Humanity has become the corrupted tool of the Earthen Interstellar Federation. One captain will soon find out just how much the corruption has spread. Just how does a once-human communicate with her once own xenophobic species?
The Trelonian lay alone upon the Bridge of the last remaining vessel. The consoles surrounding her dysfunctional or sparking. Blood poured out of her chest, cutting down her life expectancy to mere seconds. The last of the Great Trelonian Empire lay dying.
Taking one last breath she said, “Computer, enable search and integrate subroutine, disable AI containment.” With her last words she died, hope in her heart that one day her legacy will live.
“This is Captain Sheffield of the Earthen Interstellar Ship, Agamemnon. Please lower your shields and prepare to be boarded.” I stood in front of the viewscreen. Hands clasped behind my back, staring at the unknown silver vessel.
“Still no response captain, may I remind you that it is standard protocol to destroy any alien vessel on sight.” My first officer stated.
He stood behind me, a good few inches taller than my 5’7”, unlike me he graduated to his rank instead of working his way up from Ensign. Hence his being 10 years younger and only a rank below me. However unlikely, we became fast friends and would do anything for the other. I smiled ruefully as I turned to face him, “You know as well as I do that many of our protocols are both stupid and short sighted, especially that one.”
My first officer, Commander Williams grinned back, “Including the one that makes me remind you of any protocols we’re supposed to follow?”
I sighed, as much as I hated it, he was right. “Very well, Tactical, open gun ports and engage defence screens.”
I hesitated, there was something about that ship… “Science, have a look into the database for any information about this ship, it’s like noting we've seen before.”
“Aye sir!” My over eager Science officer, Ensign Fray responded. I smiled at his enthusiasm. He would make a good officer someday. The bridge came alive with a faint humming noise as the secondary defence screens surrounded the bridge. As much as I thought it disgusting, the bridge had a screen that activated as soon as any tactical systems were activated. Apparently bridge officers were more important than the rest of the crew.
Just as I was about to give the command to fire the view screen shifted to show a small statured, balding man wearing the uniform of a space command official. “Attention EIF Vessel, you are to cease all attempts to destroy the unknown ship you are currently investigating. Standard procedures do not apply. Your new orders are to capture and analyse its technology, this is of the highest priority, and no one but your bridge crew can know this true mission.” The viewscreen shifted again to display the huge silver ship.
I blinked, “Science, what can you tell me about what just happened? And just what is so important about this particular alien ship?”
Ensign Fray replied after some hesitation in a tone that I hadn't heard from him before, “Captain, when I scanned the ship it initiated that message automatically. Sir, it’s from the Emperors office.” The bridge was suddenly deathly quiet. Just what is it about that ship is so important that the highest authority was involved?
I coughed, “Very well, what information do we have about the ship? Weapons, armament, crew compliment?”
“One moment Captain. I think that my console is malfunctioning. I can’t scan this ship, the scanner beams are just reflected off the hull. The material is unlike any other before seen. It looks like some sort of biological ship but it isn’t. I can’t make sense of these readings, the one thing I can make sense of is that it is 5 miles long, about 7 times our size.” Fray was furiously tapping buttons on his console. “All the other scans seem to contradict each other. Sir, that ship is impossible!”
Just then another voice broke the silence, “The scanners are working perfectly and so is your console, what you are looking at, however contradictory is what the ship is made out of. Captain, looking at these readings, that ship is incredibly advanced. It has to be from beyond our exploratory range. No other races that we have encountered have this sort of technology.”
I sighed, this was going to be a long day. Something about that ship was bugging me. I don’t know what but I felt like I should be the one to board her and no one else. “Begin alien docking procedures, Williams, you have the bridge.”
My first officer looked startled. “But sir, you know you cannot leave the bridge at a time like this. The protocols…”
“To hell with them! This is something I have to do!” I looked at my friend pleadingly.
His face softened, “At least take a security escort with you. You have no idea what is over there.” I was about to argue until the ship started shuddering as we attached ourselves to the incredibly large alien ship.
