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The list of characters mentioned in this story belong to the various authors that created them. This is a fan-fiction story.
“Welcome back to Earth. Hmm . . . you both have changed. I think you are more powerful than before.”
“Yes, we are, Crouching Bear. During the next two days, we’ll show you before we go on the next honeymoon trip.”
“That’s good.”
“But first, I need to unpack some things, my Cherokee friends.”
“I’ll go inside to unpack and start the laundry. Then I’ll get ready for lunch, Richard.”
“That’s fine, Brianna.”
Our fairies follow us inside. I unwrap one of the cave carvings and set it on a table in the corner of the living room. We get a nice surprise. A faint glow permeates throughout the house then it fades immediately.
The Grand Elder comes inside to see what happened. “I think Rhiannon’s and my spells have made this house more protective with that cave carving, Richard and Brianna.”
“That’s good, Wizard. How much longer will you be here?”
“I’ll be here for the rest of the day. Then I must get moving on. I need to check up on my business and my other contacts. You’ll see me from time to time.” He smiles at me.
I smile back, “That is according to the Creator’s schedule, right?”
“Yes, it is, Richard.”
Croin immediately flies out of me and flies to the cave carving to get his rest and recharge up. I walk back out to the backyard.
“Let’s meet over at the campfire, my friends.”
We walk back over to the campfire and gather around it. “There was a world we visited. It is a parallel Earth in another multi-verse. On that world, I met a group of Cherokees, unicorns and Uktena the great flying serpent from the Ohio Valley.”
“If that is true, we’ll give praise to the Creator.”
“This location of the campfire and the house are in the same location in each multi-verse.” I wave my hand. An image of Chief Black Raven appears. “His name is Chief Black Raven. He said to let the campfire of the Corn Dance be a light of continuity throughout the cosmos. Also, the cabin will be where the Omega Unicorn Dragon resides, where he and his mate can get some rest before they go back out into the world.”
All of the Cherokees smile, “Then we will keep the campfire of the Corn Dance a perpetual location when it is lit with the other campfires in the multi-verses. Peace and blessings from the Creator will spread throughout the world and the cosmos from here. We’ll help keep an eye on the cabin and warn you if any trouble comes to it.”
All of the Cherokees look at each other with big smiles on their faces.
“That is very good news, Richard. What other good news you have for us?”
“Follow me to the pond.”
We walk over to the pond. “Anybody here remembers a story about the Avatar World? It was told in a movie in the year 2010. It is where a young boy can do the five elements. They are air, water, earth, fire and spirit.”
“I think we remember something like that, Richard. What about it?”
“Those elements are taught in the Shaolin martial arts. Because there is no magic here on Earth, I think those abilities are of a lesser power.”
“That’s right, Richard. There is no magic here on Earth because of the abuse in the past by greedy men and women.”
“The first element is air. It is learned in the crane wing slash.” I swing my right arm in a slicing motion. A ripple of air moves toward a maple leaf. It cuts a small slice in the leaf.
“What?” A brave walks over to it and takes the leaf off the tree to look at it closer. He brings it over to the Cherokee leaders to look at it closely. “It’s incredible.”
“The leaf is not cut in two pieces. What else can you do?”
I bring up my right hand and give it a quick twist. A mini-tornado appears in my hand.
“Gasp. . .!!!”
“I can make it bigger or smaller. I can send it toward someone with complete control.” I spread my hands apart to make it bigger. Then I send it around the pond and back to my hand. Then with a quick movement of my hands I make the tornado disappear. “In the Shaolin discipline, you learn the animal moves.”
“Yes, we are aware of that, Richard. We teach our young braves how to move like the panther and be strong like the bear in silence.”
“Now watch what I am doing. Watch the air movements as it moves through the leaves.”
I go into a stealth panther move. Then I strike quickly with a right forearm slash. “Roooaaarrrr!!!” A gust of wind moves through the leaves. The image of a panther claw slash appears.
The nearby panther roars in approval. “Rooaaarrrr!!!”
The claw slash hits a tree and dissipates quickly. The Cherokee have big smiles on their faces.
