When one door closes ...
I know this is a day late, but consider this my Father's day present to all of you
Being a father is an incredible thing. You fall in love with this red-faced squalling baby, and as they get older, you only love them more, even when they surprise you.
And boy, did I ever get a surprise from my child, born Emily.
The signs were there young, if I had only been able to see it. She always was a rough-and-tumble tomboy, always trying to “be like daddy” every chance she could.
But it was when she was turning twelve that I finally realized something was very wrong. She had been getting increasingly depressed, and had taken to wearing baggy clothes that hid her developing curves.
I knew I had to do something, and after watching her push around her food one night, I decided it was past time we had a talk.
So when she had gone to her room, I followed, and said, “Okay, you gonna tell me about what’s bugging you, or do I have to guess?”
“You’re gonna hate me.”
“That cant happen. You’re my child, and I will always love you. And right now I’ve very worried, so let me help.”
“I ... something’s very wrong with me, dad. I ... think I must be crazy. I ... just dont fit. I try to be like the other girls, and it’s just ... not me. I ... I’d rather be doing what the boys are doing. And my body ... the more like a woman I become, the more ... wrong it feels. I hate my breasts, my hips, and especially my period.”
“From what I’ve come to understand most girls dont enjoy their periods”
“Most girls dont wish they had a ... well ... a boy part instead.”
I sighed. “Okay, this sounds serious. I ... I’ll look into this, hon. And no matter what, I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
“Thanks, dad.”
So began the hardest, strangest adventure any parent had to take part in. Together, we found out everything we could, and when the time came, my daughter gave way to my son, Emmet.
And today, I get to watch him get married to a lovely woman who knows his history, and loves him totally.
So you’ll have to forgive me if I start crying ...