This is the first part of my first ballet story, it includes seven chapters. Thanks to Patricia for proofing it for me. Again, it's not transgender or cross dressing story. It is about a boy who is breaking gender norms.
His Secret
Chapter 1
Kyle stared at paper on his desk. He knew what he wanted to put down, but didn't know if he had the guts to do it.
"Class, you only have a couple of more minutes to list your choices," he heard Miss Arceneaux say.
Marie Arceneaux, it was all her fault. He thought as he looked at the choices for the exploratory class he would be taking through the end of the semester.
She was his English teacher, a former professional dancer, an absolutely ballet fanatic. All of the guys had a crush on her, including him.
When all of the teachers gave presentations about the classes they would be teaching, it struck a chord when she talked about her ballet class.
He couldn't possibly mark ballet as one of his choices. No boy in his right mind would sign up for ballet, at least not in this small hick town.
"So what are you going to sign up for?" his friend and confidante Beth Coker whispered.
"Oh probably the computer class with Mr. Dillard, and the electric guitar class," he whispered back.
"You've got to list three," Beth whispered back.
They were to list three choices, in case their top choices filled up. Eighth graders got top priority. They were only in the seventh.
"I'll think of something," he whispered back. "What are you hoping to get?"
"I'm hoping to get in Miss Arceneaux's ballet class," she whispered back. "But the drawing class sounds pretty good too."
He pretended not to be interested in the fact that she was listing the choice he deep down wanted to make.
Finally, he marked his choices. The computer class was at the top of the list, followed by the guitar class.
"Those won't be filled up," he thought as he wrote down a choice he didn't think anyone would find out about: ballet.
When the bell rang, he took the folded piece of paper and placed it with the others on Miss Arceneaux's desk and went on to his next class.
Chapter 2
Homeroom was the first stop of the day. Hear announcements. Take notes home, and that was about it. Then it was on to Mr. Clark's science, not exactly a good subject to start off with.
"We have your exploratory assignments," Ms. Ramsey said.
She was not only the homeroom teacher, but also Kyle's math teacher.
She went down each row passing out envelopes with exploratory classes. The first class would be at the end of the day.
"So will it be the guitar class or computers," Kyle thought as Ms. Ramsey came down his row.
He knew the guitar class was probably filled. It was a cool class. But it was worth a shot.
"Here you go, Mr. Thornton," Ms. Ramsey said as she handed him his envelope.
He was stunned after he opened the envelope.
"Ms. Arceneaux, Intro. to Ballet, Aux. Gym 113" was what it read.
"Dude, did you get the class you wanted?" asked Justin Rowan, a good friend of his.
"Umh, yeah..." Kyle said, hardly knowing what to say. He couldn't tell Justin he was in a ballet class.
He thought about what he should do. What would the guys think? Maybe he should go to the office and tell them it was a mistake, that he marked the wrong class.
Deep down, he was actually excited, a little afraid about what others thought, but excited.
The day went fairly quick after that. First came science, then math, P.E., history (and lunch), then English.
He kept the note with his class assignment in his pocket, almost afraid to tell anyone.
Then he noticed Beth and Emilee Spellman, dancing in the hallway on the way to Miss Arceneaux's English class.
"So did you get in the computer class?" Beth asked. "I heard only eighth graders got in the electric guitar class."
"Uh, huh..." again Kyle stammered and stuttered and didn't know what to say.”So I take it by the dancing, you guys got ballet?"
"Yes and we can't wait," Emilee replied. "Only English to go."
They would find out soon enough his real class assignment.
"Come in adventurous ones, guess we'll be walking over to the auxiliary gym together," Miss Arceneaux said.
Beth and Emilee didn't realize she was talking to all three of them.
Miss Arceneaux collected homework assignments and then passed out their graded assignments from the previous day and went through the day's assignment.
Then the bell rang.
Kyle had a strange feeling as he got up and watched as Beth and Emilee approach Miss Arceneaux's desk.
"Let me get a couple of things and then we'll go," she said as grabbed her CD player and a bag.
"Coming with us, Kyle?" she said as she and the girls prepared to walk out the door.
"Yes, ma'am," he said, grabbing his books.
"Kyle's coming" Beth asked.
"Well, he's in the class, too," Miss Arceneaux said.
Beth and Emilee looked back at Kyle as his face turned an embarrassing red.
"Just where is room 113, anyway?" was all he could say.
"It's the aerobics room beside the gym," Beth said as she interlocked her arm with his.
"Boys don't have P.E. classes in the auxiliary gym," Emilee told Miss Arceneaux.
She then explained to Kyle that the aerobics room was where some of the girls P.E. classes did aerobics, yoga and Pilates. It was also where the cheerleaders practiced since the volleyball and girls basketball teams practiced in the gym.
"You didn't know you were going to be enlightened today?" Miss Arceneaux said.
He had no idea how enlightened.
Walking into the room with mirrors on three sides, he took his place beside Emilee and Beth on a bench. He got some strange looks as other girls entered the room and joined them.
It was a weird feeling to say the least.
Emilee and Beth weren't the only ones he knew. Julia Gardner and Libby Miller were also in some of his classes. The class was evenly divided among sixth, seventh and eighth graders.
His mouth almost opened when Olivia White and Claire Thompson walked in. They were captains of the eighth grade cheerleading squad.
They were easily the most popular girls in school.
Miss Arceneaux went through the roll. There were 14 students in the class, 13 girls and one boy.
"Miss Arceneaux, what is the dress code?" Claire Thompson asked, looking in Kyle's direction.
"I was just about to get to that," Miss Arceneaux said.
She went on to explain about strict dress codes, mentioning that she preferred black leotards and pink tights for girls and that boys traditionally wore black tights and a white leotard or t-shirt at schools she attended, which of course, brought a couple of quiet giggles.
She quickly corrected those girls.
"I'm very glad that Kyle is with us," she said. "Gentlemen play a very important role in ballet and we do not have enough of them."
Kyle breathed a sigh of relief when she said "for this class, I'll just require P.E. uniforms and socks. But if you are bolder, I do know of a couple of shops were you can get your stuff and shoes."
"But for now, run to your P.E. lockers and get your uniforms on," she said. "Then, we'll get started. We only have 90 minutes."
Kyle rushed quickly to the old gym and put on his shirt and shorts and told one of the P.E. coaches it was required for his exploratory class.
He returned to see Miss Arceneaux and a few of the girls moving around what he would find out were portable ballet barres. He joined them as they placed them next to two of the walls.
They then took their places at the barre, all in a line. He found himself safely between Emilee and Beth.
Miss Arceneaux then asked how many in the class had had ballet before. Most raised their hands, but Kyle was relieved to find out he wasn't the only beginner.
