It has often been said, there are moments in time that define a new beginning or a time for renewal. Earth has just recovered from a thirty year period of judgment. No one predicted the events that would come during that time. The population of the world was reduced in half to three billion people. About fifty nations disappeared. A lot of events took place during that time like wars, diseases, massive hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and earthquakes. There are many volcanoes still erupting like the one near Hilo, Hawaii.
The financial and property losses were staggering. Slowly countries and nations rebuilt their economies. A lot of new laws were passed worldwide to make sure it doesn't happen again. They even discussed maybe it’s time to do away with paper money and go back to precious metals. Someone brought up the idea of some type of trade agreement that doesn't cost money and hoarding of the precious metals.
Technology is still moving at a fast rate. An international moon base was just established five years ago. There is a second and larger space station around Earth at a higher orbit. There have been visits to Mars as well. Hover cars are three years old. The warp engine is still on the drawing board and in theory. Some have tried to build the hardware and other related equipment, but they found that existing software and computers can't keep up with the demands of controlling the reaction. There are still hackers who are trying create chaos and make a name for themselves.
Some groups of people thought it was their time to bring world domination. But in the end their plans back-fired because they didn't count on their children rising up saying no more to the bloodshed. The survivors of those groups decided to stay in the background and plan better for the next time, however long it took.
It is also has been written, after a period of rest there will be a new heaven and a new Earth. But we all know there will be new and old enemies who want to rule with an iron hand and destroy what the Maker created. There are enemies everywhere on Earth and among the stars. However, the Creator of the Universe has plans to bring that redemption about and to get their attention. The Creator finds and tests people to see if they are worthy to carry out the plan. This story is just one of many from throughout the Universe.
It is the year 2105. Richard and Brianna are finally married. Their first child is on the way. What will happen during the next forty-five years? That is for you to discover!!!
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
“Uh, Larry, we have a problem.”
“What is it, Richard?”
“My car is parked at the Peaceful Dragon in Charlotte.”
“What? All right, I’ll drive you there.”
“I’ll stay here. Bianca, Lavan, White Acacia and White Rose will keep me company.”
The four fairies smile widely.
“We need to decide where we are going to live together, Brianna.”
“Well, you can stay in Charleston while I’m at the Rescue Mission.”
“Sure, that is the easy part, Brianna. But, there is my apartment in Jacksonville. If we are going back and forth, I will need to get a three-bedroom apartment soon.”
“That won’t last long, Richard. Eventually, we’ll need to move into a house.”
“Sigh, but you’re right, Brianna. We’ll be back here in about three hours. Come my fairies.” I put on the multi-pocket coat. They all fly into the pockets. They quickly get comfortable. Soon their heart beats are in tune with my heartbeats.
I follow Larry out of the cabin. We get into his car. He drives us to the Peaceful Dragon in Charlotte. It takes about an hour and fifteen minutes to get there. We see my car is parked there in the parking lot. We also see several more cars parked there as well. We get out of Larry’s car and walk into the dojo. We see Sensei Chou and Qiang teaching some basic moves to some students there. We wait patiently until they are done. After another ten minutes, they take a break. Sensei Chou and Qiang walk up to us. We give the traditional hand clasp and bow to each other.
“We are here to pick up my car. Also, Brianna and I need to plan how and where we are going to live together.”
“Then, let’s come into the office, Richard.”
“Yes, Sensei.”
We walk into the office. We see the other two masters there as well. We give each other the traditional hand clasp and bow. Then we sit in chairs already in the office.
“We will need to include, Mr. Bryson in the talks. I need an update from him.”
“Then make that call, Richard.”
“Yes, Master Teacher.”
I use my cell phone to call Mr. Bryson. “Ring . . . ring . . .”
“Click! Is that you, Richard?”
“Yes it is, Mr. Bryson. I am going to set the speaker for conference.” “Click.” “I’m here at the Peaceful Dragon. We need to figure out what, when and where to do next. I do know, I need to get out of my current apartment and get a bigger one. Also, plans must be made to purchase a house.”
“I understand that completely, Richard. You can stay in South Carolina for the next month. Then it is back here for the next month. You will alternate like you have been doing. When you are back here in Jacksonville, I’ll give you a week to find a three-bedroom apartment in your complex. Hopefully there is one available.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
“What about, Brianna’s job at the Rescue Mission in Charleston?”
“I have been thinking about that, Richard. I have contacted the Rescue Mission. They said there is a sister organization in Jacksonville. She just needs to contact them and get the details.”
Larry and I smile together. “I’ll be sure to tell her the good news.”
“All right, see you in one month in Jacksonville, Richard. There is a planned trip to China and Japan in two years. Then five years from now, it will be a trip to Central and South America. It is a business trip for the company. I’ll give you more details later, Richard.”
“Yes, sir. See in you one month, sir.”
“See you then, Richard.”
“Well, that went well, my friends.”
“Yes it did, Richard. Now we can plan your schedule for the next two black sashes. So, is there any news we need to be aware of, Richard?”
“I need to know how to do the earth bending element within two years. I will be seeing Toph on the Avatar world before I go to China and Japan. I will learn the advance forms of earth bending from her.”
“That is a tall order, Richard. There are more animal moves and weapons to learn, Richard.”
“Has anyone been able to do any earth bending at all here on Earth, Sensei?”
“The moves all called the Hung Gar, Richard. They are very strong moves. Doing the horse stomp is the first move to learn. Again, only the Masters have been able to do that. To move rocks and kick them into the air at will have always been difficult.”
“Well, I know for a fact that in five years there will be a meteorite shower here. The rocks contain the Ethereal Space ore.”
“Where are they from, Richard?”
“They are from the future, the planet Pern. I was able to help them escape their doom. Their world will appear here in the year 2950. They came through a worm hole tube all the way from the Rukbat star in another dimension. It is connected to ours. One end of the tube is near the Eridanni star system.”
“Isn’t that the star system that has life, Richard?”
“It is Master. There is a good friend of mine there. His name is Geve.”
“How strong you think this magic will be, Richard?”
“Hopefully, it will be weak enough so that no blood bending will occur.”
“Then let us hope, Richard.”
“So, what is next to learn, Master and Sensei?”
“The next dragon form to learn is the dragon armor. The first armor form is the mantis. The second is the blue scorpion. The third and final armor is the dragon armor. We’ll be toughening you up some more. Once it is finished, your bones should not break at all. With the flexing of your muscles, your skin will tighten up and repel any hand thrust knife or dart. But, when it is relaxed, your skin will be vulnerable.”
“The animals to learn for the fourth black sash will be the lizard, badger, dog, crane - the advance forms and the mantis, North and South versions. The animals to learn for the fifth black sash are the elephant, tiger - advance forms, and the crocodile.”
“The weapons to learn are hammers, fans with knives, the great sword dadao, the heavy war sword, meteor hammer, maces, axes and spears. The subdivisions are sand, gem, metal, mud, to name just a few. The opposing bending form is air.”
“So, that means the air bender is more fluid and constantly moving while the earth bender is firmly rooted to the ground.”
“That’s right, Richard.”
“How long will it take, Master?”
“You can answer that question, Qiang.”
“Thank you. I was the fastest to get to the fifth black sash at the age of 30. It is still my desire to earn the rest of the black sashes, my friends. The average age of reaching the tenth black sash is sixty years. But it is not unheard of to earn it from 25 to 35. Since you are 27 and have that desire, you could it get it done in five to seven years.”
“I will do my part in teaching you the air and water bending. For water bending, we will need a live source of water, whether it is a stream or the pond behind my cabin in Mt. Blanc, NC.”
“Thank you, Richard. That is greatly appreciated.”
“When we go to China and Japan in two years, my friends, I need to have Sensei and Qiang with me. Also, my wife will be with us as well. Hopefully, she won’t be pregnant at the time. There is one more person that will be with us. His name is Percy Jackson.”
“Who is Percy, Richard?”
“He is the son of Poseidon from the Greek Gods. I found out what is causing the disastrous weather events in Japan. It is the Demon Gaap. He is a water demon sent by Azazel. I think they are trying to topple the Japanese kingship there. So, it will be Percy, myself and Poseidon himself. We’ll take care of the minions while Poseidon takes care of Gaap.”
“Then that will be a true test of the water bending element. Where do you think the battle will take place, Richard?”
“I hope it is on a remote island. But, if it is on Japan itself, everyone will see it.”
“Then we must pray for a positive outcome.”
“Master, will you please check the internet. I need to know where Camp Half-Blood is located.”
“Sure, Richard. I’ll look it up.” He accesses the internet and types in ‘Camp Half-Blood’. As soon as he enters, it quickly shows up on a map. “It is located on Long Island, NY. That is very far away.”
“I need to go there and meet the Greek Gods’ children. I will be going there from time to time over the years. I was asked to help them train to the next level. This will prepare them to get ready for the Ultimate Last Battle. So, I need to go there, maybe not this year, but next year to make a visit and introduce myself.”
“Then we’ll need to add that to the schedule, Richard.”
We write up a schedule together for each dojo location in Charleston and Jacksonville. We also pencil in some possible dates for a trip to Long Island and to the Avatar World for next year. Right now I need to get ready in earning the fourth black sash.
“Will Brianna seek the sashes as well, Richard?”
“She is thinking hard about it, my friends. We’ll find out when we are in Charleston.”
“Yes we will, Richard.”
“I’ll get this typed up and copies made for all of us. I will have it sent to your email address, Richard.”
“Thanks, that’s greatly appreciated, Master.”
We all stand up together. We give each other the traditional hand clasp and bow. I’m given my car keys from the Master. Then Larry and I exit the Peaceful Dragon. I get into my car. I get out the food bags from the satchel. I put a piece of fruit and nut for each fairy in the coat pockets.
“Thank you, father, mother, Omega.”
“You’re welcome, my fairies. We’ll eat better back at the cabin.”
Then we both drive back to Mt. Blanc, NC. It takes about another hour and fifteen minutes to get back.
“So, we need to do some laundry, fairies. I’ll let you take care of your own, while I do ours. Don’t forget, we can do our own magic here.”
“Yes, mother!”
Brianna smiles when she hears that response. Then they use their clothes boxes to do the laundry by magic. Brianna does the same thing as well with the drawers. Once the laundry is done, she goes to the kitchen to see what is available for lunch. She opens the cabinets, the freezer and the fridge. She is glad to see it is still stocked with everything.
Then with the fairies help. They make a lunch together. “Richard won’t be back here until 2 PM. It is now 12:30 PM. So, we’ll need to save some for him.”
“Yes, mother.”
Brianna decides on a pan-fried dish with trout and vegetables. The fairies cut up the fresh herbs and drop them on top of the fish. Brianna takes a wooden ladle and proceeds to cook the fish and vegetables. She gets done with it in 20 minutes. The four fairies quickly get their lunch together and set it on the dining table. They make their own honey-water cups. Brianna brings over her meal as well. She pours herself a cup of fresh mountain water.
After the giving the thanks to the Creator, they all proceed to eat their lunch. They get done in about a half-hour. They clean up the dishes and set them in the rack to dry.
She looks around the cabin to see what else is here. She sees a piece of paper folded up on the counter. She opens it up and sees the initial layout for a green house to be built next to the cabin.
“Did Richard come up with his Bianca and Lavan?”
“We all gave our input into it, Brianna. This came from our own visits in seeing the other green houses in the area.”
“This is great. I love it. We need to make sure it is built.”
“Yes we will.”
Brianna folds the piece of paper back up and puts it back where she found it. She continues in cleaning the dust from the furniture and the shelves. The fairies help out as well with their beating of wings.
At 2 PM, they hear two cars entering the driveway. Larry and I walk into the cabin.
“Yes, we are back.”
“We also have some good news, Brianna. It concerns when you are in Jacksonville.”
“Yes, dad. What is it?”
“Mr. Bryson said there is a sister organization in Jacksonville. You can be there when you are in Jacksonville.”
“Thank you, dad. I’ll check into it once we are in Charleston.”
Then Larry and I are served up a late lunch from Brianna. The rest of my fairies quickly get their lunch put together as well. We gather together around the dining table. After the giving of thanks to the Creator, we get done in about forty-five minutes. We talk about the possible training schedule from the Peaceful Dragon.
“So, are you going for the sashes, Brianna?”
“I am, Richard. I will take it step by step and see how far I want to go. I see myself not going for all of the black sashes. Perhaps, the first one will do and that is it.”
“I take it you don’t want to toughen up your skin and bones too severely.”
“That’s right, Richard. I just can’t see myself going through that kind of pain.”
“Yes, my conditioning will be interesting as well. I am told, once I flex my muscles, the skin will tighten up as well. Then it will be able to deflect darts and hand thrust knives. Once, I do relax the muscles, then my skin can be injured. Also, I will get stronger as well.”
“Well, then my incognito stud muffin, I’ll wait for the results and dream about it.”
“Yeah, but you will see me every day during that time, Brianna.”
“Well, I must be going kids. It is time for me to get back to Knoxville.”
We come together and hug and kiss each other on the cheek. The fairies hover up close and touch his cheek. Then Larry gets back into his car and drives away.
I decide to call my apartment complex manager. “Ring . . . Ring . . .”
“Click . . . this is the place to be. To whom am I speaking?”
“It is me, Stephanie. My name is Richard Moore.”
“That’s wonderful. When are you back?”
“I’ll be doing the alternating month again between Jacksonville and Charleston again. I need to move out of the two-bedroom and into a three-bedroom apartment. But, during that time, I’ll need to get into a house after that.”
“Hmm . . . let me look. . . . yes, I have two available. I’ll reserve the upstairs apartment for you. The porch is not screened in.”
“Thank you, Stephanie. See you during the first week of July.”
“See you then, Richard.”
“Richard, when will be a good time to build that green house? I saw the drawing on the counter.”
“I think May will be good time. I’m usually up here for the Corn Festival.”
“Then let’s contact a builder that will get it done.”
I call the fireplace company that built the fireplace out back.
“We can do the foundation, Richard. There is another company that can build the enclosure. When do you want it built?”
“Plan it for next year in May.”
“Yes, that’s a good time to do it. Do you have any drawings that we can start on?”
“I have a sketch here. I’ll drop it off today.”
“That’s fine, Richard.”
Amber, Cobalt, Tiger and Tigress come with me this time. The rest stay behind. I drive to the Mountain Fireplace company. I drop off the sketch.
“This is well thought out, Richard. You have a fountain within the enclosure. You already have a natural water source. The excess water is then channeled back to the stream in the back yard. I see you provided dimensions and location of everything. This is great. I’ll have our architect draw up the professional drawings and documents. I’ll give you a price later.”
“Thank you very much, sir.”
We shake hands together. “Don’t worry about it, Richard. It is great we are hearing the Creator’s voice in our minds. He has helped me a lot.”
I get back into my car and drive back to the cabin. We get ourselves comfortable to enjoy the weekend. On Sunday, we’ll be driving to Charleston to begin our lives together.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We all enjoy the weekend very much. Brianna and I walked the trails nearby. Of course we were escorted by our fairies and some of King Oren’s fairy troop. We also get escorted by some of the wild animals in the area like the bear, the panther, several birds, and deer. At one point we stopped by a large boulder near the trail. The fairies would bring us several nuts and blackberries fresh from the forest to munch on. After being on the trail for an hour, we hiked back to our cabin. The wild animals returned back into the forest. Our fairies returned back into the cabin with us.
I contacted the Wilkerson family and let them know we’ll be leaving Sunday morning for Charleston. They said they’ll drop by the cabin and pick up any food that could spoil. We did tell them, we’ll make plans to be here again next year in May for two weeks.
Sunday comes too soon for us. We get our luggage and clothes boxes all packed up. I bring the other cave stone carving with me. We have a light breakfast in the cabin. We say our goodbyes to King Oren and Queen White Dove and their fairy troop. They will see us again from time to time. We get the car packed up. Especially with a box of potted plants and herbs. Everyone is sitting comfortably in the car. I turn off the lights and the power to the cabin. I lock up the cabin one more time. On the way out, I stop by the mayor’s office. We inform the police that we are leaving for Charleston.
They wish us well that we will have a great marriage together. We get back into the car and I drive off to Charleston, SC. It takes several hours to arrive there. I stop by the apartment complex in Charleston. It is the same apartment that I have used in the past. I get the apartment loaded up with my luggage.
“I’ll be seeing you as often as I can, Richard. We might have to alternate our visits with each other.”
“Yes we will, Brianna. Now be careful, Lavan, Bianca, White Acacia and White Rose. Listen to Brianna. There will be times you’ll have to be in butterfly mode when you are seen by other people on the island. You can definitely be fairies in Brianna’s own room there.”
“We’ll be wary father, mother, Omega. Bianca and I can show them the island.”
“That might be true, Lavan. If you visit that gator hole, you will have to take a good bath afterwards. Speaking of which, Brianna. You’ll have to set up a bowl, flower scented soap, towels, a curtain for privacy.”
“Well then, you’ll just have to make another shower setup for them, Richard.”
“All right, I’ll do it. Its not hard to make. I’ll need to stop by the arts and crafts store and an antique store.” Amber, Cobalt, Tiger and Tigress come with me while the rest stay with Brianna at the apartment. It takes about an hour to find and purchase the items. I purchased another water skin bottle, a tube, a plastic cap for the end of the tube. I also purchase some water proof fabric with flower prints on it and some eye-loop grommets. I also find some plastic sticks with corner pieces there as well. They remind me of what I used to play with when I was five. I purchase a decorative bowl from the antique store. The fairies are pleased with what I found and purchased. I go to the trunk of my car and get the tool box out. I quickly put the grommets on the fabric. I also punch in several small holes in the plastic cap. I put it all away back into the bags. I drive back to the apartment.
When I get in the apartment, I show Brianna and the fairies how it is put together.
“That’s great, father, mother, Omega. Thank you very much.”
“Will I be able to refill the water skin bottle by magic, Richard?”
“You’ll be able to, Brianna. It is because you have been on Twainor. Also, all of us can do the air and water bending when we need to.”
“Hmm . . . that’s right, Richard.”
We all go together with Brianna on the ferry to the Rescue Mission. The staff and the ladies are pleased we are back from the honeymoon trips. I return back to the apartment complex with my own fairies. I quickly drive to the local food markets to purchase what I need to eat. Once it is all put away into the fridge, I make sure there are bowls of nuts and dried fruit available for the fairies to eat at any time.
We watch the news together, then we get ready for bed. I set the alarm for six in the morning. Once we are in bed and fast asleep, we get a strange dream during the night. We see a row boat with a single rower. He is coming from the ocean to the East. We don’t see any ship on the horizon.
We wake up in the morning when the alarm sounds out loud, “BZZZZ . . ..!!”
I reach over and turn it off. “That was a strange dream last night, fairies.”
“Yes, it was, father. Hopefully it will make sense while we are here for the month.”
We get ourselves ready for the day. I eat a bowl of cereal with milk and orange juice. I make my lunch for the day. The fairies flutter down to the car in butterfly mode and get inside the car. I drive to our manufacturing office in Charleston. Once I park in the parking lot and open the door. The fairies flutter out to check the area out. They see a lot of flowers in bloom in the quad area of the complex. I walk into the building to begin my day. I greet the people there that I haven’t seen for some time.
“So, Randy, are you having any problems with the designs?”
“Not really, Richard. You do need to set up the hard drives that will contain the library for the virus forms. Also, you will need to set up the information and help files for references.”
“Okay, Randy, I’ll be glad to do that while I’m here.”
I walk to an empty cubicle in the engineering staff room. Along the way, I pick up several empty hard drives from a table. I sit down to begin the day. I go to our network and copy the virus forms onto the empty hard drives. That takes about two hours to do. That’s the easy one to do. After lunch, I’ll be tackling the information and help files. They have to be structured with key words so the information can be found quickly. I walk to the break room to retrieve my lunch bag. I walk outside to the bench sitting area under the trees. My fairies quickly flutter to me and hang around the tree and the picnic table. We enjoy our small talk among ourselves.
After lunch, I walk back into the complex. I start on the information files and get them organized. Then from that, I create the help file directories and the key words for the search engine. I knew I wouldn’t get done by 4 PM. It is a three day process to get everything connected together. Not only that, I have to test the help search engine to make sure it is finding the correct piece of information quickly.
At 4 PM, I clock out to begin my training at the local dojo. The fairies quickly follow me from the quad area and into the car. I drive to the local dojo to find Qiang and Sensei Chou waiting for me.
“The first animal to learn is the lizard. It is a quick reptile with the feet movement. But, for now, you must find a way to get connected to the Earth bending element. We are going outside the dojo. There is a worn path in the ground nearby.”
The three of us walk outside of the dojo. In the backyard of the dojo, we see a worn path in the ground.
“The first thing you must do, is to use the seismic touch. You are reaching out and sending vibrations in the ground. The information that comes back reflected will let you know where each object is located in your mind.”
I reach down and touch the ground. I feel nothing. Then I realize I must send a vibration into the ground. I concentrate on my hand to have it vibrate while I’m reaching to the ground to touch it. As soon as I touch the ground, I see a lot of objects in my mind.
“Did you do it, Richard/”
“I received a lot information, Qiang.”
“Yes, it will take time to sort out what is important or not. Also, you need to visualize those returns in your mind.”
I do this again for another hour. Slowly, I begin to discern what is important or not. I quickly determine where Qiang and Sensei Chou are when I can’t see them. They even blindfold me to make sure I’m doing it right.
For the next hour, they start to toughen up my body some more. They take light bamboo sticks and start hitting me all over the body. They will have me progress to heavier bamboo sticks by the end of the month.
After the beating, I get changed back into my regular clothes, I drive back to the apartment complex. My body starts to feel a bit sore from the hitting. I take an aspirin so that I can sleep better during the night. The fairies know they can’t heal me like before. They know I must grin and bear it as the body heals itself.
During the night, we get the same dream as before. This time, we see it is actually three sailors in the row boat. However, they appear like ghosts to us. They are pale in skin complection. They bring the row boat ashore on to the main land in Charleston. One of them gets out and walks toward his destination.
He is walking toward the apartment complex where I am staying!! He is walking up the stairs and pauses at my door. He knocks on the door, “Knock! Knock! . . .” “Mr. Moore! Are you in there?” “Knock! Knock! . . .”
I wake up from the dream groggily We all hear the knocking on the door. I get out of bed and walk to the front door. Tiger flutters to me and sits on my shoulder. I turn on the light and see the same sailor through the peep hole. I open the door to greet him.
“I’m sorry for the late night rendezvous, Mr. Moore. You are cordially invited to board the Queen Anne’s Revenge at sea. Captain Will Turner has orders from the Creator to take you, your wife and your fairies with you.” He hands me a formal invitation card. I look at the script, I see it is handwritten with flowing letters.
“When will this take place, sailor? How will I get out there?”
“You are to take a quick boat ride with the same boat captain when you visited Leviathan.”
“Am I going to see Leviathan?”
“Not this time, Mr. Moore. This is for something else entirely. Your family we’ll be back within the hour.”
“All right, it’s a mystery then.”
“Yes it is, sir. I look forward in seeing you all on board at the next new moon.”
“I see, it is the next new moon. I’ll call and make the plans, sailor.”
“Thank you, sir.”
He turns around and leaves the apartment complex. I close the door. I put the invitation on the dining table. I look at the invitation again, but this time I’m looking at it upside down. I see a hidden script within the ship’s name. I see the name, The Flying Dutchman.
“I remember that story and the movie series, Tiger. We need to find when the next new moon will be in June. I think it will happen soon. From what I have read, Will Turner did live out his life with Elizabeth and their son. We’ll have to ask him why he is back on the Flying Dutchman.”
“I think you’re right father.”
We all go back to bed. It is 3 AM in the morning!!
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We wake up in the morning when the alarm sounds out loud, “BZZZZZ . . . .!!!” I reach over to the clock and turn off the alarm. “Click!”
We all get ready for another day in Charleston. At 6:30 AM I get a phone call, “Ring! Ring! Ring! . . .” I walk over to the phone and pick it up. “Hello?”
“Its me, Richard.”
“What’s up, Brianna?”
“I got a strange dream last night. I saw three sailors in a row boat last night. They approached your apartment.”
“I had the same dream, Brianna. It did actually happened last night, Brianna. A sailor gave me a invitation to see Will Turner at sea. We are take a boat out to the Gulf Stream like we did last time.”
“Who is Will Turner?”
“He was portrayed in the Pirates of the Carribean movies. He is the captain of The Flying Dutchman. We are to meet him at the next New Moon this month.”
“I’m looking on the calendar right now, Richard. It is ten days from now. What will happen when we are out there?”
“I would surmise we will be escorted to a certain destination. Where? I don’t know at this time. The sailor said, Will Turner received the orders from the Creator himself.”
“Sigh . . . all right. It looks like another weekend fishing expedition. We better catch some fish while we are out there, Richard.”
“I agree, Brianna. I don’t want to come back empty handed either. I’ll make the phone call for the boat reservation today. So, how are you and the fairies doing so far?”
“It’s going great, Richard. When they are in butterfly mode among the ladies and children, we discovered they are more calmed down and easier for them to talk it out.”
“Hmm . . . that’s interesting Brianna.”
“Well, I have to go, Richard. Let me know about the boat reservation as quickly as possible.”
“Yes, Brianna. I do miss you in the bed, Brianna.”
“So do I, Richard. I’ll tell you later about the Jacksonville center for women later in the week.”
“I love you, Brianna. Mwaaah!!”
“I love you too, Richard. Mwaaah!!”
“Click!” She hangs up the phone.
I put the phone down. I get ready for another day at the office. The day is a repeat of yesterday. Except for a few things like calling the boat captain that took us out to see Leviathan.
At the office, the first thing I did, is that I quickly called the boat captain who took us out last time. He checked his schedule and discovers the weekend is open for us. I immediately make the reservation for the weekend. Then I called Brianna to confirm the reservation for her.
I created an information hard drive containing a broad spectrum of religious beliefs from the Christian, Jewish, and the Muslim faiths. I also included several sections for the other religions from around the world like the Hindu, Shinto, several Native American Indian faiths like the Cherokee, Navajo and a few others.
I called and checked with the science groups who want the 3-D server for the AIVAS. I am told they will provide their own information hard drives. It will be a full spectrum of the latest information from all of the science fields. They told me they will have their own key word list and search engine.
I then continued with structuring the Help files needed for the new 3D-Server for the rest of the day. At the end of the day, I go to the local dojo to continue my training for the fourth Black Sash.
“One of the special moves for the lizard is the Earth Wave. By moving your feet quickly, you should be able to kick up some dirt and ride on top of it.”
“Can you do it, Qiang?”
“I can, Richard. I’ll show you.”
Qiang quickly moves his feet in the dirt trail behind the dojo. He kicks up some dirt. Soon, I see him riding the small earth mound all over the backyard. I see him moving his feet to keep it under him. He ends it by jumping off it.
“It takes a lot of concentration, Richard. You must have total focus during the entire time.”
“Okay, Qiang.” I stand in the dirt trail. I quickly slide my feet along the trail to kick up some dirt in front of me. I step up to ride on top of it. I quickly come to stop by standing on the little mound of dirt. “Hmm . . . I need to concentrate harder, Sensei and Qiang.”
“Yes, you do, Richard. Also, you must move your feet faster. You’ll try it again later. Now let’s see if we can get you to move your feet faster, Richard.”
Qiang shows me his feet movement. I see the feet blur underneath him.
I give it a try to blur the feet movement. It takes about ten tries before I am able to blur my feet movement. I keep at it for the next half hour. After I gain the confidence in it, I try to do the Earth Wave again. This time I am able to ride the mound of dirt all over the backyard!! I step off the moving mound and come to a stop.
The next fifteen minutes is spent with the weights. Then I flex the muscles for the blue scorpion armor. They hit me all over with the light bamboo sticks for the next forty-five minutes.
After that, I cool myself down and get ready to go back to the apartment.
This gets repeated until Friday. I learn a new weapon, a large hammer. In fact, it is the sledge hammer. I copy the moves from Qiang in wielding the sledge hammer. Soon, I get all of the moves memorized for the sledge hammer.
I have Saturday and Sunday to rest and to be with Brianna over the weekend. We enjoy each other presence very much. We take walks along the beaches of the Rescue Mission. I stayed in one of the separate bungalows on the island. Of course, all of the fairies are with us.
Brianna squeezes my arms. “Hmm . . . you are definitely getting stronger. I love it.”
We have meals with the Rescue Mission and in the bungalow by ourselves. Sunday afternoon, I return back to the mainland. I get done with the Help files. I test them out several times to make sure it is working properly. When I get back from the fishing weekend, I will be programming the ROM chips on the motherboards. I repeat the training schedule until Friday. On Friday, it is the boat trip to find Will Turner at the Gulf Stream.
Brianna and my fairies all take a ride to the wharf where we had our boat trip before.
“Its good to see you again, Richard. So, whom are we going to see out there this time?”
“It is Will Turner. He is the Captain of the . . ..”
“The Flying Dutchman. I don’t believe it. I’ll finally meet the old man.”
“Are you familiar with him, Captain?”
“I most certainly do, Richard. I am one of his descendants.”
“Well, he’ll taking us somewhere out there in the ocean.”
“You’re right about that, Richard. Its probably a mystery waiting to be solved. Be sure to tell me all about it when you get back. Then we can do some fishing out there.”
“That’s right, Captain. I think this time we’ll catch enough fish to feed the ladies at the Rescue Mission.”
“That’s admirable goal, Richard. They will love the fresh caught flavor.”
We get on board the boat with the First Mate. I make sure we have enough bags of fruits and nuts for the fairies and us. Also, there are two full water skins with two honey squirt bottles. I also brought their beds, pillows and clothes boxes as well.
The Captain takes us out to the Gulf Stream early Friday morning. It takes about three to four hours to get out there. When we arrive, the Captain floats in the area. Then all of a sudden, we see The Flying Dutchman come out of the water and floats near us.
It is amazing to see the same boat as it appeared in the movies.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
The Captain takes us out to the Gulf Stream early Friday morning. It takes about three to four hours to get out there. When we arrive, the Captain hovers in the area. Then all of a sudden, we see The Flying Dutchman come out of the water and floats near us.
It is amazing to see the same boat as it appeared in the movies.
Then we see some sailors gathering around the railings. One of them uses a whistle. We hear the call for “quarters.”
A well-dressed First Mate approaches the railing. “Ahoy Captain! I am the First Mate. Are Richard Moore, Brianna and their fairies on board?”
“Yes he is here, First Mate. His family and special children are here!”
“That’s good. Our Captain will appear here soon.”
In a few moments, Captain Will Turner appears next to the First Mate.
“It’s an honor to meet Captain Will Turner. I am one of your descendants here in the USA. My name is Charles Turner Brandon.”
“It is an honor for me too, to see you, Charles. We’ll be back in an hour, Charles. Richard, with your family, please come on board The Flying Dutchman.”
Brianna and I look at the water. We move our hands and arm toward the water. We create a moving water stair case from the charter boat to The Flying Dutchman. We stand as the stairs move to the main deck on The Flying Dutchman. Our fairies are flying around us as we glide up the stairs.
As soon as we step on board, I get a sudden feeling The Flying Dutchman is alive! The ship groans. “eerr .. . rrr . . .eerrr. . .”
The ship slowly turns and moves away from the charter boat. The watery stair case flows back into the ocean.
“This is new, Richard. What is going on?”
“As soon as we stepped on board, Captain, I felt this ship is alive in a very unique way. I think you have a sea dragon spirit as part of the ship.”
Then everyone on board hears a voice coming from the ship. “Yes, indeed, Captain Will Turner. I became part of this ship when Davey Jones became Captain of this ship. He didn’t realize that during his time as Captain. It is why The Flying Dutchman can swim underwater the fastest. My father is Leviathan and my mother is Eingana. I am honored to have the Omega Unicorn Dragon and his family on board here.”
“Then where are we heading to, Captain Will Turner?”
“We are going to the underwater roadway here in the Bahamas. You and your family will fly through a portal. There, your family will appear on another world. If we tried to enter that portal, we would immediately cease to exist. We will wait until you come back.”
“Do you know what is on the other side, Captain?”
“I was told you will meet a certain wizard called, Gandalf.”
“Gandalf? He is from Middle-Earth. Then I better get suited up to meet him.” I hand my satchels to Brianna. “Armor on with both swords. The clothes that I am wearing will be in the satchel.” Then in a blink of an eye, my armor appears on me. The Twainor sword and the Caledfwlch appear on my side.
The sailors are amazed to see me like this. They murmur among themselves.
“Well, you must get inside the Captain’s Quarters while we are underwater.”
“Will the room flood with water while we are underwater?”
“Yes it will, Richard.”
“Then Brianna and I will project an air bubble within the room to keep the water out, Captain. We have learned the bending arts of air and water.”
“That’s good, Richard.”
We follow the Captain to the Captain’s Quarter on the main deck. We enter into a spacious living area. As soon as our fairies are with us, we create an air bubble to keep the water out of the room.
Soon, The Flying Dutchman goes underwater. We travel at a very high rate of speed. It takes about a half hour to arrive at the underwater roadway. The Flying Dutchman appears on the surface. We exit the Captain’s Quarter and walk onto the main deck. Soon, I see the Caledfwlch cross box light up very bright, it is like when I pulled out the Caledfwlch from the stone.
I bring out my peridot crystal and contact the other Richards in the other multi-verses. “Anti-Richard, are you here at the underwater roadway?”
“I am, Richard. I just received the same request as you did. Apparently, this is very important. We’ll need our Caledfwlch to get us back.”
“I agree, Anti-brother. How about the rest of you, Richard’s?”
“We agree, Richard. We are here as well. We’ll talk about this when we get back, Richard.”
“Yes, we will.”
The images disappear above the peridot crystal. Brianna and I extend our feathered wings from our bodies. Our fairies quickly divided themselves up and sat on our shoulders, heads and satchels.
The sailors can’t believe what they are seeing.
“We’ll talk about this when we get back, Captain.”
“Yes, we will, Richard.”
We fly off The Flying Dutchman. We get higher above the water. Soon we see the underwater roadway beneath the water. We look forward and fly along the length of the roadway. Soon, we see a vertical swirling motion of clouds appear on the water at the end of the roadway. Then it quickly opens to an oval shape blue light, like the sky. The rings of clouds are still around the open portal.
We fly through the portal and into the blue light. We disappear in a blink of an eye from our own Earth. The light from the sword immediately dims. All of a sudden we appear in a lush rolling green field. We look around carefully before we go any further. We see a series of twelve bluestone pillars in a circle underneath the portal. Right in front of us we see Gandalf standing before us. He has a big smile on his face. Soon he begins to laugh.
We laugh along with him as we land on the ground. We retract our wings.
“Hah, hah, hah . . ..!!”
“It seems there is a connection between our worlds, Gandalf.”
“Yes there is, Richard Moore. Come with me. You’ll need to meet some important people here. Also, we need information from you about the black spirit that is on your world.”
“Of course, Gandalf.”
“I am glad to see you have the sword with you. We are hoping it will finally heal Frodo.”
“Then I have the belief it can be done.”
“That’s good. Please follow me. Where we are, is the Undying West of Middle-Earth. Because you have the light with you that is your way back to your home as well.”
“Yes sir.”
We follow Gandalf through the rolling green hills. Soon, we see several large buildings on the horizon. To our amazement, we get there very quickly.
When we approach their gates, we encounter two elf guards. We see they have a very regal appearance with an inner glow emanating from them. We see they are fully armed.
“Halt! We recognize, Gandalf. Who are you?”
“My name is Richard Moore. This is my wife, Brianna. These other beings are fairies. I gave birth to eight of them, except for six of them.” I bring forth the Caledfwlch from the scabbard. It doesn’t shine a bright light.
“For within this cross-box, contains a single diamond dust. Within the diamond dust, it contains a single ray of light from the Two Trees.”
“The Two Trees?! How is that possible, Gandalf? We thought it was lost forever.”
“On my world, I found in hiding, Feanor. Along with Calamus, the Celtic God of War, they built the nine Caledfwlches. There is one for each of the nine multi-verses.”
“Is that true, Gandalf?”
“It is true noble elf guards. Right now we must visit the Valar and the Maia leadership and give them good news and hope.”
“Yes, you are welcomed to enter.”
The elf guards turn around and open the gates to the Valar realm. We see a brighter light within the walled city. Soon, our eyes become accustomed to the new brightness level. We see majestic Maia people walking about the streets and among the buildings. Some of them give a double take when they see two humans in their midst. They look at us while we walk past them. Then they continue on their way.
Soon, we stand before their central building with two high doors. There are no elves standing in front of the doors. The building is very high above us. I estimate at least three floors while it is at least six stories high compared to our buildings on Earth.
As soon as Gandalf walks near the doors, the doors open by themselves. We enter the large room on the first floor. We see a high ceiling above us. I see a semicircle of thrones before us. In the middle is the Head Vala, Manwe. His wife, Varda is sitting next to him. There are six more Valars on either side of them. Then there are two more Maia thrones on either side of the wing. That makes a total of sixteen thrones.
“Welcome, Gandalf. We heard from you that you will bring two humans to us with a unique family.”
“That is right, Manwe.”
I look at Manwe, soon I get a familiar feeling from him.
Manwe notices the recognition on my face. “You may speak your mind, Richard.”
“Thank you, sir. For some reason I am familiar with you. Maybe not here, but somewhere else. You seem to have the power of the Creator who created the Multi-verses.”
“You are so right, Richard. I was hoping for a clean creation without Azazel’s influence. But, he quickly spread his malice and hate to infect Melkor and Sauron. You have within the Caledfwlch a great gift, Richard. Use it wisely. I can already sense you used it to defeat Loki on the Norse home world.”
The Valar Queen, Varda, speaks up next. “Now it is time to cure Frodo. Sam and Bilbo are here hoping that help comes quickly.”
From a separate room in the main hall, we see Frodo being held by Sam and Bilbo. They bring him to the center front portion of the throne room. Frodo’s countenance has the appearance of a wraith. His eyes are darting every where.
“Let me go!!”
“No, Frodo. It is time to expel the last traces of darkness from your mind, my dear Frodo.”
“That’s a lie, Bilbo! I am perfectly sane!!”
The two Hobbits look at me. They look toward me for help.
I withdraw the Caledfwlch from the scabbard. I step forward until I am about five feet from Frodo. I place the point on the ground. I hold the grip of the sword with both of hands. I concentrate on the cross box panel. “Come forth Light of the Two Trees!!!”
The panel opens up. The single ray of light emanates from the single diamond dust!!
The Valar and Maiar are amazed to see the pure light once more. “Gasp!!”
“By the stars of Heaven!! Feanor has kept his promise!!”
Frodo screams in pain as he is held tightly by the two Hobbits. “ARRRRRrrrrGGGgHHHH!! The pain!!!” Frodo gets on his knees.
Soon we see a dark shadow leave Frodo’s body!! We see it is the image of the Witch King!!
“Curse you all!! I thought the Two Trees were destroyed!! Apparently the Light from the Two Trees were saved by Feanor!! Curse you all!!” The dark shadow of the Witch King dissipates in the presence of the pure light!!
I close the panel to the cross box. The single diamond dust dims to a dull glow.
We see Frodo panting heavily on his knees. “Pant . . .pant. . . pant . . .!” He looks around and sees his closest friend and relative before him. He sees a big smile on their faces.
“What happened?”
“Someone came with the Light of the Two Trees, Frodo. The last remnant of Witch King’s shadow finally fled from your body.”
“Who brought the Light?”
They point to me. “He brought the single ray of Light of the Two Trees, Frodo.”
Frodo gives his smile, “Thank you for freeing me from that dark shadow.”
“You’re welcome, Frodo. You should not have any more nightmares from now on.”
“I’ll definitely will, friend.”
Then the three Hobbits leave the throne room through the front door. Soon they are laughing and catching up on retelling old jokes to each other.
The Valar and the Maia are smiling widely.
“Thank you for bringing the Light of the Two Trees, Richard.”
“You’re welcome, Manwe. I need to do something for you. You need to meet the other Omega Unicorn Dragons from the other multi-verses.” I bring out the peridot crystal. I call up the eight other Omega Unicorn Dragons. Quickly, eight more Richards appear above the crystal.
“It is an honor to meet you, Manwe. We have just expelled the dark shadow from Frodo here in the Anti-verse.”
“So have we in our own multi-verses.”
“That’s good. I would presume there are nine Feanors.”
“Yes, that is true, Manwe. The only question I have is this. Who resides in the Halls of Mandos?”
Mandos speaks up, “Since all nine bodies are on your own Earth’s. What I have within my halls are the nine spirits of Feanor. When you join yourselves together Richard and Anti-Richard. You will help Sauron become one. Then he can open the Door of Night. Then we’ll have the final show down with Melkor and the Host of Darkness that are kept there.”
“I was told, the Eleven Magi, or the Apprentices to the Wizards will be able set free the Maia from Melkor and Sauron’s hold along with the great dragon, Anacalgon. Then they will be alone to face their destiny.”
“That is true. But what of Anacalgon?”
“I am thinking, the dragons came from my world, Manwe. Melkor will answer for his crimes in turning the dragons to the dark side. I think we’ll be able to give balance to Anacalgon because we are the Omega Unicorn Dragons. The dragons are from Leviathan and Eingana. Also, I know, Sauron possessed a Roman soldier to kill Caliber the Unicorn.”
“Indeed, Melkor and Sauron will answer for their crimes. Melkor will receive the wrath of the dragons. Sauron will receive the wrath of the unicorns. They both don’t realize they will receive Feanor’s payback for the harm they both created here on the Middle-Earths.”
“Go in peace, Richard Moores, Briannas and the fairies. We know the Light of the Two Trees are in good hands. Use the pure light wisely.”
All of us bow our heads to the Valar and Maiar. The Valar and the Maiar bow and raise their heads as well. Then the images disappear above the peridot crystal.
Gandalf escorts us from the throne room. We see a crowd of people cheering us on! “All right!! The Light of the Two Trees are not lost!”
Then we see a man approach us. He stops before us.
“My name is Turin. I have been chosen to defeat the dark one. What weapon can be used against him and not have the sword shatter into pieces?”
“First of all, it will be your black sword, Gurthang. Like with the Caledfwlch that I have, have a cross box containing a single diamond dust. The nine Omega Unicorn Dragons will share our Light of the Two Trees with you.”
Turin smiles, “Then I can get past his defenses and have Feanor’s payback near me. How will I give him the wrath of the dragons?”
“I am thinking all of the dragons will send a fiery blast into the wound you created. Then, with the Light of the Two Trees, you seal the pain within him. It will be the same when Sauron receives the wrath of the unicorns. Then Manwe and the Creator will send them both to the Lake of Fire for eternity.”
“Yes, they will be in pain forever. I will make sure Gurthang is tempered and ready for Melkor. See you at the Ultimate Last Battle, Omega.”
“I will see you then, Turin.”
Turin turns around and walks to his abode where he has his black sword kept.
We follow Gandalf back to the circle of the blue stone pillars. We have a crowd behind us to see us off. Brianna and I sprout out feathered wings. Our fairies quickly get into the coat pockets.
“See you in the future, Gandalf.”
“See you then, Omega Unicorn Dragon.”
We turn around and flap our wings. We fly toward the portal. Quickly, the portal opens again. We see blue sky and The Flying Dutchman on the other side. We fly through the portal. We disappear in a blink of an eye, then the portal closes.
We appear back to our own Earth. We fly to the Flying Dutchman and land on the main deck.
“Were you successful, Richard?”
“We were Captain Turner. We were able to evict the last trace of the dark shadow that resided within Frodo. We also gave them and update on the latest news here.”
“That’s good. Now I can deliver you back to my descendant, Charles Turner Brandon.”
We walk back into the Captain’s quarters. We generate an air bubble to keep the water out of the room. The Flying Dutchman quickly dives underwater. It takes a half hour to get back to the charter boat. It quickly surfaces on the other side of the Gulf Stream where the charter boat is floating.
The boat and ship float near each other. Will Turner’s crew lower a platform on the side of the Flying Dutchman. Charles, Will, Brianna, the fairies and I sit on the platform to have our talk together.
“When I received the invitation, Will. It seems to state you are on board the Queen Anne’s Revenge. Then I saw the lettering upside down for the Flying Dutchman. But, I know for a fact, the Queen Anne’s Revenge is found here off the coast of the Carolinas.”
“That’s right, Richard. Even though Blackbeard was already killed. It was Barbosa who sank the Revenge. They escaped onto shore. Since, they look almost alike, Barbosa was referred to as Blackbeard.”
“Did Captain Jack Sparrow ever get accepted on board here?”
“He couldn’t release the Black Pearl from the bottle. I have the bottles with me here on board, Richard. Yes, Captain Jack Sparrow was onboard here for one hundred years. Sad to say, he didn’t like how piracy ended up. The pirates of our time, in the various places around the world, piracy took a nose dive in profit. The nations stepped up their pressure to defeat the pirates. It was these people here on board the tactics changed. Instead of gold, they tried to ransom or kill the hostages right away. Then the nations would not pay what they demanded. I found these sailors adrift at sea.”
“So, grandpa, how was your time with Elizabeth?”
“It was great, Charles. I saw my son grow up and become a successful business man and to keep my line intact. I have always been aware where are my descendants live. I am glad to see the sea bounty has not left you.” Will Turner smiles.
Charles smiles back. “No it hasn’t grandpa. It has been very profitable when George Wisenthall was taken into custody. Richard here had a hand in bringing justice to him. My First Mate’s family was saved as well.”
“That’s good, Charles.”
“Why did you get called back to be the Captain of The Flying Dutchman?”
“I was given permission by the Creator to raise my family, Richard. Once I saw my grand kids raised up to twelve years old, Elizabeth died. I heard the call in my mind to be the Captain once more. This time, it will be until the Ultimate Last Battle. It seems The Flying Dutchman is determined to be there as well.”
“That makes sense, Will.”
“What about Captain Ahab?”
“He became entangled in his own weapon and rope with Moby Dick. He was dragged down and drowned. There was only one survivor of the crew to tell the tale. As far as Moby Dick is concerned, he past away silently in his old age. Well, it is time for us to go. We have several more floundering ship crews out there to rescue.”
Then Charles and Will standup together. They give each other a brotherly hug. Then Charles lowers himself down to his charter boat deck. The fairies quickly flutter out and fly back to the charter boat. We are then helped down as well.
We wave our hands to crew of The Flying Dutchman. The ship dives underwater.
“Well, let’s do some fishing for the Rescue Mission. Let’s get some sore arms!!”
We laugh at the joke from the First Mate. “Hah, hah, hah, hah . . . .!!”
We fish all day for five hours until sunset. We caught a mix collection of ten fish. We caught, snapper, red fish, mackerel and several other species. We settle down for a nice quiet evening dinner on the boat. We see the stars shining forth brightly in the night sky. We have a great dinner with the fish we caught. The First Mate quickly guts and clean the fish. Then he wraps them up and ice it in the cooler.
We get a great night of sleep.
On Saturday, we pace ourselves throughout the day. We land twenty-five fish. Of course, I caught most of them. Brianna brings in two in the morning and two in the afternoon. Brianna squeezes my arms a few times. She is satisfied that I am getting stronger.
On Sunday, we make our return back to Charleston. We get back by 11 AM. I keep four filets for myself. The rest are going to the Rescue Mission.
The Rescue Mission screams in delight they are getting fresh caught fish for their meals. They find ways to make it last as long as possible.
I head back to my apartment with my fairies in Charleston. Brianna stays at the Rescue Mission. We have another two weeks before I drive back to Jacksonville.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
The next item to do for the AIVAS computer software is to create the ROM instructions for the motherboard systems. Fortunately, they are all the same. But, I have to create 7,776 copies of the instruction chip sets. That took an hour to do. Then I do the same thing for the EPROM and the CMOS instruction chip sets. That took three hours to do.
Since I know the science group is providing their own information hard drives, I decided to tackle the other information hard drives. These would be in the areas of world history from the country’s own perspective and ours, mathematics, economics, sports, physical education, foods, food recipes from around the world, literature books from around the world of fiction and nonfiction. I also include sections of music from all genres, types, countries and eras. The other areas are geography, the social sciences and drama. For the drama section, I realize it will have to be the ancient plays to the modern ones. For geography, I know this overlaps geology. So, I provided the material on how to create maps of any type they want to.
The hardest section is doing the language arts. That means you are learning a language from hearing the words spoken to you. I contacted the science group to confirm that.
“What you are doing is great, Richard. We’ll provide the information hard drives for about two dozen languages here on Earth. Since Latin is used in the scientific circle, you still need to study Greek and a few other languages that are interwoven in the scientific community.”
“Thank you, sir. It seems we are trying to condense the college life cycle with all of this information.”
“That’s right, Richard. The settlers will need every piece of information that we can provide for them. They will be on their own out there.”
Doing the additional information hard drives spills over to my time in Jacksonville for a month.
The following Saturday, I bring Brianna to the dojo in Charleston. Sensei Chou and Qiang are pleased to hear from Brianna that she will earn the sashes up to the first black sash. They teach her more of the initial set of moves for the white sash on her first day. Then it will be picked up when we are in Jacksonville the following month.
At the end of the month, we all pack up and make the drive to Jacksonville. Brianna gets the address from the Rescue Mission for their sisters’ organization there. We looked it up on the internet to see where it is. We find it is located on the north side of the St. John’s River and it is East of I-95. In comparison where I live, the office and the dojo, they are not that far away from each other. The office is located in the southwest part of Duval County on the West of St. John’s River. The only distant location is the sister organization. That is about an hour’s drive away.
We meet with the apartment manager to see the new apartment. It is just like she said, it is on the second floor with no screened in porch. I make the payment and sign the documents for a one year lease on the apartment.
When we checked out my original apartment, we are surprised to see a mockingbird nest guarding the porch garden. However, there are no eggs in the nest. Also, we see it is kept clean as well. The mockingbird took the dead leaves and flowers and incorporated them into the nest.
Was it a long fight with the other mockingbirds to guard the garden?
I only had two challengers. But, I had the upper hand in the contests. I had more rolls than either of them had with me, Omega. We decided that all three of us guard the area around the complex here. So, how often are you traveling, Omega?
It will be every other month again for the next year, mockingbird. But, when the year is up, hopefully we will have found a house for us to move into or build from scratch.
I understand, Omega. If you can, Omega, try to bring the nest to the new apartment. If it falls apart, I’ll make another nest from the old pieces at the new apartment, Omega.
Thank you, mockingbird.
It takes a week to move my furniture and things into the new apartment. Brianna sets up a baby room in the third room. I get the other room for my computer network. The fairies check the baby in her womb often. They are pleased to hear only one heart beat at this time. They also sense it has a very strong beat and it is healthy as well.
I picked up the pot containing the mockingbird nest and carried it by hand to the new apartment. The mockingbird is pleased that he won’t have to rebuild it.
Brianna and her four fairies are in the car. Brianna drives to the Rescue Mission in Jacksonville. She gets a warm reception from the staff and the families there. Once they see the four butterflies around Brianna, all of the ladies and children suddenly feel more calm than ever before.
After work, Brianna drives to the local dojo. I drive to the local dojo as well. We do some more training for two hours. Brianna is taught more moves for the white sash. I can see her gaining more confidence in facing a would be attacker.
Brianna becomes very interested when she sees me get toughened up some more with the bamboo sticks. She sees me flexing my muscles to the Blue Scorpion level.
After a few hits she looks closely at the hit marks. “Incredible, it is not as red the last time I saw it, Sensei.”
“That’s true, Brianna. Right now it is the medium size sticks. When he progresses to the large size bamboo sticks, we’ll keep hitting him until the bamboo sticks break.”
“Hmm . . . that’s interesting, Sensei.”
“When you have learned and memorize the moves Brianna, you will get tested to defend yourself. You will also display all of the moves for the white sash.”
“Yes, Sensei Chou.”
Everything progresses well for the next month in Jacksonville. In my spare time on Saturdays, I look up several homes that are for sell. When we see the condition of the house, we get disappointed in how much money is needed for the repairs.
“Brianna, it might be best if we build a house from scratch.”
“I agree, Richard. At least we know what we are starting out with. See if you can find an empty lot with a wooded back side. I think a gated community will be best.”
“Okay, Brianna.” I type a general search phrase to find gated communities in Jacksonville area. I come up with a big list for the county. Then I start highlighting the locations of Secure-Sys, Rescue Mission and the current apartment. I draw lines to connect the three points for a triangle. I look within the triangle to see what comes up. All of a sudden I see a wooded gated community in the middle of it. It also has a clubhouse with a pool. In the wooded area, I see a creek that joins with a larger river system that connects to the St. Johns River. I quickly look up the phone number for the gated community. “I think I found it, Brianna and fairies.”
Everyone gathers around behind me as we all look at the map of the area. The fairies land on our shoulders and heads to look at the map.
“It looks good, father.”
“Well, let me make some phone calls, Tiger.” I dial the phone number for the gated community. I ask the lady if they have any undeveloped lots left.
“We only have five left, sir. What is your name?”
“My name is Richard Moore.”
“Okay, I put your name down as a possible interested party. Can you make it for next week Saturday to see the lot?”
I look at Brianna. She quickly nods her head up and down. So do the fairies. “Okay, we’ll make plans to be there next week Saturday at 9 AM.”
“Yes, that is a good time. See you at the clubhouse, sir. Use this number to get through the gates, sir. It is 12 . . .”
“See you then, ma’am.” “Click.” “All right, it’s a date for next Saturday.” I write down the password phrase onto a small notepad that can be put into a shirt pocket.
We continue about our tasks for the weekend like doing the laundry. But in this case, we can do it with magic that is within us. I go into my computer lab room to write some ideas down and do some more programming for the new feature of the 3D-Server. That is making the holographic images become solid.
The following Saturday, we all make a trip to the gated community. I enter in the password number. The gate opens up and allows me to drive in. It takes about five minutes to find the clubhouse for the property. We see homes of various different sizes from 2000 to 4000 square feet. It is an even mix between one and two story homes.
I pull into an empty parking spot. The fairies quickly flutter out in butterfly mode to check out the area. Brianna and I walk in together. Brianna is starting to show her baby bump after three months.
“Welcome to Settlers Landing.”
“My name is Richard Moore, this is my wife, Brianna.”
“Oh my, you’re the one who saved our money several years ago. Thank you very much.”
“You’re welcome, ma’am. Now about those five lots to see.”
“Yes, come with me. We’ll get in a golf cart here. I’ll take you to the lots.”
We exit the clubhouse and get into the golf cart. The butterflies see us get into the golf cart. They follow us as the sales lady takes us to each empty lot. The butterflies quickly get drinks of nectar from the flowers along the way. The last empty lot we see gets our attention. It is the only one on the outside part of the loop road for the property.
“This is a nice lot. Has anyone claimed it yet?”
“The last one who looked at it didn’t have enough money in the savings account. I take it that you do, Richard?”
“I do, ma’am. I am looking to build a two story house.”
“Well, that will fit in with our subdivision here. So, are you willing to purchase the lot?”
“I’ll need to call my lawyer and let her know about it. We are definitely interested in the lot. Hopefully we’ll purchase it next week.”
“That’s fine, Richard. When are you due, Brianna?”
“In about six more months.”
“Well, it takes longer than that to build a two-story house, Richard. How many rooms will be in the house?”
“I would say at least four bedrooms for the kids. Plus a fifth one for myself. I think we’ll have greenhouse in the back as well.”
“That’s a serious out lay of cash, sir. I am thinking it will be about $500,000.00 when its all said and done.”
“You’re probably right, ma’am. We’ll let you know next week.”
“Then I look forward to the call, Richard. I’ll take you back to the clubhouse.”
We get into the golf cart. She takes us back to the clubhouse. I give her my card at Secure-Sys. She takes it and writes the lot number on the backside of the card.
We leave the property and drive back to the apartment. We continue getting ourselves rested over the weekend. Come Monday, it is more of the same for all of us. I call Anna and let her know what we found. She appreciates the call. She’ll start investigating loans from several banks in Jacksonville. Of course, the more we put down as a down payment, the quicker the loan will be paid off.
I call the subdivision in the middle of the week. We get tentative approval from Anna on Wednesday. I make arrangements to do a payment on the lot the next Saturday. Hopefully, the house will be built before the second child arrives.
When the fourth month is up in Jacksonville, we travel back to Charleston. We continue with our routines in Charleston like before. I finish learning the moves for the lizard. They are very quick with the feet on the ground. The next animal to learn is the badger.
“The badger is really connected to the ground, Richard. They burrow underground for their nests. It is there, you will really be connected to do the Earth bending element.”
They teach me the animal moves for the badger. It is another low level animal like the turtle I learned earlier. I learn how to do slashes with my hands and feet at this level.
“What is the special move for the badger, Sensei?”
“There are several moves, Richard. They are Earth Shelter, Earth Wall and Earth Column to name just a few. Earth or stone elevation has never been done here, Richard. Perhaps, you’ll be the first if you can do it.”
When we come back to Jacksonville for the sixth month. I get an interesting call from Twainor at 8 AM, the following Saturday morning.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
On Twainor, Alia and Chls are in consultation with Master Wizard Corrbas and King Hilmar in the King’s private study room of their castle on Gran Mara Island.
“This is most perplexing my King. These symptoms of shakes and fever are very severe. We need some help quickly.”
“I agree, Wizard Corrbas. I have touched several of your citizens to compare them. It seems these two are the ones who have eaten the wild animal meat the longest.”
“I agree, Alia. It is the military leadership of our kingdom. They are our Army and Navy Commanders. If there is a special combination of herbs and flowers here on Twainor, we won’t find it in time. Their conditions are getting worse. Maybe the Wizard from Earth knows someone from his travels who can help us.”
“We’ll have to contact Richard on Earth to see if he can reach him. Renard will be the one who can contact him.”
King Hilmar sits there and takes the advice from everyone there. He finally speaks up, “You’re right, my friends. Wizard Corrbas, contact Renard and let him know what is going on.”
“Yes, my King.”
Wizard Corrbas takes out his contact crystal. He puts his hand over it and thinks of Wizard Renard. It soon glows yellow. Then the image of Renard appears above the Crystal.
“Greetings, Corrbas. What brings this call?”
“We need some help here in the Maranelle Islands Kingdom. We have been trying to cure the sickness from the ones who have eaten the wild animal meat the longest. Even with Alia’s diagnoses and Chls’s knowledge, it is not enough to find a cure in time. We have used the white light spell at least twenty times. The sickness is very persistent. We fear their lives will end soon.”
“I see. What do you need from me?”
“Contact Richard, so he can contact the Earth Wizard. He might know someone who can help us.”
“I’ll do that, Wizard Corrbas. Are these people still on the Emerald Isle?”
“They still are. They have been confined to one home for their safety. We are monitoring them constantly. It is the military leadership of the Maranelle Island Kingdom here. They have a case of fever and extreme shaking periods before they calm down. Then a mark or two later, it flares up again.”
“That is serious. I’ll contact Richard right now. I’ll let you know when I’m done talking with him.”
Corrbas smiles, “Thank you, Renard.”
Renard smiles back, “You’re welcome, Corrbas.”
The image disappears.
Meanwhile, back on Earth on a Saturday morning, Richard is given the weekend off. This is to recover from his latest Shaolin lessons. Richard is in his apartment doing some house cleaning. The fairies are helping out where they can by using feathers and the wind from their wings. Brianna is about six months pregnant with their first child. Brianna’s four fairies are helping her to stay comfortable as much as possible in the bed and not exert herself too much. They bring her a fruit to eat. If it is a cup of water, they make sure it is within reach on the night stand that is next to the bed. They refill it with magic from time to time.
A white light indicator near the PC monitor comes on. Cobalt sees it. Then a pop-up window comes on the screen. Cobalt immediately recognizes who is calling.
“Richard, Wizard Renard is calling.”
“He is? Let’s hear what he has to say. It might be important.” I walk over to the PC terminal and sit down in the chair.
“Yes, Richard. Let’s see if my voice is accepted now, father.” Cobalt tries using the voice command to open the icon to open the conversation window. This was done a month ago to have Tiger’s voice added to the system. It is planned that he will have his own security password sequence when we are in the house. “Open the conversation window.”
Cobalt smiles when he sees the window opens and sees Renard on the screen.
“Greetings, Richard and Cobalt.”
“Greetings Renard.” We both say it at the same time.
“What brings this call?”
“We need some help on Twainor. Wizard Corrbas, Alia and Chls have not been able to find a way to cure the Army and Navy Commanders who are sick on the Emerald Isles. They fear their lives will end soon.”
“What are the symptoms?”
“They have high fever and severe shakes. They calm down, then it flares up again a mark or two later.”
“That is serious. What can I do for you?”
“Can you contact the Earth Wizard? He might know someone who can come here to help us.”
“I’ll do that Renard. The Earth Wizard gave me one of his crystals for such emergencies. I’ll contact him now.”
“Thank you, Richard.” He smiles at me.
I smile back, “You’re welcome, Renard.”
“How are you doing in getting the Earth’s attention?”
“It’s slow right now. They still haven’t found or looked in the right direction yet when they got contacted by the Eridanni System. Geve is from that area. They just don’t know which star it is. They have taken my 3-D computer program and hardware and are applying it to the engines for a model interstellar star ship. It’s still too early to know the results.”
“That’s good. Will you contact me back?”
“I will, Renard.”
The image disappears from the PC monitor. Cobalt flies over to the shelf to retrieve the crystal from the Earth Wizard. He sets it on the PC desk and stands near it.
“Fortunately it has its own magic to contact him, Richard.”
“Yes, we are fortunate.” I place my right hand above it. I concentrate on the image of the Wizard. It soon glows silver. A little bit later the image of the Wizard appears above it.
“Greetings, Wizard.”
“Greetings, Richard and Cobalt. I take it you need some help on Twainor?”
“I do, Wizard. There are two left there on the Emerald Isles who haven’t been cured yet of the sickness. The symptoms are very severe right now. They have high fevers and extreme shaking periods. They calm down, then it flares up again an hour or two later. Alia and Chls haven’t been able to find a cure yet.”
“That is severe. I know someone who can do it. You have heard of him on the internet. His name is the Dapper Gentlemen.”
“I remember meeting him on Christmas World. Yes, he would be a good choice.” I smile at the Wizard. “They will have to do some exercising to be cured.”
The Wizard smiles back. “Yes they will, Richard. The Dapper Gentlemen will appear on the docks on the Emerald Isle.”
“I’ll tell them that. Until the next time we meet, Wizard.”
“Take care until we meet again, Richard. You’re doing a good job so far.”
“Thank you, Wizard.”
The image disappears above the crystal. Cobalt returns the crystal back to the shelf.
I reopen the email from Renard to contact him back. Soon his image appears on the screen.
“Greetings, Renard.”
“Greetings, Richard. Do you have some good news?”
“I do, Renard. The Wizard knows of man who can do it. He will be showing up on the docks on Emerald Isle. His name is the Dapper Gentleman. He has been blessed by the Maker to help heal people. He also has been blessed with his own magic. When he shows up on the docks, he will have a two wheeled pedaling machine with him. The Dapper Gentleman will explain himself when he arrives.”
“That’s unusual. I’ll contact Corrbas and let him know. Thank you, Richard.”
“You’re welcome, Renard. Until the next time we meet.”
“Until the next time, Richard.”
The image disappears from the monitor. We continue what we were doing in cleaning up the apartment.
King Hilmar, Corrbas, Alia and Chls are waiting on the docks of Emerald Isle. There are some knights standing by the docks near a building.
“I hope this Gentleman can do this, Alia.”
“I hope so too, Chls. It looks like only pure magic of the healing kind can cure them now.”
“Do we know when he will arrive?”
“If you remembered Corrbas, when you use magic to contact us. We traveled here very fast.”
“Thank you for reminding me.”
Then in the next moment, a blue glow from a blue stone pillar appears in the nearby waters. Then they see a shaft of light piercing from the sky onto the docks. The shaft of light fades. Then they see a well groomed and dressed man appearing on the docks. He has a two wheeled pedaling machine with him.
“That must be him, Corrbas. He has a two wheeled pedaling machine.”
“Yes, Chls.”
They walk up to him to introduce themselves.
“Greetings friend. My name is Wizard Corrbas. This is King Hilmar, King of the Maranelle Islands Kingdom. These two are Alia and Chls, they’re two of our Outside Helpers. What is your name?”
