Wheels and wings 37
Chapter 37.
Character List.
Jack Thomas Later AKA Ellie Transvestite/intersexual and keen cyclist.
Amanda Thomas AKA Amie Jack's sister.
Charlotte Dawson Keen girl cyclist and Jack’s soon-to-be girlfriend.
Bob Cycling club captain.
Mr Thomas Weston School games master and keen rugby player.
Billy Davies. Rugby ‘jock’, kind to Jack, he fancies Charlotte.
Marjorie Spencer. Holder of unofficial ‘Prettiest-girl-in-the-school’ title.
Miss Elizabeth Postlethwaite. The English Mistress.
Aunty Olwen Where Jack changes for school and leaves his bike.
Mandy. Olwen’s daughter, Jack’s older cousin.
Mr Griffiths The County solicitor.
Cassandra Charlotte’s maternal grandmother.
As Billy plonked himself easily and comfortably into the proffered seat, Ellie could not help but smile. Billy returned the smile questioningly.
Ellie wagged her head and smiled as she explained.
“I was just watching you as you sat. Maybe six years ago I might have plonked myself down like that, oh how things have changed aye?”
“Aye but for the better I’d say. You’re just stunning girl! I see you’re much happier now and I’m glad for you.”
Ellie’s hand froze in mid air as she was lifting her glass of white wine. She smiled gratefully.”
“Thank you Billy, you always did have a sharp eye. You’re sweet; so darling, tell me what happened to you after leaving school.”
“I won that sports scholarship to Loughborough. I was never quite as academic as you and Charlotte.”
“But you’ve done okay,” Charlotte interjected.”I see you’ve taken over old Weston’s job at the old school, plus you play for the Buffs.”
Billy smiled, he was indeed quite proud of how far he’d come in such a short time. Charlotte and Ellie exchanged the slightest of knowing smiles. Ellie had learned the feminine trick of getting men to talk about themselves. It wasn’t hard. A couple of carefully placed questions revealed all about Billy’s progress and soon they were reminiscing over old times. Ellie discovered that the memories of school were not proving as painful as they had previously been. It was obvious that when shared with Billy she could also remember how Billy had proven to be the one student who had remained by her, steadfast and solid through all the hurts. Remembering Billy’s devotion to protecting Jack both on and off the rugby field brought a tear to Ellie’s eyes as she reflected silently.
'Even now Billy had demonstrated loyalty and insight, coupled with a maturity that would have endeared him to any girl. Someday, somewhere, a girl would catch a real prize — a loyal, considerate, compassionate and caring companion. Billy’s future wife would be a very lucky and probably surprised woman.'
Even when Charlotte had seemingly rejected Jack/Ellie for what seemed like for ever, it was Billy who stayed on Ellie’s side — Jack’s side. Ellie came to realise as they ate that it was Billy who had inadvertently kept her alive, lent her his protection, and watched her back. She owed Billy a lot for he was the only male contemporary she knew she could trust.
As they dined, the chat between the four of them became more animated and enjoyable as they fell to laughing and giggling like the school children they once were. It attracted the attentions of Charlotte’s father and he tapped Ellie’s mother’s wrist to draw attention to the amused quartet.
“It’s nice to see your daughter Ellie inter-reacting with a proper man Mrs Thomas. I think that demonstrates that she has come the whole way to womanhood.”
Ellie’s mother stared down the table and smiled joyfully then replied.
“Yes. Billy and Ellie were best friends at school. It’s nice to see that Billy is still her friend. Most of the other contemporaries shun her.”
Doctor Dawson fell to watching the group and nodded sagely. It was quite obvious that Ellie and Billy were interacting like any normal handsome man and attractive woman. He began to wonder why his own attractive daughter Charlotte was not showing signs of jealousy. He watched thoughtfully for several long seconds then concluded that whilst Ellie obviously liked Billy, she had no sexual interest. As he went to the bar to get some more drinks for Ellie’s mum and himself, he resolved to check with Charlotte when they got home that evening. For now however, Doctor Dawson was content to savour the happy atmosphere. Meanwhile, Billy was now sat listening with amazement as Ellie and Charlotte explained that they were getting married as two girls in bridal gowns.
“But I thought the church didn’t endorse ‘same-sex-couples’?
