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When Keith Roseberry meets Genevieve
his life and his world are changed forever and home will never be the same. Chapter 9 Amethyst |
Thanks as always to EoF for giving us such a great Universe to play in and to EoF, Maggie F, and Donjo for their input. Also thanks to my readers for reading my work and patiently waiting for new chapters as my life gets sorted out.
The cafeteria had calmed down somewhat after Becky stormed off and had returned to the buzzing of many different conversations. I took a deep breath and looked toward Jason. “Jason could we talk privately for a few minutes?”
He shrugged, “Sure, I guess. I know a spot outside where we can talk.” He grabbed his things and I followed suit, putting the bottle of tomato juice in my backpack so I wouldn't confuse it with the bottle of blood in my purse. As I was doing that Silphia fluttered up to keep watch while we walked. As I shouldered my backpack he led me out of the cafeteria and into the hallway beyond. From there we headed out the nearest exit to a small stand of trees at the edge of the school grounds. Once we were inside and both leaning against trees he said, “Sorry we didn't warn you about Becky. She's got a bit of a reputation here for telling wild tales. Nobody ever believes her though, she's told so many.”
I nodded, “She's Unseen too then? Or is she really that stupid?”
He chuckled at that, “No, far from it, Becky is really smart and she's a Witch. She plays it up for the Norms, telling all these crazy lies so that nobody believes her when she tells them the truth. It's worked well so far when we've needed damage control. She's really great once you get to know her outside school. You'll meet her and the others in our group of Unseen the next time we have an Unseen only party. Chloe has been trying to convince us all to have one again soon. We don't all get together often outside school and at school we all have to put up acts for the Norms and stick to our own small groups of friends.”
”I see,” I replied. “I really didn't come out here to talk to you about Becky or Unseen school matters though. I wanted to...”
I was interrupted by Silphia, “Someone is coming this way. It's a human girl. Maybe you should be quiet until I'm sure she's gone or she makes herself known.”
I closed my eyes and listened. I could hear her coming this way, her footsteps, her breathing, even her heartbeat as she entered the stand of trees and then she stepped on a twig, snapping it. “What do you want?” I asked, “I know you're out there. This is supposed to be a private conversation.” I heard her sharp intake of breath and the quickening of her heart as she stopped moving. “You might was well show yourself, I heard that twig snap.”
A girl, probably about fourteen years old, with long black hair and hazel eyes wearing a charcoal grey sweater and a knee length black skirt stepped out from behind a tree. “Becky was right, you really are a Vampire, how else could you have heard me sneak up on you?” There was something in her eyes, a determination that made me slightly uncomfortable.
I shook my head and made a show of rolling my eyes. “You stepped on a twig dimwit. That and I'm paranoid, most geniuses are. Besides, I'm outside during the day.”
She thought about that, seeming to want to find something about me that didn't add up. “Maybe you're wearing a daylight ring like in Twilight. Or you're the child of a Vampire and a human.” There was a strange need in her eyes as she grasped at straws.
“Look, see, no rings, no fucking sparkles either,” I said holding out both my hands. “Only lace and black nail polish.” I decided to get into the medical genius role I'd been assigned. “Speaking from a purely medical standpoint Vampires couldn't exist, especially that Twilight garbage. Daylight rings are garbage because there's no such thing as magic, it just can't be proven scientifically. Vampires are garbage because, well there's dozens of medical reasons they just couldn't exist and don't try to say magic because I already stated it doesn't exist. Vampires having children is garbage too. First of all, medically, a dead body couldn't possibly have the means of maintaining a working reproductive system. Secondly, even if such were the case, the sperm or ovum produced by such a being would be dead and thus not viable. And thirdly if Vampires did exist the only reason Edward, or any other Vampire, would have for getting it up in the first place would be rigor mortis.”
“But the way you dress...” she began.
