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Princess |
The Wizard moved surprisingly fast for a man of his apparent age , catching her inches from the ground. He sighed and shook his head, thinking, ‘I’ve had too much practice at this.’
When Molly came round she found herself sitting in a soft chair by the counter. The Wizard handed her a glass of water and she took a tiny sip. Meekly, she thanked him, blushing crimson in embarrassment at having done a swan dive to the floor.
The Wizard smiled knowingly. as if to say, "these things happen." Then he directed her attention to the counter top where her globe was waiting patiently for her.
"Molly", he started, "I meant what I said before you took your brief holiday from the land of the living, so to speak. This globe WILL make your dreams come true, and it's yours for a price."
Molly's heart sank at the word “price”. She had almost believed in this kindly wizard and the magic he promised, but now his devil horns were showing. She should have known better. She had fallen for the oldest trick in the sales game: dangle irresistible bait in front of the sucker, and then when they can’t help but go for it, WHAM! You set the hook and make them pay through the nose. Boy, had she been an easy catch.
She’d allowed herself to get caught up in a world of kindly old wizards and magic globes. Unfortunately, she’d forgotten this is the real world, where fairy tales don't come true, and everything has a price. She could only imagine the price tag on her dream. Best case scenario; it would cost her immortal soul! She’d seen enough Twilight Zones to know it always ends up costing you your immortal soul and then it never turns out the way you hoped, anyway. Worst case scenario; Jennifer’s, Alex’s, and Allie’s souls would be lost as well. Oh, wouldn’t that make it a banner sales day for the Devil!.
As Molly chastised herself for being stupid and naíve enough to fall for this devil in a blue bath robe, her frustration rose, and her “Evil Beast” peeked out. "Listen sir, I don't know what your price is, but I can only imagine. Well you can stop your pitch right now. Yes, I want it. I want it with all my heart. Yes, I’d pay a fortune for it, but if you know me as well as you seem to, then you know I barely make the flat rent each month. And if it's my soul you wish, well you’ve reached a dry well, because I've already mortgaged it to the devil three times over! And finally I’ll tell you one more thing. It’s damn cruel to tease people by offering them their dreams, knowing full well they can’t afford to buy them!”
Molly was trembling and on the verge of tears. She knew she needed to leave before she gave him the satisfaction of watching her cry. “Now sir, if you'll just show me the exit, I won’t waste any more of your time."
The Wizard stared at the tall woman with little girl tears threatening to come from her fiery Irish fire eyes. He shook his head, then sighed. “Now child there’s no need to get your Irish up. I assure you the price I ask is not a fortune. Trust me, the last thing I need is a rise to a higher tax bracket. And as for that whole immortal soul thing, you really have been watching too many Twilight Zones. I mean … think about it! What in the world am I going to do with a soul?”
The Wizard pointed toward a small box sitting in the corner. “Why I’d stand a better chance of unloading those 8-track Disco tapes than I would selling a used soul.”
He punctuated that statement with a disco move straight out of Saturday Night Fever, which had Molly giggling at the John Travolta wannabe in a blue robe. The Wizard winked, knowing he’d put the Evil Beast on the back foot, and hopefully, renewed the girl’s faith in friendly wizards and affordable miracles.
The Wizard scratched his head. “You know, Molly … come to think of it, you’re the third person this week that thought I was in the used soul market. I’ve just got to find a better way to phrase that, because in all honesty Molly, when I said price, I simply meant guineas and shillings and not a Queen’s ransom either.”
“11s? You mean like in pigs? You want guinea pigs?”, Molly said in wide-eyed disbelief.
“Ooops!” The Wizard chuckled, “Sorry about that, just got back recently from 17th century England and I’m still struggling with the currency shift. What I meant to say by price was, simply a very fair amount in dollars and cents. Taxes included, and let me make this perfectly clear: souls definitely not!”
