My name is Ahmad Zarif, 16 years old. This is my story, of the longest year in my life.
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My name is Ahmad Zarif, 16 years old. This is my story, of the longest year in my life. Part 1 By Shinieris |
My name is Ahmad Zarif bin Amir Hamzah, 16 years old, Form 4 student at the St. Joseph Secondary School. I am a normal guy, with normal desires and normal life. What I am about to tell you is the story of the longest year of my life.
"Zar, you free this evening?" came a voice from my right while I was finishing my mind map at the end of the history class.
I knew who it was without looking, but I looked anyway, just out of habit. Standing there was Arif, also 16 years old, the guy who'd been my friend since kindergarten. He and I had been in the same class for as long as I could remember, except perhaps back in Standard 5 back when we were 11 years old, simply because I found a passion in Playstation and couldn't get good enough exam results because I couldn't put the controller down long enough to study. He had always been my best and closest friend and I wouldn't have it any other way.
"You mean right after school or at dusk?" I asked him.
"Right after school, of course," he said with a smile.
I twirled the marker pen that I used for drawing my mind map, thought about it and shook my head. "Nah, got nothing planned. Why?"
He laughed embarrassedly. "Well, you see, I'm short of 100 bucks."
I knew where that was going. "So... you're looking to borrow 100 bucks from me?"
He grinned. "Naw man, I'm gonna win it from ya!"
I sighed. I knew it would come to this. "Okay, what's the game?"
"Tennis! Best 2 out of 3. I win, you hand over the 100 bucks!" he said as he patted my shoulder.
Let me explain. We're very competitive. Ever since we were children, we've competed in everything. It didn't matter whether it was sports, school or a card game. We always competed and we always made bets. The one who lost the bet, paid the price. I suppose all that competition was what made us the best of our year. Heck, I've been school champion in sprinting for the past 3 years and Arif had been the school champion in swimming since Standard 6, that's 5 years, give or take a few months. Don't even get me started on academics.
"Alright, what if you lose? I get 100 bucks?" I asked.
"Definitely not! I don't have 100 bucks in the first place. If I lose, I'll do your homework for 3 days."
I screwed my face at his bet. "That's not very fair, is it? I mean, I'm putting 100 bucks on the table and you do my homework for a measly 3 days?"
He frowned. "Dude, that's a lot of homework! 3 days is equal value."
"Considering that my brother do part-time work for 8 hours a day and only got paid 30 bucks a day, I very doubt it's equal value. Besides, we have the same homework. You'll just be copying your work into mine anyway. One week or no deal," I negotiated pushing it further.
He bit his lower lip as he considered my bet. I couldn't understand why the girls said it looked adorable on him. He was just the same stupid friend I've had all these time.
"5 days," he relented, "And not a day more."
"Deal!" I offered my hand.
To tell the truth, I am a very lazy person when it comes to doing homework. I mean, it's all fine if you need it, but for someone with perfect memory like me, it's totally pointless.
"Deal!" he shook it right before the door of the classroom opened and the next teacher came in.
He went to his seat and I got on my feet as the class monitor said, "Good morning, teacher," and the rest of the class followed.
Thus I went through another pre-calculus class in my short life.
"Come on man, don't you love your 100 bucks? I swear you're not even trying," Arif shouted from the other side of the court as we concluded the first match.
Frankly, I was trying, quite hard in fact. For some reason, tennis was never my strongest arena. I was good enough with badminton, but he dominated in tennis. Right now, my win to lose ratio was 45:51. Maybe my problem was with bouncing the ball.
The second match was mine, but it took all my concentration and stamina to barely beat him. The third one was his and there went my 100 bucks.
"Alright, bitch, pay up!" He held out his hands, grinning in triump.
I took out my wallet and pulled out two sheets of 50s. "Here, don't spend it in one place. What do you need it for, anyway?
"A date," his grin got wider.
Let me give a little background. Form 4 is the year after the national examination PMR, short for Junior-Secondary Assessment. Form 4 is also the year before Form 5, when students take the national examination SPM short for Malaysian Assessment Certificate. Therefore, the one year that students took during Form 4, when there is no major examination is often fondly called the Honeymoon Year. Basically, because you just went through a terrifying experience the year before, and you're looking to relax before working your butt of next year. The difference between Form 4 and Form 1 or 2 is that at 16 years old, you understand your hormones better and you are old enough to appreciate the opposite sex. That's why so many students couple up in Form 4 and break up in Form 5.
"Just don't bother introducing her to me, okay casanova? I doubt you will be together long enough for me to remember her name," I told him.
"You already know her, stupid. She's Fiora in 4 Cempaka."
My mouth gaped. "What the hell? She confessed to me last month!"
"Tsk tsk, too bad. She confessed to me earlier this week. I ain't gonna let that beauty go when she handed herself to me on a silver platter. Your loss, my dear friend, why did you reject her in the first place?" he said as he patted my back as if to reassure me.
"I wasn't interested," I mumbled.
"Weelll, I'm interested. So I'm taking her on a date. No hard feelings okay?"
"Sure, go have fun. I'll be at home playing Final Fantasy 8 if you need me or anything."
He grinned, then he jiggled a bunch of keys and ran off. "Awesome! Thanks for the bike."
My hands flew to my pants pockets and I shouted at his back the moment it hit me, "Hey! When did I say I'm letting you borrow my bike?"
"Hey Zarif, thanks for helping me out with modern math yesterday. I swear they keep getting harder and harder," one of my friends said suddenly the next week.
"Don't mention it, was happy to help. By the way, I heard your little brother got 'The Illness'. How's he doing?" I asked as I looked around at my schoolmates who was packing their bags to head home at the end of the day.
"He's been inside the cocoon for the whole week and it worries the hell out of my ma and pa. But the doctor said the risk is minimal, you see, because at his age, 'The Illness' has little risk of being fatal. He may change a little but I'm sure our family can handle it. I'm just worried how he'll take to being a girl and such," he replied with a sad smile on his lips.
'The Illness' or 'The Change' or 'Metamorphosis' as some people call it, was a phenomenon that started about 60 years ago. Experts concluded that whenever the balance of males and females go out of whack, the world will somehow compensate by turning males into females and females into males. The years following the Vietnam War and the Korean War saw many girls entering cocoons and emerging as boys. When it was leaked that the possible reason for 'The Illness' was an unbalance of male and female in the world, people all over the world picketed for the end of wars and urged for peaceful solutions to conflicts. The governments on the other hand responded by removing restrictions on women in the armed services so even if there was a war, the number of men and women casualties would be about equal.
For some reason, up to a certain age, both men and women become immune to 'The Illness', so adults can't 'Change'. The ones who are changed are mostly children at around 8 to 12 years old. There were also cases where teenagers at 18 years old changed, but such changes were always fatal. The oldest to change was an 18 year old girl, and she died two months after. 98% of children under 12 years old that 'changed' suffered no such risk and they often lived a long and fulfilling life.
"What about you? You're sure you'll be alright, Im?" I asked him.
He scratched his head. "Yeah, well, it's going to be tough, what with him suddenly becoming a girl and such. But no matter what gender he is, he's my little brother-sister and if anyone bullies him because of 'The Change', I'm gonna beat them up with these fists of mine."
I laughed. "Don't be too rough. Don't want to see you going to juvi."
"Haha, no way. I'm too smart for that. Anyway, the next time you see him, you'll have to call him Aliyah. Ali won't cut it anymore."
"Well, tell me when he finally punched out of the cocoon. I'll be sure to visit," I said giving him a smile.
"Yeah, thanks man. See you tomorrow," he said as he took his bag and went out of the classroom.
I went back to drawing my mind maps when I got the chills from someone blowing into my ear. I turned around and saw Arif grinning at me. "Hey, stop that. That was creepy, man. God, I got chills from that short indecent act."
"You my friend, needs to chill out and stop being so uptight. You're nice to guys and you give the girls the cold shoulder any longer, people will think you're gay," he said as he patted my head.
I went back to my mind maps. "You know I'm not gay, Arif. I'm just... I can't get along with girls."
He suddenly crossed the short distance to the other side of my desk and squatted with his chin on the desk. "You're a growing boy. You need to get a girlfriend to get you out of your pre-pubescent mindset. What will you do if I suddenly die or something?"
"Please, you won't die even if you got killed. Remember that time you got hit by a car?" I said as I drew another mindmap bubble, labelling it '1511' with a red marker.
He cackled at the memory. "Oh yeah, I can still remember that guy's face when I got up, all bloody and all and chased him across the carpark."
I nodded and let out a chuckle. "That was a riot, yup."
"Well anyway, you remember Fiora?"
"How could I not? She switched to you two weeks after confessing to me," I said as I put the finishing touches on my history mindmap.
"Aw, come on. Don't be like that, you rejected her, remember? Well anyway, she got this friend, a girl if you're wondering, who's very interested in you," he said as he studied my face.
I tidied up my desk and packed my books preparing to go home. "You know I don't do dates, Arif. Besides, I got much better things to do this evening."
"Playing Final Fantasy 8 is not-" he smashed his hand on the front pocket of my school bag with a squishy sound. He looked at his hand and the pocket. "What did I just smashed?"
"The sushi that I forgot to eat at break-time."
He unzipped the front pocket, took out the package of home-made sushi and ate one. "Still good. Can I have it?"
I looked at him chewing the bite-sized home-made sushi and said, "You asked me this after already eating one. Just take the whole damned thing."
"Cool, so let's go home. Unless you want to stay here until tomorrow?" he said as he grabbed his bag.
"Relax, you're always so pushy," I said as I grabbed my bag and we walked out the classroom together.
"..." I thought.
"..." I wondered.
"..." It was a question that really bugged me.
"Why are you making that face, Zar?" Arif asked as he turned the corner to the house of the girl who was supposed to be my date.
"It's really bugging me, how did you convince your very strict mother to lend you her car? For a date no less?" I asked as I looked at him.
"I asked, of course."
Enough to say that I didn't believe that for a second. "You asked her if you could borrow her car for a date?"
"Well, not exactly," he answered evasively.
"What exactly did you say to her, Arif?"
"I asked her for her car key."
"And she just gave it to you?"
"No way! You know my mother. I told her I'm sending it to the car wash."
"She bought it?"
"Of course not, she's not stupid. But you know my mother, as long as a promise is fulfilled, she won't sweat the small details. I just need to send it to the car wash later."
"Actually I don't think I know her that well now."
"Oh let's not worry about that. We're here," he cut off the engine, "Come, let's go."
"To where?"
"To meet your date's mother. It's common courtesy. Now come on."
"Just great," I muttered under my breath.
We were at the shopping mall an hour later. He was walking in front with Fiora, and I was walking next to this shy girl who told me call her Sara. I looked at her, she was a petite girl, the top of her head reaching only my neck and she wore her hair short that framed her roundish face. From what her mother said earlier she was a year younger and would be facing her PMR examination soon. So her mother told us to not get serious until she was done with it. Then our eyes met and we both looked away at the same time. It was a fine deal with me. I couldn't handle girls even if my life depended on it.
Fiora dragged us into a girl's accessories shop and I could see for the first time Sara being a little less shy and a lot more excited about the date. They both matched bracelets, necklaces and earrings and asked for our opinions. Sara was still shy, but despite the blush in her cheeks, she managed to asked me which earrings or bracelets would look good on her.
"They're both good," I told her as I looked away, which earned me a smacked on the back of my head.
"What the hell, man?" I asked Arif.
"Help her make her mind, man. Geez, you are so clueless. Girls like guys who are decisive. So go and make a decision!" he said as he pushed me towards her.
I staggered a few steps towards Sara. As I stood awkwardly behind her, I whispered, "I think the blue one suits your eyes better."
She turned towards me. "Really? I'll take this one then," she said as she went to the cashier. She looked visibly happier, in her shy way.
I got another smack on the back of my head.
"Dude, stop that!" I said to Arif.
"Pay!" he said.
"Excuse me?"
"Pay for her!" he added.
I refused. "Why? I'm not gonna wear it. Besides you're not paying for Fiora's purchase."
"This is our 4th date, so there's no expectations. The first dates are special. Go make this an unforgettable experience for her," he said as he pushed me again.
I walked reluctantly towards the cashier. While Sara was looking for the money inside her handbag, I took out my wallet and handed the cashier 5 bucks. Sara looked very embarrassed and tried to ask the cashier to not take the money.
I told her, "This one's on me. I would love to see you wear it someday."
She blushed and looked down to the floor.
Suddenly somebody slapped my back. I thought it was Arif again, but instead...
"Wow, I didn't know you had it in you, Zarif!" It was Fiora.
Suddenly I got chills from her touch.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Fiora asked.
"It... it's... nuh... nuthing... wrong," I stuttered.
"Are you okay, Arif?" she asked again.
"Arif?" I turned around. "What's wrong with Arif?"
Arif looked pale and he looked unsteady on his feet. "No, I'm okay. Just disorientation, I guess. It's nothing, really," then he looked at me and pointed, "I can still beat you at basketball with my hands tied, Zar."
"Dude, you can't play basketball with your hands tied."
"Anyway, I'm fine. Let's go eat."
"You're sure you okay, Arif?" I asked as we walked back to the car.
"I've told you. I'm fine!" he said as whispered something to Fiora which made her giggle.
I thought he was just as he said he was. So I let it go. I should've known something wasn't right. He looked pale, that was the first indication. His legs were unsteady, that was the second indication. He leaned a little heavily on Fiora, which was the third indication.
When we arrived at the car, he simply collapsed. No word, no sound, his legs simply gave out and he collapsed. The only reason he didn't fall flat on his face was because Fiora had her arms hooked around his left, but even Fiora was dragged down by his weight.
"Arif, what's wrong?" she asked my unconcious friend.
"Arif! Arif!" I turned him around and slapped his face.
A man who passed by us knelt next to us and offered to help bring Arif to the car. Together with him, we carried Arif to the back seat where we laid him down and tried all kinds of ways to wake him up. We wiped his face with waters, we fed him water and we slapped his face, but nothing worked.
"What's wrong with him?" Fiora asked as she started to panic.
"We need to get him to a hospital. Do you know if his family has any prefered hospital?" the man asked me.
"No, not that I know of."
"Then we'll go with SJMC," the man said as he opened the door on the other side and pulled Arif to let his legs in.
I pushed Arif's leg in as I closed the door, then I realized something, "But I can't drive! Arif was the one who drove us here."
"Then I'll drive!" he said as he threw his keys to his wife and told her girls to ride with her, then once he backed the car out of the parking box, he shouted to his wife, "Hani, we're taking them to SJMC!"
My mind was playing scenario after scenario of what happened and what would happen while on the way to the hospital. Arif had always been a healthy boy, the healthiest I knew. He would recover from colds without even needing to take medications and he could win a swimming competition even if he had a fever. In my mind I imagined lots of things that could go wrong.
God, please let him be okay.
It had been three weeks ever since that day. I contacted his mother the moment we got to the hospital and she came soon after with his father. I told them what happened and I told them I was sorry. Then they told me that it wasn't my fault. It made me glad when they said it, but I was shocked when they told me that he had been feeling unwell for days before that.
Arif, apparently had been running into tables, chairs and walls. At first they thought he was starting to suffer short-sightedness. But then he would lose his grip on things he was holding and he would suddenly lose his balance for apparently no reason. They wanted to send him for a checkup, but the soonest they could have it was only the following Thursday. It was apparently three days too late for Arif.
