He can be e-mailed at:
[email protected]
Wendy-J had problems getting on, so I started the log just in case...
(Anne-Mal) Hi Elrod! Hi Betty!
(Betty) Hi! Are you the one who wrote Archie and Betty?
(Anne-Mal) Yep, with CJ.
(Betty) That is so cool! I loved it!
(Anne-Mal) Hi Oberon!
(Oberon) Good eve one and all! Bowing
(Betty) Hi!
(Oberon) This is my first experience of the chat rooms.
(Anne-Mal) Well it should be fun, Tigger is one of the better authors!
(Oberon) I am honoured by such distinguished company. I know him only by name. Alas I fear I have not yet read his work as I am a newcomer to this site.
(Betty) You said evening, where are you from Oberon?
(Oberon) I come from the green and pleasant lands of England.
(Betty) Cool!
(Oberon) Smiles
(Betty) Are you really a king? ;)
(Oberon) The King of the Fey they say. :)
(Anne-Mal) And who are they?
(Oberon) The fey are fairies dear lady. My particular race among the fey are the sidhe. (Pronounced Shi.)
(Betty) Shi! Pronounced she?
(Oberon) Smiles Why yes.
(Michelle) Anne, I see you brought Betty. Did Archie not want to come?
(Betty) Well I liked the story! Wish I did have Archie!
(Anne-Mal) Hi Michelle, seen Ellen? :)
(Michelle) Saw her earlier this morning. She MAY be here for this.
(Anne-Mal) Hi Darkside! Hi Nostrumo!
(Nostrumo) Hi all
(Darkside) Hi Y'all long time no type to
+ Tigger has arrived.
(Oberon) Good eve kind sir.
(Nostrumo) Ah, the guest of honors arrived!
(Anne-Mal) Hello Honored Guest!
(Oberon) Ah. The focus himself has arrived. Well met.
(Tigger) Grrrrreetings, folks! Warm furry hugs
(Nostrumo) I think I hear a gentle purring! :)
(Darkside) Tigger you ever give cold furry hugs?
(Tigger) NOPE! Always warm, a tiggish requirement!
(Darkside) Good, is that even when wet or don't Tigger's bathe? (I'm asking all the silly questions before we start to get them out of my system!)
(Tigger) Steam baths and we air dry before we POUNCE! Just to be sure.
(Oberon) Smiling broadly
(Betty) Can I pet you Tigger?
(Tigger) Sure, watch the static, though!
(Nostrumo) Geee, the eyes are really green.
(Betty) Pets Tigger on head and scratches behind ears
(Nostrumo) Scratching behind the ears, too
(Tigger) Purrrruuummmbbbbllleee
(Nostrumo) Looking in the pockets to find a few crumbs
(Darkside) How do you stop your fur from puffing up like a fuzz ball. Actually that's probably a trade secret. Some people on the TSA list would kill to know that one.
(Tigger) Good grooming, Darkside! Cat's just know how!
(Nostrumo) Hm, that's why women always compared to cats aren't they?
(Oberon) What may I ask is TSA?
(Nostrumo) Transformation Story Archive
(Darkside) A list that contains stories about all kinds of transformations, not just TG.
(Oberon) I am intrigued. Is that a sister site?
Editor's Note- No, we are the sister site!
(Nostrumo) Ping
(Tigger) Pong
(Darkside) It's run by Thomas Hassan, It's a major busy list.
(Nostrumo) It's very sophisticated and my personal favorite is the Story Universe around the Blind Pig Gin Mill.
(Oberon) My thanks to you.
(Darkside) Are we expecting Mom to turn up or do we have the run of the place?
(Oberon) Who is Mom?
(Darkside) Mindy, webmistress of Fictionmania. No idea why people call her that, but she seems to like it
Editor's Note- On the TG-Fiction list she is listed as list mom, which according to Mindy every list master must be listed as. Of course in this case it fits!
(Oberon) Ah. I would be honoured if she were to show.
(Darkside) She's not really a mom figure, more of a schoolmistress, trying in vain to keep her class in order.
(Nostrumo) Ping
(PAM) Which can be difficult with this crowd.
(Nostrumo) May be she should take some courses by Aunt Jane how to handle unruly girls! :)
(Betty) Got to go! Nice meeting you Tigger! Hugs Tigger
(Oberon) Smiling
(Tigger) Be well, Betty!
(sue) Hello Tigger!
(Tigger) Warm furry hugs, Sue!
(Nostrumo) Ping
(Oberon) Are you the kind lady who gave me the gracious welcome, Sue?
(Darkside) Umm, nice weather we're having!