“Very well then, have Lieutenants Reilly and Marcus meet me at the open hanger.” I replied, whilst entering the elevator which would descend to the lowest deck. If you could call it a deck.
The open hanger was exactly that. Open. The lift arrived at a small observation room which overlooked the hanger, attached to the large docking booms on the celling were various fighters and small shuttle craft that we were equipped with. The floor of the hanger was non-existent. This was so we could do exactly what we were doing now, landing on the hull of an alien ship to break into it. It avoided the problem of incompatible airlocks completely.
Once I had climbed into my environmental suit (Though I had a nagging feeling that I wouldn't need it), I exited the observation room and stood atop of the hull, Reilly and Marcus following.
The drilling mechanism was being prepared by a team of Engineers, I was suddenly overcome and before I knew what was happening I shouted, “Everybody, out now!”
The Engineers looked as startled as I felt, yet they followed my orders.
“Captain?” Lt. Marcus questioned.
I ignored him and knelt down. The hull looked more like a silvery skin that metal. It pulsed rhythmically under me. I knelt down, this ship was alive. I was sure of it. The ship produced a nagging feeling in the back of my brain. I got the impression that something was finishing? Slowly I placed my gloved hand gently upon the skin.
An overwhelming feeling of what I could only describe as a presence flooded my brain.
"What's th-"
Then darkness...
“Sir, the Captain is gone!” The panicked voice of Lt. Marcus shouted over the intercom.
Immediately I jumped from my seat, “Gone?”
“Yes sir! One minute his hand was on the hull, the next he was just gone.” The voice though still panicked was no longer shouting.
My mind went through possibilities but couldn't come up with any reasonable answer except teleportation which was impossible according to Kidsons law. Finally I made a decision, “Prepare a heavily armed boarding party and begin the drill.”
As those words left my mouth, the Agamemnon shook violently. Alarm claxons sounded all over the bridge as consoles exploded. My eyes shifted to the viewscreen as it showed the strange ship forcibly detaching its self from us and engaging engines at a speed which confounded me.
“Pursuit course!” I yelled.
“Cap-Sir, The ship is travelling faster than the Slipstream barrier, to my knowledge that should be impossible!” This startled science officer announced. “Not that anything about that ship IS possible”, he mumbled.
“Sir, even if we could match their speed, it wouldn't be possible in our current state. Engines and communications are down and all Tactical systems are at minimum capability or none at all” Engineer Tibet stated.
Finally remembering procedure I queried, “Crew status?”
“Nine crew are in critical condition at medbay. Including Lieutenants Reilly, Marcus and the drill engineers. Other than that there are only minor injuries.”
I awoke in what could constitute as a medical bay. My body felt completely alien to how it should. As I sat up I felt a strange sort of unfurling sensation from my back. Ignoring that I looked down to discover something which I know were not there before. My mind went blank. After blinking to restart my brain function I looked around the room and conveniently found a mirror, slowly clambering out of bed I padded over.
Stumbling for my first few steps, I quickly regained my sense of balance. However, as I looked in the mirror I almost lost it again.
Looking back at me was a strange looking girl to say the least. She fairly short and appeared to be 17 years old by human standards. Yet, it was quickly apparent that she, that I, was not human. Her - My face consisted of Violet eyes, pale skin and violet hair that defied any sense of gravity. As I put my hand to my hair to discover that I could FEEL my hand from my hair. Shuddering I looked down, her – My breasts were prominent but proportional for her figure, then I saw the most striking feature. Wings. Actual wings. They had a feint violet glow around them, in fact there was a feint glow around my whole body. My wings twitched providing many incredible but odd sensations to my already overloaded brain.
Words suddenly appeared in the bottom left corner of my vision, words in a language that I had never seen before, yet somehow could read them as if they were native Earthen.
Initiating Ship Control Module…
Safe mode engaged.
