“We don’t mean to trespass ma’am, but we're looking for our Pride mate, crazy Freddy.” Victor looks at the winged individual standing before him. He had heard rumors, but he has never seen one before.
“Do you mean Freddy Deacon?” Arial watches both Weres.
“Yes ma’am, we mean Freddy Deacon. The niece of our Alpha is very sick, and we need his expertise in herbal medicine to see if he can come up with a cure for her.” Both men knew Freddy had a special talent when it came to herbal medicine.
“How sick is she?” Arial knew Were’s can heal themselves or can be healed from a pack healer.
“She can’t move at all. It’s taking everything she has to fight off the disease she has been infected with and to be honest, her mother who is the pack healer and her sister who is the Alpha’s mate can’t do anything for her.” Tielo was hoping this woman would tell them where Freddy was.
Arial closes her eyes and concentrates on Freddy. She sees him digging up some roots he can only get up on her mountain.
“He is nearby. I’ll take you to him.” She turns and exits the cave.
Victor and Tielo follow her further up the mountain, until they come to a plateau. They spot Freddy kneeling and digging up a strange looking plant.
“HEY FREDDY!” Tielo yells over towards him.
Freddy stops for a second and looks over where the voice came from. He knew the two Weres. One was Victor Warner and his partner Tielo Tabi. He knew both men and knew they would only come this far from home on orders from the Alpha.
“Why are you bothering me?” He shakes the dirt off the root he dug up.
“The Alpha needs your help. His niece is extremely sick and may die.” Victor walks over towards him. Arial and Tielo stayed back.
Arial knew Freddy didn’t like being surrounded by people. She knew he still suffered from some terrible event from his past and wouldn’t talk about it.
“Why does he need me and what is so terrible that Lady Joyce and Lady April can’t heal with their abilities?” Freddy both ladies were capable healers.
“Do you know Lady April’s adopted daughter?” Victor doesn’t know if Freddy has met her yet.
“I’ve heard rumors about her. She’s some sort of special agent the HSL created to combat supernatural creatures and then decided to submit
herself to Cain for her crimes.”
“That’s about right. However, the HSL lied to her about her origins and one of her own team members tried to rape her. She was adopted by
Lady April to be her daughter.” Victor didn’t want to go into too much detail about Amy. Cain was very protective of her.
“So, what type of disease has she contracted that magic can’t heal?” Freddy knew there wasn’t much magic couldn’t heal.
“She received wounds from fighting creatures that were heaped upon contaminated ruby. It was given to them by Russian magi by the name of Bogdan.” Victor didn’t know the magi, but from what he has learned. He was a nasty piece of work.
Freddy looks at Victor “I’ve heard of him. He deals in death and blood magic. If the contaminated ruby came from him, then it was full of blood magic. I don’t know what I can do for her, but I’ll see what can be done or recommend someone who can help her better.”
“Thank you, Freddy. If we leave now, we could get there by tomorrow morning if we travel at night.”
“We need to get there faster. Let me see if someone can help us.” He walks over towards Arial.
Arial watches as Freddy comes over to her. He starts speaking in a language neither Victor or Tielo heard of before.
“Uma lle nowa lle seler' eleyvn be nice faarea a' help lye a' get n'alaquel a' i' alpha's manison?”
“Amin can ask he`. Re normally, doesn't ve' leavien he`, nan' amin'll tul a yassen he`” Arial looks towards Victor and Tielo to see if they understood her.
“Can lle ask he`, saesa?”
“Feitha sinome.” Arial walks away from the group and start flapping her wings. She lifts off the ground and fly away.
Tielo looks towards Freddy “where is she off too?”
“Getting us a ride.” Freddy places the root in his bag.
After twenty minutes of waiting, Arial comes flying back accompanied by a golden eagle. When Arial lands, the Golden eagle changes form and a female figure with multi-color long straight hair and amber color eyes appears next to Arial.
“Wow!” Tielo was taken back by the woman.
His cat comes forward as a low purring sound rumbled in his throat. He tries to get his cat under control. He didn’t want to scare the woman off.
“Gentlemen, I would like you to meet my sister Faramir. She has agreed to fly the three of you home.” Arial had a smirk on her face.
“What do you mean by fly us home?” Victor and Tielo were both curious.
“She means guys, that Faramir is a shapeshifter and can assume the form of a large bird to carry us back.” Freddy has flown with Faramir before.
“What are you?” Victor looks at Faramir for an answer.
“Does that matter right now? We need to get back to the mansion as fast as possible and she is our best hope.” Freddy looks towards both men.
Tielo had his eyes glue on Faramir. Her scent was tickling his nostrils and his eyes had bled to his cat’s ones. He knew she was his mate.
Faramir looked at the two men standing with Freddy. This far up they should be shivering right now. Her eyes land on one of them. He had oriental features and from what she could tell, he was firmly built. He was smaller than his companion, but not by much. When he spoke,
something tingled inside of her. She knew the voice, but she has never met this man before.
