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Book 10 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
Columbia has produced a new and savage cartel, Can Lyssa face the mission or will demons of the past come back to haunt her? WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be |
Butterfly and the Dragon's Den
Dannigan stared at the screen. The Director of the CIA was quietly backchanneling a request for help and he didn't care from who. Five deep cover agents tortured and killed in Columbia by a serious narco-terrorist cartel. It made him think of the Padosa cartel and the havoc they had wreaked.
These cartels had a tendency to get out of hand. Perhaps they could be taught a lesson since the example of Ramon Padosa had faded from memory too quickly.
He knew just the person to do it and buzzed the intercom, "Madison."
"Yes Major,"she answered.
"Where's Lyssa," he asked.
"Her U.S. number was active this morning, I'll call her right away," Madison said then dialed.
Lyssa answered on the third ring. Madison told her that she was needed immediately then noted a tme and hung up.
"She'll be here in two hours Major,"Madison buzzed back to him.
He replied with a brusque thank you then started gathering information.
Lyssa disconnected and walked back inside. She showered then dried and styled her hair. After putting on her make up and perfume she picked a lightweight blue skirt suit,cream colored blouse and black pumps. Lyssa took up her purse and keys as she walked out and was on her way in moments.
Traffic was light and she pulled into the parking lot with minutes to spare.it took only moments to pass through the safeguards to get to Madison's office and she buzzed her in with a smile.
"Afternoon Lyssa,"Dannigan greeted her.
"Major..." she replied then looked to the screen on the wall he nodded to.
The first photo came up and he narrated," Calderone, Eduardo; head of the Coyote Rojos cartel out of Columbia, bloodthirsty, vicious, etc. this next guy is his top enforcer; Alvarez, no other name known. Eduardo's wife; Marianna she's just as bad as he is. Sister: Carmellina, now she takes cut-throat to a whole 'nother level. It's confirmed that she had a priest dragged out of the church and burned alive because he didn't give her absolution."
"Jesus......"Lyssa muttered.
"That's the high-lights. These men and woman were deep cover CIA. She was grabbedcoming out of the embassy, the group's control. They were rounded up within minutes. That was last month, the team's bodies were recovered two days ago. Power drils, blow-torches, electric, cutting and that was just the men," Dannigan stated as those photos came up.
Lyssa had stood and walked over to the screen, her expression had become stoney as the photos continued.
"The woman was obviously sexually assaulted repeatedly; including trauma to the rectum, any evidence vaginally had been obliterated by 'an extremely hot object inserted deep inside repeatedly' and semenal fluid recovered from both her stomach and rectum.....some of it non-human. Her eyes had been completely removed by and i quote 'extreme force'. To date there has never been this aggressive of actions," Dannigan concluded.
"My god this rings of Padosa,"Lyssa said angrily.
"A connection was searched for, but no. These people are new, independent and wanting to really make a name for themselves savagely," Dannigan finished.
Lyssa turned back to face him,"ok Show is over...now give me Tell."
"Backchannel request and these are just your type," Dannigan said without humor.
"I'll go in,"lyssa said after a moment.
"One thing though. Apparently Padosa wasn't a good enough example. I want you to go....strange, on this one," He added.
"How strange do you want,"She asked tilting her head slightly.
"Get really creative. Something nobody's ever seen before," Dannigan said then passed over a disc.
Lyssa took the disc then walked out with a wave to Madison. If she hurried she could make the evening flight to the Caymen Islands.
Danigan sent a secure untraceable message to the director of the CIA: action underway.
He then buzzed Madison,"Start monitoring columbia, eyes, ears, every bit of chatter to and from."
"Yes sir,"She answered. Madison said a quick silent prayer, Their butterfly was being sent into Hell. the Steel Butterfly. Hopefully Lyssa could withstand the fires again.
Carmellina laughed coldly looking down at the Embassy secretary,"you are going to provide us so much entertainment. Paco...."
