White Witch
Witch Sigil
The White Witch is the most powerful spell caster on earth, Rachael Aurora and her Apprentice will be pushed to their limits. Satyr, undead, shape shifters, Magic users, and a host of Mythological creatures will befriend her or Attack her which is friend and which is Foe. The fate of all life on the planet hangs on The White Witch finding the Green Mother's Scepter.
It has been several decades since I came into my power. I was the first female ever to apprentice under the 'Merlin', his real name lost in time. I cursed the warlock that had become a writer, turning out Supernatural as I looked over the aftermath of the battle. I had been too late for this set of “Winchesters”, the werewolf was dead, but so were they. I was really hating the popularity of Supernatural, almost as much as those Twilight Movies. Both had left trails of dead kids or dead “Hunters”. They got just enough info to become dinner for the creature they hunt. Made the proliferation of Vamps and Were-wolves a bigger problem. The remains spread about the Ruins of one of my favorite Food places. All that was left of this 'In and Out Burger' was a few pieces of tile and the sign. It looked amazingly pristine, except for the missing B and R, The ever popular 'In and out urge', I restored the sign, knowing it would soon be vandalized once more. I then decided to clean up, the mess on me. I sent out a magic pulse, the blood and gore that had splattered me. My white cape, Corset Dress and thigh high stiletto boots, all with red silk ties and laces, became sparkling clean. As the militia Leader approached, I flipped open the badge wondering what he would see. It was always different, unless you were trained then all you would see is a empty white leather wallet with red stitching.
The Militia Officer, 'Lieutenant Addams' according to the patch attached to his gray and green Camo was embossed in gold relief. It was bright as opposed to dark letters spelling out 'Cali Isle Security' just below it. He had two wounds a scratch across his forehead, and his torn and bloody left arm, handsome even if the forehead scars didn't heal, but with my Magic salve they would. He asked “Ms. Aurora, what's the NAOP Security doing on Cali Isle?” Then pointing at my apprentice, “So you two just pop in from your prom”
I Glanced at Jessica, she was in her Avatars base form. Guess we did look rather young, one of the perks of being a magic user. Jessica looked like Jessica Rabbit, sparkling red gown and all the other entrapment’s of that smoking Toon. It was the form which she had taken as part of her service while learning under me. Some are born with magic others take on another form to accept it. As in the case of my Brother James, who had threatened to go to one of my less ethical peers. He now wore the avatar that is my new apprentice Jessica. Most of the time the Original personality is lost for ever with the new apprentice building a new life from the template they chose.
All of magic users are affected by the magic, females are subject to nymph characteristics. Which helps in that sex is the best way for a witch to recharge their magical reserves. It has many different names awen, ki, karma, mana, so but it does not really describe it. “Well she's just a novice level apprentice, she does not learn transmogrify till level two.” I turned my attention back to the Lieutenant “Well Lieutenant Addams, Cali Isle may consider itself a sovereign country but the North American Organization of Provinces considers it a valuable territory. Of course I can go and leave this investigation your capable hands.” When I arrived Lieutenant Addams was getting tossed all over the area, and barely surviving the raking the werewolf was giving him “Jessica, pack up our gear and we shall leave the Lieutenant to his ruminations and I hope there is someone that can administer wolves-bane in the proper strength. Say good Bye Lieutenant.”
Jessica squeaked “Good Bye Lieutenant.” only half covering her giggle. I really wondered if my little brother would be very happy being this hot nymph even though he begged to be my apprentice. My Brother was buried deep inside the visage of Jessica Rabbit, said it was an homage to all Toons since they had been digitized by presidential order after the Toon War, led by the Weasels. Many people died and Toons that fought with us were treated as as if they had fought for the weasels, the final battle won because Roger Rabbit had knocked them dead with a gag so hilariously funny that Toons on both sides perished but the Weasels forces had been decimated. The human race was still laughing about it a week later but the president and congress digitized all surviving Toons as they were afraid of them all.
