Jem… Chapter 135
I wasn’t expecting Dad to stay over but it was seriously nice. We’d all sort of chipped in with breaking down Rayne’s old room and what was going to be the office and then moving everything out and I gave it a wipe down and a clean and then when Dad and the guys came back with Molly and Carmen and all of Molly’s stuff we put it all back in together so it all sort of fit and found a place all together.
Molly and Carmen were very huggy and holding each other through the process too especially as the guys did all of the heavy stuff.
I am so not yet used to being excused from doing the guys stuff.
I mean it’s not like one of the guys would be the guys to say that a girl can’t do these things it’s just sort of that they’re the guys and they’re just sort of doing these things.
Davey actually talked quietly with Molly and he was drawing something and she was still giving him these looks like are you for real and other ones during that conversation that they were having.
He’s a scary coffee drinking and smoking biker dude but he’s also a really nice guy at the same time.
We get them settled and Mike and Brooklyn are doing their thing and with a cough from Uncle Mitch Mike and her stop the hot and heavy and he looks at them. “I think Mike needs to come home tonight.”
Mike looks at him and twists his mouth up and Brooklyn kisses him and she plays with his hair. “I think you’re Dad’s right, there’s serious and then there’s us being way too…”
She whispers stuff into his ear and he looks at her and he nods and they kiss some more. I’m not like totally sure but I think she was talking about sex and the whole consequences and stuff.
And that’s like smart.
Pregnancy is a big deal.
And there might have maybe been a little bit of like her sort of maybe doing some of that testing the boyfriend sort of stuff too.
She does walk him out and she comes back with a smile and heads off to bed after giving dad a hug and a kiss and then whole idea of bed is like really calling out to me after all of the stuff today and tonight and Rayne looks beat too.
I hugged dad hard. “It’s cool you’re staying here tonight, do you need anything?”
“No, just to make sure that Kim’s alright when she gets home.”
“Dad, Max’s is a nice guy.”
“Angel; Max is a father and he’s a guy and as much as he might be a nice guy he’s still a guy and I still made a promise. If it’s good then that’s great but I still want to be here for Kimmie when she comes home.”
I hug him again and Rayne does the same with him and we head off to bed.
Okay we’re so not going to be doing the sexy time-naughty stuff tonight but there’s still something that’s beyond incredible still about getting undressed with each other and she’s just so damned lovely and beautiful and then it’s slipping into our bed wear and then slipping into our bed together and kissing.
You could not have ever explained to me the heartbreakling simple and pure yayness of slipping into a shared bed. Doing that and having the one you love there too and she’s kissing you and she’s touching you and their these tender little I love you explorations that make me feel it in my heart more than in my body.
It’s a thing of legend when you can get to go asleep in the love tingle.
I fell asleep with Rayne snuggling into me and she’s the one holding me and spooning me and her arms around me and her breasts pressed into my back and her lips nuzzling my ear.
You know when you have one of those great dreams? I had one of those great dreams and it was making love and it was dancing and it was singing and concerts and doing things with SLB and the girls and it was good.
I think that some of the stuff with Bobby and getting him the info and things with Carmen and Molly were there in the back of my head and things kind of jamming up the works and stuff and just.
Just I haven’t had these vivid dreams and loving and fun and really disjointed dreams for a long, long time.
I wake up to the light wafting smells of life in the house and it’s one on these really good things too…I keep the window open near the bed just a little since I usually like a little bit of fresh air or at least I like it until it gets like way too cold for it in the winter and things.
But it’s early and the sunshine is coming in and there’s that and I can smell that fall smell with the leaves in the yard and that whole kind of clean sort of smell that comes off of the lake. Then there’s the smell of Rayne’s body and of her shampoo and conditioner still lingering from last night and then there’s this smell of bacon and coffee coming upstairs from our kitchen and I can sort of tell from the footfalls that it’s Dad and he’s downstairs making breakfast.
It feels forever since Dad made breakfast.
He’s one of those dad cooks too, all kind of rustic and manly with meat and potatoes and bread and eggs and melted cheeses and all that caveman goodness.
I feel the change in Rayne’s breathing and she starts to touch my and play…Oh...oh hello! She starts to play with my little puffing nipples and I feel them…I mean I really feel then wake up and ache but in this holy moley good way and they react and they crinkle and then they get puffy and they harden and I’m getting the shivers but those yay sexy shivers and she’s kissing my neck too.
“Morning Love…” She says to me and it actually tears me us with how sexy and warm and it’s for me.
