"You look ... nice," Andrei choked. His eyes again unconsciously drifted around his Christina's body. Regaining control of himself, he stuttered, "But if you want to change into something else ... you know ... that's fine too ..."
Nina sat on the edge of Christina's four poster bed watching her cousin pack the rest of her belongings. "But why can't we tell Mom and Dad right now?" Nina whined.
Christina checked the bag on top of the chest of drawers to make sure it contained all of her bathroom supplies. Content that she had everything, she placed it on the ground next to all her other bags and two suitcases. "Because Nina," Christina explained, "Your father is not going to be very happy when he finds out what I've been up to. And I don't want to get yelled at right now."
"Then let me tell him!" Nina complained.
"No way," Christina said firmly. "Uncle Alek is already mad at me. I'm not going to drag you or Andrei into it."
"But we were all in it together. He's not stupid. He's going to know that we all stole his files."
"I just think it would be better if it comes from me. That implicates you and Andrei as little as possible." Christina had a tone in her voice that let Nina know that the matter was not up for further discussion.
Andrei poked his head into Christina's bedroom and rapped his large knuckles against the door twice.
"Hey, Andrei," Christina said.
Walking into the bedroom, Andrei took the chair from in front of the vanity and pulled it out. He straddled the chair backwards, letting his large arms rest of top of the backrest. He said, "You know, you don't have to pack every last little thing."
"I don't know when I'm coming back," Christina said without making direct eye contact. She knew she was never coming back, but still she was unable to tell her cousins.
"I know," Andrei said, "But you really packed everything. I mean everything."
"Yeah," Nina agreed sadly.
Christina looked back and forth between her cousins, and it was obvious that her behavior the past week had made them extremely worried. She'd debated leaving some of her clothes behind; it wasn't as though she would need any of them ever again. Ultimately, she'd decided against it; she feared that leaving things behind wouldn't give her cousins a clean break. Also, she suspected that she might have to sell her girl clothes to help make ends meet next month.
"Come on guys," Christina begged, "Don't look at me like that. This is hard on me too." Seeing that her appeal was having little effect, she attempted a slightly different tack. "This is our last night together in who knows how long. We should enjoy it." She could tell by the looks on their faces that they still weren't convinced. "Okay?" she pleaded.
"Yeah, okay" Andrei answered.
Nina didn't say a word; she just nodded. "I guess we should get ready for the dance," Nina offered, her mood improving somewhat.
"Nina ..." Christina moaned. "I'm not sure I feel up to going to the dance."
"What do you mean? You promised," Nina protested.
"I know, but-"
"Oh you're going." Andrei added seriously. "You made me go shopping. You have to go."
Reaching backward, Christina pulled herself up on top of the old chest of drawers. She crossed her legs and smoothed out her long skirt. "I don't have anything to wear," Christina objected.
Andrei threw his hands towards the piles of luggage on floor and complained, "You have nothing to wear? This is more clothes than I have ever owned in my entire LIFE, and you're telling us you have nothing to wear?"
Painfully aware of the size of her wardrobe, Christina shuddered at the thought of just how much of her savings had been spent on girl clothes. She was even a little angry with Andrei, as he was not aware of the amount effort shopping and dressing required when you were a girl. She said, "I took my formal dresses home in November. All I have with me is what I wore to church."
"So wear that!" Andrei griped.
Both Christina and Nina broke out in laughter at Andrei.
"What?" he said seriously.
"She can't wear a church dress to the dance," Nina said dismissively to her brother. "But still," she said to Christina, "I'm sure we can find you something to wear.
"Christina let out a long, exasperated breath. "Okay," Christina reasoned, "Even if I had something to wear, you know ..." She motioned her hands towards Andrei. "Andrei is going with Steph ..." Looking back at Nina, she added, "And you're going with David ... so ... I'd just be hanging around, ruining the night for you guys."
"Just call Richard," Nina insisted. "You know if you asked him to take you, he'd drop everything and be here in ten minutes."
Andrei couldn't help but laugh at that last comment.
Christina, however, hung her head and sulked. "He said no," she mumbled quietly.
"What?" Nina asked.
Christina took a deep breath and said more clearly, "I asked Richard to go, and he told me no." Christina certainly did not want to go to the dance with the imposing, older man, but she still felt some sting from his rejection. It had been one thing when she turned him down, but Christina had grown unexpectedly accustomed to being the center of his world.
