Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!
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Chapter 10 by Bailey Summers
All rights reserved. |
Honey thought it over then shrugged. “I’d like something but I don’t know what I want. If you get something can I have a bite? Maybe?”
“Sure.” He grinned. “It always looks better when it’s someone else’s?”
Dan showed up smiling. “Dude, no…it’s femphysics.”
“Femphysics? I’m so not getting things over here am I?”
Honey shook her head. “Uhm no…I’m confused too.”
Dan looked at them. “If the food being eaten in question doesn’t belong to the girl then it’s not hers or the calories.”
Honey giggled. “If only.” But she said it with a big smile in her voice.
Jessie smiled. “Okay I get it now. We’ll be back.”
He looked at Johnny who was extending the olive branch to this girl and smiled. If people just gave others a chance they’d be amazed. Johnny was really a people person.
He passed Brian who looked their way before heading off to Alphaville. He’d taken a long look at Johnny too. It didn’t look hostile just like a dog seeing something new and was trying to check out all the angles.
He went into the cafeteria to wait in line and the whole place seemed buzzing with something.
Dan, Dan was checking his phone. And Kenyon came up to join them.
Jessie looked up from the line where he was getting cookies and saw kids running towards the locker area in the outer halls, then the security guards at and run and the chant from the masses of. “Fight, fight, fight!”
He paid and walked over to Dan and Kenyon settling in with chocolate milk. He looked at Dan who was Smartphone immersed. “What’s going on?”
Dan moved the phone so he could see it. “Brian’s in a big fight with the assholes in alpha hall. Someone’s sending it out in bursts to the Real Page.”
Jessie looked. “So it might be over then?”
“Maybe there’s certainly a delay, too bad we couldn’t get this live and streaming. And….here’s the Soy-Bacon.”
“Soy Bacon?”
“Yeah, you know fake cops, fake pigs, fake bacon?”
“Uhm…no.” Jessie blinked at him. “I’m not from around here remember?”
Kenyon asks. “You ever see the crooks on TV call the police pigs?”
“I think so…oooh…okay that’s actually kind of funny.”
Dan grinned nodding. “I was going to go with that or turkey bacon.”
Kenyon stood looking over Jessie’s shoulder as they saw the next clip. Brian was in a three on one fight and it still wasn’t all one sided as the fists were flying and there was blood on faces and hands before the security guys showed up and got in between them all.
“Looks, like it’s over for now.” Jessie said. He stretched a bit getting looks by a few people at the way that the stretch sort of showed off his bust line but he really didn’t care since he couldn’t help that what was surprising was the feeling of…
Kenyon hard something stiff and warm in his jeans and it was pressing against him. Jessie turned to look over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow at Kenyon.
Kenyon blushed a really deep shade of red and sputtered. “”
“Really? Why?”
“It’s okay.” Jessie said quietly.
“What!?” Kenyon sort of whisper exclaimed.
“It’s okay, I’m not going to be an ass about this.”
“Are you?”
“Don’t know, are you?”
“I…I…” Then really quietly and the gleam of tears there. “Maybe.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“Th..Thank You?”
“You’re not being an ass about it and you probably didn’t want this out even if it’s between me and you but….it’s flattering.”
“It is?”
“Yeah, kind of…you’re good looking so it’s kind of flattering.”
“Oh Jessie…” He very nearly sighed it.
Daniel coughed and looked over at both of them. “Hey, what am I chopped liver?”
Jessie grinned. “Short round.”
Daniel flipped Jessie off and then turned and blinked at Kenyon fluttering his lashes. “So…”
Kenyon looked to one and then the other and….Jessie was well…but Daniel was short…but he was also slender and compact and oh good god he could actually really easily see that happening… “I…I gotta get to class.” Still red and grabbing his backpack he left sort of holding to cover the unsightly effect the two had just had on him.
Dan laughed until he snorted and also did a nose spurt of his chocolate milk.
Jessie looked at him and sat back down. “So….?”
“So….?” Dan put on the whole exaggerated innocent look.
“Would you?”
“Would you?”
“I don’t know, maybe?”
“Actually….me too.”
“Yeah…Johnny and you are not the only different people here. I play a lot of female characters for a reason.”