A man off to the side lit a torch then held a rod in the flame for a minute, when it took a red hue he turned it off and approached her. Through swollen eyes she saw him coming closer and started begging for him not to get closer. Slowly he waved the heated rod in front of her then pressed it to her upper arm causing her to thrash on the table and scream.
Carmellina leaned down beside her head and waved off the brander and signalled another to come forward.
"You serve those gringo pigs so well...show us how you do it....spread your legs like you do for them," Carmellina hissed into the woman's ear gripping her hair.
Crying, the secretary did as she was told. Another man that had been waved forward unzipped his pants and freed himself then climbed onto the table and savagely thrust himself into her. She screeched in pain as he raped her, pausing occasionally to sniff up some cocaine then continue for over an hour until her wails dulled to groans of misery.
He climbed off of her then cut the cords keeping her to the table. Another man came up and roughly flipped her over then rammed himself deep into her rectum. The brutalized young woman lost her voice before he had finished in her.
Carmellina stepped up again,"our property should be marked clearly so there is no mistaking," she chuckled then pressed the sizzling brand to the woman's right buttock.
"Yes....you will provide us with so much fun," Carmellina chuckled into the woman's ear before she slipped into unconsciousness.
Lyssa walked through the concourse of Grand Caymen International Airport then took a taxi to her house on the beach arriving just before midnight. Once inside she walked to the phone and dialed a satellite number from memory, It was answered on the second ring.
"Yeah" a male voice answered.
"Good evening; we are currently running a survey to all VIP gold members of the Mile-High club," Lyssa said in a seductive voice gaining a roar of laughter on the other end.
"Well how are you Gorgeous," he chuckled.
"Busy Rodrick and maybe able to put some business your way. Any commitments," she asked.
"Hell you know me...I have issues when it comes to commitments, though you could definitely make a man rethink the course of his life," Rodrick flirted.
Rodrick thought back to the weekend they had been together. They had met by accident when a modeling assignment turned out to be a ploy by middle eastern human traffickers.
Lyssa laughed and flirted back, "such sweet talk. When can you be in Cayman flyboy?"
"Since its you, 9 am local," he replied.
"Meet me at the Golden Reef. Breakfast is on me. And Rodrick....bring your blacklist," Lyssa said.
"Sweet thing for you; I'll even bring flowers," Rodrick quipped and disconnected.
Lyssa made a few more calls and soaked in a bubblebath for for a while then went to bed.
tomorrow would be along soon enough.
Rodrick Mason walked out onto the deck and crossed over to the table and gave a low wolf whistle at the blonde wearing a strapless aqua dress. Lyssa laughed then stood up, hugged the pilot and took the small bouquet of roses then sat back down as he held her chair before taking his own sitting opposite her.
"You never change...always 'off the cover of a magazine' and twice as sweet," He commented.
"And you...'daring as Howard Hughes' with ten times the charm," She chuckled back.
Breakfast was ordered and they made small talk before and during. After she paid the check they walked out onto the beach. Lyssa unfastened the ankle straps of her heels and held them in her hand as they walked along the edge of the damp sand just back from the surf.
"So what's the gig Lyssa, you have other means of getting around," Rodrick asked.
"Destination: Columbia," Lyssa said as they stopped and she turned to face him.
That got his attention so he asked,"Columbia? Seriously?"
"But I need to do something else first, Indonesia...island of Flores to make a pick up," she said flatly.
"Flores? there's nothing on Flores but.....what the hell do you want with those big-assed lizards," Rodrick asked in disbelief.
"That's my business Rod. I need to go get the dragons and get them into Columbia. Unnoticed Rod, completely off the grid," she answered.
"You mean use a drug strip in the jungle," he baited her.
Lyssa turned and looked at him again then took off her sunglasses. The look she gave him was all business.
"Don't play me Rod, you and I both know you have your own airstrip in every third world country. If you wanted to, you could not only refuel but also rearm most jet fighters and attack helos. Guns and missiles," she said flatly.