I went to their house the next day, and the day after that, as well as the day after that. It didn't appear as if their family was at home. I went again, with Fiora the next Monday, but they were still out. I even went back to the hospital SJMC, but the receptionists told me that he was moved to another hospital. I asked them where, but they couldn't tell me, unless I was a family member. I was stricken with grief, not knowing what happened, whether he was still alive or not. This was my best friend, my best friend since we were little children. And I was helpless to do anything.
"Arif's been skipping school for two weeks now. What happened to him?" a boy in my class asked another.
"Don't know. Heard he had some illness or something," the other boy said.
"What did his best friend say?" another boy asked.
"Shh, just look at him. He's been like that since Arif stopped coming to school. You want to be the one who asked?" the second boy said.
I guess he was probably referring to the time when I punched a boy for saying that Arif was so lucky to be able to skip school for so long.
When the bell rang signifying the end of school, I picked my bag and left without saying a word to anyone. Both Sara and Fiora had been chatting about it on yahoo messenger at night, but I guess I wasn't a very good listener or speaker, because Fiora would cry and Sara would try to comfort her.
I rode my bike home. I must have blanked out because the next thing I knew, I was riding in front of his house and I stopped my bike so suddenly, I made a skidmark in front of his gate. Both of his parent's car was in the driveway. I turned off the bike, left if in front of the gate and I walked in. My feet stopped in front of the door, and I knocked. It started slow, as I was unsure of myself. I wanted to know, I wanted to hear some news, any news of what happened to Arif. But I was afraid, what if it was a terribly bad news, what if I could never see Arif, my best friend again. The fear made me frantic, that my tears flowed and I knocked the front door with all the strength I could muster. Then the door opened.
"Ararara, it's been so long since we've seen each other. And suddenly you're here trying to smash down my front door, Zar?" the person said. The tone was like Arif, but the voice...
"Wait, are you crying, Zar? Hold there, I'm gonna have to get my camera."
"Arif?" I raised my head, but the person in front of me was...
"The one and only! Oh wait, I guess I can't be called Arif anymore. Just call me Arifah. Sounds cute, don't you agree?"
In front of me stood, Arif with his usual grin, but this was not Arif. This long hair, this curvy body and and the voice...
"A girl?!!!"
"Right-o! I think I'll be going to school starting tomorrow," this beauty in front of me said with a smile.
My name is Ahmad Zarif, 16 years old. And this is the longest year of my life.
*As always, feedbacks and comments are always appreciated. Praises helps me write faster and constructive criticisms helps me write better. Thanks in advance.
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Due to the change, my dear friend Arif is now Arifah. She now returns to school as a girl, determined to enjoy everything about school life, this time as a girl. My name is Ahmad Zarif, 16 years old. This is my story, of the longest year of my life. Part 2 By Shinieris |
"Stand up!" the class monitor cried as the homeroom teacher entered.
"Good morning, teacher!" the class monitor greeted followed by a chorus of lazy, uncoordinated and some gibberish noises from the rest of the class.
"Good morning, class. Please sit down," the teacher, Mr. Azmi said to the class, then he gestured for someone outside to enter, "Class, I'd like to reintroduce you to a returning student."
Then a girl entered, and everyone's eyes were riveted to her long, lean legs that weren't covered by her knee-length red school skirt. Then they looked upward, and marvelled at the smoothness of her tummy and the shape of her butt, before looking further up and salivated at her big shapely breasts that was straining to burst from her tight white shirt, with a necktie that seemed to emphasize the valley between her breasts. When their eyes finally reached her face, she giggled and brushed her long hair aside showing more of her pretty face and big breasts. If this was a hollywood chick flick, this would all appear as if it was in slow motion with a corny sound effect along the lines of 'ooh la la' or something like that.
Then Mr. Azmi cut the show short. "Arifah, stop posing like a fashion idol. You're in school, act like a schoolgirl!"
I sighed. My friend Arif, now Arifah, was always the center of attention. When he was a guy, as Arif, he was shameless, and that was the only thing I couldn't compete in. As Arifah, he seemed to be even more shameless.
"God, she's hot," I heard one of the boys say.
"I wanna date her," said another guy in front of me.
"Aww," Arifah pouted, as she looked at Mr. Azmi, "Can't I have a little fun?"
"No!" Mr. Azmi said as he sat down on his chair in front of the class, "Now go ahead and reintroduce yourself to the class so we that can proceed with doing what we're here for."
"She sounds sexy!" another guy remarked.
"I want to hear her saying 'I love you' to me through the phone," another guy said.
"Or through a webcam," another guy said.
"Ohhhh, webcam..." I heard several guys said at the same time. I looked, and they were already in their own world.
"Hey everyone! I'm Arifah! Nice to meet you all again. It's been so long! I miss you guys," she said giddily, with all the bounce and expressions of a japanese pop idol.
"She seems to know us," one of the girls said.
"Do we know her?" another girl replied.
"I personally don't remember her," another girl said.
"I know you from my dreams," said one of the boys. He was salivating.
I sighed. It was painful seeing my classmates like this. I felt like I should say something, but knowing Arif, now Arifah, she would want to do what would come next by herself. Not because she had a sense of responsibility, but because she was a sadistic bitch who enjoyed all the pleasures of life.
"Oh, I forgot to mention!" she clapped her hands together, with all the bounce of her schoolskirt-clad butt, "You all used to know me as Arif Bin Mohamad Zafri. Well, I'm now Arifah Binti Mohamad Zafri. Please take -very- good care of me," she said with a wink.
A little explanation, the difference between 'Bin' and 'Binti' is the gender it's used on. Arifah Binti Mohamad Zafri means 'Arifah, the daughter of Mohamad Zafri'. It's similar to the Jewish use of 'Ben' and 'Bat', because 'Bin' and 'Binti' was derived from it's Arabic origin.
There was a long silence as everyone in the class tried to digest her words. A minute later, the class was in an uproar with the boys screaming, "EHHHH!!!!" while the girls screamed, "NOOOO!!!!!" I saw some of the boys died inside that day, with their souls leaving their body like smoke. Arifah, blessed be her sadistic soul, giggled and grinned in satisfaction.
The teacher rubbed his head as he turned to Arifah, "I regret asking you to introduce yourself. Just go to your seat."
Arifah giggled as she made exaggerated movements with her heels and hips. As she made her way to the end of the row, where her desk remained next to mine, she made an effort to touch every single boys face or head with her long, manicured fingers. I saw several more boys died and became zombies that way.
When she arrived next to me, she leaned over and whispered, "Hey handsome, that was rude running away from me yesterday. I wonder if you're looking to be punished." Without waiting for my answer, she plopped down on her seat and placed her school bag right next to her chair.
As we went through the day's lessons, she would catch some of our classmates giving her a glance, and she would always wave at them with just her fingers. On the other hand, I myself noticed several glares pointed at me, and I couldn't help but sweat and cower behind my desk. This was going to be a long day.
The school bell rang signifying break-time. As was my habit, I would spend the end of the classes drawing mindmaps to help me memorize the lessons. Today, I was in a hurry and tried to finish my mindmaps as soon as possible. I should've just left it at that and ran at the very first opportunity, because seconds after I finished the mindmap and pushed my chair back, I felt fingers carressing the back of my head before closing to grab my hair.
"That was very rude of you yesterday. Now explain why you just bolted from my house like you saw a flesh-eating zombie," Arifah whispered into my left ear.
"Th-th-I-wa-was..." I stuttered.
"Cheh," she let go of my hair and proceeded to sit on my desk with her legs spread. "I may need to do something about your girl-phobia."
"Panties! Panties!" I said looking at her revealed panties.
"Huh?" she looked down and quickly pushed her skirt down while closing her legs at the same time. She had the sense to feel embarrassed as her cheeks reddened. But then she grinned at me and said, "Don't fall for me now!"
"A-as if!" I stuttered as I got up from my chair and headed off to the school canteen, with Arifah in tow.
I turned around as I walked backwards. "Why are you following me?"
"In case you don't know yet, my dear old friend, girls need to eat too. Besides, I've always wanted to go into the girl's queue. I'm tired of being pushed while waiting in queue."
"Not done yet? It's time to go home," whispered a feminine voice into my left ear making me jump from my seat.
"S-Stop that! It's creepy!" I said to Arifah as I put some distance from her. It had been 4 days since she came back to school and I still couldn't get used to her overly friendly way of talking.
"Really?" she said as she turned to the boy sitting in front of her, whispering into his ear loud enough for me to hear, "San, am I creepy?"
The boy in front of her froze and stammered a response, "N-no, you're-you're..."
"See?" she turned back to me, "He thinks I'm me. Come on, don't be so shy. It's just me."
She placed her hand on my arm, the arm which I pulled back quickly and abruptly, that she was left touching the wood of the desk. Then she looked at me, her lips forming an evil grin as her eyes sparkle in malice. I didn't like the look of this. Without warning, her hands flew to grab mine, to which I barely dodged. She made another attack on my hands, to which I dodged to the left. She attacked me again and I dodged to the right. Then I backed away from her. She moved forward, and I continued to move backward. Finally, as if bored of the fruitless chase, she quickened her pace and I turned around and ran out of the class at full speed. When I turned around to look, I saw her close at my heels, and I sped up even more, to which she also responded by speeding up.
"Don't run in the hallway!" Mrs. Salmah, the teacher in charge of girl's discipline yelled.
"Sorry!" both Arifah and I chorused.
"You, catch them!" she ordered one of the Form 4 school prefects.
"Me? Are you freaking kidding me? They're school champions!" he argued, but sprinted after us anyway.
I weaved through the hallways, corridors and school blocks as I tried to escape from Arifah. I looked around and she was still on my heels, with that evil grin on her face. The prefect meanwhile had surrendered and collapsed 2 minutes after the chase. So now, there was only us, running around, jumping ledges, threading ropes, avoiding other people, climbing walls and jumping staircases until I made a mistake and ran into a dead end.
"Hahahaha, end of the line," she laughed as she advanced, "Now be a good boy and surrender yourself."
I looked out the window behind me, noting that I would break my legs if I jumped out from there. I looked to the right and left, tested the doors, and was dismayed to find that they were all locked. I looked at the advancing Arifah, and was filled with a feeling of dread. Then I noticed one of the doors that led to a barely used and never locked staircase was slightly parted. So I made my pokerface, the ones I would normally make when we competed in basketball and prepared to play ball and planned my strategies.
I crouched low, legs spread and eyes scanning every detail in front of me. Arifah, being my rival for years, knew I wasn't giving up, and she was extra alert with my movements. That was exactly what I was hoping for, as long as she focused on my movements, she would be helpless when this Starcraft champion strategist make sudden on-the-spot decision.
"Gonna make a break for it, then? Come to momma, bitch," she said as she spread her legs a little, waiting to catch me when I make my move. Then as if impatient, she gestured me to come to her.
I backed up a few steps until my back touched the wall, then I placed one foot on the wall for leverage. We looked at each other's eyes, trying to gauge each other's moves and strategies. Then without warning, I pushed my leg back against the wall and sprinted to Arifah's left. Arifah to her credit, made little movements, keeping herself ready in case it was a feint. When she noticed that my movements were too fast to be a feint, she cracked a smile and moved her whole body to the left, attempting to catch me as I ran past her. She didn't know I had a plan.
"Panties!" I cried as I ran past her.
"Eek!" she cried as her hands went back to push her skirt down. Then she realized that there was nothing wrong with her skirt and she turned around to give chase, "That was low, damned you!" she yelled at my back.
I was almost at the door when she grabbed my shoulder from behind making me lose balance, while causing me to fly in the air legs first and fall flat on my back, skidding a little after passing through the door. "Oww," I whined just as Arifah came, closed the door and then she made my stomache her meat seat.
"That... wasn't... very... nice," Arifah said breathlessly.
Frankly, I was very exhausted too. Thinking back, we must have ran a mile through the school grounds. Adrenaline works in mysterious ways. Then again, I forgot that while I could maintain high speeds longer, Arif was always the one who could go from 0 to 3km/h in the shortest of time. No wonder he could catch me.
"We need to do something about your girl-phobia," she remarked as she tried to catch her breath.
"Mind... your own... business," I said while also trying to catch my breath.
"I mean, come on, that thing happened like 7 years ago. I doubt she even remembers you," she said as she supported herself with one hand on my chest.
"Don't remind me," I said as looked at the ceiling.
"I mean, you were rejected once. Granted, everyone in class knew about your confession and bullied you for being rejected. But that's a long time ago. Heck, I've been rejected so many times, I lost-"
"I said don't remind me."
"Well I think you're a great person. If she meets you now, she will definitely regret rejecting you last time. It's time to move on, my dear friend," she said as she watched my face.
"I'll move on when I graduate from school," I said noncommittally.
"That won't do!" she said as she bumped my chest, "Don't you want to have a proper girlfriend? Now that I'm like this, we can't go out on double dates anymore, so I can't help you with your dates."
"Too much trouble," I replied.
"You!" she turned her body around facing my head, with her legs on both sides of my stomache, "I'm gonna fix your issues right now!" Then almost as if she suddenly remembered, she fixed her knee-length skirt so that I wouldn't be able to see her panties.
"Please don't bother," I said while starting to feel her weight on my stomache.
She glared at me. "You're starting to piss me off. Touch me!"
"I said touch me. Anywhere you like," she said as her lips formed a sweet smile which may turn into an evil grin sometime soon.
"Excuse me!!!?"
"Touch... me! Do you need me to spell it for you?"
"No th-thanks," I stuttered as I finally noticed that there was a gorgeous school girl sitting on my stomache. A gorgeous school girl whose breasts were just a little way above my eyes.
"Hmm, you know, any boy would jump for a chance to have a beautiful girl, like me, tell him he can touch me anywhere he want. It's every boy's wet dream, you know. Come to think of it, I'm every boy's wet dream. So don't be so shy, it's just me!" she said as she grabbed my hands and guided it to cup her soft, pillowy butt.
"Now this here is a girl's butt. Go ahead, squeeze, feel how soft it is," she said, to which I was too frozen to do anything, causing her to guide my hands to squeeze it herself.
Then she pulled my hands and guided it to her waist. "This is a girl's waist. Feel how small it is compared to when I was a boy?"
I could feel the blood rushing to my face.
"Now..." she guided my hands upward, carressing her body until it rested on her big school girl breasts, "This here are a girl's breasts. It's 34C, you see. Feel how-"
My vision went dark.
"Damn, he fainted. Shouldn't have teased him so much," I heard her say before I completely blacked out.
When I came around, she had moved down from my stomache and now sitting on my thighs as she played with her handphone.
"Oh there you are. Was starting to wonder if you died or something. Bet it would be nice, dying after touching a girl's breasts. But you know what would be nicer? Dying while having sex," she grinned.
"How long was I out?" I asked as I got up with her still sitting on my thighs.
"Half an hour, give or take 5 minutes or so. I'm seriously gonna be late for my violin lesson. Mom suddenly thought that as a girl, I need to be able to play either piano, violin or flute. I told her I already knew how to play a guitar, but she said it's coarse and not lady-like, whatever that means."
"You could go back yourself," I stated while my brain was still addled from the sudden rush of blood half an hour ago.
"No transport," she stated, still playing with her phone.
"Take a bus," I suggested.
"You would have all those boys watch my cute butt, long legs and big breasts with their perverted eyes. Or let them have the opportunity to brush against my untouched body while the bus moved?" she said as she looked at me with made-up tears.
God, she's cute.
"You just made me touch you everywhere," I stated.
"Yes, well, you're different. We go way back. Besides, busses are unreliable," she said.
"Can you get off me now?" I said as I started to lose feeling in my legs.
"Tell you what," she turned her face towards me as she snapped close her handphone, "I challenge you!"
