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A spy is sent to gather information on a possible new weapon and he finds more than he bargained for.
Pilot Episode The Mission Amethyst |
I kept an ear out for trouble as I scaled the outer wall of the Paektu Mountain research complex. The grip gloves and boots were working well, and, placing one hand and foot at the time, I was able to scale the thirty foot wall without the use of rope and grappling hook. Both of those would make scaling the wall time consuming and risk my discovery. Discovery was not an option given the current state of affairs between the United States and North Korea. Not only would my government disavow any knowledge of my presence here, but the North Koreans could use it as an excuse to expand their military.
Because of that, and the fact that I was rather fond of breathing, I had been fitted with the latest gear for this mission. The substance in the fingertips and palms of the grip gloves, and the underside of the toes of the boots, would allow me to stick to just about anything, while my bodysuit and hood had a bunch of little mini cameras and projectors built in that would allow me to blend into the background, so long as I wasn’t moving too fast. Add to that my talent for getting into tight places and this job should be a piece of cake.
My talent for getting into tight places was basically just a nice way of saying that I was small for a guy. I was barely five foot eight and, despite my constant workouts, I was more slim and toned than muscular. In the spy business though, you take every edge you can get and my small size had saved my ass on more than one occasion. I know, when most people think of spies they think of James Bond; handsome and debonair using charm to get into the enemy lair and cars with rocket launchers and such to escape. In reality though, we try not to get too much attention and usually just try to sneak in and out without anyone ever knowing we were there, we tend to live longer that way.
I was over the wall and, after managing to sneak past a pair of guards patrolling the inside wall, I made my way to the main complex. My intel said that the office I was looking for was on the third floor so before the patrol I had avoided, or another one, could return I began to silently ascend the wall. Once I was at the right floor, I moved toward the corner office where I was told I should be able to access the data that I was here to retrieve.
The North Koreans were working on some sort of power armor and the intel said that they already had a completed prototype. My mission was to gather all data pertaining to that power armor: Blueprints, technical notes, the works. When I had the data, I was to get to the extraction point and return States-side to deliver the data for our tech guys to assess. The creator of the armor was a target of opportunity that I was to take out if I managed to get a chance. He was an American researcher who had switched sides when our military refused to fund the development of his design, which just seemed like a pipe dream at the time since he had no data to back up his theories.
His theories had apparently proved correct though, or I wouldn’t be here. The fact that he had made it work, and for the North Koreans of all people, made our government rather displeased with Dr. Mason. In North Korea he had been given all the resources and manpower he needed and was made the supervisor for this whole research center. He got to develop his pet project, and oversee other military research as well. Gathering any other useful military research data was a secondary goal, but only if the opportunity presented itself.
I inched over to the window and, after a look inside to make sure it was all clear, I opened the latch using the magnetic device that I had been given for that purpose. I would have just used a laser or a glass cutter, but I wanted to leave no evidence of my presence behind. Once the latch was popped, I carefully raised the window and slipped inside the darkened room. The coast was clear so I made my way over to the desk, and the computer which held my primary objective.
The computer was on in power save mode, but when I moved the mouse I found that it was at the password screen. This was not unexpected, so I looked for a USB port and plugged in the USB device that would decrypt the password and give me access. I would later use the same device to store the data. Once the decryption program had done its thing, and I had access, I immediately noted the one positive thing about Dr. Mason being a defector; his computer was using an English Operating System, and all his files and reports were in the same language. At least this would save us the time and effort of having the files translated.
I quickly found all the data on the power armor. There were technical readouts, schematics, blueprints, and even information on the alloys they were using in the construction. None of the other projects seemed interesting to me, but I copied all the data from the projects folder regardless. To be safe I backed them all up on a second USB drive as well. I had closed all of the documents, and was about to run the program which would corrupt all the data on the hard drive beyond usability, when I noticed a lone file on the desktop simply titled ‘Document 5’. I briefly wondered if it was something so unimportant that it wasn’t given a name, but it was possible that it could be meant to just look unimportant as well.
I opened the file and the top of the page was covered in some type of complex chemical formula. I scrolled down and found some notes that were made underneath. “Formula SS-13 is working wonderfully. All test subjects that we have injected have displayed a marked increase in speed, strength, agility, and stamina, as well as accelerated healing. There does seem to be one side effect, but it is relatively minor considering the benefits, and our three new super soldiers should be able to adapt in time. Our remaining sample will be kept in the safe in lab 5 until we are ready for mass production.”
Super soldiers? I couldn’t let that sample, or the data, stay with the North Koreans. I saved that file to the second USB drive and gave the command which would corrupt all the data. Then I pocketed the USB drive with the first one, in the left thigh pocket of my bodysuit, and took a look out the door of the office. Finding the hallway clear, I slipped out of the room and moved stealthily along the wall. From what I recalled of the blueprints, lab 5 was on the second floor on the opposite side of the building.