“Won’t we be spotted in the air by satellites and planes?” Victor notices that Tielo was mesmerized by Faramir.
“No, our magic hides us from technology and from prying eyes. You won’t see us unless we want you too.” Arial notices how hard Tielo was staring at her sister.
Victor has seen the look on his friends face by other people who have run into their mates. He smirks as he shakes his friend gently.
“Snap out of it. We have a life to save.” Victor shakes Tielo to get his attention.
Tielo takes control of his emotions and concentrates on what he was doing. He couldn’t believe he found his mate and she was a different species.
“Let’s getting going.” Faramir steps away from everyone and turns into a huge white eagle.
“Wow!” As Victor watches as Faramir changes into a large bird. He wouldn’t want her coming after him in that form.
“Climb on her carefully.” Arial shows them where to climb on Faramir’s back.
Once they were safely on Faramir’s back, she starts running and jumps off the plateau and soar upwards into the air. Victor, Freddy, and Tielo held on tight with their legs as Faramir flew upwards. Arial was flying near her and was communicating with Freddy mentally on where they should fly.
“Bbbuuurrr!!” Victor was cold from being so high up. He might be a Were, but he wasn’t prepared for this.
Tielo was cold as well, but he was enjoying the flight. He could feel Faramir’s body move each time she flipped her wings. He wonders what else she could turn into.
A plane passes near them, that they could make out the name on the side of the plane. Arial stayed close to Faramir as she flew. She was there to catch anyone if they fell off and to lead the way.
It does take them long to get close to the mansion. Faramir lands a safe distance from the mansion and lets her passengers get off her back. She changes back to her human form. She felt exhausted flying in that form and carrying three. She ready to drop.
Tielo saw that Faramir was having a problem standing and rushes to her side. He catches her in his arms.
“I got you.” As he looks into her amber eyes.
Faramir looks up into Tielo’s eyes and froze. There weren’t human eyes looking back at her, but cat’s eyes. Normally, she would be scared of having a cat looking at her, but she felt safe in his arms.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Tielo helps Faramir stand up. He would carry her to the mansion if she allowed him too. Instead, he stays close to her.
They get to the mansion and are meet by Cain and Lady Joyce. One of the enforcers out on patrol informed Cain they had a guest.
When they enter the mansion, Cain is standing in the main foyer. He has never met people with wings before. All he ever knew of them, were stories told to him by his father. They were myths among the different supernatural packs and pride.
“Welcome, I am Cain McGregor, and this is my wife Lady Joyce McGregor. Thank you for bringing my people home to us.”
“You are welcome, Mr. Cain. I am Arial, and this is my sister, Faramir.” Arial motions to her sister.
Cain looks at the other woman, but she doesn’t say anything. He also notices she is wingless. Where Arial had dove style wings, Faramir had known. He also notices how close Tielo is to Faramir.
“You need to forgive my sister. She doesn’t say much outside our community.” Arial knew Faramir didn’t like being around strangers. However, she did notice that she was letting the one named Tielo touch her.
“That is fine.” He looks towards Freddy
“Where is your niece Alpha?” Freddy wanted to see the patient himself.
“She’s this way, Mr. Deacon.” Lady Joyce escorts Freddy to Amy’s bedroom.
“Cain looks at the others “guest rooms are being prepared for you while you’re here.” Cain notices Mira walking up to him.
“Thank you, Alpha Cain.” Arial knew Cain’s reputation.
“Your welcome, this my head house manager, Mira. She will show you to your rooms.” Cain motions to Mira.
Everyone notices she is a middle age woman with short black hair and was a little on the plump side. However, she had a motherly looking face and brown eyes.
“If you’ll follow me. I’ll get you to settle.” Mira escorts the four-remaining people to their guest rooms.
Freddy is taken to Amy’s bedroom. As he walks in, he could smell how bad off she was. She had the stench of death cling to her. He moves quickly over to her side and does a scan of her body with his special ability.
He was right when he told Victor and Tielo that she had been affected by blood magic. The ruby had been mixed with the blood of the dead. It was no wonder she was slowly dying, and her blood was changing.
After his power returns to him. He looks towards Lady Joyce and Lady April “she’s beyond my skill level. She needs more powerful magic that I don’t posse.”
“Do you know who does posse the magic necessary to heal my daughter?” Lady April was worried that she might lose Amy.
“It’s only a rumor, but there is a woman who can heal your daughter. She’s the daughter of the Greek god Apollo. I don’t know how to get in touch with her. However, she does have a cousin who is the daughter of Athena and if you can find her. She might be able to tell you how to get in touch with her cousin.” Freddy had heard rumors about her but never met her before.
“Cain, can you contact the supernatural council and see if they know how to find Titanis or the daughter of Apollo.” Lady Joyce asks Cain mentally.
“Let me see what I can find out.” Cain heads towards his office to call the council.