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by Ellen Hayes Copyright© 2000, 2017 Ellen Hayes All Rights Reserved. |
Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes.
This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not responsible.
Continuing to read this document, or storing it or reproducing it in any format means that you explicitly affirm that you are legally allowed to possess and read such materials in your city, county/parish, state, and country.
All rights reserved. See the bottom for distribution rights. ~Ellen.
Author Note: This is a collection of vignettes that came to mind over a period of two years. It's not necessarily the way the real world works, but it's the way I imagine, and wish and hope, the world works. Or, sometimes, the way the world IS. They deal with lots of different things, but no incest or non-consensual sex; I'm a romantic, not a rapist. =)
Not only are all the characters in here completely fictional, they aren't even related in any way to any other fictional characters either!
And, if they inspire you, feel free to use the names and even the bit of text verbatim in a story of your own, IF and ONLY IF you send me a copy of the completed work when you're ready for publication, posting, or archiving, and if you mention where you got the idea and who wrote the original - me.
Mixing and matching clips in the same story might cause brain damage, though... - ---Ellen Hayes.
Image Credit: Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from 123rf.com ~Sephrena.
"You were having some kind of wild sex, weren't you?" Trish's
mother accused her.
The familiar laughter filled the phone for several moments, as
Trish felt a furious blush spread across her face. *God, I hate this,*
she simmered, but Mom had the money they needed suddenly, and-
"And it was something to do with that bondage stuff you were
interested in," Mom stated, as if she already knew.
"Yes," Trish forced out.
There was silence on both ends of the phone line for quite a while.
Mom finally spoke. "You're not going to get a dime until you tell
me what happened, you know."
Trish took a deep breath. "Alright, it went FINE, okay? And John
loved it, and I loved it, so it all worked out, alright? So don't
"If it went so perfectly, you wouldn't be calling me for money."
"I know!" Trish forced control of herself. "What happened was,
we'd used ropes, and when John went to untie me, afterwards, he couldn't
get the knots undone."
Mom chortled. "I thought he was a sailor."
"MOM! They don't use damned sailing ships in the Navy any more!"
"Don't curse at your mother," was her calm reply. "So, he couldn't
get the knots undone. So?"
Trish took another breath. "So, he got the scissors out, and he
was going to cut them off, and then the dogs couldn't stand it any more
and slammed into the door, and jumped on him! And he was behind me,
across the corner of the bed, and so he dropped the scissors and they
went straight into the waterbed mattress. Then Sam," their retarded
English sheepdog whom Trish was still thinking of sending to the pound,
"Sam jumped up ON John, and pushed him over and he sat on the handle end
of the scissors. And it cut a five inch gash in the mattress, and it
just exploded water. All over the floor and everything..."
There was a loud thump in Trish's ear, and then howling laughter
from the other end of the phone. *I hate her,* Trish seethed.
Lester Davis, known as 'officer' when someone was attempting to
kiss his ass, and worse things when the ass-kissing didn't work,
finished writing the ticket. "Now look, I know how it is for you kids,"
he lectured the two teenaged males. "But if I ever catch you, either of
you, doing something in a moving car with the driver, you're all gonna
go to jail for reckless endangerment, got it?" They nodded. "Now, get
out of here and go find someplace SAFE to park before you start sucking
face and, other things." The boys didn't know whether to laugh or not.
Tom turned to Steve as they were packing up the camera and sound
gear. "Now, the question is, would we get more money by selling it
outright, or by offering the sorority the first bid on all the media?"
Steve shook his head. "We gotta give them the chance to pay up
before we dump it nationally." He grinned. "And I'm sure at least half
of them wouldn't want it known what they were doing."
"This is my dad, Chris," Rachel announced, and Dan shook hands with
him. "And this is his husband Ron." Dan shook hands with him, too, but
his own hand had suddenly gone damp.
Right in line with his worst fear, Rachel announced - happily, too,
damn her - "I'm almost ready, so you all talk while I finish getting
ready, okay?"
He hated - absolutely loathed - meeting girl's fathers. And now
the girl he'd had the hots for since the first day of freshman year, had
to have TWO of them.
"Hey, Bill," Ted said as he walked up to the coffee bar.
"Hey, how ya doin'?" Bill grinned.
Ted looked at Bill, and a slow smile spread across his face. "She
got it for you?"
Bill, his teeth showing now in a very happy face indeed, pulled the
collar of his shirt wide open, until Ted could see the black lace strap
running vertically under his shirt. "Yesterday."
"Oh, you dog!" Ted laughed, and clapped Bill on the shoulder.
"Man, she always gets you the nice stuff, doesn't she?"
Bill nodded happily. "So how're the projections looking?" he
asked, shifting the talk back to business.
"That's the garage door," Michael mentioned in a flat, hopeless
"Shut up and help!" Victoria hissed at him. "Try sliding your hand
through now-" She held her breath as she worked on the other hand, and
almost screamed with joy when the hand slipped out of the rope. "Jesus,
Jesus, try the other-" That one slipped out too.
They were breathless with fear and hope and anticipation and terror
all rolled up into one as Victoria stuffed the ropes back behind the
couch and they scrambled for Michael's bedroom, seconds before his
parents came into the living room.
Billy sat up in bed, and rubbed his eyes. He was thirsty, and had
to go peepee too.
He climbed down, out of his big-boy bed, and took his teddy with
him to the bathroom. When he finished, he forgot to flush, as he often
did, and instead turned around and stumbled sleepily off towards the
He wondered why the lights were all on as he held up his hand to
cover his eyes. Mommy and Daddy were usually asleep when he got up to
go peepee in the middle of the night. But Mommy was on a trip, he
remembered. Maybe she was coming home now?
Billy pushed open the door to the kitchen, and stared at his daddy,
who dropped a full wineglass on the linoleum floor. The crash woke
Billy up. "Uh oh," he said, and pointed, "Mommy's gonna be mad, you
spilled drink on her new shoes..."
Janice sat on the couch next to her husband. Of all the business
parties she had ever been to, this had to be the worst-
"Am I the ONLY guy here?" Damen said in a wounded tone.
Janice sighed deeply. "Honey, I swear, I didn't know they were ALL
lesbians. I thought there would be a FEW other guys here..."
"But it's okay," Susan her boss said as she sat on the other side
of Damen, flashing a winning smile. "Not all of us are prejudiced."
Steven screamed, "Mom! Sheila's been in my stuff again-"
"You always buy HIM the nicest-" Sheila shrieked back.
"CHILDREN!" Karen yelled, out-shouting both of them at the same
time. They shut up, momentarily. "Sheila, Steven is older than you, he
gets to wear older dresses than you. Steven, it would be nice if you
could let your sister BORROW some of your nice things, IF she asks
first," she emphasized.
"Yeah," added Sheila, who couldn't ever leave well enough alone.
Steven glared at his younger sister, then turned to his mom with a
pleading glance. "Mom, if I let her borrow something, can we play with
your makeup? Please?" Sheila added to the pleas.
Karen sighed. "Alright, but you have to clean UP AFTER
YOURSELVES!" she yelled after their racing forms. "I wouldn't mind so
much," she mentioned to herself as she turned back to chopping onions,
"if they wouldn't always end up looking like prostitutes." She smiled
to herself, then, remembering HER first experiments with makeup. She
really couldn't blame them.
Mark, at the moment going by Marcia, was more than a little
surprised. For one thing, he'd never expected to meet someone from his
outside life here at a crossdresser's convention, well over a thousand
miles away. And especially not the CEO of his company, for whom he had
just delivered a special presentation the day before. Mister Todson, or
Ms as the case might be, looked quite stunning in a Chanel suit. And
quite stunned. Obviously, he recognized Marcia too.
In for a penny, he thought, and stuck out his hand. "Hello! It's
so nice to see you here," he smiled. "That's a lovely suit...."
Anna surveyed the wreckage, and took one deep breath, and let it
out slowly. Then she screamed, "ROBERT ANTHONY! Come here this
Her son finally appeared at the top of the stairs. "Mom, I-"
"Robert," she said in short clipped syllables, "I have told you
time and time again, if you play in here, that you MUST clean up
properly afterwards. Do you remember what I said last time this
happened?" She swept her hand over the bondage gear lying tangled up
and piled on the floor.
"But Mom-"
"Don't 'But Mom' me, young man! I told you that if this happened
again, that you would be grounded for a week-"
"Mom!" He sounded truly anguished now.
"-and furthermore," she continued without stopping, "that you
wouldn't be allowed to play in here for a month."
"Mom, Sandy and I had a date this weekend!" he whined, as if that
made any difference to her.
"Then perhaps you should have thought of that before you left
everything in such a mess! Robert," she said in a more reasonable tone
of voice, "I have three clients coming in tomorrow, and I need all of
my equipment cleaned and ready when they get here. You know that."
"Mom, please, I'll clean it up, just don't-"
"Robert, you knew what would happen, and you chose to ignore it.
Now, you will clean this up properly, and then I would suggest you call
Sandy and tell her that you have been grounded this weekend."
Robert clodded down the stairs, no longer arguing, but the picture
of ultimate teenage dejection. Anna stopped him with a hand on his
chest. "Robert, I'm sorry, but if you play with adult toys, you have to
have an adult's responsibility."
Stan looked at his wife, who was looking at him, and then looked at
his neighbor Shirley, whose hair he recognized. She probably would
have looked at him too, except she was blindfolded, as well as tied in a
standing spread-eagled position at the foot of his bed. And completely
He looked back at his wife, who stood there dumbly with a leather
strap in her hand.
"Er," he said eventually, "I don't suppose you cooked tonight?"
"I'm telling you, she's a guy!" Bob excitedly told Sherry. "I saw
her bend over, and it was like bulging in her underwear!"
"She's not a guy," insisted Sherry.
"I KNOW what I saw, and I saw-"
"I don't care what you saw, she's not a guy, okay? I have gym with
her, and I know, okay?"
"So what did I see?" he challenged.
She shrugged, and picked some lint off her sweater. "She's never
been very good at tucking in. Probably her dick."
He stopped walking for a second, then shouted, "Her WHAT! SEE, I
TOLD you-"
She stopped too, and turned to him. "Look, if she's a guy, I'm a
guy, okay? I don't see what the big deal is, alright?"
After a long moment, Bob said weakly, "What?"
Adam started to sit down, then thought better of it right as his
rear end hit the chair. As he stood back up, his roommate chuckled.
"What did I tell you?" Juan smirked. "You've gotta stretch
yourself before you can handle something that big."
"Oh, like you know," Adam retorted. Juan was so het, he had two or
three girlfriends at once. Adam didn't know how he found the time to
"I do know," he said with authority. "I thought I was gay, back in
high school, so I know."
Adam looked at him skeptically. Juan just held out his hands,
saying wordlessly, 'You can believe me or not, but I'm just trying to
help you.'
"So...." Adam left it open.
"So, if you want some help, just ask, is all I'm saying."
"Welllll... like what?"
Juan stood up. "You need to do stretching exercises, like a
runner? You know? Let me show you what I used to do." With that, he
put his back to Adam and dropped his pants. Then his underwear.
Trembling, Betsy unlocked the door with shaky hands, as Ken pulled
the garage door shut. She stumbled in, almost immediately followed by
her husband. He grabbed her arms as she deleriously spun around.
"We are all alone," he whispered to her.
She gasped, "And the children-"
"Our dear, sweet children-"
"Will be gone for a whole, entire month?" she whispered.
They stared into each other's eyes for a long moment.
Then Ken kissed her passionately, and that was all she wrote for
Betsy's self-restraint. They had planned to have a nice, romantic
interlude that first night, with a sensual bath, sexy clothes, and the
works, but all thought of that fled from their minds at the idea of
simply being able to screw on the kitchen floor without being
"You are not going to tie me up to a tree and that's final!" Beth
was almost literally stomping the ground with her size-five hiking
"Well, wh..." Johnny was desperate. "What about on the ground
cloth, with stakes-"
"NOOOO!" she shrieked at him. "NO NO NO NO! Enn Oohh!"
"But, but," he ran his fingers through his hair and looked around,
almost panicked by this time.
"What has gotten into you?!" she demanded.
He stared at her, a picture of a desperate man, until he slumped.
Beth almost felt bad when he did that; it was like he'd completely
"You, remember when you said, you wanted to make it with, with a
football team?" he asked her quietly.
"Yah, so?" She crossed her arms over her chest.
"Well, I, my rugby team, they're supposed to come by here in
about," he checked his watch, "half an hour, and you're supposed to be
tied up and waiting." He pointed to the side of the trail. "There's a
fire road about half a mile over there, and they should be parked
"And, and you were going to tie me to a tree, and they were all
going to have their way with me?" she asked him, taking a step closer
and lowering her voice.
He nodded, not daring to look at her.
"Oh, Johnny," she said, and tipped his chin up so he was looking at
her. "You are so sweet..." She kissed him.
"Well, you made my fantasy come true, and I wanted to make yours
come true too." Her eyes were shining as she smiled up at him.
Beth took a step back and dropped her pack on the ground. When she
started unbuttoning her shirt, Johnny asked, "Beth? What are you-"
She grinned at him. "I thought you were going to do something
stupid like tie me up and leave me or something." She dropped her shirt
on her pack, then pulled her sports bra over her head. "This I can
The irregular thumping caught Dan's attention. Finally, he looked
up at Chris, and asked, "What's that noise?"
Chris made a face. "It's my dad and his boyfriend goin' at it.
Gross," he added.
"What's so gross about it?" Dan asked.
Chris sat up a little straighter, and began waving his hands around
as he tried to talk. "I mean, you know, after Mom left, I'm glad he
found someone and all that, and it doesn't bug me that he found a guy
and all that, Steve's okay, it, it's just..."
"Just what?"
Chris's face twisted into an even uglier grimace. "It's my DAD,
man, don't you get it?"
"No..." Dan was baffled.
"Well, I mean, I mean..." Chris' face lit up. "Think about YOUR
dad having sex in the next room."
The image that came to Dan's mind was so awful - though he couldn't
have explained exactly WHY it was so horrible - he blocked it out
instantly. He saw Chris nodding. "Yeah, see?"
"Yeah," Dan replied solemnly. "Hey, you wanna go downstairs and
watch TV or something?"
"Anything," Chris agreed gratefully, and the two boys got up and
almost ran out of Chris' room. The thumping continued behind them.
"I'll walk you to the porch," PJ offered. Her nails tapped a
rhythmic pattern on the steering wheel.
"Oh, that's okay, thanks," Carol said, smiling.
"Come on," PJ suggested, and swung out of the car, and around to
Carol's door.
"PJ, come on, you're being-"
"Silly?" PJ asked as she opened the door and bowed at Carol. Carol
giggled, and nodded. "If you can't have fun on a date, why go?"
Carol sighed, but it was a happy sigh, and she accepted the hand
that PJ offered. PJ didn't really let go as they walked up to the porch
of Carol's house, either.
PJ asked, "Did you have fun tonight?" Carol nodded. "I thought
you would," she grinned. "Didn't I tell you you could have fun?"
"Yes, PJ, you did," Carol admitted. "And... I did have fun
tonight." She was still pleasantly full from dinner, and pleasantly
buzzed from the wine they'd shared, and pleasantly tired from the
dancing they'd done afterwards. Carol couldn't remember the last time
she'd felt so relaxed. Or happy.
They got to Carol's front door, and they stopped, and turned to
face each other, just like every other date in high school Carol had
ever had... She giggled.
Carol shook her head. "Do all first dates end at the front door?"
PJ grinned impishly. "They don't haaaave to," she drawled, then
Carol just looked at PJ for a while. She didn't want the evening
to end, but this was their first date, and anything more would be
pushing it. She kept telling herself this-
The door swept open, and Michael, her nine year old, called out,
"Kiss her Mom, kiss her!" With a shriek, his sister Amanda swept him up
and kicked the door shut, leaving the two once again by themselves.
Faint yells inside the house told of some sort of sibling dispute. It
didn't take a genius to figure out the cause.
Carol, her mouth still open, looked helplessly at PJ, who shrugged.
"Should I come in while you finish beating him, or should we call it a
A scream from inside decided her. "Oh, hell, come on in for a
minute..." She dug her keys out of her purse and fumbled at the lock.
Ray was whispering, or panting, all the nasty things he was going
to do to her into Cindy's ear as he slowly stroked in and out of her,
and Cindy was loving every minute of it. She couldn't remember when she
had been so hot, couldn't remember-
"AHHHHHHH!" Ray screamed right into her ear, and she screamed back,
deafened and frightened and in pain from the aural assault.
"I'm gonna KILL that fucking cat!" Ray howled in rage as he pulled
out of Cindy and lept off the bed. As she dazedly pushed herself
upright, she noticed three red streaks on Ray's gorgeous rump as he
dashed out of the bedroom.
"Tighter!" Karl demanded.
Instead of pulling the laces tighter, Doug collapsed on the floor.
"My hands hurt, Karl," he explained.
"Come on, you can get it tighter than that," Karl urged. He was
still holding on the the bedpost.
Doug complained, "Don't you think that's good enough?"
"No!" Karl let go, and stood up on the heels he was wearing. Doug
thought he was an idiot, but Karl had insisted that it would help him
get into the role. As if being that much more over six feet tall was
going to be of any help, Doug thought sourly.
"Doug, listen, I have GOT to beat Josh, or-"
"What is the big deal about this anyway?" Teresa demanded. "Just
because you two got the same idea at the same-"
"He STOLE it from me," Karl gestured emphatically at her, "and I am
NOT gonna let him get away with this! It was MY idea in the first
place, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him win homecoming queen
without a fight!" Doug halfway expected Karl to shake his fists in the
air like a pro wrestler.
Instead, Doug sighed, and got up. "Teresa, come on and help, or
Karl here is not gonna fit into that dress." Teresa got up from the
bed, where she was waiting to do Karl's makeup, and took one end of the
laces while Doug gripped the other. "On three..."
Lisa listened with the stethescope to the sounds emanating,
faintly, from 221. Finally, she nodded, and pulled the plugs out of her
ears. "They're fucking," she confirmed as she tucked the 'scope in her
pocket and readjusted her glasses.
Sandy shook her head. "I swear to God, it doesn't matter what
they're like, as soon as they spend a month in there, they're fucking
like bunnies!"
"Like you and-"
"Shut UP!" Sandy hissed. "Yes!" Her face heated up almost
instantly, she could feel it.
Lisa got up and moved away from the door, saying as she did, "But I
thought you two had been together in high school?"
"No, we were just friends before then, but when we got here, it
was, it was like..." Words failed her.
Lisa shook her head. "There's only one way to find out. We'd have
to do a double blind study on it. Get some of the other girls switched
around and see who ends up bonking who." She stood there, tapping her
finger against her chin. "Hmmm. Who do I know in Student Housing..."
Jen looked up as her husband walked back into their bedroom, and,
unusually, locked the door very carefully behind him. "Did you get them
to quiet down?" she asked.
Jen waited. Finally, she asked, "Why not?"
Hank looked up at her, and she was a bit disturbed by the look on
his face. It was... shocked. And not pleasantly.
His mouth worked uselessly for a few seconds, then finally he found
his voice again, and said, "They're..."
"They're what, dear?" she led.
He turned around and pointed back towards the stairs. "They're,
they're having an orgy down there."
"I... It's a slumber party for a bunch of seventh grader girls,
Hank! They can't be-"
He was nodding. "I know, but that's what they're doing."
There was silence, broken only by a series of faint, high-pitched
shrieks from downstairs.
"Yes, sweetheart?" Sam looked at his daughter Amber. It struck
him again, how fast she was growing up. It seemed like yesterday that
she'd been wanting him to tie her shoes for her, and-
"Um." She looked embarrassed, now that she'd spoken.
"What is it?"
"Um, well, you know, I, Peter invited me to the Homecoming Dance,
it's next week, and I, I, uh..." Her face was quickly turning red, as
were her ears.
He tried not to laugh, but it was an effort. "Mmm hmm?"
She gushed out, "And I was wondering, since I don't have anything
to wear," he almost snorted at that, "I was wondering if I could borrow
something nice to wear for him?"
"One of my dresses?" Sam asked. She nodded. "Sure, hon- oh." she
looked up, anxious at the tone of his voice. "Um, I don't think you'd
fit in any of mine, sweetheart. You're quite a bit smaller than your
ol' dad."
Her face fell. "Oh," she said, in a voice so full of despair and
resignation that he couldn't stand it. Luckily, an idea popped into his
head even as he was wondering how to fit a size sixteen dress onto a
size seven child.
"Waitaminute, I- Let me think. I know SOMEONE in town has to be
your size-"
"Stacy?" she asked hopefully.
He nodded, slowly. "I'd bet she is, now that you mention it. Want
me to call her?"
"Oh, please Dad, it would mean so much..." She was practically
jumping up and down in excitement.
"Now, we are going to stand here until I get an explanation."
Tracy stared at the nine silent, naked, oil-drenched teenagers
standing in front of her. A Twister mat lay on the living room floor,
looking somehow forlorn in its abandonment. Tracy could have cared
less. The new carpet they'd spent almost a thousand dollars on, and her
son has one of his bright party ideas right on top of it. "Reynold?"
she asked her son. "Perhaps you have something to say about this?"
Rob opened his locker, and was confronted by a large white box.
"Ahh," he said, surprised more than a little. "What the-"
Sam snatched the box out of his locker before he could figure out
what it was, even. "Hey, look, SOMEone gave Rob flowers!"
Rob's howled "Give those back!" was drowned out by the hoots of the
rest of the football team as Sam lept on top of a bench and carefully
opened the box. "Damnit, give me mmmph!" he yelled until someone
grabbed him and pulled him back. Despite weighing as much as his mother
and father together, he wasn't the largest guy on the team, Carlos was.
Carlos was right behind him, holding him in a full nelson.
Sam displayed a dozen red roses, which drew whistles from the team,
and then pulled out a small card. Rob fought and struggled against
Carlos, but it was to no avail. "It says," Sam intoned, "'Good luck in
the game tonight, see you after?' Signed, Josh."
The team broke out in mixed laughter and catcalls before they broke
up to finish getting ready. Carlos dropped Rob as Sam stepped off the
bench and handed the flowers to the red-faced running back.
"Jerk," Rob mentioned, embarrassed beyond words.
Unexpectedly, Carlos replied, "Hey, it's sweet he sent you flowers
before a game."
Rob sighed. "Yeah...."
Sam clapped him on the shoulder. "Better get those in water. And
don't eat 'em!"
"I swear, it's her!" Sean whispered as he covertly pulled the
Penthouse out of his backpack. "Full color, four pages-"
"Shut UP and give it to me!" Dan complained as he snatched the
"Page twenty-two," Sean said, and Dan started flipping pages.
Then, he got to page 22, and beyond, and it was indeed their math
teacher, in glorious full color and completely NUDE, and on the next
page she was kissing another GIRL... "Oh my God," Dan breathed in awe,
"it IS her..."
A hand came down and removed the magazine from his grasp. He was
going to get up and start a fight when he noticed that it was Miz
Brockton, the math teacher and apparently one of this month's models as
well. That froze him.
"Yes, it is me," she said quietly, "and you're not supposed to have
this stuff in school. See me after the end of the day to get it back."
And with that, she tucked the magazine in her attache and walked off.
Sean and Dan looked at each other in gaping silence...
"Oh you bloody idiot!" Mistress Evelyn cursed Jerry, and he
cringed. "When I said 'suspenders,' you JACKass," she snarled, "I
didn't mean braces! I meant bloody suspenders!"
Mistress Maria must've been passing by, because Jerry heard her
exclaim, "What the..." and then burst out laughing.
"I dream of rain, ay-lay-aeeeay-lay...." - Sting
Distribution: No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group.
Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work (from the BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE header to the END PGP SIGNATURE footer) is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me.
Archiving is permitted provided no fee is charged for access.
And, if they inspire you, feel free to use the names and even the bit of text verbatim in a story of your own, IF and ONLY IF you send me a copy of the completed work when you're ready for publication, posting, or archiving, and if you mention where you got the idea and who wrote the original - me.
All rights reserved. ~Ellen.
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"Jeeezus," I said, staring into the mirror. "That worked better than I thought," she said, half stunned herself. The finished product was good enough that I, who looked at myself in the mirror a lot, could _not_ see any flaws. I could almost see myself, from before, under the wig and makeup and clothes, but only barely. Nobody who wasn't expecting it would see a damned thing, that's for sure. Let me rephrase that. Nobody, who wasn't expecting anything, would see anything unusual. Well... Me, Tuck, was not going to be seen at school today. There was a lot to see, though. |
Image Credit: Tuck and Debbie picture purchased and licensed for publishing from 123rf.com
Don't forget to use your backbutton to come back and leave a comment. :)
1. Tucked In
2. Tuckered Out
3. Tuck Flap and Seal
4. Tuck Foy
5. Well, This Tucks
6. Fresh out of Tuck
7. Tuck and Cover
8. Tucky Break
9. Walks Like a Tuck
10. Tuck Tuck Goose!
11. Tucker Factor
12. Tuck Soup
13. Situation Normal - All Tucked Up
14. Tucker Up!
15. Things Are Really Tucked Up
16. Tuck In a Rut
17. Just Tucky
18. Mind Tuck
19. Oh Tucky Day
20. Well and Truly Tucked
21. Tuck and Roll
22. Tuck in the Mud
23. As Tuck Would Have It
24. S'Tuck
25. Tuck and Run
26. Tuck Hunting
27. A'Tuck Time
28. The Final Cut
29. Another Brick In The Wall, Part Two
--- A commentary on the previous two chapters
30. Tuck In The Middle With You
31. Keep On Tuckin'
32. Tuck Blind
33. Tucky Charm
34. Fresh Outta Tuck
35. Tuckin' In The Woods
36. Tuck Bill
37. Tucky Seven
38. Tuckin' Around
39. Tuck Light
40. Peeking Tuck
41. Migrating Tuck
42. Tucked Up Beyond All Recognition
43. Careful With That Axe, Eugene
44. Tuck Feet
45. Tuck Stop
46. Hockey Tuck
47. Allotment of Tuck
48. Tuck My Marbles And Go Home
49. Tucked Around
50. Tucker Up Baby
51. Tuck of the Draw
52. Tuck 'Em Up
53. Tucking a Holiday
54. Raising a Tuckus
55. Tuck It Easy
56. Tuck a Break
57. Tucky Guess
58. Get Tucky Tonight
59. What A Tucking Mess
60. Tuck A Walk On The Wild Side
61. A Complete Tuckup
62. Some People Make Their Own Tuck
63. Pillow Tuck
64. Tucknical Difficulties
65. Tuck Walk
66. An E-Tucker Ride
67. Tucker Punched
68. Hard Tuck Case
69. Tuck Down
70. Tuck Your Hair Back
71. Tuck A Moment To Think
72. Bush Tucker
73. Off-Road Tuck
74. Tuckin' For Granted
75. Tuckled Pink
76. Tucked Again
77. Tuck On The Wing
78. Low Tuck
79. Reach Out And Tuck Someone
80. Delivery Tuck
81. Tuck A Number
82. Tick Tuck
83. Tuck Eggs
84. Tuck with Meals
85. High Tuck
86. Tuck a Good Look
87. Tucked Silly
88. Tuck In A Show
89. Tuck Your Medicine
90. Tuck As Directed
91. Little Tucklings
92. Tuck Me Down Slow and Easy
93. Tuck a Picture
94. Tuck in a Game
95. Tuck Support
96. Tuck It All Off
97. Tuck a Day Off
98. Tuck to the Hills
99. Tuck in the Laundry
100. Mother Tucker
101. Tuck Your Medicine
102. Tuck A Cheap Shot
103. The Tuck Stops Here
104. Goodbye Cruel World
105. The Happiest Days of Our Lives
106. Let There Be More Light
107. Burning Bridges
108. Paranoid Eyes
109. One of These Days
110. Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk
111. The Gunner's Dream
112. Absolutely Curtains
113. Stay
114. One Slip
115. Hey You
116. On The Turning Away
117. Free Four
118. Tuck You Long Enough
119. Tucks To Be Me
Ellen Hayes Office
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Tuck 120 - Tuck Two Aspirin And...
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Tuck 121 - Tuck That Back
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Tuck 122 - Hardtuck
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Tuck 123 - Tuck Your Places
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Tuck 124 - Monster Tuck
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"Hey, does this count as a date?"
"What, tonight? Yeah," I supposed. "Dinner and... after," I selected.
She giggled. "'After'. I like that."
"Not like you're GONNA like it."
She laughed.
When she had basically stopped, I asked, "So this is where I kiss you?"
"Yeah," she smiled.
Well, all good things must come to an end.
I've had a really good writer's block... points to above line
This got sparked by the Valentine's Day contest, and I've had this weekend percolating in my brain for, oh, ten years or so. Except one of the characters surprised me a few weeks ago when I was looking at it in my head, by boldly inserting herself into the middle; and then there was Jill's don't-wanna-be-alone-tonight which I hadn't thought of but made PERFECT sense...
I am a right tease when talking about my writing, aren't I?
Anyway, this is regular Tuck, not Seasons Tuck or some sort of alternate history. A lot has happened in between the last published episode and this one, but it should all be congruent in the end. And duh! I'm not going to spoiler myself by explaining what's happened in between, as I plan (haha) to write it.
Don't hold your breath, though...
Also, many of the "TG Elements" tags are sort of bollocks, at least as far as most readers are concerned. They are important; just not at the, er, volume level of most stories.
While one ought have read previous Tuck to know what's going on, or you will not understand Tuck's character, or why he's getting his hair done, this part itself is nearly standalone. Missing a great deal of explanation, yes; but you should be able to get the gist of it (if you know about Tuck).
Also, it is suggested that you not ingest food or drink during reading; there are some humorous bits that may make you choke if you have something in your mouth.
And if you really like it (or have some money you don't want lying around), throw some money into my donation PayPal account.
And now, the lights dim, the trailers are cut out, and the theme music swells...
12:18 14 Feb
"Well, I dunno, you know?" Nicole said.
"That is really... Do- Did you even hear what you said?" I asked her. "It didn't make any sense."
She giggled. "Yeah, I know, sorry... Just, I mean, I kinda like him," her facial expression said she more than 'kinda' liked him, "and I THINK it's going well, but I dunno yet. You know?"
"Oh, yeah, that," I agreed. "That stage. Where you just started," I explained, "and everything's kind of up in the air, and you don't even know if you like him or not, but you hope so, and you HOPE things are going to go well, and everything he does is like, 'What does this mean?' Or does it mean anything at all?"
