Two young girls are caught up in a plan to kidnap the son of a wealthy politician. Can they undo the plot and save the boy, can they even survive? A sequel to “Jade”
Madeline Gardner sat on the 10th Street bus heading east across the city. She wasn’t sure why they called it the 10th Street bus because she caught it on 12th Street and it was going to take her clear into town without even passing 10th Street. Maddy didn’t think things through much she preferred to live in the moment or so she liked to tell everyone so the fact that the bus originated on 10th Street completely evaded her. At 28, Maddy was a wife and mother of two little ones Hannah and Sean and they were her world but right now she had other things to think about, important things. She wiped her brow she was sweating even though it was a cool day in Chicago, her hands shook. It was always a cool day in Chicago but then again she came from Southern California and it was always warm there. She couldn’t win. Maddy had relocated to the city with her husband Dean, his new job pulled them there; he did something with computers, wrote programs or something she didn’t really know. Originally he hailed from Australia and she had fallen totally and madly in love the moment she first laid eyes on him. She had only been 22 and away on her first overseas holiday with a college friend. They’d gone to Brisbane in the state of Queensland, hired a car and tripped around seeing the sights. Dean was a surfer back then, his body lean and hard and he was beautiful. He’d been flattered by the attention she gave him and all the flirting. After all who could resist the American college beauty with wild hazel eyes and the crazy personality? They had made love on the beach, he’d taught her to surf and by the end of her stay he’d asked her to marry him, she’d said yes.
He earned oodles of money so she didn’t have to work just look after the kids and be a good housewife. She didn’t mind she could go shopping whenever she liked, pretty much buy what she liked, she had some close friends through her local church and play center. She drank plenty of coffee with them. Dean had a flexible timetable at work so she often saw him throughout the day. He would come home and they would make love while Hannah slept and Sean was at Play Center. She loved the spontaneity and often wore sexy lingerie like a suspender belt and stockings or corset under her dress in anticipation of his possible arrival. The dark side of that was he often worked late into the night sorting things out for computers on the other side of the world. That was when their operators were awake and able to do what Dean told them. Maddy often found herself sleeping alone at night.
Maddy fingered the piece of paper in the open hand bag sitting beside her and looked around the bus. There were probably another 10 people scattered about most sitting by themselves, it was a funny thing the psychology of bus passengers. A couple of young lovebirds sat in the back seat making noises that should really only be heard by themselves and preferably in the privacy of their own room. Maddy was tempted to say something but then again why bother? There was an older man sitting opposite her maybe 70 she guessed, he looked distinguished the rest of the people on the bus seemed normal, everyday going to mundane places doing mundane things. The bus was dirty, filled with the detritus of human beings, a plastic bottle rolled from one side to another that had once held some milk concoction. She shuddered she hated dirt, her home was always kept spotless.
The bus lumbered east along the Lincoln Highway past the Ford Motor Company and Chicago Stamping Plant onwards to the large clover leaf where they would turn left and head toward the city center. She was supposed to do it there in the middle of the city but she didn’t have the heart, she couldn’t bring herself to hurt more innocent people.
Standing up she held the paper from her bag so it could be seen by the little cctv camera that was installed on all Chicago buses now, it’s image would be recorded and analysed later then she yelled out the words they told her to shout before pushing the trigger.
“Allahu Akbar”
The bus disintegrated as the C4 exploded outwards. Maddy had chosen a time when no other cars were around. No one else would be hurt. At first she felt the intense heat and a half second of searing pain then everything went dark. Her last thoughts were for her children.
Brent Douglas and Andy Prentice sat in a computer suite in the FBI building in downtown Chicago studying the image of a piece of paper on the screen. There were numbers and words some easy to decipher others more cryptic. Douglas or ‘Doug’ as he was affectionately known was the senior of the two. He hated the nickname but at 59 and nearing retirement he would shrug and just let it be, it wasn’t worth the effort to get people to call him Brent now. Prentice was younger in his early thirties, hungry, sharp.
The paper read
‘38.3669S 144.2847E
It’s going to happen
I’m so very sorry’
“So what do you make of it” Douglas queried “the first numbers are obviously co-ordinates but what about the rest?”
Prentice sat at another screen typing the coordinates into Google.
“Well the first part is easy, those coordinates are a place in Australia”
“Where” asked Doug
“A place just west of Melbourne in Victoria, ‘Bells Beach’ some surfing mecca. Did you ever see that movie Point Break? You know the one with Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves. It’s a classic”
“Bells Beach is in the last scene, you know where Swayze tries to surf that humungous wave”
“Aw yeah right” said Doug nodding his head, he didn’t really have a clue “so what about the rest?”
“Well if we separate it all out the last bit could be a date which would make it April 20 of this year, hey that’s Easter, which just leaves us with 112Dan. That could be an address, maybe 112 Dan Street or Road maybe?”
“Yeah maybe” Doug’s brow was furrowed, deep in thought “who was that lady again the one who did all this shit?”
Andy looked at the file.
“Her name was Madeline Renee Gardiner a housewife and mother, lived here in Chicago”
“What are her family connections?”
Prentice began typing and looking at his screen then whistled softly
“You’re not going to believe this boss, she was married to Dean Gardiner and he is listed top secret but if I just do this” Prentice tapped away again at his keyboard.
“Oh fuck me” Andy’s eyes were wide “he’s the computer programmer who came up with the Daniel project boss”
Doug’s eyes became slits and his lips were pursed.
“Look up the Old Testament, Daniel Chapter 11 and verse 2”
Prentice did some more typing
“Here we go Daniel 11 verse 2”
“Now then I tell you the truth: Three more kings will arise in Persia and then a fourth, who will be far richer than all the others. When he has gained power by his wealth, he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece.”
“You know what Persia is now don’t you” said Doug “Iran, and you know who the fourth king is don’t you?”
Horrified, Prentice and Douglas looked at each other;
“We need to tell the Director” said Andy
Doug was worried “Damn right” he said. He wondered what the hell Australia had to do with it all and what the hell was going to happen at Easter?
It was March and I sat on our old porch hugging my knees thinking about the events of the last year. I was just wearing a long skirt and hoodie with a pair of tights to keep me warm. So much of my life had changed some for the better some for the worse. I had gone through the most painful transformation ever caused by a disease that was so rare it left even the Doctors puzzled. One that forever changed me from a boy to a girl. I’d had to learn how to live all over again and that was still happening for me but this time as a female. I had a wonderful and supportive family a Mom and two brothers who loved me and who I loved. We had been through a lot together, I had to fight more than I ever thought possible just to stay alive but through it all I had found myself, come to understand who I was and what I believed. I had learned to trust people who were now an intimate part of my life, Jacinta a young woman who had been abducted and forced onto the streets as a prostitute, now my oldest brother Jeff’s girlfriend and dare I say it soul mate. Jasmine my best friend and confidante the most gorgeous and mad girl you could call a friend and still remain sane. She was completely head over heels in love with my other brother Tim and he with her.
Then there was Dave McIntyre who was my boss down at the local surf shop here on Imperial Beach and who had helped me get through so much of what had happened to me. He was a gruff old guy but everyone loved him and just recently had asked my Mom to marry him. I was over the moon at the news, not only was I going to get a new Dad who I loved but I was also going to be a bridesmaid, I couldn’t wait. The wedding was being planned for the end of August this year near the end of summer and I’d decided it was going to be glorious.