"I don't believe it," Nina said half-accusingly.
"Well, he was supposed to be in Dover all week for work, but he sorta put it on hold to help us out. So last night after we finished, he had to leave."
Andrei consoled, "Well I'm sure he would have gone if-"
"Look, it's fine," Christina interjected. "It's okay if he doesn't want to go with me. I don't want to go with him anyway. I was just being nice 'cause he helped us out. That's all."
"That doesn't mean you shouldn't go," Nina insisted. "It's not like Richard's the only guy in town who's going to want to dance with you."
"Yeah," Andrei said enthusiastically.
Christina's mind froze at that thought. Nina was right. Christina had suffered through the longing glances of men when she walked through town. It was like being on display in some museum; at the dance, it would be a hundred times worse. At least in a museum, there is no touching allowed, she thought.
Realizing she wasn't getting through to her cousin, Nina decided to play dirty. "You know, if you go with us to the dance, then you can give Dad the tax forms before we leave. He can't yell at you, if you're not here."
Christina cocked her head upward and considered Nina's logic. Of course the girl was right, but which fate was worse? Another brutal confrontation with her uncle, or making herself available for all the lustful advances of every single man in the town of Oak Grove? Struggling with the decision, Christina wondered if slipping suicide in as a third option was allowed. "I still don't have anything to wear," Christina moaned in resignation.
"Can't we just go to the store?" Andrei asked.
Christina said, "I can't afford anything right now, Andrei."
"I've got it," Nina grinned. The girl hopped off of Christina's bed and went into the hallway. The others followed and watched as Nina, standing on her tip toes, pulled the cord that released the attic ladder. Before Christina could make a peep, Nina climbed the ladder, and turned on the light.
Christina went up the stairs followed by Andrei. Brushing the dust off the hem of her skirt, she teetered across the planks in her high heels after Nina. She stumbled when she reached the darker part of the attic, but Andrei was there to catch her. "What's the big idea, Nina?" Christina asked as Andrei helped her regain her footing.
Standing in front of boxes of girl's clothing and an old armoire, Nina opened the armoire doors and displayed an array of dresses. She insisted, "There has to be something in here you can wear."
Christina felt a cold chill shoot down her spine; Nina expected her to wear one of Anastasia's dresses. Looking around the old attic, she felt the same uneasiness as when she had come to the attic looking for Christmas decorations. It was almost as though she could feel Anastasia watching from the darkness in the corners. "Nina," Christina whispered, "I can't wear one of your sister's dresses."
Ignoring her older cousin, Nina searched through the dresses for one she thought would be acceptable. She took out a yellow ball gown and held it up in front of Christina.
Christina turned to Andrei and insisted, "I can't wear Anastasia's clothes."
Andrei said, "It's okay."
Nina swapped the yellow ball gown for a little black cocktail dress and shook her head disapprovingly. She went through a few more, but stopped when a red evening gown caught her eye. She gave it to Christina and commanded, "Hold this up."
Christina, almost in shock, held the dress in front of her and Nina decided, "This will work just great."
"Nina," Christina repeated seriously, "I should NOT be wearing your sister's clothes."
Folding her arms in front of her, Nina told her older cousin how things were going to be. "Christina, you promised me you'd go to the dance. And I don't know when I'm going to see you again, so you have to go."
"Nina," Christina gasped.
"Look, it's just a dress," Nina continued adamantly, "If Anastasia were still alive, I'm sure she would have lent it to you."
Christina shook her head and blurted, "But-"
"But nothing," Nina countered. "It's stupid for this dress to sit up here in the attic."
Christina looked pleadingly at Andrei; surely he would be against this.
"I guess it's alright," he shrugged. "It's either that, or you can wear my suit," he joked.
Christina shoved the dress into Nina's arms then grabbed Andrei by the shoulders. "Please tell me I can wear a suit!" she begged.
Andrei laughed, thinking she was building on his joke.
Christina would have killed to be going anywhere in Oak Grove as a boy, but the look on Nina's face told her that she was going to the New Year's Dance in Anastasia's evening gown.
Nina led the three of them back through the darkness to the ladder. All the way, Christina could not help but throw nervous glances around the attic. The three of them stepped down the ladder, and Andrei pushed it back up into the ceiling.