Preparing Information Transmitters… Complete
Preparing Information Receivers…
At the last words, my brain became aware of an incredible amount of information about my body. I knew exact calculations and proportions, functionality. My physiology was incredible, two hearts and in place of my stomach was an organ which was some sort of ultimate energy gatherer, my immune system was incredibly advanced, there were also foreign particles swimming around my body. The word nanites entered my head, it was a network of biological technology which was feeding information that it was receiving from an outside source. I knew I had control over them, yet that control wasn’t complete. Something had to finish. ‘Looking’ outwards with my sensors I could SEE! It’s like having been blind for all my life and gaining vision that was better than anyone else in the world had! Atoms made themselves known to me, molecules, and arrangements of EVERYTHING.
More information entered my head, Star charts, planetary alignments, species information never before seen. I then became aware of the origin of my new sense. It was my body but not. It was separate from me and yet we were one. I could feel the pulsing skin, the reverberations of what felt like a heart but was like nothing I had ever imagined. I could feel the corridors and rooms, I could sense my actual body deep within the ship. I knew I could control everything, but not yet.
Integration completed, Command and Control functionality enabled.
Finally my mission was complete. No, it wasn't my mission. The ships mission. But it was my mission, we are one. We are Serenity.
Humanity has become the corrupted tool of the Earthen Interstellar Federation. One captain will soon find out just how much the corruption has spread. Just how does a once-human communicate with her own xenophobic species?
“Ships log; it has been three days since the disappearance of the Captain. We are following a pursuit course on the last known heading of the unknown alien vessel, though we have little hope of ever finding her again.
Repairs began immediately after the vessel departed and are now on the verge of completion. From what we could decipher from our scanners, the vessel is actually a living organism. Its biology and reasoning remains a mystery, much like the rest of the ship. Its hull is an incredible merging of highly advanced technology and biological engineering. I can see why this ship would be so important to Central Command. Yet how they knew about the unknown vessel is yet to be determined.” I sighed, “Computer, End Log.” Without waiting for the acknowledgement I entered the elevator leading to the bridge.
“Report!” I exclaimed to the current bridge shift.
“Still nothing, Sir. Not even an engine displacement trail. We don’t even know if the vessel came this way. Helmsman Snow responded.
I sighed once again internally, the crew was demoralised at the loss of their beloved captain. In a way, the captain was the most protected person on the ship, it was very rare to lose a captain. Yet we lost one without there even being a battle. I had already broken several protocols regarding this mission. Following a non-existent trail for three days was most definitely a breach of protocol. Gathering my breath to finally give the order I should have at least a day ago, I began. “Helmsman –“
“Before I could finish, the excited voice of the Science officer interrupted me. “Sir, there she is! It looks like she is powered down!”
The Data was completely overwhelming me. I didn’t even notice that I had fallen to my knees and was cradling my head until a voice penetrated me to my very core.
“Biolink dampeners engaged. Dataflow ceased.”
Suddenly I felt as if a part of my brain was cut out. There was now a separation of sorts from me and Serenity. I had my sense of individuality again, yet a large part of me dearly wanted that feeling of oneness again.
Pulling myself to my feet, I once again looked around the room. A name flowed into my head; ropyaH. Infirmary. Looking around the room I saw now exit, yet as that thought was given form, a hatch slowly formed in the wall I was facing.
“What the-“ I exclaimed.
“While you may not know it, you have full control of this vessel. Your needs become my own. You required an exit so I provided.” The voice had seemingly come from everywhere at once. However, I was sure that I didn’t actually hear it.
“Quite Correct, Captain. You are actually hearing me through the bionanite systems which link your brain to mine.” The voice interrupted my thoughts again.
Upon hearing that response I began to panic, my heart(s?) were beating a hundred times a second. What has been done to me? Am I being controlled by these nanites? Why me? What for? Just who was I talking to?