I also loved to surf and Dave had trained me for a big competition to be held up North near Los Angeles. I had entered in the open section because I’d wanted to kick another boys butt. His name was Morgan Chapman and he was a bully. My friends and I had dealt with him after he had hurt me but that didn’t diminish my desire to beat him out there on the waves. We had all travelled up in a convoy some of us in Mom’s car some with our friends Pete and Elley in his yellow Kombi. Even my little friend Tyler had persuaded his parents to come and they had driven their big SUV behind Mom. Tyler had insisted I ride with him so I had sat next to his car seat in the back happily chatting away to my six year old hero.
Tim and Jeff had made me cry before the competition. They said it was a labour of love and had presented me with a surfboard to compete on. They’d shaped it themselves and it was one of a kind. They reckoned it was designed especially for me and they had snuck into my bedroom late at night while I was asleep to get my ‘measurements’. That kind of freaked me out but I couldn’t deny how beautiful the board was. It was a ‘thruster’ with three fins and written on the top in metallic green script was simply the word ‘Jade’. Tim had said that all the rest of their boards would have the script ‘Jade Surfboards’ on them but this one was special and only I would ever have one of their boards with just my name on it. I had hugged and squeezed them so tightly they had choked but there was no denying the beaming smiles on their faces.
Then there was Nick Kelly, the boy I had fallen in love with but was also my main competition. While I wanted to beat Morgan badly I knew to win it was Nick I had to beat. Up for grabs was a free trip to Hawaii to compete in the Junior World champs and boy did I want that.
The competition had been fierce I had been in a heat with another girl and two guys. The waves were big and rough that day but I had surfed my heart out and had just beaten one of the guys to get to the quarter finals. Morgan had done the same and we had faced off. Nick had easily made it through to his quarter and was decimating his rivals. I had been incredibly proud of him and loved sitting next to him on the beach leaning my head against his arm when we weren’t competing.
I smashed Morgan! It took everything I had and I was exhausted when we were finished. I gained the highest score I’d ever managed in a competition but my legs were rubber when I walked from the ocean. Dave had massaged them while Mom had fed me an energy drink and some food but I knew that in beating Morgan I had also used up most of my reserves.
I was drawn against Nick for the semis and as I watched him crash into the water for our start his back muscles rippling as he lay on his board and his legs kicking powerfully I doubted myself for the first time. He was one of the most talented young surfers in the world and I was up against him. As much as we cared for each other I knew he would show no mercy. The beach we were competing on had an underground reef which the waves jacked up over. They rumbled over it; tons and tons of water and I was tired. It was no contest and I staggered out of the water afterward and just burst into tears on Mom’s shoulder as she held me. Getting wet as we clung together wasn’t important to her as much as holding and comforting her daughter. I felt a little hand on my leg and had looked down to see Tyler looking up at me with his big eyes.
“Don’t worry Jade” he had said “you can still babysit me we can still have fun together, please don’t cry”
I had laughed through my tears and kissed him on the cheek which he instantly wiped off ‘girl germs’
In the end I was the top female but came fourth overall which was pretty good Dave thought, but it wasn’t first or second. Nick would be going to Hawaii as the victor without me. He had promised to text and call every day. My heart was broken I couldn’t go and broken even further when he had texted me to say he was loving Hawaii and was learning so much there that he wanted to stay on. That was two months ago and Nick’s calls and texts had tailed off to once every couple of days then once a week. Now I heard nothing from him. I was forlorn and lonely and no matter what anybody said or did I couldn’t kick this feeling I’d lost him. It was the saddest and most devastating feeling in the world.
As I sat there staring into space feeling sorry for myself a police car rolled silently to a stop opposite our house. It was one of those black and white Fords with a set of blue and red lights on the roof. The cop who got out was middle aged and had probably seen a few too many donuts in his time. He looked left and right then wandered across the road entering our gate his hand resting on his gun belt.
“Hello Miss is this the Chamberlin place?” he asked of me
“Um yes Officer did you want my Mom?”
“If her name is Michelle Chamberlin then that’s correct I do”
I got up and asked him to follow me in and called for her. I had the distinct feeling he was checking out my rear as he followed me.
“Mom there’s a Police officer here to see you” I called and Mom came bustling out of the laundry wiping her hands a big question mark on her face.
“Yes can I help you?”
“Are you Michelle Chamberlin?” he asked
“That’s correct”
“Can we sit down I have some things to discuss with you”
I was all ears standing there but just then the phone rang and I ran to answer it. ‘Darn’ I thought.
I was on the phone for a good 20 minutes my eyes getting wider and wider. When I had finished the police officer had gone. I sat opposite Mom looking at her in a state of shock. The others Tim, Jaz, Jeff and Jacinta walked in too asking about the cop but just stood still when they saw our faces.
“You first” I said to Mom
“Well” she replied “remember all that money Jacinta had taken that we handed in”
“Yeah” I said
“It turns out that most of it goes to the state as part of their confiscation of criminal goods but because we handed it in and it was never claimed, I mean the criminals are all in jail, 15 per cent of it is ours”
I worked it out in my head and just gawped at Mom. The others did too.
“Mom 15 per cent of 800,000 dollars is 120,000”
“I know” she screamed and leapt up dancing around the table as I squealed in disbelief. It took all of two seconds for the others to get it and we all laughed and hugged together. This was life changing for our family.
After about five minutes we all settled down
“So who was that on the phone?” Mom asked
The others listened.
“That was Chances Surf, they loved my photographs for their catalogue and they were there at the surf comp where I came fourth. They just asked me if I wanted to help represent them at the Rip Curl Pro this Easter?”
The boy’s mouths hit the floor, they got it instantly.
“That’s nice dear but what’s the Rip Curl Pro?” asked Mom
It’s just one of the biggest surf competitions in the world, it’s held in Australia at one of the best ocean surf beaches, over Easter every year and I’m allowed to take one other person for free. We leave on the 14th of April and don’t come back till the 26th” my voice must have gone up two octaves as I danced once more around the room.
“Hmmm” Mom said “you know what we haven’t had a holiday together in ages how about we use some of that money and we all go? What did you say the name of the place was in Australia?”
“It’s called Bell’s Beach Mom” I said
The excitement in the room was palpable but Jacinta’s face fell.
‘Mrs Chamberlin I have no passport and won’t be able to get one so as much as I’d love to go I’m sorry but I must stay here.”
“Sorry Mom if Jacinta doesn’t go then I can’t really plus I’ve got heaps of assignments due at school” Jeff was downcast.
“Yeah I guess I’m the same Mom” Tim said “sorry I’ve got school plus I doubt Jasmine would be able to go and well…….”
Mom nodded her head.
“I understand boys, looks like it’s just me and Jade then and I guess it’s free for us” she smiled although there was a tinge of sadness there.
Although I was sad the boys couldn’t go the excitement of travelling overseas with Mom and being able to attend the Rip Curl with the world’s best was mind blowing. Plus I’d get to see Australia. What wasn’t to like about all that! The next few weeks couldn’t go fast enough.
The next day at school I sat around with the girls and chatted. They were all excited for me and were putting in orders for stuff they wanted me to bring back. Top of the list were some hunky Australian guys. Lauren was sitting beside me her shoulder touching mine. She sensed my sadness and loneliness and although she knew we probably couldn’t be together our friendship meant a lot to both of us. She’d developed a crush on me when I was a boy and it hadn’t abated as a girl.
Just then four girls walked past, they were all a year below us and dressed in short skirts and low tops and I wondered how they got away with it considering Mrs Shirley’s strict standards.
One sneered to her friends “Isn’t that the Chamberlin thing, the one who changed into a girl. What a mutant”
Jasmine bristled and made to stand up but I laid my hand on her arm.