"I guess I'll leave you two alone," Andrei groaned, "'cause it will take hours for you to do whatever you do to get ready."
Punching Andrei in the shoulder playfully, Nina said, "Don't worry, we'll leave plenty of time to make sure you look good for Steph." Nina made playful kissy faces at her older brother who smirked as he retreated to his room. Then Nina commanded her older cousin to take a shower and report back to her room when she was finished.
After she'd showered and blow dried her hair, Christina entered her room with a towel wrapped around her chest. Nina, who was sitting on the edge of Christina's bed, was already in her light blue ball gown. She kicked her legs gleefully under the layers of taffeta and lace. Though Christina dreaded going to the dance, she couldn't help but smile back at Nina. Every time Christina saw the younger girl smile like that, she could almost believe that everything she'd been through was worth it. "Wow, Nina," Christina beamed, "You didn't waste any time."
"This is going to be so much fun tonight!" Nina gushed. Jumping off the bed, she started waltzing with an invisible partner. Closing her eyes dreamily, she said, "This is going to be the first New Year's Eve where someone will actually kiss me at midnight."
Christina waltzed with her cousin and agreed, "Yeah, it's a pretty big deal, isn't it."
"Totally." Letting go of Christina, Nina started rummaging through one of Christina's bags, looking for shoes to match Anastasia's dress. "I wonder who's going to kiss you?" she asked.
Christina raised her hand to her chest and asked in astonishment and blurted, "Kiss me?"
"Well yeah," Nina said, not looking up from her shoe hunt. "Whoever you're dancing with at midnight is going to want to kiss you. It's a New Year's tradition."
"I never thought of that ..." Christina trailed off.
Nina pulled out a pair of red pumps and eyeballed them against the dress. "I hope he's cute," she added.
Christina laughed nervously and agreed, "Oh yeah ... That would be great, to be kissed by some cute guy at midnight." She made a mental note to slip into the ladies' room at least five minutes before midnight.
Stacking the shoes next to the dress laid out on the bed, Nina clapped her hands twice, and Christina jumped into action. Christina pulled out a red satin thong and a matching strapless bra and laid them on top of the chest of drawers. With her back to her younger cousin, she dropped the towel from around her chest and squeezed herself into her brutal nude colored waist cincher. Next she pulled the satin thong up her long slender legs. She expertly slipped into her bra, a maneuver she had now done so many times that it required no effort at all.
The younger girl shook her head and said, "Stockings, too."
"Are you sure that's necessary?" Christina asked.
Christina dove back into her bags and retrieved a red garter belt and a pair of long, gauzy black stockings. Fitting the garter belt around her waist, she leaned back against the chest of drawers. She expertly rolled both stockings up her long, hairless legs and clipped them in place. It was yet another skill that she'd long since mastered.
"Okay," Christina sighed, "Let's take a look at this thing." She lifted the dress up in front of her and peered into the full length mirror. Shooting a suspicious glance back at her cousin, Christina wondered just what Nina had gotten her into. She gasped, "This is what you want me to wear tonight?"
Nina lifted the skirt of her gown and scampered mischievously over to her cousin. "It's perfect!" she exclaimed. "When you walk in there tonight, everyone is going to notice you. You're not even going to miss Richard."
Christina swallowed nervously and balked, "I don't think I need this much attention Nina."
Tapping her feet impatiently, Nina shot her older cousin an annoyed glance.
"Okay okay!" Christina conceded. It was going to be their last night together, and Christina was willing to do whatever it took to make it a good one for Nina. Unzipping the back of the dress, Christina stepped into it. She pulled it up her body, taking notice of the feel of the dress as it brushed up against her slender frame. The dress didn't feel tight, but it felt more snug than any dress she'd ever worn. Once the dress was up as high as it was willing to go, she turned her back to Nina and asked, "Zip me up?"
The ecstatic girl was more than happy to oblige. Christina started back towards the mirror, but Nina commanded, "Wait!" She placed the matching red heels on the floor in front of Christina and demanded that she step into them. Next, she held out a pair of red opera gloves. Christina, ever Nina's faithful Barbie doll, pulled on the gloves which ended a few inches above her elbows.
"Now can I look?" Christina pouted playfully.