There were a lot of guards roaming the halls so as soon as I managed to find an air duct I made my way inside, sealed the grate behind me, and crawled through the vents toward the elevator shaft. Once there, I carefully removed the grate and climbed down the shaft with the grip gloves and boots. I left the grate off for the moment, since I would likely need it for my exit, and once I made it to the second floor I opened the air duct there as well and made my way inside. Once safely ensconced within, I referred to the copy of the building blueprint I had brought and made my way along the ducts to lab 5. The lab and the safe were both environmentally sealed, and I wondered just what was in the formula to make them take those kinds of precautions. I just decided to be as careful as possible, and to warn the lab techs when I got the sample home to make similar precautions while it was being analyzed.
I figured that when I removed the sample from the safe that my being here was going to be a little harder to cover up, so I decided to switch to plan B. Plan B was to make it look like rather sloppy industrial espionage by another research lab. I smiled as I spread out a few hairs that I had obtained in case it was necessary. I had managed to remove them from the shoulder of a cab driver’s jacket as I reached over the seat to pay him. He had been very rude to me while I was making a show of playing tourist, and I figured that this should make us even.
The safe was a good electronic one, but it was fairly easily bypassed with a pass code cracker and soon I had the injector gun with the sample in hand. The real problem was how to get the sample out of there without some sort of container to hold it. I could just destroy it, since I had the formula, but our scientists might want to test it and find out whatever that minor side effect is before producing it ourselves. I put the injector gun in a large belt pouch and spread some further ‘evidence’ to support the industrial espionage cover before I made my way back into the air duct.
Why is it that whenever things to be running their smoothest on a mission that the shit always hits the fan? I was back on the outer wall and ready to make my escape when one of the guards inside the complex discovered me and started shooting. I turned around to set myself for the downward climb and I took a hit to the left thigh. Fuck getting shot hurts. I grimaced and began climbing down the wall, and I was more than halfway down when the pain in my thigh caused me to lose my concentration and fall the rest of the way.
I managed to get to my feet and hobbled into the woods, propping myself against a tree as I paused to check my status. The shot to my thigh was bleeding heavily and one of the flash drives had been destroyed. Things couldn’t get much worse, but to be safe I checked the injector gun. I cursed as I saw that the vial inside was cracked from my fall and starting to leak. “Yeah this just keeps getting better,” I muttered. I wasn’t sure how I was going to take to get to the extraction point with my leg wounded; it was at least a mile away, and by then the super soldier formula would likely be mostly leaked away.
Then it hit me. The file had mentioned that the formula gave accelerated healing as well as increasing those other attributes. Maybe I could use it and give myself a better chance to escape with all the data. At least it wouldn’t be wasted, and we could probably make more later. I took the injection gun, jabbed it into my outer thigh, and pulled the trigger. Then I discarded the gun and began to hobble toward the extraction point as quickly as I could. I knew I wouldn’t have long before they started searching the woods I was in, so I ignored the pain and pressed forward.
There were a few close calls in the woods, but I managed to stay ahead of them somehow and make it to the extraction point where a stealth aircraft with VTOL capabilities was waiting for me. I staggered aboard as quickly as I could. I was starting to feel lightheaded and sluggish, most likely from the blood loss, and I felt hot all over. “What took you so long? the pilot asked. “Did you at least get the data? Shit, you look like you need medical attention, hold on a sec.”
“Forget it,” I snapped. “There were a few hiccups and I was being followed through the woods. Don’t worry, the data is secure, just get us the hell out of here.” I’m ashamed to say that I may have passed out after that.
We were still in the air when I awoke. I was feeling lightheaded, but at least I hadn’t bled to death so maybe that formula had worked. It was strange though, things felt off, different. It was probably to be expected with more strength, stamina, etc., but the things I was feeling didn’t seem to be related to that. For one thing, my custom fitted boots and gloves seemed too big, it felt like my hands and feet were swimming in them. There was also an almost painful squeezing sensation in my chest, which I was currently laying on, and my bodysuit felt tighter in some places than it was before. Then there was the long blond hair falling to the floor around my head. Where was that coming from? I usually kept my hair close cropped, and this was a few shades lighter than mine.
I tried to get to my feet and stumbled a bit. My hair felt heavy, and it seemed to reach almost to my thighs. I tried to brush it out of my face and behind my shoulders so it was out of the way. Maybe hair growth was the side effect they had mentioned. My balance also seemed completely off though, and it felt like my center of gravity was too. I knocked something over as I tried to move toward the pilot’s compartment and heard the pilot ask, “Hey, are you okay back there?”
