Author's Note:I was able to get this one finished fairly quickly, its amazing how much time I've had to write. Maybe staying home the last day and a half with a broken toe had something to do with it, HA! I do want to warn you though, this chapter deals with the backstory of one of the main characters. Its really dark, maybe darker than I originally intended, but I felt it important in showing why she is the way she is. Hope you all enjoy. ~Rebecca
That Monday morning I found myself staring in the mirror, I had already showered gotten my vest on and dressed. I was standing there with my glasses on, staring at that girl in the mirror. Her longish blonde hair and earrings made a stark contrast to the glasses and polo shirt, she didn’t even look like a girl trying to be a guy anymore, just a sort of hot nerdy looking girl. I was worried, in a way, about what people would think, but not actually scared anymore. I was still deep in thought when my Mom came in to check on me.
“Mom I think I jumped the gun on my hair and everything, maybe I should have waited a few more weeks. I can’t find a way to do anything that doesn’t make my hair still scream girl”, I tell her.
“I thought about that after you left to go to Jen’s I think I have something that will help a bit.” She tells me. Then she brings her hand and what she was holding from around her back, she hands me this black and gold wool watch cap. Turning it over in my hand I see the embroidered Yellow Jacket on it, it’s one of my school’s caps. She tells me, “I went to The Lodge last night and picked that one up, and a couple of others. Figured it was cold enough they wouldn’t say anything about you wearing it.”
I grinned, brushed my hair back and slipped the cap on, there was still blonde hair sticking out and you could even see the highlights but it was a bit better. “Thanks Mom, guess this will have to do.” Taking one last glance at the mirror, I still couldn’t see any trace of the boy I once thought I was. Shrugging my shoulders, I headed to eat breakfast with my parents to get a start to my day.
Once I got to school, I did find Alicia waiting at my locker before class. When she saw how I was trying to hide Rebecca, she gave me a soft smile and then a hug.
“I just wanted to see you this morning, are we still okay?” She asked.
“Yeah of course we are, you have no idea how relieved I am that we got all that out in the open. You’re still one of my best friends and I never stopped caring about you, okay?” I tell her, noticing her still smiling at my attire I add, “I think I got carried away with my hair and stuff, this is the best I could do.”
“You look fine, honestly you do.” She smirked as she said it so I just rolled my eyes. “You are coming back to eat with us, right? The girls have been wondering why you haven't been back, and I never told them anything. I’d really like to see you there.” I just nodded and gave her another hug before heading to AP Biology.
I did notice a few people giving me questioning looks as I walked to class, I did my best to ignore them though. I could feel my anxiety starting to build, what the hell was I thinking this weekend. I did get a grin from Jen when I took my seat, actually it was more than a grin she was fighting to keep from laughing.
“You know your disguise is starting to fail, but you do look cute… In a nerdy kind of way.” She giggled.
“I know, I know… Just three and a half more weeks is all I’ve got to hold it together.” I say. Thankfully with my grades I’ve been exempted from most of my mid-term exams, except my AP courses of course. My AP exams were why I had the half a week left.
I made it to lunch period and so far, no one had said anything to me, but I have noticed a few odd looks mostly from other girls. Most people had been ignoring me for years and it was like they knew something was different, but weren't familiar enough with me to place what it was. When I made it to the lunch table with my tray of food I saw everyone was already there. Alicia jumped over to make a spot for me between her and Jen, she gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.
Obviously noticing Alicia’s display, Holly said, “Well it’s about time you two made up, now would you tell me what happened? She hasn’t said anything.”
I looked thankfully at Alicia for a moment, then told Holly, “I’d like to keep it between us if that’s okay, it was mostly just bad miscommunication… It was my fault...” I added.
Alicia corrected me, “No it was both of us, we were both at fault.”
Karen told me, “Well we missed you, ya know just because you two had a fight didn’t mean you had to ditch all of us.”
“Yeah… I’m sorry about that… It was just that, well she was friends with y’all first… I wanted to give her some space… She needed her friends… So I just, well… You saw…” I managed to get out. The girls at the table got really quiet for a moment thinking about what I said.
Finally, it was Holly that spoke, “You really are a good guy Robbie, I doubt any of these other ‘boys’ would have done that for her…” She then gave me a look of admiration, which suddenly turned into surprise. “Holy Shit!!! You got your ears pierced!! She exclaimed loud enough for at least a quarter of the cafeteria to hear.
