A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life?
Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story.
We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you.
Chapter 9
As Rob drove home, he thought about everything that had happened to him that day. Going to the salon and being mistreated by the beauticians there. He'd been close to an emotional meltdown at the thought of going home with the horrendous hairstyle and claws on his hands. Even now, hours after he had left the salon, the thought made him want to cry. When he thought about it, he couldn't understand why he wanted to break down in tears, but he had just been so emotional lately.
But Tanya and Jill had come to his rescue and salvaged the damage done by the salon. They had saved him from looking like a skanky slut and turned him into an attractive, happy woman. And just like that, now he almost felt like a wriggly little puppy as he was so happy to have friends like the two of them.
He kept thinking about the fun time he had with Jake, Tanya, and the kids. Playing with David and April really made him wish that he and Geri had children. Maybe when this whole hiding out thing was over they could start a family. Holding April had really ignited all kinds of feelings in him, some of which were confusing. He wanted a family so badly.
And the kisses…He'd been kissed by a man and a woman who both thought that he was a woman. What would they say or do if they knew that he was a man? He couldn't continue hiding what he was from them forever. Someday he would have to tell them. Did he have to tell them? What if he just went back to the city without telling them? But that would hurt them and tear his heart out. He'd already become so close to them and he didn't want to give them up.
What if he wanted to stay here with them? Who would he want to be with? Jake was a good person, but would he want to be with a sissy boy like he was? Did he want to be with Jake? What about Tanya? Would she accept him like this? Maybe she would like him as he was, but she thought that he was a girl. He was just so confused.
Jake and Tanya were nicer to him than his own wife. The question in his mind was why she was being so mean to him? Was she really being mean to him or was he just imagining it? Was it because she was under so much pressure, and just scared of being a target of a hit man? Was it because they were forced to hideout here, far away from what had been their home and cut off from their friends and acquaintances? Was she somehow angry with him…he had done everything she asked of him. Was it maybe because she was angry with the results of her surgery?
He couldn't understand why she could be upset with her surgery. She was totally hot with her big breasts, narrow wasp-like waist, and long, slender legs. Rob wished that he could look half that good, which totally confused him. True, his waist wasn't as small as Geri's, but his legs were really pretty. And, thankfully, his breasts were growing. At first he hadn't wanted them, but now he could not imagine life without breasts. He wanted to have big, soft breasts that his lover could use as a pillow. When he closed his eyes, his lover's face wasn't clear. Was it Tanya, Jake, or…Sally or all three-merged into a single loving partner. There were parts of each person's personality that he liked/admired/loved? Why didn't he see Geri?
Maybe Geri was angry because he wasn't developing fast enough. She just wasn't happy with anything he did and he really was trying. He wanted Geri to be happy. If she was happy, maybe she would be nice to him again.
Rob felt physically ill for a moment. So many contradicting thoughts and emotions were going through his mind at the same time and he was just so confused. He was normally so logical and now he felt like he had to fight to think clearly at times.
He decided that he wouldn't say anything to Geri about how bad a job the salon had done on his nails and his hair. After all, Geri might not be happy with his longer hair and the beautiful highlights that Jill had put in for him. He hoped that Geri wouldn't make him go back to that salon to have it all undone; he'd rather go to his newest friend Jill.
He had trusted Jill while she had worked on his hair and nails today. He didn't understand why, but he had felt comfortable talking with Tanya and Jill. He seemed to be more in tune with how they talked and felt about things. When he thought about it, most of his friends in college had been his female classmates. When he would get into conversations with guys, the things that interested them left him at a complete loss. When he would meet with his group of girlfriends after class, he enjoyed listening to them talk about things like perfumes and makeup. Even after he and Geri were married, he liked to look through her magazines and see what was in style.
* * * * *
He parked in front of the garage and decided that it was just too much work to put the car inside. He locked the car and decided that it would be safe where it stood. He looked himself over before he headed into the house. Looking in the side mirror, he touched up his lipstick, then dug into the bottom of his purse and found the sparkly lip-gloss hidden there. After an application of the gloss his plump lips just seemed to jump out of the mirror. He loved them. The thought of liking plump kissable lips confused him. He had been having so many of these strange thoughts lately.
The damp spots on _his_ clothes where April had spit up were dry now and there was no trace of a stain. The pretty blue blouse and skirt displayed just the right amount of skin, with the skirt ending a couple of inches above the knee. Of course, the cleavage on display was inadequate but his own; with the assistance of the breast forms. Rob hoped that eventually the breast forms might actually be too much help and he was okay with that. He fantasized about his own pair of soft, creamy breasts filling his own brassiere.