"If you can touch me without flinching or blushing, you win. I'll do whatever you wish."
"Don't tempt me like that. You're not a guy anymore, what if I asked for 'that'?"
"If that's what you want, maybe I won't mind. I know you watched those p-movies and h-toons. So I know you have the urge."
"H-how did you know?"
"I saw your browsing history and I copied your torrent folder into my external hard disk."
I was suddenly depressed. "What if I lose?"
"Oh course if you lose, you will do whatever I wish."
"Don't look down on me. I can at least do this," I said as my arm circled her waist, her face close to mine.
Within a minute, I started to break into cold sweat and and my eyes started to blur.
"Oi, don't go passing out on me again," she said right before my vision darkened and my body fell back to the floor.
"You really need to get used to me. I didn't go to violin class because you kept passing out yesterday. Do you know how much damage my ears suffered from being scolded by mom? If she was speaking japanese, I would be able to call it kanji poisoning, that would at least be funny," Arifah said as she sat on my desk during lunch-break.
At that time, I had just finished my bento, of which half was stolen by Arifah. Bento is a boxed lunch, but many young Malaysians are calling it bento which is japanese, due to the popularity of manga and anime in Malaysia. Arifah really seemed to like my bento, even back when she was Arif.
I put the bento box into my bag and stood up to wash my hands in the nearby toilet sink. In the malay culture, whether or not you use utensils such as fork and spoon or chopsticks to eat your meal, it's customary to wash your hands before and after your meal. Arifah didn't seem to follow this particular custom. Even back when she was Arif, she would pick up the pieces she liked, without washing her hands, and just lick her fingers after she's done. As Arif, it looked disgusting, but as Arifah, it looked so enticingly erotic.
"Well, you could just go back by yourself. Maybe hitch a ride with some of the girls if you don't like the bus. Besides, what were you doing sitting on me yesterday?" I asked when I got back.
"Girls have to take care of appearances, you know. I couldn't sit on the floor, it was very dusty. I doubt it's been cleaned for months," she said while reading one of my chemistry mindmaps.
"This coming from the girl who flirts with every guy in class and flashes her panties to everyone," I stated.
"I did NOT do that!" she exclaimed as she slammed my book onto the desk, "Yes, true, I did flirt with every boy in class, but only because it's funny. And I didn't flash my panties to anyone, the only person I showed my panties to was... you," she said as she had the decency to blush.
"You're trying to say that the only person you flash your panties to was me?"
"I did NOT flash my panties at you!" she said, startling the students walking past our class, "Look, is this in anyway important? Ah!" she looked at me, "Are you still uncomfortable around me?"
"No, what makes you think that?" I leaned against the wall behind me.
"What's with the distance then?" she asked, referring to the 4 meter-long space between me and her.
"Nuh-nothing. I just wanted to lean on the wall," I replied.
"Uh-huh?" she came closer to me, which caused me to sidle sideways along the wall.
Then her eyes sparkled and she rushed to grab me, which caused me to dodge to the left, then she rushed my left, to which I dodged to the right again, the to the left again, before I skipped backwards, painfully hitting the lockers at the rear of the class with my legs outstretched. Arifah in her eagerness to grab me didn't notice my outstretched legs and tripped over one, putting her on a crash course towards the wooden shoe lockers.
"Arifah!" I shouted as my hand stretched to grab her arms while pushing myself towards her.
The sudden movements made me lose my own footing and although I did manage to catch her, we were falling to the floor before any of us could do anything about it. We fell with me flat on my back, while Arifah fell on top of me, her arms still in my hands. We moaned in pain at the same time as I felt like my spine was broken into many pieces. When I opened my eyes, Arifah was lying on top of me, her eyes looking into mine. And her lips, so red, parted slightly, as if begging for a kiss. For awhile there, the world stood still as we breathed in each other's breath, looked into each other's eyes as our noses nuzzled each other. I was made conscious of her shampoo, and her perfume, and it smelled like the sweetest things in the world. I felt like I wanted us to stay like this forever.
That was before I heard a sound above me. Both Arifah and I looked up at the same time and saw one of our classmates, a girl named Suraya, holding her phone up to take our pictures. Our minds froze with my hands on Arifah's waist and her hands on my chest.
"Pret-ty bold, you two. I think this is the first time in school history that students dared to have sex in the classroom during lunch-break. This will look so good in the yearbook," she giggled as she typed some stuff into her phone.
Arifah quickly got up from me and dashed towards Suraya. It was a bit of a struggle, but Arifah quickly managed to steal Suraya's phone and threw it out of the open window. So powerful was her throw that we couldn't see it anymore beyond the window.
Suraya was speechless for a minute. "I know it's a cheap phone, but you didn't have to throw it away like that," Suraya said to the still panting Arifah.
"I'll buy you a new one," I promised.
"Oh that's so nice of you. See Arifah, you should be nicer like your boyfriend," she said.
"He's not my boyfriend!"
"Really? From where I stood while taking 4-5 pictures before you realized I was here, you both looked very tight!" she giggled as she made kissing noises.
Arifah blushed red like a lobster, "You have no proof! Even if you found the phone it should have already been smashed to pieces from the fall."
"Oh you let me worry about that. I already mailed it to myself before you grabbed my phone."
"YOU WHAT?!" both Arifah and I yelled at the same time
"Don't worry, I can keep quiet if you want," she winked, "Of course, you'll both owe me."
Arifah turned around and walked out of the classroom through the back door.
"Now where'd you be going?" Suraya asked.
"Washroom!" Arifah said before she stopped and turned to look at me, "You know, that doesn't count!"
"What doesn't count?" Suraya asked.
"Don't bother," I replied.
Regardless, Arifah still rode on my bike at the end of the day. I was still very uncomfortable having a beautiful girl wrapping her arms around me. We had a very silent ride home.
We spent the rest of the next day not speaking to each other. During lunch, I left my mindmaps still unfinished and took the most crowded table during lunch. Arifah threw many small, balled up papers to my desk, but I took no notice. I knew Arifah was looking at me through the corner of my eyes. I ignored her, because I was still embarrassed about yesterday.
At the end of the school day, Suraya ushered everyone to leave quickly. Then, giving me a wink, she left as well, leaving only Arifah and I inside the classroom. I wanted to bolt, but I knew Arifah had no transport home, so I stayed behind waiting for her. I hoped that the others weren't so eager to leave, though.
"Zar, how about a challenge?" Arifah asked suddenly.
"Anything you want. Football, basketbal, badminton, sprint or swimming. I don't mind," she said as she looked at me with a sad face.
"I don't think... what is this about?" I asked.
"I need a reason to challenge you? Since when do we need a reason to challenge each other?" she asked.
"I... well. It's just-"
"I see. You don't think I'm much of a rival now, do you? Because I become a girl, I don't have the strength and muscles to beat you in sports. I'm just a weak girl to you, aren't I? There's no point in challenging a weak girl," she said that last sentence with a sob, before she grabbed her bag and turned to leave.
"Wait, Arifah..." I grabbed her arm.
Without turning back, she sobbed, "Let go, I'll go back on my own today, you don't need to send me home."
"Arifah, what's this about?" I asked pulling her to me.
"You know how hard it was to cope with this?" she fell to her knees, "I didn't ask to be weak! I didn't ask to be this emotional. I didn't ask be a girl!"
She sobbed, her face wet with tears. I got down on my knees and caressed the back of her head. I wanted to say something, to comfort her in anyway I could, but I didn't know what to say. I was afraid that anything I said would make her even more sad than she already was.
"But you know what hurts the most?" she looked at me with face wet with tears, "You!"
"Me?" I asked.
"Yes you! I could've coped with everything. All the jeers, all the insults, all the bullying-"
"Wait, people bullied you? Who? Tell me, Arifah!"
"Quiet you! Don't interrupt! I could've dealt with everything. I'm weaker, so fine, I will beat you in academics. I'm more emotional, fine, I'll just learn how to deal with it." she said.
"But you! You hurt me the most. I thought no matter what, my best friend would be here for me. But all you see of me is nothing more than a pest. You ignored me, distanced yourself from me. If I don't talk to you, you wouldn't even say a word to me. Do you know how much it hurts? To be alone, where my own best friend ignored me?" she sobbed even more.
"Arifah..." I carressed the back of her head as I pulled her to rest her head on my chest, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way."
"If only you would be more alert to my needs. I wouldn't be this - oh god, what am I doing?" she looked at my shirt that was wet with her tears.
"What? What do you mean?" I asked before she pushed my head upward by my chin.
"Don't look! Don't look! You damned bastard! This is all your fault!"
Twenty minutes later, after Arifah had washed her face of her tears, we set out on our way home.
"Why are we walking?" Arifah asked.
"My bike wouldn't start this morning."
"So how'd you come to school?" Arifah asked again.
"My father sent me. I do have a father, in case you don't know."
"Oh poo. I was just asking." Arifah said, as her fingers tightened around mine.
"We can call a taxi," I suggested.
"I'm not going to let you pay for our fare. We're just going home. Besides, Malaysian taxi always overcharge," she whispered.
"I was... thinking that we could split the fare, like, you know, in the middle?" I clarified.
"Would work, if I have money. A bus would've been a lot cheaper," she replied.
"Come to think of it, why didn't we take a bus just now?"
"Would you like to show our friends that we're holding hands now?" she stated as she raised our locked hands.
"Right," I said, "Maybe you should let go of my hands then."
"You're the one who should let go. You're the one holding my hand," Arifah argued.
"No, you're the one who should let go," I said, to which I felt her squeeze my hand.
"No, you should let go," Arifah said.
"I'm not the one holding your hand. Let go," I asked.
"No, you should let go. Why are you holding my hand anyway, are you bent?" she asked without any malicious tone.
"No, I'm not gay. You're a girl now," I reasoned
"Oh right. So it's okay then?"
"I suppose. You can let go of my hand now if you want," I suggested.
"No, YOU let go!"
*As usual, please leave your comments and feedbacks. Praises help me write faster and constructive criticisms help me write better.
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My name was Arif bin Mohamad Zafri. This is the story of the worst, most annoying year of my life. Part 2.5 By Shinieris |
My name was Arif bin Mohamad Zafri. This is the story of the worst, most annoying year of my life.
"Waaaiii!" I said as I placed my newly god-given breasts on Zar's head while wrapping my arms around his neck. It had been three months since I came back to school and teasing Zar was still the highlight of my day.
"Wah!!! Cut it out!" Zar cried and he broke free from me and scrambled his way to the shoe lockers at the back of the class.
We called it shoe locker, because that was what it was, but there was never any shoes in there. Except during the occasional events, such as mass prayers, sports day, canteen day, school festival and the such. Most often we store our textbooks there just so we didn't have to lug our heavy backpacks back and forth between home and school.
"Ararara? So your gynyphobia is still not cured it seems?" I taunted, seeing how red his face was.
"How the hell can it be cured when you kept shoving your boobs at my face every single minute?" he said. He really did look cute all flushed liked that.
"Huh? What did you say? You got Arifah's boobs on your face every single minute?" a boy by the name of Azman enquired.
"You lucky bastard! Ifa, shove your tits at my face too!!!" a chubby boy by the name of Aita pleaded, while at the same time rushing at me from the other side of the classroom.
"No!!! Me first!" a thin boy by the name of Zamani, a close friend of Aita and probably the most perverted out of the whole class also rushed at me. Together, they were known as the pervert trio, the third guy had a cold that day and was resting at home.
Just as they got close, I stuck out my foot, tripping Aita's overweight body as he fell like a rock onto the cement floor. With my right hand, I slapped Zamani's face before I made him lose balance with a well-placed kick on the back of his knee. Then I skillfully used my Judo expertise to guide him to fall onto Aita.
When I placed my foot on Zamani's back, I said, "When did I give you permission to call me Ifa, Aita? And how many times do I have to teach you three a lesson before you know better than to mess with the school champion?"
"Actually there's only two of them," Azman interjected.
I turned to him. "Thank you, Mr. Obvious. I am still Top 2 in Mathematics, if you remember. I can definitely tell the difference between two and three."
Azman backed off then. "Okay... have it your way. Was just trying to help."
"I think this feels good too," Zamani said.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"Your foot, can you put your foot a little higher?" Zamani said.
"What? Ifa is stepping on you? No fair!" Aita said.
"You got her boobs on your back when she strangled you from the back last time, it's my turn now!" Zamani replied.
"Ifa, please step on me too!" Aita pleaded from under Zamani.
"You little perverts! I'll give you all the foot I have then!" I said as I stomped my foot on both their backs.
"ARIFAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?" Ms. Ayu, our homeroom teacher shouted from the front of the class.
I didn't realize she came in.
"Uhhh, I was... dusting away dust from their backs."
"You're dusting with your foot?" Ms. Ayu asked disbelievingly.
"Yeah, that's it, right guys?" I turned to them, though at the end of my sentence, my tone changed into threatening mode.
"Oh yeah! Best massage of my life," Zamani said, obviously not hearing my excuse to the teacher.
"Yes, she was great, teacher. My underwear's all wet," Aita said next.
"Ewww!" came the unified cry of disgust from the girls in the class, me included.
"Kak Arifah," came a voice that I haven't heard for some time now.
"Sara? What are you doing at Form 4's corridor?" I asked. It was Sara, the girl I matched up with my close friend Zarif before I became this.
"Umm, I have something to ask you. Is it okay to call you Kak Arifah? Do you prefer to be called Abang Arif still?"
'Abang' is a malay term for big brother, sometimes shortened to 'bang'. 'Kakak' is the female equivalent, often shortened to 'kak'. Similar to Japanese term of onii-san and onee-chan.
"Well, since I'm already like this, there's no point confusing everyone by calling me 'abang' anymore. What is it that you want to talk about?" I said.
"Can we talk elsewhere? This is embarrassing," she said, her face downward.
Once we were out of earshot, I asked, "This isn't about a sanitary pad, right?"
"No! No! It's not that," she denied.
"Oh, thank goodness. I forgot to carry one with me today. I can't believe how you girls can live with it. My first period made me feel like I was dying. Even til now I can't shake the feeling of embarrassment that I told Zar I was going to die and to take my treasured Gundam collection," my face reddened at the memory of me lying on the health room bed, all pale with him holding my hand as I told him my 'final will'. How embarrassing! When the nurse told us that I was just having my first period, I was so ashamed I avoided and ignored Zar for a whole week, despite us sitting right next to each other in class.
"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about," she said in a soft voice.
"What? You want to know about my first period? Don't tell me you haven't had your period yet!" I asked.
"No! No! I meant it's..." she became inaudible at this point.
"What?" I asked.
"..." she was even more inaudible now.
"Alien's landed on your backyard? Quick! Call the Royal Air Force!"
"NO! I'm talking about Abang Zarif!" she shouted before she closed her mouth and reddened.
"What about Zarif? Wait, did he touch you inappropriately?"
"No, he-"
"Did he stalk your home at night and pelted your window with rotten eggs?"
"No, why-"
"Did he put spycams in your bath and bedroom?"
"No, don't-"
"Did he send you a chain letter and now you need to forward the chain letter to seven other people or you'll die at the end of the week?"
"No, I-"
"Did he steal your lunch money?"
"NO, I LOVE ABANG ZARIF!!!" she shouted before she covered her mouth with both hands.
"Oh! Well, did you have to shout? I think my eardrum's burst."
"I-I really like Abang Zarif. Kak Arifah, you don't like him too, right?" she asked as if pleading for me to agree.
"Of course I like him. He's my best friend."
"No, not like that. I mean like in the way a girl loves a boy," she clarified.
