I watch Jillie texting on her phone and look at her with a scowl. My phone got lost in all of this and I like miss being able to socialize with the world. I love Jillie and all—but, at least I could text with the others and not rely on her relaying to me what the others are doing on break. I’m stuck here and can’t talk—let alone text. I pick up my whiteboard with a huff and write, “This is the worst spring break EVER!”
What? Why? Really?!?!?
First I get kidnapped, then I get locked up in the back of a semi and nearly frozen to death, then I almost die of an allergic reaction that was an intentional attack, and I like can’t talk because my vocal cords got messed up when they were saving me.
Does that like sound like a great spring break to you? Huh? Does it?!?! Well, like does it?!?!?!?
Anyway, Jillie sighs as she reads my message and gives me a kiss. I’m lying in the bed and so, my foot can’t pop, but that doesn’t stop it from trying!
She sighs, “I know, Hon. But, at least it is break—otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to come be with you. This way you aren’t getting behind in school, either. We may still miss a couple of days when it starts back up in Monday, but the band will send us any notes and assignments for us to catch up on.”
I scowl deeper. This like sucks!
What? No! I’m like not in a good mood!
What? Why not? The doctors promised to lift my talking ban this morning. It’s after lunch and my chords are still in their medically-induced paralysis. Momma and Daddy are back at the hotel catching up on things, since they’re missing work, and no one is telling me anything. After a quick examination of my throat by the doctor this morning, it’s just been Jillie and me…
Well, and my guards outside the door.
Thoughts race through the cotton candy fibers in my brain that just don’t do Jillie’s kiss justice. I can’t like fully concentrate on it. I like want to talk, but I’m like really not sure I want to know what has happened to my voice! I don’t like particularly want to sound like Jacie Mouse and it seems that’s like a distinct possibility after the emergency surgery.
What? I need to make up my mind! Like who asked you for your opinion?
I’m like just getting back into concentrating on the kiss when we both jump out of our skins at the exaggerated clearing of someone’s throat.
Jillie like shows off cat-like abilities as she jumps straight up and off of me. There is a loud smack as the seal of our lip-lock breaks. She turns in mid-air and comes down in a crouching-tiger-like position. I like am not sure if it was intentional, or not—it sure looks impressive, though.
My eyes quickly refocus on the interloper and see that it’s Doctor Rodriguez standing there with a mix of smirk and knowing smile on her face.
She says, “Well, Jacie, I was going to see if you were ready to try talking yet, but I can come back later. It seems you are engaging in deep-tissue massage therapy, right now. I never interrupt a Doctor at work!”
Jillie gets a funny look on her face, then can’t help but giggle.
I like just roll my eyes and open and close the fingers and my thumb—like my hand is talking. I point at myself and mouth, “I am ready,” as I emphatically nod my head.
It’s Dr. Rodriguez’ turn to giggle, then she says, “OK. Well, then. Let’s see what we’ve got. I discontinued the paralytic after my examination this morning and it should have worn off by now. Let me take one more look before you try anything, though!”
I take a deep breath and nod. My heart is beating like the combined drumlines at a fierce Southern football band competition!
What? Like… Will she like let me talk? Will I like sound normal? How different will I sound? Please don’t let me sound like Minnie Mouse!
What? Minnie Mouse is better than No Mouse? Really?
Dr. Rodriguez tells me to ‘open wide’ and I stretch my mouth as wide open as I can.
She uses a tongue depressor and shines a light down my throat looking at heavens knows what. After a little bit, she says, “OK, Jacie. Take it easy. Give me a quiet ‘Ahhhhh’.”
I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. It like takes all of my will power to not try and just scream out loud! I slowly let my breath out and make the meekest of sounds possible. You can barely hear the sound, it’s like so quiet, “Ahhhhhh….”
She nods, “Good girl! Now, slowly ramp it up.”
I like can already tell my voice is not the same…
What? It like just feels different…
I take in another breath and slowly give the sound more and power—until I am at a normal volume.