I rolled my eyes again, “The style is called Goth, look it up. Anyone could dress this way if they wanted. I bought most of my clothes at Oh My Goth, on 3rd Avenue.”
“But...” she started again.
I interrupted her again. “Look, I'm not a Vampire, they don't exist, they're a great fantasy but that's all they are. Science just doesn't support their existence. If you believe what that Becky girl says then you're just as crazy as she is.”
“But why'd you come all the way out here?” she asked looking a bit uncertain.
I pointed at Jason, “I was following him, because I asked him for a bit of privacy. Privacy we're not getting.”
“You probably wanted privacy so you could drink his blood,” the girl replied stubbornly.
I groaned, shaking my head, “No, I wanted privacy so we could make out. Thanks a lot for spoiling the mood.” The girl blushed at that as Jason looked at me shocked. “Get this straight, there are no Vampires. The only thing different about me is my brain. Trying to prove to everyone at school that I'm something that doesn't exist is only going to make you an object of ridicule like that Becky girl.”
“Fine then,” she said, though there was still that determined look in her eyes. “Be like that, but I'll be watching you.”
“Whatever, it's your time to waste.” Something felt off about this girl but I just couldn't figure out what it was. I tried to put it out of my mind as she walked off. Once Silphia was sure she was gone and we had privacy again I turned to Jason, “I'm sorry about the other night, it wasn't anything you did Jason. I enjoyed kissing you but there was something that I didn't know about how my kind react to sexual feelings. I wasn't expecting it and it kinda freaked me out.”
Jason looked down at me, “I don't blame you Kay, you're dealing with a lot right now. I figured you probably had a reason for what happened. Nat told me about the water bottle. Did kissing me make you... you know, hungry?”
I nodded, still slightly ashamed, “Yeah, in more ways than one. Genevieve explained to me that sex and the need to feed are linked. I should be able to handle it better now, I'll need to be more careful the more intimate we get though.”
He shook his head, smiling, “We don't have to get intimate, I'd understand if you didn't want to.”
I put my finger to his lips, “I do want to. I like you Jason, I just need you to know what happens when and if we do go further then kissing. I'd need blood on hand or I'd risk feeding on you while caught up in the moment.”
Jason put his hands on my shoulders and looked down into my eyes. “I know. You're not allowed to feed on other Unseen without permission. Well if we ever get intimate enough that you need to feed then you have my permission. I trust you Kay. We haven't known each other long and I know I'm probably an idiot for feeling this way so soon but you are amazing. I'm not talking about the cool Vampire powers or the Healer thing, but you. You're beautiful, smart, loyal, caring, you love classic cars, and you don't even mind getting greasy while working on them. The more I get to know you, the more I want to get to know about you.”
“Jason,” I tried looking away from those deep brown eyes and I just couldn't. “I'm not all wonderful. I worry about you seeing the other side of me, the killer. How would you see me then? I savagely killed those Hunters in Toronto.”
He leaned over, shaking his head.“I don't think you'd ever kill unless it was absolutely necessary. Have you killed anyone besides those Hunters?” I shook my head and he caressed my cheek. “I've killed too you know, sometimes as Unseen we have to, that doesn't mean we enjoy it or that we don't regret the need for it after. We all have things we don't like about ourselves, but it's part of who you are and I want to get to know you, both the good and the bad.” He paused to smile at me. “Now if I kiss you are you gonna run away again?”
I pulled him down toward me and kissed him hard on the lips, wrapping my arms around him. I let the kiss linger for several minutes as he put his arms around me in return. I could feel the hunger but it was not nearly as insistent as I kept my passion in check and just enjoyed being kissed. Our lips parted and I smiled up at him, “I'm still here.” His answer was to kiss me again. Lunch ended all too soon.
My afternoon history class was boring and I was glad when the time finally came for me to head to the clinic. I packed my backpack with my homework for the day while other students were rushing between their classes Silphia was keeping her eyes out for the girl from lunch or anyone else who might be taking too keen an interest in me. I wasn't too worried about the girl since she wasn't in my grade and I have a car, both of which would make it hard for her to keep an eye on me.