"Kak Arifah, you don't like him in that way, right? You don't want him to be your boyfriend, right?" she asked, her gestures as if pleading to me.
"Of course not. He's just the same stupid best friend I happened to grow up with anyway. There no way I will have a much deeper feeling for him in that way," I stated with much haughtiness.
Then came the million dollar question. "Then is it okay if I ask him to be my boyfriend?"
"EH? Him? But what do you see in him? He's a geek, a dork, he spends his time at the library and he has absolutely no clue on how to deal with a girl's sensitive heart. You will be heartbroken before long," I said as I hugged her tightly.
She hugged me back, before she argued, "That's what I like about Abang Zarif, Kak Arifah. He's smart, he's diligent, her's athletic, he's from an elite family, even my mother said he'll be a great catch. As for being clueless, I know he has no experience, so I was thinking of exploring together with him.
That kinda made my blood pressure rise. "You... what are you saying?! How can you say... explore... you're only 15!"
"But Kak Arifah and Kak Fiora explore each other whenever Kak Fiora's parents aren't home. You're both only a year older, aren't you?" she countered with a piercing argument.
Damned this kid, how the heck did she know?
"Umm, well, we're on our honeymoon year. You're on exam year. Won't this distract you from your priorities? You still need good PMR results to enter our Form 4, remember?"
Honeymoon Year is Form 4. PMR exam is taken at Form 3.
"I'm not worried!" she said excitedly, "Abang Zarif is first in academics-"
"Sorry to break it up to you, but most of the time, I'm first in academics."
"He can surely help me study if we spend time together. He won't be like some of those boys who only want to go on pointless dates and waste time doing useless things," she rolled on so passionately.
"You don't want to go on pointless dates?" I asked disbelievingly.
"Well, sometimes it will be great to go on dates. But it's exam year, so my studies come first."
"My, how sensible of you," I leered.
"Kak Arifah, you will support me, won't you?"
It took me moment to reply to that, but finally, I said, "Sure, it's your funeral, kid. May you be happy til your grandchildren have children."
"You're talking as if we're going to get married and have children," she said with a blush, "But thank you for your blessing, Kak Arifah."
I patted her on the shoulder, "What else can I say? You kids just go have fun." Then I turned to walk back to class.
"Something wrong?"
"Would you promise to stop sexually teasing Abang Zarif, Kak Arifah? It's not appropriate..."
That kind riled me up. "Look kid, this is skin-ship. We're best friends, that's how we roll, been so for years. Have you seen his face whenever I did that? It was priceless! Who are you to tell me what I shouldn't do? You just came along into our lives a few months ago and it was Fiora, my girlfriend, who introduced you to us."
"Well, I'm going to be his girlfriend, Kak Arifah. Please think of my feelings too."
"Humpfh!" I turned around and walked back to class.
"Mmmph!" Fiora moaned through her hands.
"You don't have to hold back, you know," I said between licks, "No one's home, remember?"
"But, but this is so shameful!" she said while I squeezed her breasts.
"Then, maybe I should stop?" I said as I rolled away from on top of her naked body.
"No!" she grabbed my now slim waist with her dainty fingers, trying to pull me back on top of her but ended up being pulled my way and she ended up being on top of me instead.
"Why not?" I teased as my arms circled her small waist.
"How can you stop when I'm just about to reach my limit?" she said with a red face.
"Aha! So that's all this is about, eh? You want to cum by my hands," I said, while squeezing her naked butt.
"Eww!" she slapped my breasts, "You're so crude!"
I rubbed the breast she slapped and rubbed it gently, "Oww... that really hurts, you know. What if I got breast cancer from that slap?"
"Oh, you big baby! Nobody ever got breast cancer because of a slap," he said as she also rubbed the part that got slapped.
"But what if I did? They'll have to cut my breasts off, and it will all be your fault, Fio. You'll have to take responsibility of me your whole life," I said with fake tears.
"There there, it will be okay," she bent down and kissed the part that she slapped, "Does that feel better?"
"You can kiss the other one too," I suggested.
"But I didn't slap the other one," she argued.
"But what if the other one become bigger than the other? I will look deformed," I said.
"You're such a baby," she said as she kissed my lips.
Of course, I reciprocated with a few gentle pecks of my own, then a little licking of each other's lips before it became a full blown, passionate french kiss. Our hands weren't idle meanwhile. While we rubbed our breasts on each other, our four hands explored each other's bodies, heightening our body's sensitivity until it came to our most cherished spots and we came together in an explosion of fireworks.
"You always become so wild whenever you're on top, Fio," I commented after we caught our breaths.
"Hehe, I can't help it, you look so beautiful lying there. Still, the universe is so cruel," she said as she grabbed both my breasts with her hands, "Why do you have bigger tits than I? I've been a girl far longer than you. And it's shaped better too."
"You can try asking God," I suggested.
"I don't think God has anything to do with it. It's probably a genetically engineered virus the Nazi or Japanese developed during the Second World War. Did you know that while the first reported incident happened several years after the Second World War, there has been eyewitness accounts of Allied soldiers turning into women in POW camps?"
"Wow, you really love conspiracy theories, huh?"
"It's not the conspiracy theories that I enjoy. It's the mystery of 'The Change' that captures my attention. Geneticists and scientists from mechanical engineering, quantum physics, robotics and paranormal research, even witchdoctors and shamans has been baffled by the cause and mechanics of 'The Change' for half a century now."
"Right, you want to become a genetics scientist," I smiled at her passion.
"Wouldn't it be great if I become the one who unravel the mysteries and allow mankind to control this phenomenon?" she explained animatedly.
She was still sitting on my stomache though. Naked, if I may add. It's hard to take her seriously like that, especially when my love box started juicing up again seeing her breasts, which was quite ample, jiggle with every movements. Without realizing it, my hands crept up to her waist and rubbed it discretely.
"So I'm just your test subject?" I teased.
"Don't joke like that! I love you, I really really do! You're my most precious boyfriend!" she said as she bent down to kiss me with our breasts mashing together.
"But I'm a girl now though," I pointed out once our lips separate.
"It's no problem. You can be my most precious girlfriend," she said as she kissed me again.
I kissed her back and started squeezing her butt cheeks more blatantly.
"Ohh, look who's excited now. Want to go another round?" she grinned excitedly.
"Why not?" I grinned back, and we took another half an hour making love to each other until we cummed.
We would've gone another round if not for a sound so terrifying it made us both froze.
"It's my mom's car! Hurry, wear your clothes!" Fiora said as we scrambled off the bed to search for our clothes.
Fiora had it easy, it was her room, so she could just pick up any clothes from her drawers. As for me, my clothes were all over the place. We didn't actually strip with the intention of stripping, it just happened. So by the time her mother came up to her room to check up on us, we were barely clothed and back at the study table. I hoped her mom didn't notice that I wasn't wearing bra and panties that time.
The next week I saw Zar and Sara talking with each other behind Science Lab 4. They were out of earshot, so I couldn't make out what they were talking about. Unfortunately, there was not a single cover to sneak up with. It kinda pissed me off.
"What did you talk about with her?" I asked when we got back to class.
"Who?" he asked.
"Her," I asked again.
"Which 'her'?" he asked again.
"That... Sara." For some reason, it was very hard for me to say her name.
"She just asked me if I'd be free this evening. She wanted me to teach her some math, science and mandarin," he said as he dropped his Chemistry books in the shoe locker that we shared.
"But you already promised to take me shopping today!"
"Maybe another time, Arifah? It's her exam year, she needs all the help she can get. Besides, you can go shopping on your own," he said cheekily.
"You! Don't you know girls don't go shopping alone?"
"Sure they do. My mom always go shopping alone. Nina goes shopping alone too!" he reasoned.
Of course, I argued back. "Shopping for grocery and shopping for stuff isn't the same!!!"
"Chill! Why are you shouting at me?"
"I DID NOT shout!"
"Sure, you did. Right, guys?" he said while looking at the other students near our seats.
"Uhh, don't involve me, man," Azman, the guy sitting in front of me said.
"Over the fence," Senji, the guy sitting in front of Zarif said.
"You're so dense, Zarif," Aminah, the girl sitting on my right said.
"He can't help it, Mina. He has no experience in these matters. Want me to teach you a thing or two, boy?" Xiao Han, the girl sitting in front of Aminah winked.
"Alright! Everyone heard that, right?," our class treasurer, Shu Fong said, "I'm taking bets! Who's on Zarif's and who's on Arifah's side? Majority Rule game!"
"WOULD YOU CUT IT OUT?!" I shouted, but nobody seemed to hear me.
Before long, the whole class had torn up a piece of paper and dropped it into the ballot box which Shu Fong kept handy for things like these. Shu Fong took only 3 minutes to count the ballot and calculate the winnings, as expected from the school's best accounting student. My side won, though I had no idea what the wager was actually about until Xiao Han told me about it after class. I hoped all that profit would go to this year's class trip. It would piss me a lot if Shu Fong kept it all to himself.
"So, that's why you suddenly called me out today?" Fiora asked as she licked her ice cream.
"You're the only other person I'd like to go out shopping with. Sorry to drag you out, Fio," I said as took a long lick of my own ice cream.
"Nnh, I don't mind. I love spending time with you, Ifa."
"Thanks, Fio," I turned to hug her, "You're the best girlfriend ever! I can't believe he would cancel the plans we made, for someone he only barely knew."
"Hey hey, don't talk about other guys when you're with me, okay? I'll get jealous," Fiora said as she pecked my lips.
I could taste the flavour of the ice cream from her lips.
"Of course I'd be jealous. You're my girlfriend, aren't you? So pay more attention to me," she said.
"You're so adorable, Fio," I said as I kissed her lips. She returned my kiss with a kiss of her own. Before long, I had pushed her to a back alley wall and we were playing tongue tennis with each other.
A gruff voice broke us from our passionate kiss. "Hey, what do we have here?"
I looked to my left and saw two big guys, probably college students or jobless bums approach us. Fio meanwhile was still panting as if in heat and continued to kiss my neck while rubbing the back of my waist. Somehow we still managed to hold the ice creams in our hands.
"Hey, check it out. Two gorgeous lesbians!" the other guy said.
"Mind if we get a piece of the action, girls?" the first guy said with a laugh.
"Fio!" I said as I slapped Fio's face a little.
"What?" Fio pouted before she noticed the two guys, "Eeek! Who are they?"
"Come on, let's just go," I grabbed her hand and led her out of there.
"Hey, hold on a minute!"
I felt Fio stop. I turned around and saw that the first guy had grabbed Fio's wrist. He was holding tight, making her wince and pulling her back.
"Come on, don't go. You made us all hot like this and you want to leave without fixing the problem that you caused?" the other guy said as he patted his bulging crotch.
"Let go, you piece of shit! You are not qualified to touch her with your dirty hands," I said with barely contained anger.
"Oh? And what are you going to do about it... if I do this?" the first guy said as he yanked Fio's arm, pulling her away from my hand and throwing her ice cream in the air..
In response, I grabbed Fio's ice cream in my left and with my own ice cream in my right hand, I threw both ice creams at the two guys' eyes with pinpoint accuracy.
"That's cold!!!" the two guys clawed at their own face to wipe away the ice cream in their eyes. Without meaning to, the first guy let go of Fio's arm and soon Fio dashed to hide behind me.
On the other hand, I dashed forward, my left hand rushed upward, hitting his throat while my right hand formed a fork that hit at the bottom of his heart. In just a moment, I raised my left foot and brought it down on the back of his knees, causing him to fall to his knees where it was easier for me to karate chop him in the back. Once the first guy was dealt with, I turned to the other guy. He only barely managed to see my first attack, a combination of left fork on his neck veins and elbow on his heart. Then I stepped back before jumping and using my Judo moves to throw this big guy over my shoulders, where I made him unconscious with a well-placed karate chop on his neck.
"Don't mess with the school champion, bitches," I saw as I took Fio out of the back alley and into the main street.
"Did you call for me, Kak Arifah?" Sara said when she came out of her classroom.
"What's this I've been hearing about you having a date with Zar in the Audio-Visual Room, Sarah?" I asked.
She looked shocked and appeared as if she was feeling guilty. "I don't know how that came out, Kak Arifah. We were just studying. I'm sorry, I'll try to be careful in the future.
This little bitch. She has absolutely no intention of stopping. "Look, I know you have the key to the Audio-Visual Room, what with you being the Chief of Audio-Visual Room and all. Don't lie to me about studying. I know what you're really doing in there!"
"I'm telling you, Kak Arifah, we were just studying!" she said, still trying to feign innocense.
"Do NOT drag Zar down, Sara. He's a pure virginal type, I don't want you to influence him with unnecessary things," I warned her as her face slowly turned red from shame.
"Let me guess... because you can't accept that another girl gets to do nasty things with him. You can't accept that I am the one he kisses everyday, don't you? I know you watched us, Kak Arifah, I always let you watch. I love watching your face when he kisses me. Did you ever look at your face in the mirror at those time, Kak Arifah?"
"You little bitch..."
She smirked. "You should, Kak Arifah. You looked absolutely adorable, looking all jealous like that, even when you have Kak Fiora."
I felt the veins in my hands suddenly bulging.
She moved closer, leaned forward and whispered into my ears, "Uh uh, remember where we are? If you do anything to a 3rd Year, in the 3rd Year section, do you think you can walk away easily? Even if you are the school champion, the school's pride and joy, do you think I will let you get away with this? I will milk this hard to the very end and I will make sure Abang Zarif hates you when I'm done with him, Kak Arifah."
How could I be so weak, to a 3rd Year girl?
"Don't worry, I'll let you keep on watching us kiss. I love how you looked when you see us, yet you know you can't turn your gaze away," then she said with a lower voice, "It's just a small payback for defiling Kak Fiora, you self-centered pervert."
It took all my control just to restrain myself from throwing this little girl down from the 3rd floor.
"You can't solve this? Seriously? Aren't you top of your class?" Zar said to the little girl who came to our class uninvited.
"Sorry Abang Zarif. For some reason this question is really hard for me," she said while giving me a wink.
"Let's see," Zar read the mathematical problem on the paper, "[Swee Lee bought two dozens of apples. If she eats two apples everyday for three days, how many apples she has left?] Which part of this do you not understand?"
She smiled sweetly. "Everything?"
That riled me up as I went to them and wrote, 24=(2x3)+x, "There! I just made it easy for you!"
"Arifah is right, Sara. If you turn it into an equation, it's easy," Zar agreed.
"But I still don't understand, Abang Zarif. How do I get the answer with this? How do I get the value for x?" she said as she gave me a smirk.
My teeth chattered in rage, my veins about to pop. I had to hold my own hand down to stop myself from punching her smirking face. I could now understand how people could claim that they didn't realize what they were doing when they killed someone.
"And now they're happily sitting inside her room 'studying'. As if nobody knows what they're actually doing," I said as I laid back on Fiora's bed.
"You're wrong, Ifa," Fio said as she rubbed my flat tummy, "Sara isn't like that. She's a nice girl."
"That's because she's your cousin. You have no idea how evil she is in front of others," I argued.
"Ifa, hold me?" she looked up at me with eyes full of hope.
My heart melted and I hugged her so tight mashing our breasts together. "You're just so cute I can't control myself, my dear spoiled princess!" Then I kissed her on the lips and we played tongue tennis inside our mouths.
Then she went down, kissing my breasts, licking the sweat off it as she went. She sucked my distended nipples, like a nursing baby while at the same time squeezing my buttcheeks and grinding her thigh against my bare leaking pussy. It felt so good that I screamed in pleasure pulling her head into my breasts, trapping her thigh in between mine as I cummed hard.