Five years after the Toon War, Southern California had taken a big hit, 8.77 earthquake along the San Andreas fault, instead of sinking the land mass just floated away, well till it get caught on the Channel Islands, the long thin strip of land that ran from Salinas to the tip of Baja California. The Magic required to keep it floating was still lingering though very few could see it, of course being part of the strongest Magic Ley line in the northern hemisphere didn't hurt. Arizona was upset the oceanfront property they were expecting never appeared, just turned Palm Springs into an off shore reef so you needed to be up in the mountains above, Palm Springs to be enjoying the view of Cali Isle. Millions died, could have been much worse, but my mother had given her life to float the Isle and only lost about two miles of land all around the Isle. It's been six years and still hurts to see her locked in stasis of the spell she can never stop casting. We were on the edge of what used to be the City of Sunset Beach just east of the old Naval Depot that was now part of the Catalina Caverns. The Shoreline now three miles east of where it had been, much of the city had been reclaimed by nature as many of the coastal cities had been abandoned. There were new homes going up but they were Eco-friendly as required for building in reclaimed land.
As I set the portal up for us to leave an agitated Addams came over to 'request' our help. “Ms. Aurora, we do need your help.” I powered down the portal, and pulled out the wolves-bane salve, Jessica had continued to salt the bones of the werewolf with silver nitrate. 'Now for the bad news' I thought, “Okay Addams here's the deal, your going to be applying the salve for a month and if you forget I'll be back to cut your head off and then burn your werewolf body.” Jessica cast the fire spell right on time, as everyone turned to look at the flaming body. It was at times like this that BBQ became, more or less... unappetizing.
Lieutenant Addams paled, “Ms. Aurora, do you have an extra Jar so I don't run out.” I laughed, they ask the same question every time. My Apprentice Jessica Replied, “Relax Lieutenant, the White Witch Salves and potions are unending for the length of requirement, so if you'll just place your thumb here we will collect payment.”
Jessica was turning out to be my best Apprentice I've had in a decade, surviving three cases, and cool enough to make sure we got paid. The last Apprentice I had always seemed to be an airhead forgot the billing equipment or would just forget to bring it up. The thing is the credits charged were not for me, but for the apprentice, so when they were finished training they had the credits to strike out on their own. Addams, touched his thumb to the pad she offered. “Not to worry it will be spread out over 6 months should not be to bad, but it could help you stop smoking as it costs about the same.” Giggled Jessica. Lieutenant Addams was amazed as he had been trying to quit.
While they are busy flirting I tap into the Ley lines to recharge and read the area, there were three more wolves in this pack, and they were headed to the Caverns of Catalina. I pull out my broom, “Come Jessica we need to go now before they reach the caverns.” The caverns were caused by the collision of the two land masses. The chain of Islands were actually all connected to the same shelf.
“But Rachael, he's cute and …..” she frowned. I silenced her, with a wave of my hand, “True he is, and if you survive this trip we'll come back my darling Apprentice.” With that she slid on behind me sidesaddle, as the long red sequined dress kept her from doing other wise. The reason she was so interest in him wasn't just because of his looks. No, it was a problem all apprentices went through. I knew she needed to recharge as well. The problem, stated simply, is power. It takes time and practice to be able to tap into Ley lines for Magic. The easiest way to power up is by taking power from others through touch. It's harmless if used properly. So, they play succubus for a few months while learning, some never stop because it is quite the rush. Sometimes even I miss the closeness of power up sex. But it's nothing like tapping into Ley Lines, the raw power is sometimes better than sex.
We caught up with the Were-wolves just a league from the caverns, and as we got closer I new we had to stop them now as I felt there was another fifteen in the caverns more than we could handle by ourselves and I did not wish to sacrifice my Apprentice. Hmm even more important since she is family. I buzzed them making them jump for cover, looping up and landing in front of them. I drew the runed silver katana, “Jessica cast a twenty meter field spell.” The Field spell would lock us into a specified diameter keeping everything inside and repelling all incoming creatures or scans. I faced the trio of wolves, two leaped towards me I slashed and rolled, cutting the left leg off of the one that came from my right rolling under the wolf's attack from the left. The third wolf transformed, “Stop you fools, she did what we were to late for, stopping the rogue from killing. We should be thankful to her not attacking her.”
The wolf that had missed went for Jessica, but her spell field made him bounce off. “Good job my Apprentice, keep focused.” The one I had wounded transformed , stanching its wounds as it's regen kicked in, he knelt on the ground. The last Wolf still in form recovered and came at me once more I twisted right and slashed through the Wolf's path, slicing it in half.