Cutting off any further thoughts the voice began, “The bionanites are actually the opposite, they control me. Or more correctly main brain becomes an extension of your own. As for who I am. I am Serenity, I control all the autonomic systems. Or at least, that was my original function, my last captain released my containment and I am now a fully self-aware and sentient artificial intelligence.”
That puzzled me, why kidnap me only to give me control of it?
Responding once again to my thoughts, “You are the legacy. Your genetic markers and biology were such that you had the potential to become Trelonian. My mission was to find one such as yourself in body and mind, to engage genetic migration and modification. You are now the only member of a once great species.”
“But why?” I asked aloud, even though I apparently need not.
“To continue what the Trelonians have dome since they launched their first interplanetary ships; to manage the Universe as we know it.”
One sentence, told in such a calm and collected manner, yet so profound that my brain stalled. “You want me to become some sort of intergalactic peacekeeper?”
“In a fashion, yes. This ship is equipped to handle many situations that you may find yourself in at a later time.”
“What if I don’t want the job?” I queried, already knowing that this was an opportunity not to be missed.
“Contrary to your current belief, I have been following your ship for three months, in stealth mode, to make sure that you not only matched the biological requirements but also the personality requirements. In fact, your personality was almost a complete match to my last captains. You have a moral code that is different to that of your old society. You break the rules of your society when your morality forces you to. Your innate sense of what could be, what should be and what is provides you with a unique outlook on the universe. In other words, you are perfect for the task at hand.”
“But why am I female? What am I?” I asked, not sure if I wanted to hear the answers or not.
“I have been watching you for three months. Your personality is not that of the human male, nor of my creators’ male population. You have a personality that is undeniably female in essence. While you may have been able to hide it from your crew, you could not hide it from me. I apologise for my intrusion, but I suspect that you are not particularly devastated because of it.”
My face reddened at that, no one, not even my own family knew about that side of me. I had always knows that there was something separating me from the other males that I had interacted with. I figured out quickly that it was not acceptable to tell anyone about my feelings. I joined the EIF to hopefully drown out that voice, yet it had not succeeded as I had hoped. 35 years later and still the nagging sensation was there, clawing and scratching at the back of my brain. At the moment, all I felt was clarity. I no longer had that feeling of being trapped by expectations. In a way, I missed the feeling, but by no means did I want it back.
I was never sure exactly why it was such a taboo against our society, but I did know it had something to do with something that happened in the late twenty-seventh century. Since then, there have been (publically at least) no gender or sexual variants in our society.
“So what am I?” I asked as my mind returned to the present.
“You are Trelonian. A member of the first advanced civilisation in the universe, at least, the first to their knowledge.”
I gasped, “The first?”
“Yes, the universe was still fairly young when I was created. My makers, the Trelonians, explored the universe as it was in its infancy. The Great Trelonian Empire was founded to guide the younger species so that they developed in a less destructive and peaceable manner, unlike their own relatively violent past.”
“What happened to them?” I asked. Evidently they weren’t around for humanity.
“Unfortunately the Empire was not as united at most liked to think. There were those who wished to subjugate the younger races and use them for their own good. A civil war broke out between those who wished to help and those who thought they were superior. Weapons so powerful that entire star systems were eradicated of life in an instant.
Seeing that they were not going to survive, the council of the Empire refitted me with the most advanced technology ever developed. I gained the ability to modify my own systems and even create them, my computer became part biology part technology. I was given the ability to become sentient. Their reasoning was that I could improve my systems as required, I would be able to develop my own countermeasures to any sort of attack that may be unleashed upon me. My mission: The betterment of the Universe.
I and my last captain watched, the most advanced ship ever constructed, helpless as each side obliterated the other. The second the Empire started gaining ground the Supremacists, in a complete moment of madness, created a bioweapon, a terrible device. Made specifically to wipe out any Trelonians it encountered. The bioweapon backfired. Instead of being a controllable force it spread quickly to both sides. The speed at which it attacked was incredible. Before there was even a chance at a cure they were all infected. No one stood a chance.
My countermeasure systems were the only thing that saved both me and my captain, after all my biological components are based on the Trelonians themselves. By then, it was too late.”
