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Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her. |
The run I had, really cleared my head, and I had a lot to consider too. Here I was sleeping with a girl who for all intense and purposes, was almost young enough to be my daughter, that is to say my daughter if I were still a 31 year old man, telling me that she finds me attractive. But it’s not me parse that she is attracted to, but the body of the girl her own age that my brain has been put into. It was a bit disturbing to me. I mean not that someone found this body attractive. Don’t get it twisted. It was the fact that while on the outside I looked and for the most part WAS a teenage girl, I still had the brain of a much older man. And that is what really bothered me.
If I had done what I allowed to happen last night, back when I was still Josh, there is no doubt in my mind that I’d be breaking out in a matching pair of silver bracelets, attached together with a lovely chrome chain, if you catch my drift. But then another part of me really likes Grace. She’s a sweet girl, who’s intelligent, witty, and we share many of the same interests. But then again, I wasn’t really sure how to be a lesbian. Well, that is to say, I know how to do some of the things some friends I had back in the day told me they did with their girlfriends, but I wasn’t sure if I really knew what I was doing. I finally figured I would, that is if anything was going to happen, make the two of us would take it VERY slow. There is no way I’m going to mess up this girls brain just because I like the way she feels, touching me.
I stopped at the Monarch on my way back to the apartment, and picked up a couple of their breakfast sandwiches. I placed the order and made sure I asked for a couple of them without cheese, since I HATE cheese on my meat. Pizza is alright, but I’m not a big cheese fan. I waited for the order to be filled, and since it was around 6am on a Sunday, the place was pretty empty. It was then that I noticed that my favorite food worker was behind the grill. Angela was trying to get ahead of the inevitable breakfast rush, and busied herself making the sandwiches I was getting for Grace and me. I stood right there and watched her put cheese on everything and didn’t say a word. I merely stood there and waited for the other worker to hand me my bag before raising a stink.
“How hard is it to understand that I wanted two with and two without cheese?” I asked angrily.
“What’s wrong miss?” the cashier asked.
“What was my order?”
“Uh?” she started to look at the receipt, “two breakfast sandwiches with cheese and two without.” she said as she looked into the bag. “Oops, ok, let me fix this.” she told me as she went back to the prep area and I could hear her chew out Angela for not paying attention to the order. As the woman who I thought was the cashier, who turned out to be the manager, came back and apologized for the mistake, I could see Angela looking at me with so much anger in her eyes I thought it would be best if I steered clear of her for a couple of days. I thanked the manager and was on my way. As I got back to the apartment just as Grace was waking up and as I was just putting the coffee on, I saw her emerge from my room and she looked like a walking zombie.
“Not a morning person?” I said with a giggle.
“Where did you go? I rolled over and you were gone.” she said as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.
“Oh, I always go for a morning run. It really helps me get my head clear for the rest of the day.” I said as I poured her a glass of the juice I picked up at the store on my way back.
“Where did all this come from?” she asked, knowing that she hadn’t been to the store yet.
“Well I figured I’d grab some things for breakfast, and we could go shopping later for the rest of the essentials.”
“Good call, what’s in the bag?” she asked as she started to peek in the bag from the Burger Monarch.
“I got some sandwiches. Do you want cheese or no cheese?”
“It’s got to have cheese on it.”
“That’s what you think.” I said raising my eyebrow to her. “I only want cheese on my pizza. Other then that, the only part of the cow I want to know about is the meat.”
She giggled and we got down to eating, before she told me that I stunk. So I took the first shower and after she came out from her’s, we went shopping. I made sure to call Samantha to make sure it would be alright for us to use her car, and she was cool with it. She even suggested we meet up for lunch. So I mentioned to Grace that we’d hit the grocery store after that, so the food didn’t spoil.
Shopping went well, for the most part that is. We hit some of the clothing stores and I picked up the cutest little blue tank top and a pair of white shorts that looked awesome with it. Grace found a nice casual yellow button up shirt that just makes her look all that cuter. We were just walking into the shoe store, to see what they had to offer when I got blind sided and shoved into one of the displays.
“You think it’s funny you little shit? I slave away behind that fucking grill and you think it’s funny to make me fuck an order up?” came the unmistakable voice of Angela.
“The fuck is your problem?” I asked as I tried to get up, only to find myself pinned down by her thugs again.