She was nodding at me enthusiastically. "Yeah! Like, he said he works a lot, and so that's good, it's like a job and money and stuff, but he can only see me like one or maybe two nights a week, so is that like a good thing or a bad thing?"
"You see him less but he has more money," I pointed out. "So you could do more..." She was nodding, and looking happy that I'd gotten it.
"And look what he got me for Valentine's Day!" she bubbled as she clawed at her throat.
12:43 14 Feb
I wished Nicole wouldn't smoke, but she would, did, and was.
"Don't even," she warned as she inhaled, her eyes closing momentarily.
I protested, "I didn't say anything!"
"You were thinking about it," she growled, visibly. "I can tell."
*I am going to punch you in the face,* I thought, hard, but she relaxed, indicating that it wasn't telepathy. Which was sort of a relief, I guess.
"Besides," she said before she took another drag, "I don't really know... I mean, it's kind of nice, but it's really a pain in this weather."
"Yeah, I know." I'd dressed for it, since it wasn't really a surprise that she'd want a cigarette during lunch, nor that she'd want my company during it. I couldn't tell if it was just my company, or if there was some kind of peer pressure thing going on and she was trying to get ME to start smoking; but there was absolutely no way THAT was going to happen. I liked being able to breathe. "Why is it nice? I mean, you don't get stoned or anything, from what I've heard."
She shrugged. "Yeah, but it kind of takes the edge off. Like a drink or two, except a lot faster."
I shrugged back. "I guess..." I'd rather have the alcohol, but that wasn't practical. Or especially legal, at my age. Not that Nicole was old enough to be smoking, either, legally speaking.
"Anyway, are you doing anything for Valentine's Day?" she asked.
I sighed. "No..." Everyone was busy, or not-THAT-way with me, and so I was going to spend the day alone. That was one of the reasons I'd come to practice today; it was less depressing doing this than sitting around thinking about it, and unless I could twist myself into Deep Hack, I'd be aware of it and thus thinking about it a little, even if I was programming or reading or something.
After another hit, she sighed it out, saying, "Me neither." After a pause, wherein she exhausted the rest of the poison cloud, she added, "Don has to work tonight, evening shift, so he'll be like busy until after eleven."
"That is kind of shitty," I nodded, "but, I mean, it's not like it would be a year from now, if you'd been dating all that time I mean. Like-"
"Oh yeah, right," she nodded, not sarcastically at all. "I mean, it'd just be nice, y'know? You know," she stated before I could, but not before the depression took another bite out of me.
"This is depressing," I realized. "So, how many times have you seen Titanic?"
She laughed at me. "Oh man! I LOVE that movie!" I'd guessed; most everyone female did. I kind of liked it too, but not THAT much. Not like I'd really had a choice, though; if I wanted a pseudo-date with one of the Pack or their littles, they were always ready to go see it again. And if they wanted to go see it again, most boyfriends had already reached their EPA exposure limit for the year - if they had boyfriends - but apparently I hadn't.
16:19 14 Feb
As I was finishing up the latest in a too-long line of plastic tips on Nicole's fingernails, she asked, "So, like, could I ask a favor?"
"Yeah, but I might say no," I warned her. I wasn't THAT easy.
"Could..." Her face kind of went sour. "Like, I was thinking about stopping by the restaurant where Don works, just to see him a little?"
"Like how little?"
"Just for like a few minutes? At like five or so?"
"Yeah, I guess..."
I must not've sounded sincere - probably because I wasn't - because she tried to entice me with, "I'll give you a dollar?"
I didn't really want to, but I didn't really have anything else to do; Kim was sick, and nasty about it, and Jill was doing something with someone - I wasn't sure she knew yet WHO she'd be doing it, whatever IT was, with; but she'd yelled at me that she was damned well doing something with someone tonight - and my parents were doing something disgusting like a romantic dinner out of the house, and even Brian was elsewhere for the evening. And every one of the Pack claimed to be busy tonight, doing something or another. Or they were specifically Not Going To Date (Or Even Close) Me. And tonight was too emotionally charged to push it, or even think about asking again, really.
"Yeah, I guess," I sighed, feeling kind of sick.
She grabbed my hand and squeezed it sympathetically. When I looked up at her, her face said the same thing. "I really appreciate it... I- Just for a few minutes. I PROMISE. Oh, and could you take me home too?"
"Sure," I sighed again, and nodded.
"What happened to that girl you were dating last?" she asked.
I did not want to discuss that. "So, do you think the Reds are going to suck this year?"
She made a face, like 'oh er you don't want to talk about that either', which was utterly true, 'oh dear um uh'. "Oh, I'm not sure... At least we beat Chicago last year. The Cubs REALLY suck."
16:59 14 Feb
We'd gotten done early; or, we'd mistimed things so that we had a while after taking the last set of (my) nails and et cetera off, but not enough time to do another set without being there a lot longer than Mrs. Singley wanted to be there. And she hadn't wanted to give me a set of keys to the classroom, and I didn't feel like mentioning that I could do without a set if I had to. It'd be rude.
Unfortunately, we weren't the only ones in the lab, nor the only ones hungry for fresh meat. Or, in our cases, hair.
Which was why my hair was up in a braided chignon, with a few tendrils of spiral curls next to my face. Nicole had been hot-curled into an amazing confection, though she'd talked them out of a perm and a bleach job. Talking them out of such things was a weekly job, and it was only going to get harder the more they learned how to do. I'd told them that my dad would cry if I got any more girly-looking, which got them to leave me alone. And leave my eyebrows alone.
"You look just darling," Nicole smirked at me.
"You look spectacular," I smirked back at her, which made her turn to look at herself in a mirror again, and I laughed a little out loud.
"This class is making me so damned vain," she grinned as she turned back.
I questioned, "'Making'?"
"Bitch!" She reached up with both hands towards my head, which made me duck and twist away.
"Stop it! Or I'll fuck yours worse than you fuck mine," I told her as I got some distance. "You've got more to lose," I pointed out. 'And more to grab and yank,' I did not point out. She had ribbons braided in hers.
17:30 14 Feb
With my hood up and over my hair, I didn't feel so conspicuous, which was a good thing. Nicole had observed, more than once, that if I'd just put on a little makeup - which she and the rest of the cosmetology classes were always ready and eager to do, if it counted for practical hours - I'd have 'all the guys' chasing me. I'd reminded her, more than once, that I had nightmares exactly like that, regularly.
She squeezed my hand as we entered the restaurant where Don worked. Apparently it was a family-owned and -run Italian place, which was the best kind in my opinion. I hadn't even known this place existed, either; which was often even better.
"God, I mean, do I- I mean-"
"You look great," I assured her for the Nth time. She did, except for the worry.
"Oh god," she said as she led us back, past the waiting area where people were already pooling in clusters. I was not especially happy to note, dimly, that most of them were couples.
"He just, I mean, he's working as a waiter, and so he could be anywhere," she said sort of over her shoulder as she kept walking like she knew where she was going. This did not make sense; but I'd noticed that pointing that sort of thing out tended to get me abused, or cried on, and I didn't want either right now.
There weren't that many tables, but the restaurant proper was sort of divided into four- or six-table pseudo-rooms with arches and half-walls and interior windows and things, which was kind of a nice idea but kind of a pain in the ass as we almost got run over by a busboy with a full bin of used stuff trying to go past us in a semi-hallway.
Then I spotted Debbie. *Oh dear.* While we weren't quite as on edge with each other as we had been, I didn't think she'd be real happy to see me here tonight while she was with some guy. Or Lisa, or whoever was absent from the table-for-two she was sitting at, with a couple of plates of demolished appetizers (I guessed) scattered around.
Then Debbie spotted me.
I shook my head at her, then pointed at Nicole, who was still going and chattering nervously as she looked for Don. Thankfully, Debbie nodded.
"Damnit!" Nicole hissed. Then she apparently spotted Debbie, because she said brightly, "Oh hey, isn't that Debbie Carstairs?" and changed direction.
I rolled my eyes for Debbie's benefit, and it looked like she was having the same thought as Nicole weaved through the crowded restaurant towards Debbie's table.
"Good lord, it looks like you got the works today," Debbie said as Nicole got close enough. "It looks fabulous! Hey Tuck," she smiled blandly at me, which was fine with me.
"Yeah, but you look great," Nicole commented sincerely. Debbie did, of course; she always did, though she was wearing the sort of thing that suggested she was on a date tonight, and looked even better, or at least more polished, than usual. As if she was going out for Valentine's Day or something, haha.
Debbie smiled and said, "Thank you!" as if Nicole's opinion actually mattered to her.
"So wha-" Nicole started to say before a door flew open and a guy popped out with a tray and turned and started dishing up Debbie's table with entrees.
"So here's your rigatoni," the guy said, "and I added some extra garlic just for you, okay?" Debbie smiled at him as he threw another plate down on the other side - something like veal - and put the tray against the wall as he sat down in the other chair. And smiled warmly at Debbie.
"Don?" Nicole asked.
It was sort of amazing, I noticed as time shifted to low gear, that Nicole sounded not at all upset when she asked that.
'Don' turned and, as I knew was going to happen, his face fell when he beheld Nicole standing there. "Ah."
Debbie eyebrows were up but she was blank otherwise.
I was compelled to say, "Uh, Debbie?"
She focused on me.
"This your boyfriend?" I'd heard second-hand scraps about him for a couple of months, though I hadn't connected the name.
Her eyes went to him, and I could tell the answer was 'Yes'.
"Can't see you but one night a week? Saturday?" I guessed.
Her eyebrows started to drop.
I didn't want to, especially, but I felt I had to. "Meet Friday. Three weeks."
And then pointed at Nicole just in case she thought it was me.
"What are you doing?" Nicole asked Don, as the avalanche just barely started to slide.
Debbie, and I for that matter, had already figured it out. Or admitted it to ourselves.
"Oh, ah, hey," Don said with a smile to Nicole.
Debbie's head went down in pain.
"With her?" Nicole added.
"My car's in the shop," Debbie said to me as she grabbed her purse without looking. "Could you give me a ride?"
I said, "Sure," because... I had to.
Debbie stood up in one graceful arc, and then grabbed the bowl of pasta in front of her and flipped it at Don. It went all over his food, but at least a good portion splashed his shirt. "I'm sorry," she said to Nicole.
"What?" Nicole whimpered as her avalanche started to really get going, but Debbie took her upper arm and turned her and started to pull her along. I dodged the two of them and then, before I really considered it, I was between the girls and Don.
Don sat there. He looked somewhat astonished, but not enough. He'd known what he was doing, and it was sinking in that he'd gotten Really And Truly Caught.
"Double dating," I told him, and anyone else who was listening and watching, which I would've bet was the entire section of restaurant that could see us, "is the mark of a cad. Don't make it worse by getting up or saying anything," I told him, because if he did either, it was entirely too possible that either Nicole or Debbie, or gods help me both of them at once, would go prompt-critical and then I'd be stuck in the middle of the firestorm, in a mid-sized and cramped Italian restaurant, with nothing more than my usual armor vest and my two batons.
He looked at me, and then sort of shrugged and sort of smiled, and I almost pulled the batons and started beating the shit out of him, just for that smile and that shrug.
17:34 14 Feb
"Could you take me to Lisa's house? She's home tonight," Debbie said. She probably sounded to someone who didn't know her like she was fine, maybe a little tight; but I could hear the scream.
"I thought he-" Nicole squeaked.
"I know," I told her, and put my arms around her.
"I really did!"
Debbie stood there, in her green dress, and just bled.
18:13 14 Feb
"Thanks," Debbie sighed as I stopped in front of Lisa's house. Nicole was still crying in the back seat.
"Sure. Debbie?"
She looked at me.
"I'm... really sorry," I said, which was totally inadequate.
She moved her lips the same way she would've for a smile. But it wasn't a smile. "Me too," she sighed. "Thanks."
18:25 14 Feb
Nicole finally pulled back, and the sobs stopped. Or, more likely, paused. "Can- Can we leave? Go somewhere?"
I was not unhappy at the idea of getting away from Lisa's house myself. "Sure."
"I don't care. I don't care where," she amplified.
19:04 14 Feb
"Plus, I'm sort of hungry," I admitted to Nicole as I opened the back door of my house. Despite the fact that I'd had lunch earlier - a lunch I'd had to pay for - I could probably eat something approximating a meal. Even if I had to cook it.
Not Italian, of course. Not with Nicole.
She asked, "So you like cook too?"
"Yeah..." I shut the door. "In fact..." I realized, just in time, that mentioning they wanted to marry me would probably be a big lump of salt in her bleeding psyche. "I cook Sunday dinners. That's part of how I got my laptop, was agreeing to cook Sundays. And then my friends started coming over. Free food, you know. Do you like Chinese style?" I asked.
"Um... sure," she agreed with a nod.
"Would you mind helping a little? Just chopping and things; it makes it go faster. And I'm kind of hungry."
"Yeah, me too..." It bit her again, I could tell, as she looked down at the floor.
"Come up front, take your coat off," I ordered as I unzipped mine.
19:06 14 Feb
"Your hair," she smirked.
"What?" My hands went up to touch it before I remembered. "Oh. Yeah."
"Wh- I mean, are you going to get in trouble if your parents see you?"
"Naw. They're out."
She gave me a skeptical look.
"What? Oh. I mean, if you want to go home, that's cool-"
"No..." She looked around the front hallway. "I don't know. No," she decided. "I just... I mean-"
"So you can cut vegetables, right?" which I thought might distract her a bit.
"Wh- Oh, yeah..."
"Nicole?" She looked at me. "Seriously, if you don't feel comfortable alone in the house with me, I can take you home or wherever. I just... I mean, I'm kind of hungry, and I don't want to pay any more for food; and Mom's stopped buying junk food, y'know, the good stuff." She smirked a bit. "And it'd be at least as easy to fix you something at the same time."
She sighed, "Yeah... That'd be cool, I guess."
20:31 14 Feb
"This is really good," Nicole said again, still astonished.
"Well, it's 'cause you helped," I lied. She HAD chopped and sliced and et cetera; and I wouldn't have bothered for just me, so in that sense she was the only reason I was eating this well tonight. On the other hand, brown rice in the steamer, plus two different stir-frys, and recycled (so to speak) soup and a large salad were not really a culinary stretch.
She laughed a little. Then her nails - or the tips I'd applied - caught her attention again, and she fanned her fingers to look at them, then tapped both hands' worth on the table a few times.
When she looked up again, she blinked in surprise, then smirked at me. "Your hair like that," she grinned.
"What? Oh," I remembered. "Hey, you know, it was actually cooler tonight, cooking," I realized.
"And it looks so darling on you," she sneered, though not seriously.
"Doesn't it though?" I smiled back at her.
She dropped the sneer and commented, "God, you know... I mean, no offense, but you really do look girlish like that."
"I know," I sighed.
"You ever think about cutting it? I mean like REALLY short?" she asked as she picked up her fork again and used it.
"Like a buzz cut or something? Yeah, but I don't think it would actually help; I'd just look like Sinead O'Connor, or Ripley in that bastardization of an Aliens movie."
"Hm?" She swallowed. "What?"
"Aliens Three?" She nodded. "The movie sucked."
"Where she shaved her head, though?" she confirmed. "I thought she looked kind of good in it!"
"SHE looked good," I admitted. "The movie, though, sucked BIG time."
She took a sip of her wine cooler - which was going to cost me money to replace, but she'd begged too cutely to resist - and complained at me, "Why? Because it didn't have all those guns in it like the second one?"
"No, because like everything that she got in the second one was fucking killed off, before the movie proper even really started! I mean, all you see is the corpses! It's like, it makes the second movie totally pointless because everything's even worse."
"I think that's why it's good," she argued.
21:17 14 Feb
Nicole smiled at me as I finally dumped the dirty dishpan water and refilled the now-empty dishpan. I'd had to do a lot of the cleanup, but with her helping it wasn't bad. Too bad.
"That," she commented lazily, "was really good."
"Thanks." I assumed that she was referring to the food, rather than to the dishwashing.
She closed her eyes and communed with her belly for a while, never quite losing her smile. This was, in my opinion, a Thumbs Up for the cook.
I leaned against the counter. "So... What now?"
21:49 14 Feb
Fortified with a second wine cooler - I was going for caffeine instead, though the idea of combining caffeine with alcohol was kind of intriguing - she was now sitting on my bed in my room, looking not entirely like she wanted to escape. "You read a lot."
"Not entirely; a lot of it's overflow from friends," I told her. "And, I don't read as much as I used to. Been kinda busy lately." Which was an understatement.
"Yeah, no kidding," she sighed.
22:03 14 Feb
"Hey, Tuck?" Nicole asked after a pause.
She stopped.
*This is probably not a good sign,* I realized.
"Yeah?" I tried again.
She sighed, and looked at her wine cooler bottle, and then put it to her lips and drained it.
*Definitely not a good sign...*
She looked up at me when she'd finished. "You know... You said that you were, like, dating or something that girl Jill in our class, right?"
"Yeah?" I admitted. "But that was over a long time ago."
"It was like November or something, though, right?" She'd stopped looking at me and was kind of manipulating the bottle. You could've called it 'fondling', but it wasn't really like she was fond of it, more like it was there and was neutral and something to do with her hands and eyeballs.
I had to think about it. "Ummmm... Yeah? I think so."
"And then there was that other girl, um..."
"Yeah," she nodded. "And you and her were..." She wiggled, somehow managing to convey 'having sex' without actually saying it out loud or looking sexual. "Right?"
"Um... That might possibly be so," I said.
"And there were another one or-"
"Oh- Well- Um."
"So are you dating anyone right now?"
"Wh- Well, no. Not- Well..."
She glared at me, which suggested that wasn't sufficient.
"Well, I mean, not dating-dating, no. I- The girls I can- I mean, there's some girls I go out with, if they want to go out and just have a kind of date-like evening, without the pressure of, y'know, actually having to like DATE someone."
"Kind of friends, right?"
I breathed, "Yeah," relieved that she'd gotten it.
"And, like, th- Jill and that other girl were kind of like that, right?"
"Yeah, I guess." Another glare prompted me to firm up to, "Yeah."
She sighed, opened her mouth, closed it, rotated the bottle in her hands a few rotations, opened her mouth again, closed it, sighed, opened it a third time, then blurted, "How do I get into that? I mean," she said, talking faster, "Don's like- I'm never talking to him again, and I'm like, I don't know anyone I really want to go out with and date, like you said, 'date-date', except they're all with other girls, the ones I'd want to date... And," she looked up at me, "I'd really like to, to..."
I guessed, "To go out and do something fun?"
"Have sex. Oh shit," she moaned, and tried to put her hands to her head except she was still holding the bottle, which clanked on her skull. "Did I say that?"
"Uh." I wasn't sure myself. "I can pretend you didn't," I offered.
"Yeah," she breathed, sounding relieved. "No, wait. Tuck," she complained, "you're a nice guy, and Jill said you were cool, just kind of, like, not masculine, but she said you were good in bed-" She stopped and closed her eyes. "I'm fucking this all up."
I wasn't going to argue with her; I was really wishing I hadn't had my one wine cooler, or food either, because I'd be sharper and then maybe able to figure out what she was trying to say. Because she couldn't possibly-
She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, stared at me, and stated, "I'd like to get what Jill had."
I thought about this for several seconds, then got up and went and sat on my kneeler chair. She looked hurt. I told her, "I'm gonna try and say... what I think you're trying to say. Or ask or whatever. And I'm going over here in case I get it wrong, so it'll be harder for you to kick me if I- if I misunderstood."
She still looked kind of hurt, but at least it didn't seem to get any worse.
"I'm not joking around or teasing you or making fun of you, okay?" I said. "I mean, if I get it wrong, I'm really trying to guess-"
"Yeah," she nodded, "I mean, just..."
"Yeah, so, not making fun of you or anything... You'd..." *Oh please, don't let me get this wrong and get the shit beaten out of me...* "You'd like to be friends, with me." When nothing happened, I prompted, "Right?"
"Yeah, but-"
I interrupted her, "But I mean, that's part of it, right?"
"And... you'd..."
"Like to, to, to have sex with you," she pushed out in a rush. Then she looked down and started to flush. "I mean, like you did with Jill, like no pressure, just kind of a- a friendly thing, kind of, at least that was kind of what I thought you did, and that other girl over Christmas was kind of the same way right?"
"What? P-" I did not want to say names. Even though names were the one thing I was sure about in this conversation; the rest of it was really fuzzy. "Yeah."
"Can I go outside and have a cigarette?" she pleaded, directly to my face. "This is one of those times I could really use one."
"Oh god. Okay," I allowed. It wasn't like my parents would think it was mine, after all.
22:08 14 Feb
Nicole lit up and sucked on it and held it, and held it, and finally let out the cloud, which diabolically tried to envelop me. "Damnit!" I complained as I dodged.
"Sorry," she sighed, and took another deep hit as she moved around to try and get downwind of me. I thought that's what she was doing anyway. She expelled a plume, pointing it upwards - she was, it turned out, downwind at the moment - and slowly said, "You have NOOOooo idea, how much I need this right now."
"I think that'd be 'addiction', there," I pointed out.
"Yeah and your point?"
I just gave her a look, which hopefully would trigger memories of all the lectures she'd ever heard.
"Yeah yeah yeah," she said, and inhaled again. Maybe it had worked. Except it wasn't stopping the smoking. "Anyway..."
She wrapped an arm around herself. "I mean... It's fucking Valentine's Day, the guy I THOUGHT might amount to something is like utterly SHIT," which I totally agreed with. Debbie would've agreed too, I thought. "...I'M alone tonight, YOU'RE alone tonight..." She took another hit and held it for a while. "I just don't- I mean... You're nice, and kind of sweet..."
"And I'm sort of getting the impression you don't want to DATE-date me, right?"
She made a pained face and agreed, "Not really, I mean, I dunno, I kind of... I mean it would REALLY suck if we like broke up and then had to be there in class like that, and you're going for the thing over the summer and next year right?"
"So that'd be like over a year and everything... So, I mean, but you were still- You still ARE friends with Jill, and Kim, and I think you still hang out with those other girls right?"
I decided not to mention sleepovers. "Yeah."
"So, I mean, that's kind of what I want, except I don't have any guy fr- other guy friends I could do that with. You're my friend, right? I mean kind of, right?"
"Well, yeah, I guess..."
"I mean," and she shrugged as she had another hit, "I think you're nice. And I thought you were like a geek, but you don't like do it around me too much, so..."
I warned her, "I AM a geek, though."
"Yeah maybe!" she argued. "But you don't act like it! I mean, you can actually TALK to girls and stuff."
"'Socially retarded' isn't 'geek'."
She challenged, "Yeah it is. I mean, you can talk about OTHER things, and geeks I mean CAN'T, like they don't KNOW anything else. You, I mean, you know other stuff. Like girl stuff, and I don't care what people say about it being gay, it's like COOL to have a guy that I can talk about stuff like clothes with." I wanted to know what 'people' said about 'it' being gay, but then I already basically knew it.
"You know what I don't get?" I mentioned. "Okay, so, you like it, YOU like it, OTHER girls like it, if I know something about 'girl stuff' like clothes and hair and periods and," I sighed because it was irritating as shit when they did it, "talking about guys you're interested in and things, and all that. So why is it GAY if I get girls to hang out with ME, by talking about that stuff with 'em? I don't get that." I'd obeyed it, though some of that had been because of association with the previous incarnation of my sister, the evil one. But I hadn't really thought about it. Now that I'd thought about it, I wanted to kick the younger me and scream at him for being so immensely stupid.
"I dunno! It's like stupid isn't it?" she half-grinned at me. "Stupid guys," she said contemptuously.
"Stupid guys," I agreed. I hated them, in a general sort of way.
"But you ARE like that, and I'd... I'd kind of like to, to..."
I smirked, "Take advantage of me?"
She tilted her face and smiled darkly as she looked at me. "Totally molest you. Oh shit did I say that?" she gasped as she staggered away from her words, throwing a hand up to her mouth.
"You're not that drunk, Nicole," I told her, though I couldn't help grinning myself.
"Oh shit, oh shit..."
I rolled my eyes to myself and leaned against a vertical beam to wait her embarrassment out.
20:10 14 Feb
When it seemed like she'd forgiven herself for stating what was actually on her mind - which took way longer than it should have, in my opinion, but despite Nicole's compliments, I still wasn't entirely too sure how these humans actually worked - I said, "So, you'd like to, basically, have some friendly sex with me, yes?"
I'd also spent some time thinking, to get the right words to balance between being too subtle to be understood, and being too blunt and scary.
She took a deep hit off her cigarette and held it for a while. I was beginning to think that she did that when she was stalling for time. She also looked rather pained; maybe I hadn't gotten the balance right. But she blew smoke out and nodded, then said, "Yeah. Just, like, friendly?" She risked a glance at me from under her eyebrows.
I didn't hate the idea. "Well, though, I've got some rules."
"Rules? Like what?"
"Like... Like, you don't talk about what goes on in my bedroom with anyone else, and I mean ANYONE else. We shut the door, it's private, between the two of us." I was going to have to bitch at Jill for mentioning that we'd had sex like she had. Well, maybe. Whatever she'd told Nicole hadn't put her off, apparently.
She looked a little weird, so I added, "It's not like I'm going to do something really perverted or anything; I just don't want to be talked about. As you might have noticed, like you've talked about it, I'm not really that masculine, and I don't want you telling everyone I'm like even worse than I look with clothes on."
That really didn't sound like I wanted to have said that.
I tried again, "I mean... Sex isn't really, y'know, dignified, not when-"
"DIGNIFIED?" she shrieked before she started laughing.
20:16 14 Feb
She'd recovered and we went back in, but found Jill and Mike coming in the front door about the same time.
Mike complained bitterly, "What the hell did you do to your hair?" and Nicole broke up as I put my hands up to find out what Mike was complaining about.
"Oh, man," Jill answered as I figured it out, "if you don't get the hell out of there on the weekends, they just GRAB you- See what happened to her? Hey," she said to Nicole. "'Sup?"
20:19 14 Feb
Coats and hats came off and sodas were acquired and opened and then we were all sitting in the front room staring at each other. I knew why _I_ was kind of nervous, and I could guess why NICOLE was nervous, but I wasn't entirely sure why Mike and/or Jill was.
Then I got a clue, because Jill was wearing a skirt.
"Uh, Jill?" I said.
"Yes?" she smiled, looking entirely too womanly for Jill.
"Are you wearing makeup?"
"Fuck you," she complained as her eyes narrowed. Which answered the question, 'Is someone impersonating Jill to get into the house?'
"It looks good!" I complained.
She still looked like she wanted to hit me.
"Leave me alone," I whined, feeling entirely too like my evil sister was back. In Jill's body. *Which would explain the skirt and the makeup,* I realized.
"Don't whine," Mike told me.
"Bite me! Jill, it's fine, you look good..." Nicole was nodding, though she looked confused. "I'd say you should do that all the time 'cause it looks so good except you'd really kick my ass for it, a-"
"What? Why?" Nicole asked.
"Aw, man," Jill complained, sitting back and looking around. Which was MUCH better than leaping over the coffee table and engaging me in hand-to-hand.
20:22 14 Feb
"Yeah, so- Mike? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked as I got up. "We're gonna go to the boys' room," I smirked, which made Jill laugh, and Nicole a few seconds later.
"Don't forget your purse!" Jill called as I exited, hopefully far enough ahead of Mike he couldn't reach me.
"Okay, wait," I said as I turned around and - thankfully - didn't get a fist or a foot. "Seriously... Mike?"
"She said she didn't want to be alone tonight, and your parents said it was okay," Mike said as I think he blushed. It was hard to tell on Mike; he had the genetic advantage of Chinese Inscrutability.
"Oooohhhhh..... kay," I breathed.
"Dude, what do I do?" he gasped in a whisper.
"Shutthefuckup whaddoI-DO?"
I KNEW he wasn't asking me to explain the basic mechanics; he'd seen porn. Hell, he'd given me most of- Well, some of mine. He filtered what HE got from Dan, which I appreciated, since I didn't want to spend half my waking hours filtering it like some Dans I could mention. Nor did I necessarily want what Dan considered erotic. I shook my head. "Mike, seriously, not a problem." I knew Mike was a virgin - for a while yet, anyway - and Jill wasn't, so...
"No, seriously, NOT a problem," I reassured him. "She... She knows what she's doing, okay? Just, y'know, ask her what she wants, and tell her what you want. This is one situation where being all girly and talking about things actually works."
He had his hands in his pockets - I refused to make a comment about him playing pocket pool because he would surely beat me unconscious, and I'd deserve it - and looked around at the floor. "You sure?"
"Pretty sure." He was going to kill me. "Mike! I mean, yes, I'm sure." I made sure my volume was very low and said, "She... She likes guys, which is why she sort of dumped me-"
"You were only doing something for a week!"
"Shut UP!"
He checked his watch and complained further, "And what is with Nicole being here this late?"
"Are you gonna get mad at me, or did you want to talk about Jill before she clubs you over the head and drags you up to her room?"
His telepathy worked long enough for me to be glad he didn't have a real flamethrower and that he wasn't a pyrokinetic. Then he stopped himself with a few deep breaths.
"Look," I said, quiet again, "just... You want a couple of hints?" He glared at me. "Okay. Um... If you want oral sex, from her I mean, just do NOT grab her head and pull, okay?"
He got all round-eyed.
I signed, <T-R-U-S-T me,> and mimed vomiting.
"How- Oh JEEZ Tuck!" he almost shrieked in disgust.
I complained back, "Well?" and signed, <I know!> And added, "Besides, do you want to piss her off if she's..." <... doing that,> I finished silently. "She likes it the other..." That was too sensitive to say out loud, so I signed, <Ask to do her. O-R-A-L.> *That's no good,* I realized, and spelled, <C-U-N-N-I-L-I->
"I get it. Any tips for that?" he asked desperately.
<P-U-S-H B-A-C-K to breathe.> That was important. Girls would get all indignant about being gagged with a dick, and then do nearly the same thing to you with their entire groin and upper thighs.
"What-" He lowered his voice even more. "What's it taste like?"
"Oh..." I closed my eyes, because he wasn't going to like the answer. "Not much of anything, kind of, and..." I shrugged, "it tastes like a girl's parts. I mean, it's just different than anything else. It's not bad, at ALL," I emphasized.
"Good." He looked really nervous.