Molly dropped her head in shame. ‘Damn that Irish temper-fed Evil Beast. Here this man, this Wizard, has shown me nothing but kindness since the moment he helped me off the floor, and because of one little five letter word: price, I was ready to fit him for a pitchfork and pointed ears.’
Swallowing her pride, she lifted her gaze from the floor to meet his. "I do believe you. Honest I do. And … and I ... I'm really sorry about what I said, but ... It's just well … that I thought ... and well, it's just all so unbelievable ...and well, fairy tales just don't ..."
The Wizard raised his hand, silencing Molly before she dug herself in any deeper. "I know ... I know child ... but let's just forget about that and get down to business, shall we?”
When Molly nodded, the Wizard reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notebook. Molly watched closely as he turned the pages. “Yes…there it is: Carousel Magic Wish Globe. Price including all taxes and charges is… $79.45: a very fair price, if I say so myself. So my dear little one, have we a deal?”
Molly’s answer was to remove her shoulder bag from her shoulder, dumping the entire contents on the counter. Cosmetics, dollars, change, chewing gum, a large fluffy stuffie and a dozen other items spewed forth. The Wizard rolled his eyes and smiled, the look on his face saying, "Women and their bags."
Molly frantically began collecting her money, praying she still had enough left. Her eyes spied the sleeping pill bottle she was carrying, and without looking up at the Wizard, she quickly palmed her original exit plan and quietly placed back in the shoulder bag.
Her heart pounded and her fingers trembled as she dug through the debris collecting each stray coin. She said a silent prayer as she tallied it up and then … happy tears welled, as her sum total worth was exactly $79.45. Somehow, that just seemed to make perfect "cents" to her and she shoved the pile over in front of the Wizard.
When the Wizard pushed the globe toward her, she started to reach for it then suddenly stopped. Her eyes went to the Wizard's. He felt her fear and heard her unspoken questions, answering her before she could voice them. "Molly, I promise you, this will work. The family you see in the globe is the same one that exists in the chatroom, and will soon exist in the real world. Everything there will to come to pass, I guarantee it."
With those words he pointed toward the sign. Once again its message had changed. "Satisfaction guaranteed or your $79.45 back."
Molly’s smile threatened to split her face as she hugged the Wizard tightly, tears of joy leaking from her eyes.
The Wizard sighed and shook his head. He really wished they wouldn't cry, but ... it goes with the job.
Molly put her bag on her shoulder, then gently picked up the globe, cradling it in her arms. She looked lovingly at the Wizard who wasn't just saving her existence, but was offering LIFE to her and her family. "How ... how can I ever thank you?" she begged.
"Just go home and be the little girl you were meant to be and that will be thanks enough."
Molly leaned over and kissed the Wizard and promised she would do her very best.
The Wizard smiled, pointing her toward what she'd been looking for all along: the exit. "This is the way out Molly, and I promise you it’s far better than the one you were contemplating with those pills."
Molly lowered her head, feeling shameful for even considering the cowards way out. Finally gaining her courage, she raised her eyes to meet the all-knowing wizard’s and silently nodded her agreement.
Slowly she turned and walked toward the door but then stopped as she grabbed its handle. Turning back around, she had one final question. "I forgot to ask you something. How ... how is this going to work? I mean, what do I have to do?"
The Wizard chuckled and shook his head. "I already told you child. Just go home. Take your globe and GO HOME. The magic will take care of the rest."
Molly smiled at the Wizard and opened the door. The shopkeeper’s bell chimed again, as it had at the back door. She looked up at it and hesitated a second before turning back to face the Wizard.
She just couldn’t leave without properly pouncing this man who’d given her life back to her. ’No,’ she thought. ’He hasn’t just given me back my life. He’s giving me and my family the life we’ve always dreamed of.’
Setting the globe down carefully as she went past the counter, the Kitten ran toward the usually all-knowing wizard. His eyes went wide in surprise as she gave him a flying Kitten pounce that nearly sent them both to the floor. The Wizard gladly accepted the additional payment before gently shooing Molly out.