Jillie lets out a little gasp—which like confirms my suspicion that it’s not the same. At least I didn’t hear a squeak coming from my mouth.
What? I was afraid it might sound like nails on a chalkboard—or something like that!
Anyway, Dr. Rodriguez says, “OK, Jacie. How does it feel?”
My hands like automatically go to my throat as she removes the tongue depressor. I shrug and gently clear my throat, feeling the vibration on my fingers lightly laying on it.
I let out a sigh. I like can talk! But…
I say, “I…I…I guess it feels…OK. Just like…different!”
I can hear my own words register in my ears at a much higher pitch than I’m like used to.
Jillie smiles and says, “Well, Hon—you’re not going to have any problems singing the soprano parts, now! You’ll kill the Bee Gee songs without even trying!”
I feel the blood like rush from my face! I like knew it was high, but that’s like really high! What if I decide… I mean… What if Jacie isn’t…
What? It would be really hard to sound like a guy like that! I’m like just saying!
Jillie had recorded my first sounds on her phone and I squeeze my eyes shut and nod for her to play them back.
I hear the voice come out of the speaker and the few remaining droplets of blood left in my face rush to my toes!
What? No… It’s like not Jacie Mouse!
The voice is clear as a bell—Angelic in quality. I think the Bee Gees would nearly be contralto compared to my new voice. Like, think the highest-of-the-high operatic fat ladies! And it’s like Jillie said, I’m like not even trying to go high. I like have no doubt I could shatter glass if I tried, now.
Dr. Rodriguez says, “Are you OK, Hon? I have nothing to compare your voice to from before, but you do seem to have a perfectly clear soprano voice, now. Is that bad?”
I shudder and Jillie says, “Hang on, Doc.”
I open my eyes and watch Jillie search through files on her phone. She pulls up a video of the band playing Night Fever. I’m singing—at my previous highest pitch, which would barely have qualified as soprano. There’s no doubt that I used to be mezzo-soprano.
Dr. Rodriguez nods and Jillie pulls up another video of us goofing around. I’m talking in my normal… Well, my…old voice… It’s clearly lower. I must be a whole octave higher, now—at least!
Dr. Rodriguez purses her lips and says, “Well, that is quite the difference, but it’s very clear—so, it won’t hurt your singing, right?”
I sigh and say, cringing as I can’t help but hone in on my new higher pitch, “No, I like suppose not. But, I…I…umm…I haven’t fully committed to being Jacie…”
Jillie gives me a double-take, “James Tiberius Amanda Christine Jacie Alexander! Since when?”
It’s Dr. Rodriguez’ turn to give her a double-take. I like almost giggle—but like only almost.
I shrug, “Listen to yourself, Jillie. Even you haven’t fully committed to me being Jacie in your mind. You still prefix my full name with ‘James Tiberius’.
She blusters, “But that’s different!”
I like just give her a look that clearly communicates my ‘Really?’ without me having to use my ‘new’ pipes.
Dr. Rodriguez jumps in, “I didn’t know, Jacie. I was under the impression that you were fully committed. I was even discussing getting you on hormones a little early with your doctors back home. I know that you’ve been having emotional issues. There are downsides to puberty suppressants—and putting you on female hormones has a short-term hypersensitizing effect on your emotions, but that quickly settles and the hormones help you mentally cope as your body and mind develops as it should—at least that’s my experience with similar cases as yours. This changes things, though.”
I sigh, “Welcome to my world, Doc. I’m like so screwed up that I have two shrinks!”
She gives me a sour look.
I shrug, “Sorry, psychologists! But, like you know what I mean. I’m fairly certain this is like the real me, but…”
She nods, “OK, well, your voice will mature once you go through puberty—no matter which way you go. It however won’t really change the fact that you are going to be a high soprano the rest of your life, though. Testosterone would likely deepen it slightly, but not significantly, I’m afraid, with the tightening we had to do. The damage was too extensive to even contemplate operating again—you could permanently lose your voice if we tried.”
I feel the tears well up in my eyes.