(2bsuzzette) Quiet here!
(Nostrumo) Not here, dark and the whole day gray and rainy!
(PAM) Not here either, dark and dreary, just right for playing on the computer, particularly with a warm fuzzy friend like Tigger!
(Tigger) Gee, Darkside, I am just being quiet. I figure if I say anything now, I won't have it to say when we get to the real chat. Grin
(Darkside) So'k I'm saving up all my tricky questions for the real thing!
(Nikki) Hi girls!
(Tigger) Warm furry hugs Nikki!
(Nikki) Furry?, I like Tiggers, t-i-double ga-er!
+ Anne_Phorcy has arrived.
(Tigger) Warm furry hugs, Renee, Anne!! LOVED your story, take a curtsey!!!
(Anne_Phorcy) Giggle Which Anne, Tiggs?
(Tigger) Anne P, you! Yours hit the site today, a neat little piece of work!
(sue) Hello Anne_Phorcy, welcome! As Tigger mentioned, I too really enjoyed your story.
(Renee) Hugs Tigger
(Anne_Phorcy) Waving to all Hi, gang!
(Nostrumo) Waving
(Anne-Mal) BRB!
•Anne-Mal just left.
Editor's Note- Wendy has not arrived and so "Here I come to save the day..."
+ *Anne-Mal has arrived.
(Nostrumo) Eeek, instant moderator change!
(Darkside) Anne-Mal. That was a quick leap into a phone booth!
(*Anne-Mal) Eek! You peeked Darkside!
(Darkside) I always peek. Why'd you think they put clear plastic around the booths!
(Nikki) Anne-Mal its a pleasure to meet you! Hugs
(jan) Hey everybody! Hey Tiggs!!!
(Tigger) Hiya Jan, warm furry hugs!
(*Anne-Mal) Well let's be generous! Hugs to everyone
(Nostrumo) Oufff What a powerful woman!
(Michelle) Watches as group hugs slowly turn into a frenzied melee
(*Anne-Mal) Don't you forget it Nostrumo!
(Nostrumo) Makes a nose at the moderator
(Darkside) Nost, how do make a nose at the moderator? is that some kinda icky trick you've learned?
(Anne_Phorcy) (Don't provoke him, Dark. He might make a nose at you too!)
(Nikki) Wow what a nice crowd, reminds me of nights!
(Anne_Phorcy) (Then won't you be sorry!)
(Nostrumo) Well, at a very early age. You take your hand, spread them, put the thumb at the small finger of the other hand and put the whole ensemble to your nose, then wiggle! :)
(Darkside) As long as it's a freshly blown nose I don't mind too much!
(Nikki) Tee hee
(Anne_Phorcy) Mich might mind, though!
(Tigger) Just so everyone knows, HGUS are tiggish for HUGS! (Dyslexic typing fingers.)
(Anne_Phorcy) I just thought you'd bitten your tongue, Tig!
(Nikki) Long finger nails!
(Tigger) Naw, the claws get stuck between the keys.
(jan) Must be cause you only got three fingers Tiggs. All cartoon critters only gots 3 fingers!
(Oberon) Alas I must away. Have a good chat Tigger. I hope it goes well.
(Tigger) Thank you Oberon. Warm furry hugs
(sue) Take care, Oberon!
(Oberon) Well met by moonlight to each and everyone of you.
(jan) Byeee, oh King of the Faeries!
(Nikki) Curtseys
(Nostrumo) (As long as he doesn't bring his wife Titainia! Currently I'm healthy. I could not afford to skip work.)
+ Vickie has arrived.
(Nikki) Hi Vickie!
(Darkside) Vickie, are you like, THE Vickie Tern?
(jan) Vickie and Nikki! Wow, the Bobsey twins!
Editor's Note- Yes she was! And thanks to being here I talked her into doing a chat too!
(Chrissy) Hiya gang!
(Tigger) Warm furry hugs, Vickie, Chrissy!
(Nostrumo) Strolls towards the bar to get a cup of tea
(Chrissy) Come and give us a hug Tigger!
(Tigger) POUNCES Chrissy with warm furry attack cuddle hugs
(Chrissy) Giving big hug back
(Nostrumo) Curses No tea! Shuffle back into the kitchen
(Tigger) (A Tig totaller kitty)
(Nostrumo) Ping
(*Anne-Mal) Hi Chrissy! We will start in about 3 minutes!
(Renee) Darn! You mean I had time left to finish watching "Practical Magic"? Snaps fingers
(Chrissy) Hiya adversary.
(jan) Oh watch out! The Axis and the Allies' leaders are all assembled!