Oh wow…my heart feels so big and overflowing and happy and…oh is this the hormones?
It’s like happy and like girl happy but with this like boost to them.
(Sniffle.) “Morning.”
“Hey is everything okay?”
“Heck yeah, so in the happy overload hormonal sniffles.”
She moves but she does it so she can roll me over so I can face her and she smiles.
Rayne’s hair’s a mess and it’s doing this partial fall over her face and there’s this little bit of wild wispy strands that are all there too and she does the sweep them back with a finger and then she slides closer and she kisses me and it’s this way more than just a good morning kiss.
It makes me inhale and her tongue does the thing with my brain and she tugs at my night shirt and I lift my arms and she pulls it off of me and she pulls her’s off of her and we kiss again and again and she as her hands on my achy tiny poking bumps that are making me hurt…but this hurt that’s so good.
Seriously right though my breasts and that’s like getting hit but if pleasure was the impact rather than hurt and it radiates all over my chest making me arch and Need more of it and then it runs both up and into my brain and down and to my other bits and it gets hard and I’m sort of whining and blushing and hurting in those areas and at the same time I’m kissing her back and I’m cupping and touching Rayne’s amazing chest and running my fingers to and fro and even trailing then like backwards teasingly as my nails are barely touching her skin.
It’s this incredible thing with two girls naked to the waist with our blankets pooled around us and we’re sitting up facing each other and kissing each other and touching in that light that’s shining in on us until we can’t take this anymore and Rayne’s hand dips down and she does that pressing my bit down against me and uses lube and that space in betweeeeeeeen her fingers to rub me off.
And she’s kissing me and when she breaks the kiss there’s some hushed French dirty stuff that I don’t know and then there’s some… “That’s my girl, that’s my Angel, move your hips, ride me…give me your little clitty…” it’s hushed and husky and sexy and it’s a French accented whispery thing that runs wild through my brain and it just is one of the hundreds of things that takes me over the edge.
I cry out…just no words but this sharp cry as I pop off and I have this hard first pop and then the rest comes out and it’s like a champagne bottle that first pop and that flow of bubbles afterwards…
And there’s like this little lag of still stiff after that last like just a few seconds and I’m super sensitive after that and her hand is extra lubed now and she rubs me off to the point of me having this shivering second one that has like nothing come out but like a whine from my throat and literally makes my eyes flutter.
And when they stop fluttering and I’m breathing like I just sang a concert Rayne reaches out and she grabs my head with both of her hands and she just stops and stares at me and her head does this little tilt and she’s got those Lucy in the sky with diamond shines in her eyes and she says in this so soft so amazing way.
“God Angel you’re so beautiful…I am falling so, so fucking hard for you…” Then there’s these two big tears that run out of her eyes and she kisses me…pulls me right into her and she’s absolutely cradling my face as she’s doing so and I feel breathless and boneless and full of the morning sunlight.
This is worth every worthless moment that I have ever had.
When we sort of come back down we’re staring into each other’s eyes and I smile at her and she smiles at me and I grab her legs and pull them up and her down and I sort of lean over her and I kiss her and then I play with her breasts and her legs are rubbing my back and then over my panties and bum and I get her to the point of her breathing and panting and moaning and she sort of almost has this erotic throat singing sort of thing and she’s thrusting her chest up to me and I’m kissing and I’m suckling and sucking more importantly sucking…Rayne she loves her nipples to be sucked on hard and with my tongue pressing so my taste buds grins over her nipple buds and nerves and then almost to like me to use my tongue to push in on her nipples to like almost try to sink them down and then suck them back up.
And cupping, cupping to take the weight off and having just enough thumbs free to rub it around and around her wet aureole after I move my mouth.
She moans louder and louder and she cried out as I bring my knee up into her crotch softly and move it back and forth over her labia and mons until the soft and silky skins create enough of that good friction that she cries out.
“Angel!...Oh my effing…Angel!” She’s panting…and I move up to kiss her and she returns it and I break the kiss and she sort of collapses.
“”You’re…you’re the only one who’s ever done that, my boobs are so sensitive but no one makes them feel like that…no one has ever made them feel like that…”
She’s panting and I kiss my way down to her hot wetness. “I love you Rayne, I want to make you feel as amazing as you make me feel…I pay attention when you make those sounds, those hums and purrs.”
I’m just getting down there when we can hear Carmen cry out in her own deep grunting cry scream of pleasure. It was pretty intense too like this sexy meet hard women’s tennis swing sort of thing.
