Pixie's Honor
by: Elsbeth
Matthew learns even the littlest of fairies value honor above all
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Chapter 11
Poppy touched her lips as she returned to the group, still feeling Mab’s soft lips on hers. She had had mixed feelings at first, thinking that somehow going to dinner with Mab meant cheating on Elaine’s memory. However, she also knew that her wife would have wanted Matt to move on and find love again.
Unfortunately, as Matt it just seemed impossible. Not that there weren’t any opportunities to date, just the opposite, but he could never connected with any of the women. Unable to stop comparing his dates with his wife, no relationship went past the first date. Finally, Matt just stopped looking, he would be seeing Elaine soon enough.
Now Poppy wasn't sure if this was love, at least not yet but she still held great affection for the Queen, even more so today. Mab had never once given up on her infant daughter when she went missing. Most of the Aos Sidhe of the Summer Court thought Morgan dead along with her human guardians and felt that the Queen just couldn't face the truth.
Mab had told Poppy that it wasn't something she had been willing to accept. A part of her knew Morgan was alive and someday would reappear. She would never give up on her daughter, until that happened. After their reunion, the very thought of losing her daughter once again, terrified the Aes Sidhe Queen.
It was not something she said, Mab still had to remain who she was, the Warrior Queen, but Poppy could see it in her eyes. When the two went off to speak, one look and the green haired Pixie knew what Mab wanted. It didn’t needed to be asked anyway, it was a given. Poppy would make sure that Princess Morgan would return or lose her own life trying.
Morgan motioned the Pixie forward as she approached. “Poppy, let me introduce you to Dame Wynda, daughter of Countess Athadra, Order of the Red Oak.”
The Knight smiled before giving a slight bow. “So you are Poppy, I have heard some interesting rumors about you.”
Poppy looked startled. “Good I hope.”
Before the two could continue, a commotion near the Deputy Sheriff’s patrol car brought the three women over to investigate.
“You got us guns?” Lord Alexander looked at Dan for a moment then at Morgan as she approached.
“Why not?”
Inside the unassuming crate, Poppy found a number of assault rifles, a half a dozen pistols, and a box of Soviet era grenades.
“I hate those damn things.” Poppy reached for an AK-47 with one hand while taking a better look at the Soviet F1 grenades.
Dame Wynda turned her head, studying the Pixie for a moment. “Afghanistan?”
“No, Vietnam.”
The Knight gave a grim smile, then the two warriors began a thorough check on each weapon.
“I assume you’re familiar with these weapons, Poppy?” The Deputy Sheriff still found it hard to believe that the green haired woman in front of him was once a medic during the Vietnam War.
Poppy gave a soft laugh. “Unfortunately yes.”
“Where did you get all of these anyway?” Alex took one of the Russian TT-30 pistols out of the box for his own use.
“Her Highness apparently has connections.” Dan made a face.
“Actually, Nina’s husband has the connections not me.” Morgan shrugged. She wasn’t quite comfortable yet with the Vampires living in the large abandoned Super Store, now even less so. Surprisingly, Sile insisted on introducing her to Nina.
“Morgan, next time please give me a little warning. You know how I feel about all of this.”
Late last summer, Morgan had shown up at his home with an unregistered WWII era automatic pistol; however, that little technicality couldn't even come close to today’s issue. Dan didn’t even want to count how many laws they were currently breaking.
The Aos Sidhe Princess smiled. “I know Dan, thank you again. And I agree, once we leave, I will place the remaining weapons in your capable hands.”
The Deputy Sheriff nodded in relief, the box and its contents were going straight into the town’s armory.
“I don’t remember you telling me about these weapons, how did you get them so fast?” Alex started to pick up a couple of grenades for himself as well.
“Oh, well Pavel, that's Nina's husband."
"She has a husband?"
"Yes, anyway Pavel and his associates were more than happy to speed up the delivery since I paid them in gold.” Morgan stepped forward. “Alex, can I have a few grenades?”
As one, Dan, Poppy and Lord Alexander said. “No.”
From behind them Roisin gave a small laugh. “Your Highness, Liam needs to fit you in your new armor.”
Morgan started to disrobe then with a half giggle, stopped herself. The Fae didn’t have a nudity taboo. Clothing, even at the Aos Sidhe courts was an individual statement, whatever it might, happen to be. No one would say a word if one decided to wear nothing at Court.
“Perhaps, we should move this over to your RV. Anyway, there also is something I want to speak with you and Liam about.”
The Deputy Sheriff, who had gotten more than an eyeful already, gave the Aos Sidhe Princess a grateful smile.