She got up and placed her own bald pussy on my mouth, "Lick me, servant," she said she lowered her crotch onto my mouth while at the same time she bent over and proceeded to lick my own pussy until we both cummed again.
My heart was pumping so hard, it was like I was about to have a heart attack from so much lesbian sex.
I was walking back to class after realizing that I had forgotten to bring back one of my homework. Just as I turned the corner, a girl bumped into me, making me hit the wall from the impact. The girl staggered, but kept on running.
"Hoi! Third Year! Get back here and apologize!" I shouted.
The girl stopped and turned back. When I saw her face, I almost gasped, "Sara, is that you? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"This is all your fault!" she accused as she banged her fists on my chest.
"Hey, what's going on? What happened?" I asked, as I grabbed her hands.
"This is all your fault! He dumped me, just like you wanted to," she cried with tears streaming down her eyes, "I bet you love this, don't you? Go on, laugh at me!"
"Wait, hold on, you mean Zar? He dumped you? How did it happen?"
"Sara," Zar said behind me.
Sara yanked her hands from my grip, turned around and attempted to run off. I managed to grab one of her hands and pulled her into my embrace. I hugged her as gently as I could as she cried into my shirt.
"Zar, explain," I said.
Zar scratched the back of his head, looking like he was feeling guilty. Then he said, "Umm, I told her that it is her exam year and that she should be focusing on her exams instead of trying to hook up."
"And?" I demanded.
"Well, I told her that I wasn't interested in her in that way. I told her that if that's the only reason, then it's best that we go our separate ways," Zar said as he looked down at the concrete floor.
"Zar, you are such a jerk. There are plenty of better ways to dump a girl. Why'd you have to be so direct like that?" I scolded.
"I didn't-"
"Save it!" I held out a hand, "The key, please."
"But you don't even know how to ride," he complained.
"Not your motorcycle key. The annex key!" I snapped as I told him to hand over the key to the 5th Floor Student Council Annex. Both Zar and I carried the key in turn, originally as a reward for being the school champion for three years in a row. This year the school simply forgot to ask the key back.
"Oh, I thought you're taking her home," he said as he searched his pocket and handed me a padlock key with a keychain read 'B5J', short for Block B, Level 5, Room J.
"Come, Sara," I coaxed her as I gently pulled her hand.
"I can't believe how insensitive Zar is," I said to Fiora as I finally caught my breath.
"What's wrong now?" Fiora said as she put her head on my arm with her eyes looking at my face.
"Sara didn't tell you?" I asked as I turned to lie on my side looking at her.
"About what?" she said as she moved herself closer while pulling my waist closer.
"About how Zar dumped her?" I said. The feeling of our naked nipples rubbing together gave me such wonderful feelings.
She rolled her eyes as she said, "Forget I asked."
"I mean, there's plenty of ways to let go of a girl. There are ways to lessen the blow. But I guess I can't blame him. He's always so serious and so clueless!" I said as I mashed our breasts together while trying to peck her lips.
Unexpectedly, she rolled off my arm and said something like, "You're clueless too."
"What?" I said as I edged closer.
She however, edged farther from me until she reached the other side of the bed, "Now that he's free, why don't you just hook up with him?"
I had a bad feeling about this. "Fio? What's wrong? I thought we've discussed this?"
She turned to me, she had tears in her eyes. "It's always Zar, Zar, Zar! Even after we made love you still talked of him. What am I to you?"
"Fio, what brought this up?" I asked as I sat up and tried to pull her to me.
I was shocked when she slapped my hand away before she stood up herself. Then she said, "You're my girlfriend! I'm your girlfriend! Think about me! Me! What do you think I feel when you keep on talking about another guy all the time?
"Fio, I..." I didn't know what to say.
She pounced on me, pushing me back down on the bed. "I'm NOT a lesbian!" she cried as she pulled my body up and slamming me down on the bed. "I'm NOT a lesbian!" she said as she did it again. "I'm NOT a lesbian!" she said as she did it yet again.
"Fio! Calm down!" I said as I grabbed both her hands.
"I'm not a lesbian..." she said as she laid down ontop of me. "I didn't do this because I'm attracted to another girl. I love you, I love you a lot. That was why I pushed down this bile in my throat everytime we had sex. After awhile, I learned to like it, but I'm still not a lesbian. The only girl I did it with was you, only you, because I love you."
"I love you too, Fio," I said as I caressed her hair.
"No you don't!" she slapped my hand as she got up from me, "The one you love is not me! You've always loved Zarif, don't you? Well now that he's free, why don't you go to him, then?" Then she got up from the bed entirely and started collecting my bra, panties and the other pieces of clothing.
"Fio, let's discuss this," I said as I also got up from the bed and hugged her from behind.
"Don't!" she said as she wept, "Stop torturing me like this."
Then she broke free from my arms and handed me my clothes before she grabbed a towel from her hanger, "I want you to leave, Ifa. I don't want to see you in my room after I return from my bath. You are no longer welcomed here."
I wore back my clothes as if in a daze. I couldn't believe what just happened. All these time, starting from the time when Fiora came to me saying she didn't care whether I was a boy or a girl, I didn't think we would really break up. At first, I was willing to just let us grow apart until we finally stopped seeing each other. When she said she would accept me the way I was, I felt happy, so very happy.
Now this beautiful dream had shattered. I didn't know what to do. I didn't cry, God forbid, but I wasn't laughing either. I just kept on walking, avoiding people as much as I could, because I didn't have any idea what kind of face I was making. I didn't want to see people, I didn't want people to see me. Not like this. Before I knew it, I ended up in a back alley somewhere, resting my feet.
That was when this group of guys came in, led by the two guys I beaten up last week. There were five of them.
"Hey there, karate girl. Fancy seeing you here. Do you still remember what you did to me and my brother last time?" the guy I identified as the first guy last time said.
One of the others, a really dark Indian guy said, "Yo Burn, this the chick who beaten you up so badly that you fainted last time?"
"Mani, don't look down on her. She must have learnt kung fu. Heyah!" Burn said as he made a move that would have made Mr. Miyagi embarrassed.
"Doesn't look much. How can such a pretty doll beat you guys up?" a guy who could be a wrestler said as he held my hand.
"How dare you!" I said as I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind him, putting all of my weight into making it as painful as possible, "It's good you guys came. I'm very mad now and I feel the need to kill people."
"Ahh!!! You little bitch! Let go! Let go!" he cried out.
A sudden whooshing sound behind me alerted me to a sense of danger and I quickly let go of the wrestler's arm and ducked, just in time to avoid a baseball bat to my head. I turned around and watched as another wrestler-type man prepared to throw a punch at my face. I stepped aside just in time, but by then the other guys had also decided to take part. I parried their punches, disabled them with my fists and back-swung my legs in a wide arc until it hit one of them. It was all pointless. The moment I downed one, another took his place. I simply didn't have the strength nor the time to put them down for good.
"Kill us? Who's going to do it? You and your puny arms?" Burn taunted.
Despite managing to hold my own, having to parry and attack all five of them was too much for me. I had neither the strength nor the stamina I used to have as a guy, sooner or later I would be too tired to fight anymore. So with that in mind, I started to look for an opening that I could use to escape to the main street. I saw that opening when I downed two of them with well placed kicks and karate chops. As soon as I parried the other two's punches and avoided the last one's kick, I made my escape. What bad luck that avoiding the last kick made me jump a step more than I planned. I didn't see the block of concrete that was on my way and I fell to the ground, skidding and rolling several metres away.
I was almost at the main street when hands grabbed me from behind and pulled me back. One hand clasped on my mouth as I was carried deeper into the back alley. When the hand on my mouth was lifted, I tried to call for help, but a fast karate chop on my throat took that ability. Instead of calling for help, I was gagging and choking on my own spit.
"Now let's see that sexy body this feisty lesbian's been hiding," Burn said as he took off my skirt.
"Nice cameltoe there," one of the wrestler guys said as he looked at my panties.
"Let's see the tits on this doll," the other wrestler guy said as he tried to pull my blouse off.
I fought him, struggled against all of them. "Help..." I croaked.
That was when one of the guys punched me in the stomache, causing me to puke. Most of the bile was caught in my throat between the spit and it made it an effort just to breathe. I didn't even realize when my blouse was off and my bra unhooked.
"Booyeah! Nice big lesbian tits you have there. What a waste that only girls get to play with them," one of them said as he proceeded to squeeze my breasts roughly.
"Man, I can't take it anymore, she's too gorgeous."
"Hey! Me first! I found her, I'm going to make her lesbian cunt enjoy a big man's cock for the first time."
"Okay, she's yours, Burn. I'll go second, okay?"
"Mmh, this is it, you little dyke, time to be a woman!" he said as he rubbed his dick on my secret place while the others held my arms and body down.
For some reason, my eyes became so blurry, it was hard to see anything in front of me, only that there was a man on his knees between my legs. I fought back. It was futile, I knew it, but I could not be raped here. I could not have my virginity taken by a group of back alley thugs. I could not let myself be defiled by these worthless insects!
"Oh, still resisting, eh? Hey, hold her legs."
It was then I heard a 'thud'! A second later, I felt Burn collapse onto my body. His face was on my naked breasts and I felt a warm fluid running down my chest.
"Five guys ganging up on a girl? Where do you put your pride as men? Under your feet?" came a masculine voice as the others let go of my arm and threw themselves at this man.
He made short work of them with his bat and his fist. When I finally wiped the tears from my eyes, I saw Zar in front of me, the wooden baseball bat in his left hand was bloody as he proceeded to break the bones in one of the wrestler's body. When another guy interrupted him, his right hand flew to grab the guy's neck and raised the guy in the air. Zar let go of the baseball bat and used his own fist to punch the guy so thoroughly with his fist that the guy was coughing blood on his face. Then he punched the guy's face over and over until it appeared sunken, and threw him aside. The last guy tried to run away, but Zar chased him and dragged him back, before pushing him down to his knees to my right.
"Apologize to her!" Zar said, his face was a mask of sheer terror, even I was trembling.
"I-I apologize!" the guy, who was muscly all over said out of fear.
"You don't sound sincere, apologize properly!"
"I apologize. Forgive me! I was only following them, I didn't want to do it!"
"Bullshit! You looked so eager just now, you worthless pile of shit!"
"It's true, I swear, they forced me!"
"In Japan, there is culture called seppuku. They say that if you're an honourable man, you will commit ritualized suicide to convince others of your honour. I won't ask you to commit suicide, but I still need you to give up something to prove that you are saying the truth," Zar said in an almost gentle way but to anyone who heared, it was filled with malice.
"Anything! My parents have a lot of money, they'll give you anything," he begged.
"Oh, I have no need for money, I have plenty. I think I'll just take one of your arms," Zar said he raised the guy's muscle arm with his left hand.
"No no, please, not my arm! I beg you, please spare me!"
"Oh sure, I'll leave you one spare arm," Zar said as he used a karate chop to break the guy's arm bone, then tossed him aside.
"You okay, Arifah?" Zar said as he kicked Burn's body away. Then he gave me back my panties, skirt and blouse. He could not find my bra.
"Take me away," I told him.
"Soon after you're decent," he said with a gentle smile on his bloody face.
While I was wearing my clothes again, he propped the guys on the ground, slapped them awake and with their eyes covered, he said, "This ends here, you pile of garbage. If you go to the police about this, you will all be in hot water. You see, I am the son a high-ranking lord. If this goes to the police, I will walk out with just a few words from my father. You on the other hand won't be so lucky. Do you have any idea what the punishment for the crime of rape and murder amount to? I've heard ones from 99 years of prison to mandatory death. Even if you are sentenced to 99 years of prison, do you think you will live that long?"
"But we didn't try to kill her," Burns said in his groggy state.
"Doesn't matter. Who do you think the police will believe? Worthless scumbags like you? Or would they believe the son of a lord who tries to save his girlfriend who was about to raped and killed as well as the rape victim herself? Think long and hard," Zar said as he washed his face and fist with bottled water.
I approached Zar from behind and with my face on his back, I pulled at his shirt and said, "Take me away from here."
"Of course, let's go," then to the thugs, he said, "Get out of town, if I see any of you here again, be prepared to swim in the waters of Port Klang with a concrete slab around your legs."
He turned around, wrapped his arm around me and led me away, taking the back alley to avoid the embarrassing stares of everyone in the main street. The ride to my home was silent and somber. I couldn't let go of his shirt and I cried a river on his back. When we arrived at my house, he pulled me off the bike, but I was scared, what would the neighbours think? What would my mother say?
When Zar saw me like that, he instead put his hand under my knees and carried me into the house like a princess. The moment we passed through my front door, I was prepared to hear the worried voice of my mother, but there was none.
"I think your mom's not at home, Arifah," Zar said as he carried me up the stairs to my room.
"No, don't take me to my bed. Take me to the bath, I don't want their stench on my bed," I asked with tears anew.
"Alright," he said gently as he carried me all the way to the bath.
He let me down on the toilet seat as he went out to my bedroom to get me a towel and a change of clothes. I immediately start stripping my clothes off. Once naked, I stood in front of the mirror and rubbed the skin that the thugs touched roughly, as if trying to wipe away the memory of their filthy touch. That was the condition Zar saw me when he came back with a change of clothes and a towel.
"Wahh!! I'm sorry, I'll get out now!" he said as he closed his eyes and slowly put my change of clothes on the floor next to the door.
I pulled his hand, gently until he came close to me as if in a trance. "No, please, don't go. Don't leave me alone..."
He smiled, still with his eyes closed and being pulled closer to me until I stood at the edge of the bathtub, "I won't leave you alone, but I don't have to be in here, do I?"
I turned the pipe to let the bathtub fill up with water. Then I got into the bathtub and sat, pulling Zar to sit next to the bathtub with out hands still clasped together. Then I poured in the bath oils and said, "Zar, would you wash my back?"
"Sure," he said as he blindly rubbed my back with a sponge.
"You can open your eyes, you already saw all of me," I said.
"That was unintentional. There was no way I could not see after what they did to you," he said as his face blushed a deeper red.
"Oh stop being a hypocrite. If you want to look at it, just look at it. I know you peeked on me just now, didn't you?" I teased.
"I-I-I did not!"
"You totally did. You think I didn't saw all those squints just now?" I said I blocked some of the water from the pipes and opened it just enough to spray Zar with a stream of water.
"Arifah! What the heck was that?" he said as he stood up looking at his soaked clothes and pants. He saw my naked breasts as he looked down and turned his face away when he realized I was watching.
"Alright! Now you have to take a bath too!" I said.
"No thanks. I hope you don't mind that I borrow some of your old guy clothes," he said as he turned to leave.
"No please!" I said as I stood up and pulled him back, "Please don't leave, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I'm sorry, please don't leave me." Without intending to, I broke into tears. Somehow, the memory of all that happened today, with Fiora leaving me, the rape in the back alley and Zar leaving, was too much for me.
Zar turned around and hugged the naked me. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize what you've been through. I won't leave you. I'll always be with you."
"Promise?" I said as my tears started to dry.
"Promise," he said as he tried very hard not to notice my nipples poking his chest and to avoid looking down.
"Seal with a kiss?"
"I don't think that's appropriate."
"Oh shut up, you," I said as I kissed him, "And thank you for saving me today. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't come."
"You're welcome," he said as he kissed me back.
It was the first kiss of the many that followed. No, we didn't have sex that day, but we did share a very bonding bath. That was when my older sister who was supposed to be at her university walked into the bath and saw us bathing together while kissing passionately. But that was another story.
My name is now Arifah binti Mohamad Zafri. This is still the most annoying year of my life, but at least it's not all bad.
