The Bronze Maiden
Chapter 1 part 3
Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.
By: Desiree
I am most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has been a most
wonderful muse.
She had been thinking of herself as Clare and realized she had not shared, “Oh and Jonni, sweetie, what do you think of my new name - Clare Anne...I want people to call me Clare Anne Tylos.” Thirteen grabbed her blue parasol, as well as the messenger bag with laptop and scanner. She headed out to the courtyard where the Trans-mat wreckage was being picked over carefully.
Just after Clare walked out Jonni called to her assistant, “Sandi keep an eye on the readouts for Thirteen, Clare Anne Tylos. I need to go chat with Clark XII make sure he is ready for his daughter.” Jonni noted that Clare seemed to be calming down according to the readouts. What worried her more was how Clark XII would react, after hearing how his previous dealings with his 'daughter'. Though this time things were completely different as Thirteen was genetically female, and super feminine, as she had inputs from three women as well as what her mother had taught her. Oh yeah so much easier to deal with, Jonni almost cried as she went out to find Clark.
Thirteen detoured through the snack bar grabbed a banana and a bottle of water. Clare cooled down as she drank the water. Just inside the Control Room she peeled the banana. As Clare put it to her mouth to take a bite, Renny whistled, “Welcome to Tylos Industries Little Lady, John Rennel, most people just call me Renny, how can I be of assistance?” Renny was really impressed, but the girl seemed familiar, but from where.
Clare shivered from the creep factor, Thirteen had never been happy how Renny talked about women. Clare was baffled when she was aroused by Renny's virile grasp of her hand as he kissed her hand, “Well Renny, my name's Clare, but most people call me Thirteen, so dial back the pickup attempt.” Clare was even more confused: it seemed every touch was exciting and she wasn't even overly fond of Renny.
- - - - - -
Clare remembered, how Renny acted the gentleman, but Thirteen knew of his true motives. It had been one of the 'Field Trips' Thirteen's father had suggested when he turned eighteen. They had gone to a go-go bar and Renny took the time to show Thirteen, all his moves to get a woman, and then get her to do things that... Well thirteen found it rather despicable and had left. Thirteen knew Mum never would have allowed such a callous act. But Daddy had changed without his wife's influence. Even Mink who had been with Tylos for twenty years, having been recruited by Mum, when she got her Degree at age fourteen, had threatened to leave. Thirteen had cried and begged her to stay, Tylos was on the verge of a blow up and life was about to boil over.
+ + + + + +
Thirteen smiled as Renny backed away looking very uncomfortable. That was a new look for Renny, though I guess messing with the Bosses daughter might be something more difficult, especially when She used to be male. Clare also felt uncomfortable, The new girl was feeling attracted? To Renny... “Relax Renny, it is okay to hit on The Tylos heir, just expect to be rebuffed for awhile.” Thirteen giggled nervously, and thought to herself, 'if not forever'. Clare turned her attention to the video replay. Trying hard to suppress the attraction Clare felt for the virile man she was next too. Thirteen panicked, not wanting to be attracted to Renny, who disgusted her before the change.
Renny shook his head, the feeling of Thirteen's hand was unlike any woman he had ever touched. There had been a synaptic spark, which still lingered, “Well at least you seem to be taking this very well. But I guess that's to be expected as we've always trained to expect the unexpected. Isn't that our unofficial motto?” He pointed to the holo-display, “I queued the video to the first transport and have been playing them in one third speed. This is the Fourth transport vid playing at the moment.” Renny was drawn to Thirteen, he wanted to Kiss those tantalizing lips and feel her silky skin once more, using every skill he had, Renny worked his way closer. Finally running his hand across Clare's shoulders and down her arm. The feeling was so indescribable, Thirteen jumped away from the touch.
When Clare felt Renny's touch she nearly climaxed. She considered how she was dressed and felt it was too casual. Thirteen remembered another of her mother's favorite outfits a pink fluted top with spaghetti straps elasticized just under the bust, hip hugging skirt, of smooth satin with a fluted skirt that stopped at mid-thigh, pink strappy sandals with thirteen centimeter heels. Turning the messenger bag, and parasol pink. Adding a built micro-rail gun, sleep pellets, tracer pellets, anti-grav emitter and cappuccino maker to the parasol. Thigh holster for her mini-gigahurtz shocker and pink chopsticks holding the braided half of her hair in a knot high on her head, with the remainder flowing down just past her shoulders.