"Go on Kitten, go home! Your parent's and your sister are looking for you. Now scoot!”
The little girl within giggled as Molly blew the Wizard a kiss, carefully cradled the globe once more and started out the door. “Oh Molly…one last thing. There really are angels, you know and they hadn’t forgotten you. Who do you think filled me in on your situation?”
Molly grinned ear to ear. Her faith in angels, magic and happy endings had all been renewed. Blowing the Wizard a kiss, she stepped through the door and once again found herself in a crowded mall corridor. Before she could leave, she had to take one final look back and when she did she found out what the US she had seen earlier stood for. It wasn't United States at all, but simply the "US" on the end of store’s proper name: SPELLS 'R' US. She giggled again, as the name surely fit this magical place.
She lovingly rubbed the magic globe, then did as the Wizard directed. She headed for home. She never again looked back as she headed into the swarming crowd. If she had, she would have found that her magic store had now been replaced by a Starbuck's Coffee, making it the fourth one in the mall.
Molly squeezed through the crowd looking for an anchor store or familiar place to find her bearings, but it was if she had stepped into a different mall, as nothing was where she thought it should be. Attributing it to her obvious excitement, and the fact mall stores change constantly, she pushed on, sure she would find a familiar store or at least a mall exit somewhere.
By the time she had rounded several more corners, she felt no closer to her objective. Her frustration and anxiety began to rise, as she felt the swelling crowd seem to grow around her. Just as panic was beginning to set in, she first heard and then saw a familiar sight. The crowd momentarily parted like the Red Sea and there just a short distance ahead of her was the carousel she'd seen earlier. Its sweet sound was music to Molly's ears and she let out a relieved sigh. From the carousel it was just a short distance to the exit and finally home.
Smiling at her mall oasis, she headed toward it with renewed vigor, but suddenly it was de ja vu, as the crowd closed back in on her, and she felt someone once again bounce into her. This time she didn't see who, but the damage was far more costly, as her arm had been hit, and her precious globe tumbled from her hands. Molly screamed, "NOOOOO!" as she made a last gasp effort to recapture it, but it eluded her fingers and hit the tile floor.
The glass smashed on contact; splintering the wood base and emptying its contents before the horrified woman. Molly fell to the floor, the pain of broken glass on her hands and knees couldn’t compare to the shattered dream that lay before her. She had been given the chance of a lifetime, and she'd let it slip through her fingers, literally.
Looking through the mess that had once been magic, she picked up the little girl who would have been her and cradled the figurine to her breast. She began rocking and crying. The lights and sounds of the carousel became a blur and finally faded all together as the woman's world went black.
An overly excited five year old wove her way through the carousel's wooden steeds, dragging her parents along behind her. She had to find her special horse. She had known it was her special horse the moment she first saw it, and she just had to get there first before some other kid did. Her cherished mount was white, with blonde hair and a green saddle that matched her eyes.
When Molly saw her, she knew this horse had to be hers because she was just like Molly. The horse was smaller than most of the others, and so was Molly. The little girl was barely five, and small in size even for that. Molly had her own thick mane to match the horses; only hers was auburn and had a bit more curl in it. Molly had the horse’s emerald green eyes, same as her mum and sis, and they were both dressed beautifully. The horse had her pretty saddle, while Molly had her special green dress that mommy let her wear only when she was doing something where she couldn't get it dirty, and for Molly that wasn't often. It was Molly's favorite fancy dress. She loved the white collar trimmed in pink, the lace on the hem and sleeves, and the bow tied in the back. She loved the white leggings, and the shiny black shoes that her big sister Ally called "Mary Jane’s", but most of all, she liked the way her daddy smiled at her when she wore it and how he would say that she was going to grow up to be just as pretty as her mommy and her big sister, because with all her heart she wanted to be just like them.