*Hi all, it's the new chapter of Butterfly Girlfriend, this time it's told from Arifah's point of view. It's a bit darker than the others, but I hope the romantic part can still be appreciated.
**As always, please leave your feedbacks and comments. Praises helps me write faster and constructive criticisms helps me write better. Even if you dislike this story, as long as you're polite with your comments, I shall welcome it. Thank you for reading.
"Zar, get up, we're going to be late."
Just a few more minutes.
"Zar, wake up," she said as she shook my body.
Come here.
"What? Zar, what are you trying to do?"
Come here, you.
"Okay, fine. Why do I have to get on the bed?"
I love your shampoo.
"Hey Zar, that tickles. Haha, hihi, stop, haha, stop smelling me. This feels weird."
Mm, you're so soft.
"Hey, where are you touching? Ahn, don't touch there. Guess you're the kind who's bold in the morning, huh? Ohh, didn't know that feels good."
I want to touch you everywhere.
"Zar, you have to stop, your mom can come in any minute."
Why is my mom a problem?
"Ohhhh, that feels good. Ahhn, stop, you're making me feel funny. We shouldn't do this."
Why not? We're married.
"Zar, stop! That's going too -hnnn- too far. Stop."
Come on. It's weekend
"No... I said STOP!"
I felt myself flying through the air, before my head hit something solid and I fell to the floor. I opened my eyes, confused, looking around while feeling like there was a gooseegg on my forehead. For awhile, my dream and my reality overlapped, making me wonder why my wife of 6 years kicked me out of bed. That was before I recognized 'my wife' was none other than my friend Arifah, the schoolgirl and that this bed wasn't my marriage bed, but the bed that I spent my childhood sleeping on. I wondered briefly if I went back in time.
"Arifah, why are you on the bed, and why is my son on the floor? Arifah why are you blushing?" my mom came in, without knocking, and looked at both of us confusedly.
"Nn-nothing," Arifah said as she turned away.
My mom looked at me, "Rep, what did you do with someone else's daughter just now?"
"I didn't do anything!" I replied defensively, "In the first place, why is Arifah even on my bed?"
My mom seemed to think and apparently she agreed it was peculiar. "That's a good question. Why are you on the bed, Arifah?"
"I-I was trying to wake him up. He wouldn't wake up," Arifah answered.
"That is a logical answer. Waking you up on a holiday is always a pain. That was why I asked her to wake you up. Anyway, let's go down, Arifah. Breakfast is ready," my mother said dismissively.
"Um, okay," Arifah said as she got up from the bed, her skirt askew.
"Arifah..." my mom called the moment Arifah walked past her.
"Yes, Datin?" Arifah cowered a little under my mom's gaze. Arif always called my mom Datin, which was her title, as the wife of a Dato', Malaysia's non-hereditary nobility title. As Arifah, she continued this habit despite the fact that my mom repeatedly told her to just call her 'aunt'.
"Nothing happened on the bed?" my mom inquired.
Arifah's face coloured redder, "Nothing happened." Then she ran off.
My mom then turned to look at me and knitting her brows together, she said, "Rep, I don't want any girl coming here telling me she's carrying your baby out of wedlock."
"Th-that won't happen!"
My mom squinted her eyes as she said, "Make sure it does not and will not happen," as she went out of my room.
Ten minutes later, after a short bath, I went down to a waiting breakfast. My father was surprisingly absent. He was always around on a Sunday morning. Sitting there at the dining table was my mom and Arifah, both already halfway to finishing their meals, which was a mix of nasi lemak with copious sambal ikan bilis and fried noodles. We Malaysians love a breakfast consisting of lots of calories, lots of fat and lots of oil.
Nasi Lemak literally means Fat Rice, though most would argue that you can't get fat just from eating Nasi Lemak. A nasi lemak without sambal is often considered as not a nasi lemak.
I took a seat on my usual chair at the dining table, which was right next to Arifah, since that was the chair Arif used to sit on when he came over. Normally, Arif would be stealing some of my food even when there were a pile of it just in front of us. But since he became Arifah, it seemed like he became a lot more ladylike, at least in front of my mother. Her mother must have been drilling lady training into her since the day she became a girl. That would be half a year ago.
"Thanks, Nina," I said to my 19 year old maid as she put a cup of coffee in front of me.
"You're welcome," Nina said as she refilled Arifah's tea. Nina obviously didn't recognize Arifah, otherwise, Nina would have asked her if she's grown up yet. It was a passing joke, from the time when Arifah was still Arif.
My father came across Nina, her mother and her sisters while he was doing a survey of the state's rural areas. My father took pity on their family after the death of Nina's father due to a hit-and-run and offered them to work in our home to replace our Indonesian maid. That Indonesian maid made up a sob story of how her children in Madura was suffering some illness and asked for advance on her wages. She took her first and second wage after working for two weeks and ran off. My father used his influence to find her cozying up with her boyfriend and deported both their asses out of the country.
Nina's mother on the other hand was very reliable, and so was Nina. They were both great cook and very good housekeepers. Nina was also quite easy on the eyes. Back when Arif was a boy, he kept teasing Nina about going on a date with him, to which Nina would tell him he was too young for her and told him to grow up first. It was quite a good arrangement for everyone involved. Nina and her mom cook the meals and manage the house 6 days a week while my father gave them a house in the nearby low-cost neighbourhood and paid for Nina and her sister's education up to junior college in addition to their monthly wages for as long as they stayed.
"So what's the deal with waking me up so early on a Sunday?" I asked as I nibbled on my karipap (curry puff), a kind of Malaysian snack which were often eaten at any time of day.
"Sunday?" my mom looked at me like I just grew horns, "Are you still dreaming, my dear son? It's a Friday."
"Friday? But it's already 8 in the morning. Then why aren't we... shit! We're late for school!" I scrambled to my feet, drained the hot coffee into my gullet and froze when both my mom and Arifah giggled.
"Sit down, Zar," Arifah pulled me back down by my shirt, "It's school holiday. I'm willing to bet you have forgotten what you promised me yesterday."
"School holiday? Why?" then I suddenly remembered something, "Oh right, we're going on a school trip this evening. Oh shit! I haven't packed!"
"You always left it for the last minute. I'll help you pack later, I've gotten good at this packing stuff," Arifah patted my arm.
"Thanks for the offer, but why are you here so early in the morning, Arifah?"
"Just as I thought," Arifah stated, "You forgot. And you kept boasting that you have perfect memory."
"My brain doesn't work so early in the morning. What did I forgot?" I asked as I finished the curry puff I was eating.
"You promised to take me shopping, you know, for the school trip?" Arifah said as Nina refilled her tea.
"Oh right," I remembered, "We're going to go buy drinks and snacks for our 3 days 4 nights trip."
"And some other things too."
"Such as what? Panties and bras?" I joked.
Arifah smacked my arm a little loudly, "What are you saying in front of your mother?"
"Oops, my mistake," I said while watching my mom so see if she'd got mad at that as I raised my cup of coffee for a sip.
My mom smiled as she said, "Arifah. Would you do me a favour?"
Arifah turned to look at mom, "Sure, what is it, Datin?" Then she took a sip of her own tea.
"Arifah, would you marry my son?"
Both Arifah and I sprayed our mouthfuls of coffee and tea at my mom in shock. Nina quickly grabbed a clean towel and wiped my mom's face and the front of her blouse.
"Ma!" I coughed.
"Datin, don't joke around like that!" Arifah yelled as she wiped her mouth clean with a serviette.
"I wasn't expecting that. Guess that was bad timing," mom said once her face was dry from a mixture of coffee and tea, "But my dear Arifah, won't you consider it? Don't you think my son's adorable?"
"Umm," Arifah looked conflicted.
"Mom, she's Arif! I'm not gonna marry my best friend," I objected loudly.
"How could you say that?" Arifah interjected with a voice that sounded like she was about to cry, "After what you did to me, after what your hands explored... you were just going to... to... say I'm just your best friend?"
My mom shot daggers at me, "Rep... what did I say this morning?"
"I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything! She's not going to get pregnant, ma!"
Arifah suddenly broke into a laugh. "Pregnant? Me? What did you talk about with him this morning, Datin?"
My mom giggled. "Look at him blush. Anyway, it's been five months since Arif become Arifah. You can't deny she's turned out to be such a beautiful maiden."
"Ma, I am going to disengage my ears so I don't hear anything else and then I'm going to finish my breakfast. Goodbye, noisy world," I said as I tuned out both of them and dug into my plateful of roti canai.
Roti Canai means Slammed Bread, because of the way it's prepared. You make it into balls until it expands into a ball, then you flatten it by slamming your fists into it, then you toss it overhead until it becomes as thin as paper. In this form it's stretchy, but you must take care to avoid the having the paper-thin roti canai from tearing. Making of Roti Canai This is an example. Personally I don't like this kind. There's another method, where the paper-thin thingy gets folded. Unfortunately, most people don't do that anymore, reserving this special technique only for the special roti canais with fillings. It's often eaten with either dhal or curry gravy.
An hour later, we arrived at Berjaya Times Square, one of Malaysia's biggest covered shopping mall, It was also the third biggest shopping mall in the world. For premium merchandise, one could find plenty of choices from Level 1 to Level 4. For cheap, everyday items and meals, one could go to the basement levels where everything could possibly be bought and sold, except for real live slave girls. For specialty items, such as Gothloli, Emo, Visual K fashion, as well as hobby and culture such as Gundam models, Yu-gi-oh and Magic the Gathering stores, one can go to the level 5 up to level 8. Anything higher would be for nightclubs, kareokes and offices. At the top level of the shopping area, level 6-8, one could go to the gaming areas, where teacups made everyone barf while roller coasters torment those with fear of heights. The building is also attached to a condominium building as well as a classy monorail system. I've always thought that those who lived here must have been having fun all day.
"So would you tell me why we are here?" I asked Arifah.
Arifah feigned ignorance. "Whatever do you mean?"
"If we want to buy snacks, there are four supermarkets within less than 20 minutes ride from my house. Why'd we have to come to Times Square of all places?"
"It's a secret!" Arifah winked.
"I don't dig secrets. So tell me what we're buying here so we can buy it then get our asses back home. And don't you dare tell me we're only here to window shop."
"I'll buy it later, let's go have a look around first," Arifah said as she locked arms with me and dragged me to the first of the many designer stores that I had to accompany her to for the day.
"Come on, let's go to GSC!" Arifah pulled my elbow after our 8th designer store visit.
"Why?" I asked as my arms became increasingly tired from carrying her purchases.
"They're showing Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince!" she said enthusiastically.
"The movie sucks. They cut so much from the novel. Why do you still insist on watching it?"
"Enough with your purity crap!" she said as she placed her hands on her waist, "The book was too thick, so of course they had to shorten it. Otherwise the single book would've been a trilogy, like the Lord of the Rings. And LotR was still very long individually."
"Exactly! Why didn't they do it like LotR? If they could make a movie that lasts for 3 hours, why not do it to this one?"
"Because, silly," she poked my cheek, "Harry Potter is a children's title. LotR is an adult title."
"I seriously don't see the difference. The first Harry Potter was a children's book, sure, but it has gotten darker and darker with each book. By number 4, there's really no doubt that the book isn't for children under the age of 12 anymore," I said as I started walking ahead of her.
"That's how the author portray a growing boy. Each book represents one year, you know," she said as she walked beside me.
"That's just rationalizing it. I bet Rowling didn't even notice how dark her books became until after she finished. But by then it was too late to change anything anymore, the book was done."
Arifah pouted as she slapped my arm, "Mou! Are you going to watch it with me or not?"
"Where do you think I'm heading to?" I asked.
Arifah looked forward and saw the signboard pointing to Golden Screen Cinemas. Her pout turned to smile. Then she giggled and wrapped her arms around mine.
"Girls!" I cursed.
I stood in a queue with Arifah at the ticketing booth a moment later. I placed the bags down on the floor as I looked at the flat-screen monitors displaying the screening time for the day's featured movies. I vaguely recall a time when the old cinemas used to have the screen times displayed on a board and changed by hand. Now it's all digital, manipulated by the invisible hands of electric charge and processing cores. It was while we were looking at the screening time that I realized something.
"Arifah," I called.
She turned around. "Yes?"
"I think we better choose the one at 3pm. I'm not sure what time I'll be back," I suggested.
"What? You're going somewhere? Right while we're on a date?" she appeared offended.
"This isn't a date! Besides, don't you remember what day it is today?"
"What day? It's Friday, isn't it?" she appeared lost in thought, "Not my birthday, not yours either. Ah! It must be treat Arifah a Secret Recipe cheesecake day!"
"Not!" I karate-chopped her lightly on the head, "It's Friday Prayer, remember?"
"Oh right!" she smiled sheepishly, "It's been so long since I've been to one that I forgot."
"You're a girl, you don't have to go to one. Us guys needs to go every week," I said as i pushed the shopping bags forward with my legs as the queue moved forward.
"Alright, 3pm then. Let's buy the ticket first and then you go to your Friday Prayer," she said as she patted my chest.
"What will you be doing then?"
"Oh, this and that. It's a secret."
"You and your secret. Just don't go too far, and keep your phone with you."
"A girl never leaves her phone, that was one of the lessons I learned when I first became a girl, you know. The problem now is," she looked at the shopping bags at our feet, "Where the heck are we going to put these bags at? You can't bring it with you to the mosque, and I don't think I can carry this many bags on my own."
"I'll rent one of the locker space. I think there's some on the 8th floor."
"Oh that'll work!"
I came back from Friday Prayer a bit later than I intended. I wasn't familiar with the route to the mosque and it wasn't like the Komuter train was punctual in the first place. There was still plenty of time before the movie though.
My heart skipped a beat when I read an SMS that just arrived on my phone. "Help, I'm being tailed by a few guys on the basement level near B1-51. Hurry."
I immediately hurried through the crowd, slipping through the other patrons like a ninja while fearing for Arifah's life. I have never heard of people being murdered near Times Square, but mugging and raping was still a real possibility. Either of those could descend to a murder, whether intentional or not. I lost Arif once, I wouldn't lose Arifah too.
When I arrived at the section B1-51, I looked around frantically for Arifah. I must have looked like a dork, looking around corners, under the escalator, around the benches. I finally found her after I rounded the corner leading to the emergency fire escape. She was surrounded by a group of three guys, all looking slightly older than us.
As I got closer, I heard them talking and I breathed a sigh of relief. "They're just lonely guys trolling the malls looking for girlfriends. Not muggers," I thought.
"Arifah," I called her with my manliest voice, "What are you doing here? Come on, we need to get going. Ah, are you her friends?" I ask the three guys.
"Oh, so you're the boyfriend," one of the guys said.
"Yeap!" In this kind of situation I wasn't about to deny it.
"Zar!" she hurried to my side, "They're horrible! Not only are they ugly and they smell bad..."
Wait, what?
"They told me that they'd want to take your place as my boyfriend. How horrible for filthy little trolls to try getting along with their betters. Did I mention their breaths smell like they haven't brushed their teeth for, like, a month?"
"Hey, Arifah, what-"
"Damned you, little girl! To think you were so demure when you're on your own. Now your boyfriend's here, you suddenly turn into a foulmouthed little bitch!" one of them, apparently the biggest of them, spat.
"Hah! As if you can beat my boyfriend. Not only you lose in class, looks and intellect. You also lose in strength, and there's three of you. Pathetic!"
"Why, you little bitch! I'm gonna throw you on my lap and spank you because obviously your ma and pa never did!"