Nina pulled the dress in various places to arrange it just so. Once she was satisfied, she nodded to Christina.
Christina spun around to face the mirror and was dumbstruck by her reflection. "No ..." she groaned. Facing her cousin, she shrieked, "Absolutely not!"
Nina grabbed Christina's arms and forced her back to the mirror. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she giggled.
Christina looked at her reflection in horror. The red gown had a long, straight skirt that flowed down to her ankles. A slit ran from the bottom all the way up to her hip, so high that every now and again you could catch a glimpse of the top of her stocking. Her long, slinky leg peeked sexily out for all to see. There was no possible angle where her sensuous legs were not on full display. The waist of the dress was like a second skin, conforming to Christina's curves. The neckline plunged deeply from the two, off the shoulder, straps exposing her breasts, which were presented in all their glory. The snug fitting dress pressed them together, and upward, making them look even more supple and tantalizing. Christina instinctively raised a gloved hand to the void where her gear necklace would have been. "Oh my God, Nina!" Christina exclaimed. "You turned me into Jessica Rabbit!"
"Who?" the girl asked with a puzzled expression.
Christina didn't bother explaining. Turning around, she looked at herself from every possible angle. She was mortified to see how her round butt pushed invitingly against the seat of her skirt.
"Why on earth did your sister own a dress like this?" Christina complained.
Nina replied, "I'm pretty sure she wore this to Homecoming."
Putting her hands on her hips, Christina asked, "Your sister wore this to a Homecoming dance? This dress?"
Nina nodded.
Throwing her hands up in the air, Christina screeched, "Where was it held? Vegas?"
"I think you're overreacting a little bit ..."
Christina stormed to her door, pulled it open, and screamed, "Andrei!" She pointed accusingly at Nina and said, "Overreacting? Overreacting! Just wait until your brother sees this."
Andrei jogged across the hallway, his large boots vibrating the old hardwood floor. "What's wrong?" he asked anxiously.
"This is what's wrong!" Christina stated incredulously. She waved her hands in front of her body from her breasts down to her hips and said, "Your sister expects me to wear ... this ... to the dance!" Christina let her hands fall back onto her hips and awaited her cousin's response.
Andrei's eyes crawled up and down Christina's body. Then up and down again. Momentarily they fixated on her impressive breasts and then down to her alluring legs. Andrei looked up into his cousin's face. Christina wasn't wearing any makeup, but she was still a knockout. Her long blonde hair was slightly disheveled from the blow dryer; it only added to the sensuality of the image.
"Don't you have anything to say?" Christina asked snidely.
"Wow," was all that escaped Andrei's mouth. He was still unable to take his eyes off Christina.
"See?" Nina exclaimed, "He likes it."
"Yes. It's very ... nice," Andrei said in his trance. He felt a familiar hardness in his pants and retreated out into the hallway so that his body was half-obscured by Christina's door frame.
Realizing the reaction she had evoked in her older cousin, Christina slapped her forehead and muttered, "Here we go with this again."
"Andrei thinks it's fine," Nina insisted, unaware of the state of arousal Christina had triggered in her brother.
Andrei blushed furiously and fumbled his words. "I really ... um ... I have to go and get ready ... and ..."
Christina shooed him away with her hand and said, "Yeah, I know. Go on." Christina was about to tell Nina in no uncertain terms that the dress had to go, but she felt her younger cousin's hand in her own. Christina looked down and was assaulted with Nina's best pout. "Nina ..." Christina cringed, "I don't think I can wear this."
"Come on," she whined. "Anastasia did."
"Well I think your sister was a lot more adventurous that I am."
Nina responded, "We should both be more adventurous."
Christina shook her head, but she was still cornered by Nina's pout.
Nina begged, "Please ... Wear it for me?"
"Oh Nina!" Christina groaned. She tried to stare the girl down, but it was no use. Christina surrendered " ... fine." Sitting down in front of her vanity, Christina resigned herself to her fate. She picked up a large brush and started to work on her hair.
Nina, looking positively elated in her pretty dress, stood next to her cousin and asked, "Can I do your hair and makeup tonight?"
Christina held out the brush to her cousin and asked, "You promise not to go over the top, right?" Nina nodded seriously, and Christina handed the brush over.