She then explained to them the positions of the feet and the arms..."but for today, we're mainly going to have our arms in second."
Then it came time for barre work.
There were knee bends that seemed really strange called "demi-plies, plies and grande plies."
There were also releves, tendus and grande-battements, words that seemed foreign to him.
"At least I'll come out of this knowing some French," he said as he tried to keep in time with the music.
They also worked on jumps facing the barre, before stretching on the floor.
Funny, he never thought he would be doing something called the
"butterfly" and thought "you've got to be kidding" when they worked on splits.
"By the time this semester is over, you'll be the most flexible boy in school," Miss Arceneaux encouraged, to a little bit of playful laughter.
Then it was time for center work. They worked on something called a balance' very slowly and jumped some more.
They then came from the side, with what seemed like gallops and skips and broken down chaine turns.
He heard Olivia tell Beth, "This class is fun, but this is pretty basic."
He also had to admit he had fun. He couldn't believe how quick the class went.
"So what did you think of it?" Claire asked him.
He was in shock. He had been going to the school for two years and she had never said a word to him before.
"I had fun," he replied.
"Great," she said. "I think it's so cool we have a guy in the class."
As he walked toward the door, Miss Arceneaux came up and put her arm around him. Beth and Emilee were with her.
"I was really surprised to have a boy in this class," she said. "I thought you did really well for a first time."
Beth and Emilee nodded in agreement.
"In the computer class, huh" she said with a laugh. "Now we've got to talk to you about getting some tights."
"I wouldn't go that far," Kyle said.
Chapter 3
Kyle was amazed the next day at school.
He was expecting to be made fun of or be bullied. As the classes went along, his secret remained intact. Beth and Emilee promised not to tell.
"Although you shouldn't be ashamed to take ballet," Emilee said.
He admitted she was right. But survival in middle school was tough enough as it is. He was already picked on for being a computer geek.
His friends Justin and Alex took a double-take in the hallway when Claire and Olivia spoke to him in the hallway.
"Still sore from yesterday?" Olivia asked.
He admitted he was.
"See you tomorrow," Claire said.
"What was that all about?" Justin asked.
"Oh nothing," Kyle said as they walked to class. His mind was on ballet all day. He wished he could take it more than just Tuesdays and Thursdays.
He felt his secret might come out in Miss Arceneaux's English class. But she didn't say anything to the whole class about it. Before he left, she
told him she looked forward to having him in class "tomorrow,” but other than Beth and Emilee, no one seemed to catch on.
The day passed by quick. Things were pretty much the same at home. A neighbor's mom picked him and his sisters up from school.
He watched them until his mom came home and also did his homework. Beth usually came over once his mother came home, or he would go over her house.
"How was your day?" his mother asked when she came through the door from work.
"Pretty good mom," he said as he finished his homework at the kitchen table.
"I had an interesting conversation with Abby White at work today," she told Kyle. "I didn't know that her daughter Olivia went to your school."
"Yeah, she does," Kyle said. "She's an eighth grader and really popular. She's captain of the cheerleading squad."
"Abby said Olivia told her you and she were in a ballet class at school together," she said.
"Well, it's an exploratory class mom," Kyle said.
"Well do you like it?" she asked.
"So far, I guess," he said, not trying to let on that it was really fun.
"Well I think it's cute," Mrs. Thornton said.
Cute? He thought. He didn't know he wanted to do anything his mother thought was cute.
"What's cute?" his sister Caitlyn said as he walked into the kitchen.
"Your brother is taking a ballet class at school," his mom said.
"No fair," Caitlyn said. "How come he gets to take ballet and I don't."
Kyle knew his 8-year-old sister was mocking him. She was good at that.
"Well, Abby said there is an open house on Saturday at the dance studio where Olivia goes," their mom said. "I can take you two and Katey if you want to."
Katey was their 6-year-old sister.
"I dunno," Kyle said.
Deep down he was interested, but he didn't want to let on that he was.
Chapter 4
It was a mad dash from the old gym and the auxiliary gym. Kyle swung open the door of the building and ran right smack into Coach Ruiz, knocking her down.
"I'm sorry," he said as he picked her up.
"You know you're not supposed to be running in buildings," she said. "And boys aren't supposed to be, oh wait a sec. You’re the boy in the ballet class."
"Yes, Ma'am," he said.
"Well, at least you’re polite," she said. "You better get going, but don't run."
The girls were lined up at the barre when he entered the room. About half of the girls were dressed in leotards, tights and ballet shoes. The other half, like him, in P.E. uniforms.
"Hurry up Kyle, we're just about to get started," Miss Arceneaux said.
He looked for his spot between Beth and Emilee, but they were pretty crowded.
"There's a spot between Claire and Olivia," Miss Arceneaux said.
"We won't bite," Claire whispered to him as he took his place.
"OK ladies...and gentleman, we'll start in first with a demi-plie, then a releve, grand plie, then port de bras forward and back, then we'll tendu to second...." she explained as she showed them the exercise.
He did his best to keep in time with the music. Of course, he played follow the leader behind Olivia, and then Claire, when they switched sides....which came with a new twist...something called "susu with a turn."
The plies were followed by tendus, ron de jombres, which was something they didn't do on Tuesday, followed by frappes, degages, something called piques, developpes, which really burned his legs.
They worked on jumps, which he really liked. Miss Arceneaux made a point in saying the men usually worked on elevation and power, which made him feel good. He was introduced to jetes and assembles, which he thought were pretty cool.
He was finding out, the unknown to the world that ballet could indeed be a "guy thing."
This class was turning out to be a little more intense than their first. They worked on waltzes, "sote arabesques" and chaine turns from the side.
At the end of class, Miss Arceneaux made everyone curtsy, which
embarrassed Kyle a little and brought some giggles. But the entire class ended with everyone doing a men's bow, "so Kyle wouldn't feel left out."
"Very nice class," Miss Arceneaux said. "You all did very well."
"Hey Kyle, did you know our mothers worked together?" Olivia said.
"I found out yesterday," Kyle said.
"Did she tell you about our studio's open house Saturday?" she said.
"Yup, she did," he said.
"I hope you'll come," Olivia said. "I've told my teacher there about you. She's been trying to get boys at the studio. It would be cool if you started taking classes with us."
"If you come, you'll get to put up with us again," Claire said.
"There are a lot of girls here at school that dance there," Olivia said.
That, Kyle thought, was what he was afraid of.
Still, he really liked dance and really wanted to go.
He also remembered Emilee's words.
"You shouldn't be ashamed to take ballet."
Chapter 5
"Only one more class to go," Kyle thought as the last few minutes of Miss Arceneaux's class ticked off the clock.