“You know exactly what my fucking problem is!” she shouted back and again punched me in the gut. “Just because my mommy and daddy make me work for my spending money doesn’t make you better then me!” she said and followed that up with another punch.
It was after the second punch that the clerk at the store was able to get to us and he made her and her friends leave. I in the meantime, sat in one of the chairs and tried to get my breath back, since the second punch took some out of me. Grace helped the clerk pick up the display that my body had knocked over and was soon at my side, asking if I was alright.
“I’ll be fine.” I said taking a deep breath. “I just need a minute to catch my breath.”
“What was that all about?” she asked me.
“She works at the Monarch, and was on today when they put cheese on my sandwiches.”
“So she’s pissed at you because she screwed the pooch?” Grace asked me.
“Well, that and I hurt her hand the first time she punched me.” I said with a giggle then grabbed my stomach from the still lingering pain. “By the way, you never told me you were from a military family.”
“How did you know?”
“I had a cousin that was in the army and she always used the phrase, ‘screw the pooch,’ when she was talking about something being messed up.” I said with a grin.
“Mom and dad met while in the navy.” she told me. “Mom retired when I was born, but dad still does his admiral thing.”
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” I asked in shock, “Admiral?”
“Yup, Admiral John Mangano, USS Intrepid.” she told me with that cute smile she has.
“Nice.” was all I could come up with.
We both ended up picking up a couple of cute pairs of shoes. Not that I’d been a shoe shopper before I ended up in this body mind you. I used to have one pair of work boots, my running shoes, rugby cleats, and a pair of dress shoes. That was it. But something about being with Grace in the shoe store made me want to get something cute. So I ended up with a pair of red stilettos with a five inch chrome heel, and Grace got a matching pair of black ones all to go with the dresses we had just picked up. I kind of had to talk Grace into getting the dress, since she was worried about making her money last her a while. I simply made up some story about having a coupon for buy one and get one free, so her dress would be free. Lucky for me, she bought it, while I paid for both dresses. I mean how could I, as a good friend, not get her a dress that makes her look THAT hot in it? Sometimes having money is a good thing right?
We met up with Samantha for lunch, and while I was hoping to just let the incident at the shoe store go, Grace HAD to tell her what happened with Angela. To say she wasn’t happy would be like saying the Grand Canyon was a ditch. She was livid. She was talking about expelling Angela and the group of girls who followed her every move. However I was able to talk some sense into her. I didn’t want to see the girl’s lives ruined just because of some anger management issues, so I suggested that she speak to Angela’s boss to dock her pay to make up for the damage to the display she sent me into at the store. That caused Samantha to pull me into a hug and say how proud of me she was for turning the other cheek.
Once we left Samantha after lunch, Grace and I hit the grocery store. To see the selections she was making, you’d have thought she had never been to one before. While I picked up some fresh fruits and vegetables, she was busy packing the cart with candy, and cookies. I ended up talking some sense into her, by explaining that in order for her to make it through the day without being drag ass tired at the end of it; she’d need to fuel her body right. I chose to explain it in car terms in hopes to make her understand.
“Think of your body as an engine.” I told her. “And food is the fuel. You could run it on nitro-methane.” I told her holding up a bag of candy and a box of cookies. “Or you could run it on diesel.” I said holding up some veggies. “One will make you go like hell for a short time. The other will give you more then enough power to go all day without problems. Which one do you think is better?”
“I get it mom.” she said sticking her tongue out at me.
“I’ve been there.” I said with a sigh. “I know what it’s like to be on your own for the first time, and all I’m trying to do is help you not make the same mistakes I made. Trust me. I like cookies like anyone else, but it only leads to being tired, and eventually, it’ll make you fat, because the sugar in them only lasts for a short time, so you’ll find yourself eating more and more of them to stay level.”
“Ok, so what’s next on the list of dos?” she asked putting back all but one of each of the junk food.
“Pasta,” I told her with a proud smile. “Pasta is what athletes eat the night before a big competition. They help your body, by storing the carbohydrates in them so you’ll have something left in the tank at the end of a long day.”
We ended up picking up quite a bit of healthy food. Mind you that I’m not opposed to some of the things she put in the cart, I just believe in moderation. All in all, we ended up with a couple hundred dollars worth of food that should last us a couple of weeks. Granted, the breads and milk will need to be replaced in a couple of days, but this was a good start, and again I foot the bill for the entire tab. Once we got home and had our bounty put away Grace came into my room and voiced her concern about me spending all my money on her.