The younger girl took over, and Christina found that she couldn't help but smile at their reflection in the mirror. Between Nina spending so much time with David, and Christina's stint at Richard's office the past week, Christina was truly happy to have some private time alone with Nina. Christina could still remember their first pajama party. She reflected on the times they'd spent together over the summer, fixing each other's hair, experimenting with makeup, and singing along with their favorite songs. Somewhere along the line, girl time with Nina had stopped being an act and turned into something Christina actually enjoyed.
Nina went though Christina's luggage and pulled out her cousin's makeup bag. Placing it down on the vanity, she started looking through it for nail polish.
Realizing what Nina was looking for, Christina went back to her bags and returned with a bag containing of four bottles of nail polish. Christina gushed, "You have to see these Nina; I got these on clearance at Sephora in the city."
Examining the bottles, Nina selected one, "I like this one a lot."
"Me too," Christina concurred. "I was running super low on cash when I was Christmas shopping, but there was no way I was going to pass this up."
"Oh I know," Nina said with the seriousness of a U.N. diplomat. "I would have done the same thing."
Christina relaxed her hand on the table, and Nina gingerly applied the polish to her cousin's manicured nails. Enjoying the moment, Christina sighed softly to herself.
"What?" Nina grinned as she continued to work on Christina's fingers.
Christina said wistfully, "You know I was just thinking about the first morning I woke up in this room."
"Remember? It was after my car accident? And I'd lost all my clothes, and makeup."
"I remember."
Christina continued, "It was so weird. My head was killing me, and I was all alone in a strange place."
"This isn't a strange place," Nina giggled.
"Well, it was to me, back then. Anyway, I don't know if I ever told you before, but I remember when you were doing my makeup that day, it made everything a lot less scary. Anyway, I guess it was just like, I knew right there that we were going to be best friends."
Nina put the cap back on the nail polish and dropped it back into the bag. She smiled as she agreed, "I thought the same thing."
Christina looked a little too serious for a moment and said, "You know, that no matter what happens, I'm always going to love you, right?"
"Yes," Nina replied, "Now shut up."
"Shut up?" Christina laughed.
"Yes." Nina took out a foundation brush and said, "You know I have a hard time with your face when you talk too much."
"I talk too much?" Christina scoffed playfully.
Nina put her finger to Christina's lips and shushed her older cousin. Christina complied and did her best to keep quiet until Nina was satisfied with her results. When Nina was finished, Christina appraised herself in the mirror and was impressed. Christina said, "You got pretty good at this."
"Well," Nina said, "Ever since you convinced Mom to let me wear makeup, I got a lot of practice."
Her makeup now complete, Christina went to the full length mirror. There was no doubt about it; the look read "sex kitten." If there were a way she could sit out the dance without disappointing Nina, she would have. Still, there was a small part of her that enjoyed being beautiful. Christina knew that as a boy, she was at best, moderately handsome. Christina Chase was unarguably a bombshell. In a weird way, it was empowering to feel desired. Tonight, Christina realized, would be her last opportunity to experience being the center of attention.
Christina returned yet again to her bags and pulled out the jewelry box that Andrei had given her for Christmas. She brought it back over to Nina, and the two of them ruffled through her jewelry.
Nina picked out two elegant, faux diamond earrings and insisted, "Wear these."
Taking them from her cousin, Christina held them up against her earlobes and looked in the mirror, tilting her head from side to side. Rather than put them on, she held them up to Nina's ears. "Why don't you wear them?" she said.
"Really?" Nina asked excitedly.
"Yeah," Christina replied as she carefully threaded each one through the tiny holes in Nina's earlobes. "Those look great on you."
Nina tossed her hair back slightly to get a better view in the mirror and smiled furiously.
"You know Nina, those look so good on you, you should just keep them."
"I couldn't ..." Nina fussed as she stared at her ears.
"Yes you can," Christina insisted, "All my stuff is your stuff. Besides, they look better on you, anyway."
Nina picked out a pair of long silver teardrop earrings and handed them to Christina. "Try these on," she commanded. Pinning them onto her ears, Christina presented herself for inspection. Nina nodded approvingly.
Christina took one last look at Nina. The girl was beautiful in her ball gown, and her face was glowing. Though Christina knew that this would be her last night with Nina, it was in that instant that Christina felt the crushing reality of that truth. Instinctively, she reached up to hold her necklace, and her hand found only emptiness.