I smile and I sink between Rayne’s thighs and start to make her sing again.
I try for counterpoint with Molly.
We even nap for a few minutes afterwards as Rayne’s trying to breathe and I’m literally resting my head on her mound and smiling as we hear sounds for a few minutes and I realize Dad has tunes cranked downstairs and *Turn up your receiver* By Nazareth is playing loudly up through the floor.
That’s until I hear the sound cut out and Brooklyn is playing guitar now down there with the Amp’s cranked and Kimmie’s on the drums and it’s that rock and roll band house with people playing just because that’s what we do and Brooklyn’s playing *Johnny-B-Goode* That old Chuck Berry song that they did on Back to the Future and that guitar is just singing out and while the girls aren’t singing it’s still awesome and Rayne’s making me laugh by starting to dance on her back in bed and that’s sort of rocking me back and forth until I laugh enough to get up.
And she gets up and we’re dancing together and getting our things and heading to the shower in blankets and we take the now sex funked up bedding and we shower as Brooklyn and Kimmie are doing *Shoot to Thrill* By AC/DC still all in like instrumental but still really good for just one guitarist and a drummer.
It’s a good morning and it must have been a good morning for everyone. I wasn’t here for when Kim got home so she might be on like such a date meets coffee meets Redbull high right now it could explain a lot.
And she and Brooklyn are practically sisters so they feed off of each other.
And maybe Rayne and I too.
Heck I know I’m feeding off of them.
We get out and dressed and I go without my inserts after I do a check of myself in the mirror and they’re small and just starting but I’m slim enough and they’re puffy enough and my nipples are still very there compared to what they were like just starting on these and when I tried on my tee-shirt they’re there.
And with a bra they’re a little bit more there.
Which is incredibly a yay thing for me and I’m not going out on stage so I’m letting the girls have a day off, or at least have a day off until the gig tonight.
Showered and hair blow dried and lotioned and powdered and dressed in pink cargo shorts and my Jem SLB individual tee I head out and go to the kitchen while Rayne retreats upstairs to get changed and ready for work.
Yeah we’re still doing some of that in real life working or she is and if Lucky’s works we might have to take a look at that maybe since we’ll be doing five nights a week in three places.
But Rayne wants to keep her day job because she wants to have it in case the club and café scene pots out after a while or something.
This is another reason why I want to get this chamber of commerce thing and the site going because if we have more and more people that can have things to do and come here for and want to come here for the much better chance of us actually working.
I head into the kitchen and there’s Tim’s in the can out and Dad’s got a fresh pot going and he’s got a whole mess of bacon fried up and crispy…Dad gets it right to the just not floppy stage and just getting crispy in the pan and he’ll then put it in the oven to finish at a low heat and it gets crispy just right and it also drains away.
Not that he’s not using the bacon fat because he made hash browns and scrambled eggs and then there’s some toast out too…my bread but regular toast and he’s made cinnamon toast and too and it smells really, really good in here.
I mean it’s like super dad like and basic and stuff but it’s still Dad that made it and it’s got that smell.
You know that smell…of breakfast that you didn’t have to cook.
He looks at me and he’s staring at me and I blush and look at him as I’m getting my coffee. “What?”
“You look so much like your mom.”
“You keep saying that Dad.”
Her actually gestures at my chest with the egg-turner. “With those happening it’s even more so and without the inserts and stuff plus your voice.”
I touch my throat. “My voice?”
“It’s getting into that soft sort of range she always had when speaking and you’ve got a lot of that in you Honey.”
I smile. “Thanks Daddy, I think I like that.”
I take a drink of coffee and it’s perf. Kimmie made this and Tim’s is great but Tim’s can be really strong and Kim does like just a little under what they call for because the pot on our perker is smaller than the one in the stores and she brews it just a little lighter than they do.
It’s harder to tell when it’s black but when you add a little creamer to it you can definitely tell the difference.
I’m looking at the bacon. “You did two pounds?”
“Three you have all of you here now so I thought.”
I nod. “It’s a good thing I got some more groceries then.”
He nods but looks at me. “Are you girls going to be alright for this?”
I nod and slice some more…the end of the bread that I made just the other day for more toast. “Yes but we will take anything y’know dad or I will.”
He nods. “Hunting season’s coming up and we have friends that are into that and there’s a few people I know that might need help with a few things that we could like trade labor for.”