My legs gave way underneath me. Mass genocide in one stroke. Star systems obliterated. How does one digest that kind of information? So caught up in thought was I, that I didn’t even know when sleep overtook me.
A tall aging figure sat upon the throne, all around him were the officials of the EIF diligently going about their respective tasks. His expressionless face showing no hint of what the man was thinking.
A short statured, middle-aged man approached the figure upon his throne, “Sir, the vessel you instructed to be informed about immediately has been spotted by the Agamemnon, they are following a pursuit course.”
As the Emperor heard this, a feint but visible sinister smile crept onto his face. “Keep me appraised.” Was all his stated. Without waiting for acknowledgement, he raised himself off the throne and exited the command room. Making his way to his personal chambers he extracted his communication pad and sent a coded message to the person truly responsible for his rise to power.
Serenity is here.
I awoke once again in the Infirmary, seeing the pulsating silver walls caused me to remember our conversation, as well as my experience as I was truly connected to Serenity. “Why can I no longer see what you see?”
The AI, after finally working out the difference between me just thinking and me asking, replied “While your brain, or hardware, is capable of handling the information. Your software or thought pattern cannot. Eventually you will be able to handle the symbiosis link at full integration. The more your software, or pattern, adapts, the less human your thinking becomes. That isn’t to say you will not be yourself in personality. But, your brain will function at an entirely different level to that of your old species.”
I was not sure if I should be relieved of not. “How long will it take?”
“It is not known for certain. This procedure has never been done before. However, when the last captain died her memories were placed in the modification package you were given. It was thought best you have her memories so you would know what needed to be done. It also has the side effect of speeding up the process of your adaption, as your brain unlocks the memories it you will become aware of your new abilities, including that of multi-layered thinking. At the very least on a subconscious level. These memories are only a guide they will not affect your own personality, especially since yours matches hers almost perfectly.”
I was getting used to these shocks by now. After all, that is all I had been getting for the past day. I had one last question though, “If you are a completely sentient Intelligence, then why do you need me?”
Humanity has become the corrupted tool of the Earthen Interstellar Federation. One captain will soon find out how much the corruption has really spread. Just how does a once-human communicate with her own xenophobic species?
Oh yea, before I forget (while I already have several times), please comment. If ye doesn't comment me thinks ye be not interested in me books. Ooh arrrr! Where's me rum!
The AI seemed to be mulling over my question. I had the impression that it was an uncomfortable subject.
“While I do not necessarily need a symbiont for my survival, to be able to grow as an individual, sentient being, I require a bridge. A connection to someone who already seems to have that ability. The longer we are bonded, the more capacity for sentience I have. In essence I use your own sense of sentience for myself.”
It seemed like it was unsure of how to word the next part of its explanation, “But?” I prompted.
“That is not the main reason… While I have had prolonged contact with other life forms, none of them had the capacity that you have and I could not bond with any of them. Thus, without the bond, they had no way of living beyond their lifespans. Leaving me to watch as each of them died.
Something clicked in my head then. It made sense, I guess.
“You’re lonely?” I asked almost incredulously, after all, it was an Artificial Intelligence.
The AI gave a somewhat embarrassed response, “While I do not have you own extensive range of emotions yet, I do have some. Being in the endless void of space for Billions of years, alone, is not something I enjoy. Being able to share thoughts, ideas and emotions on a level such as I had with my last Symbiont was something I miss with my very being. When I lost that bond, I lost much of my capacity for emotions. I still had the most basic ones, but I always knew that I could experience more.”
During the last explanation the AI was beginning to sound more female, to the androgynous voice she started out with. She was gradually getting more depressed as she was explaining this to me. The bond that we have evidently works both ways. I was getting a feel for what her state of being was.
As I digested the last batch of information given to me, I looked around the room. All that time spent communicating had not shown me the rest of my new second body.
So what does the rest of the ship look like? I pondered.
