Jem… Chapter 123
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Jem…Chapter 123
Copyright © 2013 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 123
It’s definitely the relationship shipping each other stuff y’know.
Smiling at each other as we eat.
We get inside and Brooklyn’s looking at us and at her phone and she grins.
“There’s a party tonight at The WildCat you girls feel like going dancing? They’re having a Spanksgiving holiday bash.”
I choke a little on my mouthful before getting it down. “Spanksgiving?” And it’s The WildCat I sort of have images about the event coming to mind with my last time there.
And Dancing…?
I look at the others.
*And Now…
Of course Kimmie is the first one to say anything and she crows. “Hells to the yes!”
I look around and everyone looks interested even Molly who has actually looked up from her computing. Rayne’s nodding and says. “We’re going to be busy a lot of this week so why not it’d be nice to get out and have some fun for ourselves and to blow off some steam.”
I nod. “I’m in; I enjoyed it the last time even though it ended kind of weird.”
And cue Brooklyn and Kimmie looking at Rayne who’s blushing.
She says. “Well I’m not going home with anyone other than you tonight.”
Okay some of us laugh and Carmen and Molly just look out of the loop and I look at the clock and take a bite of my food. “Well we should have lots of time so I think I’m going to go and do some laundry.”
I take my food with me and Rayne does the same and we sort of eat and gather up the laundry bags from the bedroom hampers and the bathrooms while we eat and get them downstairs and Rayne brings down one of the acoustic guitars and her laptop and I take a notepad with me and then get a bottle of water and we sort of start doing laundry while listening to tunes.
We needed this done and while the girls will toss in the odd general load and sometimes do their own it’s been one of those things that just sort of piled up recently. There is a sink down here but it’s like on a two by four frame and there’s no counter either.
I actually start everything though while things are sorting by running a load of hot and adding in a whole bottle of Jet-Dry.
Yep the cleaner that you use to keep spots off your dishes in the dishwasher. It also keeps soap scum from building too in the dishwasher. In your washing machine it clears the dirt and soap junk that ends up clinging to the outside drum of the washer. You ever notice dingy whites or there’s a smell to your clothes past the smell of the detergent? That’s where it comes from.
Rayne has this big “Oh…” look when I explain that to her when she saw me dump the whole bottle in there.
“How do you know all this stuff?”
“Dad used to help out a friend who had a laundromat here in town and they used to do that.”
“You’re soo domestic hon.”
I smile and she smiles and we slip together for a kiss until we’re leaning against the washer and kiss together until the washer hits its rinse cycle which just makes us both laugh a little and smile and I raise my eyebrows.
Rayne shakes her head. “Sadly no…it really doesn’t work that way, it’s an urban myth.”
I quirk a bit of a smile. “Okay honestly I’m not surprised but I’m a little disappointed.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes.” I grin. “Future interest y’know.”
Okay that makes her laugh.
I like making her laugh, I don’t think that she’s gotten to do enough of it and it’s this really cool thing to me the world’s classed social reject that I get to do that and she’s not laughing at me.
Okay she sort of is but it’s because I did a funny and not like in a malicious way.
Then it’s us settling in and doing up the washing and I might sound like a waste of money but we have different detergents and even some for our dark clothes and then of course there’s the underwear.
It’s surprising how you get used to things.
I think before all of this I’d likely be all regular guy or as close as I could get with the whole underwear thing and even guy grossed out by the concept of dirty underwear.
Now that’s kind of a nope issue and it’s just washing then in the sink by hand and stuff. You know bra’s stink? I didn’t know that bra’s stink until they became a part of my life and even mine do since some of the ones that I wear while playing get pretty sweaty from the guitar and the lights and me dancing.
And you’d think Rayne’s would be the worst with her being the biggest of us and having the biggest breasts of all of us but nope it’s the tiny one. Kimmie the drummer and I swear there’s that sort of funk there too from her energy drinks.
Her’s I wash separate and set to soak too.
And I use my Gunk.
Gunk is this stuff mechanics use to dissolve grease from working on cars and such it’s sort of a very kind of chemical smelling custard and I use it sparingly only to get rid of grease stains and make up stains and the trick is to use it and rub it in really good and then use some detergent on that area and rub it too and then rinse it under very hot running water and the make-up will lift out from the Gunk and get carried away by the soap and hot water.