“Ralston Ripley’s Farm will be pulling all of the fall things for the season and he’d likely do a trade, I think Haley Mitchel’s doing chickens soon too.”
I nod. “Anything is good dad, let me know okay.”
He nods and he smiles and I am taking the time to make up lunches and he’s helping me. I use some of the toast to make BLT’s (Bacon lettuce and tomato sandwiches) and then some string cheese and some of the snack veggies and a thing of yogurt and a bottle of water and a re-used water bottle of frozen orange juice and I bad them all up with Rayne, Brook, Kim and I do Mike one too.
Dad is smiling at me. “You like this?”
I drink my coffee all the way down and smile at him. “I actually do, I love having them with me Dad, I love having sisters and a family and yeah I know that they can do stuff like this for themselves we’re all still tender and stuff from all of the stuff that life biff’s our way so I want to spoil my friends.”
I get a second coffee and I make one for Rayne and that was just timed perfectly as she comes in and just like that was sort of the cue do the others with Rayne dressed in her sort of goth-lite for work at Wal-Mart and Kim and Brooklyn in their school uniforms and they’re looking awake.
Kim’s really looking awake and like super naughty but not enough for trouble. She has her skirt at the top of what’s regulation for there I think and she’s wearing those thigh socks that are fairly popular now and she is so rocking the whole Japanese school girl thing.
Then Brooklyn’s blouse/shirt is untucked and she’s wearing a guy’s red tie to go with it a little loose and she’s got her hair all done and she’s rocked enough it’s doing that whole awesome curling wavy thing and she has SLB printed guitar picks made somehow into cufflinks for her blazer.
They’re looking pretty sharp and sort of rocker-girl punk and then Molly comes in with Carmen and they’re both still post shower wet and they so have that post good sexy glow and shine to them.
I so can’t help but to smile at that and Carmen’s in jean cut offs and this big hoody that I think might be Molly’s and Molly has that look that I think I have when Rayne wears some of my things.
Neither one’s wearing Make-up yet or have done anything with their hair and Molly looks so really strange and different with no make-up.
She’s looking at us and she’s blushing a lot and she seems really self-conscious and she’s also looking at the food and Dad and she’s staring at me.
And she’s staring at my chest.
So I’m blushing.
And Brooklyn steps up and she cups my chest and she says in this sort of deeper womanly voice and says. “Look Fred she’s gotten her boobies.”
I blush and Dad…dad actually burst out laughing and so does Molly who actually is a giggler and the girls are all smirking except for Carmen who looks lost.
Molly shows her the scene from Sixteen Candles and she’s smiling. “I have so much too sort of learn don’t I? You’re all kind of like nerds.”
I grin at her. “You’ll get there; maybe we’ll do a movie night sometime and watch all of those cool old movies.”
Kimmie is giggling to herself and Brooklyn says. “Oh, an eighties movie night would be like totally cool.”
Then Kimmie is dialing and she says into her phone. “Wot’s happening hawt stuff?” In this really terribad Asian faux-accent.
But that still gets us all laughing.
And Molly has to show Carmen again.
We all eat breakfast together and it’s packed with seven of us and we’re moving around each other and it’s eight after Mike gets here and it’s packed but it’s still sort of happy and fun and exciting and the girls head off to school and Molly and Carmen head out to the living room and both hugged dad and thank him for making breakfast with Molly saying. “Thank you Remy, that was just awesome.”
And Carmen hugged him saying. “Yeah, it was awesome just like last night.”
Brooklyn and Kim hug him and Kim’s was like super tight and she says. “Thanks so, so much Dad…” her voice catches some and she lets go and she tippy-toe kisses his cheek and says. “Love you.” And then she heads out with Brooklyn and Mike who is kissing Brooklyn up against the cars for a while before they head out for school.
I am so damned proud of him.
Rayne Hugs and gives him a kiss on the cheek before she does the same with me and I go outside with her and we kiss a few more sweet times before I see her off and dad’s leaving the house as I’m heading back in and I give him a really big hug.
“I love you daddy.”
He hugs me back and hard enough he lifted me off of my feet for a few minutes. “I love you too Angel.”
I reach up and I fix his hair some and look at him. “I’m really lucky Dad and I’m super proud to be your daughter.”
He smiles and he sets me down and he leans over and kisses my cheek. “I’m glad Angel; really you know that means a whole lot to me. No matter how old we have or how together we sort of look as parents we always wonder.”
“You’re doing good daddy, you’re doing better than good.”