"Is my hair okay?" Nina asked.
"Sure it is," Christina answered, "You look great."
"... then why are you staring at me?"
"No reason," Christina lied as she manufactured a smile. "We should go. It's getting late, and we still have to get Andrei ready."
Nina nodded, and the two girls went across the hallway to Andrei's room, the sound of their heels against the hardwood floor filling the room.
"You know Nina," Christina said, "I'm probably not going to be around as much as I like anymore, so you're going to have to help your brother from now on."
"Do I have to?" she balked.
"Yeah," Christina replied, "Someone has to keep him in line."
"I guess you're right," she giggled.
Christina knocked on Andrei's door and waited.
Andrei opened the door and stood in the entrance. One side of his shirt was hanging out of is pants. His red tie was strewn about his neck as though he had been locked in a life or death struggle with it and lost. Even his hair was an absolute disgrace.
Christina pointed at the suit jacket on Andrei's unmade bed and commanded, "Nina, explain to your brother why we don't toss our clothes around willy-nilly."
Nina pushed past Andrei and scooped up the jacket. "You have to hang this up or it will get wrinkled," she admonished. Taking a plastic hanger out of the litter on Andrei's floor, Nina hung the jacket on the side of the dresser. While she was at it, she made an attempt to kick the dirty clothes on the floor into something resembling a coherent pile.
Noticing how Andrei's eyes were staring at her chest, Christina decided to have a little fun at her cousin's expense. She placed her hands on her waist and tilted her hips seductively. She cleared her throat in an attempt to get her older cousin's attention, but it did nothing to break Andrei's gaze. Christina cleared her throat again, and Andrei snapped out of his trance. He looked into Christina's face and blushed.
Looking over Andrei's shoulder to make sure Nina was occupied, Christina whispered in her best pouty voice, "Just for future reference, when I shout your name and ask you to tell Nina why I CAN'T wear something, it means you're supposed to talk her out of it."
"You look ... nice," Andrei choked. His eyes again unconsciously drifted around his Christina's body. Regaining control of himself, he stuttered, "But if you want to change into something else ... you know ... that's fine too ..."
Christina grinned evilly and touched Andrei's cheek with her gloved hand. "Oh, it's too late for that," said seductively. Seeing Andrei's massive member straining the front of his pants, Christina reached out slowly with her left hand and pulled the top of his slacks forward. Andrei turned a darker shade of red as though his head was going to explode. Undaunted, Christina took the side of Andrei's shirt that was hanging out of his pants with her other hand. Slowly stuffing it down Andrei's pants, she let her hand linger. She parted her lips invitingly, and savored the distraught look on Andrei's face.
Breaking into uncontrollable laughter, Christina let go of Andrei's pants and rapped him playfully on the shoulder as she walked past him into the room. "I'll tell Steph you have a thing for femme fatales," she snickered
Taking a moment to compose himself, Andrei muttered, "That was very wrong," without budging from the spot where he stood. Turning around, he faced his cousin. His embarrassment had destroyed the erection in his pants.
Christina grinned innocently and joked, "Lucky for you, Steph is into dressing up as movie stars."
A smirk crept across Andrei's face, and he shook his head as he repeated, "That was so very wrong."
Giving up on her feeble attempt to organize her brother's trash, Nina asked, "What was wrong?"
Christina took Andrei's massive palm in her own and dragged him into the room. "What's wrong," Christina explained, "Is that your brother is twenty-two years old and he still can't put on a tie by himself." She took a small metal foot stool out from underneath Andrei's desk and placed it on the floor behind her older cousin. Carefully stepping onto the stool in her heels, Christina held onto Andrei's enormous shoulders for support. She leaned her chest against Andrei's back, and draped her arms around his shoulders. As Christina tied a Windsor knot, Andrei did his best to stand up straight.
Andrei felt the familiar tickle of Christina's long blonde against his cheek, and he was lost in the smell of her perfume. It took all of his concentration to avoid yet another embarrassing erection.
Satisfied with her work, Christina stepped off the stool and motioned for Andrei to sit on the bed. He complied, and Christina took a comb off Andrei's night stand and gave it to Nina.
"Okay Nina, work your magic," Christina grinned.
"Nina?" Andrei asked.