He finally decided that he couldn't stay out here much longer or Geri would be coming to find him. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and stepped into the kitchen. He found Geri waiting for him and when she saw his hair, her eyes narrowed and she folded her arms into a no-nonsense stance and stared daggers at her feminized husband.
'Damn, that hair makes him look even better than he did when he left this morning. But, I can't tell him that. The women at the salon must not have understood what I wanted,' was the first thought through Geri's head. Instead, she took up the typical, explain yourself pose.
"That hair makes you look like a candle or a match," she stated. "Did you try out for the part of the candle in 'Beauty and the Beast' while you were in town?"
"No…no ma'am," Rob answered as he again fought the urge to curtsey. He was already on the defensive and he knew it. He thought that he looked really nice, even pretty. He didn't understand why Geri was making fun of it. She was the one that kept telling him how important it was for him to appear as a woman. She should be proud of the way he looked…he certainly was. Why on earth was she attacking him for his appearance?
"I told you that we would see about having your hair done in a couple of days, how dare you take the initiative and decide to have them do it anyway," Geri said, working to make her voice sound angry, which was easy if she drew upon her annoyance with Evan. "Diana, the maid, does not make decisions. The mistress of the house does. Do you understand? You weren't happy with how you looked and wanted to look even more like a sissy, didn't you?"
When Rob didn't respond, she thundered at him, "Didn't you?"
Rob was almost knocked back by the volume of her voice and the fear he felt inside. "No…no," was about all he could get out. He was staggered by Geri's insinuation that he had somehow been demoted from husband to maid. His head spun as he tried to make sense out of this.
"But you are a sissy aren't you, Robby? I'm sorry; your name is Diana now, isn't it. Diana the sissy boy, my shemale maid. Say it after me! I am just a silly sissy servant!" her voice dropped almost to a hiss that seemed to curl around him like a snake.
"Please Geri. Why are you being so mean?" he said tearfully. He could almost feel her attack physically.
"Mean my ass, someone has to be in charge and make decisions if we are to survive this situation. It is obvious a sissy cunt like you will never have the balls to make the hard decisions. Maybe I am a bit strong, but so what? I sent you to have your nails done because I wanted to help you look nice and you come back with a new hairstyle instead. Did they even work on your hands? Let me see them."
Rob held out his hands as she demanded palms up. He knew what she wanted, but Geri was being such a bitch about something that should be his business. So he saw no reason to kiss her ass. Let her see that he still had some backbone here.
Geri looked at her husband's hands. What was this little shit thinking? He knew exactly what she meant. She lashed out angrily as she slapped with the palm of her hand. His cheek reddened almost immediately as she spat, "You little idiot! You know what I want! Let me see your nails!"
Shaken and with tears in his eyes, Rob turned his hands over to display the beautiful work that Jill had done. Geri could see that they had been worked on, but the extra-long acrylics she had specified were not in evidence. She couldn't say anything about that though, not without tipping her hand. But she was going to have a word with those idiots at the salon. She had been very specific about what she wanted her husband to look like.
"These nails look like you bought some nail polish and covered up your own nails. These look too short to me."
Rob tried to think fast. "I…I thought that short nails would be better for doing housework," he said shakily.
Geri smiled to herself. It was interesting that would be the first idea he would come up with, but she could tell that Rob was grasping at straws to hide something. She could tell when someone was lying to her or just trying to hide the truth from her. After all, she wouldn't be able to run a con very well if she couldn't read people.
With the skill of a Gestapo interrogator, she started in on her husband. "So you told the salon that you wanted short nails?"
"Well, no," he answered slowly. He just could not look her in the eye.
"Did they give you short nails?" Geri asked. She was mentally circling Rob like a hunting cat stalking its prey. Even her tone of voice was low and incisive.
"Well, no. They gave me long nails," Rob answered. Rob knew that a lie would somehow be dangerous. He didn't know how, but he knew that telling the truth to Geri was the wiser course of action.
"And you cut them short?" Geri asked triumphantly. Now she knew that the salon had followed through on her instructions to attach extra-long nails and these nails looked too neat and clean for her husband to have clipped them short himself.
Defeated, Rob realized that he could not keep his story secret any longer. "Coming out of the salon, I ran into Tanya and she suggested I go see a friend of hers, Jill, who is a beautician."
Pursuing her advantage, Geri pounced on Rob's attempt to shade the truth.
"So you were lying! Maybe I should wash your mouth out with soap! Is that what you would like? To have me treat you like a naughty little girl? Geri's voice grew louder and more shrill as she went on. "I called the salon to find out when you would be done. They told me that you were finished hours ago and they had put a weave into your hair!"