We hug once more and he heads out after getting in his car and I just take a deep, deep breath and go over and sit on the stoop like I usually do and this time a little sideways so my back’s to the wrought iron railings and I’m watching down the street to where they all headed.
Just take some time to breathe, get some of the morning into me and the sunshine and just take those few Mom like minutes to enjoy life.
Then I get up and head back inside and look in at Carmen and Molly and they’re on the computers or Molly is and Carmen’s sitting at the couch with some hair care stuff and she’s doing stuff to her hair which is so wavy and all she needs to do things to tame it.
I go downstairs and get the laundry started and wow…yeah we have a lot of sexed up sheets and it’s just not mine and Rayne’s and then there’s the other cloths, towels and our gig things.
I’m actually laughing a little as I separated things and then had washed my hands off into the washer water.
It’s a good thing we have gas here and that the water heater uses that because I think we went through a lot of hot water.
“Heh…okay dad, point taken maybe we’re going to have to look at things a bit differently now?”
Six girls, that’s a lot of laundry especially adding in gig’s and the fact we’re all sexually active in this house with relationships going and stuff.
Then there’ll be everything else.
No I’m not like worried but it’s definitely something that I’m getting a mental grip on right now.
I get the first load washed and it’s nice out so I basket those and I get a second one done and that goes in the dryer and then first load that were the sheets I take upstairs and out through the back porch with me having just remembered that the guys fixed stuff out back and they put in or repaired the clothesline.
I am actually happy like some housework geekette as I head inside at the thought of bedclothes off of the line. There is no smell really like that actually.
Molly’s got something going and loading on the computers and their doing the swirly thing on the screens and when I head into the kitchen she and Carmen have their make-up sort of touched up and Carmen har her hair sort of straightened and now she has it in this kind of a style that has a fanned out top-knot thing but they’re both doing the dishes all up and the counter and everything which is cool.
Dishes are just the dishes it’s cleaning the kitchen while you’re doing it.
“Thanks girls that’s really cool of you.”
I’m turning the oven back on and Carmen’s looking at me. “Again?”
I grin. “Yep again and we’re out of bread.”
She looks at me. “We could buy it.”
I nod. “We could and we might have to yet but I like doing it and I like that I know what goes in it and us too.”
Molly says. “I love Angel’s bread and I actually feel less guilty about eating it than the boughten stuff.”
I grin at her. “Thank you.”
She’s drying the last of the dishes and she looks sheepishly at me. “Can I help? I don’t really know how to cook or how to bake…I sort of madly ran from doing that sort of stuff since my family tried to use all of that stuff to like make me a good little not gay-girl.”
I nod. “Sure actually that’d be cool because we could just kind of keep stuff sort of going after a while with a few of us mixing a raising and proofing things as we need them.”
Molly grins. “Besides I have a skinny girlfriend to feed.”
Carmen gets this shy and embarrassed look but happy at the same time. “If I get fat then it’s your fault.”
Molly smile-blushes at her. “I love you, not your diet or any of that model bullpuckey.”
I sort of look at Carmen as her and Molly are sharing looks and I can see a little of that stuff that rips on Rayne inside with all of the dieting stuff and not eating and stuff and looking at Carmen she honestly has that whole won the good genes thing but she also sort of has that look like a girl that has never really been free of that whole you have to be X… of more like you have to be this size.
Me I’m lucky and not, I’m thing but Dad’s thing too even for a middle aged guy he’s still going to get called wiry. I might have problems actually being smaller than the other girls and I’m behind a lot on the whole curves area and all and I might always be that way.
But yeah I’m seeing a very disturbing trend to you gotta be perfect in all of the girls that I know.
And it’s kind of left a lot of trauma for some of them.
I smile at both of them. “I think we’re all save considering Dad and Uncle Mitch and the guys too.”
Molly looks at me. “You bake for them too?”
I nod. “I’m good at it and I don’t ride motorbikes and put myself in harm’s way and all the other cool things that they do for me.”
She gets this look on her face and it’s not the usual her with a problem about men and guys one it’s this whole other look and Carmen nods and they both say. “Teach us?”
I laugh. “Sure now we can get started and one of the best ways to start is pre-heating the ovens and then heating or warming the mixing bowls and I like to do that so the gentle warmth actually helps the dough rise better.”
We get started on bread and while we’re doing it we’re going to do a little brown bread and some raisin bread and a multi-grain bread too since it’s all variations on the same thing and actually I want to have some for some other people.
