Hello everybody
I think it is time that I tell a little bit about myself.
First, sorry for any wrong English. I'm basically a French speaking Québecois. The fact that the stories that I find in my language where really not my style. Slowly drifting the web I came to the Big Closet, and liking it. Been a member for about four and a half years and may be two years in the shadow before that.
I'm in my mid-forty, not diagnosed as any thing. I'm leaning to be male-to-female with a lots of gray and may be a touch of autism.
I present as male, beard, some baldness on top, low pony tail... no skirt, dresses, heels.
Not the best in social situations. I'm shy, don't always understand the meaning of non verbal communication, don't always express my self in the best way to pass a message.
I did talk with with my mother recently, she's good with it and try to make me express/explain myself better to have a better understanding of who I am and where I'm going. No talk of specialist for now. ;)
Still not "out" with my father (divorced from my mother) or brothers, but some might suspect that there is some thing not quite "standard" with the younger one.
OK that enough of your time for now.
Time for me to stress about what I just told you.
Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness and lot of Hugs