Has Felicity learned that really advanced science really is indistinguishable from magic?
On the door step of April Morning, right after we has shouted out, “Guess who’s coming to dinner?”
Momma fell toward me, and I caught her and steadied her on her feet
” All of a sudden, I don’t feel so good, Felicity. I think that I need to lay down.”
” Okay, Momma. I’ve got you. Everything will be okay.”
I reached out with my telepathy and found that evidently, we had not been heard, and no help was around or anyone to notice what I did next. I folded space about us and brought us both to my (that is our) suite on the third floor. We landed in a bedroom except it was not the one that I had claimed as mine earlier. This one was much larger and like the first was lovingly decorated to make one instantly feel at home. I led Momma to the bed whose covers had already been pulled down and made ready. Once she sat on the bed, she became a bit more steady. In fact, she really took in her surroundings and must have realized that it was an incredibly short walk getting there.
” Felicity, sweetie, might there be one or two things about yourself that you haven’t told me yet?”
” A few more than two, I’m afraid Momma. How are you doing?”
” A bit better now that I’m sitting. You can tell me about those things after we get me settled down for a nap. Could you let me borrow a nightie? It would appear that not only are we about the same size, but we are exactly the same size. Imagine that?”
” I’ll get a nightie for you, Momma. Are you going to be okay like that for me to go get it or would you like to lie down?”
” I’ll be okay, sweetie. The dizzy spell appears to have passed and even though I feel sleepy, I’ll be okay sitting on the bed for now. Please pick me out a nice one, remember it will be my first.”
” I’ll bring you a comfy one, Momma. Be back soon.”
Momma looked to be okay, so I walked out the door and over into my room. I went to my chest of drawers hoping that Miss Tarquin had gotten my luggage and had it unpacked for me. As I opened the drawers, I found that they contained my lingerie, sleep wear and sweaters. I picked a long satin soft pink night gown lined in a soft flannel. It had a collar with three buttons which allowed you to slip it over your head even with a head full of curlers. Along the sides of the buttons were embroidered a stem of roses.. Underneath the shoulders were decorative pleats which set this off as a very special night gown. I returned to Momma’s bedroom and held the nightgown up for her when I stood next to her sitting on the side of the bed.
” How does it look?”
” That one is perfect, sweetie. It’s a very special nightgown. Let’s get me in it and then you can tell me a bedtime story
I helped Momma off with her gown and shoes and slipped the nightgown over her hands and head and buttoned up her collar. She slipped beneath the covers and I took her vanity stool out and moved it to her bedside and sat down on it. I told her my whole story from the beginning.
For her part, Momma didn’t interrupt so I was thinking that she would be holding her questions for after she woke from her nap. She listened intently as I continued right up to the time of her transformation. At the end she gave me a great big smile to let me know all was well and then turned over and went to sleep.
I placed the stool back and quietly left her bedroom and closed her door so she would not be disturbed. I returned to my room and checked my cell phone for a message that had caught up to me. Evidently there isn’t cell service in magical forests.
I listened to Miss Tarquin’s message that my luggage had arrived. Since I was absent, she would send up Miss Roberts to put my things away and place the empty luggage in the coat closet by the door of my suite. She finished by wishing me a wonderful day.
I decided that besides thanking her and Miss Roberts for the wonderful service that there were a few more details to bring to her attention. I rang Miss Tarquin’s number and again she answered on the first ring.
” Hello, Miss Tarquin, this is Felicity. Thank you and Miss Roberts for the most wonderful service in getting my things here and put away. I have a few new things that I’d like your help with.”
” Hello Felicity. I’m glad that we could be of service. How may I help?”
” First, do you know of the Grandmother Grove Garden out on the edge of the woods from the mansion?”
.” Yes, I know of it. For a time, it was one of the most renowned and beautiful gardens of its kind in the whole state. Then all of a sudden it failed to come back out after a particularly harsh winter.”
” Lynn Archer and I witnessed something extraordinary happen in the garden. Everything is coming back to life out there and I expect it soon will meet or exceed the expectations that were met by it in the past before that unfortunate winter. Might it be possible to place a fence around the garden to set it apart so that no trees are harvested in that area?”