“Oh, so…”
“I don’t know, I think there’s times I’m okay being me and there’s times that I’d like being a girl.”
“Like Johnny.”
“No…yes…maybe but way more maybe. I’d do it if there was like nanotech or majik and stuff but the whole RL options to transitioning over are kind of scary.”
“True but from what I know it’s best to start early with this so you don’t have a ton of crap to go through that you wouldn’t if you started early.”
“Yeah there is that I dunno, it’s one of those complicated things I usually only think about like at four in the morning.”
“Headaches and some insomnia, well the insomnia’s from the headaches because if I just lay down my brain doesn’t switch off and I’m not distracted by the stuff I’d be doing while I’m up and I end up thinking about way too much stuff and when I have the headaches it’s like right there in the stream of my thoughts…I have a headache.”
“Wow, that…”
“Sucks.” Dan frowned a bit before brightening up and looking at Jessie. “So…?”
“Kenyon would you sleep with him.”
“I don’t know Anyone well enough to sleep with them.”
“Yeah me too…really wishing that wasn’t true.”
Jessie shrugged and grabbed his books. “I’m not in that big of a hurry.”
Dan sighed. “I know, and I keep hearing from my dad… “you’re a teenager you’ll meet someone” …but you look around and see people dating and you can’t help but to just sigh and want some of that.”
Jessie frowned a thoughtful little frown. “Honestly, I’ve been trying to not think about these things.”
Dan looked at Jessie. “Uh-huh, I can just imagine really that it’s really going to be complicated with you.”
Jessie nodded. “Which is why I’m going to try and take my time and know someone first before I put all of me out there.”
“Well that and you’re not exactly Mr. Popular right now with some people.”
“I wouldn’t want to date them anyway.”
They headed off to look for the girls swinging by the Home Ec. Classroom where the saw Johnny and Honey sitting with the girl that had busted Keith’s nose.
Jessie came over offering a cookie. “Hey, what’s up?”
*Johnny…………………………….and the morning had just started out so well. Then she had to run into Britney or rather got ambushed by the little so and so.
Britney had ended up showing up at school wearing the exact same outfit more or less than the one that she had picked out and she threw a royal shit fit. It got worse when Brian her boyfriend had pretty much once again backed out of a fight that Britney had pretty much set him up for.
He had actually sounded like a pretty decent guy while he and Britney had fought and it was actually more for Brian and the way that Britney had snubbed him that had her have the idea to wear his jersey.
Or at least offer to.
Honestly she had no idea that he’d actually let her. But she’d said it and took the jersey right out of his hand so she was sort of committed.
And the rest of the day had been kind of based on that event.
People all knew about her and most of then either didn’t like her on purpose or for the most part they had ignored her. Most of the kids tended to ignore most stuff that doesn’t really directly affect them.
But today, today she “made the papers” and people were talking about her like they had when she first transferred here. She knew that Britney was going to target her for something. She’d never let someone like her show her up like that.
Johnny was pretty sure though it was worth it. A whole lot of people saw her stand up to the uppity little guttersnipe and they also seen just how petty and mean she was too.
So Johnny figured that if she was going to be in trouble for wearing Brian’s jersey then she might as well sort of enjoy it.
So instead of hiding it she wore it like it was just as cute as the outfit that she had picked out for today was and she spent the morning walking like she had every right to wear it but she didn’t really show it off like there was something between her and Brian.
She’d just reply when they sort of whispered loud enough to be over heard instead of just asking her. “I needed a new shirt and Brian had offered one up since one of us would need it and Britney seemed to think she was too good for it so…” Then she’d just shrug.
Though Johnny was sure that there were rumors starting about her and Brian. It was just after the second class when she saw some of the mean girls talking about “Dishwater” again and the way she was disgusting and had just gotten “Hawking’s” vomit all over her and that she stank because she obviously didn’t change afterwards.
She headed over to the plain looking girl. “Hey…”
The girl just looked at her. Blinked a few times then leaned passed Johnny to look at the mean girls and then back at Johnny. She was exchanging books for her classes and said quietly. “Hey.”
“I got some spare clothes if you’d like to borrow something.”
The girl looked at her again. “I doubt anything you have will fit me. It’s likely you have more curves than I do.”
“Maybe, but most of your curves are real.”