They were discussing the major characters of "Huck Finn" and they were told to come up with a book report idea, they would be going to the library on Monday.
It wasn't that the class wasn't interesting. He was just ready for the weekend to begin.
"I need to see Beth, Emilee and Kyle at the end of class," she said moments before the seventh period bell rang.
She pulled out three fliers as they walked up to her desk.
"There is a dance workshop a week from Saturday in Parksburg," she said. "There will be a class for beginners. The teacher's really good. I'm going to tell the rest of the class about it. Would you three be interested?"
Beth and Emilee eagerly nodded their heads yes. Kyle shrugged his shoulder and said "sure."
"Good then," Miss Arceneaux said. "If there is just a small group, will take my Tahoe. If it's larger, we may have to ask some of your mothers to drive."
A workshop might be cool, Kyle thought. Some of the guys might actually be jealous if they knew he would be going out of town, spending the day with a bunch of girls and Miss Arceneaux.
"Want to come over after school?" Beth asked as they went to art, the last class of the day. "Emilee and I wanted to practice some of the exercises and combinations we've been going over. My garage is big enough."
"Well, mom doesn't get home until six," he said. "I'd have to bring Caitlyn and Katey."
"That's fine," Beth said. "They'll have Meggie to play with."
Meggie was Beth's little sister.
Beth's house was just a block down the street.
"We're going over to Beth's" Kyle told his mother over the phone. "Her mom's home. It's the weekend. We don't have homework....oh yeah, mom, I do remember the open house. I do want to go."
Kyle, Caitlyn and Katey made their way down the street.
"Come on in," Mrs. Coker said. "Beth, Emilee and Meggie are in the garage. I've got Kool-Aid and cookies in the kitchen if you guys want anything."
"Thanks, Mrs. Coker," Kyle replied.
Already waiting were Beth, Emilee and Meggie. Kyle was a little stunned to see Beth and Emilee decked out in leotards and tights. Little Meggie had a tutu on."
"Well, what do you think," Emilee asked as they modeled for him and his sisters.
"We went to the Dance Shoppe at the studio where Olivia goes," Beth said. "We're going to be taking classes there."
"Meggie's going to be dancing with us, too, do you to want to join us," Beth asked Caitlyn and Katey.
"Sure," they both said, almost at the same time.
"Hey bro, where's your tights," Caitlyn asked her brother.
"Oh, shut up," he snapped back.
"There's nothing wrong with a boy wearing tights for ballet," Emilee said as she jabbed Kyle.
They worked on everything they could remember in class. They laughed when they couldn't do things correctly and tried to explain things to Caitlyn, Katey and Meggie as they muddled through.
Things came to a halt when Beth's older brother Robert came into a garage.
"Sorry, just looking for my glove and bat," he said before leaving to go play baseball with his friends.
"So Kyle, it finally happened?" he said.
"What?" Kyle asked.
"They've turned you into a girl," he said, laughing as he left."
Kyle's face turned red. Leave it to Robert to be the first to tease him.
He went into the Coker's living room and plopped down on a chair.
The girls came running in after him.
"What's wrong?" Mrs. Coker asked.
"Oh, stupid Robert," Beth said. "He teased Kyle about doing ballet."
"Kyle don't listen to him," Emilee said. "Boys shouldn't be ashamed to take ballet."
"Emilee's right," Mrs. Coker said. "If you like dancing, don't let Robert bother you."
They went back into the garage. Kyle forgot the teasing. They went back to having fun and forgot about the time.
It wasn't long before Kyle's mom dropped by to pick up him and his sisters.
"We had a good time mom," Caitlyn said, "and Kyle can really dance."
Kyle was shocked. She wasn't being sarcastic.
"We all want to go to the open house tomorrow," Kyle said.
"OK, so I'll have three dancers," she said. "Oh yeah, Kyle, your dad called. He wants to know if you'll be playing basketball at the Y this year."
"Oh"...Kyle thought. His parents had been divorced for two years.
How could he tell him that he was taking ballet?
Chapter 6
Kyle's stomach seemed to have butterflies as the car pulled into the parking lot of Kathryn Miller's Ballet Academy.
"Mom, am I crazy for wanting to do this?" he asked.
She smiled and patted him on the back.
"No, you're not, you should never think that," she said. "I'm proud of you for wanting to pursue something you enjoy. You're very brave for wanting to do something a lot of people think boys shouldn't do."
Robert came to mind. As did a few bullies at school. But the biggest fear was telling his dad. He tried to do just about every sport to please his dad, and make him proud.
How does he tell dad he's taking ballet?
"You want to know a little secret?" she told him. "I took ballet when I was a girl and loved it. I need to pull out the pictures and the costumes I have to show you and the girls. Your grandma can tell you how obsessed I was."
"But mom, how do you think dad is going to take it that I'm following in your footsteps and not his?" he said about his dad, who starred in just about every sport imaginable.
"Probably not well at first," she said with almost a sarcastic laugh. "But Kyle, you've got to be your own man. And I'm proud of the young man you're becoming. The reason why I never told you or your sisters I danced is that I want you to find your own way."
For now, that own way was through the doors of a building that appeared once to be a grocery store. Inside was an interesting place.
There were girls everywhere, not to mention moms. There were a few dads there, and maybe a couple of brothers. But for Kyle, this was uncharted territory.
On the walls, he saw pictures of classes, of dancers in their costumes. In recitals. In competition. In class. Some were very old. Not one had a boy in them.
"Oh my gosh I can't believe she kept this one," he heard a familiar voice say.
He looked around to see Miss Arceneaux.
"Here I am Kyle, and I must have been about your age," she said pointing to a photo of a young teenager in a class en pointe.
There were other familiar faces on the wall, only more recent. Olivia and Claire were in a picture with two other girls holding a trophy.
"That's our jazz team from last year," he heard another familiar voice say. It was Olivia. "We had just won our competition in Atlanta."
"I put all of my student’s pictures on my walls," an unfamiliar voice said. "Maybe yours will be up there at the end of the school year."
He looked around and saw a graceful, gray haired woman, who looked younger than a teacher who once taught Miss Arceneaux.
"You must be Kyle," she said. "Olivia, Claire and Marie have told me all about you. So you're going to be joining us this year?"
"Yes, ma'am," he said.
"You're going to be really fortunate," Miss Arceneaux said. "Madame Kathryn is an excellent."
"I already think he's fortunate to have you teaching him at school, along with Oliva and Claire," she said. "Marie's going to be helping us some. She is one of the best students I've ever had."
Kyle introduced Madame Kathryn and Miss Arceneaux to his mother. Madame Kathryn went on to explain about the classes and handed his mother a schedule.