She squealed and jumped up and down as she saw "Princess". (Her personal pony had whispered her name to Molly in words only a child could hear.) Her magical mount was available and waiting for her, if only she could get there first. She was tempted to let go off mommy's hand and just run the last few feet as mommy was taking too long and so was daddy, but after what had happened earlier, she wasn't about to let go of either one of them any time soon.
Her thoughts turned to just a short while ago. She hadn't meant to get lost, anymore than she had meant to run into the tall lady. It was just that she was so excited when she saw the carousel, and she wasn't watching where she was going. Mommy said they couldn't stop for a carousel ride right now, but maybe later if she was good. They had to meet Ally and Daddy at the food court. She should have stayed closer to mommy but she was looking back to see the pretty horses and that’s when she saw Princess.
She only stopped a minute to see her, only a minute, but when she turned back around Mommy had disappeared into the crowd. She screamed for Mommy but she didn't answer, so she tried to run and find her, and that's when it happened.
She ran right into the tall lady carrying the glass pretty in her hands. The glass pretty fell and the lady tried to catch it, but she couldn't, and it busted all over the floor. It must have been real special to her because she fell down, too, and started crying.
Molly knew it was all her fault that the pretty was broke and her mommy and daddy had always told her to say she was sorry when something is “all your fault”. She tried to run back over to where the lady was, but the crowd got her and swept her away. By the time it turned her loose, she couldn't find the lady, she couldn't find her mommy, and she couldn't even find Princess or the carousel.
She got really scared then and started walking down the corridors trying to find mommy, daddy or Ally, but she couldn't find them anywhere. The more she walked, the more frightened and frustrated she got, and the tears started to come.
Finally, when she could walk no more, she found a bench . She climbed up on it and started rocking. The thought of never seeing her family or her home again was just too much and she began sobbing.
That's when the tall boy came and sat down next to her. Molly rubbed her eyes and looked at him. He smiled at her and asked if she was lost. Mommy and Daddy said she was never ever supposed to talk to somebody she didn't know, but for some reason she wasn't afraid of this boy. He had pretty yellow hair, and blue eyes and a smile just like her Daddy's. She knew he just couldn't be a bad boy.
She told him she was lost a whole lot. The tall boy said he would help her find her parents and then he asked her name. Molly sniffled back tears and told him her name was Molly, but sometimes they call her Kitten. The boy smiled and said, "Hello, Molly the Kitten. Glad to meet you. I'm Andy."
Andy asked her if she was ready to go and Molly nodded as she opened her arms to him. He gathered her up and then asked her if she could remember the last place she'd seen her parents.
Molly nodded, and said she lost her mommy at the carousel but didn't know how to get back there. Andy winked and said he knew how to get to the carousel, and they would go there first. If they couldn't find her there, they could go to the place where lost kids go and wait until their parents find them again.
Molly didn’t like the thought of being a "lost kid" and squeezed Andy’s hand tightly as he picked her up. He held her close and told her not to worry. He promised they would find her parents and he would stay right with her until they did.
Molly liked riding in Andy's arms. He was almost as tall as Daddy, and they could move really fast and she could see so far. In no time at all she heard the pretty carousel music and then she saw her Princess bobbing up and down. She smiled when she saw her horse, but then she screamed and squealed when saw something far more precious.
There in front of the carousel was an auburn haired teen princess talking to the old man who ran the ride. Molly screamed, "Ally" as loud as she could. Her big sister looked up, screamed "Molly!" then tore through the crowd that separated them. When she reached the pair, she pulled Molly from Andy's arms and held her close as she rocked her. At first there were no words from either, only tears.
Ally checked to be sure Molly was all right, then told her half the mall and the National Guard were probably out looking for her by now. All Molly could do was say she was sorry, and that she didn't mean to be bad. She never MEANT to be bad, it just always sort of happened.