“She can’t talk about you like that” she hissed ready to claw a few eyes out.
Despite feeling that gnawing in the pit of my stomach I didn’t want any trouble with another bunch of girls. I watched as they wandered off to sit with a group of greasy boys not sure who I should be sorrier for, them or me. I had endured a few comments and bullying up to this point, they were slowly fading but it didn’t make it any easier when this kind of thing happened. Sure I had supportive family and friends but I was the one who had to live in this body and deal with the changes the hyperplasia had wrought. Coming to terms with that was going to take more time than I imagined and I wondered what I would have done without that support and love especially from my Mom. Lots of people who had chosen the transition from one gender to the other faced huge barriers. From open disinterest and being seen as an oddity to discrimination and even physical violence; many transgender women had to suffer in silence wondering if they would ever get to belong. I wasn’t surprised to read that some chose to end their lives as they struggled with their identity but it was also nice to hear of others that were supported and cared for, loved for who they were and allowed to simply be the person they were born to be. I wasn’t about to take that for granted and I loved my friends and family with every atom. I wasn’t an aberration I was now Jade, a real girl with real emotions. I suffered pain and heartbreak like anyone else but also joy and happiness that reached all the way down deep into my very soul. The Japanese called it ‘Tamashi’ it meant our soul or spirit and encompassed the idea of compassion and love. It was that part of me that I was determined would not be crushed, that I would shield and nurture. It was that resolve that would define me and who I was, not the hurtful words or actions of a few.
I was enjoying being a girl too in so many ways. I understood now what that meant and how our sex defined us, how being female made me both weaker and yet much stronger. I was one of the lucky ones and I felt a sense of responsibility for others going through that transition. There were many different voices, some harsh some soft. I wanted to be one of the soft ones.
Jasmine’s voice shook me out of my thoughts.
“What are you thinking about?” she asked
“Oh nothing, just how lucky I am to have such good friends like you guys. I wonder where I’d be now without you.”
Jasmine hugged me around the neck
“Don’t be silly we all love you, girls like that” she flicked her head at them pointing her manicured finger “they’re just ignorant.”
‘Yeah ignorance but also that people just chose to cling to what they know. It happened all the time. It took strong women to overcome it’ so I got up and walked over to the girls table and sat down smiling.
“What do you want?” the one called Maree sneered at me
“Um not much just to say hi you know, introduce myself, I’m Jade. I love your hair” I said to Maree. She looked startled not sure of what I meant.
“Look I know what some people are saying about me and you know what it’s all true, I actually have two heads, turn into a werewolf at night and eat little children”
One of the boys snorted at that and the other guys smiled. The girls looked puzzled, confused but I wasn’t going to stop now.
“Yeah it’s tough being me but hey someone’s gotta do it.”
The one called Maree said “Are you on drugs?”
“No well almost but that’s another story. All I really wanted to say was yes I’m different to you in that I contracted this thing called Hyperplasia and it changed my body, I couldn’t help it but I’m also still an ordinary human being just a girl now not a guy. It was really hard to go through and I’m sure some of you know what it’s like to go through hard times and well I need all the friends I can get cause it’s tough enough being me as it is.”
One of the boys reached over and shook my hand.
“I’m Dylan Jade, nice to meet you.”
The rest did the same until only Maree was left. She was having that big internal talk coming to terms with the conflict of wanting to hate me or like me but not sure which way to go. Her friends looked at her expectantly, whichever way she went was the way they would go too. It was the law of the school jungle. I sat quietly for a couple of seconds as she thought. Finally she looked at me.
“Okay yeah sorry, but you know it’s kind of a freaky story what happened to you, I mean is it contagious?”
“Well not as far as I know, it just happened to me”
“Did it hurt” asked Dylan
“Yeah heaps, like someone took out all my bones and smooshed them up them rammed them back in again. Honestly I wanted to die.”
The girl in Maree took over; I was like that wounded little bird that needed taking care of as it flapped around helplessly after falling out of its nest. Not that I was helpless but like all women everywhere she had that empathy thing going on.
She didn’t hug me I mean that would be going a little too far but I could see in her eyes she’d turned a corner.
“Nice to meet you properly” she said
“Me too” I grinned and the others all smiled
Going over to my group Jaz just looked stunned.
“Shit Jade I wanted to kick their little heads in and you go over and make friends”
I shrugged “I love that protective streak in you Jaz, its part of our friendship. I don’t know what I’d do without you” I said the last part melodramatically the back of my hand held to my forehead. We all laughed as the bell went and we got up to go to class. That being human bit was getting a little easier too.
That night Mom and I went over what we needed to do for our trip, clothes, getting me a passport, organising a bit of sight-seeing. We both wanted to do some shopping in Sydney which was the biggest city in Australia and take in a show in Melbourne which was the arty kind of capital of the country.
Chances had booked our airfares, accommodation and transport and as the time was getting closer we were both getting more and more excited. We would fly from Los Angeles direct to Sydney, stay there for two days then on to Melbourne and Bells Beach for the competition. I would model their clothes, do some surfing, hang out with the surf crowd. It was a dream come true.
The day came and we jumped into our taxi for the flight. Lots of hugs and kisses later we were speeding north to San Diego then on to Los Angeles. Sitting back in the taxi I dozed or listened to the driver talking with Mom about politics or the weather or whatever. I wondered what was in store for me and what Australia was like. I’d looked up stuff on the net but it was never the same as being there. All I really knew was that most people lived near the east coast in the major cities like Sydney and Brisbane, the middle of the country was a red desert where temperatures could reach over 120 degrees during the day and negative 25 at night. There were weird animals like kangaroos, wombats and koala bears plus all these things that could kill you and the people had a pretty strange way of talking. Then again so did Americans.
Standing in the arrival lounge at Sydney airport was surreal, it wasn’t as big as Los Angeles but it was big enough. It was a typical airport I guess not that I’d ever seen many and was close to the water. We had flown over the famous harbour bridge and opera house before landing and now we were standing looking around for our ride. The pilot had told us it was a city of over 4 million and was the biggest in Australia. It was warm and I felt at home with the heat. The range and diversity of people around me though was immense. I didn’t realise how many different ethnicities and groups lived here. Five men were standing close to us. They were unshaven with red eyes. All of them looked tired yet still alert looking around them all the time. One had a large scar running down his arm from elbow to wrist while another seemed to limp slightly like he’d hurt his hip. There was nothing else that marked them or made them stand out yet I felt uneasy around them, unsure. I shrugged my shoulders and turned away spotting a woman with a sign that said ‘Chamberlin’
Mom saw it at the same time too and we wandered over to introduce ourselves. Her name was Molly, she was probably about my height with short auburn hair; she led us out to the huge carpark next to the airport building and into a little green hatchback with the ‘Chances’ logo on the side. As we drove out I noticed the same five guys piling into a blue rental van and slowly driving off. I wondered what they were here in Australia for. None of my business I thought.
“So Molly, what’s the itinerary for our visit here?” Mom asked.
“Well we’ve got you booked on to a harbour cruise to see the sights then we’ll take you for a meal plus we want Jade for a photo shoot. Any hassles with that?”
“None whatsoever” I chimed in “where can I go surfing?”
“Jade, be nice” Mom whispered but Molly just laughed.
“How about we head out to Bondi Beach it’s pretty awesome we can surf together”
“What the heck does that mean?”
“Mom it means radical you know cool, bad, fantastic”
“You kids talk in a whole new language these days I can’t keep up”
Molly and I laughed; I figured we’d be good friends.