“Yeah I just feel a little weir...” I started to reply before the sound of my own voice stopped me. That was not my voice, it was higher, lighter, and it almost sounded like a girl’s voice. I looked down and for a moment I just stared, uncomprehending at the pair of sizable bumps in the chest of my bodysuit. Finally I cursed, “What the fuck?”
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A spy is sent to gather information on a possible new weapon and he finds more than he bargained for.
Episode 1 The New Agent Amethyst |
"I'm going to ask you one more time. Who are you, and what have you done with Agent Sullivan? We know that he was on board the transport when it took off, but somehow while it was in transit you managed to get on board, and now he’s missing,” Agent Little said, trying to look threatening. Looking threatening wasn’t hard for him, he looked like a gorilla in a suit and his intelligence reflected that. I wasn’t intimidated though since I had been through far worse than this before.
I hadn’t liked Little before, and I liked him even less now. I had been stuck in the interrogation room for hours now with my hands cuffed to the table in front of me, and I was starting to get really annoyed. “I already told you, I am Agent Sam Sullivan. I‘ve told you the whole story a hundred times already and I’m tired of you jerking me around Dick.” I said, spitting out his first name. “Now why don’t you get someone else with some authority in here.” I wasn’t about to go over the story with him again, whether he threatened me or not. I had far more pressing concerns at the moment, like why I was a chick now, and an urgent need to take a leak.
The door opened and Director Carson himself entered the room looking tired. He was the man in charge of Threatening Information and Technology Surveillance. We’re a watchdog agency, formed a few years ago by the CIA, for a more specific focus. That focus is to monitor and control information and advanced technology that could be used for warfare. We were basically formed to prevent wars, and make sure that no one nation has a technological edge over the USA if war does happen. He gave Dick a sour look. “Uncuff her and get out Agent Little, the science boys have been analyzing her blood and want a look at her. I will be taking her there myself. This has just gone way above your pay grade.”
The jerk uncuffed me and left the room as I rubbed my wrists and stretched to try to get some of the cramps out of my neck and back. “It’s above my pay grade too, I take it,” I said once the Neanderthal had left.
“Your pay grade just went up Agent Sullivan,” he replied stoically. “Come with me to the science lab, we have a lot to discuss.”
“Oh, so you believe it’s me now,” I replied drolly.
“You have to admit that story was a little hard to believe,” he replied as we left the room and made our way to the elevator that would take us down to the lab. “The blood tests showed that you are female right down to the chromosomes, but despite that, and a few genetic quirks they’re attributing to the serum you injected yourself with, your DNA is similar enough to Agent Sullivan to be his twin sister. “Good job recovering those power armor designs and disposing of the copies the North Koreans had by the way.”
“What about document five? Have the geeks been able to figure out the formula, or why I turned into a woman?” I asked as we rode the elevator down.
He shook his head grimly. “One of the flash drives was destroyed when you were shot. They tell me that the data is unrecoverable. They couldn’t find the document you mentioned on the other drive.”
“But I…” I started to say before it hit me. I had only copied that particular document to one of the drives.
The lab guys had no idea how to change me back into a guy. In fact, they only had a theory for why I was female in the first place, and it was mostly speculation. They had found faint traces of a potent nerve toxin in my blood, one that would be lethal under most circumstances. They figured that the formula used this as a catalyst to trigger the super soldier serum using the stress of near death to cause the changes in the body. The serum itself though was most likely designed to create the perfect human: stronger, faster, more agile, and with more stamina than possible by natural means. They figured that the serum saw my Y chromosome as a flaw and when it was rewriting my genetic code it opted for the more stable redundancy of a double X chromosome instead. So it rewrote not only my DNA, but my entire anatomy to match the template for the perfect female human based on my genetics.
Despite the wider hips and the breasts, which seemed humongous to me, I had actually lost a bit of mass, which I was told I had expelled through rapid hair growth. That lost mass was probably due to me losing an inch in height and now having even narrower shoulders than before. The only thing that hadn’t seemed to change was my fingerprints. Other than those basics though, they couldn’t tell me a damn thing, much less cure me. They allowed me to eat something and then ran a bunch of physical tests to test my limits. They had more tests they wanted to run on me, and wanted to see the extent of the physical changes, but Director Carson wanted to wait on that until I had some time to adjust a bit to my new body.
They had already discovered that my strength, speed, reflexes, endurance, and agility were much higher than that of a woman my age, twenty-three if you must know, in good health. They figured that if I wanted to, that I probably could have easily broken the handcuffs I had been wearing. Hell, I probably could have easily snapped that gorilla Dick in half without working up a sweat. They cautioned me to get control of these new abilities ASAP and not to use my full strength or speed in public, unless I wanted a lot of attention. Director Carson seemed very pleased with the results for some reason and wanted to discuss them in his office. He also had other matters to discuss with me.