"But seriously, the best thing to do is ask her what to do, what she wants, okay? And, Mike?" He was still kind of round-eyed about it. I motioned him closer so I could whisper in his ear, "She likes it; she likes YOU enough to ask you to. Just be a nice guy and talk to her, and it'll be good. It won't be GREAT, the first time, 'cause it's the first time for you, but it'll be good. If you talk- and LISTEN," I remembered to add, though I shouldn't have to with Mike. "But she asked you. Just remember that," I remembered. "She wanted to be with you tonight, or she wouldn't have asked YOU."
He let out a breath as we moved away from each other, then he grabbed my hand and we clasped. "Thanks..."
I grinned as something occurred to me, and said it. "I'd say 'Any time', but I don't think this'll- tonight will happen twice."
He sort of grinned weakly. "Shit I hope not."
"It'll be okay," I nodded at him. "So how'd you get her in a skirt? And MAKEUP?"
He assured me, "Dude, she did that all on her own."
"Sheewwwww," I breathed, "she must really..."
"I do not think," Mike said, "that you should say the word 'desperate'."
I agreed, "Or think it."
"No. So what IS Nicole- Oh no. No."
I ran.
"HOW DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS!" he screamed as he chased me.
"Make him stop!" I shrieked at Jill as I ran through the front room.
22:26 14 Feb
"Okay, but make it quick," I told Nicole as she lit up again. She'd demanded another, and Jill had stopped Mike by taking him upstairs, which was getting a new kind of meaning for me now. "My parents'll be home soon."
"Oh, uh, like how soon?"
"What?" I checked my watch. "Any time, so if you- Wait, what were-"
"What about him? Mike?"
"He's spending the night."
She boggled. "With HER? I mean like WITH her?"
"Yeah? Oh. Yeah. My parents said, they'd rather have us having sex or whatever," except I meant sex, "HERE, instead of in a car or someplace. It's safe here. So, I mean, they know-"
"Is SHE living here?"
"Um..." I kind of wasn't cleared to disperse that, by Jill; and I was sure Nicole wasn't cleared in to get it. "Kind of, but I can't tell you anything about why, it's classified. DON'T ASK," I insisted when she was going to. "Suck up," I told her as I mimed smoking. She did. "Wait, did you want to spend the night?"
After a few moments she exhaled, "I dunno!"
Pause, wherein she took another hit and held it.
"Do you... want to?"
She looked at me like she didn't know what she wanted and she desperately wanted me to tell her. Then the interrupt kicked in and she turned her head and blew.
I thought about it. "I'd kind of like you to," I said.
"I told my parents I'd be at a friend's house, when I thought maybe..." She got angry.
"Yeah, but forget him, you've got me." I grinned at her, and she eventually halfheartedly grinned back.
Then, since I kind of wanted to test her commitment or some such, I held out my hand to her, kind of at waist level instead of up in her face.
She looked down at it, and licked her upper lip, and then reached out and grasped my hand in hers. And squeezed.
And gently smiled at me.
I smiled back. And squeezed back.
22:35 14 Feb
She'd just finished and was stabbing it into the guest ashtray when the garage door lit up, like someone was pulling into the driveway. And since it was unlikely that my sister - either the good Susan or the evil one - was coming to visit, and Brian knew better than to steal a car and bring it here, it was probably my parents. I'd wished, though without really believing it possible, that they'd get a hotel room.
"Oh shit."
"What?" The garage door opened.
"If you're here, and we're out of my room, you're gonna have to meet the 'rents."
She looked horrified.
"See what kind of trouble smoking gets you into?"
She flipped me the bird as Dad's car pulled into the garage. "Fuck you bitch!"
I cursed to myself, "Damn damn damn damn..."
"What- I mean, what's-"
"They're my PARENTS, Nicole. That means they are inherently humiliating. Just having them is almost more than I can stand." She laughed, but it was true. Well, in a jeez-I'm-fucked-in-the-head sort of way that made no sense to anyone who wasn't a teenager.
"Oh your hair!" Nicole gasped.
"What about my- Oh." I put my hood up before they came out of the garage, and then all I could do was hope. It wasn't really 'illegal' for me to have my hair done like it was, but I had a feeling Mom would get pissed off. And, judging by the way she was clinging to Dad - disgustingly - she had a nice alcohol-induced mellow going on that she would NOT appreciate me harshing up. By, say, displaying some excessively feminine hairstyle.
And then they were approaching the back porch and giving Nicole the Eye and then giving ME the Eye.
"Mom, Dad, this is Nicole, a friend of mine from cosmetology. Nicole, these are my parents, Bill and Sarah Tucker."
"It's nice to meet you, Nicole," Mom said, slurring a little which suggested she'd gotten overly drunk I mean mellow while they were out. "I take it you're staying overnight?"
Nicole whimpered, "Um yeahifthat'sokay?"
"Yes," Mom said slowly, then her eyes got narrow and she sniffed. Then she pointed a finger at Nicole. "It gets harder to quit every cigarette you have."
Nicole glared back at her. "I know," she snarled. "I got the lecture. From him!" she pointed.
Mom nodded in satisfaction. "Good."
"Did he give you the house rules?" Dad asked Nicole, and she nodded, nervous again. "Have a good evening, then," he said.
"Oh," I remembered to tell them, "Jill's home, and Mike's staying over."
They stopped, and looked at me, then at Nicole.
"Um, with Jill," I added.
They looked at each other. Then Mom giggled. Dad said, "Guess it's..." before he took Mom's hand and left. "G'night!" I don't know if they were doing anything else; I had closed my eyes when it got gross. And it was only going to get grosser.
"That's it?" Nicole asked, which made me open my eyes.
"Well... Yeah, I guess," I said. That wasn't nearly it, but if I was lucky I wouldn't have to see any more of it. Or hear it. Or, dear gods of darkness preserve me, smell it. "That went better than I thought it would."
She shook her head and commented, "Man." Then she looked at me. "Y'know, it wouldn't be this easy if you were a girl."
"Yeah it would," I countered. "They'd rather my sister do it here most of all." She got really wide eyed. "That did not sound right," I complained. "But, yeah, the policy was put in place because of my older sister, and I can't talk about why."
She shook her head and said, "Your family is WEIRD."
"N- Well, I guess," I admitted. "That's what everyone else says."
She made a face. "So if like EVERYONE says it..."
I stuck my tongue out at her. "Wanna go in?"
She stopped, and hugged herself, and looked around.
"Nicole," I sighed, then stopped to think.
She complained, "I know! It's stupid, but I keep having second thoughts."
"Probably fifth thoughts by now."
She laughed a little. "Yeah... I mean, I want to, but I keep... I mean, SHOULD I? Or am I bad for even wanting to- Yeah, I know it's stupid!" I must've let something show on my face. "But..."
I reached out for her hand and, when she let me grab it, I squeezed gently. "Nicole, you're worrying too much about it."
"I mean," she looked around again, "I've never..."
"Never what?"
She looked at me, kind of annoyed, and said, "I'm a virgin, okay?"
*Oh BOY,* I thought.
"So," she continued, "I don't- I mean, what if I don't like it? I mean that's stupid," she said rapidly before I could, "but I'm worried about that, and should I keep my virginity? But it's stupid, 'cause no one else is, and then it's like, what if I don't like what you're doing, or-"
I interrupted, "Then you tell me to stop and I stop." That part I could handle.
"But what if you don't!"
"Then it's rape, and my mom'll pull my intestines out."
"Ech," she commented.
"It'd hurt a lot worse than 'ech'. That is NOT going to happen with me. Besides, my parents are right there. And you know the bunk bed in there? If you want to stop, we stop, and you can sleep up there, alone, if you want. If you REALLY need to go home, I can turn off the alarms and take you, but it's really a pain in the ass, and I don't know what your folks would say about you coming home at two in the morning. But you can, okay? You just need to give me a few minutes."
"Okay," she said, not sounding convinced. On the other hand, she was still holding my hand. My other hand, haha.
"Nicole?" She looked at me. I squeezed hands, and said gently, "The best way to, to make love, is to talk about what we both want and don't want. If you want something, or don't, then you're SUPPOSED to tell me. That'll make it fun, and good."
She just squeezed back a few times. "And you've really done It before," she confirmed.
"Yes." I didn't yell, which I was a little proud of.
She didn't say anything, she just stood there, holding my hand firmly, while looking off into the yard.
Finally, she turned a little bit and looked into my face. And nodded.
"Would you like to kiss me? I think it's traditional," I joked.
She smiled, and leaned over and gave me a little dry kiss on the lips.
Before I could joke or complain about that, though, she gave me another, and another, and on the fourth one she opened her mouth against my lips and it lasted a good long while. A very good, long while.
22:41 14 Feb
Nicole broke the kiss and said, "I'm getting cold."
While she was holding my body - when had she done that? - it was, in fact, getting colder out here. "Me too." I almost asked her if she was sure, but decided that that would just complicate things. So instead I let go of her, which got her to let go of me, then took her hand and led her inside - pausing to lock the back door - and up to my room and shut the door behind us.
She looked nervous again.
"I don't think we're doing the kissing right," I tried. "Want to try it again?"
She grinned, and didn't say anything as she pushed me up against the door and tried it again, her arms going high because mine had gone low, and wrapping around the back of my head and pulling me towards her mouth.
She was the same height as me, and not wearing heels, so I actually got to kiss her 'straight on' as it were. It was a new, and nice, experience.
22:50 14 Feb
"Sorry! All the girls I've been with, they just kind of pull their own clothes off and look at me like, 'What's taking you so long?'"
She laughed at that, and flopped on the bed. I was once again glad I'd gotten taller uprights for the upper bunk; people didn't complain when they didn't bang their head into it. "So, what, I should just strip naked?" she challenged.
I made a face at her, then countered, "Yeah, you should!"
"You first!"
I made another face at her, which she returned as she bounced a few times on the bed. Then I decided, *Hell with it,* and started undoing my shirt.
When I pulled it off, Nicole looked puzzled. "What is that?"
"Body armor," I said before I started making ripping noises with the velcro.
"No shit? Why are you wearing that?"
"I was at school today, remember? Any time I'm there, or around there..."
"Dude, like ALL the time?"
"Yeah? Remember I was out for a couple of weeks 'cause I got the shit beaten out of me?"
She shook her head, then got up. "Can- Would you mind if I tried it on?"
"You're a little bigger than me," I warned her as I got the last strap and pulled the armor off.
"Breasts. It'll squish 'em, which is not fun." It was not fun, every day; and right now I was wishing I hadn't mentioned it because mine hurt now. "Here, head through- Yeah," I said as I slid the one strap over her shoulder. "Lemme do the other one..."
"Ow," she complained.
"Yeah, hurts, doesn't it," I agreed as I pulled the other straps tight.
"Is there like a metal thing in here? I think it's off-"
"Yeah, that was for my ribs. Extra rigid where I needed it." I got the last strap on her side. "So. That's what I wear all day."
"Jeez. What do you- You've got boobies!" she gasped and pointed. "Ohmigod!" she squeaked.
At least she wasn't screaming it. Not like anyone in the house would be surprised; they'd just be annoyed. *This is why I didn't want to date other girls,* I remembered.
"Remember how I said I don't want you to talk about what happens in here? That's why." *One reason anyway.*
"Oh, jeez... Are they like... Do they hurt?"
"Especially after being in that thing all day," I pointed at her.
"Oh..." She stood up, and felt herself up, which I had to specifically not watch. "It's not that bad... Well I guess it would be after a few hours," she corrected herself before I could.
"It is," I assured her.
"But, I mean... Have you seen a doctor about those? They really seem kind of... big..."
"Yeah, I did, and..." I shook my head. "Can't really do anything about 'em. Not right now." I was NOT going to explain this tonight to her.
"Do you wear a bra? Oh god I'm sorry, I mean, I just-"
"If mine were- I mean, I was wearing one before they got that big-"
"They're not THAT big!"
She countered, "Oooh yeah they are. I mean, I'm sorry if I'm like pissing you off, I don't mean it like that, but..." She shook her head.
"Hey, if you're going to talk about 'em, means I can rub 'em," I realized, and proceeded to rub a lot and scratch a little.
She giggled, but then started pulling at the armor as she said, "That looks like a good idea. Does this thing..."
"Just velcro, so just pull 'em off." She made a lot of ripping noises, and I had to interrupt myself to take the armor from her and set it up for quick-donning and put it on its stand.
Now she was rubbing her chest. And had a goofy look on her face that was probably what I'd looked like when I'd been doing it to myself.
"Want to take your bra off?" I suggested.
She moaned in pleasure at the idea, then asked, "Um, would you mind not watching?"
I turned away before I said, "Um, I was planning to keep the lights on, so, I mean, if you still want to... to 'do something'," I emphasized, "I'm gonna see 'em anyway."
"And I'll get to see yours. Ohhhhh," she moaned lustily.
"What ARE you doing?"
"Scratching," she sighed.
"Sounds like you just had an orgasm."
"Jeez I wish. Oo!" she squeaked and started giggling.
"Did you have another one?"
"No!" In a slightly calmer tone she said, "It just feels good."
"Orgasms usually do," I said, and got slapped on the shoulder. "Hey! Not into that! Are- Did you put your shirt back on?"
"Yeah okay," she said, so I turned back around. There was a bra draped across my kneeler chair and she was still fondling herself, through her T-shirt.
When she noticed me watching - what else was I supposed to do? - she giggled and then grabbed her breasts, one in each hand, and squeezed them at me.
"Ow! Don't do that!" I complained before I un-protected my breasts. Not for the first time, I observed I now had new reflexes which I hadn't tried to program in. Which was a little disturbing.
"Do yours hurt?"
"Only if you do something like that!" I lied as my arms came back up. "They hurt when they grow."
"Oh yeah- Oh really? So yours hurt like too?" She made a weird little face for half a second. "Can I- Would you mind if I looked at 'em?"
"You have to take your shirt off too," I said. I had standards.
She giggled but did, so I did the same thing, and then we were both topless.
"Wow," she said. She wasn't staring at my face when she said it.
I said gallantly, "I like yours better."
"What? Oh-" she started to complain as her arms flew up to cover her breasts. "JEEZ this is weird!"
"My whole life has gotten weird like that," I sighed.
"I'm sorry, I mean I don't- I'm not trying to be mean," she said hurriedly. "It's just..."
"I've had to play show-and-tell with some of the girls I hang with," I admitted. "They want to see me too."
"Yeah... Are they sensitive?"
I growled, "Ooooh yeah."
She laughed. "You sounded so BUTCH when you said that and you were talking about your tits!"
"Okay okay, shut up," I told her, trying to keep from smiling.
"Sorry, sorry..." She wiped her face, then looked around.
"Want to sit on the bed? It's the only place in the room to sit unless you can sit on that," I pointed at my kneeler chair. "I think I'm the only person that can, though."
"Yeah I mean I CAN, but yeah," she said as she flounced onto my bed. I sat sort of next to her, trying to fit myself between too-close and not-close-enough. "Can... Can I touch one?"
"Which one?"
She gasped, "What?"
I snickered. "Let me touch yours?"
Her breath caught and she had to force it, but she nodded as she flushed, and then said, "Okay. Okay."
"Yeah." She grinned weakly at me and added, "I've never gone this far with a guy, I mean taking my shirt off."
"Really? Okay. Just remember, if you want to stop, we can, but you HAVE TO TELL ME," I emphasized.
"Yeah okay, thanks," she smiled.
Pause. She was kind of excited, judging by her respiratory rate.
Finally she asked, breathlessly, "Do you like my breasts?"
I smiled - not grinned or smirked; it was deliberate - and said, "I think they're beautiful." They were, too. But I was kind of prejudiced, or maybe 'partial' was the word, since they were right there in front of me, in my room.
She smiled back.
23:01 14 Feb
"You like it?"
"Yeah... It's kind of stimulating," I admitted. I was 'kind of' extremely hard and jammed painfully into my underwear. "Is it your turn again?"
She giggled, and stopped touching me, so I resumed touching her. She liked to be caressed a little more firmly, at least on her breasts, than I did.
Suddenly she complained, "Hey wait! Shouldn't we be kissing first?"
"Is that a rule?"
She giggled, "Yes!"
I snickered back as I asked, "Do we have to put our tops back on?"
Then we just laughed.
"Hey, does this count as a date?"
"What, tonight? Yeah," I supposed. "Dinner and... after," I selected.
She giggled. "'After'. I like that."
"Not like you're GONNA like it."
She laughed.
When she had basically stopped, I asked, "So this is where I kiss you?"
"Yeah," she smiled.
We had to wriggle around so we didn't jam hard parts into sensitive breasts - four total - but then we ended up face to face at very close range.
"You're pretty," I said as a starter.
"Your hair's still pretty," she smiled, and reached across and touched it. Then she stroked it.
"You're prettier than I am, though, and so's your hair."
She made that sort of noise that's halfway between a giggle and a sexual sigh. I decided that now would be a good time to kiss her.
It apparently was.
23:04 14 Feb
We stopped kissing, and Nicole smiled lazily at me, and stroked my hair some more.
I ran a finger along her bare back, and she shivered, though her eyes stayed open. She smiled more, though.
"How's it going so far?" I asked.
She laughed, and pulled my head towards her and kissed me some more.
23:09 14 Feb
Having satisfied the kissing prerequisite, we had moved along to oral stimulation of breasts, which Nicole was enjoying immensely.
"That really feels- Oh wow, you DO know how it feels!" she realized, again I think.
I stuck two fingers in my mouth long enough to get them very wet, then used them together on her other nipple.
"Ohhhh," she moaned happily, and pulled my head against her chest a lot harder than I would've done. Then she let go of my head with one hand and pushed my rubbing fingers against her other breast. I winced at the thought of jamming fingers that hard against mine, but she seemed happy.
I would've stopped after a few minutes, or mentioned trading or something, but the longer I kept at it, the harder she pulled and the more noise she made and the harder she pushed the rest of her body against mine. I figured she knew what she was doing - well, sort of, at least as it applied to her - and kept on keepin' on.
23:15 14 Feb
Nicole exclaimed, "Ooowwwwwwwww-OOOOHHHHHHHHH!" and pulled hard enough to hurt ME as she arched and thrust against me before going rigid.
This is where me not being a virgin came in handy, I noted, partially as a way to ignore the pain she was putting me in; I knew that stopping was nearly the worst thing I could do at the moment. So I didn't stop.
"Oh oh oh oh oh oh OHHH OH! OH! Ohhhhhh..."
Then she deflated and relaxed, and I stopped and pulled a little away from her. Then I realized she'd probably want something, and repositioned myself so I could kiss her, which I did, but just for a moment because she was breathing fast like she was trying to catch up to her own exertions. Heh.
"I think you liked that," I told her.
Her eyes half-opened and she smiled wearily. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," she sighed.
I kissed her again, which made her stroke me along my side.
23:17 14 Feb
"That was really good," she mentioned.
"Glad you liked it." She laughed lazily. "But!" She opened her eyes and looked at me eventually. "That doesn't, technically, count as losing your virginity, just as a reminder."
She gave me a heartbreaking smile, tender and loving, and stroked my hair again near my forehead.
"So," I continued, "IF," and I touched her nose very lightly with a fingertip, "you want to, tonight, then we have to keep going. And do some more. Like take off our pants," I remembered.
She started giggling, then hugged me (which unfortunately hurt, but I didn't say anything) and kissed my neck before giggling some more.
Since I couldn't kiss her in this position, I stroked what I could reach, which was mostly her bare back. "Or, we could stop," I reminded her, though I kind of had a feeling she didn't want to.
"You don't want to stop?"
"C'mon," I teased, "say it like you mean it."
"NO we are not stopping!" she said forcefully enough to hurt a little, and then started giggling again. "Damnit!" she giggled.
I got a thumb on her nipple, which stopped the giggles with a gasp. "So," I asked as I made circles, "what would you like to do next?"
"What about you?" she wondered, or maybe accused.
"Oh, I'll get my chance eventually," I teased, "When you're too tired to say no."
That made her giggle, but she said, "No, come on, it's your turn." Then she laughed. "Taking turns like kindergarteners!"
"That's so we both get a chance to play, though, right?"
She laughed more. "This is fun!"
"It's supposed to be fun!"
"No, I mean..." She pulled away a little, so I let go. "I mean, I was like all nervous about it, everything, but..."
"It's SUPPOSED to be fun," I repeated, and stretched so I could kiss her lips. "'Not-fun'... wouldn't be any fun." Which was lame but true, or true but lame.
"Yeah," she said, and hugged me before kissing me some.
Then she pulled back and lifted herself on one elbow. "So... like, I can ask you to do ANYthing?"
"And I can say no," I reminded her.
"Well yeah," she said sharply, "of course!" with a 'duh' included as a bonus.
When nothing came out, I trailed a finger across her bare belly, and asked, "So, what did you want to ask?"
She took a deep breath. "Ummmm..."
Nothing else came out.
"What is it about girls that they can't just say it?" I wondered out loud. "Everybody gets like this unless they are really drunk."
"Maybe I could have another wine cooler?"
I countered, "Maybe you could tell me what you wanted? Silly," I said to soften it. "Or," I got a clue, "maybe I should tell you what I want?"
"Yeah!" she said, relieved. And then she giggled and added, "And then I could maybe say no!"
"Of course," I agreed. "Um..."
*Okay, this is why girls can't just say it.* I suggested, "How about I go down on you?"
"What? REALLY?!" she gasped in shock. "You'd do that?"
"What? I've done it several times," I told her. "Do guys not do that normally?"
"What? Are you serious?"
"'S'what I heard," she claimed. "I mean _I_ dunno but that's- I mean, I've heard it's really hard to get guys to go down on you."
"Wow. What a bunch of assholes," I commented, which made her laugh a lot. "See, this is why I'm not gay, 'cause men are assholes." That made her laugh a lot more.
23:32 14 Feb
She was greatly enjoying her first taste - so to speak - of oral sex, and I wasn't having a bad time either. I was beginning to like having women gasping how I should keep doing what I was doing and begging me for more. Sort of made up in a way for all the times they, as a class, had been shits to me before. Plus, as vengeance went, I was pretty sure no one would mind this.
*Yo, take it, bitch! Take it like the slut you are!* I thought, and sort of smiled to myself. Nicole couldn't see my face and she was rather preoccupied anyway.
23:40 14 Feb
"Kind of aerobic, isn't it?"
She panted at me, and squeezed my hand. She'd had rather a few orgasms.
"Good so far?"
Eventually, she nodded.
23:44 14 Feb
"So, um, so do I like have to go down on you now?"
"You don't have to."
She smiled a little. "I wouldn't mind..."
I detected falsehood. I wondered, "Have you ever done it?"
"Gone down on a guy?" I nodded. "Once?" she answered like she was asking me if it was okay. "It was kind of gross."
"Gross?" 'Painful' I could see, since the way you had to hold your mouth was abnormal, and tended to cause cramps. "What'd he do, try to deep-throat you?"
"No, he- he came, in my mouth."
"W- No condom?"
"Eyuch. That would be gross."
"He didn't- He SAID he didn't know he was going to cum so fast," she corrected, and I think we were both skeptical. "Can guys- I mean, could he have had like a surprise orgasm?"
"Well... I mean, if you're going down on him he should've figured he was going to," I stated the obvious. "But, I mean... Yeah, I guess. Still. He should've been wearing a condom."
"Do you have condoms?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yes! And not from eighth grade sex ed either."
She giggled. "So, um, would you like me to?"
"To what?"
"You know!"
"I want to hear you say it. You're my little slut tonight," I teased her, and stroked her side down to her bottom, while she giggled madly.
"Do you want me to go down on you?! Stop it!" she shrieked, so I stopped. After a few seconds, she said, "No, wait."
"I am waiting."
"Okay," she said, catching on. "Could you kiss- Why am I asking you this?" she asked as she caught some more clue.
"I don-"
She pulled me backwards on the bed and we twisted so we could kiss.
23:47 14 Feb
"So you get hard when I play with your titties," she observed, and giggled.
I shot back, "So do you! Your little clit sticks out."
"It does not! Wait, does it?"
"I bet it does."
"No way!"
23:50 14 Feb
It did, so we were now sporting sort of matching hard-ons. Mine was quite a bit bigger than hers, of course, though I wasn't really that large.
"Wait wait wait, can I go down on you?" she asked as she pushed me away from her again. Maybe I was distracting her, haha.
"Well... Seriously? I don't- This is one of those things you're not allowed to talk about outside this room, okay?" I waited until she nodded. "I don't really like it."
"What? Are you fucking SERIOUS? No way! You can't be serious! Why NOT?!"
"Well, I only get one shot at a time, unlike SOME people I could kiss," and I kissed her to show her who I meant, "and... and I'd rather be doing something else. I LIKE girls," I emphasized, "and I like their bodies and I like their faces and I like... Don't take this wrong, but I like their smells too, an-"
"Do I smell?" she asked, like I was afraid she would.
"You smell like an excited girl, and it's NOT bad. Plus I can taste your skin," which I did to show her what I meant.
"No, I mean, what do I smell like?"
I pulled back a little. "What? You smell like a sexually excited woman."
"You can smell that?"
"I had my nose stuck in it for twenty minutes!"
"Not that! I mean..."
"Yeah, a little. I've got a really sensitive nose, I guess." She made an unhappy face at me. "Nicole, LISTEN to me. You're SUPPOSED to smell like that. It's like getting wet when you're aroused; you smell aroused too."
Her eyes got bigger. "Seriously?"
I sighed. "Would I be saying it over and over if I wasn't serious? YES! And it's great!"
"Do you smell?"
That made me blink. "I... I don- Probably. I guess I would, but I can't smell it," I said as she - I knew she was going to do this - leaned over me and started sniffing at me. "Feel free to kiss anything that looks interesting," I mentioned, which made her giggle.
After a couple of minutes, she leaned back and shook her head. "I can't really tell."
"Smoking does kind of- You KNOW it's true," I overrode her as she started to protest. "It's like being in a rock concert and then you can't hear afterwards." She glared at me. "Look, I'm just saying... Why am I talking to you?" I leaned over and kissed her shoulder instead. "Me talking just messes things up."
She laughed, and stroked one of my breasts.
00:04 15 Feb
She pulled her mouth off my condom-covered penis, which was not especially erect - in fact, it was slowly fading - looked up at me from between my legs, and said, "Seriously, looking at this does NOT make you hot." It wasn't a question.
"Seriously... no. Does it make you hot?" I asked. She made a face and I hastened to add, "No, seriously. Does it?"
She rocked back on her heels as she - I hoped - thought about it. "I dunno. I guess not?" she asked as she looked up at me again.
"I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's not you!"
"Good!" she agreed.
"So come back up here and let me show-"
"Let ME do something..." She started giggling as she started to stand up. I held out a hand and she grabbed it, the wrong way but we managed to get her upright anyway. "Lie down," she suggested, so I did, and she climbed on top of me.
"Um, I don't think I'm hard enough to penetrate you," I told her.
"What? Ahhh!" she shrieked in surprise, because I guess that wasn't what she'd been thinking about doing, and fell or threw herself off me. "OhmigodIalmost DID IT and I didn'tevenNOTICE!"
Through her hysterical laughter, I reassured her, "You would've noticed. It's not like it's going to jump up or chase you or anything."
00:07 15 Feb
I'd sat up to get something to drink, because I was a little dry.
When she'd almost stopped laughing, I caught her eye, then wiggled my dick towards her and made barking noises. She started screaming and holding her face. And laughing.
00:16 15 Feb
"If you do that again I am going to HIT YOU," Nicole emphasized. She was probably wanting to breathe for a while, which she hadn't been doing very well.
"Okay, okay, okay." Then I looked at her. "You have to admit, though, it was funny."
"Shut up!" she squeaked as she tried to repress another outbreak.
"Want something to drink?" I asked.
She nodded as she gasped for air.
00:18 15 Feb
She stated, "This IS fun."
"Yeah." I smiled at her, and she smiled back. "Best kind."
"Yeah," she sighed happily.
00:20 15 Feb
"I'd like to go pee," she said apologetically.
"Put a robe on," I told her as I handed her the good one I'd started keeping in my room when Pam started staying over.
"You have two?"
"Well, yeah... Comes in handy if a girl stays over for some reason or another," I mentioned with a grin. I would've tried to look innocent except there was no way I could've.
00:27 15 Feb
"Feel better?" I asked her as I shut my bedroom door again.
"Uhuh," she agreed before she yawned hugely.
"Oh, man, don't do that... we're still getting warmed up!"
She stopped and looked at me with wide eyes before starting to giggle. "Dude you're fucking kidding!"
"Ooooh, nooooo," I assured her as I shook my head.
"Ohmigod you haven't even cum yet!" she realized.
"That either. C'mere, little girl," I said as I reached - a bit slowly, in case she didn't want me to - for her hand, and grabbed it. I guessed she did want me to, or didn't mind anyway. "We- No. More kissing," I decided, and began kissing her lightly on the lips.
She called, raised with tongue, and then started slipping my robe off my shoulders.
00:32 15 Feb
Despite a rather forceful beginning, we'd sort of trailed off, as it were, and now were both nude on the bed, lying next to each other, as she gently licked and sucked one of my nipples and played with the other one. Unlike how she wanted hers done, I wanted mine soft and gentle, which had made her laugh at how girly I was; but she was doing it, to me, just like I liked it, which sort of meant I couldn't complain about the laughter.
Not like I really wanted to; I was kind of distracted, and feeling pretty good.
She stopped fondling a nipple and shortly thereafter started fondling my dick. "You REALLY like having your breasts played with," she stated. Probably because I was extremely hard.
When I collected enough of my wits to reply to her, I reminded her, "You're the one that had the orgasm from playing with 'em."
She snorted which devolved into a giggle. Then she pulled back a little to look in my face. "So, have YOU ever had an orgasm from someone sucking your little titties?" She brushed one to make sure I knew what she was talking about.
"Uh... Once, I think," I thought. *Wait, who was- Oh.* I didn't want to think about him. "I don't think that's gonna happen again, though. It was sort of the shock of it. Now," I grinned, "everyone's playing with them, so it's not that exciting any more."
"Awwww," she lied. "That's too bad," she said slowly as she slowly rubbed her palm across my breast.
"It is, but..." I took a breath, because I'd lost mine. "You know, I hate to bring this up, but I would REALLY like to cum sometime tonight..." I paused, because she was going to laugh.
"Uh huh," she cooed at me as she continued to play with my breasts. And did not laugh.
I was getting cross-eyed or something from the stimulation. "Oh, jeez, Nicole, can we have sex? Intercourse?"
Her hand stopped in shock as she sort of blinked.
"I'd really like to," I said, and started stroking her.
She started breathing deeply - or again - and nodded. "Right. We were gonna..."