“Geez Holly! Could you have said it any louder?” I blurted out. I can see people around me looking over at the table. I really started regretting getting everything done on Saturday right at this moment, then I looked directly across the table from and saw how Robin was staring at me. While yes, she had a look of shock on her face like the others, there was also obviously a look of realization. I just stared back at her and watched her eyes bounce from my ears, to the hair stuck out from under my cap, to finally my hands which were still sporting clear manicured polish. I should have been terrified that she had found out, but I was oddly calm. When her eyes met mine again I just leaned over and whispered to her, “See… I told you that you would have thought I was a boy.”
The girls were asking a bunch of questions, which I honestly wasn’t paying attention. Thankfully Jen saw the exchange between me and Robin and started answering the questions for me. Robin had placed her hand over her mouth in disbelief and shook her head. Figuring since the cat was out of the bag, I gave her a sad smile, pulled my glasses off and started cleaning them with my shirt. I then looked back to Robin and raised my perfectly shaped feminine eyebrows as if to go “SEE!” Her eyes opened really wide as she looked down at her plate, so I put my glasses back on and rejoined the conversation.
Over the next five minutes the girls kept on asking me why I not only got both my ears pierced, but two in each ear? They then noticed my hair that was sticking out was lighter than my hair normally was. They begged me to take my cap off so they could see my hair, but I just said it didn’t turn out like I had expected and I wasn’t ready to let anyone see. The whole time Robin never once looked back at me and sat there staring at her hands in thought. Even when I got up to leave and said my farewells she never acknowledged me. As I was headed out Alicia caught up with me and asked, “What was all that about with Robin?”
I just smiled calmly and told her, “Robin saw me yesterday at church… She knows now, she just figured it out…”
“Oh no, I need to talk to her before she can…”, She started to say before I cut her off.
“It’s okay Alicia, if she asks you about me go ahead and tell her. If she tells people that’s fine with me, I’m sick of hiding.” I tell her. She gives me a very worried look, I just grab her in a quick hug and light kiss on the cheek and tell her I’ll see her in last period.
Thanks to Holly’s announcement at lunch I definitely took a lot of heckling about my ears being pierced. Thankfully nobody paid enough attention to notice my shiny clear nails, or my lightened hair. I did my best to ignore it, or even laugh with them as they tried to poke fun at me. That always throws people off when you start making jokes about yourself before they can, it was a trick I had learned a few years ago. It made the rest of the day that much slower to pass by. Thankfully, my teachers appeared to be oblivious to my changes, at least until I got to health class. Ms. Mason kept giving me odd stares most of the way through class, I was hoping she couldn't place my changes but honestly who knew. I started counting the seconds just to keep distracted until the bell rang.
When class started out, Jen and Alicia both stuck right by my side. I could tell they were both worried, and while I appreciated it there wasn’t anything they could do. Or so I thought. I was really distracted and I had gotten fairly careless about my surroundings since my altercation with the football players a few months ago. I never saw the Chris’ coming until it was too late. Suddenly I got shoved into one of the lockers, while the bigger of the two, Chris Jenkins, held me in place.
“Well well, if it isn't the little faggot with the dainty earrings.” Chris Jacobs sneer at me.
While I was really strong and muscular from my exercising, Jenkins was much stronger and heavier than my 148 lbs. There wasn’t anywhere I could go pinned as I was.
Jenkins just laughed and his hot breath almost made me gag. Noticing the face I made from the stench of his breath he yelled out, “Hey look the little queer is going to cry!”
“Fuck you both, why don’t you let me up and fight me fair and square you fucking cowards!!” I yelled back, I was so pissed. Looking dead into the eyes of Jenkins, I say as venomously as I can, “Dumbass since you’re so good at holding things for him, I bet he even has you hold his dick when he pisses!!” I knew what was coming because I knew how they were going to fight. Jenkins would use his strength to hold me down while Jacobs would pummel me while I was helpless. I was so angry right now I didn’t care how bad they beat me, I wasn’t going to cower anymore.
“Hey look!! Bitch boy finally grew a pair!!” Jenkins said, his laughing started turning to a sneer. I got him pissed, I got to him… The beating would be worth it. As I saw Jacobs come at me, Jenkins started to draw his fist back, I got him angry enough he wanted to hit me first so he let go of my arm to do so. While he had my shoulder pinned against the locker, I used my free hand to drive my thumb into his solar plexus hard enough I tried to touch his spine. As he doubled over I turned and tried to brace myself for the impact I was sure Jacobs was about to hit me with, he was close enough he should have hit me already. I looked real quick to see Perk, the giant lineman, holding him by the back of his neck with one hand and lifting him up enough he was barely touching the floor with his toes.