Rob scrambled to save himself by saying, "Jill cleaned up my nails and worked on my hair and tightened the weave and did the highlights for free." He absentmindedly played with a lock of his much longer hair, twirling it in his fingers nervously. "I thought that my hair looked nice," he said tearfully. Somehow, he had still hoped for some kind of compliment from the bitch who had taken the form of his wife.
Having to explain why his nails had to be worked on by Jill raised Rob's anger and he forgot his earlier decision not to bring it up with Geri.
"The salon told me that you instructed them to put those really long nails on me! Nails that long were lethal weapons! I hurt myself with them! Why did you tell them to do that to me? I couldn't even wipe my ass without cutting myself!" The level of Rob's anger grew by the moment and his voice was getting louder has he went. "You decided that I was going to be acting like a maid! How could I do housework with talons like that? What were you thinking? Were you just trying to humiliate me?" The only thing that defused the intensity of his anger was his high voice. It sounded to Geri like she was being yelled at by a high school student.
Geri could see that Rob's anger could be a real problem and his accusation that she was trying to humiliate him was dangerously close to the truth. Multiple thoughts were going through Geri's mind at the same time. One was that if she was going to maintain control, she was going to have to remind Rob of who was in charge here and the other was that she could see that Rob's butt really filled out the skirt that he was wearing.
Geri wrestled with finding a way to punish her husband and at the same time drive him further into his roll of being a compliant sissy. Then inspiration struck, aside from lingerie what was the most feminine thing in the house. Her neon pink bikini she had brought to surprise Evan with. Just the thought of seeing Rob in a bikini made her wet. Maybe what was needed here was a lesson on who was in charge that wouldn't make her look like a total demon.
Geri immediately changed tactics and made her voice friendlier. "But Diana, I thought that you would like long nails because they would make you look so much more lady-like," Geri said soothingly. "But, if you don't want long, glamorous nails, that's all right. I was trying to help you to look nice." Geri made herself look sad that Rob would accuse her of trying to be mean to him. Apparently Geri's wounded bird act worked because Rob immediately changed his tune as well.
"Oh Geri! I'm so sorry that I got mad about all of this at you," Rob said, his eyes filling with tears. "I know that you would never do anything to hurt me. I've just been so emotional lately."
"It's okay Diana. I know that you're just afraid to be showing your girlie side," Geri said, sounding forgiving. Her devious mind searched furiously for a way to take advantage of her feminized husband's guilt and then she struck on a brilliant idea. "I see that you left the car out. Would you please wash it? It looks like it could really use a cleaning."
"I'd love to, but I don't have anything that I could wear to do it in," Rob said.
Geri made herself look like she was trying to think of a solution and then, jumping on his reluctant agreement, she exclaimed, "I have just the thing! You skin out of those clothes and I'll be right back!"
She whirled around and practically ran to her bedroom, leaving Rob to look after her, wondering what he was in for next. Considering that he had pretty much agreed to wash the car and that Geri had something for him to wear, Rob began taking his clothes off. He made sure to take his blouse and skirt into his room and get them hung up properly, like a good girl would. He was standing in the dining room, clad in only his panties and bra when Geri came back holding something behind her back.
"I had to search for it, but I knew that I had one somewhere in my suitcase," Geri said triumphantly as she came back into the room. "It won't fit me now," she said making a general gesture to her new figure, "but it should fit you." Whipping out from behind her back she proudly displayed up some pieces of cloth colored in pinks and turquoises. Looking at Rob she said," You need to lose the panties and bra too, darling."
Rob looked at her in confusion and she said, "Silly, you can't wear a bikini over your underwear."
"But I can't wear a bikini, I'm a guy," Rob protested. His expression said that this was something that he would never consider doing, but there was something inside him that said that he really wanted to try it.
"Oh my darling sissy husband," Geri said. She could see that the hormones and drugs has helped to make his mind more amenable to what she was trying to do to him, but he was still stubbornly hanging onto the concept that he was still a man and playacting in the role she was setting him up for. She could see that reinforcing the sissy in Rob's mind would help her break down his last bit of defense against acting girlie and work to make him want to be a sissy all of the time. As long as she did it the right way. "You have the perfect body to fit into a bikini."
She walked behind him and lightly stroked his butt, her fingers lingering right at the bottom of his panties and tickling the back of his thigh. She was rewarded with a shiver from Rob and he seemed to simultaneously lift away from her fingers and move towards them at the same time. She knew that the gaffe was probably working overtime to restrain the penis that wanted to stand at attention.
She leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Of course, you are a little bit light in the top, but I brought something to help while you're outside." The tickle of her breath against his ear and neck seemed to excite him even more.