"Ok, its like that..the gloves and panties are off.... vicious Lyssa. How'd you know about that anyway," He asked.
"You talk in your sleep. Rod...this is serious....I need it,"she replied then kept along side as he started walking again.
They walked ten yards before he stopped again and looked out to sea.
"This isn't one of your classic 'favor for a favor' gigs is it? Like you said; don't play me," Rodrick leveled.
"Its a real job Rod and its important,"She admitted.
He stood there and thought for a minute then finally said,"Ok, you know my usual deal but triple fuel cost."
"Rod, I'm not playing around here. You can have a hundred K for this," Lyssa answered.
"Damn Lyssa. do I wanna know what the hell you're up to this time,"Rodrick exclaimed.
"Let's just say Morocco was a walk in the park compared to this on my end,"She chuckled.
Rodrick smiled, not at the memory of a desparate get away from angry mercenaries chasing Lyssa and a several models as they were escaping from a human trafficker, but of the weekend the two of them shared in Nice afterward.
He laughed,"ok deal but I need a favor."
"A favor," Lyssa asked arching an eyebrow.
Roderick mocked a serious look,"yeah I need a new suit. You got an In with Hugo Boss?"
Lyssa rolled her eyes pretending exasparation then laughed as he picked her up and spun once," I have an in with Giorgio Armani."
"So when do we have to get going," Rodrick asked then kissed her slowly.
Lyssa relaxed in his arms and smiled," how about tonight? Gives us a few hours."
"Good thing I got a room on the way over," Rodrick scooped her up and carried her towards the nearby resort.
The sun had just set as Rodrick's cargo plane lifted off from the runway of a private Bahamian island heading east towards Africa.
"Madison, update Lyssa about the embassy secretary,"Dannigan ordered.
"Yes sir. Any additional instructions," She asked.
"Use her own discretion on site," Dannigan added.
Madison closed her eyes at the finality of that statement. Translation: retreive if possible, liquidate if neccessary. A Senate sub-committee had already met and issued a lethal finding on the cartel. Lyssa would carry out the liquidation mandate under three agencies' umbrella; CIA, DEA and State Department. Though it was untraceable Dannigan's message had been taken seriously.
Everybody had pulled back and since the abduction of the secretary the embassy was on lock down. The cartel would be angry; they had tried and failed at kidnapping of one of the marine guards. Anybody and everybody that could be had been issued weapons to protect themselves. The marine had. The embassy guard detail was reinforced by a special anti-terrorist detail from Guantannamo Bay along with undercover SEALs from TEAM 6.
Eduardo looked at his sister,"So you failed at your idiotic ploy to take one of the embassy marine guards."
Carmellina retorted,"he got lucky is all. we'll pick up another."
"He got lucky..."Eduardo echoed standing up and pouring a drink,"he.....got...lucky......"
He threw the decanter at the wall beside her smashing it,"HE GOT LUCKY? NO! YOU GOT STUPID! AND NOW THE AMERCIANS HAVE STRENGTHENED THEMSELVES!"
"Who cares, by tomorrow I will have the Ambassador. We will use bank trucks to smash in and drive back out," she smiled.
Eduardo pointed at her angrily,"we need solid leverage on the Americans. Take the whole family from the embassy. DO NOT FAIL!"
Lyssa walked into the cockpit and sat in the navigator seat rubbing her eyes, "Where we at Rod?"
"We'll be landing outside Johannesburg again in ten minutes sleeping beauty," he smiled.
They were on the ground once more at his private airstrip for an hour to refuel then take off again, another refuel stop just outside Marakesh gave them enough fuel to make Argentina then up to Columbia.
Rod threw in a bonus, a truck big enough to haul the crates containing the giant lizards that were getting angrier by the hour. They were fed once on the plane, but only enough to settle down. They couldn't be fed again or they wouldn't be aggressive enough. A few hours later she had driven to within three miles of the compound.
