Copyright © 2017 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.
There were days, when we were at my house, that Tammy was there. I'd stay as Tammy until it was time to take her home, then change back to Tom, because I'd always go in and talk to her mom and dad.
One day in late January, on the way to school, Amy and I heard on the radio that they were forecasting a blizzard, and it was supposed to hit sometime in the afternoon. At Noon the University decided to close down. So, Amy and I met up and headed for my house. My mother didn't have to work today, so she was home, and she told us that they were predicting that this blizzard could get nasty and last for a couple of days. She also said that dad had called, and he was on the way home and that if I'd arrived home before he did, that I was to be sure that there was enough wood in the house and on the back porch to keep the fireplace going for a few days. I knew he was worried about keeping the house warm if we lost power.
Amy and I braved the growing wind and moved wood from the wood stack on the porch into the house. Then we moved wood from the woodpile in the backyard to the stack on the porch. The porch is protected from the prevailing winds, so we shouldn't have any trouble bringing wood in from there. I also went to the basement and brought up four sleeping bags, and one of the kerosene lanterns. If the power went out, we'd camp out in the den in front of the fireplace.
We called Amy’s house, and the three of them were home. They were happy that Amy was with us, and they told her to just stay with us. Shortly after that my dad came home and said that it was starting to get nasty outside. We made sure the battery operated radio worked and that we had extra batteries. Also, that the flashlights were in working order, and that we had candles and matches handy. We knew that mom had enough food in the house for a week and then some. We cooked with gas, and the water heater was also gas-fired, so we should be able to cook and wash. If not, there was always the portable kerosene stove.
Amy had never laid a fire in a fireplace, so I showed her how to do it. We didn’t light it. We’d do that if, and when, the power went out.
We watched the local news at six, and they were reporting wind speeds of close to 30 miles per hour with gusts to 40. The temperature had dropped from 20 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. There was a steady snowfall, with drifting. We noticed a steady increase in the noise the wind was making, so it was getting stronger. They broke into the television programming at about eight o'clock and reported that the wind speed was now close to a steady 45 miles per hour with gusts to 55. The temperature had dropped to 10 degrees and was still falling. And the snow was still coming down.
Fifteen minutes later the power went out. We checked the phone, and it was still working. My dad lit the fire in the fireplace. Then he told me to go and turn all the water taps on to just a trickle to keep the lines from freezing. I grabbed a flashlight, and, with Amy, went to the basement, and turned on the spigots down there, and then came back upstairs and did the ones on this floor. Amy said, “Your dad has this down to a science. Doesn't he?”
“As with most things. Yes.”, I replied. “And he’s been through a few of these, so he has it down as what has to be done.”
When we were back in the den, there was a nice fire burning. Not a roaring fire, but one that would keep us warm. Mom and dad were in the kitchen moving perishables from the refrigerator into coolers, and then out onto the porch. Dad had fueled the lantern and had it lit.
Mom then brought out a deck of cards, and we taught Amy how to play hearts. As the house started to cool off, we put on winter coats, and mom made us all some hot chocolate.
Even with the fireplace going, the house cooled off quickly. Amy, even with a winter coat on, became cold. I retrieved a blanket from my room, and Amy and I cuddled together under it. My dad turned on the battery-powered radio, and we heard that the wind was still blowing at 45 miles per hour with gusts to 55. And the temperature was now down to zero. The snow was still falling, and we could hear the wind howling.
Dad suggested that we zip two sleeping bags together making one that would hold two of us, and that would help us keep warm. After we’d done that, we had two double sleeping bags. My mom then said, “Tom why don’t you and your dad use one bag, and Amy and I will use the other.”
“Mom!”, I said.
“Well, you and Amy aren't married.”
“Neither are dad and me.”
“Okay. Okay. But no funny stuff.”
“With you guys in the same room. No way.”
“Ah.”, my dad said. “We really shouldn’t wear our clothes in the sleeping bags. The moisture that’s in them will make the inside of the sleeping bag damp, and colder.”
“Oh.”, my mom said. “That’s right. I don’t want you two naked together in that sleeping bag!”
“Mother!”, I said. “Stop giving us a hard time. Amy’s cold, and you both know that we’re intimate. Can we just get into the sleeping bag?”
With a grin, mom said, “Sorry you two. I just couldn’t resist.”
Amy looked at my mother, and said, “I don’t want to hear any strange noises coming from your sleeping bag either.”
My sometimes straight-laced dad, with a sly smile, said. “You know. That's one way to stay warm.”
“Dad!”, Amy said. “That’s more information than I wanted to know. But … ”
“Just behave.”