” Mrs. Dumfries had placed in the budget funds for a fence to place around the Grandmother Grove Garden and a circular bench placed around in two halves around the Grandmother Tree. When the garden was in its prime, the most colorful and prolific flora centered on the Grandmother Tree so she thought that would be a great place in the center of the garden to place benches so that one could rest and enjoy the beauty there. I’ll have Mr. Tanner make a report to her as to the current status of the garden. As much as she loves gardens, I’m certain we will act to preserve it as quickly as possible.”
The flora had begun to appear around the tree as soon as Hanna the Dryad had been released from it. With Hanna partying on, I was sure that the other life forms would grow at a greatly accelerated rate. Dr Carol Markus and her Genesis Cave Garden would seem like amateurs, once Hanna‘s work became evident in her Grandmother Grove Garden. Hanna was the one who could really cook!
”Something else extraordinary happened while Lynn and I were in the Grandmother Grove Garden. Lynn began to grow young and change gender which are both things that she desired. She is now a 50-year-old woman. Lynn wants to adopt me as her daughter, so she’ll be staying in my rooms from now on. Please check her out of the B & B room. You may donate the luggage and clothes that are in the B& B room since Lynn won’t need them anymore. I can come by to take care of any paperwork and payment required for the change in accommodations. I have Lynn’s signal pendant to return since she won’t be needing it for quite a long time now.”
” That’s wonderful news, Felicity. Congratulations on becoming a daughter to Lynn! Lynn’s prepayment that she insisted on, will cover her B&B room so I’ll check her out and credit the difference towards your suite. There will be an adjustment with the suite having 2 occupants. I’ll get the paperwork ready for you to take care of at your convenience. How is Mrs. Archer doing now? “
” She had a dizzy spell and felt really tired so she’s resting in bed now. I wondered if it might be possible for us to both get a tray sent up instead of coming down to dinner. I don’t want to leave her in case something medical comes up besides needing rest as a result of her transformation.”
” I’ll have a tray sent up for you both when Dinner is served this evening. I hope that rest will suffice for her but if not we have some excellent medical professionals in the village. Please keep the signal pendant for either you or her to wear until she feels normal. I’ll direct the receiver on that floor to listen for Lynn’s pendant’s signal. Felicity, the staff is very discreet about changes such as Lynn’s. It’s not the first time the extraordinary has happened at April Morning. I dare say that it will not be the last. There is a very good shopping service available should Lynn require it.”
” Thank you so much Miss Tarquin. As to clothes, we’ve discovered that she and I are exactly the same size. Imagine that! So we can delay the shopping till we can make it a mother / daughter bonding event when we can both enjoy it. Thank you for your thoughtfulness concerning Lynn’s pendant. Either she or I will be wearing it until her health becomes normal. I’m glad that the staff is discrete about these things. I had already decided that April Morning was an extraordinary place. I just had no idea just how extraordinary. Thank you for sending up the trays for both of us for dinner. I believe both of us will reside here for a very long time to enjoy the wonderful service. Thank you. I guess that is all for now, Miss Tarquin.”
She told me goodbye, and we both hung up the phone. I did as she suggested and put on the pendant. It was no wonder that Mother was exhausted with what she had been through. The age change was induced by magic, while her gender change was my doing using the healing properties of the Tesseract. I decided to check in with Hanna about Mother to see if there might be anything else that I could do to help her.
~Hanna, Lynn became dizzy and then very tired. Is there anything I can do to help her?~
~Felicity, all she needs is rest. The great changes to her body depleted her energy and she must replenish it with sleep and with food. She will feel normal in a few hours.~
~Thank you, Hanna! April Morning will send Mr Tanner to check the garden and report on it coming back to life. Once they know, Miss Tarquin reported that Mrs. Dumfries will want to protect it with a fence around the Grandmother Grove and a split circular seat around the Grandmother tree itself so there will be no chance of harming any of the Grandmother Grove by mistake. How is your garden growing?~
~My Garden is growing much better than the best that it ever has. I am indeed making up for lost time. It is good to hear that Mrs. Dumfries will help keep the garden safe since she is so good at looking after her own garden at April Morning. I must see to more of my garden especially now that I’ll have a visitor. Bye Felicity~
~Bye Hanna~
There was a lot I still did not know about the Tesseract even now. I had noticed that everything about the Tesseract had been much weaker in the beginning. Then the Goddess had intervened and the energy residing in the Tesseract seemed without any limit at all. That greatly enhanced ability of the Tesseract and the Goddess was what brought me back to having a physical body when the bomb blast had transmuted me to pure spirit and energy. I took it as a sign that I was still needed to help in some way and that was one purpose behind my survival.