“They don’t,” Ellie elaborated. “Legally, I am still considered a man as far as the church is concerned. While I’ve still got my bits, the Bishop is agreeable so Jane,the lady vicar of Saint Theodore’s, has agreed to marry us.”
“So next Saturday’s the big day then.”
Ellie and Charlotte both grinned and squeezed each other’s hands across the table. Charlotte added.
“Yep, eleven o’clock sharp, dad and I will be coming down the aisle.”
Billy grinned.
“Who’ll be the more nervous, you on your dad’s arm or Ellie waiting at the altar?”
The girls glanced at each other and shrugged as Ellie replied.
“Dunno’ Amie will be keeping me company as my bride's-maid but I expect all the rubbernecks will be out. I’ve got used to all that; I’ll just have to grin and bear it. Anyway, it’s only because the local people know my past that there is any issue. Been living in the role now for upwards of five years. Anyway, it won't matter after we’re married and done our honeymoon, we’ll be settling somewhere up north by Liverpool or Manchester. Who’s to know or care?”
“So who’s the relative brave enough to be your best man then Ellie?” Billy asked quite innocently.
Ellie let out a resentful snort.
“Huh! Nobody, my uncle is too afraid so I’ll be standing there alone. Done that plenty of times before so it’s no big deal. When push comes to shove, you find out who your true friends are.”
Billy frowned.
“What, nobody!?”
“Well nobody’s offered and I’d only cause embarrassment if I asked and they refused so I’ll be there on my own, well; Ellie will be with me as well.”
Billy wagged his head in disgust.
“That’s terrible, I’d offer but it’s too late now, all the organising and stuff is done. You’ll have had enough hiccups with Charlotte’s aunties and stuff.”
Ellie fell silent as her gaze turned to Charlotte who recognised the silent beseechment. She frowned thoughtfully then stood up and slipped down the table to chat to her dad and Ellie’s mum. Out of earshot and without even glancing towards Billy, Ellie and Amie, Charlotte whispered to the parents.
“Would either of you two object to one more guest?”
Ellie’s mum smiled knowingly.
Charlotte grinned.
“You’ll never guess; he’s offered to be Ellie’s best man or whatever you want to call it.”
The parents looked askance at each other then nodded agreement. Charlotte hurried back with the news.
“They’re both happy for you to do that. You’ll have to wear the same style morning suit as my dad.”
Ellie let out a squeal of ecstasy while Billy beamed.
“Will I be giving you away or just supplying the ring?”
Ellie let out an amused snort.
“Ha! Now there’s a thought. We’ll have to ask Vicar Jane. Can a groom be given away?”
“Are you a groom then, if you are, you’ll make a very pretty one.” It was Billy’s turn to giggle.
Ellie scolded him.
“I noticed your eyes popping just now matey, so I’d say no more before tongues start to wag.”
Billy grinned then riposted.
“Sorry old friend. It’s your sister I fancy.”
Even as the last word passed from his lips, Billy realised he had revealed something he had never dared to suggest before. A veritable thunderbolt.
A stunned silence landed with a thump amongst the four before Amie eventually found her voice. Even then it squeaked out in a strangulated gasp as she reacted.
“Wha’! Me-ee!”
Billy grimaced as he realised he had dropped a bomb-shell amongst the others.
“Oh shit! Have I said the wrong thing again? I’m always doing that. Sorry!”
Ellie let out a gasp of genuine relief.
“Bloody hell Billy, you don’t have to say sorry mate. I thought it was me you were fancying. I’m relieved!”
“So am I!” Charlotte added. “I thought you were trying to get into Ellie’s knickers! I thought I had competition!”
Billy sagged with confusion and disbelief at his own seeming ineptitude. He stammered a further apology.
“I, I’m sorry girls. You’re very pretty and all that but whilst I like you Ellie, I could never fancy you. I want a family one day. Seeing you and Charlotte and that uuhm ... bump, I just couldn’t hang back any longer. I’ve always fancied Amie, it’s just — well ... you know. I never was that good with girls.”
It was Charlotte’s turn to snort.
“Whaddya mean ... never good with girls. Every girl in school fancied you; it was just you were always training or organising the rugby stuff. Every time one of us tried to score with you, you were always doing this or organising that or something.”
Billy replied softly and sensitively.