And its loads and loads cheaper than getting things dry cleaned.
We have a line up in here so it’s me doing the underwear and Rayne hanging it all up since she’s taller and then it’s the regular washing. I separate not just by colors but by fabrics too and wash them actually according to how you’re supposed to.
Rayne’s looking at me. It’s actually the first time that we’ve done laundry together and stuff. “Why are you doing that?”
“Cotton washes different that wool or blends.”
“It’s on the tags hon.”
“We never did that home we just did colors.”
“I never did laundry until I had to after Mom died so I read the tags and looked stuff up.”
“You looked up how to do laundry?”
“Well yeah because I love Dad but he did the all of it into the washer then into the dryer and if it gets wrecked by a new one.”
“And you do this stuff all the time?”
I grab the ironing board and snap it out to unfold it. “Yep?”
“You iron to?”
“They hand better and they fold better and just look better.”
She’s smiling but she’s shaking her head. “I so don’t have the time for that.”
“Which is why I’m doing it and I don’t mind doing it.”
Okay I’m not going to say that most people do have the time if they don’t have to work all the time or have like kids and stuff but this is one of those times that I know not to bring stuff like that up in a relationship.
And actually a lot of people don’t iron things they can’t be bothered to.
I actually learned because I wanted to.
Because iron-on decals and things are still cool to me.
But I get the stuff all set up and then it’s sitting in those white cheap, cheap plastic deck chairs and Rayne’s playing the guitar and working on a tune I’ve never heard yet and that has us sharing a smile and I have my notepad and I’m not writing lyrics right away but instead I’m actually sort of making my lists and looking around here and thinking about our laundry room while we’re listening to music on the laptop.
I really, really like Simply Red, Genesis, Big Country are a really nice groove especially when you have some Nora Jones and Tracy Chapman in there and Jewel and Dido…it’s such a nice mellow mix and feel that just seems to get picked up into even more of a relaxed time with that day off holiday feel and then that first burst of dry clothes and fabric softener from the dryer.
I kind of want something for music here…and then something for a phone it’d be cool to have a land line down here just in case and then a closet or something for the laundry supplies and a bench for the sink and then maybe some flooring of some kind down in here.
I get up and go look things over with the furnace and other things and really checking out the floor and the floor’s dry. So I’m pretty sure that it’s a good enough basement that it doesn’t flood unless something bad happens and stuff so…maybe some oil cloth?
I’ll have to e-mail the landlord again with that and the things for the idea about turning the garage into an office for us.
Hopefully he’ll be as cool as he was with the stuff about the steps and the back yard and the other stuff that we did to fix it all up and having some extra money already paid out to him.
It’s just that it’d be nice to have enough power to spare in here for all that we’re going to do in the house and stuff and maybe bring a deep freezer in here in the basement and have a floor that’s not just cool cement.
I know I have such small little dreams.
But I like them.
Lists and lists for the office, for the bedroom, for things to do, to look into and it’s not a bad thing for me.
Some people get like overwhelmed by stuff like that like it’s one thing after another that you have to do just to live.
And I get that I really do and if I let myself think like that like all of the things that I want do and should be done are overwhelming then they will be.
Adam alone would have me dropped in over my head in depression if I let that happen.
Instead…I’m alive, I’m alive and not in danger and I’m safe.
A lot of people aren’t.
I have work, well it’s turning into work like a job, and I have food and a roof over my head.
I have friends; I have people in my life.
A lot of people don’t.
Everything after that is a huge bonus.
Everything after that is a goal not a chore, it’s a win.
Oilcloth flooring for my toes not to get cold and so I can go around here in my sock feet or bare feet without getting filthy is a win.
A simple plywood counter top is a win.
And yeah even on the bad days I’ll so take the little wins.
Sitting with a cup of coffee on my steps in the morning.
And right now with my girlfriend with tunes and clean things and the smell of drying clothes and her playing guitar and friends in the house and going out tonight.
That’s a lot of little wins.