I left the school and got into my car wishing I'd been able to talk to Natalie and Sarah a bit more at lunch before becoming preoccupied. I shrugged it off and promised myself I'd talk to them both later. Then I put my Mustang in gear and took the short drive to the clinic.
Sena Island Clinic hadn't changed much since I had left. It was a modern complex and more of a small hospital than a clinic. At the main entrance there was a receptionist's desk and signs. To, the left were the various doctors offices, where they see patients on a day to day basis, to the right was the pharmacy, and behind the desk where elevators which led downstairs to the labs and upstairs to the second and third floors where patients rooms were. The clinic didn't have a large capacity for patients, only about sixty people at maximum capacity but generally it served the town well since we were so far away from the bigger cities. The clinic was always staffed though and had an emergency room entrance beside the pharmacy. The Island also boasted one ambulance and one medivac helicopter, which Natalie's brother Rick piloted when it was needed.
I stepped inside and approached the receptionist who looked at me like I had two heads. “Hello, welcome to Sena Island Clinic, how may I help you?” I tried not to groan as I recognized her as Lisa Edwards, a girl I had gone to high school with the first time. She always had been a bit of a snob. I had gone out with her a few times until I figured out she was boring as hell and was only dating me because I was a Roseberry.
I smiled as I replied, “You can tell Dr. Brand and Dr. Dennis that I'm here. I'm Kayla, I'm supposed to be starting an internship here today.”
She stared at me for a long moment. “You're the new intern they've been raving about all day? You're just a kid.” Her eyes looked me over once again obviously not liking what they saw. “If this is some kind of joke...”
I interrupted her and crossed my arms across my chest, “Well pardon me for being a genius. Look ,I don't have all day, I have a part time job to get to after this too.”
She pressed a button on her phone, looking annoyed, and began speaking into the receiver. “Dr. Dennis, there's some kid in a Halloween costume here claiming to be the new intern.” She paused to listen to the doctor on the other end. “Of course sir, sorry sir, I'll send her right in.” She turned to me, “Just go to the right to Dr. Dennis' office. He and Dr. Brand want to talk with you for a few minutes before giving you the tour.”
“Thank you very much,” I replied, still smiling as I made my way to the doctors offices. Dr. Brand and Dr. Dennis were both waiting for me in the communal waiting area. “Good afternoon Doctors,” I spoke once I was within hearing distance.
“Good afternoon Kayla,” Dr. Brand replied as she motioned for me to follow her and Dr. Dennis. We made our way into a small meeting room just off the main waiting room. Once inside they took a seat and I followed suit as Dr. Brand smiled at me, “So how was your first day back at school?”
I shrugged, “It had it's ups and downs, but people seem to be taking my cover story at face value. Classes are boring and I kinda wish I could get out of more than just science, but I'll manage.”
Sarah's father nodded, “We had discussed that. We would really like more than just an hour with you each day, and we know you already have a part time job. Do you think you would be able to test out of your other afternoon class?”
I thought that over for a moment, “I probably could. I'd just need to read through both the textbooks for it. History is basically straight out of the books. Can't you do whatever you did to get me out of science?”
Dr. Brand shook her head, “Science was easy to get you out of since Greg Moore, the science teacher is a Selkie. He didn't need much convincing to 'test you out' of the course once we let him know why we wanted you out of class. Your other teachers are Norms though so you'll have to do it by the book with them.”
I groaned at that but I figured a few days hard reading could get me out of a semesters worth of a boring class and learning what I really needed to. “I think between the text books and everything I remember now from my first time in high school I could probably ace the exams for it. As fast as I can read I could be ready in a couple days if I spent my evenings studying. I could make like I'm bored in that class. It wouldn't be too far from the truth and it would be more believable that I ask to take the equivalency exam to spend more time here. I might be able to pull off the testing by Friday.”