After sunset a small convoy pulled out. Lyssa spotted the sister Carmellina in the lead SUV. She slipped down to the road and lined a twenty yard section with claymores then placed anti-vehicle mines in the road itself followed by a snare-trap. there were several guard towers but within range of her rifle even with the supressor, a spray of acid separated the fence to allow her access.
Silently she made her way into the barracks and used a silenced MP-5. The twenty guards barely hear the clacking of the bolt or loud 'cough' of the reports over the rattling air conditioner in the window. One by one she silently cleared the bungalows with her pistol and the Marauder knife then stole into the main house.
Within half an hour she had complete control of the house. Lyssa secured the Cartel command then searched lower. The sight in the basement stunned her. She'd found the secretary. Lyssa stepped close, reached out and touched her hair gently. Barely holding back a whimper the ravaged secretary slowly opened her legs. Lyssa shushed her gently, taking note of the bruises, lacerations and burns. Her arms were both at unnatural angles. It was the lack of the woman's eye that sickened her the most.
With a voice that was more a hoarse croak than a whisper she begged,"please make it all stop. please make it all stop."
Silently Lyssa took a micro-syrette from a concealed compartment in her boot then leaned down and kissed her softly on the forehead and whispered,"I'm so sorry."
Lyssa injected the syrette into the trembling woman's neck. Within seconds she became still then exhaled what little breath she'd had left. Stiffly Lyssa took a sheet from nearby and draped it over her body, gently tucking it underneath then quickly turned away and doubled over. She wretched and heaved until her stomach was as empty as her soul now felt. Lyssa stood and rinsed her mouth with water from her canteen then went outside, she had a pit to dig. The explosives she'd found would solve that problem quickly.
Carmellina laughed as her men loaded into the trucks from the bank then watched as they sped away. She had her driver park down the street so she could watch. The Americans thought they could hide behind the walls and shoot at any threat, they would learn soon that if she wanted something nobody would stop her from taking it.
The first truck turned the corner followed by two more as then sped up, at the last moment it turned, barreling towards the gate. The men behind the wall didn't bother to shout warnings they just opened fire. the night shattered with the sound of assault rifles
and machine guns but the trucks still plowed through the gates. They didn't make it very far when Carmellina saw three firey streaks travel from the roof of the building and slam into the trucks blasting them into the air followed by several smaller explosions.
She screamed at the driver,"GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!"
Too late the watchers had already discovered her. Several shots pinged at the Mercedes SUV as he started the engine then slammed it into reverse and screeching backwards down the road. As they sped through the streets heading back to the compound she planned to collect more men and the Russian rockets from the storage and return. She would teach the Americans not to stand in the way of the Calderone family and its goals. She would own the American Embassy before the sun rose.
Eduardo looked around then realized he was handcuffed to a chair facing his wife and second lieutenant; Alvarez. None of them were able to speak due to the strips of tape across their mouths. His phone rang. To Eduardo and his wife's horror a woman answered it and sounded very similar in tone and attitude to Marianna.
She instructed the caller," hurry back. What you need will be ready when you get here."
The source of the voice stepped into view. A woman in all black that outlined every curve with dark streaks across her face hiding her identity perfectly.
"That was your sister, she failed again and is on her way back. She wants more men and the rockets from storage," she said.
The woman turned and walked from the room. Some time later they heard an explosion then after a few minutes three smaller ones and several screams.
Lyssa waited until the SUV almost cleared the minefield then triggered one off, blasting it tail over nose forward to land on its roof. Slowly three men and one woman struggled out. One of the men started to lead them back down the road but Lyssa hit another remote and one of the claymores went off shredding him. He had enough life in him to scream, the two others ran up to either pull him to safety or give a mercy shot but Lyssa didn't give them time to decide hitting the remote twice more setting off two more claymores. The woman turned and bolted, running to the compound for safety from the unseen enemy.
