest like a woman and then he tightened something she had never seen and he had a thinner waist. He sounded funny as he tried to talk higher. Could he be a female trapped in a male's body? Did his parents do the same to him as they did to me? His beard broke any illusion he was female, though his body looked it from the neck down. He put fake hair on his head and continued to talk in a high voice that sounded bad. She reached out again wondering what he was thinking. Then she felt it. The same feeling she had, but also remorse as it was way too late to change anything. She got closer to let him know it was okay. She wished they could trade places. Then he can be a female and she could male.
Then something happened. She could let go. She needed to return to her body, but something held her. The man felt also confused and then they both started screaming. She felt like she was being torn apart. The pain eased as something broke free, but this freedom only made it worse. Pain flared again and she called on the Force to lesson it. It helped, but not much. The man was now twisting on the floor as he began to glow. His body convulsed with a coughing fit and black goo started to come out. She saw teeth fall out and blood. She thought he was dying and sent healing waves of the Force at him. His pain lessened, but not by much.
She felt drawn closer to him and then she felt what he felt. The fight to breath, his rapid heartbeat. The pain and the ecstasy of how he healed. She saw that he lost weight and gained a different shape. He tore at his clothing and as fast as he looked female he was naked. Then T'aa knew his name and knew his memories. She felt closer to him than anyone she had known. She loved him and hated him. After a moment she panicked as she couldn't leave him. She was confused as she felt him racing away from her. Yet she still was there in that little room. A light flashed and she breathed in strange smelling air. Her body hurt in places she didn't know about. Then everything went dark.
When she woke up. She felt right, no he felt right as he was no longer as he. He checked his body and gagged at the smell. Some how he soiled himself and the scent of stomach fluids and blood didn't make it any better. He slowly got to his feet and reached out with the Force cleaning himself off some what. He looked around and felt an uncontrollable urge to clean all this up. In minutes the smell had lessened and the stains were gone. The foul substances were in the many bags along with everything he had secretly had that women wore. He took fresh clothes into the place called a bathroom and for the first time experienced peeing standing up. It felt so good, so right. He got in the shower and cleaned himself of all the dirt and inspected his new body. He laughed and cried at the same time.
He got out once he was clean and absently wicked the water off his body sending it back into the tub. So many memories flashed through his mind. Things that he would need. Once he returned to the room he took everything and tossed them in the trash outside. He cleaned up the room better than physically possible. Now that order had been restored he sat on his bed and meditated. Using the Force to continue the healing he needed. He thought about the new future he had. A simple plan of healing, exercise and a better job. He had his memories of people, places, and things. He could do so much more with his life, but he never did. Now he would do what the other never wanted to.
He wondered how the former owner of this body had fared? Did he join with the Force or did he take over his former body? His thoughts turned as he didn't have the answer. He felt that if he was in his body then she was in his old one. He smiled as he now thought of him as her. Had she used the Force to get her wish? Did she really want to be female? He knew he was male in everything now. The fact that he still could use the Force was interesting as the knowledge that this world felt that the Force was a fiction. He cleared his mind of these thoughts. He could think later, but this body needed to be healed or he might have a problem later. One thing he knew was that no one could know that the Force was real. Sean Olsen grinned.