“It’s not that I don’t appreciate it.” she started. “It’s just that I feel bad about you paying for me all the time.”
“Fair enough,” I said as I sat next to her on the bed. “But there is a problem I have.”
“What’s that?”
“When I had my accident, I had about $20 in my account. That was back in 2008. And apparently there was a payout from the insurance company of the guy who hit me.”
“It couldn’t have been that big a pay out.” she said looking concerned.
“$1.2 million” I told her showing her the printout I got online from my old account. “Also there were two payouts from my parent's life policies. Now, I didn’t touch the funds for over a thousand years. And the interest kept piling up. So as you can see. The final balance before I pulled out $100 yesterday was $22 trillion.” I said looking at her eyes to try to gauge her reaction. “So you see, I really have more money than I know what to do with.”
“But why did you buy me a dress, and pay for my food?”
“I was always taught that if you are lucky enough to have some good luck, don’t hoard it. Share it with friends.” I said with a smile and took her hand in mine. “Grace, you’re the only friend I have.”
She didn’t say a word; she just started to cry and hugged me tight. We sat there for a while hugging and crying together, as I brought her to the realization that I liked her. That was when she told me that she hadn’t told me the whole truth back on the ride to the moon.
“Remember when I said I was leaving all my friends behind?” she asked wiping the tears away.
“Yeah, you were pretty pissed about it.”
“I lied. I never had any friends.” she said starting to sob again.
“Come on, how can that be?”
“Who wants’ to be friends with a girl who spends her time reading engineering books, and watching races on television?” she asked looking at me, to which I just raised my hand to signal that I would. “Come on, I mean, all the girls back home think I’m a freak, because I don’t listen to the latest boy band and I’d rather watch a race, than go to the mall.”
“And that’s a bad thing, HOW?” I asked with a smile.
“I’m serious!” she scolded me. “To make things worse I was the only girl in my old school that would rather date another girl then a guy.”
“Alright, then you and I are in the same boat.” I told her
“How’s that,” she asked sniffling?
“Well, I’d rather watch or go to a race than the mall. I’d rather hear the sound of a large v-8 engine with a lumpy cam then ANY boy band. And there is this one girl I’ve been thinking about kissing, but she beat me to the punch and kissed me first.” I said with a wink.
“You mean that?” she asked with a twinkle in her eyes. “If I hadn’t kissed you first, you’d have kissed me?”
“Yes. Well, that is to say, I would have brought the subject up much like you did, and then played it by ear from there.”
She hugged me again and brought her face close to mine before stopping her lips just inches from mine. I smiled and placed my hands gently on her face and leaned in to give her the softest, most passion filled kiss I’d ever given. I even heard her moan softly as I continued to caress her face. When I finally broke the kiss off, she smiled at me and then blushed.
“Wow, that was nice.” she told me with another hug.
“Yeah, it was for me too.” I said smiling at her. “But I do have one suggestion for you.”
“What’s that?”
“Relax. Don’t kiss, like you’re pressing your lips against a glass door. Think of it more like eating a peach.” I told her.
“I don’t follow you.” she said confused.
“Alright, you’ve eaten a peach before right?”
“Yeah, lot’s of times.”
“Alright, which way works better? Keeping your lips tight and drawn hard against your teeth, or loose, and soft, so you can let them catch the juice?”
“Soft and loose.” she said cocking her head to try to follow my analogy.
“Alright, think about that when you kiss. If you keep your lips soft and loose, it allows the other person to feel you more. Think about how my lips are when I kiss you. Do you like that?”
“OH YEAH!” she told me with a smile.
“Alright, then lets try it again.” I told her leaning in to kiss her again.
She licked her lips and did what I suggested. It was the most electric feeling I’d ever had from kissing her. Her lips were so soft, and she caressed my face like I’d done hers. At that moment, I’d have done just about anything for her. I had to force myself to remember what I thought about earlier. So I pulled away a bit, and she followed my lead. Once we broke off the kiss we were both panting a bit, and she started to giggle as she saw my nipples poking though my shirt.
We ended up cuddling again that night but I made sure we both got up in time for the first day of classes. The whole world seemed to be working with me to make a happy life. I guess it was Karma’s way of saying ‘Hey, sorry about that crash. Here, this one’s on me.”