Changes and troubles they bring.
Mrs Carson looked at the girl's swollen Belly, But? What? How? That can't be possible she did just turn into an egg yet here she sits obviously looking like a mutant girl with a swollen belly and says she is breeding herself? “How can this be it doesn't sound logical at all.”
Black Shadow laughed, “As we told you we don't really understand what and how it happened, from the look so far it seems Lille had been turned female to hatch herself as her Dragon form then physical body you can see is an extension of her magic that she manipulates from within her egg when we came up with the idea that she should calm down her human parents.”
“But why would you want to calm them down when you are both Dragons? I always thought the short lived human world doesn't matter to you at all.” Mrs. Carson questioned.
“I think I can explain this, Mrs. Carson we don't forget anything we have ever seen, heard or smelled, we can always remember anything we have lived through, the only way to prevent that somehow is listen and losing yourself in the song of gold. As I used to be a human and have family spending my life for a few years with them so I don't have regrets about not doing so as well as trying to live at least my normal human lifespan as one, it's just a matter of time and we have enough of that.”
“Okay I see your point.” Mrs. Carson nodded. “So how do you came up with going to Whateley Academy then?”
“Okay let's get back to where we were, Black Shadow breathed his magic at me and it engulfed me, it was a really weird feeling like I was completely stripped down in front of him. My body broke down in itself and started to shift in form without causing any pain, and from one second to another I felt like I was being surrounded by some sort of warm liquid, and shortly after that I realized I couldn't really move any longer.”
Whats going on? I tried to move but the liquid I was in prevented me from doing so. Oh my god what is happening to me? I didn't know why but I managed to calm down rather quick. This doesn't feel bad, it's like I'm safe here but where am I?
“Little one?” a surprised thought from outside the shell I was in reached me. Oh that must be him the other Dragon, wait other Dragon? Yes of course we were alike. “WAIT what but I used to be human, but I'm not any longer. I'm a Dragon” I tried to move again but still couldn't “Brother?” I don't know why I thought of him that way but it was the way I was thinking of him.
“Little one? Is that you.”
“Yeah I think so, what's happening outside I can't see anything.”
“Oh yeah well you kinda turned into an egg, a Dragon egg.”
No wonder I couldn't move I was a baby Dragon still in my egg, wait a minute that means I had to be breed. “Okay yeah uhm who is going to breed me?”
As I thought about that I suddenly felt like pulling something towards me, I grabbed it and followed the strange sensation.
“I don't know I didn't expect anything like this to happen, wait what are you doing little one?”
following the sensation the touch of magic as I realized I created my old self around me. When I opened my eyes I could see again, no that was an inadequate description I could finally see for the first time. The Cavern was gigantic and the gold around us was singing the song of my brother.
“Hello brother I just figured it would be stupid to wait for something like a female Dragon to breed me in her flames to appear or wait thousand of years till the volcano got active again.”
Chuckling filled my mind, “Well sister you are even more impatient than me when I was in your age. Quite the trick you performed their.”
Sister? Oh yeah, I looked down at me and was back at myself, well mostly I was a lot smaller than before and I'm pregnant I realized when I looked at the swollen belly that I could see looking past my breasts. “I definitely need a mirror.” I'm pregnant? Did this mean I was breading myself? Well okay I could live with this better than waiting inside my egg for years.
“Trust me Lille Skygge your beautiful even in your disguise.”
“Lílle Skygge? Small shadow? You came up with a name this instant? Thanks brother, but I really need to see myself in this form, there might be the need for some adjustments.”
“Well I won't talk you out off this I can understand that feeling. Well you will be safe as long as you're still in your egg, so you should probably go back to your human parents for now, they are already worried since you're not back yet.”
“Yeah I figured, but I don't really feel like leaving you alone here.”
“Don't worry about that here is a present for you.”
Two gold bars lifted from the ground. “One is for you to hear your sound one is to remember me.”
I hugged him at his sweet spot. “Thank you so much dear brother.” A tear rolled down my cheek. “I will go then for now, we keep contact?”
“We will.”
I picked up my belongings and stored the two gold bars in my backpack, then I started to move out of the cave. I didn't needed my flashlights anymore as I could see in the dark and my eyes also lighted the way in the dark. About an hour later yes I kinda was faster and didn't get tired from walking I reached the village I used to live in.
I made some adjustments to my clothes with a thought so nobody would notice the changes immediately and walked in the village. The big neighbor dog that always used to bell when I walked past their ground looked at me came closer before starting to wince when he smelled me and moved back into his dog hut. I could get used to that I thought.