The day went in a blur the harbour cruise was amazing shooting around in a big jet boat. Mom reckoned it was more like a harbour bullet but I loved it especially since I got to sit next to the driver. He was one of those young guys who was funny and charismatic and probably had all the girls falling in love with him for the hour you knew him then quickly forgotten, me included.
The photo shoot was re-scheduled to be taken at Bondi Beach and after it I got to surf on a borrowed board. Bondi itself was one of those places right next to the beach that in the 60’s and 70’s used to be cool by not trying to be cool; a bit like southern California at the time too I guess. It had been an authentic surfing paradise that quickly found itself and in so doing lost itself. Now it boasted multi-million dollar homes and thousands of people who flocked to the area not to swim but just to be seen. The waves however were spectacular and I loved getting into the water and just surfing. Molly was pretty good and we attracted a fair bit of attention especially from guys. When they heard my accent they all used it as an excuse to ask questions and then ask me out. Disappointingly I had to turn them down but I was constantly amused at their names like Wayno or Bluey which was actually a name for someone with red hair. Go figure.
They loved to show off, diving from their boards or swimming around us. Once again I was the centre of attention and both enjoyed it and was uncomfortable with it. Guys seemed to have only one thing on their mind.
Exiting the waves I meandered up the beach my feet crunching through the golden sand. It was a perfectly still day, warm but not hot. Mom was sitting on her towel reading a book as I dried myself and wrapped a towel around my shoulders. Looking out to sea was east. There was no land until New Zealand from where I stood then the nothingness of the vast Pacific Ocean leading down to the frozen wastes of Antarctica or north to tropical islands. It all seemed backwards to me but I got it. My geo teacher back home Mr Hendricks had done a good job teaching us, he’d be proud.
Our hotel was in the middle of town near a place called Kings Cross. It was nice enough and Molly dropped us off saying she would be back to take us out to dinner about 6.30pm. I was starving and persuaded Mom to go out for a snack and look around. Walking south and yet up a hill a huge Coca Cola sign came into view. To our left we saw a line of shops and to our right a line of restaurants and fast food outlets. Turning right I noticed the diversity of people again. It was 4.00pm and we walked into a shop selling buns and cakes. The owner was an Asian man who smiled and nodded his head as we chose a few snacks to eat. Wandering back to the intersection we nearly got run over forgetting people drove on the left side of the road and not the right. Horns honked and drivers waved as we quickly stepped back on the side walk. Mom looked at me and we laughed as the adrenalin hit.
“Phew that was close” I said
Without knowing it we were walking into one of the most dangerous areas of Sydney. At night this place came alive with people, young drunks and old, young women selling their bodies; older men without teeth holding bags of glue or bottles of wine. There were three things that were sold, sex, drugs and rock and roll. Even now in the mid-afternoon, music poured from a couple of shops the beat pounding our ear drums.
Daylight wasn’t kind to the area however, the shop fronts looked sleazy and stairs leading down into dens of whatever was sold down there, looked worn with red carpet frayed at the edges. The dirt and grime couldn’t be hidden fully even though the city had obviously just upgraded the road and kerbing. Shops unashamedly sold products you’d only see in a bedroom and men stood outside clubs trying to attract people in to look at their girls and buy their alcohol. It all felt strangely familiar as we looked around at it all. There were places like this in San Diego too.
A young girl sat in a doorway leaning against the dirty glass of a door with an old curtain shielding whatever was inside. Her eyes were an amazing blue color and rimmed with heavy makeup. She looked skinny almost to the point of being emaciated her clothes hanging from her; small breasts, long lank brunette hair. She wore a pink singlet over a black bra her short skirt hiked up to the top of her thigh. She peered at us through semi-focussed eyes yet somehow she seemed alert, she knew where she was. I suspected this was an act and I wondered what she was up to. I held my handbag close to me.
“Gotta couple of dollars” she rasped her voice deep and sultry for a girl as she pointed at me. She had long slim fingers; her nails were painted glossy black. The nails were perfect, the polish flawless.
“Umm what for?” I asked
“Hey your American, cool, I’d say from that accent, Southern California” she smiled a crooked smile looking up at us
“Have you been there?”
“Yeah a couple of times, to L.A. and San Diego, cool places”
I instantly liked her then, she was edgy and confident, I wondered how on earth she had found herself in a door way in Kings Cross.
All of a sudden a huge security guard came across the street.
“I’ve told you about hanging around here before” his voice wasn’t sultry but it was sure deep. He looked like he was Polynesian or something. His muscles bulged through his shirt; I only came up to his chest.
“Aw come on Matt you love having me around” the girl said a cheeky grin on her face
“How old are you dear?” Mom asked
Mom bent over and helped her up
“Come on lets go I’m hungry I need food”
I looked at the snacks in my hand and frowned then realised what my mother was on about.
“Yeah me too I’m famished” I said “so what’s your name?” hiding the snacks behind my back.
“Katrina but most people call me Kat”
Brilliant name, I’m Jade and that’s my Mom, Michelle”
Kat wandered along beside us like a model strutting the catwalk one foot in front of the other, wiggling her fingers back at the guard as we walked; smoothing out her skirt.
We found a McDonalds and sat down with our order.
My Mom as usual got straight to the point.
“So Kat what the hell are you doing in a place like this?”
“Well umm it’s a long story do you really want to hear it?”
Mom looked at the time on her phone it said 4:30.
“Sure we’ve got a bit of time”
“Well my family disowned me when I was 17 and just about finished high school. You see once upon a time I used to be a boy……”
I looked at Kat surprised but also really curious. She looked like a girl with beautiful cheekbones and fine lips. Her jawline looked feminine yet if you looked really carefully there was a slight hint of boyishness but nothing to rouse any real suspicion. She definitely had a girl’s body; slim shoulders, real breasts albeit small, a belly bar through her navel, long smooth legs leading up to a girls hips and butt.
“How long have you been on hormones?” Mom was asking
“About four years now since I was 15 my family were supportive at first you know how it is my mum thought it would be cute to have another daughter and my dad just thought it was a phase I was going through, that I’d grow out of it.”
“But you didn’t, you needed to identify as a girl because inside that’s who you were” Mom remarked solemnly
Kat looked at her, her head cocked to one side part surprised, part interested at this woman who showed a level of empathy and knowledge she normally didn’t experience.
“Yeah exactly, I wanted to be a girl for as long as I could remember, being in a boy’s body just seemed, well wrong isn’t the word for it” she took a small bite of her burger and chewed thoughtfully.
“It wasn’t just wrong it felt like I was a foreigner in my own body, that at any moment I could just go home to the right body a girls one, I know it sounds weird but I just knew that eventually I would be a girl that it would happen sooner or later. I didn’t behave really effeminate or anything but I suppose my mother suspected for a long time. She wasn’t surprised when I told her. My older sister helped, she was the first one I told she used to let me dress up with her, paint my toenails, stuff like that, but I also played football and did boy stuff too. When I told my parents I wanted to transition, be a girl, live as a girl it was my sister who held my hand, she got me through. Without her I think I might not have got through at all actually. Anyway my mother made an appointment with a doctor and I talked it all over with her and she started me on hormones plus I had to talk to other people, a psychologist and stuff. He explained G.I.D. and told me what to expect as the hormones and anti-androgens started to have an effect on me. That it would be best to come out and start living as a girl, dress as a girl, be a girl as soon as possible. As you can imagine I was terrified yet thrilled. For me it was just natural it was the right thing to do. For most others it was I don’t know what’s the word?” she searched for the right thing to say.
