X-Why-Me...Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Emily couldn’t keep from smiling through most of the morning. The breakfast and the coffee on the bus was such a pleasant surprise for her that it still made her feel a warm and happy feeling inside.
It really sort of took the things she’d been feeling too about Kira and sort of framed them in her head in a new way. She knew that she might be crushing on Kira. But there’s a big difference between knowing that you’re crushing on someone and doing anything about it.
And there was still the fact that she was trying to figure out just what kind of crush she was having.
She had a sex dream about her. A lesbian sex dream but there was also that she really liked Kira as a person. Okay tow days is sort of hard to tell if you can like some one really or it isn’t there are some people that you just like or don’t right off the bat and then there’s the fact that she’s XY CAIS?
She had read more and more on the thing and she was really no closer in putting her tomboyish ways and looks to being genetically a boy. And she still wondered if it is true then was this influencing the way she was seeing Kira?
She was sort of thinking on that as she tried to read the sonnets assigned for English. She kind of felt a bit of jealously over some of the XY CAIS girls she had seen in her research, now she knew that she and other girls like that didn’t all fit in that category but some of those XY girls were really girly and they were gorgeous.
But Kira said she was cute.
Actually she said she was more than cute.
The bell rang and she headed out for the morning break for classes and she met up with Kira at the school canteen and Kira was all smiles as she was buying a chocolate milk and these mini ice cream cone snack things filled with marshmallows and colored sugar.
Emily got herself a diet Pepsi and sat beside here in the hall and waved off Kira’s offering hand. “Eww no thanks I’m not into that much sugar.”
Kira chewed the one she had going and swallowed. “I love these things and most marshmallow treats really I have a weird taste in the stuff I like.”
“Really, okay I know you like sushi but those are that weird.”
“They are home, where I went to school kids didn’t eat this kind of stuff that much unless it was like Easter or Halloween or Christmas. Otherwise it just wasn’t done.”
“Just that whole preppy gotta look like a starving waif fashion thing that they obsess over.”
“Oh yeah I kinda thought that you were sort of like that with the California thing and the modeling and all that.”
“Oh it was that way for about four months of me modeling and when they told me that I needed to lose weight and that I needed to follow this diet and spend all my free time with this trainer I told them to fuck off and quit.”
“Oh…” Emily stared at her. That was brave not just quitting but being able to pass up all the fame or the money. “But you’re not afraid to get fat?”
“Not really, I really don’t dwell on it. I like doing physical things and I usually burn most of it off but I’m not scared of it actually. You get scared of it then it runs your life.”
“Yeah, I’ve always had the opposite problem; it just seems that I’ve always had trouble putting the weight on.”
Kira looked at Emily up and down in that appraising way and nodded. “I knew a few girls like you too back home and that’s no fun either.”
Emily nodded. “It’s the thing that’s kinda drove me batty for a long time and I’ve tried the sugars diet and the high fat ones too to try and get some weight on. I’m not too much of a sugar junky and I can take or leave most of the greasy stuff.”
Kira looked at her. “Ask the gym teacher, the guys coach.”
Emily looked at her sharply heart hammering. “W..Why?”
“He’s got guys trying to lose or make weight all the time he might know some stuff that will help you keep some weight on where you want it.”
“Oh…oh wow I never thought of that but you’re right.”
“You ask your doctor?”
“Not yet I just started seeing another doctor, I’ll bring it up with her too.”
“Good idea.”
The bell rang and the hugged…Emily found herself awash with this warm fuzzy yay feeling at the sensation of being pressed against Kira’s chest. She blushed and then went off to class where she was just more than slightly distracted in the quiet moments by that lingering memory.
That lasted into lunch where she ended up waiting for Kira who was getting her coat and heading off the school grounds.
“Where are you heading off to?”
“Over town to the diner.” Kira said. “You want to come with?”
She normally ate at the cafeteria but they were allowed to head of campus on they lunches and free periods as long as they signed out. She signed out and got her coat and they walked over town. She had to keep a pretty good pace as Kira walked quite fast.
They went about five blocks before getting to the diner and it had been shut down for several years with the economy in the tank and had been started up a few times as different places to eat by different people but nothing had really stuck as a business here.
There was brown paper taped to the windows and doors to keep people from looking in and there was a home made drop box outside on the sidewalk with a sign saying. “Please feel free to tell us your favorites as we’re making our menu.”
Emily smiled at that. “Hey that’s kind of smart.”