I reached my human parents home and used to the keys to let myself in. “I'M HOME.”
oh shit I didn't said that out loud.
“Siegfried nice that you're back did you miss the bus? I thought you would be back earlier.”
“Yes mom I had to walk they way over, but It was fine. I'm in my room I had lunch before I left.”
“Okay! I'll call when dinner is ready?”
“Thanks Mom.” I walked up the stairways and moved into my room. I packed away my stuff before heading towards the bathroom, our house was 2 stories high and I had like my own flat in the house except for a kitchen and dining room. Once in the bath I looked in the mirror. My face looked still a lot like my old me probably enough that nobody would notice the difference. Except for the light in my eyes, if I looked close enough I saw a fire burning in them it was small but it was there, and the shape of my eyes started to change to. Well nothing to worry I'm sure they won't notice yet.
I stripped out of my clothes and looked at my naked self in the mirror, That might be a problem. I was a complete girl down there and I had a belly like a woman in her fifth month of pregnancy I could probably hide it for a few days but, sooner or later they were bound to find out, also I had breast at least B-Cups and remembering how it was for most pregnant human I was sure even though it was just a disguise they would start to grow soon. The biggest change next to that was that I had lost at least an inch in height that wasn't to bad I had never been big to begin with. I had been roughly 5'8” and now I was roughly 5'7” no big deal.
Back in my room I made some more changes to my clothes so my parents wouldn't notice the changes and then I set myself on my bed and pulled out the two gold bars from my bag pack. I stuffed one away and hid it under a side panel I used as secret hiding spot for things like my porn magazines that I had pried loose a few years earlier. Then I set down and started to hum to gold bar in my hand. It didn't took me long to notice the changes the sound of the gold changed from my brother long and melodious sound to a short and fast rhythm, of course it resembled me and I was still young but hearing my own sound for the first time reflecting from the gold was something I would never forget.
Dinner was good, and my parents didn't notice the changes, I learned that I could eat a lot more then I was used to and my father was quite surprised by the amount of meat I was eating. I had to force myself to eat at least a few potatoes even though I felt like vomiting from the taste, luckily the didn't insist I had to eat salad.
“You're hungry son, the food can't be that bad in the city.”
“You would be surprised, homemade from mom always tastes best, and who knows maybe I'm finally starting to grow.” I couldn't let this joke sled by.
“Hmm I actually thought you had lost some height for a moment when you entered.” My mom said.
“Hah stop joking I'm not an old man.”
Except for this little part the dinner went in silent. After we finished I excused myself and went back into my area of the house. I lied down on my bed pulled out my gold bar listed to it's sound and started to sleep.
When I woke up the next morning I heard someone moving into my room. “Siggi? Where are you?” A few second later after my human father had moved closer, “What is this?” He lifted me up, “feels to light to be a stone, I heard him knocking hmm sound hollow could it be an egg? I never heard of anything having eggs of this size maybe a dinosaur, but it doesn't look like it's fossilized?” Oh shit I turned back into an egg and dad found me. “What do we have here, Oh my god is that gold?”
No how worse could the day start. “Brother” I called for Black Shadow, “My human parents have seen me as egg and my gold what should I do?”
“Why don't you try to explain them if it won't work I will visit in disguise.”
“SIGGI! We need to have a talk now!” My father yelled through the house. How could this be I haven't raised my son to steal, I don't know where he could get the dinosaur egg and the gold bar else.
Oh shit my father thought I did steal. “Dad please don't be afraid.”
“Siggi where are you?” my father move around holding me still in his hand.
“Dad you're holding me in your hands.”
“Siggi what are you talking about show yourself.” "Wait a minute did I actually hear anything?"
“No dad you didn't hear anything I'm talking telepathic to your mind”
What is he thinking playing stupid jokes on me I'm just going to threw this stuff away.
“NO DAD PLEASE” I was panicking
Luckily he seemed to realize I was afraid.
Huh did that scare him, “Son I want to talk with you.”
“Yeah we need to but I can't change while you're holding me in your hand.” or rather I didn't dare to try who knows what would happen his hand might be stuck in my chest if I would try that.
My dad was standing still, what is he, he can't be thinking he is in the egg, the gold?
“Dad its me I'm inside the egg I will explain it to you please just lay me on the bed.”