"I am the Dapper Gentleman with the TransBike. How may I be of service?"
"Have you come because of the Earth Wizard?" asks Wizard Corrbas.
"If you mean the Wizard who has so many stories written about him, then yes.”
"He helped us in the past and recently helped us again. Now there is a crisis. We have two of our people here on the Emerald Isle with a severe sickness," replied Wizard Corrbas.
“Can you help us? What is your background?" asked King Hilmar.
"I was born from a union of a human male and a Fairy wife who works for the Maker's Helper known as Santa Claus who upon a special day to celebrate the Maker's Gift of Life, journey around the Earth to leave a Gift to each Believer.”
"As a child of such a union, I am Blessed with the Fairies Gift of Magic and my father's Gift with technology. I help the people on Earth cope without Magic. When I saw how those in need suffered, I created many magical devices to help them as well as my TransBike with which I may help those who need my help."
"Again we ask. How can you help us?" asks Alia.
"All they have to do is believe that they can change."
"What if they can't believe?" asked Chls.
"Then my Believing will supply what's needed."
"What if they are not awake?" asked King Hilmar.
"The TransBike can choose to heal as well."
"Can it return their ability to do magic?" asked Alia.
"They shall have their magic restored to them for they were led astray.”
Then a young knight is running toward them from the main village on the island. “My King! My King!”
“What is it, Sir Coblen?”
“Pant . . . pant . . . the fever is gone from them! They are now thinking clearly, sir. They are not sweating anymore!!”
“Praise to the Creator! They are healed!!”
They all turn to face the Dapper Gentleman. “Thank you for coming, sir.”
“You’re welcome, King Hilmar. I will now go and find more people who need my services. Don’t forget to give thanks and praise the Creator each day.”
“That we will, sir!”
Then a shaft of light appears on top of the Dapper Gentleman and his Transbike. When the shaft of light fades, the Dapper Gentleman is no longer there.
They all walk back to the main village to see the results for themselves. The two military leaders are amazed, and they are now completely healed. When they tried to use some magic, they see that they can do it like they did before. Then everyone begins to give praise to the Creator for the miracle that was done for them in the kingdom and for Twainor.
“My King, please forgive us for what we did.”
“You are not getting off that easy, sirs. I think some community work with the villages and towns will be needed. You need to prove to the people of our kingdom of your good intentions this time.”
They both smile together, “Yes, my King.”
Michael Pearson walks into the prison library. He looks at the note that was left on his bed by Brian Dixon. He looks for the book. Then he sees it on the shelf. “It takes two to tango!” The book is about a half inch thick.
“Well, let’s do some reading.” He walks to an empty chair in the library. He sits down and begins to read the book. After reading it for an hour, he checks out the book and takes it to his cell. He hides the book as best he can from Brent and Darrell when they are visiting his cell.
He lays on his bed and looks up at the ceiling. “Hmm . . . that’s an interesting first chapter. It states communication is needed for a good relationship to last a life time. Hmm . . .”
I get another email message from Renard.
“From what I was told, Richard, the two military commanders are now healed. We’ll definitely praise the Creator for this miracle for a long time. Thank you for getting our attention concerning Ruald.”
“Your welcome, Renard. So, how is Ruald doing?”
“He finally passed away a month ago. Draknor was very shaken by what he heard during the nights with Ruald’s screams. Draknor in now serving his time working the metal mines for a year. The other two are half way through their year of service in the gem mines. Gapher has proven himself to King Thranton. He is now part of Royal Quartermaster Group overseeing the shipment of goods for their Under Kingdom.”
“That’s great, Renard. How is it going with the submarines?”
“Twainor just built their first one man submarine. You’ve got to see it when you come here the next time, Richard. It is amazing how they created air inside the sub and be able to move it underwater. The sea dragons are pleased the sub is not creating any pollution in the water. They are now planning and designing a five-man sub right now. What is the average number of people on your submarines?”
“It could be anywhere from fifty to 130 people. The largest sub can easily fit in your smallest arena.”
“Wow. I see we have a ways to go to get there, Richard. Well, take care until we meet again.”
“Until we meet again, Renard.”
The popup window closes. We continue with cleaning the apartment up.
The following Monday, we continue with our schedules as before. After learning the moves for the badger, the next animal to learn is the dog.
I learn the various moves for the dog. That is leaping upwards to be very aggressive in my stance toward an opponent. I learn the low level moves to get underneath an opponent as well. The special earth moves I learn here are rock glove, rock shoes and rock hanging. Doing those moves took a whole month to learn.
In the fourth month, September 2110, I get pregnant with my own fairies again. Fortunately the beatings on me ended at that time. Each time they hit me with a large bamboo stick, the bamboo stick shatters into pieces. There is no damage to my bones. Also, my skin is now impervious to darts and hand thrust knives. The instructors and the students are impressed to see me achieve the dragon armor.
When the eighth month rolls around, Brianna is now staying with me full time. We are monitoring her closely to know when the delivery day will be. I drive her to the gynecologist each week for her check up. We are finally told it will be a boy for our first child. Brianna, the fairies and I thought long and hard what their names should be. It is decided the first boy will be Robert. That is my father’s name. The next boy will have the name of Michael. Brianna chose the girl’s names. They will be Rachel and Catherine.
Every time the fairies touch Brianna’s stomach, they feel the baby is more calm than ever before. They are pleased the boy will give birth to more fairies when it comes time.
I continue with my training at the dojos. After learning the dog, it is time to learn the advance moves of the Northern and Southern Mantis styles. After that, it is learning the advance forms for the crane. Of course, they are more weapons and earth moves to learn with them.
We celebrate a quiet Christmas together in the Jacksonville apartment.
Then one day in January 2106, we see a change in Brianna’s face.
“Is it time, Brianna?”
“It is, Richard. Get me to the car carefully.”
I put my wallet and keys into my pant’s pockets. I carefully lift her up from the bed. She walks slowly to the main room. I quickly get the suitcase that we had packed up a month ago. I get it into the car quickly. I help her down the stairs carefully.
The butterflies are fluttering around us. They whisper encouraging words to her. The fairies have decided to stay at the apartment for the first birth. They had hoped to have the birth at the apartment, but when they saw the DVD movies of giving birth in an apartment, they realized Brianna needs to be in a hospital.
Once I get her in the car and close the door. I see the fairies have closed the door to the apartment and locked it. I get in and drive carefully to the Charleston Hospital. I give my cell phone to Brianna. She opens it and calls Dr. Sarah Mitchell, the Rescue Mission and Secure-Sys to let them know it is time.
They all wish her a speedy recovery and that there are no complications with the birth.
I pull into the drive entrance for the Emergency Room. I park the car and get out. I enter in the lobby area. “It is time for Brianna’s birth!”
Several orderlies wheel out a wheel chair. I open the car door for Brianna. The orderlies carefully get her out and onto the wheel chair. I close the door and I get in the driver’s seat. I drive the car to an empty parking lot nearby. I get out and bring Brianna’s suitcase with me. I lock the car up and walk back to the emergency room. I sign the documents to get her admitted to the hospital. It takes about ten minutes to fill out the paper work for her. Once I am done with that. I sit down in a chair in the lobby area.
Soon, a doctor comes to me. “Richard, Brianna wants you there with her.”
“What about her suitcase?”
“You can leave it where you will get scrubbed up.”
“Yes, sir.”
I follow the doctor down the hallways. We enter a scrubbing area. I put the suitcase on the floor next to chair. I get scrubbed up by the nurses there. Once they are satisfied I am clean, they start putting on the gown, gloves, the mask, the head covering. All that can be seen are my eyes looking out. “Is this being recorded, nurses?”
“It is, Richard.”
“That’s good. All right, it is time for me to get strong on another level.”
“You’re not going to faint on us, Richard?”
“I hope not, ma’am. I am a martial artist. I am used to all kinds of pain now.”
“That’s good. Now breathe in and out.”
“Wheeze! Whoo!!”
We walk in together into the operating room. I see Brianna’s legs are up in the stirrups. I get by her head. She smiles at me. I smile at her through the mask.
“Okay, Brianna. It is time. You have dilated quite a bit since you have been here. I can see the crown of the head. It is about four inches across. Now push!!”
“NNNNNHHHHH!!!” “Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . ”
“Come on Brianna! You can do it!!” Then I feel a little twinge of empathy pain in my womb as well. I feel my new born fairies are elated for the impending birth of our son.
“NNNNNHHHHHH!!!!” “Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . ”
“That’s it Brianna. He is coming out slowly. Contract those muscles again!! Push!!!”
“NNNNNHHHHH!!!!” “Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . ”
“Here he comes, Brianna. The head is through!! One more push should do it!!”
“NNNNNHHHHHH!!!!” “Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . Pant! . . . . ”
Slowly the baby boy is through. “WWHHOOO!!” “I did it!!!” She relaxes and breathes easier now.
I kiss Brianna’s face through the mask. She sees some lipstick on the mask. “Giggle! Now you have my lipstick, Richard.”
“Does it look good? I can’t taste it right now.”
Then we hear a “Whhhaaaawwww!!”
The doctors quickly cut the umbilical cord and clean up from the delivery. Dr. Sarah Mitchell proceeds to take blood samples from the umbilical cord. She will have the blood vials tested to confirm what is passed on to Robert.
Then we see the doctor and a nurse bringing the baby boy to us. The nurse nestles the baby in Brianna’s arms. The baby is gurgling with a smile on his face. A nurse takes a few pictures of all three of us together.
“Hello, Robert Moore. Welcome to our family.” I touch Robert’s nose.
The baby boy gurgles and smiles again.
“Oh how cute!” Says one of the nurses.
I then get escorted out of the operating room. I get undressed from the hospital clothes. I take Brianna’s suitcase with me to the waiting room. I wait until Brianna is taken to her room. The baby is cleaned up and placed in an incubator. They monitor the baby closely. They are amazed at how calm he is after the delivery.
Once I hear where Brianna’s new room is going to be, I drop off her suitcase there. I kiss her again. “So, it is cherry.”
“Yes it is, Richard.”
I take a walk to the maternity ward to see Robert. A nurse wheels him to the window. I see him smiling when he sees me. I wave my hand at him. Then he waves both of his hands at me.
“I’ll see you later, Robert.” I walk back to the waiting area. I wait until I get word that everything is okay with Brianna and the baby.
About three hours later, I am told I can rejoin Brianna and the baby in her room. I see her nursing Robert for the first time. Once he is done, he is ‘burped’ on a towel lying on Brianna’s shoulder. Soon, he is fast asleep. Brianna and I smile at each other. I walk around to the other side of the bed. I kiss her on the forehead and the lips.
“A new life is brought forth, Brianna.”
“Yes, Richard. Did you feel any pain while I was giving birth to Robert?”
“I did, Brianna. I think it was an empathic twinge of pain. I think my own are happy for the birth of our son.”
Brianna smiles, “That’s good.”
I return to the apartment to get some sleep. The fairies are glad to hear everything is okay with Robert.
By the end of the week, Brianna and Robert are given a clean bill of health from the doctors. I drive back to the apartment with Brianna and Robert. Brianna carefully lays Robert in the crib. All of the fairies flutter in front of Robert to see his reaction. They all smile when he smiles at them. Brianna produces a lot of milk from her engorged breasts with the milking machine. We save it up and put the bottles in the refrigerator. I make sure I have a large chest cooler to store the milk bottles for the trip back to Jacksonville.
At the end of the ninth month, it is time drive back to Jacksonville.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
At the end of the ninth month, it is time to drive back to Jacksonville.
During one of my days at the dojo, Sensei Chou asks me a question. Brianna has Robert in her arms.
“Richard, what you need to do is this. You need to do a control flex of the muscles for the three different armor levels. Do the mantis armor, Richard.”
“Yes, Sensei.” I think real hard not to show the iron shirt of the blue scorpion and the dragon armor. I flex the muscles carefully.
“Excellent, Richard. Your loose skin is still hiding your strength. Now do the iron shirt for the blue scorpion.”
I think really hard about the iron shirt. I flex my muscles again. They are now slightly bigger. My six pack ab muscles are still showing slightly under the loose skin. My biceps and triceps are now slightly bigger.
“That’s very good, Richard. Now for the final armor level, the dragon armor.”
I flex my muscles again. They are now very muscular. My six pack abs are now clearly defined. My biceps, triceps are now really bulging.
“Ooh . . . I like that, Richard.”
Robert gives a slight smile as well.
“Even Robert likes it, Richard.”
“Now that you are in the dragon armor. Now we’ll work on the speed as well.”
“Yes, sensei.”
I go through the motions of all of the moves I have learned. I raise the speed to a higher level. Soon, my arm and leg movements are becoming blurred when I move them.
After working on that for an hour, I come to the next phase of the training. Learning the advance forms of the mantis. I would learn the subtle difference between the southern and northern versions. Also there is the advance forms for the crane.
By now, Robert is still drinking Brianna’s milk. We tell the fairies, once he starts eating solid food next week, he will start pooping in his diapers.
“You will immediately know he needs a diaper change.”
“If that happens, Brianna, we’ll let you know as quickly as possible, mother.”
“That’s right, Bianca.”
This took until May 2111. Just before I give birth to my next set of fairies, I am awarded the fourth black sash. We are at the cabin in Mt. Blanc, NC to relax again for the week. It is during that time, I gave birth to my next pair of fairies.
They came forth from me in the master bedroom. The wing colors are of the gray hairstreak butterfly. These butterflies are native to Florida. “Your names will be Silva and Silvia.”
“Yes, our names are Silva and Silvia.” They fall asleep on my chest after they drank from my engorged nipples.
Immediately, clothes are made for them by our fairies and some of King Oren’s fairy troop. They are warmly welcomed to the family. They are taught how to change to butterflies and back to fairies. They are also taught how to defend themselves and learning the wind and water bending elements. My fairies also teach the other fairies how to do the earth bending element.
They are amazed that they can raise and elevate soils, pebbles in the air. Now they can take care of the land better when the bad storms happen. They also create better shelters in key locations in the forests.
The project continues on the AIVAS system. By this time, the manufacturing begins on the new computer system templates. Once the trial runs are verified, they will go into mass production of the boards and the other components. We expect the mass production to begin in August, if all goes well with the initial testing of the components.
The next set of good news concerns the house. Anna Dawson was able to have the lot paid off in two payments. She also set in motion to get the bank loan approved for the new house. Fortunately, with my income, she was able to do a $100,000 down payment with no problems. My total worth is now in the $500,000 range. She figures, at this rate, I’ll be a millionaire in five years. On paper, the investment portfolio is doing nicely. Especially since the financial markets have stabilized.
We reviewed the plans for the house carefully. We make sure there is a greenhouse in the back. We also decided to have a pool built as well. It is not Olympic size. It is rounded in some areas. It is about, 20 feet by 30 feet. There is also an above ground spa there as well. The pool is not screened in. I did make sure, there is a network wired up for all of the rooms. My office will have the 3D-Server tucked in a closet in the room.
One day, I get an interesting call from Washington DC at Secure-Sys. I’m in Mr. Bryson’s office when I talk with the Florida Senator.
“Richard, this request is from a former president. It is the forty-fifth president.”
“He’s still around?”
“Yes he is, Richard.”
“Did he give you a reason why, Senator Madison?”
“No he didn’t, Richard. I guess he wants to surprise you.”
Mr. Bryson nods his head up and down.
“All right, I’ll go. Mr. Bryson is giving me permission to go. Where is he now?”
“He’s in the hospital. The doctor expects another month before he passes away.”
“I see. All right, I’ll get there by the end of the week. Which hospital is it?”
“It is Providence Hospital.”
I write down the name. “Okay, I’ll see you this week on Friday, Senator. It will be 9 AM.”
“See you then, Richard.”
We make a call to the hotel that Mr. Bryson used in Washington DC. A room is charged for two nights. It is decided, that Brianna, Robert and the fairies will come with us. However, the fairies must stay at the hotel this time.
By Thursday, I get the car packed up for the trip to DC. We get there by 4 PM. We check into the room. After we get settled in, we have a great night of sleep. Robert is his usual quiet self.
In the morning, I get dressed and drive to the hospital. I meet Senator Madison at the front entrance. We get escorted by two agents inside the hospital. We arrive on the fouth floor. We arrive together at room 432. We open the door and walk inside. The two agents remain standing near the doorway to the room.
The former president sees us walking in. The president’s aide stays nearby. He makes notes of what we are talking about.
“You’re here at last, Richard. I have only one question.”
“Yes sir. What is it?”
“Why did you wipe out the worldwide debt?”
“Because it was choking the lives of everyone on Earth.”
“No it wasn’t, Richard. We came up with the model of debt spending to keep everyone alive and well.”
“Isn’t that what happened with that health care plan, the forty-fourth president came up with?”
“Well, we knew there were flaws with it. We pushed ahead with it anyway.”
“Uh huh. . . .From what I’ve read, it literally bankrupted us.”
“No, that is why we incorporated the debt spending model. It allowed us to fund the program without any hesitation from the people. We knew the people didn’t like it.”
“Hmm . . . Then where was that idea taught?”
“It came from Chicago. The forty-fourth president learned it in one of his classes in Chicago.”
Do you meet any of these professors? What is his name?”
“The one I met, his name is Mr. Thrashtin.”
I turn around and look at Senator Madison. I talk quietly to him. I know who he is, Senator. I’ve met him awhile back. He is one of the Eleven.”
“What? He’s one of the Eleven? What are you going to do?”
“Tell him the truth.” I turn to face him again. “I met a Mr. Thrashtin once. Does he look like this?” I wave my arm the image of the Eleven appear in the room.
“Why yes, Richard. That is all of the professors. They go around from university to university giving special courses on financial matters.”
“All right. Now look closer, sir. Do you see anyone else behind the Eleven?”
“Why yes, Richard. I see a dark shadow behind them.”
“Do you want to meet him, sir?”
“Can you do that for me, Richard?”
“I can, sir.” With another wave of my hand, without looking at it. I break through the darkness.
Soon, the former president sees two red glowing eyes. He is sitting on his throne in darkness. He has an evil grin on his face.
“No, that can’t be him. I see and feel his hatred toward me. What does he want, Richard?”
“Let’s ask him, sir. What do you want, Azazel?”
“I want to destroy to the Creator’s Creation. That is my plan from the beginning.”
“No!! You told us the debt spending model is the way to do it.”
“You simpleton. It is the best way to corrupt a nation and the leaders. If your debt wasn’t wiped out by him, your world would be hurting like crazy. Even the Euro scam came from me. My only competition is Israel itself.”
“NOOOOOooooo .. . . .!!”
King Azazel laughs evilly. “Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah, . . . .!”“
I quickly make the vision disappear.
The patient looks really scared by now. “What must I do, Richard?”
“Make a special announcement on TV. Tell the world what you know.”
“I’ll do it, Richard.”
Then I walk up to him and shake his hand.
Soon, he has the familiar face change when he hears from the Creator for the first time. “Oh my word. I’m hearing the Creator’s voice in my mind, Richard. I need to make this apology as quickly as possible. Thank you for coming, Richard.”
“You’re welcome, Mr. President. It’s too bad the others didn’t hear the Creator during your time.”
“Perhaps, but, I can tell you they would have scoffed at the idea.”
We leave the room together.
“Ugh . . . to think that program came from the pit of hell.”
“I know it is tough pill to swallow, sir.”
We leave the hospital. I drive back to the hotel. We enjoy a peaceful night in the hotel. In the morning, I drive us back to Jacksonville.
The next day, we see a special TV show featuring the forty-fifth president. He apologizes for what happened during his tenure. He explains as best he can that he will support a more conservative role for the government.
From all appearances, he did a complete 180 degree turn around from being a liberal president to a conservative president. He finally passed away a month later. His words he spoke during the interview made a deep impression on everyone in the USA.
Except for the malcontents who operate along the Mexico-USA border. They vowed they will bring down anyone who opposes them.
But, that won’t happen for another thirty-five years. That is when they will push their Border War into the North American continent. They vowed, they will keep them addicted to drugs and illegal immigration running rampant with corruption.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
In February of 2111. I inform Anna about the greenhouse for the cabin.
“That’s great Richard. I take it, it will be built while you are there in May?”
“That’s the intent, Anna.”
“Then you better call them to make arrangements to get it paid. Also, you need to arrange the builders so they can get their materials and equipment needed for the job.”
“Yes, Anna. I’ll call them right now.”
I call Mountain Fireplace. “Ring . . . ring . . . ring . . . !!” “Click!”
“This is Mountain Fireplace. How can I help you?”
“I don’t know if you remember me. My name is Richard Moore. I have a cabin in Mt. Blanc, NC.”
“Richard! It’s good to hear from you. We have the plans drawn up. I just need the word to make arrangements for the builders.”
“That’s good. If you can email me the invoice, I will get the plans paid. Then email me another invoice for the construction costs.”
“I can do that for you. That is no problem. In fact, you can visit our website to do the payment. You’ll need to write the reference number. It will identify your project.”
He gives me the reference number for the project. When I visit the website. I enter in the reference number with my name. I quickly see three items on the bill. That would be the construction drawings, the construction materials and the labor. I see it is estimated to get it done within five days during the first week in May. I enter the numbers for the debit card. After I submitted the payment, I called them back.
“I just did the payment, sir.”
“Hold on a second, let me check my server. . . . .Yes . . . it did get approved. That’s great, Richard. What time will you be there?”
“I’ll be there Sunday, the first week of May.”
“That’s good. We’ll be there bright and early at 7 AM to get the land scrapped, the piping, and the forms put in for the concrete. We’ll have to use a hose to pump the concrete from the mixer in the front yard. Make sure there are no cars parked in the driveway. Get them out of the way before we get there, Richard.”
“I’m writing it all down. Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing you there.”
“I look forward to it as well, Richard.”
I get an email from Mountain Fireplace that the invoice is paid.
Also, during this time, Brianna continues her lessons to earn the Shaolin sashes. We place Robert into a baby carriage so he can watch us. We see him smiling at us from time to time.
Brianna quickly earns the orange sash. Brianna realizes the next three sashes, blue, green and purple will take a little longer to learn. This is because of the children we’ll be raising in the family.
The month of May quickly arrives. We make the trip to the cabin with no problems. I make sure the car is to the far right of the driveway before we went to bed. I stop by the markets to make sure the cabin is filled up with food for the week. I also stop by an antique shop to purchase a cedar box, doll size bedding and pillows with covers.
In the morning, I set the alarm for 6 AM. When the alarm sounds out, “BZZZZZZ . . . .!!!” I quickly turn if off. I quickly recite the spell to allow the contractors onto property at 7 AM.
Everyone slowly gets up and gets ready for the day. After, I get myself cleaned up, I get dressed casually with a pair of jeans and a knit shirt. The fairies quickly fly from the master bedroom into the second bathroom. That is where I have the fairy’s shower set up. Robert is in a crib. He is in Mike and Kenny’s former bedroom. I walk in quietly, I see he is still asleep with a smile on his face. Lavan hovers near me and lands on my right shoulder.
“We’ll watch Robert, father.”
“I know you will Lavan. The four of you have done an excellent job of looking out for Brianna and Robert.”
“Thank you for the compliment, father.”
I walk into the kitchen area. I quickly make sure the fairies’ bowls of nuts and fruits are ready. I set out four plates. I set out the cereals and the milk for Brianna and me. I also pour out some orange juice into two cups.
“Okay, the table is set! It’s ready when you are!”
“We’re coming, father, mother, Omega!”
“I’m coming, Richard!”
Brianna walks into the dining area. The fairies quickly fly to their place settings.
“How are you doing, father?”
“I’m doing fine, Rubio. My new fairies are waiting for the right moment to come forth.”
We quickly give thanks to the Creator for the morning meal. At 6:58 AM, We hear a truck pull into the driveway. I hear two loud honks!! “Honk! Honk!!”
I quickly exit the front the door. I see the sign on their truck, Mountain Fireplace. I quickly recite the spell to allow them onto the property. They quickly roll in further with a trailer behind them. I step down to greet them. They get out of the truck to greet me.
“It’s good to see you again, Richard.”
“It’s good to see as well. So, what is the first step?”
“We need to measure out the foot pad for the foundation. Then we can start laying the pipe work for the water supply and the exit overflow pipe. Also, we need to add the electrical box to supply power to the greenhouse. Then after that, we bring in the cement truck with the hose. It should be poured in by 3 PM today. Then it must cure until Wednesday morning.”
“Well, I won’t hold you back.”
“Did you get enough food yesterday? I see we blocked you in.”
“We got it all yesterday. Now is the time to relax a bit.”
“We hear you on that, Richard. All right men! Let’s get busy!”
The four men respond together in one voice, “Yes, sir!!”
They quickly measure out the stakes for the greenhouse in the backyard. It covers the length of the wall from the back steps to the corner of the cabin.
They do a quick elevation survey of the area. They discover they have to do some scraping to level off the ground some. They bring in a Ditch-Witch with a scraper installed. They quickly level off the ground.
They start digging the channel for the water supply from the pond. It will be two feet under the ground level. They bring in a small back hoe that is portable on wheels. They know they can’t bring in the Ditch-witch back there. Once, the channel is made, they dig the exit channel with the portable back hoe for the water overflow back to the creek.
At the pond, they use a plastic concrete form for the inlet box. They get the water out using a portable sump pump. They quickly lay the pipe and pour the concrete into the inlet box
They install an electric box with piping from the circuit breaker box on the right side of the cabin. They quickly wired it up and make sure it is properly grounded. Once all the concrete wood forms are set and squared up from the survey, they roll out a large foundation mesh fabric. They cut it to fit the foundation. Then they place the steel rods for the walls and the wire mesh for the concrete work to attach to.
After that, they break for lunch. After lunch, they bring in the concrete mixer truck. They uncoil the long hose to the backyard. Once, it is all set, they turn on the mixer engine and pump the concrete to the greenhouse foundation. They get done by 3 PM.
“We have another foundation piece here, Richard. It is separate from the foundation we just poured. You can write your names and put a palm print into it. We do this all the time. This allows families to make a memorable memory that will last a life time.”
“We’ll be back this Wednesday at 7 AM.”
I smile at the owner, “Thank you very much, sir. I greatly appreciate that.”
Once the foundation company left the property, each of us put a hand print in the two feet by two feet forms of concrete. I write their names beside each hand print. Even the fairies have a smile on their faces as they do it. I write their names next to their own hand print. We even were able to get Robert’s hand print on there as well. When he looks at his hand, he sees it is gray. He starts to pout a bit. Quickly, Brianna cleans his hands carefully. Then he has a smile on his face.
Tuesday proved to be nice and quiet for everyone. Occasionally, a leaf lands on the concrete. Quickly a fairy flies over to pick it up and drops it off outside the foundation.
Wednesday morning proved to be an interesting day. Even though, it started out the same by 7 AM. The next truck to appear is a bit larger. It has the metal frame work for the greenhouse. They quickly check the foundation to see if it has cured enough. They walk all over it and don’t see any depression in the concrete. They quickly set up a cutting area for any trimming they might have to have for the metal framework. They quickly get the foundation beams anchored to the concrete foundation. Then start working on the walls and the two door ways. There is a door way near the porch steps and another door way on the opposite wall.
Once, the walls are up, they work on the roof beams after lunch. It is the same slope as the cabin. When done, it will look like it is part of the house. They get done by 4 PM this time.
“Tomorrow morning, we’ll assemble the water fountain before it is enclosed. We’ll also install the shelving as well. Are you going to put a tree in there?”
“No sir. I do intend to have a paw paw tree planted outside the greenhouse. Everything else will be potted plants and shrubbery.”
“That’s good, Richard.”
They leave for the day. Wednesday night, we have another Corn Festival dance nearby. My Cherokee friends are impressed that a greenhouse is built next to the cabin. The square footage is 20 feet by 40 feet.
It is another low key ceremony for us. I do the usual greeting with the horses and the local animals come around here.
The company comes back Thursday morning to assemble the two tier water fountain. It has a large base that is ten inches deep and eight feet in diameter. They bring the pieces one at a time into the greenhouse. They make the connections to the water supply and over flow pipes. They bring in the other pieces and assemble it as well. There are two over flow circular pools. The top decorative piece is a large concrete rose. The two tiers look like leaves in a circular fashion. Once the piping and pieces are connected, they turn on the supply handle. Slowly, the water flows up the pipe. The water exits the rose and dribbles down the rose to the top pool. It fills up and over flows the petals to the next tier. There are six streams of water from the top pool to the next tier.
When the bottom tier gets filled up, it over flows to the main pool below. There are twelve streams flowing from the bottom tier to the main pool. The pool fills up until it reaches the exit flow pipe that is four inches from the bottom.
All of the fairies are excited in their butterfly mode. Brianna is holding Robert while I hug them both. We have big smiles on our faces.
“Well, it looks very good, Richard. We’ll double check for leaks before we leave today. That concrete rose should never deteriorate. It is a mix of polymers and concrete. Now we need to put in the shelving units, the electrical conduits for power and the lights. Tomorrow, we’ll put in the walls and the roofing, the fans and the lights.”
“Did you get my message about the butterfly entrance that the local butterfly observatory has?”
“Yes, we contacted the company who makes it. The high school will get fifty percent from the sale. Where do you want it installed?”
“I was thinking near the wall of the cabin. That way, there is an eave covering for it.”
“That makes sense. I’ll have it installed five feet up from the ground. My next question is this, Richard. What is the snow cover back here?”
“I’ve been here for the winters, sir. It sometimes drifts to the cabin. It depends on the wind conditions.”
“Yes it does. We’ll make sure there is a drainage system extended around the green house.”
The crew finishes installing the shelving units, the four windows and the screens for the windows, the door frames and electrical piping, wall outlets and boxes for the over head lights and the two fans. They also extend the drainage system around the greenhouse. They get done by 4:30 this time.
“See you tomorrow morning at 7 AM again, Richard.”
“See you then, sir.”
The next day, they finally finished the greenhouse. The walls are double-pane. The lower three feet are solid. The upper part is semi-translucent. We can see the light coming into the space. The roofing is metal on top. Then there is an insulation layer that is three inches thick. Then another metal layer is built underneath it. They install the wiring, power outlets, the light fixtures and the butterfly entrance. They also make sure there is positive drainage around the greenhouse and the cabin. They place the concrete slab with our names written on it near the main entrance to the greenhouse. They don’t even pay attention to the list of fairy names. If you look hard enough, you can barely see their hand prints.
The lights are turned on. The fans are turned on. We open the windows. We bring in the potted plants that we have with us. We set them about.
Brianna gives a deep sigh, “Sigh. . . . it’s a start, Richard. It looks so barren right now.”
“Yes, we have to start somewhere. It will be the same problem with the house as well.”
“That’s right, Richard. We’ll just keep adding a little bit at a time.”
The fairies quickly fly through the water streams from the water fountain. They are giggling and laughing while playing with it. We laugh along with them. Even Robert is smiling widely as well.
“Now we just need the flower soaps, mother. We can take our showers out here.”
“You might during the warm months, Bianca. I’m sure the air will be colder during the winter.”
“Ugh, . . . don’t remind me. The air will be very cold then, but at least the water is warm.”
They check out the butterfly entrance to make sure it is working properly. They are pleased it is allowing them an entrance to the greenhouse.
Friday night, I give birth to my new fairies. Everyone is excited for the new arrivals. King Oren and Queen White Dove are present with ten of their fairy troop. All of mine are present. I have legs open with a towel underneath me. Quickly, I arch my back a bit. “Oooh . . . here they come!”
Slowly, they come out. The male butterfly comes out first, then his twin sister. They quickly bring them up to my engorged nipples. “Your names will be Silva and Silvia.”
“Our names are Silva and Silvia, father.”
“Yes, we are hungry, mother.”
They quickly drink every drop from my nipples. I arch my back again while they drink their first milk. Slowly their wings dry out and stiffen up. We see they are gray hairstreak butterflies.
Quickly, the fairies make their first set of clothes. There is a tuft of my hair tucked into their clothes. Once they are dressed, they are sitting on my chest looking at me with big smiles on their faces.
I smile at them, “Welcome to the family, Silva and Silvia.”
“Thank you, father, mother.”
“You will now sleep near me. Slowly your numbers will increase each year. Now it is your turn to learn how to be a fairy. Your brothers and sisters and kinfolk will help you there.”
“We’ll be sure to remember it all, mother.”
Then my fairies and King Oren’s fairies help them learn their world around them. They show them how they can change into butterflies and back into fairies. They are told stories about the unicorns mounted on the wall in the master bedroom. They touch each one to confirm what they are feeling. Soon, they make that connection that I am an unicorn as well.
The next day, Saturday, is a visit to the local Cherokee Corn Festival. Brianna and I wear our feathered necklaces that were made for us. My fairies help Silva and Silvia explore the area in butterfly mode. They smell my hair to remember my scent from time to time.
I get greeted by my Cherokee friends while I’m there. It proved to be a very relaxing weekend compared to earlier in the week with the greenhouse being built.
Once the fairies return to the festival, they quickly find me. Quickly, Silva and Silvia flutter into my coat pocket. They quickly change back into fairies. They feel more secure and safer now. They know that there is a lot more to learn.
We return back to Jacksonville to finish our time there. My fairies show my newest fairies how to defend themselves and using the water and air bending elements. What proved interesting for all of us, they picked up the earth bending really easily. In fact, they are very strong with it.
“So, it must because you were learning the earth bending while we were within you, father.”
“That’s the only explanation I have, Silva.”
“Well, it makes sense to us, father.”
It was during that time that I get a phone call to be in Washington, D.C. with Senator Madison. That is when I visited the forty-fifth president in the hospital.
Then I drive us to Charleston for the next month period. That is when I get an unusual message from the dolphins.
Brianna is sitting on the beach with Robert. I am wading out to the waters to speak to the dolphins.
Omega Unicorn Dragon, it is time to visit Long Island, New York.
Who told you, dolphins?
The Water Horse, Omega.
Is he talking about you, Hengroen?
No, Omega. He is a hippocampi. They are Greek in origin. I’ve met them from time to time. It is time to visit Camp Half-Blood on Long Island, NY.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
Location: Camp Half-Blood, Long Island, New York
The demigods are resting after another two-hour morning session on the training fields. Most of them are frustrated. They have done this exercise for the hundredth time.
“Come on, Tantalus! Come on, Chiron! We have done this too many times!! It is boring!! We need something new to do!!”
“Yeah!! That’s right!! We want something new to do!!”
They all yell together, “Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!”
Tantalus and Chiron look at each other.
“They are right, Tantalus. We need to come up with another tactic.”
“Where do we start, Chiron?”
“Let’s confer with the Oracles. Maybe they have an answer.”
“I agree, Chiron.”
Chiron and Tantalus walk to the building that houses the Oracles. They pause before it. Then they hear a familiar voice within the small building.
“I’ve been expecting you to show up soon. Come in and close the door.”
They open the door and walk inside. They see it is a dark room. There are several candles lit so you can see inside the darkened room. They see the Oracle sitting on a chair on the far side of the room. She is shrouded by the shadows as the candlelight barely shows her face.
“I have been in contact with Zeus. It seems someone is coming to help you reach the next level.”
“Are there any clues who will be coming to us?”
“Is the person another warrior or god?”
“I was not given much information, Chiron. They said it was a promise to Caliber the Unicorn.”
“Wha . . . what . . ? Chiron, do you know a unicorn named Caliber?”
“Yes, I do, Tantalus. He was the unicorn killed before King Arthur and Queen Guinevere took the throne in the British Isles. From what I have remembered in the stories, his death ushered in the thousand years of darkness over Europe.”
“Are you talking about the Dark Ages of Europe?”
“I am, Tantalus.”
“Do you remember what that promise was, Chiron?”
“It was handed down from generation to generation of Centaurs. There was a group of male centaurs at one time in the British Isles. I believe they are still there. We fled Europe with our lives to the British Isles two thousand of years ago. We were hunted down by any ruler who didn’t understand what we represented. We memorized the exact words he said to the fairies. The fairies whispered it to us in their butterfly mode.”
“You must have hope. For one day in the future, the Omega Unicorn will come and restore your lives. He will usher in the beginning of the world to be redeemed. In time, the forests will reclaim the deserts and the waste places. Earth will be green once again. Peace will come to all peoples. He will be tested to make sure of his call. I was also told by the Creator, he will find Avel and the others who were here before the Great Ice sheet melted.”
“It also said among us that one of us would become a protector for the British Isles. He runs about with two axes in hands.”
“Is there anything else you know from those times?”
“There are many other stories past down as well. At one time, there were female centaurs after the Great Flood of the Mediterranean Sea and Northern Africa. But, they were viciously hunted down by anyone who sees us as a threat to them. We often asked the Oracles for any additional information about the Omega Unicorn. The only thing that was told to us, he would be an animal fighter.”
“What? He’s an animal fighter? What does that mean, Chiron?”
“The centaurs thought about that for a long time. Then we heard rumors from China that a new fighting style came about five hundred years ago. They are the Shaolin Monks.”
“Shaolin Monks? Now I know that I have been away too long during my punishment, Chiron.”
“I’m not surprised you would not know anything about it, Tantalus. The centaurs have kept this a secret from everyone.”
Tantalus and Chiron turn to the Oracle. They see her smiling widely.
“Did you know anything about this, Oracle?”
“Hearing Chiron recalling his stories, tells me that we are given different perspectives of the same event. Remember Tantalus. The centaurs are deeply connected to the Earth. They know more about what is happening with the Earth than the human race. The human race lost that connection to the Earth when the humans killed the centaurs, the unicorns and the dragons.”
“I remember coming against some dragons when I was younger. You mean to tell me the human race should respect all life, Oracle?”
“That’s right, Tantalus.”
Chiron smiles when he sees Tantalus’ face becomes crestfallen.
“Oh man, what am I to do?”
Chiron speaks up next, “Start afresh, Tantalus. That’s all you can do. Seek the Creator and ask for his forgiveness.”
“I haven’t done that for a long time. I guess that a good time is right now.”
Chiron smiles, “That’s right.”
Tantalus looks at a lit candle flame. “Creator, please forgive me for anything I have done in my past. I do remember chasing some dragons a long time ago. But, they were very elusive to capture then.”
Then Tantalus hears a new voice within himself. I accept your apology for now, Tantalus. When everyone sees the Omega Unicorn defend himself against your ten best warriors at nearly the same time, they will realize how much more they have to prepare themselves. He is my servant representing the animals of the Earth. Therefore, if you are truly humble before me, Tantalus, then eat only fish and chicken for your meat. Then I’ll know you are ready to change your ways.
Tantalus looks down at the ground, “Sigh . . .”
“Please tell us what you heard, Tantalus.”
“The Creator spoke to me in my mind, Chiron. He accepts my apology for now. He has given me another test. I am to eat only fish and chicken for my meat. Why must I do that, Chiron? I have always eaten what I want. I have eaten red meat, shell fish, fish, chicken. I have eaten pig and other birds.”
“There is a reason for it, Tantalus. The centaurs have always known that our lives will be healthier. For us centaurs, if I ate those other meats, I would get a big conflict in my soul. It would be like I am eating my nearest relative.”
Tantalus looks up quickly at Chiron. “You mean to tell me that I would not have acted badly when I was here the first time?”
“That’s right, Tantalus. By eating the right foods, your mind would not be in conflict.”
“Then I must try to do that and mend my ways.”
“Was there anything else the Creator told you?”
“Yes, Chiron. When Omega Unicorn arrives at our entrance, we will send our ten best warriors to test him. The Creator said he will defend himself from them at nearly the same time. So, do we have ten warriors to send against him?”
Chiron smiles, “I know which ones they’ll be, Tantalus.”
“Then we have a long way to go to prepare our group for the battles ahead.”
“That makes sense, Tantalus. Come, let’s do what we can until he arrives.”
“Yes, we must, Chiron.”
Chiron and Tantalus leave the Oracle abode. The Oracle smiles widely. So, how did I do, Zeus?
You did fine, Oracle. The Omega Unicorn Dragon will be here from time to time to get them prepared for the Ultimate Last Battle. However, Kronos will finally meet his end when he faces the Kraken.
Why the Kraken, Zeus?
The Kraken is one of the children from Eingana and Leviathan. The Omega Unicorn Dragon will find a way to release him from King Azazel’s control. King Azazel is gathering the greatest legendary beasts to assault Earth. Don’t worry about that ending, Oracle. The Kraken wants his revenge against Kronos. More will be told to you over time.
Then I’ll wait patiently until we are told more, Zeus.
In Jacksonville, Florida, there is another meeting with Mr. Bryson.
“Now tell me again why you need to be in Long Island, NY?”
“It was during our honeymoon trips in Europe, sir. In Greece, we were able to visit the realm of the Greek Pantheon Gods. They asked me to help their children to reach the next level in combat readiness. There, I will meet Percy Jackson. He is the son of Poseidon. During my trip to Japan and China, he will be with me. Then Percy, Poseidon and I will face the water demon Gaap in Japan. I also intend to have Sensei Chou and Qiang with me when I visit China.”
“Hmm . . . You’ll definitely need them, Richard. Now for the reason you are going to Japan and China. You will have no problems when you are in Japan. However, China is the problem. They loaned out a lot of money to the other countries. My suggestion is to remain on the jet and let the officials come to you on board. There, you will explain to them why you did it and what you had to do. I’m sure they will accept your solution more easily than if the Euro Scam had won the day.”
“Hmm . . . If they still want to arrest me, I can show my two aces, Sensei Chou and Qiang.”
“Yes, I am sure they will be surprised in seeing Qiang alive and well. Then hopefully you can begin to heal the rift between the Assassins and the Shaolin Monks. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Assassins come after you. So, be very aware around yourself. Are you bringing Brianna, Robert and your special family with you on these trips?”
“I am, Mr. Bryson.”
“Then you better get them up to speed on what could happen there.”
“Yes, Mr. Bryson.”
“You can have use of our private jet to arrive in JFK International in two weeks. You can check into any hotel near JFK International. The trip to Japan and China will be next year at this time.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bryson.”
During the week, I make the phone calls to Sensei Chou and Qiang. They agree to be with me on the flight to Japan and China next year at this time. I did tell them it is time to visit Camp Half-Blood in two weeks.
“We know you’ll be successful in getting their attention, Richard.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Stop by this week, we need for you to learn the elephant stomp before you go to New York. After that, then it is onto learning more animal moves.”
“Yes, Sensei.”
During the next two weeks I concentrate really hard in learning the elephant stomp. On Friday, Sensei Chou and I were able to make arrangements with a construction company that uses our 3D software program. My fairies are with me. They are resting in butterfly mode on a large grader plow nearby.
Qiang, Sensei Chou and I are standing together in a remote part of the construction yard. I concentrate really hard in imagining the elephant around me. I lift my right leg as the elephant lifts his right leg. I aim my foot at a large mound of dirt that is twenty-feet high. I slam it hard to the ground! “BLAM!!”
Soon, the earth quakes all around us. The mound of dirt sinks down five feet and spreads out a bit!!!
“All right, Richard!! Way to go!! That’s the way to do it.”
“Thank you, Qiang.”
Sensei smiles, “Now concentrate in bringing up a square pillar that is about three feet by three feet. Have the pillar come up at least ten feet high.”
“Yes, Sensei.”
I look at a spot in the dirt near the mound of dirt. I tap my toe to the ground. I quickly raise up a square pillar that is three by three feet. It is about fifteen feet high.”
“That’s awesome, Richard.”
“Thank you, Qiang.”
“Now concentrate on the mound of dirt, Richard. Raise it back up five feet.”
“Yes, Sensei.” I look at the mound of dirt. I bring my hands and arms inward. I quickly gather up the dirt and make it back to the original level.”
“That’s very good, Richard. Now you need to learn how to do a tighter control with the Earth bending element. You are to run around this mound of dirt creating an elephant stampede. While the mound of dirt is falling down, you will control it to build it back up at the same time. Run around the mound ten times, Richard.”
“Yes, Sensei.”
I look within myself, I imagine I’m doing an elephant stampede around the mound the dirt. I look at my hands and focus on them. I look at the mound of dirt again. With each step, I create an earth shattering elephant stampede around the mound. The other mounds of dirt are not being affected by it. The mound of dirt quickly falls down and spreads out. I move my arms and hands to keep the mound of dirt up in place.
Sensei Chou and Qiang are smiling widely that I am able to control the earth bending element. Also, my fairies are smiling widely as well.
I run around the mound of dirt ten times. I come before them and come to stop.
“That is excellent control, Richard. That is all for now. How long will you be in New York?”
“I’m given a week, Sensei. I’ll be back in Jacksonville next week Saturday.”
“That’s good, Richard. We expect to hear a good report from you then.”
“They will soon realize they have a lot more work to do. I am hoping to be there once a year for at least a week.”
“Yes, they usually take care of themselves.”
We leave the construction area. My fairies follow us back to the car. We all get inside the car. I drive to the dojo to drop off Sensei Chou and Qiang. Then I drive back to the apartment to get ready for the trip to Long Island, NY.
Everything goes well over the weekend. The car is fully loaded with what we need to take care of Robert. He has started to eat solid foods by now. Early Monday morning, I drive us to the Jacksonville Executive Airport at Craig Airport on the east side of the St. Johns River. It takes about an hour to get there. We find our pilot and crew have the jet filled and ready for the trip. We get the luggage loaded up from my car into the jet. I park the car near the building where our hangar is located and lock the car.
We all get on board and strap ourselves in. Robert is in a baby seat that is designed to be attached to a car seat. It can be taken out and get attached to the baby carriage that we have with us.
“Robert, this is your first flight. You need to do a lot of yawning to equalize the air pressure in your ears.”
Robert smiles and gives a short raspberry, “pbbbbttt . . . “
We all laugh and giggle when he does that.
The pilot taxis down the runway and gets into position. Soon, he gets clearance from the tower. The pilot revs the engines, “eeeeeeEEEEE. !!”
Soon we are in the air. We all talk gulps of air and do some yawns as we climb higher into the sky. Even Robert does some yawns as we climb higher and higher.
Soon we level off and fly to JFK International Airport. We relax on the private jet. The fairies have their snacks of nuts and dried fruit along the way. Brianna and I eat a tuna salad sandwich. Then we get ourselves cleaned up and get ready for the descent.
It takes at least two hours to get there. We get there by 11 AM, Sunday morning. The pilot takes us down and lands on the runway. He taxis to the hangar that is available for us. We find a regular size limo there waiting for us.
The person that greets us is the vice presidents’ representative from our Northeast division of the company.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Richard. My name is Mr. Clausen. I’m VP here for the Northeast Division. We’ll get you checked in at the hotel. We have a car rental for you to use for the week.”
We get the car loaded up. The driver takes us to the Marriott that is located on the east side of JFK.
“Have you kept tabs about this Camp Half-Blood?”
“We are aware of them, Richard. However, they have no real computer network there. From what I have been told, it is all magic there. They do buy foods and medicine from the local markets there. The problem is that they are well hidden. We found their entrance. But, the property can’t be located by satellites. We think they have a very good cloaking capability with magic.”
“Hmm . . . that makes sense, Mr. Clausen.”
We arrive at the Marriott quickly by 12 PM, near Melville. We get ourselves checked into the hotel with no problems. I even get the usual ‘thank you for saving our money’ from the concierge at the front desk. I give the usual ‘you’re welcome’ in response.
Once we are in the hotel room. We take out the map of Long Island to see which road to take to the East. We need to take I-495. Then we take SR-27 all the way to Montauk State Park. I look more carefully at the State Park. It seems we need to find a side road from 27 to get there.
“We will need to know which road to take Creator.”
I’ll tell you which road to take, my servant.
We have dinner in the Marriott like we usually do. We see a fantastic sunset outside the hotel. Then we get inside and stroll the indoor pools with the gardens all around it. We push Robert around in the baby carriage as well. The fairies stay in butterfly mode while they are drinking the nectar from the flowers. Once we are done, I walk to a secluded area, they quickly enter our coat pockets to get their rest.
We get back to our rooms and get ready for tomorrow. I set up the fold up a baby crib that I brought with me. We set up the mobile plastic butterflies above his head. The fairies have set up their beds on the blankets we put on the sofa. We change into our night clothes. I set the alarm for 6:30 A.M.. We get in bed by 9:30 AM.
“Good night, everyone!”
“Good night, father, mother, Omega! Good night Robert!”
Soon we are all fast asleep. We have no dreams of what could happen tomorrow. But, I know I’ll be ready to face them.
The alarm sounds out loud at 6:30 AM. “BZZZZZZ . . . .!!!”
I reach over and turn off the alarm. “Click!”
We get ourselves ready for the day. The fairies quickly get their beds and clothes boxes put away in the satchel. I’ll be taking the fairies food satchel with me at least. We also make sure there is food in their for Robert as well, besides our own nut and fruit bag for Brianna and me.
Brianna, Robert and I have breakfast in the Marriott for about a half-hour. We return back to the room by 7:30 AM. We get the car rental loaded up with what we need for the trip. I am hoping that we can be there for two or three days to teach them some new tactics.
We leave the Marriott by 8 AM. We take the interstate to the East. Then we take SR 27 near the end of the interstate. It takes another half hour to arrive in the State Park. We pass several roads into the heart of the State Park. It is about 9 AM right now.
Take this road on the left, my servant.
Yes, Creator. I turn onto the paved road. In another ten minutes, we see the familiar entrance sign for Camp Half-Blood. We get out of the car and look at it.
“How are we going to let them know we are here, father?”
“That’s easy, Tiger. We’ll do it with some memories.”
“Yes!! That is great, father!!”
Soon we are all laughing about it. “Hah, hah, hah . . .!!” “Giggle, giggle, giggle . . .!!”
“Brianna, bring up the Centaur Guardian of Scotland. I’ll bring up two centaur families with their children. I think six unicorns are enough to get their attention.”
“Yes, it will, Richard, my love.”
She brings up the Centaur Guardian of Scotland with a wave of her hand. He appears with two axes in his hands. She also brings up three female unicorns. I bring forth two centaur families. Each one has two younger centaurs. I also bring up three male unicorn images.
“This is what you are to do, my friends. Run through the encampment to get their attention. Younger centaurs, you can pass through the trees to catch them off guard. I want one of the male centaurs to pass through Grover, the Satyr. That should trigger a memory long forgotten for him. Eventually you must find Chiron the Centaur here. Tell him the Omega Unicorn Dragon is here waiting for permission onto the property.”
“We’ll do it Omega Unicorn Dragon. Come!! Let’s find one of our kin!!”
“Yes, Caltron!!!”
Then they all thunder through the main entrance of Camp Half-Blood!!
The demi-gods are getting ready for another day. Soon, they hear the thunder of hooves on the ground.
“What’s this? I hear horse hooves!! Who is coming here?”
They all look around quickly. Soon, they see a herd of centaurs and unicorns coming their way.
“What are unicorns doing here? I thought they were killed off.”
“Look!! One of the younger ones passed right through a tree!!”
“Those are not real!! They are ghosts!!”
“Where are they heading to?”
“We must follow them!!”
“Maybe they are seeking Chiron!!”
“Yeah!! That could be the answer!! Come on!! Let’s follow them!!”
Soon, Grover the Satyr takes a step toward the thundering herd. “What?!! Where did they come from?!” Then quickly, a male centaur passes right through him!! Then Grover recalls a long lost memory. “Heh, heh, heh! Hah, hah, hah! I love it!!”
“What happened, Grover?”
“I’ll tell you later, Percy. Come on, let’s follow them!!”
All of the demi-gods are following the thunderous herd. The herd of centaurs and unicorns quickly find the other centaurs gathered on a small lake.
The centaurs there hear a roar from the demi-gods. Quickly, the thunderous herd appears from the woods. Chiron and the other centaurs with him are smiling. They see unicorns, they see female unicorns, they see young centaurs, they see the Centaur Guardian of Scotland.
The Centaur Guardian of Scotland leads the thunderous herd to them. They stop before him. “He’s here, Chiron, my namesake descendant.”
“Who is here, Chiron?”
“The Omega Unicorn Dragon is here. He is waiting at the entrance. He is waiting for your permission to get on the property.”
“Then lead us there.”
“Who is here, Chiron?”
“Why does he look like you, Chiron?”
“Why does he have two axes in his hands?”
“All we’ll be explained. Come, there is someone waiting for us at the main entrance!!”
They all turn around and run to the main entrance. It takes about fifteen minutes for them to get there.
It has been about a half hour before we start hearing the roar of people and the thunderous herd approaching us.
Our images return back to us. They are standing behind us. The rest of them are hanging near the main entrance.
“Who are you?!!”
“My name is Richard Moore. I am the inventor of the 3D-Server.”
“You’re the one who saved our money!! Thank you!!”
“You’re welcome. I am the Omega Unicorn Dragon!!”
“What does that mean?”
“You sure don’t look like a dragon or a unicorn.”
“Perhaps, but, there are two people here who should verify who I am.”
“Which ones?”
“Chiron and Grover.”
Chiron and Grover step forward in front of them all. They face their friends.
Chiron speaks first, “We remember stories of the First Ones here. We have many stories passed down to us. We were told of a promise to Caliber the Unicorn in the British Isles from his fairies. The words are as follows.”
“You must have hope. For one day in the future, the Omega Unicorn will come and restore your lives. He will usher in the beginning of the world to be redeemed. In time, the forests will reclaim the deserts and the waste places. Earth will be green once again. Peace will come to all peoples. He will be tested to make sure of his call. I was also told by the Creator, he will find Avel and the others who were here before the Great Ice sheet melted.”
“Seeing these other unicorns and centaurs tells me you were successful in finding them.”
“That is right.”
Grover speaks up, “Once a centaur passed through me, it immediately recalled a long forgotten memory. We were told the greatest animal fighter would come forth in the future. Also, we are told you will have visited the realm of the Pantheon Gods to release their vows concerning our world. Is that true, Richard?”
“It is true. Here is the proof that I did see them. I am the promised mortal to release their vows.” With a sweep of my arms and hands. I create the images of the Pantheon Gods from all four realms.
“Oh my stars!! He did meet them all!!”
“Percy, there is your father!!”
“I see him, Grover.”
Chiron speaks up next, “Where did you receive your martial art training? What is your rank?”
“I am a fourth degree black sash in the Shaolin discipline. My wife has currently earned the orange sash. When I reach the tenth black sash, I will then have the title of Shaolin Dragon Master.”
“Then you wouldn’t mind a test from us?”
“I don’t mind it at all, Chiron.”
Then Chiron calls up the ten best warriors from their camp. Brianna and I make all of the images disappear with a wave our hands. Our fairies are still in butterfly mode. They are sitting on top of the car for the best view.
Among the group of ten is Clarisse, Percy, Annabeth. Each one of them is armed with swords and knives. I step into the clearing area. They all walk around me in a clock work fashion until they are all evenly paced.
“We are armed and ready. How about you, Richard?”
“There are two aspects about myself I didn’t tell you. I can do my own magic. Also, I have command of three of the bending elements.”
“Which ones, Richard?”
“Air, water and earth!! There are two more for me to learn, fire and spirit!! Armor on!!”
In a blink of an eye, my armor appears on me in a blink of an eye!! My clothes are folded up on the car seat.
“Oh crap!!”
Chiron and Tantalus are smiling widely now.
I quickly do a series of horse stomps all around me. The ten warriors are now losing their balance.
“Oh no!! I am about to fall!!” Some fall to the ground before I get to them. They quickly get back up to face me.
I quickly rush in a blur toward each one. I do a different animal attack to each one. “Roarrr!!!” I do a quick tiger slash at Clarisse. An image of a tiger arm appears around my arm!! I hit her chin!!
“A tiger!! Oh no!!” She falls to the ground quickly. “Thud!” She is out for the count!
I blur toward Annabeth! I quickly create an ice sword in both of my hands!! She steels herself and gets ready. She swings her sword. I bring mine up quickly. “Clang!!” My strength exceeds hers. Her sword flies out from her hands. I quickly melt the ice. I freeze an ice ball around her legs and hands together.
She quickly falls to the ground when she loses her balance. “What?!! He is too fast for me!!” “Thud!!” “This is humiliating.”
I encounter the next warrior. He quickly wonders what will come next. I do a quick tap to the ground. A pillar of dirt rises up from the ground underneath him. The pillar rises up fifty feet. He sees he can’t get himself back down by jumping.
I encounter each of the next six warriors quickly. Some of them try to do multiple attacks at once. I easily defend myself against them. I would knock some of them back with a gust of wind while I focus on them. Quickly, they are all disarmed and writhing on the ground in pain. I would do a different animal slashes across their stomachs to upset it. “Moannn. . . .” “He’s too much, Chiron!” “Oh that hurts.” “What did he do to us?”
The other nine warriors gather together back to their friends. The warrior on top of the ground pillar is still there.
“How am I to get down?”
“I’ll help you down.” I quickly extend my feathered wings. I fly up to him. He grabs my hand. I take him down to the ground.
“What? He has wings like Pegasus!”
Once I land on the ground, I retract the feathered wings.
“How did you do that?”
“I am also part animal. I have a drop of Eingana’s dragon blood within me. It allows my family to communicate with the animals from mind to mind.”
All that is left standing is Percy Jackson.
I stand before him. Everyone else has their mouth wide open in astonishment. They can’t believe what just happened.
“Now it is just you and I, Percy.”
“What are you going to do to me?”
“For you, I want to test your water ability.”
“Okay, how are we to do that?”
“Let’s have a water fight. Let’s see if we can control the water.”
“But, I need to be near water to do that.”
“You might need to, Percy. But, I can do it from here.” I stretch out my arms and hands. I concentrate on the moisture in the air. I quickly bring in the water vapor from the air. The water vapor coalesces into water blobs. Then I join them together into two large water blobs above me.
Everyone is astonished that I could do such a thing. However, Chiron and Grover have bigger smiles on their faces.
Percy looks at the two water blobs, “Gulp. . . He grabbed the moisture from the air.”
I bring forward a large water blob toward, Percy. “Here you go, Percy. Take it from me.”
“Sure thing, Richard.” Percy quickly takes command of the water blob from me. He has it hovering above himself.
“Now, let’s have a water fight, Percy.”
Percy smiles, “Let’s have one, Richard.”
I keep concentrating on the water blob above me at the same time I am fighting Percy. Percy tries the same. Soon, he finds himself he can do it as well.
I bring all of the water down from the blob. I have it circling around me in a helix fashion around me. Percy tries the same thing as well. Once he sees me do it, he can do it as well.
I quickly send forth a tiger image from me. He picks up the water vapor from around me. I send the water tiger at Percy very fast!!
He quickly absorbs the water tiger into his water helix.
I then send out a multiple attack at Percy. I send a tiger, a panther, and
crane images at him quickly. However, the water vapor freezes into ice crystals.
Percy tries to defend himself. He sees some of the images are getting through his protection helix. Some of the slashes barely miss his stomach. Percy tries to launch an attack on me. He sends water tridents at me quickly.
I quickly absorb his water tridents with ease. Then I create a water tornado around me. I bring up my arms and create two helix arms of wind. I bring them through the water tornado. I quickly send water vapor fists at him!!
“What?! Oh no!!! They are too fast!!” He tries to block my water vapor fists. He is able to absorb some of them, but quickly two water vapor fist hits him square on the chest. “Boof! Boof!”
He loses concentration of the water helix. The water falls to the ground. “Splooosshh!!” I end my water tornado. I disperse the water vapor back into the air.
Chiron steps up between us. “Indeed, you are the one who will take us to the next level. I’m impressed, Richard. How often can you be here?”
“I was thinking about once a year like this week. I do have a long life. My wife and I will be here for the Ultimate Last Battle to face King Azazel.”
“Excellent, Richard. You can teach us while you’ll earn the higher sashes. I give you permission to enter our property.”
Then some of the people object to Chiron’s decision. “What?! He’s not a Greek God!!”
“But, he has visited their realms. I say, we allow him onto the property.”
Chiron and Grover stand together and face the demi-gods. They all get quiet when they face him.
“What is your problem?”
“He is not a god, Chiron. Only Greek gods are allowed here.”
“Richard, where did you learn the elements?”
I step forward. “It has been a known fact the Chinese people have been aware of the bending elements. However, because of our history, the magic was removed from us because we abused the magic to try and control the people. There will be a day in the future. The magic will be returned to us. Is that right, Chiron?”
“That is right, Richard.”
“About four years from now, there will be a stellar event from the stars. I know the magic will be returned to us. However, it won’t be strong enough for blood bending to happen.”
“What is that?”
“It is a form of water bending. Blood bending is when you are controlling the muscles in the body. You are forcing your will upon the people.”
“He speaks the truth, demi-gods. That is why the magic was removed from us. We have an opportunity to raise our fighting abilities. Richard, I have another question. Do you know any information about Kronos?”
“I do, Chiron. He is still bent on destroying you all. However, there is one, that he has no power over. It is the Titan’s Doom. It is the Kraken. He wants his revenge on the Titans.”
Chiron still keeps looking at the demi-gods. “Why does he want revenge upon them?”
“Because, he is a true son of Leviathan and Eingana, the greatest sea and fire dragons. Kraken has been controlled by the Titans far too long. Now I’m going to prove something else to you. I will now prove to you I am the Omega Unicorn Dragon!!” I quickly extend my feathered wings again. I retract them and display the dragon wings. Then all of our fairies come forth and change into fairies in little flashes of light. I quickly extend my twelve unicorn images. Brianna does the same thing in extending her feathered wings and six unicorn images. Then I recall the Leviathan, Eingana and all of the ones I have met so far.
Everyone is looking at the images with awe on their faces. Everyone is quiet.
Then we hear Robert Moore speak up for the first time!! “Ya . aa . . . awn!! Pbbbbttt . . .!!”
Everyone begins to snicker and giggle when we hear him express his opinion.
“Not only that, I have control over these images. Croin, send out a cold blast of flames. Then send a blast of hot flames so they can feel the heat.”
“Yes, Omega. I’ll be glad to do it.”
“What?! That dragon can talk!!”
Croin flies around and blasts some cold flames near them. Then he blasts some hot flames so they can feel the heat.
Chiron looks at them intently. “So, do we allow him onto the property? We have an opportunity to raise our fighting level to another level.”
Then Annabeth, Clarisse, Percy hears voices from their Greek god parents.
He speaks the truth. He will take you to the next level.
Then the three step forward with smiles on their faces. “We accept Richard to be on our property. It is only for one week out of the year.”
Chiron asks the group, “So, what about the rest of you?”
Then Tantalus steps forward to join the three. Then ten more at a time step forward to join them. The few that are left quickly join the rest of them.
Chiron turns around to face me. “We accept you and your family onto our property, Richard Moore, the Omega Unicorn Dragon.”
“Thank you, Chiron. We accept your hospitality for the week through Friday. I’ll show you what I can do during these five days. Some of you might be inclined to learn some martial arts while you are training here when I’m not here. I have no problems with that. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are several Shaolin Temples here on Long Island.”
“Then we’ll check that out. Come, let’s begin your first day here.”
Everyone starts walking and jogging back to their camp ground. We get back into the car.
“Well, that’s Robert for you. He spoke his mind.”
Robert smiles, then he gives another raspberry, “Pbbbbbtt . . .!!”
We follow the group onto the property. We take the car as far as we can on the well-worn dirt road. It ends where the lodges are kept. I see several more vehicles there as well. However, they are all SUVs.
“The next time we come here, it will be in an SUV, Brianna.”
“Yes, that road is a bit bumpy for this car.”
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
Location: Camp Half-Blood, Long Island, New York
We follow the group onto the property. We take the car as far as we can on the well-worn dirt road. It ends where the lodges are kept. I see several more vehicles there as well. However, they are all SUVs.
“The next time we come here, it will be in an SUV, Brianna.”
“Yes, that road is a bit bumpy for this car.”
We get out of the car. We join Tantalus and Chiron. They are checking out their ten best warriors at their medical facility. Seven of them are lying on the beds. The other three are sitting up on the edge of the bed.
“What I want to know Chiron, why is my stomach is upset?”
“Richard, do you have an answer?”
“I do, Chiron. When I raked your stomach, I sent a vibration as well. It is a Shaolin technique. What I can do for everyone here, let my family go around to heal your bodies. One of the techniques we learned with the water bending element is the ability to heal. You use water to heal.”