(Darkside) I hope we're not going to degenerate into a drunken rabble like what usually happens when Wendy-J does a chat?
(Chrissy) Don't worry. We keep things calm during someone's chat.
(Darkside) Since the Axis and Allies are together at the table to speak anyone want to negotiate a treaty.
(Chrissy) :) I can't without Eric being here.
(*Anne-Mal) Okay, we will start in 1 minute! Get all the silly stuff out and say hi to Tigger!
(jan) Wow, don't know if it's possible for me to get ALL the silly stuff out!
(TJMax) The Philadelphia Eagles will beat the Dallas Cowboys in ten seconds. Silly stuff I know.
(Nikki) I'm fine just took a shower and got dressed, was up way late last night! Brushed and blow-dried, I really love this new look
(Anne_Phorcy) I was gonna say, I think we have the "silly stuff" market pretty well cornered.
(Darkside) Who defines silly stuff?
(Renee) Bouncebounceboucebounce
(Tigger) I think it is the lady with the asterisk, Darkside.
(Nikki) The Sysgoddess, of course!
(Nostrumo) Hm, if it's silly, then we try to tickle her into madness?
(Darkside) Ok wiv me guvnor!
(*Anne-Mal) To me everything is silly! So let's start!
(jan) Oh my! Where do you go to shop to find such a fashionable ensemble, asterisk and all!
(PAM) Warm Furry Hugs to You, Tig!
(Nikki) I'm normally a Night girl, but I couldn't resist being here!
(PennyPoptart) Ooohh, Tigger makes my little heart go pitty pat!
(*Anne-Mal) Tonight's guest is Tigger! He spreads good cheer around while he puts out darn good stories!
(Chrissy) Applauding Tigger
(Nostrumo) Tries to scratch Tigger behind the ears
(Tigger) Puurrrrr
(*Anne-Mal) Remember that a hug will he welcome during the questioning! So do you have an opening statement?
(Tigger) Not much of one, just that I am very honored to be here, and even more honored by the fact all of you took the time to share today with me. Thank you all, very much.
First question?
(Anne_Phorcy) I am first! Ooo! First turn at the fresh kill, hmm? Goodie!
Tiggs, as somebody who definitely knows how to write 'em, what makes a "good" story good? (Yours or anybody else's'.)
Nothing like a hardball to start off, is there? >:)
(Tigger) A good story starts with a good idea, something that sparks my interest, once that happens, it is a matter of a good deal of writing and reflections, and then rewriting and re-reflecting. Mainly characterization, plot, setting and interactions.
Then having good fiends give me a second opinion, this is invaluable!
(Nikki) Is being TG a means to an end?
(Tigger) Nikki, I'm not sure what you mean by that question, do you mean in a story?
(Nikki) Yes, I noticed that some writers stop when the character is TG'd and then it ends, living as a woman I have different insights.
(Tigger) Well, it depends on what your goal is. In my stories, I look for something the character must overcome, deal with in order to achieve growth.
In TG stories, this means coming to grips with TG or some aspect of being changed.
(Chrissy) Big hugs What published authors inspire you?
(Tigger) Hugs Chrissy Published? Heinlein, McCaffery, Jayne Anne Krentz, Tom Clancy and Nora Roberts.
(Chrissy) A nice mixture there.
(Renee) Aunt Jane's is a wonderful setting. Do you mind sharing it? And is Joel Lawrence still around and does he mind? (Obviously I have plots being plotted!) Grin
(Tigger) Hugs Renee I have been unable to reach Mr. Lawrence, so I cannot speak for him. Obviously, I have no proprietary rights to the character and two other authors have done wonderful things with Aunt Jane and crew, I welcome all good stories.
The original "Seasons" dates to at least 1989, so it has been around a while.
(Vickie) Have you considered doing an Aunt Jane round robin story? Maybe about an overweight robin?
(Tigger) Vickie no, I have never looked into that, mainly because it never occurred to me. Overweight has always posed a problem because of Jane's method, but the round robin might be fun idea!
(Darkside) Ok, someone has to ask it. Why Tigger?
(Tigger) Darkside, because my Tiggress named me that when we were courtin' and it stuck. Seems I was a very bouncy animal!
(Nostrumo) Hi! It's me now.
(Tigger) Go for it, old friend!
(Nostrumo) Well, you have written wonderful sequels to Aunt Jane and so on, but what do you really get n this set up? Will you get projects totally new out of it?
(Tigger) Well, my first TG story was written when I had no idea of the Genre until someone called it "TG" in a conversation. (That was "Love Witch".) My original genre was FemDom/MaleSub, Forced Femme is a common theme in that line.