Rayne looks at me and we just share a few of those and I start ironing things and some of those are all of ours and are clothes and other things are like pillow cases and cup towels I don’t do it like in a totally major way it’s just running it over once per fold and they go away so much neater.
But she has that look a few times of maybe wanted to or could have said something and she was the one this time not saying anything.
I really like that about us, or like finding that out about us.
I’m folding clothes up as Rayne actually plays and she sings… *Who You Are* by Jessie J. and it’s so good down here with the acoustic and the comfiness of the moment and that whole unplugged thing.
We’re kind of done after that and we head upstairs and it’s actually getting about that time really and I pass around clothes to people and okay getting thank you hugs for doing laundry is pretty awesome but soon we’re all getting in that whole finding stuff to wear and then having the whole getting to use the bathroom musical showers thing.
Mike went home he’s not going from what I take it and we get a chuckle at. “Oh sure…I don’t really think I want to spend the night being looked at with daggers because I’m a guy and I said something that I’m fully not aware was stupid.”
“It’s a mixed club Mike.” I tell him.
“No…you girls need a night out and I think I saw it listed as a girls night thing on Brook’s phone.”
Okay and that was smart too.
The guys that I saw there last time were the kind of guys that are just…eeew.
And Mike’s a nice guy and smarter than the guys that really don’t get the hint about the way things are at The Cat. Now there’s no segregated bars and all people can come or go unless the club is like literally a private members only kind of thing but The Cat’s not like that and neither are most places like lesbian bars or gay bars it’s too easy to get shut down for being sued.
But still it’s pretty damned obvious what the guys there are just looking for so yeah there’s just this certain kind of eeew from those doods.
Yeah anyways…
We start getting ready and I’m sort of torn as what to wear. I mean what kind of look do I want to have tonight do I wear my heels or do I really want to dance and wear some flats>
And I’m pretty sure that Rayne’s going to wear black and I think her slacks and so….I think I’ll go femme.
LoL yeah Angel big surprise there.
I get into some sort of sexy underwear, it’s mostly for me and a little for Rayne too and she’s watching me making me blush as I slide on the red nylon and the lacy trim up and on and then my inserts and get them of good a snug and match my bra to my panties. They’re nothing too fancy just Jessica Collection and you can get those at like Sears.
Then adjust the boobs and then I go for my stocking and I’m wearing the cotton ones. They’re not lace or really thin like hose but they’re like sexy cream colored stocking but sort of like fancy lace designed socks…they sort of look like socks but they only come up to mid-thigh and they have the really wide band elastic to stay there in place with the rubber stuff on the back.
I love them because they’re warm and they’re actually comfortable once you’re used to the elastic or having anything up around your mid-thighs and I love that Rayne is staring at me while I’m wearing them while I’m putting them on actually and I smile at her and I pull them on slowly.
My life is so strange with my girlfriend into me reverse stripping.
I take my time with that and then I go for my skirt and that’s me doing that thing again as I step into it and move it slowly up until I shift my hips back and forth inching it onto my waist. Not that I have a whole lot of curve so it’s a little more motion for performance than actually needing to do it but yeah I still do it and then I get my top and I get my half or cropped white fluffy sweater top. I did buy this to go clubbing in and it’s got a little bit of a V-neck and full sleeves but it’s cropped and it exposes my mid-driff.
And I’m skinny so actually I have a pretty good midriff and the sweater so is doing that sweater emphasizing thing that they’re known for and it have really good boobs right not and good cleavage going on too.
I head over to the vanity and do my make-up and my hair and I go with keeping my hair down and loose like not all teased up like I do for a gig but I do play around a little and layer it some and I go and do some light red eye shadow and then a little charcoal to accent it and some pink-pink pink eye liner and I do that winged eyeliner thing because girls are doing that these days and it’s also kind of like a much lighter version of the stage make-up that I do for Jem and then I do some of my favorite frosted pink lipstick and I apply a little gloss after that to make them really look kissable I hope and then I go and get my big wide white plastic belt and my soft tan faux leather ankle boots.
Those are good because they have like a wedge heel so it’s like best of both worlds.
And by the time I’m done Rayne’s done and of…wow.
