Naboo - not in Essex County...
“Do you think she knows?” Taradme looked at her sister and half frowned. Areleni stepped closer and whispered.
“If she doesn't know, then our queen is blind and deaf, sister mine.”
“Will she...I mean...even least she will only know I love her.”
“As your Queen? Or much more? We can only hope, Taradme...just hope.”
At Panera Bread, a short while later
“Go to your friend and listen to what she has to say. The only thing you need to say besides sorry is to tell your friend you want to listen to her, okay?” Tiffany nodded and smiled through the tears that continued to fall. She was ashamed and embarrassed, but Eric instilled something in her that began to make the hurt feel ‘all better,’ as they used to say. She had broken the friendship she shared with Sandy and even with Mika, but something inside was growing that she could trust to help mend the rift. Tiffany had hope.
Jamillia vowed to herself to keep things as hidden as possible; even if it meant disappointment. She had an entire life ahead of her after all once the new Queen assumed the throne. No diplomatic assignment for Jamillia, she had also vowed. Off planet with a life attuned to her inevitable solitude, should she actually survive her reign? Her thoughts were beyond pensive until Areleni interrupted her train of emotivation.
“My Queen? Whom shall we all be today? I hope that we continue to provide you with much more than mere protection. We…. We wish to give you a hopeful future that includes friendship…” She paused; turning aside to glance at her sister Taradme. If either had any hint of influence in Jamillia’s life, they would…they would try as best they could to see their Queen happy. Taradme’s shook her head; hoping that the conversation would go no further, but fate and the goddess had other plans.
“I think you should be Queen today, whilst your sister and I provide you with protection, yes?” Jamilia laughed and pointed to the table filled with cosmetics and the closet filled with a vast array of clothing.
“I shall be the protector and your sister as well. Since I suppose I must learn to accept the end of my reign.” Her voice tailed off as her eyes met Taradme’s; each girl holding painfully tragic secrets. That Taradme was once a young man of Naboo mattered not to Jamillia; the heart wants what it wants. But she also feared love that threatened daily to be cut short by death; her own or the girl she had come to love.
And Taradme feared everything that included a future. She could not envision a life; much less happiness and love. They would have kept their secrets but for the coming hours of that day; hours that brought along with it the glimmer of futures for all three girls that would include no more heartache and loss for the lives plotted out for them by whatever goddess might devise…
On Earth with soup and remorse…
As Eileen and Tiffany prepared to leave, Eric waved at them as he finished a call on his cell phone.
“Class was cancelled. Mr. Grabowski’s Dachsie had her litter, and we’ve just got review online today. Do you mind if I tag along when you go seen your friend?” Eileen smiled and spoke; her hand raised in caution to Tiffany.
“I think that would be very helpful for everyone, Eric.” She smiled warmly at her daughter; not meaning to be abrupt. Tiffany rubbed her nose with her sleeve nervously but smiled back. Turning to her cousin, she spoke; her head cast down just a bit.
“I…I’d like that, Eric. Okay?”
At Sandy’s house…
“Mika and Sandy are in back yard with Leia,” Lisa said, pointing to the scene through the double doors to the girls and the six-year old Sheltie.
“Better to get their minds on something a bit more serene than the past two days.” Lisa sighed,
“Do…Do you mind if I ask a question,” Anya said nervously. Lisa missed the body language and tone altogether and went into her parent-first mode.
“She’s known since before first grade.” Anya smiled at the information she had already gained months ago as an ally-mom of Mika. She breathed out a heavy sigh and rephrased…restated …clarified.
“When Serge died, I was left with a void, but at least there was a hole that had been filled for so long. How…You sorta said that Sandy’s father never loved you?”
“He loved me…us I n his way. He was hurt as a kid and never dropped his guard. And I…I never really loved him. I …We stayed together at the beginning for Sandy’s sake, but it was more her loss than mine when her father moved out. And even at that, we’ve…I never…”
“Do you ever wonder about …about another?” Anya hadn’t meant to project her own longing on Lisa, but apparently the West Essex Pantheon had recruited some non-descript romance deity to speed things along as evidenced by the growing redness on both their faces. Lisa smiled nervously; prodded along by the goddess of suburban lonely-hearts.
“Can I… Would you? Can we?” Anya started to cry; knowing without knowing why. She nodded and stepped close to Lisa. What some might have expected would have called for a romantic kiss instead demanded two quick kisses on each other’s cheeks before the whole moment dissolved into a very long, tender, and not altogether bereft of romance embrace. Anya would never again know the hug of her first love, but in an instant felt the beginnings of first hugs from her last love ever. And Lisa would know love…real love…for the very first time…
The three young ladies had just finished preparing Areleni to be the decoy queen when Miradme hurried into the ante-chamber.
“I’m sorry to disturb you,” she said as her gaze darted between the three. Even Jamillia’s own kin would have been sorely pressed to tell the three apart. She chose to speak while moving her look between them.