Well my dad didn't did that he dropped me in shock and I fell on the floor. Well good thing is Dragon eggs are though I didn't get hurt nor did the egg get damaged. I rolled inside the egg a few feet away from my dad and decided I didn't have a choice.
I pulled the magic together and started to form my disguise. When I was finished a few second later and looked to my father he was looking at me with his jaw hanging down literally next to his feet.
“Dad.” I tried to comfort him.
“Who are you?” he asked me.
“I'm Siegfried, your son or rather your daughter now.
“Dad I know it's a lot but please try to calm down.”
“But you're pregnant?”
“That's complicated please sit down dad.”
He couldn't resist my suggestion and nearly fell down on my bad. “My son turned into a girl and now he is pregnant? I think I'm dreaming.”
I moved over to him and grabbed his shoulder so he could see in my eyes. “Dad I said you remember when I went into the cave a few days ago?”
“I didn't get lost in there I kinda stumbled on something.”
“You mean the gold bar?”
“Yes that also but no I stumbled or better fell on a Dragon.”
“A Dragon?”
“Yes can you believe it a real Dragon, well somehow we managed to get friends and well when I said I was going to a friend in the city I was lying I went back to the caverns to speak with him.”
“You stayed 3 days in a cave with a Dragon? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU! AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY SON? ARE YOU INSANE!”
I winced and turned back into my egg. I felt like crying my dad didn't even recognized me. I was hurt a lot. Yet I could understand his reaction, how could I even think he would understand, I mean until yesterday I wouldn't have believed such a thing to be possible. Of course I had always dreamed of being a Dragon the stories I heard as kid and the books I had read everything told how great they were. Now I was one myself and the first thing I managed to do was destroying my family.
Mrs. Carson interrupted me again, “This sound like it was rough on you and your parents, how are they dealing with it?”
“Hmm Better than I thought they would at first, It is still kinda lot for them, I mean having your son turn into a Dragon that likes to spend his times lying in caves on his collected gold and listening to it. Well I think they got the idea with the gold. However when they realized that I was possibly going to live forever and they would never have human grandchildren, I think that was what hurt them most.”
“Well your Mom kinda got over the first parts with ease once she accepted that it was still you.”
Black Shadow remembered me.
“Oh yes Mom was a big help in comforting dad.”
“When I woke up and had stopped pitying myself in my egg I realized I wasn't any longer in my room. I was lying on the living room table and dad, mom and Black Shadow were sitting in a circle around me. He explained them what had happened and told them he was sorry but as Dragons we can't control our highest form of magic and act without thinking when the magic builds itself up. My mother was in tears and asked if it was still me inside the egg, and he explained that It was still me my human self in there but of course I wasn't seeing myself as a human anymore he explained this quite well the difference in our look of time and that we both had come to the conclusion that not only for my human parents but for myself it was for the best to stay with the family as long as possible since I would never be able to forget and forgive myself if I wouldn't try. Hearing that my mother picked me up and took me in her lap where she hugged me.
“Sniff hello mom”
“Yes its me but I don't think Siegfried will work any longer you know he used to slay a Dragon.”
“Oh my dear are you alright?” it's him I can't believe it he hasn't changed still making his book quotes.
“Yes mom I'll manage somehow I'm more worried about you and dad, and hey these books are great.”
“Relieved Laughter filled my mind, I'm so happy for you, I always knew you had been dreaming about this since I had let you read the first book over Dragons. I'm just not sure how to deal with that I mean you changed? Dad said you were a girl and pregnant, you didn't do anything stupid did you?”
“Urgh MOM! I don't think I would be ready for something like that, The pregnant part well it's not really pregnant I'm just breeding myself you know when the magic was finished and I turned into a Dragon I wasn't hatched. To hatch as a Dragon we need to be at warm places either in the flame of a female Dragon that took care of that or in an active volcano, I hadn't either of that but I knew I couldn't just wait for a few thousand years to pass till something like this was going to happen so I decided to make a move on my own. Well about me being a girl now it happens to be that we Dragon don't really care much about genders so I kinda changed myself to meet the necessary requirements.”
“You're unbelievable, you're even shorter on your patience than your father.”
“Haha brother said the same about himself when he was my age, well might be the human part from my past in me that makes me this way.”
“So you don't think of yourself as human anymore?”
I could feel her sorrow about that, “Mom you need to understand I still think of you and dad as my parents you are the one that gave life to me, but now? As it turns out I was meant to be a Dragon or the magic hadn't been possible to happen, the change really changed my look at certain things I'm still aware that I'm only 17 years old but I know that if I don't die in my younger years I'm going to live pretty much till the end of all. That's kinda forces you change your mind on many things, for now I just want to be close to you.”