Lyssa watched her run for a good ten yards when the concealed rope noose snatched her off the ground by the ankles. The drug lord's sister's head smacked the ground hard knocking her unconscious. The last thing she saw was a dark form materialize from the jungle and approach then the lights went completley out.
She awoke later handcuffed to a chair at the edge of a very large hole by a tractor with its bucket overhanging the edge. Several large metal boxes were at the bottom with strands of barbed wire to them. Loud banging came from inside the boxes.
"You brought dogs for us to fight," Eduardo taunted.
Lyssa said nothing but looped a rope around the chest of Alvarez then hauled him upright from the chair and lowered him down into the ground below. He smirked at her then looked puzzled with something small hit his head. Looking down Alvarez saw it was the key to the handcuffs. He bent down and picked up the key and managed to unlock them. Lyssa said nothing but slowly pulled one of the strands of wire lifting the gate on the box.
"Here poochie poochie poochie," Alvarez called and made kiss noises at the box until it opened and something slowly came out.
The Columbian stopped taunting and started backing away. Eduardo and company starting looking at each other in confusion. Seeing something dark moving out of the box had made him go silent and stare in terror. Alvarez was fearless and had even wrestled pitbull dogs before but whatever was down there made him afraid.
They heard a hissing then saw him run for the opposite side then around; moving and jumping, finally fighting it with kicks until whatever it was had him. They heard him bellow and scream trying to free himself. It continued for fifteen minutes then a loud wail
hitched up an octave then trailed off.
Lyssa leaned in close to Carmellina,"Are you entertained?....no? I'll change the channel then..."
She hoisted Marianna up then lowered her into the pit and dropped the key to her. Marianna whimpered and swore to herself trying to get the cuffs unlocked. As she finally managed to get free, two doors slid up and she saw two more come out and move toward
her. The high pitched screaming stopped after 10 minutes while the woman and Eduardo whispered.
Carmellina looked up after having the back of her head slapped. The woman in black had been gone a long time. She leaned down to Eduardo and whispered into his ear. He spoke softly and quickly, staring into the hole. Three very large lizards feasted on the two bodies as bangs could be heard from the remaining crates while she wrote on a small pad of paper then left.
Twenty minutes later she returned and whispered into his ear again," you're sure that's it?"
He nodded his head," for the love of God that's everything. I swear it."
The woman didn't use the rope to lower him, instead she simply pushed him into the pit and pulled five strands releasing more of the creatures. Eduardo's screams stopped after a few minutes.
The woman in black stood in front of her and looked down," and now its your turn Carmellina. Let the fun begin, I hope you enjoy it."
The drug lord's sister was hoisted up with the rope and lowered into the pit but not entirely. Carmellina jerked to look up and saw a large container of slowly leaking water holding her up. The two remaining crate doors slid up and she heard a clear voice.
"Past the gates and before the devil's throne, I have been to Hell. You deserve much worse. This is it," Lyssa said.
Carmellina looked down as the first dragon licked her foot then bit, ripping her toes off. She looked back up and screamed as the two remaining komodos clambered to tear strips from her legs. For twenty minutes they fought and yanked at her kegs then pelvis. Finally the rope sagged all the way, dropping her fully into the pit. Hoarse from screaming already she could barely squirm as the dragons moved in, ripped her open and feasted.
Lyssa got into the borrowed truck and drove back to the secret airstrip. After a few minutes staring straight ahead she dialed a number on the hidden satellite phone. She told the voice on the other end,"I'm done. Come get me."
"Sir, the reports are all in," Madison said standing in front of the desk.
"Just leave them there Madison thank you," Dannigan replied staring out the window.
"Lyssa's Carribean number is active, Cayman Islands,"she added.
"Thank you Madison, that'll be all," he said.
Puzzled Madison went back to her desk.
A few moments later Dannigan walked out and closed his door,"We're done for the day Madison. Tomorrow is a personal day, do whatever you like."