“Yes, daddy.”, Amy and I said together.
We took turns in the bathroom. Then Amy surprised me by stripping, in front of my parents, down to her bra and panties, and crawling into the sleeping bag. She then removed her bra and panty and set them outside the bag. So, I stripped down to my undershorts, crawled into the sleeping bag with her, and removed my undershorts.
My mother did the same thing that Amy had. My dad then threw a couple of logs on the fire, and as he was getting into their sleeping bag, said, “Tom, we'll take turns keeping the fire going. You do midnight and four, and I'll do two and six.”
I said, “Sure thing.”
Amy whispered, “This is fun. I love cuddling with your naked body.”
“I know.”, I whispered back. “I could get used to doing it every night.”
“You don’t have protection with you. Do you?”
“Sorry. No. I could go get some.”
“Not now. I’m cold and want to cuddle.”
She rolled over with her back to me and cuddled up close. I wrapped my arm around her. Even with the wind howling outside, we were both warm and quickly asleep.
When I woke up at six, after doing my job at midnight and four, dad had a roaring fire going. I grabbed my undershorts, pulled them into the sleeping bag, and put them on. I crawled out of the sleeping bag, grabbed my clothes, and ran to the bathroom. Then I helped dad bring in more wood from the porch. When we finished, mom was up and dressed, but Amy was still in the sleeping bag.
“Amy.”, I said. “Come on. Time to get up.”
“No.”, she said. “It’s warm in here.”
“Come on. Or, I’ll unzip the bag, and everyone will see you in your birthday suit.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
I walked over to the sleeping bag and started to unzip it.
“Okay. Okay.”, Amy said. “Hand me my bra and panties.”
I did. As she went to put them on, she said, “They’re cold.”
I laughed and said, “They’ll warm up.”
She was quickly out of the sleeping bag, grabbing her clothes, and running to the bathroom. When she came back, she stood in front of the fire.
The wind was still howling outside, and from what dad said he’d heard on the radio, it was going to last another twelve hours.
I won’t bore you with the rest of the blizzard, other than to tell you that we had another night in the sleeping bags. The following morning the blizzard had ended, and the snow was now only flurries. The power finally came back on, and the snowplow made it down the street. Our driveway is situated such that the snow doesn't drift onto it. But of course the snowplow piled snow at the end of the driveway, and dad and I had to clear it.
Amy called home and found out that everyone there was in good shape. But they couldn't get out yet. The roads in their area hadn't been plowed. So, Amy spent another night here. Believe it or not, it was in my bed. My parents didn't say a word. I guess my parents are very liberal.
Things finally settled down. There was some tree damage in town, but not much more. Of course, when we saw our friends there were all kinds of stories. When Amy said that we'd spent two nights together in a sleeping bag, Maria had to say, “Did you guys behave yourselves?”
Amy replied with, “With Tommy’s parents right next to us. We had to. The third night, in his bed, no.”
Amy just grinned.
Later, when we were alone with Maria, she asked, “So, you two have finally done it.”
Amy grinned, as she said, “We have been for a while.”
“You never told me.”
“I have to have some secrets.”
“Wait a minute. You and Tom spent the night in his bed, and his parents knew!?”
Amy just smiled.
Then to wind Maria up a little, I said, “Oh. Didn’t we tell you, we’re married.”
“What!”, Maria almost yelled.
Then Maria saw the grin on Amy’s face, and said, “No you’re not.”
Then I grinned and said, “Gotcha.”
She just glared at me.
On a Friday in early February, Amy talked me into going shopping on Saturday as Tammy, and Maria was going with us. Amy was going to pick Maria up on the way to my house.
I took a nice shower, then started dressing. A pair of panties, and a matching bra with forms. Then a pair of tight jeans, a sweater, and my sneakers. Then I grabbed my makeup case and my wig and went to my mom and dad's room to do my makeup. As I usually do, for a daytime look, I went with less is more. A light touch of eyebrow pencil, a little mascara, and a pretty pink lipstick. I added the ear cuffs, then my wig. Then as I always do, when looking at Tammy in the mirror, I smiled.
I took my makeup case back to my room, slipped my glasses on, grabbed my purse, and walked to the kitchen. My mother was there, and when she saw me, she asked, “What are you up to today?”
“Amy, Maria, and I are going shopping.”
“You’re going to freeze your feet off in those shoes.”
“I know. I need to get some boots. And maybe a coat. Can I borrow one of your coats?”
“Sure honey. And check my boots and see if any will fit you.”