Ballet classes for Katey and Caitlyn would follow right after school on Mondays and Wednesdays, with Kyle's following theirs. He would be in the same class with Olivia, Claire, Beth and Emilee. It would be a mixture of beginners and more advanced students, but Madame Kathryn preferred her dancers to be in classes with students their own age.
He could do his homework while his sisters were in class.
"Will you be taking jazz, too?" Olivia asked. "Jazz class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays."
"That's up to you," his mother replied.
"Well I could give it a try," he said.
It would pretty much fill up the week. It also left no time for
"You're either going to enjoy dance or be sick of it," his mother said.
She was right. Counting Miss Arceneaux's class, he would be taking ballet four straight days, with jazz mixed in.
Madame Kathryn then handed his mother a dress code sheet.
"I'm pretty much a traditionalist," she said. "Kyle, I'd like for you to wear tights, but I'll make an exception. Just get the shoes and you can wear your P.E. uniform."
"You can buy the shoes and the girls' dancewear here," she told his mom. "Or you can shop elsewhere."
"They're reasonable priced here," another voice said.
"Hello Abby," his mother said to Olivia's mom.
"So you're signing up three?" she asked. "So am I."
They walked into a room with a variety of clothes. Leotards, unitards and other costumes Kyle had never seen before were hanging everywhere. Some were traditional, ballet stuff.
Others had glitter and fringes; he didn't know what they were for. There were tutus and skirts his sisters liked.
All three tried on shoes. Much to Kyle's surprise, there were some black ones his size.
His mother picked out leotards and tights for his sisters to try on.
First Katey came out to model what she had on, then Caitlyn.
"We do keep some boys things, if you're interested," another voice said from behind the counter.
"You must be Judith Thornton," she said. "I'm Gayle Thompson, Claire's mother. I'm the store manager."
She pulled out a drawer with boys’ tights and things called dance belts.
"Kathryn insists we keep something in stock in case a boy does take a class," she said.
"Well Kyle, I think is just going to wear his P.E. uniform," his mother said.
"Well mom, I don't guess it would hurt to at least try them on," he said much to her surprise.
Mrs. Thompson handed him tights she felt might fit him and he took them to a changing room.
He admitted they felt strange as he sort of gawked at himself in the mirror. "Well, maybe I'll show mom, and see what she thinks."
Just as he walked out of the changing room, he ran right smack into Claire, who just walked out of another changing room. She was wearing a black leotard and pink tights.
"You guys look like you're about to practice a pas de deaux," another voice said. It was Olivia.
"A what?" Kyle asked.
"It's partnering," Claire said. "And you would look very nice as my partner."
What could he say? He thought about saying "I'm just trying them on; I'm not going to wear them to class.”
Instead, he told his mother he would wear them to class.
"I guess I'll take them," he said.
"I'm really in trouble if the guys see me wearing this," he thought. "Oh my gosh, what about dad?"
He might be able to keep it a secret from the guys at school. But dad was another story.
Chapter 7
"How did lunch with your dad go?" Mrs. Thornton asked as Kyle, Caitlyn and Katy came bounding through the door.
They always went over to their father's apartment for lunch after church on Sunday.
Kyle went upstairs, not saying a word and slammed the door to his room.
"It didn't go very well, mom," Caitlyn told her mother.
"Dad don't want Kyle to take ballet," Katey chimed in.
She went upstairs to find out what happened. Kyle was silent. He didn't want to talk.
His dad's words hurt. Maybe he was right. Maybe taking dance was a stupid thing to do.
When she couldn't get a word out of her son, she went to Caitlyn.
"Just what did your dad say?" she asked her daughter.
"He told Kyle he should play sports," Caitlyn said. "He said boys were supposed to play sports. He said he was disappointed in Kyle. He wanted Kyle to play basketball. He said he wanted to coach Kyle and that Kyle ruined his plans."
It was all Judith Thornton could do to keep her composure.
"Kyle ruined his plans?” she asked. "His plans?!"
"That wasn't all he said," Caitlyn said.
"Oh really?" she asked her daughter.
"Dad said he had three daughters, Caitlyn, Katye and Kylie," Caitlyn said. "Dad said he didn't want Kyle in a tutu. Kyle told him boys didn't wear tutus, they wore tights. Dad didn't like that and called him a sissy. He said it was your fault."
"My fault?" she said in disbelief.
She went back upstairs and tried to console her son.
"Maybe I should drop out of Miss Arceneaux's class," he told her. "Maybe I should quit dancing."
"Is that what you really want to do?" she asked.
"I don't know, mom," he said.
Kyle called Justin and Alex to see if they wanted to go to the movies. He wanted to get his mind off of what happened with his dad. He also wanted to be with his guy friends.
His mom let him go. Maybe it would cheer him up.
She then called her ex-husband. She wanted to give him a piece of her mind.
"Michael William Thornton, what do you mean talking to your son like that?" she asked him. "No, it's not my fault. He had no idea I even danced. How dare you say the things that you said to him...?”
Justin's mom picked Kyle up and took him and his friends to the movie.
"What's up, dude?" Justin asked.
"Me and my dad had it out," Kyle said. "He's mad because I don't want to
play basketball.
He didn't know if he could tell his friends the whole truth.
Right before the movie was about to start, Justin and Alex had strange
looks on their faces looking past Kyle.
"Um, Olivia White and Claire Thompson are coming this way," Alex said. "Oh man, they're major babes. I can't believe they are going to sit next to them."
"Are these seats taken, Kyle?" Olivia asked.
"Well, uh, no," he said.
"Oh man, if the other guys at school could see us sitting with them," Justin whispered to Alex.
They were in awe as the girls whispered to them during the movie.
"Get something at the food court with us?" Olivia asked Kyle after the movie.
"Yeah, I guess so," he said.
"Trying to cheer Olivia up," Claire whispered to Kyle. "She broke up with Chris."
"So how things going with you, Kyle?" Olivia asked when they sat down to eat.
"Oh, okay," he said.
"Actually, he had it out with his dad," Justin said.
"Shut up, dude," Kyle said.
"Oh really, what about?" Claire asked.
"His dad's upset because he won't play basketball this year," Alex said.
Kyle jabbed Alex with his elbow.
"That's not all he's upset about, is it?" Claire asked.
"Come on Kyle you can tell us, we dancers stick together," Olivia said.
"Dude, what is she talking about?" Justin asked.
Kyle paused.
"They're dancers," Kyle said. "I'm a dancer. My dad's upset because I'm not going to play basketball because I'm taking ballet."
Stunned. There was no other way Justin and Alex could say.
"I think they're speechless, Kyle," Olivia giggled.
"That's cool," Alex said. "There's nothing wrong with that."
"Yeah, he's right," Justin said. "We're behind you 100 percent."