But the first story where I knew what I was doing was "Second Season", the first Aunt Jane sequel, because it just seemed to end too soon, and I was enthralled with the story!
After that came "Change of Direction", which was inspired by the thought "Now, would a normal, heterosexual male REALLY be so all fired pleased with the "gift" of his Mother's transformation spell?"
Then, goodness, folks seemed to like the stuff, and it took off from there!
(Nostrumo) Ping
(Vickie) Tigger, what of the Dom/Sub dungeon stories. Are they out of imagination? Life experience (such as hazing at Annapolis, or the REAL thing)?
(Tigger) Mostly imagination, Vickie and on-line virtual dungeons. Tiggress won't play those games, and romantical animal that I am, I won't play around.
Hazing comes into it, but not very much because that is not how I see loving dominance and submission.
(Vickie) I can see the process engineer at work in the way your Dommes set up a session or manage a crisis.
(Tigger) Well, you dance with what brung you to the dance, dear lady. Sometimes my stories are just a little TOO inevitable, I think.
(jan) Hugs Tigger :) What's the attraction for finishing the "unfinished" Tiggs? You seem to have made something of a specialty of that.
(Tigger) Hugs Jan Well, ummm, I guess it just bugs me when a good idea sort of languishes... I started out doing it for myself, at least three times.
(jan) LOL
(Tigger) Then Nostrumo saw "Second Season", and liked it well enough to post it to Nifty. I was amazed!
ACoD was in response to a challenge in the original story by CaitlinB and Mike Allegretto, and then Nostrumo challenged me with Samantha's story. I, umm, have this problem with dares and challenges.
(jan) I see...
(Tigger) Blush
(jan) Then, I DARE you to write more! LOL
(Tigger) Wish I could Jan, right now, my writing has been curtailed by having to spend time exercising and healthy stuff like that. I write when I have time, but it is much slower than it used to be.
(Andrew) What do you think of Ellen Hayes' Tuck vs. Aunt Jane?
(Tigger) Andrew, I love it! I dedicated Kendra's tale to her because of it! Very different than my stuff, but honest to the concept.
(ken_p) Tigger do you enjoy writing FemDom or TG stories more?
(Tigger) Ken, it depends on the Muse, it seems to go in peaks and valleys. Sometimes the story writes itself, and sometimes it is like performing oral surgery with a pair of pliers!
A story I am working on now has been on my HD since Jan 1997!
(Bashful) Fred the Wizard has just appeared in front of you and will grant you one wish and only one wish, anything you want, what is your wish?
(Tigger) Fifty more years of healthy, loving life with my Tiggress!
(Renee) So, what do you have in the works? (Afraid I'll get pounce-hugged for this, but I've got to know!) ;-P
(Tigger) Renee, it is a strange story, Isaac Asimov meets Tom Clancy with a TG backdrop.
(Renee) Ooh! Sounds like fun!
(Tigger) Well, it has been a bear to write. It is up to almost 300K and I still have huge parts of it left to write. Brandy says I should issue it in volumes, like a trilogy, but I have always been afraid to do that until I know the ending is right and the beginning works with the ending.
(Renee) Nods Hugs
(Tigger) Maybe it will be a Christmas release, just in time for holiday "shopping"!
(Andrew) Tigger, that was great. I'm a fan of Ellen too and think her stories funny. Aunt Jane added to the mix makes everything great!
(Darkside) Big stories, Tell me about it! 1.8Mb of "Fury" was enough for me.
Anyway in what way do you think the TG story genre has changed over the years? More complex, worse quality, etc., etc.?
(Tigger) I think that there has been an improvement in quality over the years, and in the last two years, a lot of that is thanks to Mindy's Fictionmania and Nifty, authors are getting a forum and an audience for those stories. That encourages folks to keep making the effort!
Then we have writers like Vickie Tern, the Professor, yourself, Brandy Dewinter and Ellen Hayes writing stories that are stories FIRST and TG second! I mean, I'd used to be happy with a story that I'd written when it fit into my vision, but now if I am gonna share it, it has got to be better, more complete!
Effort like that raises the bar, and others who WANT to write aspire to that!
Tigger slides the soapbox back behind the sofa
I just think that we have a broader audience now, and that inspires many folks to want to show what they can do!
(Darkside) Agreed. I do miss a spam free ASSTG and ASSM Newsgroups though. Remember a chap called the Archivist? He was the first for me.
(Tigger) And the original FTP Nifty Archive.
(*Anne-Mal) It's been about a hour, so why doesn't everyone give a warm furry hug to Tigger! (Say something so not to get thrown off!)
