Father’s day surprise
by Princess Pantyboy
I get home from fishing all day with the guys knowing that I can do no wrong tomorrow, because tomorrow is father’s day. Yea I left this morning around 0500 way before the sun came up so I could meet the guys and get out on the water to do some largemouth bass fishing.
I didn’t actually talk to my wife before I left because she had a honey dew list of stuff to do around the house. The stuff on this list wasn’t just going to take an hour or two it would take every waking moment of the weekend. Ya know come to think of it, I bet Stephanie makes this damn list every weekend so I don’t have time to do anything for myself.
I take care of my family by going to work every day from nine in the morning until five in the afternoon, five days a week. I don’t think it is too much to have some time for myself so I can do stuff for me. I mean Stephanie is at home every day seven days a week taking care of the twins. How hard can that be I mean she is female and girls like to do that stuff all day every day?
Of course, Stephanie takes care of the house while I am at work during her taking care of the twins. It must be nice to be home every day to do whatever you want instead of going to work every day driving to work fighting traffic both ways and dealing with a loud noisy boss all day. I mean it would be great to stay home and take care of your beautiful twin daughters all day. I mean how hard can that possibly be, and how hard is it to cook and clean the house I mean that’s women's work so I am sure she enjoys it.
I remember saying why are you so sad Stephanie you get to stay home and play with our daughters all day while I am stuck going to work and making a living for us. I mean it is not like you have a real job, I say to her. For some reason she didn’t think that was a good thing to say and I had to sleep on the couch that night. In the morning Stephanie was all happy and grinning like she wasn’t upset anymore. When I arrived home that night Stephanie said I was going to get a great surprise for father’s day.
I figure no way will I be in trouble from ignoring the honey dew list and going fishing and drinking beer all day with the guys since I am going to get a great Father’s day surprise in the morning. Plus I get my father’s day blowjob I get every father’s day morning which is always a good time.
I really don’t get it I thought all girl's like to please their man and them giving us blow jobs is always a pleasing moment. I remember on our wedding night Stephanie said she didn’t like giving blow jobs. I told her we need to please each other especially since we are married now so she did. I can always count on her father’s day morning blowjob. I remember her saying after the twins were born that she will give me head on father’s day as a Father's Day present. I never complained, but have said a million times I think I should get more blowjobs than just once a year. I mean that is women's work to please their husband it is only fair right.
We have been married for five years now. Stephanie is my wife's name and my name is Alan. We have two beautiful daughters named Megan and Miley, they are twins and they are four-years-old.
“Hi honey you home?” I turn and see a smile on my wife's face. I am a little buzzed from drinking and fishing all morning and afternoon so I will be cool and not say much or she will notice I am really buzzed.
Stephanie walks up to me carrying a glass of water and some pills in her hand. “Did you have fun fishing with your buddy’s sweetie?”
“Umm yea was a good time. What is that you are holding Stephanie?” I say still feeling pretty buzzed.
My wife puts the pills on the breakfast bar with a glass of water. “Oh these are our new vitamins. We need to take them together before bed every night it is supposed to help us stay healthy and also it helps us have an even better sex life.” I watch as Stephanie takes a blue pill and drinks it down smiling.
“Here my darling husband it’s time for yours now.” I take the pink pill she gives me and I swallow it and drink the whole glass of water to try to kill the beer breath I must have. “Let's go to bed a little early you sexy man I already put the kids to bed.”
Hell yes you don’t have to ask me twice as I put the empty glass down and follow Stephanie to our bedroom. I try to be as quit as possible because I don’t want the twins waking up and that changing Stephanie's horny mood.
“I am going to get changed into something a little more comfortable while you get in bed Alan okay?”
I smile “Sure anythin..gfor you my beautiful wife.” I say but the words didn’t come out the way I wanted them to. I guess I drank too much. I walk over to the bed and half a second later I am naked and under the covers waiting. Stephanie walks out of the bathroom wearing a pink nightie that is see threw, I stare at here tiny little pink panties as I smile.
“Now super stud I want you to fuck me like it is the last time you will ever be able to fuck a hot sexy girl like me hehehe.” I hear Stephanie talking dirty and my mind is so excited but my little man is not getting hard yet. Oh well it will get excited once I am deep inside my beautiful wife.
