Has anybody been waiting for this?
Ninety-Nine chapters of Fun! Plus 50 More!
Stella, someone who could give women drivers a bad name, literally knocks Charlie off his expensive racing bike. She discovers that Charlie, a research field biologist, has a secret. He's gearing up to transition as a woman, only he's too frightened to do it. Stella takes control and her brother, Simon, not only fancies 'Cathy' but falls in love with her.
Follow the mayhem in this romantic, and at times, adventurous story that rambles all over the place while Cathy, Simon and friends pursue their lives in an English university town. Keep the tissues handy, it has pathos, humour and real life, as Cathy deals with the triumphs and tribulations of being a woman.
More volumes to follow! Click on the image to buy now!
Angharad has donated proceeds from sales of this book to support BigCloset.
How does life keep getting more complicated for “Lady Catherine”? It’s as easy as falling off a bike!
Cathy finds herself in hot water more often than a tea bag, and brews up a steaming “cuppa” trouble! Daring rescues, Telly interviews, flailing yard brushes and leaping dormice — it all seemed like a good idea at the time! Between adventures, there still seems to be time enough to for a poignant interlude with a troubled student, a frightening crisis for Stella, and some sobering considerations of her relationship with Simon.
Our simple girl just doesn’t seem to be able to keep things simple as her ongoing adventures continue!
It seems Cathy isn’t the only one with a secret as we return for a second slice of her life. One thing is for certain it’s not going to make things any less complicated. Neither is a most unfortunate incident that occurs while doing the fieldwork on her postgraduate study.
Romantically things move on between Cathy and Simon and she gets to ‘meet the parents’ which is yet another unexpected challenge. And what of the threatening letters she is receiving? They still arrive and are becoming graver by the day. Is our unlikely heroine headed towards another confrontation?
Book 1 still available!
More volumes to follow! Click on the images to buy now!
Angharad has donated proceeds from sales of this book to support BigCloset.
You all know what it's about!
The continuing adventures of Cathy as previously told here on BigCloset! Collect them all!
Cathy is back and Kindle has got her this time. Follow as Cathy ponders who she loves, how much she loves them and what she would do to show her love. Watch as she faces off with fiancés, villains and crying children. Laugh and love with Cathy and her crew again!
Angharad has donated sales of the Bike series to DopplerPress and BigCloset.
It's the 12th Anniversary of the longest* story on BigCloset —maybe even the longest on the internet!
And we're celebrating with a new Kindle version of chapters 251-300!
Easy as Falling Off a Bike
If you haven't been following the adventures of Cathy and her friends, jump on for a ride through adventure, comedy, and suspense!
There's kidnapping and rescues and always Angharad's special ability with humor and heart!
*see comment below
With both of Cathy's parents now deceased the only thing tying her to Bristol appears to be their house.
While visiting to tie up some loose ends, Cathy is forced to put on her superhero costume (metaphorically at least) to save her former neighbours from their burning house – with Simon as her sidekick.
With her mission a success all that is left is to plan her father’s funeral and how to deal with her objectionable aunt.
If only they were the only issues she would have to worry about in the coming weeks.
Follow the continuing adventures of Cathy and her friends here and on Kindle. Proceeds from sales go to help BC.
If you've read and enjoyed the book or the story, leave a review on Kindle!
Yet more drama ensues as Cathy goes about her everyday life.
While she manages to avoid unwanted attentions at the university and narrowly escapes a dangerous driver, she is not so fortunate when it comes to an attacker who has a grudge against cyclists.
Angharad continues to devote proceeds from sales of Bike volumes to the support of BigCloset TopShelf. Thank you for helping by buying this e-book. The tales are much as they appeared on BC but with minor corrections.
And if you enjoy reading this as much as we think you do, please leave a review at Amazon. :)
The DopplerPress Staff
DopplerPress catalog on Kindle: 90+ Titles
For the first time in months, Cathy isn't dealing with much drama in her own life, but that's okay because Stella has a whole truckload to share.
