“King, Riker’s on the phone for you.” Duffy hands the council cell phone to King.
“King here.”
“King, this is Riker. Is your wife around?” Riker needed Angela Quail to handle a problem in Salem, Va.
“She’s out for her early night run. What can I do for you?” King knew his wife liked to run when she woke-up.
“I have a mission for her. It involves a newborn vampire and a human.” Riker knew Angela could control a newborn vampire. She had a special talent/power for controlling them.
“Give me the mission, Riker. We can handle the problem.” King knew whatever it was, they could handle it.
His team missed out on dealing with the Russian mage. Keane Lundberg had the ability to deal with the mage. His control of the dead was a lot stronger than most necromancers. It was because he came from a long line of necromancers.
“The newbie you’ll be dealing with is named Cara. She’s under the protection of Trey Riddle’s pack.”
“How about the human that is with the newborn? What is their connection and what are the details about them?” King was writing the information down.
“All I know is she is a normal human female and was wearing gothic clothing. Her name is Tiger Robinson and her family was killed in retaliation for Cara killing her attacker, who just happened to be a newborn as well.”
“That complicates things. Where are they right now?” King knew his teammates were itching for action.
“They are in Salem, Va. The vampires that attack Tiger Robinson’s are from a nest in Roanoke, Va. It used to be run by Leonardo Villard. His
second is Emerson Cox and he is a bit more difficult to deal with.” Riker knew Cox may or may not have approved of the revenge killing.
“We’ll solve the problem. How much authority do we have?” King needed to know how much he could push the point.
“If the facts lead to eliminating the Kiss, then do it. So, far they have broken several laws and need to explain themselves. If the explanations are justified, then just kill those responsible for killing the Robinson family. If there is more, than you have the authority to kill all of them.” Riker knew this may cause a backlash towards team four.
“We’re on our way.” King hangs the phone up.
He looks around to see who on his team was around. He spots Robin sitting cross-legged meditating nearby. She was floating at least a few inches off the ground. He can’t recall how many times he has seen her do that.
“I know you are staring at me King, what do you want?” Robin opens her eyes and looks towards King.
“Sorry for staring. I know you and Angela are good friends. Send the recall signal for the team. We have a mission.” King looks at his team witch.
“Gotcha boss.” Robin sends a magical messenger out to all the members.
Twenty minutes later, all the team members finally showed up. Khan looks at his boss.
“What’s the case we are being sent to solve this time?” Khan was curious about their assignment.
“It involves a newbie vampire and human girl. It also involves the Kiss that Leonardo Villard use to control. It’s under Emerson Cox control
now.” King looks at all his team members.
“What has the newborn vampire done?” Angela wanted to know how much the newborn has caused.
“It’s not the newborn were going after. She might have caused the problem, but the kiss took it to the next level by murdering a human family.
The human girl herself was attacked by a newborn and the other newborn named Cara killed her maker and the newborn attacking the human girl.” King was surprised once Riker told him everything.
“Run this by me again, luv. You’re saying a newborn managed to kill its maker and another newborn to protect a human girl?” Angela was curious.
“That’s what Riker said. The two of them are currently under Trey Riddle’s pack protection.” King check his notes to make sure.
“They are staying at the pack house?” Keane was curious if Trey was letting them.
“No, Cara is staying at a safehouse and so is the human that she saved. Tiger Robinson didn’t want to be separated from Cara. So, she’s staying with her.” King watched his teammates expression.
“Is this Robinson girl a blood doll for Cara?” Khan was curious why a human would rather stay with a vampire, instead of with the pack.
“She’s not a blood doll, as far as Riker knows. We’ll learn more once we get there.” Duffy, you’re driving.
“Oh, now we're going to die.” Robin knew how crazy Duffy was.
“Hey, I haven’t wrecked anything since that job in Detroit. I had no idea the perp we were chasing had a monster 4x4.” Duffy moves to the driver seat of the Rv and starts the engine.
Angela walks over and sits on her husband’s lap “how old is the newborn?”
“Riker didn’t say and neither did Trey.” King had his arms wrapped around his wife’s slim body.
“I wonder what gifts were bestowed onto her when she was changed. Because a newborn shouldn’t have been able to resist her master’s willpower. If she was a dhampir or was stopped half-way through the process of being a vampire. I could see her being able to resist, but once a victim accepts the blood of the one that is turning them. They automatically become submissive to their creator. It takes years for a vampire to be able to be released from their maker. I should know, it took me four hundred years to be set free from my maker.” Angela shivers thinking about her maker. He was a sadistic son of a bitch.
“You aren’t exactly a normal vampire, sweetie. There is more to you then even your maker knew. It just took you that long to finally realized that you weren’t his to control, but the other way around. Also, you were the other part of my soul that was missing.” King kisses his wife.
Angela returns the kiss. She loved it when her husband kissed her. She was miserable for four hundred years. She knew something was missing from her undead life, but she could never figure out what was missing.
“Hey, you two, don’t start having sex right here, right now.” Robin walks over and sits down next to them.