I went to my mother's closet and looked at her boots. She had a pair of brown leather, low heel boots, with a fleece lining. And they have both laces and a buckle. And are downright cute. That was the first pair that I tried. They were just a little tight. But I figured, what the heck, they’re a little tight, but cute, so I was going to wear them.
The boots didn’t look good with the jeans, so I went back to my room, and I looked for a skirt. I chose my kilt mini skirt. It hit me a couple of inches above the knees, and I knew that my legs would freeze. But the look was so cute.
While I was changing, I heard my mother answer the door. I figured that it was Amy and Maria. When I walked into the kitchen, Amy saw me, smiled, and said, “Well girlfriend, don’t you look as cute as hell.”
Maria turned around, looked at me, shook her head. and said, “Just how do you do this? I’ve seen Tammy a few times now, and every time I do, she looks better than the time before. It shouldn’t be possible for a boy to look this good as a girl.”
I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders.
The three of us climbed into Amy's car, actually her mom's car, and headed downtown. Even though it was cold, there were a lot of people there. We started walking down the street window shopping. The first store we went into was a shoe store. Was there any doubt.
I said, “I need to find a pair of winter boots.”
Maria asked, “What’s wrong with the ones you’re wearing?”
“There my mothers.”
“Well then, let's see what we can find.”
We looked around, and of course, there were a lot of cute things. I would love to buy them all. But I was trying to be practical. Finally, I found a pair of boots that I just had to have, and surprise, they were practical. It was a pair of leather over the calf, low heel, boot in brown. One of the clerks showed up, and I showed her the pair of boots that interested me. We sat as she measured my foot, and she said, “You wear a 7-1/2-B.”
After the clerk had gone to the storeroom to see if they had a pair of the boots in my size, Maria said, “Your foot is smaller than mine.”
“Mine are an 8B.”, Amy added.
“Sorry guys.”, I said with a smile.
The clerk came back with a box and sat down. She opened the box and took out a pair of socks. The socks were long, with a white lower part, and the top was a woven out of wool. The clerk told us that the boot manufacturer recommended the sock with the boot, and provided one pair. I put the socks on, then pulled the boots on, stood up, and walked around a little. The boots felt nice.
Amy said, “Tammy. Those are so cute, and would look cute with a pair of jeans,”
“Yes, they would.”, Maria agreed.
I walked out of the store with a new pair of boots. Then we headed to the lingerie store. We looked around the store for a little while, and both Amy and I bought new bras, and Maria bought some panties. While we were looking around, I saw something that I needed to ask my mother about.
The three of us then grabbed lunch down the street at the five and dime store’s lunch counter. As we were walking out of the store, we heard. “Hey. Amy. Maria.”
We turned and looked, and it was Larry Thomas, my best friend. I wanted to hide somewhere, but it was too late.
Amy and Maria said, “Hi Larry.”
Then Larry looked at me, and said, “You’re Tammy. Aren’t you?”
“Yes.”, I replied.
“I’m Larry. Tom’s best friend. I saw you with Amy that one time in the university parking lot.”
He remembered me after only seeing me that one time. “Oh. Okay.”, I replied.
Larry stood there for a while talking to the three of us. Then out of the blue, he said, “Tammy. You wouldn’t be interested in going to a movie tonight. Would you? There’s a good movie showing at the theater by the high school.”
I looked at him, and said, “A little forward aren’t you?”
“When I see a pretty girl. I just have to take the chance and ask. The worst that can happen is that you say, no.”
I then looked at Amy, and she had a little smile on her face. And Maria was grinning.
Amy said, “Tammy. Larry is a nice guy. You should go out with him.”
I looked at her in shock. She had a sly grin on her face.
Maria then said, “Yeah. He is a nice guy.”
“Please.”, Larry said.
I stammered, “Well ... I ... I ... I don’t know. I think we’re doing something with Tom’s family later. Besides, I do have a boyfriend. I should say, no.”
“It would just be a date. You know. Like a movie and a burger. Just a one-time thing. Could I call you at Tom’s later and see?”
“I ... I ... I guess.”
“Great. I have Tom’s number. So, I’ll call you later.”
“Oh. ... Okay.” And I thought, ‘How do I get out of this?’
“See you.”
After Larry had left, I said to Amy and Maria, “Thanks for the help guys.”
Amy was grinning, and said, “You handled him well.”
“Yeah. What am I going to do when Larry calls.”
“Tell him you’ll go with him.”, Maria said.
“No way.”
“Why not?”, Amy asked. “I think you should go out with him.”
“What! Are you crazy?”
“Just think. If you went out with Larry, he’d be able to tell all of his buddies that he went out with Tom’s fox of a cousin.”
“And he’ll end up figuring out that I’m Tom and go crazy. Not going to happen.”