Then Percy looks at Chiron quickly, “I remember hearing my father talking about that in my mind. When I did my first Capture the Flag contest. Poseidon told me in my mind that water is used for healing. I thought I can only heal myself. Richard, how can I use it to heal others?”
“Like this, Percy.” I walk up to a bowl of water. I stick my hand into the water. I draw it out. They see the hand is covered in water and not falling off. I walk up to one of the warriors I did the animal slash onto his stomach. I place my hand on his bare skin. I concentrate on the hand. The hand begins to glow white.
“What? The pain is gone. It is like, it never happened. Thank you very much, Richard.”
“You’re welcome.”
Then Brianna and my fairies join in as well. We heal everyone in the medical ward. When we tried to show the doctors and nurses there, they were dismayed they couldn’t do it.
“Well, it just shows we need to wait patiently for the magic to be returned to us.”
“Do you know when it will happen, Richard?”
“It should happen about four years from now. The Ethereal Space rocks is the source of all magic throughout the multi-verses.”
I see Clarisse is still sitting on the bed. She is still deep in thought on what to do next. “Sigh. . . “
”What’s on your mind, Clarisse?”
“Sigh . . . It’s my father, Ares. I was hoping to hear from him soon in my mind. I have a question for him about this test.”
“If you must know, Clarisse. Ares, challenged me as well.”
“Then tell me what happened, Richard.”
“Ares underestimated me from the beginning.” I then tell Clarisse the encounter I had with her father.
“What?! You mean tell me, you put Ares on his backside with the same Tiger slash on the chin as you did to me?”
“Yes, I did, Clarisse. He didn’t expect my fighting skill as an animal fighter. The Shaolin student doesn’t fight the normal way with swords and weapons.”
“What did my father say after he faced you?”
“He admitted he got his ass whooped by a mortal. The other Gods were snickering and giggling that Ares underestimated me. They told Ares, that my beating upon him, would hopefully knock some sense into him. Then Ares said he will have to learn some different fighting styles from several different martial arts masters.”
Then Clarisse smiles widely, “Then I’ll do the same thing too, Richard. I know my father can be stubborn and prideful. I’ll earn the Shaolin Dragon Master title like you are doing.”
“The first attitude to have, Clarisse, is not to do it with anger. It will hamper your ability to control it properly. If you let anger rule your life, people will find a way to defeat you. You must learn the yin yang principal the right way. Do you know what the symbol is for the yin yang principal?”
“Isn’t that the black and white symbol, Richard?”
“It is, Clarisse.”
“Hmm . . . . all right it’s starting to make sense right now.”
Then we all get up and leave the medical facility. The doctors and nurses are by the doorways with smiles on their faces. “Now remember demigods, we are here to help you recover from your training session injuries.”
“Yeah, however some of those medicines you give us are a bit awful in taste.”
“Now, now, demigods, we can’t give you sugar to help swallow it down, but honey is better than sugar.”
“Then you better have gallons of honey ready for us, doc.”
Everyone giggles and laughs as they exit the medical facility. Then the medical staff realize they have an opportunity to get sheets and covers clean and ready for the next round of injuries. They proceed to strip the beds of the sheets and covers and get them clean in their laundry room next to the medical facility.
We walk past many buildings along the trail. Once we get past a small lake, we see an amphitheater on the right hand side. We see everyone streaming to it and filling up the seats. Chiron directs our family to be up front. Then he has me standing by his side. Once he sees everyone has settled down, Chiron begins his speech.
“Richard, will now help us to achieve the next level. Richard, what is the process to learn the Shaolin moves?”
“First of all, Chiron, I found three Shaolin temples here on Long Island. Brianna, my fairies and I will show you beginning moves for the early sashes.”
“When do you learn the animal moves?”
“It starts with the brown sash. That won’t happen until about five years from now when you begin with the white sash. There are three degrees in the brown sash. Each degree is for a different animal and a different weapon. When you start with the Black sashes, the number of animal moves increase dramatically. Also, you are learning the weapons along the way. By the time you earn the tenth black sash you will have learned about thirty different animal moves. I am also told you will learn how to use at least six hundred weapons. This includes the farm tools.”
The demigods become restless when they hear those numbers.
Chiron sees their restlessness, “Remember, demigods, the Chinese people have been doing this for six hundred years or so. I’ll be sending you to the local Shaolin temples here on Long Island on a periodic basis. In time you will become a stronger and a smarter warrior. When Richard comes here from time to time, he will help us fine tune our fighting skills as a group.”
I take a step toward Percy Jackson. “Percy, there is going to be an opportunity next year at this time. I’ll be visiting Japan and China on a business trip for Secure-Sys. I will also have my Sensei and teacher along with me.”
“Why do you want me to come with you?”
“Have you seen the weather events in Japan lately?”
“I have, Richard. Some of the weather is too incredible for it to happen.”
“That’s right, Percy. Because, the weather is being influenced by the Demon Gaap. He is a water demon. Poseidon is going to be there to face Gaap. While he is facing Gaap, you and I will be facing his minions.”
“How am I going to defeat a bunch of water demons, Richard?”
“You will learn from me how to do it, Percy. I have done it before. By the time I get done with you in a year, you will become very confident in controlling the water element.”
Percy smiles, “Then I look forward to having that water fight with you.”
“Yes, we’ll have a water fight, Percy. Percy, do you know how to control the tallest standing tidal wave?”
“I have tried it a few times, Richard. I can only keep it up for a minute.”
“Well, Poseidon put his hands upon my head, so I can do the same thing. You might consider I’m one of his adopted sons.”
Everyone begins to snicker and giggle as they try to imagine that scene.
“We’ll practice it until we can hold the tidal wave up for an hour or more, Percy.”
“Then I look forward in doing that long, Richard.”
“Okay, demigods, I will start with the white sash moves. Each sash you earn, the moves are built upon the previous moves you learned earlier. You must have patience in learning the moves. Right now, the moves are for one on one attacks. As you earn the higher sashes, you’ll learn how to defend yourself against multiple attackers. It is a step by step process.”
Chiron looks around, “That’s right, demigods. It is a step by step process. Richard, have you learned how to disarm someone with a weapon?”
“I have, Chiron.”
“Then I want Annabeth to come up here. I want her to come up here and do one of her best moves. Richard will disarm you in the process.”
“Gulp . . .. Yes, Chiron.” Annabeth gets up and walks up to face me. She swings her sword a few times. Then she faces me with both hands on the grip. She has now a look of determination of her doing one of her best moves. She brings up her sword. She swings her sword in a downward arc as she takes a step toward me. “SWWWIIIISSSSHH!!”
I take a step back and let the sword pass me.
She takes the sword and brings it back. She comes in straight at me toward my stomach. She lunges forward. “Swissshhhh!!”
I turn sideways quickly to avoid the slash as it misses my stomach.
The crowd groans when they see it happen. “GASP!! That was lightning quick!!”
I immediately put my left arm around her forearm. I quickly put my right hand on the guard hilt of the sword. I immediately yank the sword from her hand.
The demigods murmur on seeing the results of the move.
“Now, as she earns the higher sashes, she will learn how to increase her handgrip on the sword so that won’t happen.” I hand the sword back to Annabeth.
Annabeth takes the sword and puts it into the scabbard. She smiles at me, “Then I look forward to that day when it happens.”
Everyone cheers and claps their hands.
Then Brianna and I show the moves for the white sash. They even see our hovering fairies are doing the same moves as we are. Everyone is looking intently at us. When we get done with the moves, we end it by slowing our breaths down calmly.
Then everyone cheers and claps their hands. “Yeah!!! That was great!! I want to learn that, Chiron!!”
It goes on for five minutes before Chiron raises his hands to quiet everyone down.
“It is now approaching the time for the noon meal. Richard, where are you staying?”
“We are in the Marriott at Melville.”
“That’s good. You can be here by nine o’clock each morning.”
“Yes, sir.”
We follow them to the dining hall. The demigods stack their weapons on several tables near the front door to the dining hall. We are invited to sit with Chiron at the front table.
“Richard, did you bring food for your fairies?”
“I did, Chiron. I even brought food for Robert as well. We came prepared this morning. I just need three plates for the fairies.”
“That’s good.”
I set the fairies’ satchel at the end of the table. Someone comes from the kitchen with three plates in her hand. I take them and place them on the table. The fairies quickly open their satchel and their food bags. They take out what they want to eat for the noon meal. They make their own honey-water cups as well.
Soon, the demigods, two from each table, walk up to the window. They are handed their meals. Someone comes by and delivers our meals to our table. We see Tantalus is sitting with us as well. Once everyone has settled down. Everyone rises up and gets quiet. They look at Chiron and Tantalus. They are holding their own mugs of water in front of them. We do the same thing as well.
Chiron speaks up next, “To the Greek Gods who gave us life.”
Everyone responds with the same words that Chiron spoke. “To the Greek Gods who gave us life.”
“To the Creator that provides our food to eat from the Earth.”
Everyone repeats what Chiron spoke, “To the Creator that provides our food to eat from the Earth.”
Then everyone sits down and begins to eat the noon meal. We see a filet of broiled fish on the plate with two different vegetables. It is seasoned lightly.
Soon, there is a dull roar of conversations from the demigods while they eat the noon meal. It takes a full hour to eat the meal. Then the demigods stack up the empty plates, silverware and cups neatly. Then they take items back to the window. There the kitchen crew begins to clean the kitchen up and get ready for the evening meal.
The demigods then leave the dining hall. They pick up their weapons and walk back to the training fields.
I interact with demigods during the training session. Brianna, my fairies and I make sure they are learning the moves for the white sash. It takes the rest of the afternoon until 3 PM.
Then Chiron speaks up, “All right demigods. We are not going to do another round of Capture the Flag today. We’ll save that for another day. For the next hour, we’ll focus on these new moves we just learned. It will be one on one. Once you have taken your opponent down, you are back at it again. I want you to be able take each other down five times. Then we’ll mix up the pairings so you can face a different opponent. We need to learn how to face an opponent with different strengths and skill sets. Do not use your god given talent!! All right, let’s pair up.”
Everyone pairs up with each other. Everyone tries to restrain themselves from using their inherited god given talents. Soon, they take each other down five times. Then they switch partners. This continues until it reaches 4 PM. Then Chiron ends the training session. He sees they are more focused than ever before. My family walks back to our car. We get back in and I drive us back to the Marriott in Melville.
We get ourselves cleaned up for the evening dinner. I call the VP of our division. “Mr. Clausen, we are going to need an SUV. It is a lot better on the roads there.”
“That’s fine, Richard. How did it go, Richard?”
“It went fine, sir. We’ll tell you about it during breakfast tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM here in the Marriott.”
“Then I’ll be there for breakfast, Richard. I’ll get an SUV there tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you, Mr. Clausen.” “Click!”
We get ourselves cleaned up. We put on some very nice clothes for the evening dinner. Brianna pushes Robert in his baby carriage. The three of us walk to the restaurant at the Marriott. The fairies stay behind in the room to have their own evening meal and watch the latest news on the TV.
We feed Robert while we have our meal. After an hour of eating the evening meal, we take another stroll back to our rooms. We put on the multi-pocket coats. The fairies quickly flutter into the pockets. We step outside to watch the evening sunset. We see the clouds change color as the sun sets. Then we enter the garden area around the pool again. The fairies have their sip of nectar from the flowers in their butterfly mode. Then the fairies flutter back into our coat pockets.
We walk back to the room and get ready for the night. When we watch the news, we see Japan is getting hit with another category three typhoon. That makes the fifth typhoon to hit Japan this year. The people are complaining that nothing is being done to help rebuild their country. Then we see reports from the streets. They are desperate to do things for themselves. Soon, the criminal gangs are ramping up their efforts to rob the relief trucks before the delivery is made to the people. Goods are coming in from other countries to help Japan out.
We go to bed by 10 PM. I set the alarm for 6:30 AM. Soon, we are fast asleep. We try to ignore the news we are hearing from Japan while we sleep.
In the NC prison, Tyrone walks up to Michael during the outside afternoon break.
“How many times did you read that book, Michael?”
“I read it five times, Tyrone.”
“So, what is your decision? Do you still want to be like Hef of old?”
“Nyah . . . I am no longer interested in being a playboy king. I didn’t realize how much work goes into keeping a marriage together.”
“That’s a fact, Michael. Well then, let me shake your hand, Michael.”
“Sure, why not, Tyrone.”
As soon as Michael shakes his hand, he face changes as he hears a new voice in his head. “Who is speaking to me in my mind, Tyrone?”
“What’s he telling you?”
“He is telling me, he is the Creator of the Universe. He has been waiting for me to acknowledge him.” A tear goes down Michael’s face. He wipes it away quickly. “The last time I was in church was during the first grade in elementary school.”
“The Creator has always want a relationship with his Creation, Michael. Now that you hear him, come with us to service on Sunday mornings. I’ll even invite you to join our martial arts training period.”
“You mean to tell me, I will learn how Richard defeated us?”
“That’s right, Michael. However, don’t tell Brent and Darryl about it. We want Brent to be the last one to hear the Creator’s voice.”
“Heh, heh, heh, . . . .yes, it will sour his mind like crazy that we are leaving his little clique group.”
Then Tyrone introduces Michael to several other believers who can hear the Creator’s voice. Once he meets Brian Dixon, they are laughing together about what could happen to Brent.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We wake up when the alarm sounds out loud at 6:30 AM, “BZZZZZZZ . . . !!!”
I reach over to the alarm clock and turn it off, “Click!” We get ourselves ready for the day. The fairies pack up their bedrolls and pillows into their satchel. I help Brianna change and powder Robert. Once he is all set and ready in his carriage, Brianna and I get ourselves ready for the day. The fairies take out their food bags and make their own cups of honey-water. Brianna pushes out Robert in his baby carriage. I close the door. It is now 7:25 AM. We enter the main lobby. We see Mr. Clausen with an employee from the company.
“Good morning, Richard.”
“Good morning, Mr. Clausen.”
I hand the keys to Mr. Clausen. He hands the SUV keys to me in exchange. We enter the restaurant to have our breakfast.
“So, how did it go yesterday?”
“It went fine, sir.” I then explained what we did yesterday while we have our breakfast. Brianna feeds Robert from time to time while she has her breakfast as well.
“Hmm . . . so, you were able to defeat their ten best warriors. I am not surprised by that, Richard. What is going to happen today?”
“I need to do some one on one training with Percy Jackson. I need to get him up to speed in controlling the water element.”
“Well, good luck with that. I will check with the three Shaolin dojos here on Long Island. I’ll make sure they have our 3D-Server system. They do have their own web sites.”
“How is it going with sales here in the Northeast?”
“There are still some companies who refuse to purchase the hardware version of your system. When that happens, I offer them the software version. They are more willing to pay for that. Then, as their budgets and profits show improvement, then they purchase the hardware version.”
“That seems to make sense.”
“Yes it does, Richard.”
We get done eating our breakfast. We shake hands again before we part our ways. Brianna and I clean up Robert before we head back to the room. Once we are in our room, we put on the multi-pocket coats. We see the fairies have cleaned themselves up from their breakfast. They flutter quickly into the pockets. We make sure the fairies’ food bag is filled with what we need for the day. There is another satchel for Robert. It contains diapers, powder, wipe up towels, and food for Robert. We then exit the room and the hotel. I activate the beeper on the set of keys. “Beep! Beep!” We find the SUV in the parking lot. It is black in color.
We all get in quickly. The fairies flutter back out and sit on the back seats and the floor of the SUV. We leave by 8:10 AM. We take the interstate and the State Road to Montauk State Park. We find the entrance to Camp Half-Blood by 9 AM. We see the pillar of earth that I raised up is still there. I park the car and get out of it. I concentrate on the pillar. I tap my toe to the ground again and slide it back two inches. The pillar of earth quickly enters back into the ground. I get back into the car and enter their property with no problems. We follow the road to where we were yesterday. Once we open the doors, the fairies flutter out and stand on top of the SUV. We get Robert out and set up his baby carriage.
Soon, we see Chiron trotting toward us. He stops before us, “Good morning, Richard.”
“Good morning, Chiron.”
“What are you planning today?”
“I need to get Percy up to speed in being a better water bender.”
“That’s good, Richard. I will focus the other demigods to work better on their weapons’ skills. Join us at 3 PM. I need to make sure they are handling the weapons right.”
“I’ll be there, Chiron.”
“That’s good, Richard. You’ll find Percy at his water side cabin.” Chiron turns around to get ready for the day.
Several demigods point the direction to Percy’s water side cabin. Brianna and I take turns pushing Robert down the trail to the small lake on the property. Soon, we see Percy is walking about his cabin.
We see him stare at the water. He raises his hand and brings up a stream of water, then lets go of it. The raised stream of water flows back into the lake. He quickly turns around once he senses us near the cabin. He walks toward us.
“Good morning, Percy.”
“Good morning, Richard. I hear my father telling me that you will do some one on one with me today.”
“That’s right, Percy. Then at 3 PM today, we’ll meet with the others. Chiron is having them focus on weapons handling today. I’ll be there to help them make sure it is done right.”
“Okay, so, what is the first thing to do?”
“I need to tell you a story I had on the Avatar World. It is there. I met a water bending master and the Ocean Spirit, La. La helped me connect to the water world. Then, Water Bending Master, Pakku, gave us some words to remember.”
“What did he say?”
“He said, water is the flowing element. Water is the element of change. To master water, you must release your emotions to wherever they lead you. Water teaches us acceptance. Let your emotions flow like water. Remember these words.”
Is that true, father?
It is, my son.
“All right, I’ll try to remember those words, Richard.”
“That’s good, Percy. As we were walking here, I saw you bring up a stream of water. You need to do that each day to stay connected to the water element.”
“Yes, I am beginning to understand that now. So, what is the first lesson for the day?”
“You need to learn how to freeze water to ice.”
“How I do that?”
“With your mind, Percy. I’ll show you.” I look at the water. I bring up a water blob that is about one foot in diameter. I bring it to me and hold it in the air. “When you look at the water, use your mind to lower the temperature of the water.” I turn the water blob to ice and keep it floating in the air.
“All right, let me try it.” Percy focuses on the water. He brings up a water blob that is about one foot in diameter. He keeps it hovering in front of him. He concentrates on the water, he imagines he is lowering the temperature of the water. It quickly turns to ice. He loses concentration of the water ball ice for a second because of the heavier weight. Then he brings the ice ball up higher back to where it was. “Okay, I think I got the hang of it now.”
“That’s good, Percy. Now keep that ice ball hovering in the air. I will send this ice ball to you. Keep it hovering in the air in front of you.”
I move the ice ball to Percy. He keeps both ice balls hovering in the air at the same time.
“That’s great, Percy. Let’s see how you handle a few more.”
“All right, I’m ready.”
I quickly bring out five more blobs of water from the small lake. I quickly freeze them to ice balls. I send five ice blobs toward Percy. He keeps them all hovering in the air.
“That’s great, Percy. Now, send them to me one or two at a time.”
“Okay, Richard.” He concentrates on the ice balls. He sends them to me one or two at a time.
I keep them hovering in the air in front of me. “All right, now try this. I’ll keep them hovering in air. Now watch my feet.”
Percy looks at my feet.
I quickly give my right foot a spin. I create a water ball on my right foot. I kick up the water ball and keep all of them hovering in the air.
“You used your body.”
“That’s right, Percy. Your entire body is a conduit to water bend. The reason is the body contains water as well.”
“I see. All right, let me try that.”
He thinks about his feet. He gives his right foot a shake. Quickly, a water ball appears on his foot. He kicks it up and has it hovering in front of him. He quickly makes it become ice. Then he creates nine more water balls and freezes them. He has them hovering in front of him.
“I’m starting to get a better understanding of this, Richard.”
“That’s good, Percy. There is a property of ice that is available to you. You can make the ice stronger than steel with your mind.”
“Isn’t that what you did against Annabeth yesterday?”
“I did, Percy.”
“Okay, let me make some ice swords on my hands.” He concentrates his mind on his hands. He finds it difficult to do. “How did you grab the water from the air, Richard?”
“Remember, water vapor is hanging in the air all around us. Put your hands out and concentrate on the air in front of you. Imagine you are bringing in the moisture from the air. It is reverse thinking to disperse the water back into the air.”
“Okay, I’ll give it a try.” He focuses on the moisture in the air. Soon, he feels the moisture coalescing in front of him. Then he sees water droplets forming in front of him. He brings them together and forms a water ball. He freezes it and then melts again. He concentrates again on the water ball to break it apart. He quickly creates smaller water droplets from the water ball. He concentrates again makes the water droplets dissipate into the air.
“Whew!! That took some mental power. I need to keep practicing this so it will become faster.”
“That’s right, Percy.”
“All right, let’s see I can make those ice swords on my hands.” He concentrates his mind on his hands. He quickly gathers in the moisture from the air onto his hands. Once that is done, he quickly grows out two feet long swords in his hands.”
“That’s very good, Percy.”
“Thank you, Richard. When you came against Ares, were you able to break Ares sword?”
“No, Percy.”
“I didn’t think you would, Richard. All of their armament is made by Hephaestus. It is designed not to break or chip.”
“I didn’t think it would.”
“So, what is next to learn?”
“It is time to create a water tornado around yourself. From that, I’ll show how to create those water cannons on your arms.”
“Okay, Richard.”
“What you need to do is learn how to walk on water first.”
Percy smiles, “Like this?” He steps out onto the water and doesn’t sink.
“You’ve got it.” I step onto the water and do the same thing. “Now with your arms, swing them around yourself in a circular motion. You are reaching out to the water to bring it around yourself. Create a water tornado.” I swing my arms around in one direction. I create a water tornado around myself from the waist down.
Percy tries it as well. Soon, he has a water tornado around himself from the waist down.
“Now, let it lift yourself up! But, don’t shoot out of it!!” I let the water tornado lift me higher.
Percy does the same thing as well.
“Now, rotate your arms in one direction. Create a water tornado around the arms and hands!” I spin my arms. Quickly, two water tornadoes appear on my arms. I aim my arms upward. The tornadoes are ten feet long on the arms.
Percy is able to do it as well.
“Now, bring them down together in front of you. Let those two twist around each other like this!” I bring them forward. Soon, they twist around each other. “Now shoot out a water vapor fist. You jerk your arm forward and bring it back quickly. Aim it at the lake!” I jerk my arms forward. Quickly two vapor fists are circling around each other. It hits the water level and creates a big splash!!
Percy tries it. Quickly he sends the water vapor fists at the water level. It too creates a big splash!! Percy is now smiling.
We concentrate on the water tornados and let ourselves come back down to the lake water level. We walk back to his water side cabin.
“All right!! I just learned a new offensive tactic. Thank you, Richard!”
“You’re welcome, Percy. The most important thing to remember, you must never do this water bending in anger. If you do, someone will find a way to defeat you.”
“Sigh . . . I get it now. It must be done with a calm mind that is balanced.”
“That’s right.”
“So how are we going to defeat these demons, Richard?’
“With fire and ice, Percy. I’ll show that to you tomorrow. Right now it is time for the noon meal.”
“All right, I’ll wait until tomorrow.”
We all walk to the dining hall. We see the same arrangement for us at the head table. I put the fairies’ food satchel on the table with the three plates. They quickly get out fruits and nuts they want to eat. They make their own honey-water cups.
This time, roasted chicken is served with two different vegetables. We go through the same reciting of the phrases we said yesterday.
It takes about forty-five minutes to eat and drink the lunch today. As we leave, Chiron comes up to me.
“How is he doing?”
“I am expanding his control of the water element. He getting the hang of it very quickly. He has made his own ice swords, water arm cannons with a tornado around himself.”
“That’s good. When are you going to focus on the demon problem in Japan?”
“I’ll be doing that tomorrow. For the next two hours, I need to get him focus on more tactics. I intend to do a demonstration water fight with my fairies on Thursday. Once he sees that, hopefully he will be better prepared for the unexpected from me later in the day.”
“That’s good, Richard. I’ll see you at 3 PM today at the amphitheater.”
“See you then, Chiron.”
We all walk back down to Percy’s water side cabin.
“So, what is the next item to learn, Richard?”
“I am going to throw a huge water ball at you. It is going to engulf you with water. You must create an air bubble so you can breathe. You must protect yourself as you take control of the water ball.”
“Hmm . . . that’s a challenge.”
“Yes it is, Percy.”
We both walk out onto the water. We are two hundred feet from each other.
I concentrate on the water. I bring up a large water ball from the lake. It is twenty feet in diameter. Percy concentrates on what he must do. I quickly send the water ball toward Percy. It quickly engulfs him. He concentrates on the air near his skin. He quickly creates a thin layer of air around himself. He then expands it so he can breathe. “Pant. . . .pant . . .” He concentrates on the water ball. He quickly lifts the water ball high up in the air. He sends the water ball to me.
The water ball quickly engulfs me. I react faster in creating the air bubble around myself. I then lift the water ball above me. I send the water ball toward Percy.
We do this two more times. On the third time, Percy quickly learns how to create an air bubble around himself very quickly. He then sends the water ball back to the lake.
“Whew!! You’re right, Richard. I need to practice these tactics everyday.”
“That’s right, Percy.”
“Okay, what is the next tactic to learn?”
“The last one for the day is that water helix you tried yesterday to protect yourself.”
“Like this?” He quickly brings up a stream of water. He has it swirling about himself.
“That’s good, Percy. Now you need to expand your mind to multi-task water bending.”
“You mean I need to do offensive and defensive tactics while I’m protecting myself.”
“That’s right, Percy.” I bring up a water ball from the lake. I send quickly toward Percy. He lets the water ball get absorbed into his water helix. Hold them in air this time. Come up with a weapon to attack me.”
“Yes, Richard.”
I quickly create a water helix about myself. I then create a water ball from the lake. I toss the water ball toward him. He quickly catches it and hovers it in the air. I create another water ball and send it toward Percy. He keeps it hovering in front of him. He thinks hard about a weapon to create. He creates two water tridents from the water balls. He sends them toward me very fast.
We keep at this for the next half hour until 3 PM. We finally walk back to his water side cabin.
“That’s very good, Percy. You’re getting it understood very quickly.”
“Thank you, Richard. Let’s get to the amphitheater. Let’s see if the demigods are handling the weapons the right way.”
“Yes, let’s get there.”
The fairies fly around us as we walk toward the amphitheater. Brianna pushes Robert’s carriage along the way.
We enter the amphitheater and see everyone there. We see an assortment of weapons on a table.
Chiron speaks up, “All right, watch Richard closely how he uses it.”
I walk up to the table. I see a staff, two batons, iron claws, sledge hammers, long swords and short swords, to name just a few. I pick up the two batons for starters.
“You must learn how to use the batons first before you learn how to use two swords. I’ll demonstrate.” I quickly go through the motions of using the batons. I create an “X” to trap an imaginary weapon at me. I even somersault in the air to dive over a weapon. I also do the windmill attack as well. I do the traps at various elevations. I quickly bring up a baton to hit the imaginary foe while I trap the weapon. I come to a stop. Everyone is breathless, soon. They clap their hands for the demonstration.
I then use the staff. “There are two types of contests. The ground match and the balanced beam match.” I quickly go through the moves again. Some of them are similar to what I just did. However, they quickly see the triangle defense stance. They see it is a good defense to learn. I come to a stop. “Don’t be complacent with that triangle defense position. Your opponent could use a sword to cut that staff into two pieces.”
I then pick up the long sword. I go through the motions. Quickly, Annabeth sees she needs to learn some new moves and to increase her hand strength.
After the long sword, I use the sledge hammer. Again, I quickly go through the motions for the sledge hammer.
I then pick up the two iron claws and put them on my hands. They quickly realize I am a much better fighter than they are.
After that, I pick up the two sickles. I go through the motions for the sickles. Once I am done with that, Chiron stops me.
Everyone is breathless. Then they breathe in and out. Soon, they quickly clap their hands for the demonstration.
“Now, there are lot more weapons to learn. You also need to know how to defend yourself against these weapons. It is now 4:30 PM. We are now done for the day. Richard will be with Percy again tomorrow morning. At 3 PM tomorrow, I’ll have some different weapons out here. But this time, Richard is going to demonstrate some weapon combination moves with his martial art forms. This is to get you in the right frame of mind when I send you to the Shaolin dojos here on Long Island.”
We all leave the amphitheater. Everyone is mulling quietly on what they saw. I get my family back to the SUV rental and loaded up. I drive us back to the hotel. Once we are in our rooms, Brianna and I take a good hot shower. The fairies take their own as well. We have our usual dinner in the restaurant while the fairies have theirs in the room.
We watch the sunset like we did yesterday. We get back to our rooms and get ready for bed. Once we are changed and ready for bed, the lights are turned off and the alarm is set on the clock again for 6:30 AM.
Soon, we are fast asleep. We get peaceful dreams during the night.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We wake up when the alarm sounds out again at 6:30 AM, “BZZZZZZZ . . . .!!!!”
We get ourselves ready for the day. In fact, it is a repeat of yesterday morning. We leave the hotel at 8 AM. It takes an hour to arrive at the entrance to Camp Half-Blood. I drive the SUV onto the property and park it with the others. We get out of the SUV. I get Robert’s baby carriage and set it up. Then Brianna places Robert into the carriage. Brianna has Robert’s satchel on her shoulder. I have the fairies’ satchel on my shoulder.
As we make our way to the small lake, we get greeted by the some of the demi-gods who see us.
One of Aphrodite’s daughters bends down to look at Robert. Robert smiles. “Look at that smile on that cute face of his.” She gets up and looks at us with a smile, “This is just to let you know, I am glad you both came. This is just what we need to push us to work harder. I’ve heard already from many of the demi-gods they want to be stronger and quicker like you.”
Brianna, Robert, the fairies and I smile. “You’re welcome.”
She then turns around to find her other sisters. We walk down the trail to Percy’s water side cabin. We see him trying to remember what he did yesterday. As soon as he senses us, he lets the water stream flow back into the small lake. He turns around to greet us.
“Good morning, Moore family.”
“Good morning, Percy.”
“So, how do we attack demons? Do we kill them or not?”
“You do not kill demons, Percy. They are already condemned to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. But, you can give them pain and shame when they meet Azazel.”
“All right, what is the first thing to do, Richard?”
“I am going to create ice images of the demons that I met so far. That way, you have some idea what they will look like. If we are going to be in Japan, we need to come up with a plan that will do just that.”
Percy and I walk out onto the water. I raise my left hand upward. I quickly create a lower class demon from the water. Then I freeze it into ice. I keep it hovering in front of us. “The first move is ice. When ice is around their throats, you can keep them at bay. If they try to touch it, they won’t be able to, because it is very painful to them. There is another way, Percy. Send ice darts to their hearts. Again the pain is very painful. The best approach is to create a water bubble. Then create a million ice darts from it. To make it more painful, have those ice darts and collars blazing with fire.”
“Won’t that melt the ice?”
“It won’t Percy. Remember, you must make the ice harder than steel.”
“I see, then it won’t melt.”
“That’s right. Since I haven’t learned the fire element, I will need help. I can use Levi’s and Shiri’s flame attack. It can also come from my dragon memories. You can have ice objects lit up with fire before or after you send it to them.”
I create an ice dart in front of me from my right hand. I have it floating in front of me. Levi flies in quickly. He changes into a dragon fairy in a little flash of light. He shoots a small stream of fire at it. The ice dart is now aflame with fire! I quickly send the ice-fire dart at the ice demon image’s heart.
“If they are flying around, won’t some of the ice darts miss them? Won’t they try to fly away?”
“It’s possible, Percy. I can put a homing spell on the ice darts so it will hit their hearts. But, what we can do, is to create an icy arena to hem them in. Then, I’ll need a simple box to contain them. It will be coated with ice on the inside. Then we can send them in shame to Azazel.”
“How big should this box be?”
“It can be the size of a shoe box. A million demons can fit inside it. They will be very uncomfortable.”
Percy smiles, “That’s good. All right, let me try to make a water bubble and make a million ice spikes from it.”
I melt the icy demon image and return the water to the lake. When the ice dart melts, the flame is put out.
Percy concentrates on the water. He brings up a water bubble that is five feet in diameter. He concentrates on the water bubble. He quickly creates a million ice darts from the water bubble.
“Whew! I did it. I need to practice that some more.” He lets the ice darts melt and flow back into the lake. He brings up another water bubble. This time it is a lot faster and easier for him.
“All right, what is the next the part?”
“My fairies, will you please come here?”
“Yes, father, mother. We are coming.” They all fly over and hover in front of me.
“I think it is best that you stay with Brianna and Robert while Percy and I are facing the demons in Japan. If any of them try to break away to attack her, then she will need help.”
Tiger speaks for them, “We understand, father, mother, Omega. We’ll be there to protect her and Robert. We know you are capable with your memories and Shaolin training that you can defeat them easily.”
Then they all touch and hug my face. I smile when they do that. Then they fly back to Brianna and Robert in Percy’s cabin. I smile as they fly back.
I look at Percy. “The next step is to get the ice darts on fire.”
“What if we are separated?”
“You can still send the ice darts to their hearts. Then my dragon memories can light them up later. If we are together, back to back, we can create a water bubble around us. Then the dragon memories can light them up from within the bubble.”
“Hmm . . . that’s a good idea. All right, we’ll wait and see how it goes.”
“Now, what I am going to do for you is some target practice. I am going to bring up multiple ice objects and have them flying around you. Your task is to use the ice darts and hit the ice objects.”
“How many ice objects will you have flying around?”
“I think a hundred is enough for now.”
“Gulp, all right, a hundred ice objects it is.”
I concentrate on the water in the lake. I sweep my hands and arms in a fluid motion. I quickly bring up one hundred water balls. I make some of them flat like plates. I then start moving them all around Percy at various distances. I keep to a random pattern to keep him guessing.
Percy gets set. He brings up a water bubble that is two feet in diameter. He quickly turns it into a hundred ice darts. He concentrates on his destination. He sends out the first five ice darts. The five ice darts quickly hits five flying ice objects. Then he sends twenty ice darts at the targets. Again, they all hit the targets. He pauses and thinks very hard, “hmm . . .”
“Richard, is it just me, or am I just lucky?”
“Think about it, Percy. What is said about the body? What is the primary component in the body.”
“It is said the body contains mostly water.”
“That’s right, Percy.”
Then Percy smiles, “So, that means I can shoot these ice darts anywhere I want to. It will curve around until it hits them.”
“That’s right, Percy.”
“Hah, hah, hah, . . . I love it!! Now I just need is some fire to light them up! All right, more target practice!!”
He quickly sends the rest of the ice darts at the flying objects he didn’t hit. Soon, they are all sporting an ice dart on them.
I concentrate on the flying objects. I quickly have the ice darts melt onto the objects. This time I bring up four hundred more ice objects.
“How many is that, Richard?”
“That’s a total of five hundred ice objects.”
“Right.” He concentrates on the lake water. He brings up another water bubble. He quickly creates five hundred ice darts. He sends them flying around until each ice object has an ice dart. He has a big smile on his face.
“Now I am going to do a thousand flying ice objects. We’ll do that five times until you are comfortable with it. We should see five ice darts on each one.”
“I understand, Richard.”
I bring up another five hundred flying objects. I have them flying around in a random pattern.
Percy gets set and brings up another water bubble. He quickly creates one thousand ice darts. He has them flying around and hitting the targets successfully. Then he creates another water bubble and does the same thing. This continues until we have done it five times.
I bring in the objects down to us to inspect ice objects. We see five ice darts on each one.
“Yeah! All right, I’m starting to get a full understanding of what it means to be a son of Poseidon. Is there a weakness against water?”
“The element rotation to learn is air, water, earth and fire. Air and earth are opposites while water and fire are opposite.”
“So, if fire is brought in against us, my hope and yours, is to have a great command of the water element.”
“Also, I have command of the air and earth element. Earth shields can be brought up to protect us if there is no water around us. I can command the air to blow the fire somewhere else.”
“Do you think I can bring in the water vapor from the air around us?”
I smile at Percy, “What do you think, Percy?”
Percy smiles back, “Then I’ll try it after the lunch break.”
“That sounds good to me, Percy.”
We both laugh together, “Hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!”
We all leave together and make our way to the dining hall. Chiron comes walking up to us.
“So, how did Percy do today?”
“He did great, Chiron. He was able to control the ice darts and hit my thousand flying ice objects five times each.”
“Excellent, Richard. So, what is next for him to learn?”
“He is going to try and bring in water from the air around us.”
Chiron looks at Percy, “So, do you think you can do it?”
“If Richard says I can do it, then I can do it.”
“That’s the attitude to have. Richard, I have another weapons demonstration at 3 PM today. It will be five different weapons from the ones you used yesterday.”
“Yes, Chiron. We’ll be there at 3 PM.”
“Are you still planning a water fight with your fairies and Percy tomorrow, Richard?”
We all look at Percy. Percy smiles back.
“Yes, I think he’ll be a lot better prepared by tomorrow.”
“That’s good. Now, let us have lunch together.”
We enter the dining hall together. We sit at the same table arrangement near the front. The fish that is served up is cod. It is seasoned and blackened slightly to have light crunch to it. There are two different vegetables on the side. We get done in 45 minutes. We exit the dining hall once the tables are cleared off and delivered to the kitchen.
Percy and my family return back to the small lake. Percy and I walk out onto the water.
“The first step to bring out the water vapor from the air is to get let fingers reach out to it. Feel the coolness in the air.”
“What would happen if I’m in a dry desert?”
“It will take longer to draw out the water from the air. You should always have a skin container filled with water. If it is taken away from you, then you can sweat it out through your skin.”
“I’ll need to remember that, Richard. Thank you.” Percy extends his hands and arms outward. He concentrates on the moisture in the air. “All right, I can feel the moisture in the air.”
“Now, with your mind, focus on that moisture and gather it together to create small water droplets.”
Percy concentrates on the moisture, he is imagining that he is bringing it together to create the water droplets. Then right before him, he creates hundreds of water droplets. “I did it!”
“Yes you did, Percy. Now keep that going until you create a water ball. Freeze it to ice. Then melt that ice back into water. Then reverse that process so it dissipates into the air.”
“Right.” He concentrates again, he coalesces more water from the air. Quickly, he creates a three foot diameter water ball. He freezes it to ice. Then back to water. “How do you make the water become water droplets?”
I bring up a water ball from the small lake. “Watch this, Percy.” I spread out the water ball to a water sheet to make it thinner. Then I concentrate on making a checkerboard from that sheet of water. It breaks up into one inch square water portions. Then I concentrate again and making those pieces smaller. Once they are droplet size, I quickly return the water droplets back into air as moisture.
“I see it now. I’ll try that, Richard.” He forms the water ball into water sheet. He breaks it apart into small squares of water. Then he breaks them down again to make them smaller. Once, they are droplet size, he dissipates the water droplets back to moisture in the air. “Whew!! That was mind work out. All right, now let me do it again.”
Quickly, Percy is able to do that five times in a row. By the fifth time, his mind is at ease and more calm. He senses the water all around us.
“That was fantastic, Richard!! I love it!! So, what else is new for me to do?”
“You need to detect water objects coming right at you from your backside. It stems in that you were able to detect me before we came to your cabin.”
“All right, I’ll turn around and see if I can stop your water balls before I get wet.”
I smile at Percy, “That’s right.”
Percy turns around and walks about one hundred feet from me. I bring up a one foot diameter water ball. I send it flying toward him. When it is five feet from him, he turns around and stops it in the air.
“I think I need to extend my sensing range, Richard.”
“Yes, that is a must, Percy.”
Percy turns around again. I send another one foot diameter water ball at him. When the water ball is about thirty feet away, he turns around to stop it.
“Percy, try to stop it without turning around. I going to send ten water balls, one at a time at you. Keep them all hovering in the air.”
“Okay, Richard.”
I send a water ball at Percy. He stops it thirty feet from himself. I send him four water balls to him quickly, one at a time. The fourth one he stops it before it is two feet from his head. Then I do it again with the last five water balls. This time he stops them all when they are about twenty-five feet away from him.
“Whew! This is a great mind practice, Richard. I must keep at it until it is automatic.”
“That’s right, Percy. Because tomorrow, there are going to be two water fights. One will be with my fairies first. Then from seeing that, let’s hope you better at it.”
“Then I look forward to the challenge. Come, it is almost 3 PM. Let’s get to the amphitheater for another weapons demonstration.”
Brianna and I take turns pushing Robert’s carriage to the amphitheater. When we get there, we see it is filling up fast. I walk over to the table to see what weapons are there. I see a pair of nunchucks, two iron claws on one chain, a three-segment pole, a seven-segment pole, and an envelope.
“Open the envelope when you do the last weapon demonstration.”
“Okay, Chiron. Chiron, can I have someone up here using the three and seven-segment pole. I need to show some defensive moves.”
“That’s fine, Richard. It will be me. All right, demi-gods!! Pay attention now!!”
I pick up the nunchucks first. I quickly spin them very fast in all sorts of maneuvers and directions. I even catch them under my armpits from time to time. I would let the other end hit the ground, then it will bounce up as I continue with the moves. Once I am done with the nunchucks, I pickup the two iron claws on one chain.
I hold the chain in two places, so the iron claws are swinging in two circles. Then I let it go out from me, then quickly hold onto the iron claw to make a bigger circle with the chain as I spin it around me. Then I lift the chain upward and spin it like a helicopter above me. Then I come back down. The last maneuver is letting the chain wrap around my waist.
Every claps and cheer at seeing this demonstration. I uncoil the chain and place the weapon back onto the table. Then I pick up the three-segment pole. Chiron comes up and takes it from me. I step and let him get used to the weapon. Then he swings the weapon at me. As soon as it is extended, I come up with my hands and arms to touch the end of the pole segment. Then I let it hit my forearms to block it.
The demi-gods are holding their breaths as much as possible.
Then Chiron tosses me the three-segment pole. I do some different maneuvers like letting it extend outward and moving it in a circle about myself and above my head. I end that weapon use, then I pick up the seven-segment pole.
They see it is a bit more complicated because of the aditional joints. Chiron and I basically do the same moves as with the three-segment pole.
I put the seven-segment pole on the table. I pick up the envelope and open it up. “All right, what is the last weapon to show for the day?
I take out the folded sheet of paper and open it up. I read, “Create a weapon that we might see at the Ultimate Last Battle.” I look up at Chiron. “All right, I’ll do the unexpected.”
“That’s what I’m counting on, Richard.”
I look at everyone in the amphitheater. “There is a weapon that I know that is coming from Azazel. He wants to capture the greatest legendary beasts and send them here to assault Earth. One of them is the Kraken. I met the Kraken when I visited Hades at Charon’s Docks. I gave him some words of encouragement and a warning. The Kraken and Persephone were both taken by the demon, Amy. We found them both chained, Hades had no choice to let Amy go with his hostages. Amy would have killed her right then and there. Here is the true size of the Kraken that I saw chained. I won’t make him solid.” I sweep my hand and arm. I quickly create the full size image of the Kraken.
Needless to say he is huge. His body and head is about two hundred feet in diameter. The length of his body is a half-mile long. All of the demi-gods have their mouths open in awe. Then I quickly make the image disappear.
Chiron walks up to me, what are the words you told Hades, Richard?”
“For Hades, Azazel has laid a Titan trap for Persephone. Don’t come alone to Hell World. He will need family and friends for help. Then I will take back a piece of my robe.”
“Who told you to say those words, Richard?”
“The Angel of Death himself. His name is Samael.”
There is a hush over the crowd. “Gasp!”
“Our family met him during one of our sleep dreams before we visited their realms. He gave me different words to the three other pantheon gods of death. There was a different result from each one.”
Chiron looks at everyone in the amphitheater. “Richard will find a way to release the Kraken from his chains. We must have positive thoughts that our Greek god parents are successful in rescuing Persephone. So, with that in mind, we are done for the day. Tomorrow, there will be a water fight between Richard and his fairies. Then after that it is another water fight with Percy. Let’s hope he is a lot better this time. It will be here in the amphitheater for all to see at 9 AM. Okay, let’s get ready for dinner.”
We exit the amphitheater and make our way to the cabins and the SUVs. We see everyone is in deep thought with what happened today.
We get ourselves loaded up in our SUV rental. I back out and exit the property. I drive back to our hotel in Melville. We do the usual in getting cleaned up and ready for dinner. The fairies have their dinner in the room, while we have ours in the hotel restaurant. We see another great sunset on Long Island. We then change clothes and get our beds ready for the night, onee everyone is tucked under the covers, I reset the alarm clock for 6:30 AM. We get to bed by 10 PM. We all have a great night of sleep with no warning dreams from the Creator.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We wake up when the alarm sounds out again at 6:30 AM, “BZZZZZZZ . . . .!!!!”
Thursday morning proved to be a repeat of the last two days. While I’m driving the SUV to Camp Half-Blood, I have a talk with my fairies.
“Are you ready for a water fight with me, fairies?”
“We are father, mother, Omega. We see this as an opportunity to do some more practice.”
“Now make sure you come up with some new tactics.”
“Oh don’t worry about that, father. We have been planning these tactics for days.”
“Then I won’t tell you mine, either.”
Then we all giggle and laugh together. I drive onto their property like before. I park the SUV with the others. We get out of the vehicle and get Roberts carriage set up. Once we are all set and ready, I lock the SUV. We start walking towards the amphitheater. When we get there, we see it is full of people.
Everyone claps and cheer that we showed up. “Yeah! All right!! We finally to get see a water fight!!”
My fairies fly over to the other side until we are about seventy feet apart. Brianna and Robert are sitting on the first row with a few demi-gods.
Everyone gets quiet as Chiron steps in to address the crowd. “We will now see a water fight between Richard and his fairies. The fight will last a full hour at least. It is up to them when they will stop. After that, then we’ll have a water fight between Richard and Percy. You may begin now!!”
Everyone starts to cheer for their favorites. We hear it is about a fifty-fifty split in the crowd.
We see there are no tubs of water provided for us. We stretch out our hands and arms. We bring in the moisture from the air. Quickly, we have large amounts of water above us. We create a water helix around ourselves. The water helix is about six inches in diameter. I know from experience, Tiger and Tigress are controlling their own water helix. It is the other fairies who are doing the attacks.
I decide to send the first attack. I take some water vapor around me and concentrate on my fingers. I have ten ice darts on the finger tips. I quickly send the ice darts to my fairies.
The fairies quickly take control of the ice darts and create ten water balls from it and add it to their water helix.
Then I decide on a two prong attack with a hidden third attack. I do a crane wing slash with right arm. I do a tiger slash with left arm. Then I do a life size mantis attack right behind it. It is a foot above the ground.
The people are hoping the fairies can stop it.
The fairies see the two attacks coming from the left and right. The fairies on both sides create a buffer of water vapor further out from the helix. The two attacks quickly get absorbed into the water vapor buffer.
Then the mantis attack sneaks in. But they quickly see a puff of sand floating upward. Tiger quickly blocks that attack with the water helix.
“Yeah!! All right!! Way to go!!”
Then I brace myself for the fairies’ attack. They quickly launch a multiple attack from all sides. I see water vapor coalescing very fast around me. Then they slam it against my body. And create a huge water ball around me as my water helix collapses in on me.
“Whoa! That’s a fast attack.”
“Do you think you can do that, Percy?”
“I must be able to Grover.”
I quickly spin myself around and create a water tornado around me. I launch another round of animal attacks. They see water vapor images of snakes, panthers, monkey, alligator and about three other animal images coming right at the fairies.
They quickly take control of the water vapor images and add it to their water helix. Then they create their own water tornado around themselves. Soon, I see ice images of fairies flying toward me very fast. There are about twenty water blobs right behind them.
Just about when I take control of the ice images, the ice fairy images quickly melt. Then I see three pairs of my real fairies up and close. Shiri and Levi shoot out hot flames at me. Ruby and Rubio shoot out a large gust of wind of air from their wings. Silva and Silvia bring up the water blobs, they bring out the dirt hidden in the water blobs. They join it all together and create a huge firestorm right in front of my face!!! As soon as they send it, they fly back to their water helix for protection.
“Oh, oh!!” I quickly bring up a water shield quickly. It gets there just in time. “SSSHH-HH-ssssshhhh!!!!”
The smoke rises up from me. When the smoke clears, everyone sees me with an ashen face!!
Everyone begins to laugh and giggle out loud!! “Giggle, giggle, . . .!!” “Hah, hah, hah, hah, . . .!!!” Even Brianna and Robert and giggling and laughing as well.
I then begin to smile, “Oh, that’s good, fairies. I love it!!”
They are all smiling, “We thought you would, father, mother, Omega!!”
“All right, lets do some multiple target practice on each other, fairies.”
“That sounds good father, mother, Omega. Your targets are one inch square, ours will be one inch round.”
“Right, then I hit your round targets, while you hit my square targets.”
“That’s the plan, father, mother, Omega. Let’s make some pin cushions. We’ll hit them with twenty ice darts each.”
We quickly create hundreds of square and round targets from the water helixes. We have them flying around in a random pattern and mixed among themselves. I use my left hand to keep the targets in the air. I use my right hand to shoot the ice darts.
We start sending out the ice darts flying around. The people are amazed at the control we are displaying. They see objects and ice darts flying around like crazy. It is like watching an ice storm in the air. The target practice lasts about fifteen minutes.
We quickly bring them down and show the targets to the demi-gods. They see twenty short ice darts on my square ice objects. They also see twenty long ice darts on the round ice objects.
Everyone claps and cheers for seeing a great water fight. We then send the water back into air as water vapor. I walk up to Percy. My fairies are hovering around me.
“Are you ready, Percy?”
“It looks I’ll have to be creative in my attacks to catch you off guard, Richard.”
“That’s a must, Percy.”
“Then I must be very wary when you attack me.”
“You must be very wary, Percy. Especially when we are in Japan next year. Not only do we have to contend with the water demons, there are the criminal gangs in Japan to deal with.”
“I’ve seen and read some of those stories on the internet. I’ll be ready, Richard.”
Chiron steps up in front again. “There will be a thirty minute break, demi-gods. That’s enough time for a bathroom break and to grab a quick fruit snack.”
Everyone leaves the amphitheater and walk toward the dining hall. They go to the restrooms and have their quick fruit snack. I wash myself up and get my face clean.
We see they are given two fruits to snack on. We set up the fairies satchel on the table. They quickly get out their nuts and fruit bags. They also make their own cups of honey-water. Soon, they feel more energized as they recover from the water fight.
For Brianna and I, we each get a red delicious apple and a bunch of grapes. We bite into the grapes, we see they are seedless. Brianna cuts a grape into two pieces. She feeds a half-grape to Robert. Robert likes the flavor of the grape. He eats both halves with no problems. After the second half, we have to wipe a dribble off his mouth and chin. He smiles when we do that.
When the thirty minutes are up, we start walking back to the amphitheater. We see Percy is thinking really hard what his plan of attack will be. Everyone starts to fill in the amphitheater. Percy and I walk apart until we are about seventy-five feet from each other.
Chiron steps out and faces the demi-gods. “We will now see what Percy has learned. He realizes he must practice this everyday. This contest will last for an hour only. It is up to them when they want to end the match.” Chiron walks back to a side portion of the amphitheater.
Everyone starts to yell out really loud!! “All right, Percy!! Go get him!! You can do it!! Percy! Percy! Percy!”
We look at each other sternly. We raise out our hands to the sides. We bring in the water vapor from the moisture in the air around us. We create a swirling water helix around ourselves.
Percy decides he will go first. He sends out five water tridents to me very fast! I quickly absorb his water tridents into my water helix. Then he sends out five water balls and five ice balls at me very fast! I absorb them all into my water helix. He then creates a water tornado around himself. He lifts himself up to be higher than me.
I stand my ground. The people are in awe as they see Percy control the water tornado about himself. He creates two spinning water cannons on his arms.
I brace myself for what is about to come. I create a water vapor shield in front of me while I’m still spinning the water helix about myself.
Percy sends out large water vapor fists at me. They are spinning around each other as they come at me very fast!!
The people are yelling for Percy to knock me off my feet! “Take him down, Percy!! Yeah! Yeah! . . .”
As soon as the water vapor fists hit my water vaper shield, there is a big explosion of water vapor! “Boof! Boof! Boof! Boof!” I absorb them all!
Then Percy freezes the water vapor to ice crystals!
This time, the explosions are closer to my water helix. He then concentrates very hard. He sending the ice water vapor fists very hard now! They are coming very fast at me!
The vapor explosions cause me to take a step back with each explosion!! “Boof! Boof! Boof! Boof!” I quickly reset myself. I stay focused and quickly concentrate on the vapor explosions. I quickly absorb them into my water helix.
I then create my own water tornado around myself! However, I’m inside the water tornado. This time, Percy gets ready for my assault. I project out icy vapor images of the animals!
I send out the crane! “Skraw!!”
I send out the panther! “Roar!”
I send out the snake! “Hiss!”
I send out the tiger! “Roar!”
The icy images come at Percy very fast! He reacts quickly to absorb the icy images into his water tornado.
Then I send icy images of dragons! They are shooting out streams of hot water from their mouths!! “ROOAAARR!!”
The people are in awe again when they see icy images.
Percy quickly sets himself up to absorb the dragon images into his water tornado. However, once the hot water hits his water tornado, it starts to warm up. Steam is rising up in front of him. It is blocking his vision from seeing me.
Once I see that, I shoot out of my water tornado at him very fast!!
“Look out, Percy!! He’s coming straight at you!!”
I have a water image of a tiger forearm on my right arm!! When I’m about ten feet from him, he quickly raises a water shield to block it.
My tiger arm slashes through his water shield with ease. However, the icy claws just missed his chin by an inch.
“Pant, pant, . . . that was too close!!”
He lowers himself down to get underneath me. I quickly bring the water from my water tornado around me really fast. Now we are about ten feet from each other.
Then Percy decides to end the match. He sends the water tornado back into water droplets. Then he makes them smaller as the moisture is returned back into the air. I do the same thing as well.
Everyone is cheering out really loud!! “Whoo hooo!! That was a great water fight!!”
Percy looks at me, “We could have go on, Richard. But, we are too evenly matched now. Those dragon images shooting out hot water was very good.”
“Thank you, Percy. Is there anything else you like to try?”
“Yes, let’s catch a wave and get out in the Atlantic Ocean. We need to practice making our largest standing tidal wave. Then we’ll turn it into an icy arena. Let’s do it after lunch.”
“That sounds fine, Percy.”
We all leave the amphitheater with joy. Everyone is laughing that Percy did better this time around. When we arrive at the dining hall, we are given more plates of fruit and separate cups of orange juice and cranberry juice. It takes about forty-five minutes to eat the lunch. Then everyone starts walking down to the beaches. Percy and I are standing near the water’s edge.
“How long will you be gone, Percy?”
“We should be back here in three hours. It takes awhile to get out there. We need no ships in the area or on the horizon.”
“I understand, Percy. We wish you the best on this practice endeavor.”
Percy and I step onto the water’s surface. We create a small water wave as we use it to leave Long Island. Once we see the lighthouse on the horizon, we make the waves bigger. We are now traveling eastward very fast. After another fifteen minutes, we see no ships on the horizon.
“All right let’s do it, Richard. We’ll need to be about a quarter-mile from each other.”
“All right, Percy.”
We move apart until we are about quarter-mile from each other. We concentrate on the water behind us. We bring up the largest standing tidal wave we could. It towers above us at least a quarter-mile.
We hold it up as long as possible. When we held up the tidal waves for forty-five minutes, Percy turns his standing tidal wave to ice! I do the same thing. Then we bring them together and form an icy tidal wave arena. We keep it floating on the water with ease.
“Do you think this is big enough, Richard?”
“It will do for now, Percy. We can always make it bigger if we have to.”
“That’s true.”
“So, how are you doing mentally with this standing tidal wave?”
“I’ll admit it was harder before I met you. But, after our training sessions, I am now more comfortable with it now. I can probably hold this up for six hours if I have to.”
“That’s good, Percy. I have another question, Percy. Do you need me on Friday?”
“Not really, Richard. That is unless Chiron requests another weapons demonstration.”
“It will be at this time next year, we are in Japan, Percy.”
“I understand, Richard. Come, it is time to go back.”
We concentrate on the ice tidal wave arena. We melt the ice and let it flow back into the Atlantic Ocean with ease. We then use the water waves to get back to Long Island. We arrive at the beach where we started. We see everyone is gone except for Chiron, Brianna and Robert.
“So, how did it go, Percy? Were you able to hold it up longer?”
“Yes, Chiron. Because of the training sessions, I should be able to hold it up for six hours with now problems.”
“That’s good, Percy.”
“Chiron, I asked Percy if I am needed here on Friday. He said I’m not needed. Do you need me tomorrow morning?”
“Not really, Richard. Tantalus and I are making up the schedules who will visit which Shaolin Dojo.”
“Then we will see you all later in the future. If you need me, send me a message to Secure-Sys in Jacksonville, Florida.”
“I will, Richard.”
“I’ll see you next year, Percy.”
“Yes, it will be good to see father next year. Its been awhile since I saw him the last time.”
We make our back to the SUV. We meet and shake hands with the demi-gods along the way. Brianna gets a hug from some of the ladies. When they bend down to look at Robert, they see a big smile on his face. “Oh, he’s so cute when he does that. Make sure he doesn’t lose that smile as he gets older.”
Brianna smiles, “We’ll make sure he keeps that smile on his face.”
We get ourselves loaded up in the SUV. I drive us back to the Marriott in Melville. I get on the phone and call the regional VP to pick up the SUV tomorrow morning. He’ll be there with an employee and take care of it then.
“What time do you want to sleep in tomorrow?”
“We’ll wake up at 7:30 AM this time. We’ll be ready and packed by 9 AM.”
“That’s fine, Richard. I’ll be there at 9 AM. Have a great night of sleep.”
“Thank you, sir. See you in the morning.”
We get ourselves cleaned up with showers, so we can have our last dinner in the hotel here. We see another great sunset on Long Island. We get ourselves ready for bed and get under the covers at 11 PM. We have a great night of sleep during the night.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We wake up when the alarm sounds out loud at 7:30 AM, “BZZZZZZ . . . .!!!”
We get ourselves ready like before. After having our morning meal, we get our satchels, and suitcases packed for the trip back to Jacksonville.
Mr. Clausen shows up at 9 AM. He has one of his employees with him to take care of the SUV.
I give the latest update what is happening at Camp Half-Blood. He is impressed with the report I gave him.
“So, Percy is now stronger than before. I’ll double check with Shaolin dojos here from time to time. I need to make sure their servers, networks and websites are secure and safe. Thank you for coming, Richard. It is our pleasure that I get to meet the one who started the latest network standard. The hackers have finally met their match. I’ll give an update to Mr. Bryson later today. Thanks again, Richard.”
“You’re welcome, Mr. Clausen.”
We shake hands as we smile at each other. We check out of the hotel and get our belongings into the limousine. They take us back to JFK International Airport and the hanger where Secure-Sys’ private jet is parked. When we arrive, we see it is fully loaded with fuel for the flight back to Jacksonville.
We get on board and secure our luggage in the jet. The private jet taxis out to the tarmac and wait until the clearance is given from the control tower. The plane takes off once the clearance is given. It takes us about two hours to arrive back in Jacksonville.
We unload our luggage from the private jet into our car. Our butterfly fairies flutter quickly into the car. I then drive us back to our apartment. It is another hour drive to get back to it. I call the office to let them we are back.
“Mr. Bryson wants you here bright and early Monday morning at 8 AM.”
“I’ll be there, Cheryl.”
“Have a great weekend, Richard.”
“You have the same, Cheryl.”
I call Anna Dawson to let her know we are back in Jacksonville.
“Richard, you need to call Sarah Mitchell. She wants to confirm what she found in the umbilical cord that was attached to Robert.”
“Okay, I’ll give her a call.”
“Also, I’m sending you a DVD copy of the house plans. Look over it carefully and make sure everything is there that we requested. I expect to hear from you in two weeks concerning the plans.”
“Yes, Anna. I’ll be sure to go over it carefully. If you’re not in, I’ll leave the message with Brenda.”
“That sounds great, Richard. Have a great weekend.”
“You do the same, Anna.”
I call Sarah Mitchell at her office. She picks it up.
“Richard, I found some unusual blood markers in the blood. What happened during your honeymoon trip?”
“What blood markers did you find?”
“I found a serum trace of silver and the green blood.”
“Hmm . . . I know what you are talking about now, Sarah. When we were in England, we visited Scotland. It was there we encountered the children of Caliber. Their tears washed onto our faces. I detected a silver trace in their tears. Then right after that meeting, we appeared in Romania. We encountered a most unusual scene there.”
“What kind of scene, Richard?”
“There was an all out assault on a group of castles in a valley there. There were several different groups represented there. We encountered real werewolves and vampires.”
“Now it makes sense, Richard. That combination protected you from their potential bites.”
“Yes, it did, Sarah.”
“I remember reading a story on the internet that General Wermongaue was in Romania. He incurred the rare blood disorder, porphyria. He had to retire from the military. How did that happen?”
“He was bitten by a vampire for a brief moment. Then I sent unicorn images through all of the vampires, werewolves and the General. The vampires lost their blood thirst. The werewolves no longer have that animalistic nature. The General finally got his just reward for the murders he committed.”
“That’s good, Richard. He will have to eat a certain diet so his condition won’t flare up. How is your family doing otherwise?”
“They are doing great, Sarah. I gave birth to another pair during the first week of May. Their names are Silva and Silvia. They are gray hairstreak butterflies.”
“Ooh, I’ll look them up on the internet to see what they are like, Richard. Well, take care until we meet again.”
“You take care as well, Sarah.”
Brianna calls the local branch of the Rescue Mission. She lets them know she’ll be back to work on Monday.
They thank her for telling them she is back. They also tell her another mother and child joined the group while we were on Long Island, NY.
After the weekend, we start to get back into the flow of things. The DVD from Anna arrives on Tuesday next week. We start reviewing the plans during our spare time when we get back from work. It is a two story house with a fire place. I check to make sure the house is wired for a computer network. The server will be the 3D-Server from Secure-Sys. I also make sure the house is anchored properly from the rafters to the foundation. It has a two car garage built next to the house. We know hurricanes can blow through here as well. We approve the house plans and let Anna know that we can proceed with the building of the house. They will break ground in two weeks. We stop by once in awhile and take pictures of the building process. We are told it will take about four to five months to build the house. That makes it done by November. Just in time for Thanksgiving and the winter holidays.
The days roll on through the summer and the rest of the year. The builders get done with the house by the first week of November. The Wilson family comes down for Thanksgiving. We have a great house warming party from them. Everyone has a great smile on their faces. They promise to be here for Christmas and New Year as well. They stayed in the other three bedrooms on the second floor. Yes, each child will have their own room.
The bedroom walls for the children will remain blank for the time being. If you think buying furniture for an apartment is easy, wait until you start buying furniture for a two story house. Fortunately, I am rich enough to afford it. We set up Robert’s room. We put posters of butterflies on the walls. We also make sure the ‘baby intercom’ is working properly. That way we can hear Robert in his room. I also make sure no one can ‘hack’ the baby intercom. I remember reading stories from families that their system was hacked by some unwanted interlopers.
During the sunsets, we get greeted by local wildlife in the area. The three mockingbird families that were near the apartment, moved to the trees nearby. The greenhouse we have in the backyard is doing nicely. We slowly add more plants to the greenhouse each month. We each take turns in taking care of the plants there. Of course, the fairies love to do that anyway.
I continue to learn the next set of animals for the fifth black sash. By the time November ends, I have earned the fifth black sash. When Christmas rolls around, we are given two weeks off for the holidays.
Just when it starts, we get a special visit from the Emissaries. It is time to visit the Avatar World. It is time to learn the details of the Earth bending element from Toph.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
On the Avatar World, a man is walking out to the frozen tundra where the Northern Water tribe has their biggest city. He is bundled up for the cold weather with a fur overcoat and a face mask. He sees a group of seven buffalo yaks grazing on the parse vegetation there. This is his third try out here to expand his water bending abilities. The first two days were failures. He then received some guidance from several water benders within the city. He tells them nothing what his intentions are.
He comes to a stop and stares at one of the yaks. He concentrates his water bending ability upon the yak.
Then all of a sudden, the yak is very stiff. “GGRRRNNNNTTT!!!” His eyes are wide open in fear!!!