"It's good of you guys to say that," Claire said.
It turned out to be a decent evening.
When Kyle came home, he found his mother, grandmother and sisters sitting on the couch, looking at photo albums.
"Come over here and look through these with us," his grandmother said.
They were pictures of his mother and his aunt Rachel dancing.
They were scrap books his grandmother put together.
"I don't know why you quit, Judith," she said.
"Oh, Michael came along," she said.
"Kyle, I danced just like your mother," his grandmother said. "I loved it. I see that spirit in you. If you love, don't let anybody bully you into quitting. If you do, I'll be disappointed in you."
"I won't grandma," Kyle said.
"Good, because I'm going to help your mother put together scrapbooks for you, Caitlyn and Katey. And I can't wait to see you perform.
Perform. He never really thought of that. He had only been to two classes.
It didn't matter. Suddenly, it didn't seem to bother him if his secret got out.
This is the second part of three. Again, thanks to Patricia for proofing.
Chapter 8
Kyle felt intimidated being under the watchful eye of Madam Kathryn.
This class was much more different than the one Miss Arceneaux taught. That one was more relaxed. This one seemed much more serious, even though it was still fun.
She watched almost every detail. She was a lot more "hands on" as Olivia put it. She grabbed his arm to show him how it was supposed to be in second.
He thought he had a straight leg in arabesque, only to have her push it actually straight.
She made sure they finished each exercise.
"You are cheating the audience if you do not finish," she said.
The class was divided into two groups. Group “A” was the more advanced girls like Olivia and Claire. It seemed to Kyle like they've been dancing since they were born. They were already pointe.
He, Beth, Emilee and a few other girls were in group "B". They were the ones who were the beginners. At the barre, the girls in group "A" were at the end of each line.
The others were in between those in group "B,” so the dancers in group "B" knew how to do each exercise. It still wasn't easy. Kyle messed up quite a few times and was really frustrated.
It helped that he wasn't alone.
In the center, group "A" was in the front, group "B" in the back
Kyle marveled at the dancers in group A. While he was working on preparations for pirouettes and pique turns, they were able to do them.
"Oh my gosh, they're so beautiful," Kyle said watching Olivia, Claire and two other girls danced seemingly effortlessly across the floor.
"I can't believe I just said that," he whispered to Emilee.
He admitted being lost in the moment. When it came time for him, Beth and Emilee to do their simple combination he got caught up the music.
It was a feeling he never felt before. He just let go. He felt free.
When he reached the end of the room and finished, some of the girls applauded.
"That was very nice Kyle," Madame Kathryn said. "I do not know where that came from. But you need to keep it up."
"You made us look bad," laughed Beth.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that," Kyle said.
"Oh no, you were right there with the music," Emilee said. "It actually helped us out."
"Keep working at it," Olivia encouraged. "You’re going to make a great dancer."
What started out as a bit of a scary, frustrating class ended up being a great one. It went by too fast.
They finished the class with a porte bras.
Madame Kathryn then asked Kyle, Beth, Emilee and a few others to stay after class. She went over a few things with each of them that she felt would help.
"I will also tell Marie, so she can watch for them too, for those of you who are in her class at school," she said.
She put her arm around Kyle as they left the classroom.
"Your mother told me about what your father said," she said. "You're a very brave young man. From what I saw tonight, you are also a very good athlete. I'm very proud of you."
"Thank you, Madame," Kyle said.
"We have a lot of work to do," she told him. "When I'm done with you, you are going to be a very graceful, powerful dancer."
The words shocked Kyle. It made him feel awesome.
"Oh mom, you should have seen him," Caitlyn said on the ride home.
Unknown to Kyle, several of the girls in Caitlyn and Katey's class were watching the class through a window.
"He was amazing mom, really amazing," she said.
Chapter 9
He read the note he was given in homeroom.
"See Coach Ruiz in the office," it said.
What did Coach Ruiz want with him, Kyle thought as he walked to the office. When he got there, Oliva and Claire were waiting with a box of supplies.
"They've got to decorate the bulletin boards around the school before the game on Friday," Coach Ruiz said.
"We needed a strong boy to carry our supplies for us," Olivia said.
"You'll be excused from class until the three of you get done," Coach Ruiz said. "Thanks for helping."
"Lead on," Kyle said as they went to the first bulletin board.
He passed them whatever they needed, scissors, tape, construction paper, markers.
"So Kyle, what got you interested in taking ballet?" Olivia asked.
"My grandmother took us to the Nutcracker before Christmas one time," he said. "It was awesome to watch. But I pretty much forgot about it until Miss Arceneaux started describing the class during exploratory signups. I don't know, it made me want to try it."
"You've got a lot of guts," Claire said as she reached for a roll of tape. "Sorry I sort of picked at you the first day of class, you know about what we're supposed to wear. I've never had a class with a boy before."
"No problem," Kyle said. "I was sort of nervous taking the class. Still am. But I like it."
"How are you going to handle it when someone does tease you about it," Olivia asked. "You know it’s going to happen. We really talked about it around school, but I'm sure the word will get out. And I know how hurt you were about what your dad said."
"I don't know how I'm going to handle it," Kyle said. "It hurt, what dad said. But that's dad. I am sort of glad Justin and Alex are cool with it."
"But other guys might not be cool with it," Claire said.
"We just want you to know, when you are teased and get upset, you can come to us," Olivia said.
"Yeah, we're your big eighth grade sisters," Claire said with her best mafia voice. "We'll rough ‘em up for ya. No one messes with the family."
Olivia and Kyle laughed.
"Seriously Kyle, your one of us," Olivia said. "We've got your back."
"I appreciated that," Kyle said. "You know, you guys are nothing like a lot of us thought you were."
"How so?" Claire asked.
"Well let's see, me and my friends are sort of computer geeks," Kyle said. "You're cheerleaders, most popular girls in the school. There is no way you'd have anything to do with us."
Olivia and Claire looked at each other.
"I guess it’s because we have different interests, live in different neighborhoods and I guess we all sort of develop our on little cliques," Olivia said. "But Claire and I, we're not in the in crowd like you'd think. We don't go to their parties or hang out with them."
"You don't?" Kyle asked, amazed.
"Other than cheerleaders, we're sort of outcasts with everybody else," Claire said. "They like us..."
"But we're ballet fanatics and like to hang out with our church youth group," Olivia said. "We're goodie-goodies."
"There's nothing wrong with that," Kyle said.
"Well, you're stuck with us now," Claire said. "We ballet fanatics stick together."
That conversation stuck with Kyle the rest of the day. He couldn't wait for Miss Arceneaux's ballet class to begin.
Chapter 10
Kyle loved the combinations from the center and the side the best.