Dr. Dennis nodded at that, “We'll make do until then. Today we'll just give you a tour of the clinic and introduce you to everyone. You'll be working mostly with Sandra and me. Most of the rest of the staff here are Norms, so you'll have to learn and pick up the medical lingo quick, They won't expect you to know much off the start but they will expect you to learn fast and be eager to learn.”
Dr. Brand gave me a reassuring smile, “One of us will be with you almost all the time you're here. Officially you're our intern so people won't be surprised that you stick mostly with us. That way if your unique talents are needed we can arrange for some privacy. Hopefully spending enough time with us you'll pick things up quickly.”
I think I can manage alright.” I replied after considering what they had said, “I have some books on biology and anatomy but I don't think they're much more than first or second year college material, and I already learned most of it at university. Is there anywhere I can get something more advanced? Or more focused on medicine?”
“I still have my text books from med school,” Dr. Dennis offered, “Why don't you come over for dinner tonight after work and you and Sarah can visit while I find them for you?”
I nodded agreement, “That sounds good, not that I can really eat much. Spending some more time with Sarah before hitting the books would be nice though.”
“Great,” he replied with a smile, “I'll let Katherine know you'll be coming then. Now I've got a few patients waiting so I'll let Sandra give you the tour and help you get your bearings.”
With that Dr. Brand showed me around the Doctors offices and around the patient floors and operating and exam rooms introducing me to the nurses, orderlies, and other doctors. The doctors at the clinic rotated days at the clinic. One day they'd spend the morning in the doctors offices and the evening in the emergency room and upper floors doing rounds and the next day they would do the opposite. They also rotated who was on call for nights in case of emergencies, not that there were many medical emergencies at night with such a small population on the island. Mostly Dr. Lincoln and the night shift nurses handled the minor things and checked in on patients at night.
After she was done introducing me to all the staff on duty Dr. Brand took me to meet the staff of the pharmacy and then the labs. She also showed me all the different types of medical equipment in the labs and told me what they did. It was very educational and I was glad for my Vampire memory with all the people I was being introduced to in their professional aspect. Soon though we were finished and Dr. Brand let me go for the night.
Work at the bookstore was boring. It was quiet and we weren't getting a lot of customers in, but Gwen told me that Mondays generally were pretty quiet. I wasn't going to complain though since it gave me plenty of quiet time to study. Gwen came out from the back where she was placing a book order to check on me, placing a box of books on the counter. “How's it going out here K?”
“It's dead,” I answered with a smile, “Ever since I got here from the clinic it's been quiet as a tomb.”
She chuckled at that, “You think you can take a break from your studying to go shelve these for me? They go in the spirituality section. I need to go finish that order.” She took two other books and placed them on the counter, “And put these under the counter, they're on reserve for Jenny Whitlock.”
I nodded, “Sure thing Gwennie-Bee. I wanted to stretch my legs a bit anyway.” I took the two books and put an elastic around them, then stuck on a post it note with Jenny Whitlock's name written on it as she headed back into the rear of the store. I then knelt down to file the books by the reserved name with all the other reserved purchases.
While I was down there a nervous and somewhat familiar voice asked, “Excuse me, do you have any books on Vampires?”
Without thinking I answered, “We should, are you looking for mythology or fiction?” Then I stood up and saw the strange girl from lunch. She didn't answer as her eyes went wide in shock. “Not you again.” I muttered.
“Wh-what are you doing here?” She asked, her heart beating rapidly as she tried to control her breathing and speech.
“Duh,” I replied gesturing to the counter I stood behind, “I work here.”
“But everyone was saying you work at the clinic,” she said, narrowing her eyes at me.
“No, I'm doing an internship at the clinic,” I said with a shrug. “I work here. I need to make money for med school somehow, but the internship will look good on my application so I'm doing both. Now about those books you were looking for, fiction or mythology?”
