Halloween with Mommy
By Princess Panty Boy
Part 1
This is a story of a boy who gets a little surprise from his mommy for Halloween.
I just turned 12 last week, but I have always looked a lot younger. My brother is two years younger than I am, and he is much bigger than I am. I used to boss him around me being the oldest, but we got into a fight. We were wrestling on the floor in the family room. That is when things changed about me bossing him around.
“Stop it Jimmy I don’t want to play baseball, stop bugging me.” I play with my hair that is past my ears and touches my back a little bit. “What are you going to do stay inside and play with your hair like a girl?” My brother Jimmy says.
”Hahaha Jimmy that’s funny ya know?” I get off the couch and push him, but he is much bigger than I am, and he did not even move when I used all my strength.
Jimmy pushes me back but ten times harder. He pushes me into the wall, and I bounce off the wall and into him. I wrapped my arms around him and dragged him to the floor as we started wrestling. I start pulling his hair even though it is short.
”OWWEEE Barry stops pulling my hair. Stop fighting like a girl.” Jimmy says.
I was pulling his short hair while he was starting to hit me harder. I felt Jimmy punch me super hard in my arm while I was pulling his hair out. I stopped pulling his hair and started rubbing my arm; he hit me again but in the other arm. I started to cry like a baby. I covered my face as he continued to hit me. I cried and cried like a lil baby.
“Oh did I hurt the little baby.” I look up at him smiling at me while I am still crying. I'm pushing my long hair out of eyes, and trying not to think how much pain I'm in.
I keep hearing Jimmy making fun of me. “Stop it …stop it your hurting me.” I yell. Jimmy kept hitting me and laughing at me that I was crying like a girl. I was crying so hard I started to wet myself getting my jeans soaked. That is what stopped him from hitting me when we were on the floor. A wet spot started to grow between my legs making me soaked and wetting the carpet.
“Jimmy stop it now, stop beating up your brother.” I started to cry more hearing my mom telling my younger brother to stop beating me up. ”What did you do Barry wet you pants?” I hear mommy yelling at me. I roll over on the floor. I start to stand up as mom see’s my jeans are soaked with pee and there is a wet spot on the carpet too.
“I’m sorry mom I never did that before. I’m sorry.” I started to cry, more and more, not able to look my mom in the eyes as I wet my pants.
”It’s okay baby let’s get you changed, come on honey.” I hear my mom talking to me like I am a baby.
I look up at her. ”Okay mommy” I follow her into my baby sister’s room which she is sleeping in her crib. We walk into her nursery. Did I just call my mom ‘mommy’ like my baby sister calls her? Man I need to get a grip.
”Barry walk quietly your baby sister is sleeping. Now get those jeans, and underwear off, but do it quietly so you don’t wake lil Miley up.”
I start to slide my jeans and underwear off as they splat on the floor soaked with pee. I stand there naked from the waist down, as mom see’s my little crinkled up little pee pee. ”Looks like you wet your spider man shirt too so pull that off too honey”
I pull my favorite shirt off. “Mommy I didn’t ruin my favorite superman shirt did I?” I look sadly at mom.
“Sorry sweetie it does look ruined, but I'll find you something else to wear.” Mom drops my pee soaked clothes into the trash pale next to the changing table.
“Now let me put you up here so I can change you Barry” I feel mommy pick me up and lay me down on my baby sisters changing table. “Let me put this on you so you don’t get a rash from wetting your panties. I mean from you wetting your pants little Barry”. I stare at mommy as she calls me little Barry and that I wear panties.
”Hahaha mommy I don’t wear panties only girls wear panties.” I giggle like a lil girl as mom watches and stares at me.
Mom moves closer to me. “Now lift your butt up, I’m going to put some baby powder on you so you don’t get a rash.” I lift my butt up, and I feel something. I notice mom sliding a pink disposable diaper under me.
“Hey mommy what are you doing? I’m not a baby,” I almost cry, but I don’t want mom to think I am acting like a baby.