"You asked, remember?"
She nodded.
"Hey, I mean, we don't have to, if-"
"No... I mean, I guess I kind of owe you or something."
Pause, in which we both stopped moving.
"Do you know just how stupid what you just said was?"
"Why is it stupid?"
"Because! It's your body; you don't have to give me sex just because I did something nice for you!"
"It wasn't just 'nice'!" she countered. "It was really great! And you fixed dinner too? You know nobody's ever done that before for me on a date. Not really," she said as she trailed off, looking depressed.
"Dawn," I thought she said, and I glanced to the window which suggested it was still dark, and a glance the other way at the clock confirmed that it was REALLY dark, and then I remembered the asshole's name.
Then I had to think of what to say to get her out of the bad mood.
"Well," I tried, "the problem with him is, he just doesn't have any of these," I said as I framed my own breasts with my hands.
She gave me a look which said, 'I appreciate the effort, but it did not work.'
So I gave it up and just pulled her into an embrace.
She eventually said, "So, what happens if I decide I don't want to have sex, like the real thing tonight?"
"Uhhh... then we discuss whether you want to sleep in the top bunk, which I sort of hope not 'cause I like sleeping with girls- I mean, in the same bed. It's nice. And then, maybe we stop, or maybe we do something else sexual that isn't intercourse. If we want to." I kind of wanted to. I felt a little strained and swollen, actually; not the usual erection, but something a little worse, like a swollen runny nose.
"Do you- You said you wanted to," she corrected. "But, like if I don't..."
"Then we don't." 'Duh' I didn't add.
"What else could we do, though?" she asked. "I mean, you said," and she started to smile, "you didn't want a blow job, and I guess you didn't 'cause you kind of..."
"Went half-limp during it, yeah," I said out loud. "Well... You could try sort of a hand job, I guess," I guessed. It had been a while since I'd had to worry about it.
"I mean, you could just jerk off too, right?"
"Wh- Oh, yeah, I guess," I admitted. It had been a while since I'd done that.
"Do you- I mean, I'm curious... Do you like do it to porn?"
"Do wh- Masturbate?" She nodded. "Yeah, I guess... sometimes." That's what I had done, occasionally, back... "Holy shit."
"What? Did I say that out loud?" When she nodded, I moaned, "Oh hell," because she was going to demand to know what that was about. "Um, it's been a while since I did it."
She did not believe me.
"I just don't have that high a sex drive when I'm by myself," I told her. "And I've, uh, I've been kind of busy lately. Or popular." That was just a wrong word, or concept, when applied to me.
"Yeah sure," she disagreed.
I was going to argue, but then I realized I'd look more normal if I let her think I masturbated regularly. I had no idea how often guys did it, but I was pretty sure I was way at the low end of the scale, since I literally could not remember the last time I'd done it. *Excepting rubbing myself when with someone,* I allowed, because I'd probably done that way more recently. Though not to orgasm.
Nicole said, "So, I mean... You like jerk off to porn, right?"
*One track mind,* I sighed to myself. "I guess, yeah." I knew where this was going.
"Can I see it?"
No I didn't know. "What?"
"I wan- I mean, I bet you have computer porn, not like magazines and stuff," she started to grin at me, "and I want to see what it looks like."
Pause, in which I tried to think and nuttin' happened.
"What? Oh. You really want to see it?"
"Yeah? I mean if you don't mind?"
I did, but I couldn't say why.
Yes I could; I was worried she'd make fun of me for it.
00:43 15 Feb
"That's it?"
"Well, I mean, there's more if-"
"I thought it'd be some kind of program or something," she said.
"Oh. Uh, no. Just pictures. And text."
"Like a story?"
"Yeah... uh, the pictures aren't with the text- I mean, not related or anything. Not like a comic book or-" I was going to say 'manga' but then I'd have to explain it, and possibly show samples, and that way just went to madness. "Or whatever."
"Pretty boring, I guess," I sighed.
"Yeah," she agreed, "well- I mean, I'm not, like, I'm not complaining or making fun of you or anything, I mean, it's cool."
"It's boring." I kissed her shoulder. "You're a lot more interesting."
"You're just saying that 'cause I am," she said, and laughed. "Can I see- like, you said 'text'? Is that like a story or something?"
"Oh, yeah, lots. Lemme see..." I didn't have much text myself, but I knew where to get it. "Hold on a second..." It didn't take much more than that to log myself out of X, then create a guest account for her, make a password, lock the account so it was only accessible through the console and would expire the password in 48 hours, copy a startx into the home directory, add her to the right groups, then log her in and start the browser again. "Lessee..." The Alt Sex Stories Text Repository had more erotic and pornographic text than anyone would ever want, so that's where I put her. Then I opened another window to show her the story codes.
00:50 15 Feb
Nicole was having a lot more fun reading than I'd imagined she would. Good ol' Internet...
Also, she'd needed a hand getting on my chair, but then she was fine on it. Most everyone else just looked at it and complained without even bothering to try. Or just ignored it.
01:03 15 Feb
"Oh man," she said. Luckily, I looked up then, so I was looking at her when she turned around to look at me. "Isn't this illegal?"
"It's like porn!"
"Yeah? So?"
"So isn't that illegal?"
I pointed out, "YOU read it. Not MY fault."
"No, I mean... Is this, like, I mean, anyone can look at it?"
"If they know where to go, if they aren't blocked, yeah."
"Man," she shook her head.
I realized, though, "Oh, but, yeah, technically it's illegal for either of us to be looking at it. We're not supposed to know about sex for another couple of years or something."
That made her laugh.
01:16 15 Feb
I sighed, and looked up at Nicole. She wasn't looking at me, she was looking at the computer. *Man... I kind of had something else in mind...* "Nicole?"
"Yeah just a minute," she lied.
I rolled my eyes. Then I got up, got my robe, and told her, "Back in a minute."
"Okay." She didn't look up then either.
I was shaking my head as I opened my door, and luckily I shut it before I ran into Jill.
Jill smelled like sex. And looked rather upset. Or embarrassed.
"Oh man," I sighed. "Having fun?"
"Uh, yeah," she replied shakily.
She seemed embarrassed. "Are you embarrassed?"
"Fuck you, Tuck!"
*Definitely embarrassed.* "Sheesh," I complained. "I mean, what did you think I was going to think you were doing? You going to the bathroom?" I thought it would be nicer to ask her and maybe let her go first, rather than challenge her to a race like usually happened with my siblings. Well, we didn't usually issue a challenge, we just raced.
"I just went. Tuck, I mean... Is it okay?"
"What... you and Mike?"
*Dames!* "Yeah, it's okay... C'mere, Jill," I said, and gave her a hug. She returned it, which made me feel better. "I hope you two enjoyed each other," I said, pretty much meaning it, as I sort of let go of the hug and slid my hands down her arms to hold her hands.
She looked down at our hands - I'd grabbed each one of hers with one of mine - and it was only then that I realized the way I was holding hers was rather feminine.
As we both looked back up, she said, "If you air-kiss me I am going to beat the shit out of you."
*Identity authenticated...* "Mike'd help you do it too," I sighed as I let go. "Sorry. It's going okay with us, just kind of... girly, I guess."
Her eyebrows went WAY up. "She's a-"
"No! Well, not that she's said," I said, "and not like she's really acting or anything. Um." That wasn't quite true either... "Can you forget I said anything?"
She wobbled her head and said, "What? Why am I standing here in the hallway?" and wandered off to Susan's room in an apparent daze. She smirked at me and waved for half a second before she shut the door, though. And she locked it, but Susan's door wasn't that good a lock.
I slapped myself, because I really did NOT want to bust in and find... well, anything dealing with Mike and/or Jill and some kind of possible sexual anything. It was just reflex, I hoped.
01:20 15 Feb
Nicole was still on the ASSTR website when I came back in. I sighed, and opened one of the Dews I'd brought up earlier. I was vaguely tempted to get into bed and go to sleep, because I was getting annoyed at being ignored, but that would've been extremely rude. And if the Pack had found out about it, I would regret it.
*Plus, George might do something like that,* I realized. *And anything George would do, you gotta figure is probably going to piss someone off.*
Which is why I was having some Dew; I needed to not-sleep, at least probably, and if it turned out Nicole wanted to sleep, I'd cuddle with her until she went under, and then do some synth or something until the caffeine wore off.
"Hey is that Coke?" she asked, finally turning around.
"No, but we brought up-"
"Yeah, could I have one?" she asked nicely. "Please?"
I got up and got her one, and handed to her. She popped it one- handed and seriously imbibed. "I'm kinda tired," she mentioned as she turned back to the screen, "but this is REALLY interesting."
"Oh? What is it?" I asked as I came over to read over her shoulder.
"No! Don't look!" she squealed as she threw her hands over the screen.
I almost choked at the thought of all that phosphoric acid and water going all over my computers, but she was a pro or the equivalent and didn't spill any, so I didn't strangle her. "Jeez. What is it?"
"It's... I don't want to tell you," she grinned sheepishly.
"Nicole, I KNOW it's porn, that's what's THERE. Is it making you hot?"
She opened her mouth like she was going to say 'Awwww' but didn't; she just sat there looking kind of amused, and looking around as her mouth slowly closed. I think she was blushing too.
I had a series of wicked ideas come up in my head, and it wasn't like she was saying she wanted to stop...
So I knelt down facing my kneeler chair, and started to rotate it so she was facing me. "What are you doing?" she started giggling frantically. "Stop!"
"Really, you want me to?"
"What are you DOING?"
I said, "Distracting you," and - now that she was facing me - leaned forward and kissed her thigh. "Because, you know," I said as I stroked the outside of her thighs with both my hands, "here we are, naked, in my bedroom, and you're wanting to read? Nuh uh," I grinned as I started stroking towards her inside thighs.
She laughed, breathlessly, a little.
"Very," I said as I 'slapped' her thigh with one finger, "very," I slapped the other thigh the same way, "naughty." I reached out and stroked her belly around her navel with my fingertips. "And I think you ought to be punished..."
"Ahhhh!" she squealed and started to convulse, which made me reach up and try to grab her so she wouldn't fall off the kneeler-chair. It mostly worked. "Don't do that!" she gasped as we got her rebalanced and back on.
"What should I do, then? For your punishment- Oh, I know," I said as I got a flash. But, being all cruel and everything, I didn't tell her, I just stood up and waited.
She was breathing kind of hard, but eventually she recovered enough to remember her Coke, and she had some. That seemed to refresh her, or reset her, because she put it down in the can holder and asked, "Okay, Tuck, what are you doing?"
I said, slowly and in a sort of mix of sultry and male voices, "I'm going to punish you for being so naughty. Haven't you been naughty?" Her face changed, like maybe this was going to get not-fun. "Say 'yes'," I told her in a conspiratorial voice. "You'll like it."
"Hahaha," she laughed nervously.
"Haven't you been naughty?" I asked again, in the slower, deeper voice.
She had to have some more Coke first, but then she gasped as she swallowed the last of it, and sort of whimpered, "Yes?"
I nodded at her to indicate she'd made a good choice, and patted her shoulder in a friendly way. Then I knelt down again in front of her. "You've been reading to pleasure yourself, and leaving me all alone here... So, I think you ought to show me what you'd be doing if you were alone..." I almost added some more, but since I was speaking slowly, I could sort of listen to what I was going to say, and it was a little more bitter than I really ought to be, so I diverted the rest of it to /dev/null.
She breathed out a faint, "What?"
I stroked both her hips. "If you were alone, you'd be reading that stuff, and pretty soon, you'd be pleasuring yourself with one hand as you used the other on the mouse... sitting there, moaning, as you rubbed your... your most private parts, as you wished that was YOU in that story you were reading..." She was breathing faster, and not complaining, which told me she wasn't really upset with the way I was going. "Isn't that true?"
Her mouth opened like she was going to say something, but she just managed to breathe.
01:36 15 Feb
Mean and cruel ol' me had talked her into pleasuring herself as I watched, from very close range and with a supplemental light shining so I could see everything very very well. The noises coming out of her throat sounded almost like crying, but she did not stop fingering herself, or fondling her breasts with her other hand, and she was wet enough I was glad I'd made her bob up so I could slide a towel under her.
It was neat watching her, too. As much as I'd actually done - not that much - and as many women as I'd been with - not that many - I'd never really gotten to see what a woman's private parts actually looked like, not in good light. And, not surprisingly, I hadn't really been able to see what it looked like when they fingered themselves. Not this well, anyway.
Her face was awesome, too, because it looked like she was being tortured, but she was pretty much doing it all to herself.
Suddenly she changed a little, and actually pushed herself upright so she wasn't really 'sitting' any more; I had to catch her and hold her around the waist so she wouldn't tip the chair over and fall on top of me and the work light.
Now she sounded ANGRY. And the way her hand was going, I could see why they called it 'self-abuse'.
I was really regretting that I didn't have a hand free for myself at the moment, then remembered I was supposed to be a cruel person punishing her. "Sit back. SIT BACK," I snarled as I pushed her back to the seat.
"No SHIT I'm almost- PLEASE!"
I stood up and ran my hands along her arms, having to bend over a bit, until I could grab her wrists and forcibly pull them away from her crotch.
"Stand up. You don't get to cum until you stand up!"
She wailed, "Fucker!" as she wriggled and I helped her up. "PLEASE! I NEED to..."
"Put your hands- brace against the top bunk," I said as I pushed her to where I wanted her. "Both of 'em!"
She did, and now she was a little bent over in front of my bed. I was behind her, like I was going to have anal sex, but that wasn't what I had in mind. Instead, I pressed up against her - telling her, "I am not actually going to fuck you like this," just to reassure her - until she was supporting both of us with her arms, and then I reached around her and down to her groin and I started to massage her thighs right where they joined her torso.
"Oh god what are you gonna do!?"
"Fuck you- fuck you with my fingers, you little slut," I said softly - but firmly - into her ear as I pushed my little finger through her pubic hair and down, until I found her swollen clit, wiped my finger through her wetness, and started rubbing it.
"Oh god oh god ohgodohSHIT HARDER!"
I rubbed harder, and faster, and used my other hand to rub the breast I could reach.
This was rather stimulating, I was discovering.
"Finger-fuck me! FINGER FUCK ME!" she almost screamed as she literally bounced up and down. This was even more stimulating, since my penis was jammed against her buttocks. *Fair's fair,* I thought - sort of - and slid my hand down so I could get a finger into her slit. Which required me to bend further down, which removed my penis from contact with her, which was probably a good thing since she was starting to make me make those sorts of noises.
I managed to get my ring finger inside her and keep my palm partially over her clit, while she made very encouraging noises, and then started going faster.
"Ooooohhhh," she squeaked in this tiny high-pitched voice, totally at odds with the way she was trying to fuck my hand. "Oooh!Oooh!Oooh! Oooh!" Then she made a noise that had all the vowels at once as she tried to ram herself into my hand. I thought this would be a good time to pull upwards and attempt to make my hand go like a vibrator, and apparently it was because she shouted something as she thrust really hard, before she sort of relaxed and began gasping.
"No, no, have two," I said to her, and backed off on the pressure but kept rubbing her.
"No, GOD, I'm sore, please!" she begged, so I stopped, pulled my fingers out - which made her gasp - and pulled her upright.
She wasn't standing too well as I turned her around, with her eyes glazed and looking kind of rubbery and gasping furiously.
"Lick my fingers," I told her, and put them where she could see them, if she could focus her eyes.
Instead, she started to bend, and I guided her to sit on the bed.
"?" she eventually asked.
"Lick your juice off my fingers," I told her, and presented my wet fingers at her again.
Shakily, she leaned forward and sucked my fingers into her mouth. She couldn't really keep sucking on them because she was breathing too hard, but she kept them in her mouth and tongued them a lot.
When she'd cleaned them, I pulled them out - her head came with for a few inches, like she wanted to keep sucking them - and stroked around her neck, which made her eyes close.
"See what happens when you're naughty?"
She smiled and her breathing hitched, like she would've laughed if she could spare the air.
"Want to lie down?" She managed to nod very broadly for that idea.
01:49 15 Feb
"You're evil," she said eventually.
"But at the same time, I'm good." That made her laugh a little. I don't think she was capable of laughing really hard at the moment; she might pass out from anoxia.
01:55 15 Feb
"God, I dunno," she replied. "I mean..." Her eyes kind of bulged at me. "It's been... kind of... intense. Tonight."
"Well, yeah... but, I mean, you should be so relaxed," or limp, or half-unconscious, "that you're not worried about it right now."
She looked at me for a while - or maybe not because it still didn't look like she was quite focusing - and then admitted, "No... Not worried."
"See? So."
She took a few breaths, and seemed to ascend to full consciousness. "Plus... Damn," she said admiringly as she shook her head. "I mean, I might as well, but I mean, at this point I'm kind of thinking 'why bother' since the rest of it... It's been really intense," she told me with wide tired glazed eyes. "I mean, I don't think sex could be any better than this; I'd DIE."
I laughed. "Actually, probably not as good."
That woke her up. "What? Really?"
I reminded her, "Bent over and getting finger fucked."
"Oh shit," she gasped as her eyes unfocused again. "Oh... DAMN... That was GOOD."
Unfortunately I found myself giggling. "Uh, sorry," I said when I managed to shut myself up. "Glad you liked it."
"Oh MAN," she sighed, and sort of rolled on top of me - maybe it was three quarters - and kissed me. "This's really awesome."
I laughed, happy, and ran my hands down her body.
02:09 15 Feb
"Yeah, just lower yourself on top," I told her from underneath, again.
She looked at me uncertainly, then sort of looked inside as she took a deep breath and started to relax her legs and lower her body.
When we touched down there, she bobbed back up. She giggled, "This is so dumb!"
I corrected, "It's not dumb, it's cute!" She chortled a bit, but tried again. "Just push yourself down on top," I told her as I adjusted myself, trying to aim.
"Okay- Oh!" she said as we touched again, and she flinched again but not nearly as much, and she started down again immediately. "Ohhh..."
"It's okay, Nicole, really," I assured her while wishing she'd get on with it. *Get ON it,* I thought, which made me laugh a little. "Do I have to- No, wait; don't you want to make ME crazy with lust?"
She nodded as her eyes closed, and her mouth opened but nothing came out, and she went down, slowly and gently, and didn't bounce this time when we touched, and I managed to slide myself into her as she ssslllooowwwlllyyy lowered herself until she was sitting on my hips.
Pause. This one wasn't awkward, though. I think she was doing the same thing I was doing, just feeling the other person and the difference and all.
"I like it," she said eventually.
"I like it too!"
She started moving slowly up and down, using her legs, and I think we both liked that better.
02:23 15 Feb
NOW, when it was way too late, I was beginning to regret being so cruel to Nicole earlier, because she really did not feel a need to go fast, and I think she was enjoying being able to make me slow down by using her weight on my pelvis, because she was chortling and saying things like, "So how bad do you want it, bitch," and playing with my breasts to a point I was about - but not quite - ready to orgasm from that alone.
She demanded in a harsh voice, "Beg for it."
"Oh god please Nicole, please, fuck me, it's making me crazy! Please! PLEASE fuck me! Oh god..."
She just laughed.
Then she bent down and started sucking on my nipple. That made my eyelids shut.
THEN she started moving her pelvis back and forth.
02:29 15 Feb
"Oh god Nicole NOW-"
I fucked her, alright; I almost managed to bang her head into the revised upper bunk as I thrust into her and pulled her against me-
And then she pinched both my nipples and I died as my brain vaporized.
02:33 15 Feb
"You squeal like a little girl when you cum," Nicole mentioned into my ear. She was holding me gently, which was good, because I think I would've died without it.
It took a while for me to gather enough breath to reply, and so I got to think about it before I COULD say anything, so I was pretty proud of, "YOU make me squeal like a little girl."
That was it for the witty comments, or any comments, for a while, though.
At least from me. "God, you should've seen your FACE..."
02:37 15 Feb
I'd managed to get the condom - the second; the first had sort of been a misfire since I'd ended up needing to pee before I ejaculated - off and a towel between us, but that was about as far as I'd been able to go. Plus, I was having a really hard time letting go of Nicole.
"Are guys always this cuddly? After?"
"The smart ones are."
"Aww," she said, and pulled me a little closer. "You are SO sweet."
"So're you," I said, unable to keep from smiling and unwilling to try.
"God, I think I l-lov-"
I got a hand up to stop her mouth. "Don't say it."
Her head backed away as she complained, "What?"
"It's mostly the hormones. There's something about the after-sex part that makes you feel like that. It'll fade."
"Ohhh," she whined, "but I really-"
"You really feel like that? Yeah, me too," I told her as I stroked her body. "But, seriously... It'll kind of fade after a while. Don't get it confused with, like, marry-and-stay-together-forever stuff. Just enjoy it. I am. With you," I added, and kissed what I could reach.
Pause, in which I kept touching Nicole while getting sleepier and sleepier.
"That just sounds so cold," she eventually said. "So... like, mean."
I admitted, "I guess... but it's real. Realistic. It's stupid to think- I mean, I know that's what all the songs say, and the movies and the TV and everything, but it's..." I was going to say 'bullshit' but that seemed too harsh and edged for the two of us lying here in the bed, naked and cuddling. "It's just Hollywood. Just enjoy it," I repeated. "We don't have to be together-forever just because of tonight."
"TONIGHT," she told me in no uncertain terms, "I LOVE you."
I agreed, "Tonight, I feel the same way," and I was going to say something else but she pulled me to her and kissed me, effectively shutting me up.
02:38 15 Feb
Which, I realized, she was probably doing on purpose, to shut me up. *You bitch,* I thought with a smile.
02:51 15 Feb
The afterplay had been, in a way, more intense than the foreplay, sort of. I knew I felt better, looser and less inhibited around Nicole than I had when we'd started, since I didn't feel like I was going to make a mistake and upset her by doing something like kissing her wrong. She seemed to be feeling the same way, or at least she was acting like it. Not like I was complaining.
03:00 15 Feb
"Uh, Nicole?" I said when I could pry myself loose.
I took her hand and pushed it between us so she could feel it.
"No way."
"Yeah, I'm faking an erection. Well, half of one." It wasn't that hard, but it also wasn't getting softer.
"No WAY," she gently insisted, but she was smiling delightly.
"I think I find you arousing."
"I guess!" Then her eyes flashed and she said wickedly, "I find YOU arousing," before she giggled. "God I am such a SLUT tonight."
"You are," I agreed, and resumed kissing her. "You're my little slut, right? In here, I mean; I wouldn't say it outside."
"Your little slut," she smiled.
03:05 15 Feb
I hadn't really realized why she was concentrating on my breasts until she broke suction and asked upwards, "Do you have another condom?"
"Can we do it again?"
"I think so. I'd like to," I said explicitly, just in case there was any doubt, though by the way I was hard again I didn't wonder, and with her hand down there monitoring the state of things I don't think she was wondering either.
"I want you on top this time," she said.
03:16 15 Feb
I'd managed to torture her into admitting, "It's just not quite..."
"A lot of girls- well, like, half maybe? Don't get off on just intercourse," I informed her. "That's from the girls I've asked."
"You've ASKED?"
"Well, yeah; how else can I find out?"
"God DAMN," she said, shaking her head. "You're like..."
"And you're gonna tell me everything YOU like too, you know. I'll torture it out of you."
She squeezed her vaginal muscles and warned me, "And I'm gonna torture what YOU like out of YOU, you know."
"Eeek," I said with a grin, and we both giggled.
03:22 15 Feb
I was beginning to think that lying on our sides, with the girl masturbating as I was inside her, was my favorite position of all. The girls seemed to like it too. Which, I hoped, would lead to positive reinforcement of the behavior pattern.
"Ohhh, yeah, fuck me now," she requested as she had a little happy spasm. So I did.
03:26 15 Feb
"Oh!" she sang as her eyes went wide then shut and she spasmed around my dick.
"Ohh Nicole!" I said in about the same voice as it was too much for me this time and I came.
"Nnn!" she said as she removed a hand from my neck and slid it between us, and I felt her start to fondle herself again. "Oh!"
08:03 15 Feb
I did not want to get up, but I had to pee.
08:05 15 Feb
A little too late, I remembered to check if I'd removed the last condom from myself before sitting to urinate. I had, thankfully. I dimly remembered pulling it off, but I wasn't sure I'd been conscious enough to actually do it.
08:06 15 Feb
"Dude, how can I be hungry?" I asked myself. I didn't answer, which was good, sort of. But I really wanted to eat something.
08:22 15 Feb
"Dude," Mike said, and I looked around to find him and Jill wrapped around each other like they hadn't ever done before. That I'd seen. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Lover's breakfast," I smirked.
Jill asked, "Where's Nicole?"
"Still sleeping. I got hungry."
"You?" Mike questioned.
"Me. Want something?"
"Yes!" Jill smiled brilliantly, unexpectedly beautiful.
"This in no way implies that you and I had sex last night, Tuck," Mike disclaimed.
Jill hurriedly threw in, "Me neither!" And then smiled at Mike, who smiled back.
*Awwww!* I agreed, "True. But with me here, Jill can't really use the stove to cook YOU something."
"Plus you're better at it," Jill said, which I didn't say. Neither did Mike. He kissed her instead. And she let him.
"You're better at other things," he told her, and she got beautiful again.
*No, she isn't,* I smirked to myself as I went back to torturing eggs.
08:58 15 Feb
Nicole didn't like pork, so she wasn't going to get any; other people were. There was, however, some chicken that got chopped and recooked along with some goodies, and some beef sausage that I hoped Mom wasn't saving for something, and a few other bits and pieces.
And if I hurried, and hurried her, we'd both get to eat it before someone else ate it.
I slipped into my room, and Nicole was still asleep. In fact, she was drooling, I noticed when I got closer.
I thought she might appreciate not looking like that in the morning around her first lover - me.
Oh, that was a nice thought.
So I got a towel and gently wiped her cheek, and as she woke up I slid the towel under her cheek and over the pillow. "Good morning, lover," I smiled to her to distract her.
"Wh-" Then she started to panic, but within half a second she remembered and didn't. "Oh, god," she said with a HUGE smile.
"Want breakfast?"
She blinked at me, as the smile transformed into a different sort of smile. "You did not."
09:00 15 Feb
I got out a toothbrush for her and unwrapped it, but urged, "Hurry, or they'll eat everything."
"Can I- Wait, who?"
"Mike and Jill, they're up."
"I bet Jill cooked."
I couldn't believe she was so insulting.
09:05 15 Feb
"Why the hell do you think I'm living here?" Jill smirked at Nicole before forking some waffle into her mouth.
"Holy shit," Nicole said wonderingly.
"Hey, kiss me so I know you like me," Mike asked Jill, and she kissed him.
"Awww," Nicole commented, I think seriously and not nastily.
"So how was YOUR night?" Jill asked Nicole.
That started the giggling, and the hiding behind hands.
"That wasn't all we did," I felt it necessary to say.
Jill looked at me, and started to blush, and kissed Mike on the cheek as he was stuffing his face.
"I think I know how yours went," I mentioned.
They both gave me all four thumbs up. Mike said, "I am also holding my toes up," which I couldn't see because of the table. "Sturgeon!"
That took me a while, but due to common reading I eventually recollected the rest of the message from USS Sturgeon, a submarine in the Pacific side of World War 2. "Sweet!" I grinned.
"It was," Jill said. "He was good, for a first time."
"Jill!" Mike almost squealed, which made Nicole laugh. Well, she was laughing louder than Jill and I were.
"What about the second?" I asked with a smirk.
"That was better," she grinned. "MUCH better."
Mike was looking around as Nicole caught that she shouldn't really be laughing, or out loud at least, and stifled herself with her hands. "I- I feel vaguely insulted," Mike said.
"Don't be," I said as Jill shook her head and ate some. "I mean, some time had to be first, right?"
"And it was pretty good," Jill said through a half-mouthful of food.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," came out of mine.
Jill complained, "Just eat, you skank." Then she looked at Mike with a sort of appraising look. "Actually, I think it was good enough to maybe do it again sometime."
"Seriously?" Mike and I both exclaimed at the same time, while Nicole just exclaimed wordlessly into her hands.
"What? Yes!" Jill insisted as she started to blush. "It was nice!" Then she looked at me. "I think you gave him some hints," she tried to say sternly but was grinning too much.
"Never let it be said that I don't take good advice," Mike commented, "especially from someone who's done it before." And he tipped his head and waved a casual salute at me.
That made me feel strangely manly. Especially when Jill kept grinning at me like she approved, and Nicole just looked amazed but not unhappy.
Mike picked up his milk glass and presented it and said, "To Tuck!"
Jill picked hers up and added, "Best slut in the house."
I laughed as my face went red, but - I really DID love her this morning - Nicole picked hers up too, and said, gently, to me, "To Tuck."
09:39 15 Feb
"It'd be nice if I could take something to Kim," Jill said as she undid my hair. The style had not really survived the night.
"Yeah, that'd be cool," Mike agreed.
"Y-" A nasty thought occurred to me. "Um, Mike?"
He got suspicious.
"It's just a really bad thought, but- And I mean, I don't think so, just I gotta check."
I motioned him close, and when he did, I whispered, "This isn't to like, tell her you two..."
"No," he replied firmly as he pulled back. "She's sick- ill, I mean. I'd JUST as soon she doesn't show up for breakfast this morning, here OR at the usual, and..." He shrugged.
"Okay," I breathed in relief.
10:07 15 Feb
"Well, I need to go... go to therapy," I told Nicole as I disassembled her hair, like Jill had done for me earlier. "But, you can stay here, and if you want you can have Sunday dinner here about seven."
"Oh god," she sighed sleepily.
"Or, Mike can take you home," I said. "Or, if you want to go right now, I could; but I bet you want to sleep."
"Yeah," she sighed. Then she smiled. "Kind of."
10:22 15 Feb
"Harder, like-" I rubbed her clit harder. "Yeah," she breathed. "Yeah, oh... Wait, don't stop fucking me too," she insisted.
"It's a lot to remember," I gasped out.
"But you're so good at it," she said, and while I realized it was probably a lie, or at least bare encouragement without worrying about the truth, I decided I didn't care.
"Oh yeah oh... Oh, yes..."
10:41 15 Feb
I really had to hurry if I didn't want to be late to therapy, but at least Nicole wasn't getting in my way at the moment. If anything, she was kind of inspiring. For a totally collapsed lump.
I really wanted to collapse next to her, and make one bigger lump, I admitted. "Damnit."
11:02 15 Feb
"You look happy," Rachel observed, which made me giggle.
"I am so fucking stoned on post-coital hormones," I admitted.