“Yeah. That was my way of letting girls down gently. I even arranged for that county trial at the end of term to avoid going to the leaving prom. That way, I avoided making a fool of myself, like I’ve just done, yet again. I'm always doing stupid stuff with women; sorry Amie. I shouldn't have embarrassed you like that."
Charlotte and Ellie turned to face Amie thus signalling her opportunity to express her own feelings. Amie leaned forward and spoke softly.
“Is that really true Billy? You fancy me?”
Billy turned scarlet again and nodded nervously. Amie's grin almost split her face as she wagged her head disbelievingly.
“Bloody hell and here’s me thinking I was playing second fiddle to these two beauties. Are you serious?”
Billy became agitated as his nerves began to fray again.
“I’ve just said it haven’t I? There’s no need to keep on.”
Amie moved quickly to put the man at his ease and she leaned across the table to kiss him. Even then she felt the tension in his neck as she tried to drag his lips towards hers.
“Relax you idiot! I don’t bite!”
As she spoke, Charlotte yoked her hand behind Billy’s neck and shoved his head forward for Amie to seize his neck and shoulders. Finally she got her lips to his mouth and strengthened her grip around his neck. Ellie and Charlotte grinned at each other as Billy’s eyes finally closed and he began to savour something he had always wanted to do, kiss Ellie’s younger sister. A stunned silence descended on the table as others realised what was afoot at the end of the table. Eventually Amie sensed all eyes upon her and she relaxed her grip. Billy’s eyes flashed open wide as he felt her grip suddenly slacken and he also realised he was the centre of attention. Then a slow methodical clapping broke out as Doctor Dawson grinned and vocalised most people’s thoughts.
“Well, well Billy Davies; you’re a dark horse are you not?”
Billy crimsoned with silent embarrassment until Amie grasped his neck again and forced his lips to hers again. She twisted her head slightly to focus questioning eyes on Doctor Dawson and the rest of the women on the long table as she raised her eyebrows to signal ‘what’?
Doctor Dawson and the adult women ‘got the message’. Amie was making the running.
As the tension up and down the table noticeably eased and the chatter resumed normal volume, Amie felt Billy physically relax and their kiss became even more passionate. Ellie and Charlotte exchanged knowing smiles and egressed into the small yard to chat about the forthcoming wedding arrangements.
“So Ellie Thomas, Billy’s going to be your best man!”
“Or should he give me away?” Ellie wondered.
“Would you want that, to be given away like a real girl?”
Ellie paused thoughtfully then nodded. She felt a warm thrill of ‘vulnerability’. The thought of being ‘given away’ seemed to fill some primordial sense of femininity, to have some strong brave man looking after her. She wondered if she should express these feelings to Charlotte then decided against it. She just answered as asked.
“Yes. Yes, I think I would. Besides, I’d like someone by my side whilst I’m waiting for you. Yes, I know Amie my little sis will be there for me but even a proper groom has a best man so why shouldn’t the other bride have some male support. I’ll have everybody staring at me anyway.
“You’ll have Amie as your bride’s-maid as well.”
“Well yes. She’ll be nervous as well so Billy can reassure the two of us.”
“It’ll prepare them for their own wedding if that business in there goes further.”
“Yes, wasn’t that a cat amongst the pigeons. Who’d have thought, Billy and Amie?”
“I never would have thought of Billy as shy with the girls.”
Ellie smiled enigmatically.
“Actually, he once confessed to me he was nervous around girls. To tell the truth, as I was his best friend and confidant I had noticed he steered clear of girls but that made me think he was gay. he put me wise when I broached the subject very, very privately once, outside school.”
“Huh! You must have been brave. I'm surprised he didn't thump you!"
"Billy's not and never has been a bully Charlotte, that's what endeared him to me. I could trust him. he could trust me and that's why he told me about his nervousness around girls."
"You never mentioned it in school!”
“Oh come on Chaz, I had enough problems of my own; the last thing I was going to do was make any adverse comments about another boy’s sexuality or love life; especially as he was my only friend and especially - ESPECIALLY, as he was the hero of all the rugby jocks.
Even if he was gay it would have been a terrible betrayal by me if I’d outed him. He’d have had every right to have beaten me to a pulp. Besides, he was the only rugby jock who stood up for me; it’d have been churlish if not downright stupid of me to cast ‘nasturtiums’. I’d have been proved stupid and hypocritical if I had voiced those thoughts. Apart from being way off the mark of course!”