What? I like don’t know why! I like don’t know anything right now, other than like it seems another choice has been taken away from me! It should like be my choice! Even if it’s like the right thing for me—it should be my choice!
Suddenly, I like can’t stop the tears. Jillie pulls me into a hug and Dr. Rodriguez says, “I’m sorry, Hon. I truly am!”
My face is buried in Jillie’s shoulder and my tears are soaking through her t-shirt. I hear the gasp come from the door and Momma’s voice, “Jacie, Hon! What’s wrong? Dr. Rodriguez is it her voice? She can talk, right?”
I shake my head and keep it buried in Jillie’s shoulder. I hear Daddy growl, “What’s going on? Somebody say something!”
I lift my head and wail, “What do you want me to say, Daddy?”
I watch him like fall into the nearest chair in shock and Momma comes over and pulls me and Jillie into a group hug as I continue to sob.
I toss and turn and get all tangled up in the covers.
Jillie mumbles, “What is it, Hon? Can’t sleep?”
She pulls me into an embrace in our bed and gives me a toe-curling kiss, then says, “I can fix that!”
What? No! We’re not like in the bed at the hospital! Are you like stupid?
With my vocal cord surgery deemed a ‘success’ and my other health considered OK after my kidnapping, I was released this—I like think it’s still this—afternoon. I look at the clock and see it was actually yesterday afternoon, since it’s now like 1:32 a.m.
Jillie and I are sharing a room with two queen beds at Momma and Daddy’s hotel.
What? Of course, we like made it look like we’re sleeping in separate beds!
What? I like don’t know if they’ll believe it. I like honestly don’t care!
Anyway, I let Jillie curl my toes with her kiss and…
What? No! No more details!
What? Well, OK! Details? You want details? I’ll give you details!
I slept like a baby the rest of the night! Err…after about three, that is…
Well, and like except for the nightmares about being the fat lady in the opera…
So far, the ride home is like…well…boring. And we just got started!
I’m like being quiet—both because I’m still supposed to take it easy on my vocal cords and because I like don’t want to hear what they produce when I do use them! I like still cringe at the sound of my own voice!
What? Yeah, Jillie is in the car with us. What’s like your point? Oh… Yeah, we plan on doing some of that…
Anyway, there’s a procession of sorts. There’s a ‘non-descript’…
What? Why the air quotes? Well, if you’ll like let me finish…
There’s a ‘non-descript’ black car out front. Like with the FBI agents in it; like that kind of non-descript. You like know… ‘Men in Black’…
Behind that car is Apollo and Dite, followed by us, followed by another ‘non-descript’ black car. There are like other really non-descript cars out there, as well, according to Apollo.
What? Yeah with his ‘friends’. Both the FBI and his friends insisted on escorting us home after what happened yesterday. The FBI thought it best to get back to our home turf ahead of schedule.
What? What happened? Oh right, I like forget that you have issues keeping up… No worries, though. Like even I am having issues keeping up like with all of this!
So, Agent Slim caught a lucky break when he came to pick up the laptop that I had made all of my notes on. I had already been discharged and had left it on the little table next to the bed. Since it was like encrypted and under the supervision of the charge nurse, he was like OK with that.
Anyway, when he goes in to pick it up, there was some like feedback on his comms mic.
What? His words, like not mine!
Anyway, he quickly discovered a bug hidden on the underside of the table. He was able to trace the signal to a repeater and then to the kitchen. The dishwasher still like had his earpiece in even though I was gone.
They like still haven’t been able to get anything out of him but are like confident he sneaked the MSG into my soup. They like surmise that Gio placed the bug in my room when he came to ‘interview’ me. Everything being said in my room was like being monitored by this creep and recorded on his phone and sent to the cloud. The FBI is working on a warrant to get access to the account, but his is like encrypted and he won’t give them access. They can’t break in…
What? Why is that like hard to keep up with? Well, like you couldn’t, right? I had to like explain it again.