The man smiles an evil smirk underneath his face mask. The other yaks quickly run away. He lifts the buffalo yak about ten feet up in the air. He distorts the limbs of the yak in several unnatural positions. He then moves the buffalo yak around in the air with his mind. Once he is satisfied of his success, he lets go of the yak and lets it fall to the ground. “Thud!”
The man walks back to the city with an evil grin on his face.
The other six buffalo yaks walk back to check out their friend. They sense he is still alive.
Help us, Creator!! One of our friends is badly injured!! He won’t live through the day!!
I am sending help to you quickly. I’m having the Omega Unicorn Dragon brought here.
We remembered him. Thank you, Creator!
The buffalo yaks bring a sea prune to him. He slowly eats it. The other buffalo yaks keep guard around their friend.
A soldier is riding his yak to the scene. The other buffalo yaks make room for him. He gets down from his yak. He kneels down to determine the problem by placing his right hand on the yak.
“Oh my Creator. Who could have done such a thing?”
He hears his buffalo yak’s voice projected into his mind. He is waiting for the Omega Unicorn Dragon, Torin.
“I remember him when he was here a few years ago. But, first, we need to keep this buffalo yak warm. I’ll make an ice sled. We’ll take him to that hill rise over there.” He points to it. “Then I’ll construct an ice shed around all of us. Our body heat should be enough to keep him warm.”
The other buffalo yaks nod their heads up and down in agreement.
He quickly makes an ice sled underneath him. He brings out some rope from a saddle bag on his mount. He attaches it quickly to his mount and the ice sled. Torin mounts his ride. They all quickly arrive at the hill rise that is about a mile away. The buffalo yaks quickly lay on the ground around their injured friend. He quickly creates an ice shed around them. He leaves a low doorway opening so he can get out when he needs to. There is a small hole opening in the top of the shed. Slowly the temperature rises within the ice shed. Soon, everyone is conserving their energy. They hope the Omega Unicorn Dragon will arrive quickly.
King Kuei is sitting on his throne. A man is seen walking up quickly to him quickly. He bows to him, then stands back up.
“My king, there is something wrong with all of the animals.”
“What are the symptoms?”
“It is some sort of mental trauma. The animals are not eating properly. All of our pack animals are refusing to do their chores.”
“Have you figured out what this mental trauma is?”
“That’s the strange part about it. It seems they are waiting for someone to help them give a voice to be heard.”
“That is most unusual. Thank you for sending me your observations.”
“Your welcome, my king.” The man quickly bows down and stands back up. He turns around and leaves the throne room.
The king turns to his prime minister. “Who could they be waiting for, Prime Minister? Who would give them a voice to be heard?”
“I don’t know, my king.”
“Hmm . . . well, I’m going to Iroh’s Jasmine Dragon. I need some tea to calm down my nerves.”
“Yes, my King.”
King gets up from his throne. He is escorted by four guards around him. He eventually arrives at the Jasmine Dragon. He decides to stay there for about a half-hour. He slowly sips his two favorite hot teas. That would be jasmine and marjoram.
It is Saturday morning, we are all working together in the green house. We just purchased ten more potted flowers. That would be two pots of each variety, miniature red rose, white gardenia, gladiolus, azaleas and potmums. There is a broad spectrum of colors for all of them. Brianna and her four fairies are tending to Robert in his room.
We are arranging them on the shelves when all of a sudden we hear the Creator’s voice within our minds.
It is time to visit the Avatar World, my servants. The first stop is the frozen tundra on the north side of the great city there. You’ll be there for thirty minutes. After that, you’ll be visiting Toph in the Earth Kingdom. My Emissaries will be here to pick you up in thirty minutes. You’ll be there for four full days.
We look at each other. “Thirty minutes? Let’s get moving and packed up. Everyone is coming!”
“Yes, father, mother, Omega!”
I hear Brianna in my mind. Yes, my love!
We exit the green house and enter into the house. We quickly get to the second floor. We get our satchels packed up with what we need. The fairies quickly dismantle their shower set up and put it into their satchel. They also pack up their clothes into their cedar boxes.
Brianna and I quickly pack up our satchels as well. Brianna also packs up Robert’s satchel as well.
“You’re coming with us, Robert.”
Robert smiles.
She gets the portable baby carriage placed on the chair in his room. She takes Robert carefully out of his crib. She bundles him up with three blankets around him. There are still two blankets in his satchel. She puts a warm beanie cap on his head. She then carries the baby carriage down to the main floor.
I’m already down there packing up the food into our satchels. The fairies make sure their food bags are full as well. That even includes the honey squirt bottle and their own water skin container. The fairies also make sure the plastic bag is filled with packets of regular table sugar for emergencies.
I also make sure our two water skin containers are full as well. We then check to make sure the food bags and the water containers will be refilled by the magic within us.
I stretch out my arms. “Armor and both swords on!” My armor and both swords appear on me in a blink of an eye. The armor and swords are kept in our cabin in Mt. Blanc, NC.
I put on the outer clothes that was made in Twainor. Then I put on the multi-pocket coat. Brianna does the same thing as well. The fairies quickly fly into the coat pockets. Soon, their heart beats are in tune with us. We then put on the thick overcoats on us and button them. We put the satchels on our shoulders. Brianna is carrying portable baby seat in her hand.
Then Emissary appears right in front of us. “Are you all ready?”
“We are, sir. If we need anything else, I can bring it fourth there by magic.”
“Yes you can, Richard.”
Then a light appears on top of us. We all disappear in a blink of an eye. We appear on the Emissary’s star ship parked near. We see two more Emissaries on board their star ship.
“Welcome aboard, Richard. We are now flying to the Avatar World right now. We’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”
“The first thing you’ll do, Richard. Is to tend to a buffalo yak. He is severely injured by a blood bending attack. After you have taken care of him, then we’ll transport you back up here. Then we’ll drop you all off near Iroh’s tea shop called the The Jasmine Dragon.”
Brianna speaks up, “So that means I’m not needed with Richard to tend to the buffalo yak.”
“There is no need for that, Brianna. Richard and his fairies will take care of that.” He turns to Richard. “Richard, you’ll meet a familiar water bending soldier when you are down there. Tell him what he needs to know.”
Then we see the Avatar World come into view on the screen. “Are you ready, Richard?”
I put the warm face mask around my face. “I am, Emissaries.”
The push a button on the control panel. I immediately disappear in a blink of an eye.
I quickly appear on the frozen tundra of the Northern Water Tribe. I quickly look around. I see an ice shelter next to a hill rise. I walk toward it.
Immediately, the buffalo yaks pick up their heads. Torin sees their sudden interest.
Torin’s mount speaks to him in his mind. He’s here, Torin.
Thank you for the warning, friend.
They see a shadow near the small doorway. I bend down to look inside.
“Come on inside, Richard. There is plenty of room. My name is Torin.”
I get down on my hands and knees and crawl through the opening. I feel it is very warm in here. I see six buffalo yaks in a circle around the injured buffalo yak. Torin and his buffalo yak are sitting down next to them.
“What happened here, Torin?”
“The one in middle over there suffered a terrible mind onslaught. That is all I know, Richard. They are waiting for you to show up. Can you help him out?”
“I should be able to, Torin.” I crawl my way to injured buffalo yak. I place my hands on him. “He’s still with us, Torin. I sensing his joints are stressed into unnatural positions.” I concentrate on my hands. I bring in the water from the air around us to my hands. As soon as there is water around my hands, I make them glow with a bright light.
Soon, the healing technique is brought to his body.
“Fairies, tend to his joints, they are still stressed.”
“Yes, father, mother, Omega.”
Then they fly out of my over coat. Each one lands near a stressed joint. They put their hands onto the joints. They quickly gather water from the moisture around us. They concentrate on their hands to glow with a bright light. Soon, the joints straighten out their original position.
Soon, we feel his heart beating faster. His body begins to warm up. He lifts his head toward me. Thank you, Omega Unicorn Dragon. Thank you for coming to save me. Here is the picture of the one whom did this to me.
He sends me a mental image into my mind. I see his evil smile in my mind. I don’t hear a name from the buffalo yak.
I quickly look at Torin. “He just gave me a mental image of his attacker. There is no name given, Torin. I’m sorry.”
“Hmm . . . It could be anyone who came here recently.”
“I don’t know what his intentions are. More than likely, he used blood bending on the buffalo yak here.”
“Blood bending? That’s a bad skill to have. Now we really need to keep a close eye on anyone here.”
“Well, it is time for me to go. I am going to see Toph in the Earth Kingdom. It is time for me to learn the details of Earth Bending from her. I just earned the fifth black sash of ten for the Shaolin Dragon Master.”
“That’s impressive, Richard. From what I saw the last time you were here, you should have no problems in learning those details, Richard.”
“Thank you, Torin.”
“Are you going to stop by here after you learn those earth bending techniques?”
“I was told my family we’ll be here for four full days. So, it remains to be seen if I have time for another visit.”
“Well, you are welcomed back anytime, Richard. I’ll let the council know what happened out here.”
Quickly, my fairies fly back into the warm over coat and into the coat pockets. They recite a warm spell on their clothes to warm themselves up.
Torin and I move our face masks onto our faces. We both crawl out together. Torin then breaks apart the ice shelter and leaves the pieces on the ground nearby.
The buffalo yaks all get up and get close to me. I hug their necks as they press around me. Thank you for being here, Omega Unicorn Dragon. We’ll tell the rest of the animal life here that they can relax for now.
You’re welcome, buffalo yaks.
Torin smiles when he sees that greeting among us. Then the seven buffalo yaks run away from us as a group. Torin mounts his own buffalo yak. They both look at us.
I quickly disappear from them in a blink of an eye.
Torin then turns his buffalo yak toward the great Northern Water City. They trot an easy pace.
I appear on the Emissary’s star ship. “Well done, Richard. They will keep a watchful eye on anyone who can do blood bending here.”
“We’ll now set your family down near Iroh’s tea shop.”
Brianna and I hold our hands together. A button is pushed on the panel. We all disappear in a blink of an eye. We are in the same alley way were we appeared the first time. We unbutton our over coats. It is now warmer here than the frozen tundra of the Northern Water Tribe.
We encounter some pack animals along the way. We acknowledge each other with our minds. Soon, they are more relaxed when they hear the good report I did in saving the buffalo yak on the frozen tundra.
We see Iroh’s tea shop on the left hand side, The Jasmine Dragon. We walk up the stairs and step through the front doors. We see Iroh standing behind the front desk. He smiles when he sees us.
“Richard and Brianna! It’s good to see you both. Come, let’s have some hot tea.”
Then Robert laughs a bit with a smile.
“What’s this, you are with child? That’s wonderful. Come in and relax. How many days are you here for?”
“We are here for at least four days, Iroh. I’m here to learn the details of the Earth Bending from Toph.”
“That’s great, Richard. Come!”
We follow Iroh into a private sitting area. We see King Kuei looking out the window at the oriental garden. He turns to see whom Iroh brought with them.
“I remember you. Your names are Richard and Brianna. Why are you here?”
“I’m here to learn the finer details of Earth Bending from Toph. I have earned the fifth black sash of ten for the Shaolin Dragon Master title. We are here for at least four days, King Kuei.”
“That’s great, Richard. Please sit with me. There are some things we need to talk about for the moment.”
“Thank you, King Kuei.”
We sit down at another table near King Kuei’s table. We look at Iroh. “Two cups of hot jasmine and marjoram for the both of us, Iroh. Preferably one at a time.”
Iroh smiles from the order we gave him, “Of course, Richard.” Iroh turns around to retrieve the hot teas from the kitchen.
I set our satchels on the floor near us. I put the fairies satchel on another chair. They quickly fly out of our coat pockets. They open their satchel. They bring out their small cups and create their own warm cups of honey-water.
King Kuei smiles when he sees the fairies doing that.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We follow Iroh into a private sitting area. We see King Kuei looking out the window at the oriental garden. He turns to see who Iroh brought with them.
“I remember you. Your names are Richard and Brianna. Why are you here?”
“I’m here to learn the finer details of Earth Bending from Toph. I have earned the fifth black sash of ten for the Shaolin Dragon Master title. We are here for at least four days, King Kuei.”
“That’s great, Richard. Please sit with me. There are some things we need to talk about for the moment.”
“Thank you, King Kuei.”
We sit down at another table near King Kuei’s table. We look at Iroh. “We would like to have two cups of hot jasmine and marjoram for us, Iroh, preferably one at a time.”
Iroh smiles from the order we gave him, “Of course, Richard.” Iroh turns around to retrieve the hot teas from the kitchen.
I set our satchels on the floor near us. I put the fairies’ satchel on another chair. They quickly fly out of our coat pockets. They open their satchel. They bring out their small cups and create their own warm cups of honey-water.
King Kuei smiles when he sees the fairies doing that.
“Richard, I know you are not from here.”
“Yes, King Kuei.”
“You’ll find Toph in Yu Dao. She has a metal bending academy there. Eventually, there will be a Metal Bending Police Force in Republic City.”
“Yes, sir.”
“We did some further investigation in Republic City. We found a criminal organization being formed within it. Also, we found an anti-element bender group. My question for you is this. Are we able to handle it?”
“You’ll be able to handle it, King Kuei. It will finally come to its conclusion with the next generation Avatar when she solves the problems.”
“That’s good to know, Richard.”
Iroh brings in a tray of hot marjoram tea for us to drink. There are two cups and a small ceramic tea pot on the tray. He pours out the tea into the two cups.
“Thank you, Iroh.”
“You’re welcome, Richard.”
Brianna and I take a sip of the hot marjoram tea at the same time. “It is very good, Iroh. Thank you very much. Iroh, I have a question for you.”
“Yes, Richard. What is it?”
“This is a question from one dragon to another dragon. Is it possible that you can teach me the finer details for Fire Bending?”
“Hmm . . . I’ll have to think on that, Richard. I know it will be a great honor for me to do that for you. I’ll give you my answer before you see Toph.”
“Thank you, Iroh.”
We sit in silence sipping our cups of hot tea. When we get done with the marjoram, hot tea, Iroh brings out the hot jasmine tea. Again we thoroughly enjoy sipping the hot jasmine tea.
Iroh sits with us while we sip the jasmine tea. He is also sipping on some hot jasmine tea as well. We can see he is thinking hard of my proposal to him.
What should I do, Creator? Will there be another Dragon of the West here on the Avatar World? Richard should seek out the Sun Warriors. I suspect I have about five to ten years left in my life. Hmmm . . .
Have no worries, Iroh. Anyone from the Fire Nation can be another Dragon from the West. I will make sure there are more when the Ultimate Last Battle takes place. There will always be an Order of the White Lotus for each Avatar generation. In fact, you will draw your last breath within five years.
Sigh . . . Thank you, Creator.
You’re welcome, Iroh. Richard will be your last student. But, yes, they must seek out the Sun Warriors to eventually meet Ran and Shaw.
Iroh continues to sip his hot jasmine tea.
We continue to sip the hot teas until we are done.
“To get to Republic City, you will need to take an air ship. From there, you’ll have to take a carriage to Yu Dao. I’ll have a carriage brought here to take your family to the air strip.”
“Thank you, King Kuei.”
We all get up and pay Iroh for the hot tea. That is a silver coin for each pot of tea.
“Richard, I have made a decision.”
“Yes, Iroh.”
“You will probably be my last student to teach the Fire Bending details. After that, your family must seek out the Sun Warriors on our world to meet the dragons. I will have to trust the Creator there will be more Dragons of the West here in the future.”
“Yes, Iroh.”
Iroh smiles, “From one dragon to another dragon, I will make sure the true teachings of the dragons are passed on to the next generation. I will trust the Creator that you will do the same in teaching your students. You must see me a year from now, if not sooner. I am very tired, Richard.”
I smile at Iroh, “Yes, Iroh. Your years are winding down. I’m sure Zuko will make sure your passing away will be noticed by many people as possible.”
Iroh keeps smiling, “I know I affected a lot of people in my life time, Richard. But, that comes from having the right frame of mind to be a positive influence on people. From what I sense about you, you will achieve that as well.”
“Thank you Iroh, for that vote of confidence.”
“You’re welcome, Richard.”
“Oh, and one more thing, Iroh. I think Zuko will ask a big favor from you.”
“In what way, Richard?”
“I think he will ask you to mind the throne while he searches for his mother.”
“Hmm . . . that’s a possibility, Richard. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.”
“You’re welcome, Iroh. I’ll be here before Zuko asks that question, Iroh.”
We all do the traditional hand clasp and bow to each other with smiles on our faces.
Brianna and I make sure the satchels we brought are sealed tight. The fairies fly into our coat pockets to stay out of sight. Soon, their heart beats are in tune with us.
King Kuei and his guards escort us from the Jasmine Dragon. We see a carriage parked in front of the Jasmine Dragon. The animal seems to appear as a combination of an ostrich and a horse.
King Kuei quickly speaks to one of his guards. The guard hails another ostrich-horse drawn carriage coming down the street. The carriage pulls over. The driver steps down from the carriage to speak to the King.
“You are to take this couple to the nearest air strip. They are going to Republic City.”
“Who are they going to meet there, my king?”
“They are going to see the Metal Bending Academy in Yu Dao. There, they will find Toph.”
“Yes, my king. I’ll make arrangements so they won’t get lost getting there. Do they have any coin with them?”
“He does. He will pay the fares to get there.”
“Thank you, my king.” He turns around and looks at us. “Please get on board. I’ll take you to the nearest air strip.”
“How much will it cost, sir?”
“For the two of you, it will be two silver coins.”
“Do you want the payment now, or at the destination?”
“I’ll take the payment at the destination, sir.”
“That is fine, sir. I will pay it then. Do you have any idea how much is the fare to arrive at Republic City?”
“It varies sir. It can be any where from a silver coin to a gold coin per person.”
“I was just wondering. Thank you for the information.” I look at the ostrich-horse for a second.
I’ll get you there safely, Omega. But, you need to be wary in Republic City if you visit it. Yu Dao is a much safer city to be in.
Thank you for the caution, friend.
Brianna gets on the carriage first. Then, I pick up Robert’s baby carriage and place it in the carriage. Then I step up into the carriage and sit down.
The driver steps up the carriage side and gets in the seat. He takes the reins and snaps them. The ostrich-horse pulls the carriage down the streets to the nearest airship port. For us, it seems it took more than thirty minutes to get there. Brianna and I are sitting side by side with our arms around each other. We see Robert’s eyelids are fluttering. It seems he is getting ready to take another nap.
Soon, we arrive at the airship port. We see several large buildings in front of us. The driver pulls over to the side and comes to a stop. He steps down from the carriage and opens the side door.
“Have no worries, sir. I’ll help you get inside. That will be two silver coins, sir.”
I step out first and take Robert’s carriage from the carriage and place it on the ground. I lock the wheels. Then I extend my hand to help Brianna down from the carriage. We are still carrying our satchels on our shoulders. Then I unlock the wheels. I reach into my satchel with both of my hands. I open the coin bag within the satchel. I take out two silver coins and hand them to the driver.
The driver looks at the coins. “Hmm . . . I don’t recognize these markings. Where did you get them from?”
“The coins are from a far away place. At least it is still silver. You can change the markings if you want to.”
“Yes, it is, sir. Thank you very much, sir.” He puts the coins into his pocket.
We follow the driver to an air side attendant standing near a doorway to the building. He quickly tells them we need a flight to Republic City. He turns around and walks to his carriage. He mounts the carriage. He snaps the reins and pulls away from the terminal building.
The air side attendant quickly escorts us through the terminal. It takes another fifteen minutes to arrive at a check-in desk.
The clerk looks at us, “Hmm . . . we have a family here with a baby. What is the destination?”
“Yu Dao, sir.”
“That will be two gold coins, sir. You will be arriving at Republic City that is west of here. Then you must take a carriage to Yu Dao.”
I reach into the satchel and take out two gold coins from the coin bag. I then close the satchel. I hand the two gold coins to the desk clerk.
He looks at them closely. “Hmm . . . I don’t recognize these markings. They are not from the Earth Kingdom.”
“It is all I have, sir. But, at least it is still gold. You can change the markings if you want to, sir.”
“You’re right about that, sir. Thank you. Okay, let me get your passes ready and stamped.” He takes three cards from a stack. “I need to put your names on the passes, sir.”
“My name is Richard Moore. My wife’s name is Brianna Moore. The baby’s name is Robert Moore.”
He writes down the names as I speak each one. “Okay, that should do it. Now to ink stamp each one and put my signature on each one.” He quickly puts an ink stamp on each card and his signature. He takes another three cards and does the same thing for his own records.
He hands me the first set of cards. I hand them to Brianna. She places the passes into her satchel.
“Follow me, sir. I’ll take you the correct gate for your air flight.”
We follow the air side attendant for another ten minutes or so. Soon, we see a sign for “To Republic City” displayed on it. We walk up to another desk clerk. Brianna takes out the three passes and hands them to the clerk. She writes our names on a sheet of paper for her records.
“You are here just in time, sir. The air ship is set to be air born in a half-mark. It will take about two marks to get there. Follow me to the air ship.”
We follow the desk clerk. Another desk clerk quickly takes her place. We exit the doors to the tarmac. We see a long air ship sitting on the tarmac. We follow the lady to the steps that lead into the airship.
“Can you collapse the baby carriage, sir?”
“Yes we can, ma’am.”
I undo the latches that hold the basinet to the carriage. I lift the basinet and set it on the ground. I then fold up the carriage itself.
“That is a great design, sir. I really like it.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” I carry Robert’s basinet while Brianna takes the folded up carriage into the airship. Once, we are inside, we see it is full already. A female attendant approaches us.
“The last seats are in the back, sir.” We follow the attendant down the aisle. People look at us as we walk by them. Once we get in the back section, we see there are more empty seats available than we thought. I put Robert’s basinet into an empty seat. I use the seat straps to secure the basinet. Then Brianna gets on one side of Robert, while I get on the other side of Robert. We fasten our seat belts. We sit back and relax. Soon, Robert is fast asleep for another nap. I reach over with my right hand to Brianna’s left hand. We hold each other while we wait for clearance for our flight to Republic City.
In about thirty minutes, we hear the engines rev up higher. The mooring ropes are released from the anchors in the tarmac. We feel the airship rise into the air. Then we feel the air ship move forward. One of the flight attendants approaches us. “You can now unfasten the safety belt, sir. The restrooms are in the back here. In about an hour we’ll be serving drinks only. What would you like to have, sir?”
“Two cups of fruit juice will do just fine, ma’am.”
“Thank you, sir. Sit back and relax.”
“Yes, we will, ma’am.”
I reach into the fairies’ satchel. I open one of their fruit bags. I discreetly take out pieces of dried fruit for our fairies. I hand four pieces to Brianna. We put them in our coat pockets. The fairies gladly receive the fruit pieces from us.
Thank you, father, mother, Omega. That is greatly appreciated.’
You are welcome, my fairies.
They nibble on the fruit pieces slowly so as not to make any mess in the pockets.
Brianna and I close our eyes to get some rest during the flight. About an hour later into the flight, a flight attendant brings us two cups of fruit juice. We taste the fruit juice first. We find a surprising citrus flavor in the drink. However, it is no where near our own citrus fruits on Earth. We slowly sip the drinks. We see people walking past us to use the restrooms during the flight. When we get done drinking the fruit juice, Brianna goes to the restroom to wash her hands and touch up her makeup. When she comes back, I get up to use the restrooms. Once, I get inside, I see a clean restroom. However, when I open the toilet lid, I feel warm air wafting up. I turn on the sink slowly and let it trickle. The fairies flutter out quickly in fairy form. They wash their hands and faces in the water before I do mine. I see a piece of soap sitting in a holder. The fairies check it out by smelling it.
“There is a flower scent to it, father. That’s nice.”
“Yes, it is, Rubio. Okay, let’s get back in. We’ll be landing soon.”
“Yes, father, mother, Omega.”
The fairies quickly flutter into the pockets and quickly settle in. Soon, their heart beats are in tune with mine. I relieve myself by standing above the toilet. Then I zip the pants up. When I lower the toilet lid, I hear a quick air movement within the toilet. I wash my hands with the soap and exit the bathroom. I sit back down in the seat on the left side of Robert.
Then we see the flight attendant walking down the aisles. “It is time to fasten your seat belts. We are now descending into Republic City.”
We fasten our seat belts. It takes at least thirty minutes before we are secured on the tarmac airfield. Once we are given the ‘clear’ from the pilot, we get word from the flight attendants to unfasten the seat belts. I carry Robert’s basinet while Brianna carries the fold up carriage. It takes another ten minutes before we get to the stairs to leave the air ship. Once we are on the tarmac, we see Republic City rising up before us as it is being built with cranes. We follow the people through the terminal building until we exit the building. We see ostrich-horse cabs all lined up to take the people to their destination. I approach a driver.
“What is your destination, sir?”
“We need to go to the Metal Bending Academy in Yu Dao. I need to meet a lady there. Her name is Toph.”
“Toph? I’ll get your family there, sir. It will cost you two gold coins. We will be there by mid-afternoon, sir. Did you bring any food with you, sir?”
“I’ll pay you when we arrive there. Yes, we brought some food to snack on. Did you bring yours?”
“I always carry it with me, sir.”
“That is fine, sir.” He turns and opens a door for us to get in. Brianna gets in first. I hand her the fold up carriage. Then I place Robert’s basinet in the middle. I then sit down and close the door. The driver gets in the top cab seat. He takes the reins and snaps them. The ostrich-horse begins pulling the carriage through the outskirts of Republic City.
Soon, he leaves Republic City and is traveling a well-worn road to Yu Dao. We see other carriages going back and forth between the two cities. We snack on the nuts and fruit in the satchel. I even give a nut and fruit to each fairy this time in the pockets. They will have to wait until we are in our rooms to make their cups of honey-water.
We get there by mid-afternoon with no problems. We see a high wall around the city. The driver pulls into the main entrance gate. He travels down a street on the right-hand side and finds the carriage station and comes to stop. He steps down from the carriage and opens the door for us. I get out first. I take the fold up carriage and unfold it. Brianna hands me Robert’s basinet. I ‘click’ it in place. Then I help Brianna out of the carriage. I reach into the satchel to take out two gold coins and hand them to the driver.
“Hmm . . . these gold coins are not from the Earth Kingdom.”
“It is all that I have sir. If you want to, you can change the markings if you want to.”
“I probably will, sir. Thank you.” He quickly puts them in his pocket.
“Thank you, sir.” He gets back on the carriage. He snaps the reins. The ostrich-horse pulls forward to find the stables to spend the night here at a local inn.
We push the carriage from the loading area into the city of Yu Dao. We see people walking down the side of the streets. I walk up to a shop nearby to get someone’s attention.
“Sir, do you know where the metal bending academy is?”
“You are not far from it, sir. It is outside the walls on this side of the city. It is on a high hill top with many white steps. You will find it there, sir.”
We trace our steps back to the front gate of the city. We walk around the walls until we are walking down the adjacent wall. Soon, we see the white steps leading up to the dojo.
“Well, it’s a trek. You might as well get some flower nectar along the way fairies. I see plenty of flowers along the way.”
Thank you father, mother, Omega. The fairies change into butterfly mode before exiting our coat pockets. They quickly drink the nectar of the flowers along the way. The people smile when they see the butterflies fluttering among the flowers. I take apart the carriage again and fold it up. Brianna carries the fold up carriage. I carry Robert’s basinet. We slowly make our ascent to the dojo.
It takes another half hour to get there. When we get to the top, we hear Toph yelling out the encouragement.
“That’s right. Focus on the ores within the metal. There are minute traces within it. That is your clue to metal bend. Then once you see it. Expand your senses to the refined metal.”
“Yes, Toph.”
“All right, you are doing great. You can go and get cleaned up. Be back here tomorrow morning.”
After fifteen minutes, they all exit the building together. “Toph, didn’t you tell us a story that someone gave you a foot stomp and made you laugh?”
“I sure did. It was the best foot stomp ever. He had another name for it. I won’t ever forget it.”
Then they all stop when the students see me standing in the courtyard of the dojo with a big smile on my face.
“Who’s here, Ho Tun?”
“There are a man, a woman and a child. The man has a big smile on his face. What’s your name?”
“My name is Richard Moore. Here is my horse stomp again, Toph!”
Toph is smiling widely now.
I quickly raise my foot and aim it at the big guy. “Stommp!!”
“WHAAA . . . aaattt??!!!” He falls down with a big “Thud!!” on the ground. He lands on his derriere!! “Owwww!!!”
Soon everyone else is laughing, including Toph. “Hah, hah, hah,. . . .!!!”
Ho Tun gets himself up from the ground. They all gather around me.
“Richard, it’s good to hear your voice again. Are you here to learn the finer details of Earth Bending?”
“I am, Toph. I have earned the fifth black sash of ten. I have also conditioned my body to have the dragon armor. I won’t be needing to wear a metal suit of armor this time.”
“What’s the dragon armor, Richard?”
“I’ll demonstrate that for you.” I take off my multi-pocket coat and the shirt that I’m wearing. I hand them to Brianna. “There are three levels of armor. The first one is the preying mantis armor.” I bring up my arms for the pose. I flex the muscles slightly. “If you notice, my loose skin is hiding my strength at this level.”
Toph comes up and touches the arms and the chest. “I recognize that from our preying mantis style here. That’s good, Richard. What is the second level?”
“The second level is the iron shirt for the blue scorpion insect.” I flex the muscles again. This time they are slightly larger. The loose skin is barely hiding the muscle definition this time.
“Whoa! He got himself bigger, Toph.”
“He sure did, Dark One.” Toph touches the muscles again to confirm they are bigger.
“Now for the dragon armor.” I flex the muscles again. This time they are much larger with every definition of muscle seen. “The nice thing about this dragon armor, the skin is impervious to hand thrust knives and darts. The other two armor levels are susceptible.”
“Oh wow! He’s got one up on us, Toph.”
“I agree, Penga. Well, Richard, we are done for the day here. If you get here bright and early tomorrow morning about second mark after sunrise, we’ll get some work in. How long is your stay here, Richard?”
“We are here for at least four days, Toph.”
“All right that is plenty of time to train you to be the best Earth Bender for your world.”
“What are you saying, Toph? Are you saying he is from another world?”
“He is Ho Tun. In fact on his world, anyone can master any of the elements. He is destined to learn all five elements.”
“What? He is an Avatar, Toph?”
“Are you an Avatar, Richard?”
“No, I am not an Avatar for my world. When it comes to the Spirit element, my use of it will be as a weapon.” I put my shirt back on, then the multi-pocket coat.
“Oh, wow. We’ll just have to see how you do for the next several days.”
“Where can we stay, Toph?”
“There are several inns near the front gate, Richard. Any one of them is very good. I’ll point them out as we walk back into Yu Dao.”
We follow the group to walk down the white steps. Before we get to the top step, the group notices a bunch butterflies following us.
“Why are these butterflies following us, Richard?”
“You better tell them before we enter Yu Dao, Richard.”
“Yes, Toph. On my world, we have unicorns, dragons and centaurs. Unicorns are horses with a single horn on top of its head. It is the male unicorn who gives birth to fairies. Male unicorns are dual gender with both sexes. Fairies are small winged people. Male unicorns give birth to the fairies. It is the female unicorn who gives birth to more unicorns.”
“Is he telling us the truth, Toph?”
“He is, Penga.”
“On my world, there are many hidden mysteries. One of them is the Omega Unicorn Dragon. He will be the greatest animal fighter for his world.”
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What does that mean?”
“It means I will have learned the five bending elements. I will learn dozens of animal moves, and how to use 600 weapons. That even includes the farm tools.”
The Dark One looks at me intently. “Then how you can prove it, Richard?”
“Like this.” Brianna and I step apart. We then stretch out our hands. Then immediately our unicorn images come out. The butterflies all change into fairies. Even Croin comes out and hovers above me.
All three students have their mouths hanging open in awe.
Toph comes up to each image.
“I’ll make them solid for you, Toph.”
“Thank you, Richard.”
I make them solid so Toph can touch each unicorn image. She smiles as she touches each image, including Croin. She holds her hands out, palms up. Each fairy lands on her hand palm. She feels the breath from each one. Then she feels Silva and Silvia being the last pair to land on her palm.
“I sense you can do the Earth Bending better than your brothers and sisters.”
“Yes we can, Toph. We were within Richard’s womb while he learned the Earth Bending element and the Earth animal moves. We know the magic will come back to our Earth, Toph. However, it will be weak enough so no blood bending will ever be used again.”
“That’s good, fairies.”
“What did happen on your world, Richard?”
“I would say about six thousand years ago or more. We used to have magic on our world Ho Tun. But, the people abused it to control other people. It would be like the use of blood bending here. Therefore, the Creator of the Universe decided it needed to be removed from us. There was a subcontinent in one of our oceans where it was abused the most. There was a fantastic city there by the name of Atlantis. The Creator split that subcontinent and sank it underwater. There are small pockets of magic still on Earth. It is guarded jealously so it won’t be abused again. For us, this magic is found in the Ethereal Space ore. It is a rare ore scattered throughout the cosmos. Brianna, my fairies and I can do magic if we want to. Even Robert here has the potential to do it as well.”
“Well, we’ll wait until tomorrow, Richard. Let’s go find you an inn to stay in.”
Immediately all of the fairies quickly fly into our coat pockets to get their rest. Soon, their heartbeats are in tune with us. We walk down the white steps from the dojo. Then we walk along the wall to get to the front gate. We enter the city once more. This time, I see some people giving respect to Toph’s students as we walk past them.
Toph takes us to a nearby inn that is a block from the main road. The people greet us warmly.
“Toph, it’s good to see you again. Have you decided to change inns?”
“Not this time, sir. I have a family here. Let’s say, I’m sharing the wealth here. They will be here for at least four nights.”
“That’s great, Toph. I know all of the inns here operate the same way. But, each one has their subtle differences. Is it because we have the steam rooms here?”
“That’s one of the reasons, sir. He will be learning the fine details of Earth Bending from me.”
“Excellent, Toph.” The clerk behind the desk looks at me. “You’ll definitely need the steam rooms to relax the muscles. It will take a lot of strength to master it. Then once the mind has it under control, moving Earth will be just like moving Water.”
“Thank you, sir. So, how much is it per night here, sir?”
“For the three of you, it will be a gold coin for each night. We do have an eating area here. However, there are other food serving places here as well. We all serve up excellent meals here.”
“Thank you for the advice, sir. How would you like to be paid, sir? Pay for all nights at once? Or pay it per day?”
“I would suggest you pay it per day, sir.”
“That’s fine, sir.” I reach into my satchel. I bring out a gold coin from the coin bag and place it on the counter in front of him.
He looks at it closely. “Hmm . . . this is not an Earth Kingdom coin. Where did you get it from?”
“It came from a very far away place, sir. If you like, you can always change the mark if you want to.”
“I probably will, sir. Thank you very much.” He takes the coin and places it in a drawer underneath the counter with the other coins. “All right, let me get your room key. He turns around and takes a key from an array of boxes behind him. He takes notice of the number and writes it on a sheet of paper. “What is the name, sir?”
“My name is Richard Moore. My wife’s name is Brianna. My son’s name is Robert.”
He writes the names down next to the key number. “Thank you very much, sir.” He places the key in front of me. “The room is down that hallway. It will be the fourth room on the right. Each room has a separate bathroom with toilet, sink and a tub.”
I take the key. “Thank you very much, sir.”
“See you at second mark in the morning, Richard.”
“See you then, Toph.”
Toph and her three students leave the inn. Brianna and I walk down the hallway until we come to the fourth door on the right. I put the key into the slot. It pushes a button within it to unlatch it. “Click.” I push the door inward. We see a glorious room. It is typical in oriental culture. As soon as I close the door, the fairies flutter out quickly to check out the room.
“This is very nice, father. It is like the hotels we stayed at. The oriental motifs are great, mother.”
“Well, I don’t know about you. We all need a clean up from those carriage rides.”
“Giggles . . . We sure do, father, mother, Omega.”
I roll Robert’s carriage to an empty area near the bed. Brianna proceeds to take care of Robert by changing his diaper and powdering him up. Soon, Robert is smiling again. We see the diaper is not soiled too much. Brianna takes the diaper and places it in a dresser drawer. She closes it and recites the spell to clean the diaper. When she opens it, she finds it perfectly clean. She smiles that she can do the magic here as well.
We find no kitchenette in the room. The only second room is the bathroom with a toilet, sink and the bath tub. At least we see piping and a drain for the water in the tub. We also see kerosene lamps in the room as well. We look in the top dresser drawer to find a box of matches. We see towels folded up on two tables in the bathroom. In the main room, there are three dressers. Again, we see several tables with folded up blankets and towels in them. I set up the fairies’ shower set on one of the dresser tops. They open the top dresser. They take a fluffy towel and fold it up. They place it in the top drawer. Then they put their bed blankets and pillows on top of that where they want it.
We take out our clothes from the satchels and place them in the dresser drawers. Brianna sees a small table with a chair and a mirror on the wall. Brianna puts her makeup bag there. The fairies take their shower on the dresser table top. I go first in the bathroom and use the tub. Once I get done, Brianna has her chance to get cleaned up. In about forty-five minutes, we are finally done and cleaned up. The fairies stay behind in the room to have their meal of nuts, fruit and cups of honey-water. Brianna and I leave the room to check out the cuisine in the inn. Fairies just realized there is no television unit here or even a radio. So, they decided to tell stories to each other to pass the time away.
The hostess smiles as she directs us to a table with a window view of a small oriental garden. “We have an assortment of fish, fowl and vegetarian dishes, sir. What would you like to drink with the meal?”
Brianna and I look at each other. “Fish, Richard.”
“Okay, fish it is Brianna. Jasmine tea is fine, ma’am.”
“Thank you both. I will bring out a pot of hot jasmine tea for starters.”
The hostess leaves our table. She returns with a tray of ceramic cups and a ceramic pot of hot jasmine tea. She pours out our first cup. She returns to the kitchen to take care of the other guests there. We slowly sip on the hot jasmine tea.
Richard, do you have any idea what’s going to happen tomorrow?
I think I will be focusing my mind and body in manipulating the earth elements. At least the hard part is done with the physical conditioning of my body.
Yes, I would hope so, Richard. Richard, I would like to progress as well in the sashes. I know I have the potential to be an Earth Bender, let’s see if I can do it as well.
Okay, Brianna. I’ll start teaching you the next set of forms for the blue sash.
The hostess brings out a tray of hot food for us. Once we see it on the table, we see the fish and vegetables are all steamed. However, we do detect a spice on top of the fish and a different one for the vegetables. For the vegetables, we see an orange colored vegetable and a green colored vegetable.
We silently give our thanks to the Creator for the meal in front of us. We take a bite from the fish filet. The hostess waits for our first bite.
“This is good, Richard. The spice reminds me of something we know well. I can’t remember what it is though.”
“Yes, it is good, Brianna. Also, these vegetables are nice and tender with the spice.”
“Thank you for the compliments, sir and lady. I’ll be sure to tell the chef he did another masterpiece.”
“You’re welcome, ma’am.”
She turns around and returns to the kitchen.
We continue to eat the meal before us. We eventually get done in about half-hour. The hostess picks up our plates. We pour ourselves another cup of hot jasmine tea. The hostess returns with a bowl of four different fruits. She also places a bowl and a damp towel for each of us.
We take the knife to cut into each fruit. We use our forks to stab the piece and bring it to our mouths. Once we taste it, we have a big smile on our faces.
“I think we better share a half of each fruit Brianna. This is too good.”
“Yes it is, Richard.”
We share a half of each fruit between ourselves. We have to use the damp towel from time to time to keep our chins and mouth clean. It takes another half-hour to get done with the fruits.
The hostess returns with our bill. “It comes to two silver coins for each place setting, sir.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” I stick my right hand into my coat pocket that is inside the jacket on the left side. I recite a spell to bring four silver coins from my coin bag in the satchel. They appear in my hand. Then I remove my hand to produce the four silver coins and place them on the table.
The hostess picks up the silver coins to look at them carefully. “Hmm . . . I don’t recognize these markings, sir. They are not from the Earth Kingdom.”
“It is all that I have, ma’am. Besides, it is still silver. You can stamp some new markings on it if you want to.”
“You’re right, sir. It is still silver. I’ll let the inn owner take care of those new markings.”
“Well, thank you for a wonderful meal, ma’am. It was very good.”
“Thank you, sir. There is a grill that is a block away, sir. It serves up some excellent dishes.”
I smile at the hostess. “Is it because the inn owner also owns the grill as well?”
The hostess smiles, “He does, sir.”
I smile again, “I thought so. When does the sun set around here?”
“Since we are a bit in the northern half, the sun should be setting in about a mark from now.”
“Thank you for the information, ma’am.”
We get ourselves up from the chairs. We walk back to our rooms. I insert the key to open the door. Once we enter inside it, quickly the fairies fly to us and hover around us.
“Come sit down, father, mother, Omega. We have been bored lately. There is no television or radio here. We ended up telling each other stories of what we have done so a far.”
“We’re coming, Esmeralda.” We sit in the two chairs in the room. Quickly, the fairies reposition themselves around us where they are comfortable.
“When is the sunset, father?”
“It will be about an hour from now, Tiger.”
“Good, it will give us something to do together.”
After enjoying each other presence again. The fairies quickly get into our coat pockets. I push Robert’s carriage out with us. Brianna and I walk out of the room and down the hallway. We exit the inn to walk down the streets. The fairies quickly see flowers on display along the street. They flutter out in butterfly mode to sip the nectar from the flowers as they follow us.
We pause and look at the clouds changing color as the sun sets. It is very similar to our own sunsets. For one thing, there is no pollution here. But, we see a haze on the horizon where Republic City is being built.
We look up and see the sky become darker. Then we see the stars shining brightly in the night sky. Of course, the constellation groups we are seeing are totally different from ours on Earth.
Our butterflies quickly flutter back into our coat pockets. Brianna and I walk back to our room in the inn. I stop at the desk to inquire about a wake up call in the morning.
“At one time in the morning do you want to wake up, sir?”
“Well, Toph asked us to be at the dojo by the second mark in the morning.”
“Hmm . . . that means you’ll need to wake up at sunrise. Okay, one of my staff will be knocking on your door at that time.”
“Thank you, sir. What about the morning meal?”
“We are open at sunrise here, sir. It will be a light meal of fruit juice, hot tea, cooked grains, toasted bread and honey.”
“That’s fine, sir.”
“Okay, I’ll put you down for that. Have a great night of sleep. It will be cool tonight, sir.”
“Thank you, sir.”
We walk back to our room and enter inside it. Quickly, the fairies fly out of our coat pockets. We all change our clothes to our sleep clothes. I blow out the flames in the kerosene lamps. I get under the covers with Brianna. Soon, we are all fast asleep for the night.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
During the night we all have peaceful dreams. Slowly, we hear some ‘knocks’ on the door while we slept. It slowly seeps into our minds that it is for real. I get out of bed and walk to the door. I still hear the ‘knocks’ on the door.
“Yes, who is it?”
“It’s the morning wake up call, sir. It is now sunrise.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“You’re welcome, sir.”
I turn around and walk back into the room. I sit on the edge of the bed. “All right family. It is now sunrise. Let’s get ourselves cleaned up and have breakfast.”
“Yes, father, mother, Omega.”
I get into bed with Brianna. She is still under the covers.
“I’m up, Richard. Let’s hope we get one of these mornings a chance to sleep another hour or two.”
She turns to me with a smile on her face. I smile back. Soon, we kiss each other several times.
“That should rev up your engines, Richard.”
I smile back, “It sure did, Brianna. I can’t wait for more of it later in the day.”
“We might be doing it in the steam room.”
“That’s fine, Bri. At least we’ll both be hot for each other.”
“You’re a silly boy, Richard.”
“Thank you, Bri. I’m still wild and crazy about you.”
“So am I. Come on, let’s get cleaned up and dressed. We’ll need to feed Robert this morning while we have our breakfast.”
“Father, do we need to put our boxes, bedrolls and pillows in the satchel?”
“I think you better, Tiger. If the maids come in to make our bed, they will be doing everything else here to tidy up. I am not leaving our valuables here. I will have them in our satchels while we are at the dojo. So, our clothes will stay here. Brianna will be taking Robert’s satchel. I will be taking your satchel as well, fairies.”
“That’s good, father. We’ll get it all put away in our satchel after we have our morning shower.”
The fairies quickly put their bedrolls, pillows and clothes’ boxes into the satchel. Then they have their morning breakfast of nuts, fruits and cups of honey-water. After that, they take their shower to get cleaned up. Once they are done with that, they take apart the shower set up and stow the pieces into their satchel.
Brianna and I take turns getting cleaned up as well. Fortunately we took a good bath yesterday. So, we feel pretty clean right now. We brush our teeth. Brianna puts some light makeup on to freshen up her face. She knows she will be sweating with me today. We then make sure the valuables are in Robert’s satchel and the fairies’ satchel. That would include the contact and light crystals for emergencies. The coin bag is in Robert’s satchel. We check again there is no valuables left in the room. We get dressed for the day. Once we get our multi-pocket coats on, the fairies quickly fly into the pockets and get comfortable. Soon, their heartbeats are in tune with ours. Brianna pushes Robert’s carriage out. I close the door as we leave. We walk to the eating area where we were for dinner yesterday.
The hostess smiles that we are ready for breakfast. She escorts us to a table. Robert’s carriage is pushed to a corner of the table. Brianna is on one side of the table. I am on the other side of Robert.
The hostess returns to the kitchen. She returns with a tray of hot jasmine tea and a ceramic tea pot. She places it on the table. She pours out the first two cups for us. She returns back to the kitchen to retrieve the rest of our morning meal.
She returns with a larger tray. She places two bowls of cooked grains, and two cups of fruit juice, and a small tray of four slices of toasted bread with a small jar of honey. There is a wooden stick in the jar of honey.
We each take turns having our morning breakfast while we feed Robert his morning breakfast. In case your wondering, it is typical baby food in a jar. This morning for Robert, it is creamed corn and applesauce. After that he will get his bottle of breast milk.
Nice thing about the bottle of breast milk. It will never run out. We set a spell on it to get the bottle refilled from our own refrigerator. It is always cool when it comes to us. It is easy for us to warm it up with our hands using our chi.
We get done in about three-quarters of a mark. The hostess informs it is a silver coin for each place setting. I reach into the satchel to remove two silver coins from the coin bag. I put them on the table.
“Thank you very much. It was very good to start the day that way.”
“Thank you, sir. We’ll see you later in the day.”
“We’ll see you then.”
I push Robert’s carriage out of the inn. We walk the streets and exit the front gate of the city. We walk around the walls to the Metal Bending Academy. I unlatch the basinet and place it on the ground. I fold up the carriage and hand it to Brianna. I pick up the basinet. As we ascend the white steps to the dojo, our fairies flutter out in butterfly mode. They drink the sweet nectar from the flowers along the way.
When we get up there, we see the three students and Toph waiting for us. But, we also see three new people as well, two men and a lady.
“Good morning, Toph. I see three new people here.”
“Yes, Richard. We have three new Earth Benders here. They want to learn how to metal bend as well.”
“Where should we start, Toph?”
“Behind this dojo is an outdoor area of dirt and rocks. We’ll start our morning practice there. I have some metal objects of different sizes there. We’ll see if you can bend the metal.”
“What about the subdivisions of Earth Bending? If I remember right, two of them are gems and sand.”
“We’ll get them covered during the next three days at least, Richard. Everyone, please follow me.”
We follow Toph around the back side of the dojo. We see a very large area of dirt, rocks and large boulders. We also see a family of badger-moles taking care of the area. As we walk down the hillside, they turn around to face us.
We welcome you, Omega. Your family will learn a lot from Toph.
Thank you, badgermoles.
We set up Robert’s carriage near the edge of the training field. The fairies and Brianna watch from there.
“All right, let’s see what we can do. Over here, there are various sizes of folded up thick sheets of metal. Unfold them and straighten them out. Then once they are straightened out, fold them up again. Richard, come with me. I want to see what you have learned so far in Earth Bending.”
“Okay, Toph.”
“All right, let’s get ourselves apart. Come and attack me.”
“Yes, Toph.” I walk from her until we are about two hundred feet apart. “Toph, I am going to be mixing it up with animal moves.”
“I expect nothing less, Richard.”
I turn and run to my right. After running fifty feet, I turn around and run the other way. Soon, I’m kicking a large amount of dirt that is floating in the air. Then I start running toward Toph. I create an elephant stampede!!
Soon, everyone stops what they are doing, they feel the ground shaking. “RRRR-UUUMM-MMBBB-BLLLEEE!!!!” “RRRR-UUUMM-MMBBB-BLLLEEE!!!!” Then from the cloud of dust appear ten dusty elephants running toward Toph.
Toph smiles, “That is very good, Richard.”
The elephant stampede bears down on Toph. She quickly erects a thick wall of dirt in front of her. The dusty elephants crash into the thick of wall of dirt and crumbles it quickly.
I stop the elephant stampede with all ten elephants looking down at Toph. I walk through the group of ten elephants to look at her.
“That’s very good, Richard. Let me see some more Earth Bending.”
“Yes, Toph.” I do an Elephant Stomp toward Toph. “STTOOOMMPP!!” I push my foot forward along the ground. Quickly, a three foot square pillar pushes out and up Toph, fifty feet high.
“That’s good, Richard. Do you know the seismic touch?”
“I do, Toph. I even used a blind fold to make sure I did it right and know where everything is at.”
“That’s good, Richard.” Toph taps the top of the square pillar I created. It immediately goes back down into the ground. “All right, use a blind fold, Richard.”
“Yes, Toph.” I take a large square cloth from the satchel. I hold out the satchel. Quickly four fairies take their satchel back to Brianna and Robert. I make a blind fold to cover my eyes. I reach down and touch the ground. I send a seismic wave in the ground to know where everyone is at. I sense the six students are behind Toph and to the right. I point them out. “The six students are behind you and to your right, Toph. Brianna and Robert are near the edge of the dirt field over there to my right.” I lift my right hand and point my index figner hand at them.
“That’s good, Richard. Okay, I will start off small and make it bigger each time. Defend yourself, Richard.”
I get into my horse stance. “Let’s do it, Toph.”
Toph concentrates on the ground. She kicks up a one foot round blob of dirt and rock. She sends it to me very fast right at my head.
I hear the air movement in my ears. I turn sideways to avoid the dirt and rock. It sails past me. I reach out to it with my hands. I grab it with my mind and hands. I bring it back and send it flying right at Toph.
She smiles again. She turns sideways a bit, the blob of dirt sails right past her head. “Oh, I am so loving this, Richard. Here comes the next attack.”
She extends her three fingers toward the ground. Quickly, three round pillars of dirt and rock quickly extend from the ground toward me.
I sense what is coming quickly. I do a quick double tiger arm and hand slash at the three pillars. “Rooaarrr!!” The pillars break apart quickly. “Crrrum-mm-bbbllee!!!” The pieces quickly fall to the ground.
“That’s good, Richard. What animal was that?”
“It was the tiger forearm slash, Toph. It is the strongest cat-type animal on Earth.
“Do you know how to do the Earth Wave?”
“I do, Toph. However, on our Earth, the Wave is really small.”
“I thought as much, Richard. Let’s see you do it here. It should be much larger here.”
“Yes, Toph.” I quickly blur my feet in the dirt to kick up the dirt. I quickly jump onto it. However, I find myself making a larger Earth Wave here. Here, it is about four feet high and five feet wide. I quickly keep my feet blurring to move the Earth mound underneath it. I move the Earth Wave all around the field area. I then come up to Toph. I point my finger at the dirt and move it upward two feet. I jump off the Earth wave and land on the small pillar. I step down from it and stand before Toph.
Toph smiles again, “That’s great, Richard. All right, let’s do some metal bending.”
I follow Toph back to the other students. I see in my mind, the students are slowly unfolding the thick pieces of sheet metal.
“All right, let’s see some metal bending, Richard. Start off with this coin, keep the blind fold on, Richard. I am putting it in your hand.”
I hold my palm out. She places the coin onto my palm. I concentrate on the metal coin. I sense some minute traces of raw ore in the metal. I focus on it to levitate the coin in the air. It slowly lifts up from my hand in the air. Soon, it quickly hovers in front of me.
“Now hold it, Richard. Here is another coin. Multi-task it while you keep the first one hovering in front of you.”
“Yes, Toph.”
Toph hands me another coin. I elevate the coin into the air. I keep the first one hovering in front of me. I use my right arm and hand to move the other coin around the field area. I bring it back and hover it front of Toph.”
“That is very good, Richard. I knew you can do it. All right take off the blind fold, Richard.”
I take off the blind fold and tuck the cloth into my belt.’
“Let’s see how the others doing with the thick sheets of metal.”
We walk over to the six students. We see some of them are getting it slowly unfolded.
“Keep at it, students. Reach into the metal with your mind. You try it, Richard.”
“Yes, Toph.” I pick up a two-foot round ball of folded sheet metal. I send a seismic touch into the metal. Quickly, I see the raw ore in the metal. I pull the first fold out. I increase my body strength by three unicorns. “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” Once it is extended I go for another fold. I pull it out slowly. “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” Slowly, I unfold the thick metal sheet. “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” I then fold back up the thick sheet of metal. “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” Once I am done with it. I place it on the ground.
I see the others are having a go at it. They are slowly unfolding thick sheets of metal. “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!”
“Toph, I would like to instruct my fairies and Brianna to learn the blue sash moves and do some Earth Bending.”
“That’s fine, Richard. You can go ahead and do that. Come on you Earth Benders, or should I call you lily-livers again!!! Come on!!! Unfold that thick sheet of metal!! Richard did it with no problems!! Use that Earth Bending strength to unfold it!! Use the seismic touch to sense the raw ores!! That’s it, unfold that sheet of metal!!”
They pick up the pace once they sense the raw ore in the metal. “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!” “Crrreeeeaakkk!!”
I walk toward Brianna, Robert and the fairies. We do a quick bow to each other. I show the next set of moves for the blue sash. This time, it involves in facing two opponents at the same time. Once they get the first move understood, they repeat the moves until they are comfortable with it.
They push against my hands as I reach out to them. Once that is accomplished, I show the next move. This is a defensive move against two attackers. They quickly understand the tactic that is involved.
“All right, now let’s try some Earth Bending with those two moves. Use only a hand size ball of dirt this time.”
They focus on the ground. They quickly bring up several hand size globs of dirt.
“Now do the same moves and send the dirt blobs toward me. I’ll keep them hovering in the air and send them back to you.”
“Okay, father, mother, Omega.”
They do the same moves just learned. Once they do the punch in the air, the blobs of dirt are being sent to me very fast. I keep them hovering in the air. “All right, here it comes. It will be one at a time. Use the defensive move to block it and keep the blobs of dirt hovering in the air.”
I send the first dirt blob toward Brianna. She reaches out to the dirt blob with her mind. She does the blocks precisely and keeps the blob of dirt hovering in the air.
I send the six blobs of dirt toward the fairies. Each pair of fairies quickly do the moves to block it before it reaches them. They keep the blobs of dirt hovering in the air.
“That’s great, everyone. Robert, let’s see what you can do with the dirt.”:
Robert smiles, he thinks really hard. He soon elevates a hand size blob of dirt from the ground.
“That’s great, Robert!!”
Robert lets go of the blob of dirt. It falls back to the ground. We hear him gurgling with laughter. “Giggle!!”
We get around Robert and congratulate him. “Way to go, Robert!!”
“All right, let’s incorporate some leg movements. Extend your senses through the legs to sense the Earth.”
I show them the next set of moves for the legs. They see it involves a sweep of the legs to get someone off balance while they attack another person.
They repeat the moves again. This time, there are blobs of dirt being kicked out from them toward the attacker, which is me. I keep the blobs of dirt hovering in the air once they reach me.
Then we hear Toph approaching us. “That’s very good, Richard. You are extending their senses to all parts of their body. It is just how the Water Bender does it. Okay, it is time for a lunch break. Did you bring any food with you?”
“We have some snacks in the satchel, Toph. For Brianna and me, we could eat something bigger. Is there a noodle wagon here?”
“There is, Richard. It also has a mix of vegetables and cooked fowl with it. We are going to it right now.”
“That’s fine, Toph. We’ll follow you. The fairies can be in butterfly mode and drink the nectar from the flowers along the way.”
“That’s good, Richard. Come let’s go into the city. We have an hour to eat the noon meal.”
I take apart Robert’s carriage like before. Brianna carries the carriage while I carry the basinet. Once we are down the other side of the dojo, we put it back together. We push Robert’s carriage. The fairies change into butterflies to drink the sweet nectar from the flowers.
We follow as a group into the city. Eventually, we see several noodle wagons on the side of the streets. We walk up to one. The owner smiles widely as we pay him a silver coin for each person. We are given a noodle box with vegetables and cooked fowl in it, plus some chop sticks. He also gives us a cup of warm jasmine tea. We gather around a portion of the sidewalk. Brianna and I take turns to feed Robert while we have our lunch.
“That’s amazing, Richard. Your child can even Earth Bend as well. How many elements can you bend so far?”
“Right now, it is just air, water and earth, Dark One. Once I get back to my world, I will be learning more dragon moves and the other animals for the sixth and seventh sash. Also, there will be more weapons to learn as well. It is during this time. I will learn the Fire Bending.”
“Has anyone been able to do those elements, Richard?”
“Right now, only the masters can create and do the element bending. It takes great concentration to get the air current off the fingers doing the crane wing slash.” I do a quick movement with right hand toward the street.
They see a ripple of air off my finger tips before it dissipates.
“I see, so it is greatly reduced in power. When do you think the magic will come back to your world, Richard?”
“I know it will happen within five years from now. There will be a stellar event from the future that I know about. When the Ethereal Space rocks splash into our oceans, it should be weak enough so that no blood bending will ever happen again.”
“That’s good, Richard. I think we all hate blood bending here.”
“I agree, Toph.”
Soon everyone agrees with Toph by nodding their heads up and down while they eat. We get done eating our lunch. We start heading back to the dojo.
“When we get back students, you will be focusing your minds on metal wire.”
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We arrive back at the dojo with no problems. This time we meet inside the dojo. Toph walks over to a small table and picks up a coil of metal wire. Toph unrolls it so we know how long it is. The cable wire is about ten feet long.
“This is my idea for the metal bending police force in Republic City. This cable wire will be used to bind the hands and feet of a convicted person. Use your mind to bind this cable around these wooden posts of different diameters. I’ll show you.” Toph holds out the metal cable. She concentrates on it. Soon the cable wire is flying around the dojo. She sends it to a wooden pillar. She quickly wraps it around the wooden post ten times. She pulls it tight so it doesn’t fall off.
“Now you try it, students. Each one will use five coils of metal wire.”
We all concentrate on the several small tables. We quickly elevate a coil of metal wire. We fly it about the dojo quickly. We then send them to several wooden posts. We wrap it around the wooden posts quickly.
We keep at it until we use five coils of metal wire. Then my fairies and Brianna try it as well. Soon, they wrap five coils of metal wire around the wooden posts.
“That’s very good. You’re catching on fast into being a good metal bender. Now I want you to use the metal cable on each other. Just do your friend’s hands and ankles. Now you need to concentrate on not pulling the cables too tight to bind them. We don’t want to injure them or the thief. We don’t need to be accused of hurting them.”
We practice on each other this time. This time we pull the metal cable wires carefully until the other student tells us when to stop. This time, the concentration is a little harder to know when it is tight enough. Eventually we determine when it is tight enough so that we are not hurting each other.
“Now I know my first three students witnessed me taking the bolts out of the tanks when Zuko brought his Fire Nation army here. I want you to do the same thing as well. I was able to bring a tank here. It is located near the outdoor practice area here.”
We follow Toph to the backside of the dojo. We walk down to another area. Soon, we see a huge metal tank like the one that was used by the Fire Nation.
“All right, as you can see, it is assembled. Each one will have a turn to take the bolts off and putting them back on. Obviously when the bolts are taken off, the wheels will fall off and the tank will be on the ground. Now you will have to concentrate in lifting the tank into the air and putting the bolts and wheels back on. This is really a lesson in multitasking. I want to Richard to try it first. See what he does and learn from it.”
I walk up to the tank. I look at it. I think out loud of what I need to do. “I think I need to get the tank into the air for a brief second with a double elephant stomp. Then I can concentrate on the bolts quickly. Yeah, that might work. All right, here it comes.” I have my hands toward the tank. I jump in the air and let both of my feet do the elephant stomp at the same time. “STTTOMMMMPP!! STTTOMMMMPP!!” The tank jumps up in the air for a brief second. I quickly remove the four bolts. The four wheels fall off the tank before the tank hits the ground. “Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!” The ground shakes a bit when the tank hits the ground. “BOOOMMM!! RRRUMMMBBBLLLEE!!”
“Whoa! That took some planning to do it quickly.”
“That’s very good, Richard. Now get the wheels back on. Think it out loud before you do it.”
“Yes, Toph. I need to lift the tank in the air first with my left hand. Get it at the right height. Then use the mind to line up the wheels on the shafts. Then with my right hand, I put the bolts on. I think that I’m ready now.”
I point my left hand at the tank. I slowly lift it up in the air. Then with my mind, I lift up one of the wheels. I move the wheel with my mind until the holes are lined up. Then with my right hand, I put the bolt into the shaft. “That was easy, let’s do the last three at once.” I focus my mind on the last three wheels. They rise up from the ground at the same time. Then with my right hand, I raise up the three bolts. I quickly insert them into the three shafts at almost the same time. Then I let the tank back onto the ground. I turn around to see everyone clapping and cheering me on, including Toph.
“That was great, Richard. All right students, it’s your turn to do it.”
Azazel looks at Appolyn from his throne. “What is the latest news from Japan, Appolyn?”
“It’s going very well, Azazel. I estimate in about six months, the Japanese Royalty will be dethroned in all eight multi-verses.”
Azazel smiles evilly. “That’s great, Appolyn. There is no way the Omega Unicorn Dragons can defeat those element bending demon masters. Fortunately, the Pantheon Gods won’t be there to confront them. They are stuck on their own worlds because of their stupid vows. They vow not to interfere with any Earth in the multi-verses.”
‘Heh, heh, that’s right, Azazel. When are you going to have your meeting with Loki?”
“I’ll have it at the same time while my plan unfolds upon Japan.”
“Yes, then you can boast of your latest achievement of chaos. I like it. Is there any word from Leonard, Mullin, Pyro and Pruflas?”
“I just received a message from them. Apparently they don’t want any new assignments from me. I find that very strange. Before, they accepted any ideas from me. I don’t like it, Appolyn.”
“Yes, that is very strange. Well, we’ll call upon them when we invade the Earth where you were imprisoned first.”
“Yes, I will need everyone there for that grand invasion. Well, let’s keep monitoring Japan.”
“Yes, my King.”
King Azazel conjures up at large black cloud. Then it straightens out to look like a movie screen. Then quickly, they see the events happening on each of the eight Japans. They smile evilly that it is going well in bringing down the Japanese Royalty. The people are rioting in the streets that aid is not coming to them in their time of need. They have many typhoons, earthquakes, tidal waves from the earthquakes and torrential rains. They see the Japanese Yakusa is having a great time in making a great profit from the people’s woes.
King Azazel and Appolyn laugh evilly at the same time, “Hah, hah, hah . . . !!”
Location: NC State Prison
Darren looks at the note he just received from Michael. “Read the book, It Takes Two to Tango.”
“Hmm . . . All right, I’ll humor him. It is probably some sort of book that teaches one how to dance the Tango.”
Darren walks to the Prison Library to find the book. He eventually finds it on the shelf. He takes the book and sits down in a sofa chair. He begins to read the book. “What? This is a book about relationships. That’s a bunch of crock!! I’m putting this one back.” Darren gets back up and set the book on the checkout counter.
“Aren’t you going to read that book, Darren?”
“No way! It’s a stupid relationship book. I have my own ideas on how to get the women.”
“Have they worked?”
“Well, no. They haven’t worked yet.”
“Then read the book. You might get some better ideas how to relate with women. The book helped me a lot. I have a much better relationship with my wife now. I thought I knew it all. Give the book a chance, Darren.”
“All right, I’ll check out the book and read it.”
“That’s a good decision. You won’t regret it.” The Prison Librarian checks out the book for Darren to read.
Darren takes the book and starts reading the first chapter in the sofa chair. It takes him fifteen minutes to read the first chapter. “Hmm . . . that’s a good first chapter. I think will read the rest of the book.” Darren takes the book with him to his cell.