Rob required no further incentive and he stripped off his panties and bra so that he now only wore his high-heeled shoes, which were still a necessity, and his gaffe. His breast forms had not been glued on and fell away with the bra.
"I have something to help with your forms," Geri said. "Hold them up for me."
Rob held them so that the base of each form was upright for her. Geri held up a small tube and said, "The doctor gave me this adhesive in case you needed it." She squeezed a blob from the tube onto each form.
Geri capped the tube and set it back onto the table beside them. Using her fingers, she carefully smeared the blob on each form so that it was a uniform layer across the entire surface. When she looked at her fingers, Geri realized that she now had some of excess on her hands the she needed to get rid of it. Looking at Rob with a half-smile, she reached over with each hand to grasp his pubescent breasts and she spread the extra substance around his hyper sensitive nipples, eliciting a moan from her husband. Geri smiled at her devilish plan, and figured that each movement of the heavy breast forms would now tug directly on the nipple.
Picking up the breast enhancers and being careful not to get adhesive on them, she attached each one to his chest in just the right spot, intentionally placing them a little too high so that they would bounce and jiggle more. She knew that Rob wouldn't notice right away that he wouldn't look one hundred percent natural, at least not before the adhesive was completely set and then it would be too late.
"Hold those there," Geri instructed and she stood back to admire her handiwork.
Knowing that she still had some of the adhesive on her fingers and that it was still workable, a wicked idea occurred to her, almost like the proverbial light bulb going off in her mind. She knelt in front of Rob and, moving quickly, she untied the gaffe that kept Rob's penis pulled back and removed it. Seeing his surprised look, she simply said, "You can't wear a gaffe with a string bikini silly. I'm just helping out with the problem."
Moving quickly, Geri smeared the excess glue over his ball sac and the length of his penis. Before he could start to react physically, she deftly pushed his men up into their caves and pulled his penis back and pressed it up his butt crack. The adhesive had already been tacky so she only had to hold it in place for a few moments. She was done before Rob realized what she had done.
"There…Now you can wear a bikini and no one will know," she said with a smile, standing back. "You know, you look so much like a girlie-girl Diana, holding your breasts to you. How does it feel?"
"Oh Geri. It almost feels natural. I wish I had breasts of my own," Rob said, before he realized what he had just said. He looked a little embarrassed at his admission and the blush from his hairline down to his fake breasts communicated that.
"It's all right, dear," Geri said, reaching out to caress her husband's cheek. "A lot of guys who think that they are hairy, manly-men really want to just be a sissy with their own pair of soft, sensitive breasts, but they spend their entire lives repressing their feelings. You're just lucky that you get to express your feelings and desires openly and that you have a wife who understands and supports your feminine side."
After a few more minutes, Geri allowed him to release his hold on his breast forms. "How does it feel to have these attached to you? Just like the real thing."
"But they aren't. I mean, they just hang there. I don't know how real breasts are supposed to feel, but these are just lumps," Rob whined. "I guess I like the feeling of growing my own breasts."
"Well, I wanted to tell you that I called the doctor about our concerns about that crá¨me and he said that you might be having a reaction that is just causing some swelling and that it's nothing to worry about."
Geri didn't bother to mention that Rob's breast development was well underway and it would not really be slowed by whether the crá¨me was applied or not.
"But…but…" was all Rob could sputter. How could he come right out and tell his wife that he had been having dreams about being one of those sissy-boys that wanted to have their own breasts and that these lumps of gel would prevent him from having the crá¨me applied? "But the crá¨me made the itching go away," he whined.
To get him moving, she said, "Well maybe we need to have you checked out. I'll call the doctor while you're outside washing the car." This time she really would call the doctor.
She handed him the bikini from the table and Rob looked at it blankly. Then he looked up at her.
"It's now your very own bikini. I bought it for myself, but since it won't fit, I think that it will fit you. I just know that you will be just so cute in it.' She didn't bother to tell him that she had purchased several different sizes so that she would have the right one to put him in if the opportunity presented itself.
"I don't want to go outside in a bikini," he griped. "I'd be too embarrassed."
"But Diana, for the foreseeable future you are going to look like a woman, you just need to think like one and no one will know the difference," Geri said, driving another nail into the coffin holding Rob's masculinity and his sense of self. "If anyone sees you, they'll think that there is a beautiful woman with big tits washing her car." She paused and threatened, "Maybe I'll just have you sun yourself on a towel in the front yard. Then everyone will be able to see you."
"Please Geri, I'll wash the car. I don't want everyone to see me," Rob begged. Geri fought hard to hide her smile. Rob was only one who didn't see himself as a woman. His own mother would hardly recognize him now.