She giggled, "You are such a tart!"
"I am! And I'll feel really bad about myself, much later!" That made her laugh. Except, I didn't think I would.
I decided not to dress like a tart, though, no matter how well I'd been fucked.
11:33 15 Feb
"Yeah, they braided it into a chignon," I told Sheila. "And I wish you could've seen what they did to Nicole; I don't even have words. Hot curlers and LOTS of pins," which I would have to give back, which is why they were in a ziplock in my pack, "and ribbons, and all- It looked fantastic."
"So they just did this?"
"Yeah, if you don't run like hell, they'll get you," I said. "It's practice, and every time you do it can count, so the more times they do it, the more it counts."
"Oh, this is for class?"
"Yeah? What did you think I was talking about?"
"I didn't know, really," she said.
12:02 15 Feb
"I think that's a good point," Sheila said, and smiled at me. "I'm really glad you brought that up to her."
That made me feel REALLY good.
"Where did you- I mean, it's unusual for someone your age to... to be so wise, about sex and the feelings and all."
"Oh... the girls, and Mike- Mike's really the font of my wisdom," I claimed, though it was at least half true.
12:50 15 Feb
I almost passed by the mall, but I realized that Nicole would probably have liked a nightgown or something, and I didn't have one, so I did a co-ed turn (after checking, which was not really the co-ed thing to do, but saved on car repairs and insurance premiums) into the parking lot and sought a spot.
13:03 15 Feb
"Jeez!" *No wonder everyone sleeps naked, or in shorts and things.* This was unreasonable.
Except when I thought about Nicole in it. Or someone else. But mostly Nicole.
13:17 15 Feb
One nightgown in size sixteen - the largest they had in the nice white cottony one - one 2X sleep tee in pink with fake embroidery on it because that ought to fit at least anyone I knew - if not two of them at once - plus a filmy scarf that just needed to be wrapped around Nicole's hair, plus another one for me because they had a buy-one-next-half-off sale going, and I was done!
13:29 15 Feb
Except for the goddamned sale on shoes, which was so enraging I had to call Sabrina to see if she knew about it. She did, but didn't think they had as much left as I could see. I decided on the fly that waiting for her and anyone else to show up would be a bad idea, because no matter what I found for myself while waiting, they'd talk me into more when they got here. And I'd already found more than enough.
And then there was a pair of dark red boots which just belonged on Debbie, and were in a size eight, and were the last ones left, so I had to put those on layaway and call her too.
"Debbie? It's Val. There's a pair of boots on layaway for you at the Dillards..."
14:02 15 Feb
"Oh, and condoms," I remembered. Damn, they were expensive... at least until you thought about, say, one treatment set of antibiotics. If it was susceptible to antibiotics.
14:49 15 Feb
"Oh there is?" Rachel confirmed.
"Yeah, and I was just there, and they still had some sizes like normal people wear," I said as I stripped hurriedly. "But I've got a load of groceries in the car, so I gotta go."
"Oh right," she nodded.
"You can come over, of course," I reminded her.
15:09 15 Feb
"Hey, Nicole?" I asked softly.
"Wanna get up?"
"Nnn," she said, and rolled over.
I decided, after a couple of minutes, that that was a 'no'.
18:34 15 Feb
"Nnn?" She sounded so sweet, I just wanted to get in bed with her and cuddle; but I was way too sweaty.
I wasn't too sweaty to sit next to her on the bed. "Nicole? If you get up, you can eat Sunday dinner..."
She rolled over and looked at me. "Oh no..."
She smiled lazily, "You did not..."
"You have been dating the wrong guys if you don't get this kind of treatment," I smirked.
She forced herself upright, the covers falling off and exposing her nude body, and hugged me.
18:38 15 Feb
I had to leave her to take a hurried shower - her, not me, unfortunately; and even more unfortunately, not both of us - and made it downstairs in time to almost run into Debbie.
And Lisa.
*Who let them in the-*
"Quiche, and brownies?" Debbie said as she held up some kind of professional looking carrier.
She was wearing a black skirt and a sweater that just about matched the new boots I could see. "The boots fit?"
"Yeah," she smiled. "Thanks for putting 'em on layaway."
*Yeah,* I decided. I'd sort of wanted something eggy today, for some reason, but hadn't really done anything since breakfast, and that was only one egg, since I had to throw some in the waffle batter, and then other people wanted eggs too. Quiche ought to be eggy. "Go put 'em- No, come on," I changed my mind. The kitchen would be insane; she shouldn't go in there without a guide.
18:56 15 Feb
"Why didn't you do this for me when WE were dating?" Debbie asked.
"'Cause I was stupid," I admitted.
"No kidding," Mike 'contributed' as he grabbed another two serving bowls to put out. "Hey, don't just stand around," he told Debbie. "Grab something."
"Hey," someone said, and I turned around and it was Nicole, smiling at me, and wearing the dress I'd snagged from my stash at Rachel's so she'd have something clean to wear. I didn't know if she was wearing the panties - CLEAN - I'd borrowed with Jill's permission, or the sport bra, but I didn't really need to know.
"Hey," I smiled.
She came up and hugged me, and I stuffed my nose into her now-loose hair, that smelled like the guest shampoo and unfortunately not at all like sex. Well, it was sort of unfortunate; she'd probably appreciate not smelling that that to anyone else, so to speak.
"Are you wearing the armor again?"
"So I don't have to try and wrap my breasts," I said into her ear. "Guys. You know."
That produced a giggle fit.
18:58 15 Feb
Mom and Dad were both giving me the Eye again, as I seated Nicole next to me. Mike had, decently, saved the two seats so we could sit next to each other. Probably not by coincidence, he and Jill were sitting next to each other, as were Debbie and Lisa, as were my parents. The rest of the freeloaders, except they'd best have brought some food if they wanted to be invited back, were scattered around chatting as they waited.
"Play ball!" I called, and there was a mad rush of utensils. "Just grab something or ask for it to get passed," I told Nicole. "It's not that formal."
She asked me, "What did you make?"
"He didn't make the pie, lemme tell you," Mike smirked.
"OR the brownies," Lisa threw in. "Or the quiche!"
I put my finger in the air and ordered, "Quiche!" and something that looked like a pie started moving my way.
"Or the spring rolls," someone said, and I looked for Sally, who was engaged in digging some food out of a bowl.
"Thank you Sally!" I called, and she smiled as she looked up, then bobbed her head at me. "I need some of those."
"What are spring rolls?" Nicole asked in disbelief.
"Ho ho!"
20:12 15 Feb
"Oooh no," I told Nicole, unable to keep from grinning. "Not only did I cook, but I went to the grocery store first. YOU slept all day."
"I was tired!" she protested before getting wide-eyed and giggling into her hands. "Oh..."
"So you get to clean up. Now git!" I said as I turned her around and gave her a tiny swat on the rump, then a little push towards the kitchen.
"That's why," Lisa said from behind me.
"What? That's why what?" I asked as I turned around.
"Why you didn't cook for Debbie."
"Hey, cook's privilege," I protested. "And YOU don't have to clean up. Debbie either, if she helped you," I decided. They probably hadn't had as many helpers as I did today.
"Thank you," she smiled. It looked kind of impersonal, so I tried not to take it personally.
"Actually, though, I had a thought," Debbie said as she swirled into conversational range.
20:19 15 Feb
It was an evil thought, but I didn't think it would work, because the chances of Don The Cad having a girl there for this one convenient (for us) time was unlikely. Assuming that he had THREE (or more) girls in queue, which I thought was really improbable.
Until George commented, "Dude I would TOTALLY do that if I could get away with it."
"George," Mike sighed.
"If I could get two girls to talk to me in the same month," George complained.
Jill mentioned, "If you wouldn't say stuff like that, it'd be more likely."
The thing was, if George was thinking it, every asshole would be thinking it. And Don was definitely an asshole.
21:02 15 Feb
"I do not believe this," Nicole said as Debbie led us into the depths of the restaurant.
"It could get worse," like if George was here, but I didn't get a chance to say that because I was saying, "Oh no."
Same table and everything.
Nicole complained, "He said that was OUR table!"
Debbie nodded from ahead of us.
"I think he's been practicing that line," I suggested. "Those lines."
"Yeah I was gonna say..."
Debbie said brightly, "Don!"
"Hi Don!" Nicole chirped, and waved her fingers at him. Or at the girl in the other chair at the two-person table Debbie had been sitting at last night. And, I guessed, where Nicole had been sitting Friday night.
"What the hell are you doing?" Don complained at us, like he was being unreasonably persecuted.
I reached back and made sure I had my batons, which I did.
"He told you," Debbie said to the girl, "that he could only see you one night a week, right? I was Saturday."
"And I was Friday," Nicole threw in.
The girl looked at Don, who was shaking his head in disbelief, then looked at us. "You're making that up."
"No." "Nooo."
"Nope," I threw in.
"Are you Thursday?" the unknown girl snipped at me.
Well, I couldn't leave that one lying around where someone might step on it. "Kinda! But I think I'd rather get a drink someplace else."
Debbie snorted, then said to the girl, "Just thought you'd like to know," and turned and ushered us towards the door again.
As she moved backwards, Nicole did a little finger wave at them. "Hope you choke on your food, Don," she said sweetly before she turned and pushed me, so I turned and we all left.
"BAHAHahahaha!" Debbie said when the front door shut behind us.
21:19 15 Feb
Not, I guess, surprisingly, Nicole wanted a cigarette before going home. Even mentioning that she'd be less likely to be detected if she didn't have one now, because it had been so long since she'd had one, didn't work.
I did not expect Debbie to pay Nicole for one, and then actually light it. "When the hell did you start doing that?"
Debbie shrugged, and blew a cloud out. "Oh, just sometimes."
"Not when you were with me!"
"You have asthma, remember? So I didn't do it around you," she said like that was totally reasonable.
"When did you start?" Nicole asked Debbie.
"Oh, thirteen."
"THIRTEEN?!" I protested, and they both looked at me like I was the retarded one. "Holy crap!"
Nicole nodded, "Twelve."
"What the hell is the point of making it illegal?" I complained.
Nicole laughed; Debbie just gave me a very Lisa look that said I was being childish and overly idealistic.
21:33 15 Feb
"See you tomorrow?" I asked, or hoped, or... something.
"Sure. Unless they chain me up in the attic," Nicole groused. "Well..." She looked at Debbie, who looked away, and then Nicole kissed me in such a way that I thought she might like a repeat engagement, so to speak. Assuming either she wasn't chained up in the attic, or that I could get in.
21:35 15 Feb
"What a SHIT," Debbie sighed.
"No kidding," I sighed too.
Pause, in which I drove.
21:37 15 Feb
"So you and Nicole, hmm?"
"What? Oh, uh... Yeah," I admitted, hating the blush I was developing. Plus, there was always that fear, around Debbie, that she'd go psychotic if she actually SAW me dating anyone else. Or had it thrown in her face, or mentioned to her, or... I couldn't reach my batons from here, and it was too cramped in the car to swing 'em anyway, but I had a knife under the driver's side dashboard. I 'touched iron' and it was still in place.
I tried, "Did you and Lisa have a better night?"
"Than you two?" she smirked.
"No, than the way it started, or when I saw you or whatever."
She shook her head as she looked out the window. "I should've just gone out with her to start with. I don't even know why I bother with guys any more."
"Me neither. They're pigs."
"No SHIT! Gawd," she sighed.
21:44 15 Feb
"Hey," she said as she got out, and then turned around. "Could I get a ride tomorrow morning?"
"I have to be there at seven," I reminded her.
"Ooh," she winced. "Um, lemme think about it."
"Don't think too long," I warned her.
"Yeah it's almost ten now," she agreed. "Hey, I've got a couple bottles of champagne I was hoping to use, and I didn't have 'em last night. Want one?"
I thought about it. "Like how much?"
She smiled at me.
21:50 15 Feb
"No, she had to go to work early," Debbie reassured me again. I did not want to run into Helen again. "Do you think I'd have asked you in if she was here? I'm NOT that dumb."
I had to admit, "Well, no..." I was still worried, though.
"Well, here's to women," Debbie said, and we clicked our plastic champagne 'glasses' together.
"To women," I said, and smiled at memories, and sipped.
06:10 16 Feb
Someone had urinated in my mouth, I decided. That was the only reasonable explanation. Because, I would've woken up if a mouse had crawled in there to die. Especially since it wasn't a fresh-dead mouse; I would definitely have awakened if a zombie rodent tried to crawl into-
I really shouldn't have thought that because I had to crash-start and get to the toilet before I vomited. Luckily, I took the trash can along the way, because I didn't make it in time.
06:24 16 Feb
"C'MON, Deb, I gotta go!" I shouldn't have allowed myself to go horizontal; I'd blanked out.
"Oh shit fuck YOU," she raged impotently at me. "Here, put this on, and these..."
06:36 16 Feb
I dashed up to my house - I'd parked at the curb since I couldn't afford the time to pull in the driveway - and up the porch stairs and unlocked the front door and thankfully the alarms had been disconnected or something, so I could just run up the stairs, which was a mistake because I had to detour into the bathroom to vomit a few more times.
"Where the fuck were you!?" Jill complained.
06:42 16 Feb
"Gatorade," I told Debbie as I handed her the bottle, and she wasted no time in opening it and swigging some.
"Here," Jill said, and handed me one so I could do the same thing.
06:58 16 Feb
I bailed out, as did Jill, and we trotted for the Industrial Arts building. I wondered why Debbie was coming with us, and really wondered when she sped up and passed us, but then she ducked into a side door with a very unhappy noise and I knew.
In fact, hearing that noise made me go in the other bathroom, but the urge sort of faded, either because I wasn't hearing it any more or because I wasn't moving so fast. "Ohhh, god," I moaned and looked at myself in the mirror. There was, in fact, no fur coating my tongue. Nor was I wearing makeup that I could see, which was good; that was always a worry around Debbie. She had a long history of putting makeup on me, after all. No rodents visible either. That was also good.
I ran some water and splashed my face with it, which helped too. I tried combing my hair back with wet fingers, but I wasn't sure it would-
"Uh, Tuck?"
"Yeah?" I said as I turned around. "Oh hey Nicole," I smiled, because I felt really good about her. Even if she was looking kind of like I had a dead mouse somewhere on my face, though I was sure I didn't. Or the zombie had crawled out and was hanging out in my hair or something. Maybe my ears. "What?"
"Uh," Gabby said, and a couple of other girls giggled.
"Oh shit Debbie!" I gasped, and spun and ran, out the door of the women's room - the mirrors should've clued me in, or the other women in it - and in the other door, the one Debbie had gone into.
No one was happy to have Debbie vomiting in the men's room, judging by the looks I got. "Get the stupid bitch OUT of here!" someone snarled at me as they threw a punch at me, which I dodged in the hopes of finding Debbie before something horrible happened.
Well, nothing did. Unless you count Debbie standing up over a toilet, bent over more than ninety degrees, and retching. Which was, I had to admit, pretty horrible, but not as bad as I could imagine. Like, for instance, her kneeling on the floor; the men's restroom stalls were not as clean as the pre-Hercules Aegean stables. "Deb, got your back," I told her, and she flashed me an OK without looking, before she gagged again.
And again.
I almost had to get my own stall a couple of times, but not quite.
07:06 16 Feb
I was definitely tardy, but class proper hadn't started yet, and if Mrs. Singley said anything I would just throw up all over her gradebook, and then kill Shannon and a couple of others and claim it was the fever. Mrs. Singley just gave me the Eye, and I glared back until I could fall into my seat.
My head hurt.
"Man, what the hell happened to you?" Kim asked.
"Oh god," Jill said, which was good because that meant I didn't have to.
Also, I wasn't entirely sure.
"And when did you get your ears pierced?"
"Oh, ha ha," I sighed. "My ears are not pierced."
"Oooooo kay," she said slowly, and had some more coffee. She failed to offer me any, which I thought was very mean of her.
I then remembered to ask Kim, "Oh, hey, are you feeling better?"
"Kind of," she admitted. "Thanks for breakfast," she smiled.
"Sure thing." Which reminded me of Nicole, so I looked over at her. She looked kind of uncertain, at me, so I just smiled a little and turned away so I wouldn't embarrass her.
Jill asked, "What DID you do last night?"
"I don't know," I moaned, and rubbed my forehead.
07:50 16 Feb
The bell rang, and while most people ran for the doors, I ran - well, walked - for Nicole. Who was running for the doors, and got caught in the happened-every-day traffic jam. "Nicole?"
"Oh," she said as she turned around. "You okay?"
"Better than I was," I admitted. "Um..."
"What happened in there?"
"I... I'll tell you later. Not here. How're you?"
She smiled at me, in a sort of way that made me feel entirely not ready to expire, and even got rid of my headache. "Um, I gotta get to class."
"Yeah..." I hated school; otherwise, we could be making love again up in my room. Or eating. Or sleeping. "Can I call you tonight? After eight?"
"Yeah. Why so late?"
"I babysit, remember?"
"Oh right. Okay... call me right?" I nodded. She smiled again before she turned away.
07:54 16 Feb
"Yeah, I'll live," Debbie was forced to admit. "Thanks for the Gatorade, I think it helped." She looked a lot better, too.
"Great stuff. C'mon, we gotta get to class," Jill pushed.
"Okay, so," I said to Debbie, "I remember some champagne..."
"LATER," Debbie ordered as she got out of my car.
07:59 16 Feb
I interrupted Mike, "I look like shit, I know."
"No, you DON'T, is the problem," Mike told me.
"What? Every day you tell me I look like shit-"
"You do look like shit!"
"Fuck you George!"
"Dude did you get your EARS PIERCED?!" Mike complained.
"What? Fuck you! No!"
"What the hell are those then?"
"What are what?"
"Those!" He grabbed my ear, which hurt.
"Ow! Fucker! There's noth-" There was a metal thing embedded in my ear. No, there were two of them.
No, there were two on each side.
"Oh FUCK," I moaned.
08:19 16 Feb
I really had to do some homework, but I couldn't get over, *What the hell did I do last night?*
The SO: "You shifted gears."
Ellen: ???
The SO: "For one thing, I didn't expect porn on the Internet."
Ellen: "You didn't expect PORN on the INTERNET?!"
Tuck (Regular)
Special Valentine's Day 1998 Edition Part 2: Tuck Another Chance by Ellen Hayes Copyright© 2013, 2017 Ellen Hayes All Rights Reserved. Will Tuck And Nicole Survive Until The Weekend? "Shut UP! Bitch!" I whined at Nicole, "They're PICKING on me! Nicole just looked torn, and giggled helplessly. Kim growled, "Stop whining, Tuck, it's unmanly." |
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Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when
used for satirical purposes.
This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials
containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not responsible.
Continuing to read this document, or storing it or reproducing it in any format means that you explicitly affirm that you are legally allowed to possess and read such materials in your city, county/parish, state, and country.
All rights reserved. See the bottom for distribution rights. ~Ellen.
This story also dings the following bells: sexual innuendo Dialog, foul Language, and maybe Sex and Violence, I forget.
Remember, kids, get your parents and read this story together! Just be prepared to answer their questions. ~Ellen.
Tuck Another Chance
[ rated TV-14DL ]
08:59 16 Feb
Okay, I was pretty sure Debbie and I hadn't had sex. We'd talked,
imbibed champagne, hated men, discussed the men we hated and why, tried
some new makeup - I now had some in my fanny pack, which was not good
for me to have in school; and some more in my backpack in a zippered
soft case which I did not remember putting in there - tried on some
clothes, Debbie had shown me some lingerie, I'd ordered a couple of sex
One of her businesses, that I hadn't known about before, was black
market-style ordering such things for girls, because for some insane
reason it was illegal for teens to buy them. You had to wonder if it
was some kind of we-planned-this-out conspiracy, to make sure teenagers
would be fucking each other, instead of toys and/or using porn for
assisted masturbation, and so getting pregnant and thus being
economically crippled and having to drop out of school and et cetera.
Which would mesh right up with the attempted bans on abortions and
morning-after pills and birth control and sex ed and so on. Then again,
religious people seemed to be more hysterically intent on stamping out
fun, than anything resembling sense or a plan or agenda or anything.
Otherwise, Prohibition wouldn't have passed and a lot of other laws
wouldn't either. Like the ones prohibiting teens from getting porn and
sex toys.
Anyway, she'd talked me into a couple - which, thankfully, had NOT
ended up in my school backpack, though possibly only because she had to
order them - and I'd be debited. I'd also gotten my week's pay. And I
VAGUELY remembered agreeing that I ought to have pierced ears. But not
the actual piercing.
I'd pulled out a mirror - surveillance kind, not the one that was
in the powder compact that was unfortunately now in my fanny pack - and
checked, and they looked symmetrical to me. Thankfully. I'd thought
about pulling them out, but they HURT when I touched them, so I was
reluctant to remove them. Especially in class, where bleeding meant I'd
have to go to the 'school nurse' who was likely someone they picked up
from under a bridge somewhere, and beg for something like a bandaid.
I'd rather have Mike use superglue; at least he knew enough to wash his
hands. Also he wouldn't argue with me. Or worry about what the school
board would say about 'unapproved procedures' like stopping bleeding.
Or call my parents. Or, damnit, call my parents to ask if I could be
allowed to take the drugs I WAS CARRYING WITH A PRESCRIPTION.
I was not in a good mood this morning.
Also I was wearing women's clothing, technically, being as that was
what Debbie had thrown at me in the frantic pre-departure minutes. It
didn't look that feminine, but the pants weren't mine and fit too well,
which men's pants did not, any more; and the tank top under my armor -
wearing my armor everywhere was looking like a REALLY good idea - was
purple. The shirt wasn't mine either, though I think it was a guy's
shirt; it was rather large on me.
I wasn't entirely sure why Debbie had insisted I change clothes,
but she had, and I had. While not yet conscious, really, which I
thought was unfair, taking advantagen of me while I was intoxicated like
Also I was wearing makeup. Just a little, foundation and concealer
and such, which is why I hadn't looked too much like shit in homeroom
this morning; but I didn't really recall her doing it, and it HAD to
have been this morning after we woke up. It must've happened during
those few minutes I blanked out.
*God, she's fast,* I sighed to myself.
And the bell rang, and so I didn't even have the option of trying
to convince the warden that I needed to go to a bathroom and then trying
to get the makeup off with toilet paper.
This was not going to be my best day. At least I'd gotten some
homework done.
11:33 16 Feb
"Oh man, that sucks," I whined. Nicole had the 'A' lunch, and
everyone else I liked had 'B'. I could've changed it, back at the
beginning of the year, if I'd known I'd be dating her; but if I had that
much precognitive ability, I could use it better by playing the stock
market and lotteries.
"Yeah, tell me about it," Nicole sighed.
I begged, but quietly in case the answer was 'no', "Can I hug you
in public?"
She looked a little skeptical, but said, "Yeah?" with a side of
I hugged her for as long as I thought I could without making her
late. "Talk tonight right? After eight?"
"Yeah," she nodded, and stroked my hair as she pulled away. "I
gotta go," she said at the same time I said, "You gotta go."
We smiled, and then she left.
"Dude, how the hell do you keep doing that?" Mike sighed.
Amanda just giggled. Which did not sound like Nicole, which was
immensely suckful.
11:38 16 Feb
"Sturgeon!" Mike announced, with his hands in the air.
Most of the gamers wondered what the hell he was talking about, but
George and Dan caught it and looked greatly enraged. "With WHO?!" Dan
"With WHAT?" George snorted. So I hit him really hard in the arm.
"Ow! Bitch!" he complained as he tried to hit me back.
12:22 16 Feb
"Did you hear what happened to Debbie Saturday night?" Kathy asked
me as we humped to post-lunch classes.
"Dude, I was there," I sighed. "Men are fucking PIGS."
She gave me a sideways look. "I thought you were, uh..."
"She didn't want to go home alone and cry over the fuckhead, so she
came home with me."
"I thought you went home with HER? I mean, to her place."
"What? NO! That was... Oh man, I'll tell you later," I sighed.
The walls might and might not have ears, but a crowded school hallway
"Yeah, o-" She actually stopped and grabbed my chin and tilted my
head up. "When did that happen?"
"When did WHAT hap-"
"Getting your ears pierced." She twisted my head back and forth,
and I was sort of glad it was Kathy, who knew anatomical things like the
way a neck actually rotated, because she wasn't doing it wrong. She
could've snapped it if she did it wrong. On the other hand, if it
hadn't been Kathy, they probably wouldn't have been able to hold me like
I could've lied, but she was holding my face, which, while it hurt
now, did not hurt as much as she could cause it to hurt if she was
displeased. "Sometime between opening a champagne bottle last night and
leaving for school this morning."
Kathy boggled.
12:25 16 Feb
"I didn't have a chance to print it," I sighed as I handed Mr.
Ortega the floppy disk with my calc homework on it. Luckily, I had more
than one floppy on hand - or I had, until today - so I could turn in my
sociology and my physics too, after I'd done them. Which was well after
I'd gotten here this morning. "The printers here can handle LaTeX
though. The procedure's in a README file on the disk." I'd copied it
over, for the stupid, though Mr. Ortega was maybe not one of the
14:28 16 Feb
"Aw MAN!" I was wearing panties. I'd BEEN wearing panties. At
school. "Goddamnit I am going to BEAT her..." Though, at least I
hadn't been wearing a bra.
Then again, it HAD been Debbie; I checked. No bra at school today.
"Thank gods."
14:33 16 Feb
"To go with the new boots, yeah." I could've worn pants, I guess;
but the long skirt on the dress I was wearing looked really good when
compared to the two-or-so-inch heeled gray boots I'd gotten yesterday.
*Or is that 'contrasted'? Maybe 'complimented by'?*
In any case, it looked good. I twisted a couple of times to see
the skirt flare, and that looked at least as good.
14:38 16 Feb
"Not bad at ALL," I agreed as I looked at my face. Well, it had
been Debbie; she'd sell you stuff you didn't previously want, but she
never, as far as I could tell, sold crap. And the new colors looked
good. A little more mature, and subtle, I thought.
The earrings kept catching my attention every time I saw them,
though. And each time I did, they hurt.
As I twisted to look at myself in the big mirror, so's to get the
whole picture, I saw the time. "Oh bugger," I sighed as I threw makeup
into its bag and almost started to run before I remembered I was wearing
high heeled boots.
14:49 16 Feb
Driving in heels was bad enough; driving in high-heeled boots was
far worse. Normally I was a fan of ankle support, but the combination
of that and the heel pressing against the floor made it much harder to
hit pedals. Which, when driving a manual transmission, was really
"Fuck!" Not to mention I was probably scuffing the hell out of
the heels, too. "Damnit I just bought these!"
14:55 16 Feb
"Did you get your ears pierced?" Ricky demanded.
"Yeah." This was not looking like one of my better decisions. I
was beginning to think I should avoid being drunk before agreeing to
permanent body modifications.
"Last night."
"How did you get them last night? Aren't the malls closed?"
"Um, yeah. We did it at someone's house..." And, now that I was
unwillingly thinking about it, it was possible Debbie had the sanitary
appliance necessary, whatever infernal machine they used, but I sort of
doubted it. Which meant that it had likely been done by her stabbing me
with a needle. A STEEL needle.
Four times.
Right next to my face.
Right next to my BRAIN.
"Oh god," I moaned, and quickly opened my door and got out, in case
I threw up.
14:57 16 Feb
"You look sick," Ricky observed.
I wanted to yell at him for getting out of the car, but he was
standing in front of me looking concerned, and so I thought it would be
kind of rude. Also, he was protected by the mass of the car.
"Yeah... I just need to sit out for a couple of minutes," I told
He checked his watch, and I almost smiled, because he was probably
going to time me, like I'd done when I'd gotten a watch, waybackwhen.
Then he said, "We have to go home, because Adam'n'Scott're coming over,
"Oh god." No I had not remembered.
15:36 16 Feb
"Oh, no problem," I lied with a smile. "He's so eager to see
"Well, we'll pick him up about seven," Mrs. Kaminski said. She'd
been looking at me suspiciously the whole time, though it had gotten a
lot less when I'd asked for two emergency contact numbers, a list of
medical conditions applicable, and a list of food preferences.
Debbie would've called it 'business development'; I just called it
I was sort of glad I'd dressed up today, though.
16:43 16 Feb
I was so very very glad I had a headset over here at the Parkers'
because if I had to use a regular phone to deal with the Pack, I'd have
been screaming. My ears HURT.
"Nicole and I just talked-"
"I'm BABYSITTING!" I reminded everyone.
"Oh right," Amanda said, sounding almost contrite.
Julia asked, "So how long did you two 'talk'?"
"I can't say, it's rude. Long enough that she slept most of the
next day, Sunday, anyway."
"You are fucking kidding," Julia stated.
"Nuh uh," Pam giggled. I was glad she wasn't still mad.
I grinned to myself. "Why would I kid about it? Oh, by the way,
I'm gonna talk with her about eight o'clock, so A don't bother calling
me then at home, and B, Pam, not tonight."
"Oh okay. Tomorrow, though..." Pam threatened.
"Right. And C I don't know if we're- uh, you know-"
Someone filled in, "Dating?" then Sabrina added, "Officially."
"Right. So don't go spreading it, and don't ask her about it yet."
"So, okay," Sabrina asked, "what happened with Mike and Jill?"
"Why do you keep asking me this stuff?" I complained. "I can't
talk about it! Ask Jill!"
Amanda smirked - I could hear it - "So what did you and DEBBIE do?"
"Oh dude!" Sabrina complained.
"The day after Nicole?" Julia also complained.
"NO! We DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I shrieked. Which set Stella off.
18:09 16 Feb
I would really rather be fixing dinner for Nicole, because I
thought she would be really appreciative. True, the Parkers paid me
cash, but Nicole had made love with me, which was almost better and felt
a whole lot nicer at the moment. Well, not literally at the moment; it
was more of a contrast thing.
Also, I wasn't babysitting three second-graders and a toddler if it
was me and Nicole.
19:21 16 Feb
I had felt really... I don't know what, but I'd sort of dressed up
when I got to Rachel's earlier today. Which was stupid, because I'd
then gone babysitting, on schedule, and that was no place for nice
But it had felt nice, and even now I looked good, I thought, as I
twisted in front of the mirror.
"If you like girls," I sighed, and started to take everything off.
20:04 16 Feb
I'd managed to get away from my parents by telling them I had to
make an important call at eight o'clock, but the fact that I'd had to
tell them that boded ill for me. Or maybe it was sort of karmic
balance, because they hadn't noticed my earrings. Of course, I had
arranged my hair to hide them...