“Well sweetie you wet your pants so I’m going to leave this on you for a while and see if you have any more accidents honey bunny”. I feel her tape, the pink flowered diaper closed. “Seat up honey and we need to find you some cloths that will go over that diaper.” I seat up, as she wanted. Mommy picks me up, and puts me back on the floor wearing just the pink diaper.
“Ummmmm okay mommy. My feet are cold. I need some clothes on before someone see’s me wearing just a Miley's diaper.” I see mommy grab a pair of my baby sisters lace frilly sock. She bends down, and slides them over both my feet. I stand up while mommy smiles at me seeing me naked only wearing the lil diaper, and the lil baby girl socks.
I hear mom giggle a little bit. “I don’t think any of your pants will fit over your diaper honey.” I look around and see mom smiling at me.
“Mommy this isn’t my diaper plus there pink too.” I watch mommy thinking and staring at me up and down. I see a weird look on her face, and I get a little scared.
“I know we have those cloths that you where looking at in the garage. Remember the clothes your Aunt Joan brought over that her kids have outgrown. Come with me honey and you can help momma get the boxes into your room okay honey?”
I look at mom not knowing what to say as I hear her call herself momma, which is what my baby sister calls her. ”But mommy I don’t want to walk out there in only a diaper Jimmy will see me and make fun of me”.
“No he won’t I sent him to his room for beating you up.” Mommy takes my hand and pulls me out of the nursery. I look around not seeing anyone while we grab the boxes and head too my room with them.
“Mom hurry up please! and gets me something to wear. Please hurry so no one sees me in this diaper.” Mommy stares at me, only wearing the diaper and little girly socks. “I don’t need a diaper I’m not a baby you know mommy I’m not going to wet myself again.”
Mommy stares at me with that look on her face. “Stop whining likes a baby or I'll keep you in diapers all year.” I look down sadly.
”But momma noooooo.” I realize I called her momma as my baby sister calls her. I feel a little pee squirt into my diaper, but I don’t say anything.
Mom dumps all the cloths onto my bed from the three big boxes. “Wow mom those are all really girly cloths.” I see dresses and skirts and some lil white shorts, plus all types of weird tee shirts and undershirts and panties. “Aunt Joan only has girl's momma I can't wear their old clothes.”
“Here put this on, and stop whining unless you enjoy acting like a baby.” Mom tosses me a weird looking under tee shirt with no sleeves.
”Mommy what kind of undershirt is this?” I hold up the lil pink shirt. ”It is called a camisole, it is like a undershirt. It is just the same as yours but your boy under shirts have short sleeves. Camisoles are much more comfortable and there made of silk. This one just has little spaghetti straps so there even more comfortable. Put it on NOW.”
I slide the small silk camisole on me and it only goes to the middle of my tummy showing off my belly button. “Momma this one is too small, see it doesn’t even cover my tummy.” I start to giggle feeling the top tickle me. “Oh that’s how they are honey but don’t worry no one will see it under your new clothes.”
“Now what shirt do you want to wear sweetie?” I stare at momma not knowing what to say.
All the clothes on the bed are so girly. “Well I don’t see any other shirts, but this shirt that has a picture on it.” I try not to whine again. “Okay I'll try it on momma, and see what you think. I slide the tee shirt over my head, pulling it over the camisole. “Momma this tee shirt looks so girly or is it okay for me?”
“Oh it’s okay for you sweetie. That top looks pretty on you I mean fits you perfect.” Mommy giggles as she rubs her eyes.
Mom is giving me that weird smile again. “Momma what color is this tee shirt or top is what you called it? Is it pink or like a light red or off red?”
“Ummmmm it’s like off red honeys so don’t worry, now pull the top all the way down.” I feel momma pull the shirt down, but I cannot see the picture that is on the front or the back of the shirt. ”Oh that fits you so perfect honey you look so cute.”
Mommy does not tell me that the shirt I am wearing has a picture of a Barbie on the back and it says ‘Mommies little princess’ on the front. “Are you sure momma it looks okay? I can still see my belly button.” Mommy is smiling and staring at me up and down.