“I love you my daughter.”
“Mom please call me Lílle Skygge that is Danish and means Little Shadow”
“Lille? I think I can live with that.”
“Would you please let me on the ground so I can change to my human form?”
“Sure daughter.”
After she had lay me down on the floor I changed into my female human appearance and both my dad and mother took a deep breath.
“Sigh, I know this is kinda shock for you both, but I'm going to change a lot more in the next few month then just my gender or my look.”
I moved next to my brother and sad down giving him a smile, “Brother.”
“Sister,” he smiled back.
My father leaned back, “So you are a mutant now?”
I thought about that for a moment, “No dad it's not that easy, you see Dragons are born other than most beings. We are magical by nature and our souls can manifest in various forms, I just happened to be born as your son. It could have happened that I had turned into a Dragon on my own sometime in the future but that is highly unlikely, it had only happened a few dozen times over all time. The magic that was cast on me just triggered this awakening. So no I'm not like one of those mutants the MCO is looking for but a real Dragon.”
Father looked at me skeptically “I'm not sure they will buy that if you would tell them this.”
“Yeah I thought so too.” I admitted.
“Well you shouldn't worry Sister as long as you're in you're egg they won't be able to harm you and should they try to hold you prisoner, well I don't think they have any way of stopping me roasting them all.”
“Thanks brother.” I hugged him.
“There is another thing that bothers me.” My father said, “You haven't finished your education yet, but even considering the somewhat friendly level to mutants we have here the extreme conservative part of our politicians started to raise commotions about people that are different again. This fear turns to anger as you are aware and most probably it is going on against mutants. I don't think it would be a good idea to go to school in Germany while this powder keg is starting to boil.”
“I might have a solution for that!” My brother said.
Everyone including me looked interested.
“I know of a private school in America, yes I'm aware that mutants aren't really treated good there but this School is on neutral grounds in an Native American reservoir, It is called Whateley Academy and is a school for young mutants to get used to their powers. I think it would be a great way for Lílle to get to know some friends.”
“America? I'm not so sure that this would work so well, Lílle isn't exactly the best English speaking person as far as I knew.” my mother said.
“Darling I'm sure she can learn that in time before the school start's a quick course should help her a lot.”
“You may be right with that, but America is so far away.”
“It is only for her best.” dad said.
“Well if you think it's a good idea.”
“Hey don't I got to say anything regarding that?” I interrupted.
“What you? You aren't even hatched yet so please be quiet.” my mother said.
“This is ridiculous I'm already getting sick of this.”
“Hey they mean only the best for you and I really thinking you should consider this.”
“They treat me like a baby.”
“Well you are.”
“Yeah but I was already 17 years old before I turned into one.”
“17? can't say I don't understand them then. You wouldn't have hatched as a Dragon till your 18 birthday anyway.”
“What I stay in my egg for another half year?”
“Most likely”
Brother interrupted my parents, “I think you shouldn't worry about the language barrier, we Dragons are quite fast learners when it comes to languages.”
“You see Darling we don't need to worry about that.” my father said.
“Fine I give up. Doesn't mean I like it though!”
Father looked rather pleased with himself, “So Lílle any idea when you might hatch?”
“Hmm apparently not before I turned 18 so in probably not before August 12th I think.”
“Okay that means we have more then enough time to make sure you can get enrolled there next year, now we need to make sure you get your MID before then so you won't get bothered by some random MCO guys passing town for your unusual appearance.”
“Yes dad.”
“Also I want to speak about these gold bar I found in your room. Where did you get that.”
“It was a present. It is mine!” You better don't think you can take that away from me human.
From what I could see, my father had got what I meant as he went pale when he looked at me.
“You're eyes the just flickered like burning coals.”
“If I may interrupt again,” brother said, “The two gold bars are a present from me and are out of my lair, the reason she is defending them is our unique connection to gold. I can only advise you to give it back to her, she might get really angry with you if you think about selling it.”
“Angry? Could you explain this please?”
“Dad there had been cities burned for less than a gold bar in ancient times.”
“Yeah,” brother started chuckling, “I remember being in war with the dwarfs for a few thousand years after one of them stumbled upon my lair, he didn't even steal anything, but well he was a dwarf I couldn't risk him telling the rest or I had to deal with hundreds of this little midgets. And for my defense how should I have known he was the heir of their kingdom.”