But I got free, only a few minutes late, and then I had to look up
Nicole's number in the school directory. It had changed when they'd
moved, but they'd updated the school's data, which occasionally copied
itself to someplace I could get it. I was sure I had no idea how that
could happen if anyone asked me about it, too, haha.
"May I speak to Nicole please? This is Tucker."
"Tucker? Just tell her that, please." I wondered who I was
talking to.
"Just a minute."
I was very very glad I had a headset in here.
20:06 16 Feb
It was well over a minute before, "Hello?"
"Nicole? Tucker."
"Oh hey," Nicole said warmly.
I had something in queue... *Oh, right.* "This morning. Debbie
had a bottle of champagne when I took her home last night, and we
basically drank it, and-"
"The whole thing?"
"I'd guess, yeah. Yeah," I said as I remembered 'fighting' over
who got the last drops. "And then I was there the next morning, with
the worst hangover I've ever had, and then things got really confused.
REALLY confused." I still didn't remember her doing makeup on me.
I told her, "We did NOT have sex. Uh, Debbie and I didn't," I said
to be un-ambiguous.
She snorted a bit. "Tuck, though... I mean, what would you think,
if I told you that?"
The idea of Debbie and Nicole getting it on flashed through my mind
before I could stop it. And what ran out of my mouth, also before I
could stop it, was, "Dude, you'd better check your wallet if you did-"
I guessed, "I think I should explain that."
"I want to hear THAT!"
20:09 16 Feb
Nicole said, "Oh. Well..."
I accidentally emitted, "Oh good," because I'd managed to check
through things while talking, and I had most of my money, and a receipt
for the makeup. Not like I'd wanted the makeup, but it was Debbie and
I'd been drunk.
"Good what?"
"I've still got MY money." I should probably be happy I had most
of it, and hard goods for the rest of it. I'd really hate to have paid
her to do something like a makeover.
She laughed.
"So," she said, "um. Seriously? You didn't..."
"Is this phone where your parents can hear it?" I checked.
"Yeah, my mom."
I rolled my eyes. I HATED nonsecure commo. Which was almost all
of it, but I still hated it, and there were degrees of insecurity; and a
common phone line in a public area that your parents could just listen
to your side of a conversation was possibly the worst. *No, jail is
worst. Still, pretty bad.* "Okay, so: NO, we did not have sex."
"Did you still have your clothes on when you woke up?"
No, I hadn't. "Yes!" I'd still had my original underwear and T-
shirt on, and socks, but I would not have had sex with socks on. I'd
also ended up wearing panties, I remembered, but that had happened after
we woke up. "Did you just say that where your mom could-"
"Aw h- Darnit," she snarled.
I said for her, "Fucking shit hell damnation?"
She agreed, "Yeah. Twice."
We sighed. I HATED nonsecure commo.
"So, like, this morn- Did you get your ears pierced?"
I moaned.
20:43 16 Feb
We'd signed off, which I didn't want to do but her mom was
suspicious enough right now. Well, maybe she wasn't suspicious ENOUGH,
haha, but we didn't want to make it worse. Or 'enough'.
My phone flashed, and I saw it was Mike calling, so I answered,
"You're in the shit," Mike said.
"For what?"
The assorted giggles, which were not Mike, gave me a clue.
"So explain," Mike demanded, "why your ears are pierced." That
caused outright laughter on the other line. Lines.
I was so very very glad my headset didn't touch the piercings.
20:48 16 Feb
Someone asked, "Val? Did you clean 'em?"
"Clean what?"
"Your EARS stupid!" Julia barked.
"They'll get infected if you don't," someone added.
"Aw MAN!" *Why do I DO these stupid things?*
Mike twisted the knife by saying, "You get stupid when you're drunk
don't you." Which was followed by laughter.
02:09 17 Feb
It wasn't my ears being ripped off that bothered me, it was what
they'd been going to do after that.
I sighed. *Maybe I should clean 'em again...*
03:01 17 Feb
Doing laundry at this time of the day possessed great suck. The
only thing that would've been worse is having someone else deal with the
sticky bits in my sheets and on a few towels. But I HAD to change the
sheets, and then I might as well wash them myself, and the guest robe,
and then I could pre-wash the nightwear I'd bought too. And Debbie's
loaner clothing. Including her stupid panties.
Except, there were more sheets in the dirty baskets, which weren't
mine, and I was all too afraid that THEY were sticky. Or dried-sticky,
by now. And I hoped they were Mike&Jill, which was disgusting enough,
but I was afraid they weren't.
At least I'd have plenty of time to do my homework... and, maybe,
boil myself. Just looking at the other laundry made me feel unclean.
06:45 17 Feb
"You think Debbie needs a ride this morning?" I remembered to ask
Jill, though kind of late.
"I don't think so... Naw, she's getting one with someone else. I
don't think she was too happy yesterday morning, having to be there that
I asked rhetorically, "Who is?"
She answered, "Kim!" And we both laughed.
06:56 17 Feb
"So, like, are we dating-dating?" I asked Nicole, who was also
there early. And not in the bathroom like yesterday. "No, wait, that's
the wrong question. Can I PDA you?"
"Persecutions of Damned Affection," Kim contributed.
"That's not it," I told Nicole. "Public Display of Affection."
"Patting my Damned Ass," Jill nodded.
I begged, "Would you two shut up?"
Jill shook her head casually. "Nah, too much fun torturing you."
Kim just smiled grimly and sipped coffee.
"Nicole?" I asked.
"What, like..."
"Like whatever I can get away with?" I grinned.
Nicole smirked, "You perv."
"Boy, no kidding," Jill smirked too.
"Shut UP! Bitch!" I whined at Nicole, "They're PICKING on me!
Nicole just looked torn, and giggled helplessly.
Kim growled, "Stop whining, Tuck, it's unmanly." Then Kim and Jill
11:32 17 Feb
"Shut up, V- Tuck," Sabrina called over her shoulder. "Nicole, if
you don't give him permission to talk to us about it, we're going to
torture him."
"They will too," Mike assured her.
I almost managed to get loose, but Kathy did something immensely
painful and distracted me and then got her grip back and squeezed
harder. I was pretty sure that they'd set this up specifically so I
couldn't object - what with being tied into a knot - when they asked
Nicole to remove her restrictions on talking about what we'd done;
because, normally, Kathy wasn't here. And, of course, she rarely
grappled me and put a hand over my mouth.
"No, seriously, nothing bad," Amanda assured her, "we just want to
know what's going on with him."
11:36 17 Feb
"I fucking hate all of you," I insisted. I was also nauseous,
which did not make me feel more charitable towards my 'friends'.
16:34 17 Feb
*Maybe I could make a quick call...*
Ricky was watching cartoons - didn't that boy EVER do homework? -
and Stella wasn't coherent enough to tell tales. Or demand bribe money
for silence.
I quickly put on the headset, dialed into my house, dialed out,
waited, and then I thought it was Nicole saying, "Hello?"
"Tuck," I said, relieved.
"Oh hey!"
"Quick call, okay? I'm sitting, and god only knows what'll happen-
I might have to hang up real quick."
"Yeah, seriously. I was sitting one time when-"
I mentioned, "Nicole? QUICK call."
She sighed, "Oh, right."
"Anyway... about my so-called 'friends', at lunch today? How much
can I tell 'em?"
"Uh, what?"
"Remember Kathy twisting my arms and things?"
"Kath- Oh HER. Yeah. Um..." She sighed.
I explained, "It's the downside of having friends, female friends;
they want to talk, and they want details." With guys - excepting Mike -
I could just tell outrageous lies that wouldn't be believed by anyone.
"Us. And, some of what we did, yeah."
"Yeah. I... I'm still trying to figure out what's polite and all,
and I HATE doing it, but they've been consistent in torturing this kind
of information out of me, whenever there is any, an-"
"Yeah I saw! Except they asked ME, when she was doing whatever it
was to you."
"Pain-compliance hold."
"A what?"
I simplified, "It hurt, and it would hurt worse if I pulled too
hard. Anyway..."
"So, I mean, what are they gonna ask?"
"Well... I don't know. Sometimes they ask details..."
"Oh man," she sighed.
"I know. But I've heard details from them too, so it's not like
it's one-sided or anything."
"It's just... I mean, I don't want to be DISCUSSED, you know?"
I knew. "If it's any consolation, they've discussed me, in FRONT
of me..."
She laughed, but said, "No, not really!"
"Yeah... But, I mean... honestly, they're not really nasty about
it. Just very very persistent." I had to remember that, just because
it had felt like torture to me at the time, that it wasn't. I did have
to admit, they'd never made fun of me for my choices; just for not
making one. Well, not much fun. "Oh, and hey, remember Kelly
Bergquist? The one that came out?"
"Oh yeah her. I heard about her, I mean a little bit."
"She's one of my friends, so-"
"What? No shit?"
"Actually, she's my Little Sister, like your senior level Big
"Oh fuck really? Wait, your Little SISTER?"
"Cheerleaders thought it'd be funny to pair us up, since I'm kind
of ... whatever, and she's butch."
She laughed, which pissed me off, but said, "Oh, ha ha, I get it.
Since you're both weirdos."
"You're not making me feel real good about this," I informed her.
"Sorry... But, I mean, if she- She hangs with you and stuff?"
"So it like worked out, I guess, I mean if she's friends with you
and hangs with you and stuff, right?"
She added confidently, "But they're still bitches for doing it, and
being bitches about it."
"Yeah!" *Where was I?* "Oh, right. So, we all talked about her-
and WITH her, about being a lesbian and all that, and what it was like,
and how she knew, and stuff like that."
"Oh for real?"
"Yeah, seriously... and it was, like, NOT an insult session. I'd
almost say 'adult' except adults are boring, right?"
She snickered, "Right!"
"So, I mean," which is where I'd been sort of going, "they're gonna
want me to talk, but at least they won't be insulting about it."
"Jeez... Wait, so, if they're GOING to talk about it, no matter
WHAT you say or do, why are you calling me to ASK?"
"Well, I mean, if there's something you REALLY don't want them to
know- Sometimes, some bits are harder than others- That's not how I
wanted to say that," I sighed.
"Like it might be okay to tell them I didn't, um, with um
intercourse, but I could other ways? 'Cause you said other girls... and
I bet they're the ones that mentioned it to you."
I admired her weaseling. "Yeah, without telling them exactly WHAT
we did."
"Yeah, okay... Could I do the same thing? Like, mention your, um,
nipples and things, without mentioning the uh swelling?"
"You've got friends, too," I realized.
She grumbled, "Unfortunately," and we both laughed.
"Yeah... I'd kind of prefer you didn't mention I don't like oral,
either. Not until you've had more than one or two partners and you can
sort of anonymize the data."
"Do WHAT?"
16:41 17 Feb
Thus ended one of the longest 'quick calls' I'd made in my life.
Still, I think I'd gotten it all worked out.
Also, I had a sort of preliminary evaluation pre-date for Wednesday
night, if she could get out.
19:58 17 Feb
"Hey Tuck," Sabrina said as I let her in.
"Hey Tuck. Ready to dance?" Pam asked me, smiling as she usually
was when she was talking about dance, or getting ready to dance, or ...
anything with dance in it.
"I am ALWAYS ready to dance with you."
Pam smirked, "Except when you're 'dancing' with someone else!"
"What? DOH!" I marked one for Pam on the virtual scoreboard, and
checked myself for burns.
"Ow! THAT hurt," Sabrina observed.
21:10 17 Feb
Sabrina mentioned, "Don't you know, ladies don't sweat?"
I looked up at her silhouette, hazy in the hypoxia, as I tried to
catch my breath.
"It's Tuesday, so he can sweat today," Pam chirped. She was not, I
noticed, sounding like SHE was going to pass out from respiratory
insufficiency. I hated her for it. "You know, if you did this every
day, you wouldn't be so out of it."
"Fuck," gasp, "you!"
"Did that!" she pointed out with a grin.
"Ow! THAT hurt," Sabrina felt it necessary to mention.
"You weren't," gasp, "this mean," gasp, "before."
Sabrina said, "It's jealousy." Then she glanced at Pam. "She's
had the hots for Nicole since Sep-"
"I HAVE NOT!" Pam squealed. "I date guys remember?!"
Sabrina just looked at me sideways.
"Mostly guys?"
Now they BOTH looked at me sideways, until I got the 'joke'.
"Fuck," gasp, "you!" *Wait, I said that and it didn't go well.*
I was not at my best when I'd been exercising like hell for an
21:17 17 Feb
Aw, gosh; I'd missed Mom and Dad again, who therefore had no reason
to be suspicious of my mutilated ears, since they hadn't seen them.
Neither had The Snitch. And Jill wouldn't say anything, I was pretty
sure. So I got to live un-lectured yet another day.
02:31 18 Feb
"Okay, not so good... Oh-" I had enough fun waking up most
mornings, but this one was going to be bad. I slid slowly out of bed
and bent upright - vveerryy sslloowwllyy - and glided towards my door.
I got about halfway down the hall before the interrupt went non-
maskable, but I made it to the toilet before anything actually came out.
06:42 18 Feb
"Puking my face off this morning, why?"
"No, Jill, I just think the idea of me vomiting is funny. YES I'm
serious!" I shrieked.
"Calm down! Shit!"
"Fuck that..." I wanted to hit her. I wanted to hit something,
"Do you want to stay home?" she asked.
I sighed. I'd thought about it, but... "No... I kind of feel
better. And had some ginger ale earlier." That's why I'd been
downstairs cooking, which is what led to me making lunch for both of us.
"Well, ginger syrup in club soda." Making actual fermented ale-type or
beer-type takes at least 24 hours, according to the recipes we had.
06:57 18 Feb
"I could maybe make lunch for you too," I offered.
"Oh, god, Tuck!" Nicole exclaimed, though I thought happily.
Jill felt it necessary to add, "Make her all nice and fat."
"Why are you doing this?" I complained at Jill. "I'm not doing
this to you! OR Mike!"
"'Cause I-"
"Wait, what?" Kim asked.
*Oh SHIT.* I was going to have to glue my mouth shut one of these
days... "Nicole, if I live through this, I'll see you tonight?" I
"What- Are you- Oh NO," Kim cried out. "You did NOT!"
I suggested to Nicole, "Why don't you run." *While you're still
"Yeah okay," Nicole said, and turned away, but turned her head back
and said, "Good luck!"
"Thanks!" She smiled at me, and I smiled at her.
07:02 18 Feb
Kim asked me directly, "Did she do this just to SPITE me?"
Jill's 'NO!' was properly ignored by Kim and I.
"No," I said. "It was just she didn't want to be alone, and
"Has a bigger dick than you," Kim finished.
"Oh!" "That is so-"
"'Bout nine inches," Kim said, as she held her hands about five
inches apart.
I think my brain made whirring noises until I caught it, and then I
was laughing like Jill already was.
07:58 18 Feb
"'Bout nine inches," Kim repeated.
Mike looked down at her hands, and laughed. "I gotta remember that
"Jeez, Mike..." I shook my head, but what could I do? Claim it
wasn't funny?
08:08 18 Feb
"Just, I don't feel especially well," I told Mike.
It was just typical of bureaucratic stupidity that I'd get in
about as much trouble with the school for sneaking in ginger whatever-
you-called-it as I would for punching someone in the face. So I was
hiding it, as we all did. Which, of course, led to concealing any kind
of spill or mess (if you made one) because if you tried to clean it up
you'd get caught and punished; so if you made one, you'd just ignore it
and let it rot on the floor.
And these people were supposed to be educating us. Well, they
were, I guess; but not in what they said they were.
Mike questioned, "You make any of the..."
"Yes," I sighed, not happy. He'd likely want to drink it. "Hey,
you should be able to make this."
11:32 18 Feb
"Oh, man, hey," I smiled at Nicole. Better yet, she smiled back.
We hugged, which was better still.
"Don'tcha love that little glow he gets?" Mike commented sourly,
followed by a punch-impact noise and a yelp and Sabrina and Amanda
bitching at him.
"I hate my friends," I said into Nicole's hair, which made her
"See you tonight, right?" she said into mine. "Oh, hey," she said
as she pushed me off and looked into my face. "Remember what you said
about it being hormones and not forever?"
*Hormones an-* "Oh, yeah?"
"So when does it wear off?" she asked, and smiled at me so brightly
the rest of the hallway went dim.
I answered, "Too damned soon!" as I hugged her again.
11:36 18 Feb
"Riding the hormonal wave," I announced, and smiled like I felt,
which made everyone sick, though possibly with jealousy.
Except the freshthings, who didn't get it, I could tell. "Uh,
Mike? We gotta explain this to the young'uns."
"No! Delay of GAME!" George insisted. "None of 'em have love
lives anyway!"
"Just like you," Dan smirked, which led to bruises.
"We will do this after school," Mike announced, loudly to be heard
over George and Dan. "Be at home."
"You need this," I told them.
15:41 18 Feb
I was torn between eating something, which might help with the
nausea, and not eating something which would only be (possibly) ejected
later. I HATED wasting food.
*Oh, hell, Nicole tonight.* I decided I'd better try food, in the
hopes it would work, and if it didn't I could call Nicole early.
16:37 18 Feb
Jill said, "Oh you are?" like she didn't know.
"I logged it!" I complained.
"Shit, Val, am I supposed to read that thing all the time?"
"YES! That's why it's THERE!" And then she wouldn't have to call
me from work, which had already gotten me bitched at, by her, even
though SHE had called ME.
"Jeez, don't have a cow." Before I could have one, she continued,
"What I was thinking was, I get off kind of early tonight, so we could
pick her up, an-"
"We?" She didn't mean-
"Me an' Mike," she grinned; I could hear it over the phone.
"You are not."
She accused, "Just like you and Nicole! Or Pam, or Sabrina that
time, or Cory, or-"
"Alright alright alright." *Dames!*
"We're just gonna go out and have fun," she kept on, "so don't get
your panties in a knot about it!"
"Fine! Okay! I am totally not saying anything!"
Pause, in which I totally did not say anything.
"Okay," Jill eventually said, "so, do we pick her up- WHERE do we
pick her up?"
"Why don't _I_ call her, and see if she AGREES to this," I said,
trying for patience.
"Well, yah," she said with irritation, and I almost threw the phone
through the window.
16:40 18 Feb
"I hate my friends," I grumbled.
Ricky asked, "Then why are they your friends?"
"I don't know..." God, I wanted to barf. Kind of. Except that
would be a bad idea. And messy.
16:44 18 Feb
"Nicole? 'S'me."
"Oh hey!" she said, sounding happy about me calling or something.
I liked that.
"Hey. Um-"
"We're still on for tonight right?"
"Yeah but..."
"Mike and Jill said they could pick you up, because I get out late
from sitting, and this could save some time."
"Oh." She didn't sound enthusiastic about it.
"Yeah... If you want Mike's number, so you can call him and
discuss it, I can give it to you."
"What about you?"
"Uh. I'll call in about... twenty minutes? And check, and see
what you wanted to do, okay?"
"I could call you there. Where you're sitting, right?"
"Nnno, bad idea," I said reluctantly. "This isn't my phone line."
Well, technically the ones at my house weren't 'mine' either, they were
Dad's, but he wouldn't pick any of them up. I wasn't sure who picked up
phones here; nor had I checked the line recently for taps or dialing
recorders. Also, I'd gone through my house for security purposes; I
REALLY didn't want Nicole calling here and asking for me.
19:02 18 Feb
Well, unless they'd managed to insert an induction tap into the
wall AND hide it better than I could detect, the line was clean out to
the NID. I closed the box and hurried back inside to check on dinner
one last time before leaving for Rachel's and my preliminary evaluation
19:10 18 Feb
"Just going out with friends," I claimed.
"Well, have a good time," Mrs. Parker told me. As if I hadn't
known that was the goal. *Must be a mom thing.*
19:48 18 Feb
I had just gotten my armor on and was doing up the straps when
someone knocked on Rachel's door.
"I want to meet her," Rachel said as she jumped up, and she got to
the door faster than I could without slamming it in someone's face.
"Hi! You must be Nicole!"
"Must I?" Mike whined. "Tuck, you done?"
"Almost, just need a shirt," I sighed, because this was probably
going to take some explaining. "Oh, hey," I remembered. "Nicole?
C'mere." I'd forgotten the scarf until today, but then I'd remembered
to stash it somewhere besides my side of Rachel's closet.
"I got you something... Sort of a belated Valentine's Day present.
Aha!" I pulled it out of my pack and shook it out so the print was
visible, then stretched it so she could see the whole thing. "For your
hair or something, I thought."
"Oh," she said softly, and asked, "For me? Really?" She reached
out and took it gently, and then just looked at it.
"I thought this shit was over with on the fourteenth," Mike groused
from the hallway.
Jill complained, "Man, shut up! It's sweet."
"You wouldn't wear that! Too girly! Ow! Bitch!"
"Excuse me a moment," I said to Nicole. I went to the door and
said to Mike and Jill, "Why don't you two wait downstairs?"
"Because if you get the chance either you'll jump her bones or
she'll jump yours, and you gotta be at school tomorrow and this isn't
even your house," Mike said.
"Look," Nicole said, and she was putting it into her hair like I'd
imagined, except better. "Like that?"
"It looks really nice!" Rachel smiled.
19:52 18 Feb
Amazingly, Nicole had not asked what I was doing changing in the
bedroom of a college-aged woman who had no children. This made me
Then again, I sort of didn't want to fuck up the evening by, say,
screaming at Mike. And/or Jill. Even though they'd be the ones
responsible for 'explaining' things.
When we got out, Jill said, "Yeah, we told her about you on the way
Which had been exactly what I was afraid of. "Wha-"
"And boy, her mom," Mike said.
Nicole spat, "She is such a SHIT!"
"NO!" Mike roared. "Not getting into bad parents tonight." Which
I was grateful for, because Jill could win that hands down, but it would
either depress or enrage everyone. Plus, all parents were horrible. I
knew, deep down, that I'd be at least as horrible when _I_ was one, but
right NOW it was awful.
"Okay," I said, "so, what did you tell her about me?"
Jill mentioned offhandedly, "You're a slut, Tuck." Well, it
sounded off-handed. And Nicole began giggling into her hands. But Mike
flashed me an OK sign, which suggested that whatever they'd said, Nicole
hadn't freaked out; which probably meant my secret identity was safe.
"But with any luck, I'll get me some'a'dat," Mike said, and rubbed
my arm for luck.
Jill asked, "Dude, do I still have to go dutch if I'm putting out?"
"Yes!" said Mike and I at the same time Nicole screeched, "NO!"
"Girls win," Jill smirked.
"Oh no," Mike said, "YOU asked ME to- to tango, an-"
"No I didn't!" Jill lied. "You grabbed me and dragged me up
"Nuh uh!" Nicole protested wildly. "I SAW it!"
"I'll give you a dollar," Jill said to Nicole, proving she'd been
at our house too long. Or not long enough, because a lie like that was
worth several dollars.
"Tell the truth, Nicole," Mike said.
"Four dollars." Maybe Jill had just started the bidding low.
"I can make Tuck impotent," Mike claimed.
That made everyone scream.
"Okay, one car or two?" Mike asked, like he hadn't just blown
everyone's minds.
"One would save gas," I said, glad to get off that topic.
Mike glared at me, "Yeah, but we'd be taking MINE if it was one,
since it's bigger."
"Well, yeah-"
"One car, Mike's," Jill decided.
"And Tuck rides up front-"
"NO!" I protested.
"Dude, no nookie in my back seat unless I'm getting some in the
front, which-"
"-which I'm NOT doing while driving," he finished.
"Aw come on," Nicole pleaded.
Jill suggested, "Look really pitiful at him."
Mike almost shouted, "Not looking!"
"Not looking!" He wasn't, either; he almost tripped over the curb.
19:58 18 Feb
"We could see The Borrowers," Mike suggested.
"That's a kid's movie," Nicole sneered from the back seat. I, or
we, had not won the begging.
Jill stated, "You have not been with college kids."
"If you want to look 'grown-up', do what the college kids do," Jill
said. "And, college kids are little kids with money and driver's
licenses and no curfew."
"Oh, I've gotta be back by ten," Nicole mentioned.
There was a moment of 'uhhhh' from us, and then Mike summarized,
"Get something to eat, or go to Tuck's house. No time for a movie."
"Except you've already been to Tuck's house," Jill smirked.
"So've YOU, tart," Mike shot over his shoulder.
"With TUCK!" she shot back, and blew a raspberry at me. "Hey, no
offense, okay?" she said to Nicole.
"Round round get around Tuck gets around!" Mike sang.
"Hey, how come you get to sing and I don't?"
"'Cause I'm Chinese," Mike said, like it was obvious.
20:18 18 Feb
Nicole hugged me after she got out, since I was right there opening
the door for her. "Could we get separate tables?" she whispered into my
"Why? Oh, 'cause they're ragging on you?"
"Not that, it's just..." She shook her head as she pulled back.
"Hey, coming?" Mike asked. "No nookie in my car," he warned. "Or
on it."
"We'll be there inna minute," I told him. "What?" I asked.
Nicole said, "Just, intense. And I wanted to talk to YOU more. I
mean, they're okay, it's just..."
"Oh." Well, that made sense. People didn't do group dates for a
reason, if they could avoid it. Sometimes. "Hey Mike? Could we get
separate tables?"
"Dude, it won't help; she's still been exposed to my manly Chinese
pheromones," he said as he stuck his chest out in a bizarre parody of a
man. Then Jill engaged him and they took off running through the
parking lot.
"Mike says that'd be okay," I translated.
"Okay. Um..." she waved her purse at me as she pulled out-
"Oh god, okay." Nicole's smoking addiction was about my least
favorite thing about her, and that included hypothetical antibiotic-
resistant tuberculosis.
20:27 18 Feb
"And, of course, they'll be waving at us the entire time," I sighed
as the two of them smiled like idiots and waved at us.
Nicole sat with her back to them, which was a good idea; I wished
that both of us could do that at the same time, but the table was too
20:31 18 Feb
The waitress asked, "And for you sir?"
I almost corrected her; then I almost looked around to complain at
Mike about sneaking over and sitting at our table. Then I almost looked
around to see who she was talking to.
I finally answered, "Uh. Coke please."
"Not diet?" Nicole poked.
I just glared at her, which made her giggle.
20:41 18 Feb
After the waitress took off with our food orders, Nicole asked,
"Um, Tuck? Could I ask you a question?"
"You just did," I pointed out as I braced myself. Asking if you
could ask a question never turned out well.
"Are you... Are you shaving your armpits?" she asked quietly.
"Ahhh..." *Fuck it.* "Yeah. Um, long story."
She gave me a look as her eyebrows went up.
Luckily, I remembered she was a sophomore. Which meant she'd been
a freshman last year. Which meant... "Remember Halloween last year?"
"Last year?" she boggled.
"I had to shave most of me last year, for my costume, and then it
just ITCHES if it grows out a little, an' I can't stand it," which was
nearly true.
"That's like a year and a half!" she added.
"Yep. Oh, and getting rid of the armpit hair, I smell less."
Which was ostensibly (SAT word) better, at least in America.
20:56 18 Feb
"Could you make this?" Nicole asked, pointing at her food.
"Uh, probably. Fries are a pain, though. Frying- like deep-fat
frying, ANYTHING is a pain." I thought about mentioning 'and fattening'
but then she might complain about what she'd ordered, or think _I_ was
complaining about it, or something.
"So, I mean..." she said.
"Is this like boring?" I was beginning to suspect it was, for her.
"No!" she assured me, though I wasn't too sure she was telling the
truth. Then she smiled at me, and I flushed my doubts. "It's just, I
mean, your friends are okay," she tossed her head a little to indicate
which ones, "but..."
"Intense?" I remembered.
She agreed, "Yah. And, I dunno... Actually, I'm kind of tired; I
didn't think I would be this tired. So, y'know, I'd just kind of like
something quiet. I mean, like, being with you," she said, and touched
my leg with her foot, "but not, like, DOING something, you know?"
"Sometimes- Uh, a girl I was with," I dodged, "she liked to read,
with me sleeping. Or we'd read together."
She started giggling. "Oh, uh, like reading WHAT?"
"Like that stuff you showed me?" She wiggled her eyebrows and
"Wh- Oh! NO!" I laughed. "Just, like, some of the books I've
got. Or she'd bring one."
"Why would she bring a book?"
I took a breath. "Well, sometimes she got sad, and it wasn't my
fault or anything I did, or could do, so she'd read to feel better."
"Uh," I said to get the conversation away from sad, "but, if you
wanted to, I could set it up so you could read stuff like you were
reading. Plus I kinda made you lose your place, didn't I?" I
She giggled a little, which at least wasn't depressing. Or
20:58 18 Feb
"Actually, though," she said after the giggles had died down and
we'd both eaten for a while. "I'm not sure, I mean like if I'd want to
do that right now. I don't know," she wondered.
She apparently remembered where she was or who she was with and
shook her head. "Nothing."
"Oh come on."
She took a breath and let it out. "You really want to know?"
Her head tilted and she looked kind of sad, and kind of old. Or
older, anyway. "I'm gonna start my period tomorrow, so..."
"You can tell?"
"Yeah. I'm kind of bloated today."
"What is that?"
"What? You don't know? I thought you were friends with all these
girls," she teased.
"I don't think we got around to periods yet."
She looked uncertain. "They're, like, having them, I mean they're
old enough ri-"
"Oh yeah, yeah," I assured her. "Just we haven't talked about it.
Been too busy talking about boys, and me, and lesbianism, and violence,
and ethics-"
"Haha!" she bubbled.
I wondered if she really thought I was kidding.
21:09 18 Feb
"That does suck," I told her, and touched her hair. She looked at
me, surprised. "Want me to stroke your hair?"
"Oh," she sighed in this mushy way, and I took that as a yes, so I
did. She did not complain or move away.
21:32 18 Feb
Mike had been annoying, so I'd been ignoring him, but he came up
and said, "Kids, it's nine thirty. Nicole, if you've got to be home at
ten, you guys gotta pay the bill and get moving."
"Oh," she sighed sadly.
"Damn," I sighed. "Hey, Nicole, want to run away from home?"
She chuckled, a lot slower and lower than her usual giggle.
"That'd be nice..."
21:37 18 Feb
"Oh, come on, let us ride in the back seat together," I pleaded.
"She's starting her period tomorrow."
"TUCK!" Nicole shrieked. "Don't SAY that!"
"Why not?"
As Nicole gaped, Mike and Jill shook their heads. "Just... not
done, old man."