“Like you were a mutant” I said “like you didn’t belong, they didn’t understand”
“Yeah that, I became a bit of an outcast; my friends didn’t understand what was happening. Yet my sister was there all the time and there was this one friend she stood by me, she was really protective, talked to me, helped me constantly. I owe both of them my life really. Eventually it got easier the kids at school got used to seeing me dressed as a girl, I didn’t eat much, that and the hormones gave me this body.” She waved at herself “but my dad he didn’t really get it, to him he’d lost his only son. Now he had two daughters, the natural one and me. We didn’t talk much, he didn’t have much to say. He buried himself in his work, sometimes we didn’t see him for a week, he’d leave early come home late. Mum was super worried she took sides, we fought a lot, eventually I decided to leave it wasn’t worth it. I came to Sydney cause I wanted to go to University, get an education, a good career but it wasn’t cheap and you have to pay the rent somehow.” She trailed off looking around her, where she was, in the middle of Sydney’s sex capital.
“What about your sister, where’s she?” Mom asked I could see she was torn up inside.
She got married, he’s a nice guy, she moved in with him of course, they have a daughter, I guess that makes me an aunt” she smiled brightly at that “she lives in another city, another state, it’s just me now. Anyways thanks for the food and helping with Matt. He’s a big pussycat really; he’s saved me from a few beatings when guys find out I’m not, you know, a real girl. Most like it but some if they’re really drunk they can get a bit abusive, violent sometimes. Matt looks out for me but he’s got a job to do, he moves me on”
Mom looked worried.
“It isn’t really a pleasant life for you is it Kat? When did you last have a proper meal or shower even? I want you to come with us I’ll let you shower in our room and give you some money for food”
I smiled at my Mom with her gruff exterior and heart of gold. I think Kat was just taken aback I doubted many people cared much about her and she had to do pretty much anything to survive.
“So what are you studying to be?” I asked
“A lawyer, I want to represent people like me, make sure they get a fair deal, get looked after”
“Good for you” Mom said “it sounds like you and Jade have much in common. You can talk about it after you’ve freshened up a bit Kat”
She looked at me quizzically then rose to follow Mom while I picked up our trays and dumped the rubbish, hurrying to catch up. As I rushed through the door I ran straight into a man. He was about six foot tall and balding maybe in his late 40’s early 50’s but still in good shape with no belly. I kind of bounced off him and he reached out to grab me before I fell. His reactions were lightning fast but I was off balance and fell straight back into his arms. He smiled and held me up until I could stand properly.
“Umm I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there” I mumbled as he continued smiling at me. He had deep blue eyes recessed into his head with lots of laughter lines. It was a strong but gentle face that had seen lots of sun, his eyes sparkled.
“No worries Miss, she’ll be right” he said in a strange accent, it wasn’t Australian yet he used the colloquialisms.
He was walking with a couple of other guys, one was huge in his early twenties with those shoulders that block out the sun, short blond hair and the same kind blue eyes, the other one was more slight lithe and lean a huge smile on his face as he looked at me he had lighter blue eyes.
“Sheesh dad now you’ve got beautiful girls falling into your arms” he laughed as Mom yelled back at me.
“Sorry I have to go” I smiled shyly taking a step away “thanks for catching me”
“Look after yourself” the man said “no more running into strange men”
If only I knew it was advice I’d need in the near future. Catching up I looked back. The three were wandering on looking at the sights.
“They didn’t talk like Australians” I remarked “yet they spoke the same way”
“Probably Kiwis” said Kat “from New Zealand, there’s lots of them here”
I reached up and felt the smooth greenstone around my neck the necklace of jade that Nick had given me for my birthday, twisted into the infinity sign, it meant life; it seemed like forever ago. That was from New Zealand he’d said and those men were too. I felt a small connection with them; that shared moment with someone where you just click.
We wandered along to our hotel, Kat jumped into my shower, Mom and I had separate rooms; while I switched the TV on and started to get ready for our dinner date with Molly. I stripped off my jeans and blouse and stood in front of the mirror in just my bra and panties brushing my hair. It fell to about the middle of my back and shone as I pulled the brush through it. I looked at my navel and wondered if I should get a belly bar too like Kat. They looked cute but then again were they a bit last century? I was used to looking at myself like this now, I felt comfortable with the reflection staring back at me
“Fuck you’re gorgeous” I heard a voice behind me. Looking around Kat stood there in just a pair of lace panties. Her small breasts poked out from her the nipples perky and standing on end. Her slick wet hair tumbled around her face, her small white teeth and lips grinning at me. I had to admit she was beautiful but so skinny her ribs poked out and I could see her slim shoulders and collar bones.
“I have a bit of a confession to make to you” I said “you should probably know the truth”
“What you’re a serial killer?” Kat giggled
“No I’m kind of like you I was a boy once too”
Kat looked me up and down, at the cleft between my legs with no sign of a penis, my breasts held by the pretty bra I was wearing, the feminine curves.
“Yeah right, not bloody likely, you’re about the girliest girl I’ve ever seen, I’d die to have a figure like that”
“It’s true” so I filled her in on what had happened to me about my own transformation and journey. She stood there silently listening, the whir of the air conditioning complimenting my voice as I talked about the pain and the changes.
Finally as I finished she said “Fuck” and that was it. She walked over softly, slowly and kissed me on the lips then reached around to hug me her slim arms encircling my shoulders and neck.
“Kind of makes us a bit like sisters then doesn’t it”
“I suppose it does”
She let go and turned to get dressed as Mom knocked on the door and entered. She held a white envelope in her hand as she looked at the half naked girl flesh in front of her.
I turned to put on the dress I’d picked out as Mom handed Kat the envelope.
“It’s not much but it should help you for a month or two. Buy some food with it plus there should be some left over for other bits and pieces.”
Kat took it and slipped it into her bag
“Thank you, this is too kind I don’t know what to say I mean I hardly know you”
“No problems….mate” Mom said in a parody of an Australian accent and we all giggled.
“Will we see you again?” I asked
“Dunno Jade, anything’s possible I suppose but I better go. Thanks for the shower.” She walked over and hugged both of us.
Finishing off dressing she smoothed her skirt.
“Maybe you should buy some clothes too” Mom said seriously.
Kat and I laughed at that, we both thought she looked hot.
“You’re getting old Mom” but she just looked at me then back at Kat making her point.
Later that night as we sat in the restaurant I happened to look in my purse. Mom had given me some spending money, about $500.00 but it was gone. My heart fell.
It was late when we got back to our rooms. Although our hotel wasn’t actually in Kings Cross I could see the garish neon lighting of the strip from my window. The large red Coca Cola sign flashed its message and I was determined to get my money back. Changing into a pair of jeans a t-shirt and sneakers I grabbed a light cardigan and quietly left my room careful not to slam the door. I figured Kat would be up there somewhere. My plan was to find Matt the big Polynesian security guard and then just follow him until I spotted her. I hoped it wouldn’t be hard but I didn’t anticipate the mass of people that confronted me as I turned onto the street. The noise was overpowering, cars along the road honked their horns, music blared from every shop door and there were people everywhere. Young girls with short skirts and high heels walked together laughing while young men stood around watching them; leering. There were a few older men, unwashed, teeth missing sitting in groups, leaning against a shop window or against a lamp post drinking cheap wine from brown paper bags.
Lights flashed above doors in their intricate patterns and there was a multi-coloured hue of neon that literally pulsated, instantly giving me a headache. I was inadvertently pushed aside by a group of men who looked me up and down then kept on walking, an old guy grabbed my leg imploring me for a few dollars, I stepped away from him breaking his weak grip. Then I spotted a dark head of hair standing on end, above the crowd, huge shoulders and coffee colored arms. ‘Matt’ I thought. Pushing my way through the crowd I watched him. He was directing people, moving them away from shop doors so other punters could get in and out. Doing his job, wary of everyone, trusting of no one; busy.