“Don’t you think two against one is a bit unfair? I think it’s unfair, let’s just say it’s unfair.” The big guy said to him jokingly. “You do know this little dude is a lot more bad ass than he looks. Well since your buddy is trying to catch his breath, it looks like it’s a fair fight again so looks like it’s your turn now.” The big guy easily sets the asshole back on the ground and lets go of him, I can see the wheels turning in Chris’ head. He glanced at his friend and back at me, who was ready to go 9, make that 19 rounds with him.
“I think we’re cool” Chris said as he bent down to help his larger friend to his feet.
I should have shut up, but I was still so angry so I blurted out, “Like I said a fucking coward!! Both of them!!” Perk gave me a look saying to shut the hell up dude. I sorta wince slightly and just shrugged my shoulders as if to say, oops.
The two bullies had started to walk away, they got just far enough out of reach before Jacobs yelled out, “Well at least we aren't a fucking fairy with earrings you faggot!!!” I bristled at that and was about to run after them until I felt a very large hand on my shoulder.
“Dude it’s over.” Perk said looking at me worriedly. “You have a death wish or something?”
Trying to calm down I took a few deep breaths and looked up at the big guy. I’m actually pretty tall at 5’11 but still looking up at this big guy is frightening. “I’m good” I finally say. “They just pissed me off is all. I’m okay.” I start breathing easier when he removes that giant paw off my shoulder.
I then see him looking at my face, then he said, “Well you'd have to expect them two to mess with you. Dude why’d you get both your ears pierced? Twice?” He looked confused then asked a bit more softly, as if his voice didn’t carry like he was whispering into a megaphone. “I know if you get one side pierced or the other it means you’re straight or gay.. What is this supposed to say.”
Against my better judgemen,t I started getting mad at Perk, which I knew was stupid. “It doesn’t mean a damn thing other than I wanted to get my ears pierced!! Why the hell does everything have to mean something?!” I exclaim. Which strangely causes the big guy to back off just a step.
“Hey I didn’t mean anything by it, I was just wondering since you’ve been to my house tutoring me if you were… well…” He started stammering. I knew he was trying to ask if I was gay, but it wasn’t from anger he was actually worried. What he was worried about I couldn’t decide because Alicia interrupted us both before I could figure it out.
“Perk trust me, what he is, is the last thing you are thinking right now.” She said loudly, I looked at her trying to figure out what she was up to but before I could do or say anything she stepped right up to me and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me with everything she had. She pulled back and winked at me, and whispered “Kiss me back dummy, trust me.” Then leaned in again so I did the best I could do.
After several long moments, and my heart was about to burst out of my chest she let go smiling seductively at me and look around at the shocked expressions of the crowd around us. She immediately started giggling. That’s when Jen stepped in.
“Ok you two, now that the show is over can we all go?” Jen said impatiently. Alicia and I both nodded as I grabbed my backpack. When we started to walk away from the crowd, Alicia wrapped one arm in mine and just waved to everyone as we walked out the building. It was the most people and at the same time the quietest that I’ve ever seen the halls before. Not knowing what had just happened I walked out arm in arm with Alicia and Jen clasping my other hand in a daze.
I started to come to my senses when we got into the parking lot, “Alicia why in the hell did you do that?”
“Rebecca, don’t you realize that now your pierced ears are the last thing people are going to talk about”, she said softly, but with a mischievous grin.
“Yeah but don’t you realize what is going to happen once everyone finds out the truth about me by New Years? They are going to start in on you, and you too Jen, just for being friends with me.” I plead with them.
“Shut up!” Jen blurts out. “You’re our friend and we’re not going to abandon you okay!” Alicia just nodded smugly.
“Okay okay, I’m sorry. I’m just worried about y'all okay… I don’t want you to get hurt, being friends with me.” I mutter. They both stop walking forcing me to stop as well, then they both crush me in a hug from both sides while both of them smothering my cheeks in kisses. When they let me go they were both giggling.
Much more seriously they look at me and Alicia says softly, “Well we're worried about you and we're going to be there no matter what. You’re not going to get rid of us.” We are close to where my car is parked, when I look up I see Robin leaning against my VW.
She looks upset, but also confused. When we get close enough she says, “Robbie we need to talk, or should I call you Rebecca now?” I looked around and didn’t see anyone around and I sighed.
“Rebecca is fine, since there really isn't anything left of Robbie anymore…” I say softly. I can feel both Jen and Alicia squeeze my hands trying to give me strength.