“Now watch this. I am going to create a tornado around me. I am going to use it as a shield. From within I am going to project out several different animals in attack mode against that tree.” I point my arms downward. I spin around to create a tornado around me. I look at the tree. I displace the air and launch a tiger attack with claws on both sides. “Roooarrrr!!!”
The Cherokee are astonished when they see the image pick up the pieces of dirt and leaves. It smashes against the tree and dissipates.
I launch a snake, a crane, a bear, a chicken and a horse. I then end the tornado around me.
All of the Cherokee clap their hands in approval. Even the horses, the birds, the panther, the bear all roar and chirp in approval.
“That’s incredible, Richard. Indeed you are an animal fighter.”
“The next element I learned is water.” I look at the water in the pond. I push my hands forward. Little waves of water push away from me. I cup my hands to bring the water back. Little waves of water come back to me.
Qiang and Sensei Chou are going some basic kata moves in the Peaceful Dragon. Then all of a sudden they stop and look at each other.
“Did you feel that, Qiang?”
“I certainly did, Sensei Chou. Richard is back with us.”
“Not only that, he is a lot more powerful than before. If I am not mistaken, he has total control of the air and water elements.”
“I agree, Sensei Chou. Do you think he has at the cabin?”
“Yes, he is at the cabin. We must get there and greet him. Let’s award him the third degree black sash.”
“Yes, that is the usual approach when one has passed the element of water.”
They walk to the office and enter inside. “Master Peter, we are going to the Moore’s cabin. I think Richard has returned.”
“You may go ahead. I too sensed he has arrived as well. Bring us good news on his progress.”
“We’ll certainly will, Master Peter. I will be taking the third degree black sash with me.”
“That is fine, Sensei Chou. When he comes back from his overseas honeymoon trip, have him come here. He needs to start preparing for the next pair of black sashes.”
“Yes, Master Peter.”
They all bow their heads up and down. Then Sensei Chou and Qiang leave the office. Sensei Chou opens a closet door. He takes out the third degree black sash out and closes the door. Qiang and Sensei Chou leave the dojo together and get into Qiang’s car. They already have a change of clothes in their duffle bags in the trunk. Qiang drives to Mount Blanc, North Carolina.
“How is this possible, Richard?”
“It is because of the moon, my friends. The moon provides the gravity to cause our oceans and water to ebb and flow with the tide.”
“He’s right, Crouching Bear. Our moon is closely linked to our world. Richard is in tune with the moon.”
“I agree, Red Fox. I am sure you can do a lot more than that, Richard?”
“I can, Crouching Bear.” I go through the hand and arm motion to bring up a stream of water. I then create a water ball and keep it floating in the air.
The Cherokee all clap their hands.
I then create different objects with the water. I create a spear and freeze it to ice. I melt it and create a sword of ice. I melt it and move it all around us.
“Who taught you that, Richard?”
“It is Master Pakku, Shaman Red Fox. He told us water is the flowing element. Water is the element of change. To master water, you must release your emotions to wherever they lead you. Water teaches us acceptance. Let your emotions flow like water. Remember these words. So, Brianna, my fairies and I committed those words to memory.”
“So, you and your fairies can do the elements?”
“Not only us, Crouching Bear. King Oren’s fairy troop can do them as well. Right now, it is just air and water. Eventually we will learn the earth, fire and the spirit elements. I can take that water and create a water tornado around me. When I project out the animals, they will have the image of those animals. I can put little pieces of ice mixed in with it to make more terrifying. The little pieces of ice will cut your skin and shred your clothes.”
“That’s a great tactic, Richard.”
“Yes it is, Crouching Bear. There were times I had to use my enhanced speed and strength when I faced the demon angels’ swords. They had no chance with their own black swords.”
“You faced demon angels?”
“I did, Shaman Red Fox. They are very real.”
Crouching Bear looks at Shaman Red Fox with a concern look. Red Fox nods his head up and down. “I am going have to agree with you, Richard. Even though they can’t be seen, the Shamans have always been aware of the spirit realm. Can you bring up an image of one of them? It will confirm their existence.”
“I’ll keep the image in the palm of my hand, Shaman Red Fox.”
“That’s a good idea, Richard. We don’t need to give them any more credit than they deserve.”