“Oh that top looks find on you; now let’s find you some shorts since it’s so hot outside.”
I turn and see mom smiling again. “Okay mommy, but maybe you can pick a different color okay?” I stare at mom hoping, she does not pick me any girly colors.
“Do you like this, it’s a new kind of shorts sort of, it’s called a “Skort” there like shorts but they have a flap thing on the front of them.” I take the white ones, pink, yellow, and look at all three.
“Which one do you want to wear honey?” Mom says. I look at mommy and I try to think which one looks the least amount girly.
They all look so girly. “Mommy don’t they look kind of like skirts?” I see mommy smiling and she starts to play with my hair.
“Oh no honey, see here this is a skirt. Take a look it’s totally different.” I start to look at the skirt and the Skort in my hand.
I compare the two. “I can't tell the difference momma. Aren’t there any regular shorts I can try on.”
“Now look inside of the skirt see there are no holes to slide your legs in. Here I'll show you what I mean step into It.” Mom bends over in front of me with the little white mini skirt and opens it for me to step into. I step into it, and she pulls it up my legs and over my diaper. I look down while momma slides plastic panties that are pink with white Pokka dots over my diaper.
The plastic panties feel so tight but I don’t want momma to hear me whining.“There ya go baby so if your diaper leaks you will not wet your pretty cloths, plus know one will see your diaper now.
“Now here take these.” I take the skirts from momma. “Fold them before you put them in your dresser drawer.” Mom hands me a bunch of tops and undershirts and plastic panties and shorts, and more skirts. I start to fold them forgetting that I am wearing a very short white mini skirt.
I do not see momma staring at me wearing the little white mini skirt and pink Barbie top and diaper. I bend over to put stuff in the bottom drawer. I hear momma giggling not knowing she is staring under my skirt seeing my pink plastic panties that cover my diaper. “What's so funny momma?” I look at her giggling.
“Oh honey nothing. I’m going to get us a drink while you put YOUR new cloths away I'll be right back Princess.” I hear momma calling me princess like she calls my baby sister. I fold the rest of the cloths like she wanted, and then I'm going to tell her to not call me Princess again.
“Barry I'll be right there.” I hear momma giggle. I'm not a baby wait until she comes back in here, so I can tell her to stop treating me like a baby.
Mom walks back to me. “Momma, I mean mom I'm not a baby. I do not need to wear a diaper especially with plastic panties. Oh and please don’t call me Princess again.” Mom gives me that look again like she doesn’t want to hear it.
“Well my little Princess I'll make a deal with you. You have had a tough time with fighting with your brother and wetting you pants so I want you to take a little nap and we will talk about the diaper after you wake up.”
I roll my eyes while my mom stares at me. “Let me get you a drink before you lay down sweetie, you will sleep better.” Mom leaves and I can hear her in the kitchen.
“So he is whining just like a baby I think its time to show him he really is a baby.” I do not see what mommy is doing. I hear her talking maybe she is on the phone or something. “I'll fix him, and put some stool softener in his drink so he will wet and mess his diaper, and something to make him sleep that should do it.”
I hear momma doing something as I walk to the hallway. “Momma are you calling me.” I yell down the stairs.
“No sweetie, but don’t yell, you will wake your baby sister up.” I walk back into my room. “Now we will see if he thinks he doesn’t need a diaper. Hehehehe.” I hear mommy walking from the kitchen. ”Here you go Princess I mean Barry.”
I take the drink and drink it all down. ”Wow I was thirsty mommy”. As we walk by the mirror. “Hey I’m not wearing shorts I'm wearing the mini skirt still.” I look like a lil girl mommy or I actually, I look like a baby girl. You can almost see the pink plastic panties covering my diaper too.”
“Oh stop it…it’s time for a nap so you can change after you wake up. Now give me a kiss and jump up to your bed little girl hehehehe.” I hear momma calling me a little girl, but I ignore her.
I stare at mommy smiling at me. “Hahaha funny mommy very funny”. I kiss her on the cheek like a little girl would do. I feel mommy pat my diapered butt. I turn away and climb up into my bed. I hear mommy giggle so I turn around, seeing her smiling, staring at the lil mini skirt and diaper, I am wearing.