(Vickie) I'd scratch your belly but it would be misunderstood!
(*Anne-Mal) No Vickie, I think he would understand! Hugs
(Anne_Phorcy) Pounce on Tigg
(PAM) Scratch behind your ears???
(sue) Hugs, Tigger!
(Tigger) Purrrrrrrrr
(Nostrumo) Hugs and scratches Tigger again behind the ears
(Tigger) Tigger starts sharpening his claws on Darkside's chair
(Nostrumo) Okay. Scratch under the chin
(Darkside) Damp furry hugs Is that a hairball I see? I know this nice Lady doctor who can get rid of hairballs...
(ken_p) I've really enjoyed all your stories!
(Andrew) Warm furry hugs to you Tigger! (From Pooh!)
(Renee) Stealth hug
(Andrew) How about a game of Pooh-sticks?
(Tigger) You want to be Eyore for that game, Andrew?
(Andrew) Nah, I'm more like Piglet (I'm that small!)
(*Anne-Mal) (If anyone wants to ask Tigger a question, whisper to me now!) (??? if you can't whisper) (No need to tell me the question) (Warm furry hugs to all!)
(Vickie) Will you name the story you're most pleased to have written, or are they all equally your prides and joys?
(Tigger) Vickie, I think the story I like the most right now is Caitlin's story, because of the emotions it represents and the positive message of the story.
(Nostrumo) Tigger, you write very through thought scenes in your stories. Do you have a favorite and do you crave to write a scene for which you have not a plot?
(Tigger) Nostrumo, mostly I do that because I don't think I write the nitty gritty, down and dirty sexy scenes very well. Mostly, I try to set the scene between my two protagonists, and then let the reader "fill in the blanks" for themselves. What they "see" in their mind's eye will always be sexier than anything my poor skills can put to paper, or to silicon.
Mostly, scenes support the story. . . except in SoulMates which started out as a compendium of every sex scene that ever turned me on or off
(Nostrumo) Silicon? Like in cushions in flesh? :)
(Vickie) Got a favorite story for its formal qualities, technical polish, and so on, apart from the satisfying vision? Got a favorite story because the most satisfying vision?
(Tigger) Vickie, I would say that "A Losing Season" is the best thing I have ever written from a technical perspective and one of the hardest. Tiggers require happy endings, and starting a story with a suicide attempt makes that a bit difficult but, I had a LOT Of GREAT help on that story! Waving in gratitude
(Anne_Phorcy) So, that begs the question; When you write a story, does the story come first and you look for the T element within it or does some T element suggest a story?
(Tigger) Anne, I think I see the T* element as a motivator, but if the story doesn't work, it usually goes into the dead story folder on my hard drive.
(Andrew) Is "Second Season" or "A Losing Season" the official universe ?
(Tigger) Officially, "Second Season" is, because it doesn't deviate from Mr. Lawrence's original tale. However, all subsequent stories, including mine, Ellen's and Eido's have evolved from the "Losing Season" Alternative Universe.
Michael did not attempt suicide in "Season of Change".
(Tigger) AnneP, did I answer your question, or do you want to go deeper?
(Anne_Phorcy) No, that answered it, thanks! :)
(jan) Oh Anne always wants you to go deeper!
(Nostrumo) LOL
(Anne_Phorcy) Getting out the Pam and the frying pan
(Bashful) Do you use and editor and if so who?
(Tigger) Bashful, I have a lot of help!
Vickie has been super!
Brandy Dewinter has been wonderful!
Denise Em has helped a lot!
As have PJ Wright and Janice Dreams!
And a bunch folks who I can't remember right now!
You don't for a minute think I could have done this by myself, do you???
(Bashful) Hmm, isn't Janice awfully, um, picky?
(jan) Prepares to switch to a pastry uniform
(Tigger) Bashful, if you look up Type A in Webster's, you will find an orange and black striped stuffed animal wannabe, they don't GET pickier than me!
(Bashful) Just joking! Jan is my dream come true in a editor, a marvel in my opinion!
(Tigger) I have been called, "detail oriented" in the past. Vickie Tern uses a ten syllable word to describe it, but suffice to say that the devil is in the details and I am gonna get him EVERY time!
(Vickie) Tig, do you sense a conflict between TG and Dom/Sub? You've had Subs who safeworded rather than be humiliated with TG feminizing.
(Tigger) Vickie, I think that there is always a conflict in a good story. Sometimes, in D/S, that conflict is self image and personal pride. At some point, the person got past that in the story, the growth thing again, but the conflict is not TG vs. D/S.