“You knew already Alicia? I assume this was what your fallout was about wasn't it?”
“Yeah I found out after the Halloween Party… I blew up really bad, but it wasn’t her fault… She told me before we could only be friends, and I pushed her too hard and she finally told me to keep me from falling any further.” She told Robin.
“You fell for her? What the… What the hell is going on? Who are you really?” She asks me directly. She’s not mad at me, I can tell that at least… She looks like she's just really confused.
“Look this conversation is going to take a lot more privacy than this parking lot offers. Jen, could we go over to your house? I need to change anyway.” I ask.
“Yeah we can do that… I’ll call Mom at work when we get there and let her know we’re there. She’ll be okay with it. You both can call your parents to let them know where you're at and she can drive you home when were done.” Both girls agreed to that, Robin still staring at me though with that odd expression.
“Why do you need to change? I'd rather you tell me what's going on first.” Robin told me.
“You’ll see, and actually I NEED to change Robin… I’ll explain when we get there. Jen, you and Robin will have to sit in the back, there isn’t much room and you two are the smallest.” I sigh.
It took a few minutes to get them situated in what was supposed to be a back seat, and we started towards Jen’s house. On the way, Alicia kept her hand on mine trying to calm me while I drove. I told Jen to go ahead and start filling Robin in on the basics so I hear her talking behind me. I keep thinking I should be afraid, I should be worried. I guess I was just resigned that this was going to happen more and more frequently so it just needed to be done.
By the time we got untangled out of the car and into the house everyone made their required phone calls, including mine to let Paul know I won’t make our run. Then I figured we might as well as keep talking while I change. I hoped that it would help with the explanation. “Why don’t we all go up to Jen’s room, that way we can keep talking while I change.”
Robin started to frown, but quickly Alicia told her, “It’s okay Robin, you need to see her anyway. Even though it still shocked me, it made me realize and understand she’s really Rebecca…” Hesitantly she did follow us up the stairs at least.
The first thing I did was pull off my glasses and cap, that damn thing had made my head itch something fierce. As I was brushing out my hair to something that appeared someone civil, Robin just stared intently. Once my hair was brushed out and my contacts in I hesitated for a moment, then asked her, “Are you ready for this?” She barely gave me a perceptible nod. I had already dug out of my change of clothes, so I stripped off my Polo shirt and then the vest. I felt my breasts bounce once they were released from their spandex confinement, almost as if they were jumping for joy.
“Oh my god… They are real…” Was all Robin got out, honestly it made me giggle softly.
“Yeah trust me they are, I’ve been hiding them for several years…”, I tell her softly, then deftly hook my bra and get the girls settled in the cups which were starting to get tight. Then taking a deep breath I strip off my shoes and socks and then my jeans follow…I was just standing there in front of Robin in just my bra and panties and she appeared to be in shock. Softly I tell her, “See I AM Rebecca, there is nothing left of Robbie anymore… My body made sure of that. I never asked for this to happen, but this is what I was given… I’m just trying to make the best of it that I can…” I’m glad I haven’t put on any makeup, making that statement caused my emotions to get the best of me again. I just stood there in my underwear as the tears started to flow, Jen and Alicia both started to get up, but Robin beat them both to me.
“Rebecca… It’s okay…”, She said, she only hesitated for a brief second before she gave me a hug, one I readily accepted and returned. Thankfully it wasn’t a very intense cry, it took me less than half a minute to compose myself. I backed up from her wiping my eyes.
“I’m sorry about that, it happens a lot…” I tell her with a small chuckle. “So, you’re not upset with me for lying to you this whole time?” I noticed Alicia winced slightly at that, but Jen noticed it to and put an arm around her.
“Upset? No… I… um… I can still sense it’s you, you know? I know you’re still the same person.” She tells me softly.
Alicia snorts, “Just be glad you didn’t have to kiss her to make sure she was who she said she was… Then again she's a pretty damn good kisser…” She immediate blushes when she realized what she said. Jen and I both started laughing.
“You kissed her?!? Once she told you she was a girl?” Robin exclaimed, with a humorous expression on her face.
Laughing, Jen managed to say, “Boy did she… While she was dressed pretty much the same as she is now…” Which made us both blush even brighter.
“Well it seemed like a good idea at the time… I mean I thought you were pulling my leg big time… Nobody kissed me like Robbie did… Well now I guess except for Rebecca…” She laughed, and gave me a slight wink.