Ally told her it was all right and kissed her forehead. Her big sister never really got mad at her, not even when she used all of Ally's make up to paint pictures with, or for all the junk she kept hiding in her big sister's bed, like the custard, and the toothpaste, and the sand, and even the moldy pizza. No matter how many times Molly messed up, Ally always forgave her and always let her snuggle in her bed when the scaries tried to get her.
After the kiss, Ally took out her mobile and called her parents to let them know that the "Kitten" was found, safe and sound. She told them they were at the carousel and would wait there for them. It was then that Ally finally turned to thank the stranger who'd found her little sister.
Molly's new friend smiled at Ally as he had Molly earlier, but this smile seem to have just a bit more excitement in it. "Hi! I'm Andy."
Ally smiled back at him, but didn’t respond. Molly noticed Ally’s face had turned red, and she had this really silly look. Molly poked her big sister and asked her innocently , "What's madder Ally, how comes you is actin all funny and not sayin nuttin? Dont's you likes Andy or sometin?"
Ally shouted, "MOLLY!", as her face turned even redder. Finally she looked up at the still smiling tall boy and suddenly went from speechless to chat cat. "Hi, ummm ... I'm Alysson, but most people call me Ally ... of course I guess you already kinda know my name is Ally, since you heard Molly call me Ally right? Yeah, right … duh! So .... ummm ... thanks for finding Molly and I'm sure my parent's are gonna want to thank you and stuff so ... I'd really like ... I mean ... I'm sure my parents would like you to stick around until they get here. You know ... if you can ... and don't have some place else or some one else to go see?"
Andy smiled, waited to make sure she was finally finished and said he'd love to stay, as he had no place else to go, and definitely no one else to see. Ally smiled, Andy smiled more and Molly just shook her head and giggled.
Andy suggested they sit on a nearby bench and wait for Ally's parents. Molly was restless, so Ally used her big sister magic to settle her down. Pulling out her brush from her bag, she undid Molly's pigtails that needed to be reset anyway, and began brushing her hair. Molly sat in Ally's lap, purring like any kitten does when she is brushed and paying very little attention to the conversation going on between Ally and Andy.
Ally finally finished, and had just put the last ribbon back in when Molly spotted a pair of familiar adults making their way toward her at a trot. Screaming,, "Mommy, Daddy!" she jumped off the bench and bolted straight for them.
Mommy got there first and scooped her up. Daddy followed a few steps behind and wrapped arms around both of them. Ally left Andy to join them and Daddy gathered her in as he proudly held all three of his princesses.
Tears were had by all as Molly told her tale. Mommy and Daddy scolded her for letting go of hands when she knew better, but they weren't too hard on her, as they both knew the powerful pull a carousel horse has on a toddler, especially one named Princess. They did commend her for wanting to apologize to the lady she had run into, and if they ever found out who she was, they would definitely try to replace her broken "pretty". They also said they'd she done the right thing this time by talking to a stranger, since she was lost.
Her father extended his hand toward Andy, who’d walked over and waited politely for them to finish their reunion before offering thanks. "Hi! I'm Alex and I want to thank you for finding Kitten, and looking after BOTH my little princesses."
Ally's eyes went wide as she glared at her father. "DAD! I'm fourteen. I'm NOT a little princess anymore."
Alex exchanged quick looks with his wife and they both realized by their eldest daughters reaction, she definitely wasn't as little as she had been before they got to the mall, and it was obvious the tall teenage boy by her side had a lot to do with that.
Molly's mother offered her free hand to Andy as the other one was occupied holding her youngest. Smiling warmly, she introduced herself. "Hi! I'm Jennifer, and I can't thank you enough for what you did. I was so afraid ... so afraid someone had abducted Moll y... and .... and ... I just couldn't ..."
Her words trailed off as the tears welled and she held Molly even tighter.
.Alex tried to offer Andy a reward for his help and kindness, but the young man wouldn't accept it. Jennifer, however had better success as she knew the way to a man's heart, especially a hungry teenage boy’s, is his stomach. She insisted that he at least allow them to buy dinner.