Rob began working to put the bikini on. But like every other man in the world, he had no idea how to actually wear one. Geri took pity on him and showed him how to position the bikini bottom and get it tied properly, with the admonition, "Next time, you'll be doing this yourself." The top was easier as he just needed to put the strap over his neck and tie the strings in back.
Once she had succeeded in tying the top and bottom around him, Geri stood back to take in the whole picture. What she saw was a little bit of a surprise. Before her stood a petite blond girl, with red in her hair. Her breasts were just about right for her frame, maybe a bit high, but perky. Her bikini bottom left little to the imagination as well formed legs rose up to a slender womanly waist. Between her legs was a smoothness with just a hint of cleft. Geri knew that Rob had never been well endowed, but even that was well hidden now.
Geri led Rob to the back door and pushed him through with the order to get the car washed while she called the doctor. Teasingly, she said that he had better do a good job or she would punish him, perhaps a good spanking would teach Diana to perform every chore she assigned him like the professional domestic she now was!
"Wait!" Geri stood at the door. "I don't want you to ruin your shoes. Take them off and give them to me."
"But, I'll have to stand on my toes! My feet and tendons still haven't relaxed." Between the humiliation he was about to endure and the prospect of straining his feet and legs, Rob was in tears again. He would willingly wash the car because Geri had asked him to, but was still afraid to be seen.
"Don't you remember? Because you are so short that to reach roof you used to stand on your toes most of the time when you washed the car before, this won't be any different. Oh, by the way, I was in the garage earlier today and I saw a bucket and car soap, so you can use that stuff to wash the car." She took his shoes and shut the door in his face.
Rob stood looking at the door for a moment, half-hoping that Geri would come out and help him. If she did help him, it would be okay. The humiliation would become something else; it would be a shared experience. After a few minutes, the door opened and Geri reappeared. Rob's spirits jumped with the hope that she wouldn't leave him alone out here; but instead, Geri tossed some torn rags to him.
"I thought that you might need some towels or rags to wash the car, so I tore up some of your old manly clothes. You won't be wearing them anymore. After all, you look so much more attractive in your skirts and dresses and that bikini." She winked and closed the door again, leaving him standing there with his torn clothing.
Dejected, Rob resigned himself to the fact that he would have to wash the car by himself. Happily, the tree along the street would provide him some security from being seen from the street. However, the backyard was perfectly visible to the houses on either side and across the back. He had no idea who might be looking at him and he wished that he could somehow hide from all of the invisible eyes that just had to be looking at him.
Looking in the garage, he found the bucket and soap. He found that a hose was connected to a faucet on the side of the house and he began the process of washing the car. He found that the cold water on his legs and feet help relax the tightness somewhat and he was actually able to straighten his feet for a few moments before he was forced to hop back up on his toes. Even though he was tempted to relax against the side of the car while he was out of sight of the house, he was sure that Geri was monitoring him; he was still in view of the houses in back.
In the end, it took Rob almost an hour and a half to wash and rinse the car. By the time he was finished and had put the hose and bucket away, he was soaked from the soapy water and sweat. The sun had been beating down on him for most of the time he was out here, so the water had really felt good.
After a while, he had even forgotten about the potential humiliation of being seen washing the car in a bikini. He told himself that he should be proud of his body. As he worked, he had come to think of himself as a young lady enjoying the time working in the sun. After all, he told himself, that is what everyone else would see.
Of course, that mental image started to fade as he finished up and returned from the micro universe he had gone off to while he worked. Now he had to face the hungry and critical looks of everyone around him, even if he could see them.
Though the sun had been lower in the afternoon sky, it felt like he had managed to start working on a tan, he hoped that forgetting to use sunscreen wouldn't be a mistake. He wrung the water out of the rags that had once been the only man's clothes that fit him and left them in the bucket in the garage. His feet ached from the strain he had been forced to make them endure and his legs were literally shaking.
The door was locked when he tried it and he was surprised to find it that way. He hadn't expected be locked out of the house. He knocked on the door, expecting to have her open it right up, but he could not see her moving around in the kitchen or what he could see of the house. He hesitated for a few moments, bouncing up and down on his toes to alleviate some of the pain that was starting to come back and debated about what to do. He could only see that his choices were to sit down and hope that the world couldn't see too much of him or to run around to the front door and try to get Geri's attention from there. She must have gone to take a nap and that is why she could not hear him at the back door.