I had never followed the flow of energy within the Tesseract to its new source. Before when the energy had been sufficient but much weaker, I knew that the source was my elemental power of ‘Heart’ I had now had a much greater chance to observe just how powerful in itself the elemental power of ‘Heart’ really existed.
When I had first watched Captain Planet, TBS’s cartoon, on TV, I felt for the boy, Ma-Ti, who had the elemental power of heart. The cartoon portrayed the other elemental forces of fire, earth, wind and water as being cool while the elemental force of heart was portrayed as lame. What was not made clear was, just like what happened to me in real life, that without Heart to tame and coordinate all those wild forces then they would never combine to form Captain Planet to save the day. Others may still not respect Ma-Ti ,the boy with Heart, on the cartoon but I sure did.
I, of course, had been using the Tesseract to keep a watch on Lynn, my mother. I followed the power and found that it came from two different sources. One source breached into another parallel dimension. I could see exactly how the barrier had been crossed by the Tesseract and I could duplicate the process to reach into other worlds of the Multiverse now. That source of power came from what Isaac Asimov described in “The Gods Themselves” as a Cosmeg Universe where the physic of the place had so weak nuclear binding force that the cosmic goo could not contract to the point where the Big Bang would happen. By opening a window to that world, our laws flowed into that world as its laws flowed into ours while the energy was drawn from there connecting with that world would allow creation to take place via the Big Bang in that universe.
The other energy flow came from an Electron universe as Asimov described it. That universe had a greater nuclear binding force than ours. When the laws mixed as energy flowed, it brought a balance so the laws remained constant at its original level in our own universe. Observing how the Tesseract pierced the Multiverse to penetrate that world confirmed what I had already learned via the Cosmeg Universe.
My intuition was telling me that there was more to being able to do that than to open up travel within the whole Multiverse. I decided that experimenting until I knew the consequences was too risky. However this was a theoretical physics problem worthy of Dr Sheldon Cooper on the Big Bang Theory. I resolved to search the Internet to see if perhaps the mathematics that had been applied to produce the Tesseract itself could help me with this new challenge.
It appeared that Hanna was right about Mother recovering in a few hours. That time had elapsed and I was noticing her stirring and stretching . I expected her to call me in to her room for that question-and-answer session concerning the bedtime story that I had told her which consisted of the truth about me.
” Felicity, I’m awake and feeling refreshed. Would you like to join me in my room?”
” Yes Mother, I’m coming. Is there anything that you would like?”
“Just you, Sweetie.
I guess it was a combination of being very attentive and a bit of a showoff. I teleported myself beside Mother's bed.
" Thanks for coming. Hi there Felicity.”
” Hi Mother. It is so good to see you looking much better now. I’ve been in touch with Miss Tarquin. She’ll close out your B&B room, donate your belongings and transfer you as being a resident in this suite. There will be some changes and added money to deal with at our convenience."
"Thanks for taking care of that. What about our friend Hanna and her garden home?"
"She’s going to send Mr. Tanner to check out the Grandmother Grove. When he reports that it's blooming again, she feels that Mrs. Dumfries will accelerate her plans to fence in the Garden and protect the Grandmother Tree with a pair of half circle benches.
"Did you tell her about my changes, Sweetie?"
"She’s tuned the receiver on this floor to hear your pendant and suggests you continue to wear it until we know you are recovered completely. She knows about you becoming my 50-year-old Mother. She’s glad for us and says the staff will be discrete. This sort of thing has happened here before and she suspects will happen again."
“Wow, sweetie, you and Miss Tarquin have been busy. How are things with Hanna and the garden now. You said that your Tessaract allows you to communicate telepathically so I hope you have been in touch.”