“An emissary from Coruscant, my lady,” she said with a soft laugh. While Arleni and Taradme were capable as bodyguards and decoys, she wondered if either of the two had assumed the role of the sovereign, and how well that would bode for any communication. Areleni stepped forward; the day’s chosen substitute was more than resplendent in form and function as she took the royal mentor’s hand and was quickly led to the throne room; leaving the queen and her remaining bodyguard alone…perhaps dangerously and happily at the same time.
“I must beg your pardon, my queen,” Taradme said in a hushed and shameful tone.
“Why, my child?” A royal endearment from one young woman to another nearly two years her senior, but with all the gentle charm of a true caring servant. She stepped forward; both physically and in choice of demeanor as she touched Taradme’s cheek.
“You have nothing to ask that I am not willing to bestow.” Jamillia looked away; her eyes already filling with fearful tears over love forbidden in so many ways. But time was both growing long and short as they say, and she spoke.
“You forget that your queen knows who you are, but even more so, knows who you once were Taran. The boy/girl/woman shuddered in sadness over the reminder. She could never be anything but a weak young man in the service of a real woman. Jamillia redoubled her efforts to console and spoke haltingly.
“I may not be a queen forever, dear one, but I most certainly will be a woman whose heart you have stolen.” She wiped Taradme’s tears away with the long flowing sleeve of her robe,
“I am not the young man you seek, oh queen, even if you are the one I have most ashamedly and in ways forbidden have fallen in love. I ….” She looked down at herself; the irony of the sameness of their garb being lost by her and embraced by Jamillia.
“You are a woman, Taradme; first last and always, and in only a short while you and I can be together.” Jamillia pulled Taradme close and bestowed upon the young woman a regal gift of a romantic kiss; reserved usually between a queen and the male consort chosen for her, but now between two women of Naboo.
“You have my heart, Taradme, and I give it willingly and forever,” Jamillia said at last as she embraced the woman who had never really been a young man, but had been the one true gift from the goddess to the soon to be servant of the next Queen of Naboo.
“Greetings to you, Oh Queen most excellent and beautiful.” Had Areleni’s face not bee adorned with so much makeup, the young man would have seen the dark red of her cheeks. He laughed softly nonetheless.
“Do you not recall our first meeting…Areleni of Theed? Yes, I know you are not the Queen. I should know my own cousin, yes?” Andel Thane smiled and bowed with a flourish.
“She and all of her successors will always require attendants, even if they take her place from time to time. My visit was intended to be purely personal instead of as an envoy. And now even more so, since I rather enjoy knowing that you and I are not kin. In time, perhaps, when our paths meet, I might be permitted to make more acquaintance of you? But for now, I await your word and I await a nice visit shortly with my cousin?” He took Areleni’s hand and kissed it gently. She pulled away and ran quickly from the room.
“I shall take that as ‘perhaps?” He laughed.
“My Queen? Your cousin Andel Thane awaits without,” Areleni said abruptly; causing Jamillia and Taradme to pull apart with a start. She looked back and forth between the two; immediately discerning the moment and the implications beyond. Taradme stepped back with a look of shock as her sister nodded her head. Jamillia pulled her new love close and squeezed both hands with a hurried kiss.
“We have time, dear heart. And soon time will mean little while still meaning everything. My time as sovereign is soon at an end, but my life is just begun. And we have hope.
Anya and Lisa came up for air, as the old saying goes; met all at once with the inquisitive stares of Mika and Sandy and the sound of the doorbell. Mika walked to the door; opening it to find Eileen and Tiffany…. Along with a vaguely familiar young man. She waved cautiously at Tiffany and smiled at the girl’s mother; hopefully thing would be better for Sandy by the time the day was done. The three walked in at Mika’s welcoming gesture.
“Lisa? I believe my daughter has something she needs to say to Sandy?” Eileen stepped aside. The moment might have been entirely embarrassing and shameful for Tiffany but for her own eagerness to make amends. Being shamed and being ashamed are two entirely different thing. Tiffany was rightfully ashamed of her behavior toward her friend. And no one can forgive on behalf if another but it was very appropriate that Mika hugged Tiffany before ushering her over to Sandy.
“Maybe we can all go out on the patio while these two talk?” Anya suggested. It was completely coincidental that her suggestion might serve to deflect from her own discomfort over her new-found expression of support for Lisa. Whatever else her presence might serve for Sandy’s issues, it was understandably her new devotion… her rekindling of feelings dormant since her husband’s passing. But that did little to alleviate her feeling awkward and sadly ashamed about her love for the girl’s mother. Lisa noticed Anya’s discomfort and leaned close; whispering.
“Plenty of love and support in this house to cover everyone’s need,” she said but added in a normal volume,
“Tea and some Danish?” She walked over to Eileen and offered a hug.
“I think that’ll be just fine?” Eileen nodded with a tearful smile. The moment was not quite ready for a God bless us everyone benediction, bit Mika felt oddly blessed as Eric sidled up to her and spoke.