I saw him glance down an alleyway shaking his head, standing there huge and imposing watching whatever or whoever was down there. A kind expression was on his face, ‘Kat” I thought he was watching out for her. He walked off a few meters then turned away still close listening.
Crossing the road I snuck a look down the alley, dark shadows mixed with darker shadows. I felt a few spits of rain splash me.
‘Great now I’m going to get wet’ I thought
Sneaking down I heard a man’s groans and stopped as I saw Kat on her knees a man’s cock in her mouth. He was leaning against a wall his head thrown back as she sucked enthusiastically. This was how she paid her University fees.
She spotted me and looked up, stopping her movements, recognition in her eyes.
“Aw fuck baby don’t stop I’m nearly there” the guy said arching his hips feeling for her.
She turned from me carried on until he let out a final groan and shuddered, coming over the ground, Kat refusing to swallow.
He stood there for a few moments then slowly pulled up his Levis doing up his belt. I saw him slip her a 50 dollar note then he saw me.
“Fuck I didn’t know you were there” he looked me up and down, “bloody hell we could have had a threesome, you’re fucking hot”
“Yeah as if that was going to happen” I said looking at him. He shrugged and sauntered off
“You’re loss baby” he called back over his shoulder disappearing into the press of people.
Kat looked at me wiping her mouth her lipstick smeared. I walked over and used my thumb to fix it.
“I want my money back” I said looking into her eyes, I was both serious and sad
“You know those eyes of yours are out of this world” she said changing the subject.
I was about to reply when a shout came down the alleyway, three men stood there looking very menacing.
“Aw shit, them” Kat said “run”
Kat skittered back down the alley while I looked around momentarily stunned by what was happening. She stopped and yelled at me
“Come on!” then hurried back grabbing my hand pulling me along.
Coming to my senses I started running and followed her to a doorway. The three men had begun to push their way down the alley yelling for us to stop, kicking the odd wooden crate out of the way and generally turning the air blue with profanities. Kat turned the door handle and we fell through into a dark stairwell that smelled of dank concrete and led up to a single metal door. We sprinted up the stairs and opened it, loud pulsing music meeting us as we pushed through. A young woman was on a stage half-dressed moving to the beat as men watched her. A few wolf whistled as we hurried past holding hands looking for another way out. The metal door crashed open again and the girl on the stage stopped dancing, staring at the three who had just interrupted her so rudely. I looked back at them as we slid through an old velvet curtain and stumbled once more down some stairs past a man promoting the ‘show’ inside. He yelled at us then recognising Kat he just grimaced and waved us away. She was obviously well known.
We had escaped back onto the main street where hundreds of people thronged and pushed together like a school of fish that moved one way then the next. I hoped we would be lost in the chaos and held Kat’s hand tightly so as not to lose her. She ran down the street maybe 30 metres then stopped, breathing hard, leaning against a shop window of a convenience store. She looked back warily for the men but they were gone like ghosts in the fog of people around us. She breathed a sigh of relief while I stood there catching my breath, hands on hips wondering about this strange, exciting girl who I had just met. She looked across at me then nodded her head to follow her. We moved through the people down the road further and further from my hotel into quieter streets until finally we reached a wooden doorway, old green paint cracked and peeling from it. Producing a key she unlocked and led me through, up a short flight of steps that creaked and groaned their annoyance as we moved up them. Unlocking another door we entered what I assumed was Kat’s apartment. Unlike the dirty exterior it was neat, clean and tidy although very small. A double bed sat on one side of the room neatly made; adorning it a pink cover with satin ribbons. A small kitchen on the other side, a couple of dishes sitting on a bench newly washed. A television and sofa sat in the middle, a single large painting in bright colors, an abstract that lifted the place, making it feel like it was someone’s home not just a place to stay. It sat above the bed, the signature bottom left simply said ‘Kat’. A doorway covered by a pink curtain led to what I assumed was the bathroom.
“I have to pee” I said and moved toward the curtain brushing it aside looking around. It was simple again but clean, the walls wiped, the toilet seat down. Even though she was still a ‘boy’ down there she sat to pee, that intrigued me, I wondered why. Looking at myself in the mirror my face was flushed, my cheeks red, my hair was a mess. Pulling my jeans and panties down I squatted and sighed. Calling from the seat as only women do,
“Who were those guys?”
“What, oh yeah them, pimps, they don’t like me because I refuse to work for them, I’m kind of freelance you know. I keep everything I earn, they don’t like that”
I wiped and pulled my jeans back up as Kat went on
“They want to run me off, control the place themselves but I don’t frighten easily.”
Washing and drying my hands I walked back out. Kat was making a drink pulling milk from a tiny fridge.
“Coffee” she asked but I declined not at this time of night.
She held the cup cradled in her hands and headed for her bed. Sitting sideways her back against the wall, knees bent, she let out a sigh as she took her first sip. Her whole body seemed to sag as she relaxed then she looked at me a slight smile on her face. I stood there then asked the question that had been nagging me all day.
“Why did you change? I mean why did you really choose to live as a girl? You could have just played dress up like most guys then gone back to being a boy a few hours later.”
“Why did you?”
“I didn’t have a choice, you know that” I looked down at myself, at my breasts. My hair fell in front of me and I gently swept it back behind my ear.
“Yeah you did, just because you had a girl’s body doesn’t mean you had to be a girl. I mean what you did just then when you pulled your hair back behind your ear, that’s a girl thing, you did it like every other girl does it. You didn’t think about it did you, you just did it and it was perfectly natural for you.”
I instinctively reached my hand to my hair then stopped. She was right I didn’t think about it anymore but when the changes first happened when I became a girl those actions weren’t natural. Yet now………
I pondered her words. I had chosen a feminine soul, I had wanted the world to not only see me as female on the outside but also to accept me as one on the inside too. I could have hidden away, been a tomboy or even chosen to die but I didn’t, I completely embraced being feminine, had grown to enjoy it, to love it. I thought and acted like a girl now. Everything I was screamed ‘girl’ to anyone who chose to look.
I walked over and sat next to Kat, mirrored her as we sat shoulder to shoulder, knees to chin. She was the first person who truly understood me and the crazy thing was I got her too. I didn’t need her answer anymore I already knew, but I wanted to understand this girl.
“I chose because I wanted it” I began
“Because deep in your soul, that part of you, the part you protect until you give it away to the one you love, the real you she was a girl wasn’t she.”
I felt like crying but I held it back, not because this was hard to hear but because it wasn’t.
I ran my fingers lightly through my hair, tried to get rid of some of the knots, sat quietly, thinking.
Kat reached over balancing her drink in one hand stroking my hair with the other.
“We really are the same aren’t we?” I whispered
“Yeah kind of, but you’re prettier and I’m funnier”
I giggled…….like a girl.
I thought I knew myself, had figured things out, I hadn’t even reached first base yet.
“So about my money?”
“Aw yeah look sorry but a girl’s gotta live” she reached for a purse, pulled a wad of notes out and handed it to me.
I took it stuffing them into my pocket, I hadn’t brought a bag.
“Guess I should go”
“Well you could stick around if you want, maybe talk more or….”
I got what she meant. It was tempting but it was also late. Letting her explore my body would have been amazing but I needed to go.
“You know what at any other time I’d say yes but I really have to go we’re heading to Melbourne in the morning and I’m really tired”
“Melbourne that’s a rad place, I’d love to visit there again, we could have such an adventure.”