In the moments where she's not saving Stella from herself, she has dormice to protect and more opportunities of wildlife documentaries to navigate.
Angharad continues to devote proceeds from sales of Bike volumes to the support of BigCloset TopShelf. Thank you for helping by buying this e-book. The tales are much as they appeared on BC but with minor corrections.
And if you enjoy reading this as much as we think you do, please leave a review at Amazon. :)
The DopplerPress Staff
DopplerPress catalog on Kindle: 90+ Titles
The ongoing story....
Cathy always tries to mind her business, unfortunately business doesn't give her the same respect. In fact it goes out of its way to send a fresh helping of drama her way in the shape of a three-year-old force of nature named Jemima.
Can she really help the girl, save the dormice and look after her nearest and dearest all at the same time?
Read more of Cathy's adventures! See the Bike Series Kindle Page:
Angharad has awarded proceeds from sales of Bike Kindle books to support BigCloset.
The continuing story of Cathy and friends...
With the courts finding in favour of Jemima staying with Cathy that allows her to live her life with no outside intrusion... doesn't it? Dream on, there's always somebody ready to judge, disapprove or even try to sabotage what they don't understand.
Add more dormice, cycling, Simon's remarkable family and the occasional unexpected hospital visit and you have another slice of the continuing drama that makes up Cathy's life.
Previously in the ongoing story....
Cathy always tries to mind her business, unfortunately business doesn't give her the same respect. In fact it goes out of its way to send a fresh helping of drama her way in the shape of a three-year-old force of nature named Jemima.
Can she really help the girl, save the dormice and look after her nearest and dearest all at the same time?
Read more of Cathy's adventures! See the Bike Series Kindle Page:
Angharad has awarded proceeds from sales of Bike Kindle books to support BigCloset.
She's at it again! Cathy deals with romance, rodents and renegade toddlers in this latest collected installment of her continuing adventures.
Our very own Cathy returns in another collection of her daily dramedy. Isn't that a kind of camel?
No camels but there might be a few dormice!
Check in with Angharad and Cathy and enjoy!
As if Cathy hasn't had enough drama to deal with already - the latest slice comes with an extra layer of buttercream and rainbow sprinkles.
When things get desperate will she buckle or will she come out fighting?
The whole series is available! See on Kindle
Cathy in all her funny, angsty melodrama!
Easy as Falling off a Bike
Volume 13
by Angharad
Now on Kindle from DopplerPress
Standing at the school gate with the other parents is harder than it looks. You try to say the right things to the right people, but somehow you always manage to ruffle someone's feathers. Even with a viscount fiance and a wildlife documentary about to be shown on TV, plus two adorable children...things still seem to end up bottle-shaped. But if Cathy's life were simple, she wouldn't recognize herself.... Now what?
More DopplerPress Books!
Latest edition of the collected Bike!
Cathy's search for an uncomplicated life would go so much better if only the remarkable things would just sod off and bother someone else. If only...
Cathy returns in more adventures!
As Cathy continues to sail across the ocean of life will she experience rough seas or smooth sailing?
With health challenges around every corner and suspicious behaviour ahead it's a good idea to keep the waterproofs handy.
An ongoing story
Cathy Rides Again!
Experience another slice of Cathy's life as she tries to live an ordinary existence while the universe makes other plans. Will she get Simon back, will the Russians ever leave her family alone, will she get the chance to fall off another bike?
The perennial adventurers of everyone's favorite Dormouse Wrangler continue in the latest collected volume!
Be sure to rate this book at Amazon!
Cathy's still at it!
Easy as Falling Off a Bike
Book 18
by Angharad
Buy on Kindle
Could Cathy's life get any more complicated? Of course it could!
Teenagers and drama certainly go together but no one could have foreseen what would happen when the latest person to receive Cathy's assistance tries to settle down into their new life.