“I guess you don’t remember me?” He laughed softly as her eyes widened in recognition.
“Erica? Oh…..” Her face reddened.
“It’s okay, Mika? You probably haven’t seen me since I ….It’s okay…really.” Mika nodded but her face was still a bit red and very hot.
“You… are you at Whippany Park?” She stammered. And not just because of the mix-up in names. He smiled.
Mostly, but I’m in the middle of work… pre-accepted at Essex Community.”
“You’re in college? I thought you were ….”
“ I'm just sixteen…. I’m…” He could have said smart; brilliant, even. He continued
“I’m blessed.” Mika couldn’t help thinking, ‘I’ll say,” whole hoping she didn’t vocalize that thought. Happily or not her own awkwardness was interrupted.
“Are you here to help your cousin?” Mika asked. Eric smiled.
“Moral support for everyone, I guess.” Mika did not know why, but she took Eric’s hand and shook it.
“Everything is ready,” Lisa said, pointing to the patio through the open sliding door to the back yard, Mika nodded as they walked out’ barely aware that Eric still held her hand.
Meanwhile, in Sandy’s bedroom…
“I am so sorry,” Tiffany pled. At one time, her remorse might have fit in just a little bit of understanding over the hurt she caused her best friend while focusing on her own disappointment. But she was a changed young lady.
“You…. When we met last year the first thing you did was tell me how sorry you were about how the other girls had teased me…” She gasped; trying without success to stifle a sob.
“The…the same girls I was with… the same girls who helped put the stupid poster over your locker. I…” was all she could manage before she started to cry, The moment was oddly but appropriately flip-flopped as the offended comforted the offender as Sandy held the sobbing girl in her arms.
“It’s okay” Sandy repeated; soothing and calming tones that brought forgiveness and restoration to a couple of girls poised in the –threshold of womanhood.
“I….Can I…Can I be your friend again?” Tiffany sobbed. Sandy kissed her on the cheek; forever sister-to-sister.
“I never stopped being yours", Sandy said; leaving Tiffany no recourse but to burst out in relieved sobs.
“It’s okay.” Sandy repeated as relieved tears streamed down her own face.
Andel sat on a divan in the living chamber of Queen Jamillia. Across from him sat three young ladies of Theed. Both the Queen and her consorts had changed garb and all three were clad in attractive if less ornate gowns. Without the mufti of Queen and attendants all three looked as if they were three sisters of age and origin. And as much as all three were attractive He had eyes only for Areleni even as Jamillia and Taradme tried very hard not to make eye contact. Andel laughed softly and spoke,
“My cousin Queen? Look not upon your humbler servant as anyone but a mere messenger? I am happy for you and your consort; even if you feel the need not to look happy at all? And as someone who lived very long ago in planet I can hopefully say even if just now and never again just that I remember two children from my childhood.” He leaned a bit closer as if he needed to keep secrets in an already secure place.
“Two children. A very sad scared little boy and a little girl who was also sad but only for the sad little boy. I hope that my presence here serves, if surprising even to me; to usher in a future where I can be a small part in making that little girl happy and that I am privileged to see my cousin happy and that… she has found a young woman who will bring her joy….
The following year would find a new Queen and that her predecessor had decided to forgo a diplomatic future other than that Jamillia was entirely devoted to a life of wedded diplomacy to her partner Taradme. The year also greeted the newest senator from Naboo; Andel Thane; also newly married to Areleni of Theed…
It should also be noted in some lesser –known circles that Miradme, former mentor to the royal office of Naboo, had retired to a life of quiet contemplation as a servant of the goddess Shiraya as well as to her life-partner Lady Riadne of Theed….
The arena was packed with young and old alike dressed in a wonderful array of costumes. It might be noted that six figures almost stood out from the rest. Two young ladies dressed in the garb of Naboo; a Queen and her consort, but really BFF from Florham Park. Tiffany wasn’t seeing anyone at the moment, while Sandy had just been given permission by her mom to date a girl from her Spanish class.
A boy and a girl trailed behind them; the boy dressed as an X-Wing pilot and the girl as a Jedi Palawan; both using their free hands to point out interesting costumes while holding onto each other with their other hands. Wonder and affection.
And bringing up the rear of the short entourage were two women; forty-ish and lovely. Lisa wore the uniform of a resistance officer while Anya strolled casually’ clad in the garb of Mon Mothma, And while the first two were giddy and happy and the second two were exploring new lives and new affection, the last two were deeply and incredibly in love newlyweds…. Living what someone would note was the evidence that one could change the world because as someone also recalled, they had…. A New Hope.
Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do
Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way
Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say
Hello in this cafe
Say you will
Marry Me (cover of Train)
As performed by Samantha and Emily Schultz
Pat Monahan, David Katz, Sam Hollander
Rey’s Theme
Composed by John Williams
from the motion picture
Star Wars: The Force Awakens