“Have a good nap sweetie.” I lay on my bed seeing Spiderman posters, superman posters, and the incredible hulk posters all over my walls. I close my eyes, my momma was right I felt so tired the second I laid my head on my pillow. My stomach starts to make noises as I fall asleep.
I hall into a deep sleep, spreading my legs to relieve the pressure of my tummy hurting. I sleep deeply. All of a sudden, I giggle in my sleep, I flood my diaper soaking it with warm pee feeling the pee soaking my lil penis and balls. I turn over on my tummy and feels like I am going to fart in my sleep so I let it happen. Instead of just a lil boy passing gas, I fill my diaper with poop as I push harder as it fills up my diaper while I sleep.
“Honey are you still awake.” While I am sleeping mommy, comes over to check on me, as she opens my door peeking inside seeing me sound asleep. “Barry are you awake yet?” Momma hears me filling my diaper as she smiles. She lifts the back of my skirt and sees how soaked it is as she can smell my dirty diaper. Mommy whispers to herself “I should get rid of all these macho posters on the walls and replace them with something else”.
Momma starts pulling all the super hero posters off the walls and replacing them with Hello Kitty posters, and little mermaid and Barbie posters. “That is much better for my little Princess Panty Boy hehehe”.
“Have a nice nap my little baby girl Barry hehehehe”, she giggles leaving my room closing the door with an ear-to-ear smile on her face.
I wake up a couple hours later. I roll over and feel how soaked I am, and then I notice that I pooped my diaper too. No way, how did I wet and poop my diaper. No way, I cannot believe I did that I am almost a teenager. Man mom is going to be so pissed at me.
“Mom can you come here please?” as I seat up in my bed hearing momma walking up the stairs as she walks in my room.
“What happened in here? It spells like you messed your diaper Barry?” As I look at moms, face smiling as she walks in my room. “Stand up and get that tee shirt off it’s soaked with pee too. I thought you would not need a diaper you said. I bet you’re glad now that you had a diaper on.”
I look up at mommy as I stand in the middle of my room with a wet & dirty diaper sagging between my legs. I hand mommy my wet tee shirt. “I don’t know what happen momma, I went to sleep than I woke up and my diaper is soaked and full of poop. It’s like I can’t control myself.” I see momma staring at me smiling.
“Now get on your bed and I'll change your diaper baby.” I look at mommy with my head down. I crawl up on my bed. “Mommy don’t call me a baby even thought I had an accident again.” Mommy than pulls the diaper off me as she lifts my butt cleaning the poop off me with diaper wipes while I lay on my bed.
I feel so humiliated having my mom changing my diaper like I was a baby again. “Where is your underwear Barry?” I look around while setting in bed.
“Ummmmm I don’t know. I think there all-in the laundry” Thinking to myself I wonder why she is not putting a diaper back on me. Wow if I have an accident while I am not wearing a diaper holy smokes I would never hear the end of it, too wet myself again.
Mom turns and stares at me. “Mommy can you put a diaper back on me I’m afraid I might have another accident, and if I don’t have a diaper on It could be really bad for me.” I see mommy looking at me as she smiles from ear to ear.
“Well I guess I know what you’re going to dress up for Halloween this year, a BABY GIRL. Now lift your butt.” I listen and in no time, I am diapered again. Mommy is looking for some oversized pants or sweats for me to wear.
“Sorry Barry I couldn’t find any pants for you but lift your feet up.” I am seating on my bed, I lift both my feet up as mommy slides a pair of pink plastic panties up my legs again.
“Mommy these are for babies they go over diapers.” I see mommy looking at me while she puts down the other box of clothes on my bed.
I stare at the box. “Come here Barry.” I am afraid to see what is in the box. I stand up and walk over to mommy. “What do you see looking into the mirror?” I look in the mirror and see myself only wearing a diaper with pink plastic panties that goes over the diaper.