Poppy stood back admiring Morgan’s new armor as Liam finished tightening the remaining straps. The Princess stood in front of her troupe, armored in a breastplate, coated with a thin layer of Silver Steel. Along with the breastplate, the Master Smith added additional protection to her shoulders and forearms.
“I see you approve, Poppy.” Morgan sighed, but liked how the new armor sparkled in the rising sun. She moved around a bit, swinging her arms back and forth and couldn't help but admire Liam's armor making ability.
Poppy nodded, relieved that the Princess ignored the fact that like Alex she wore very little in protection, both wearing only mail shirts. Liam on the other hand, looked like something out of a history book, wearing close to a full suit of Gothic plate armor. Even Wynda wore a combination of modern Kevlar and Aos Sidhe mail.
As three more people suddenly appeared in front of the Viking burial mound, everyone except Morgan came on alert
“I see the others have arrived.”
Caitrin approached and curtsied in front of Morgan. “Your Highness.”
“Thank you Katie, I know you wanted to go with us but I do need someone to keep an eye on my mother and sister.”
“It’s my honor.”
Poppy greeted the other two as they approached, noticing the differences in their dress. The smallest, Countess Cliona wore little in the way of armor and weaponry, except for an Aos Sidhe mail shirt and on her hip, a deadly looking rapier.
The person standing next to the Countess had two blades on her belt and wore full red and white samurai armor. Appearing like an extra out of an Akira Kurosawa movie, she came to one knee in front of the Princess. Taking off the fox shaped mempo or face-mask, Aya greeted her Diamyo. “Ohayou gozaimasu, your Highness.”
“Aya, thank you for all that you have done.”
“It’s been my honor.”
Poppy smiled, Aya seemed more relaxed then when she saw her last. She hoped that the nine-tailed Kitsune would continue to put those terrible events that had taken place recently behind her.
Countess Cliona looked around the group a bit nervously. With a sigh, Morgan approached, taking the young Aos Sidhe by the hand while moving off to the side for a bit of privacy. The two spoke only for a few seconds before Morgan wrapped her arms around the young Countess.
Aya standing next to Caitrin and Poppy approved. “Countess Cliona has had a difficult month. I know that Morgan’s almost daily contact with her had been of great comfort.”
“So what has it been like dressing as a school girl for these past few weeks, Aya?” Katie grinned.
Katie looked at the Kitsune in surprise. “Was that a joke?”
Poppy tried to keep from laughing, as she spoke to the tall blonde Aos Sidhe standing next to her. “Sorry you’re not coming with us, Katie.”
“Yes but I am busy teaching Breyana how to bake, so someone needs to keep an eye on her.”
Although she could see the disappointment in the Katie's eyes, Poppy knew that she would be a good choice to remain in Skogshaven. As the newest member of Morgan's troupe, she immediately moved into the Rynders home. The Princess hadn't asked her to do it but Katie insisted.
This had come as quite a surprise for Rebecca. As the former nanny of the Umeki family, Katie set about cleaning and making all of the meals. At first, the two women didn’t exactly get along, until Morgan’s mom realized that the Aos Sidhe meant well, and she would be there to protect both of her daughters.
After going through the crate, Dame Wynda stood in front of the Police car, studying the map that sat on its hood. For the last hour, the Princess had gone over the plans. The Aos Sidhe Knight had a suspicion that the one called Poppy had her hands in the making of them. Although she did approved, there were still number of unanswered questions.
“How do we keep them from escaping? I assume you will place a bann on the estate?”
Morgan nodded. “Yes, but I won't be doing it.”
Besides needing her magic to protect the others during the assault, the Princess didn’t know if she would have been actually able to accomplish such a feat. Spriggans were one thing; Aos Sidhe and other Fae were quite another.
“If we suddenly appear inside the mansion, as you suggest. Won’t the Countess be able to summon her allies quickly to stop us?” Aya looked over the map of the Georgia estate once more. She too saw no problems, as long as they went in their fast and hard. If the group couldn't press forward, it would become almost impossible to retreat.
“No, as soon as we appear, Morgan’s...Aunt will make sure that no one else will be able to enter the house.” Alex explained.
Lord Alexander and Morgan looked at one another for a moment, before Morgan shook her head.
“I see.” Wynda missed the interaction between the two but knew that they were leaving something out. Didn't matter, the plans were tight. This should work. "Is there a reason why your Aunt cannot also be active in this mission? As a member of the court, she would be able to add her own troops as well.”
“Yes, well unfortunately, she will only assist us to a point; the rest is up to me.”
“It’s a bloody test. Isn't it?” Alex grumbled. Even after all Morgan had gone through, the Courts continued to test her to see if she was worthy of the position.