"Still," Jill said to Mike.
"Alright alright," he grumbled.
21:58 18 Feb
Nicole had forgiven me when I had put my arm around her and cuddled
her all the way home.
As I got out, she got out too, denying me the opportunity to open
the door for her. "I'll just walk you to your door," I said, and
grinned. "To make sure the bears don't get you."
She smiled at that, and took my hand. We walked up to the door,
which wasn't really on a porch or anything.
Then she hugged me and didn't let go. "Oh..." she half sighed and
half moaned. "This was nice," she said, which didn't match how she
sounded. Then she brightened as she asked, "Hey, did this count as a
"Do you want it to? Hey, are we DATING-dating?"
She giggled, which I unfortunately had to take as a good sign.
"Um... Let's say no," which was kind of disappointing, "but," which
might be an improvement, "we're still friends right? And I want to
know, if I could maybe come over Friday night?"
"Like- like this? Or..."
"Like Saturday," she smiled.
"Yeah. I'd like that."
We just stayed hugged.
"Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a
golden haze." -- Carolyn Gold Heilbrun
Distribution: No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group.
Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work (from the BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE header to the END PGP SIGNATURE footer) is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. And no fee may be charged.
Archiving is permitted provided no fee is charged for access.
All rights reserved. ~Ellen.
+ @>--,--'----- Ellen Hayes o===[-------- __ vicki .sig +
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+ http://www.barkingduck.net/ehayes PGP key: EFC9 5D55 (1996) +
Version: 2.6.2
Tuck (Regular)
Special Valentine's Day 1998 Edition Part 3: Tucker Home Again by Ellen Hayes Copyright© 2013, 2017 Ellen Hayes All Rights Reserved. "I don't feel embarrassed or like dirty talking about it- SEX," I stroked a finger on her naked skin. "Not even a little dirty?" She laughed, though not unkindly. "Just- The GOOD dirty, |
![]() |
Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when
used for satirical purposes.
This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials
containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not responsible.
Continuing to read this document, or storing it or reproducing it in any format means that you explicitly affirm that you are legally allowed to possess and read such materials in your city, county/parish, state, and country.
All rights reserved. See the bottom for distribution rights. ~Ellen.
This story also dings the following bells: sexual innuendo Dialog, foul Language, and maybe Sex and Violence, I forget.
Remember, kids, get your parents and read this story together! Just be prepared to answer their questions. ~Ellen.
Tucker Home Again
[ rated TV-14DL ]
22:08 18 Feb
"Man, you two are SICK," Mike commented.
"Fuck you!"
Jill smirked, "He's just jealous. I dunno why, though; I'm a lot
prettier than she is."
"Oh HELL yeah," Mike enthused.
"Dude," I asked, "are you just-"
"Who's here?" Mike pointed out. "Nicole? No."
"So I'm the prettiest," Jill smirked.
"Okay, okay, I get it... You two are dorks. Wait... How serious
are you two? Like relationship-wise?"
They looked at each other.
"Probably about as serious as you and I were, Tuck," Jill said, and
Mike nodded, looking serious.
"I mean, don't get me wrong..." Mike said, and then turned on the
mushy towards Jill. Then, a few seconds later, turned it off. I don't
know how he did that. "But, yeah. It's 'cause you're such a slut,
Tuck; you've been an inspiration to us all."
As Jill laughed, I was caught between laughing and raging all over
Mike. "Dude," I finally managed, "I fucking HATE you."
"I know," he smirked. "But hey, not everyone can be Chinese. Plus
it makes up for that, what's it been? A year and a half? That you were
no longer a virgin and I was."
"Like it's that big a deal," Jill snorted, and as we both turned to
her to blast her, she smirked again and added, "Except it is," just like
she'd obviously planned to do, to shut us up.
"Are you beating her during sex?" I asked Mike.
"I think maybe I ought to start."
22:12 18 Feb
"Oh, hey," I remembered, "you didn't tell her- Nicole about
Valerie, did you?"
They both looked at me like I was the most stupid individual in the
entire world. "No," Mike said, sounding like it hurt him to have to say
something so obvious.
Jill added a contemptuous, "Duh."
"I just had to ask, okay?" I stared out the window, annoyed.
"So what DID you tell her?"
"That you're a sweet and delicate soul," which sounded so wrong
coming out of Mike's mouth, and even wronger - which isn't a word but
was the perfect descriptor for this - coming out in the nearly flat
monotone he was using. "And that you were kind of girly, even effete,
right up until you got pushed too far. And not to push you too far."
"And what to do when you two broke up," Jill added.
I sighed, "Glad you two are so optimistic about this relationship."
"Well, shit, Tuck, it's not like me an' Mike! We're so getting
married, right?"
Mike growled, "'Cause we're so fucking perfect for each other."
That made all of us laugh.
23:39 18 Feb
"Oh, and ears," I sighed, and got out some cotton balls to go with
the H2O2.
Obviously, the entire reason I was going girly was so that I'd
spend more money on personal hygiene and grooming; I was the victim of a
long-term corporate plot. Probably an alpha-test. *Come to think of
it, my sister- the old, evil one, she'd totally have sold me to the
corps for a discount on the makeup and shit she gets. Wonder if the pod
version still gets the discount?*
05:11 19 Feb
I was starting to feel nauseous again, but I remembered ginger
whatever-you-called-it that I'd made yesterday, and so I logged myself
Mom had apparently gotten an idea, or the idea, or Jill had told
her something, or something, because there was now about five times what
I'd done, labeled, and more ginger syrup in the refrigerator.
Well, I wasn't going to complain.
06:57 19 Feb
"You know," I said into Nicole's hair, "no matter if we do anything
ever again or not... I want THIS." I especially enjoyed smelling her,
though she smelled a little different than she had before, for some
reason. Under the other scents of her hair stuff and makeup, anyway; it
was pretty subtle.
"Me too," she sighed into my ear. Which hurt.
"Hey, Nichole?" Kim said, sounding almost awake. "I saw him before
you did. Beat it."
Nicole let go in shock - I was surprised myself - and then Kim
slipped in and hugged me the same way.
"Okay, I'm a slut," I decided, and relaxed into the hug.
"Tuuuucckk!" Nicole whined while giggling.
Kim purred roughly, "We KNEW you were a slut, V- Tuck." Which hurt
my ear.
But when Kim let go, I took Nicole's hand before we walked in. "If
you want to," I asked.
She sighed and didn't look at me, but squeezed my hand. And didn't
let go.
08:19 19 Feb
"I am not a whore!" I protested to Jennie. "I've NEVER been paid!"
"Yeah, Jennie, the word is 'slut'," Nicole said in a very superior
fashion, and looked snooty for about three seconds before losing it.
I observed, "Okay, that is not really an improvement..."
Nicole almost shrieked, "You said you were outside!" which made
Jennie burst out laughing.
I sighed.
11:31 19 Feb
"Because I want to see her at lunch, duh!" I hurried, though also
in the hopes of getting away from my 'friends'.
I caught Nicole coming out, in a cluster of other girls, and got
kind of shy. Or cautious. Or, as Mike might've said, sane.
"Hey Tuck!" she said with a kind of smile-grimace and a little
wave, but she didn't stop.
"Well, damnit," I sighed after she'd departed.
"Dumped?" Mike asked.
I turned and said, "I think just stealthy."
"What? You're not wearing black."
My brain hurt, now.
15:38 19 Feb
"I really ought to get paid extra for this," I sighed. But I
wouldn't, because Miz Parker wanted me mostly to watch Stella and cook,
so even if Ricky was over at someone else's house, and temporarily not
my problem, I'd get paid the same. But that meant that when Ricky had
friends over - like now - I got to watch them too, with no bonus. And I
had a feeling that it would be overly rude to ask for tips from the
other kids' parents. Debbie could've done it, but I wasn't Debbie.
"You wanna play?" Scott asked.
"Me? No, I have to watch Stella," I said, trying to pretend I was
unhappy at not being able to play Pilotwings 64.
'Don't mind me, I'm just the dog,' Hangover thought at us. 'It's
not like I was anyone valuable or anything like that. I'll just sit
here and starve quietly.'
"Ricky, why don't you take Han- uh, Ruffles outside for a few
minutes," I 'suggested'.
18:19 19 Feb
My/our 'Christmas gift' chef's knife in the Parkers' kitchen was
superb, especially once I'd sharpened it. I was happily shredding
through veggies when I noticed the kids watching me. "What?"
"Man," Scott said admiringly.
"She's really good," Ricky boasted.
"What are you two doing?"
"When's supper?" Ricky asked.
"About seven to seven thirty, just like every night."
"'The same thing we do every night, Pinky,'" Scott quoted.
I added "Poit!" and went back to cutting, which I had to if I
wanted to actually be done by seven to seven thirty tonight. "Oh, wait,
Scott? Are you staying for supper?"
"No? I don't..." Then he looked at Ricky who looked back at him.
"Go ask Miz Parker first!" I told them, because the next thing that
was going to happen was, Scott was going to pick up the phone and call
his house, and then he'd discover he should've asked Miz Parker first.
20:04 19 Feb
"I dunno," I told Pam as we stretched, pre-dance, "I mean, she
didn't even stop at lunch, when I caught her- I mean, I got there early,
and she was leaving in a crowd of girls."
"She said she didn't want to date-date you though, right?"
"Yeah... but then I thought LAST night WAS a date-date. Or
something like that. No, it was a pre-date date," I remembered.
"Huh," Pam said before twisting into some other contortion, which I
had to copy. Not only did it hurt, it made my ears hurt. "Maybe you
should call?"
"I'm worried about pissing her off. Or her mom off. Oh, but we're
supposed to do something Friday... she said she'd come over?"
She wriggled until she could glare at me. "Then what the hell is
your problem?"
I sighed. "Guess I'm just greedy."
"Boy, no kidding!" Then she huffed and added, "Why do boys always
get so clingy?!"
I postulated, "Maybe it helps take away the pain, from all the
athletics and stuff."
"Hah! Speaking of pain, we-"
"I'd rather not!"
21:09 19 Feb
As often happened, it didn't matter what I'd wanted; we'd spoken of
pain I mean dance, and then we'd done it, and now I was in pain. Well,
I would be in pain when I caught my breath. Right now the pain was just
sort of waving to me from across the street, telling me it'd stop by
later when I wasn't so busy.
"I think you're getting better," Pam lied, obviously in an attempt
to keep me doing this.
I gasped, "Can't get worse!"
Sabrina agreed, "That is so true. You done for the night?"
"Week!" I hoped.
"What, you're wimping out tomor- Oh, with Nicole again, right,"
Pam nodded to herself.
"Are you two DATING-dating?" Sabrina accused.
21:12 19 Feb
"Oh," Sabrina said, "and don't forget, Amanda's birthday is coming
"Oh god." At least I'd gotten her present already. The gift
registry software was coming in handy for that, at least. "When?"
"The seventh."
"Oooh," Pam winced. "That soon?"
02:35 20 Feb
If I got a small refrigerator in my room, I realized, I could store
some ginger syrup - and other things, of course - and not have to go
downstairs to get any. That seemed like a good idea, because it was
very slow going down the stairs when trying not to jostle your insides,
which was NOT the thing I wanted when nauseous; and the extra time it
took seemed to make the nausea worse. Then again, I was wondering if
maybe EVERYTHING made the nausea worse. And whether nausea had an upper
Of course, a refrigerator would make it hotter in my room, too.
Like I needed that. It would, inevitably, make the nausea worse...
06:56 20 Feb
"I don't know," Nicole moaned. "Mom wants to meet you first!"
"Ooooh," Jill said. "Must be serious."
"Shut UP!" Nicole bitched at Jill.
"Hey, don't-"
"You shut up too!" she whined at me. "Damnit, I don't know WHAT to
do," she moaned, again.
Jill mouthed 'period' at me when Nicole wasn't looking. Which sort
of made an unhappy sense.
"I could meet her, I guess," I said, though I wasn't happy about
"I don't know... is it even worth it?"
I hugged Nicole, which she seemed to need. Jill mouthed 'period'
at Kim, who winced and had some more coffee like that would help. Or
maybe fend it off.
Jill asked, "So what exactly DID you tell your mom? You were going
over to someone's house to spend the night?"
Nicole sighed, and pushed away from me, but I converted it into me
hugging her from the back, which she did not seem to mind. "I told her
that I'd- I mean..." She sighed. "Fuck I want a cigarette." Which she
wasn't getting, not here. "I told her that... She figured out I wasn't
over at Gabby's house Saturday night, and so I had to tell her where I
was, an-"
"Oh no," I said.
"She wasn't upset- Well, she was," Nicole corrected, "but, I mean,
I had to tell her last night, and I told her..." She put a hand
backwards and tried to rub me somehow. I took her hand instead, and she
squeezed it. "I told her I'd spent the night with you, and..."
All my hair stood up, I think. "That we'd-"
"Yeah," she admitted.
"Okay, not going," I decided as Jill shook her head.
"NO!" Nicole shrieked as she pushed off and turned around. "You're
not like in TROUBLE or anything, she just wants to meet you!"
"Oh, jeez..."
"Would _I_ lie about that?" she demanded.
I sure hoped not. "She might've lied to you," I mentioned.
Nicole seemed sure when she said, "She wouldn't."
"We gotta go in," Kim sighed.
11:32 20 Feb
"So I dunno if I should go or not," I said to Mike, Sabrina, and
"Ohboy," Mike grimaced, and I knew he was thinking the same
paranoid thing I was: 'what a great way to get Tuck in one place at a
specified time to assassinate him'.
Amanda said, "Well, if she wants to meet you-"
"She TOLD her own MOTHER this?" Sabrina interrupted.
"That's what she said- Oh hey," I said to Nicole, as Sabrina
"Hi," Nicole said to me, then looked back at Sabrina. "What?"
Sabrina accused her directly, "You TOLD your MOM?"
"She was asking me where I was when she found out I wasn't at
Gabby's like I said!" Nicole flung instantly. "I mean, what else could
I say?"
"Oh, lots," Mike said unhelpfully, but apparently not loud enough
for Nicole to explode.
The girl Nicole was with asked, "Where were you?"
All five of us just looked at her.
"Can I call you tonight?" I asked, so's to get that over with so I
could leave before anything happened.
The other girl giggled a little as Nicole nodded and glared at her,
and then we sort of parted company.
"Oh, man," I sighed. "I think this is why I stopped dating."
"Except you never actually stopped," Mike complained as he punched
my armor. "Dork."
"Don't hit him!" Amanda complained. "I might want him next.
Ahhh!" she shrieked as she had to run away from Mike. I don't know why
she was acting surprised; she should know what that sort of comment
would get her.
16:13 20 Feb
"What I was thinking," I told Beth over the phone, "was chicken-
roasted, in the oven, with potatoes and carrots and the like; and green
beans, frozen squash," ugh, "and cornbread, plus a salad?"
"Sounds good," Beth said. "Okay, see you!" She hung up, before I
could mention the garlic or anything else.
"Well, what they don't know won't bother 'em," I smirked to myself.
16:17 20 Feb
"I could bring you something," I mentioned. "Roast chicken,
"Oh man!" Nicole squeaked. "WHEN?! I'm gonna starve over here!"
"Oh, 'bout eight-thirty?"
She groaned, "No, I need to eat something before then. Damn!"
"Well, if you stay over, I can make breakfast again."
"Yeah... damn. That's not now," she pointed out. "And it sounds
really good..."
"Yeah, well," I shrugged, which didn't actually work, it being a
phone call.
She laughed, "Maybe you could babysit ME!"
"That is a GREAT idea!"
16:43 20 Feb
"Okay, this is starting to piss me off," I told myself, in case I
wasn't paying attention. I breathed in cold dry air, which did not feel
good, until I wasn't about to vomit. Vomiting would also not feel good.
It would probably not feel good more. At least, that's what I was
16:49 20 Feb
"It's that fucking chicken." It didn't smell rotted or anything
like that, but I still wanted to throw up just being around it. "Maybe
it's evil." I did not have Detect Evil or Know Alignment in my
currently memorized spell list, either.
16:54 20 Feb
"Oh, believe me," I assured Ricky, "I'm a lot less happy about
going than you are."
"Then why are we going?"
That almost sounded like a reasonable question, except no questions
were reasonable when contemplating going to the grocery at this time of
day. "Ahhhhhhh," I breathed with my eyes closed, not visualizing
pulling his intestines out and strangling his little sister with them.
"Because I feel nauseous when looking at the food," which was now back
in the refrigerator temporarily, "and if I don't get something for that,
you're not gonna eat tonight." Or, worse, I'd have to pay for takeout.
17:16 20 Feb
It was, of course, a madhouse; but I'd managed to convince Ricky to
stay in the running car and watch his sister (and my car) by reminding
him how long it took to mount and demount Stella. Well, that's not how
I'd put it. But it had worked.
So 'all' I had to do was fight my way through the post-work grocery
crowd to get some fresh ginger, sugar, peppermint extract, lemons, and a
paper facemask. And oven bags, because Miz Parker was out. Of course,
these were on opposite ends of the store, and of course everyone was
trying to block me, in concert, though without APPARENTLY communicating
with each other. I really wanted the Detect Evil now, along with Cone
of Disintegrate for when they showed positive.
17:38 20 Feb
"Oh... dear." Miz Parker was home. Well, I'd left a note.
17:42 20 Feb
"Drip some peppermint extract on the paper filter," which I did,
"then cut a slice of lemon..." Which I did. "Then, stuff the lemon
inside the mask and put it on." That took some fiddling, but I got it,
and then I was getting teary-eyed at the lemon-peppermint gas mix I was
Miz Parker asked, "Does that work?" She sounded skeptical.
"I think it'll work," I hoped.
17:44 20 Feb
It worked. *Amen!*
Of course, now I was about an hour late. Well, I could make some
of that up if I went like crazy.
"Okay, get out of here or you'll end up as part of dinner," I
warned her. "And take Stella!"
18:39 20 Feb
"Maybe nine," I warned Nicole. "I... I'm running late, I had to
make an emergency trip to the store."
"Oh man... well, we're eating, so I gotta go. Nine?"
"Assuming nothing ELSE goes to- uh, wrong." Of course, saying that
was sort of inviting the Universe to screw with you. "I'll call if
something else goes wrong, okay?" Assuming I still had limbs, a tongue,
a brain, that the phones hadn't been knocked out by high-altitude EMP...
"'Kay, see ya."
I hoped it would be that easy.
19:36 20 Feb
"Oh, man," I sighed. I'd been just a little late with dinner, but
luckily I hadn't been eaten myself. Of course, it wasn't Mike's dinner,
or Kathy's; the Parkers were pretty relaxed about eating times. And now
I needed to run like hell to get to Nicole's to pick her up- "Oh sh-"
And I had to meet her mom.
"Valerie?" Mr. Parker asked.
"Oh, I gotta go, like right now," I sighed. "I'm late, actually.
See you guys Monday?"
"You're not going to eat here?"
"No, I'm sorry... I'd sort of intended to- uh, but I'm really
running late. I'll get something at home, I guess." I hated doing
that, with Mom being such a bitch lately, but I didn't have a choice.
20:00 20 Feb
Everyone was gone from Rachel's, which suggested that maybe I ought
to steal a quick shower. Panic and nausea were not nice things to smell
on a person. Especially when that person was trying to date your
*Even more after your daughter's gone to bed with 'im...*
20:22 20 Feb
"Damn fuck shit it's cold!" I gasped. Maybe I shouldn't have
washed my hair.
20:56 20 Feb
I'd contemplated getting some fast food, but I didn't want to spend
the money, and the idea of 'fried' did not make me feel good inside
either. Plus, Nicole would smell the fat on me and demand some of her
own, which would be more time, and probably more expense since she'd
want me to pay for it, and...
*Maybe I should just go home, dump her, an- No, she's in my damned
class.* Plus I'd lose all the Karma points I'd built up, not just with
her but with all the women who would hear about it. Which would be,
approximately, all of them.
I sighed, almost ran my fingers through my hair but managed to stop
myself, and got out of my car. "Damn fuck shit it's cold!" I gasped,
and slammed my door and ran for Nicole's front door. Knocking did not
make the door open instantly nor turn on the hypothetical kerosene porch
heaters, which was predictable but a damned shame anyway. "Oh please
Eventually there was an unlocking noise and the door opened, to
show Nicole, who looked kind of not-happy. "Hey," she said, looking a
little more happy. "C'mon in."
"Okay," I agreed, and I went in and shut the door before Nicole
"MOM! Tuck's here!" she bellowed.
I hoped I wouldn't be here for long; either Nicole smoked a lot
inside, or her mom did, and then there were the residual smells from
some kind of fried-beef dinner... and I'd left the mask and et cetera at
the Parkers'. *Oh god, don't let me hurl in front of her mom...*
"You okay? You look kind of pale."
"Um, yeah. Let me take off my coat..." Extra warmth was not a
good thing right now.
As I got out of it, Nicole hung it up as she said, "Mom, this is
Tuck. Tucker. Um, do you HAVE a first name?" she giggled.
Ms. Nicole, so to speak, was about as tall as my dad, though quite
a bit wider. Not quite as tall as Kathy, but definitely up there.
"Hello," she said as she gave me the Eye Of Parental Inquiry. "Alice
"Hi. I hate my first name, so I go by my last name, Tucker. Or
Tuck. It's nice to meet you," I lied, and hopefully my face looked like
the smile I was trying for.
"What IS your first name?" Nicole persisted.
"Embarrassing," I smarted off. She slapped at my head, or tried to
because I caught her wrist. "Ho ho!"
Then I remembered her mom was RIGHT there, and let go rather than
challenge Nicole to a little hand-to-hand.
"Anyway," Nicole chattered, "I told her all about you, 'cause we've
been in class since the beginning of the year."
"Yeah, but we weren't really talking until, oh-"
"November, right?"
"That seems right."
Ms. Petersen asked, "Well, what were you planning on doing
That was a question I didn't think I wanted to answer. Actually, I
could answer it; I just didn't want to answer HER.
Nicole answered, "We're just gonna spend the night, at his-"
Ms. Petersen asked me, "Do your parents know what you're doing?"
"Mom, we MET them Saturday night!"
I hoped, REALLY hoped, that Nicole hadn't mentioned my mom being
drunk. Though I could swear she hadn't been driving, and my dad was
definitely able to take care of her.
"Um, yes ma'am. Like Nicole said, we met them... they were coming
back from dinner, and met her."
"And you snuck her into th-"
"NO! Excuse me. No, I- Well, actually my mom asked if she was
staying the night, and I said yes, and they said-"
"Asked about the rules, like if I knew them," Nicole interjected.
"Right. Like don't go downstairs without someone to turn off the
security system," I explained to Ms. Petersen. "I mean, nothing big.
Or really weird." Nicole wasn't cleared for the really weird.
"He- He'd already cooked dinner, an- for ME," she emphasized.
"You helped a lot," I felt it necessary to say, for some stupid
"Yeah, but you cooked," Nicole smiled. "Anyway, he was like a
perfect gentleman all through that, and then I just wanted to stay over.
He fixed breakfast too, for, for... Jill?"
"Yeah," I nodded slowly, trying not to bounce myself. I was
feeling 'delicate' at the moment.
"Stay over?" her mother repeated.
I thought I was going to pass out.
"Mommmm!" Nicole protested.
"I do not want some rakehell taking advantage of my daughter," she
stated, very firmly, at me.
"Uh a what? That's like a-"
"Slimeball," she glared.
"Quiet," she warned, and Nicole stopped speaking and apparently
switched to psionics, going for an attack judging by her glare. I
could've told her that probably wouldn't work.
"I... I mean, I'm not... Excuse me," I said, because if I didn't
sit down, Something Bad was going to happen. I landed on a couch, not
very gracefully, but not enough to jar my stomach into exploding.
"Are you okay?" Nicole asked again.
"Just... nervous, I guess. Dunno why, haha," I said. I was glad
I'd showered; the current sweat on top of the previous sweat would've
been way too much.
Nicole sat on the arm of the couch next to me and took one of my
hands in both of hers. "Mom, turn it OFF, would you? You're scaring
"Am I scaring you?"
"Yes ma'am." There wasn't any point in denying it.
Unexpectedly, she chuckled, and took a seat across from us as she
said, "Good. I don't want my daughter being taken advantage of."
"Oh no," I agreed.
"Mom, it's not like that," Nicole said like she was patiently
repeating something she'd already said a few times. "I did what I
wanted. Pretty much."
"Pretty much?"
"Tucker showed me some things... and some things I didn't think
he'd do."
Ms. Petersen turned the Eye up a couple orders of magnitude. I
closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see it any more.
"MOM! I mean he wasn't a pig, okay? He asked me what _I_ wanted
to do, and then he did it, and he didn't just... take what he wanted.
He was sweet and gentle..."
"He looks gay." She glared at me again. "Are you?"
That woke me up. "I-" I glared back at Ms. Petersen, who looked a
little surprised. "Just because I don't look like Justin Timberlake or
Leo DiCaprio does not automatically mean I'm gay! Neither does the
cosmetology class I'm in!"
"He's not the only guy in there," Nicole threw in.
I kept going, "I won't tell you OR your daughter that I love her,
not this early, and ESPECIALLY not to just screw her." Ms. Petersen
looked more surprised now, but I was still spooling up. "I'd rather be
her friend, and if she wants to take me to bed, I'm HONORED that she
chose me; and if she wants to turn that part of it off that's fine too;
I won't stop being her friend if she does, either. We're being careful,
we're using protection, and she's in a warm safe protected place, not
the back seat of a car or on top of a picnic table or-"
"Ew!" Nicole peeped.
"-someplace," I continued. "More than that, I don't think you want
to know; and I'm not going to tell you because it's private. If you
want to let her come with me and stay the night, I'd be very happy, and
I'll do my best to make her happy too. And if she wants to come home,
back here, then I'll take her home, no strings. Just give me a few
minutes," I reminded Nicole. "I gotta turn off the security and stuff."
I turned back to Ms. Petersen and finished, "If you don't want to let
her come over..." I shrugged. "You're her mom, I'm not gonna argue
with that. But I'm not just looking to- just to score with some hot
chick, or anything like that. I... She's my friend, and I like her,
and..." I flamed out.
Nicole kissed my hair.
Ms. Petersen looked a whole lot different now than she had.
"Well... Nicole?"
"Yeah, pretty much," Nicole agreed, almost haughtily, as she draped
an arm over my shoulder.
"Then... I guess I hope the two of you have a good night," Ms.
Petersen said, kind of reluctantly, like my mom when she wanted to
lecture someone for something but couldn't find an excuse.
"Thank you," Nicole said with immense dignity as she let go of me
and stood up, before offering me a hand. I took it, and stood up, at
the same time Ms. Petersen did. "Mom," she said, sounding more chatty,
and more like her normal self, "I thought we'd just go to practice from
there, tomorrow, so you don't have to get up early. You could bring me
home tomorrow, right?" she asked me.
"Wh-" I hadn't thought that far ahead. "Oh, yeah, definitely." I
warned her, "I can't cook, though; my folks are home, so it'll be Mom
doing it, and she's being a pill lately. We could go out to eat?"
"And you pay for mine right?"
"No! You're a liberated woman; you pay for your own!"
"Nuh UH!"
"Nicole," Ms. Petersen said, "did you actually pack for this?"
Nicole sighed deeply, like she was offended that anyone would ask
such a crass question. "Yessss..."
"Why don't you go get it, before it gets any later," Ms. Petersen
"'Kay!" Nicole agreed happily and zipped off.
"Please take care of her," Ms. Petersen said to me.
"I," I said to her, slowly but firmly, "ALWAYS take care of my
"CHILL!" Nicole shrieked from somewhere out of sight.
"I hope to see more of you around, 'Tucker'," Ms. Petersen said as
she held out her hand to me, like she wanted to shake it.
I shook it. "That'd be cool, but I am really busy... I couldn't
get here earlier because I'm babysitting..."
"That's what Nicole said. And she said you cook there too?"
"Yes ma'am, pretty much every night. That's one reason I'm getting
"One reason?"
"My aunt's a cook, and I spent a summer with her. Mom's just as
good... and they want ALL the kids to know how to cook before they
"I think that's actually a good idea," she agreed.
"Maybe we could get him to cook," Nicole smirked as she came back
with a small bag.
"That's what you said," Ms. Petersen said, as Nicole's face got
ugly, "about the last one-"
"I'm better than he could even imagine," I threw in between them.
They both looked at me.
The virtual Mike in my head prompted me to say, "And modest too."
21:09 20 Feb
Maybe this had all been another attempt to get me to start smoking;
Nicole had made me stop so she could have one, and I needed the break
myself. On the other hand, the wind was thankfully blowing steadily, so
I made SURE I was upwind. My stomach was still doing slow spins.
"And you were complaining about MY friends being intense?" I
"S'why I hate it so much!"
She had a point.
*Speaking of friends, on the other hand...* I got out my
cellphone, dialed Mike, and when he picked up, I said, "Tucker, all
clear." Because we weren't stupid. Mike had just figured that I had a
better chance to E&E if there was only one of us, in the unlikely event
that her mom had actually been THAT upset. Two targets gave a hostile
two chances to capture, wound, or kill ONE of the targets, after all.
"Good deal," he agreed. "Out."
"Out clear," I said, and hung up.
Nicole asked, "What was that about?"
21:17 20 Feb
"See?" She showed me the container from her purse, in which she
deposited the I-hoped-totally-extinguished butt, then sealed the
container and stuck it back in her purse. "All nice and polite and not-
littering and stuff."
"Yeah, okay," I had to admit. "So you get to ride instead of
walk." I hoped like hell that the thing was actually sealed. "Wait,
what happens if they search your purse, at school?"
She stated, "I am so totally utterly fucked."
Well, I couldn't bash her for being a blind optimist about it.
21:44 20 Feb
"Oh, man," I sighed as I came in - shutting the door behind Nicole,
of course - and went straight to the refrigerator. Naturally there was
a new flash card up, so I stored that in RAM; but what I really wanted
was some of that ginger ale-beer-cider-whatever. Which reminded me to
put the grocery sack down someplace Mom could find it; I thought she
could probably figure out what to do with the fresh ginger.
Nicole sighed. "At least it's warm in here. Why'd you keep it so
cold in the car?"
"I'm kind of... Tummy upset," I told her. "Cold helps. So does
this, I hope." The plastic bottle was stiff, but not to the point I
needed to take it outside and shoot it from a distance to save my
"What is it?"
"Homemade ginger ale. The REAL ginger ale. Want some?"
"What's it taste like?"