Christina pulled herself up on top of Andrei's desk and crossed her legs. The slit in her skirt put her long silky legs on full display. "Nina's in charge of hair tonight," Christina explained.
In a matter of minutes, Andrei went from disheveled to dapper.
"God, it's so unfair," Christina complained.
"What is?" Andrei asked.
"Do you have any idea how easy you have it? It took Nina and I hours to get ready for tonight."
Standing up, Andrei straightened his jacket. He joked, "You should have had the good sense to have been born a boy."
Christina muttered, "Don't worry, it's on my to-do list."
That last remark cause Andrei to raise an eyebrow. He was about to ask what his cousin was getting at, but the honking of a car horn in the driveway stole his attention.
Nina jumped up off the bed and shouted, "What time is it?"
"A little past eight," Andrei replied.
"David's here!" Nina shouted. "I have to go!"
Nina maneuvered around the piles of trash and clothes on Andrei's floor then ran downstairs. Christina and Andrei followed after her.
"I thought you were going with us," Christina called as she came down the stairs.
"Not tonight," Nina said as she put on her coat. "David has the whole night planned."
"What do you mean, 'planned?'" Christina asked suspiciously.
Nina shrugged. "I dunno," she said. "It's a surprise. It's so romantic, isn't it?"
"No it isn't-"
"How do I look?" Nina asked one last time.
"Nina, you great, but-" Christina was cut off by another impatient honk from David.
"Okay, I'll see you there!" Nina said as she rushed out the door.
Christina shot Andrei a worried look. She said, "I don't trust that boy."
Just as Andrei and Christina came down the stairs, Alek and Misha walked out of the master bedroom. Christina couldn't be sure, but by the look on Misha's face, she suspected her aunt and uncle had just had another fight.
"What was all that?" Misha asked.
Andrei said, "Nina just left with David."
Alek didn't speak; his gaze was transfixed on Christina.
Assuming that her uncle was angry with her, Christina shrank behind Andrei. What she didn't realize was that Alek recognized Anastasia's dress. The sight of his niece, who looked so much like his daughter, was mesmerizing. It was as if Anastasia had stepped out of the past. Except for the blonde hair, Alek felt as though his daughter was standing before him.
"I thought Nina was finally going to properly introduce us to the boy," Misha complained.
Snapping out of his trance, Alek agreed, "Yes. I should get to know this boy if he is to date my daughter. What sort of boy picks Nina up in the dead of night and just drives off? He shows no respect."
Christina said, "I don't think he's good for Nina."
"You were their chaperone!" Alek boomed. "You said he was a gentleman!"
Misha placed her hand on her husband's enormous arms and whispered, "Alek ..."
"I know I did," Christina said submissively. "I was wrong, but I'm going to take care of it."
"You?" Alek barked. "You are the reason she is with that boy!"
"Hey!" Andrei shouted forcefully. "Don't talk to her like that!"
Alek looked incredulously at his son.
Christina could tell by the fire in her uncle's eyes that he was about to unleash a new tirade upon Andrei.
Misha was not going to allow it. She squeezed her husband's arm, and it was enough to calm him down a bit.
Andrei, however, was still itching for a fight.
Seeing Andrei's incisors as he sneered, Christina begged him, "Andrei, please go warm up the truck?"
Andrei looked back and forth between his uncle and his cousin with his eyes. He did not want to leave Christina alone with his father, but he eventually conceded, but only because Christina had asked him to. Angrily grabbing his coat in his massive fist, he stormed outside, slamming the front door as he went.
Breaking the silence, Misha said, "Christina, that dress looks wonderful on you dear."
Christina grinned weakly and looked at her uncle, hoping for a reaction. His stubborn nod wasn't quite the glowing approval Christina would have wanted. Dejectedly pulling on her fur-lined coat, Christina bent down and reached under the Christmas tree. She felt under the tree skirt and pulled out the large envelope containing the solution to her uncle's tax problems. As Christina walked towards her uncle, she looked him in the eyes for the first time since their confrontation in the kitchen. She handed him the envelope and said, "Uncle Alek, I know that I've disappointed you, and I am very sorry."
Alek was taken aback; he would never have expected a sincere apology, and he could think of no way to respond.
Turning to her aunt, Christina promised, "I'm going to look after Nina."