Anyway, it like gets weirder. The dishwasher, so it like seems, is tied to the Mexican drug cartels. The ones that Dite and were going to be delivered to. Again, they seem to be working with the Italian Mafia, who is working against the Greek one—even though there is a supposed truce. The Greeks are like on my side, which only complicates matters for me, since now I have ties to the Mafia—implicit, or not. Intentional, or not. Consented, or not.
It’s like enough for me to wish for the days of only worrying about the Borg! These suckers are like for real!
What? Yeah, that’s like the worst part. I still like have no effing idea why!
What? Language? Are you like really starting with that again? Do you like want to know what happens, or not?
Anyway, I look out the window and sigh. I’ll never have good feelings about Texas again—and certainly hope I never set foot in Alpine ever again. The people at the Medical Center there were terrific. Well, mostly—save for a certain creep of a dishwasher…
What? I like know it’s not Texas’s fault! But, like, well…you know…
Anyway, I see the sign announcing that we’re entering New Mexico and sigh again. It’s still a long way home.
I look back over at Jillie, who has a scowl of her own on her face, today.
What? Why? Well, I was like getting to that!
Anyway, she’s like staring at the menu on her phone—in particular at one app.
On a hunch, Special Agent Jerry checked her phone after they found the bug in my room.
What? Why? It had like something to do Mafia’s M.O., or something.
Anyway, he found this like little app that no one pays attention to on her phone. She didn’t like install it and has no idea where it came from. According to him, it like lets someone take control of her phone and turn on the camera or microphone without her knowing. Whoever is like controlling it, can video record anything she’s doing and track where she’s at while doing it. In essence, it like turns her phone into a sophisticated bug. It also like has the capability of transferring to other phones.
Special Agent Jerry checked Momma’s and Daddy’s phones, too. They don’t have the app on theirs. Dite’s and Apollo’s do. There’s like no way to know if mine did, or not, since it has disappeared. Mr. Jerry thinks that either my phone—or Dite’s—was the origin.
What? Yeah, Dite’s phone like was lost, too. Apollo got her a new one and as soon as she reinstalled everything from her cloud backup, the app was there. The FBI says that means that either the app has been on our phones for a long time, or it was installed after they kidnapped us, but before they destroyed our phones. Both Dite and I use fingerprint protection, but it would have like been easy to use our fingers to unlock the phones when we were unconscious.
What? Mine? Yeah, well the creep that kidnapped us could have taken it from my purse in the back before like starting the diversion… Dite had hers on her at the door while taking tickets.
Anyway, they like want to check my friends’ phones at home, too. They like think that will help figure some things out. Like why don’t Momma’s and Daddy’s have it? If there are certain friends that do—and others that don’t, like what does that mean?
What? Why doesn’t Jillie like just delete the app? Well, the FBI like asked her to keep it on there, so we like don’t tip anyone off that we know. They like installed an app of their own that lets them control the controller app…
What? I like told you it’s complicated!
Anyway, the app records the files and transmits them at certain times during the night, when the phone is charging to make it less noticeable. They will replace those files with scripted ones of their own to be transmitted. We can like feed the idiots doing this with false information. They made sure that like none of us give our friends a heads-up on this until they like can like be coached on what to do and say…
Not that I like could, anyway. I still like don’t have a phone!
We pull into the hotel right outside of Phoenix. We all climb out and like stretch big time! We go into the nearly-empty diner for a late supper after we check in and the FBI makes sure it’s OK. There’s no sight of Apollo’s ‘friends’, but I’m like sure they’re around somewhere close-by.
I like nearly jump out of my skin with joy, though, when Special Agent Jerry hands me a box with a new phone it. He pulls me aside and says, “Jacie, as soon as you reinstall everything from the cloud, the app may or may not be there. You know what to look for. It’s very important that you don’t let on that you know it’s on there, if it is. The phone is activated and you can set it up while we eat. If the app is on your phone, we’ll install ours before we leave the diner, OK?”
I nod vigorously. I like a have a phone again! I’ll be back in touch!
What? So what if that’s like really more important to girls? What’s your point?