I wave my hand. An image of a goat-horned demon appears. Then I make it disappear just as quickly.
“I knew it, Richard. Thank you very much. What have you done when you faced them?”
“By having a quartz crystal shining brightly with the white light, you can blind them. It will also reveal their true form. They can’t hide from the brightness. Since I have the unicorn images within me, I can stare at them to force them to tell the truth. When I do stare at anyone, they will get a glassy-eyed look. That is when I know I have them under my power. To release them, I then clap my hands really loud to wake them up.”
“Heh, heh, heh,. . . . I can imagine some of them getting very upset when they can’t lie to you.”
“That’s right, Crouching Bear.”
The Grand Elder speaks up, “I’ll be here until evening, then I must be on my way.”
“That is fine, Grand Elder. It is good to meet you. We look forward to when we meet again.”
“That I will, Crouching Bear. I’ll keep in touch with your future generations.”
“That’s good, Grand Elder. We’ll need your guidance at each important juncture in our lives.”
They nod their heads to each other with a smile on their faces. I return back into the cabin. I hear the washing machine running in the hallway. I see Brianna at the kitchen counter working on the lunch for us.
“So, what is for lunch, Brianna?”
“It is salad and fish sandwiches. I warmed up the fish in the microwave.”
“I’ll get everything else set on the table.” I turn around and open the cabinets. I take out two glasses, several plates and the silver ware. I fill it the glasses up with ice and cold mountain water. I take them to the dining table. I arrange the two plates for our fairies at one end of the table. I set our plates and silver ware at the other end of the table. I set up their food bags near their plates. I also take out the honey squeeze bottle, their cups and water skin near as well. Then Brianna brings over the salads and fish sandwiches to the dining table.
“Okay, lunch is ready, fairies!”
“We’re coming, father, mother, Omega!!”
They come flying in quickly and land near their setup. Brianna and I take our seats. I give the Thanks to the Creator.
“Creator, we give you thanks for all of your wonderful blessings. Thank you for keeping us to the worlds we traveled. Now we must get ready for our second honeymoon trip. Keep us safe as you always do. We thank you for this food we are about to eat. Let it renew our strength to do great deeds for you. Thank you, Creator.”
Everyone responds with one voice, “Thank you, Creator.”
The fairies open their food bags. They take out what they want to eat. They pour and make their own honey-water mix in their cups. We try to talk while eat together.”
“So, father, what is the plan for the second honey moon trip? How will we get there?”
“First there is a flight to Jerusalem. From there, it is a Mediterranean Sea Cruise to Egypt and Greece. That portion of the trip is two weeks. Then we leave from Athens and fly in another jet to England for another two weeks. We’ll be visiting all of the isles. While we are there, we’ll be meeting some people that Larry Wilson knows in secret there.”
“How are you going to get us there to be with you, mother?”
The Grand Elder comes in through the back door and stops near the table. “I’ll be getting you there by magic, Esmeralda Have no worries, fairies. You will all be there. However, you must be in butterfly mode while in public. You can change back into fairies in the rooms where you are staying for the night.”
The fairies all shout in one voice, “Yes!!! Thank you, Grand Elder!!”
“Are we going to meet any other fairies that are hidden, Grand Elder?”
“You will, Tiger. You will be able to sense them as they can sense you. You will need to bring them to Richard and Brianna so they can blow their breath upon them. They have been in butterfly mode too long. It will be like what King Oren’s fairy troop went through.”
“That’s good, Grand Elder. So, are they all from Caliber?”
“Yes, they are, Tigress. There are some fairies in Jerusalem. You will meet them when Richard visits the High King. There are none in Egypt to meet. But, you will see them when you arrive on the pantheon world for the Egyptian Gods and the India Gods. There are some in Greece. They are hanging around Hephaestus Temple. You will see most of them in the Isles. You will meet Rhiannon and me again. Before you meet the last group, the Norse Gods, there will be a side detour to Romania. Sigh . . . Richard you must bring the Basilisk egg to the Romanian dragons. The protective magical shield for their valley is almost broken by the Eleven. You must be ready for a fight. I can tell you more, but it will become evident what you need to do when you all get there. After that, then it is a trip to Asgard to meet the Norse Gods.”