Thirteen was being sensuously tortured by the modifications to her body on the molecular level; she groaned from the alterations tugging her feminine physique against her clothes in yet another spasm of new exhilaration. Clare thought about the clothes she had changed to, they covered a little more but still really sexy. The main draw to thirteen was it was comforting that her mum had worn this outfit. The delicious heat was ameliorated by thoughts of her Mum. Thirteen closed her eyes as she thought of her Mum. She almost missed the red flash in the footage. “Renny back it up about twenty seconds and lets go one tenth speed.”
Renny looked back at Thirteen, “Sure just a mome...Holy shit, Mrs Tylos, I thought... ” Then he remembered this distracting body was Thirteen, “Um sorry, Miss Tylos, just that dress is...” Renny stopped stumbling over his words, did his best to shift his hard-on discreetly. Renny was still pretty shaken up from seeing a dead woman. He queued the video and reset the speed. But not so much that his lecherous mind did not think about, 'Damn maybe I might have a chance to finally sample what Clair never would give up. But I need to be more careful, as Miss Tylos may tell daddy, where as Mrs. Tylos just laughed it off.' Renny was almost desperate to touch Clare again.
Renny though was bewildered, Thirteen had been in shorts and a halter top looking hot, now she decked out in an outfit that made Clare look the spitting image of her mother. Still with his mind only half on the video he saw the flash and hit the pause button. Renny may be a little bit lustful, but was still a fine researcher. They saw there was a path of light that hit the select screen. “Where did that beam come from?” He half questioned, but never had a chance to figure it out as Clare was already making computations.
Clare, and the Living Matrix had reoriented the camera angle extrapolated the slope, and distance to the origin point. “It came from the south east, on an angle of thirty six point eight degrees and fired from a ruby laser seven point four miles away. Thanks Renny.” Thirteen kissed him on the cheek. Clare giggled as she saw the heat on Renny rise, she got warm from it as well. 'Well maybe the right man might be interesting.'
Renny flushed, damn Thirteen's so hot, “The only building in the area tall enough for that Angle is the Saetome Building.” He almost came from a kiss on the cheek, no woman had ever had that effect on him before. Renny knew he was in trouble, he might be better off just distancing himself from this tempting flower.
Before Renny could react, Clare almost reached her father's side, she had moved so quickly. Each step was amazing her breasts bouncing in the stifling confines of her bra the heat building inside her. Her hips jiggling under the swishing of the satin skirt. The flowing of her fluids running down her legs soaking her stockings, was rather embarrassing, and still very close too gross. There was something not quite right, everything seemed to be so very exciting. Thirteen's hair swept her shoulders: she quivered as all the sensuous feelings rushed through her body. Clare was on the precipice yet somehow, as she hugged her Father she was able to control her orgasmic scream that constantly tickled the back of her throat, and delivered the information as she soaked her thong to the fabric's point of failure. Even though she was sure there would be a puddle where she stood. Thirteen harnessed her emotion too deliver the info to her father. “Father the video shows the flash of a laser beam that came...” Clare giggled, as she had just cum, her body shuddering, she took a deep breath and tried to reign in her emotions.
Clark Tylos XII was still stunned, even though Jonni had spent nearly twenty minutes trying to make him understand that Clare was happy and adjusting well. That he needed to accept the change as best he could. When he looked at the gorgeous young woman in pink, Clark XII barely recognized her as his son. He lost it, “Thirteen? Son... WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE CLOTHES? I TOLD MY SON NOT TO EVER WEAR THEM AGAIN.” Thirteen looked just like his wife in one of her favorite outfits. He remembered they had packed them all away. Clark XII wept, was shocked by the look and feel of Thirteen. The Father was shaken to his core that it was his son... Daughter that did such things to his primal instincts. Clark XII could not believe it Thirteen had looked like Clair and reminded him everyday of his late wife. Now Thirteen looked exactly like Clair had the day they met it was breaking his heart. Clark XII had to stop himself from taking his 'Clair' into his arms to kiss her. He shook it off and Clark XII weeping, “I asked you not to wear your Mother's Clothes...” Still he also felt desire rise in him from his Son..., Daughters touch, NO that can not be.