Electing to endure the short-term chance of humiliation, Rob scampered around the side of the house to the front yard. The trees across the front screened him from the road for the most part, but he was still partially visible. He shuddered when he thought that someone driving by might see him parading around in a teeny bikini, but there was that erotic feeling of something forbidden at the same time. His girlie nipples beneath his breast forms tightened at the thought and excited him even more as the forms bounced on his chest.
At the front door, he found the doorbell and he rang it several times, hearing it clearly through the door. Geri did not come to the door, so he banged on the door as loudly as he could. Then he heard her yell through the door, "Who is it?"
"It's me Rob. I'm done washing the car. Would you let me in please?"
"There is no Rob who lives here."
In exasperation Rob answered, "I'm sorry, it's Diana, your housekeeper, will you please open the door?"
Finally, he heard her unlocking the door and she slid the door open just a crack as if she was worried about an intruder. . "What are you doing out here?" Geri asked.
"The back door is locked and I guess you couldn't hear me. Please let me in," Rob begged.
"Your feet are all dirty," Geri said, wrinkling her nose as if the thought of the dirt being tracked into the house made her ill. "Go around to the back door again, that is the proper door for the hired help after all and I'll let you in there." She giggled and closed the door in Rob's face. She thought 'That was fun. She'd let her husband know his place one more time.'
He stood there for a moment, staring at the door. He was hot and tired. He had just worked for almost two hours to wash the car for her and she was worried about some dirt in the house. And he knew that she wouldn’t clean it up herself anyway.
Rather than try to argue with her through a closed door, he tried to hurry back to the other door. Each step was becoming agony in his calves and tendons and he prayed that he would be able to put some kind of arch support back on soon. He thought 'I never would have imagined a time I would look forward to putting MY heels back on'. Once he got to the back door, he found that Geri had not unlocked the door yet. He knocked on the door again and waited. Finally, she appeared at the door and let him in.
"Sorry, I found that when I woke up from my nap, I needed to use the bathroom so badly," Geri worked hard to make it sound like she actually was sorry that she had made her husband stand outside in the sun longer.
Rob just smiled thankfully at her for opening the door and hurried over to where Geri had dropped his shoes on the floor. Disregarding whatever state of cleanliness his feet might be in, he happily slipped his feet into the shoes. Almost immediately, his feet were able to relax, but his legs still burned.
Geri watched him with an expression of amusement for a moment and said, "You're certainly a pretty sight. That wet bikini makes you look almost like you aren't wearing anything. It's a good thing that we took care of your little man. Anybody who saw you probably thought that they were seeing a cute girl in a see-thru string bikini."
Rob looked down at his abbreviated clothing in surprise and realized that Geri was right. The fabric of the bikini seemed almost be transparent when it was wet. His glued back penis presented a pretty smooth front and the breast forms were just visible enough to look like real breasts. When he looked back up at her, Geri didn't think that his face could get any more red from his imagined embarrassment.
"Don't worry, dear. I got plenty of pictures on my cell phone that we can save for posterity," Geri said with a wide grin. "Why don't you get cleaned up and get dinner started. I was finishing up folding my laundry. I did wash your clothes for you today while you were gone, but they will still need to be folded."
Rob nodded in acceptance and headed for the bathroom. He pulled off his bikini and wrung what water he could into the bathtub. He'd hang it up to dry later. Looking at himself in the mirror, he didn't recognize himself. Rob knew who he was looking at, but only saw a cute curvaceous girl with beautiful reddish blonde hair. Her breasts sat high up on her chest, almost too high. Looking down past her flat stomach, he came to the smooth delta at the top of her legs. Even though he knew that there was a penis there, he saw nothing but a smooth crotch.
Beneath the breast forms, he felt his nipples harden. Trapped by the adhesive that bound them to the forms, he felt both pleasure and pain that communicated itself directly to his equally bound penis. Because it was bent back and trapped between his legs, his cock was unable to inflate. The sensation was an exquisite pain that did not quite hurt. It was more like an itch pent up inside that could not be reached. He closed his eyes tightly and took several deep breathes to relax himself.
A different sensation reminded him that his full bladder needed relief. Looking down, he realized that there was only way he was going to get satisfaction and he resigned himself to sitting to pee. When was finished, he found that he also had to wipe himself in the same manner that he had seen Geri clean herself many times before. He was glad that she was not here to watch him try to deal with this.
He got another surprise when he was done cleaning himself up and he went to remove the breast forms hanging from his chest, he realized that he had been treating them as part of himself and forgotten that they were not real. But when he tried to remove them, he found that they were stuck fast and hurt painfully when he tried to peel them off.
Not bothering to cover himself, he walked back out into the house to find Geri. Standing in door of her bedroom, stark naked, he said, "Geri? I can't get these forms off."