Molly heard dinner, and of course shouted, "PIZZA!" Knowing her chance for mozzarella magic versus tonight’s scheduled fare hinged on Andy agreeing to go, she turned, begging, "Pleeeeeeease Andy comes eats pizza! Cause … cause I no wanna eats liber and bwussel spouts at home!"
Jennifer, Alex and Ally shouted, "MOLLY!” in unison, which made the toddler lower her head and sigh, "I guess I ins twouble agains."
Andy couldn't contain his laughter, and then it spread through the rest, finally reaching Molly as she realized she wasn't in trouble and her chances of getting pizza were getting better all the time.
Andy rescued Molly from her appointment with liver and brussel sprouts by agreeing to go, which made everyone happy, especially Ally.
The carousel started up again and Molly looked over at Princess. She sighed heavily knowing that there would be no “horsey” ride for her today, not after what she had done. Neither parent missed their daughter’s wistful look. After a bit of silent communication, they agreed that Molly had been through enough today, and taking her home without a ride on "Princess" would be unusually cruel punishment for any toddler.
When Molly found out she was going to get her chance to ride the carousel after all, she showered her mommy with kisses and then pounced into her daddy's arms. She bounced and chattered on and on about Princess as they moved through the queue.
Ally decided to forgo the offer of a carousel ride, preferring to stay by Andy's side (a place she had no desire to leave) and watch her parents and little sister enjoy the musical magic.
Molly finally got her wish, as she found her way to Princess and immediately began petting her and talking to her. Daddy lifted her into the saddle and she hugged her trusty steed tightly.
The ride started to turn and Molly placed her hands on the post that held her Princess. Daddy on one side of her and mommy on the other each placed a hand over hers.
The lights began to flash and the music began to play. Jennifer and Alex's eyes flashed as well and then met, as they recognized the tune immediately. The carousel was not playing the traditional music most play, but instead was playing an assortment of pop tunes, old and current. The current selection was none other than ‘The Rose’. A very special song the two lovers shared, and one that Alex had sung to Molly as a lullaby when she was a baby.
Jennifer and Alex's free hands found each other and laced together over the horse’s tail. They were nearly lost in the music and each other when they came around and passed Ally and Andy. They would forever be glad they hadn't completely tuned out the rest of the world as they saw a very special moment in their oldest daughter's life.
Andy, inspired by the song and by his attraction to Ally, had purchased a rose from a roving vender and given it to her. As Jennifer and Alex passed by, Ally took the rose from Andy and offered him her hand. The look the two teens shared was the same one Jennifer and Alex had shared just seconds early, and the older soul mates knew exactly what it meant.
As they passed by Ally and Andy, Alex leaned over Molly’s head and Jennifer met him halfway there in a kiss.
Molly had missed both moments, but she still couldn't be happier. She was wearing her best dress. She was going to have pizza. She had made a new friend named Andy. She had Mommy and Daddy and Ally close, and she was riding Princess. She smiled wide as she couldn't imagine ever being happier.
The Wizard looked into the globe and watched the real life action unfold within it. As impossible as it seems, this was the very same globe that Molly had purchased just a short while ago, the same one that had disastrously dropped and shattered on the mall floor.
Yet sitting on his counter, it was in perfect condition once again and playing ‘The Rose.’ However, it no longer held the man-made figurines it had before, but was acting as a window on the action now taking place in real life on the mall carousel. When reality came into perfect alignment with the scene the globe had held earlier, the Wizard smiled and waved his hand over it.
Instantly the globe transformed back into its original form. The Wizard waited for the last few notes of the Rose to finish before he placed the globe back under the counter where he'd pulled it from earlier. He knew that Molly and her family would be all right now, and living the life they should have all along.
The sound of a door chime going off meant he had another customer and he turned to greet them, but before giving them his undivided attention and hopefully the help that only magic could give, he glanced heavenward and whispered, “You can rest easy now, Alice, Molly’s riding Princess and she’s going to be just fine.”