Nylon Model
I’m a male model.
Most of the time, its not a bad job, but there are a few headaches, at least for me.
One of these is my orientation. For some reason, people almost always automatically assume that all male models are gay, and it has been a frustrating experience trying to get people to believe that I’m actually straight.
Makes getting a date a bit of a challenge.
Course, my current gig makes things much harder ....
Two weeks ago, in the office of Matt Marcus’ agent, Carl Anderson .....
“Matt, I have a great gig for you. And best of all, its ongoing, so you’ll get a steady paycheck for at least six months. Sound good?”
“Count me in, Carl. What is it?”
“Well, its ... you may not know this, but a lot of the models used for packages of nylons are actually men. Properly shaven and so on, they actually look better in nylons than many woman do.”
“Wait. I’d be wearing ..... nylons?”
“Yeah. And a ‘gaff’ I think they called it, to keep your male bits from showing.”
“You’re serious.”
“Its good money, Matt. And the offers arent exactly flowing in for you right now. Turn it down, and I dont know how much longer I’d be able to keep you as a client.”
“Okay, okay. So I got to shave my legs?”
“They suggest using a removal cream, its better.”
“Fine. I’ll buy some tonight, and then ...”
The agent hands Matt a piece of paper, and says, “Show up at this address tomorrow morning at nine sharp. Dont let me down, Matt.”
So that’s my current gig. At first, I found wearing nylons a bit odd, but over the last couple of months I’ve gotten so used to them I find myself wearing them even when I’m not shooting.
So that’s why I was wearing them on our date, honest.
So you can stop trying to give me bras and dresses, okay?
And it isnt funny!