She’s in slacks but those club slacks with the bit of boot flare and she’s actually wearing her black leather pumps and she’s got that navy with black lace lines bustier corset top she wears and this nice black guys dress coat or like sport coat that looks really good on her.
The open jacket frames her just…and shows off her.
And she’s got her hair all like Alannah Myles curl teased in that sexy tumbled way and she’s right of the edge of sexy and goth make up with a dark blue eyeliner and smoky looking eye shadow and she has this deep sexy blue almost black lipstick on and most of her piercings and she looks so amazing and hot and sexy.
She makes my mouth water and want to kiss her and taste her skin and do stuff without ever leaving our room and at the same time as that I feel sort of yay-breathless in my chest looking at her and this other sort of ache…not a guy ache but this I want her touch…I want her to touch me in really intimate ways.
We both step in and we do some light kisses so as not to get too into it and wreck our make-up and stuff and then we go downstairs to catch up with the others.
Okay I still blush as Kimmie says. “Angel Whoo- sexy!” and I get really looked over by Carmen who has this sort of semi surprised look and yet she was definitely kinda maybe checking me out a little?
And Molly is just staring at me and at Rayne and then at me and she starts to bite her lower lip and she starts to blush and look self-conscious.
And she looks really good too, she got clothes from somewhere but she’s in ripped fishnet tops and bottoms sort of well like a fishnet top with this corset top and what fishnets do for legs it’s doing for her cleavage and she had a skirt to go with the fishnet hose and she’s wearing these cute black shoes that are flats but they this funky punk sort of Halloween design on them that’s like with characters from peanuts but like skeletons.
“I…I really know a lot of goth people for being all white and pinkness.”
There’s blushing from Molly and Rayne’s just smiling and Kimmie points at me and she screams. “Bunnies!” In sort of this whole heavy metal kind of way. And some of us are laughing at the whole thing because it was pretty funny.
Carmen looks like she so doesn’t get it.
I look at her. “It’s a Buffy thing.”
“A Buffy thing?”
“Buffy the vampire slayer.”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh that, I never got the nerd girl stuff.”
Molly just looks at her.
Carmen sighs. “What, it never was a thing, home and with my friends.”
“Friends?” Molly looks skeptical. “Like the ones that are calling you because their worried?”
Carmen takes her phone out and looks at it frowning. “Yeah…”
Molly actually goes and hugs her in that kind of closer than friends way. “It’s okay, we’ll teach you.”
“Gee, thanks… (Sniffle.)”
I pass her some tissues. “Different worlds Carmen, we’re all from different places but we’re all together here y’know.”
She nods. “Okay, can we go I want to dance and forget shit for at least a night okay?”
I nod and look at the others. “Definitely.”
And with that we grab our purses and things and we do another fast bathroom trip because it’d just a good idea to do that before we have to deal with the line ups at the club and we pile into the van and Brooklyn’s car and we head out and we drive pretty fast out through town until we get to The Cat.
It’s pretty exciting actually going out and there’s a good crowd here too already from the girls in town and the other places around and it’s more than a lesbian place it’s kind of a teen club and a girls club and we don’t have a whole lot of cool places to go through. Not places that are kind of meant for us.
Those are rare y’know. I do sort of feel weird a little going in here but not. I’m trans and there’s people that’d take issue with it. But I take a breath and head on in.
I’m still me and that’s regardless of everything else.
Once we’re in and pay the door we get the plastic wrist band and we head inside after checking our purses at the purse bar/coat check and get our locker keys….they have little lockers like a a bus station or a bowling alley.
Then we’re headed out into the dance floor.
It’s loud and busy and pretty awesome and really a whole different feel from the last time that I was here.
I’m getting looks, like I’m getting checked out and then there’s people actually waving and saying all of our names and I actually hear. “Hey Starlight Butterfly’s here!”
“Hey It’s Jem and Raven!”
“Hey Magical Power Panties!”
“Kimmie!” Okay one girl actually screamed that.
It’s not like a whole lot of people but it’s still happening including I think a couple of pictures taken I think and I look at Rayne and she’s blushing and Kimmie breaks the whole ice or thing by heading out and grabbing the hand of some girl who I think was the girl who shouted and starts dancing with her as *Girlfriend* By Avril Lavigne starts up and I grin and start dancing too with Rayne and other people are joining in.