We all order and I nervously set up my phone while Special Agent Jerry watches from across the table. It like gives me something to do besides thinking about my voice—or the fact that we’re all squeezed up at the table and Dite’s thigh keeps caressing mine as she moves.
Anyway, as soon as the apps are all reinstalled from the cloud, I check—and sure enough, the app is like right there!
I nod to Special Agent Jerry, who quietly comes over and hands me the instructions on how to download a special ‘game’ from the app store. Once it’s like installed, he checks something on his phone and nods. He now has control of the app on my phone.
I sigh. I’m like not an actor! This is like going to be hard. I can like now text again, but I can’t like say anything!
That doesn’t like stop me from blasting out a group text to the band that I’m sociable again!
I like spend the first half hour after supper in our suite’s common area responding to the various texts that I get back from my friends. Momma just shakes her head as she like watches Jillie and me cuddled up on the love seat. We’re texting in a group chat—that we’re like both in—without actually talking to each other.
What? I like know! Right? I like don’t get the problem either! It’s not like we’re not communicating with each other!
Besides, it like keeps me from having to like actually talk—and hear my voice. I haven’t like thought of the Borg in a couple of days—but it’s like they’ve programmed in a new voice for me. And like, once again, I had no choice…
Jillie notices my like hesitation in answering the last text and squeezes me in a hug. Then she like decides to communicate in other ways.
What? Well, I like think she is trying to see if we can like transfer thoughts by sticking our tongues down each other’s throats…
What? No! No more details!
The next day, Momma drives the Q7 while Daddy takes a nap. Like I guess he didn’t sleep well. I like don’t get it. Jillie and I didn’t have any issues with the bed in our room! Not that we were like really paying attention to it, though…
What? I told you! No more details!
Anyway, we’re like all totally dead by the time the familiar fog of the bay area becomes visible. When Daddy like finally pulls into the garage at almost seven o’clock, we all fairly like leap out of the car.
We had like split up as we came into town and Apollo drove to their house across town—with Agent Slim following him and Dite. Special Agent Jerry followed us home and he now walks across the yards with Jillie and me to her house.
As soon as we enter, we’re like mobbed by everyone in the band! After tearful hellos and looks of amazement as I tell my story—cringing the whole time at my voice—Special Agent Jerry whispers into my ear, “Have everyone quietly put their phones in this box.”
I whisper to Jillie to help and we go around and quickly get the whole group to do so while quickly shutting down any questions with a look. As soon as all of the phones are in the box, Special Agent Jerry closes the lid and says, “I know you’re wondering why we did that…”
And he quickly lets the group in on the issue of the apps. One-by-one he checks the phones and finds that like all of them are infected with the app—except for Jillie’s parents’ phones.
He quickly explains the plan to use the app against the crazies and everyone is like onboard with doing what’s needed—so everyone like installs the new ‘game’ on their phone that Jillie ‘discovered’ while waiting for me to wake up…
Unfortunately, we’re like no closer to knowing who or what started this whole thing. All we like know is that only my friends in the band—and Apollo and Dite—are the ones with the app…
I walk back home with Special Agent Jerry around ten-thirty after everyone leaves—and Jillie and I kiss each other good night. I’m going to miss sleeping with her tonight—I like could get used to having her in bed with me all the time…
What? Did you like have to go there? Really? I mean, like yeah! Dite was great to sleep with, too… Now, go like jump off a cliff!
Anyway, when we get home, Daddy is just turning off the news. He says, “Well, Hon, I had decided to keep you home from school tomorrow anyway. We need to take a trip into the city… As it is, though, it looks like you may get some extra time for spring break to make up for missing the real one!”
I give him a confuse look, “Like really? Why’s that, Daddy?”
He says, “Well, it seems the teachers are totally fed up, now, and there’s a nation-wide strike. It seems unlikely that you’ll have any school this week.”
I sigh—then smile…
It seems I’m getting a reprieve from having to face the Klingons at school. I’m not sure that my new Black Canary voice is ready for prime time, just yet…
I take the last sip of coffee from my large travel mug a look at Daddy as he puts the car into ‘park’. The drive had taken a little under an hour and now I like have to pee really bad.