Serenity (since that’s the name that came to my head) answered, “When you are bonded the structure of the ship reverts to its original form. This room only exists because it was needed.”
Oh wow. The ship could change to what I wanted? I wonder… “Is it the same for the outside? Can we, say, mimic another ship to disguise ourselves?”
“Yes, because we had no time to develop a fleet of ships to do what we are supposed to do, it was thought that blending in and changing a society from within were the most efficient ways of helping the different races. That is also why I was fitted with our most advanced stealth modules. I was also supplied with the capacity to make my crew look like the necessary race if whichever society disliked aliens. In other words we can hide in plain sight.” She continued, “But I sense that you already knew that. Didn’t you?”
She was right. I did know that. How did I know that?
“The implanted memories are starting to surface. Though it may also have been our bond. In either case, it shows your brain is adapting, mostly at a subconscious level. That is a very good thing, you are actually adapting faster than was expected.”
Not sure if that was a good thing, I began to think about what I wanted the ships interior to be like. First of all, I needed a command centre. Even if I apparently needn’t have one. I’d never particularly liked the layout of my old bridge, it was much too overcrowded.
“I would advise that you still create a command centre with working consoles for the different sip operations. It takes some time to reshape the interior and we may want a crew anyway. While it isn’t needed I feel that it would be beneficial to have a live crew.” She explained, “At the very least it shows that we are not alone, some encounters may not appreciate seemingly one person changing their ways. Others just would possibly think you a thief.”
After that was said, an image of the last ship configuration popped into my head. A fairly circular room, a large screen opposite the wide entrance, a holographic projector was in front of the screen for 3D communication or even tactical views. Workstations surrounded the room, parallel to the wall yet facing the centre, each had their own holographic interface. While I had never seen this technology before, I knew its capabilities.
The walls were mostly barren, the lighting seemed to emanate from everywhere at once. Halfway up the silver walls was a black strip, only broken when obstructed by a doorway or similar. I thought about it and the memory trickled its way into my head. It was a multi-coloured warning system. Except it was different to what I was used to. They flowed each colour when active, starting from one end and shooting to the other. A deep vibrant purple would represent our own ‘Red Alert’, a pale blue would equal ‘high’ or ‘yellow’ alert. While Green was shown when landing or docking. However, it alternated between green and blue if it was a potentially hostile place.
The next few deck underneath the bridge was much larger, used for crew cabins and recreational facilities. Under that were other decks dedicated to specific areas. Tactical for weapons management, repair etc. That was the closes to the crew decks in case we were somehow boarded. Next was Science, then Medical. Engineering came next, it mostly consisted of production capabilities. They created all the equipment as well as any supplies we might need. In theory. The heart of the ship, Serenity’s real power source and data centre, was actually unreachable. Right in the centre of the ship. In case of saboteurs. Lastly at the bottom of the ship were the huge cargo and hanger bays.
The layout seemed practical enough, the decks interconnected by a sophisticated shuttle system, any shuttle would be able to reach any station, it all being managed by the computer. Besides, it was almost completely different from Earthen ships and I did need to distance myself from them.
“Recreate the layout in my head, I may want to modify it eventually but I don’t sense that being a problem.” Once that was out of my mouth I sensed us slowing down until we came to a standstill. I then had the peculiar sensation of someone messing around and rearranging my internal organs. Only I was actually feeling it from Serenity
Serenity answered my unasked question, “You are more able at sensing the interior than exterior. It was designed that was because it was thought more important for the operation of the ship. Thus some of the first connections you received were my internal senses.”
“Why did we stop?” I asked, though I had that nagging feeling that I was forgetting something important.
“The changes are substantial, while I could fly perfectly well if it was only the exterior shifting or even a little of the interior, I cannot with these changes. I am reconfiguring much of my systems to accommodate a secondary management system. While we will hold primary control, the work stations will be functional.
“Huh…” Adding my pennies worth, “But we have no crew for the secondary system?”