Lindsey snorted and looked herself over. “Yeah…me…curves…right.”
“No, I’m serious.”
“Okay, why?”
“Why what?”
“Why are you being nice to me?”
“Why shouldn’t I be nice to you?”
“You don’t have any reason to be nice to me.”
“I don’t have any reason not to be nice to someone.”
“Are you for real?”
Johnny looked at this girl who was just as blunt as Jessie was and looked her in the eyes. “No, I’m still stuck with the wrong equipment so real’s never been an option.”
The mean girls over heard and left giggling and saying. “Faggot, tranny…”
Lindsey interrupted them with. “Twunts.”
They stopped and she stared at them and smiled and slowly pulled out a wooden ruler. They sort of stared at her. Johnny set her own bag down. “Huh…? Problem?”
They glared at both of the girls before walking off a bit faster that normal and joining up with the rest of the flock.
Johnny looked at Lindsey. “Thanks…most people wouldn’t have defended me.”
Lindsey shrugged and blushed a bit. “It’s no big…so…you think I can borrow a change of clothes?”
Johnny grinned. “Sure.”
They went to Johnny’s locker and met Honey there and Lindsey has quietly shook Honey’s hand like she wasn’t comfortable around her. Johnny looked at her. “Honey’s cool she’s in the same boat as us.”
“Really?” Lindsey asked. “How? No offence but you’re gorgeous.” She said to Honey as she looked her over.
Honey blushed a deep red. “Th..Thank you…Johnny helped me pick things out…”
Johnny nodded and turned her combination to open her locker. Both of he other girls saw she had a non-school issued lock and when she opened the door it was fitted around the edges with weather stripping and there was packing tape and stickers over the vent slits.
Honey looked saying. “I wish I’d thought of that.”
Johnny nodded. “Yeah, I learned not to trust the monkey’s with leaving my stuff alone.” She looked at Lindsey. “Honey had her stuff wrecked the other day.”
Lindsey looked at Honey. “Oh shit, I heard about those three. Sorry.”
Honey nodded. “They picked up right where my middle school tormentors left off just because of these.” She gestured at cradling her ample breasts the blushed again.
Lindsey looked at her. “Jealous and not just because you have great breasts, like I said you’re gorgeous.”
“No…I’m not…”
Johnny was taking clothes from rubber storage totes that fit in her locker like a small closet making both girls look at her. She was passing things to Lindsey saying. “No, you are but you don’t know it yet like they do and they want to make sure that you don’t, they want to keep you down like all the other girls they bully.”
Lindsey looks at her. “Like you?”
“Hell yes like me, specially like me but it’s way more like the raging homophobia actually the guys show.”
Both of them looked at her.
Johnny closed the locker up. “Look I make them really uncomfortable especially if I look better than they do on some days. They think how’s a guy looking better than me? Is there something wrong with me? And they get pissed off and lash out.”
Lindsey nods. “Makes sense you got this pretty down huh?”
Johnny gave her a slight smile. “You think a lot about this stuff when you’re in the hospital or recovering from home.”
“Recovering?” Lindsey asked.
“I came out in my last school and I was swarmed as they call it and they nearly killed me.”
“Shit.” Lindsey breathed and Honey covered her mouth. Then both girls hugged her with Lindsey being the one to turn red.
Johnny looked at her. “You liked?”
Lindsey blinked surprised. “…I don’t really get those feelings…I think I missed puberty at least sexually. No…I’m just not used to hugging…anyone.”
Johnny grinned at her. “Get used to it I’m a hugger.”
They headed to the ladies room in their homerooms hall to avoid the Alpha bunch in the Royal bathroom and they got looks as Lindsey changed from her things to the skinny jeans that Johnny let her and they were still a little roomy but didn’t fit badly. Johnny noticed that Lindsey looked in good shape though, really good shape despite the lack of curves.
“You run or swim?”
“Uhm run…yeah I look it I guess.”
“Oh yeah you definitely have the runners body, super cute.”
“Cute me?”
“Yeah done right with the right clothes and stuff yeah.”
“I can’t afford it, we’re pretty much broke at home since the recession hit.”
Honey nodded. “Things are thing all over unless you’re one of the richer kids.”