I watch as my wife lays down next to me smiling. I notice her eyes go big and wide seeing I am still limp. “Oh you must of drank a lot of beer today Alan.” Oh, know I am going to hear it now. “Let me help you Alan.” I feel Stephanie's hand wrap around my soft cock and start to stroke it up and down. I close my eyes and try to get it hard but it just won't do it for some reason.
“Does this feel good Alan? Usually you are hard by now and I can use that big cock of yours.” I feel so bad my wife sounds super horny and my dick isn't listening at all and just lays there soft and limp. “Maybe you don’t find me sexy anymore Alan, is that the problem?”
I watch as she climbs up on top of me with her legs over me as I see her hold herself up as she slowly drops down on top of my soft dick. “Maybe if I fuck you it will get harder Alan.” I feel her start to move her body up and down as I can feel how warm she is and Stephanie’s pussy is like gripping my penis pulling it up and down as I hear her start to moan but I am still soft. I open my eyes seeing Stephanie still on top of me smiling from ear to ear looking into my eyes.
“Oh yes Alan that feels so good you inside me one more time.” What does she mean one more time and I am still soft and limp but if she is enjoying it who am I to complain I guess.
Stephanie starts moving faster and faster like she is a rabbit or something and I hear her moaning louder and louder and then she screams and I can feel her explode all over me. I am drenched like she peed on me more than just an organism. I look down and see her juices covering me completely.
“So that’s how you fuck like it is your last time? Well was still fun but I guess you drinking so much made your penis stay soft well don’t worry soon it won't matter you will be able to drink all you want hehehe.” What is she talking about okay I am pretty drunk and I couldn’t get hard but whatever I am beat anyway no sense arguing with her tomorrow is Father's Day so I get a long overdue blowjob for sure. I hope I can get hard in the morning.
I feel Stephanie continue to lay on top of me with my limp penis still inside her. “Alan I am going to go to sleep with you still inside me okay sweetie?” I don’t remember even answering thinking that she is being weird but if it makes her happy and horny who cares anyway. I close my eyes and sure enough, I am out.
The good thing about me drinking I could sleep through the invasion of the zombies I am such a sound sleeper. I wake up seeing the sun coming through the windows and I feel Stephanie's body rubbing against me as I feel her long blond hair getting in my eyes as I wipe it out of the way.
I rub my eyes seeing Stephanie already awake staring at me with her big brown eyes smiling from ear to ear. Wait a minute she has blonde hair and blue eyes. I rub my eyes again and I realize I must be dreaming because I am on top of Stephanie but I can't see her I only see me smiling at me. “What the hell kind of dream is this.” I stare into my eyes or my reflection. It is like I am on top of myself until I use both my arms like I am doing a push up and I look down between us and I see a pair of breast hanging from my chest and I look farther and see his penis slide out of me and I have a vagina.
“Oh shit what happened I am you now Stephanie.” I say almost screaming as I roll over on my back seeing my body next to me smiling.
I am in Stephanie's body and she is in mine. “Well I was hoping that would work hehehe.” I hear my old body giggle. “I guess I better not giggle men don’t giggle hahaha.” I hear him laugh as I lay in shock as he leans on his side staring at me up and down. I stare into HIS eyes.
“See my pretty I gave you that pill last night and it transfers our body's for the whole day. Tonight we take another pill and we will go back to our normal selves. I wanted you to see how my life is for one day and especially for one Father's Day.” I look over too shocked to speak seeing my old body just smiling staring at me from head to toe.
I feel him move my new long blonde hair out of my eyes. All of a sudden, my old body rolls over and is directly over me. “Um what are you doing?” I feel something hard hit me in the thigh and I notice it is my dick and it is as hard as it has ever been, but it is poking into my new body.
I look up into HIS eyes and I don’t know what to say as I feel his hard cock pushing into my body until I feel his hand pushing his hard cock to me and “OHHHHHHHH, no OHHHHHHH as I feel him sliding deep inside of me. My body starts to shake and for some reason my new vagina seems to grab at it making my whole body tingle like electricity, I moan softly.