It’s an interesting mix and one I’d not put together because it’s so woman centric and it’s pretty cool too since there’s bands I don’t really know and I’m getting exposed to.
*Raise Your Glass* By Pink… I love this tune and the crowd starts to get pumped and dancing and it’s really contagious and the big fan girl geekette I’m singing along as I’m dancing.
*Hard out Here* By Lily Allen… Not really familiar as the others here but it’s fun and I kind of get it though.
*Wind it up* By Gwen Stefani… Okay that’s freaking fun it totally brings out my horrible snazzy dancing with me trying to be kind of funky doing this.
*Die Young* By Ke$ha. It’s the fast hyper sort of hip, hip but not too bad really. She’s actually supposed to be really seriously smart I guess.
*Do it like a dude.* By Jessie J. I’m a fan anyways but this is kind of fun.
*Punk rock girls* By The Dollyrots…. Oh I so did this one too, we should so cover this one.
*Can‘t Hold us Down* By Christina Aguilera…. Very good, very hip hop and easy to bump to…Mmmm bumping with Rayne is just…Oh yeah.
*Hips don’t lie.* By Shakira… A great song for here but I like a lot of her other songs too, she’s very, very talented….Oh…Rayne’s doing this sway with the song and ditched her jacket somewhere and there’s all of her out there just taking my breath and making me feel just sooo…oh yeah.
*Genie in a bottle.* By Chritina Aguilera’s next and I like this whole song, sexy…yearning, good beat…pent up. I do some hot dancing for Rayne myself…there’s a lot of fun innuendo there between us with this.
*Brave* By Sarah Barareilles… Another new to me artist and it’s good music for than sexy groove with your girl dancing arms up, and clapping and as big a music geekette I’m singing right along with the song and I….
I kind of end up in that in my space dancing and I’m belting it out as I’m into it and hitting the long and high notes and I finish it off with it slowly hitting me the DJ’s switched over to the beats and the crowd was clapping in time and Brooklyn and Kimmie were doing back ups but I was just…singing.
I blush
Then the DJ’s are like. “And there’s Starlight Butterfly! Thanks Jem, can we give her a hand?”
There’s clapping and whistling at me and my face is sooo red it’s hot.
Rayne reaches out and she takes my hand pulling me in towards her and all that safety.
Then there’s some smiles and hand holding and some very public long sweet deep over and over kisses between us as the music shifts and gets sort of slower.
*Pills and Potions* By Nicki Minaj… First time I’ve ever heard this and I like it there’s something very Cyndi Lauper about it.
*Zombie* By The Cranberries.
*Someone like you.* By Adele and a great opportunity to slip into the slow dancing part of things and it’s pretty awesome getting to dance with Rayne like this with all these other girls doing the same thing too.
*Sweet Talk* Another Jessie J. Tune and sort of still have that hip hop feel and rhythm but mixed really well with a slower king of feel. I love the pairing of the different styles and this sort of less yay girlie is the kind of stuff that I like for clubbing.
*Halo* By Beyonce… Actually a really good dance tune for that fast slow kind of sensual bump and grind with Rayne and I and that touching and leaning back and that hip-hop style that kind of takes from the latin night moves.
*Hello Good Morning* By Hunter Valentine… a good band, good tunes very grunge girl with very good rock in there, still kind of new to me.
*Over Exposure* By Sick of Sarah… Totally new to me I like the sound they have.
*Don’t know why?* By Nora Jones… Oh…Oh this is good, I love her stuff and Rayne slips her fingers into mine as we slow dance.
*Valerie* By Amy Winehouse…such a fun song to dance too it’s got such a fun tempo to it and well it’s Amy Winehouse so it’s just really great anyhow.
They slow down for a break and I need both a cool drink and the bathroom but as soon as the dancing sort of is drifting apart there’s people coming over with like paper bits and smiles and camera’s and stuff and then Jessy’s there with a sharpie and looking all really, really nice with leathers or faux leathers and she’s got her jacket open and she’s pulling her shirt aside.
“Hey Angel, sign my chest?”