I took a step forward, between him and Arifah. "Friend, please. She's just a silly, rambling little girl. We'll just turn around and leave, we'll be out of your hair right now."
"Hah! If you're a man, do as you say! Of course, a coward like you wouldn't dare pick fights with my boyfriend. He'll wipe the floor with-"
"That's it, you bitch!" he lunged as he attempted to grab Arifah's arm.
In response, I quickly positioned myself into a brawling formation, taking into account his movements and his big frame. With one quick movement, my right fist connected with his neck while my left elbow punched through his solar plexus. In less than a second, he fell to the floor in pain. The other two guys looked in shocked, before they took lunged at me. The first guy was easy enough, I deflected his fist to the side before throwing a punch that buried into his stomache.
The second one was a bit of a problem. Obviously, he had studied Silat before and after his first attack failed to connect, he repositioned himself to face me properly. I studied his form and I could tell that it was firm, even if I try to trip him, it wouldn't work. His kekuda looked very strong. So the only moves I could use on him would be either a well-timed fist or Judo-style throw. Then unexpectedly he took a step forward, and I took that opportunity to deliver a twirling high backkick at his face. He managed to block it with both arms, but the force was too strong for his unfortified move that it threw him to the wall. While he was still in a daze, I took a step forward and palmed his chest with a strong enough force to make him gasp for breath.
I relaxed my body as I watched their two bodies slump to the floor. Neither of them were dead, of course. They weren't even unconcious. Also, I made sure that the only places I hit were covered by clothing. It would invite a damned lot of questions if they came out with bruises on their faces.
"Zar!" came Arifah's warning as I felt a towering aura behind me.
I turned around and delivered a strong punch at his stomache, while at the same time, Arifah knocked him out with a karate-chop from behind just a little below his neck. He fell down quite quickly. I wasn't expecting him to recover so quickly as the move I made was originally the moved Arif once hit me with. It hurt real bad. Now however, it seemed like there was one who actually fainted.
As the two other guys groaned in pain, I fixed my shirt while Arifah flicked her long hair. Then, as if on cue, we both said, "Know your place. Don't look down on school champions!"
That was actually our (Arif and I) motto whenever we beat up bullies or thugs. We used to practice daily to get it timed perfectly, often ended up brawling with each other when we weren't in sync. Amazing how after half a year we could still do it perfectly. Of course we then we ran from the scene. When I asked her later, she admitted that she could've taken on all of them herself, but she just wanted to see how I would fare against them. She made things clear that I had weakened a lot since Junior High.
"Toothbrush and toothpaste??" Arifah asked.
"Checked!" I answered while throwing the items into my backpack sidepocket, pushing it between some other toiletries.
"Checked!" I answered as I rolled it and shoved it into the main compartment of my backpack.
"Che-hey! Stop playing around! We're gonna be late."
"And whose fault was it? I know I offered to help you pack, but that was under the assumption that you already chose what to bring. Why'd I have to spend half an hour going through your boxers?"
"Stop your nagging, come on!" I said as I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs two at a time followed closely by Arifah.
"Oh, there you are," my mom said once I was at the bottom of the stairs, "How long will you be gone again?"
"4 nights and 3 days, ma. We're going, now," I stated as I took her hand and kissed it.
"See ya later, auntie," Arifah said as she also took my mother's hand and kissed it.
In Malaysian culture, it's good manners for those younger to kiss the hand of those older when meeting or departing. Between close family members, this is a no brainer. Such manners are also expected among relatives. Among strangers, avoid doing this unless you know the other person is incredibly traditional, for which s/he will appreciate the gesture. If you do not know the person at all, do not do this at all. Same goes if the other person is a stranger of opposite sex, you don't want the embarrassment of your hand being ignored. In a society where public display of affection can get you a warning or thrown in jail in worse cases, like Malaysia, kissing hands and hugging is about all you can do to show your affection. You also sometimes do this for special occasions, such as Aidilfitri, when begging forgiveness or when showing respect, but those are the exceptions, watch what people do if you want to do it, but if you're a foreigner, you can be forgiven for not doing it.
Then my mother said something that made us both blush. "It feels like you're both already married. Would you call me momma as well, Arifah?"
"Umm, haha, can't do that," Arifah said as she bolted past me and wore her shoes as she ran.
In Malaysia, and most other traditional asian countries (Japan and Indonesia, for example), people don't wear shoes in their homes. It's considered very rude. So guests will need to take off their shoes outside the door and arrange it neatly. Some areas of the country take this a step further and the parents the person you want to marry will look at how you arrange you shoes to determine your upbringing and if you would be good for their child. In Japan in comparison, if you want to commit suicide, it's good manners to take off your shoes and arrange them neatly to the side before doing the deed.
"Geez, ma!" I said as I ran after Arifah, who had by then waited next to my bike. We were going to ride to school, where I would park my bike on school grounds before we both board the school bus that will take us to our campsite.
While I was wearing my shoes, I could hear my mother giggling. She said, probably to herself, "That is just so adorable."
I stood bewildered at the lobby of a hotel-kind of place. The plaque at the front gate called this place Meru Valley Resort. I had never heard of this place, ever.
"Teacher," I called one of the teachers, Form 4-B homeroom teacher, Mr. Lokman, simply because he was the closest, "Why are we here? I thought we're going camping?"
"Camping? What Form are you? Camping's for Form 2 and 3. Didn't you read the pamphlet?" he scolded.
"Yea, I got one from the student office last week."
He glared at me as he ushered the other students to get in line. "You took the one meant for either Form 2 or Form 3, no doubt. For Form 4, it's Fitness and Bonding Camp. For Form 5, it's Study Camp. All Forms do their school trips at different places. For this year, we're doing Form 4's Camp here. I'm just so glad we made reservations a year in advance. The new rate for just this weekend is astronomical. Now please, get into your line, by class, please."
Unlike in American schools, where students take classes based on their preferences and schedules, Malaysian schools are more rigid. Malaysian schools, like Japanese schools, separate students by classes for the whole year. With the exception of elective classes, such as Moral/Islamic Studies, Home Improvements, Farming and Home Economics, all students go to the same classes as the other students in their classes using the same schedules for the whole class. So if you got thrown into a class that you don't like, you're stuck with it for the whole year, though you can request for a transfer to another class, which will most likely be ignored by the teachers. At the end of the year, you take a final exam and it determines the class you'll be in next year. It is entirely possible for close friends with similar exam results to enter the same classes from Standard 1 to Standard 6(primary school) up to Form 3 (junior secondary). They will most likely separate upon entering Form 4 (Secondary) as students start taking specializations at Form 4. But those who enters the same class at Form 4 often continues being in the same class at Form 5. Form 6 (high school, two years) is optional, students can opt for matriculation, preparatory, foundation or jump straight to university instead.
Arifah was waiting for me when I arrived at my line, "Where have you been? She's been calling your name twice now!"
Just then the teacher called my name and I answered, the teacher looked visibly relieved. "Why didn't you tell me we're going to this golf resort? I thought we were going camping."
"Didn't you read the pamphlet?"
"I got the wrong pamphlet."
She giggled. "Now you understand why I took out the camping stove from your backpack?"
"Shut up."
It was about time too, because after doing a rollcall for the whole class, our line finally moved on to getting our room assignments, two at a time. I was standing next to Arifah and didn't notice anything wrong with this picture. That was, until my turn for room assignments came.
"Arif bin Mohamad Zafri and Ahmad Zarif bin Amir Hamzah?" our homeroom teacher, Ms. Ayu, asked.
"It's 'binti' now, teacher," Arifah corrected, "And I'm called Arifah now".
I believe I don't need to mention that 'bin' is for males and 'binti' is for females?
"Oh, I see. I'll just make some amendments here..." then she froze.
Then Ms. Ayu looked at Arifah and she broke into sweats. "Eh?" her voice trembled.
"What's wrong, teacher?" Arifah asked, sounding as if she was starting to get worried.
"Haaaa..." Ms. Ayu was really sweating now, her collar was damp with sweat.
"Is... there a problem?" I asked.
"HEAD TEACHER!!!" Ms. Ayu screamed as she ran for Mrs. Kartini, who was Head Teacher for Humanities Department. She was also the main coordinator for this trip.
Arifah and I looked at each other, wondering what the heck was going on. When the teachers left everything and convened at a hidden corner, we became suspicious. So we telepathically agreed to snoop in on their conversation and together, we tiptoed close to them.
"This is a big problem. What should we do?" I heard one of the teacher, a woman said.
Then I heard the panicked voice of our homeroom teacher Ms. Ayu, "This is all my fault! I totally forgot to change her gender for the school trip!"
"What's done is done, Ayu. The question now is, how do we solve this. Any ideas?" one of the male teachers said.
"Obviously we have to change the room assignments. This won't do!" another female teacher said.
A different male teacher argued. "But how? All the room assignments have been handed out. We can't just change it now. Besides the matter is still not solved even if we change the room assignments."
"And we can't get any extra rooms right now either," the first male teacher added.
"Yes, I already asked the receptionist just now, all the other apartment units has been fully booked. They said it's because of tomorrow's event," said the voice that sounded like Mrs. Kartini, the head teacher.
"Yea, amazing coincidence that the dates that we booked a year ago coincided with that event this year," said another female voice, I couldn't tell who's who anymore.
One of the female teachers said, "Can't we, like, ask them to add a bed-"
"No, I already asked, they said there's a strict maximum two bed a room policy. They won't add another bed even if we paid extra," one of the male teachers answered.
"Maybe it's just me, but don't you guys find this situation familiar? Like it has happened before, not in our school, but another school?" the first male teacher mentioned.
The was a long silence.
"I see, we can do that too," one of the male teachers said.
Mrs. Kartini agreed. "The situation is not just similar. It's exactly the same. Since there is a precedence, we can minimize the backlash if we take exactly the same methods."
"Wait what? So this can be solved?" Ms. Ayu sobbed.
"Not solved, actually. We'll still need to answer to the school board, but since it's only Ayu's second year, not to mention that there is a precedence, the school board will not hold us responsible, much. Prepare an apology letter though, just in case," Mrs. Kartini explained.
"So we're doing this, then?" one of the male teachers asked.
"Yes, let's do this," Mrs. Kartini said, "And please fix your makeup before you go meet the students, Ayu. You look like a raccoon."
It was too late for us to hide when the teachers came out from their hidden corner. They noticed us immediately as they walked out. One of the male teachers told us, "Oh you're here. Good, stay here while we fix this problem." Then they proceeded to give all the students their room assignments until in the end, only four of us students were left in the lobby. The other two students were both girls.
"Alright, so here is our problem," Mrs. Kartini pointed at Arifah, "You... aren't supposed to be here."
Arifah looked hurt. "You're going to send me back home?"
"No no. I didn't mean it like that," Mrs. Kartini corrected, "We had a slight clerical error. In our records, you're still a boy and is paired up with your friend here."
At that point we finally understood. "We're sleeping in the same room?!" we said at the same time.
"Yes, and unfortunately because of the event tomorrow, we cannot get you separate rooms right now. Things may change on Sunday, but for now, all we can do is swap room assignments."
"Okaayy," Arifah said, amidst Ms. Ayu's sobs.
"Ayu, please stop crying!" Mrs. Kartini admonished, before getting back to us, "So, after some very confusing room swappings between the teachers and some of the students, these girls will be staying in the same apartment unit with you both," Mrs. Kartini gestured to the two girls beside us.
"Hi there," one of the girls greeted. I recalled that she was Mrs. Kartini's daughter.
"Hey," Arifah greeted back.
I objected, of course. "Wait, you can't do this. It's against common decency for a boy and a girl to be rooming in together. It's like sleeping in the same tent during camping."
"You think we didn't know that already, boy? Apart from sending one of you home, there is nothing else we can do at this point. That being said," she glared at both of us with a look that said we better listen well, "Do NOT do anything indecent in the room while you're here. I will NOT accept any excuses if I found that you've been enjoying INTIMATE moments in the room. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"
"Uh yes," I said.
"Okay," Arifah said.
"Good, now take your bags and go get settled in your apartment unit," Mrs. Kartini handed us each a pair of keys, "Another thing, DO NOT tell anyone else that you're rooming together for whatever reason. To be safe, just don't tell them your apartment number. Or just tell them you're rooming with the teachers. That will keep them quiet. Understood?"
"Understood," we answered.
"Good. Go get settled. Dinner at Hall 2, casual clothes, but NOT tank tops and short shorts, Ema!" Mrs. Kartini said.
The other girl, whom I assumed was Ema, simply giggled and headed off to one of the elevators.
The teachers took off to do their own things. Mrs. Kartini went back to the reception counter to ask a few things. The other teachers went their separate ways, I supposed to rest before dinnertime.
I asked Arifah. "Well, shall we go to our room then?"
Arifah blushed before she made a grin. "Our room... you made it sound like we're going to do xxx things, then more xxx things before we finished it with more xxx things."
"Geez, you're so crude!"
"I was a boy too, you know. I know what boys like to do with cute little things like me. But I'd prefer if it's after an expensive and luxurious candlelit dinner" she said coyly.
"Enough of your daydreams, Miss Romantic. Come on," I pulled her hand the moment the elevator door opened.
*This chapter has been split into two parts because it ended up being too long. Chapter 3 for day one, Chapter 4 for day 2. Please bear with me. As always, all comments and feedbacks are welcomed. Praises helps me write faster while constructive criticisms helps me write better.
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My name was Arif bin Mohamad Zafri. This is the story of that fateful night when I was confronted with a very difficult decision. Part 3.5 By Shinieris |
"With this, I am pleased to announce the official start of Form 4's trip at Meru Valley Resort following the theme of Fitness and Bonding. Please enjoy your meals and try not to start a food fight this time," Mrs Kartini said.
"Yeah! Food fight!" one of the guys yelled, as several other boys joined in.
"I SAID NO FOOD FIGHT!" Mrs Kartini yelled into the mic.
"Alright, first thing's first. I called both your parents this evening and-"
"Why'd you have to do that? Now they're going to call us back home!" I complained.
"Quiet, girl! Don't interrupt me. But you don't need to worry about that. It is very peculiar," she said with a trace of confusion on her face.
"What is very peculiar?" Zar asked.
"None of your parents told me to send either of you back. Arifah's mother even said, 'Oh is that all? That's no problem at all', which is very peculiar."
"She said no problem at all? Are you sure?" I asked with my mouth gaping open. I wasn't expecting mom to say yes.
"Word by word, strange... As for your mother," Mrs Kartini looked at Zar, "She asked me to tell you not to get Arifah pregnant. Now, why would your mother say that?"
"Goodness gracious, mom! Why'd you have to say that?" Zar said as he squatted on the floor with his hand on own head.
"It's because the datin wants us to get married," I stated, which was quite true.
"ARIFAH!!!" Zar shouted in my ears.
"Ow, ow! Do you have to shout so loudly?" I said with much pain in my ears.
"Embarrassing things like that should be kept in secret!" Zar said, he looked so cute when he was all embarrassed like this.
Mrs. Kartini rubbed her forehead with her fingers as she said, "I don't care what you do in the privacy of your own homes, but you are NOT allowed to have sex with each other for the duration of the trip."
"She said the three-letter word," I whispered loudly enough for both of them to hear.
"She did," Zar whispered back.
Then I turned towards Mrs. Kartini and asked her so sweetly, "So if we can't have sex with each other, can we have sex with other people instead?"
"NOT WITH OTHER PEOPLE EITHER! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!" Mrs Kartini shouted so loud, everyone in the dining hall stared at us.
"Okay! He won't," I said. Neither of them realized that I said 'he' and not 'I' or 'we'.