Thirteen was equally mortified by her bodies reaction to touching her father and yet he was still calling her SON. So Clare decided to make it very clear, “Daddy, I'm Clare Anne now, C, L, A, R, E, Clare Anne Tylos, after mummy and Grammie. Though I suppose I could make it Clare Anne Sennyo if you would prefer.” She wanted to shake him, but knew that touch would probably fan the flames hotter. So Thirteen remembered the look that his mum used on him so very effectively. By using the 'Look' to make her father see his Daughter the response was definitely different she pouted and tapped her foot - that made her body shimmy in ways that a son's body never could. She writhed as another wave of bliss rolled over her body and this time both father and daughter shuddered. More delicious spasms washed over her body as she scooted away a bit so Clare could avoid her father's touch.
Thirteen pointed to the where Trans-mat crater was and then pointed out the path of the laser as she explained, A holo of the device appeared as well as a red beam of light. “In the video we found a laser beam hit the control screen of the Trans-mat device. So, um, Daddy the only Building tall enough from where the beam came is the Saetome Building.” Clare was having to pause, as her body quivered in rage and ecstasy. She was still shivering from her last orgasm, somehow was able to keep her next climax under restraint. The entire team was amazed as they saw the large scale holo-display as Clare described the scene.
With some vindictiveness Thirteen twirled, showing off her outfit, a bit more than she expected as her skirt flared up showing off her stocking tops and that she had a thong on, “Daddy these clothes are just darling I recreated them from the memories I had of Mother and what we shared...what you made me lock away. Made them myself, well with a little help of the fused Living Matrix and Trans-mat Device. I remembered Mummy loved wearing this and just chose this to honor her. These clothes have helped me cope with everything that's happened.” Clare was weeping and her body quaking as the fury and delicious sensations flow over her body.
Thirteen continued, “All I have to do is picture how things look and the Field creates the clothing, I added my own little accessories a parasol and messenger bag. I think we look scrumptious Daddy.” She then kissed her Father on the cheek and gave him a hug, she still felt the electric jolt surge through her. Clare shuddered, she did her best to suppress the wave of delight crashing over her.
Clark Tylos XII, sputtered and stuttered, he discreetly tried adjusting his rising manhood, “Yes, well, uh yes you ah so, and...” He stopped, took a deep breath and overreacted due to the newness of having a daughter. Afraid if he was being affected like this how others may react, “I will not have MY So... Daughter wearing a thong, with a Skirt that's way too short and you need to be wearing a bra.” Clark Tylos was brought up short as his daughter slapped him, some how even that had been erotic. Clark XII and Clare both glowed hot, he was sweating, while her skin glowed from the sheen of her secretions.
In a controlled voice Clare spoke to her Father, “Really Daddy, you teach me to deal with the unexpected day in and day out. Now you can not accept something we have no choice in. I am doing my best to make the best of this crazy malfunction, and you act like it is an AFRONT to YOU when really this has happened to me - ME. Would it have been better if I had died. Well Daddy this Maiden of Bronze is going to go find the origin of that Laser beam and, if I have to I will move out because I will not put up with such a betrayal of Our Family traditions.” Clare felt she may have over reacted, but her body was on the edge of an emotional eruption, and she needed to get away. The constant wave of orgasms over the last few minutes had made her wobble as bit as she tuned to walk away.
Clare steadied herself with her parasol, and sashayed away. The scrumptious feeling as her skirt swayed over her legs, and the silk brushing over her nipples making her warmer. Thirteen was an emotional wreck, the confusion, and anger, as well as the delicious heat that kept rising ever higher inside her. Even with all this craziness, Clare was enjoying her hair brushing over her shoulders and tickling her back through the silk.
Just after rounding the corner Thirteen nearly collapsed as she wept: then she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out as her body was rocked by her most awe-inspiring climax of her short existence. Clare thought 'Maybe I should put the shield back up to dull the sensitivity from the contact with others. For at least a little bit, until I can better regulate my reactions - or, at least channel these impulses constructively. Of course my resistance is probably futile.'