“You started a war because someone entered your lair?” father looked rather concerned.
“Dad it was a dwarf, they would have gone for the gold anyway once they knew where it was, it is a problem between our races since we met the first time.”
“Lílle how do you know that?” my father asked.
“Oh I don't really know, it's like I have seen this happen before.”
“What do you mean seen it happen before? You just turned into a dragon, how could you possibly know something like that?”
Brother chuckled, “That, is probably her Dragons memory, some events in the past have left a mark in our species, the wars with the dwarfs were one of this occasions, so she can pretty much remember everything like she was there.”
“Okay I won't ask anymore, here take it.” he gave me the gold bar.
I must have smiled like a little child. Since my Mother hugged me, “Oh how adorable you look when you're happy.”
I looked outside it was already getting dark, “so about this MCO business and my MID. When can we get done with that.”
“Well If I remembered right they are even opened during the holidays, pretty much twenty-four seven at least in Cologne.” My father said.
“Yeah I just checked that they are still there and it looks like they will be free in a hour or so. It looks like they are power testing someone at the moment.” My brother said.
“Wait a minute how can you know that?” My mother asked.
“Oh, that it's just one of the Dragon ways to keep in touch with the world, we tend to sleep quite long so we kinda dream what is happening outside of our lairs. We can pretty much notice everything that is happening on the planet, if we know where we have to look, it takes a lot of time to learn how to do it though.”
“You're sleeping right now? Okay enough of this why don't we have dinner and you two get this done then?”
“No objections” brother and I said as if we were twins.
The Dinner was good though I pretty much only eat meat, brother didn't eat at all since he wasn't really there with us. He explained them pretty much everything about me growing and that we were able to shift our bodies though they would always look somewhat like a Dragon, that means somewhat pointy ears and the burning fire that could be seen through our eyes. He then explained that while we were pretty much invulnerable when still in our eggs we were extremely vulnerable the first years after hatching, as our scales needed time to harden after hatching we would grow about 4 times our size a year until we reached about 27 yards with our main body. After that the growth speed would start to slow down since there wouldn't be any natural enemies left. A while after that our need for food would also reduce, he then explained the last time he was hunting was about 20,000 years ago before he went to his slumber and he didn't really felt hungry yet.
It was most interesting for my parents as I already knew a lot of this from my 3 day long talk with him and due to some memories I shared as a Dragon with my species. It was still strange that I didn't really saw myself as a human at all, since I only had been a Dragon or rather a Dragon in his egg for a few days. But I knew it wouldn't change who I was just the way I would look at certain things like time or the life of mortals.
After lunch finished brother and me said goodbye. I had decided that why I would stay my day time mostly with my parents, there weren't any benefits to stay at night when they had to sleep. It isn't that we wouldn't sleep but when a Dragon sleeps he does this for centuries. Since I was young I wouldn't sleep for a long time, probably not till I felt I was safe from external threads.
My brother then said to me we would need to make a quick visit before heading off to the MCO, so I turned into my egg. Brother moves us with his magic and I realized we had left the old continent, I knew my brother had covered my egg from outside looks in some kind of blanket, and was holding my like a baby in his left arm.
I noticed he was moving in some kind of room in which powerful magic was all around us. He moved closer to a Sidhe girl.
“Hello Nikki Riley Daughter of the Burning Oak, Paramount Queen of the West in the Five-Fold Court, Patron of the Wolf Folk and their kin, Eight Queen of the West, I'm here today to ask you for your blessing over on of my kin the first to be born after the sundering.”
A young Sidhe girl an absolutely stunning beauty turned around, she looked at my brother, and then at me. “Can this be after all this time?” she moved closer and I felt that brother moved the blanket from me, “An ancient Dragon is going to be born?”
She lifted me out of the blanket and held my up high in the air, “Hello young one, By the name of Nikki Riley Queen of the West I bless you and wish you all the best for your future.” Then she kissed my shell.
“Thank you Nikki Riley Queen of the West, may your kin get strong again as it was before the inevitable happened.”
She gave me back to my brother who packed my back into the blanket. “You can't imagine how happy I'm for you I never had expected to do this ritual ever again, It must be a sign the birth of an ancient Dragon is too unlikely given the weakened essence of the world, to be just a coincidence.”
“You're a lot wiser than your age would let one think, young queen. If anything happens call for me.” he handed her a small gold coin.
Her eyes widened, “Thank you.”
“If you'll excuse us then, we have another appointment.” Brother said and moved us again.