"We're done here. But if I ever catch you in bed with each other, prepare to suffer the consequences!" Mrs Kartini said as she turned and left.
"What were you trying to do? You just confirmed her suspicion that we're sleeping together! Which I must remind you that we are not!" Zar scolded, his face still red in embarrassment.
"Oh, you don't have to worry about it. I mean what we do behind closed doors is our business. Don't worry about others!" I said as I patted his back.
"You are so annoyingly positive," Zar said drily.
"Hey, Zar," I called after we got back to our apartment.
"Yeah?" he said between sips of his coffee.
"They have a big, shiny and awesome bathtub here," I stated.
"Wanna bathe together?" I said as Zar choked on his coffee.
"ARIFAH!" Zar scolded as he wiped the front of his shirt.
"What? It's not like it is our first time."
"So that's what you guys been doing at home," Yaya, Mrs. Kartini daughter said.
"Ah? Umm, didn't see you guys there," Zar said as his face turned pale.
"Chillax, dude. I'm not gonna tattle. Right Ema?" she asked her roommate.
"Definitely!" Ema agreed.
"You're going to keep our secret?" I asked disbelievingly. I mean, this girl was Mrs. Kartini's daughter.
"You misunderstand me, we won't tattle. Doesn't mean we will keep your secret. If my mother asks, of course I will have to tell the truth," she giggled.
"Ah, gotcha." That means that as long as they don't see anything, there's no problem and they won't try to find out what we're doing either
"Do keep the door open, though," Ema said, which earned her smack on the head from Yaya.
"You just want to watch a free show," Yaya scolded.
"Owie, why not? I mean if they want to show it..." then Ema turned to us, "You're going to give us a free show, right? I can watch you get friendly on the bed, right? Or in the bath?"
Frankly Ema kinda scares me. I mean, what's with all that saliva dripping from her chin?
"Knock that off, Ema!" Yaya smacked Ema's head again, "You're drooling again."
"Eh? I am? Sorry," she said as she wiped her chin with a handkerchief, "Say, can I please put a DVcam inside your room? I promise I won't share-"
Yaya smacked Ema on the head again before dragging her to their shared room.
"I may have misunderstood, but was she trying to peek on us?" Zar asked.
I shrugged, wrapped my arms around his and said, "Who cares? So how about that bath?"
It was already 11pm when I left my friend's room after a couple hour's of blackjack and boardgames. I was on my way back to the room I shared with Zar when suddenly one of the doors to the apartments opened and a hand pulled me inside. I looked at the person who pulled me and was rendered speechless when I saw it was none other than my ex-girlfriend Fiora.
"Come," Fiora said as she pulled my hand into her room without even giving me a word of explanation.
It was while we were standing next to the bed as she went pushed the door close with her leg that I finally slapped her hand away and spoke, "What are you trying to do? You're the one who pushed me away, remember?"
She turned around, and that was when I saw her tears flowing down from her eyes. She took my hand and kissed my fingers gently, as if begging me for forgiveness. Then she put my hand to her temple and without looking at me, she said, "Please, will you listen to me, just for a few minutes?"
I looked at her, with her tears wetting my hand. Without realizing it, my other hand moved behind her head and stroked it gently, the same way I used to do when she was still my girlfriend. She seemed to take it as an approval, because she then pulled me gently down to sit on her bed. Then wrapped her arm around my left arm and curled her fingers around mine as she leaned her head on my shoulder.
"Fio, why did you bring me here?" I asked without looking her way.
Fiora kept silent for a few minutes longer. Whether she didn't know what to say or she didn't have anything to say, I couldn't tell for sure. Only when I got up did she finally opened her mouth while frantically trying to pull me back down.
"Please, I missed you," she said as she pinned me down on the bed with her body.
I didn't try to get up this time as I said, "You pushed me away, remember? Now you suddenly say that you missed me? What, do you expect me to forgive you and just let it go?"
She sobbed with her face on my breasts, "I'm sorry, Ifa. You have no idea how much I regretted that."
"You think saying that will make me forget?"
"No, but..." she said between sobs, "You were the one... who can't... let go..." she sniffed, "... of Zarif. How did you think... I feel? My girlfriend... was longing... for a man," she sniffed again.
I kept quiet as I recalled how it must have looked to her back then.
"I was insecure enough, being in a lesbian relationship with my former boyfriend. How did you expect me to act when your heart longed for Zarif!" she said as she hit my stomache with her fist.
I caressed her head. "You didn't have to push me away. I wasn't looking to act on it. I was content just being with you, Fio."
"Content isn't enough!" she said as she hit my stomache again, which kind of hurts after she did it several times, "I know you will always need him. You will never be happy with me."
"I was happy, Fio," I said as I grabbed her head with both my hand and looked deep into her watery eyes, "I was happy with you. I really did. I loved you. I loved you very much."
"But... the one you really love was him," she said as she got up from me and curled herself up on the bed, crying even more.
I got up then laid myself next to her. I pulled her close to me and hugged her close. "How can you tell for sure? We're still young, we don't know what we're feeling. We can't even tell for sure if this thing we're feeling is really love."
She sobbed a little between my breasts hearing that.
"What I do know is that I love you, both of you, in a different way from how I love my parents, my sisters or my friends. This is a unique love, and I only have this feeling for two people in the entire world," I said as I rubbed her back.
"How can you tell?" she asked with a voice muffled by the cloth between my breasts.
I made a wicked grin as I pulled her face up to mine and said, "Because I only want to kiss two people in this world. You're one of it."
I gave her a deep but gentle kiss.
She responded by pulling my head down against her face and reciprocated my kiss. While my kiss was deep but gentle, hers was hurried and needful, as if she was trying to push her entire being into the kiss. Was this how she expressed herself, I wonder. Had she always been this needy, this forceful?
Then she kissed my neck, biting it a little, making me moan in pleasure. At the same time, her hands went under my t-shirt, making me mewl with delight from the way she touched my bare skin. She traced my spine with the fingers of her hands, and then her hands separated, going to different directions. Her left hand went up, further tracing my spine with her fingers and palm until it reached the base of my neck, causing me to gasp as if I was short of breath. Her right hand went lower, tracing my spine to my tailbone, making my crotch wet from desire. When her hand went to my butt and squeezed it lovingly, I moaned loudly in her embrace as a minor orgasm washed over me.
Then she got up, raised her nightdress above her and threw it to the floor, leaving her with only her bra and panties. Then as I came down from my orgasm, she helped me push my t-shirt, that had bunched up above my breasts, up and off my arms. She did the same with my shorts, pulling it slowly, gently, erotically down my legs until I could no longer stand it. I pulled her down on me, kissing her deeply as I kicked my shorts off and away. My left hand went down the back of her panties, squeezing her butt while my right went behind her pulling her closer as our bra-covered breasts squeezed against each other. She moaned as I squeeze her butt cheeks as she did the same with mine.
I kissed her lips, licking her lips with my tongue as I slowly slid her panties down her legs, doing my best to not alert her to the fact that I was making her bottomless. In response, both her hands went to my back and unhooked my bra gently before pulling it off my arm and throwing it somewhere. Then she went down on my naked breasts, kissing and licking all around, before she grabbed both breasts in her hands and brought both my nipples into her mouth, sucking it like a baby. I moaned loudly in pleasure as I found myself pulling my own panties down my legs and kicked it away before rubbing my own snatch and finding myself already drooling wet. Then Fiora sat up on my stomache, reached behind herself and unhooked her own bra. She giggled as she dropped her bra onto my face which I grabbed with my hand and put aside before she came down and kissed me deeply, grinding her beautifully shaped breasts on mine.
"Holy shit!" we heard someone say.
It took awhile for us to come down from our high and as we looked into each other's eyes, we came to the same word to describe our situation. "Busted!"
"What? What?" another voice said, "Oh my god!" It was definitely female.
"Sweet! I think I'm scarred for life now!" another female voice said.
Great, there's three of them now. They must've had a very good look up Fiora's very beautifully formed snatch. All thanks to the bright and possibly new fluorescent light on the ceiling.
"Eeek!!!" Fiora squealed as she grabbed the blanket and covered herself next to me.
I grabbed some of the blanket before Fiora took it all.
"Should we leave you alone?" said the girl I knew as Maria, from her voice, she must've been the first person to saw us.
"No way! I wanna watch!" one of them, the one from the voice I recognized as the third girl to discover us said in delight.
The other girl, by process of elimination, must be the second person to discover us, grabbed the third girl by the collar and pulled her away. "Don't butt it. It's their room. We'll talk in the morning."
I recognized them all as being from the same class as Fiora, though, apart from Maria, I never had contact with the other two. Even so, I only knew Maria because she was in the same club as I was.
"Would you close the door?" Fiora said from under the covers.
"Oh, okay," Maria said as she closed the door, but she stood there not knowing what to do, "Should I go?" she asked.
I looked at Fiora, who was still hiding under the covers. She said nothing as she looked away. I turned towards Maria and said, "It's your room too."
Maria walked the short distance to her bed and sat down. She looked intently at us, as if she wanted to burn the image into her mind. Then she said, "I won't tell the teachers, if you're worried about that. I don't squeal on my friends."
"Well, that's good to hear. Thanks," I said, not knowing what else to say.
"How long have you been doing this with each other?" she asked.
"Probably four-five months? I don't quite remember," I answered.
"But I thought you guys broke up or something? Is that the right word in this case?"
"Well yes, Fio dumped me!" I said.
"I said I'm sorry!" Fiora said from under the covers.
"So you're like... a lesbian couple?"
"I guess you can call us that."
"But I don't understand one thing. If you and Fiora's a lesbian couple, where does that leave Zarif?"
I groaned. "Does everyone know about me and Zar?"
"Yes!" both of them said at the same time as Fiora came up from under the covers.
"I want to know too!" Fiora said as she got ontop of me and pinned me down with her own body.
I groaned again and remembering something, I said, "Fio, could you get up please?"
"No! I want to hear your answer," she said like a petulant child.
"Maria, could you please be so kind as to help me find my handphone? It should be inside my shorts pocket," I said while I squeezed Fiora's butt with both hands. Payback!
She gasped and started rubbing her crotch on my thighs. She moaned softly as she ran her crotch up and down my thighs, which drew curious looks from Maria. I guess Fiora's still feeling randy.
"Here," Maria said as she handed my handphone, which she found under Fiora's naked legs after she pulled up the covers, "Are you having lesbian sex again?"
"I'm sorry, once Fio's flick has been switched, eh, I mean switch has been flicked, she'll remain horny all day unless I made her cum," I said as I felt my thigh wet from her moisture.
"Shut up and kiss me, lover," she said as she stole a kiss.
"Wait, wait, I need to make a call," I said as I pressed a speed-dial button.
"Hello?" I heard Zar's voice from the other side.
"Zar, I won't be coming back to our room tonight."
"Oh, is something wrong?"
"No, nothing's wrong, really. I-" I gasped when Fiora pushed a little finger inside my lovenest.
"Are you ill, Arifah?" Zar asked from the other side.
"No, I'm fine, really," I moaned loud when Fiora wiggled her finger inside.
"Arifah, did you change my blue pen?" Zar asked, using the same codewords we've been using since we were kids, in cases where one of us was in trouble and we couldn't ask for help normally.
"No Zar, I didn't touch your blue pen," I said, telling him that I wasn't in any danger. If I was in danger, I would be telling him that I changed it into a red pen, if I needed help, or black pen, if I could get out of the danger on my own.
"So what's the deal?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I won't be - oh god, Fiooooooo!" I said as Fio made me orgasm with her fingers.
Zar waited until I came down from my orgasm before asking, "Arifah, are you with Fiora?"
"Hi!" Fiora said into the phone.
"Hi Fiora," Zar said, "Arifah, I thought she dumped you?"
"It's complicated... I'll explain in the morning. Geez stop that!" I said as I pushed Fiora's face from between my legs.
"Just get back here before breakfast. You think you can do that?"
"Yeah, sure. Bye," I said I snapped my phone shut. Then to Fiora, I said, "Fio, I was on the phone!"
"When you're with me, you're with me. I don't like you talking to him when you're with me," Fiora said as she crawled up to my face and planted her lips right onto mine.
"Click!" I heard the sound of a camera snapping pictures.
"Hey! No pictures!" Fiora scolded.
"Sorry, but that just now was very kodak moment. Do it again," Maria said excitedly.
"Like this?" Fiora said as she pecked my lips.
I heard the sound of camera again.
"No, a little more feeling, please. Do like what you normally do, ignore me," Maria said as she snapped a few more pics.
"Wait wait, stop!" I said as I pushed Fiora's head aside, "Cut that out! I don't want to be an amateur pornstar!"
"This won't go on the net. It's just for personal collection. Do a different pose," she urged.
"Personal collection will still end up on some storage somewhere. What if I want to become rich and famous one day and suddenly some of your family or friends find my naked pics and uses it to blackmail me?" I reasoned.
"Oh right, you're going to become Datin Paduka when you marry Zarif one day, won't you?" she said as she snapped another pic of Fiora kissing my neck. That's something like a countess in the western world.
"It's not about the title, I said stop doing that!" I said as I saw her continue taking pics.
Maria sighed as she put her camera on the bookshelf next to the door. She pressed the lock on the door and then proceeded to pull her blouse above her head. Then she threw it away and started unbuttoning her shorts, which she pushed down her legs before kicking it away. Then she took off her bra and panties and stood posed in front of us.
God, she's beautiful I thought as both Fiora and I watched her with our mouths agape.
Then she took her camera, did a selfie of her naked self and said, "Now we're even, right?"
Both Fiora and I froze at the sight.
"Close your mouths, you'll catch a fly," she said as she snapped another pic of us.
She looked at the camera viewer screen and said, "Urgh, I thought it would have its charm, but it doesn't look very photogenic."
She looked at us still looking at her and said, "Oh come on! This should be fair, right?"
I coughed, trying to compose myself as I said, "You can still use the pics you took of us and ruin our lives. No, the only way it will be fair is if you join us on the bed and snap pictures with us. That way, we'll all have something to lose. If you don't want to do that, then you'll just have to delete everything."
"I can?" she asked earnestly.
"Eh?" I asked back.
"She can?" Fiora asked in shock.
"I was only jo-" I said when I saw Maria placed the camera on the bookshelf facing us and joined us on the bed, next to Fiora.
Ten seconds later, the first pic of the three of us naked together on the bed was captured on digital. Fiora was cold at first, but she eventually warmed up and even gave Maria a peck on her lips on the last few pics. I still couldn't get over the shock, but eventually I warmed up to the idea and by the end of our intimate 'photoshoot', I started to enjoy it, even did lewd poses with both of them for the camera.
"Another thing, Maria," I said when it was all over.
"We keep our pics, you keep your pics," I said.
Maria nodded, but then she asked, "What about the pics that we took together?"
I looked at Fiora for support.
"I think it's okay for each of us to keep the pics we took together. It's okay, Maria's really nice," then she turned to Maria and said, "But if you dare show it to anyone else, you better be ready to leave the country, Maria!"
Maria raised her hands in surrender before she wore her clothes back and laid down on her bed. Meanwhile, both Fiora and I was exhausted from everything and we simply snuggled together facing each other after she switched off the lights. We kissed each other goodnight.
Just as I was about to doze off though, Fiora suddenly asked, "What did you mean when you said 'our room' to Zarif in the phone?"
*Here's the next half chapter from Arifah's side. Next's chapter would be a full chapter from Zarif's point of view.
**As always, please leave your comments and feedbacks. Praises helps me write faster. Constructive criticisms helps me right better. I appreciate and welcome either.