The Prison Librarian smiles as he walks by. There is another one for you to work on, Creator.
Oh, yes. After him, then you will focus your efforts on Brent Morgan. But, he will be a tougher nut to crack.
Well, I had a lot of practice to get it right, Creator.
Yes you did, JT. Have a good time at the Sunday Services, tomorrow.
Thank you, Creator.
You’re welcome, JT.
Each of the students takes a turn to take the bolts out of the tank. Some tried my approach in jumping at the tank. For some, the tank does not get off the ground high enough. Then they used their hands to lift the tank. This time they are more successful.
It takes another two hours for them to try it. Eventually they succeed in removing the bolts and putting them back on.
“You’re right, Toph. It is a lesson in multitasking.”
“Just keep at it, students. We’ll be practicing this every day. After you are comfortable with it, then we’ll move onto larger metal objects. Try it again. It should come easier now. I’ll give you another hour at it before we break for the day. Right now, I need to teach Richard and his family some of the other forms of Earth Bending.”
“Okay, Toph.”
Toph walks over to me. “Richard, I think it is time to do some serious Earth Bending. The first one is Earth Tunneling. I am going underground and appear on the other side of there.” She points to the other side of the practice area. She points her hands downward. She quickly sinks into the ground. The hole she created gets filled in. In about five minutes we see her appear on the other side of the practice area. She then enters into the ground over there. In another five minutes, she comes out of the ground in front of us. “So, do you think you can do it?”
“My only question is the air to breathe.”
“You can draw it from the ground and rocks while you are down there. You will be able to create a cavity of air around as you move through the ground. Use the seismic touch to know where you are. Using your ears is another way to get a fix on your location.”
“Obviously this is useful to sneak up on someone.”
“Yes, it is, Richard.”
I point my hands to the ground. I concentrate on the ground. Slowly, I sink into the ground while the earth piles up around the hole I created. “I know I left the dirt up there, Toph. I am trying to get myself oriented here.”
“I understand, Richard. You’re doing fine. Now move forward as you place the dirt behind you as you move forward.”
“Okay, Toph.” I point my hands straight ahead. Quickly, the dirt moves behind me. I keep the mind focus on the destination.
Brianna kneels down to Robert. “So, Robert, is daddy okay down there?”
Robert thinks a bit. Then he nods his head up and down.
“That’s good, Robert. I feel Richard is safe down there.”
I travel quickly through the ground. I come to a stop when I think I’m on the other side of the practice area. I point my hands upward. I move the dirt around me as I rise up the hole. Soon, I’m in the open air.
“That’s great, Richard. Now do the same thing getting back here.” Toph immediately puts the dirt back into the hole I created earlier.
“Okay, Toph.” This time I find myself using this technique faster. Quickly, I’m back where I started two minutes later.
“See, it’s not so bad, Richard.”
“What’s weird is not knowing where you are at. I had to use my ears and the seismic touch a few times.”
“I know. Now this will work when the earth is perfectly dry. You can’t use this technique if there is mud or sand. You must be on solid ground.”
“Yes, Toph.”
“There are many techniques used by the Earth Bender. In the Avatar state, Kyoshi was able to break her peninsula town from the mainland and created Kyoshi Island. Aang was able to create a huge dust tornado. When his fist slammed into the ground, it leveled everything in a large radius. General Fong will remember that incident very well. In the Avatar state, you can move large statutes and large hills. In the Avatar state, you can compress rocks to be more dense.”
“Yes, Toph.” Creator, will I be able to achieve the Avatar state?
It won’t happen until you achieve the title of Shaolin Dragon Master, my servant. So will the other Omega Unicorn Dragons in the other multi-verses. The only ones who can do it instantly are from the Q-Verse.
Hmm . . . that’s interesting. Well, I will be patient until then. Thank you, Creator.
You’re welcome, Richard.
“You can also create Rock Gloves and Rock Shoes. This can enable you to cling to rock ceilings and move along the ground at a faster speed.”
“Toph, I was able to use the rock glove technique to hang in a cave with no problems.”
“That’s good, Richard.”
Then one of the students walks up to Toph. “We are all done, Toph. Everyone had a chance to do it like Richard did.”
“That’s great, Dark One. I felt it from here that you finally succeeded.”
“Yes, it took some great concentration to multitask while lifting the tank in the air.”
“That’s the idea. Well, it’s time to call it day. Be back here at the second mark in the morning. I’ll be ready with another metal bending task.”
We all answer in one voice, “Yes, Toph.” We all bow toward her. She acknowledges us when she nods her up and down slightly.
We all leave the compound together. Once we enter the city, we go our separate ways.
“Richard, we all need a bath before we use the steam rooms.”
“Okay, Brianna.” We push Robert’s carriage into the inn. We walk up to the front desk.
The lady notices us. We are very dusty and dirty. She smiles, “Oh, oh . . . it looks like everyone needs a bath before using the steam rooms.”
We smile at the lady. “Yes, we do, ma’am.”
“Okay, do your own cleaning in the bathroom. There is piping there to bring the water to you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have to do it two times each. Once you are clean, don the bath robes. The bath robes are already in your room. It is folded up in one of the dresser drawers. I’ll meet you in the hallway. Then, I’ll escort to our steam rooms.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
We turn around and walk to our room. I insert the key into the door latch mechanism. I open the door and we enter in the room. We see it is all neat and clean. The fairies quickly flutter out from our coat pockets.
“We’ll have our shower here, father.”
“That’s fine, Tiger. Go ahead and get it set up.”
I put their satchel on the chair. They quickly open it and take out the shower setup and place it on top of one of the dressers. Brianna decides to get clean first using the tub. She enters the bathroom and turns on the faucet. Immediately she feels the heat from the hot water. She adjusts the cold water faucet until it is just right for her. She starts using the soap and wash towel to get herself clean. She washes her hair with the shampoo she brought. She sees the tub water a bit dirty. She unplugs the stopper and drains the water out from the tub. She fills up the tub again.
“I will definitely need to use the moisturizer on my body.” She uses the soap and a different wash towel this time. She also washes her hair one more time. She smiles that she is perfectly clean this time. She gets out of the tub and pulls the stopper to drain the water out. She pats herself dry with a fluffy white towel and dries her hair. She then spreads some moisturizing cream onto her body. She puts the towel on her head and creates the turban look. She takes another white towel and drapes it around her body. She sees there are two more large towels left in the bathroom. She finally exits the bathroom.
I see steam coming from the bathroom. “I heard you drain the tub and fill it up again.”
“I had to, Richard. I was really dirty. Don’t be surprised if you have to do it two times. There are two large towels left in the bathroom. Save one for Robert. The soap from the inn has a flower scent.”
“Okay, Brianna.” I take the small container of shampoo from my satchel. Then I enter the bathroom and close the door. I put the drain plug in the tub. I turn on the hot water and cold water and adjust it until it is just right for me. I ease myself in and do my hair first with the shampoo. I see the dirt in the water right away. I then to begin to scrub myself down with the soap and the wash towel. Once I am done the first time, I get out of the tub and pull the drain plug to drain the dirty water out. Once the tub is empty, I fill it up again. I get into the water and do it again. This time, I see very little dirt in the water. Once I am done with my body and hair, I get out to drain the water again. I dry myself with the towel. I step out of the bathroom.
“Now you look much better, my love.”
“Thank you, Bri. Yes, I was really dirty. I think most of the dirt came from the Earth Tunnel.”
“It probably did, Richard. Let’s hope you don’t need to do that technique during the rest of our stay here.”
“I agree, Bri.”
“Please do the laundry, Richard, while I get Robert cleaned up.”
“Yes, Bri.”
I see Brianna has dried her hair the best she can with the two towels. It is still a little damp. She unlatches the basinet from the carriage. She carries the basinet into the bathroom. She also brings in another set of blankets from Robert’s satchel to change the dirty ones in the basinet. She turns on the water to fill up the tub to about three inches. She makes sure the water is the right temperature for Robert. She picks up Robert from the basinet. She carefully puts Robert into the water. Robert gives a big smile when the temperature is just right. He makes little splashes with the water as Brianna cleans up Robert. She uses a small amount of shampoo for Robert’s hair.
At one time, Robert brings up a stream of water and lets it fall back into the water.
“That’s good, Robert. Yes, you can water bend as well.”
Robert gives another big smile.
I put the dirty clothes into an empty dresser drawer. I close the drawer and recite the spell to clean the laundry. When I open it, I see the clothes are perfectly clean. I take them out and place them on the bed neatly. “How are you all doing, my fairies?”
“We are almost done, father. We had to wash ourselves two times as well.”
“That’s good, Tiger.”
By the time the fairies are done, Brianna is finally done in getting Robert cleaned up. She places the last towel on the floor. She takes out Robert and places him on the towel. She then pats him dry all over and his hair as well. She changes the blankets in the basinet. She then picks up Robert and places him in the basinet.
Robert smiles again.
“Yes, you are all clean now, Robert.”
She opens the bathroom door. She carries out Robert and latches the basinet into the carriage. She walks back into the bathroom to pick up the dirty blankets from the basinet. “Here you go, Richard. Robert’s blankets need to be cleaned as well.”
“Okay, Bri.” I take the blankets and put them in the empty drawer. I close the drawer and recite the cleaning spell. When I open it, the blankets are perfectly clean. Brianna takes the blankets and folds them up and puts them into Robert’s satchel. We fold up our clothes and put them into the dresser drawers.
The fairies quickly take apart the shower set up and place the pieces in their satchel.
“Okay, let’s put on the bathrobes. Fairies, fly in once we have them tied. Brianna is carrying Robert into the steam room.”
“Thank you, father, mother, Omega.”
Once the robes are tied. Brianna picks up Robert into her arms. She has a towel around him. All of the fairies quickly fly into my bathrobe. Soon, their heart beats are in tune with mine. I take the room key and the satchel with the valuables with me. We exit the room and enter the hallway. We see the hostess ready to escort us to the steam rooms.
“Ah, now you are much cleaner. Please follow me.”
We follow the hostess to another part of the inn. We go through the doors. We see another building in the complex. We see there are five doors facing us.
“There are another five steam rooms on the other side. They are very popular here.” She opens one of the doors and we walk inside together. “We have lava rocks here. The cold water slowly drips onto the lava rocks to create the steam.” She walks over to the lava rocks table. She opens a small door to turn on the gas flame to heat up the lava rocks. “It doesn’t take long to create the steam here.” She adjusts the water faucet until is slowly dripping onto the lava rocks. Quickly steam is coming from the lava rocks. “I’ll be back in about three-quarters of a mark. You don’t want to be here for a full mark or more. Your skin will be very wrinkled. If that were to happen, you will need a lot of skin cream to bring the moisture back into it. I’ll knock on the door when the time is up. We’ll put fresh towels in the bathroom. Enjoy!!” She exits the steam room and closes the door.
Immediately the fairies quickly fly out from my bath robe. They see several places for them to sit down and enjoy our presence. Brianna and I take off the bathrobes before we sit down together. Robert is between us. The fairies sit on the wooden ledge behind us. Each one is grouped by soul mates and siblings. We get comfortable as we enjoy each other’s presence. Robert closes his eyes as he enjoys the security he feels from us.
Soon, our hair is matted down again. We feel that blissful glow on our skin. We feel our muscles are totally relaxed. Then we hear the knocks on the door. “Knock! Knock!”
“It is time! Get yourself robed. I’ll be out here when you are ready.”
I get up first and put the bathrobe back on. I steady Robert while Brianna puts on her bathrobe. She picks up Robert again. Robert has another big smile on his face.
Brianna smiles, “Did you like that steam?”
Robert gives another smile.
“We loved it too, well let’s get ready for dinner.”
The fairies quickly fly into my bathrobe. I pick up the satchel. Quickly their heart beats are in tune with mine. We exit the steam room together.
“So, how was it? Was it fantastic?”
“It was wonderful, ma’am. We are now fully relaxed and refreshed. Now let’s get dressed to have a dinner. I think we’ll try out that grill when we are ready.”
“That’s great.”
We follow the hostess back to our room. The hostess continues to walk to the main lobby area. I use the key to open the door. I put the satchel onto the bed. Once the door is closed, the fairies fly out from me.
“We’ll have our meal here, while you have yours at the grill.”
“Do you think there are flowers there, mother?”
“They probably do have them, Esmeralda. But, I don’t know if they have any outdoor seating area.”
“We’ll follow you anyway, mother.”
“Okay, that’s fine by me.”
We get ourselves ready to have dinner at the nearby oriental grill. Once we are dressed, Brianna sprays a mild perfume on her wrists and neck. I put a little bit of cologne that Brianna likes on my face. The fairies quickly fly into our coat pockets and get comfortable quickly. Once we leave the room, I set the lock on the door knob panel. Then I close the door. We push Robert’s carriage through the inn and exit out the front entrance. As soon as we get outside, the fairies leave our pockets as butterflies. They follow us as we push the carriage down the sidewalk. We see several oriental grills. We smell the wonderful aromas coming from the grills. Soon, we find the grill that the inn owner owns. We see his name underneath the name of the grill. We are warmly greeted by the hostess.
“Welcome to Dao’s Grill. Where do you like to sit? We do have an open inner court area here.”
“Yes, please take us to your inner court. We would like to have some fresh air while we eat.”
“That’s great, sir. Please follow me.”
We follow the hostess until we exit the door to the inner court yard. It is a beautiful court yard. It is a beautiful landscape of small trees and some statues. There is a pond about ten feet in diameter. It has grass around it. There are little mounds of dirt scattered about the landscape of the garden. Soon, we see our butterflies fluttering into the courtyard. They immediately find the flowers scattered about the garden. All of the people sitting there, smile when they see the butterflies. We are escorted to a table on the perimeter. We push Robert’s carriage between us. The hostess puts a menu at each of our place settings.
A waitress comes up to us asks what we want to drink. “What will you have to drink?”
“I think green tea will do for the both of us.”
“Yes, green tea is fine, Richard.”
“Thank you very much. I will be right back with the green tea.”
We look at the menu some more. “I think we better do chicken and vegetables tonight, Brianna.”
“I agree, Richard. We’ll have to alternate in feeding Robert again.”
The waitress comes back with a tray of hot green tea in a pot and two cups. She places the cups at each table setting. Then she pours the first cup for us. We take a sip from the cups.
“Oh, that is very rich. It is very delicious.”
“Thank you for the compliments. Are you ready to order?” She gets ready to write down the order on a small piece of paper.
“Yes, we are. We would like to have chicken, rice and vegetables for the main dish. The desert will be the fruit of the day.”
“How spicy do you want it?”
“How about a mild spice that is savory?”
“That’s a good choice, sir. I’ll be back with a bowl of wonton soup for both of you. Do you have your own food for the baby?”
“We do.”
“That’s good. I’ll be back with the wonton soup.” The waitress turns around and returns to the kitchen. She comes back with a tray of two bowls of wonton soup. She places the bowls in front of us with two large ceramic spoons in them. She also places a bowl of dried noodles in the center of the table.
The butterflies come closer to us and rest on the plants near us. Brianna and I look within us.
Thank you Creator for your wonderful blessings. We are learning a lot from Toph. Indeed, she is the greatest Earth Bender for her world here. Thank you for this food we are about to eat. Let it restore our strength for tomorrow. Thank you, Creator.
Then we hear from the fairies in our minds. Thank you, Creator. Then our butterflies fly about from flower to flower to get their drink of sweet nectar.
Brianna and I take turns in feeding Robert while we have the wonton soup. We get done with the soup in about fifteen minutes. In about another five minutes, the waitress comes out with our meal on a large tray. We move the bowls to one side of the table. She sets the hot plates in front of us. Immediately, the aroma invades our senses. The taste buds immediately cause our saliva glands to water a bit. Once the plates are set, she refills our green tea cups with the pot. “Enjoy!” She takes the empty wonton bowls and ceramic spoons back to the kitchen. She returns to hear our comments on the food.
We see that all of the pieces are bite size already. There is no need for a fork. Besides, all we have for utensils are chop sticks. We take a piece of meat and put it into our mouths. “Oh, this is very good. Give our compliments to the chef. It is another masterpiece.”
She smiles on hearing our praises, “Thank you, sir. I’ll be sure to tell the chef he did another masterpiece.” She returns back to the kitchen to give our praises to the chef. The chef smiles that he did another masterpiece.
We take our time eating the evening meal for about a half-hour. Brianna gives him a bottle of breast milk to drink while we finish our meal. Once we are done, the waitress appears by the table.
“That will be two silver coins for each table setting.”
“That’s fine, waitress.” I reach into my satchel and open the coin bag within it. I retrieve four silver coins from the bag. I place them on the table.
“Have a wonderful evening. We hope to see you again another day.”
“We hope so, too.”
We see the butterflies have their fill of sweet nectar from the flowers. They leave the courtyard and wait for us as we exit the grill. We get up from the chair. Brianna takes the bottle of breast milk from Robert and wipes it clean. She puts the bottle into Robert’s satchel. We see Robert getting sleepy again.
We push Robert’s carriage out of the grill and walk down the sidewalk. We see the sun setting at this time. We see the clouds change color as the sun sets. Then we see some of the stars coming out to shine brightly in the night sky. The butterflies quickly fly into our coat pockets when we see no one else on the sidewalk. We enter back into the inn where we are staying at. Once we enter our room, the fairies quickly fly out and get ready for bed.
We see Robert is fast asleep by now. We stay quiet for Robert’s sake. We change our clothes and get into our evening night clothes. The fairies quickly remake their beds in the top dresser drawer. We get under the covers for another great night of sleep. We get no unusual dreams during the night. It is all nice and quiet.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We wake up in the morning when we hear the knocks on the door again. “Knock! Knock! Knock! . . . .”
I get myself up and walk to the door. “Is it daybreak again?”
“It is, sir.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
The morning proved to be a repeat of yesterday. Once we get done with our breakfast in the inn, we make our way back to Toph’s Metal Bending Academy.
We gather together inside the dojo and face Toph.
“Okay, students, we are going to be doing several things today and tomorrow. Some of you earth benders probably know some of the techniques already. Use it as a chance to get better at it. Today, we’ll do earth armor, earth bombs, magnetization of the limbs and mud bending. Tomorrow, it is remote earth bending, earth shelter, quicksand, earthquakes and fissures. Obviously this is for Richard and his family to get them up to speed on earth bending.”
Toph walks over to a large chest in the dojo. She opens the cover to reveal the contents. We see various colored gems in the chest of green, red, blue and purple gems. “As you can see, I have a variety of jewels here. Fortunately none of them are diamonds. You need to concentrate on the gems and have them encase you and around your body. Also, you need to make a helmet to protect your head. Who wants to be first to try it?”
Penga speaks up, “I’ll try it, Toph.” Penga steps up to the chest. She brings her hand forward and concentrates on a single jewel. She elevates a red jewel into the air. Then she brings up several more gems as well. She moves them to her body. With her mind, she changes the shape of the gem to fit her body. She puts them around her legs. Then she quickly brings up about twenty gems into the air. She quickly changes the shape of the gem to fit her body again. She covers her torso and arms. Then she brings up several more gems for the helmet. She quickly changes the shape again to fit her head.
“Now try and move in that gem armor, Penga.”
Once she takes her first step, she quickly realizes she needs to adjust the gems at the joints. Once she has that accomplished, she jogs around the dojo.
We all clap our hands for the success she had. She has a big smile on her face.
“That’s very good, Penga. The gem armor can easily take blows from metal weapons in a fight. Now take the gems off and revert the gems back to their original shapes.”
Penga takes off the gems and reverts them back to their original shapes. She puts them back into the chest.
“All right, Richard, you’re up next.”
“Yes, Toph.”
I stretch out my arms to the side and open my legs a bit. I look at the jewels. “Hmmm. . . . I think I can do it faster, Penga.”
“Let’s see you try, Richard.”
I concentrate on the gems. Then all of a sudden, most of the gems float up in the air. Then all of the gems get attracted to every part of my body. That even includes the helmet.
“Whoa, you did it very fast, Richard. That’s impressive.”
“That’s the way to do it, students. Now everyone try it that way.”
One by one, each student encases their bodies with the gems. Even Penga did it again to make it faster.
“All right students, now we are going to magnetize our limbs so we can cling to the metal frame of the ceiling here. Again, you have to focus on your bones to magnetize them with your minds.”
“Toph, wouldn’t be a problem if we magnetize the bones in our chest?”
“What do you mean, Dark One?”
“If I magnetize my chest bones, I might find myself I can’t release myself from the ceiling.”
“That’s a very good observation, Dark One. What could be another problem with that?”
“I have one, Toph. If we magnetize our chest bones, wouldn’t our heart become affected somehow?”
“That’s a good point, Richard. Remember, just focus on magnetizing your finger bones,”
We all shout out loud in one voice. “Yes, Toph.”
We reach up with our hands above us. We focus our minds to magnetize our finger bones. Then all of a sudden, we rise up from the ground very fast. Soon our hands are sticking to the metal framework of the ceiling.
“That’s great, students. Now magnetize your knee cap bone to bring up your body. Crawl upside down from there.”
“Yes, Toph.”
We magnetize our knee cap bone. Quickly, it brings our legs up higher. We crawl upside down along the metal frame work of the ceiling tiles.
“That’s great students. Now comes the hard part. How do we get down from there without breaking the bones in your body? Do you have any ideas students?”
“Couldn’t we demagnetize our limbs slowly?”
“That’s a possibility. What could be the problem for Ho Tun?”
“He is a lot heavier and bigger than the rest of us, Toph.”
“Wouldn’t he need his finger bones magnetized stronger than us?”
“That’s right, Penga and Richard. So, everyone does it gradually. You need to know what the threshold strength to keep yourself up there and to lower yourself down to the floor.”
We demagnetize our knee caps. We then find ourselves hanging up there by our hands. We slowly demagnetize our finger bones. We keep our hands pointing to the ceiling. We slowly descend from the ceiling.
“Now keep it there, students. Keep yourself in the air and don’t fall to the ground.”
We keep ourselves suspended in the air with our hands pointing to the ceiling.
“Now I want you to concentrate on the coins and the cables with your minds. You are now to do some movements with your minds. Move the coins and the cables around in this room, students.”
We concentrate on the coins on the tables. We lift them up in the air quickly. We move them around the dojo very quickly. After doing that for fifteen minutes or so, we concentrate on the metal cables. We lift them up in the air. Soon, we have the cables wrapping around the posts that we did yesterday.
“That’s great everyone. You’re learning to expand your minds. Okay, lower yourselves to the floor. It is time for our lunch break. When we come back, we’ll be doing the earth bomb and mud bending.”
We lower ourselves to the floor of the dojo. We exit the dojo and walk down the steps. We follow the walls to the front entrance again. We walk to another noodle cart to have our lunch.
My fairies are in butterfly mode so they can drink the nectar from the flowers. “Brianna, I need to show you the next set of moves for the blue sash.”
“Hmm . . . Okay, Richard.” Brianna feeds Robert first before she has her own lunch.” Once Robert is fed and burped, Robert takes a nap in the carriage.
We get done within the hour. We walk back to the dojo to continue our lessons. We follow Toph to the back side of the dojo.
“All right students, we are going to do some mud bending right now. Richard, please bring in some water from the atmosphere. Put it in that small depression in the ground there.” She points to it.
“Yes, Toph.” I see the depression is about 20 feet in diameter and about 3 feet deep. I stretch out my hands and concentrate on the atmosphere. Soon, a mist appears from the atmosphere. I keep concentrating on it until I have enough water to fill up the basin. I lower the water blob into the depression. “It is now filled up, Toph.”
“That’s great, Richard. All right, now let’s mix in some dirt to create some mud." Toph mixes up some dirt into the water. “Now, we have a combination of water and dirt. Since we are earth benders we have to concentrate on the dirt itself to move the water with it. If you’re a water bender, then you focus on the water to move the dirt as well. Richard can do both at the same time, or even our Avatar. What I want you to do is to move the mud like you are an earth bender. That is to create streams and move it all around. Once that is done, then we’ll try to separate the dirt from the water.”
We focus our minds on the dirt of the mud. We slowly bring up streams of mud and move it all around us. While we are doing that, Toph concentrates on a large metal tub near the tank. She lifts it with her mind and brings it near us. Soon, we find it easier to move the mud in the streams around us. We return the mud to the shallow depression.
“That’s great students. Now this is a big test on concentration. You are going to separate the dirt from the water. I have a metal tub here to put the water into. First of all, you must concentrate on a small portion of mud. It should be about the size of your hand. So, do you have any ideas how to separate the dirt from the water? What would you do, Richard?”
“Well, I would probably make the mud droplets as small as possible, then I can concentrate on the dirt in the droplets to remove it from the water.”
“That’s a very good idea, Richard. All right, Ho Tun, you’re up first. See if you can separate from the dirt from the water.”
“Yes, Toph.” He concentrates on a hand size of mud. He brings it up in the air. He brings it over to the basin. He concentrates on the blob of mud and make the mud droplets as small as possible. He then concentrates on the dirt in the mud droplets. We see him concentrating very hard on it to remove the dirt from the mud. All of a sudden he is holding onto one mud droplet in the air in front of him. The rest fall into the basin. He slowly removes the dirt from the water. The water falls into the basin. He smiles that he is able to do at least one mud droplet. “That took a lot of concentration, Toph. I just couldn’t do the handful. Apparently I need more practice.”
“You did fine, Ho Tun. Yes, it takes a great amount of concentration to separate the dirt from the water. All right, everyone try it. Hopefully, within the hour it will be easier and easier.”
“Yes, Toph.”
We each have a hand and mind in lifting the mud out of the small basin. Some start off with mud droplets. There were a few who were able to bring up a handful size of mud. Slowly, we expand our minds to separate the dirt from the water. We even went back to the basin to bring out any dirt that is in there. Brianna even tries it as well. For her, she concentrates on the water, it takes her about fifteen minutes to separate the water from the dirt. The dirt falls back to the depression.
As for myself, once I bring up a hand size of mud, I spread the mud droplets to create a mist. I then easily separate the dirt from the water at the same time. Soon, the tub is just water by itself.
“That’s very good, students. Did it get easier and easier?”
“Yes, it did, Toph.”
“Yes, we just have to keep practicing that.”
“That’s right. All right; the last earth move for today is the earth bomb.”
Some students smile.
“This is where we’ll take a large amount of dirt from the ground and heave it up in the air. Make the amount of dirt an arm length in diameter. Then we bring it down very fast to impact the ground. It should create a crater that is at least five times as big as the earth you are bringing down. Once, that is done, then we’ll concentrate on lifting ourselves on a mound of dirt and doing it from the air. While we are falling down, we’ll bring up some pieces of dirt so we can land safely on the ground.”
“Yes, Toph.”
Everyone spreads apart in the outdoor area. I concentrate a large amount of dirt. It is about two feet in diameter. I lift it up high in the sky. I concentrate on it to bring it down fast. It impacts ground, “BLLLLAAMMM!!!” It creates a crater about ten feet in diameter.
Soon everyone else does an earth bomb, “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” The dirt kicks in a circular pattern as well. We do it about ten times until we are comfortable with it.
“That’s great students, now do it from the air. I suggest you bring up another blob of dirt for your earth bomb. You won’t have much time once you are falling down.”
We concentrate on the ground underneath us. I create a circular mound of dirt underneath me. I lift myself up high into the air with the dirt. I also bring up another blob of dirt with me as well.
I also see everyone else doing it as well. Then we find ourselves falling down because of the weight. We quickly concentrate on the blob of dirt we brought up with us. We send it to the ground very fast. It impacts the ground with violence. “BLLLAAAMMM!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!” “BLLLAAAMMM!!”
We then find ourselves falling down to the ground. We quickly bring up foot size blobs of dirt with our feet. It meets our feet to slow us down. Soon, we step safely back onto the ground.
“That’s great, students. Now let’s do some martial arts.”
I walk over to Brianna. I start showing her the next set of moves for the blue sash. This is a different set of moves when defending one self from two attackers. Even my fairies appreciate the opportunity in learning the moves as well. When the hour is up, it is time to rest and get ready for tomorrow.
When we get back to our rooms, we have another hot bath to get ourselves really clean. Once we are clean, we take another trip to the steam rooms to relax the muscles. Everyone is nice and relaxed. We do another dinner in the inn. Our fairies are having their evening meal in the room. Once we are done, we go back to our room to pick up our fairies, we do another stroll down the streets to watch the sunset. We see the cloud colors change. Then we see a few stars come out for the night sky. We retire back to our rooms and get ready for bed.
We have another great night of sleep. Tomorrow is the last full day with Toph.
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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
We wake up in the morning when we hear the knocks on the door again. “Knock! Knock! Knock! . . .”
I get myself up and walk to the door. “Is it daybreak again?”
“It is, sir.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
The morning proved to be a repeat of the last two days. Once we get done with our breakfast in the inn, we make our way back to Toph’s Metal Bending Academy.
We gather together inside the dojo and face Toph one more time.
“Okay, students. We will now do remote earth bending, earth shelter, quicksand, earthquakes and fissures. To do these five earth moves, we need to go outside one more time.” Toph picks up eight coils of metal cable from a nearby table. She also picks up eight sashes from another table.
We follow Toph to the back side of the dojo. “To do remote earth bending is going to be very similar to what we did inside the dojo by focusing our minds on the coins and cables while being suspended in the air. Now, there is no roof out here. How are we going to do it? I’ll tell you how. Each one of you will put a metal cable around your waist. You will all be blindfolded with these sashes. Then I’ll raise and suspend you all high in the air. Then with your minds you focus on the ground underneath you. You can manipulate the earth into whatever shape you want. When that is done, I want you to throw large pieces of earth at each other and defend it. This is to expand your minds again to think outside the box. Brianna, I want you to practice this as well. You may never know what hostile situation you will be in.”
We all respond in one voice, “Yes, Toph.”
We focus our minds on the metal coils in Toph’s hand. We bring them to us quickly. We get the coils wrapped around our waists. Then Toph gives us a sash for our eyes. “Don’t put the sashes on yet. Get far apart from each other first.”
We soon walk to spread ourselves apart from each other in a very large circle. We put on the sashes to blindfold our eyes.
“Is everyone ready?”
We all shout out loud in one voice. “Yes, Toph.”
Toph focuses her mind on the eight metal coils around our waists. She then lifts us high into the air. To me, it feels we are about three hundred feet in air. Once we feel ourselves stopped in the air. We start focusing our minds on the ground underneath us.
Each one of us starts using our minds on the ground underneath us. We create various objects of earth. Some of us lift pieces of slabs of dirt and erect mini fortresses. Some of the students create large round boulders of compressed earth.
For myself, I create a series of very thick slabs of dirt and pile them on top of each other. Then I create about ten boulders of compressed earth. Brianna senses my actions. She does the same thing as well.
After a half hour, we hear Toph speaking out loud, “All right students. Now have a dirt fight among yourselves. Don’t forget you need to protect yourselves while you are doing an offense against another student.”
Soon, we see in our minds many pieces of boulders and slabs of dirt raised into the air. Brianna and I raise up a very thick slab of dirt in front of us. I use my mind to bring up three boulders and toss them very fast at three different students. Brianna does the same tactic as well.
When the compressed earth pieces hit our slabs, the boulders break apart quickly. The other students soon realized they need slabs of earth in front of them as well for protection.
Brianna and I take the broken pieces and recompress them into six boulders again. We toss them very fast at the other students.
Down below on the ground, the fairies are standing guard near Robert. If any pieces of dirt fly in their direction, they control it quickly to protect Robert. Robert has a smile on his face.
From Toph’s perspective, she has a smile on her face. She sees a great dirt fight being played out in her mind.
Some students find their own shields of dirt are not thick enough to block the attacks. The slabs quickly crumble in front of them. They desperately bring up thicker slabs of earth from the ground for protection.
After a half hour of having this dirt fight, Toph speaks up really loud, “All right students. It’s time to end this dirt fight! I’m bringing you down to the ground.”
We let go of the earth that we used, letting it fall down to the ground. With our minds, we create a smooth landing area directly underneath us. We find ourselves floating back down to the ground. Once we are on the ground, we take off the blindfolds. We start walking back to Toph.
“That was a great dirt fight, students. From my perspective, I can tell Richard and Brianna planned ahead with their thick slabs of earth ready for protection. You have to think that first, students. Because, if you don’t protect yourself, you might find yourself on the ground unconscious from an attack. Now, while we are out here, I want you to create a very compressed boulder about a foot in diameter. It is another earth bomb. However, I want you send it to the ground and make it the biggest impact with the highest speed possible. I want you to see the difference from yesterday’s earth bomb. You will do it one at a time.”
We focus on the dirt in front of us. We each bring up bowling ball size of dirt. We start compressing the dirt as much as possible. We keep adding more dirt to the projectile we are creating. We keep compressing the dirt until it becomes a very hard boulder a foot in diameter. One by one, we lift our compressed earth ball high above us. We send it down to ground very fast about three hundred feet from us. When it impacts the ground, the earth shakes from the impact.
“BBLLLLAAAAAMMM!!” “RRRR-RRRrrrruuum-uuum-bbbbllleeee!!!!”
“BBLLLLAAAAAMMM!!” “RRRR-RRRrrrruuum-uuum-bbbbllleeee!!!!”
“BBLLLLAAAAAMMM!!” “RRRR-RRRrrrruuum-uuum-bbbbllleeee!!!!”
“BBLLLLAAAAAMMM!!” “RRRR-RRRrrrruuum-uuum-bbbbllleeee!!!!”
“BBLLLLAAAAAMMM!!” “RRRR-RRRrrrruuum-uuum-bbbbllleeee!!!!”
“BBLLLLAAAAAMMM!!” “RRRR-RRRrrrruuum-uuum-bbbbllleeee!!!!”
“BBLLLLAAAAAMMM!!” “RRRR-RRRrrrruuum-uuum-bbbbllleeee!!!!”
“BBLLLLAAAAAMMM!!” “RRRR-RRRrrrruuum-uuum-bbbbllleeee!!!!”
We feel the vibrations with each impact. We each created a very large crater in front of us. It is about fifty feet in diameter and about twenty feet deep in the middle of the bowl.
“That’s incredible, Toph. I didn’t realize a small object could create a large area of devastation.”
“That’s right, Ho Tun. It is the energy from the high velocity to the ground that is driving it. Okay, let’s create some earth shelters. However, in this case, you are using your feet to create them. Do not use the hands at all. Watch how I do it.”
We gather behind Toph. We watch her feet. We see Toph slides her foot in a short arc. Then she steps into the ground before the arc. “Step!” Immediately a three pointed structure with a roof jump up from the ground, “R-R-R-UUTTT!!” The walls and roof are about two feet thick.
“In case you wondering how I did it, by sliding the foot first, it sends the vibrations into the ground before you step into it. Now you all try it.”
We all spread apart in the area again. We each try it, including the fairies.
We find ourselves with mix results in shape, pattern and size. Some of them can shelter two people. There are some shelters that can have six people underneath it. When the fairies tried it as a group effort, they discovered the shelter is very big and can shelter Brianna, Robert and me safely. They are all smiling that they can do it together. Even Robert has a smile on his face when he sees the shelter the fairies made.
“That’s great everyone. Okay, we’ll now break for lunch.”
The badgermoles immediately come out and smooth out the area to get ready for the afternoon training sessions.
We walk back into Yu Dao. I push Robert’s carriage as we walk up to a different noodle wagon from yesterday. The owner smiles. He is serving Toph’s students. Our fairies are in butterfly mode drinking the sweet nectar from the flowers nearby. Brianna and I take turns in feeding Robert. Once we are done, we walk back to Toph’s Metal Bending Academy.
We follow to the backside of the dojo like we did this morning. “All right students, we are now going to do quicksand first, then earthquakes and fissures. This is where we sink someone into the ground. Since we are all earth benders, we can get ourselves out very easily. But, this is for someone who doesn’t know how to do earth bends. We can sink them into the ground to immobilize an army. We can also use it to create a soft landing if we are falling down to the ground. Sand benders can also create harder projectiles or for a firmer grip on the ground. So, I want you to sink each other into the ground and have your head above the ground. I want you to see if you can free yourself just using your own strength for about a quarter-mark. Do not use any earth bending to get yourself free.”
We make a circle and face each other. We quickly sink another student into the ground and leave our heads above the ground. We try using our own strength to free ourselves for about fifteen minutes. We soon come to the realization that we can’t move at all.
“That’s great, students. You can even make the ground more compact to keep them immobilized if you need to. All right, free yourselves by using your earth bending talent.”
We quickly focus on the ground around us to make the soil loose. We then push the dirt underneath our feet to rise up from the ground and stand on the ground. We see ourselves very dirty. We’ll definitely be taking a bath tonight.
“That’s great again, students. Now we are going to do earthquakes and fissures. Remember that we need to keep it confined to this training area. You can use your hands, feet or hammers to do this. You can use earthquakes or fissures to throw opponents off balance. You can use it to sculpt a landmass or to slice large chunks of rock clean off a surface to create avalanches or rock falls. The advance earth benders can make very narrow fissures for precise attacks.”
Toph makes a quick step with her right foot on the ground. “Step!” A long meandering line appears in the ground. She uses her hands to guide the direction of the fissure. “RRR-rrrumm-bbbblleee!” It is about two feet wide and about two hundred feet long. We all take a look into the fissure she created. I estimate the fissure trench is about twenty feet deep.
“Now I am going to create an earthquake here.” She stomps her right foot on the ground again. “Step!” It sends out another crack in the ground. She uses her hands to force the two sides to rub against each other by three feet. “RRR-rrrrummm-bbb-bbbllleee!!!”
We feel the vibrations from the ground as she creates the local earthquake.
“All right, this time, get in a straight line and spread yourselves out like before.”
We get ourselves about two hundred feet apart from each other. We focus on the ground. We all step into the ground at almost the same time. Quickly, eight fissures meander out from our feet. Some of the students use their hands to create sharp angles in the fissures. When the fissure encounters a large mound, the mound is split in half! “RRR-rrrr-rrrr-rrruumm-mmmbbbblleee!!!”
Once we finish our fissures, immediately the family of badgermoles comes out to smooth out the training area. We wait patiently until they are done. Once they are cleared of the area. We strike our feet onto the ground to create the local earthquakes. We use our hands to slide the two sides together. Immediately the training area is shaking with many ground vibrations. “RRRRR-rrrrrRRR-RRR-RRRR-rrrummmm-RRRRUUUMMM-rrrruummmbbbbllleeeee!!!”
We smile that we are able to accomplish it.
“That’s great everyone. Everyone did a great job. Richard, thank you very much for showing up. You have the makings of being a great earth bender on your world.”
“Thank you, Toph.”
The other six students all clap their hands as we gather around Toph.
“Well, it is time for us to go. I need to do a promised visit to the Northern Water Tribe. I promised I would show the water animal moves to Master Pakku, if I came back here again.”
“Don’t forget to wear those thick over coats to keep you warm. When are you leaving, Richard?”
“After tomorrow morning, Toph. First we have to get cleaned up tonight. I noticed we are a bit dirty from today.”
Toph smiles, “At least. It is clean dirt.”
“Yes it is, Toph.”
We all laugh and giggle at Toph’s joke.
Then a gentleman walks into the training area. We all walk toward him.
“Toph, I have some interesting news for you,.”
“What is it, constable?”
“You are going to have a sudden increase in students here. I have had many people make inquiries about your dojo here. I estimate at least fifty people from the young people to the adults to be here tomorrow morning. They want to learn how to metal bend at your academy here. There could be more as they arrive here in the next several days.”
“Gulp . . .” She turns to her original six students. “I expect the six of you here, but bright and early tomorrow morning like before. It seems the six of you have been promoted to temporary instructors. I still to want make sure you are helping them to be good metal benders.”
The six students all smile, “Yes, Toph!!”
We walk over to Robert’s carriage. I ‘click’ the basinet to detach it from the rollers. I carry Robert’s basinet while Brianna carries the folded up carriage rollers. Immediately all of our fairies flutter into our coat pockets to hide. We all leave the training area and walk around the dojo back to the front entrance of Yu Dao. The six students thanked me for the inspiration I gave them to be better metal and earth benders.
We walk back to the inn and stop at the front desk.
“We’ll be spending one more night here, ma’am. In the morning, we’ll be on our way after the morning breakfast.”
“Thank you for telling me that, sir. We’ll have the bill made up to pay off the balance that you owe, sir.”
“I greatly appreciate that, ma’am.”
We walk back to our rooms to get cleaned up. I set up the fairy’s shower like before. Brianna takes Robert and brings him into the bathroom to get cleaned up in the tub. While she is doing that, I take the pillows and the blankets in the carriage and placed them in the drawer. I close the drawer and recite the cleaning spell. When I open the drawer, I see everything is clean. I put them back in Robert’s carriage.
Once Robert is cleaned up and smelling nice. Brianna comes out and puts on a clean powdered diaper for Robert.
One by one, the fairies get cleaned in their shower set up. Brianna goes back into the bathroom and uses the tub to get herself clean. After fifteen minutes or so, she comes out with a towel around her torso. Her hair is wet from using the shampoo to get her hair clean. I then go into the bathroom to get myself cleaned up in the tub. It takes me about fifteen minutes to get myself cleaned up and use the shampoo for my hair.
We get ourselves nicely dressed for one more dinner in the inn. It is another chicken type meal with vegetables. The fairies have their own meal with the nuts, fruits and honey-water cups they made.
After the dinner we walk back to our rooms. We put on the multi-pocket coats. Quickly, the fairies fly into the pockets to get comfortable. We do another stroll down the sidewalks watching the sunset while the fairies are sipping the sweet nectar in butterfly mode. We see the clouds change color as the sun sets. Then we see the stars appear in the night sky.
We stop by the front desk to let them know what time for us to wake up. “Ma’am, we’ll you please knock on our door one mark later.”
“Of course sir. It is time to sleep in a bit and be totally relaxed.”
“Yes, it is, ma’am.”
We enter our room for one more night. We get ourselves ready for bed by changing our day clothes to the night clothes. Once we get under the covers, we soon fall fast asleep. Robert has a smile on his face while he sleeps in the carriage.
We wake up in the morning when we hear the knocks on the door. “Knock!!” “Knock!!” “Knock!!” I get up from the bed and walk to the door. “I am here, ma’am.”
“Thank you, sir. It is now the first mark in the morning from daybreak.”
I walk over to the bed and sit on the edge of the bed. “It is time to wake up everyone.”
“We hear you father, mother, Omega.”
We slowly drag ourselves from the beds. The fairies do another shower to wake themselves up. Brianna gets herself changed as well. She then focuses on Robert to make sure his diaper is okay and not soiled. The fairies quickly take their blankets and pillows to their satchel and put them away. Then they take apart their shower setup and put it into the satchel.
We pack up our satchels and leave them on the bed. The fairies have their morning meal while we have our last morning meal here at the inn. We get done in about forty-five minutes. We return back to our rooms to put on the multi-pocket coats and satchels. The fairies quickly flutter into the coat pockets. Soon, their heart beats are in tune with ours.
We exit the room and walk to the front desk. I square up the bill with the front desk. It takes two more gold coins to pay it off.
We exit the inn and walk down the sidewalks. We hear the Creator in our minds.
You need to enter a narrow alley on your right. Then walk down the alley about twenty feet. Then you will be beamed up to the Emissary’s star ship.
Thank you, Creator.
We look to our right a few times until we see a narrow alley on the right-hand side. We walk down the alley way for about twenty feet. We come to stop. Immediately we are beamed aboard the Emissary’s star ship.
“Well done, everyone. Now you are ready to visit Japan and China in six months. We are going to drop you off outside the Northern Water City here. We have some thicker coats here for to wear down there.”
“That’s great, Emissaries.” We take the warmer coats and put them on. We also see a smaller furry blanket for Robert’s carriage. Brianna puts his beanie cap on, then the three blankets we brought are tucked all around Robert. Brianna puts a warming spell on the blankets and the beanie cap. Then the furry blanket is tucked around Robert. Robert is smiling. He is now very warm.
We put the face masks on, then the hood to cover our heads.
“You should be here for about two hours, no more. Then come back to the same location where we dropped you off. Then we’ll beam you back up here and take you home. You will see Pakku walking a level below your location.”
“Yes, Emissaries. We understand.”
An emissary pushes a button on the panel. We disappear in a blink of an eye. We see ourselves just outside one of the outer buildings of the Northern Water City. We feel the cold wind blowing across the landscape. We immediately start walking into the city.
We feel the wind has calmed down some as we approach a building. We lower the face masks to reveal our faces. Once we get past the first building, we see the central complex off to our right. I unlatch the basinet from the carriage wheels. I carry Robert’s basinet while Brianna carries the carriage wheels. As we descend the stairs to the next level, we see Pakku walking along a wide sidewalk.
He looks up and smiles at us. “Richard and Brianna, it’s good to see you. Have you come to show some water animal moves from your world, Richard?”
“I am, Pakku.”
“That’s great, Richard. I need to do an errand before I see them. Please follow me.” He sees I am carrying a basinet. “My, my, I see you are with a child.”
“Yes, Master Pakku. His name is Robert.”
Once we are on the same level with Pakku, I reconnect the basinet to the carriage wheels. We each take turns in pushing Robert’s carriage. We follow Pakku until he arrives at his destination. He knocks on the door, “Knock! Knock!” He waits for a moment or two until the door opens.
“Good morning, Master Pakku! What’s this I see behind you? Hello, Richard and Brianna.”
“Good morning, Ratook.”
“I know you just came back from Ba Sing Se yesterday, Ratook. I need to relay some information to you that happened about five days ago.”
“What happened, Pakku?”
“Apparently, someone in our midst tried to use blood bending on a buffalo yak.”
“Do we have any idea who did it, Pakku?”
“Torin was there with his buffalo yak mount. The injured buffalo yak told Torin’s mount they are waiting for the Omega Unicorn to help heal him.”
“Were you able to heal the buffalo yak, Richard?”
“We were able to get him healed, Ratook. We also sensed his joints and limbs were highly stressed into unnatural positions.”
Both Ratook and Pakku shouted at the same time. “What?!!!”
“Now that is really bad, Richard. According to Torin this happened about five days ago.”
“Has anyone left the Northern City, Pakku?”
“There was a group of people who left the port here in a boat that same afternoon.”
“Sigh . . . that means they are long gone by now, Pakku. There is no way to track that person down now.”
“Well, let’s see some different water animal moves from Richard.”
Ratook smiles, “Yes, let’s see some different water animal moves.” Ratook turns around to make sure the door is locked. We follow Ratook and Pakku back to the main complex. They take a right-hand turn and enter a large area where people are practicing their water bending moves. Torin and several soldiers follow as well to join the group.
I take off the satchels and place them near Robert’s carriage. I open the thick coat. Quickly, my fairies flutter out from the pockets and fly to Brianna quickly. She opens her thick coat. The fairies quickly flutter into the coat pockets. Brianna then buttons up her thick coat.
Ratook and Pakku smile in seeing the fairies again.
I recite a spell to my clothes to warm them up. I take off my multi-pocket coat and hand it to Brianna.
“The three animals for the second sash are the monkey, the horse and the chicken. The three animals for the third sash are the frog, turtle and the duck. The three weapons are the iron monkey fist, iron claws and the iron frog darts. But first, I need to make a tree here.” I wave my hands at the ice before me. I quickly make a tree of ice with large lower branches that can support my weight. The lower branches are at least eight feet up from the ground.
I get into my stance. “The first animal is the monkey. Pakku, please have some steel ice balls floating in the air when I use the weapon.”
“I’ll be glad to do that, Richard.”
I then crouch down and move around like a monkey. I jump up high and kick out my feet like a monkey. When I land, I cross my arms as I do the two-finger slash around me. I then jump up and reach for the tree branch. I swing my legs around and sit on the tree branch. Then I jump out and kick my feet outward again like a monkey.
Ratook and Pakku smile that I’m acting like a monkey. They remember seeing Momo acting this way when Aang brought him here the last time.
“Get those ice balls ready, Pakku.”
“Yes, Richard.” Quickly, Pakku creates about fifty steel ice balls and have them floating in the air around me.
I reach out to the ice field. I quickly create two monkey fists with a string of water that is three feet long for each hand. I start spinning them around like a helicopter. Once the monkey fist hits a floating steel ice ball, it quickly explodes into ice powder! “Crack! Poof!”
I extend the water string to hit the furthest ice balls. I hit all fifty steel ice balls quickly!! “Crack! Poof!” “Crack! Poof!” . . . . “Crack! Poof!” “Crack! Poof!”
Ratook and Pakku are smiling widely now.
“Now, I’m doing the chicken moves. This involves a compact style of leg kicking in a tight space. The weapon is the iron claws for the hands. Since, I can water bend, I can have those iron claws on my feet as well. There is also a distraction move as well.”
I create the claws for my hands and feet from the monkey fist I used earlier. I start slashing the chicken moves with my arms and hands in the air around me. When I kick my legs out, they quickly see a devastating move that I can hurt someone badly. Then I kick up ice shavings to create a cloud of ice particles to hide my attacks with my feet and arms. I use my arms and hands to keep the cloud of ice shavings below my head.
I move up to the tree of ice I made earlier. While the cloud of ice shavings is around me, I slash the tree of ice with the ice claws. When I step away, the people see many slashes on the ice tree itself.
“Whoa! That is neat; he was able to hide his attack, Torin.”
“It certainly is.”
I do some more moves with the legs, arms and hands. After five minutes of that, I move into the frog moves. ”The frog can live in the water and on land.” I create a large ice frog and place it near the ice tree. “I will be creating ice darts on my finger tips and shoot them at the ice tree. Again the moves are very compact in fighting.”
I jump around like a frog for a few moves. When I jump high in the air, I kick out legs like a frog while I shoot the eight ice darts from my hands at the ice tree. “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thoo!” The ice darts quickly hit the ice tree in a tight round pattern. “Thoo! Thoo! Thoo! Thok!” “Thok! Thok! Thok! Thok!”
I jump around like a frog again and doing somersaults in the air. When I land on my hands, I kick out my feet again like a frog. When I land on my feet, I move my arms around like a frog being in a tight space again.
“That’s a familiar weapon here, Pakku.”
“It certainly is, Ratook. He associated with a water animal move that I really like.”
I come to a pause again. “The next animal is the horse, he will be similar to the buffalo yaks here. The moves are the first ones to learn for the earth bender. The main move is the horse stomp.” I quickly create a wide channel of ice water that is twelve feet wide and fifty feet long. I run around the area. They quickly feel the vibrations in the ground. “RRR-rrr-rruumm-bbbbleeee!!” I run to the ice channel of water and leap over the channel in a single bound.
The people are amazed at seeing it. Then I come to a stop. I look at Torin about fifty feet from me. I quickly do the horse stomp at him. I bring my right leg up and strike the ground, “STOOOMMMPPP!!”
He falls to the ground on his rear end. “Owww!” Then everyone laughs around him as they bring him back up to stand. Then Torin laughs as well. “Hah, hah, hah . . .!! That’s a great move, Richard!!”
The buffalo yaks nod their heads up and down in agreement as they grunt with satisfaction!!!
“All right, two more water animals to do. The next one is the turtle.” I quickly create an ice turtle so they can see it. “They can be underwater and hold their breaths up to a minute if they need to. The primary strength is the shell on the backside of the turtle. The turtle’s shell can withstand the strongest blows to the back and not get hurt. There is also strength in the legs and the jaws. Master Pakku, please create an ice tree branch about a hand span in diameter.”
Master Pakku smiles, “Yes, Richard.” He quickly creates an ice tree branch that is about twenty feet long. He keeps it hovering nearby and waits for the signal from Richard.
I get on my hands and knees. I lean forward onto my hands, I quickly kick out my legs like a turtle. I spin around on my hands as I continue to kick out like a turtle. I also turn on my to backside and kick out my arms and legs like a turtle while I spin around in a circle. I turn over and walk around on my hands and knees again. I tense up my back muscles, “Now, Master Pakku!”
Master Pakku quickly swings the ice tree branch onto my back side. It breaks apart into many pieces as it is shattered. “CRRRAAAASSSHH!!”
“Now that’s impressive, Torin.”
“Yes, it is, Northwood.”
I create the three finger claw for my hands. I do the turtle slashes in a compact space again. Once that is accomplished, I stand back up again. “The last water animal is the duck.” I take the ice turtle I created and form it into a duck. I set it down near the ice tree. “Again, the moves are very compact for the legs again. However, the strength is in the duck bill. I won’t be using my mouth to do this, I will be using my hands for that. Master Pakku, please create another ice tree branch.”
“Yes, Richard.” Master Pakku quickly creates another ice tree branch. He keeps it hovering nearby.
I squat down and bring up my arms and hands to look like a duck. When the people look at the ice duck, they see it looks very similar to the one I am making. As soon as I do the pose. I quickly bring my hands down to the ground and kick out my legs like a duck. I do these moves for about two minutes. “Bring the ice branch nearby, Master Pakku.”
“Yes, Richard.” He brings the ice branch nearby.
I immediately jump out from my legs and hit my right finger tips on the ice branch! “CRAACCCK!!” However, the ice branch doesn’t break in half. I use my left finger tips to finish breaking it through!! “CRRRAAACCCKK!!” The pieces fall to the ground. I move around like a duck squatting on the ground. I kick out my legs like a duck. I quickly stand up. I do the hand clasp bow to the people.
Everyone is cheering and clapping that I really did well.
“That was great, Richard! Those were some unique water animals. We enjoyed it very much.”
“I can see the need for the smaller compact fighting styles. You never know what the situation you’ll be in.”
“That’s right, Master Pakku.”
“What are the next set of animals to learn, Richard?”
“If I remember right, it will be the birds of the air. It is time to learn how to fly without my wings. This is for the sixth and seventh black sashes. The eighth and ninth will be fire and the dragons. The tenth one is the spirit.”
“But, in your case, your use of the spirit will be as a weapon while our Avatar takes away a person’s ability to element bend.”
“That’s right, Master Pakku.”
“Well, that was a great demonstration, Richard. I can see already you will be a great animal fighter for your world. Remember to keep the yin yang principal in your mind always. Don’t let your anger control you. Then nothing will be impossible for you.”
“Yes, Master Pakku. Oh, Master Pakku, I need to tell a story to you.”
“What is it, Richard?”
“One day, my fairies and I had a sparring match for practice. They pulled an unexpected move on me. I thought I saw ice fairies coming at me. When they arrived, they revealed themselves to me quickly. Levi, Shiri, Rubio, Ruby, Silva and Silvia did a fire storm right in front of me. It was a combination of fire, wind, water and earth.”
“So, they did it to you as well. Did you take it well?”
“I most certainly did, Master Pakku. I was able to bring up a water shield almost in time. My face appeared sooted with black ash like yours. I told my fairies I loved it.”
Then the fairies and Brianna giggle again when they hear the story again.
“That’s great, Richard.”
I walk over to Brianna. She and my fairies are smiling widely. I put the coats back on. Once the thick overcoat is put on, the fairies quickly fly into the multi-pocket coat. They quickly get their heart beats in tune with mine. I button it up and put the face mask on, then the hood.
“We’ll be picked up from where we came in, Master Pakku.”
“That’s fine, Richard and Brianna.”
We push Robert’s carriage as we walk back to where we were. Everyone else goes back to their business of keeping the Northern Water City humming along.
Once we see the steps, I disconnect the basinet from the carriage wheels. Brianna and I walk up the steps. I then reattach the basinet to the carriage wheels. Once we get past the last building, we are immediately beamed aboard the Emissaries’ star ship.
“That was great everyone. We’ll now take you back to Earth. It will be about fifteen minutes when you left there. Don’t forget that six months from now is the trip to Japan and China.” We take off the warm coats and face masks and give them to one of the Emissaries. That even includes the small furry blanket we used for Robert.
We quickly see our own Earth on the video screen.
“How will I get my fairies there, Emissaries?”
“There a couple of ways, Richard. We can take them aboard here. You fly there. The Creator will direct you to an alley, then we’ll beam the fairies there. Or we could use the Wizard for transportation. Of course, there is the private company jet that will take you there. Which is it?”
“Well, the company is paying for this trip. I will need Sensei Chou, Qiang and Percy Jackson on this trip as well.”
“Yes you will, Richard. When it comes time to face Gaap and his water demons, do it facing the mainland with a half arena behind you. The people need to see them being defeated. Hopefully, the criminal gangs will relent of their stranglehold on the people.”
“Also, this is being played out in the other seven multi-verses. King Azazel is trying to destroy the Japanese Emperor Royalty there to bring more chaos. There is a specific element demon master possessing a Japanese Emperor there.”
“So that means there are two each of the element demon masters. There are two air demon masters, two water demon masters, two earth demon masters and two fire demon masters.”
“That’s right, Richard.”
“How long was the first fire storm we gave King Azazel?”
“It lasted about an hour, Richard.”
“So, when we box them up and send them to King Azazel, the fire storm will last four hours instead of one hour?”
The Emissaries smile. “Heh, heh, heh, . . . That’s right, Richard.”
“Oooh . . . King Azazel will hate that fire storm very much.”
“Yes he will, Richard.”
“Also, you will need to teach the details for the air, water and earth bending to Sensei Chou and Qiang within the next six months.”
“But, first I need to contact Poseidon. He needs to have his son Percy here in Jacksonville.”
“Then go ahead to contact Poseidon mentally, Richard.”
“Yes, Emissary.” I think within myself. Poseidon, can you hear me. It’s me, Richard Moore, you’re surrogate son.
I hear you, Richard. What do you need from me?”
You need to let Percy know that in six months is the visit to Japan. Have him here at our company jet hangar in the Executive Airport at Craig Airport in Jacksonville, Florida.
Thank you very much in telling me that, Richard. I’ll make sure Percy will be there on time. And thank you for helping my son to be a better water bender. I can tell he is much stronger now.
You’re welcome, Poseidon. I have also been told that Azazel is trying to destroy the Japanese Emperor royalty in the other seven multi-verses. He is using two demon element bending masters on each pair. When we box them up, the fire storm will last four hours this time.
Heh, heh, heh, that’s great, Richard. I’ll see you and Percy, six months from now.
See you then, Poseidon. I break the mind link with Poseidon.
“Well, it is time for you to go. We expect to hear a great report from you all.”
“Yes, Emissaries.”
An Emissary pushes a button on the panel. We immediately disappear in a blink of an eye. We appear in the living room of our house. We see on the clocks it is fifteen minutes later when we left.
We proceed to unpack our satchels. Brianna retrieves Robert from his basinet. She carries him up to his room. He has a big smile on his face. Brianna lays him in his crib. She checks his diaper to make sure it is not soiled. She sees a little bit of urine and stools. She proceeds to change the diaper and powders it. Brianna puts the new fresh powder diaper back on. Now Robert is smiling again.
We continue having a relaxing time during the two-week Christmas break.
I call Sensei Chou on my cell phone. “Ring . . . Ring . . . !!” “Click.”
“Hello, Richard. What brings this call?”
“I’m letting you know, Sensei Chou, that we just came back from the Avatar World. I learned a lot of Earth Bending moves from Toph in four days.”
“That’s great, Richard.”
“I do need to teach you and Qiang these first three elements before we leave in six months to Japan and China.”
“I understand, Richard. We look forward to being taught by you. We also need to start on the next set of animals for the next two sashes. It is the birds. You need know how to fly without the use of your wings this time.”
“That’s great, Sensei Chou. I also taught the beginning moves for the blue sash for Brianna.”
“That’s good to hear, Richard. We’ll continue with those lessons when she is here. Well, have a great holiday, Richard. I’ll see you here at the dojo on the second of January.”
“I’ll see you then, Sensei Chou.”
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Ronin Warriors, known in Japan as Yoroiden Samurai Trooper, means literally, “Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers". It is a Japanese anime series and manga adaptation created by Hajime Yatate.
The story line picks up after the very last Episode No. 39 “Triumphant Warriors”.
The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This a fan-fiction story.
In the Andromeda Galaxy, on a particular planet that is very similar to Earth with the same history as Earth, but with some minor differences in certain events.
Lady Kayura is seen walking and pacing around the dojo complex. She has in her hand, The Ancient’s Staff. She is in deep thought on what to do next. She looks up at a clear blue sky with a few white clouds from time to time. Somehow, I get the feeling that Talpa is not totally defeated yet. I think someone put him back together after he exploded into many pieces. He knew I was related to the Ancient’s Clan. Fortunately Anubis figured out what was going on. He sacrificed his life so I can be free from Talpa’s grasp. For that, I am very thankful. Now I have his armor as a remembrance of his sacrifice.
She enters the main dojo in the middle of the complex. There are nine smaller dojo buildings built around it. She places the end of the staff in a wooden hole in the floor. She crosses her legs as she sits down. She looks within herself and speaks out loud.
“Ancient, please hear my plea. I fear that Talpa is not totally vanquished. What am I to do, Ancient?”
The small golden gem glows in the top part of the staff. An image of the Ancient with his familiar straw hat appears before Lady Kayura.
“Yes, Lady Kayura. You are right, Talpa is not totally vanquished yet. But, I know what is needed for the nine Warriors to achieve the ultimate power. You will need nine dragon spirits. Then their weapons, when used all at once, will certainly vanquish Talpa and his demon followers to the Lake of Fire permanently.”
“There are nine dragon spirits, Ancient? How come that story has not been told yet?”
“The reason is that I was on another world that is very far from here. The world’s name is called Earth. That is where I was born. Interestingly, it has the same history as ours, but with some minor differences. Talpa invaded that world more than a thousand years ago. I immediately knew no Earthly power would be able to defeat him. But, I did hear rumors of a power that could defeat him. I sailed the seas to the other side of that world. I found a gem smith deep in the heart of the Pict people of the Isles. The gem smith fashioned nine gems for each of the nine weapons I had with me. Then we found nine dragon spirits there as well.”
“You found nine dragon spirits, Ancient? Where they ever alive?”
“They were, Lady Kayura. However, their bodies were killed by a group known as the Eleven Magi about a thousand years before I arrived there. In that northern Pict valley, there is still great magic there. However, the people there would take great pains to keep it secret from the rest of the world. I was told there used to be magic widespread on that world. However, it was abused by the people over six thousand years ago. They told me, the Creator of the Universe removed it from the people. But, then the Creator told me, it will be returned when a promised King and Queen will reclaim the crown years later in the Isles. However, the magic won’t be abused this time. It will be weaker than what it is was.”
“So, these nine dragon spirits became part of your armor at one time?”
“Yes, they did. When I came back to Nippon, I found Talpa creating great destruction there. Once I engaged Talpa and his demon followers, he knew he found a worthy adversary. We fought for many days in Nippon and Zhonggua. Some of the battles we had created some fantastic landscape features. The locals referred to them as natural landscapes. But, I know better. I even went to the mainland of Zhonggua and did the same damage there in two mountain vista locations.”
“Nippon is now called Japan. Zhonggua is now called China. I entered a cave system on the mainland. I asked the nine dragon spirits to please leave the gems.”
“Did they ask you why?”
“They most certainly did. I told them, I didn’t want them to be corrupted by Talpa. Because, I foresaw Talpa wanted my armor for himself. So, the nine dragon spirits left the gems. I promised them I would return to them.”
“They will be sad Ancient when they hear the news of your demise.”
“Yes they will, Lady Kayura. But, they will have great anger with great patience to finally vanquish Talpa and his demon followers through the nine armors.”
“I thought we achieved the ultimate power with what we have.”
“You did that within yourselves, Lady Kayura. But, there is another ultimate level that is greater than that.”
“Hmm . . . that’s interesting. How will I get to your home world, Ancient?”
“Underneath this floor of the dojo is a blue stone pillar. For within the gem of my staff is a small piece of ore called the Ethereal Space ore. When you concentrate on the gem to activate the magic. It will create a natural transporter to my home country. You will need White Blaze, the eight warriors and yourself. For you have ninth armor from Anubis.”
“Can we call our armor to us if we are there, Ancient?”
“Yes, you can, Lady Kayura. Be sure everyone brings their helmet.”
“That’s a good thing to know.”