"Ginger, duh."
She growled at me. "No, I mean, wh-"
"You'd have to taste it." I took it to the sink and got one of the
square rubber bottle openers, and slowly opened the top. It didn't fizz
too much, so I poured some for me and a taste for Nicole in another
glass. "Try some?"
She sipped and made a face. "It's kind of weird."
"Yeah, I guess..." I had more than she did, and it felt better.
"Oh, hey, did I eat something? No. Want something?" I asked.
Mike said, "That'd be cool," as he came into the kitchen.
"Dude, you JUST ate!" Jill complained as she also came in.
Mike noticed, "Hey, how's the ginger ale?"
Nicole was now looking at me accusingly.
*Okay, killing them... out. Yelling... it's late, Mom and Dad
aren't here apparently; out. Bitching at them... Jill lives here, it's
known she's dating-or-whatever Mike, and he has keys anyway; out.*
"Would you like something?" Jill asked. "Did you eat already?"
Nicole answered, "I did, Tucker didn't."
"Why you no eat? You need eat," Mike admonished me in an accent he
didn't actually have, and shook a finger at me. "You too thin. How you
get wife you so thin?"
"At least," I said to Nicole, "he's shorter than your mom." It
wasn't much, but it was probably all I was going to get.
"I made meatloaf, your mom's recipe," Jill said. "And there's some
"That's good enough," I decided. "Want some?" I asked Nicole.
"Love some," Mike answered before Nicole could.
"You JUST ate!" Jill and I accidentally chorused at him.
22:09 20 Feb
Since my life was not miserable enough, Brian smelled food and came
down; and he brought his stupid cat. Which Nicole liked.
Meanwhile, I was cooking a little extra, and a little too busy to
respond instantly to anything Nicole said; so Mike and Jill and,
horrifyingly, Brian were doing so.
I was kind of irritated, and verging on nausea again, but that was
possibly something to do with me not having eaten since lunch, though I
was usually more resistant to whining of the flesh. Which, of course,
meant that I couldn't just give up and leave, or just take whatever and
eat it and skip the rest; I had a feeling that a 'decent' meal would
make me feel better.
The only thing that would be more 'perfect' would be if my parents
came in, but at least I'd wrapped a cloth around my head to hide the
earrings. It also soaked up the sweat nicely.
22:28 20 Feb
"No, it's pretty good," Nicole said as she had a tiny amount of my
(first) dinner, and everyone else's second. Well, Jill wasn't having
that much either. Maybe it was a weight-control thing. Not like I had
to worry about that.
"I really love your cooking," she told me, and smiled.
"Oh, well," I said, not knowing what else to say. "Thanks. I like
cooking for you," I figured I ought to say too.
"Tuck'll make someone a great housewife somed- OW! Fag!" Brian
snarled at Mike. "OW!" he complained as Jill punched him in the head.
"What would your mom say if she heard you use 'fag' as an insult?"
Mike asked, twisting the knife deep in Brian's gut.
Jill answered, "She would kick your ass."
"Or worse," Mike said. "Lecture you."
"That's better," Mike nodded, acting like he'd won.
"If he insults YOU," I said to Nicole, "tell one of us. There will
be NO insulting of guests," I said a bit louder, in case Brian forgot
that 'little' rule. Mom might or not lecture about the fag-as-insult
thing; abusing guests would induce a filibuster sort of lecture that
might just last days, and in any case would be extremely unpleasant.
She made it unpleasant on purpose; she just liked making it long.
Nicole gestured with her eyes at Mike and Jill.
"They're kind of family," I sighed. "Which is why I can't lock 'em
"Lock who out?" Dad asked.
I almost put my head into my plate of food.
23:18 20 Feb
Dad glared at me. I don't know why; it wasn't like I was
encouraging her. "House policy is, you will NOT under ANY circumstances
smoke ANYTHING inside the house. Guests are provided a location under a
porch roof, either front or back, and an ashtray. Ashtray is to be
cleaned by the host, Tuck," he pointed at me, "after she leaves. Guests
do so at their own risk, knowing that smoking is discouraged by the
house; we take no responsibility, including that of minor-in-
possession." He rubbed his face. "God, I've got to stop talking to
lawyers. Not yours," he added.
"No kidding," I said, though I wasn't as worried now. "Hash
include elltee stand-ioh-dot-aitch geetee backslash-N int main open int
argsee comma char-pointer argvee array close?"
He replied, "Open-brace newline tab printeff doublequote go to bed
kids bang, BANG," he emphasized, "doublequote close semicolon newline
close-brace pipe cc amp-amp dot-slash a-dot-out." But he was kind of
smiling. "Renice minus ten," he added.
The girls looked confused, Brian rolled his eyes and went back
inside, and I nodded and agreed, "Yes Dad."
"Not like the two of them are geeks or anything," Mike explained to
"Not at all," Dad grinned, and went back in. I wished, and hoped,
that he was going to punish Brian, but I couldn't imagine for what, so
it was unlikely.
"Okay, what the hell was that," Nicole asked warily.
"What he said, he meant," I told her. "Just, you might not want to
smoke around Mom. She's..."
"In remission," Mike inserted. "And bitchy about it."
I sighed, "Bitchy is not the word."
"So we can go in, right? Later," Jill said, and beckoned to Mike,
who followed her, closing the door behind him.
"Your family is like FUCKED UP," Nicole informed me before she lit
"You should talk!"
After a while, in which it looked like the heroin was hitting her
brain and she liked that, she let the smoke out. "I didn't SAY MY mom
WASN'T fucked up." She sighed. "God... I just-" Her eyes opened and
she looked at me in surprise. "Oh, I already told you. Period, it
sucks," she summarized.
"What- I mean, I know what a period is, it's the uterus lining
falling off because no fertilized egg." She nodded like 'yes yes get on
with it' as she had another long suck-and-hold. "But, what- I mean,
what's it feel like? I know every woman is different, and some periods
are different; what's yours like?"
She expelled; luckily, she was downwind. "Man that's good."
"Your period?!"
"Oh, the addiction thing," I caught. "So what's your period like?
Seriously," I added, because she looked like she might be thinking I
wasn't serious.
"Oh, just..." She took another hit and looked at me carefully for
a while, before tossing her head and venting sort of to the side. "You
REALLY want to know this?"
"Well... it's making you unhappy," I mentioned. "And, I guess... I
mean, you're NOT the only one. Who's had 'em."
"Ha. No," she agreed.
"So, I mean... what's it doing to you?"
"Oh, just... I've got some cramps tonight, and the bleeding- that's
not too bad, I guess. Kinda hurts. Nauseous, too, a little."
"Can you feel it? The bleeding, I mean?"
"Not really. I mean, the bleeding doesn't hurt or anything-"
"No, I mean, can you tell if it's happening?"
23:29 20 Feb
She dropped onto my bed, looking exhausted. "Oh, man," she sighed.
"Um, could I take a shower?"
I listened, and didn't hear any pipe noise. "Probably. Want me to
come in with you?"
"Um. Jill kinda likes someone to talk to, in the shower," I
disclosed. "And, uh, other women, have too, sometimes."
She rolled her eyes and then laughed. "Man, I forgot what you're
"I don't know," she said, still kind of smiling. "I mean- GOD
it's so WEIRD. I mean it's like we're MARRIED or something-"
"I mean, okay, I'm not the first girl I know to have sex, right?
But I mean, with the others it was more like, 'oh god we gotta clean up
before Mom gets home' or jeez 'before I TAKE you home' like in their CAR
or something, or they have to before someone finds out or catches them
or something..." She took a breath, which I needed too after all that.
"But, I mean, with YOU," she smiled and looked amazed, "I mean- and it's
not awkward with you- I mean it is, but it's like, you- I- You weren't
even upset when I said I was having my period! Most guys, FFFFT!" she
threw her hand away, "'Uh like yeah like call me in a week oh gross',
but you..."
She just sat there shaking her head in amazement. I thought. I
would've shaken my head too, at the torrent that had just come out of
her mouth, but I was afraid if I moved I might set it off again.
The smile turned into a grimace. "Hot show- Could I take a bath?"
"Can you do that on your period?"
"YEA- Oh, sorry," she stopped. "Yeah. I mean, don't drink the
water or any-"
"Eyuch, no."
"But yeah. Would that be okay?"
"Um, yeah, if we hurry..."
"'We', huh," she said with sort of a smirk.
"Well, if you want to." I huffed. "Nicole, I still don't know
what's, like, too far, or out of bounds, or-"
The smirk went away as she said, "Right right right, so if I don't
like it I should say something right?"
"Yeah..." She sort of drifted away as she stood up. "Um... yeah,
23:36 20 Feb
I'd finally gotten what she meant by the 'like we're married' part;
that I was acting like an adult, or a woman except I was asking too many
questions that an actual woman would already know about periods, or
someone in a years-long relationship, because I was actually asking
reasonable questions about her period, and seemed - I assured her I WAS,
up to a possible point I could imagine but we hadn't hit yet -
interested in her answers. And I wasn't acting like a early-teenaged
boy about it; getting all grossed out, making fun of her, 'don't trust
anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die' kind of things.
I admitted, "Well, I am a little grossed out- I mean, it just
seems..." I shrugged. "I mean, it can stain your clothes, it's a
"Oh, yeah, but not like you can't TALK about it. I mean, hell, you
just said 'stains your clothes' like you KNOW that. And it does," she
"All the time?"
"No! Just, if you're not careful." She looked at me. "I bet you
know how to get bloodstains out of clothes, too."
"You can't always- Unless YOU know something? That ALWAYS works?"
She shook her head. "Darn, I was hoping-"
"Every woman on the planet, I swear!"
00:02 21 Feb
"I probably ought to take the tampon out now- Oh, and switch to a
pad." She challenged me, "Want to see?"
"Oh, sure," I said, and rolled my eyes. "I mean, what's the point
in stopping now?"
We both laughed.
"No, seriously-"
"Yeah, I guess," I said. "I mean... okay, I DON'T think it's 'kind
of cool', but I guess I should. I mean, I'm not making fun of y-"
"No, no," she agreed.
"I probably should," I realized.
"You might have a girl- like a daughter someday," she mentioned.
I twitched a bit, because I wouldn't, and said, "Or..." Then I
twitched worse. "Oh god."
"Or..." I sighed, because I had to tell the story, and I did not
come out covered in glory. Or even decency. Though I hadn't, at least,
come out covered in blood, menstrual or otherwise. "Or it could be some
girl over here at a party, who was having her FIRST period apparently,
and didn't know, and was bleeding through her shorts- I mean, her WHITE
shorts..." Nicole was looking more and more horrified as I went on.
"And I didn't think it was that- I mean, I thought she KNEW, so I
didn't think to ask another girl to talk to her, I just brought her into
the bathroom and tried to talk to her quietly about it, and she saw the
blood and started freaking."
"Oh my god," she breathed.
"I felt so bad..."
00:05 21 Feb
"See, just..." Nicole pulled on the string, and out it came. It
had what my body said was A LOT OF BLOOD OH SHIT OH SHIT on or in it,
but closing my eyes and thinking about spilling water told me it wasn't
actually that much, maybe a few cc's.
I opened my eyes. "I do NOT like blood." She started to smirk, so
I explained, "It's probably a bad sign- I mean, I haven't dealt too much
with girl's periods, so it's probably injury. That much blood means an
injury, I mean. And if it's ME, bleeding, I either pass out or... freak
out." She probably wouldn't understand 'berserkergang'. "Violently."
"Bad things happen," I summarized, and hopefully concealed, "to
either me or whoever did it to me."
"So like what happened when you got beat up?"
"There were four of them in there, in an enclosed space- I'd
rather have run, but I was trapped. I know I broke some things, on
them... If they hadn't knocked me unconscious I might've been able to
do more... Um, can we change the topic?" I did not feel well.
"Sorry," she sighed.
"I was throwing this away," she said as she dangled the used
tampon. "Oh, and DON'T flush 'em; I ALWAYS stopped up a toilet when I
did that. Even if it says flushable, it's not." She got some toilet
paper with her other hand and then wrapped the tampon with it.
"Oh, great. Please don't stop up the-"
"That's why it goes in here," she said as she dropped it in the
trash can. Which had a liner. Which was almost certainly why we had a
liner in this trash can which was right next to the toilet.
Well, I had to allow that Susan wasn't entirely stupid; and she had
lived here and used this bathroom for years.
"Okay GOD this is fucked up," she breathed. "I don't thin- I don-
I didn't think I would EVER do that in front of somebody, except maybe
if I had girls later- girl children... and that wouldn't be until I was
like THIRTY!" She shook her head. "I mean..."
"If it's too much or anything, I can go," I reminded her. "I mean,
I'm interested, not like obsessed or anything."
She nodded as she almost panted. "I know... It's just... Well, I
mean, Tuck, I hate ta tell ya but you're kinda WEIRD."
I laughed, "Oh, you noticed?"
00:21 21 Feb
The hot bath, some ibuprofen, and her own electric heating pad, now
plugged in and warming her belly, seemed to make her feel much better.
Me behind her, pressed up against her, also made her feel better, she
claimed. Well, I wasn't going to argue.
"And then there's the other problem," she said, a little loudly so
I could hear her, since I was cuddling her from behind.
"What's that?"
"I get so fucking horny," she sighed.
"ON your period? I thought they- women got horny during ovulation,
when they could get pregnant."
"I know, it's stupid. I mean what's the point right? But it
helps, I mean I feel better."
*Do I really want to put my dick in there when it's bloody?*
"So I usually, um..."
She pushed me off, dropped the heating pad, rolled over, and hugged
me, all of which was not what I'd expected. "You know what's the most
UTTERLY cool thing about you? You just SAY stuff like that."
"I don't feel embarrassed or like dirty talking about it- SEX," she
emphasized, "with you."
I stroked a finger on her naked skin. "Not even a little dirty?"
She laughed, though not unkindly. "Just- The GOOD dirty, with
you, not the BAD dirty," she stopped smiling, "like would happen at
school or something."
"Oh right," I sighed. Then I hugged her, because it was so unfair
and SO nasty.
"See?" she said. Then she said, "I hate my life," and started to
I could sort of agree that her life was deserving of hate right
now; I was kind of pissed off at it myself, since it had gone from wow-
you're-neat to crying in a few seconds and I had no idea why.
00:24 21 Feb
"Sorry," she sighed. "My period just fucks me up. Sometimes I cry
at commercials, even."
"What, seriously?" She nodded. I joked, "That's probably because
of the prices."
"Haha," she said, though it sounded like she actually did
appreciate the humor a little. "It's stupid, but..."
"Stupid periods." Then I asked, "Right?"
"Right." Then she giggled a little. "Can I be having those after-
sex hormone things again? 'Cause I love you again."
"Well, okay, but only until Sunday." That made her actually laugh.
01:10 21 Feb
"Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!Oh!" she repeated in a quiet high pitch, sounding like
she was singing. I continued thrusting, since she seemed to appreciate
it and I know I did.
01:17 21 Feb
I saw the blood on the condom as I got ready to dump it, and felt
very ill. "Oh... Shit, we've been TALKING about your period for like
all NIGHT and it STILL bugs me... It- I feel like _I_ hurt you, made
you bleed somehow, ev-"
She confirmed, "That's stupid!"
"I KNOW! That's what's pissing me off!" Stupid bloody condom. It
had been the same way with the gloves earlier, except this was worse. I
threw it angrily in the trash, then got back into position to touch
Nicole again. "Nicole, I'm SORRY! It's not like it's YOU or anything!"
"I know," she said, and I wanted her to believe me but I was afraid
she didn't.
01:24 21 Feb
"You are so weird," Nicole said softly before she kissed another
tear off my face. "S'cool though."
I sighed, because now I was embarrassed too, along with vaguely
freaked over the blood and the didn't-happen-but-can't-convince-myself
harm I'd done to Nicole, and then the hatred of my own stupidity and
inability to overwrite my feelings with sanity.
"I really love you tonight," she smiled, and giggled. "That's so
weird, to say I mean. You know what though? I think you're right about
it... but FUCK it feels so GOOD."
I was glad for her. "Tell me you love-me-tonight again..." I
sighed, and almost started crying again. "I need it..."
"Oh, baby," she crooned as she pulled me close.
01:49 21 Feb
"No, this is not going to work," I realized. "We gotta do it the
other way."
"Damnit," Nicole sighed, but we started the process of rolling her
over along with the heating pad, which currently was heating up MY belly
way past the point of comfort.
"Oh, hey," I said as I realized we were both still naked. "I
kinda- Well, I didn't get YOU something, specifically, but I got
something you could wear."
I got up, as she rolled back over and watched, and I went and
excavated the size 16 white cotton nightgown I'd gotten. "Kind of like
the robe, for-"
"Oh my GOD!" she squealed. "You are SUCH A SLUT!OhmyGOD!"
"You're BUYING CLOTHES for women to wear when they've had SEX WITH
"Oh. I just thought it was for guests..." Though I could kind of
see her point, much much too late; and yeah that was a WEIRD idea.
01:52 21 Feb
"Plus I brought my own," she said.
"Oh. Well, I didn't know you'd be bringing luggage."
"Ha! Me neithe- well, I hoped," she said. "I didn't think she'd
just tell me to go get it though!"
01:54 21 Feb
"Yours is prettier," I told her when she'd finished arranging her
own nightgown over her body. It was also shorter and slinkier.
"Yeah," she said as she looked down at herself. "But, I mean,
would it be okay if I wore that one? Yours?" Then she exploded in
giggles. "Oh GOD that's so fucked UP!"
01:55 21 Feb
"If you don't stop laughing," I said deliberately when she hadn't,
"I won't let you wear my pretty new nightg-"
02:09 21 Feb
Peed, teeth brushed, and changed into pajama bottoms (me) and a new
very oversized white cotton nightgown (her), plus panties and a pad
(her), we were getting back into bed, though this time I thought for
Nicole said, as she wriggled backwards to give me room, "But I can
TOTALLY love you until Sunday, right?"
"Yeah," I grinned.
"So do we go to practice tomorrow?"
"Wh- Yeah, let's," I agreed, grinning wider.
"Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence
of transformation." - Ann Voskamp
Distribution: No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group.
Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work (from the BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE header to the END PGP SIGNATURE footer) is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. And no fee may be charged.
Archiving is permitted provided no fee is charged for access.
All rights reserved. ~Ellen.
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Walk in the Park
by Ellen Hayes Copyright© 1997, 2017 Ellen Hayes All Rights Reserved. |
No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes.
All rights reserved.
This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not responsible.
Continuing to read this document, or storing it or reproducing it in any format means that you explicitly affirm that you are legally allowed to possess and read such materials in your city, county/parish, state, and country.
All rights reserved. See the bottom for distribution rights. ~Ellen.
Walk in the Park
Chris pulled into the parking lot, killed the engine, and just
*Oh my God, how could I have been so stupid?* he wondered.
He'd been seriously dressing for maybe six months, ever since he
got into the public library and read up on his condition. He'd had a
name for his desires, and when he read the possibilities, they were too
enticing to ignore.
Besides, his mom's clothes weren't fitting him too well these
So he got a post office box, and had nervously made a few orders
from the catalogs his mother seemed to accumulate. They'd come in, no
problem. The clerk hadn't even looked at him funny when he came in to
pick them up.
Learning what to do with the Avon makeup had been harder, but he'd
worked at it when he could. Eventually, he got fairly decent.
There wasn't much he could do about his hawkish nose, not until he
could afford plastic surgery, but the rest of it had yielded to patient
learning, and time. Especially the hair, dark and straight but thick,
which was now long enough to make some of the metalheads jealous.
His girlfriend had loved it; she brushed it every chance she got.
He'd loved _that_..
His parents hadn't freaked out too much about the hair, which he
found kind of odd. But then again, who _wasn't_ wearing long hair these
A mere month ago, he'd taken a couple of self-polaroids, and looked
at them very closely, and decided he could go Out.
The first couple of times had been nerve-wracking, especially since
he had to change outside the house at least once, and usually twice.
But he knew the neighborhood like the back of his hand, and hardly
anybody was around the churches during the week. It just made him more
nervous. Just what he needed. But it was relatively safe.
He'd just driven around the first time, afraid to even get out of
the car. At least he had air conditioning in his car; that helped keep
him from sweating to death. He still was soaked when he got home.
After half a dozen tries that had gone off well, he'd "graduated"
to running a couple of errands, far away from any place he normally
went. Things had gone pretty well. He'd even been flirted with once,
although he still wondered if the little Iranian clerk had simply been
entranced by a woman's face he could _see_.
Last weekend, he'd tried something even riskier than usual. It had
been a nice day, Dad was working a Saturday and Mom was doing lunch with
a friend, his breast forms had come in and worked wonders, and he had
this sundress... so he went to Brentwood park. To walk the dog.
Halfway across town was a helluva walkies, but he wasn't dumb enough to
do it near his house.
He'd smiled nervously at a lot of people, and they'd smiled,
un-nervously, right back. And nobody had really stared. Oh, some of
them had _looked_, but nobody had that open-mouthed gape he'd read
about, the one that said, "You're nicked!" He had come home, flushed
with success and daydreaming of a future life that would start as soon
as he got to college, and maybe sooner...
When he found the pictures in his locker two days later, of him in
Brentwood park, he'd almost died. There'd been a greeting card attached
to the best close-up shot, the one that made it plain as day who it was
(Chris) and what they were doing (wearing full makeup and a dress).
It read: "Be at Brentwood park again, Friday at 7pm, at the red
pickup with the Z104 bumper sticker. Dress nice. Be ready to discuss
distribution of these photos. Leave the dog. D."
He'd racked his brain for hours, trying to figure out who it was
and what they wanted. The handwriting was feminine, at least. And the
card had a kitten on the front, too. That meant it was probably a girl,
which meant it was slightly less likely that he'd be beaten to shit. On
the other hand, blackmail could get really ugly really fast.
Nobody at school had acted any differently towards him that _he_
could tell. He'd been looking, too; frantically scanning faces for a
sign that they had him over a barrel. Nothing.
He didn't want to go, but another card fell out of his locker
Friday morning. Same card, same handwriting. This one said: "Don't
forget Brentwood Park Friday 7pm, dress nice, or the previous photos get
plastered to the walls. We need to talk. D."
Now he knew what fear was. Fear was sitting, waiting for the time
of your doom to arrive, and getting out and walking towards it. The
park was almost deserted, and the truck he was supposed to find was
blatantly obvious.
He'd dressed nice, wearing a dress he'd gotten from one of the
ritzier catalogs. It was a deep burgundy silk, and showed more curves
than he actually had. The skirt looked tight but had a generous walking
slit in the back, which allowed him a rather extraordinary range of
movement, considering. He'd also worn a pair of decent clip-on hearts
and a heart necklace, out of his very limited collection of jewelry. The
stockings and corselette that were his favorites were more for some sort
of insane morale boost than any expectation that anyone would actually
see them.
When he'd tried it at home, a couple of weeks ago, it had looked
good enough. He thought he looked rather like a high-grade secretary.
Like a lot of secretaries, he was also wearing sneakers and socks over
the hose today. He'd been good in track - the shoes would at least give
him a chance. If it was a beating someone had in mind.
Practically panting with fear, he walked up to the truck slowly.
He still couldn't see anyone inside. Was someone off in the trees
taking more pictures? He looked around, but couldn't see anything that
looked like a person, or a camera lens.
At the truck. No one in sight, anywhere. He checked his watch.
Seven o'clock on the dot. Nobody there.
As he looked around again, trying to figure out what was going on,
he spotted a card under the wipers on the truck. *Oh no,* he thought.
That damned kitten stared out at him again.
"There's a path ahead of you. Follow it. D."
He muttered, "Oh God," but began to walk around the truck and down
the path. It led right into the woods, but what else was he supposed to
He was glad he'd worn the sneakers when he almost fell. He wasn't
walking very well today, that's for certain. *Too nervous to
concentrate,* he thought for a moment amidst the swirling fear of his
He walked along under the trees for long enough to get entirely out
of sight of the parking lot, and his car, and a possible escape. The
only sounds he could hear were the birds twittering in the trees.
Just before he was about to say hell with it and turn around, he
saw a building, with another kitten card on a door. He looked around,
and stopped moving to listen. Nothing. Just the wind, and a few birds.
His heart hammering, he walked up to the small building. It was a
double bathroom, smelling of too much use and not enough cleaning. There
was just enough room for two one-person restrooms. The card was right
next to the "Womens" sign. It figured, in a weird way.
This one said: "Go inside and check your makeup. D."
If he'd ever seen a setup, this was a bad one. He'd be blind
inside the restroom, if anyone wanted to sneak up on him. Maybe he
could leave the door open? At least it was too small to hide anyone
He went in, his shoes sticking to the floor between steps. *Oh
God, I thought women's rooms were supposed to be cleaner,* he thought
ironically. He left the door open.
There was a mirror, and he dutifully checked himself out in the dim
light. He looked decent enough, he thought, though there was a line of
sweat on his brow. No surprise there. He pilled a kleenex out of his
purse and blotted the sweat off his face, and used another in a futile
attempt to dry his palms.
"Chris?" asked a man's voice from outside. Chris snapped around
towards the open doorway. *Ohmigod, ohmigod-* "Chris? Come outside."
He was shaking so hard he could barely walk, but he managed to
wobble towards the door. Just before he stepped outside, he took a deep
*I wanted to do this,* he thought at himself. *I wanted this so
bad, and I worked so hard for it, all my life. I never knew what I was
working for until this year, but I wanted it, and worked for it, anyway.
I knew nobody would like it, and I knew I'd take hell for it. I just
gotta face this. I'll never be a woman if I can't take some shit
It didn't slow down the frantic fluttering of his heart, but it did
give him just a bit of resolve.
He took another deep breath, and strode as confidently as he could
through the doorway.
"Chris?" asked the voice again, from off to his left. He turned,
ready for whatever happened.
A young man stood there. He was taller than Chris by a few inches,
though about the same build; blond and blue-eyed, with wire-rimmed
glasses. He was dressed in a sport coat and slacks, carrying a camera
with a super-telephoto lens. After a moment, he recognized him dimly as
one of the school newspaper photo hounds.
"Yes?" he replied, covering his fear with a false bravado.
The guy handed him a clear sheet protector, filled with negatives.
"I, uh, these are yours, if you want 'em."
"What do you want?" Chris snapped. "What do you want for these?"
*It can't be this easy...*
"What do I want?" he asked in return, then leaned against the wall,
and grinned. *Now it comes,* Chris thought, freezing.
"When I saw you in the park," he said unexpectedly, "I thought I
recognized you, but I couldn't figure out where. It took me a day or
two to remember it was school, and then I matched you up with your
yearbook photo." He rubbed his nose, and showed his teeth in a
self-satisfied grin.
"Look, what do you want, okay?" Chris stammered.
"Just hold on a minute, and I'll tell you. You have to listen to
this before you can give me what you owe me, alright?" Chris took a few
deep breaths, trying to fight the urge to run, run far away...
"So, once I figured out who you were, I couldn't believe it. I
caught up with you in the halls, and it was like night and day. Just
"I'm not an idiot, I could see you'd put a lot of work into this.
Not just the clothes and makeup, but the way you moved, too, and the way
you interacted with people. I watched my sister learn what to do when
she was growing up, and frankly, it took a lot of work. You had to have
done that same work, so it wasn't just a joke or an initiation or
"So I looked through some books, and found out what the psychs call
it. Transsexualism."
Chris gasped.
"So," the boy continued without stopping, "there I was, wondering
what in hell would make someone do that, for real. And then I thought,
I know someone that could tell me. You. Except you wouldn't talk about
it if I asked. I knew that already.
"So, I made a few prints in my darkroom, at home, and put 'em in
your locker. I thought you'd take the bait," he grinned.
"So," he continued before Chris could object, "what do I want? I
want to talk to you, get to know you, figure out what makes you tick.
Find out why you're doing this. That's all. I haven't told anybody
else, and I don't plan to. I just want to know."
"That's it?" Chris almost shrieked, stunned. "You want to talk?"
"That's it. Oh, and dinner, if you'd like." He smiled, a smile
wiser than a high school student should have. "My treat, to make up for
the shock."
It certainly was a shock. Chris felt almost ill, and put his hand
to his forehead. In a moment, the guy was at his elbow, gently holding
him up.
"That's it?" Chris repeated weakly. All the whirling thoughts and
plans and contingencies in his mind had simply fallen through a hole,
and now his head felt completely empty.
"That's it," he said firmly, grabbing Chris's hand and placing it
in the crook of his elbow. He kept his other hand on top of Chris's.
"Come on, let's go back to the cars. It's getting dark." He led Chris
out, and back down the path.
"Oh, my name's Eric, by the way. Eric Hamilton. Sorry about
messing up the introduction."
Chris walked dumbly along, propelled by Eric's gentle but firm arm.
This, of all things, was not what he had surmised...
Eric chattily spoke, "You look really good, by the way. I never
would have figured it out except I recognized you, from when you ran
track last year. I did the photos for that one, and I caught one of you
right at the finish line. It was one of my better shots last year, and
so I studied it pretty hard, which is why your face popped out in the
"And that dress looks really nice on you, too. Where did you get
it?" Chris looked over at him, still in shock. He shrugged. "Just
trying to make conversation," he explained.
"Uh," Chris mumbled, overwhelmed.
"It's okay, you'll get over the shock in a little." Eric patted
Chris's hand gently.
They walked the rest of the path in silence, Eric still leading.
Chris thought Eric would stop at his truck, but he didn't let go
until Chris was by the driver's side of his own car. "I was thinking,"
he said casually, "that with both cars here, that we should meet
someplace safer in a little."
"Eric?" asked Chris, still stunned but coming out of the daze,
"you're not going to show the pictures? Or tell anyone?"
He shook his head enthusiastically. "Oh, no," he said. "Then
someone might also explain that I was gay. And then we both lose.
See?" He looked down at Chris's feet. "I do hope you brought better
shoes, though."
"If you don't like it, write one yourself."
TS Tip #3: If you're missing head hair, shave the rest down and dye it
in leopard spots. Then wear a wig. If someone notices, pull the wig
off and tell them you have a day job.
Distribution: No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group.
Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work (from the BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE header to the END PGP SIGNATURE footer) is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. And no fee may be charged.
Archiving is permitted provided no fee is charged for access.
All rights reserved. ~Ellen.
"Tallyho!" \ / @>--,--'-- [email protected] + vicki .sig
Ellen Hayes --=(*)=(*)=-- Renaissance Woman ==[-------- + virus 9.1a
Version: 2.6.2