I pulled up beside Jill when we reached the Salon. She got out of her car, started walking to the door and looked back to see me sitting in my car. She walked over to my car, I rolled the window down. "What's wrong now Princess?" Jill said. I said "I can't go in there, Sharon will see me and so will the other clients." Jill replied "Baby doll it's ok, no one will say anything. Besides I need to give further instructions so you look perfect tomorrow night." She opened the door for me and took my hand, and helped me out. We walked into the Salon arm in arm. Sharon was styling a client, she glanced over our direction said Hi and kept working. Jill told me to have a seat and handed me a Cosmopolitan magazine to read. She went to her station and started getting things ready.
Sharon and her client were happily chatting away, I was reading Cosmo trying to learn more feminine tips and Jill was getting ready for her first client. Sharon finished with her client who walked out the door with just a sideways glance at me. Sharon cleaned up her station, talking to Jill, then looked my way and said "You can go ahead and get in the chair, Jill is ready for............" Sharon looked at Jill who was grinning from ear to ear. Jill said "That's John, better known as princess." Sharon looked back at me and said "Wow, you look gorgeous!" I blushed and said "Thanks". Sharon asked "So why are you dressed now?" Jill answered her "Princess needs practice if she is going to win the prize tomorrow." Sharon said to Jill "You did a fantastic job." Then she looked at me and said "You can hang out here awhile today as a walking advertisement for makeovers. Maybe you will learn a thing or two as well." "You need a female name. Any ideas?" I said "how about Janet?" They both said in unison "That works!"
Sharon said to me "When a client comes in we will tell them we gave you a complete makeover and that you want to learn how to be a stylist. Jill and I will tell you what we are doing and how we are doing it to each client." I said "That would be wonderful."
The day progressed with me being shown off to clients, the clients being asked to spread the word about the Salons' work and being instructed in beauty tips and care. Sharon and Jill gave me instructions in how to walk, how to use my hands and arms, body posture and working on my voice pitch. I looked at the clock and said "I have to go get supper ready." Jill said "My aren't you the good housewife." I grinned and blushed and said "I try." Sharon said "If we aren't careful, we may make you a permanent fixture around here as one of the girls." Sharon said "Can you come back tomorrow when we open?" and added "Jill can probably find you some more suitable clothes." To which Jill replied "I can." I started out the door, stopped, and looked at them both. I was holding back tears as I was happy and also had a semi frightened look on my face. I said "I can't go home like this." They looked at me and said "sit down and we will take off the makeup and you can change in the back." Then they said "Does Lisa not know?" I said "No, I haven't seen her long enough to tell her." Sharon said "Don't worry I will take care of telling her." And added to Jill "What does Janet's costume look like?" Jill described the dress in detail to Sharon. Sharon said "We have a tuxedo that will fit Lisa, you are Lisa's paid escort." I nervously said "Ok." I sat in the chair, they removed the makeup, I went to the back and changed into my clothes feeling very sad. I waved a lady like goodbye and left.
Supper was on the table when Lisa got home. She came in an kicked off her shoes and sat down to eat. I asked how her day was, she said "killer". She said "Sharon called me at work and told me about the party plans." I felt the blood leaving my face. "She said Greg was going as a female track athlete and she would be his male coach and that you all had arranged our costumes." I nodded in agreement. "She said I dunno, seems a little weird but, well since you are in it this far we'll go ahead with it." She got up from the table and said she was going to bed. I could tell she was put out and that made me sad.
I had her coffee and breakfast ready the next morning, she grabbed the coffee and headed out the door without a word. She stopped at the door turned around and said "Sharon said I should come to the Salon after work to get ready for the party." And then she headed out.
I cleaned up the kitchen crying and feeling sad. Got a shower, shaved all over and used the Nair that Jill had given me. I headed out the door for the Salon. On the drive over I couldn't help but feeling confused and sad. On one hand I was thrilled that I had gotten to dress en femme and be as a woman yesterday. On the other I was confused as to what I should with my life. I cared for Lisa but, really wanted the chance to live as a woman. After the cold shoulder from Lisa last night and this morning I knew I would have to make a decision. I doubted seriously that Lisa would accept me as a female.
I arrived at the Salon, Jill was there before Sharon. She ushered me in the back, giddy to show me the outfit for the day. I got undressed and put on a matching lace turquoise bra and panty set. The panties were French cut. Before putting on the bra Jill produced dress forms to fill out the bra. she handed me a pair of light gray panty hose, then a dark green plaid, pleated skirt that fell just above the knee. She gave me an aquamarine blouse that had lace trim around the collar and ends of the sleeves. The shoes were a dark green pump with 3 inch heels. I hugged Jill and started softly crying. Jill said "Janet what's wrong?" I told her about the encounter with Lisa. Jill said "You and I need to have a heart to heart talk because I think you prefer your feminine side that I have let out." I nodded my head. She said "Now, let's finish getting you ready and give you another surprise."