“Yes it is. You will appear in a park in Nippon that is dedicated to the people who gave their lives during the Second World War there. For deep underground within that park is another blue stone pillar. When you arrive there, you will meet six people there. They are waiting for you there. It will be five men, a wife and a young boy child in a carriage. One of them will be your host. He will have the title of the Omega Unicorn Dragon. You will follow them to the coast of a large city. You will sense there is a problem in my birth country. For it is the same problem here. There, you will witness the power of water to shame a demon Lord and his minions. Hopefully, the problem you are sensing will be put down so that peace can rule in my country. After this defeat, you will travel with them to the mainland to find the nine dragon spirits. This group knows where I hid the nine dragon spirits.”
“How long do I have before we arrive there?”
“You will leave here in six months. More will be told when you get everyone here. You will need the six months to get their minds prepared. More will be explained when you are there, Lady Kayura.”
The image fades in front of her as the gem returns to its usual golden color. “Well, I need to contact the eight warriors and White Blaze. Fortunately, all three Dark War Lords are here at this moment. They were able to bring peace to the Nether World.” She stands up from the floor. She exits the dojo and leaves the compound. She walks to a nearby village. She enters the central building that houses the communication lines. She takes out a small booklet. She opens it to find the numbers of the eight warriors. She calls the homes of the eight warriors in their hometowns and villages. She doesn’t have to worry about White Blaze. The white tiger is always with Ryo. Hmm . . . I thought for sure, Lord Saberstryke’s black tiger, Black Blaze had turned White Blaze into his twin brother. But, when I saw Ryo the last time, White Blaze is still a white tiger. Something is going on here strangely. Maybe I’ll get an answer while we are doing this quest.
It is three weeks before Christmas, December 25, 2111. It is December 4, 2111. Christmas is on Saturday that year. In the North Carolina prison, Darren returns the book back to the library.
“How many times did you read it, Darren?”
“I read it five times, JT. That book certainly opened my eyes.”
“I’m sure it did, Darren. So, let me shake your hand for finishing that book.”
“Sure, why not, let’s shake hands.” Once Darren and JT shake hands, all of a sudden Darren’s mind becomes more open. “Uh, who is talking in my head, JT?”
“That’s the Creator’s voice. If I were you, I would listen to him. He has a lot more experience in relationships than we ever did. Did you ever hear him when you were younger?”
“Sigh . . . not really, JT. I was in a dysfunctional family. My dad was drunk a lot. He killed himself on the road when I was eleven. My mom raised me and my brother the best she could. She worked in the restaurants a lot. She finally became an assistant manager at a good restaurant. She helped the both of us to get to college. Then I met, Brent Morgan at V-Tech.”
“You do realize, Brent is the last one in your group to hear the Creator’s voice.”
“Heh, heh, heh, that’s right, JT. His mind will really sour that he is alone now. I can imagine he will take another year or two until he admits there are better programmers out there.”
“Heh, heh, heh, that’s right, Darren. So, are you ready to attend some Sunday Services? I will also get you connected to the cage. Michael and Brian are learning some better martial art moves than what you tried to pull on Richard.”
“That’s great, JT. I am definitely looking forward to it. Put it in motion, JT.”
“I’ll definitely do that. Come back here in two days. I’ll have the message here for you.”
“Thanks, I’ll be back for that. Heh, heh, heh, . . . The Creator’s voice is a much better voice to hear than Brent Morgan’s voice.”
“He certainly is, Darren.”
Darren leaves the library humming a tune and returns to his cell to relax.
How long will it take for Brent Morgan to hear your voice, Creator?
It will probably take about two to three years, JT
Well, we’ll just have to keep reminding him.
Yes, everyone will, JT. However, he will be floored with awe when the next generation of the 3D-Server will come out. Then he will finally humble himself before me. Have a great Sunday Service, JT.
Thank you, Creator.
December 19, 2111, the day after our visit to the Avatar World.
We wake up as usual. Just when I sit on the edge of the bed, I feel a familiar feeling in my womb. “Oooh . . . Brianna, I think I’m pregnant again.”
Quickly, all of the fairies fly in and gather around me.
“Lean back, father. We’ll check it out to make sure.”
Brianna quickly prop up three pillows behind me. I lean back carefully as I lift my night shirt. All of the fairies have their turn in checking me out.
“We definitely hear two heart beats, mother.”
“What are the next two sashes to learn father?”
“They are the birds, Tiger and Tigress. I will need to learn how to fly without my wings. That means, I will be like Camulus who is an air bender.”
“That’s interesting, father. That means your next pair of fairies will be very fast fliers in the air.”
“Another problem, you will be six months pregnant during our trip to Japan and China in June.”
“Let’s hope nothing happens to you seriously while we are there, father.”
“I hope it is not serious, Emeril. But, we must be prepared for anything there.”
“Yes, we must, my love.”
Brianna goes to Robert’s room. She picks up Robert from the crib and carries him to our master bedroom. She sits on the edge of the bed carefully and hands Robert to me. She gets into the bed next to me. We put Robert between us. Then the rest of the fairies gather around us to find their favorite position to sit and lay with us.
We lay there for an hour. We are all bonding ourselves together. We are all praying the trip to Japan and China will be a safe adventure.
“Creator, we hope the trip to Japan and China will be a successful adventure. More so, we hope and pray we are received well in China. But, if we are presented with a problem, we pray that it can be solved. I will be six months pregnant with my next set of fairy children. I pray for their well being that they don’t get harmed in my womb. Keep us all safe Creator. Thank you for your wonderful blessings.”
Then everyone hears the Creator in our minds. When you arrive in China, your horse sense will warn you of a big problem that is about to happen. Heed your horse sense and be prepared. All I can say now is this. When Leviathan breathed upon you, the Omega Dragon was born. When you are in China, the Omega Dragon will be awake. Remember the yin yang symbol and its meaning.
“Thank you, Creator. We will wait patiently until then.”
You’re welcome, my servants.
When the hour is up, Brianna carries Robert back to his crib. We stay totally relaxed on Sunday.
Brianna and I start do some shopping for Christmas on the 20th, which is a Monday. We decided to get a real fir tree this year. So, that means buying the support bucket to keep it erect in the house. I also make sure it can hold water as well. I will add some honey to the water so the leaves will stay longer on the fir tree.
We buy gifts for each other and Robert. Brianna and I promise to have at least one surprise gift for each other.
We all gather around in the living room to discuss what the fairies can get each other.
“This is really the first time we are celebrating Christmas by ourselves father. What can we give to each other?”
“Well, let’s discuss it, Tiger. If the item is a real object, it needs to last a long time.”
“That’s a problem in itself, father.”
“Yes it is, Rubio. Another tradition is giving clothes and food to each other.”
Then all of the fairies cheer in hearing that second suggestion! “Yes! We can give our favorite seeds and fruit to each other. We can make clothes for each other as well!!”
“Now here is a suggestion fairies. If you make a clothing item for each other, soon you will have a big wardrobe that is more than your cedar clothes boxes will hold.”
“Yes, that is a problem. How about we make a clothing item for our own brother and sister and soul mates?”
Quickly, the fairies agree to that idea from Esmeralda. Soon, they are discussing among themselves ideas for a clothing article they can make for each other.
I drive to a local lot that has Christmas trees for sale. I purchase a nice fir tree that is about five feet high. I make sure it has a natural green color to the needles. I bring it in and set up the Christmas tree in the living room of the house near the fire place. For tinsel, we decided to string unsalted popcorn threaded through them. The fairies really enjoyed in creating those strings of popcorn. Also, when we take down the Christmas tree, the fairies will eat the popcorn so it is not wasted.
For the ornaments, we copied the idea we saw at the Rescue Mission a couple of years ago. We put pictures of my family on the ornaments so they are not forgotten. We also hang several other ornaments there as well. We put pictures of our family and the Wilsons on the ornaments as well. Yes, that includes pictures of our fairies. For the top of the Christmas tree, we put a very beautiful white star with rays of clear plastic light emanating from it. For the lights, we decided on the small lights with different colored flower petals around each one.
Brianna and I also purchased ten more flower potted plants for the greenhouse. We also purchase three more edible herbs as well. That would be dill, oregano and basil. I programmed the butterfly tunnel to allow bees come in as well. Once we set them in the greenhouse, the natural butterflies come fluttering through the butterfly tunnel to take a sip of sweet nectar from the flowers and pollinate them at the same time. Once the butterflies leave, about ten bees come buzzing in to do the same thing and leave.
I burn some logs in the fireplace. We all gather in the living room while we watch some special Christmas shows on TV. We giggle and laugh when we see the characters for Santa Claus in animation. We remembered that we met the real Santa Claus himself on Christmas World. We also watch the traditional movies as well. They are still popular after a hundred years. That would be Scrooged, The Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Story to name just a few.
Brianna realizes she will have to purchase fabrics and threads for the fairies. She decides to purchase a mid-size tailor shop table for the fairies. The shop table is set up in an empty bedroom. There are posts for at least thirty spools of thread. She makes sure, the right colored fabrics are chosen for each fairy couple. That would include fabrics of particular colors like white, blue, rainbows, red, green, tiger to name just a few. For fabric choices, she purchases several different colored felts, short napped-furs and cloths.
The fairies quickly change into butterflies and fly through the butterfly tunnel. They search the area for thorns to use as needles for sewing. They bring them back carried by their feet. They brought back at least seventy thorns and drop them off in a metal tin. Once they collected enough thorns, they carry the tin to their shop table.
Also, Brianna sets up about twenty spools of different colors on the posts of the shop table. For knives, they will be using their own flint knives for cutting.
Once I see the fairies using their flint knives, it occurs to me, I need to purchase some flint pieces so my future fairies can have their own flint knives. So, I did some internet searching for flint. I couldn’t find any flint stone stores any where in the Jacksonville area. I then did a general search on the internet. I found about six companies that sell obsidian flint spalls scattered in the USA. I do a purchase for six obsidian spalls that is reasonably priced in the Southeastern part of the USA. It will arrive late in January next year.
During the next three days, the fairies each have a chance to make a clothing item for their brother and sister and soul mates. I see all of them making warm hats and coats for the wintery days that we have from time to time in the Southeast. Of course, for the coats, they design it like my armor with the side latches. This allows them to put it on and still fly around. When they change into butterflies, their bodies appear extra fuzzy and warm.
During the days leading up to the Christmas weekend, we see Robert crawling around very well. He tries to stand up a few times, but he quickly lands on his butt. Soon, he has the confidence and the leg strength to stand for a whole minute. We all cheer that he is able to do it that long. He has a big smile on his face. He then sits back down and crawls around on the floor again.
Then we hear his first set of words out of his mouth. “Dada” and “mama”.
We all have tears in our eyes this time. We wipe them away with tissues. We are very thankful that he is learning how to talk. The next set of words from his mouth are the four fairies nearest to him. He speaks, “Lava, Bana, Cash, Rose.”
The four fairies hover in front of Robert, “Yes, that is our name, Robert.” Robert has a smile on his face. “Eventually, you will speak our names correctly.”
Then Robert gives a short raspberry at Lavan, “Ppppbbbtttt . . . !”
“All right, Robert. I guess you are trying to tell us to accept your best try at it.”
Then Robert gives a short ‘laugh’ while he is laughing and smiling, “heh, heh!”
“Uh, huh, I thought so, Robert.”
Soon everyone is laughing and giggling from the conversation we just heard between Robert and Lavan.
The days roll on until Christmas. The fairies make little packages of their favorite nuts and fruits. They use pieces of folded up Christmas wrapping paper. There is no tape used at all. Each package contains five different nuts and five different dried fruits. They even wrap up their newly made warm coats and hats in the Christmas paper as well. They realize they won’t be surprised, but they are very thankful for their own brother, sister and soul mates in making their warm clothes.
Come Christmas morning, everyone has a smile on their faces. I set the video camera on the tripod. I make sure the Christmas Tree and the fire place are in the center of the viewing screen. The fire in the fireplace is ablaze once more. Everyone wishes each other a very merry Christmas. We focus on the fairies first. Everyone of them has great time in exchanging their favorite foods with one another. When it comes to the warm clothes, they hug their own brother and sister. Even the soul mates are very happy for the warm clothes.
Then it is our turn. Robert gets several more clothes and warm tops and bottoms to keep him warm during the winter. He has a big smile on his face. For Brianna and me, we give our presents to each other. Our surprise gifts to each other are perfumes and colognes. I give her a perfume set that she really likes. Brianna gives me a cologne set that she really likes. We also give each other sweaters that are holiday theme for Christmas. Of course, when it comes to the underwear, we decide to buy our own and throw out the worn out undies.
We nibble on the snacks through out the day. We start cooking the turkey at 1 PM in the oven. About two hours later, we’ll start cooking the vegetables and making the salads. Everyone has a hand in making the salads. The fairies cut up the fresh herbs and drop them into the salad. At 4 PM, the turkey is done. When I pull it out, it smells wonderful. We used the spices from our homeland on the Isles. I do a simple cut to make sure the breast is well cooked. I don’t see any pink flesh at all. It is well cooked through. We set the large pad on the counter. I lift the pan and place it on top of the large pad.
I start cutting the slices of the breast meat onto a larger plate. The rest of the turkey will be cut up and saved in the freezer. We’ll make additional meals from the left over meat until it is all gone in about two months. The two vegetables are put into two separate serving bowls. That would be peas and carrots. For desert it is warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream scooped on top.
After dinner we walk outside to watch the sunset. We enjoy watching the sky and clouds change colors as the sun sets. Then we see the stars slowly come out. We don’t see the moon in the night sky, because it is the New Moon phase right now. We clap our hands and give praise to the Creator for another beautiful day.
Then we see a streak of light in the night sky and comes to a sudden stop. Then it changes direction and takes off very fast. “The last time Brianna and I saw that, I asked the Creator what we saw. He told us it was Santa Claus.”
Everybody cheers out loud. “Yeah!! Praise to the Creator!! Santa Claus visited Earth!!”
We enjoy the rest of week following Christmas. We are totally relaxed and well rested.
On December 31, we stay up late to watch the fire works on TV. We decided to avoid the mad dash of watching the live fireworks in downtown and on the beach.
On January 2, 2112, we take a drive on Sunday to arrive at the dojo in Jacksonville at 2 PM. We see only one car in parking lot. It belongs to Qiang. We enter in the dojo. We see them sitting on the mats with their legs crossed. Brianna and I take off our shoes and leave them on a nearby chair. We sit down with them on the mats. The fairies join us as well.
Then Sensei Chou speaks, “We are here only for an hour. We need to discuss what needs to be accomplished for the next pair of sashes.”
“Yes, Sensei.”
“There are six birds. They are the swallow, the crow, the advance form of the Crane, the owl, the eagle and the hawk. The weapons are the Eagle claw with your own hands, the peacock feathers with knives, butterfly knives, and fans with knives.
“Qiang, I have a question. Are you going to be learning these next two sashes with me?”
“Yes, I am, Richard. We’ll push ourselves to fly.”
“Then perhaps it is best, that I teach you both the three elements before we get started on the birds, Sensei.”
“Yes, that is wise, Richard.”
“Also, I am now about two weeks pregnant with the next pair of fairies, my friends. It happened on the 19th of December. I will be six months pregnant when we are Japan and China. We prayed together as a family for a safe adventure. In response to our prayer, the Creator told us what will happen while we are there.”
“What will happen, Richard?”
“When Leviathan breathed upon us off the Carolina Coast, the Omega Dragon was born. When we are in the China, the Omega Dragon will be awake.”
Quickly, Sensei Chou and Qiang look at each other with concern faces. The nod their heads up and down solemnly. Then they look at us.
“There is a very old tale told in the oldest Shaolin schools in China, Richard. When the Omega Dragon is awaken, the Omega Dragon will display all four elements at nearly the same time. It is also rumored the Omega Dragon will finally heal the five hundred year battle between the Assassins and the Shaolin Monks.”
“If that’s the case, the last words the Creator told us, I must remember the meaning of the yin yang symbol when it happens. Our horse sense will kick in very hard before it is about to happen. I am guessing, it will be a major test of wills of who will win.”
“Yes, Richard. You must be very aware of everything around you. Since you are not Chinese born, that will infuriate anyone against you. So, beginning tomorrow at 7 PM, we’ll begin with the first bird on the list. We’ll continue with Brianna earning the Blue Sash. Brianna, what do you sense when you learn the beginning moves.”
“The one thing I noticed, you are fighting two people at once.”
“That’s right Brianna. The blue sash is learning how to fight against two people at once. The green sash is learning how to fight against three people at once. The purple sash is learning how to fight against four people at once. From that you can determine how to fight against five or more people at once. So, for the first hour, we’ll teach the blue sash. Then the next hour, Richard will teach us the air moves for the first week. The second week will be the water moves. The third week will be the earth moves.”
We get ourselves up from the mats and leave the dojo. Sensei Chou and Qiang makes sure the front door is locked before they leave. We return back to our homes and apartments. Tomorrow begins a brand new week for 2112.
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Ronin Warriors, known in Japan as Yoroiden Samurai Trooper, means literally, “Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers. It is a Japanese anime series and manga adaptation created by Hajime Yatate.
The story line picks up after the very last Episode No. 39 “Triumphant Warriors.”
The lists of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This a fan-fiction story.
In the Andromeda Galaxy, on the world where the nine warriors live, there is a passenger train traveling to a remote village. On board the train are eight of the warriors. They acknowledge each other as they board the train by nodding their heads up and down. They sit far apart from each other so they don’t cause a scene. White Blaze is sitting near Ryo. Each one is deep in thought with the latest communication from Lady Kayura. They are wondering why all nine warriors need to be gathered together. Also, they were told to bring a satchel filled with at least three changes of clothes and toiletries. They were also told to have their helmet in another satchel.
The train slows down and comes to a stop at the next station. All eight warriors and the white tiger disembark the train together. They gather together and walk through the village.
The farmers wave their hands at them as they walk by. Four of the warriors wave back at them.
Once they are through the village, they see the dojo complex in front of them.
“Well, let’s hope Lady Kayura has an answer why we are all needed to be here.”
“You can say that again, Ryo. She said that we need to walk to the central dojo building and meet her there.”
They walk up the wooden steps and enter the central dojo. “Please sit down according to your attribute symbols by the banners on the walls gentlemen. I’ll explain myself why are you needed here. Set your helmet in front of you. White Blaze, you can sit within the circle.”
Everyone rearranges themselves to the banners on the wall. Ryo sits down in front of Jin, Virtue. Sage sits down in front of Rei, Wisdom. Cye sits down in front of Shin, Trust. Kento sits down in front of Gi, Justice. Rowen, sits down in front of Chi, Live. Kayura is already sitting in front of Chuu, Loyalty. Cale is sitting in front of Kou, Obedience. Dais is sitting in front of Nin, Serenity. Sekhment is sitting in front of Tei, Piety. They take out their helmets from the satchels and place them in front of them. White Blaze is sitting down within the circle. The Ancient’s Staff is in the center of the circle. It is erect in a hole in the floor.
“The reason why are you here, is we have a new problem to solve. As you might remember, I was deceived by Talpa. Fortunately, Ryo destroyed the amulet that I was wearing. That amulet kept me under Talpa’s power. Then Anubis saw I was a descendant of the Ancient’s Clan. He sacrificed his life so I can be free from Talpa’s hold over me.”
Everyone nods their heads up and down as they recall that time.
“Since I was under Talpa’s hold, I have become very aware of any subtle changes from him. We all remember that Talpa exploded into a million pieces. Well, someone put Talpa back together.”
Everyone looks at each other quickly. “What?!”
“He is put back together? This is very bad Kayura.”
“I know, Ryo. I will now let the Ancient’s Staff tell us what we need to do.”
The gem in the shaft glows, then the image of the Ancient appears with his familiar straw hat on his head.
“Greetings, Warriors. My name is Kaos. The Creator put my soul and spirit within this gem after my last encounter with Talpa. Yes, Talpa is still with us, unfortunately. When I first met Talpa, it was not here on this world. My actual home world is called Earth. It is found in our nearby twin galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy. A thousand years ago, Talpa invaded my world in Japan. Yes, there are subtle differences between your world and my home world. All armies couldn’t defeat Talpa at all. Therefore, I knew no Earthly power would be able to defeat him. But, I heard rumors of a power that could defeat him. I sailed the seas to the other side of the world. I arrived in the Land of Picts on the Isles. I found a famous gem smith there. The gem smith fashioned nine gems for each of the nine weapons I had with me. Yes, there is a gem hidden within your weapons. Then we found nine dragon spirits still lingering on that island.”
Touma (Rowen) looks up quickly. “You found nine dragon spirits? Were they ever alive?”
Lady Kayura smiles that she asked the same question when she heard that statement.
“They were, Touma. However, their bodies were killed by a group known as the Eleven Magi about a thousand years before I arrived there. In that northern Pict valley, there is still great magic. However, the people would take great pains to keep it a secret from the rest of the world. I was told there used to be magic widespread on that world. However, it was abused by the people to control other people more than six thousand years ago. They told me. The Creator of the Universe removed it from the people. But, then the Creator told me, it will be returned when a promised King and Queen will reclaim the crown years later in the Isles. However, the magic won’t be abused this time. It will be weaker than what it was. The nine dragon spirits entered into each of the gems. These dragons’ spirits enabled me to have the ultimate power of the nine weapons.”
“So, that means there is another ultimate level besides the one we did within ourselves.”
“That’s right, Cale.”
“Are we to join ourselves together into one warrior, Kaos?”
“That is not needed this time. This time each one of you will do your own kill shot. It is that combined power will certainly send Talpa and his demon followers to the Lake of Fire permanently. That place is the total separation from the Creator of the Universes.”
“Kaos, if I have Anubis’ armor and weapon, what about my Starlight Swords. Who would be the tenth warrior in our group?”
“That’s a good question, Lady Kayura. Perhaps there is an answer when we arrive in Japan and China.”
“So, how are we to arrive at your home world, Kaos?”
“Within this jeweled staff, there is a small amount of Ethereal Space ore. There is one other artifact stone needed. It is called a blue stone pillar. When I left my home world, I knew there was a blue stone pillar buried in Japan. I went to that location and activated the Ore. I was immediately transported to this world in this very location. When I arrived here, I found a similar blue stone pillar. In time, I built the central dojo building right on top of it. Then I built the nine smaller dojo buildings as you see here. Eventually, Talpa found me here in Japan in this galaxy.”
“Are we to arrive there now, Kaos?”
“No, you must prepare your minds to do the impossible. This time it is an inner journey within yourself. So, for the next six months, you are to meditate, sleep, and have your meals in the nearby village.”
“I would assume we are going to meet someone there.”
“That’s right Sage. You will be meeting several people there. There will be two people from China. The next man will be a son of a Water God. The next three people will be a family. That family will have several butterflies fluttering around them. The husband will have the title of the Omega Unicorn Dragon. His wife will be with them and a young boy who will be eighteen months old. He will be in a carriage. Don’t underestimate them for one bit. Just as we have the legendary weapons here in Japan. In China, the people learned how to do the four basic elements of wind, water, earth and fire from within themselves. Along with the fire element they can create lightning from their own bodies.”
“Whoa! I didn’t realize they could do that.”
“That’s right, Touma. This group will be your hosts as you visit Japan and China. They know where I hid the nine dragon spirits on the mainland of China. Also, you will visit some incredible mountain vistas. This was at the time I encountered Talpa in two battles on China and one on Japan. Follow this group to the coast line. You will sense a problem hidden within the people. It is the same problem here. You will see a water demon lord humiliated in shame by a Water God. From that experience, when you get back here, you have an idea what is needed to be done here so peace can rule here as well.” The image fades and resumes its natural luster.
Lady Kayura speaks up next. “All right everyone. Your bedrolls and pillows are still within your own dojos. We’ll meet here once a month to discuss our efforts in preparing our minds to do the impossible.”
All of them shout out loud in one voice, “Yes, Lady Kayura.”
Everyone gets up and picks up their helmet. White Blaze gets up and follows Ryo to his dojo. Everyone else walks to their own respective dojos. They see the bed rolls and pillows are still there. They take out some of their toiletry items and place them on the shelves mounted under a small mirror.
They all sit down in the center of their own dojo. They realize each one will have their own dragon spirit. They think within themselves about the nine dragon spirits. They try to focus on the right one for themselves. Right now, they sense no connection. They hope by the end of the first month a mental picture of the right dragon will be within their minds.
Monday, January 3, 2112.
Monday is a repeat of what is happening at Secure-Sys. The one thing I did do, I recorded my voice for the three files to be opened up later on the AIVAS System. I also recorded my introduction to the various people whom will need the upgrade to their computer systems. That would be people like Maximus and Tech Coyote for starters. I also recorded my introduction to the planets represented in the Local Group. I have a funny feeling I will be visiting those worlds at some time in the future. I see myself visiting them within a hundred years or so. Why? The Hch’nyv.
I continue to make sure the files have the appropriate key words to do the searches within the books. I also include the various stories here by the authors on our world. That would be the stories of the super heroes like Superman, Santa Claus, Peter Pan, Harry Potter, the Dark Sword Trilogy, the Ronin Warriors to name just a few. I also make sure the stories of the Pantheon Gods are there as well. I put them all under the folder named, “Other Worlds”.
When it becomes 5 PM, the fairies in butterfly mode quickly enter the car when I open the car door. I make sure I brought the honey squirt bottle, their skin of water with the attachments. I check their satchel has the two bags of seeds, nuts and fruits. I also see their small cups in there as well.
Brianna is joining us from the Rescue Center in Jacksonville. She has Robert, Lavan, Bianca, White Acacia and White Rose with her. We agree to have a quick bite at a nearby fast food court in a mall. We agree to meet at the dojo at 7 PM.
We get done eating by 6:30 PM. We drive to the dojo together. When we get there, we see about ten cars there already. The fairies realize they will have to be in butterfly mode until we gather together in the separate training room of the dojo.
Bianca and I change our clothes to our gi clothes in the locker rooms. For the first hour, Brianna and the fairies learn how to defend against two people at once. Of course, the fairies realize they will be using the elements to do the attacks and the defenses.
Everyone takes a break for ten minutes. The fairies get themselves recharged by making cups of honey-water and eating the seeds, nuts and small fruits. For the rest of us, we eat two apples and drink a lot of water.
Now, it is my turn to teach Sensei Chou and Qiang the air moves. I walk back out to the car and open the car trunk. I take out the wrapped up cave carving and close the car trunk. I walk back into the separate training room of the dojo.
“When I saw Qiang do the special move for the lizard, the Earth Wave, I thought it couldn’t be done. Then I realized, the magic was removed from us. Hence, the Earth Wave is really small here.”
“That’s right, Richard.”
I unwrap the cave carving. I place the cloth on the mat first, then the cave carving on top of it. “This cave carving is from the planet Twainor. There is magic on that world.” I turn it upside down. “The greenish vein is the Ethereal Space ore. This is the source of magic for all worlds that are magical. The white vein is Evenshard. It has some unique properties. When a light source is brought near, it reflects a barrier shield. No projectile can penetrate it. However, it can absorb light easily. It’s other name is the light stone.” I bring up my right hand. “Right gauntlet on from the cabin closet.” The right gauntlet appears on my hand in a blink of an eye. “This gauntlet and my armor is made of steel and the Evenshard stone. It can absorb lightning hits and laser blasts with ease. I can redirect that energy anywhere I want to.”
“Is the Ethereal Space ore harmful?”
“It is not harmful, Sensei. Most of the Ethereal Space ore got absorbed into our magnetic ores. When we see the Aurora Borealis lights in the northern and the southern regions of our world, it is the proof that the magic was removed from us. There are still small pockets of the Ethereal Space ore still on our world. One of them is found in northern Scotland. Another is found in the Transylvania region of Romania. If there other locations out there, it is probably well hidden from our eyes.”
“So that means anyone can create the air currents of the crane wing slash.”
“That’s right, Qiang. However, I know of an astronomical event that will happen in about two to three years from now. One of the worlds I visited during our Honeymoon Trip is a visit to the world of Pern. It is the story of the dragon riders. One of our writers wrote about it. I am guessing when the exploration space craft leaves our Solar System to colonize the Alpha Centauri system. We will get a visit from a planet from that story. In its wake will be more Ethereal Space ores. The pieces of the Red Star will break apart. Six of those pieces will impact the six ocean vortices. The Red Star will dissolve the trash that it is collecting and add life to the oceans. To make it pristine once more. The Ethereal Space ore will bring the Magic back to our world. However, it will be weak enough so that we won’t be able to blood bend and force people against their will. The planet Pern will show up in the year 2950.”
“That is great news, Richard. When do you think this blood bending was done the first time?”
“It probably happened during the time of Atlantis, Sensei and Qiang. That was at least 6,000 years ago. I think some of the rulers back then did a lot of blood bending to control the people. They forced the people to do things they wouldn’t do otherwise.”
` “Hmmm . . . that seems to make sense, Richard.”
“Also, by touching this ore or being near our family, you should be able to do the element moves. Okay, let me show you some air moves. We all need to stand up for this demonstration.”
We all stand up on the mats.
“To get the wind currents on the finger tips through the crane wing slash, you must first visualize the air currents there. Make the arm movement slowly first. Then move the arm at normal speed for a crane wing slash.”
Qiang and Sensei Chou slowly do the crane wing slash first.
“Yes, I can feel the air current as I move my arm and hands. Now let’s try it at normal speed.”
Then Qiang and Sensei Chou quickly do a crane wing slash with their right arm. They see two banners on the wall move slightly.
“Yes! That is what we need to visualize in our minds. Thank you, Richard.”
“You’re welcome, Sensei Chou and Qiang. Obviously we need to keep that motion going. Soon, you will be able to create the cheek cuts to slice a face.”
“Now I remember what you did to me during your graduation ceremony.”
“What is the next move to learn, Richard?”
“You need to create a mini-tornado in your hand. It is done with a quick flip of the wrist motion. I’ll show you.” I bring up my hand and give it a quick flip of the wrist and the hand. “I can feel it in my hands, friends. Please feel the air swirling in my hand.”
Qiang and Chou carefully feel the air current spinning in the palm of my hand.
“That’s great, Richard. How do we get it bigger?”
“By bringing up the other hand near it and spread your hands apart like this.” I bring up my other hand near it. I spread my hands apart slowly. They quickly feel the mini-tornado become larger. “Also, you can move that tornado anywhere you want to by directing it where you want it to go. Also, you can create mini-tornadoes on your finger tips.”
“Yes, I see what you mean, Richard. You are extending yourself to be an air bender.”
“You can squeeze your hand to make the tornado tighter and narrower, this will allow you to shrink the air and cause someone to lose their breath to nearly pass out. To end the tornado, you can quickly spread your hands apart.”
“Is there a way to build the pressure in the tornado?”
“Yes, you can, Sensei. You can do it by inverting a tornado on top of another. The air pressure will quickly build up within it. I’ll show you with two mini-tornadoes.” I bring up both of my hands and give them a quick twist. Then I take the mini-tornado in my left hand and turn it upside down and put it on top of the one in right hand. “See if you can feel pressure building, my friends.”
Sensei Chou and Qiang each take a turn in putting their hand into the two tornadoes.
“This is incredible, Richard. I feel the pressure increasing. That’s great.”
“Yes, I can feel it as well, Sensei Chou.”
I quickly spread my hands apart to end the tornadoes. “That’s right, Qiang. If someone were to launch a huge water ball at you. You can bring your arms inward and push out quickly to create an air bubble to breathe. Then you can use that water ball for your own purpose.”
“I see what you mean, Richard. You need to be multi-talented in all of the elements.”
“That’s right, Sensei Chou. Now, let’s see if you can create a mini-tornado in your hand.”
Sensei Chou and Qiang each give a try at it. It takes them five times before they can create mini-tornado in their hands. They are smiling widely as they feel the swirling motion in the palm of their hands. They bring up their other hand. They move them apart to end the mini-tornado.
“Well, it is now 9 PM. It is time for us to leave. I can see now how to get everyone here flying like the birds. What is the next air movement to learn, Richard?”
“I’ll show you how to run up a wall and under a ceiling. Then we will create air scooters to move about quickly and to conserve energy while we are flying about.”
“Aha!! So, there is a way to fly like the birds!”
We all smile at Qiang, “That’s right, Qiang.”
I pick up the cave carving and wrap it with the cloth. We all go into the lockers to change our clothes. I put the cave carving into my sport duffle bag. When we exit the locker rooms, we see two people waiting for us. We leave the dojo, the two master teachers lock up the dojo as we leave. We put Robert in the back seat and strap his carriage down securely. Some of the fairies open their seeds and fruit bags to get themselves recharged up.
We enter our cars and drive back to our apartments and houses.
When we get home, everyone takes a quick shower to get cleaned up and put on our night clothes. Everyone gets under the covers for a great night of sleep.
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Ronin Warriors, known in Japan as Yoroiden Samurai Trooper, means literally, “Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers. It is a Japanese anime series and manga adaptation created by Hajime Yatate.
The story line picks up after the very last Episode No. 39 “Triumphant Warriors.”
The lists of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This a fan-fiction story.
The next morning is a typical morning like yesterday. I continue with adding more stories to the archive on the hard drives. I organize the books and stories by type. That would be the Pantheons, Science-Fiction, Fiction and Non-Fiction, Literature of the greatest stories told over the years.
Now you are probably wondering where I am getting access to these great books and stories. Secure-Sys established an account with a great scholastic website last year. We found most of the books there. As far as comics go, we discovered a good series in the comics there. However, they are written in book form with some pictures on several pages. Also, we found a good selection of graphic novels there as well. In addition, we found most of the science fiction stories there also.
Brianna and I meet again at the local food court in a mall like yesterday. We get done eating by 6:30 PM. Our fairies quickly have their fill of seeds, nuts, small fruits and cups of honey-water in the back seat of my car while we are in the mall. I cracked the window an inch for them for some fresh cool air.
We arrive at the Shaolin Dojo in Jacksonville by 7 PM. We see only three cars this time in the parking lot. We enter the dojo and walk into the separate training room. Our fairies flutter in their butterfly mode. Once we are in the room. We show more moves to Brianna and the fairies for the blue sash. After forty-five minutes, we come to a stop. Everyone takes a break for fifteen minutes to get themselves recharged back up by drinking fruit juices and apples. The fairies quickly get to their satchel and open the food bags. They soon recover themselves as they eat the nuts, fruits and cups of honey-water.
When we get done eating, the fairies quickly change into their butterfly mode. They flutter to the flower pots to drink some nectar from the flowers.
The door opens, we see two men walking in with their gee clothes on. They are the master teachers for the dojo.
“We heard from Sensei Chou what you want to accomplish today, Richard. We would like to witness it and see if we can do it as well.”
“That’s fine Sifu Li and Sifu Quon. My first question is this. Have you been able to do the crane wing slash with both of your arms and move a banner on the wall here?”
“Yes, we have, Richard.” All four of them quickly use their arms to do crane wing slashes at the banners. We see the paper banners move on the walls.
“That’s great, everyone. Now this is an extension of the air bending. I am going to quickly shake my feet. Please bend down and put your hands near my feet. You should feel a swirling air motion around the feet.” I quickly shake both of my feet very fast. Each one takes their turn in feeling the swirling air around my feet.
“This incredible, Richard. We do feel it. So, what we can do with this technique?”
“I’ll show you.” I quickly run to the closed door. I step up the door and quickly run up to the ceiling. Then I run across the ceiling upside down to the other side. Then I run down the wall between two of the banners and onto the main floor. I smile widely at them.
Sensei Chou and Qiang have a big smile on their faces.
“I don’t believe it. You actually did the impossible move. You ran up the wall and upside down on the ceiling.”
“This is especially useful if you are in a long hallway with fighters coming at you. You can get on the other side of them for an escape or to fight them.”
“You’re right, Richard.”
“I suggest you try it a little bit a time. Run up eight feet and then back down. You need to get used to the sensation of doing that seemingly impossible move.”
“I agree with you on that, Richard. First, let’s see if we can get the air currents around feet. I think it will take a few tries to get it right.”
“Think of this way, Sifu Li. You must shake your feet as fast for doing the earth wave movement with your feet.”
“I agree, Richard.”
Each one takes their turn in trying to shake their feet very fast. It takes them about five times before they feel the air currents around their feet. Then one by one, they make an attempt to run up the wall eight feet and back down.
Once they take a step up the wall, they realize their center of gravity is a little different. They lean forward a bit more the next time. This time, they run up the wall eight feet with two steps. They quickly turn around and run back down in one step. They step on the floor with their last leg movement.
“This is incredible, Richard. It is a very weird sensation with the mind.”
“I know it is, sirs. You must keep it up until you are used to the sensation of being upside down.”
“Okay, let’s try it again and see if we can run up to the ceiling and back down.”
They shake their feet again very fast. One by one, the four of them run up the wall to the ceiling and back down to the floor.
“This is great, Richard. Let’s see if we can run across the ceiling and back down the other wall.”
Each one takes their turn one at a time. We stay underneath them to catch them if they should fall down. Each one has their turn at it. They have big smiles on their faces when they finish the move.
“All right, that’s great, Richard. What is the next thing to learn?”
“We are going to create air scooters underneath us. We are going to fly like the birds.”
“How is that accomplished?”
“Watch my hands and arms, sirs. I am going to point them down underneath me. I’m going to spin them quickly using a tight spinning motion with the arms.” I bend the knees slightly. I point my arms and hands down behind me. I quickly spin the arms quickly. Suddenly, I feel the air swirling underneath me. I sit down on it carefully. Quickly, I’m hovering above the floor.
“This is incredible, Richard. You are floating in the air. How do you move about?”
“By leaning forward a bit, sirs, you can create the forward movement.” I lean forward a bit, I quickly move about the room quickly. I come to stop when I lean back a bit and hover in front of them. “Nice part about this, you are saving energy in doing this air bending movement.”
“I agree, Richard. Let’s see if we can all try it now.”
Qiang tries it first. Qiang bends his knees. He spins his arms downward underneath him. It takes him three more tries before he feels the swirling air underneath. He sits down carefully. Soon, he is hovering above the floor. “This is great, Richard! Now we can fly like the birds!”
“Now lean forward a bit, Qiang. Lean left or right a little bit to make your turns.”
“Yes, Richard.” Slowly, Qiang leans forward. He quickly moves about the room. “I love it, Richard. This is great! Now I am flying like a bird.” He leans back a bit to come to stop. He straightens out his legs to stand up on the floor. The swirling air currents come to an end as he stands on the floor.
“All right, everyone else tries it.”
The three masters try their hand at it. They bend the knees first. They spin the arms underneath them. It takes them about three to five times to feel the swirling air currents underneath them. They slowly sit down on them. They quickly find themselves floating above the floor. They have big smiles on their faces.
“Now let’s play a game of tag.”
“Yes, let’s play a game of tag, Richard.”
All six of us create air scooters underneath us. We move about the room quickly. We have a great game of tag while we are doing it. Everyone is laughing and having fun with it.
We come to a stop and hover in a circle facing each other. We all have great smiles on our faces.
“All right now, we are going to play another game of tag. This time my fairies are going to be with us.” All of my fairies have a big smile on their faces. “Now we have to be more accurate with our hands in touching their hands.”
“Yes, we must concentrate our eye hand coordination very accurately.”
All of my fairies quickly change from their butterfly mode to fairy mode. They quickly create little air scooters underneath them. We get in a big circle facing each other.
“I’m starting first.”
“Yes, Richard.”
I lean forward to move toward Tiger. I reach forward with my right hand. I touch his hand. Then everyone scatters while we play a game of tag with each other. Soon, we are laughing and giggling that we are having a great game of tag. Everyone is moving around quickly. As soon as one person is tagged to be ‘it’, he or she quickly touches another person nearby. It looks like we are doing an air dance in a random pattern around each other. We come to a stop after fifteen minutes.
We look at each other with big smiles on our faces.
“What is the next air bending movement to learn, Richard?”
“We are going to create a tornado around our selves. Then we’ll spin our arms to create a helix tower of spinning air. From that, we’ll send spinning air fists at a target. Also, from within the tornado, we will send our animal attacks from within the tornado. It might be easier if we can do this at the company where I learned the earth movements. Then we can see the sand get incorporated into the tornado.”
“I agree, Richard. Then we can see the results for ourselves. I’ll need to call that company and arrange it for a Saturday.”
“Sensei Chou, haven’t you sent a letter to the Shaolin network in China yet?”
“I haven’t Richard. I am trying to figure how to word it right.”
“Now, this is just an idea, Sensei. Tell them you probably found someone who is the Omega Dragon. But don’t mention in the letter who it is.”
“Hmm. . . Yes, when we get there I’ll tell them it is the American in our group. They will still wonder if I’m telling the truth.”
“I’m also thinking it will cause certain people to show up there like the representatives from the Assassins for example.”
“Yes, they will wonder if I’m telling the truth. Okay, I’ll do it.”
“There is one more question, Sensei. Where is the oldest Shaolin temple in China?”
“It is located in the Center of the Universe. The nearest city is Dengfeng, Zhengzhou, Henan Province. The Pagoda Forest is near it.”
We all pack up and return to our apartments and homes. I set up their shower curtain setup in the sink in the bathroom between two girls’ bedrooms. Brianna and I shower ourselves to get ourselves cleaned up. We all change clothes to our night clothes. The fairies have their beds in the two boys’ bedrooms. Silva, Silvia, Amber and Cobalt are in our bedroom. Bianca, Lavan, White Acacia and White Rose are in Robert’s room. The rest of my fairies are in the second boy’s bedroom. They have set up their beds in the top dresser drawer in each room.
We all have a great night of sleep during the night.
In the Andromeda Galaxy, we see some of the warriors having their meals in the nearby village.
“How are you doing, Ryo? Have you felt anything yet?”
“I haven’t yet, Kento. I have a feeling we are going to need our weapons in our hands for the next month period.”
“I agree, Ryo. But, I will say this, I feel very focused in doing the impossible.”
“I agree, Kento.”
They continue to eat their afternoon meal in silence. They still don’t know what the dragon spirits look like.
In heaven, Goku and Yusuke face off looking at each other. They are about one hundred feet apart from each other.
“All right Yusuke, this will be a very low powered shot.”
“I’m ready Goku.”
Goku looks at his finger tip. It glows faintly. He points his finger at Yusuke. He shoots a laser of light at Yusuke. “Bang!!” The laser of light quickly hits his chest. His chest lights up. He quickly focuses on the light energy itself. He absorbs the light energy into his body. Then little waves of heat rise up from his body.
“Oh wow, Goku, this is incredible. I feel supercharged up. Now, I am going to send a Spirit Gun shot at you. Hopefully, you will be able to take it.”
Goku smiles, “I can take it, Yusuke.”
Yusuke looks at his first finger, he gets it glowing. He aims his right hand at Goku. He arranges his hand to look like a gun. He shoots a laser of light at Goku. “Bang!!” Quickly the laser of light energy hits Goku square on his chest. He tries to absorb the light energy into his body. Soon, waves of heat quickly rises up from his body.
“Oh wow! This is an incredible surge of energy coursing through my body. I feel supercharged up.”
“I know. Well, let’s rest up a bit so we can absorb the energy into our bodies. Now we need to build up ourselves to the higher levels.”
“I agree, Yusuke.”
They both laugh out together! “Hah! Hah! Hah! . . . .”
They fly off to another area in the heavens where the other fighters training for the Ultimate Last Battle.
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Ronin Warriors, known in Japan as Yoroiden Samurai Trooper, means literally, “Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers. It is a Japanese anime series and manga adaptation created by Hajime Yatate.
The story line picks up after the very last Episode No. 39 “Triumphant Warriors.”
The lists of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This a fan-fiction story.
During the night, we find ourselves standing together in the Flower Field in Heaven. That would be Sensei Chou, Qiang, Sifu Li, Sifu Quon, Brianna, myself and all of my fairies. Brianna is holding Robert in her arms. Robert is still fast asleep with a smile on his face. Brianna and I see we are near the same stone benches as the last time our family was here. Then we see Mr. Bryson appearing in our group.
“Mr. Bryson, why are you here?”
“I was asked by the Creator to be here, Richard. I will need to know what is happening in Japan and China six months from now.”
“That is fine by me, Mr. Bryson.”
“Why are we here, Richard?”
“Usually when this happens Sifu Li, we are waiting for someone to show up here. Then, they will explain what we need to know.”
Soon, we see a man, with the typical cone shaped straw hat worn by the Chinese and Japanese people. He is wearing a typical decorated oriental style pants and an over shirt. He is walking toward us very fast over the rolling hills along one of the stone paved walkways.
We all do the typical hand clasp and bow to him as he does it to us well. He speaks up first.
“My name is Kaos Ronin. I was born here on your Earth about a thousand years ago in Japan.”
As soon as he said ‘Ronin’, I immediately remember his story. On one of the cartoon channels on TV, they repeat the series every twenty years or so. It is still a great series after all this time. I liked how they used their weapons in defeating Talpa and the other bad people on that world.
“At that time, a demon lord appeared and waged war with us in Japan. His name is Talpa. As soon as I saw that none of our armies could defeat him, I knew that a special kind of power was needed to defeat him and his minions. I heard of a famous gem smith in the Land of Picts on the Isles. I sailed the seas to that land. The gem smith fashioned nine gems for the nine weapons I had on me. Then we found nine dragon spirits still lingering there. They were intrigued to help me out. I returned back to Japan to wage war against Talpa.”
“Were those nine dragon spirits ever alive, Ronin?”
“They were at one time, sir. However, the Eleven Magi were able to kill the nine dragons before that time by a thousand years. As soon as I engaged with Talpa, he found a worthy adversary. The nine dragon spirits enabled me to achieve the ultimate power of the nine weapons. There are three fantastic landscapes there from my battles with Talpa. There is one in Japan and two in China.”
“Can you describe the scenery, Ronin?”
“Yes, I can. The first battle scene occurred near the Tojinbo Cliffs. They are located on the western shore in Japan. But, once I engaged Talpa, I knew I needed a bigger landscape. I took a boat to the mainland of China. My next encounter with Talpa occurred near Zhangjiajie.”
“I know where that location is in China. What weapons did you use?”
“I used the power of the wind, water and earth to attack Talpa. Once I saw the devastation I created, I immediately fled to the Southwestern part of China. The nearest town at that time was Kunming.”
“There is a great stone forest there. There are many patterns still found there.”
“Yes, this time I used the power of water and wind alone this time. Again, I saw the great devastation I created. I immediately traveled eastward back to the coast. Near Zhangjiajie, I found a cave system nearby to get some rest. At this time I asked the nine dragon spirits to leave the gems.”
“Did they ask you why, Ronin?”
“They most certainly did. I had a dream during my rest there. I saw Talpa wanting my armor for himself. I didn’t want the dragon spirits be corrupted by Talpa’s influence. I did promise them I would return for them. Once they left the gems, I hurried back to China to take a boat to Japan. I immediately made plans to leave Earth as quickly as possible. I packed up my belongings into two satchels. I knew of a blue stone pillar buried in a park in Hiroshima, Japan. This park is now dedicated as a Peace Park for your World War 2 memorial.”
“We know where it is, Ronin.”
“That’s good. I had my staff with me. It contains a greenish gem. Within that gem are a few pieces of the Ethereal Space ore. I concentrated on the gem to activate the blue stone pillar. I immediately transported myself to your neighboring Andromeda Galaxy. Surprisingly, I came across a similar type world that is like Earth in many ways. However, there are some minor differences in coastal lines with the land masses and other historical events.”
“Did Talpa follow you there?”
“Yes he did, sir. We fought for many days. Then one day, he attacked me again and was able to defeat me. He took the armor from me. Talpa felt invincible with the armor on him. When he attacked me again, I defeated him with my staff. I took the armor from him. This time I rebuilt the armor into nine separate armors with the nine weapons. This allowed me to keep the ultimate power hidden from him. This time Talpa took four of the armors and weapons when he weakened me the next time by analyzing each weapon when he had it the first time. The next time he came against me, my body died, eventually the Creator allowed me to have my spirit and soul reside in the gem of the staff.”
“That is a great story, Ronin. I assume we will be told the reason why we are here together?”
“Yes, sir. Right now, the nine warriors are gathering together in deep meditation. When I arrived there the first time, I found a blue stone pillar. Eventually, I built a dojo complex around the blue stone pillar. During the next month period, they will have their weapons in their hands. Quickly, they will get a mental picture of what these dragons look like. I am quite sure the nine dragons will be confused a bit, especially when they don’t sense me this time. When the six-month period is over, they will be arriving on your world in Hiroshima. Also, there will be a white tiger with them as well. The white tiger’s name is White Blaze.”
“Is he controllable?”
“He is, sir. At one time, White Blaze appeared as a black tiger. Then sometime later, he became white.”
All of us are smiling now. “Now, that we understand, Ronin. There is the black and white symbol called the yin yang symbol. We’ll explain it to the warriors when they arrive.”
“I remember that symbol now. If I remember right, it was learned from the dragons.”
“Yes it was, Ronin.”
Sifu Quon speaks up, “I have another question, Ronin. Will they be wearing their armor?”
“That is not necessary, sir. They will have two satchels with them. One of them will contain clothes for three days and their own toiletries. The other satchel will contain their helmets. Once they don the helmets, the rest of the armor will appear on them. Hopefully, that won’t be worn at all until they are in the cave. I have a question, can it be arranged for us to take a private tour of the cave?”
Master Li speaks up next. “It can be done, Ronin. Now we need to explain some of our plans for Japan and China.”
“I would greatly appreciate that, sir.”
“Richard, please tell us what will happen in Japan.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou. I am doing a tour of Japan and China through our company, Secure-Sys. I am the best security computer programmer for this generation. This will happen in six months from now. When we arrive in Tokyo, Japan, we’ll immediately secure a half size bus. We’ll travel to Hiroshima to pick up the nine warriors and White Blaze. We’ll be there for about an hour. We’ll board the bus and travel back to Tokyo. There, I will face off against a water demon lord. His name is Gaap. What most people don’t realize, King Azazel is attacking the Japanese Royalty in all eight multi-verses at the same time. He is hoping to bring chaos and destruction to our earths. Therefore, he is using a total of eight demon lords who are the master of their elements, air, water, earth and fire.”
“Will they be defeated, Richard?”
“Yes, they will, Ronin. In fact there is a total of nine Omega Unicorn Dragons in the nine multi-verses. We each have a renowned sword. There were nine swords made by the Celtic Gods. That sword is called the Caledfwlch. Each one of us will be able to defeat them. I have a question, Ronin.”
“Yes, Richard.”
“Didn’t you see a spectacular event in the heavens one night, Ronin? It would appear as if the stars exploded in the heavens.”
“Yes I did, Richard. I considered it to be a bad omen.”
“That’s right, Ronin. That was when King Azazel or Lucifer was released from his prison cell in Hell Galaxy. There was another astronomical event that occurred about two years ago. It has to deal with the star Thuban, you should have seen it flared up to life.”
“I didn’t see that one, Richard. What happened from your vantage point on Earth?”
“When King Azazel had his rebellion against the Creator, he was thrown down to my Earth. Then, he deceived Adama and Cheva in the special garden in the Middle East. Afterward, he was imprisoned in Hell Galaxy.”
“Ah, I remember that story being told to me in the Isles while I was there.”
“Immediately, the Creator sent the Pantheon Gods to my world to help it grow up the fastest. They made a vow they would do that for the Creator and not interfere with the eight Earths afterwards. However, there was a second part of the vow. Most people don’t realize it. They would be released from their vows when a mortal from my Earth would visit all four Pantheon worlds. He would have the title of Omega Unicorn Dragon. I am that mortal, Ronin.”
“Then how did you know where to find them?”
I smile, “Khufu’s pyramid in Egypt is actually a stellar observatory. The star Thuban was the Polar North Star back at that time. His pyramid pointed to the star Thuban. The Pantheon Realm is located behind the star Thuban.”
Everyone is laughing now, “Hah, hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!”
“I love it!!!”
Brianna smiles that Robert is still fast asleep in her arms. He still has a smile on his face.
“Not only that, Ronin, each of the constellations we imagine in the sky, like Scorpio, Taurus the bull, Draco, Orion all have animal spirits within the stars. When we have the Ultimate Last Battle, just when King Azazel is ready to strike us, we will release those animal spirits to wipe out most of his demon hoards. They will be sent to the Lake of Fire immediately.”
Everyone is laughing again, “Hah, hah, hah,. . . .!!!”
“King Azazel will certainly be surprised when that happens!”
“On the plane with me, I’ll have Percy Jackson, he is one of the sons of Poseidon. I will also have, Qiang and Sensei Chou with me as well.”
Sifu Li looks at Sifu Quon, “When did you visit China, Sifu Quon?”
“I just did it last year with my family. I take it is your turn now?”
“Yes, the last time was five years ago, Sifu Quon. Richard, I will see your group at the international airport in Beijing Daxing. I will get a half size bus for your tour group.”
“Why not the one in Beijing itself?”
“It became too crowded about eighty years ago, Richard. Fortunately, the government saw the writing on the wall very quickly. They immediately built a much larger complex southeast of Beijing.”
“Ronin, we have several different screens of the nine dragons in several cities around the world. We’ll let them see the one in Beihai Park, Beijing, China.”
“That’s good, what do they look like? I can confirm if you are telling the truth. Because, I remembered them very well.”
“Well, they are serpentine dragons. Two of them are dark blue and two of them are a light purple. There are two of them with a deep orange color. The last pair are nearly white in color. There is only one that is golden in color. That last one is the leader of the group.”
“Yes, that is their colors. The four dark ones will belong to the four dark warriors. The two white dragons are for light and water. The two orange dragons are for the earth and air. The golden dragon will be with Ryo. He is the leader of the group.”
“Ronin, I have a curious question. How come we never heard about you and your story?”
I smile quickly, “I can answer that question, Sifu Li. The original airing of his story was on the cartoon networks in 1988 and 1989 in Japan. It didn’t get aired in the United States until 1995. Ronin Warriors, were known in Japan as Yoroiden Samurai Trooper, means literally, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers. It is a Japanese anime series and manga adaptation created by Hajime Yatate. You can find them in Wikipedia on the Internet. They repeat the series every twenty years or so. We have a lot of great writers here on our world. They would get great inspirations from the Creator to write these stories.”
“Hah, hah, hah, . . . So, now we need to read those great sci-fi stories like Star Trek, Godzilla and such. They will eventually show up on our world for the Ultimate Last Battle!”
“I love it!!”
“Hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!”
“Now, I have question for you, Ronin.”
“What is the question, Richard?”
“What are the nine attributes of the human soul?”
“That’s easy, Richard. They are piety, loyalty, wisdom, virtue, trust, justice, serenity, obedience, and life.”
“That’s good, Ronin. You just gave the list for the western side of Earth. The Nine Chinese Virtues are humility, loyalty, respect, righteousness, trust, endurance, patience, perseverance and will. There is another attribute you missed, Ronin.”
Sifu Chou speaks up next, “It is the one binds them all together. It is courage.”
“Gasp! I’ll be the tenth warrior in the group. For Lady Kayura, her attribute is love. So that means courage and the love for life binds us together. How will I be able to pick up the Twilight Swords, Richard?”
“Think about it, Ronin. The only way you will be able to do it is when the nine dragon spirits fly through the gem on your staff.”
“You’re right, Richard. The nine dragons will bind us together.”
“Since you mentioned Star Trek and Godzilla, Sifu Li, I am going to list the twelve multi-verses for you. The first nine overlap each other in the same plane, but at different frequencies. There is the Magic Verse, the Monster Verse, the Star Trek Verse, the Mirror Verse, the Super Hero Verse and the Cartoon Verse are the same one. There is the Anti-Verse and the Robot Verse from Asimov’s Robot Book Saga. The last one is the Q-Verse, they are the glue that holds the nine together. Then there is my multi-verse where I live. The three multi-verses that are outside the nine are Demon World or Purgatory. Hell Galaxy is the only dark matter galaxy. Then there is the Heavenly Realm, of which, this Flower Field is part of it.”
“So, that means the nine attributes of the human soul correspond to the nine multi-verses.”
“Here is another way to think about it, Ronin. I’m going to recall an image I saw during my honeymoon trips.” I wave my hand. Quickly the symbol I saw on the Magic Verse appears before us. “The Yin Yang symbol is in the middle. Then there is the nine pointed star for the nine attributes of the human soul and the nine multi-verses that overlap each other. The twelve pointed star is for all of the multi-verses, the Creator created, besides there are twelve months in a year for most worlds.”
Quickly, Chou, Qiang, Quon and Li look at each other and nod their heads up and down. Sifu Li speaks up, “Richard, we have that symbol in the Shaolin Temple in China. Where did you see that one?”
“I saw it in Hogwarts Castle in the Magic Verse, Sifu Li. I am guessing all eight Hogwarts have that symbol. I saw it in the floor of their council chamber.”
“You have given me a lot to think about, Richard. I look forward to meeting everyone there in the dragon cave.”
“You’re welcome, Ronin. Because, after we visit the Nine Dragon Cave, we will be taking a trip to a Shaolin Temple near Song Mountain. It is there, that I will be challenged and to prove to them I am the Omega Dragon. I will say this Ronin, the nine warriors will see me display all four of the elements at nearly the same time. Then after I am accepted, we’ll deliver them back to Hiroshima, so they can return back to the Andromeda Galaxy.”
“Thank you very much, Richard. I greatly appreciate that. Well, I enjoyed this gathering, Richard. I learned a lot from you.”
“You’re welcome, Ronin.”
Soon, we start sinking below the ground. Ronin turns around and walks back down the stone paved path in the Flower Garden in Heaven where he came from. Everyone else returns back to their apartments and houses. Brianna lays Robert back in his crib with his body. Brianna kisses his forehead. Robert gives another smile when he feels the kiss on his forehead. I kiss Robert’s forehead as well. He gives another smile when he feels it on his forehead. We return back to our bodies in our beds in the house. The fairies return back to their bodies as well.
Soon, the alarm sounds out loud in the master bedroom, “BZZZZZTTT!!!” I turn my head and see it is now 6:30 AM. I reach over and turn it off. I turn to face Brianna in bed.
“Well, that was an interesting dream, Richard.”
“I know Brianna. We’ll ask them in the dojo if they remember any of it this evening.”
We continue getting ready for the day. We all have our breakfast in the morning. We make sure Brianna has everything in her car. This includes her duffle bag for the dojo and the fairies’ satchel with their bags of fruits, nuts and their own honey squeeze bottle. We also make sure the shower setup and the plastic baggies of flower scented soap pieces is there as well. White Acacia, White Rose, Lavan and Bianca flutter out to Brianna’s car. Once the door is open again, they flutter in quickly and get under the blanket to stay warm in the back seat of the car. Then I carry out Robert’s basinet with him it. I set it on the passenger front seat and secure it with the seat belts and pull it tightly.
“I’ll see you later this evening, Robert. I love everyone in our family.” I bend down to kiss his forehead again.
Robert gives a big smile again.
I then hug and kiss Brianna one more time before she gets in the car. She backs up and drives to the Jacksonville Rescue Center.
I pack up my car as well. I put the fairies food satchel on the floor of the back seat. Then all of my fairies quickly flutter into the car. I make sure I have my duffle bag with my gee clothes. Since it is still the first week of January, I keep the portable heater in the trunk of the car.
Traphel and Rose Lace stay behind again. They will tend the green house like they have done before. I back out of the driveway and drive the car to the Jacksonville office.
Once I arrive there, I park the car and crack the windows down an inch. I set up the screens for the windows. I then get the portable heater from the trunk and plug the adapter into the cigarette lighter. I turn on the portable heater and place it on the floor of the front seat. The fairies change into butterfly mode and fly about the gardens for their exercise. Then they flutter back through the open windows of the car. They open the bags of fruits, nuts and make their own cups of honey-water. They warm up the cups to warm themselves up.
I enter the building and scan my ID at the front desk just before 8 AM. I see Mr. Bryson waiting for me to show up.
“I need you to stop by my office before you get started, Richard. We need to discuss that dream last night.”
“Yes, sir.”
I follow Mr. Bryson to the elevators. We arrive on the third floor quickly. Then we enter Mr. Bryson’s office together. Mr. Bryson sits in his chair behind the desk. I sit in the chair opposite from him.
“I have a lot going through my mind right now, Richard. Fortunately, most it is already planned out. The only surprise is these nine warriors showing up in Hiroshima. You will be in Japan for two nights. The first day is spent taking care of Gaap and his demon angels. You need to prove the criminal gangs are being influenced by demons. Hopefully, they will see the truth to the matter, especially in dealing with the Yakuza on Honshu Island. They will put you up in the Marriott in downtown Tokyo. You will be in a conference with them explaining what you did in eliminating the world wide debt. Now we need to discuss the China visit.”
“Yes, sir.”
“To save some money on the hotel rooms, we’ll be booking into several hotels during your week stay there. There will be a hotel near Kunming for two nights only. In Zhangjiajie, we’ll book your group for four nights there. We found some reasonably prices for hotels there. You will not be staying at any of the hotels in Beijing, they are just too expensive right now. After you visit the Nine Dragon Wall in Beihai Park, it will be a bus trip of at least 800 miles to the Zhangjiajie region for four nights again.”
“Yes, sir.”
“On the way back it is a 400 mile bus trip to the Song Mountain area. Hopefully, you will survive the encounter at the Shaolin Temple near the Song Mountain. I was told by the Creator, your life will definitely be threatened by several different people. I was not given much detail, you will quickly determine what is wrong when the Chinese President and some of his staff will appear on our private jet.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Their banks were infected by the Euro Scam as well. Hopefully, the explanation you give them will be enough to concede that at least their principal amounts are kept safe by your intervention.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Then you can show your two aces, Chou and Jackal. It will be interesting what their responses will be when they are seen together. I am having a digital camera installed on our private jet. I need a back up and I want to see their reactions when you get back.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Then you can show your extra tourist group to them. I’m sure they will have their tongues tied in knots when they see the nine warriors with you. Also, I am expecting one of them to follow your group, especially when you arrive at the Shaolin Temple near Song Mountain. Some of the government people will want proof you are dead. But, I am hoping that will not happen at all.”
“Yes, sir.”
“That is all, Richard. Good luck in getting everyone prepared during the next six months.”
“Yes, sir. Mr. Bryson, I have a request that needs to be thought out carefully.”
“What is the request, Richard?”
“Can we plan a trip to Indonesia and Australia? I think we need to visit that area after the trip to Mexico and South America.”
Mr. Bryson smiles, “Yes, that is a good suggestion, Richard. I will have our secretaries searching out the possibilities for hotels and airports. Which islands are you thinking of at least?”
“There is a small group of islands near Komodo. While I was in Romania, the Dragon King told me two of their kin are there. He would like for me to blow my breath upon them to wake them up so they can return home back to their enclave in Transylvania. They will be flying by night all the way.”
Mr. Bryson smiles again, “That’s great, I will make sure that trip is included in the itinerary.” He writes down the destination on a piece of paper. “We’ll have more meetings like this during the next six months. You’re excused to continue adding more stories to the information hard-drives.”
“Yes, sir.” I get up from the chair and walk to my office on the second floor to pick up where I left off from yesterday. I continue to add more stories from the web site. I write a sticky note and put it near the PC monitor. It is a reminder that Robert turns one year old on January 15th.
At noon time I have my lunch that I brought with me. When I get done, I continue to add more stories from the website. When it becomes 5 PM, I have my second lunch that I brought with me. I get ready to leave Secure-Sys and drive to the Jacksonville dojo. I see the fairies are still in the car. “So, how did it go today my fairies?”
“We are glad to be in a warm car, father. That portable heater is a great idea.”
“That’s good. So, let’s go to the Jacksonville dojo.” I drive the car to the Jacksonville dojo.
When I arrive there, I see Brianna’s car is there as well. I repeat what I did for the fairies inside the car again. “Now stay nice and warm here, fairies.”
“We will, father. We’ll see you in about two hours from now.”
I walk in with my duffle bag in hand. I see Robert in his carriage. He has a big smile on his face when he sees me. I smile back. I wave my hand at him. He waves his hand at me. As soon as I get in, I get greeted by Brianna very quickly. She whispers to me as we hug each other, “You’ll need to explain what happened last night, Richard.”
“Okay, Brianna.” I turn to face the group of men. “Does anyone have questions concerning last night’s dream?”
“Let’s enter the office here, where it is more private.” We all enter the side office together and close the door.
Sifu Li speaks up first, “I have one, Richard. Why does it happen at all?”