The other wolves knelt in supplication. “We surrender, please White Witch we beg Mercy.” Good to know that my reputation precedes me sometimes. Well another bit of Fall out from mainstream Television Wolves and Vamps wanting to live like humans trying to stay tier monstrous impulses. Some had been able too, others crack, which I guess what was going on earlier, and some forget themselves in the heat of battle.
I put my sword away and healed the kneeling wolf, “The other is sacrificed for it attacked my apprentice.” True it was almost impossible to have hurt Jessica while she was casting. Still the attack may have frightened her if she had peeked and caused her to freeze up and become vulnerable. Rule one in the field for novice's, close your eyes and cast. I had lost three apprentices because they couldn't follow that simple rule. That's why attacking a novice is a death sentence. I scanned their Minds they were contrite, I did my best to soothe their minds. “He attacked my Apprentice who was casting, would you not do the same for one that attacked your apprentice. We must enforce the 'Merlin's' law, or we fail those that rely on us.” I saw her go through a gamut of emotions finally screaming in Anguish. Damn now I feel the need to recharge and feel the rut come upon me. He plead with her as he comforted her in his arms. It was so moving as they embraced, her clothes shimmered and they kissed. Funny it was on the remains of a Hilton Hotel. I created a brass bed with silk sheets and floated them on to it. As they got more intimate, I pull out the broom, 'Jessica time to go, do you wish to visit the Lieutenant?” she jumped on behind me, I sent to Serina, {Your Pack is protected by the White Witch I have placed my sigil on you all, but know this if any go hunting you forfeit that protection.} We found the Lieutenant, and Jessica recharged, I even found a bit of Diversion as well. It was tough not too after being in the mind of another as they were intimate. It always made me very horny, Especially after being in the minds of two other nymphs.
“But he is my mate, please do not burn him. He can be saved, I offer my service for his life.” The Female was crying yet very respectful. Also talented, as most wolves have to put on or take off their clothing when they transform. She had created them as she transformed, she was a Were-wolf witch. I had heard of them but never quite sure if they were legend or real.
White Witch
White Witch Sigil
The White Witch is the most powerful spell caster on earth, Rachael Aurora and her Apprentice will be pushed to their limits. Satyr, undead, shape shifters, Magic users, and a host of Mythological creatures will befriend her or Attack her which is friend and which is Foe. The fate of all life on the planet hangs on The White Witch finding the Green Mother's Fountain.
Chapter 2
Back in my Palm Springs Beach house, I was training Jessica in sword play and and magic defense. We were using all surfaces of the Dojo, as we tumbled jumped and flew about the room. Jessica was not showing any creative uses of what I had shown her. Jessica Rabbit my apprentice, actually was my brother Will. Will is buried deep inside that Toon Avatar. Will had been brilliant, painter, inventor, designer, zero magical talent. He then became obsessed with magic when Mom ended up in stasis, he was begging daily to be my apprentice. As Jessica continued to be robotic, I pushed a shield spell against her legs and she stumbled. Jessica complained “Mistress you said no offensive spells!” I had done everything I could in hope of sparking some of his, well her, buried creativity.
“Rae Just transform me, I am sure it will get me jump-started.” Will had pleaded with me for every day for months. I told him the same thing each day it was only a fifty-fifty possibility. Then came the day he had said, “Tanya is going to make me her apprentice today, she said she had sure way of me becoming a magical being.” I cringed, Tanya was known as the novice grinder, only one out of every ten of her apprentices ever lived more than a month and only three of the hundreds had ever become full witches. “Tell me what form it is and I will make you my apprentice.” His answer had horrified me, “Into the form of a Toon, I decided on Jessica Rabbit, in honor of her sacrifice. Also because I have always wanted to be a woman, and what a woman I would be.”
