The Faithful, North African and Middle Eastern Islamic nations, are plotting to seize the oil resources of the Middle East. By controlling the earth's oil and its major trade routes, they plan to bring the world to its knees. Then, when the entire world is kneeling, the Faithful of Allah will read to them from the Koran, preaching the message of Islam, the True Faith. The Faithful will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. But how far will they go? And how many lives will it cost?
10 Finale
10.2 Iran
10.2.1 Revolutionary Council
"What have you done? This was not what we voted for. We voted to use gas attacks in the field against the Americans and the Jews," Ayatollah Rafsanadi Rashamani screamed. "You have brought them down upon us. Surrender while we still can!"
Ayatollah Hammedyanni gravely watched his political enemy wring his hands. Rashamani had so little faith. Allah would protect them. He would not let the Americans bomb them. That would destroy His people, His Faithful, the True Followers of Islam. Calmly, he reproached his adversary, "What shall they do? They have lost three of their cities and will lose more if they continue. They know that, so they will not attack us."
"How can you say that?" Rashamani retorted, incredulously. "The entire history of America is that of a vengeful warrior race that will fight to the death."
"They are weak," Hammedyanni replied with authority, "and the Jews will not let them. They would lose everything."
"Like the Jews? They dared to attack, and they did not lose."
"Without America, they will fall. The Jewish bankers will not let Israel fall, and they will not let American be destroyed."
"Surrender now! Surrender while we still have a chance!"
Ayatollah Hammedyanni was about to answer when a huge explosion knocked him down. Portions of the roof of the Imperial Palace fell in upon the Council, and two of their number was injured. With help from the guards, Hammedyanni and the Council were able to find their way out of the building, into a scene of devastation.
The Americans had dropped four large bombs precisely at the four corners of the Palace. Each was close enough to cause damage, but none were close enough to destroy the building itself.
As Hammedyanni looked at the awesome scene around him a rain of paper fell from the skies. A soldier grabbed one as it fluttered by and handed it to Hammedyanni. By the light of the fires still burning, he read:
Greetings, from the United States of America!
Surrender immediately!
If you do not, two cities will die!
One more city will die every day until you surrender completely and unconditionally.
This is your only warning.
Have a nice day!
"You see?" said Hammedyanni, "They threaten, but they will do nothing."
"No!" Ayatollah Rashamani wailed, "Don't you see? They will lay waste to our entire country!"
"Allah is merciful, and He will protect us."
Only later, would they discover that similar events had occurred in Baghdad, Tripoli, Tunis and Algiers. They had been warned.