Oh, he liked barre work, too. It was fun, too. But the combinations across the floor felt like actually dancing.
The whole class was also challenging, not only to the body, but the mind. Don't pay attention for just a second usually meant messing up. Trying to catch-up during the middle of an exercise or combination wasn't easy to do.
"Miss Arceneaux?" he asked. "Was that glisade, glisade, pas de chat?"
"Yes Kyle," she replied. "Good for you for asking. It's always good to ask if you can't remember. Let's mark it, shall we?"
He found transitions tricky too. He tried his best to remember...jete, jete, pas de bouree...only which way with the pas de bouree.
"How do I know remember which way to go with the pas de bouree," he whispered to Olivia.
"Which direction is your foot pointing in the back?" she answered. "Go that way."
"Very nice Olivia, Claire and Julia," Miss Arceneaux said after one combination. "You're getting it, Kyle, Beth and Emilee. It needs to be a bit cleaner, but it’s coming along."
She apologized for being pickier than usual in the class.
"That's ok, Madame Marie," Olivia said. "We want you to be picky. We want you to correct our mistakes."
Madame Marie, it did make her feel more like a ballet teacher. Miss Arceneaux made her feel more like the English teacher.
Kyle began to like the chaine turns they were learning at the end of the class. He gained confidence when "Madame Marie" told him his were coming along.
He tried to turn in time with the music, although sometimes he found his momentum carrying him a little faster. He also had to work hard on finding and keeping his spot. One side of the room it was a poster. On the other side, it was a pompom taped to the wall.
Even with keeping his spot, he still found himself a little dizzy.
"We all get a little dizzy," Claire said.
The class went by fast as usual, too fast. One minute they were lining up at the barre. Next thing you know, they were finishing with a rá¨vá¨rence.
"Good job class, very nice," Miss Arceneaux said at the end.
She then told each of them things they needed to work on.
"A little more plié when we're working on jumps, Kyle," she said. "I want you to get a little more height. I'd like for your jumps to be very powerful before we're done."
"I need those of you who are going to the workshop on Saturday to stay for a few minutes after class," she said.
Olivia, Claire, Kyle, Beth and Emilee stayed.
"We should be able to take just one vehicle," she said. "We need to meet here at the school at 8 in the morning. The workshop starts at 9:30 in Parksburg. Wear your sweats over your stuff. I don't know if there will be rooms to change. Also, bring money for lunch. We'll be going somewhere to eat during lunch break."
The workshop was being led by a woman Miss Arceneaux danced with when she was dancing with American Ballet Theatre. She now led a Christian dance company and some of them would also be helping.
"She's a very good teacher," Miss Arceneaux said. "I know you'll get a lot out of it. Dancers from several dance schools will be there. Kyle, there may actually be another boy or two there."
That would indeed make things a little interesting.
He put on his sweats and left the classroom and the auxiliary gym to get ready to change.
Standing in front of the old gym door was Paul Lawree and Chuck Stinson. They were known for being school bullies.
"Stop right there, Thornton," Paul said. "Why do you need to go into the locker room?"
"We've heard a rumor about you," Chuck said. "We want to know if it’s true before we let you pass."
Kyle worried
Chapter 11
"What rumor? I have no idea what you guys are talking about," Kyle said.
"You know what we're talking about," Paul said. "There's a reason you go to the auxiliary gym."
"We know you're a ball--er--ina," Chuck said laughing.
"I'm not a ballerina guys, let me passed, I've got to get dressed," Kyle said.
"Not until you admit you're a sissy ballerina," Paul said.
"Guys, come on," Kyle said as he tried to get past the bullies guarding the floor.
As he tried, Chuck pushed him. Kyle tried again, but Paul shoved him to the ground.
"Guys, I take ballet, does that satisfy you?" Kyle said. "But I'm not a ballerina."
It didn't.
"Admit it, you're a sissy ballerina," Paul said. "Then we'll let you pass."
Kyle had too much pride to say it, but he didn't know what to do.
"Hey Kyle, what's going on?" he heard a familiar voice say.
It was a Olivia, who along with Claire was on the way to cheerleading practice.
"I'm trying to go get dressed," Kyle said.
"But we're not letting him through before he tells us what we want to hear," Chuck said.
"Which is guys are a couple of stupid cavemen?" Claire said.
"No, that Kyle's a sissy ballerina," Paul said.
"See, I told you they were a couple of stupid cavemen," Claire said.
"Olivia, Claire, we need you at cheerleading practice," another familiar voice said.
It was Coach Ruiz.
Kyle couldn't hear what was being said, but Olivia whispered something to her coach.
"I see," Coach Ruiz said. "Chuck and Paul, I'm sure Coach Miller is not going to be too happy with you guys being late for football practice."
"We were just going," Chuck said.
"Actually, you're not," Coach Ruiz said. "Because we're going to the principal's office."
"Told you we have your back," Claire told Kyle as Coach Ruiz marched the two bullies away.
"Are you Ok?" Olivia asked.
"My pride's a little hurt," Kyle said.
Chapter 12
The kidding did not stop the next day as word spread that Kyle was taking ballet.
He tried not to let it show that it bothered him, but every once in a while, he could hear the laughing and the giggling from some of his fellow students.
"It's really mean, you know?" Beth told Kyle, trying to reassure him.
Middle school could really be a cruel place.
Kyle was relieved when the final bell rung. He didn't tell anyone, but his friends, his sisters and his mother all could tell he was distracted.
It was also evident to Madame Kathryn that night. She could tell he was not paying attention as he had the class before. Nor did he seem to have the energy that he'd shown.
She knew there was a passion in him. Even though he had only taken a handful of classes, she also saw talent in him.
She tried talking to him, but he assured her he was okay. She mentioned to him that several of the dance schools in the area combined for a performance of the Nutcracker and that boys were desperately needed "especially boys who can dance."
He shrugged his shoulder. Deep down he wanted to try out for it, but he didn't know how much ridicule he could take.
Madame Kathryn cornered some of the girls before they left to find out what was going on.
Olivia and Claire told her about the incident after class at school. All of the girls told her about the kidding he had been hearing.
"He tells us it doesn't bother him," Emilee said.
"Of course he says that," Claire said. "Guys are supposed to be tough."
"Well I'm concerned," Madame Kathryn said. "Even the boys who take dance when they are little and love it; we lose them at your age because of it. He has a passion and I don't want to see him lose it."
Madame Kathryn told them they needed to encourage him and defend in front of others.
"We're going to a workshop together on Saturday," Olivia said. "We need to help him have fun. We need to show him, he doesn't need to quit."
Chapter 13
The quarters seemed a little cramped.
Madame Kathryn decided to join the crew in Miss Arceneaux's Tahoe on the way to the workshop in Parksburg.