“It could be fun.”
“You really do want me to go out with him. Don’t you?”
“Yeah. Maybe. You could see dating from the other side.”
“You’re crazy.”
I dropped the subject. And we went back to shopping. But I couldn’t get stupid Larry off my mind. We looked at some pretty clothes, more shoes, and some more lingerie. Then we headed home. We were dropping Maria off first. When we reached her house, and she was getting out of the car, she said, “Tammy. Behave yourself with Larry tonight.”
“Oh be quiet.”, I said.
As Amy and I headed to my house, it was in silence for a while. Amy finally asked, “What are thinking about.”
“How to tell Larry off in a nice way. Without hurting him.”, I replied.
“Just go out with him.”
“You, my fiance, really want me, a guy dressed like a girl, to go out with a guy. A guy that I grew up with, and knows my guy side very well. If he ever found out, he'd go nuts, and I'd have to move to Siberia.”
“It’s too cold there.”
“Why do you want me to do this?”
“I guess, to give you the experience of dating as a girl. To see how boys treat girls on a date.”
“What would I tell my parents?”
“Didn’t you tell me that they’d be gone this evening?”
“Yeah. What if something happens?”
“What’s going to happen?”
“I don’t know.”
“Nothing will happen. Larry’s a nice guy.”
“I know.”
“Tell you what. I’ll help you get dressed. I’ll even do your makeup for you. And I’ll still be there when you get back home.”
“Oh, God. I don't know.”
We pulled into my driveway, just as my parents were leaving. And we waved to each other.
As we walked into the house, I did something that I’d never done. I sat down at the kitchen table and cried. Amy saw me, and said, “Honey, don’t cry.”
“I ... I ... I just don’t know what to do. My fiancee wants me to go out on a date with my best friend. A guy. I'm scared to death that if I do, that he'll figure out that I'm a guy. And I'll lose his friendship, and maybe a lot of other friends.
“But ... But I’m really kind of curious to see dating from the girl’s side.
“What the hell do I do?”
“There’s my curious Tommy.”, Amy said. “Wanting to find out everything that he can. If you don’t want to do this, just tell him no when he calls.”
“If I do this, will you still love me?”
“Honey. I'll never stop loving you. I just know that you're very curious about everything. And need to learn about things. You've found that you have a girl's side. And I think that the girl side is as curious as your boy side, if not more so.
“Something has come up, that most boys will never, ever, experience. Being asked out by a boy. To go out on that first date. And seeing how a boy treats a girl.
“Honey. When I accepted your ring, I swore my undying love for you. So, I will always love you.”
I looked at her, smiled, and said, “Amy. You’re wonderful. And I love you.”
She walked over, bent down, and kissed me. Then, with a big grin, she said, “Just don’t kiss him.”
“No problem there.”
I was on pins and needles waiting for the phone to ring, and still trying to decide what I was going to tell Larry. I paced and sat. Paced some more, and sat some more.
Then it happened, the phone rang. I just stood there. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings. Amy finally said, “Just answer it.”
I took a deep breath, and on the fifth ring, I answered it. “Hello." ... "Oh! Hi, Larry. This is Tammy." ... "Well. I'll be happy to go to the movie with you." ... "Okay. Just remember, I have a boyfriend, and that this will be a one-time date." ... "I'm glad you understand that." ... "Okay. I’ll see you in an hour. Bye.”
I hung the phone up, looked at Amy. She was grinning, and said, “I’m proud of you.”
“Proud?”, I asked.
“You believe in yourself, and took the plunge into new territory.”
“Oh God.”
“What am I going to wear?”
Amy grinned, and said, “Now that sounds like a girl.”
“Trying to figure out what to wear to impress the boy.”
“I’m not trying to impress a boy.”
“You’re not? Then why the panic.”
“Oh. Oh. I don’t know.”
“Come on, let's see what will work.”
I followed Amy back to my room, and we started looking at my things. Amy then said, “If it was me. I’d go with your pink jeans, a white blouse, your fine chain necklace with the heart-shaped pendant, a couple of rings, a bracelet or two, and your ear cuffs. We’ll brush your hair into a nice look. I’ll do your makeup. Then, some nice perfume. It’s cold out there, be sure you take a coat. Don’t forget your purse. And, your glasses.
“Oh. And your new boots, with the socks, will look really cute.”
As I was dressing, my mind was going in a thousand different directions. Why the hell am I doing this? What are we going to talk about? What if I slip up and mention only something Tom would know? What if this? What if that?
After I’d dressed, Amy worked on my hair, really my wig, and she put it into an adorable look. Then she did my makeup. When I looked in the mirror, I was a little shocked, and asked, “Why such a sexy look?”