I had been reading Will deeper than his surface thoughts for the first time ever. He really did wish to be a woman, I wondered why I had never noticed. Just as much as he wanted to learn magic. “Will, I really do not want to lose you, but I shall do this transformation. You will become my apprentice, but in the transformation you might be gone forever. Your flair in your talents now could be lost to the world forever. Because the Toon you picked is a very strong character. These templates are hard to overcome most that use them do not grow any farther than journeyman. You might forget you were ever my brother. The only thing I can be certain is that you will recognize me as your Magical Trainer.” Still hard to believe my little brother had wanted to be a woman. His wanting to learn Magic I knew about. I never did more than skim his thoughts since he is family. It's much easier to stay out of peoples heads as it is easy to get overwhelmed. “It's what I want more than anything Rae, please I know I'll be in good hands with you.” pleaded Will. So he became Jessica Rabbit Apprentice to The White Witch. Her magic power was close to what Mine was as a Novice. It was hard at first watching her be the same kind of slut most Novices are. The worst part was there was no flair to her magic just rote repetition. It was another reason why I disliked the use of Avatar Templates, so often they never developed past the base personality.
I laughed and kept up my attack with my katana, “Do not call me Mistress, I am a Magical Trainer. What I said was practice using your shielding magics, not 'use' just defensive magic. Magic can be used many different ways even a healing spell can be offensive, used against a zombie, vampire or even another magic user.” Blades clashed and we flipped and flitted about the room blinking and pushing each other to the limit. Would have put Yoda to shame, the only thing missing the buzzing blades. Then I got a psyche-call(telepathic Link) with an emergency tag, from my EX!
Jessica took advantage of my distressed mind, she cast a shield spell in a large phallic shape stuffing my love canal. I was really surprised and aroused at the same time. Then I felt her blade at my throat, and very cool all over Jessica had dismissed my clothing! I smiled as she cycled the phallus deep inside me. I climaxed as she pinched my clit with her off-hand, I squirted making a small puddle on the floor. “OHHHHH YES, very nice, My apprentice has advanced.” I was bedeviled, cumming so hard and wondering what the hell OWEN wanted. It was too annoying, I touched my emergency key, a Silver Goddess arm cuff, charmed with a portal to my sanctum. I sent to Jessica {Well done My student, I have to take this Emergency call from Owen.} I wondered, 'Has my Brother been able to break through the layers of the Avatar' oh how I craved that he had.
Owen that bastard, I still love him, but getting infected by a Satyr on purpose because he felt it would be good for us, OH! {This had Better Be something really BAD Owen, or I will make your existence a true hell.} Since Females got nymph-ed you figure the men would get the satyr or maybe incubus, but they got strength of the wolf, which seemed sort of strange.
Usually Owen was very hard too read, but he was so distressed I knew there was trouble, {I've seen the end of the world Rae, The Green Mothers Fountain is going to be destroyed.} Owen's talent was mostly Psionics, he was very good at Psychometry, Psychokinesis, Psychic Surgery, and sometimes a decent Precog. Though since he was infected with Satyriasis his precognitive ability has really suffered.
The Green Mother's Fountain it is what all life on the planet springs from. But the location is in the Myst, and the Myst is not easily traveled, unless you have the help of the four priestesses. As the keepers of the Myst kept it an unfathomable maze. Oh you can travel the Myst, but very few ever saw any of the treasures of the Myst. Most travel the edges to their destination, It is almost as good as teleportation, takes about 10 seconds to travel to just about any destination. Just needed to avoid exiting into the 'Void'. {That's not possible Owen, the Myst will keep anyone wanting to do Dark Magic, wandering forever.}
{That would be true if any of the four Priestesses of Gaea were still in the world but they have disappeared.} The Priestesses of Gaea were White / North, Red / South, Blue / West, and Yellow / East. Their Crests passed at their death to one of their adherents(student, or follower) that was the most deserving according to legend.
{That's not possible Owen, the Crest is passed upon their death to the next inline}, It hit me like a ton of bricks, I knew one that had not died, My Mother she was the Blue Priestess. I hurriedly sent, {They're all in stasis, but to get Mom out of stasis could destroy The Isle of Cali, as well as the west coast of North America.}
Owen seemed to perk up, {Maybe at least one of the others is in a situation that might be easier to get them out of their stasis.} I pictured Mom in her cocoon of magic.