Kyle was a little groggy. Saturday morning is usually a day for sleeping in. He tried to catch a few more minutes sleep and found himself leaning on Beth, who was, of course leaning on the side of the door. And Emilee leaned over on Kyle's shoulder.
The girls were tired too, at least most of them.
Suddenly a flash. They looked up to see Claire holding a digital camera.
"Oh, you guys look so cute!" she said. "This will look good on the bulletin board at the studio."
"How can she be so hyper?" Beth asked Olivia, who was trying to get some sleep in the back.
"I don't know, you think she'd be so tired from cheering and going to the movies last night," Olivia said while yawning.
Sleepy as they were, Kyle was amazed by how neat the girls looked. Although all of them wearing t-shirts and sweats over their dance clothes, he noticed their hair was all up in buns, neatly, not a strand out of place.
They looked, well...elegant, even glamorous. It was a side of dance he felt was worth all of the bullying.
They pulled up to the Parksburg Center for the Performing Arts.
Other dancers were getting out of cars and vans as they pulled up. Most were dressed as they were.
"Oh my gosh, Michael Evers!" Olivia said to Claire.
"We haven't seen him since that partnering master's class last summer," Claire said.
"See you aren't the only guy here, Kyle," Beth said.
She was right. There were about four or five other guys.
The workshop was interesting, to say the least. There were classes for just about every level. While most of them were ballet, there were also classes in lyrical, jazz and modern.
"I'd like for you to sample as many different styles as you can," Madame Marie told them at registration.
There was a beginning ballet class that Kyle, Beth and Emilee took first. Just as he was trying to decide what class he was going to take next, Olivia locked arms with him and said, "You’re coming with us."
It was into a partnering class, more of a just getting started partnering class.
"I didn't think I had taken enough classes for this," Kyle said.
But the teacher assured him they would be learning some simple things to take advantage of the boys who were there....and there were five to be exact. They were outnumbered 2-1, which meant Kyle spent the class working with Olivia and Claire.
The class ended with Olivia and Michael showing the rest of the class more complicated things.
"You're not jealous, are you?" Claire whispered to Kyle.
"Oh no, they're amazing," he whispered back.
"One of these days, you'll be as good as he is, maybe even better," Claire said. "You’re much more athletic and talented."
Kyle didn't know about that.
After the partnering class, the boys were steered to their own class. They were at different levels, but the teachers showed them things they all could learn. They also went over things they don't normally go over in classes at home.
More leaping, more powerful. It was an enlightening experience.
Most had similar stories. Michael and another boy had actually been dancing since they were little. Two other guys were like Kyle, late comers.
Three of them were either the only guys in their studio or in their classes back home. Just about all of them had been kidded or bullied.
Their teacher explained ballet and dance was "a very manly thing to do."
"King David, Israel’s greatest king, was a warrior who slew giants and led men into battle," he said. "He was also a musician and a dancer. Jerry Rice, the NFL's greatest receiver, took ballet to get ready for Dancing with the Stars. Emmett Smith, one of the NFL's greatest running backs, won Dancing with the you are not alone."
Kyle admitted that made him feel a little better.
"See Kyle, other guys do dance and they’re not sissies," Olivia told him at lunch at a Chinese restaurant that Madame Kathryn picked out.
All of his friends talked about the amazing classes they had taken in the morning.
They used the afternoon classes to experience different forms of dance. Kyle, Olivia, Claire, Emilee and Beth stuck together for those. They went to a jazz class and then a modern class.
"You know what class I wish they'd offer?" Emilee asked Kyle. "I wish they'd offer an Irish class."
"That would be cool to learn," Kyle said.
They ended the day with a dance worship class. All of the dancers from all of the schools in the gym at once. They listened to their teachers give personal testimonies, which Kyle thought was cool.
"We are commanded by God to dance," one of the teachers said. "Psalm 150:4 says we are to praise Him with tambourine and dancing."
They then learned some moves they could use if they were participating in a worship service.
All in all, it was an awesome day, one that went by too quickly.
"Kyle, this is Kendra Wallace," Madame Kathryn said. "She is coordinating the Nutcracker performance this year."
"We have very few boys," Ms. Wallace said. "We would love to have you audition next week."
"You could ride with us," Olivia said. "My mom is driving."
Kyle told them he would think about it, but he already knew the answer.
"I don't think I have anything planned," he said.
Chapter 14
Kyle wished Beth and Emilee were at the auditions with him.
Like him, they were first-year students. But the Nutcracker auditions were limited to at least second-year students at their age, with two glaring exceptions.
Students displaying exceptional ability were exempt by invitation. Boys were exempted because it seemed they needed as many as they could find. And from what he understood, only three were auditioning, including Olivia's former partner, Michael.
Professional male dancers were being brought in to play the older male parts, and fathers were helping with the party scene, but that was it.
Kyle was a bit nervous, looking around for any familiar face he could see. There weren't many. Olivia and Claire were there, but they were in another group. Olivia's little sister Taylor and Claire's little sister Amber were also there somewhere roaming, as were there mothers.
He didn't see the other two familiar faces until his group prepared to perform the routine it was supposed to perform in front of the judges, a line of teachers at a table that included Madame Kathryn and Madame Marie.
Kyle felt wobbly and unbalanced as he tried to keep up with the girls in his group, all of them with much more experience than he had. He noticed the whispering, nodding, pointing and writing among the teachers.
They weren't through. They were asked to perform another routine, which went about the same.
"Not too good," he whispered to Olivia when his group was done.
"I didn't think you did so bad at all," she whispered back. "You're an amazing dancer for someone whose only been dancing for a few weeks."
He appreciated the encouragement.
"Where would you guys like to go for lunch?" Olivia's mother asked when all were done. "We're going to wait and go after they posted the list."
"You mean they are going to post it today?" Claire asked. "They usually wait a few days."
"Well, Marie said they were going to post the main roles today, and some of the minor roles would be filled later."
Not many of the dancers were left when the teachers were done. Madame Kathryn and Madame Marie took up Olivia's mom's invitation to have lunch with the group she brought to the auditions.
They went straight to the bulletin board when Madame Marie posted the list.
"Wow, Madame Marie, you're the Sugar Plum Fairy?" Claire asked when she saw their teacher's name on the list.
"It took some arm twisting, but we talked her into it," Madame Kathryn said.
She had danced the role before years ago.
Kyle glanced and saw Michael's name listed as the Nutcracker Prince.
"No surprise there," Claire said. "He was the prince last year."
To no one's surprise, Olivia was cast as Clara.
Kyle was surprised when Olivia put her arm around him and said, "It looks like you're going to be my bratty brother, I've always wanted one of those."
"You mean he's Fritz?" Claire asked.