“Dad’s idea because a lot of people have favorites and if the locals don’t like the food then you’re not going to get a lot of business.”
Emily nodded. “That actually makes a lot of sense.”
They knocked and went inside and there were these men there in painter’s coveralls and another in old clothes and the tools for applying the putty stuff for drywall. Three of the men she sort of knew and they were locals and that was a good sign that they were hiring locals to help with the work. Some of the other places didn’t do that and tried to do the work by themselves and one guy had tried to set up a pizzeria here on the cheap.
She introduced Emily to her dad. He was the guy mudding the drywall and he shook her hand. “I’m always glad to meet a friend of Kira’s.” Then he said to his daughter. “It’s really nice to see that you’re making friends this early, that’s a change for you.”
“Well I am it’s been awhile since you brought anyone around.”
“Well Emily’s not a fake like some of the others were.”
“Good, You here to give you mom a hand?”
“That and some lunch.”
“Have fun.”
Emily nodded to Kira’s father who was a pretty good looking guy actually with this sort of used to be a business guy look that had been pared down to just regular working clothes and a bit of unshaven scruff going on but in that handsome scruffy guy way. He actually sort of reminded her a little of Kevin Costner.
They went into the kitchen and there was a lot of this stainless steel big time kitchen stuff that she didn’t really recognize. Well the flat top and the walk ins were about that and the place was smelling of detergents and cleansers and there was the smell of baked goods too.
She saw this woman there wiping and scrubbing away at what looked like a giant sink set up. She was in work boots and faded jeans that she filled out as well as Kira did and she was this tanned ash blonde in a simple tank top and she smiled as they came in and straighten up from where she was washing.
“Hey honey who’s this?’
“Mom this is Emily, she’s a friend from school.”
“You’re making friends that great honey! I’m Kelly I’m so glad to meet you!”
She swayed over to them and hugged Emily. She was definitely Kira’s mom, she was very attractive and she was very large busted she might even be an E cup.
“It’s very nice to meet you ma’am.”
Kira’s mom smiled and she looked at the girls. “Here for lunch?”
“That and to help out Mom.” Kira said.
“Well you don’t have that much time off but if the two of you can take the trash bags out in the back to the dumpster that’d be a big help.”
Emily nodded. “Sure thing we’ll be happy to.”
They went out back and there was a lot, a lot of garbage with everything from just dirt and stuff in general to the stuff they tore out and were throwing away like old wallpaper and drywall chunks and a lot of general garbage too. It still looked like there was a lot of stuff they were going to have to do to get the place ready and everything but there must have been close to twenty bags of garbage and trash to take out back to the dumpsters.
They were washing up at the sink in the back of the diner and she looked at Kira. “You guys are getting a lot done.”
“Thanks we’ve been at it for nearly two weeks and that’s like the third time I’ve dropped that much trash in the dumpster.”
“Two weeks?”
“We had to get the farm and the house in order and fixed up some too so there was a lot of that kind of stuff to do too.”
“Oh, I suppose.”
“The house is really a work in progress.”
“I can see how it might its pretty old.”
“Old but kind of neat, I’ve never been in a place that had a stone laid basement before.”
She nodded. “There’s a few places like that around here. I’ve never been out to your farm.”
“You’re welcome to come any time that you want to I’ll remind you that it’s still a work in progress.”
“Okay…okay I won’t expect much.”
“It’s why I wanted to take shop, especially wood shop with the folks here then I can learn to do stuff that I want to get done at home and stuff.”
“Makes sense but what if they don’t do those things as projects in class?”
“I’m going to ask questions, lots of them and I had the impression that after I talked to the shop teacher that he might actually be game for that.”
“I think so, I’d really rather know how to block drafts and weather strip my windows and stuff than make a spice rack.”
Emily laughed. “That’s so true actually like Home Ec. There’s stuff there that we should know too that they don’t teach. I think how to shop and get deals and stuff should ne taught or like not just cooking and sewing but other stuff like how to clean a stove or an oven the right way or how to fix little things like a toilet without having to call a guy to help or a plumber but they don’t teach that stuff.”
Kira nodded. “One of the reasons why I’m not taking that class is the whole oh no…I’m a helpless girl mentality the teacher is pushing.”
“Maybe I’ll start asking questions too?”
“You should and get ready to complain when she has an ancient freak out.”
“Yeah well welcome to Wyoming. Where the internet is scarce and marryin yer cousin ain’t.” Emily put on her best red-neck drawl and Kira laughed which was very cool because she usually wasn’t the funny one.