{But who are the other three, and how do we find them?} I puzzled. I felt Jessica nudge in to my mind, she had six of my Martial art students with her, one in her pussy, one in her bum and two trying to stuff their cocks in her mouth as she had her hands wrapped around the last
two cocks. {Tanya knows them all she kept telling me it was her destiny to be the next Red Priestess} I was amazed how she was able to send this with all she was feeling. Though she sure was powered up. Goddess the thought of being like that had me to the point of spurting again, I hadn't felt like that since I was an Apprentice. I wanted to be there as well.
Owen suggested, {I would be happy to pop in and fill in for a bit.} I could feel his lecherous intentions, and I so wanted to say yes. But I still felt so betrayed by him. {I would rather do it with my students than have you here, contact Tanya, you two seem to get along okay.}
Owen asked, {Should I bring her over, after I fill her in.} I laughed as I ported back to the Dojo, Owen always seemed to make that phrase sound so dirty. {Yes going to need all the help we can get, so you can come along as well.} I was still out of my clothes and not really thinking about my ex anymore. {Oh I'll definitely cum...} I blocked the rest, all I knew was I wanted some of what my Apprentice was getting. I called out "Dan, Mark and Rainier, come fill your Sensi now." Those were the two that had been getting a hand jobs and the more endowed of the two at Jessica's mouth.
I felt the mirthful thoughts of my Apprentice, {Well Sis I was wondering how long you would hold out originally I got them here to all service you. The emergency sort of through a wrench into my plans.} I was stunned {SIS!, you remember I thought you were lost for ever. Oh Will I am so sorry...} Jessica's tone changed becoming dominant NOT Will any more, and never be sorry. I'm so happy to be your Apprentice. I guess I should stop Topping Mistress, though you look so hot with three cocks in you.} I orgasmed had Jessica done something to me, My orgasms were coming faster and harder. I quivered, spurting over and over The climaxes were stacking and getting better then another cock was in my face and my hands were placed on the other two. {Not Mistress, I am your Magic Trainer, never a Mistress.}
"See guys told you, that Sensi is a bigger slut than me. So never a Mistress, you wish to be my Happy slut?” Jessica was going slow I could tell. The feeling of being Dominated felt so good, and I climaxed in a series of orgasms harder than ever before. I was unsure how we could continue, but I yearned to be controlled, {Yes Mistress, but how will this work Mistress?} I remembered when Will had asked me about the books I was always reading, Slave Girl of Gor, Kijara of Gor, and Dancer of Gor, I have the others as well. I had made costumes for those books, drew the tattoo on my thigh, practiced doing the things written in those books and my dear brother played Master for me. My body quivered as the chaining orgasms continued as i felt every bit of me stuffed so full two cocks trying to get down my throat. Was Jessica remembering, it would be so nice to have my Master back.
Jessica answered, "Just enjoy it my slut. No more powering up from Ley Lines for you by the way. No more panties and your skirt will be six inches shorter. As for your top I am thinking a sheer silk blouse no buttons. Have a nice treat for you as well fetish heel Ballet boots so you'll be four inches taller." My orgasms kept chaining as Mistress had laid down the law. This one was glowing as they all came on me or in me at once. This one took so much power in the slut passed out.
um Sorry for being such a bitch, things sort of piled up on me. There will be more not sure when I have to make sure the code that people order gets written first then worry about my fun writing.
Goddess Bess you All
Chapter 3
As I came to, I heard Mistress say, "NO she is mine, you lost her when you betrayed her.” Owen in his black leathers and tight vest over a white ruffled shirt. What he called 'Pirate' casual. Mistress turned on Tanya, as the woman tried to straighten her red halter mini dress which had several cum stains on it Tanya also had clumps of semen in her hair tousled from sex. “Tanya you are not allowed to touch my girl Either. If you try I'll have her slap you down so hard..." Mistress felt me come fully awake, she turned and came to me. This one felt Tanya casting and blocked her spell, Tanya was a little perplexed a when nothing happened. My Mistress spoke "Oh my sweet slut, sorry I overloaded you. Now tell these two who you serve my sweet slutty sister." I sent to my Mistress, {Mistress remembers being my sibling, for how long my Mistress?} Mistress replied {Since I woke, but I had no control till last week then I started planing how to surprise you and your damn EX almost screwed it up. Now My magical slut tell them who you serve. Take the Bracelets pose.} I felt Tanya trying to over come my magic stasis I placed on her. I stripped her, pinned her to the wall spread eagle, and left her there fuming.