Angela stops kissing King and looks at her blood sister “are you getting horny again?”
“I stay horny, you know that. I can’t help it.” Robin hated the fact that she stayed horny. She knew her hormones were the caused of her horniness. She’s been looking for an herbal mixer to balance her hormones.
“Khan, can you take Robin to the bedroom and help her out?” Angela looks over towards their Mongol member. He was a direct descendant of Genghis Khan and was born back in 1240.
Khan just smiles at the mention of helping Robin. She might not be his mate, but she could take his Hybrid form without any problems.
“I can help her out.”
“Oh, I am going to be sore for a while afterward.” She grabs Khan’s hand and heads towards the back bedroom for their fun.
Angela just shakes her head. She knew Robin gets her magical energies from performing sex magic. Her horniness was tied to her magical energies level. She keeps a high level of energy stored afterward.
“Keane, do you think you can ask Tiger’s parents why or who attacked them?”
“It shouldn’t be a problem. I just hope they haven’t been burned or buried yet.” Keane hated dealing with the bodies of brunt people. He had a
bad experience with victims once, that had been burned.
Everyone could hear Khan and Robin in the back bedroom having sex. They knew how much Robin enjoyed it. Sometimes, it took two or three people to satisfy her lust. Everyone blocks the sounds coming from the back bedroom, as they go about their business.
Khan comes out of the back bedroom after thirty minutes. All the Were and Angela could smell the sex in the air. Khan grabs a beer and sits down on the sofa near Angela and King.
“You might want to open a few windows.” As Khan chugs the beer down.
“How is she?” Angela was concerned about Robin.
“She’s fine and fully charge now. She shouldn’t need to feed any more sex for a while.” Khan had to admit that having sex with Robin even made his Tiger happy.
“That’s good.” Angela and Robin have been blood sisters for the last two hundred years.
She met Robin in England during the 1800’s. She was a Lord’s mistress at the time. The Lord’s wife knew her husband had a kept Mistress and was glad he did. She couldn’t give him what he wanted, but she could and did. In return for her services, she was paid well.
Angela had come to the manor house to kill the man and found him in the embrace of Robin. She killed him and kidnapped Robin. She kept Robin as her own blood donor for a while. It was during that time they learned about each other.
Angela shared her blood and had sex with Robin. During their sharing, a bond was formed. It wasn’t a mating bound, but a sisterly bond. Robin inherited her immoral life from Angela. Somehow the blood that Angela shared with her, had an unusual effect on Robin.
Just as Robin received an unexpected gift from her. She received one from Robin in exchange. Angela had no need to rest anymore during the day. She could stay awake and walk in the sunshine. They also knew where each other were as well.
Angela peeks in on Robin to check on her and notices a happy look on her face. She also saw claw marks and bite marks on Robins body. She knew by the time she woke up, they will be healed.
“How long till we get to Salem, Va.?” Arron looks up from the tablet he was reading.
“Four more hours.” Duffy knew he could shorten the time, but he wasn’t going to push the Rv.
He has already blown four motors. The council’s chief mechanic said if he blew this motor, she was going to skin him alive.
“Are we staying at a campsite or on a farm again?” Arron hated staying on a farm.
“Neither, we’re staying at a safe house in Salem. Trey has the place already set-up for us.” King just received a text from Trey.
“Nice, I’ll bunk with Robin.” Keane liked bunking with her.
“She’s bunking with us.” Angela looks over towards Keane.
“Dam, oh well. Maybe next time.” Keane was hoping.
“Keane, your bunking with Duffy. Maybe you can keep him out of trouble.” Angela glances towards Duffy as he drove the RV.
“Like that is going to happen, boss lady.” A playful smile appears on his face.
“Khan, you are bunking with Arron. I know the two of you are dominant males, but you two are close in age to each other.” Angela knew Khan was at least 800 years old. Arron was at least 750 years old and was from the Ninth Crusade.
“We won’t have a problem, Angela.” Khan looks over towards Arron and smile.
He knew Arron was gay and enjoyed having sex with him. Khan didn’t mind, he was bisexual and didn’t mind giving Arron what he needed.
“Don’t even think about it.” Arron just glances towards Khan.
“Just offering.” Khan goes back to enjoying a second can of beer.
They arrive at the address given to them by Trey at four in the morning. They pull the RV up in the driveway and head towards the house. Duffy was carrying Robin’s sleeping form.
King opens the door and disarms the security he had been giving by Trey. He walks in first and checks things out.
Once King gives the all clear. Duffy carries Robin's sleeping form up to the Master bedroom and leave her there.
“Khan, Duffy take the motorcycles and do recon around town. See if any of the kisses are out and about. Angela search from the air.” He looks at his wife.
“We’re on it boss.” Duffy goes over and starts unloading the motorcycles they brought with them.
Angela takes off into the air and does some recon from the sky. The cloud cover made it difficult to spot her if someone looked up. She couldn’t believe she had been given flight as one of her special gifts.