Part Three - Chapter Four
Jamie sees Dr Rose
Editing by Bronwen
The afternoon was spent making some phone calls to various places while Jamie watched a Disney movie with the twins. Jamie seems to be able to get Donna and Jean to sit quietly with her and watch the telly. One usually sits on either side of her and I think that is her secret. I wish they would behave like that with me.
Sandy went for a walk to buy some new curtain material for her home back in Quilpie while she had a chance. Once we get back home we work ten hour days, not that it's all hard work but you have to be there when it is required.
I phoned Rose to confirm the appointment to see her at her rooms at the Mater the following morning with Sandy, Jamie and I plus the twins. Rose said she would make sure that the day was spent with her so she could catch up and organise all the procedures that will determine Jamie's medical condition, and of course get to know my little girls. The study on twins is still ongoing so she can't wait to see what they look like.
By the time Sandy came back, I had ordered in Chinese for dinner and it was only five minutes later that it was delivered to our door step. I don’t believe in doing any cooking while we’re in Brisbane so it will be like this all week except breakfast which is usually cereal with a bit of fruit. I think I have mentioned before that the twins are really good eaters.
Once we sorted out the sleeping arrangements which had me and Sandy in the same bedroom but in single beds, and Jamie and the little ones in the main bedroom with the cots for the twins and the double bed, it was decide to let the twins sleep in the big bed with Jamie. Donna and Jean are dry but we still put a plastic sheet under the sheets just in case of a mishap. There were no drinks after dinner at night and that seemed to have worked so far.
Sandy and I tucked the three girls in and left Jamie to read a bedtime story. They are used to this with either me or Ricky taking it in turns, but with Jamie it is a special treat for the girls. My twin Jean sings to them as well and it would be interesting to see how long all three girls last before dropping off to Dreamland.
Sandy and I sat in the lounge and were discussing our plans for the following day when my twin Jean started to communicate with both of us. Sandy looked at me and said, “Carla you are talking in two different directions.” Jean sounds exactly like me so it can be confusing for bystanders.
I replied and said, “Sandy, close your eyes so you can see Jean. She is sitting right beside you.” Sandy jumped a little as Jean seemed to touch her on the arm and said, 'Sandy don’t be alarmed and just relax so I can communicate with you.'
Sandy looked at me and said, “Carla, Jean looks exactly like you only in that blue gown.”
Jean said, 'But I am just a little bit prettier.'
“Always the joker,” I replied.
Jean said, 'Sandy you can open your eyes if Carla will turn off all the bright lights in here.' I quickly got up and left only a little night light on, and Sandy opened her eyes to see the beautiful twin sister of mine sitting next to her.
“Jean what is on your mind?”
'I am going to let you know in advance what is in store for little Jamie tomorrow.'
I replied, “Ok, I'm all ears, sister dear.”
Sandy was amazed at how Jean and I talk as if it is just normal to do so, well I guess for me it is normal.
Jean said, 'I'm going to be there when both of you are with Rose, and I will also make the twins communicate with Rose.'
“Is everything alright with my little girl?” asked Sandy.
'Yes she is fine and is all girl internally, but she will have to endure all the tests and is going to be stressed out so I will be very close to help her get through it.'
I said, “Sis do you know if she will have any medical procedure done?”
'Carla, you should know by now I will get into the right heads and make it happen so be prepared to stay a little longer.'
I replied, “Jean it's alright for you in the spirit world, both Sandy and I have a business to run”
'You will find a way Carla, with my help.'
The communication went on for a bit longer and Jean faded away blowing us both a kiss.
Sandy said, “Is she always so bossy Carla?”
“I'm afraid so, but she is always right because she sees things we can't and she can get into people's minds and guide them without them knowing what is happening.”
“Like post hypnotic suggestion?”
“Yes and you just sit back and enjoy the ride.”
“What about Jamie, will she be able to hear and see Jean?”
“Yes and she will be in a sort of dream and very relaxed. If and when she is under an anaesthetic she will cross over into the spirit world where I have been many times courtesy of my sister.”
We checked up on the girls before retiring to bed and it was a sweet sight to see two little bundles cuddled up to Jamie. Very softly we could hear a lullaby being sung by their spirit aunt,
'You are the child of moonlight,
There is peace within my heart whenever you're around.
The stars at night they all shine bright
And darling so do you.
You are the child of moonlight,
And I’ll always love you.
Sandy turned to me with damp eyes and whispered, “Jean is really an angel isn't she?”
I whispered back, “She is half of me in the spirit world.”
We went to bed and and talked about Jamie's dad and how Sandy misses him and wished he could have seen his daughter. I told her he can see her from afar, and then we went to sleep.
Morning came too soon as it always does. It was six a.m., and we could hear three girls singing nursery rhymes. At least Donna and Jean weren't jumping on me. I think I will let Sandy adopt my little ones so Jamie can have them full-time! No, I don't mean that!!!!
Sandy said, “Carla I know what you're thinking and that is a definite 'no'. I could not cope with double speak.” We both laughed and got up to get organised for the busy day ahead.
While Sandy and I were preparing breakfast, Jamie had Donna and Jean in the bathroom with all three in the tub, something only Jamie can manage because she has some way of controlling them. I still think it must be Jean that is helping Jamie with the little ones, there is no way I can do what she does so easily.
I arranged the high chairs so that the two little ones were either side of Jamie and by the time the table was set all three girls came out wearing pink dressing gowns with little bunnies on them. Donna and Jean came running up to me and I picked them up, which I might add is getting harder by the day - they are quite the chubby ones. They both talk in unison and talk twenty to the dozen.
”Mama, Mama Jy, Jy,” is what they were saying.