I sat in Jill's stylist, she put on my makeup, then fixed the auburn wig. Then she produced what looked like a gun. I gave her a quizzical look. She said "To complete your look for tonight you need proper earrings." And with that pierced first one ear then another and placed in them big gold hoop earrings. Inside I was thrilled but, knew with this Lisa would probably throw a fit. Just then Sharon came in and looked at me and said "Janet, you are gorgeous this morning." She then asked if Lisa told me about their phone conversation. I said "Yes". Sharon said don't forget your voice pitch, I nodded. "Well" she said "what did she say?" I replied, watching my pitch, "Not well, she gave me the cold shoulder." Sharon said "I don't know why you married her anyway, she is an old fuddy duddy. She will just have to get over it." With that we went to work. Me as a walking advertisement and learning, even giving a couple of shampoos with positive praise from the clients.
6:00 we closed the Salon. Jill told me to go into the back room, take off my clothes and shower again and use the Nair and some moisturizer that was back there. They had a full bathroom with shower in the back that the girls told me came in handy. I showered, used the Nair the burn of which I was getting used to, then moisturized my body. Jill came back and told me to have a seat in the chair back there and started giving me a manicure. She applied false nails to make them longer and a deep red polish. She then redid my toes. Jill said "You are going to win that prize tonight because I am going to make you a knockout that the women will be jealous of and the men will want to take home." I blushed at that thought and sat there with a silly grin on my face enjoying the moment.
I heard someone knock at the door, it was Greg as I heard his voice when he started talking to Sharon. He asked Sharon "Where is that dofus friend of mine, did he chicken out?" Sharon replied "No he is in the back with Jill getting ready and you can't go back there until he is ready. And for tonight you will call him Janet." Greg laughed and said "Ok sweety."
A little later I heard another knock at the door and heard Sharon talking to Lisa. Lisa said a polite hi to Greg then said rather coldly "I still don't know about this." Sharon said "Lisa, this is for fun and besides you might win a prize tonight." Lisa then asked "Where is my husband?" Sharon replied "In the back, Jill is getting him ready." I could hear footsteps headed to the back then heard Sharon say "Not yet dear, wait till he is ready." Lisa said "I want to talk to him." Sharon said "Please Lisa just wait, besides we have to get you ready."
Jill looked at me while the conversation with Sharon was going on and said softly "Relax princess, I am here for you." With that she gave me a reassuring hug. Jill had me stand and slip on the corset, having already put the gaff in place. She then got out some medical tape and pulled my breasts together. No bra or forms here as the dress was meant to be worn braless. I pulled on the hose and fastened them to the suspenders. Jill commented how good I was getting at that. Next came the makeup, she worked for a long time on my makeup. Night time look is what she said. Bright red lipstick, with a silver sparkle eyeshadow. Oh yes she had also put on false eyelashes. Jill looked at me and smiled and said "Perfect!" Next came the dress, Jill zipped it up in back, I had been trying to look in the mirror but, she said "Wait princess." Then she produced the shoes, same black strappy sandals with the ankle strap except these had a 4 inch heel. Jill said "You can handle the heel, just remember lady like and the practice you have put in with the others." She put a gold necklace around my neck, 3 sets of bracelets on each wrist and fake diamond rings one on the finger of hand one for a finger on the other. Then she put on wig adjusted it and fixed it on my head then a curling iron on the curls. Next she produced a bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume and sprayed my neck and wrists. "Now" Jill said triumphantly "my princess can look in the mirror."
I slowly stood up, testing myself on the 4 inch heels and looked in the mirror. I almost fainted. I wanted to cry out and Jill is that me! Jill cautioned me to hold back the tears so as not to ruin her creation. I hugged her and thanked her over and over. She was grinning from ear to ear. She kissed me on the cheek and said "Walk around for me princess." I walked around, placing one foot in front of the other with a catwalk like walk, trying to remember to sway my hips. Jill was still grinning and said "If you don't win tonight, you are my grand prize."
We heard Greg call out to us that we needed to go ready or not. Jill yelled back "We are ready." I grabbed Jill's hand and said "Lisa". Jill said "I will walk you out and go with you all tonight for support." I hugged her again and thank her. Jill then handed me a small black evening purse with a little gold chain for a handle, she said "touch up makeup is in there and your ID and cash.