The Aes Sidhe Princess laughed. “Of course it is, Alex. I have to show her my own strength; it’s the only thing she respects.”
“Then why are they helping us at all?”
The Aes Sidhe Lord didn’t like this one bit. Although he, along with Poppy and Dan, made up the plan, there was still a chance that all of this had been set up to capture Morgan. Not that he would allow that to happen.
“Because Alex, they will also prosper from this, why else.”
Countess Sianna, Mistress of the Dunkelheit and member of the Unseelie Court dropped her pen in surprise at the sudden explosion that rocked her Georgia estate. At the sound of modern gunfire, the Aes Sidhe Countess rose from her chair, crossing the room to confront two Aos Sidhe Knights who had not moved.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Go and see who is making all that noise.”
“Idiots.” She thought as the two Knights disappeared through the large double doors.
The Countess believed that some sort of duel was taking place among the Unseelie Court members, which happened quite often. The use of human firearms annoyed her to no end. Not that she minded using them when the situation presented itself, but in duels, no.
The thought that someone might actually be attacking her didn’t even come to mind. Powerful magics kept anyone from simply appearing, and if they did, she would know immediately.
Sitting back down at her desk, Countess Sianna picked up her pen and continued to do work. As one of the Masters of the Dunkelheit, a large mercenary force from inside the Unseelie Court, she had a number of groups working under her.
Frowning, she couldn't believe what she had just read. The report stating that several Captains and their bands had suddenly gone missing. This had happened only once before when the Dunkelheit fought the whelp of a Princess and her allies last summer.
As another series of explosions shook the room, the Countess looked up and frowned. Wondering if perhaps one of the others decided to take remove her as Mistress of the Dunkelheit. Such events were common among those of the Unseelie Court however the two Fae creatures that flanked her desk made that occurring very unlikely.
The ancient Redcaps, Qingu and Zaltu, named after Assyrian gods, were gifts from the White Duchess. Although there were many Redcaps, only a small handful had ever been considered true gods of battle.
Both had lived for centuries and their armor and weapons reflected their journey through time. If someone had come to overthrow her rule, they were in for quite a surprise.
Another loud explosion but this time much closer brought the Countess to her feet once more. A second explosion, which followed the first, almost knocked her to the floor. Powerful Fae magic had now come into play.
Understanding that her own life could be in danger, Sianna reached out to call for reinforcement but found she couldn't. Who possessed such powers? Perhaps retreating was the best option, returning in force later but the Countess even found that path blocked.
“Fine; if they want a fight, I’ll give them one.” Drawing her sword, she motioned to the two Redcaps just as the doors to her office exploded, showering the three of them in wood and metal.
“I see.” Countess Sianna gave a small laugh, as a group of well-armed Aos Sidhe entered the room through the large opening that had once been hand crafted mahogany doors.
She recognized a few of the intruders from the battle over the summer, finding the rest a rather odd mix but it was the Aes Sidhe garbed all in white that grabbed her attention. As the two Redcaps stepped forward, protecting their mistress, the troupe of the Summer Court came to an immediate halt.
“Princess Morgan.”
Sianna gave a half bow, not feeling the least bit concerned. In their previous encounter, she had dueled with Princess Morgan’s Champion with little difficultly. With the two Redcaps as her side, there was little chance the little girl would fight.
“Countess Sianna.” The young Princess grinned as the situation suddenly changed, as the two Redcaps went down on one knee, bowing to the Aes Sidhe Princess before fading from view.
Taking a step back in shock, Countess Sianna knew her only chance now was to challenge Morgan to a duel. She would, of course, bring forth Lord Alexander as her champion. Unlikely as it might seem, even if she lost the duel, the foolish Aos Sidhe of the Summer Court never killed their prisoners.
With a smile, the Countess stepped forward and began. “I see, well then Morgan...”
“Countess Sianna, by Ash, Oak and Hawthorne, I challenge you to a duel.” A new member of Princess Morgan’s Court declared, stepping around Lord Alexander to face the Unseelie Countess.
Sianna frowned for a moment, studying the green haired Fae. Although strangely dressed, it wasn’t the outfit that caught her eye. In the the woman's hands, pointed directly at her chest was a very familiar looking blade. A blade lost by the Spriggan Menadue, the sword named Samphire.
Countess Sianna, Mistress of the Dunkelheit and member of the Unseelie Court no longer felt sure of anything.
Authors Notes: A special thanks to djkauf for a little elvish editing. If you like the story please leave a Kudos, if you have the time I would love to hear from you. Thanks to all for reading!