(Darkside) You've done some great stories, but if you could be any character in one of your stories who would it be?
(Tigger) Great question, I have "been" all of them. I could be evil and say Matt/Mandy in my story under construction! Grin
Probably, the male character in "Love Witch"
(Darkside) In real life?
(Tigger) No, in my writing and in my mind as I write the story, I like being in loving relationships.
(Nostrumo) Well when you write a story, what quirks do you give the persons in Real Life and what they have to suffer from you?
(Tigger) It depends on what I am trying to do with the story, Nostrumo!
Kenneth in Kendra needed the control I tried to describe, but he needed to be humanized by showing how much that cost him, like his crying in the bathrooms, .etc.
Mostly, it is how the story forces the person's character. I can't describe it better than that.
(Nostrumo) And what does your Tiggress think? Does she soothe your back?
(Tigger) That would have been difficult as she doesn't enjoy this type of discourse.
(Nostrumo) What do you mean she did not like the type of discourse. The genre or what you write?
(Tigger) She reads my research papers, and blesses them as being readable, but erotica is not her thing.
(Nostrumo) Did she dispise it or just not like it?
(Tigger) She doesn't like it, she even reads past the sexy parts in romance novels.
(Nostrumo) My, she must have a really vivid imagination! :)
(Danielle) Who is the special guest?
(Tigger) Tigger POUNCES Danielle with warm furry attack cuddle hugs
(Danielle) :-)
(Nostrumo) Raises the ears and hears a heel snap
(*Anne-Mal) Let's give Tigger a break to lap up some milk and open this up for a free-for-all! Remember that Tigger is still the center of attention!
(Tigger) Oh, I want everyone to know, that Brandy Dewinter is here in spirit, she had a family commitment.
(Anne_Phorcy) You want some French fries to go with that saucer of milk, Tiggs?
(Tigger) Thanks, but no thanks, Anne! Dieting. Sigh
(*Anne-Mal) Hey it is skim milk! (Oops, forgot that's not good for cats) :(
(Nostrumo) Pity, I thought I would give Tigger a boon and give him some fresh milk right from the cow. Sigh
(HeatherSinclair) Then perhaps some French dressing for your salad?
(tt) Gotta make that French dressing lo-cal, right Tigs?
(Tigger) Works for me, TT! Course, fat free ranch is good, too!
(tt) Yeah, it is. They make some real good fat free ranch dressings.
(Anne_Phorcy) Bummer. Wolfing down a handful More for me!
(Andrew) You'll outgrow those designer dresses Anne!
(jan) Gawd!!!!!! Anne you are killing me, girlfriend!
Anybody like any French fries?
(tt) LOL!
(Bashful) AnneP, is a jeans kind of gal aren't you AnneP?
(Anne_Phorcy) Wolfing down more fries Bite your tongue!
(Darkside) I see you've dried off now and got rid of the hairball, so I'll give you a warm furry hug now!
(jan) ROFLMAO!!!!
(Anne_Phorcy) Tiggs seriously, where do you think the line between eroticism and porn lies? Or are we kind of kidding ourselves thinking what we write is some kind of art?
(Tigger) Anne, ever read any Jayne Anne Krentz?
(Anne_Phorcy) I can't say I have, Tiggs.
(Tigger) She wrote a book once where she described the difference, that speaks to me.
(jan) Ohhhhh, Tigger reads soft core romance porn!
(cmm) Tigger, both you and Ellen classify your work as erotica. Why? I see it more as character studies with alt lifestyles. There's more eroticism on television.
(Tigger) Porn is static, it speaks to only one sense, only one level of perception while erotica is dynamic and appeals on multiple levels, allows people to "see" it in ways that can be different each time.
Pure stroke stuff is porn, you can't read it again and find anything new, and it rapidly loses its appeal.
(Darkside) Porn, Agreed. That's why I like plot driven stories, the best kind can almost do without the TG content.
(Anne_Phorcy) Dynamic, that's an interesting word. Dynamic, in what way?
(Tigger) Dynamic in that it changes with the mood as you read it.
If I describe someone's "rampant masculinity" in minute detail, that is all you will see.
If I tell you about the soft background, the scents, the textures, and then let you "see" in your minds eye the actual lovemaking, you will see it differently each time.
That is one reason I don't write the nitty gritty, Squish Squish Pant Pant "I'M CUMMING!!!!" stuff, because I want the reader to feel more than that, and not be limited by what excites me.
(jan) Dynamic in that you roll around like a dynamo, when your being erotic, Anne.
(Anne_Phorcy) (I'm gonna hit her with a frying pan, I swear!) >:P
(Bashful) AnneP let me know when, I'll hold her for you!