“I knew you would like that, I knew you are a sissy deep down.” I feel him hold on to me as we roll on the bed and now I am on top of him and he is smiling up as I lift my body up off of him. I see my new breasts still pushing on his chest. I look between us and see his large supper rock hard cock is still inside me a little bit.
I look up into his eyes with each of my hands around his thick muscular arms. “You have to change us back. Oh and pull that out of me I don’t want a big hard dick inside me.” I see him smiling at me as his back arches and I feel him going deeper inside me. “Oh, Ohhhhhh oh please.”
“Yes you are just a little sissy trying to get more dick inside you don’t you?” I try not to listen but I feel myself start to push into his hard cock feeling it going deeper inside me. “Ohhhhhh” I moan softly while smiling. “Now sweetie if you want to go back to your normal self tomorrow you are going to have to do everything I do in my normal day okay sweetie? That means I am the man now and you are the wife.”
I feel him start to lower himself a little, as more of his hard cock slides into my new body. “How does that feel Alan?” I look up at him smiling at me. “Oh wait its Father's Day how can I forget hehehe.” I feel him start to push my shoulders slowly down as I feel his cock slide out of me as I feel myself sliding across his chest until I am face to face with his cock.
“You have to be kidding me honey? I can't you know…” I feel him put my hand onto his cock and for some reason my hand holds the cock from the base, while my free hand feels how soft his hairy ball feel.
Looking up I see him just smiling as hard as he can. “Remember what you said to me on our wedding night when you said you wanted a blowjob and I said Honey you must be kidding just like you did.” I think back and no way am I going to say in case she doesn’t remember.
“I will help your memory sweetie you said don’t worry you will get used to giving me blow jobs, remember?” I close my eyes remembering. “Then you pushed my head down there slowly like this.” I feel him pushing my head slowly towards the hard cock until my lips are touching the tip and I can feel the heat from it.
I can feel wet between my legs for some reason. “Give the tip a little kiss and lick it like a good girl.” I can't believe this was just inside me as I kiss the tip. I can't believe this is happening to me but tomorrow we will go back to normal and no one would believe it if she told anyone anyway. I kiss the tip of his hard cock again and then I start to lick under the tip and I feel him start to push his cock into my mouth.
“Oh yes that’s a good girl I bet that feels good in your mouth sweetie. I love how it makes your cheek bulge out with my hard cock in your mouth mmmmm yes I can see why you enjoy blow jobs from a man’s side.” My tongue starts to slide around his cock as my head starts to go up and down on his cock as I rearrange myself so more of the cock goes in my mouth until his balls are smacking against my chin. “Oh yes that feels good suck on my cock more sweetie you’re doing a great job. Yes it is funny how last night you couldn’t get hard when we where making love now my cock is like a rock with your mouth all over it just feeling you bob up and down it.”
I just keep going up and down on the long hard cock now seeing it up and close and tasty instead of just it hanging between my legs its now in my mouth who would of ever guessed I would be forced to give another man a blowjob. Wait a minute his hands are behind his head and I am giving him a blowjob by myself no one is forcing me what is happening.
“Oh yessssss.” I feel shot after shot of hot cum shooting into my mouth. Wow, it is so warm almost hot tasting filling my mouth up as I swallow it all like it is some great treat. I open my eyes and I am licking his limp cock clean making sure no cum is on it anywhere but in my mouth. Oh, my god I am even thinking like a girl now.
I look up at him smiling at me licking his cock clean. We make eye contact and I feel him lifting me up and his cock start to slide inside my new vagina…..” Oh, my god he is hard again. My legs wrap around his waist to get him deeper inside of me.
“Oh yes Happy Father's Day sweetie hehehe I hear him saying to me as he starts going deeper and deeper in side me. I lay on my back moaning loudly.
I hope you have enjoyed my story. Please leave a comment here on this web site and send me an email or on yahoo messenger and let me know your thoughts.
It really helps when I get feedback from my stories.
Thanks again,
Princess Pantyboy
Email: Princess_pantyboy@yahoo.com
Yahoo Instant Messenger: Princess Pantyboy