Molly looks at me. “Since we’re doing this can we make a little more? There’s this shelter place we went to last night and…”
We talk on that and we talk on the shelter and her idea for a link for things for the shelter and a few other shelters and things here in town and how we might make a think on our site for that and for like a PayPal link for them on donations and things and all of the things here in town that we might be able to help maybe if I and the girls would be cool with it.
I look at her. “Well I’m in and we can text the girls and stuff and we can do the links and things for the shelter house and that’s no problem.”
She looks so happy. “Really! That’s so cool because I’ve been working on both ours and a basic page for them.”
“Okay when we take some of the bread over and things we can talk to them and get them set up.”
“Really! Angel that’s so awesome.”
I look at Carmen. “You don’t mind?”
She shrugs. “Me paying back’s sort of something I’ve got to do Angel.”
I nod. “Good then you can like do my make-up for the video I want to shoot.”
Molly’s like.. “Today?”
I nod. “If I get permission from the shelter ladies I want to do a song and we can link their site to it and I can to a little short video too like a commercial for them for our Facebook and Youtube things and I can ask folks that click on to donate to the shelter through the links.”
She’s looking at me wide eyed and so is Carmen.
Carmen looks embarrassed. “I was just sort of caught back in my old life where people just sort of don’t do for others unless there’s more in it for them first.”
Molly’s nodding. “Even most of the people I know would be asking that Angel, it’s a little of oh shit wow.”
I smile and start mixing sugar with the warm water for the yeast. “Money’s good but it doesn’t pay your heart right?”
They both are looking at me and do a slow nod.
I laugh a little. “Girls you’re part of the band and what’s important to you is important to the rest of us. And beside I am being selfish about this it’ll increase our profile and it’ll give us better references and since it’s an in town charity we can actually use it as a booster for when we take the idea for all of this to the Harper’s Point Chamber of Commerce.”
Molly is shaking her head. “Okay, okay it’s still cool and I can’t believe you’re younger than me and you haven’t like graduated Business College.”
“I’m planning on all of that actually and getting my GED. Now here now that we have the water warm and it’s been sweetened we’re adding the yeast and that’s best used if we actually pour this much here in for the size of the batch we’re making and then to stir it by hand. Some folks use a machine but yeast is a living thing and you actually don’t want to use a machine that might be too hard on it.”
I sort of back off to show them how to do it all and the measures and my taping down the waxed paper of the table cheat for when we are doing all the dough working and the kneading and it’s all fairly simple treat the yeast right and let it bloom. Then the salt and just enough so the dough’s not flat tasting mixed into the flour as we sift it and a little bit more sugar like a table spoon for a four loaf batch because you want it semi-sweet but not too sweet and the sugars will actually start the yeast going and then they’ll start to digest the flour.
The only big difference is the amount of yeast to use for the multigrain because it’s heavier so we use just a little more and brown sugar instead of white in the flour for the brown bread and raisin bread and molasses in the yeast water for those two kinds mostly for the flavor.
“Bread is basically simple really you just mix it with a gentle touch all the way through from dough to proofing and then it’s patience and care.”
We make actually a lot of bread to bake off and some will be for us and some will be for the guys and some will be for the shelter and we’re making rolls too because you can stretch out a batch or rolls with meals and then there’s some even for Rick down at the hardware store and some for Jimmy.
We batch it all out and we have enough to be done by around lunch and I go and change the laundry out and do some more and then take the dry stuff up to fold in the living room as Molly’s doing stuff now for SLB’s page and she has a nice one done for the shelter house.
The logo is sweetly done but chilling too. It’s all like drawn on the computer and it’s town but it’s dark with our lighthouse in the distance and the light is shining on a mom and kids with blankets around them and it’s leading them to this drawn version for the shelter house and it’s windows and doors are yellow and lit like the beam from the lighthouse.
It really looks sad but in that on purpose way and has a nice tie in to town and then she has all the page stuff on there with like a place for staff and mission statement and then there’s a want list and a desperately need list.
I look at her. “That’s awesome, can you get in contact with the shelter and I’ll call the girls and we can get this all started and finished and get the links up before we get the bread all done and over there.”
Molly is nodding and I start texting while on my laptop and looking at our stuff from last night and our I-tunes and Carmen’s watching both of us and she’s actually taken the laundry from me and she’s started folding it.
There’s a ring at our door and I get up and look out the window and it’s the Purolator guy and there’s a distinct size to the package.
“Cool my Keytar’s here!”
I might actually use that or the Ukele for the charity video.