Once we were both settled down in his office he told me what those matters were. “The intel you told us about, indicated that the North Koreans already have three super soldiers. Even if they can’t produce more, the ones they do have are a possible threat to America. There are other threats as well that normal agents just are not equipped to handle, and places impossible for regular agents to infiltrate containing technology or information that we cannot allow to stay in, or fall into, the wrong hands. I am starting a new project, code named Team Alpha. It will be a team of agents with unique skills that can face challenges no other agents can. I want you to lead that team.”
“I’m honoured sir, but I am in no condition mentally to work right now, much less lead a team. I’m pretty sure that the moment I’m alone I’m going to have some sort of mental breakdown.” I wasn’t exaggerating either; I was barely holding it together at the moment. I had already come close to tears when I had used the bathroom and discovered that my changes extended down there as well. I had to carefully avoid looking at the mirror, for fear that that would be the straw that broke the camel’s back. How was I supposed to adjust to this? I was in no shape to work, not when all I wanted to do was hide from reality until it either changed or I could come to terms with what I was now.
He gave me a sympathetic look. “I know Sam, which is why I’m ordering you to take two weeks off before we get started. We will use that time to create a new identity for you, start requisitioning equipment, and to let you adjust to your new situation. Dr. Keller will be available if you need someone to talk to about all this, and I encourage you to do so. When you come back we’ll begin training sessions for you and your team.”
I sighed but nodded. “I take it you already have team members selected?”
He spread out four dossiers on his desk, each with a photo paper-clipped to it. The first one was of a muscular black man in a military uniform with short cropped hair. “That is Agent Mike Washington, codename Bulldozer. Before he joined us he was with the air force and he’s familiar with every type of aircraft we use and a large variety of weapons. He’ll be your extraction specialist, driver, and backup support in case things get dicey,” the director explained. The next was an Asian woman, Chinese from the looks of it. “Agent Tabitha Lee, she speaks five languages and specializes in covert undercover missions and disguises. Her codename will be Inverse.”
“Codenames? Is that really necessary?” I asked.
“Yes, we don’t want any of you coming under scrutiny if communications get monitored while you’re on a mission. Codenames will make it harder for you to be identified. Your codename will be Teal, or T.L. short for team leader,” he told me before pointing to the last two pictures, making me wonder if he was serious. Who the hell thought of these ridiculous codenames? One picture was of a young Caucasian woman with short spiky black hair and blue eyes and the other was of a Latino man with a thin moustache and his hair tied back in a ponytail. "Agents Lisa Jennings and Juan Hernandez, their codenames are Cipher and Hardware and they will handle the tech side of things. Juan is familiar with most of the tech you’ll be using, he even invented some of it, and we recruited Lisa two years ago, after she successfully hacked into one of the CIA’s most secure file servers in what she called an ‘audition’. All four of them are the best we have at what they do.”
“Is there anything else I need to know?”
He nodded. “We haven’t come up with an official name for the team yet but it’s been suggested to use the first letters from each of your codenames. Also, Agent Lee has been apprised of your… unique situation and I’ve assigned her to help you adjust. While she does that you will both be staying at one of our safe houses here in L.A. She has been given the funds to help you acquire a new wardrobe as well, think of it as hazard pay.”
“Why didn’t you give me the money for the clothes?” I wondered aloud.
“There would be no way for you to cash the check until we set up a new identity for you,” he explained before pressing the intercom button on his desk, “Sally, please send Agent Lee in now.”
The door to the outer office opened and the agent in question entered the room. She was close to my age, looked just like her picture, her Chinese background was fairly obvious, and she was very good looking in an exotic way. When I stood to greet her I found that she was also shorter than me by about two inches. The director quickly introduced us, “Sam, this is Agent Tabitha Lee. Tabitha, this is Agent Sam Sullivan, the one I told you about.”
Oh no, this wasn’t awkward at all. I wasn’t quite sure what I should say, given that she was giving me the once over and apparently knew that I used to be a guy. “Uh... nice to meet you Agent Lee,” I finally offered.
“Nice to meet you too Sam,” she returned, still looking me over and seeming to take in everything with those brown eyes. “Call me Tabitha, we’re going to be spending a lot of time together so we might as well use our first names when we’re not on duty, I thought the Director Carson was pulling my leg when he told me about you. You’re definitely female though, I don’t doubt that, but you move and carry yourself like a man. We’ll need to work on that. I think we can probably use the name Samantha for your new identity, it’ll be easier for you to respond to, but we’ll need to work up a whole new history for you while I teach you the basics.” At my look of uncertainty she laughed, “Trust me, if anyone can teach you how to be an entirely new person and be convincing at it, it’s me.”
“What if I don’t want to be an entirely new person,” I asked, wondering just what I had gotten myself into.
“From what I’ve heard and seen so far you don’t have a hell of a lot of choice in the matter,” she insisted. “Let’s get going, we have a lot to do and there’s no time to start like the present.”