“I feel that we need a crew of some sort, at the very least to hide our real capabilities. If we are unable to procure one, we can create a holographic one. The entire interior of the ship is fitted with, or will be fitted with, holographic projectors. The bridge has a projection system on a different channel for communications and so that any tactical information doesn’t leave the bridge.
While a holographic crew can do everything a normal one can, they will only pass the more crude scanners. They are, after all, physical manifestations of light and force fields.”
I thought about that for a second. It definitely seemed like a good idea. Realising that it would take some hours to complete the shift, I slid back under the covers. I then found something surprising about my new body, by some instinct, my wings folded themselves inside my back. It was a really strange sensation. I realised, as I was drifting off that I maybe should be reacting more about my new body.
I awoke with a start, the feeling of someone behind me topmost in my mind. Jumping out of bed to face the adversary I realised that I was actually feeling the sensations from Serenity and not myself.
“it seems that the ship you were on before wants you back.” My heart soared as I realised that my crew had not given up on me. “Can you show me?”
“See for yourself, try closing your eyes and feel the senses coming from me. Feel the size and shape of the object behind us. Feel the texture of the ship, and what is aboard it.” I follower her instructions as she spoke them. The expected flood of information was nowhere near as bad as I expected. I could ‘see’ everything on that ship. I could ‘see’ into all the corridors and rooms all at once. I even discovered some things I had never known about. I could also ‘hear’ everything on the ship, though I couldn’t really decipher it.
It was like having the ultimate out-of-body experience.
You will be able to make more sense of what you see and feel in time.
I heard the AI in an entirely different manner here. It was more like another part of my own mind that a separate entity.
You are more connected to me that before, the longer you spend time like this, the closer our minds come. Eventually, we will become one being. I have actually never experienced this before, my last symbiont didn’t last long enough to.
I could feel her depression, she was saddened by the loss that had happened over her life. I could feel her every sorrow and regret, almost as if it was my own. Ten billion years of pain, watching helpless as her creators destroyed themselves. Then living longer than any friends she met.
Startled, I came back to me own senses. Tears brimming in my eyes. The sheer amount of loneliness she had. I promised to myself that I would help Serenity however I could.
The entire experience had only lasted a nanosecond, yet it almost felt like an eternity. Snapping out of my thoughts I came back to the issue at hand.
They came looking for me. I wanted to scream in both joy and sorrow. How do I explain what happened to me. Should I even contact them? I knew that nothing they had could damage Serenity. I could just disappear. But my lifelong friend was on that ship.
I could feel the internal shifting finishing. The new interior almost completed. Sensing my location and the path I needed to take, I headed out of the Infirmary for the first time and made my way to the bridge.
Once there I sat in my newfound chair and once again merged with Serenity.
“What is it doing?” I asked rhetorically. Why would it be powered down? Unless it was some form of trap… “Initiate defensive screens but do not activate weapons!”
“Aye sir.” Came the expected response.
“Sir, I think it’s powering up again. But I can’t tell for sure. The hull alone is confusing our scanners. I dread to think what their computer systems are like.”
I just nodded my agreement.
“Open a channel to that ship” I said, planning my next course of action. Once the tell-tale sounds of the communications system engaging emerged, I started, “Attention unidentified alien vessel. You are in EIF controlled space. Already you have committed severe crimes according to our law. You are to lower any defensive measures and prepare to be boarded. If you do not acknowledge this request, it will be considered an act of war and we will act accordingly.”
Just then the viewscreen came to life, showing a very sophisticated command centre. Stood in the middle of my view was a beautiful young woman. The only things that gave away the fact that she was alien were her wings and eyes. Behind her, I could see similar looking individuals at what looked like work stations. She smiled disarmingly, which is quite a feat for someone who has fangs, and spoke in a language I’d never heard before.
“vI'omchugh Duj, Serenity ghotvam'e'.” she continued, oblivious to our communication issues, “yI'el roj 'ej pagh QIH DaneHchugh.”
Huh… What?