“You know what I see Barry? I see a baby in a diaper and plastic panties. Now lift your arms over your head.” I look down at my feet.
I stare at the baby girl in the mirror lifting her arms, and that baby girl is me. “Ok mommy.” I lift my arms up more and mommy slides a new pink silk camisole on me.
“Ok now lift your arms up again baby.” Lifting my arms up again with my back to momma, I watch at our reflection in the mirror. I see and feel the pink matching dress slide over my head.
I stare in shock not able to speak for what seems like forever until. “HEY mommy this is a dress, no way am I wearing this.” I feel mommy zip up the back.
“Okay baby sit back on the bed and give me one of your feet.” Mommy ignores my complaints about wearing a dress as I lift my feet up. Momma slides some light pink ruffled socks on both my feet than folds down the top of the socks. I feel momma slide some white Mary Jane shoes on both my feet and she buckles them up.
I look down at my feet and I look just like my baby sister. “Good baby girl.” I look at mommy smiling as she sees it bothered me when she called me baby girl. “Okay baby girl all done, now let’s get something to drink but don’t spill anything on your dress okay honey?” I feel mommy pushing my hair out of my eyes.
“Your hair is always in your eyes you really need a hair cut badly. Look, your hair is way over your ears and starting to touch you back baby. You look more like a girl with your hair like this.”
“Well I'm wearing a dress momma, what do you expect me to look like? I don’t want a hair cut mommy all the cool guys have long hair.” Momma is staring at my hair.
Then I feel momma running her fingers threw my hair. “Well if you want to keep your hair long you need to keep it groomed better. Maybe we will just get your bangs cut than.” I look at mommy scared.
“But I don’t have bangs momma. My hair is all the same length.” How do I talk my mom into not cutting all my hair off like the other boys in our area.
I start to get really nervous. “But don’t you worry we won’t get any of the length cut off okay?” I start to breathe when I hear mommy say she will not have any of the length cut off. That is so cool than it will still be long like my friend’s.
“Oh that’s good mommy as long as they don’t cut any length off I’m good.” I still see mommy staring at me while she plays with my hair as we walk into the kitchen.
I feel the short dress bouncing into my legs as I walk, waiting for my brother or sister to see me dressed like a baby girl. “Okay Barry than that’s settled, here is a glass of milk.” I take the Sippy cup with milk, and I start to drink it.
“Okay we will be right back honey.” I feel mommy holding my hand and she is bringing me outside.
“Mommy I can’t go outside dressed like a little girl and in a diaper too.” I look around scared seeing no one I know as mommy opens the door to her car and I climb in as I feel mommy pat my diapered bottom as I climb in. Mommy buckles me in with the safety belt.
I stare down at my naked legs going up to my dress as I try to pull the dress lower to cover the panties and diaper. “Mommy I don’t want to go for a car ride while I’m dressed like a girl”. I see her look at me sternly and then she smiles as we pull out of the driveway.
“First of all you are not dressed like a girl. You are dressed like a BABY GIRL. You don’t look anything like you did before we dressed you up Princess.”
I look at mommy smiling as we drive away from our house. “Where are we going mommy”? Mommy turns the radio on.
“Oh we are going to get your bangs trimmed Princess. Don’t worry no one will be able to see a twelve year old boy looking at you. Everyone will just see my pretty little daughter hehehe.” I hear mom giggling as she drives.
I then realize we are going somewhere there will be other people, and they will see me dressed like a baby girl. “WHAT do you mean other people will see me dressed like a girl? I mean dressed like a baby girl?” I see her smiling.
“Yes” as we pull into the mall. “Now let’s go! The faster we get in the faster we get out Princess. Does mommy’s baby need her diaper changed before we go into the hair salon?” I feel like I am going to cry. “No mommy I’m good I didn’t wet myself again.” Mom is treating me like a baby girl. I am starting to sound like one to. I have to stop calling her momma like baby girl's call their moms.
We walk into the mall as mommy holds my hand. “Sorry I should have brought the baby stroller for you my little princess.” I shake my head at mommy as we walk into the hair salon. “Honey you have a seat and I'll see how long of a wait it is.”