Johnny nodded as she tucked the tee-shirt that she’d got for Lindsey in making her blush. “Well I know a few chap places and I have some old clothes that we can look over and maybe even trade. We’ll work something out.”
They tucked the tee in really tight to show off her bra and added a belt to take care of the looseness and she offered to help Lindsey with her make up. That was a bit of a trial since she never wore any….ever.
“Okay….you just don’t like it?”
“No it feels Gross on my skin.”
“Well it can but you want the stuff that you don’t notice that you’re wearing and stuff. I’d suggest stuff but honestly Linds, that’ll take time.”
“Why? I mean okay but…why?”
“You touch and rub your face too much.”
She blushed. “Sorry I’m just…I never really wore it before so I never wanted to look like a clown. I avoided wearing it.”
“You have some?”
“Oh yeah my mom is still trying to make me a girl.”
Johnny snorted. “It takes way more than clothes and make up to make a girl.”
They were getting looks and there were a few mutters from some of the Beta girls that looked like the wanted to be the next batch of popular ones. Lindsey looked at Johnny who definitely noticed them and their attitudes. “Yeah, just like it takes more than a vagina to be a girl too.”
Honey added in. “It takes a girl’s heart to be a woman, nothing else.”
Lindsey looked over at the Beta girls. “But the bar’s really low on being a Skank it seems.”
The three girls laughed and let with Johnny having put Lindsey’s long hair into a pretty pony tail. The girl had long straight blonde hair to die for, but she needed some serious care for it.
They just took the time to get a drink before class when Jessie arrived with Dan bearing treats.
It turns out they’d missed the entire Brian escapade and Britney’s last fit of histrionics. There was some well set up shots on the Real Page and they watched those eating cookies after introductions were made.
Honey looked around. “Where’s Kenyon?”
Dan snorted. “He got a bit embarrassed when we were talking about sleeping with him. I think he’s got a thing for Jessie.”
Lindsey looked Jessie over. “Well you’re certainly appealing.” She was surprised she meant it. She was telling the truth about never really having the spark from being attracted to someone like she’d always heard about but an almost bi-gendered person…while it could be complicated it could also be so much less bullshit if you felt like her…unsure and Jessie was both really.
Jessie blushed. “Thanks, but he also wasn’t discounting Dan’s offer either.”
Johnny feigned shock. “Dan! I thought we were an item!?”
Dan looked at Johnny, actually smiling but serious too. “I was flirting and now that you’ve admitted that you like the sort guy enough…done! I’ll pick you up tonight?”
Blink, Blink… “Huh..what?” She said.
“A date.”
“Johnny!…Please go out with me tonight, please! I’ll be a gentleman this time I promise!” He wasn’t yelling but definitely loud enough for everyone to hear.
Lindsey elbowed her. “She accepts, but best behavior mister, having a horse-cock doesn’t mean that you can act like a dick.”
Dan had this huge grin on his face even while looking at the floor and was looking sorry. Honey had her hand over her mouth valiantly trying not to shoot chocolate milk from it and Jessie was smiling.
The bell rang and Honey and Johnny took their stuff and headed into Home Ec. with Lindsey. Jessie looked at Dan. “You have your license?”
“Yeah just.”
“I’ll loan you the car. Pick her up at six?”
“Really?! Holey Cheese!”
Jessie burst out laughing. “Go…”
Dan stuck his head into the Home Ec. Classroom and grinned as they were still getting in their seats. “I’ll pick you up at six for our date Johnny?”
Everyone was looking at them both. It was like a social grenade went off in there. Johnny blushed. “Uhm…okay sure.”
He grinned again at all of them then pulled his head out.
There were people in and outside of the classroom all buzzing about the whole thing. About the tranny and the short geek and Brian.
Jessie knew that the haters weren’t going to like this. He was sticking close the rest of the day as much as he could.
*Nick……………………………It had been a really bad morning and the stress had just gotten too much…the asshole Keith…asshole, asshole, asshole…then the faculty…they were being okay but he couldn’t talk to them just like that. He was frustrated beyond belief and so were they.
He had been taken to the nurses office and they were sure there were just bruises. Then his parents showed up causing all sorts of hell and going off on how the hell they thought this school was safe!
He’d talked/typed his parents down and it was his dad that relented after.