(jan) LOL Anne. I'll tell PJ on you if you do!
(Anne_Phorcy) I agree 100% with your assertion that the reader's imagination is always more vivid than the writer's, Tiggs. Clever insight.
(HeatherSinclair) LOL Squish
(Andrew) ROFLMAO
(Anne_Phorcy) Sounds to me more like a job for RotoRouter.
(jan) LOL! Tigger, is that what you consider to be porn?
(Tigger) jan, if that is all there is to the writing (and don't get me wrong, porn is okay, it is just limited), is that it suits your purpose and need, go for it. I'd just rather do more with my writing.
(jan) Oh, I agree one million percent Tiggs!
(*Anne-Mal) Do you think that people tend towards porn because they think of it as a type of freedom?
(HeatherSinclair) It lets loose the baser instinct of man, woman and Anne-Mal!
(Tigger) Porn is isolated in fantasy, and that makes it valuable in a personal sort of way, Particularly when you are lonely.
(jan) That's what I call stroke fiction. transforms just for the sake of some guy in a darkened room getting happy.
(Anne_Phorcy) (Hey, guys in dark rooms need love too, jan!)
(Bashful) Doesn't have to be a dark room and why is it always guys! Don't girls get into strokes too?
(HeatherSinclair) You tell um, Bash!
(jan) Somewhat Bashy, but I think guys are more predisposed to it!
(Tigger) No one but you are affected by your fantasies.
(Darkside) Sorry guys, must rush, things to do, characters to maim! Bye.
(Bashful) Mommy isn't here, have I done the bad thing again?
(jan) LOL
(Andrew) Is jan a pastry girl?
(Bashful) No, jan is many pastry girls!
(*Anne-Mal) (jan is a bakers dozen!)
(jan) LOL!!!!
(*Anne-Mal) Isn't the porn something that you would never get to write and publish off-line?
(Tigger) I tired to write a for publication Bodice Ripper once, let's say that one fed Uncle Bill's recycle bin after a few chapters. Porn is a good thing in its place, but it usually doesn't work in a detailed story scenario. I have this problem, my short stories don't seem to stay short.
(Michelle) Short stories are an entirely different artform Tiggs.
(Bashful) Much more difficult to do right.
(*Anne-Mal) No, I mean since this place is new creation, people want to stand out by shocking others.
(Anne_Phorcy) Hmm, that's kind of the problem, AnneM. I guess with all the talk of community lately, I wonder how we'll be judged. Since it's our stories that folks will see and will be how our community will be judged.
(Tigger) Does that mean folks will see me as Aunt Jane! God forbid???
(HeatherSinclair) Ovid?
(Anne_Phorcy) What are you worried about, Tiggs? All I've got is "Becky"!
(jan) Don't forget maidens' song Anne!!!!
(Anne_Phorcy) (Nobody reads that one, hon.)
(jan) They SHOULD!!!
(Andrew) I read it and thought it was wonderful!
(Bashful) I do not know of a community on earth were everyone gets along, does anyone else?
(Andrew) Possibly some suicide cult?
(Bashful) LOL! Andrew.
(Tigger) Not one made of humans, Bash. Or even mammals. Though ants seem to get along. Humans are naturally creatures of conflict.
(Bashful) Didn't you see that movie, even Antz have problems!
(Nostrumo) I think I have to leave. I have to get up early in the morning for the office. Sigh
Hugs for Tigger with scratching behind the ears
Ciao all!
(*Anne-Mal) Is that what you are striving for in the stories, some type of Utopia?
(Tigger) Utopia? I don't think so, romance is a big thing for me. Personal growth through hard times, Aunt Jane is that. Yin and Yang in balance.
(*Anne-Mal) Actually that is what Julie said in her chat, that the perfect form here is Romance! Learning to love yourself!
(Tigger) Hmm, you are right! That is what Aunt Jane does, forces the boys to see themselves in a new light, and to respect themselves in that light. Good call!
(Anne_Phorcy) That might be another distinction between eroticism and porn, porn doesn't glorify the spirit, only the body.
(Tigger) Actually, that is what got me into FemDom, romance I mean, what is more romantic than offering yourself and your pride, and saying I trust you to use both to our mutual pleasure and betterment. Romantic gifts to be sure and not as fattening as chocolate!
(CarrieGore) Hi everyone! :)
(Tigger) Tigger POUNCES Carrie with warm furry attack cuddle hugs
(CarrieGore) Eek!
(jan) Oh cool!!!! A Tigger pounce on a British rabble rousing gossipmonger, no less!!!!