“Oh and keep your legs together unless you want everyone to see your pink plastic panties and your diaper.” I close my knees together as I look around in the waiting room and see no boy’s just girls in the whole place.
I see mommy talking to the hair stylist and waving to me. “I’m Lisa I'll be the one cutting your daughters hair today.” I see mommy talking to the hairstylist.
“OK great so we are just going to cut her bangs and you might as well cut the rest of her hair in a bob style. I want her to stop looking like a tomboy and look more like the little girl she is okay?” I see both of them waving towards me while I'm seating in the waiting area.
I smile at them waving at me. “That sounds perfect.” The hairstylist says. I see both mom and the hairstylist smiling at each other.
“Oh Lisa I want to surprise my daughter so if you can put her back to the mirror while you’re doing her hair, so she doesn’t notice anything until your done okay.”
I see mom waving at me to come over there. I walk over to mommy and the hairstylist. “Hi my name is Lisa, I’m going to trim your bangs, and get you all looking great. What a pretty dress you have on.” I see mom look at me to respond.
“Thank you my momma picked it out.” I look at mommy smiling. I can't believe I forgot to stop calling her momma.
Both my mom and her smile. “Great lets walk over to my station that is where I'll do you hair honey. What is your name anyway honey bee?” I turn and look at her seeing mom stare at me. “Oh I’m Barry… I mean Carrie.”
“That’s a pretty name now have a seat.” I sit in the chair and she puts a pink smock around me leaving only my head exposed. I feel her start coming my hair out as I see how long my bangs go over my eyes, and past my chin. Then she gets the scissors and cuts a little bit above my eyebrows and makes a straight cut all the way across my forehead.
I see all that hair fall in my lap. “Wow that sure looks like you cut my bangs pretty short.” I look in the mirror as I feel her turn my back to the mirror.
“Oh don’t worry honey pie your hair will look so pretty when I’m done.” I feel scared to death. I can’t do anything as I start to feel like I have to pee so I close my legs together under the smock so I don’t wet myself even though I have a Barbie diaper on.
I feel Lisa trimming my hair than she comes around the front of me and gets really close to me. I feel her leg push up against my knees as she keeps pushing trying to get closer to me. I close my eyes for a second because I could feel a couple drips of pee sneak into my diaper before I stopped it.
“Oh honey open your legs so I can get closer I need to trim your eyebrows there growing together.” I keep my legs together.
I ignore her. “What” I feel her reach down and pull my knees apart. oh no I think to myself as I look away at mommy staring at me. I close my eyes and try to control myself. I feel my knees pulled apart and then the flood of pee pours into the diaper. I feel it go all around my lil-wet penis and around my little balls. I want to cry but then everyone will know I wet myself. I feel the pee start to slow down as I relax again closing my eyes.
I relax so much I dose off for a second feeling myself wetting my diaper as I giggle in my sleep. All of a sudden “SNAP, SNAP”…I wake up looking around. I feel someone rubbing my left ear and someone else rubbing my right ear. “What happen I must have fallen asleep?” I look around and see my mommy is standing next to the chair and smiling at me.
“Did you have a nice nap Princess”? I look around and the store and it is not as crowded as it was before. I see momma staring at me smiling.
What just happen, I look around again. “Ok honey were done.” I feel her move the chair back around as I see myself staring into the mirror.
“Oh my God I look like a lil baby girl now.” I see mommy and Lisa the hair stylist talking as mommy is paying her. I stand up and look at myself staring into the mirror and my hair is now cut totally in a girl’s hairstyle.
My bangs are way shorter than any boys bangs I have ever seen, and the rest of my hair is cut all the way around the same length. Then I notice my ears, I have earrings under my hair. I have pierced ears both of them with a lil pink stone in each one as I feel myself lose control and I start to wet my diaper again.
“Well you said you wanted to have long hair to me, and to your dad, and the nuns at school.” I turn and see mommy bending down and stare into my eyes and whisper to me. “Only girls have long hair so I hope you like your new hair style PRINCESS.”