She'd not seen him like this in all their time working together. Her curiosity finally reached its limit, she went into his office and picked up the two discs one marked with a red X and the other with a black X. She played the black and watched in horror the systematic torture of the young embassy secretary.
She next loaded the red X'd disc. Someone had erased a segment of video because it went from static to a clear feed of the same basement and again the secretary. Lyssa walked into the frame. The sound was fine but Lyssa's footsteps were silent. Madison stared on in shock as she heard the abused woman's plea. Tears streamed down her face as she watched Lyssa grant her final request, ending her life, then move to the side and empty herself. Madison shut the video off and put the disc back. Dannigan had left his Instant Message screen up. It was from Lyssa; Leave me alone for a while.
Lyssa walked out of the incoming surf and picked up the towel on the lounge chair.
"I want to be alone," she said to the man reclined on it.
"Bullshit,"he muttered.
Lyssa patted herself dry, "no games Rodrick and I'm not gonna ask how you found me either."
"Wasn't easy. The house in Virginia is your official home, but you weren't there. Twenty-seven shell companies own this place. Not bad," he commented.
when she didn't say anything to that he stood up and looked at her.
"You waking up screamin'," he asked then he shook his head," come on baby. Talk to me, I'll understand. You already knew I'm an ex-SEAL."
Her punch was lightning quick and connected solidly with his jaw. Rodrick rolled with it and brought his arms up to block the follow through kick but didn't see the leg sweep behind that. He rolled backwards, coming back up trying to weave the series of punches but missed one and she slammed him back to the ground.
Lyssa gave no ground. Deadly silent and continually advancing. Another kick sent him sprawling across the sand but he came back up fast and moved quick, softening some of her next punch's impact. The elbow under his chin was a surprise, along with the knee into his gut. Lyssa went at him for fifteen minutes. Rodrick now knew she was more dangerous than previously thought and wasn't using any fighting style he had ever encountered before.
Normally he'd have found it impossible to keep his mind on the situation with her wearing a bikini like that one, but he had to. She wasn't pulling punches and the ones that connected seriously rocked him, he had his hands full just trying to keep out of her range. A quick elbow to the high gut caught him off guard and the following uppercut dazed him. Rodrick threw himself to the left fast making the kick land at his shoulder, causing it to pop, but not dislocate. He shook his arm to bring the feeling back into it then saw her pivot and knew she was about to spin in close.
Rodrick moved in closer then just wrapped his arms around her and pressed her head to his shoulder and sat down on the sand.Lyssa struggled for a minute as he held her.
He said softly to her, "That's it....it's done and over with. Talk to me Lyssa, I'll help I swear."
She stilled for a minute and he felt his shoulder getting damp then she pushed herself away and walked back to the water's edge.
Rodrick stood beside her," I've known for eight months about this place. You've been in my brain since we met in Morocco and I can't get you out. Especially after Nice. I know you come here when you have cash to store and disappear for a little while. I don't have the full story out of Columbia but I know enough that it was eighteen different kinds of fucked up."
When she said nothing he continued,"Oh sure things went through or you wouldn't have walked out there. Something went wrong, and its tearing you apart. I know what that's like. Now if you're a good girl and get dressed you can have some of the dinner I made
while you were swimming. It's Italian."
Rodrick woke to the sound of a soft keen. He knew that sound, a soul beginning its descent into private hell. Lyssa thrashed several minutes protesting then let out an earsplitting scream. She bolted upright and sat with her eyes open, but unseeing as she
started to rock back and forth sobbing.
Rodrick slowly sat up and brought her into his arms as she cried softly,"I'm sorry.....I'm so sorry I came too late.....I'M SORRY I COULDN'T SAVE YOU....I'M SO SORRY!"
He said nothing as he held her until the first rays of light filtered through then laid back with her.
"I'm not going anywhere Lyssa. I can't stay away from you," he whispered as her eyes drifted closed.