” Hanna’s fine, Momma and she says that the garden is the best that it’s ever been. Mr. Tanner will be very impressed. Are you comfortable with having a daughter who can do so much?”
” I’m grateful for a daughter who helped me fulfill my wish to become your mother, who used that ability to get me to bed when I was ill and used that ability to look after me while I slept. I’m also grateful to you for being the same size as me so I can borrow from your closet. In fact I’d like to borrow something now to change into after I shower. Are we expected down for dinner with the others?”
” I’ve got trays for both of us coming up for dinner. With you feeling puny, it felt like the right thing to do to postpone your coming out party till you are more yourself.”
” That’s wonderful Sweetheart. Do you also do magic tricks?” She said with a giggle.
” Funny you should say that Momma. I’ve discovered what the Goddess did to give me the strength to come back from the disaster I told you about. I’m drawing on energy sources from 2 different aspects of the Multiverse other than our own. I’ve looked at some of the math of it and matter is kept constant in all the aspects of the Multiverse like our universe. If I were to select an item in another aspect to bring here an item from our universe would also go, there to replace it.
” You are amazing Sweetheart. I never imagined you could use science to do a magic trick for real.”
"The real trick is to make it an exchange that both parties are pleased with since it is our counterparts in the other aspect who will be most affected. Let’s say that you didn’t mind if a green dress disappeared from your closet but you wanted a pink dress like you saw in a catalog. What I would have to do is to find the right aspect of the Multiverse where the you there wouldn’t mind the pink dress she has to disappear from her closet and for the green dress she had been admiring in the catalog to appear in her closet. By matching things to what they want and what you want then you don’t get surprised on what disappears in exchange for what you took.
” So you would want to be sure you would pick the correct aspect before trying this out?”
” Exactly. Even though I could take things from another aspect of the Multiverse now, I would like to wait till I can pick right before doing it and making sure that there were no other consequences that I was not aware of yet. But if I can learn to do it without making things worse here or there, it would be so cool. So would you like the pink dress or the green dress, Momma?
” The pink dress of course, Sweetie.”
I went and got the pink dress for her along with a pink bra and panty set and a pair of pink 1” heel pumps and brought them to Mother. I left her to get her bath done and get dressed afterward. I heard a knock at the door and Miss Roberts was there with our dinner trays. We had a dining table in our large kitchen and I set the trays on the table there, ready for our meal once Momma had dressed. After a while, Mother came out and sat with me at the dining table and we enjoyed our dinner together for the first time as Mother and Daughter.
We both had a full day so afterward we both went to our bedrooms. I did a lot more research over the internet concerning the problem of extracting items from another aspect of the Multiverse. While what I found was helpful, what I really would have liked to find out was first hand information from someone who had already done it. Hopefully that person would know the pitfalls and dangers of doing those manipulations.
Of course, someone like that would be thousands of miles away if they existed at all. It was clearly impossible that the teacher that I needed would be living in this hotel too. But then again, I had observed that April Morning was just the place where ‘like Alice, I try to imagine three impossible things before breakfast’.
What was that old proverb? 'When the student is ready, the teacher will come.' I would do my best to be ready. In my life I knew what happened when one was not ready. people could lose their lives like my friends from the before or Lynn's original family. I would put everything behind getting ready and in the right attitude to be the student that the teacher sent to me could teach.
Perhaps, what I needed was to become a student at college again. The last time around, I finished my degree from GA Tech as an online student, I had somehow recalled. But there was a college in the next town over. The campus was close enough that some of the college students lived here in town too. It would be too easy for me to simply repeat the same major as I did the first time. Where would be the challenge of that?
Fortunately at Zvezda College, one of the foremost mathematicians of our day, Miss Meredith Zvezda. the great granddaughter of the college's founder, Yuri Zvezda, was Mathematics Chair and taught there. I had been a psychology major at GA Tech, a Liberal Arts student at an Engineering College. This time I would be a Mathematics and Physics student at a Liberal Arts College. The odds of me finding the one place in the world where I could study what I needed to know was astronomical. But those results were typical for April Morning. So I figured that I had nothing to lose by sending out a telepathically plea
~~Teacher, I humble myself before you, being a student yearning to learn. Please come soon to teach me what you know that I need to know.~