He smiles back at me and says, “Ready?”
I nod and say, “I like hope they have a little girl’s room!”
He rolls his eyes, “Come on then! I’ve been wanting to introduce you for a long time, but I had hoped it would have been under better circumstances!”
I follow him into the building and immediately spy the restroom. I like make a beeline for it!
Much relieved, I like come out and see Daddy shaking hands with a nice-looking older gentleman. I hear him telling him that Momma couldn’t come because she had to work. Daddy waves me over and says, “Jacie, I’d like you meet an old friend of mine, Barnabas Jones! He has been our family lawyer for ages—well before you were born!”
The man smiles and gives my hand a gentle shake. He says, “Your Daddy has told me all about you—and has caught me up on what’s going on. I have a strict policy against bringing cell phones into my private office, so would you mind placing yours into this lock box? I assure you it will be fine—and right there when you’re ready to go. Trust me! I know how important they are to teenager girls!”
He winks at me and I smile. I place my phone into the lockbox along with Daddy’s. Mr. Jones closes the box and laughs, “Of course, that’s bogus—I don’t really have a ridiculous policy like that!”
I giggle, “Nice move, though, Mr. Jones.”
He laughs, “Jacie, Mr. Jones was my Grand-Pappy! Call me Barn—or Uncle Barn, if you rather.”
I nod, “OK, Uncle Barn. I like am getting more and more used to grown-ups asking me to call them by their first name. But it’s like still weird!”
He nods and says, “I know another little girl that thinks the exact same way… Anyway, we need to go through some legal things—then I want to introduce you to Rock Ford, my new detective associate. He is new to my team, since my long-time associate, Chuck Connors, moved to New York to head up the detective work at that office. He’s actually going to be in town this morning, though. George, you remember Chuck, right?”
Daddy nods and says, “Of course! It’ll be great to see him. So, he’s in New York, now?”
We go into Mr… Uncle Barn’s office and sit down while he and Daddy chat about Mr. Connors. I smell the coffee on the way in and he notices me sniffing it.
Ten minutes later, we’re all sitting again with a fresh cup of coffee and I can’t help but wonder who sits at the desk out front and if they like would normally be the one bringing in the coffee…
Anyway, we like go through a bunch of boring legal stuff…
What? Like, wills and stuff…
Anyway, after like about an hour—it seems more like three—there’s a light knock on the door and it opens a little. A pretty woman pokes her head in and says, “Sorry to interrupt, Hon, but we’re here.”
Daddy turns and looks at the woman, then jumps and says, “Brea! Congratulations, once again!”
She comes in and gives Daddy a giggle and a friendly hug then looks at me. Daddy says, “Brea, meet my...daughter, Jacie.”
I like notice the slight hesitation before the word ‘daughter’. I like don’t hold it against him, though—I’m like still trying figure that out, too.
Anyway, the woman smiles at me and says, “Hello, Jacie. It’s nice to finally meet you! Do you mind if I give you a hug? I’ve known your Momma and Daddy for a long time…”
Stunned, I like shake my head that I don’t mind and she gives me a friendly hug.
Uncle Barn says, “It may be a good time for a break…”
Brea says, “Yes, I’ll put on some fresh coffee. What would you like, Jacie? We have sodas…”
I say, “If you don’t mind, Ma’am, I’d like some more coffee?”
She giggles and says, “OK, then! But, only if you call me Brea! Aunt, if you must—I know how you young teenagers can be…”
I say, “Deal! Aunt Brea…”
She smiles and says, “I bet you’d like to get away from us old fuddy-duddies and socialize with someone your own age for a bit?”
I smile, like not knowing where she is going with this…
She opens the door and says, “Come on in, girls!”
I step back like in the nick of time as a blond whirlwind storms in, closely followed by an Asian-looking girl. Both rush over to Uncle Barn and he takes them into a huge hug.
They both shout, “Uncle Barn!”
At the same time, he says, “Day! Kim! Welcome to San Fran! It’s so great you could both come!”