I could hear her swallowing, heart quickening again as she spoke. “I think I've read most of the fiction. Mythology might be more useful anyway.”
I picked up the box, making sure to make it look like it was heavy to me. “I've got to put these away in the spirituality section, it's right by mythology so just follow me.” I led her through the store to the sections in question and started to shelve the books in the box alphabetically while she browsed through the books on mythology. Once I was done putting the books away I took the box into the back and went to find the girl again, making sure that my boots made my steps audible. “You finding what you need?”
“I... uh... think I'll take these two,” she answered holding out copies of Creatures of the Night and Vampire Myths and Legends.
I nodded, “Sure come on up to the front and I'll ring you up.” I headed back to the counter and scanned the two books, “Your total is forty three dollars and fifty cents.” I let out a sigh, I can never seem to break that habit even though I don't breathe anymore. “Look kid, I don't know what you're looking for in these books but it's a lot of money to prove I'm something I'm not, if that's why you're buying these. I'm telling you again before you make this purchase, I'm not a Vampire. I'm just Kayla, a kid with too big a brain and strange fashion sense. Save yourself some money and some disappointment.”
She shook her head and paid for the books, “Thanks Kayla, I'm Megan. And you are a Vampire, you've got to be.” There was determination in both her eyes and her voice and something else I couldn't place. I just shook my head and gave Megan her change. Her arm spasmed as I handed her the change, causing it to fall all over the counter and floor. She seemed to be having trouble picking it up so I did it for her. This time she managed to get it all in her purse fine, and while she was doing that I put her books in a bag.
“Thanks,” she said as she took the bag. There was something up with this girl and I couldn't figure out what it was. My healing senses were itching but I couldn't tell what was wrong. Not that I could have done anything about it, she was a Norm and we were technically in a public place. The girl was strange but at least she wasn't charging me with a wooden stake. I wondered sadly how long that would last as she walked out the door with her bag in hand.
After my two hour shift at the Book Mark ended I headed over to the Lighthouse for dinner before I had to go over to the Dennis'. Silphia had made certain that nobody was following me and that the coast was clear when I Mesmered my intended meal and slipped into the alley to feed. The hot blood flowing down my throat was heavenly after the day I had had but I was careful not to drink too much. I took just enough to satisfy my hunger and then licked the wound closed, sent my victim home with memories of making out with a hot woman he couldn't remember clearly, and climbed back into the Mustang to head to Sarah's place.
I knocked on the door and it wasn't long before Sarah's mother answered. “Oh, hello Kayla,” she said giving me a welcoming smile. It was so different seeing her like this than as the hard-nosed Inquisitor I had first met. “Oliver said you'd be coming over for dinner. Sarah's over at Natalie's, she was supposed to invite Natalie to join us and be right back but I swear that girl loses all track of time when she's over there. Would you mind going over and telling them dinner is ready? They're not answering their phones and I'm getting a little worried.”
I nodded and gave her a reassuring smile, “Sure Mrs. Taylor, I'll go find them and bring them back here. I have my phone in case there's any emergency.”
“Thanks Kayla,” she said as she opened the door again to go back inside. “Dinner should be on the table soon.”
I took off toward Natalie's house through the woods that ran along the back of both properties, I gloried in a few minutes of being able to use my Vampire speed away from prying eyes. It felt good to be able to let go and stop pretending to be human for a while. I could run as fast as I liked, moving through the woods with the speed and silence of a predator and let my senses tell me about the world around me. I could see squirrels running up the trees and rabbits in the brush. I could hear the movement of the forests denizens around me, I could even smell them.
As I got closer to Natalie's house I let up on the speed but my senses were still going at full tilt. I closed my eyes just taking it all in before I had to go retrieve my friends. As I stepped out of the woods I could hear heavy breathing and smelled something very familiar, the scent of arousal. I opened my eyes and there, not even fifteen feet away from me on one of the benches in Natalie’s back yard were Sarah and Natalie.