Charlotte smiled and reached forward to kiss Ellie.
“You’re a nice girl Ellie; school must have been shit at times.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. Anyway, it's water under the bridge now. I’ve moved on sister ... lover ... wife to be.”
They hugged each other tightly and Charlotte’s father found them still in their embrace when he emerged to look for them. He smiled at the emotional scene and was reluctant to interrupt it.
“Come on you two love birds. If Billy is to be there for you at the church we’ll have to go and make arrangements with Vicar Jane.”
Ellie and Charlotte separated reluctantly and returned inside. After finishing the meal, they made their way to the vicarage after texting the vicar. They arrived as a group of Women’s Institute members were finishing their meeting with Rachel. Ellie sensed the antipathy from several of the members but disarmed them with a friendly smile. Even so she noticed them staring over their shoulders and muttering as they left. Vicar Jane ushered them in.
“Don’t mind them; they’re of a different age and generation. Most of the villagers are either supportive or indifferent.”
“I suppose it’s pretty common knowledge by now.” Doctor Dawson observed.
Jane nodded and shrugged before getting down to business.
“So ladies, what are these new arrangements?”
Ellie replied.
“Uuuhm my male friend from school would very much like to act as my supporter or best man.”
“Oh, who’s that?”
“Billy Davies, he’s the new sports-master at our old school.”
“Oh yes, I know him. Nice guy. My brother’s boys swear by him. He’s done wonders to broaden the school’s singularly one track perspective. They’re both keen swimmers and don’t do any rugby at all.”
“Well amen to that,” Ellie sighed.
“Seconded!” Charlotte added before pushing on with the agenda. “So Vicar, we are wondering if there are any complications if Billy acts as a sort of ‘best man’ for Ellie. Does the idea break any cannon laws?”
Rachel wagged her head emphatically.
“No! In fact it brings the whole ceremony closer to traditional mores. Billy is simply the best man. Just like in traditional weddings.”
Ellie cleared her throat nervously.
“Can he uuuhm, give me away ... like a bride?”
Rachel smiled indulgently. Ellie’s question had clearly demonstrated her female nature, the sense of finding protection and companionship by being seemingly released from her previous condition, her previous life. By having Billy ‘Give her away’ it felt like being released - released from the final bonds of her previous masculinity, her previous existence. To Ellie, her marriage to Charlotte was a ‘Damascus’ moment. Jane understood and reached out to offer Ellie a hug.
“I’ll simply ask ‘Who gives Ellie to be married to Charlotte and Billy can simply say ‘I do’ as he passes the rings to me. Then I can ask again ‘Who gives Charlotte to be married to Ellie and her dad can present her in the traditional manner. How does that suit?”
Ellie turned to Charlotte who smiled widely as Billy and Doctor Dawson nodded agreement.
“Seems like a plan,” Billy replied and his remark spoke for all of them.
“Then I’ll bless the rings and we proceed as per the original plan, each of you places your ring on the other’s finger as you repeat your vows. It couldn’t be simpler could it?”
With agreement reached by all, Jane produced a pot and five teacups to finalise the new arrangements and they fell to chatting about reactions in the village.
“Have you had many adverse reactions?” Doctor Dawson asked Jane.
She wagged her head and listed a couple of individuals that Charlotte had already earmarked as antagonistic bigots. Ellie wondered aloud.
“Will they cause a scene in the church or anything? You know, object when you ask if anybody knows of any just cause.”
“I doubt it,” Jane continued, “they tend to be a couple of blowhards who rarely back their feelings up when push comes to shove.”
“I hope so,” Ellie finished as they made moves to depart.
Jane gave both girls a reassuring hug as they made their goodbyes and she watched as Doctor Dawson’s car scrunched down the drive.
As one of the more liberal, forward thinking vicars in the diocese, Jane felt that she was inching the gay marriage agenda fractionally forward’
‘Yes,’ she told herself, ‘they may be man and wife legally but just be both wearing bridal gowns they were making a loud, significant, personal statement.’
She turned with a satisfied smile and went to prepare the Sunday lesson whilst wondering how she could gently introduce the gay agenda into her sermon without causing too much offence.