I smiled at that, this skinny girl with the pretty face who talked about her University life was willing to throw it in and travel to Melbourne with me for an adventure. I loved her style and grinned at her. Even though she’d stolen my money I liked her, she was funny and sexy and crazy. I had no doubt with her around we would have an adventure to end all adventures. Plus she understood me, knew all of what I’d gone through and I understood her.
“Why not? I’m sure no one would mind and I’d love to have a friend there with me. We leave at 9.00pm from our hotel tomorrow, if you’re there by then well there’s a spare seat.”
“You never know, I might just be there Jade Chamberlin, I might just be there.”
I reached over and kissed her lightly on the lips, then headed for the door.
“Hey” she called
Turning she pulled up her shirt and flashed her boobs at me. I giggled and went through the door. I turned right and headed back towards Kings Cross and my hotel. I thought about Kat. In our lives there are people you meet who are painted in matte, some in satin and some in gloss but every now and then you meet someone who is dipped in iridescent and your life is never the same.
It didn’t take long to reach the throng of people and I pushed my way through twisting and turning around them. An arm suddenly came from nowhere and a hand seized my shoulder holding me tight. I looked around startled, into the beady eyes of some greasy looking guy, chains around his neck and slicked back dark hair.
“You were with her, just now, with that little bitch Kat. I saw you, where is she?”
I was surrounded by two other guys that all looked the same, Greek maybe, or Italian looking.
“I, I don’t know what you mean” I stammered unconvincingly “Who’s Kat?”
“Don’t lie to me girly, bad things happen to liars” he was threatening me, his face close to mine, his breath stunk.
I looked up panic in my eyes and saw another three men standing behind my attackers. One was huge his shoulders blocked out the sun, the other lithe and lean, the third, older strong looking, inexplicitly gentle and yet……
All three had blue eyes that would light up when they smiled but they weren’t smiling now. The older one, the dad spoke first
“Anything wrong miss? These guys annoying you?”
The three turned and the main guy simply said “Fuck off and mind your own business the girls with us?”
“Can’t do that fella, gotta help a lady in distress you know how it is.”
I rushed around the three thugs and stood next to the really big son. He looked huge and my god he was handsome.
He whispered “it’s not me you should be beside its Dad. Watch this”
He just stood back then and I followed him. Standing with his arms folded and mirrored by his brother I watched confused at what was happening. I stood between them dwarfed by their immensity and feeling very, very safe.
The other brother leaned over “it’s not really fair there are only three of them,”
“But aren’t you going to help him? He could get hurt” I queried
“Nah, he’ll be fine but don’t worry if by some chance in a million one of them does get the better of him they’ll have to get through us and well that won’t happen. Just watch”
The three gangster pimps looked really menacing and I felt really small.
The main punk moved first, took a swing and then he was lying on the ground, looking up, blinking and dazed. The other two looked at each other while the boys dad stood there knees bent one arm raised. Slowly he stood straight and turned toward the two left.
“Wanna do this? Next guy goes to hospital, promise”
The two hesitated, torn between loyalty to their boss and self-preservation. They made a choice gathered up their fallen partner and ran off.
The dad turned toward me, everything about him changed in the blink of an eye. He went from fighter to father and smiled.
“How did you do that?”
“Oh well you know, just got lucky I guess”
“Thank you” it’s all I could think to say “you’re like angels you turn up at just the right time”
The huge son smiled and put his arm around my shoulder, hugging me. I didn’t mind it felt more than good, it was special, like family.
“What are you doing up here all alone…….?”
“Jade” I said “my names Jade”
“Jade, wow I love that name” the big son said “my names Dan”
“Hi Dan” I looked up at him
“Yeah I’m Sean” said the other son and that’s my dad “Alan”
“So where do you live Jade?” asked Alan
“Um San Diego, well just south of it”
“Yeah, nah I meant here in Sydney” he smiled while I blushed at my silly mistake
“I’m staying in a hotel just down the street”
“Ah right cool, we’ll walk you there then”
“You don’t have to, I’ll be alright” I protested but they were having none of it. My angels were walking me home whether I liked it or not.
As we left the Cross I was kind of glad, it wasn’t really my kind of place. I was looking forward to getting back to the ocean, to somewhere a little more peaceful. I hugged the three men at my hotel lobby, Dan held me for a second longer than the others. I hoped I’d see him again one day.
The next morning as Mom and I came down in the elevator and walked through the doors I saw her.
Kat sat in a sofa, feet up dozing. She had a bag with her and wore a pair of tight skinny jeans, flat shoes and a singlet top, bright blue with spaghetti straps. She opened her eyes and grinned at me I grinned back then looked at Mom expectantly.
“Can she come?”
“Why not” Mom sighed “you do have a habit of picking up strays don’t you”
“Yeah” I said “they make the best friends”
The trip to Melbourne was notable only for the amount of times Kat and I collapsed into fits of giggles and laughter as we chatted and got to know each other. She had a really sharp tongue and wasn’t afraid to give her opinion on just about any subject. Seems she loved dressing up in frilly dresses
and suspender belts and would often be a maid for her clients. I was fascinated and laughed till tears ran down my cheeks, astonished by her tales of sex and kink. This was stuff I’d never heard about before and I was both amazed and dubious about some of the things she told me. I mean I honestly didn’t think a guy’s penis could bend that far or that my vagina (Kat liked to call it a pussy) could really be used to hide stuff in. But then again I supposed it could.
My smile just grew wider and wider as the stories became more exaggerated and wild. I was sure this girl knew how to party. I also knew she would be fiercely loyal to her friends of which I was now one. Our talk was real and visceral and for me it was profound in that I was being taught more about the workings of my body by someone who wasn’t technically a girl than any woman I’d ever met. She knew so much about me as a female; my feelings and emotions.
More and more I wanted to know what it would be like to be intimate with someone. To feel him hold me close, to take me and ultimately penetrate me with his manhood. To feel what it was like to have him held inside me, to be adored by him; fucked by him.
My teenage girl’s brain was in overdrive by Kat’s tales and her wild lack of inhibition. I wanted to love and be loved in return but I also wanted to know what it would be like to abandon myself to the crazy, mad and thrilling ride that was sex.
In Melbourne Mom had decided Kat and I could share a room together. We looked at each other slyly my stomach twisting and turning in anticipation. I hoped that perhaps my fantasies might at least in part come true. That Kat’s stories were in fact real and
I might experience them. Our room was typical of any hotel anywhere in the world, two beds stood one on each side of the room; an innocuous matching cover on each, the walls painted a typical bland creamy color. A little kitchenette with a mini bar (Mom had them take all the little bottles of alcohol out) and a small fridge and microwave. The room smelled of disinfectant mixed with some flowery perfumed spray and I curled my nose up as I entered through the door. Kat laughed, it sounded like a tinkling bell, remarking how cute I looked with my little freckled nose all scrunched up like that. I giggled back, secretly pleased at how she complemented me. Kat made me feel good, she made me laugh and I enjoyed her being around.