“That’s a big question, Sifu Li. The reason it is allowed to happen is we are given a message to act upon it. I’ll give a good example during our honeymoon trips we just had last year. One night, our family appeared in a flying dream. We appeared where the Caledfwlch is thrust into the stone. We saw three tents pitched on three different hills. We flew in closer to hear them speaking on their cell phones. The first tent belonged to Mordred’s Legacy. We heard he was going to launch a napalm missile while I pulled out the sword.”
“In the middle tent belonged to the sharp shooter hired by the prince. In the third tent we found one of the Eleven Magi in there. I can tell you for a fact. Mordred and the Eleven Magi are my enemies. So, we devised a plan to stop them. Did you see the video on the Internet?”
“We did, Richard. You came up with a great plan to stop them and to save the people from the napalm missile.”
“That’s right. We were given an eavesdrop on the situation. Our family hashed out the ideas until we came up with a great plan to confound them.”
“Sigh . . . so that means, when these nine warriors and White Blaze appear in Hiroshima, we need to be ready to assist them to get to China. I know of a helicopter tour group in China. I’ll contact them and arrange a private air tour of those two sites. We’ll visit those two sites first from the air.”
“Obviously, on my part, I’ll have to use the Secure-Sys private jet to get us there. Mr. Bryson already told me my life will be threatened while I am at the Shaolin Temple. He doesn’t know the details. The Creator gave him a warning when the President and some of his staff members will walk onto our private jet. Immediately, my horse sense will kick in very hard what is about to happen. I don’t think the President has no idea what is about to happen. I think some of his staff members are plotting some sort of assassination on my life. Then he will get the blame for it.”
“So, we must be ready to expose the conspirators for what they are. Well, we must be very wary when that happens.”
“Also Mr. Bryson informed we are not staying in Beijing at all for the first night. We’ll visit the Nine Dragon Wall in Beihai Park first thing in the morning. Then it is a 800 mile bus ride to Zhangjiajie for four nights. We’ll use Zhangjiajie as our base. After the first night in Zhangjiajie, we’ll be two nights in Kunming to see the stone forest. When we get back, we’ll see the National Forest there and the Nine-Dragon Cave. Then it is a bus drive of 400 miles to the Shaolin Temple near Song Mountain for two nights again. Then we return to Beijing Daxing Airport for a quick flight to Tokyo. We’ll drop off the nine warriors and White Blaze in the Hiroshima’s Peace Park. Then we’ll have our final night in Tokyo before we return home.”
“Thank you for telling me that, Richard. Now I can plan out the gas consumption with the tour bus. It will be at least a 12 hour trip to Zhangjiajie. You will be arriving late there for the first night. Hopefully we’ll arrive there by 8 PM. I can tell you for a fact Richard, the prices of the hotels near there are very reasonably priced. We’ll get a good bargain on the rates there. The only serious expense will be the food in those cities, especially with a group as big as ours.”
“Will you be visiting your relatives along the way, Sifu Li?”
“Yes, I am writing email letters where we’ll be. We’ll definitely see them in Zhangjiajie and the Shaolin Temple near Song Mountain. It will be a great time to see them again. Well, let’s do some more Shaolin moves. We’ll be here in the main room with the students here, while you are in the separate room where it is more private.”
Brianna pushes Robert’s carriage into the separate room. We change our day clothes in the locker rooms into our gee clothes. Sensei Chou, Qiang and I teach some more blue sash moves to Brianna for the next hour. We see her getting very confident in defending two people at the same time. Two of us spar with her to make sure she is learning the moves properly. After the hour is up, we take a break for ten minutes. We drink some water from our water bottles and eat two apples each to keep our strength up. The next hour, I show some new air bending moves.
After the students leave for the night, Sifu Li and Sifu Quon enter the private room with us.
“What needs to be taught now is how to create air shields to protect yourselves. You can use air shields to protect against water, earth and fire. If you see fire coming against you, you can blow the fire away from you. So, for tonight I will use water.”
“How will you be able to bring water into this room, Richard?”
“By bringing it from the moisture in this air conditioned room, Sifu Quon.” I stretch out my hands to my side. “Yes, I feel the moisture in this room.” I concentrate hard on it. Soon, little droplets coalesce from the air near my finger tips.
The four men are in awe as I bring in the moisture from the air. Then Sensei Chou and Qiang have big smiles on their faces.
Then more droplets appear, soon they begin to merge together and form two water balls about a foot in diameter.
“That’s incredible, Richard. You actually brought in the water from the air around us.”
“That’s right, Sifu Li. Until the magic is returned to us in three years or so, no one should be able to do this.”
“You’re right, Richard. So, what can you do with those two water balls?”
“Watch this, Sifu Quon.” I bring them together and create one water ball in front of me. I keep it hovering in front of me with my left hand. I use my right hand and bring a fist size water ball from the bigger one. I manipulate the water into a long spear. I look at it and turn it into ice.
“What? You turned that spear into ice by looking at it?”
“Yes I did, Sifu Li. Also, it is harder than steel. My mind is making it stronger than steel.” I aim the spear at a wooden dummy used in the room. It quickly flies to the wooden dummy without me touching it. It sticks into the wooden dummy without shattering the icy spear.
They are all amazed that it could be done at all.
“Now I am going to create some more weapons and stick them in the wooden dummy.” I create two sickles, two axes and two swords. I send them to wooden dummy and have them stick in it with no problems. “Now that they are down there, I am going defend myself against them as Brianna sends them my way. Brianna has the choice of melting them or not.”
Brianna stands near the wooden dummy. I spin my hands to create two air shields near my hands. I get into a typical martial art stance where my feet are perpendicular to each other. Brianna sends the two sickles first. She quickly melts them and sends them very fast to me.
I quickly use the air shields to defend myself by directing them elsewhere and behind me. I keep them floating in the air behind me.
Brianna sends the two icy spears at me very fast. I quickly deflect the icy spears upward and behind me again. I keep the icy spears floating in the air behind me.
Then Brianna sends the two axes at me. She quickly melts them and return them back into the air as a faint mist. She moves them on both sides of me very fast. She quickly coalesces more water from the air very fast and slams the water blobs onto my body with my arms down to my side. I quickly bring up my arms and push out the water as I create an air bubble near my body. I push the water away and float the water blobs behind me.
I smile, “That’s good, Brianna.”
She smiles back, “Thank you, Richard.”
She then sends two swords at me very fast with the points pointing at me. I use my air shields to deflect them upward and behind me again.
“That’s incredible, Richard. You have stretched your mind to multi-task many items. What is the most you have ever done?”
“I have created a million ice darts. Then they were set on fire and sent them into the hearts of demon spirits who were to trying to take over the Magic Verse in darkness.”
“Didn’t the fire melt the ice darts?”
“No, Sifu Li. You must make the ice darts hard as steel, then they won’t melt. You will see it when I am in Japan. There is a demon water lord there by the name of Gaap. He and his water demons are trying to bring chaos to the Japanese country there by destroying the Japanese Royalty. Gaap is possessing the Emperor there.”
“How will you get him out?”
“Gaap has been a thorn in Poseidon’s side for a long time. Once Poseidon appears, Gaap will be humiliated in shame. Then I will command him to come out from the Emperor’s body. Then we’ll box up his minions and they will be sent to King Azazel. This will also happen in the other seven multi-verses. There is a total of eight element benders attacking the Japanese Royalty. There are two earth benders, two water benders, two fire benders and two air benders. When they appear before King Azazel, they will unleash a fire storm that will last four hours.”
Everyone is laughing now, “Hah, hah, hah, . !!”
“I bet Azazel will hate that fire storm very much.”
“Yes, he will.” I smile at them.
“Well, it’s time to go and lock up the place. Tomorrow is Saturday, we have an appointment at 9 AM at the construction company that uses your 3D program Richard. We’ll be in a remote part of their compound.”
Then I look at the water blobs and ice weapons. I concentrate on melt into one blob. Then I spread it out to a large sheet of water. I break it up into one inch squares of water. I continue to make them smaller until the moisture is returned back into the air.
“That’s incredible to see, Richard.”
“Yes, but tomorrow is a different day. This time you will see me defend myself against the three other elements. Also, we’ll see that dusty tornado as well. I am guessing we’ll be there about three hours.”
“You’re right, Richard.”
“Well, good night everyone!”
We change our clothes in the locker room. Brianna pushes out Robert’s carriage to her car. I help Brianna by taking the basinet apart. I put it in the front passenger seat and strap the basinet securely with the seat belts. The carriage wheels are folded up and put in the trunk of the car. We exit the building as Sifu Li and Sifu Quon lock up the doors to the building.
We get into our cars and drive back to our apartments and homes. We see it is nine o’clock when we get back. We unload our cars in the garage. I put the fairies food satchel on the dining table. I take Robert’s basinet and deliver it to Robert’s bedroom. Brianna follows me into his room. She carefully picks him and lays him on the changing table. She changes Robert’s diaper and puts a fresh powder diaper on him. Then she lays him in the crib. Soon, he is fast asleep.
Everyone else gets ready for bed and change into our night clothes. I set the alarm on the clock for 7:30 AM. We turn off the lights and turn into our beds. Soon we are fast asleep as well.
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The lists of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This a fan-fiction story.
It is 7 AM in a North Carolina prison. It is Saturday. Brent is eating his morning breakfast by himself. He’s mumbling to himself while he is eating, “Fine, my three friends left me alone. Besides, I’m still the best programmer.” He finishes his breakfast of scrambled egg, grits and toast. He picks up the tray with his utensils. He drops the used plastic utensils and napkins in the trash can. He drops off the plastic tray with the plastic plates to be cleaned up by dishwashing crew. He turns around and sees someone looking at him. He sees him staring at him. “Yeah! What do you want to say to me?”
“If you’re the best programmer, how come someone wrote a better program to stop the Euro Scam, Brent?” He walks away quickly snickering loudly, “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!”
“I’m still the best programmer!! Richard just got lucky!!!” He quickly looks around in the cafeteria. “I don’t care what you think!! I’m still the best programmer!!!”
Everyone is laughing and snickering out loud!! “Hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!” “Hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!” “Hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!”
Brent yells out really loud again, “You’re just a bunch of a-holes!!!”
Everyone is laughing and snickering out loud again!! “Hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!” “Hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!” “Hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!”
Brent storms out of the cafeteria mad!! “ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!”
Everyone continues to laugh and snicker out loud as Brent walks out of the cafeteria mad!! “GRRRRR . . . !!!!”
“Hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!” “Hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!” “Hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!”
“I love it! Let’s do this again on the first Saturday of February.”
“We need to keep him guessing when it’s going to happen.”
“Yeah, let’s do it again after Brent finishes his Saturday lunch.”
“Yeah, let a different inmate come up to him on that Saturday.”
“Hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!” “Hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!” “Hah, hah, hah, . . . !!!” “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!” Even the four guards in the cafeteria are snickering as well. “Heh, heh, heh, . . . !!”
The Master of the Shaolin Temple is reading the latest email letter from Sifu Chou in the USA.
“What’s this? He thinks he has found the best candidate to be the Omega Dragon? It states here, he will be here in six months for a tour? Well, we just have to ask him who it is when he gets here.”
Without his knowledge, someone walks behind him in the hallway. He sends an email to an associate of his that belongs to the Assassin Clan. In turn, someone there sends an email to New York City.
Thrashtin sees an email in his Inbox. He opens it and reads it. He smiles when he reads it. He reads someone has found the best candidate for the Omega Dragon.
“Aha! In six months Richard is going to be in China. Here is another chance for you, Sauron, to witness our plans. We are going to finally cripple Richard in mind and body and he will be blind as a bonus. Then it will be easy pickings to finish him off!!”
“I hope you’re right, Thrashtin.”
“You’re too much of a pessimist, Sauron. I’ll admit there won’t be any fire and ice this time. Nothing will go wrong with this assignment. In fact you can enter my body when we get there and witness it yourself.”
“Well, I’ll believe it when I see it, Thrashtin. Besides, I think you better have a back up plan in place there.”
“You do have a point, Sauron. I’ll contact our two associates in China. I bet they would love to get a chance for revenge against Richard.”
Thrashtin types an email letter to the two associates in China. He recommends several different options to compromise him by any means necessary. Also, to take him out permanently.
Once the email is sent, the two associates in China have a big smile on their faces. They have a chance to exact their revenge on Richard Moore.
The alarm sounds out loud for 7:30 AM!! “BZZZZZTTTT!!” I quickly turn it off. I turn around in the bed and look at Brianna.
“Good morning, Brianna.”
“Good morning, Richard, my husband and protector.”
We kiss each other with a lingering kiss. “Mmmm. . .” We break apart as we smile at each other.
“That should keep us charged up for most of the day, Richard.”
“Then we’ll just have to do another one in the afternoon, Bri.”
“I guess we will.” Brianna giggles.
Silva, Silvia, Amber and Cobalt giggle as well. They are glad that we still love each other very much.
We get out from our beds as we take the covers off. Silva, Silvia, Amber and Cobalt get out of their bed rolls in our room. They are using our extra cotton and wool socks to keep themselves warm and comfortable during the night. Lavan, Bianca, White Acacia and White Rose are in Robert’s room. Their bed rolls are tucked in a top drawer with a blanket folded over. The rest of the fairies are in the second boy’s room. They put their bed rolls under a warm blanket folded over in a top drawer in the room.
Brianna and I change into our warm clothes for the day. I put my wallet, keys and comb in my pockets. The fairies fly into the girl’s bathroom to take their morning shower set up in one of the sinks. Brianna and I walk into Robert’s room. We see a big smile on his face as he sees us together.
“Did you sleep well, Robert?”
Robert nods his head up and down and says , “Yes.”
“That’s good, Robert. Well, let’s get you ready for the day. It will be a bit cold this morning for three hours.”
Brianna carefully picks up Robert and lays him on the changing table. She changes his diaper and puts a fresh powdered diaper on him. She sees some urine on the used diaper from last night. She tapes it up and throws the used diaper into the large trash bin in his bedroom. I help Brianna getting him dressed for the day. We decided to put two layers of warm clothes on him. Brianna picks up Robert carefully and puts him in the basinet. Brianna stops back in our bedroom. She gets her medium sized purse. She makes sure her wallet and sunglasses are there at least. I carry the basinet down the stairs while Brianna brings down the folded up carriage.
Brianna opens the folded carriage up. I snap the basinet into the carriage. We push Robert near the dining table. Brianna and I proceed to set up the table for the morning breakfast. I set out four plates on one end of the table. I take a bowl from the cabinet. I dispense a mix of unsalted nuts and dried fruit from the dispensers. I set the bowl near the four plates for the fairies. Then I set out their cups and some toothpicks for their cups of honey-water they will be making. I set the honey squirt bottle on its side with the screw cap and their skin of water nearby with the twist valve on it.
“What’s Robert having for breakfast, Brianna?”
“He will be getting sliced grapes and sliced bananas. Then it will be warm cream of wheat.”
“What do you want for breakfast, Brianna?”
“It will be rice cereal with powdered milk and slices of a half banana. Also, with a cup of orange juice.”
“Okay, I’ll repeat the same for myself. Do you want to split a bagel with me?”
“Yes, let’s split one, Richard.”
“Okay.” I walk into the kitchen and stand near Brianna. I whisper to her, “You do realize Robert will be turning one on January 15.”
Brianna whispers back, “I know, Richard. I’m planning for him to have a healthy cup cake with a candle on it.”
“What kind of toys does he like so far?”
“He’s not into toys right now. I’ve seen that at our Rescue Mission locations. He just wants to crawl around and interact with the other babies there. I’ve seen him trying to be helpful with the other babies.”
“Yes, well, I’ll see it for myself when the other three kids are born into our family.”
“I know you missed a lot in seeing Robert growing up.”
“Sigh . . . I know, Brianna.”
“I have been collecting videos from the Rescue Missions when the babies are together. You should see the videos.”
“Yes, I must see them, Brianna. In fact, let’s do it on his birthday.”
“Yes, that’s a good time to see the videos.”
I finish setting up the place settings at the table. I set out two cups of orange juice and a pitcher of powdered milk. I take a banana and cut it in two pieces. I peel off the banana peels and throw the peels into the trash can underneath the sink. I cut up the bananas into thin slices and put them on the cereal in the bowls. Then I place the bowls at our place setting. I take a cinnamon raisin bagel out of the bag put the bag of bagels back into the refrigerator. I put the two slices into the toaster and push it down.
Brianna has finished cutting up the seedless grapes and bananas for Robert and places the food in a small plastic bowl. Brianna puts some cream of wheat into a bowl. She pours some water into it and places the bowl in the microwave. She sets the timer for ten seconds. Once it is done, the bell ‘dings’. She takes it out to make sure it is the right consistency with a spoon. She pops in for another ten seconds, the bell ‘dings’. She stirs the cream of wheat and gives a taste test for the right temperature. She is satisfied with the results. She puts the used spoon in the sink to clean up later. She takes Robert’s spoon from the drawer and places it in the bowl. She takes the food to the dining table. She takes Robert out of the basinet and places him in the high chair. She puts a bib on him to keep him clean while he is eating.
The bagels pop up when they are done. I put them on two small plates and place them near our place settings.
“Okay fairies, it is time for breakfast!!”
“We’re coming father, mother, Omega!!”
They come flying down quickly to the dining table. Soon they are standing near the four plates. They quickly gather the nuts and dried fruit they want from the bowl. Then they make their own cups of honey-water and warm them up. Then we place Robert’s bowl of sliced grapes and bananas in front of him. He has a big smile on his face when he sees the food prepared for him.
“Creator, we just want to thank you for this opportunity that I am showing the first three elements to these four friends of mine from the Shaolin Dojo here in Jacksonville. Let this food warm us all up this morning and let it give us the strength we need for the day. Thank you, Creator.”
Everyone says, “Thank you, Creator.” We hear Robert saying only “Thank you.”
Robert has fun by himself in eating the slices of grapes and bananas from his plastic bowl with his hands. We pour the powdered milk into our cereal bowls. Then we eat our morning breakfast together. When we see Robert done with the grapes and bananas, we take turns in feeding Robert his warm cream of wheat bowl. We get done eating in about 25 minutes.
Brianna cleans up Robert and takes his bib off. Robert has a smile on his face while Brianna cleans his face and hands.
We wash the plates, bowls, cups and the spoons and place them in the drying rack to dry.
The fairies quickly fly back up to their shower set in the girl’s bathroom to get cleaned up. Then they return back to their cedar boxes. Each one puts on their own fuzzy warm coats to stay warm this morning. Once they are put on, then they fly back down quickly and land on the table.
“All right check your satchel and make sure everything is full, fairies.”
“Yes, father.” They check their food bags to make sure they are filled up. They see the smaller second bottle of honey is still full within the plastic bag. They check to make sure their extra set of cups are still there as well with some toothpicks in another plastic bag.
If you are wondering where I got the plastic cups for their size, I ended up buying the plastic sacrament cups used in churches for communion. I found another website that sells them.
“Traphel and Rose Lace, why don’t you come along for the three hours this morning?”
“Thank you, Omega. We’ll definitely join you for this morning outing.”
Once everything is checked out. We put Robert back into his basinet. “Okay, Croin. It is time for some hot fire this morning.”
Croin flies out of the cave carving. “I’m coming, Richard.” Croin flies into me with no problems.
We then start loading up my car in the garage. We strap Robert’s basinet into the back seat with the seat buckles. I pull it tight to make sure the basinet is secured. I place a blanket folded up on the back seat. The fairies flutter in quickly and get themselves warm under the blanket. I put the fairies satchel on the floor near them. Brianna puts Robert’s satchel on the floor near his basinet. Brianna tucks another blanket in the basinet to keep Robert warm. Then Brianna puts his warm beanie cap and recites a spell to make it warm, that includes the blanket. Robert has a big smile on his face now that he is very warm. Brianna and I then get into the car and buckle ourselves in. We close the car doors. Brianna takes the garage door opener from the glove compartment. She presses the ‘up’ button. The garage door rolls up. I turn on the car engine and back up from the garage. Brianna presses the ‘down’ button. The garage door rolls down. I back up into the street and exit from the sub-division.
We travel to the construction site where I learned the earth bending the first time. We arrive there by 9 AM. I see the gate is already open. I drive in and pull into the parking near the front office. The other three car doors open up. The four Shaolin masters get out and close the doors and locks them.
We see the construction company are on a light schedule this morning. There are only two large trucks getting filled up with gravel for a road-base being built somewhere in the Jacksonville area.
“Well, it’s a walk to get out there to the remote corner here.”
We get back into my car. The fairies flutter out first as butterflies and rest on top of the car. I unbuckle the basinet from the seat belts. Brianna takes the folded up carriage unit from the trunk and closes it. She opens and sets it near me. I take out the basinet and click the basinet into the carriage unit. We take the two satchels in the back seat with us. We close the car doors and lock them up. We take turns in pushing the carriage to the remote corner of the construction site.
The butterflies flutter and follow us out there. We see a different construction vehicle out there this time. It is a front-end loader. The butterflies flutter and rest on the front-end loader. We put Robert’s carriage near the machine. We place the two satchels in one of the wheel-wells.
“All right, now I am going to create two air shields and defend my self against some fire.”
“How are you going to accomplish that, Richard.”
“With a little help from a dragon, his name is Croin. Croin, come out show your self slowly.”
Then Croin comes out of me with his head above mine.
“Uh, that’s a dragon, Richard.”
Then Croin comes out of me faintly in full size.
“Where did you meet him?”
“He met me on Twainor, Sifu Li. In fact he can call up anyone he needs to. Richard can call up images of animals or the people he has met.”
“What? You can speak?”
“Yes I can, Sifu Li. All dragons can speak if they want to. I can blow out cold flames, hot flames or hot steam. It depends on the situation what Richard wants me to do.”
“Okay, Croin. I am going to create two large air shields with my hands. Croin is going to blast some hot flames at me. I’m going to redirect the hot flames above me.”
Croin and I get about fifty feet from the front-end loader. Croin gets about fifty feet from me. I create two very large air shields with my hands. The others quickly step away from us when they feel the air swirling near my hands. “Now!”
Croin lets out a blast of hot flames right at me! “FWWOOOSSSSHHH!!!”
I immediately push the flames above me!!
As soon as Croin is finished, he flies over and hovers above me. Sensei Chou and Qiang have big smiles on their faces.
“That’s incredible Richard!! I didn’t realize air bending could do that.”
“That might be true in certain situations, Sifu Quon. But, what is better to use for protection from fire is water or earth. They have more mass than air. Now, what I am going to do, I am going to create a dusty tornado around me. From that, I will project several different animals that live here on Earth. I will have them attack these two dirt columns I am raising up now.” I tap my right foot onto the ground. I ten foot square column rises up ten feet. I tap my right foot onto the ground and inch away from the first tap. Another column appears right next to it. It appears as a solid wall.
I spin my arms around me. Quickly a dusty tornado appears around me. I keep it chest high. “Now watch this!!” I crouch beneath the dusty tornado. I lunge forward and backwards quickly aiming at the mini-wall I created. I “Roooarrrr!!!” A tiger comes flying out with both hands on it sides for an attack!! It slams into the two pillars. Some pieces of dirt crumble down to the ground.
Sensei Chou and Qiang have big smiles on their faces.
“Oh, man!! That was a tiger attack. That’s incredible!!”
“That’s right, Sifu Li. Now I am going to do a crane wing slash attack. I am going to aim for the top part of pillars and slice off the top six inches!!”
I crouch beneath the tornado. I aim the crane wing slash at the top six inches of the pillars. Once I have it in my mind, I unleash the crane wing slash!! “SKKRRRAAWWW!!” A dusty crane emerges from the dusty tornado. It takes aim at the top six inches of the pillars. The crane swings his feather arms in a short arc. It slices off the top six inches of both pillars!! The pieces of dirt crumbles to the ground.
Sensei Chou and Qiang have big smiles on their faces again.
“That’s incredible again, Richard!! Have you used this technique against somebody?”
“Yes, I did, Sifu Li. I was on a parallel Earth in the Magic Verse. I met our counter parts of Richard and Brianna there. They are a full fledge wizard and sorceress there. I encountered two demon masters. Their names are Leonard and Mullin. Leonard is the Master of Black Magic. Mullin is his Lieutenant. They had almost engulfed that world in darkness. The only area they have not conquered are North, Central and South America. There is another area that they couldn’t touch. It is the Forbidden Forest in Scotland. I was able to turn the water vapor into ice crystals crane wing slash attack against them. I was able to slice their stomachs.”
“Were you able to defeat them?”
“Yes, Sifu Quon. I also found out, Anti-Richard visited Richard and Brianna in the Monster Verse. He discovered Pyro and Pruflas. Pyro is the demon of lies. Pruflas is the provoker of wars. They were causing all of the wars and lies in that multi-verse. Then we boxed their legions into four boxes. On each box we put a different element bend on each one. That would be fire, earth, water and air. When those four get combined together, it creates a fire storm of the four elements. The fire storm will last one hour long.”
“Do you happen to know which one in heaven that represents, Richard?”
“Yes, I do Sifu Quon. Those four elements are found on the four living creatures that are before the Creator at all times. I’ll have my fairies do a small taste for you of those four elements together.”
Levi and Shiri change into dragon butterflies. Ruby and Rubio bring in the moisture from the air. Silva and Silvia bring up a handful of dirt from the ground. Amber and Cobalt flap their wings for the air. Then they bring the four elements together in front of them. It quickly creates a small fire storm right in front of them.
“Oh, wow!!”
“Now imagine four million demon angels doing that right in front of Azazel!”
“I bet he hated that fire storm from the both of you.”
“Yes he did.”
“Well, we have been out here for about two hours so far. What will you do for the water element next week, Richard?”
“I’ll demonstrate the compact moves of the duck, frog and the turtle at least. I’ll even demonstrate the devastating move of the chicken.”
“The chicken has a devastating move? Is that right, Sifu Chou?”
“We might not be able to do it, Sifu Li. But, I have confidence Richard can do it.”
“All right, we’ll wait for it next week Saturday.”
“We’ll see you both on Monday night to continue the Blue Sash lessons, Brianna.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Now watch what I am going to do with these pillars of earth I erected, friends.” I tap my toe to the ground and slide it back. Quickly one of the pillars of earth slides back into the ground. I move an inch over and do it again. The second pillar of earth slides back into the ground.
“Hah, hah, hah, . . .!! I love it!!” Everyone is laughing.
We gather our belongings. The fairies change back into butterflies. We put our satchels on our shoulders. Brianna and I take turns pushing Robert’s carriage back to our car. Once we get back to our cars, we open the doors. I disconnect the basinet from the carriage. I use the seat belts to secure the basinet to the back seat. The fairies flutter into the back seat and quickly change back into fairies. They quickly get under the blanket to stay warm. Everyone else drives back to their homes and apartments.
While we are driving back to the house, the fairies quickly open their satchel. They hand each other a nut and piece of dried fruit to eat and regain their energy.
We get back by twelve noon. Brianna opens the garage door with the remote. I drive into the garage. Once I park, Brianna pushes the ‘down’ button on the remote. She puts the remote into the glove box. The garage door comes down. We unload the car back into the house. We have a restful weekend for Saturday and Sunday.
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The lists of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This a fan-fiction story.
We enjoyed the weekend very much as a family. This Friday, it is Robert’s birthday. He’ll finally be one year old.
Monday proved to be a usual day like the others. I continue to add more literature novels to the hard drives. At 5 PM, I leave Secure-Sys. The fairies are already in the car. It is nice and warm for them with the portable heater plugged into the cigarette lighter. They have their fill of nuts, seeds and dried fruit from their satchel. I have already eaten my lunch and dinner I brought with me. I ate them in the break room at Secure-Sys. I put on my thick winter coat to keep me warm.
I arrive at the Shaolin Dojo in Jacksonville with no problems by 6 PM. When I get there, I see Brianna’s car is there as well. “Well, stay nice and warm here fairies.”
“We will father. We promise not to get in any food fights.”
“Sometimes you are a bunch of silly fairies.”
“Yes we are, Omega.” All of the fairies ‘giggle’ at the same time.
“Then there the other times, I like it when you are serious.”
“Thank you for the compliment father, mother, Omega.” All of the fairies ‘giggle’ again at the same time.
I push the button to roll the rear window on the left side down an inch for fresh air. I lock the door and take the keys out of the ignition switch. I close the door and take my duffle bag with me into the dojo. I see everyone there in their gi clothes. I see Robert in his carriage with a big smile on his face as he sees me. I wave my right hand at him while I’m smiling at him. He waves his right hand at me while he smiles at me.
“I’ll be back once I get changed into my gi clothes.” I take off my shoes before I walk across the mats. I walk back into the men’s locker room. I place my duffle bag on an aluminum bench. I take the gi clothes out first and put them on the bench. I take off the thick winter coat and put it on the bench. I proceed to undress myself quickly. I put the shoes and socks there as well. I fold up the pants and shirt and put them in the duffle bag. I stuff the socks into the shoes and place the shoes upside down on the folded shirt. I make sure my wallet and car keys are there as well. I put the gi clothes on. I tie the fifth degree sash around my waist twice and tie it in front of me. I zip up the duffle bag and walk out with it. I place it near the door to the men’s locker room. I put the thick winter jacket on top of the duffle bag. I walk out into the main room where the other people are . I do a quick bow and handclasp to everyone.
“All right, let’s do our warmups and stretches for five minutes.” Everyone goes into their own routines of warmups and stretches. Some jog in place for a minute. Some reach down and put the palm of their hands on the mat while keeping the legs straight. Some do tai-chi for two minutes to keep their balance. Some twist their torsos and do swinging arm movements at the same time. Some lift a leg straight up and keep in balance at the same time. After five minutes we cease the warmups and stretches.
“That’s very good students. Now we need to do a review of the movements with our sashes that you are earning.”
Everyone splits apart into several groups. Some students are learning the three weapons for the purple belt and the brown belts. For the purple belt it is staff or bo, the two fighting sticks or batons and the short wooden sword. For the brown belts the weapons are the sai, sickle, and the metal broadsword.
Brianna is the only one here going after the blue sash. Qiang and I come near to Brianna. Sifu Chou is watching intently at the three of us.
“All right what is the first move, Brianna?” Qiang and I come against her on both sides.
She brings up her hands and arms and puts her hands on our chests. She pushes out the same time. We stagger back from her as she pushes against us, but we keep our balance to stay standing.
“That’s good, Brianna. What is the second move?”
Qiang and I come against her on both sides again. She immediately brings up her hands again. Then with a right elbow she punches it into Qiang’s stomach. She also pushes me out at the same time.
“That’s very good, Brianna. You are creating distance between your attackers. Now what is the first movement with the legs and arms?”
Qiang and I come against her on both sides again. Just before we get there, she kicks out her leg at Qiang and pushes me away from her. We both stagger backwards. “That’s very good Brianna. Again you are creating distance between your attackers. Now for something new to learn, you need to recognize what Qiang and Richard are doing. They are going to do two different leg movements. You are to dive between their swinging legs to avoid being hit by their legs.”
Qiang and I do a leg swing at the same time. I aim for her chest. Qiang is aiming for the knees.
“I need to see that again, Qiang and Richard.”
We do it again.
“What did you see, Brianna?”
“I think I need to concentrate on the position of their bodies and legs to determine what is going to happen, Sifu Chou.”
“That’s right, Brianna. You need to be aware of that very fast. Fights will be very fast and constantly flowing. Now I want you to do is a dive and a roll first. Brianna, when did you learn the dive and roll?”
“It is one of the movements for the yellow sash.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Now, they will add the leg movements and you dive between their swinging legs.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.” Brianna does a dive and a roll onto the mat.
We then get into position. Qiang and I immediately swing our legs like before. Brianna dives between our swinging legs and rolls onto the mat. She stands up very happy. “Yes!! I learned how to avoid being hit!”
“That’s right Brianna. The next lesson to learn is how to deliver pain to the two attackers without punching them.”
“But, if I am facing two people, how am I going to do that?”
“First you need to try and run away from them if you can. Hopefully, they will follow you. You need to do a quick glance behind to see how close they are to you. You should see them in the corner of your eye. When the nearest one to you comes at you with a club or fist, you dodge downward and sit on the ground. You can take their wrists or not. It depends on the situation you are in. Then with your feet you will kick one of them into his chest. This will launch him and land on top of the other attacker. They will both collapse to the ground. You jump up quickly and take the club from the attacker on top if he has one and toss it away quickly. You take the leg of the attacker on top and pull on that one leg and twist it as you try to yank out of his hip socket.”
“Then he will be screaming in pain when that happens.”
“That’s right, Brianna. You then can go after the arm if they reach toward you. Or you can yank the other leg and twist it as well. Then you can go after the other attacker and do the same thing to him.”
“Then both of them will not be able to stand up and fight me.”
“That’s right, Brianna. The pain will be very excruciating. You have really doubled the pain in them. Also, their limbs will feel like they are on fire.”
“So, how am I going to do that?”
“Qiang and Richard will attack you again.”
“But I don’t want to hurt Richard. He’s my husband.”
“Fear not, Brianna. I went through the same pain when I taught the other students at the Peaceful Dragon. It’s just a matter of rubbing my limbs down to get life back into it. I’m used to it by now.”
“That’s right, Brianna. All of the Shaolin students are used to it. It also helps us to be aware what is happening around us more so.”
“Hmmm . . . okay, let’s do it.”
We walk down one end of the room. Then Brianna runs away from us. I follow her next. Qiang is right behind me. She does a quick glance and sees me near to her. I swing a right fist toward her head. She ducks down to avoid being hit in the head. She takes my right wrist with both of her hands and sits down on the mat by putting her back on the mats. She uses her feet and kicks into my chest. I get launched and land on top of Qiang. We both collapse to the ground with me on top of Qiang. She quickly gets up and immediately goes after my left leg. She tries to yank it and twist it out of my hip socket.
She takes my other leg as he does the same thing!
I try to roll off of Qiang to the left. She takes Qiang’s right leg and does the same thing as well.
Qiang yells, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
Qiang reaches for Brianna with his left hand. Brianna takes the left hand from Qiang and yanks it and twist it as she pulls it out from his arm socket.
Qiang yells again, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
All of the students cheer her on. “Yeah!! That’s the way to do it!” “Good job!”
Qiang and I immediately start rubbing our limbs down so we can stand up. Another student rubs down Qiang’s left arm to bring life back into it.
“So how do you feel, Brianna?”
“It took a lot of arm and hand strength to yank their limbs out, Sifu Chou.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Eventually, you need your own limbs rub down as well. With more practice it will be easier the next time. The same approach can also be applied to three attackers as well. You kick your legs into two attackers while you jump over the third one. Do a leg sweep to get him on the ground and do the same thing to him.”
“I see. So, I need to be really aware of my surroundings this time.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Have no worries, Brianna. You’ll be facing three attackers for the green sash. All right, it is time to go home and get cleaned up. We’ll review these two moves tomorrow evening and add a new move tomorrow as well.”
We enter into the locker rooms to change back into our regular clothes. We leave the dojo by 8:00 PM this time. The Masters of the dojo lock up all the doors up and leave in their own cars back to their homes and family.
Once we get home, we unload the cars of everything. We take Robert upstairs to his room. Once he is sitting on the changing table. I pick up Robert and hug him carefully. I hug him every Monday night. Sometimes I hug Robert on Thursday or Friday. This way, I’m hugging Robert at least two times a week. “I love you Robert.”
“I luv dada and mama.”
Brianna smiles when she hears those words from Robert.
“Yes you do.” I place him on the changing table. I see a big smile on his face. We change his clothes into his night warm clothes. Brianna checks his diaper. She sees a little urine in the diaper. She decides to put a fresh powdered diaper on him for the night. Once he is all changed and dressed in his warm night clothes, Brianna carefully places him in his crib.
“Have sweet dreams, Robert.”
Bianca, Lavan, White Acacia and White Rose change into their warm night clothes. They get under the folded blanket and under their bed covers and lay their heads on the pillows. I turn off the lights to the room. Soon they are fast asleep.
The rest of the fairies change into their warm night clothes and get under the covers and lay their heads on the pillows. When we get to our room, we see Silva, Silvia, Amber and Cobalt already changed and they are under the covers on top of the socks. They recite a warming spell on the covers and the socks to keep them warm all night long.
“Do you need a shower, Brianna?”
“Let’s both do a quick one. I still feel a little sticky with sweat.”
“Yes, so do I, Brianna.”
We get out of our clothes and place them in the hamper. We enter the bathroom together. Fortunately I designed the shower stall so the two of us can be in there together. There is a separate slightly larger tub if we need to take one with both of us in it. However, it is really designed for one person only. There is an above ground spa near the pool. I turn on the water to the shower and set it to the temperature that we like. Soon, we see the steam building in the bathroom and the mirrors get foggy. We both get in together. We start soaping each other down with the wash cloths and the plastic scrubbers. Brianna and I take turns shampooing our hair two times each. Then we put a conditioner into our hair. We continue to soap ourselves again to make sure we are really clean. Then we rinse out the conditioner in our hair. I turn off the shower, we step out together and take the fluffy towels to dry ourselves.
Brianna takes longer to dry her hair. She uses a portable hair dryer at a low temperature setting. She continues to brush her hair and use the hair dryer at the same time. She feels her hair to make sure it is dried out enough. She then puts in large hair rollers into her hair. She then puts a bonnet on to protect it during the night. She looks at my hair. “Hmm . . . I think you’ll need another trim by Saturday. It is getting a little long now.”
“Okay, Brianna. It will be done when we come back from the construction site Saturday morning.”
Tuesday is a repeat of Monday. We arrive at the dojo like before. Once I get changed, I enter the main dojo room.
Brianna is able to repeat the two moves she learned yesterday with no problems. Qiang and I rub her hands and arms to bring them back to life. We rub our limbs down like last night. Once we get done, we turn to Sifu Chou.
“All right, Brianna. This is the new move to learn. Again, it is another lesson to avoid being hit. I want you to look at Qiang and get close to him as you look up at him.”
Brianna gets up close and stands in front of Qiang and looks up at him. “Okay, what is next, Sifu Chou?”
“Richard is going to do a wind up and try to hit you in the back. You must listen carefully what Richard is doing. Then dodge downward quickly, Richard will miss you and hit Qiang instead. First, you need to hear what Richard is doing. Describe what he is doing.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.”
I line myself up and prepare myself what I’m going to do. I breathe in quickly through my nose as I bring my fist back quickly. I stop what I’m doing.
“What did you hear, Brianna?”
“I hear Richard breathing in through his nose.”
“That’s right, Brianna. That’s your clue what is going to happen next. Now Richard will punch forward with his fist and miss you to the right side of your head.”
I punch forward quickly and stop my forward movement of my fist. I stop it to the right side of her head.
“How fast is that Brianna?”
“That’s very fast, Sifu Chou. So, I need to dodge downward as soon as Richard stops breathing in.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Let’s play it at full speed.”
I see Qiang flex his muscles to the Iron Shirt level of the Blue Scorpion. He nods his head at me. That tells me he is ready for my punch.
I breathe in through my nose as I bring my right arm back for a punch. As soon as I stop breathing in, I punch my right arm toward Brianna. Brianna dodges downward to miss my punch. I hit Qiang’s flexed muscles instead.
“That’s very good, Brianna. You need to keep practicing that so it will be automatic every time. So, let’s review these last set of moves that you learned this week.”
Brianna is able to do those three moves with no problems. We see her gaining confidence that she can stand up to two attackers at the same time.
“We will add another move tomorrow night, Brianna. Again, it is another lesson in avoiding being hit.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.”
We leave at 8:00 PM again. Wednesday turns out to be a repeat of Monday and Tuesday. She repeats the three moves she has learned. Brianna learns another lesson to avoid being hit.
“Now here is another lesson in avoided being hit. Richard is coming straight at you with his fist. You crouch downward quickly. While his right arm is swinging, you grab his right arm and hip toss him over you. Do you remember the hip toss, Brianna?”
“I remember that move. It was earned for the yellow sash. The judo style moves were learned for the white sash.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Now when you hip toss him, make sure Richard lands on top of Qiang. They will both fall onto the ground, then you can go after their legs and arms as needed.”
I swing my fist toward Brianna. She dodges downward quickly. She takes my arm and grabs onto it. She hips toss me into Qiang. I land on top of Qiang. We both collapse to the ground. She grabs my right leg and yanks it as she twists my leg.
I yell out really loud. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
I reach for her with left hand. She grabs it and yanks it as she twists my left arm.
I yell out really loud again. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
I try to roll off Qiang. Brianna immediately grabs Qiang’s right leg. She yanks it and twists it at the same time.
Qiang yells, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
Then Brianna grabs Qiang’s left leg and does the same thing to it as well.
Qiang yells again, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
We immediately rub our limbs down like last night.
“Now, tomorrow night you will be putting it all together. This will be your test for earning the Blue Sash. You will be facing two new students here.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.”
Everyone changes clothes for the return back to our apartments and homes. We leave by 8 PM. When we get home, we get everything unloaded like last night. Robert has his diaper changed again. Then we put his warm night clothes like last night. Brianna and I take another shower like last night.
We get a good night of sleep during the night. We wake up Thursday morning with no problems. The fairies are in my car again like the last several days. We repeat our day again like the previous days. When we get done with our evening meals, we drive out to the Jacksonville dojo.
“You might as well come in fairies. Brianna is going to be tested for the blue sash tonight.”
“That’s great father, mother, Omega. Yes, let’s see Brianna earn her blue sash. We know there are some flowers in the main meeting room.”
The fairies flutter out quickly in butterfly mode. As soon as the door is open, they fly in quickly to find the three potted flowers in the main room. They take their fill of nectar from the flowers.
We change our clothes like before and enter the main room where the other students are at. We do our five minute stretch and warm ups like before. When we get done we gather near Brianna and Sifu Chou. We see two students getting ready to fight Brianna.
“Okay, Brianna. This is going to be live. If you yank on their limbs, two new students will join in the fray. You will also need to face different people with different body strengths. Remember to be observant about what they are doing to you.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.”
Two students begin to walk in a circle around Brianna. She uses her peripheral vision to see who goes first.
Then a student swings his fist at Brianna. Brianna dodges downward quickly. She grabs his arm and hip tosses him into the other student. They collapse on the ground. She immediately grabs the left leg of the top student. She yanks it as she twists his leg.
He yells out a loud scream. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
She goes after the other leg and does the same thing.
He yells out a loud scream again. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
He tries to roll off the other student. She immediately grabs the right leg of the next student and does the same thing!
He yells out a loud scream. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
He reaches for her with his right arm. She immediately grabs it and yanks it out of his socket and twists it as well.
He yells out a loud scream again. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
The other students quickly rub their limbs down to bring life back into it.
Two new students come in to face Brianna. They walk in a circle around her like the other two did. She notices the legs are getting ready to swing at her. She dives and rolls between the two swinging legs. Once she is up, she notices they are chasing her. She tries to run away from them. She looks quickly behind her to see how close they are. She sees the nearest one is getting ready to strike his fist at her. She turns around and sits on the ground with her back on the mats. She quickly kicks her legs into his chest. She launches him into the other student. They both collapse to the ground.
She does the same thing to them as she did to the first pair students.
She immediately grabs the left leg of the top student. She yanks it as she twists his leg.
He yells out a loud scream. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
She goes after the other leg and does the same thing.
He yells out a loud scream again. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
He tries to roll off the other student. She immediately grabs the right leg of the next student and does the same thing!
He yells out a loud scream. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
He reaches for her with his right arm. She immediately grabs it and yanks it out of his socket and twists it as well.
He yells out a loud scream again. “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
Two new students come in against her. The other students quickly rub their limbs down to bring life back into it.
She quickly notices their legs are getting ready for another swing attack. She dives again between the swinging legs to avoid being hit again. She immediately walks up quickly to the taller student to look up at him. She hears the other student breathing in for a windup to hit her back. The taller student quickly flexes his chest muscles to the mantis armor. She dodges downward quickly while the other student quickly hits his fist into the taller student.
Everyone yells out loudly, “All right, that’s the way to do it!” Everyone claps their hands.
“Thank you, thank you. Pant . . . pant . . .”
“Well, you have earned the blue sash Brianna. You did a marvelous job in avoiding being hit. We’ll have your ceremony at 8 PM tonight before you leave. The other students are still learning their weapons tonight.”
“Qiang and Sensei Chou, I need to tell you a story that actually happened to me when I got back from North Carolina after burying my family.”
“What happened, Richard?”
“Josh and his gang found me after twelve years. He found me at North Carolina State University.”
Brianna suddenly realizes what I said, “What? Josh found you again? How did he find you, Richard?”
“Please let’s sit down together on the mats while I tell the story.”
The four of us sit together on the mats. We are far away from everyone else on the mats.
“First of all, this was not publicized too much in the papers. The trial was in the beginning of September, during the first week. There were three students and one adult who took a video of the fight with their cell phones. The police showed up and downloaded the video onto their computers. The four people had not sent the videos on the internet yet. This made it easier for the prosecution to prosecute the case. How they found me was very interesting. During the trial, it was discovered that Lynn is a registered nurse. She was a part of the gang after six years. As a request from Josh, she went to the hospital where I was at. She discovered my address and she learned that I am hermaphrodite. When my family moved to North Carolina. It was easy for her to find the new address. She relayed the information to Josh and the others. Then they learned I went to NC State. During my junior year, the Spring break happened. I received the call from Renard to go to Twainor. When I came back the same day, I was there for a week. I got back into my routine, fortunately I did all of the homework for the classes before I learned what happened to my family with the plane crash. The plane was commandeered by a spectral entity. It was Sauron that brought it down and crashed it into their car on the road. For two weeks I buried my family members. I remember seeing four caskets at the funeral ceremony.”
“When I came back, I had a couple of surprises on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I met with Rav Shlomo. I showed some of them the picture of my secondary sex organs. They were surprised to see it. They still accept me as their gentile friend. Sunday was when it happened. First, the Pastor discovered he had a problem with some of the adults. He found some of them against me. He confirmed the dream that I suffered a loss times four. Then after the service we had a meeting with the kids and the college students. The Pastor and I shook their hands to begin a youth movement. When I stepped out of the church, Mr. Hawkins, was able to miss my stomach and then he hit my chin quickly.”
“He told us that he learned from Josh that I’m dual gender. Then he tells me that Josh and his gang showed up to confront me. Twelve members showed up walking toward Raleigh First. Eight of them kept the others away while the original four came at me again. I can tell you for a fact Brianna. I used the same blue sash moves against them. Also, a few green sashes moves. During the green sash Brianna, you will learn how to defend yourself against three people at once. Moreover, you will learn how to defend yourself against arrows being aimed at you. One of the new moves involves hitting the acupuncture points of the limbs to shake uncontrollably. Another defensive tactic to learn is locking their wrists and splitting their fingers.”
“Is that right, Sifu Chou?”
“Yes it is, Brianna. We will discuss this some more next week. I see we are all done here. Let’s award you the blue sash Brianna.”
We all get up from the mats. Sifu Li gets a blue sash from the closet and walks to the middle of the mats. Everyone gathers around the perimeter of the mats. The masters of the dojo, Sifu Li, Sifu Quon and Sifu Chou are in the middle of the mats.
Sifu Li speaks up, “We have a student here who has earned blue sash. She worked very hard for it during the last month and half. Brianna Moore, please come forward to receive the blue sash.”
Brianna steps forward and turns around to face us. Sifu Quon unties the yellow sash from her and keeps it in his hand. Sifu Li gives the blue sash to Sifu Chou. Then Sifu Li and Sifu Chou wrap it around her twice. Then they tie it off in front of her.
We all clap and cheer Brianna for earning the blue sash.
“That’s the way to do it!”
“Congratulations, Brianna!”
She has a big smile on her face. Sifu Quon puts the yellow sash back into the closet.
“Well, it is time to go. It is now 7:45 PM. We’ll see you at the construction site Saturday morning at 9 AM.”
“We’ll be there. I’ll show the three water animals and their weapons. I’ll will also show you a new earth move. It will be a teaser for the following Saturday. I think you will really like it.”
“We expect nothing less, Richard.”
Everyone goes back to the lockers to change back into our street clothes.
The fairies follow us quickly back to our car. As soon as my car door opens, they flutter in quickly. They quickly change back into fairies. They each have a fruit and nut to get their energy back up. We load Robert into the Brianna’s car. Lavan, Bianca, White Acacia and White Rose are with Brianna. They open their satchel to retrieve a fruit piece and a nut to munch on to get their energy back up. Then they get under the blanket to keep themselves warm.
Once everyone leaves, then Sifu Li and Sifu Quon make sure all of the doors are locked. Friday is a day of rest for everyone. Everyone else will be back Monday to begin another week of learning more moves with the weapons.
Once we get back to our house, we unload the cars and take everything in. We deliver Robert back to his room. Once he is changed and put his warm night clothes on. He is placed in his bed. The fairies take their shower in the girl’s bathroom. Brianna and I take another shower as well. Once we are cleaned up we go to bed by 9:30 PM.
Everyone knows, Robert will be turning one year old Friday night.
Friday proved to be a repeat of the last few days. When we get back to our house, we have our dinner together. Then we start cleaning up and get ready for Robert’s first birthday. Robert has a big smile on his face. He knows it is his first birthday. Brianna brings out the healthy cupcake and puts a candle in it. Even the fairies have a healthy cupcake as well. Brianna and I each have a healthy cupcake as well.
The fairies make their own cups of honey-water. They each take five nuts and fruit pieces to finish their dinner.
Brianna puts a healthy cup cake in front of Robert. She lights the candle from a butane lighter.
“Okay, Robert, we are going to sing a song for you.”
Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear Robert. Happy Birthday to you.
And many more!
“Okay Robert, blow out the candle.”
Robert thinks for a moment. Then with a quick movement with his right hand, the candle is blown out from his hand. Then he starts giggling as well. “Giggle! Giggle! . . . .”
Everyone starts giggling and laughing. “Well he blew them out like an air bender.”
“Yes he did, father, mother, Omega. We love it!!” Everyone continues to giggle and laugh again.
Brianna removes the candle from the healthy cupcake. Brianna puts a bib on him to keep him clean. Then Robert starts using his hands and attack the cupcake. He tears it apart and brings the bite size pieces to his mouth to eat it.
For Brianna and me, we use silver ware to eat the healthy cupcake. The fairies uses their hands to take apart the cupcake and eat it.
“There are cranberries in this cupcake mother.”
“That’s right, Bianca.”
“That’s great. We love it.”
“You’re welcome, fairies.”
Everyone continues to giggle while they eat the cupcake. Once we have eaten the cupcake. The fairies finish off their meal with the nuts, fruit pieces and cups of honey-water. Brianna cleans up Robert’s hands and takes his bib off. Once the dishes are cleaned up and put it in the racks to dry, we all walk and fly over to the TV to watch the DVD video that Brianna brought from the Rescue Mission in Jacksonville.
“Of all the videos, this one scene describes it best.” She puts the DVD in player. She turns on the TV. We have Robert sitting between Brianna and I on the sofa. The fairies are sitting on our shoulders, heads and the sofa.
Brianna and a mother are sitting in a room behind a one way mirror. They are watching the babies interact with each other.
Then all of a sudden a baby starts to cry. “Waahhh!!”
“That’s my daughter, she is crying. I need to be in there to comfort her.”
“No, don’t do that, Miss Thompson. Wait and see what happens next.”
Then Robert crawls over and sits near her. He puts his arms around her. “Friend needs hugs n’ luv.”
“What is your son doing?”
“He is hugging her to calm down.”
Then slowly, she stops crying. “Mom needs hugs n’ luv.”
“What is going on here? Your son Robert says I need hugs and love. Why?”
“I have a question for you Miss Thompson. Did your boyfriend ever hug you?”
“Sigh . . . no, Brianna. He said sex is his love for me. I never saw him again. Sigh . . .”
“Then what does that say about sex and love?”
“They are two different emotions.”
“That’s right, Miss Thompson. But, if he stayed with you and proved himself he is committed to you. You would probably have gotten married.”
“But, since he didn’t stay with me, that means he has no commitment issues at all. Grrrr . . . . I was such a fool to get pregnant with my daughter! Now I will have to raise her by myself. I need to make sure she gets a better education than I had.”
“Hindsight is always 20-20. It is tough to see it when it happens. I’ve seen too much at these Rescue Mission clinics. I am glad I’m married to Richard. We love each other very much. We saved our first sex until I was ready for it. Richard had to wait two weeks before we consummated our marriage properly. But, what we did during those two weeks, we gave each other mild erotic highs. This helped us to build up for it. We still give each other a mild erotic high in anticipation for our next child.”
“Sigh . . . I wish it was so with Aaron. But, apparently he has no commitment at all.”
“That’s right. Now go in there and hug your daughter.”
Miss Thompson exits the room and enters the play room. Robert lets go of his friend. He has a big smile on his face.
The daughter smiles when she sees her mom. She reaches up for her. She picks her up and hugs her very carefully. “I love you Allison. I love you very much.”
“I luv momma.”
The scene ends on the DVD.
“How did you know, Robert?”
“Easy see, dada. I get hugs n’ luv four days a week.”
Then we both hug Robert at the same time. Robert has a big smile on his face when we do that. Brianna gets up and removes the DVD from the player with the remote. She takes it out and puts it back into the plastic case. She leaves it on the coffee table. I pick up Robert and carry him back to his room upstairs. I set him on the changing table. We proceed to clean up Robert some more and change his diaper. We put his warm night clothes on again.
The fairies all get cleaned in the shower set up in the girl’s bathroom again. They all change into their night clothes they get under the covers and blankets. They recite a warming spell to keep them warm all night long.
Brianna and I take another shower like before. We change into our night clothes and get under the covers. I spoon myself into Brianna’s back side.
We get another great night of sleep again. When we wake up, it is 7 AM this time. We have our normal breakfast that we have been having the last several cold days in Jacksonville. We get my car loaded up with what we need for the morning like before. Then we exit the garage and have the garage door come down. I drive out to the construction site. We see the three cars out there already. We exit the cars and lock them up. Once we are all set, we walk out to the remote section corner of the property. This time we see the grader out there again.
“Okay, now I’m going to do the three water animal. That would be the frog, the duck and the turtle. Since, Brianna saw this demonstration, she will create the two thick branches of ice. For the weapons, it will be the frog darts.”
“Richard, why don’t you use the monkey braided fist?”
“Okay, I’ll do it, Sifu Chou. I’ll use the grader for my launching points for the monkey movements. I’ll do that one first. Make sure you have at least 20 pebbles with you, Sifu Li.”
“I’ll be right back, Richard.” Sifu Li walks over to a mound of pebbles nearby. He counts 20 pebbles into his hands and walks back to us.
“That’s fine, Richard.”
I get into my stance. Once I feel my chi is at a maximum. I go into the monkey movements. I jump around like a monkey. When I jump up high enough, I kick my legs out quickly. When I land, I create the two finger slash. I criss-cross my arms as I slash the imaginary opponent in front of me. After a minute of that, I jump up to the grader like a monkey. Then I kick outward with both of my feet at the same time. I land on the ground safely. “All right, Sifu Li, get ready to toss the pebbles around me.”
“Yes, Richard.”
I reach out my hands to the side. I concentrate on the water moisture in the air. Slowly, I bring in the water from the air. When I get the water as big as a baseball, I stop it. Then I quickly created a monkey fist with the water. The string of water is three feet long. I freeze the braided monkey end until it is steel ice. I swing them around in a helicopter fashion. “Okay, Sifu anytime when you are ready.”
“Yes, Richard.” He tosses one of the pebbles near me. I immediately hit it. “Crack Poof!!”
Sifu Quon is smiling widely now. Sifu Chou and Qiang are smiling widely again.
One by one Sifu Li tosses them up around me. He does toss one that seems to be beyond my reach.
I hit all nineteen pebbles. “Crack Poof!! Crack Poof!! Crack Poof!! Crack Poof!! Crack Poof!! . . . Crack Poof!! Crack Poof!! Crack Poof!!”
I then end the use of the monkey braided fist. I do a bow and hand clasp to each one of the masters.
Everyone is laughing. “Hah, hah, hah . . .!!”
“That’s great, Richard. Now do the frog movements with the frog darts.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou. I create ten frog darts and put them on finger tips. I quickly tap the toe of my foot on the ground. A two foot square shoots up from the ground, eight feet high.
I get on the ground and jump around like a frog. I put my hands on the ground and kick my two feet out like a frog. I turn over and spin on my back side as I kick my feet out like a frog. I also thrust out my arms and hands out like a frog to strike someone. I turn over again. Then I jump upward and kick my feet outward like a frog. I shoot the ten frog darts at the dirt pile. They all stick in the dirt pillar with no problems. I do somersaults while kicking my feet out like a frog. I stand up and do the bow and hand clasp again.
Everyone laughs again. “Hah, hah, hah . . .!!”
“That’s great, Richard. Now for the next two water animals.”
“Sifu Chou. I’ll do the duck first, then the turtle.”
Brianna creates a four-inch diameter branch about ten feet long. She keeps it floating in the air until I’m ready for it.
I squat down and position my arms and hands to look like a duck bill. I quickly put my hands on the ground and kick my legs out like a duck. Then I squat down again. This time, I kick my legs out like a duck again. “I’m ready for it, Brianna.”
She brings the ice branch near to me. I use my finger tips and hit the branch once. Everyone hears a crack. “Crack!” I come in with the other hand and finish it off by breaking it into two pieces. “Crack!” The two pieces fall to the ground and Brianna melts into the ground.
“Now for the turtle moves, sirs.”
Brianna creates another four-inch diameter of ice, and ten feet long. She keeps it floating in the air nearby.
I crouch down quickly on all fours. I put my hands down, and kick out my feet like a turtle. I create the three finger claw for the turtle. I slash and criss cross my arms as I slash the imaginary foe in front of me. I get on my back side and spin around quickly. I quickly thrust my hands and legs out like a turtle. Then I turn over again. I flex my back muscles to the turtle shell. “Okay, Brianna, I’m ready.”
She quickly strikes the ice branch onto my back side. It completely breaks into two pieces!! “Crack!!”
I then stand up again and do the handclasp and bow again to the three masters.
“That was great, Richard. We love every minute of it.”
“Thank you, sirs. Now for a taste of next Saturday.” I go over to my satchel, I open the coin bag and take out a quarter. “During our honeymoon trips, I was able to learn the air movements and water movements from them at the Avatar world. Last Christmas, we had a visit from the Emissaries. They took us back to the Avatar World. There we were taught by the best Earth Bender, her name is Toph.”
“Isn’t she blind, Richard?”
“Yes, she is Sifu Quon. We were able to do the impossible. Toph taught us how to do it. We even put scarfs on to cover our eyes. I also learned how to metal bend. Watch the quarter in my hand.” I open palm upward, the quarter is resting on the palm. Then all of a sudden it floats up in the air. I move it around with my mind very quickly.
Everyone is astonished that I could do such a thing. “Gasp! He can metal bend!”
Then I hover it front of us and keep it floating there. I reach out to it and grab it from the air. “Next week Saturday, I’ll do some more Earth Bending and Metal bending. I also learned how to create an armor of gems around me as well.”
“You do realize that you will be teaching us in China when this happens.”
“I know, my friends. But, they will not be able to do it until the magic comes back in about four years.”
“That’s right. Ethereal Space rocks from Pern will do that for us.”
“That’s right, Sifu Chou. Two years from China, I will be taking a trip to Mexico and South America. Then two years from that, it will be a trip to Australia and Indonesia.”
“Hopefully, you will be able to do one month vacations by then.”
“That’s the hope, my friends. Right now it is two week vacations.”
Then all four of them clap their hands and cheer me on. I tap my toe to the ground and slide it backwards to lower the eight foot high pillar of dirt back into the ground. We all leave the construction site and go back to our apartments and homes. We have a nice relaxing weekend for ourselves.
The fairies trim my hair again Saturday afternoon. They put the hair trimmings into an envelope. They are saving it for the next pair of fairies when they are born in eight months.
Then I realized something. I never did the devastating move of the chicken this last Saturday morning. I need to remind myself. I need to do that first for next Saturday.
Then I start thinking about the Earth moves and metal moves I need to do by then. I can use 16 gauge wires for the constraints. Fortunately, the builders for the house left a spool of wire here. There is about 50 feet left on the spool. I’ll also send around us in the air of ten coins. If there is a front end loader out there again, I’ll magnetize my fingers and cling to the side of it. I’ll extend my body out to the side. For folding a metal sheet will be really easy. I’ll visit a hardware shop and pay for it in cash. It will be about 15" x 15" x 1" thick.
For the Earth moves I decide to use quicksand and bury them to their knees. For earthquake and fissure I decide to make them small and only ten feet long. Then I’ll erect a small wall of only four feet high and ten feet long. Then I’ll send an elephant stampede to crash it down.
We all have a nice relaxing weekend. We find Monday morning it is a repeat like last week. I continue to add more literature novels to the information hard drives. At 5 PM it is time for us to leave. After having my dinner in the break room at Secure-Sys, I get to ready to leave the office at 5:30 PM. I see my fairies are all nice and warm in the back seat of the car. I unplug the portable heater until I get there. I arrive there in 30 minutes. I plug it back in. I roll the window down an inch for fresh air for them.
The fairies quickly flutter out in their butterfly mode. They flutter around for 15 minutes for their exercise. Then they flutter back in the open car window. They get themselves warmed up by staying under the folded blanket. Once they are warmed up, they open their satchel to get the nuts and fruits to get their energy back up.
I walk into the dojo. I see Robert with a smile on his face as he sees me in his carriage. I smile back at him. I take off my shoes and walk across the mats to the men’s locker room. I change my clothes and put on the gi clothes and wrap the fifth degree black sash around me and tie it up front. I exit the locker room and place duffle bag with my thick warm coat on top of it near the locker room door.
I exit the separate room and enter into the main hall. We all do our own stretches and warm ups in five minutes like last time. We then split apart into several groups. I’m with Brianna, Qiang and Sifu Chou. Then another student joins our group. He has a brown sash on.
“Okay Brianna, what the three men is going to do, they will walk in a circle around you. There are basically two different moves to avoid being hit again. The first one is going to swing his fist at you. Then the other two will do leg swings to trip you. So, the question is, what are you going to do next?”
“Well, I probably need to duck down quickly to avoid the fist. Then I need to jump up quickly to avoid being tripped up.”
“That’s right, Brianna. So, let’s practice that first of moves.”
The brown belt student quickly swings his right fist at Brianna’s head. She dodges downward quickly. Then Qiang and I swing our legs toward her knees. She jumps up quickly to avoid the trip. She lands on her feet.
“That’s good, Brianna. Let’s do it four times more until you get it memorized.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.”
We do it four more times. She stops to catch her breath. “Pant . . . pant . . . It is getting easier Sifu Chou.”
“Yes it is, Brianna. Now the three of them are going to get a weapon from the walls.”
The three of us go to weapons displayed on the wall. We grab two wooden batons and a metal sword. When we approach her, she sees one of us with a metal sword.
“How am I going to defend myself against a metal sword?”
“Do you remember what I told you last week in facing three people?”
“I think I do, Sifu Chou. In this case I need kick my two legs into the chests of the people with the two wooden batons. I jump over the student with the metal sword and sweep my leg to get him on the ground.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Make sure your two kicks are very hard against the two. You need to push them back to give you time to yank and twist his two legs. Then he will let go of the sword. Then you can toss it out of the way. Now you are down to two attackers.”
“I see.”
“But, in this case, the position of their weapons coming at you is very important. One will be aimed at your ankles. One will be aimed at your knees. The other will be aimed at your thigh.”
“So, I definitely need to jump higher to avoid the hit.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Here is a question for you. When did you learn to do the jumps?”
“It was for the yellow sash. I even put some five pound weights on to jump up higher. The maximum weights I put on are fifteen pounds for each leg.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Pay attention to their body positions again as they go through the moves.”
Qiang aims for her ankles with a baton. I aim for her knees with the baton. The brown sash student aims for her thighs with the metal sword. We stop our weapons just before we hit her. Brianna jumps up quickly to be above the metal sword. She successfully clears the metal sword by six inches.
“That’s good Brianna. There is one of two possibilities when they are swinging their weapons at you. They can swing the weapons all the way through and you will be on the ground. The other possibility is they stop their motion of the weapons half way. Then you will be standing on top of their weapons. When they bring them up, it gives you the momentum to do the quick kicks with the batons. Then you can jump over the person with the sword and take him down. Do you understand what I am trying to say, Brianna?”