"I know you will," Misha replied warmly.
Buttoning her coat, Christina turned her back on her aunt and uncle and walked silently to the door. There was a certain freedom in surrender, she thought. She'd spent the past two weeks living in fear of her uncle, but it didn't matter anymore. By giving him that envelope, whatever Christina feared her uncle would say or do was now guaranteed. Now that she knew the waiting was over, there was no fear left; only resignation.
Alek watched his niece disappear into the cold December night.
"What is it, Alek?" Misha asked, looking at the envelope.
Opening the large yellow envelope, Alek pulled out a stack of forms and papers. He removed the handwritten letter off the top of the stack and ruffled through the familiar looking forms. Immediately knowing what they were, he angrily walked to the middle of the living room and slammed them forcefully on the coffee table. Alek, his blood boiling, read the note Christina had written.
"Alek what is it?" Misha repeated.
Alek sneered menacingly and shoved the note out for his wife to read. Misha took the crumpled note and read it to herself:
Dear Uncle Alek,
Enclosed are your taxes for the past five years. You need to sign and date every place that I've marked with a red x. If you re-file these, you will only owe the IRS about $3,500. If you do this, you won't have to lose the store or the house. I know you'll want to talk about this when I get home.
Love, Christina.
Misha fell backwards into a large armchair next to the fireplace. She said in amazement, "She did it. I do not know how ... but she did it."
Alek paced back and forth like a caged animal. "Yes," he spewed venomously, "She did it."
"Alek," Misha said in a calm voice.
"Yes, she did it!" Alek yelled. He pushed over the pile of forms on the coffee table with his giant paw and fumed, "She had to prove me wrong! She had to prove SHE was right, and I was wrong!"
Clenching her fists, Misha stood and barked, "Alek!"
He shook his head furiously and growled, "No! This is just like her! She is defiant! And headstrong! There is no arguing with her. She makes up her mind, and that is that!"
"ALEK!" Misha screamed so loudly that even she was surprised, "She is not Anastasia!"
Alek, who had never heard Misha address him in that way, stared back at his wife, dumbfounded.
"She is not Nastya," Misha repeated in a quieter but furious tone.
Alek stared at his wife for a moment. "I know," he muttered, "But she deliberately disobeyed me. This is always her way."
"No!" Misha sneered through gritted teeth. "Anastasia was stubborn. And proud, like her father! But not Tina, Alek. Tina adores you. And she does everything you ask of her. She lives for a kind word from you. Do you not understand that she cannot fight back? You are hurting her!"
"I ..." Alek stumbled defensively. "I told her to mind her own business," he rebounded. "She had no place interfering!" he growled, regaining some of his fire.
"Damn you, Alek!" Misha shrieked. She stormed angrily into the master bedroom and returned, carrying a plain silver chain. She thrust it into Alek's rough hand and stared her husband down. "That," she explained, with a rage her husband had never seen, "Is Christina's necklace- what is left of it. That was the most important thing in her world, and she gave it up for you. Because she loves you. She wanted to give you a gift that would let you know how she felt. That was the most precious thing she had, and I watched her give it up without a thought for herself. Just so your damned clock would work again!"
Alek looked down at the tiny silver chain in his hand.
"She gave you her heart," Misha spat. "And you're throwing it away!"
"I ..." he whispered in shame, "She knows that-"
"Does she?" Misha pleaded. "Have you been to her room? Have you seen? Her things are packed. There is nothing left," Misha said, trembling slightly. "Her closet is empty. Do you not understand? She does not intend to return!"
Clenching her teeth ferociously, she continued "I have stood by you through good times and bad. But this I will not allow. THIS I WILL NOT ALLOW! If you drive my child away, I will never forgive you."
With that, Misha turned her back on her husband and went into the master bedroom.
Alek was still in a state of shock. He and Misha had fought before, but she had never treated him like that. He looked down into his thick hand and studied the silver chain. Picking it up, he let it dangle between his fingers. Going over to the clock, he opened the door and watched the pendulum swing back and forth. All alone, he could hear the intricate ticking of gears, and cogs, and springs. He stared into the clock until the noise was louder than his own cloudy thoughts. He closed the clock door and went to the front window. Looking out the window into the darkness, he thought about what his wife had said. He thought of Anastasia, ... and he thought about his niece.