They headed out into the kitchen where Kira’s mother was taking out a large rectangular pie out of one of these ovens with side by side doors? It smelled really good. It was actually the best piece of chicken pot pie she had ever had with a really great creamy gravy and just regular veggies in it like chunks of potatoes and peas and carrots with maybe a few really small chopped up bits of other things like maybe celery it wasn’t fancy but it was really good. You could taste and tell that her mother had roasted the chicken before she added it into the filling and the top crust was really great and not pie crust like the bottom but it was puff pastry.
Emily moaned her way through half of her piece and leaned on the counter when she was done really full. “Ma’am that was amazing.”
Her mom beamed. “Really you think so I sort of stole bits and pieces of the recipe from a few places that I’ve been to.”
“Really it was fantastic.”
“Good! Hopefully I’ll be able to sell them along with serving them.”
Emily nodded. Actually she didn’t know anyplace other than the Whole-foods supermarket across town that made home made ready to take home and cook or already cooked anything. It wasn’t as back-water as she let on half the time really there was just a lot of mid-west attitudes about people and how they should be but at the same time people were still really busy and this might do pretty well.
They said their good byes and headed back to school taking it a bit slower from both of them being full while Kira filled Emily in about the state of the farm house and her room.
It was all in all a pretty great way to spend her lunch break. She had a great dinner and she kind of felt like she got something accomplished from giving them a hand.
The afternoon flew by pretty fast and she stayed past the first bus run to try out for the girl’s basket ball team. She’d thought about it for a few years in a row now but this year. She wasn’t even sure why but she kind of seen herself in a varsity jacket walking beside Kira as they’d been walking back from the diner.
Emily admitted that she really should have paid more attention to the girls playing on the team before. While she could keep up with them in running her ball skills weren’t good at all and most of these girls had been playing since middle school.
She was kind of bummed out and to make matters suck a bit more even here the rumors were floating around about her and Kira. That they were lesbians and that they took off today to make out and that Kira was all butch-gay and was in shop.
Emily could’ve argued but she wasn’t just in the mood after the whole idea of her getting a varsity jacket to wear was drifting away from her. And there was no way that she was going to put herself at the non-mercy of the cheer bitches from hell and try out for them.
She felt someone watching her and looked back behind her and saw Trent Lincoln and her Ex-jack following her and she didn’t like the way that they were looking at her. She started walking faster and faster and so did they and she heard Trent yell at her. “Where you going dyke?” and Jack calling after her. “I want a fucking explanation Emily! You’re not going to fucking humiliate me again.”
Again? WTF?
“Again? Jack you dumped me!”
“You wouldn’t fucking put out but you’re spreading you legs for the California slut!”
“We’re friends!” she started to run. There weren’t a whole lot of people around this late after school and those that did stuck to the gym which was behind her or the music rooms or the cafeteria while waiting for the late bus run.
She was scared.
And they had a look in their eyes that really made her think that they wanted to hurt her.
Trent nearly caught her and ripped off her back pack, and then jack tried to grab her and then Trent and she wasn’t so much as running now as trying to just keep out of their reach from their grabs and she even threw herself into one of the walls to bounce away from it to sort of surprise them and change direction. She did and narrowly avoided Trent and got passed them and scooped up her backpack and ran down the hall towards the cafeteria with them chasing her.
Jack was really pissed and mad dog angry. “You little lezzie twat I’m going to show you wha…” Hs threat was cut off in a squelched sound of pain and she looked back to see Matt Hunter one of the football players standing over a fallen Jack and Trent was trying to back pedal and stop and ran into Matt’s big fist whether he wanted to or not.
Jack was curled in a ball around his stomach, he’d definitely been hit.
Matt looked at her. “Emily, you want to press charges on these two?”
She looked at Matt. “I…I…I don’t know…”
“I’m a witness.”
“I…I…” She really didn’t know what to do, she had been having those feelings and yet she hadn’t done anything but be Kira’s friend and they tried to do this? Jack was acting like he might have been going to…she started to cry.
She didn’t know what to do!
Trent tried to move and Matt clobbered him again driving him to the floor and pointed a warning finger at Jack. “Stay the fuck down.”
Emily had never seen a guy do what Matt just did and hugged herself after dropping her backpack and she couldn’t stop shaking.
Matt looked at her and reached in his pocket and took out his cell phone. And he dialled. “Hello 911? I’d like to report an attempted assault and an attempted rape.”
She heard him talking and everything felt kind of grey and then went black.