(CarrieGore) Hee I'm flattered. Ravaged within seconds. A record!
(jan) You're just a femme fatale Carrie! Irresistible to Tiggers.
(CarrieGore) I see! Purrr
(jan) Is FemDom the only version of D/S that interests you, Tiggs?
(Whups! did I say that?) Smirgle
(Tigger) No, Jan, but I have this, emotional problem with even the appearance of hurting a woman, even in the bounds of consensual play. I once failed to stop an abusive husband in my youth and his wife ended up in intensive care. It still, haunts me.
(jan) Oh my! I can certainly understand that Tigger. That must have been traumatic in the extreme. Hurting, doesn't have to be included. Blush
(Andrew) Have you read Brandy's BBB? No hurting there!
(Tigger) Andrew only about a thousand times! Grin
(jan) Oooooohhhhhh! Tigger shows his stripes! LOL Fanning self in all this heated atmosphere
(Michelle) It was THAT story that put Brandy in the number one position on my list.
(Anne_Phorcy) (Which ever story of Brandy's I happen to be reading is number one on my list!)
(Tigger) Anybody ever hear of a California program called "TeddyBears"?
Battered women and children shelters used to have halfway houses, and Teddybears were large, gentle men who would go there and just sit quietly so that they would get used to men not being a threat.
I tried, but couldn't handle it. The way they looked at me, as if I was about to POUNCE and not with hugs either. It was very hard.
(jan) Ah, that sounds like a very great program, Tigger. The men who participate must be near saints, I would imagine some of the volunteers even received real pounces or slaps. It would be incredibly hard.
(CarrieGore) That's awful, Tigger. At least you tried though.
(Anne_Phorcy) Isn't it funny that sometimes we're drawn to write about the things that disturb us?
+ Bashful2 has arrived.
•bashful just left.
(Tigger) TWO bash'es???
(HeatherSinclair) Oh no! More than one Bash! Eeeek!
(Andrew) The pastry girls are baking clones!
(Michelle) He's trying to keep the pastry girls off balance Tiggs.
(*Anne-Mal) That jan is just too much of a Pastry Girl! He needs help!
(Bashful2) No, just changed browsers, it is a nice thought though isn't it?
(Tigger) Hey, Bash??? Can you put butter on pastry girls???? Tiggers LIKE licking butter
(Bashful2) Sure you can, it's fun too, then you get to lick it! (Oops need to whisper you the rest.)
(Tigger) Hmmmm Hot buttered jan
(Bashful2) Yum yum!
(CarrieGore) Agreed! Jan on Toast, my favorite!! :)
(Tigger) Tigger licks his chops
(Andrew) Bash, does Julie know what you're whispering?
(Bashful2) Julie is out of town and whispers don't show up on chat logs!
(HeatherSinclair) Double oh no! An unsupervised BASH!
(Andrew) Better not let her catch you - she's armed and dangerous
+ jan has arrived.
(jan) Huh? What'd I miss? I got bumped.
(Bashful2) Never mind jan!
(jan) Damn! Shoulda never confessed to Carrie! Sob
(CarrieGore) Confessed what? What did I miss?!? Baffled
(jan) (Oh, that's not what you were talking about?)
Confessed? Ummmm sheesh, that whisper button is slippery!
(Tigger) Okay, I have a question for all of you!!!
What is the difference between a sewing machine and a hug???
(Bashful2) Dunno!
(CarrieGore) What, Tigger?
(Tigger) A Hug Seems so nice, while a sewing machine Sews nice Seams!
(Bashful2) Awww sweet! Typical Tigger.
(Andrew) Groan
(CarrieGore) Hee
(Michelle) Considers leaving the room
•HeatherSinclair just left.
(Tigger) Tigger Jumps into Michelle's Lap and holds her down
(Michelle) Tumbles with Tiggs and starts tickling
(Andrew) Bouncy Bouncy Their legs are made out of springs
(Tigger) Any other questions, friends?
(jan) Wonderful stories Tigger!!!! Wonderful chat!!!! Thanks!
(Anne_Phorcy) "The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is, he's the only one!" (One in a Million!)
(jan) Yayyyy!!!!! For Tiggers!
(*Anne-Mal) Ah, do you have a closing statement Tigger?
(Tigger) You all made it wonderful. I just got to show off a little. Thank you all for this wonderful gift of your time and attention.
(CarrieGore) No, thank you for your stories, Tigger!
(Andrew) Any little Tiggers about?
(Tigger) Nope! Two Welsh corgies and a Tonkinese cat!
Sorry end of chat, for some reason the log cut off.