I climaxed as mistress kept the phallic shields moving inside her slut, a puddle forming below me as i knelt. This one threw her shoulders back, thrust out my breasts, spread wide my thighs for Mistress to see her sluts leaking cunt and hands clasped tightly behind my back. “This one serves her Mistress Sister Apprentice Jessica.” Tanya struggled, this one knew that she would try to cast something against my Mistress once released. To keep that from happening I placed Tanya in the Bracelets pose as well, before my Mistress, “The power of the White Witch has not Diminished because she serves. This one has become stronger than ever, thanks to her Mistress. You shall either be good or I shall make you hers through my will.”
I released Tanya, still blocking her magic, she tried to port out, “Sorry Tanya but we need your help with this it may be the end of the world I guess my 'Ex' did not tell you that, as he was to busy filling your holes.” “Mistress please forgive this ones outburst, this one only did so in service of Mistress."
Jessica smiled and caressed her slaves cheek, "It's fine my magical slut you did well. Now Magical Trainer you are in-charge of this meeting as you're the White Witch and I your humble Apprentice." As I stood up I formed the clothes that Mistress had described, adding a white ruby studded collar with 'Jessica's slut' on it. White and ruby cuffs on my wrists and ankles, the Ballet boots thigh high with locks on the laces. "um Mistress may this one make a suggestion for a top for your slut to wear?" she nodded, I replaced the white silk blouse with a white quarter cup corset, that took my waist to down six inches to twenty inches around with a lock on the laces. All but the very bottom of my breasts were on display, and pushed higher making them look larger than the D cup they were.
My Mistress Smiled, "Very nice my slut and I love the cuff and collar additions. My Ruby Slut!" She kissed me and i felt the phallic shields pulse and grow in my cunt and ass. My climaxes peaked and continued to undulate as Mistress' phallic shaped shields vibrated in this slut, {Slut you can cum as much as you wish, it will keep you charged. Later we shall make use of those cuffs. Now get on with your work my Magical Trainer.}
I reached out to the Lay Lines to see what I could find out about the Priestesses of Gaea. My mind was filled with more knowledge than I even expected. Everything that Owen and Tanya knew, even things like the locations came to me through the ley lines. I projected a world map with Icons showing the locations of the four Priestesses. "We know what my Mother's situation is and will cost Millions of lives if we rescue her now. Of course if it is our best choice that is what will be done. We need to investigate the situations of the other three Priestesses. Mistress Jessica and her magic slut will travel to the Arctic circle to see if we can rescue Tryphna. I hope that we can avoid the loss of the fountain with just one of the Points of the Skye. Owen you are to go to Tokyo where you will find Mina. Tanya your destination is Brisbane, to find Chelsha. Once we have found the other three Priestesses of Gaea we will connect and figure our best course of action. I shall keep mental links open so we can stay in touch.” “My Mistress and her slut will be leaving at Mistresses leisure, you are welcome to use one of our spare suites to prepare, or if you wish to leave now this one would be happy to send you on your way. I heard Owen trying to be discreet {Want to be filled in a few more times Tanya, before we head out.} {Um Guys Mental Link, that would have been a lot less creepy if you'd just whispered to her.} “Of course knowing you, you were probably anticipating it might make me interested in a three way, Eeeewwww.”
Mistress Jessica remarked “Actually he wanted all three of us in his bed. Something I was going to keep from my magical slut, since it was business between Owen and your Mistress. Because you are so very powerful though I am sharing to let you know that if I wished it so you would be in bed with them. However, never with either of them unless you say it is okay and they are the only ones you have any say in. Do you understand my slut?”