Jill opened the door of the backroom, took my hand and we slowly walked out. Greg said "whoa buddy is that really you! You look like a model! And the grand prize winner for tonight." Sharon was grinning from ear to ear and said "So perfect." My vision was a little blurry from trying to hold back tears, Jill still had my hand in hers. I looked at Lisa, dressed in a black Tux with cumberband, her hair with gel in it pulled back to look manly. She was just staring at me. I couldn't read the expression except to think it looked cold and yet, a look of surprise and marvel. Sharon broke the silence, looked at Lisa and said "this is your paid escort for tonight Janet." Jill walked me over to Lisa, crooked Lisa's arm and slipped mine through the crook. Lisa was just looking at me not saying a word. We all walked out to Greg's van. Sharon escorting Greg properly, opened his door and said "M'lady your chariot." We walked to the side door Lisa opened it and got in with me standing there, Jill helped me in. Jill got in the back and we drove off.
Greg and Sharon were chatting away happily and singing with songs on the radio as we drove to the Holiday Inn. Jill sat in back not saying anything but, with a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Lisa stared straight ahead, with a glance over once in a while my direction. We arrived at the Holiday Inn, Greg started to open his door and Sharon said "You hold on there girly." She got out, went over and took Greg's hand and helped him out. Jill got out of the back and opened my door and helped me out. Lisa got out and started to walk toward the bar when Jill said "Excuse me sir, you forgot your date." Lisa stopped, Jill walked her and I up to Lisa, crooked Lisa's arm and put mine through it. Lisa started to walk off at a fast pace, Jill moved up beside me took my other arm and slowed down the pace.
We walked in the already bar and found an empty table. Jill sat on my left, having helped me in my chair with Lisa on my right. Greg ordered drinks for us. Jill whispered in my ear to only have one or two as going to the bathroom might be an issue. Greg and Lisa had got up and were dancing. Jill finally asked Lisa if she were going to ask her date Janet to dance. Lisa shrugged her shoulders and when a slow song came on took my hand and led me to the dance floor. We danced but not cheek to cheek. I could feel the tension. Later Jill asked Lisa if she could have a dance with me. Lisa shrugged her shoulders and said "I don't care." Jill slowly walked me out to the floor, Jill said "I can't believe she is being such an ass. She doesn't deserve someone as good and caring and sweet and I might add beautiful as you." I replied "I didn't think it would be this tough but, you are the sweetheart and we will need to have that talk very very soon."
Soon the MC got up and asked for the contestants to walk in front of the stage for the panel of judges. I looked at Lisa and asked her "Are you coming?" She replied "No". Jill, Greg and Sharon looked at me and said come on you are going! Jill helped me up, I walked the bar floor swaying and sashaying, forgetting all about Lisa. The MC announced the 5 finalists, I was one of them. We walked some more in front of the judges. The MC announced the order. 1st place was some guy dressed like a tube of Preparation H and the check, I was announced as 2nd place with a gift card for, get this, MAC cosmetics.
I went back to the table, Jill, Sharon and Greg said I should have won. Lisa said "Are we ready to go home." Greg said "What's your hurry the evening is still young." Lisa said "I am going outside I have a headache." With that she got up and went out the door. Sharon said "Screw her, we are going to have fun. Janet don't you worry we have your back."
Jill and I danced some more, Greg danced with me once as did Sharon who put on a show making like she was putting moves on me. Several people came up and said I should have won, Jill would respond with a yes he should have. The women would then reply with an astounded "You're a guy!" Lots of business cards for the Salon were handed out that night. The men would reply with something like "No way your a dude, you are too sexy and beautiful." All that lifted my spirits and helped me forget about Lisa, at least for the time. Greg finally said "We should go, I have to work tomorrow." "But first there is something we want to give Janet." I looked at him puzzled. Sharon said "Jill and Greg and I were talking that you may have drummed up a lot of new business for the Salon tonight so here, here is $100 for being a walking advertisement." I looked at them, not sure of what to say and with such gratefulness I started to cry. Jill took my arm and said "Don't ruin the makeup. Please take the money." I took the money, said "Thank you so much." And hugged each of them. Jill took my arm and we made our way out.
Lisa was sitting outside the bar, got up and followed us to the van. Greg drove this time, Jill got my door for me again and helped me in. We drove to the Salon, with just a little chit chat. At the Salon Jill helped me out of the van and walked me to the door, We went in, Greg and Sharon said goodbyes and left for their house. Lisa walked in the Salon grabbed her things and left without a word, leaving me and Jill.