One Summer Day
Just a bit of Poetry. Enjoy!
One Summer day, the girls who would be boys,
put on dirty clothing, and play with roughhouse toys
And one summer day, the boys who would be girls
Grab some pretty dresses, and begin to dance and twirl.
But one summer day, seems like its not enough
for boys who would be gentle, and girls who would be rough.
So one summer day, I looked up to the sky,
and composed a prayer, as tears I began to cry
“Oh Father of all children, who delights in joy,
I humbly come in the name of each special girl and boy
It seems that these special ones need extra care and love
So craft a special blessing and send it from above.
Take this summer day they’re having, and if it isnt wrong
and make the gift it gives them last the whole year long.”
Then I heard a whisper, and in my heart it spoke
A message I would carry, when in the world I woke.
“The day will come, my dearest child, when these shall receive
a special welcome in my House, and they will never leave.
So take comfort, my child, and when your race is run
You will join the celebration, and to my arms you will come”
So I woke, and now must wait, but I can truly say
that the whole of Heaven’s time
will be like that summer day.