Natalie was in a half reclining position on the bench and Sarah was sprawled over her kissing her passionately. My first thought was that that position couldn't possibly be comfortable for Nat and my second was, Oh my God! They've finally decided to stop pretending they're just friends! I felt bad for walking in on them and seeing this before they were ready to tell anyone, but I couldn't unsee it now. I shrugged it off and moved quietly toward them. It wasn't like they had eyes for anything but each other at the moment so they didn't even notice me until I whispered, “And I thought Jason and I were bad at lunch today.”
Both girls practically fell out of the bench as they tried to get up and collect themselves. Sarah was blushing fiercely, “Ummm, hi Kay, it's not what you think.”
“Let me guess,” I said smiling, “Natalie broke a filling and you were checking it for her... with your tongue. Please, it's been obvious you two are still into each other since I met you. You're almost always together, you're always holding hands and you keep stealing glances at one another when you think nobody is looking. I'm just glad you're finally doing something about it, I could practically taste the sexual tension around you two.”
“Did you have to sneak up on us like that though?” Natalie grumbled as her and Sarah's heart rates started to slow.
I shrugged, “Actually I came to tell you dinner is ready. I didn't notice you until I came out of the trees and then you were right in front of me, after that I couldn't resist. Where are your Pixies anyway?”
Natalie blushed this time, “I sent them into the house so Sarah and I could talk privately.”
I giggled and shook my head, “Well if you'd had them patrolling, maybe your 'talk' wouldn't have been interrupted so abruptly.” Silphia began to giggle too atop my shoulder. “Anyway let's get back to Sarah's, you both probably worked up an appetite.”
“Kay,” Natalie ventured as we began to walk to Sarah's, “Could you not tell anybody what you saw. We'd like to be sure that this is what we really want before we tell anyone.”
I stopped and wrapped them both in a brief hug.“It's not my place to tell. I won't tell a soul, not even Jason. And I'll try to avoid telling Genevieve too if I can manage it. This is between the two of you, you'll decide when you're ready to go public, and no matter what you both decide I'll support you.”
“Thanks Kay,” Sarah said as they both returned the hug. “I guess we'd better hurry back.”
“Yeah, we should,” I replied as I started walking again, “And Nat should probably wipe the lipstick off her face, it's not her color at all.”
Dinner with the Taylors was interesting and Natalie and I were both treated like members of the family. We all talked about how our days went, though there were some important details we left out. Sarah's mom was a good cook, or at least I got that impression from the way everyone else was enjoying their meals, and sitting at the dinner table I was treated to a new view of her. Before I had only seen her in her capacity as the Coven's Inquisitor or when she was worried sick about Sarah after the accident. Now though I saw that she was really a genuinely caring person with a sometimes acidic sense of humor. She didn't talk about her work, and I wouldn't have expected her to, but what she did talk about was entertaining.
After dinner Nat and Sarah grilled me about my alone time with Jason. I admitted to spending a good portion of that time kissing and told them about the strange girl who had interrupted us before we had gotten started. We agreed she probably wasn't too big a threat but that having Silphia keep an eye out for her and watching her when she was watching me would be a good idea. I also admitted to them why Jason's first kiss had freaked me out so bad. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you both sooner, I just really didn't feel comfortable with you seeing me feeding, I was ashamed of what you might think of me.”
“We're your friends Kay,” Sarah said as she wrapped me in a hug. “We knew you were a Vampire from the start so we knew what to expect. We all expect to someday see you feeding in an emergency, or killing when we're fighting for our lives. It's not going to change a thing, you'll always be you.”
“What if I lose control?” I asked. That was really my biggest fear, losing control, losing myself, losing my friends.
Natalie gave a very unladylike snort at that. “Kay, you're too paranoid about losing control to ever lose control and if we ever think you're close we'll be there to bring you back from the edge.”