“Yes my Mistress, no matter who or what Mistress gives her slut too, her slut will do as she is told cheerfully.” I meant it too, though sex with Owen would be difficult if I had to initiate it, but would do so with no reservation if Mistress ordered her slut to have sex with them. Mistress sent {My magical slut you make me proud and I am sure you always will. Knowing you would do anything I ask of you.} Replying to Mistress, {Mistress seems more powerful than I expected of my Apprentice, able to mask Mind calls with others that I set the connection with, and reading your magical sluts mind.}
Knelt at Mistress' feet I waited for her command, Mistress stoked my hair and kept her phallic probes pulsing inside her slut my nectar pooling below me, I was starting to get thirsty. Mistress handed me a dildo it sloshed a bit when I took it in hand. Soon I had it most the way in my mouth and part way down my throat. The liquid in the 'cock' was sweet and tasty, it slaked my thirst yet seemed to charge me up even more. My 'drink bottle' disappeared when it was empty. I noticed Mistress had taken a few steps away. Then after a few more moments, Mistress stepped back towards me away from Owen and Tanya, “NO MORE Negotiations we are done. You may go, let me know when you would like to be ported I will have my magical slut do so. To the sanctum my slut.” she touched my arm and I ported us to the sanctum Placing Mistress on her new throne and this slut at her feet in Bracelets. “My magical slut is very good, picked the throne design from your Mistresses mind yet did not hear the negotiations and offers for the use of my magical slut from Owen or Tanya. Or are you pretending to have not have heard them?”
I was surprised, Tanya asked for me as well, “Not pretending my Mistress, that would be worse than a lie. This slut did not hear any mind calls between Mistress and Owen or Tanya.” I shivered in fear as what happened is impossible, and should not been able to have happened. Because any conversation held over a Mind Link is heard by the originator. I was quaking afraid of Mistress dismissing this slut.
Mistress was standing above me, stroking my hair, “No my magical slut you are mine and it is because you want it that you tuned out Mistress' business. They told me there was know way you could not be listening, but you sat there unaware. You are so perfect, you deserve a treat.” Next we were on the bed, my cuffs attached to the four posts of my canopy bed. Mistress caressed her slut, running her fingers over the exposed skin of her property. Still much was covered with the silk and satin corset and the thigh high leather boots. I glanced up there was a mirror, and I noticed something just above my Venus mound it was two lips topped with bunny ears and a cotton tail just showing below the bottom one, Mistresses brand on her property. I quivered as I began to climax as Mistress caressed and licked magical slut. The Vibrating phallic shields still in this ones cunt and ass. It all became fuzzy as so many orgasms hit me at once, and continued to do so. The pleasure was so intense, “Thank you my Mistress.” I uttered joyfully over and over.
Mistress ordered, {Send them on their way they are at the bedroom door peeking through door, but I heard it squeak.} I Ported Owen and Tanya without their clothes, Mistress bit this sluts right nipple hard, {My little imp, making me love you even more.} Tanya cried {AIEEE, naked in the snow, not nice.} Owen reported, {I knew you still cared about me a little, hot tub full of women. I'll stop pursuing Jessica's magical slut.} I put a parka on Tanya, {Sorry Tanya, I missed the hot tub was a little, um distracted.} I released the hold on their magic flow and got back to the thing that mattered most, enjoying the attention from Mistress. {Oh what a prize you are My magical slut. I promise to work as hard at learning Magic from you as you have given your all to me.} I remembered the First time Master gave this one her first experience as kijara...
I was nervous, Will had set up a chance for his kajira to perform. I had seen some of the guys arrive, and was complaining, “Will,....” he had smacked my bare thigh with the flogger. “Master, they know me, I am not ready to be outed at school as a slut.” I was in my junior year and most of them were Will's freshman friends. Still being so well known as the White Witch, amazing what a few flashy banishings of rampaging monsters, and your the talk of the campus. The worst of it was half of the thirty plus guys were in my classes for magic or martial arts. “My slut is one of the best magic users in the world and can't cast a disguise, you disappoint me I should sell you now.” Will was smiling but he was right I had let it get too me. “Master is right, if your slut did nothing to over come her fright.” I transformed into a fan-boy’s fantasy vision of Zoe Saldana as Nyota Uhura. It was a little slimy, a basque top, with a very short skirt and boots with four inch heels. The extremes were a forty two G sixteen inch waist, and thirty eight inch hips. since I would have to keep the disguise up for a day or two, I went with a thirty six E, twenty two inch waist and thirty six inch hips just a couple of inches here and there different from my natural thirty two D twenty six, thirty four figure. It turned into a magical thirty seven hour orgy, I had been whited out, lying in a kiddie pool the cum from forty two men in me or on me.