“Honey.”, she said. “You are a sexy girl. You should look like a sexy girl. Besides, you’re going on a first date, so you need to look your best. So, he’ll ask you out again.”
“What! Ask me out again. I don’t want that to happen.”
“All girls hope for a second date with a cute guy.”
“Not this girl. Larry may be cute, but he’s not my type.”
“What’s your type?”
“You are.”
She smiled. Then, I looked at the time, and said, “Oh God. He’s going to be here any minute.”
“Honey.”, Amy said. “Relax. It’s going to be okay. And you are going to be fine. Just let Larry think he’s having a date with a real fox.” As she handed me my glasses, she said, “Here. Don’t forget these.”
I didn’t have much time to worry. A few minutes later, we heard a car pull into the driveway, and a minute later the front doorbell rang. Amy said, “Go on. Answer it. Relax. Have fun. I love you. And, remember, let him do everything for you.”
A little over three hours later, Larry was walking me up to the front door. As I put my key in the door, I turned, and said, “Larry. Thank you for a very nice time.”
“Tammy.”, Larry said. “It was my pleasure to be out with a classy girl like you.”
He went to kiss me, and I didn’t stop him. I accepted the kiss. It wasn’t anything special. It was just a quick thank you kiss. Then, I said, “Good night Larry. See you sometime.”
“Good night Tammy.”, Larry said. “Thanks again for going out with me.”
I walked into the house, Amy was standing there with her hands on her hips, and she said, “You little hussy. I saw that kiss.”
“It was just a thank you kiss.”, I shot back.
Amy smiled, grabbed my hand, pulled me into the den, sat down on the couch, pulled me down next to her, and said, “Now. Tell me all about it.”
“No.”, I replied. “I don’t kiss and tell.”
“Oh really! It was that juicy.”
“No. We just went to a movie, and stopped for a bite to eat.”
“So, give me the details.”
“Okay. Larry was a real gentleman. He did open all the doors for me. Asked me where I wanted to sit in the theater. He bought the drinks and popcorn. And he helped me on and off with my coat.
“He did put his arm around me while we were watching the movie. That startled me at first, but then I remembered that I was a girl right now, and I relaxed with it.”
“Didn’t put your head on his shoulder. Did you?”
“There were also a few of our friends at the show. It was funny. He puffed out his chest like, look at me, I’m with this hot girl. I really had a hard time not laughing. And boy did we get some looks.
“After the show, we went to one of the hangouts, and he bought us hamburgers, fries, and cokes. And we just talked. It was funny how easy it was to talk to him.
“I did tell him that he was a very nice guy and that I'd enjoyed our date. But, as I'd hold him before, it had to be a one-time thing.
“I told him again that I thought that he was a really nice guy. I also thanked him for a really nice time.
“We just chatted some more on the way home. And you saw the rest.”
“So, did you enjoy your first date with a guy?”
“My first and last date with a guy. Yeah. Once my nerves calmed down, it was enjoyable.”
“Told you so. I think since you're getting engaged, that we need to get you an engagement ring.”
“Ah. Why?”
“So, most of the boys will stop hitting on you.”
“Not all?”
“No. A ring won’t stop them all.”
“A ring could be expensive.”
“I bet we can find a piece of costume jewelry that would look good.”
Amy and I said a long goodnight. After we had broken one of our kisses, I said, “You sure kiss a hell of a lot better than Larry did.”
“Lover.”, Amy said. “You kiss better than any girl I’ve ever kissed.”
“You’ve kissed girls this way?”
“No.”, Amy, with a big smile, said. “I imagine that kissing a girl is a lot like kissing Tammy. Soft, sensuous, with a sweet taste of lipstick.”
“Are my kisses different when I'm Tammy then when I'm Tom.”
“Yes. Tom kisses like the man I love. Tammy kisses like a sweet young girl that I also love.”
“Yes. I love it either way.”
“No preference?”
“No. I'll take it any way I can get it. But only from you.”
Sunday morning I walked into the kitchen, and my mother was there. And as I was eating some breakfast, I said, “Mom?”
“Yes, honey.”, she replied.
“I saw something yesterday when we were out shopping.”
“What was that?”
“We were in the lingerie store, and I saw a different type of breast form.”
“Did they look real, and were they filled with a liquid?”
“Yeah. How did you know?”
“I’ve seen those. Want a set?”
“I’d like to try them.”
“I was talking with a couple of ladies that have them, and they said that they feel very natural.”
“Really. In what way?”
“They said that they have some weight to them and move naturally.”