At that point things got little sappy but soon Dr. Dennis came out of his den to let us know he had found the books. He had even marked them according to what year level they were. It took several trips to get them out of the den and to my car, not because I couldn't handle the weight, but because I was afraid of the stacks toppling if I carried too many at once. Once they were all safely in my trunk I thanked Sarah's parents for having me over and said goodnight to Sarah and Natalie before hopping in my Mustang for the short drive home.
Genevieve was out when I got home so I figured she was probably getting something, or rather someone, for dinner. As soon as I got the books up to my room I started on my homework and then started to read through my history books. History is just as boring the second time but I found I remembered what I learned before pretty well and the course hadn't changed too much since the first time I had taken it.
Around nine o'clock Genevieve came home and we talked about my day. I told her everything that had happened with the exception of catching Sarah and Natalie going at it hot and heavy. She agreed that it would be best for Silphia to keep an invisible eye on my new 'friend'. Her day had been good, she had three new patients in today referred by the clinic and it looked like there would be more soon. She couldn't give me any details due to the whole confidentiality thing but I had a feeling most of them were Unseen.
The next morning was basically a repeat of the previous one except that I had dressed differently. I had gone full blown Gothic Lolita with the demure black dress with white lace, bloomers, petticoat, white silk stockings, black ankle boots, white silk gloves, my choker, and red ribbons holding my hair up in twin pony tails. For my eyes I had decided on a pale violet. I think people were talking about me even more than on my first day and at lunch I had three guys ask to 'give me a tour of the town'. Eric was the last of the three and I shook my head and snuggled up to Jason, “Sorry, I'm already taken.”
Eric grumbled, “Your loss, freak,” as he left the table.
I had to stop Jason from going after him right then and there, “Ignore him Jason, he's an ass. And it's his loss actually, but your gain.” We got back to our meals after that with the Pixies keeping an eye out for more trouble. Megan was watching from across the cafeteria but that was all she was doing so the rest of lunch passed relatively uneventfully.
History class was mind numbingly boring. I remembered it all from the first time around and from my reading the night before. I was doodling in my book to pass the time when Mrs. Jameson snapped me out of my daze. “Miss Dunn, is this class boring you? Perhaps if we focused on Victorian England rather than Canadian history I might be able to hold your attention, judging by your clothing.”
I looked up at her and smiled, “I am a bit bored, actually I was hoping to talk to you about that.” I held back the wisecracks since I would need to have her on my side if I hoped to get out of the course. Do you think I could have a moment of your time?”
Mrs. Jameson looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding, “Everyone read page thirty seven in your textbooks.” Then she led me out into the hallway. “What can I do for you Miss Dunn? I noticed on your transcripts that you're a straight A student but you don't seem to be focusing in class.”
I made a show of sighing, “Well Mrs. Jameson, it's not your teaching, I just know most of this already. It's just not challenging enough. I already tested out of science and I was wondering if I could take an equivalency exam for history too. I'd be better off spending my whole afternoons doing my internship at the clinic and learning something I can sink my teeth into than sitting in a class where I already know most, if not all, the material. I'm wasting your time and mine by being here.”
She nodded as she looked me over, “I had heard about your internship and with your grades I'm not surprised you already know what I'm teaching. I'll talk to Mrs. Lawson about having you take the equivalency exam. How soon would you want to take it?”
I gave her a genuine smile, “Thanks Mrs. Jameson, do you think Friday would be too soon to set it up?”
The history teacher considered my request for a moment before nodding. “Provided Mrs. Lawson approves it, I could arrange it for Friday. I'll talk to her after school about it and I'll let you know tomorrow before class. ” She gave me a smile and gestured to the classroom, “Now let's get back to class and please try to give your full attention regardless of whether you know the material.” I nodded and we returned to class where I spent the entirety of the class listening and writing down notes like a good little genius.