His wife took one look at him and snapped, "Diana! That's no way to walk around in the house! At least put a robe one. Ladies don't display their attributes to everyone in the world!" Rob reacted to her words as if he had been stung and immediately clapped one hand around his privates and the other arm around his chest in an attempt to conceal his wares. Geri stifled her smile at his behavior and picked up a plastic bottle of solvent from her bureau.
"This is the solvent that you need to dissolve the adhesive on your forms. Don't use too much because a little will go a long way." She threw the bottle to him, which he dropped on the floor. He had to bend over to pick it up. Like a man he bent at the waist rather than squat as a women would. Geri enjoyed the sight of his bikini tan imprinted on his posterior. She was looking forward to seeing his realization that he had tan lines.
Suddenly, it seemed like things had changed again and he was being dismissed. Rob was just so confused. He liked it when Geri treated him nicely and there were times when he thought that he was being punished. He never knew what to expect or how to act to get Geri to treat him one way or the other.
The breast forms were not all the large, but they seemed to become weighty items as time went by and he wanted to get them off. He hurried back to the bathroom and used a modest amount of the solvent to dissolve the adhesive. In what seemed like no time at all, he had the adhesive removed from his skin and from the surface of the forms. Wisely, he carefully applied the solvent to his trapped penis so that his flag could finally wave free again. He found that even though he had released it, it remained limp. He hoped that he had not broken it.
Rob decided that a bath would feel wonderful, especially on his sore legs, so he filled the tub. He saw some of Geri's bath salts that must have been left by his wife and decided that it would be nice to soak in them, so he poured a liberal amount into the tube and mixed it around. Then he quickly settled into the hot water to relax.
He soaked for almost half an hour and only decided that he needed to get out of the tub when the water started to get cold. Getting out, he dried himself and wrung the water out of hair the best that he could. He brushed it until it was smooth and wrapped it up in a turban the way he had seen Geri do it in the past. Wrapping himself in a towel for the modesty Geri insisted upon, he hurried to his room as fast as his high-heeled shoes would permit.
Knowing that they would be staying in as they did every evening, he elected to put on a satiny panty, nightie and a robe. Once he had swapped his shoes for his wedgy slippers, he went out to the kitchen and began the process of determining the menu. He settled on a pasta dish and began heating the sauce and boiling water for the spaghetti. He pulled the last of the lettuce from the refrigerator and noted that it would be necessary to make a run to the store for more. He knew that Geri would probably send him, just hoped that she would not find some way to humiliate him while he was there.
They ate in relative silence until Geri decided to pursue the topic that had been clawing for her attention in her memory. She decided that the best course of action would be to play 'nice cop' this time around. She had used 'bad cop' at the front door and when she had ordered Diana to make dinner. The time was coming where would have to push Rob to start thinking and acting strictly like a sissy with breasts, but she needed to make sure that she kept him off-balance until then.
"Diana…Tell me about Tanya and Jill. Did you spend the rest of the day with them?" She made her voice sound friendly and that she was really interested.
"No. We were at Jill's house while she fixed my nails and hair," Rob replied. His response was decidedly guarded as he wasn't sure where this conversation might lead.
"You should have seen how my hair looked before she started," he said. The memory was enough to make him want to cry. "It was all uneven and some of it was loose. I looked awful, but Jill fixed it and it looks wonderful." He pushed his hair back behind his shoulders.
"Yes, she did a good job," Geri agreed. "I will admit that I instructed the salon to give you glamour-length nails, but they obviously didn't know how to do the extensions that they gave you. So what did you do after Jill was done?"
Electing to avoid another inquisition Rob provided the details of his day. He had already learned that it was futile to try to keep secrets from his wife. She seemed to be able to tell when he was holding back.
"Well…we stopped at a service station and then we went to McDonald's to let the kids play."
"Just you and Tanya? And Tanya's kids?"
"Well…Jake came along too."
"Jake? The guy from the service station?" Geri sensed an opportunity here. Maybe it had something to do with how Rob's voice had changed when he said Jake's name.
"Umm…Yeah," Rob admitted.
"That's interesting. Did he kiss you again?" Geri asked casually.
Rob hesitated.
Geri could tell that he was trying to hide something juicy from her, "Come on Rob. I can always tell when you are hiding something from me."
"No, but he did ask me out to dinner," Rob answered grudgingly.
"You mean asked out as in a date?" Geri was practically rubbing her figurative hands together in anticipation. "My little girl is growing up so fast. Her first date. We will have to find you something special to wear." Of course, Geri could not tell her husband that the invitation actually meant that Rob's transformation was so good that he was able to fool someone into believing that he was all woman.