Jen and Alicia start telling Robin about that night, minus some of the heated parts. I was glad they were mostly ignoring me so I could finish getting dressed and lightly put on some makeup. For the next hour, we talked about my situation and even laughed about some of my experiences. She did kid Alicia some for kissing me several times, even more so when she found out that she kissed me twice after finding out the truth. I was amazed at how readily Robin accepted me, especially how difficult it had been for her to accept me as Robbie. When we said our goodbyes, it was a four-way group hug amongst a lot of laughter.
I ended up dropping Alicia off first, I even walked her to her door which she gave me a hard time about me being so butch. She did give me one of those soft gently kisses right on the lips like she did when we made up. Like last night, it didn’t feel passionate, and it didn't take my breathe away, it was just a mutual appreciation. Robin of course gave me a hard time and quizzed me about what was going on between Alicia and me. I told her the truth, I didn’t know but I’ve repeatedly told her we could only be friends and Alicia agreed with me.
When I pulled into her driveway, the house was dark and looked like nobody was home yet. I shut the car off and looked at Robin and asked her, “What did you mean that you could sense that I was still Robbie? Why did you accept me this way so easily when you gave me such a hard time at first when you thought I was a guy?” I saw her visibly get a look of pain with that question, so I added, “Look it’s okay, you don’t have to answer that.”
She smiled through her pained expression and said softly, “See… That’s why I could feel that you’re…well you.” She took several deep breaths to steady herself and continued, “I have some things in my past… Some really bad things that happened to me… I have a hard time trusting anyone, that’s why it was difficult at first when you started coming around. As much as I love Alicia, Jen, Holly, and Karen… I’ve never trusted them enough to tell them this, so I need you to promise me you want tell a soul okay?”
I could tell whatever it was that had happened was really horrible, and I didn’t want to force her to tell me what happened. I also knew from firsthand experience that holding everything in was extremely not healthy, if she wanted to talk to me I’d listen. “I promise Robin, I won’t ever tell a soul. You can trust me.”
She smiled a very genuine smile at me and simply said, “I know I can, that’s why I offered to tell you. I want you to know why I was hard on you, because trust me it wasn't you. Let’s go inside where its roomier than this old car of yours.”
Once inside her house, she prepared us some drinks and then sat on the couch in the living room. I could tell she was anxious, and I tried to be as calm and reassuring as possible. She scooted up next to me sitting sideways on the couch facing me, so I did likewise. She smiled at me for a moment, and grabbed one of my hands in hers and gave it a soft squeeze.
“I’m still in awe that this is you, it’s pretty amazing. You know Jen and Alicia told me how close you had come to… um… giving up, I’m so glad that you didn’t. I assume that when Jen started bringing you around was when you were finally starting to accept what had happened?”
“Yeah, it was shortly after I had gone past my breaking point. If it hadn’t been for Jen being her normal pain in my ass.”, I laughed softly before getting serious again, “I really don’t think I'd be here now.” My eyes misted up slightly thinking about how bad off I had been, but I blinked them to try to clear the extra moisture away. Robin just gave my hand a soft squeeze again.
“I hate that you felt like that… I wish we had known and could have helped you sooner… I’ve known you for a while and you had always been this really troubled guy, err person. I’ve been hiding things that happened to me for a long time now. I kept thinking if I ignored it long enough it would go away…” She told me, her voice starting to crack half way through.
“It never does though, I learned that the hard way… Of course, my body was a constant reminder of what was wrong with me… Hiding everything though was my problem Robin, if I thought for a second I could have found any bit of happiness like this I would have quit hiding everything.” I tell her. I could tell now, the way the conversation was going that neither of us would make it through without breaking down.
“I could see that flicker of hope in you, that hope of happiness, when you started coming to our table. You weren’t that gloomy depressed person that I was so used to seeing, and while part of me was happy for you… The other part was jealous, and resentful… I’m sorry for that.” She tells me, while a single tear breaks free and rolls down her cheek.
I softly wipe her cheek and tell her, “Hey it’s okay, I don’t blame you… If you only knew how angry I would get at anyone and everyone that seemed to be happy… I mean if I couldn’t get to experience that, why should they? So, is that the reason you were so hesitant with me?”
“Maybe a bit of it, but no… That wasn’t the reason. Like I said, I find it really hard to trust people, anyone… That is why I was so distant… I’m sorry, so sorry for that… Then that night at Jen's where we were studying and you made those pizzas… You’re going to have to make me another one soon by the way.” She giggled before returning to a more serious expression, “I saw how you were helping us, anyone one of us that asked for help, and then you spent all that time in the kitchen to feed us. The way you had made the list to make sure you could make each one of us exactly what we wanted… You weren't flirting or trying to hit on anyone, you were just being a nice guy… err person… sorry.”