In the shower later that evening I soaked under the stinging needles of water, luxuriating in the warmth and way in which it relaxed me. I didn’t even think about it at first but my fingers sought out my thin slit and the tiny nub at the apex of it. I began to rub softly, then more and more passionately as the heat inside me built from a flame to a raging fire, my fingers slipping deeper and deeper inside as I groaned in pleasure, leaning against the wall, barely able to stand. My other hand, slippery from the soap and my passion, gripped one of my large, hard nipples, standing erect and eager. As I slowly began to slump onto the floor I felt with a start, two arms enfold me, holding me up, soft breath on the nape of my neck, a soft voice in my ear whispering gentle nothings that were something to me. Then I felt the hardness press between my legs slipping on my soapy thighs. Breathing heavily I took a small step opening myself to her as she pressed up against me, seeking my pussy. Kat wasn’t huge by any stretch of the imagination but I didn’t mind, this was my first time and I wanted it more than anything. Her fingertips and black nails caressed my nipples and I groaned shivering with anticipation. My pussy was wet, my juices running down the inside of my thigh tickling me. Only an act of God would stop me from this love making and that wasn’t about to happen any time soon.
“Do you want this? Kat asked huskily and I shivered not trusting my voice simply nodding although my mind screamed yes. She was gentle, her firm cock entering from the rear, slowly and tenderly. I could hardly stand as overwhelming feelings burst through me like a kaleidoscope. As she moved inside me ever so slowly at first I came up on my toes, matching her rhythm the walls of my pussy pulsating as she rocked inside me mercilessly. I didn’t want her to stop as she thrust into me harder and harder my whole body responding to her love making; I was lost deep in the union of our bodies. By the end Kat was thrusting so hard I was almost lifted from my feet. I was gripping her cock with my vagina, sopping wet feeling every bump and curve. I was almost crying as the first wave of my first ever full on orgasm crashed into me, my body convulsing, my back arching urging her deeper as her breasts pressed against me. Groaning I felt the first spurt of her cum splash deep inside me the boiling hot liquid causing me to collapse as wave upon wave of pleasure swept over me. Tears raced down my cheeks as I realised the threshold I had just stepped over. I felt no guilt or shame just the desire for more. I knew I had taken the first step on a lifelong journey and it was going to be one of discovery and wild thrills. Kat wasn’t finished with me though and she pushed me down onto my back the hot needles of shower water lacing their way over my super sensitive body. Her tongue sought and found my clit as I spread my legs wide. She lapped at me sucking at her own cum deep inside me as I once again convulsed in absolute mindless pleasure.
“Was that your first time?” Kat asked looking up at me from between my legs.
“Y Y Yes” I stammered back as a thousand thoughts invaded my mind. I wanted more; I wanted this to happen again and again.
Kat simply smiled. “I’ll teach you how to give me a blow job next time. I must say though you have the nicest tightest little pussy. Fuck I want to do you again.”
“I I won’t stop you” I replied meaning it, I’d fallen deeply madly in love with my gorgeous t-girl lover. I wanted her body as badly as she wanted mine.
“I want to dress you up next time” Kat stated candidly, “in a frilly dress, maybe a maids uniform, with an apron and stockings with really high heels. Lots of make up too, bright red lipstick. You can be my doll and I’ll ravish you time and again.”
I stared at her my eyes wide in disbelief, then I smirked, I actually really liked the idea. I’d some-how stepped over some invisible line from girl to woman. I had forgotten that just a little while ago I’d been a boy because all I wanted was sex with this girl, to have her control me and take me to places I’d never been before. My groin still felt like it was on fire and as I felt a tiny drop of Kat’s cum drip from me I looked at her.
“Can you do that to me again please” I begged and she smiled seductively. Her little cock was already standing on end and I felt a shiver run up and down my spine. Pushing me on to the bed I lay on my back as she bent over me looking into my eyes. My legs slid open and I closed my eyes waiting to feel her at the threshold of my pussy. I couldn’t wait and thrust my hips up at her, searching. She sought and held my wrists so I squirmed humping at the air, groaning in anticipation. Kat didn’t disappoint and I felt her slip inside me again all the way in, I felt every millimetre of her gorgeous cock. I felt complete, whole, as I was filled; and she began once again to thrust. This time she was gentle, insistent though and I came almost instantly. My body shuddered and jerked uncontrollably I couldn’t help myself as Kat grinned down at me. The feelings of pleasure burned deep inside me and it didn’t take long before I began to climb the hill toward another orgasm. This one was going to be huge, I felt it in every fibre of my being and briefly somewhere far back in the deep recesses of my mind a single thought came to me.
‘Never go back, this is your life, you’re truly and fully a woman now’
This time I screamed, an animal sound from deep inside me, my body soaked in sweat, my breasts heaving as my lungs sought air. Kat came simultaneously and collapsed on me as again I felt her cum.
Breathing hard she lay on me as the fires slowly began to drift out. We were one now; lovers in every sense of the word bound together body and soul.
“We need to buy you that dress” Kat sighed.
“Anything” I whispered to her caught up in her scent and feel. We lay like that for a long time. She eventually became flaccid and I felt the loss and disappointment every girl feels as her lover slips from her.
Rolling from me she grinned as we looked into each others eyes. I was exhausted from the travel and curled up beside her, wrapped in her arms, protected and loved. We fell soundly asleep like that sharing a single bed. It was the best feeling in the world and I didn’t want it to end but the still, pink morning came all too soon.
“What do ya reckon? Wanna explore Melbourne?” Kat asked over breakfast. We had gone to Mom’s apartment and were sitting, wolfing down cereal and eggs; a view of the city spread out before us. Australia was a weird place I decided, in much the same way as the USA was strange. It was made up of different states just like America which had their own government. I was in a state called Victoria named after Queen Victoria of England. Melbourne was the capital and had nearly four and a half million people in it. Kat reckoned it had heaps to do in and lots of interesting people. She told us that with a wink and we looked at each other giggling. Mom looked at us strangely wondering what we meant maybe; but I think she could see more. Maybe she suspected what Kat and I had been up to and I felt myself blushing just thinking about it.
“I’m not sure I’m up to it but you two can go if you want. We have today and tomorrow here then it’s off to Bell’s Beach” Mom said
Kat’s eyes were bright a massive smile on her face as she anticipated the fun we could have together. I was a bit overwhelmed. A whole day alone with Kat was both immensely attractive and incredibly scary.
A blue rental van pulled into the church car park in the middle of Melbourne. Five men piled out, one had a large scar running down his arm from elbow to wrist while another seemed to limp slightly like he’d hurt his hip. Four of the men looked as if they were from somewhere in the Middle East, the fifth was white and about as tall as he was wide, a huge barrel chest. None of them smiled as they crunched over the gravel to the little office at the entrance. The white guy paid the fee, it was for four days, more than enough time to accomplish their mission, or fail it. A small red light blinked on in the dashboard of the blue van. It hadn’t been there when the men had picked it up, but then again neither had the C4 explosive that now lay neatly packed on the floor. The men wandered off in the direction of the city centre, before turning south toward the famous Flinders Street train station, the yellow stone building that served as the hub of Melbourne’s transport. Climbing aboard a train they were soon speeding out into the western suburbs. It was only 10.30 am.
Kat and I stepped onto the street; it was only a short walk to the city centre past a church car park full of cars. A blue van stood in the middle of them a red light blinking on its dash. I thought it was one of those lights that warned thieves that a car alarm had been activated. It was quickly forgotten in the excitement of spending a day alone with Kat in this huge city. We were both wearing short miniskirts. Mine was a cute lavender colour, Kat’s was denim frayed at the hem. I had a low cut top that showed off my cleavage, my makeup was light although I’d darkened my eyes with mascara and eyeliner. My long blond hair swung down to the middle of my back ending in the V shape so many young girls liked. We both looked hot maybe even on the edge of being slutty. There were butterflies in my stomach as we walked along our hands brushing together now and then. Men noticed us and some stared, other women seemed openly hostile.
“Come on” smiled Kat “this is going to be fun.”