[I hate them and it sucks, the suck! But if I leave, if I go home…It’s letting them win right dad?]
It was the first time his dad seen him take a stand like this even if it was just the decision to suffer and keep going.
He’d still spent half the day recovering and he was surprised when Brian was brought in to get checked out by the security guys and there where police there again. Twice…in one day they were not looking pleased here and there were a bunch of the Alpha thug types there too looking like they’d been in a fight.
He was invisible again with everything going on and he caught some of the things on his phone. The shit they were saying about Brian sleeping with the trans girl Johnny and the fact he probably liked her doing him in the ass, or sticking his dick into shit.
The nurse made them be quiet, backed by a weeks detention added to the week they’d be serving for fighting.
Then there was the witnesses saying that Brian took the first swing and saying all sots of stuff about him.
Disgusting liars and turncoats.
Especially when he’d caught up on the stuff between Johnny and him and Twitney. He had to admire the trans-girl and how brave she was even stripping off her shirt revealing a bra that looked filled in with real breasts. But it was taking the jersey and showing up Twitney for being the nasty person she was.
He didn’t believe the video that was being posted on his page with her freaking out about him “fucking” the queer. Or her puking, or her bawling she knew things were off with them, that Brian had been acting so…weird.
They all came from the phones of the people in her “posse” and her screaming about him maybe giving her AIDS and running from the school was just.
It was all an act. He was sure of it.
Nick left the infirmary moving slowly and headed to the cafeteria having missed most of his morning classes and he was joined by the black kid that spoke up about Keith and saved his things. They walked for a few minutes and the kid offered a hand to him.
“I’m Donnie.”
He looked at it and took it shakily. “Nunn…Nnn…Nick.” He hated the stutter…hated it and was waiting for the look, either disgust or worse pity.
“Sucks what they did. I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner.”
Nick tried to get out. “I..I…I…It’s Okkkay.”
“Buy you lunch?”
He looked at Donnie. “W..why..?”
“You had a shitty day, you need a break.”
Nick blinked. This was new, it wasn’t something he’d expected at all.
“Okay…” he almost sighed in relief when that came out normal.
They went to the cafeteria and instead of going over to the line up they went to the gamer kids table and Jessie was there with the others there and it was a crowd. And the size made him really nervous. They…they had baked store bought lasagna and all the fixings for salad and garlic bread and they seemed like they were having a good time….
He even smiled when some one had taped photocopied papers of The Rebel Alliance to the end of their table like a banner.
Johnny smiled at him and cut him some lasagna as Donnie made introductions and one of the boys in the group was doing sign language motions. With most of the group doing it too. The boy was Sam and he was deaf but he could read lips ad he’d chosen to come to school here rather than go to a special school.
They knew he couldn’t talk right and it seconds some one showed him how to say yes, no, please, thank you…and he used them without all the stuff going on in his brain.
He laughed for the first time all year out loud as Donnie tapped his tablet and the theme of The Empire started playing as the Alpha kids had started to file in and the table was laughing too and Donnie was showing Sam who was laughing too. He’d never heard it because he was deaf but he still got the joke.
He was still really quiet and shy there and nervous but they just…they were just okay with him?
The place went scary hushed as Brian came into the cafeteria and he looked around and went to the line and bought a whole bunch of milks and chocolate milks and walked with the full tray of drinks right past the Alpha’s and over to their table.
He looked at them all. “Could I sit with you guys?”
There was some shocked faces, some scared…a couple uneasy and angry too. Nick was unsure what he felt…Brian was being set up sure but could he just think he’d be able to just come here like everything was cool? But they accepted him right?
There was some shuffling and they made room.
They didn’t even talk it over. They just did it.
And Johnny set down a slice of lasagna for him and took a carton of white milk. “Thanks for the drinks.”
Then the others thanked him too.
Donnie said. “Dude welcome to the light side of the force.”
Dan looked over to the popular kids tables and they looked shocked, and were pissed but also already in full social feeding frenzy. “The Sith are angry, very angry.”
Brian sighed. “Sorry, it’s all my fault.”
Jessie looked at him. “You’re fault?”
“I should have listened, when I started going out with Britney…. No matter how much they plead, no matter how much they beg, never, never, feed them after midnight.”
Nick found out lettuce and laughing didn’t mix.