I laughed at that, “It’s okay… Up here in my head I think I was still mostly guy then so it’s okay.”
“No, you weren't, you might have still been mostly Robbie up there but you weren't a guy. At least any guy I’ve ever known. You had this way about you, a gentleness about you, you genuinely care for others, something about YOU gave off this aura or something that made me feel that I could trust you. The more I got to know you as Robbie, and now as Rebecca, that feeling is more intense than ever.” She said with an apologetic look. She took a few deep breaths and a very intense expression formed on her face when she resumed talking, “You know I live with my aunt right? If not, I do and I’ve lived with her since I was twelve… When I was little, I think I was six or seven, I lived with my parents…” She paused anguish sweeping across her face as she tried to choke back her tears.
“Hey Robin… It’s okay, if you don’t want to tell me it’s okay… You don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.” I say trying to console her. The pain I saw in her face made my heart actually hurt for her.
She wiped her tears and cleared her throat and tried to smile at me through whatever it was she was dealing with. She then said, “I do want to… I NEED to tell someone… I’m sorry I feel the need to tell you, if you don’t want to hear I’ll understand.”
I quickly reassured her that I was willing to listen to anything she had to say. I reminded her that she had said she would be here for me, and how that went vice versa. The next half hour as she poured out her story to me, it broke my heart, it made me furious, all these emotions that flowed through me the most important, was the concern for my friend… She then described to me how a friend of her parents, a guy that was a close enough friend she called him “Uncle”, had starting abusing and raping her when she was little. How he had abused that trust and made her feel that it was her fault and she was afraid her parents would be mad at her… How the bastard kept it up for years, until she finally broke down and told her parents when she was eleven… Then how her parents didn’t believe how their great friend could do that, and according to him, Robin was just upset because he had turned her down and that she was infatuated with him… This continued until right before she turned twelve and called her aunt, her mother’s sister, right after one of the nights of abuse. She had snuck out of the house, while her “uncle” was supposed to be watching her and her Aunt met her and then took her to the hospital. Her abuser ended up being sent to Parchment, the penitentiary, where he was murdered less than a year in. Her Aunt won custody of her because of the neglect of her parents. While they didn’t get accused of any other crime than being stupid, Robin hasn’t talked to them since that last night when they left HIM alone with her.
It probably took her almost an hour to get through her story, and she broke down badly several times. Her Aunt came home shortly after she started talking, but Robin told her what was going on and if she minded giving us some privacy while she finished. I felt so much sorrow for what she had endured, she even paused a few times because I broke down too and just hugged her. When she finally got finished we were both just holding each other in mutual tears for a long while.
Once we had some control over our emotions again she looked at me and said, “That is why I can’t trust people, and it’s not just men from what that bastard did, but because how my parents treat me, I can’t bring myself to trust anyone… Then I met you… I’m sorry I told you this, but I needed you to know… I wanted you to know so you wouldn’t have any doubt that I will stand by you. You’re the first person I’ve trusted in so long, I’m not going to throw that away. EVER!”
We, well I mostly, resumed our crying, holding, and supporting each other for a little bit before we were able to compose ourselves. She then went and got her Aunt to introduce me to her. Robin gave her a quick, and I mean a very quick, rundown of my situation and just said they’ll talk about that later, and how she said it made it to say there wasn’t any argument allowed about it. We all ended up talking, while her Aunt made a quick salad for supper, till almost 9PM.
While we went outside as I was about to get in my car, I looked at her and gave her a hug. Softly I whispered, “Thank you for that.”
“Why are you thanking me for telling you all that?!?” She asked.
“Not for what you said, but for trusting me enough to say it… You won’t regret it okay, I promise.” I tell her.
She gave me another hug and soft kiss on my cheek, when she stepped back she put her hand over my heart and told me, “I know I won’t regret it, I just know it.”
With that we said our good nights, and I climbed into my little car to drive home. One the way I started thinking about the gift that she had given me, yes it was a horrific story and one that would bother me for a while. It was that trust, that ability to open up to me because she trusted me. That same trust that I had for Jen… Remembering that moment, how she must have felt something similar to what I was feeling right now made me tear up again. I honestly hadn’t thought that I had any tears left by this point.
I truly felt honored by that gift of trust that Robin gave me, and I was damned sure that I was going to be the kind of friend that deserved it.
To Be Continued...
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