I remember that the nuns in our catholic school said I needed to get my hair cut like all the other boys above my ears and above the collar in the back. I said no, and they sent a note home to my parents. Mom and Dad said they had to have my haircut but I said no. The nuns said if I did not get my hair cut short like the other boys I would have to give them my boy’s school uniform back and trade it in for a new girls’ school uniform.
I started to cry as I feel mommy lift up the edge of my pink dress and she sees my diaper is soaked. Mommy starts to shake her head at me holding the back of the dress up so everyone in the hair salon see’s I have a soaked diaper.
“Momma I look like a little baby girl. I don’t look like I am 12 anymore. I know I’m small for my age but I look so tiny now and you pierced my ears too.” Then I notice everyone can see my exposed diaper.
I look around and see all the people staring, or pointing at me. I continue to wet myself. “Oh princess you didn’t tell me you wet yourself.” I notice Lisa walking over staring under my dress seeing I soaked my diaper.
“Oh I didn’t know she had a diaper on, and it looks like she had an accident. We have a place in back if you want to change her.”
I look down at the floor and see my baby girl socks and shoes. “Mommy you can’t let anyone see you change me.” I see mommy smile at me, as we start to walk to the back room seeing a large couch.
“She is so cute how old is little Carrie 4 maybe 5.” I start to cry hearing her say that I look like a baby. I am crying so loud I pushed so hard crying I started to poop and pee in my diaper. I pulled my legs together and stopped it. I look around as everyone stares at me. “I think she isn’t finished going yet Mrs. B.”
Hearing the stranger, I look at the pretty women staring down at me standing next to the couch with my legs tightly together. “Well she needs to finish before you change her Mrs. B.” I look over at mommy smiling at me.
“Come on princess finish going potty so we can change you.” I start to cry a little. “I think we need to help her since she is being shy.” I see the woman lean down with mommy and me and start to pull my knees apart.
I get really scared. “NO please NO.” I start to pee and do not notice the women pulling my legs apart. I am almost doing a split. I feel my tummy tighten up as I feel my diaper start to get filled up with pee and poop. I grunt and hear all the women staring and laughing at me.
“I think she is finished now.” I hear one of the women say. “Hop up on the couch lil girl.” I hear the stranger say. I watch mommy opening her purse and pulling diaper wipes and another diaper.
I feel so embarrassed, I want to crawl into the ground as all these ladies seen me go potty in my diaper. “Mommy you can’t change me, not in front of all these people please.” I see mommy staring at me.
“It is okay princess we have all seen a little naked girl getting there diapers changed before.” I start crying again as I seat on the couch and they lift my dress up and mommy starts sliding off the plastic rubber panties that where covering the diaper.
I than hear mommy un-doing the tape on the diaper while I am still crying. Everyone stares into the diaper as mommy starts using diaper wipes to clean the poop off my butt. Than everyone see’s mommy cleaning the poop and pee off my little penis.
“Well, well looks like we really do have a little Princess with a Penis.” All the girls including my mom laugh aloud. “You are the prettiest Princess with a penis I have ever seen.”
The lady smiles at my mom. “I see why you have her in a dress and you had her hair done like a little princess too.” I see mommy smiling at all the women while she closes the diaper up and lifts my bottom, putting the baby rubber panties over the diaper.
“Yes we are all done now my baby girl. Doesn’t that feel so much better in a nice new dry diaper?” All I want to do is get out of here and bury my head in the ground.
My mom smiles at the women. “Little Barry here is going to be a baby girl for Halloween since he won’t get his hair cut like the other boys at school. St. Joseph’s school said if Barry did not get his hair cut like the other boys he would have to bring in his boys school uniform, and exchange it for his new schoolgirl uniform. So I’m giving him a little heads start.” I hear all the women laughing and staring at me as I stand up.
“Well it’s time for trick or treating little Princess Panty Boy Barry.” I hear all the women rolling over laughing after mom said that.
(***THE END*** I hope you enjoyed my story, by Princess Panty Boy)
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