“I will have to leave my armor and weapons here in the cabin.”
“Yes you will, Richard. You can always call it forth when you need it by magic.”
“Yes, Wizard.”
“There are some fairies in Mexico and South America. Don’t worry about them until Secure-Sys has planned the trip to the south. Also, there will be a company trip to Japan and China in two years from now.”
“Yes, Wizard.”
“If you will excuse, I am having lunch with the Cherokee. Plan on having your dinner with the Cherokee this evening.”
Brianna smiles, “Thank you, Wizard.”
The Wizard leaves the cabin through the back door and closes it.
We see that we are done eating our lunch. We take the plates to the kitchen. The fairies wash their own cups in the sink and set them off to the side to dry on a towel. I help Brianna by washing the plates and set them in the drying rack.
“So, what have you been up to my fairies?”
“We have been figuring out where we’ll be sleeping tonight.”
“So, have you made a decision?”
“Since you will be in the master bedroom, we have decided to stay in your original bedroom. That way, we are near to you in a round about way.”
“That’s good, my fairies.”
“So, are you set up on the bed?”
“We are father, we moved the covers down and set our beds on top. We put our clothes in the top dresser drawer that is empty. Now we just need to set up our shower and bath set up on the top of the dresser.”
“That’s good my fairies.” I get up and take their satchel to the bedroom. I place the bowl that is already there and center it on the dresser top. Then I take out their curtain setup and water skin. It doesn’t take long for them to get it set up the way they want it.
After that is accomplished. I walk back out to the living room where I see Brianna sitting on the couch. I sit down next to her and put my right arm around her shoulder. The fairies all fly in and gather around us on the sofa I take the TV remote and turn on the TV.
“This is a television unit, White Acacia and White Rose. It allows us to see events else where around the world or entertainment shows to watch. My fairies will help explain it to you each day.”
Then there is a news report from Japan. We see some events that are being blamed on the government and the Emperor there. Then we see a water event that we recognize immediately. We see a water spout traveling from the ocean to land. However, the water spout doesn’t disappear when it comes on land.
“Father! That water spout is not normal!!”
“It certainly isn’t, Tiger. It should have dissipated once it reached land. I think there is a demon problem in Japan.”
“I think you are right, father. We need to know the name of the demon to get him evicted from whomever he is possessing.”
“We’ll have to keep our eyes and ears on this one, Tiger. We’ll be visiting Japan and China in two years. We will have more information by then.”
We continue to watch the news from around the world. Even though there is peace between Israel and the Arabs. It is the rest of the world that gets our attention. We see our border with Mexico becoming another hot zone with the drug running crossing the border. The reporters are thinking of calling this war the Border Wars. Not only with USA and Mexico, but there are many other Border Wars with other countries around the world.
After an hour of watching the news, I hear a honk from the driveway.
“Honk!! Honk!!”
“Let’s find out who it is.” Brianna and I get up and walk to the front door. Our fairies are hovering near us, but out of sight behind us. I open the door. There we see, Qiang and Sensei Chou with big smiles on their faces.
“Come in Sensei Chou and Qiang. It is good to see you again!!”
“It is good to see you as well.”
They walk into the living room. Then some of my fairies come flying into greet them.
“Hello, do you remember us?”
“How can we forget you, Tiger, Tigress, Bianca and Lavan.” The other fairies come in slowly and hover in behind the first four.
“Why are you here?”
“Oh my. Your fairy family has increased, Richard.”
“Yes, my fairy family has increased. Let me introduce the fairies that you haven’t met yet.”
I introduce the rest of the fairies to Qiang and Sensei Chou.
“We were in the Peaceful Dragon this morning, Richard. We were doing some basic kata movements. Then all of a sudden, we sensed your arrival. That happened when you did something earlier this morning.”
“So, what did you do when you came back?”
“I have learned the air and water element in fullness, Qiang and Sensei Chou. I did a quick demonstration for the Cherokee earlier.”
“Then you must demonstrate the moves for us.”
“Then let’s go the backyard, my friends. Brianna, you need to come as well.”
Brianna smiles, “Yes, Richard.”