“I think I do, Sifu Chou. I just need to be observant what they are doing.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Let’s try it when they swing their weapons all the way through.”
We bring our three weapons back for a swing at her. When we start our swing of the weapons, she immediately jumps up to avoid the sword at her thighs. We swing all the way through. Brianna lands on the ground safely.
“Whew!! That took some doing.”
“It will be easier as you practice it some more. Let’s do it four more times until you are comfortable with it, Brianna.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.”
Brianna is able to do it four more times with no problems. “You’re right Sifu Chou, it is getting easier. Pant . . . Pant . . . Pant . . . !”
“That’s right, Brianna. Take a five minute water break to get your breath back.”
We all take a five minute water break to get our breath back. We use the water fountain where the chairs are at near the front doors.
We gather near Sifu Chou. “All right, Brianna, now they will stop the motion half way. Make sure you land on top of the weapons safely with your feet.”
We bring our three weapons back for the swing. As soon as we swing them forward, Brianna immediately jumps up to avoid being hit. We end our swings half way. Our weapons are now pointing at the ground. She puts her right foot on one of the batons. She has the left foot on top of the sword.
“That’s good, Brianna. Now they can bring the weapons up to give you some momentum. Remember to kick your feet into Qiang and Richard very hard.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.”
We bring our weapons upward to give her some momentum. She immediately kicks her feet into Qiang and Richard very hard. We get pushed backed by thirty feet or so. She jumps over the brown sash student. Once she is down on the ground. She immediately sweeps her leg to trip the brown sash student. She immediately pulls the left leg out and twists it at the same time.
The brown sash student yells out really loud, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
She takes the other leg and does the same thing, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
He lets go of the sword. He immediately tries to rub his legs as quickly as possible. Brianna quickly goes after the sword and tosses it to a nearby wall.
She sees Qiang and Richard doing a different swings with the clubs. Qiang is aiming for the chest. I am aiming for her knees. She immediately dives between the two swinging clubs to avoid being hit. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees me swinging my club at her head. She immediately gets on the ground and pushes me with her feet into my chest. I get launched to be on top of Qiang. We both fall down to the ground. She immediately goes after my right leg. She immediately pulls my leg and twists it out of the hip socket.
I yell out loud, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
She takes the other leg and does the same as well, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
I roll off of Qiang. She yanks Qiang’s left leg and twists at the same time.
Qiang yells out loud, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
Qiang reaches with his right hand towards Brianna. She does the same thing to his right arm. Qiang yells out loud again, “Arrrrgggghhh!!!”
Some of the students exclaim out loud, “That’s the way to fight three people at once!! Good job!!”
Brianna is panting very hard now, “pant . . . pant. . . .!!”
“That’s very good, Brianna. You can go ahead to the water fountain, take a ten minute break.”
“Thank you, Sifu Chou.”
While she is doing, some students rub our limbs to bring life back into them. We stand up and go to the water fountains and take a ten minute water break as well.
“It is now 8 PM. Tomorrow night we’ll focus on the wrist lock and spreading the fingers at the same time. Defending against arrows being shot at you will take time and practice. The last defensive move with the shaking limbs will take more time to figure it out. I have question for you Brianna.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.”
“When did you learn the move to kicking your feet into the calf muscles of your opponent?”
“It was during the yellow sash.”
“That’s right, Brianna.”
“Qiang, Sifu Chou, Brianna I need to tell you a story when I went to Twainor for the first time.”
“Come, let’s sit down together in a corner here.”
We all sit down together in a corner of a room on the mats.
“We flew to the southern region called Evenshard Kingdom. I was in the last demonstration group. I requested four different knights in size with a hostage. The hostage was Lady Elena. The largest one is Sir Cargan. He was at least a foot taller than I and more stout. Two of them had wooden clubs. The third one had a short sword about two feet long. I did the same moves to the first three knights. Then the two knights tossed their wooden clubs down and went for my legs to split them apart. I relaxed as much as possible, it allowed me to have my legs stretched. Then I start to bring my legs back together slowly. The two knights started losing ground as I brought my legs back together. I told them they are going down the next time. Then I squatted down quickly and pushed my feet into their chests. They staggered backwards as they try to regained their balanced. I shake my legs to quickly relieve the pulled muscles.”
“Then I saw a changed position in their bodies. I saw them using their clubs at me. I saw them aimed for the legs and at my chest. I dived between the swinging clubs. The fairies giggled and laughed at that I caused them to miss me. Then a knight came after me and aimed for my chest with his wooden club. I saw in the corner of my eye when it happened. I quickly ducked down to the ground and launched the knight into the other knight. I went after the knight on top first and do the same leg pulls on him. Then I did a leg and arm pull on the second knight. I remember hearing them saying it was like a riding a horse for the first time.”
“Then I taunted Sir Cargan to come and get some pain with my left hand. The crowd roared in approval when they heard that. Then I see Sir Cargan to use a bow and arrow at me with the sleep darts. I immediately went to the wooden clubs to defend myself. I avoided the hit from the arrow. I got down on the ground to become a small target. I was able to move the clubs around to protect me from the darts he shot at me. Once those were done, I stood up and dodged his long sword as he swung at me. I was able to get around behind and triple kick his calf muscles. I get around him again. He swings his long sword again. This time I moved to his right this time. I triple kick him again in the calf muscles. When he swings his long sword again, I move around again and do a pair of really hard double kick again. Then I approached him a little closer. Then all of a sudden he steps forward with his left foot. He screams in pain. Then he steps forward with his right foot. He screams in pain again. This time he is on his knees. I smile when I see it happen. I toss the club from my hand. I twisted the sword from his hand and toss it to another corner. Then I did sleeper hold on his neck. He eventually fell asleep. Then Sir Dolen who is the Legion Commander of Evenshard Kingdom, announced I did it without magic and weapons.”
“The knights of Evenshard lost a lot of money that day from the bets they made with the dwarves. It ended up the dwarves hands when it all said done.”
“So you see, Brianna. Anything is possible.”
“That’s a great story Richard. I see what you mean Sifu Chou, anything is possible.”
We all leave the dojo complex again like before by 8:30 PM. The two masters make sure the lights are turned off and the doors are locked.
We all went back to our homes to get cleaned up for the next day. We all get a great night of sleep during the night. The next day is a repeat on Wednesday. I continue to add more stories from the website. We have our meals like before.
We arrive at the dojo by 6:30 PM. We see the usual cars there as well. I plug the small electric warmer in the cigarette lighter. The fairies stay in the warm car again like last time. I roll down the window an inch like the last time. They fairies flutter out quickly in the butterfly mode to get their exercise for 15 minutes. Then they flutter back into the window and change back into fairies. They get warmed up underneath the blanket. Once they are warmed up they open their bags to eat the dried fruit and nuts to get their energy back up. They also carefully make their own cups of honey-water as well. They warm it up carefully using their own chi. Soon, they have warm cups of honey-water to sip on.
I enter the dojo. I see Robert smiling at me. I smile back at him. I change into my gi clothes like before. I enter the main room. Sifu Chou, Qiang and I gather around Brianna.
“Now we’ll show you the wrist lock movement, Brianna. Qiang will do a slow motion chop at Richard’s neck. Then, Richard will do a wrist lock slowly and split Qiang fingers slowly as well. So pay attention, Brianna.”
Qiang does a slow motion chop at my neck with his right hand. I quickly move downward and grab his hands with both of my hands. I give it a slow twist of his hand. Then I slowly split his fingers. I grab his pinky and ring finger. I use my left hand and grab his middle finger and index finger and split them apart slowly.
“Now Brianna pay attention, once they are split apart Qiang will not be able to use his right hand to chop at Richard’s hands again. He will his use left hand to do a chop on Richard’s neck. No we are going to play it full speed now. ‘
Qiang does another chop with his right hand on my left neck. I dodge downward quickly. I quickly grab his right hand and twist to lock it. I quickly grab his fingers and split them apart quickly. Qiang yells out really loud, “Arrrggh!!”
Qiang uses his left hand to chop the right side of my neck. I dodge downward quickly and grab his left hand with both of my hands. I quickly twist to lock it in place. I grab his fingers like before and split them apart. Qiang yells out loud again, “Arrrggh!!”
I help rub Qiang’s fingers and wrists quickly to bring life back to in it.
“Okay, now Richard is going to do the same thing to you at full speed.”
I quickly do a chop with my right hand at Brianna’s left side of the neck. She dodges downward and grabs my hand. She twists it to lock the hand. She quickly pull my fingers apart quickly.
I scream out loud quicky, “Arrrgghh!!”
I use my left hand and do a chop on Brianna’s neck. She dodges downward to grab my hand quickly. She twists it to lock the hand. She quickly pull my fingers apart quickly.
I scream out loud quickly, “Arrrgghh!!”
“That’s great Brianna. Qiang will now rub Richard’s fingers and wrists to bring life back into them.”
Qiang quickly rubs both of my hands and wrist to bring life back into them. “To do the defense of arrows being shot at you is going take practice of at least a week to learn how to do it. It will require some patience. Qiang is going to shoot an arrow at Richard, the only weapon he will have is a single wooden baton to defend himself.”
Qiang goes to the wall and retrieves a bow. He takes an arrow from a quiver. I go to the wall and retrieve a wooden baton. I stand about twenty-five feet from Qiang. Qiang notches the arrow into the bow. He pulls back quickly. I keep the wooden baton in my right hand. Qiang let’s go of the notched arrow. I quickly I need to point the wooden baton downward a bit. It hits the wooden baton cleanly and sticks into it, “Thok!”
“Don’t worry, Brianna, it takes practice to learn how to do it.”
“Right, I need some patience with this defense.”
I take the arrow out from the wooden baton and give it to Qiang. He puts the bow where it belongs on the wall. He puts the arrow back into the quiver.
We get done early by 8 PM. We change back into our regular clothes in the locker rooms. I push Robert’s carriage out through the doors and to our car. We get packed up again like last time. We get back to our homes by 8:30 PM. We lounge around in the living room. We get to bed by 10 PM this time.
Thursday is a repeat like the last three days. However, on Thursday afternoon during my lunch break, I take a trip to a local metal shop. Fortunately, it’s about 7 minutes away. I purchase a 15" x 15" x 1" sheet of metal. I keep the sheet of metal in my trunk this time. I have my lunch and dinner like the last time as well. When I arrive at the dojo, I immediately set up the car like last time for the fairies. The fairies have their exercise by flying about for 15 minutes. The time it just right entering into open window. They get under thc covers get warmed up. Then they get their fruits and nuts. They make their own cups of warm honey-water like the last time. The fairies sip on honey-water cups to keep themselves warm.
I see Robert smiling again at me. I smile back at him. I then go change clothes into my gee clothes. Qiang is assisting the other students to learn the weapons from the brown sash.
I am shooting at her. I have the quiver around my waist. Brianna tries her hand using the wooden baton to defend herself against the arrow shot at her. I am shooting at a wooden wall behind her. She misses nine arrows being shot with an arrow. There is only one arrow that sticks into the wooden baton. I retrieve the ten arrows and refill the quiver. She keeps at it for the next ten arrows. This time, two arrows are sticking into the wooden baton .
We all take a five minute water break to get our breath back. For the next half-hour, Brianna is able to get four arrows sticking into the wooden baton. She realizes it needs to be 100 percent all the time. We all go home again like the last time.
Friday comes again. It is a similar repeat as well. When we arrive there, Sifu Chou makes a new challenge to Brianna. “Now that you have up to forty percent in blocking the arrows. This is the new challenge, Richard is going shoot the arrows in different positions. You will have two wooden batons for protection. Some will be in front of you near your knees or to the sides. So, be prepared for that new challenge, Brianna.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.” Brianna goes to the wall to retrieve the two wooden batons. She stands in front of the wooden wall partition like the last time. She gets into position and faces me standing up.
I go to the wall to retrieve the quiver and tie it around my waist. I take the bow and walk to face Brianna again. I am about 25 feet from her again. I pull out an arrow and notch it in the string. I point the arrow at near hear waist on her right side and let it fly. She moves quickly moves the baton quickly and makes the arrow stick in the wooden baton. “Thok!”
I immediately reload the arrow from the quiver. I notch it and point the arrow at her left knee. I let it fly!
She quickly moves the baton in her left hand downward to her knees. The arrow sticks into the wooden baton again, “Thok!”
“Sifu Chou, I would like to call in one of my gauntlets here. It is armed with darts. I will have them set to no freeze and sleep darts. I was able to defend myself against his sleep darts as well.”
“That’s good idea, Richard. Please bring in one of your gauntlets.”
“Right gauntlet on from mountain cabin in the Master Bedroom.” The right gauntlet appears on my hand. “I am going to shoot them one at a time, Brianna. All darts will have no sleep and freeze spell on them. If any of them hits the wooden wall, the darts will return to the gauntlet. If the darts hit a wooden baton, that dart will return to the gauntlet as well.”
She concentrates again where I am pointing my right hand at. I aim at her left side of her waist. I shoot out a dart. “Thoo!” She quickly moves her left hand with the wooden baton to block the hit. “Thok!” The dart returns to my gauntlet, “Thwip!”
I aim at her right waist. I shoot out a dart. “Thoo!” She quickly moves her right wooden baton to block the hit. “Thok!” The dart returns to my gauntlet, “Thwip!”
“I want you to get on the floor and become a small target. You keep the wooden clubs in front of you. You must be aware as the darts come at you.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.”
Brianna gets on the ground in front of the wooden wall. I step back a few paces to keep the distance of about 25 feet from her. I aim near her head. I let the dart shoot out, “Thoo!” She moves the wooden club in front of her. It sticks into the wooden club, “Thok!” The dart returns to me quickly, “Thwip!”
I aim near her right shoulder. I let the dart fly, “Thoo!” She moves the wooden baton in her left hand to block the shot, “Thok!” The dart returns back to me, “Thwip!”
I aim near her left shoulder. I let the dart fly, “Thoo!” She moves the wooden baton in her right hand to block the shot. It grazes the top of the club and ricochets upward. The dart returns to my gauntlet, “Thwip!”
“That’s very good, Brianna. You did an excellent job of blocking the arrows and the darts. Come Monday, we’ll focus on the body how to make the limbs shake. Take your rest until Monday evening at 7 PM.”
“Right gauntlet return to Master bedroom closet in the mountain cabin.” My right gauntlet disappears from my hand. It appears in the Master bedroom closet in the mountain cabin.
We all leave the dojo by 8:30 PM. The owners of the dojo lock up the place like the last time.
Everyone returns back to our homes with no problems. Brianna and I do a
light soap and wash cloth to our bodies. The fairies have their shower in girls bathroom. Once everyone gets changed into our night clothes we get under the covers. I immediately walk around and turn off the lights in the house. We are in bed by 10 PM.
Come Saturday morning, it is a repeat of the morning. We wake up at 7 AM. Once I am dressed, I enter the garage and use the wire cutters to cut two wires ten feet long each. I coil them up and place them in the trunk of the car. I make sure are at least ten coins in my coin purse.
We get everything loaded and arrive at the construction company. This time we see four trucks hauling out gravel for a road bed somewhere in Duval County. We arrive there by 9:00 AM. We get the car unloaded and get carriage and basinet together like last time. I open the trunk and take the sheet of metal and wires out. I close the trunk. I carry the metal items to the corner like before. This time we see a front-end loader out there.
“The first thing I must do, is the devastating move for chicken.” I tap my toe to the ground. A two foot square of earth shoots up ten feet. I create an image of a man on the column. It is just an outline. “Now, I am going to create two chicken feet on my feet.” I stretch out my hands and bring in the moisture from the air. I have created two water balls. I toss them to my feet. I create two chicken feet. I use my hands to make sure they look right. I step up to the column. Quickly, I bring up my right leg and slash downward to my left. I bring up left leg and slash downward to my right.
“Oh man! That’s the devastating move for the chicken!! You will immediately lose blood from your body. It is near the hips.”
All four are amazed at seeing on the column.
“When I arrived there on the first day, I was informed from the Emissaries that a buffalo yak suffered a terrible blood bending attack. Fortunately, Torin was there. He was able to create an ice sled and bring it to a nearby hill. He created an ice shed with a small hole in the top of the shed. To keep the injured buffalo yak warm. There were seven buffalo yaks and Torin’s mount as well. It was quite warm in there. I was able to heal the injured buffalo yak with no problems. The buffalo yak gave me an image of the man in my mind. I had no idea who it was. But, I did tell Torin he used a blood bending attack. I also told him the joints were stressed into unnatural positions. I remember hearing from Torin that is a bad skill to have.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if that what happened on Atlantis to some of the people at that time,” said Sifu Chou.
“Now I am going to do some more earth bending here.” I move the chicken feet from my feet. I melt it and toss it to the ground nearby. It quickly gets absorbed into the ground.
I quickly move my hands to sink the three masters and Qiang into the ground to their knees.
“What happen, Richard?”
“Why did sink us to our knees?”
“I’m going to create a wall here in front of you. Then I will send a elephant stampede at the wall.” I kick my right foot into the ground. I create a wall five feet high that is ten feet long. I use my hands to sculp it right. I step near the front of the front-end loader. I step to the right. Then I turn around step to the left. I continue this movement, until I create a large amount of dust in the air. “RRRRUUUMMMMBBBLLLlEEEE!!!” Then from the cloud of dust emerges two elephants eight feet high. They run into the wall and crash it down!! The four men quickly get their hands up to protect themselves. I have the two elephants stare down at them. I walk forward between the two elephants.
“Oh man, that’s a great move, Richard.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if I use that move while I’m in China.”
“You probably will, Richard.”
I soften the dirt around themselves using my hands. They easily climb out and stand on the ground. I break down the wall easily using my hands. I stamp on the ground to make it solid again. I tap my foot and slide it back to lower the column back down to the ground.
“Now, I am going to create a fissure here in the ground. It won’t be long and very deep.” I step my foot onto the ground lightly. I fissure immediately snakes out from me. I use my hands to make a turn to the right and end it. They all look down in the fissure, it is ten feet deep and twenty feet long.
“That’s incredible, Richard.”
“Yes it is, Toph taught me very well.”
“Richard, I had a look at the story again. We couldn’t find any picture of you anywhere? What happened there?”
“On the first day I arrived in Yu Dao. I did a horse stomp at Wo Tun.”
“Yes, he is a very large man. I remember seeing his photo in the story.”
“Toph directed us to a nearby inn near the front of the city. It had a total of ten steam rooms in the back of the inn. It definitely helped us to relaxed our muscles.”
“The next day, three more students showed up in the morning. I told Toph about the Earth Wave is really small here. She understood that our magic was removed from us. She had me to do another Earth Wave there. I created an Earth Wave of four feet high and five feet wide. I moved the Earth Wave all around in the back of the dojo.”
“For the next three days we worked on learning how to be better earth and metal benders. On the fourth day, we had a surprise visit from a leader in Yu Dao. He told Toph that 50 people will becoming there next day in the morning. Their age ranges are from young adult to the adults. He also told there could be more showing up the next several days.”
“Toph told the six students they are promoted to temporary instructors. She still over sees the group to make sure they are good metal benders. They gave me thanks that I helped them to be better earth and metal benders.”
“So, that means we shouldn’t see your face there? I did remember reading that 50 people showed up unexpectedly.”
“Fortunately you were there long enough to do it all in three full days.”
“When we checked out of Inn, the Creator told us in our minds to a find an alley on the right hand side and walk down about twenty feet. We immediately beamed up into Emissary’s Star Ship. They set us down just on the outskirts of the Northern Water City. We found Pakku walking toward’s Ratook’s residence. We greeted each other warmly. When I told Ratook and Pakku about the blood bending attack and the joints being stressed into unnatural positions on the buffalo yak. They became very concerned. Because I remember hearing from them that several boats when to the South.”
“Then they realized that there is no way to track them down. I think they are hoping the next Avatar will be able solve the problem. I didn’t tell King Keui and the water bender masters that Korra will solve that crime syndicate problem and anti-element bending problem as well. I told King Keui, the next generation Avatar and she will solve it.”
“That’s good Richard. Yes, Korra did solve both of those problems very well,” said Sifu Quon.
“I then did the six animals for the second black sash. That would be monkey, chicken, frog, horse, turtle and the duck. I also demonstrate the weapons for them as well. I remember hearing from Pakku he liked the frog darts I associated with the frog. Because they have that weapon as well.”
“I remember seeing a smile on their faces when I used the monkey fist on the fifty steel ice balls that Pakku created.”
“When I did the chicken moves, I had a cloud of ice underneath my head. The first move I did was the devastating move of the chicken. After that, I swiped the ice tree many times to hide my attack. They were impressed by it.”
“Now, I am going to do some more metal bending.” I bend down an pick up the sheet of metal. “First thing that needs to be done is to do the seismic touch on the sheet of metal. You need to know where the unprocessed ores are located.”
I hold the sheet of metal with my two hands in front of me. Each one sends a seismic touch to the sheet metal. “Where are the unprocessed ores ?”
“There are unprocessed ores about four inches from all of the corners. There is a faint line of unprocessed ores from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.”
“You need to use your Earth Bending Strength to bend it. I’ll do one of the corners.” I put it on the ground. I put my right foot on top of the plate. I place it about four inches from the corner. I put my fingers under that corner. Slowly, I lift the corner, “CRRREEEEEEKKKK!!!” I bend it to about 90 degrees!!
All four have their mouths open in awe!!
“That’s incredible Richard!”
“There was a story told in the series. Toph was imprisoned in a metal prison. She did a seismic touch to determine distribution of the unprocessed ores in the door. She then punched her way through the metal door. Eventually she was released. Thus began her thinking she could teach anyone how to metal bend. She did established the Metal Bending Police Force in Republic City and became a Captain there.”
“Now I remember reading that part of the story, Richard,” said Sifu Quon.
“Do you all want to try lifting a corner? It doesn’t have to be at ninety degrees like mine. Even an inch will suffice.”
Qiang puts his right foot on the metal plate, four inches from the corner. He puts his finger underneath it. He slowly lifts to an inch before gives up. “CRRREEEEEEKKK!!!”
“Pant . . . pant . . . pant . . . ! That’s incredible Richard. You are right. We need practice some more to increase our Earth Bending Strength.”
“We’ll set this off the side now. Now I’m going to magnetize my fingers to the side of this front loader. I going to do some more metal bending from it. First I’m going to put a blindfold on first.” I take the blindfold out from a satchel. I put it on my eyes to cover it. I magnetize my finger bones. I place it on the side vertically. Then I stretch out to my side straight. I see the two coils in my mind. I lift them up and outward. Then I move them all around in the area near us.
“That’s incredible Richard. You are seeing in your mind.”
“Now watch this. Since I heard you Sifu Quon, I am going to send these wires and wrap you up quickly to your knees.” I wrap both of the coils of his lower leg quickly to his knees.
“What?! I can’t move my feet.”
“I learned how to do it blind folded from Toph. We practice on each other until we learned how to do it comfortably. Because, if I bind your legs too tight, you might accuse me of hurting you. Then a lawsuit will come out against me. I can do the same thing with the coins while blind folded.”
I put both of my feet on the ground. I demagnetize my finger bones to release from the side of the front-end loader. I take off the blindfold. I look at the the two coils and release him from it and bring it to my hand. Now he can walk about freely.
“I have not decided to do an earthquake here. Because it would be felt near the office. But this is how it works. I do another strike with my foot. Then I would use my hands and slide them like this. It would use a horizontal motion as I rub my hands together. Another technique we learned is how to create shelters with our feet only. Even the fairies did one as a group effort.”
“I can see now what is going happen in China at least. I think there will be an assassination attempt on your life.”
“Well if that is going to happen, they won’t expect me to metal bend at all. Well, I think we can have a relaxing weekend. Then come Monday night, we will pick up where we left off.”
I pick up the sheet of metal and the wire. We all get back to our cars. I open the rear door. I release Robert’s basinet from the carriage unit. I put him into the car on the left side. I use the seat belt to secure the basinet and pull it tight. The fairies quickly get under the blanket to warm up. I lean the carriage unit on the left side as well near the floor. As soon as we are in, I turn on the car and the heater for the car as well. Soon it is all nice and warm in the car. The fairies open their satchel. They open their food bag. Each one is handed a nut and fruit piece to get their energy back up.
We get back to our two story house with no problems. We unload the car and take everything with us. We take Robert up to his room and undress him. We check his diaper on his changing table. Brianna sees a little bit of urine in it. She tapes up the diaper an put in the large waste bag. She puts a freshly powdered diaper on him. Robert is now smiling again. We put his warm clothes on. He has another big smile on his face now that he is warm. Brianna takes him down stairs carefully while carrying Robert in her arms.
We have fun Saturday. I use the video camera and catch Robert taking his first two steps. Then he lands on his butt. Then he crawls around some more on his knees. He realizes he needs to get his legs stronger.
I use some more turkey slices to make our sandwiches. I also include some lettuce and tomatoes with the sandwiches. We all have nice relaxing Saturday. The fairies take a sip of the nectar laden flowers in the green house.
Sunday is a repeat like Saturday. We stay relaxed as much as possible. We have our meals together like family we are.
We enjoyed the weekend very much. It is still winter with the cold air here. The high is still 58 degrees F. The lows are about 32 degrees F again this week. It is now the fourth week of January. Hopefully the warm air will arrive in the middle of February.
We continue to have a relaxing weekend. The fairies take a sip of nectar from the flowers in the green house from time to time.
When the weekend is over, I continue to add more stories from the scholastic data base on Monday. I continue to organize them into fiction and nonfiction stories. When the day is done, we arrive at the Jacksonville Shaolin dojo at 7 PM. I change into my gee clothes with the fifth black sash around my waist. I walk into second room.
“Now Brianna, you need to take close a look at this chart. It shows the arrangements of the nerves laid out. What you are looking for is a single line nerve. See if you can find it.”
She looks hard at the chart. “I see a single line above the inside part of the elbow. It is just above it.” She points to it.
“That’s good, Brianna. Now see if you can find the next one. It should be near the knee cap.”
She looks hard at the chart. “I think it is just above the knee cap.” She points to it.
“That’s good Brianna. You have a good eye for it. Now Richard is not going this next part. I need to touch both points at the same time. Your arms and legs will spasms at the same time. In effect, you are causing a backfire on the limbs. What Richard is going to do he will rub your joints to reduce the sensation. He will count out loud from 10 to 1. Are you ready, Brianna?”
“I hope so, Sifu Chou.”
Quickly, he hits both spots on the joints at the same time. Immediately, she is on the ground with her arms and legging shaking like crazy!!!
I count out loud, “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!” I immediately start rubbing her the inside part of the elbow first. Then I concentrate near her knee cap and rub those down.
“Oh, that is the most nerve wracking experience ever!!” She tries calm herself down by breathing slowly.
“If you think that is nerve wracking, I did the same thing to Josh. However, he was shaking at least five minutes long. Not only that, the three ladies in his gang kicked him in the balls while that happened. They were crushed beyond repair.”
“So he got his just reward after all, Richard. Giggle, giggle, giggle!!”
I smile at my wife, “Yes he did, Brianna.”
“Now tomorrow night you will do the same thing to me. So, now lets review the moves when fighting against three people at the same time.”
Another brown sash student comes into our circle. The brown sash student uses his fist at Brianna’s head. She ducks down quickly. Then she jumps up quickly to avoid Qiang and me from our sweeping legs.
We go over to the wall to retrieve the two wooden batons and a metal sword. We walk around her in a circle. Then she sees our movement with the weapons coming at her. She immediately jumps up high enough to avoid the wooden baton coming at her thighs. We stop ourselves half way. Her left foot is on the medal sword. Her right foot is on a wooden baton.
We bring our weapons up to give her some momentum. She kicks her legs into Qiang and me in the chest. We stagger back thirty feet as we try to gain our balance. She jumps over the brown sash student with metal sword and sweep her legs to trip him up.
Then I come with a chop to her left neck. She immediately grabs it and locks the wrists. She split my fingers on my right hand.
I come in and do left chop with left hand onto her right neck. She immediately grabs and locks the wrist on my left hand. She immediately splits my fingers!
Sifu Chou rubs my fingers bring life back into it.
“That’s good Brianna. You all take a five minute water break it is now 8 PM. Now we need to focus on the birds for Qiang and Richard. The moves for the swallow are a particular boxing style that is very fast with arms and hands. They use the daggers as well.”
Sifu Quon comes up to us. Qiang and I pantomime the movements very slowly for the first movement. Then we slowly pantomime for the second movement.
“Now let’s put first two movements together slowly at first. Remember to make a fist with both hands.”
Qiang and I pantomime first two movements slowly.
“Let’s put them together at normal speed.”
Quickly, our hands and arms are blurring very fast.
“Let’s focus again and do the next two movements.”
We are shown the next two movements. We repeat them slowly to understand them completely. Then we repeat next two movements at normal speed. Again our arms and hands are blurring very fast. Then we put all four movements together. Again Qiang and I like the results. Our arm and hands are blurring very fast.
“When we do the crow it is a different boxing style than the sparrow.”
We enter into the dressing rooms to take a quick shower. We change back into our regular clothes. The masters lock the doors. We return back to our homes and apartments. We enjoy another relaxing evening. We get to bed at 10 PM.
The Guardians of the Universe are doing another wormhole hopping. They are explaining to them when their villains disappear from their sector. They will appear on Earth when that happens.
Tech Coyote is looking at the screen. “Hmm . . . I think I need to create a new password. Computer, is their file to read?”
“Hello Tech Coyote. This is Richard Moore. I have a file to read it will give you an idea to create your own five password sequences.”
He reads the file. “That’s genius! I just need two languages that are thousands years old. Translate them into my language. Computer, let me see the first equation?”
“Tech there are three equations. First one is available to see. The next two are blocked by Richard Moore. You will need passwords from him for direct access.”
He reads the first equation. “That’s genius! That is a very good complex equation. I can imagine what the other two is like.”
He creates his one thousand word sets with two syllables and types them in. “Computer, is next password ghaathreed theeroonn werdnlle foorrjeekl berrrmeerrl. Is that the correct sequence?”
“That is correct. Revolving to next password sequence. Tech Coyote’s voice is added to the database for future reference.”
Tech has a big smile on his face when he hears that. Now the electronic villains will not be able to hack the computer system again.
A month later one of the electronic villains tried to do that. It was Bio-Tech Parasite. She came to Acmetropolis in a disguise. She went to a known computer terminal that is used as an Internet Café. She logs in and tries to access their system. She intends release “Spikey” into their system in the tower.
“What?! What is this Gate 1 about? Let’s let me send in “Spikey” in there anyway.”
“Passed First Gate. Second Gate is blocked. Cannot release “Spikey” into system. “Spikey” signature is now added to the Library.”
“No!!! This can’t be happening!!”
Then two police officers show up in the Internet Café to arrest Bio-Tech Parasite and she is escorted to a jail cell.
On a computer screen Tech sees an unauthorized user tried to access the system. He hears it called out loud to him.
“Bio-Tech Parasite tried to access the system. She was immediately arrested and put in jail. “Spikey” signature is added to the database. Need new password sequence to reestablished access to systems?”
“The password is weerdon theratonn thallberr xeroghatth merrrouoot.”
“That is the correct password sequence. Tech Coyote is still the user of the system.”
Tech has another big smile on his face.
We wake up in the morning fully rested. I change clothes for the day. It is now Tuesday, February 1, 2112. Today is the day Brianna will apply the pressure points to Sifu Chou to cause his limbs to shake like crazy.
It is now February 1, on the planet where Nine Warriors are located. They put their helmets on their heads outside the mini-dojos. Immediately their weapons appear on themselves. They gather back in their own dojo buildings. They take out the weapons in their hands and concentrate on the gems in weapons. They sit down and concentrate on the weapons. Soon, they see in their minds what dragons look like. They see serpentine dragons in their minds. The four dark warriors see subtle changes in their minds. They see two dark blue dragons and two light purple dragons.
Ryo sees a golden serpentine dragon in his mind.
Cye sees in his mind a white serpentine dragon. Sage sees in his mind a white serpentine dragon as well.
Kento sees in his mind an orange serpentine dragon. Rowen sees in his mind an orange serpentine dragon as well.
The nine dragons feel something unusual feeling in their minds in the Nine Dragon Cave.
“Brothers, are we feeling an unusual mind connection?”
“Yes we are. I don’t feel Ronin’s presence at all. Something is going on?”
“If we find Ronin body has perished after facing Talpa. We will have great anger with great patience.”
“Yes, we will finally send Talpa to the Lake of Fire for all eternity!”
“Yes, we must be patient now.”
The voices quiet down in the Nine Dragon Cave in China. They must wait for now. They don’t realize they will be waiting for five months from now until they see Ronin himself.
Tuesday is a repeat from Monday. I continue to add more stories to the information hard drives. Right now there are at least three hard drives that are totally filled up. I continue to add more stories on a fourth hard drive. I have my lunch and dinner as well. I have a turkey breast sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes for both meals.
When I get to the Jacksonville dojo. I set up the portable heater and plug it in the cigarette lighter. I crack down the window about inch and half again for fresh air the fairies. They have their flight of exercise for fifteen minutes. They get under the blankets to get warm. Then they open their satchel they make their own cups of honey-water. The sip on the warm honey-water cups once they are warmed. They each get two nuts and two dried fruits to get their energy back up.
I go into the Jacksonville dojo. I see Robert with a big smile on his face. I give a big smile on my face when I see him. I go to into dojo men’s dressing area and change into my gee clothes. I put on the fifth degree slash and tie it in front of me.
Brianna tries to remember the positions to hit them at the same time. First above the elbows and just above the knee caps. She hits above elbows and just above the knee caps. Soon Sifu Chou is on the ground with both arms and legs spasms at the same time.
We count down from 10 to 1 out loud. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!” Brianna and I quickly rub his joints down very quickly.
Soon Sifu Chou has a big smile on his face. “Well, you just earned the Green Sash to fighting three people at the same time. You did that in three weeks time. Go and take water break for ten minutes and eat an apple. We will have the ceremony at 8:30 PM. Now we need to show four new moves to Qiang and Richard.”
Qiang comes back after showing a new move by wrapping their legs around a person and taking them down in one move.
After that, Qiang and I are shown the next four moves in the sparrow boxing. We do it slowly at first. Then we do it a normal speed. We find our arms and hands are blurring very fast.
“Tomorrow night we will add the daggers as well.”
Brianna is awarded the Green Sash at 8:30 PM. Everyone claps their hands. We head back to our apartments and homes. We take a shower and get cleaned as well. The fairies take their own shower in girls bathroom. We get dressed in our warm clothes for the night.
Wednesday night, something new begins for Brianna to earn the Purple Sash. There are now three weapons to learn as well.
“Brianna there are three weapons to learn. It is wooden sword, two batons and the fighting staff. It will take awhile to learn these moves. First you need to learn how to fight with your hands and legs first before you use the weapons.”
Brianna slowly learns how to do the wrist grabs with the punches. She mimics my moves slowly at first. Then she does at normal speed. She likes the results that are happening. Then I show her next set moves doing hand sweeps and above and below her waist. She is imagining tripping someone up with the hand sweeps. We keep this up until hours is done. She takes a drink of water and eats an apple to get her energy back up. I also do the same thing as well.
Sifu Chou and Qiang are assisting the other students showing how to use sai, metal broad sword and the sickle.
When it becomes 8 P.M.. Qiang and I are shown how to use the daggers. We are shown how to grasp them by the handles. We thrust them into the imaginary stomachs. It is like using the sai weapons thrusting them into stomachs. However, there is no ball on the weapon either.
We are shown how to throw the daggers by Sifu Quon. We see Sifu Quon throwing flat out at the wooden wall. The daggers are pointing into the wooden wall. Qiang and I throw for the first time. They rotate a bit. They are not sticking in the walls. We keep practicing it, after five times. Then they are flat out at the wooden wall. The points are now sticking in the wooden wall. We throw the daggers at the wooden wall ten times. We do it ten more times until we comfortable with it. The points are sticking into the wooden wall.
At 8:45 PM, the two masters lock up the place. We drive back to our homes and apartments.
Brianna and I take another shower together like last time.
Everyone put their warm night clothes on. We get under the covers and have a great night of sleep.
In the morning, it is Wednesday, February 2, 2112. Monday and Tuesday are repeats on Wednesday. I arrive at Secure-Sys and continue to add more stories the hard drives. I have my lunch and dinner there as well. They fairies have their flight for 15 minutes. They get under the warm blanket to get warm. They each get three nuts and three fruits to munch on for their lunch. They sip on the warm honey-water cups. Again it is turkey breast meat, lettuce and slices of tomatoes. I leave by 5:45 PM and arrive at the Jacksonville dojo by 6:45 PM.
I set up the portable heater. I roll down the rear window on the right hand side about 2 inches. The fairies have their exercise for 15 minutes. They get under the warm blanket to get warmed up. They each get three nuts and three fruits to munch for the dinner. They sip their warm honey-water cups again.
When I get inside, I see Robert with a big smile on this face when I see him. I give a big smile at him as well. I go back into men’s locker room and change into my gi clothes. I tie the fifth black sash around my waist and tie it up front. I put my clothes into the duffle bag and put it in a locker. I take the towel with me. I create a four-digit combination it is an easy one to remember. I exit locker room. I drop off the towel near the door.
I enter the main dojo room. We do our stretches for five minutes.
Qiang, Sifu Chou, Sifu Quon and Sifu Li are assisting the other students showing the brown sash students the animal moves of the crane and tiger.
I show Brianna how to use legs for blocks, kicks and take down leg swings. For the kicks she is kicking out her legs to push someone away. For the blocks, I come in with leg swing to trip her up. She blocks my leg swing to avoid being tripped. For the take down leg swing it is very similar to the Green Sash move. She swings her leg to take me down quickly to the mats. “Oooff!” We take a five minute water break. We then put everything together from yesterday and tonight for the next half hour. She is now more fluid putting all together.
We all take a 15 minute water break and we all eat an apple to get our energy back up.
Sifu Quon comes over to talk about the crow boxing style. “The crow boxing style is with the arms straight out like this.” He extends his arms to the side. “What this means you are doing arm swings like this.” He swings his arms out. “Also you can get lower to swing your arms to hit the person’s legs and cause him to fall down. The legs are not used all.” He demonstrates that move as well. We repeat the moves slowly. Then we do it at normal speed. Quickly our arms are blurring very fast again.
“You can create fists or use your hands opened like this.” He demonstrates that for us.
We do the moves slowly like before with our fists first. Quickly they are blurring very fast again. Then we have our hands opened and do the same thing ten times. We come in lower to hit them on the upper thigh. We do that tens times like before. Quickly our arms and hands are blurring fast again.
“Now tomorrow night we will show the advance forms of the crane. It is now 8:30 PM it is time lock up the again. We go into locker rooms we create a quick shower. We change back in our regular clothes and leave at 8:40 PM. The place is locked up again. We drive back to our homes and apartments.
We change into our warm night clothes to get another great night of sleep. I set the alarm clock for 6:30 AM.
We enjoyed the weekend very much. It is still winter with the cold air here. The high is about 58 degrees F now. The lows are about 32 degrees F again this week. It is still the first week of February 3, 2113. It is a Thursday. We are still hoping the warm air will arrive in the middle of February.
Thursday is a repeat of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. When we arrive at the Jacksonville Shaolin Dojo I see Robert with a big smile on his face when he sees me. I smile at him with my big smile.
Meanwhile, on the Cars planet, George W. is being checked out by the other Techs at a car shop in Charleston, SC.
“Obviously we need to change the front glass window. That way you can see where you are going. Once that is done, you will need to have an Extreme Car Wash. Also you will need a new paint job.”
“Yes, yes, please make it happen, Techs.”
They put a front glass window he can now see out through his eyes on the front glass. They take him over to the Extreme Car Wash area in a stall. Once he is hooked up. George W. gets a lot of shaking in all directions. The Extreme Car Wash gets him totally clean with liquid soap and water. Once he is unhooked he backs out and drives forward.
“Hmmm. . . well you are a lot better now. I still detect a smell of love bugs underneath the chassis. Well, let’s get your new paint job now.” He comes out from the paint room. He looks at himself in the mirror. He has a new green paint job. He smiles when he sees the reflection in the mirror.
“Well let’s try some deodorants to hide the love bug scent.” They try several different scents. The best one they found is the evergreen forest type scent. The love bug scent is a lot less potent now. They still detect love bug scent underneath the chassis.
“Come back again in three weeks this month we will try another scent.”
“Yes, I’ll be back at this time in three weeks.” George W. takes off down the road in Charleston, SC. He orders another office that is another building. He knows his first office is still stinking with love bugs.
The Office Techs remove the drywalls from the all of the rooms. They still smell the stench of love bugs in carpet. They also rip up carpet as well. The still smell the love bugs in the old office. They determine it is coming from the frame supports for the walls.
We have Brianna review the holds, arm sweeps and leg and blocks movement again in front of Sifu Chou. She is very fluid with the movements now.
“That’s very good, Brianna. First up you are going to use two wooden batons first. Then it is the wooden sword. The last will be Staff fight on the beam and the ground attack.”
Brianna goes over to the wall and picks up two wooden batons. I walk over the wall again and retrieve the two wooden batons. She walks up to Sifu Chou and myself.
“The first position is walking around correctly with the lead foot. Watch Richard as he is doing it.”
With each step with my lead foot, I switch positions with the hands. When right foot is leading, my right hand is forward as well and a little lower. While that is happening, my left hand is held up high behind me.
She practices for the next fifteen minutes. “That’s good, Brianna. Richard is going over to the wooden wall and retrieve the staff.” I walk over and put the two wooden batons. I place them on the metal wires. I retrieve one of the staffs. I walk over to stand with Sifu Chou and Brianna. “The first position is creating a ‘X’ type trap with Richard’s staff. Then you swing it down to the left or right hand side. Then you come up with your left arm or right arm and hit his wrists or forearms. You will do it slow for the three times until you are comfortable with it. Then will do it at normal speed the next time.”
I come in slow to my right side with the staff. She creates the ‘X’ trap and swings to her left side. She slowly comes up and hits my both of my wrists with her right arm with the wooden baton.
The next time, I come in my right side with the staff. She creates the ‘X’ trap and swings to her right side. She comes up and hits my both of my forearms slowly.
The next time, I come in from my left side. Brianna creates the ‘X’ trap and swings it to her right side. She hits my left wrist and my right forearm.
“That’s very good, Brianna. Now we will do it normal speed.”
I come in right side with the staff. She creates the ‘X’ trap and swings it to her right side and down. She comes up and hits my right wrist and left forearm. “Oww!! Oww!!”
“That’s good Brianna. You and Richard take a fifteen minute water break and eat an apple Now we’ll focus the advance forms for the crane for Qiang and Richard after the break.”
Sifu Quon comes up to Xiang and me. “The advance forms for the crane is swinging your hips to the left or right to avoid being hit there. You can take a step to keep your balance as well.” Sifu Quon demonstrates the moves for us. We copy the moves very easily that we are shown.
“Now you will do the sparrow and crow boxing formats. You will also demonstrate the dagger throwing as well and do the advance crane forms to avoid being hit.” We accomplish it all very fast. Qiang and I are awarded the sixth black sash with six double white strings on the black sash.
“The next three birds to learn are the owl, eagle and the hawk. We have here six mandolins to create the Eagle Claw with the hands. There is peacock feathers with the knives, butterfly knives and fans with knives. For the owl you will learn the fans with knives and butterfly knives. The owl special feature you will need to learn how to use your ears and eyes to see at night. You will need to learn the use moon light and no moon at night as well. The hawk is the last lesson to learn. It is a unique boxing style that is different from the sparrow and crow boxing styles. Also you will use peacock feathers with knives as well. So for tomorrow night we will be outside and try to learn use your ears and eyes to see at night.”
We all pack up and go back to our apartments and homes. Brianna and take another quick shower to cleaned up. We make sure we in our warm night clothes and get under the covers for another great night sleep. I set the alarm for 6:30 AM in the morning.
We all get another great night of sleep during the night. Once the alarm sounds out loud at 6:30 AM, I turn it off.
We get ourselves ready. The fairies take their morning shower in the girls bathroom. I make two more turkey sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoes. I put two cups of blueberry yogurt into the cooler. For the hard fruits it is three red delicious apples. I will be drinking cold water for lunch and dinner, I put in two tall bicycle water containers in there as well. I put in three blue ice packs in the cooler from the freezer.
Then Brianna and I make our breakfast as well in the kitchen. We serve up rice cereal with powdered milk. We each take an orange for ourselves. Robert has his usual for breakfast. That is warm oatmeal with no powdered milk and seedless grapes each one is cut in half. The fairies take their own showers in the girls bathroom. Soon, they are smelling like flowers. They fly down to the dining room area. They make their own honey-water cups, they take out the nuts and fruits for their breakfast from the satchel.
We get cleaned up again. Brianna wipes the dribble from eating the grapes from Robert’s mouth. Soon, he is smiling again.
Brianna gets her car packed up needed for the day in Jacksonville Rescue Mission. She puts a nectar lading plant on the rear floor of the car for the fairies, that is Lavan, White Rose, Bianca and White Acacia. She makes sure Robert’s basinet and carriage into the rear seat. She buckles the basinet onto the rear seat on the left hand side. Once she is loaded up, she uses the garage door open to roll the garage door upward. She exits the garage, she drives off to the Jacksonville Rescue Center. I get the car loaded up as well. I put into two nectar lading plants on the rear floor on the right side. The rest of my fairies flutter into the plants and hang on with their hands. I exit the driveway and drive to Secure-Sys in Jacksonville. I push the button to lower the garage door downward. I discovered the temperature is now 60 degrees F in the Jacksonville area. It is now Friday.
I arrive at the gate, 7:45 AM. Once my transponder is accepted at the gate, I drive to an empty parking lot with some shade for the afternoon. I lower the rear window down about two inches. I put up the screens for the windows. I lock the doors of the car. “Beep! Beep!” I plug in the portable heater in the cigarette lighter and turn it on.
The fairies fly out in butterfly mode to check the area out. They see it is still Winter here. There no flowers blooming yet. They do see the flowers are just starting to bud. Hopefully, in a week, the flowers will come forth in the middle of February. They have their exercise for 10 minutes. They get under the blanket for the 15 minutes to get themselves warmed up. They open their satchel to retrieve the nuts and fruits they like. Then make their own cups of warm honey-water. They sip on it to keep themselves warm through out the day. They will do another flight during lunch and dinner like before.
I enter the front office and walk to my office on the second floor using the stairs. I check the programs that are left in my in-box. I check with Darrell to see how is he doing. We collaborate together and divide the stack of programs into two piles. Darrell and I get them done by 11 AM. We circle in pencil what is needed to get them corrected for the programmers. Most of the time it is making sure the values are corrected for the time going through the four gates. There were a few syntax errors at this time.
The remaining programs showed up by 11 AM. We got those done by 12:15 PM. I walk into the break room to have my lunch. I eat the turkey sandwich, the cup of blueberry yogurt, and the red delicious apple. I drink the water from my cooler, it is nice and cold now. I get done with my lunch by 1:00 PM. I wash my hands in the men’s restroom and return back to my office on the second floor. For the afternoon, I continue to add more stories to the hard drives in areas of fiction and non-fiction. I check my in-box from time to time. This time I see two programs left to do. I corrected them on time. I get done with the day 5 PM this time.
I have my dinner again in the break room. I go back to my desk and create 11 more copies of the new 3D Server. I put them in plastic cases. These eleven copies are going to the eleven Outside Helpers in our Local Group. I make another copy for Twainor for the Space Dragon Star Ships. I keep the group together in another folder. I write on the folder, “For the Local Group.” I put it on the bottom where the other folders are kept in the bottom drawer.
Once that is done, I go out to my hybrid car. I arrive at the Jacksonville Dojo by 6:30 PM. I lower the rear window about two inches. I set up the screens for the windows of the car. I plug in the portable heater in the cigarette lighter and turn it on. They flutter about for 15 minutes and fly back in. The get under the blanket to get themselves warmed up. They each take 3 nuts and 3 fruit pieces to get their energy back up. They make their own cups of warm honey-water. They sip on the warm honey-water cups to keep themselves warmed up.
I enter the dojo. I see Robert with a big smile on his face. I give my own big smile as well. I enter in the locker room area and change into my gi clothes. I create the combination and put my duffle bag in the locker. I wrap the 6th degree black sash and tie it up front. I put my tennis shoes on with no socks on.
Qiang and I sit outside. We listen very carefully with our ears. We use our eyes to see at night. Our eyes are very open to see at night.
“What do you hear Qiang?”
“I feel two birds are singing their songs. It is over to right of us and up trees in that direction.”
“I sense it too, Qiang. I also hear a frog croaking to my left on the ground as well.” I point in that direction.
“That’s good, Qiang and Richard. You have a good set of ears. Come let’s come inside, we’ll focus on the butterfly knives first. Then it will be the fans with knives on Monday night.”
We get up from ground we brush the dry dirt off our pants. We enter back into the dojo.
We copy the moves as shown by Sifu Quon. We start using the butterfly knives and quickly learn how to open and close them very fast.
We all get back to apartments and homes and have a restful weekend the next two days.
After breakfast Saturday morning, Brent realizes he will get some peace and quiet for once.
But when he gets done with his lunch. He takes the trash and put in large trash can that has a big 55 gallon bag in it. He takes the trays and the plastic utensils and drops them off. He mumbles to himself, “I’m still the best programmer.”
He turns around faces a felon that is four feet high. “Yeah, what do you want say to me?”
“If you’re the best programmer. How come some one stopped the Euro Scam? Heh, heh, heh, . . .”
Soon everyone is snickering and laughing at the same time in the dining hall. “Heh, heh, heh!!” “Hah, hah, hah!!” “Heh, heh, heh!!” “Hah, hah, hah!!”
“I’m still the best programmer!! Richard got lucky!!”
“Heh, heh, heh!!” “Hah, hah, hah!!” “Heh, heh, heh!!” “Hah, hah, hah!!”
“AARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!” He storms out of dining hall mad again!!!
“I love it!”
Soon everyone is snickering again and laughing again. “Heh, heh, heh!!” “Hah, hah, hah!!” “Heh, heh, heh!!” “Hah, hah, hah!!”
“Let’s do it again on Friday after his dinner a month later!!!”
“I love it!”
Even the four guards are snickering and laughing with the felons. “Heh, heh, heh!!” “Hah, hah, hah!!” “Heh, heh, heh!!” “Hah, hah, hah!!”
We all get back to apartments and homes, Friday night at 8:30 PM. We have a restful weekend the next two days on Saturday and Sunday. The temperatures are now 65 degrees Fahrenheit for a high on Saturday and Sunday.
On the Asgard home world, Loki can now finally see again. It took two years to get healed. He takes a long walk out to see Heimdall on the end of the Broken Bridge.
“Heimdall, this is Loki.”
“Hello Loki.” He continues to scan the Heavens.
“I have a question. How did Omega Unicorn Dragon find us?”
“There is a pyramid complex in Egypt on his Earth. It is called Cheops Pyramid. The apex of the pyramid pointed at the star Thuban during Cheops reign. That was Polar Star back then. That was 2589 BC. There is a small hidden passage. It is actually an air shaft on the North side of the pyramid. It pointed in the direction to star Thuban. That occurred in the year 2110. That means 4700 years it lined up just right for it to happen again in the year 2110. Richard, Brianna and their fairies came and visited the four pantheon realms.”
“Thank you, Heimdall.” Loki walks the long way back to his castle on Asgard. King Azazel won’t like the news I’m about to give him. He will get a rude awakening when the Pantheon Gods show up on the eight Earths. I think it is time to divest myself from the Demon Surtur. I’ll do it front of King Azazel before that happens. I think, I better wear my full armor, at least it will keep my main body safe. I’ll take my lumps when that happens during the first of June this year 2113. My daughter Hel, just became Ruler of Niflheim through Odin. I wonder what will happen Fenrir eats Odin? I’m suspecting that Hel will lose her position when that happens.
Heimdall continues to scan the Heavens.
Come Monday morning. The air slightly is getting warmer with each day. By Saturday, we are expecting the temperatures will be 70 degrees Fahrenheit. We get Brianna’s car loaded up with Robert in his basinet. She has her green sash and her gi outfit in her duffle bag. Brianna puts two flowering plant on the right rear floor board. The four fairies glide in and change to fairies in little flashes of light. There is a blanket folded up for them on the right rear seat. She uses the controller in her car to bring up the garage door up. She backs out and drives to the Jacksonville Rescue Center.
I put two flowering plants on the right rear floor board. I make sure there is folded up a blanket is there on the right side passenger seat. I also put the portable heater from the trunk space on put it on the right front floor board. I make sure my lunch is made for lunch and dinner. It is a repeat from last Friday. I make sure my duffle bag has my sixth degree black sash and with my gi outfit from the Peaceful Dragon. All of my fairies fly under the blanket to get warm. Traphel and Rose Lace stay behind to care of the green house. I back out of the other garage. I use a garage door button to make sure both garage doors are back down. I drive off to Secure-Sys in Jacksonville.
When Brianna arrives at the Jacksonville Rescue Center, she makes sure the basinet snaps in place into the carriage unit. The four fairies with Brianna are resting on top Robert’s basinet. She arrives at the Rescue Center in plenty of time. Immediately the ladies and the children are more calmed down now because of the butterflies being present. She takes the satchel with the shower set up into her room that is aside for her. She leaves it there for the time being.
She has been a normal day with the ladies and the children there. During her lunch period, my fairies arrive in her office. The fairies quickly set up their curtain shower. They use the bowl provided in the satchel. They set it up as they like it.
As for myself, I arrive at Secure-Sys in 15 minutes. I park my car. I lower the rear window down about two inches. I plug in the portable heater into the cigarette lighter and turn it on. I make sure the doors are locked up. The fairies get their exercise for flying around 15 minutes. The fluttering and changing back into fairies to get themselves warmed up the under the blanket. After that, they take three nuts and three fruits to get their energy back up. They sip on the warm honey-water cups they made.
I arrive at my desk. I see there are 10 programs in my inbox. Darrell and split them up to five each. We get them done by 11:30 AM this time. We make sure they are penciled in for the correct values. There were only three syntax errors on each one. Darrell and I circled them. We write down what they should be. We hand them back to the programmers before we have our early lunch at 11:30 AM for an hour.
I continue to add more stories to the hard-drives. I see I’ll have them all done by this Friday in the afternoon. When I check my inbox 3:30 PM. There are 10 more programs again. I give five to Darrell and I take five for myself. This time, the values are correct. This time there is one syntax error on each of the 10 programs. We write them down on what they should be. We hand 10 programs back to the programmers to get them corrected.
This takes us until 5 PM this time. I have my dinner again in the break room. I get done with my dinner by 6 PM this time. I bring out my cooler out to my car and set in down on the left side rear floorboard. I go out to my car and check with my fairies.
“So, everyone had there two exercises for the day?”
“Yes we did, Father. It was very nice and warm in here.”
“Well, it is time to head back to the Jacksonville Shaolin Dojo.” I get in the car. I turn on engine and drive to the Jacksonville Shaolin Dojo. I get there about 30 minutes this time. I set the screens on the windows this time. It will give them more privacy this time. I see the portable heater is still plugged in the cigarette lighter. I take my duffle bag in with this time. As soon as I step in the lobby area. I see Robert with a big smile as he looks at me. I flash my big smile as well.
I go into the locker room area and change my clothes like last Friday. I fold them up neatly and put them in my duffle bag. I remember the combination this time again. I put the gi outfit on me. I wrap my sixth degree sash and tie it up front.
Qiang is helping the other students how to use sai, sama or the sickle and the metal broadsword for the brown sashes.
I walk out to the main room. She takes the two of wooden batons from the wall. She comes near to us.
“Let’s review the walk and creating the ‘X’ trap that you learned last Friday.”
Brianna reviews the walk. Each time she switches her foot, the corresponding wooden baton will be in different position. So, that means when the left foot is forward her left hand is a little lower. Her right hand is higher behind her. She continues to switch positions with each leg and arm.
I go to the wall and retrieve the staff from the wall. I swing my staff toward her left side. She immediately creates the ‘X’ and swings two wooden batons to her right. She immediately hits both of my wrists. “Owww! Owww!”
“That’s good Brianna, now Richard show to the next move to learn.”
I go to the wall and retrieve the two wooden batons. I put the staff back where it belongs.
I do a freestanding somersault while in the air as I step through them with the two wooden batons in my hands.
“What did you see, Brianna?”
“I need to do a freestanding somersault as I step through them with the wooden batons in my hands.”
“That’s right, Brianna. Then you can create the ‘X’ trap again. But, first you need to learn how to do the freestanding somersault without using the two wooden batons in your hands. When did you learn how to do a freestanding somersault and stepping through them?”
“I was doing the freestanding somersault for the yellow sash.”
“That’s right, Brianna.”
She does the freestanding somersault three times in a row quickly and steps through them quickly. She then picks up the two wooden batons and put them in her hands. She does five freestanding somersaults very quickly as she steps through them.
“That’s very good, Brianna. Take a five minute water break. Then we’ll put the motions all together.”
“Yes, Sifu Chou.” Brianna goes up to the water fountain and drinks some water to keep herself hydrated.
When she comes back, I have the staff in my hands. She goes through the moves she did Friday and Monday night. She hits my both of my wrists quickly, “Owww! Owww!”
“The next move to learn is how to use a wooden baton to force Richard’s staff coming at you from your left side and or the right side. You need to be aware to use the left baton or the right baton.”
I slowly move the staff from her right side. I make it a little higher elevation. She uses baton on her right side. She slowly moves the baton on her right side in a large circular arc to her left side.
The next move she learns is doing the half-move. I come in with a diagonal slash with the staff toward her from her left side to her lower right side. She moves the baton in her left hand and blocks the staff coming at her.
“That’s good, Brianna. Now we need to do at full speed.”
She repeats the moves at full speed. When she initiates the big arc, she hits both of my wrists. “Owww! Owww!”
“That’s good Brianna. Go take a shower and get cleaned up. Now we need to have Qiang and Richard create Eagle Claw with their hands.”
At 8:00 PM, Qiang and I are shown how to use the mandolins to create the Eagle Claw hands. “Basically, it will take four weeks to create the Eagle Claw hands.”
We are shown to use the mandolins. We squeeze and pull the springs to make our hands stronger. We keep this up for the next half hour. Qiang and I take a quick shower to get cleaned up as well. We all arrive back at our apartments and homes by 9:00 PM this time.
We all get to back in bed by 10 PM this time. We all have a great night of sleep during for 8 hours. We wake up 6:30 AM the next day on Tuesday.
Everything is a repeat for the next four weeks like the first week in February. Qiang and I finally now created the Eagle Claw with our hands. When we strike our hands on wooden board. We see five indentations from our finger tips on the wooden board. When strike someone on a shoulder portion, we see five red marks on the skin of a brown sash student. Qiang and I have big smiles on our faces when we see those red marks.
The next item to learn is doing unique boxing style of the hawk and using the peacock feathers with the knives.
Brent is enjoying his dinner on Friday on March 3, 2113. No one has come up to him at all during that for four weeks. He mumbles to himself, “I’m still the best programmer.” Once he is done, he gets up and deposits the trash in the trash can that is lined with a 55 gallon bag. He leaves plastic plate on the tray and plastic ware. He turns around and sees a large man. He is 6' 6" high staring down at him.
He asks a question, “If you’re the best programmer. How come Richard stopped the Euro Scam?”
“What! I’m still the best programmer!”
Soon everyone is snickering and laughing out loud! “Heh! Heh! Hah, hah, hah! Heh! Heh! Hah, hah, hah!! Heh! Heh! Heh!” Even the four guards are laughing with other inmates.
“You’re just a bunch a-holes!!”
“Heh! Heh! Hah, hah, hah!! Heh! Heh! Hah, hah, hah!! Heh! Heh!”
Brent storms out dining hall mad again!! “ARR-RRRRGGG-GGGHHHH!!!!”
“I love it!”
“Let’s do it a month later after he has eaten his breakfast.”
“Heh! Heh! Hah, hah, hah!! Heh! Heh! Hah, hah, hah! ! Heh! Heh!”
During the next four weeks, Brianna learns how to hand grip to be stronger. She squeezes the rubber ball in both hands. She learns how to use finger machine. It can be tighten slowly. She learns how to use the rolling machine. This is where she grabs the wheel on both sides and turns them. Weights can be added as needed. It took her time to get her hand grip stronger. It took her four weeks to get her hand grip to be stronger.
We all have a restful weekend. The warm air is in full force. The flowers are budding bringing the color to our eyes. The fairies take a sip of sweet nectar from flowers occasionally. We continue to add more flowers in the green house.
I buy a paw paw tree seed from a nearby nursery. I plant it outside the green house. It is about forty feet from the green house. Brianna, our fairies and I pour some water on the tree seed.
We all pray over it, “Creator of the Universe, let this paw paw tree seed grow abundantly. We will enjoy the yellow fruit juice for years to come. Thank you, Creator.”
Everyone responds together, “Thank you, Creator.”
The bees come in through gate tunnel from time to time to pollinate the flowers. They collect the pollen on their legs. They take the pollen back to their beehive in a nearby tree to create more honey as well. It has a large hole that goes two feet downward. They create many cells of honey to feed themselves during the Winter. They find another tree with nearby like the first tree. They make another tree nearby to create more honey during the Winter. Even the butterflies come into the green house to drink the sweet nectar as well and pollinate them as well.
Nicolae Dragomir slowly walks toward the two dragons guarding the entrance. He kneels before them. “Please check my neck dragons. I was given a cool breath of air from a lady dragon. My name is Nicolae Dragomir.”
They check his neck to verify it. “You have a cool breath of air from our Dragon Queen. Rise Nicolae Dragomir. We will now transform before you.” They now appear looking more human than before.
The other dragon speaks. “What do you wish?”
“My grandmother and my mother remember you now. They told me stories you will be here Last Battle for Earth. You will be there. I would like to bring my grandmother, Stella. My mom’s name is Patricia. I will bring them here with blindfolds on. It will be three PM in the afternoon tomorrow.”
“That sounds like a good plan. We will be here.”
“Thank you, for your kindness dragons. I’ll be here at 3 PM tomorrow afternoon.”
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 PM is when it happened. My grandmother and mom arrive with blindfolds on their eyes. I help them so they won’t stumble.
Soon, everyone is giggling from the dragons. “Giggle . . . giggle!!” There is some low level laughter as well, “Heh! Heh! . . . Heh!”
“What’s happening Nicolae? I hear giggling and laughter.”
“I have surprise for you grandma and mother.” Nicolae removes the blindfolds from their eyes.
“Oh . . . I remember these dragons. I remember playing a game of ‘Tag’ with them.
The Dragon Queen speaks up, “It has been too long Stella and Patricia since we last saw each other.”
“I know Dragon Queen, it is great that we can see each other now. You are still young after all this time.” The younger dragons come up to her and my mom. They all feel the warm breath on them again. They touch their faces one more time. They stay together for two hours talking about the times they had together. They giggle and laugh about the times they had.
“Let’s make a date to be a year from now, Stella.”
“Yes, let’s be a year from now, Dragon Queen.”
They walk back to their church by 5:30 PM. They have their cars parked in the parking lot there. They leave and arrive at their homes. They continue to have a relaxing weekend.
The ashes of Voldemort continues floating in space. He hopes to arrive at Hell Galaxy by 2800 AD. It is 2113 AD now.
In the heavens Goku and Yusuke are discussing the current situation.
“Yusuke, do you still feel you are supercharge up?”
“Yes, I’m sure you are feeling the same way.”
“Maybe we should release the supercharged energy and see what happens.”
“I agree Goku. Let’s try it.”
They concentrate on themselves to release the supercharged energy. They get their chi in balance as they think about. Then all of a sudden they release the supercharged energy from their whole body. It appears as light energy. It shoots out straight ahead for five hundred feet before it dissipates.
“Oh wow, that is what is needed all along, Goku.”
“I agree Yusuke. Now we can help our fighters and do the same thing.”
“Hah! Hah! Hah! That’s right! I love it!”
They fly off together where the fighters are preparing themselves for the Ultimate Last Battle. They tell great news to the fighters how to supercharge themselves up.