By the time Rob was done talking, dinner was over. Geri could see that he was fidgeting a little and the robe he was wearing appeared to be uncomfortable. She could see that the mild sunburn Rob had gotten, coupled with the greater sensitivity of his skin was affecting him. She had sunburn lotion that would help with the irritation, but it might be necessary to take him back to the doctor to make sure that Rob would be okay until they had completed all of their wire transfers out of the company and he had been implicated. Then he would be the legal system's responsibility.
Rising from the table, Geri said, "Diana, please take care of the dishes." She left the room, dismissing him with a wave of her hand and went into her bedroom. It took little time to clear everything away from the table and then to wash what he had used to prepare and serve it. When he finished in the kitchen, everything was clean and stored properly. He had taken extra time so that Geri would have decided to remain in her room and that she would not be present when he went to his room.
Sadly, she was waiting for him in the dining room when he finished. He had a hollow feeling in his gut when he saw that she was standing at the table waiting for him. Now he knew what they meant when they talked about having a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
"Take off your clothes," she commanded.
He slowly removed the robe and nightie realizing that his skin hurt more now as he did.
"Here sit down," Geri said kindly, pointing to a stool she had positioned by the table. "I realized that you were having a problem with sunburn while we were eating. I thought that I would try to help you feel better. After all, you want to be comfortable for your date with Jake tomorrow night, don't you?"
"But…but I didn't tell Jake that I would have dinner with him," Rob said. "I didn't think that I would. After all, Jake thinks that I'm a woman and I'm not."
"I think that you should. After all, you're Diana now. To me and to Jake. You just have not come to terms with it yourself." As she was speaking she was smoothing moisturizer over her husband's back and arms. "There…Does that feel better?"
"Yes," Rob said, smiling.
"You have to understand Diana. A Mistress has a responsibility," she said quietly, "to those who serve her just as much as they do to her. She must punish them for misbehavior, but she must also care for them when they have been mistreated or hurt. If she does not, she does not deserve to be their mistress."
Geri had him stand and she spread the lotion over his legs and the front of his body, rubbing his breasts and nipples.
As she spread the lotion, she continued her apologetic tone of voice, "I didn't realize that the sun you were getting would make your skin irritation even worse. Tomorrow, I'll call the doctor and talk to him about how you are feeling. Okay?"
Rob's mind was spinning with confusion. First, his wife appeared to have sent him to have awful nails on his hands and then she yells at him. Then she convinces him to wash the car in a string bikini and wouldn't let him into the house. Now she was being nice to him again. Was she going to be mean to him or humiliate him again?
"Geri? Are you going to be mean to me again?' he asked in a timid voice.
Geri was totally confused by Rob's question. She did not see things the way Rob's analysis had. "What do you mean?"
"Well…First you're nice to me and then you're mean. I don't know what's going on anymore."
Geri realized that he was right. The only alternative was to play dumb and claim that the problem must be due to some problem she was having with her plastic surgery. That would put him on her side and less likely to suspect her.
She pulled her girlie husband into her embrace and said, "Oh darling! You're right! I didn't realize it until you said something! I must be feeling bad about how the doctor made me look and I guess I'm taking it out on you. Can you ever forgive me?" She even faked some tears.
"Of course, dear. I love you," Rob said. "Maybe we should both go see the doctor."
"You're right. I'll make the call tomorrow and then you can call Jake and accept his dinner invitation. Let's get ready for bed shall we?"
Rob slipped his nightie back on and went out to the kitchen to take his pills. Geri cleaned up the lotion that she had been smoothing on to Rob and went off to her own bedroom. Rob went into his own room. He had the passing thought to go into Geri's room and invite her to share his bed, but that impulse seemed to evaporate almost as soon as it formed and got into bed.
He tried to sleep on his back, but the irritation on his skin was unbearable. If he tried to sleep on his stomach, the pressure on his little breasts was uncomfortable. He ended up lying on his side and he made himself relax by clearing his mind of the day's events and he was able to fall asleep after a few deep breathes. The tranquilizing drugs in his ersatz vitamins helped to promote his unconsciousness.
About half an hour later, Geri opened her bedroom door and looked to see that all lights had been turned out. She crossed the living room to the dining room and turned on the light. In her hand were the headphones and the digital player that she intended to attach to her husband for another night.
Knocking lightly at Rob's door, she heard no answer and she opened the door to find her husband sleeping on his side, she rolled him to his back and it only took a few moments to put the headphones over his ears and to start the conditioning tape. She returned to her room and set her alarm to wake her before her husband woke. She would be glad to have this whole adventure over so that she could actually sleep through the night again.