Jamie interject, “That’s what they call me Aunty Carla, aren’t they cute?”
“Yes, very,” I replied.
“Good morning Jamie and you two monsters,” said Sandy and hugged the little ones which made them giggle and squirm, so I quickly put them down and let Jamie take over controlling them which she does with ease.
Breakfast over it was time to get the girls dressed for the day and with two grown-ups it went reasonably well, but of course with all females a couple of different changes had to take place before everyone was happy, and that includes myself and Sandy. By the time we got down to the car we were almost running late. It was nine o'clock, so we had to hurry to get to the Mater on time to see Rose. As usual the traffic was bedlam but I drive a four wheel drive with a big bull bar on front and I can usually be a bit pushy and intimidating to get my way. I guess that is the bush coming out in me.
We finally got to the Mater parking area and made our way to the main entrance. We opted not to put the twins in their push-chairs and seeing Jamie can control them with just one stern look and they drop the lip, we let her do her thing. She will eventually be a very good Mum.
The Mater is a really big hospital, so lots of corridors and lifts to negotiate, but I have spent quite a bit of time here myself and know the place intimately. (These days it is one of the biggest children’s hospitals in the southern hemisphere.)
We arrived at the reception desk of doctor Rose San-Lee and were told to go straight into her office. I tapped on the door and opened it wide so we could all walk in to see Rose sitting behind her desk surrounded by medical books and charts up on the wall, like any other doctor's office.
She got up and said, “O my god, look at them!” before she even said hello to me,
I said, “Nice to see you too, Rose.”
She replied, “Sorry Carla,” then hugged me and said, “These two are the spitting image of you girl, and this must be Jamie and Mum Sandy.” and she hugged them both.
Spirit Jean was there too, and at this moment she was only in my head but she would communicate with Rose a little later when she examined Jamie. Jamie took the little ones to a play area with toys and sat down with them while Sandy and I discussed what was going to happen today. After an hour the girls were getting restless, so it was time for a toilet break and some morning tea which was brought into Rose's office by the hospital domestic staff.
We let the girls have their cup cakes and flavoured milk in the play area while the grown-ups sat in a lounge area in the rather large office/surgery. This is when Big Jean started to communicate with Rose, who was not one bit fazed because it happened a long time ago when I was in the same situation, only then it was an emergency and I could quite easily have died.
Sandy and I just listened in. Jean didn't make herself seen because if the little ones saw her they would want to have her down with them and Jamie. Jean also blocked Jamie from hearing what was being said. She will know soon enough in the next couple of hours and days what is going to happen to her, and we did not want to have a stressed out girl on our hands.
Jean said, “Rose, I know what is inside Jamie but in human terms the tests will have to be done to satisfy the powers that be, but rest assured that I will be in their head to steer them in the right direction.” Rose nodded that she understood. Jean told us that Jamie is a complete girl internally, apart from not having an opening which is virtually the same problem that I had all those years ago.
Jean said that she would be with Jamie all through the procedure in the next couple of days, and would make sure it would all happen without her being stressed out. She was true to her word and by Wednesday morning a specialist was in Brisbane from Sydney to perform the corrective surgery.
We put the little ones in a day care nursery so we could be present in the operating theatre during the procedure. Being veterinary surgeons, it was no different to what we do when we have to operate on an animal, so there were no surprises for us. We stayed with Jamie while she was being prepared for theatre, and before she was given medication, the surgeon, Mr Anthony Beel introduced himself, first to me and Sandy, he then held Jamie's hand and said, “Hello little one, I'm Tony and I'm going to make things right for you.”
Jamie looked at the doctor with her beautiful brown eyes and replied, “Thank you doctor, and so will my Aunty Jean.”
He said “Oh I don’t see a third lady, is she still coming?”
I interrupted this little exchange between patient and doctor and said, “Jamie sweetheart, I will tell the doctor about Jean a little later.”
Rose pulled me aside and said in almost a whisper, “Carla, Tony has had a full briefing on you and Jean and he is quite intrigued by it all. I am sure that Jean will make her presence felt before too long”.
Most of the day was spent going from one test and scan to another. Jamie was taking it all in her stride. She is a very intelligent girl and very little fazes her. Sandy was amazed at how her little girl just kept up the chatter with the nurses while they were poking and prodding her. I know Jean was talking to her and explaining what they were doing, although only three of us could listen in.
It was two o'clock in the afternoon when it was decided to commence the surgery to rectify Jamie’s medical problem. Sandy and myself were allowed to watch what was happening in the theatre. Sandy held Jamie's hand till she went to sleep and then the medical team went to work.
'Hello Jamie, fancy meeting you here,' said Jean.
'Why am I in a field sitting next to you Aunty Jean, am I dead?'
'No sweetheart, you are with me while they are working on your body back on earth.'
'How am I going to get back to earth?'
'When you wake up you will be back there darling.'
'Aunty Jean, you sound and look Just like Aunty Carla.'
'That's because we're identical twins and share the same soul.'
'Can I come back here again? It is so beautiful and I wish I could wear a gown like yours.'
'Jamie, your Mummy would miss you if you came back here, so you must go back.'
Back in the recovery room Jamie woke up trying to focus her eyes and said, “Mummy I was with Aunty Jean in heaven.”
Sandy replied,”Yes darling I know, was it beautiful?”
“Oh yes, and Jean is very pretty just like Aunty Carla.” After a few more minutes Jamie dropped off to sleep, and Sandy and I went to talk with Tony and Rose to see what they had to say.
It was found that Jamie was inter-sexed and had all the internals of a female, so all that had to be done was to correct the outer parts of her genitals. She will be able to live and function as a normal female.
To be continued.
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