There it was on the list.
"Way to go," Olivia said. "Lucas (the only other boy who auditioned) wanted to be Fritz pretty bad."
"But he's never been good enough," Claire said. "We usually have a girl as Fritz."
"She should know, she was Fritz last year," Olivia said of Claire, who was content to be an Arabian dancer this year, along with being Olivia's understudy."
As they filed into Olivia's mother's SUV, Madame Marie and Madame Kathryn came over.
"We thought you all did very well," Madame Marie said. "Especially you Kyle. You hung in there very well with girls who have a lot of experience and were very good."
It was it seemed a time of celebration.
"How is Kyle handling the bullying at school?" Madame Kathryn asked Madame Marie at lunch.
"He still seems to have some problems," Marie said. "He seems to be becoming more comfortable with it. It will probably die down before too long. I'm really proud of how he's handled it."
"I hope it will," Madame Kathryn said. "He's very talented. I think he has more raw ability than Michael.... but there may be one problem keeping it from dying down."
"What is that?" Madame Marie asked.
"A reporter from the Gazette called about the auditions," Madame Kathryn said. "She wants to do a profile on two of the dancers. I told her about Olivia and Kyle. She wants to do an interview with them after class on Monday night."
This is the final part of the story. The sequel, "Dancers Within." will be posted in a couple of days. Thanks to Patricia Allen again for proofing. I've been trying to attach a photo to go with the story, but seem to be technology challenged,
Chapter 15
"I can't believe they wrote that on his locker," Claire said as they were waiting for their class to begin.
"What was written, where?” asked Ava Perez, who was another student in the class, but went to a different school.
"Someone wrote Ballerina Boy on Kyle's locker at school," Beth replied.
"In hot pink marker or paint and Kyle couldn't get it off," chimed in Emilee. "His face turned red, you know he was really embarassed."
"Do they know who did it?" Ava asked.
"A couple of guys named Paul and Chuck," Olivia said. "They were giving him a hard time after our class at school the other day."
"But they didn't get in trouble," Beth said. "No one saw them do it."
"How is Kyle taking it?" Ava asked.
"He probably would have been doing better if he had some support from some of his guy friends," Emilee said. "Even Justin and Alex told him that's what he gets for taking ballet..."
Things got silent when Kyle emerged from the dressing room.
"What's up?" he asked, noticing the girls were all staring at him.
They all couldn't figure out what to say when when Ava blurted out..."We were just saying how cute you looked in your tights."
Olivia elbowed Ava and the rest of the girls gave her a strange look.
"Well he does!" she said with a laugh and sort of embarassed at not coming up with something better to say.
"Okay ladies and gentleman, it's your turn," Madame Kathryn said as she opened the classroom door and let out a group of younger girls that included Kyle's, Beth's, Olivia's and Claire's sisters.
They were a little surprised to find a reporter and photographer coming into the class after them.
"This is Susan Ames, she is a reporter from the Gazette," Madame Kathryn said. "This is Linda Chavez, her photographer. They'll be observing the class and taking some pictures. Kyle and Olivia, I need you two to stay a little bit after class."
Olivia gave Kyle a puzzled look as they lined up at the barre. Kyle shrugged his shoulders. Neither had any clue what was going on.
"Ok we'll start with plies in first position," Madame Kathryn said as she demonstrated the exercise. "I want two demis and a grande with a reverse port de bras, then we'll port de bras forward and back."
The class started as it usually did. Exercises with tendues, degages, frappes, ron de jambres, petite battements, developpes and grande battements followed.
Madame Kathryn did her usual, watching each one of her pupils as Madame Marie called it, a proud mama hen making sure each of her little chicks did the excercise correctly.
"Kyle, point your foot," she said, correcting him when he was doing a tendu.
"Emilee, your knee needs to be a little on top," she said during the developpes.
Her students tried not to be distracted with the flash going off every time the photographer took a picture.
"It's good training for each of you," she said assuringly. "You have an audience tonight."
It made some of the dancers a little nervous. For some strange reason, it seemed to get the adreneline flowing for Kyle. It inspired him to work harder.
After stretching at the barre, they went to the centre to do an adagio. While some of the students were wobbly and had a hard time keeping their balance, Kyle actually seemed to perform it with what seemed like ease and drew praise from Madame Kathryn.
The same thing happened during jumps. Being the only guy in class, it was a time when he could impress them with his power and he got elevation, much to everyone's amazement.
"Are you sure you've only been doing this for a few weeks?" Olivia asked him.
He nodded. It made him feel good to receive that kind of complement from her. She was by far the best dancer in the class.
They finished from the corner with chaine turns, pique turns and worked some on waltz turns. His turns weren't quite as clean as Olivia's or Claire's, but he felt they were coming along.
He wasn't the only one in the class making progress. Beth and Emilee were also progressing pretty well.
They were all a little surprised by the applause they received when they finished the class with their curtsies and bow. It was from the reporter.
"That was very nice, all of you," Madame Kathryn said when it was over.
"Fritz, Clara, I need you over here," she then said to Kyle and Olivia and pointed to the little stage off to the side of the room.
Chapter 16
His secret was no longer a secret.
He awoke on the morning the newspaper article came out to see his mother clipping it out and putting it in his scrapbook.
He overheard his mother talking to his dad on the phone. His father went ballistic, totally embarrassed to see his son in a large picture, dressed in tights in a partnering pose with a ballerina.
He hoped his son would be a football, basketball or baseball star. He was afraid of the kidding he would get from his friends and co-workers since the word was out his son was a dancer.
"But he has a chance to be a star on the stage," Judith Thornton said, trying to calm her ex-husband down.
"I thought it was a very good story," she told Kyle. "You and Olivia did such a good job. I'm so very proud of you."
"Thanks mom," Kyle said, appreciating the reassurance.
He wasn't just concerned about his dad. What will the kids at school think? Maybe they didn't read the story, he thought.
Any chance that students at school would miss the story went out the window. Kyle saw the bulletin board at school titled "Our Stars,” which highlighted stories on students.
The story, the picture, the whole works were on the bulletin board. It was also on the bulletin board in some of the classes he had.
And someone, he had no idea who, taped the photo of he and Olivia right under the words Ballerina Boy on his locker that he tried get off the other day.
"Look at the bright side," his friend Justin said. "There's a picture of you holding the best looking girl in school."
Kyle actually appreciated the words, especially after the words Justin and Alex said the other day.
"Well, you dancing does take some of the heat off us," Justin said with a laugh. "We're geeks. We're used to being picked on. Since word got out you were taking ballet, they've sort of left us alone."
"Thanks a lot," Kyle said with a laugh. "That really makes me feel better."
"Well you know what I mean," Justin said. "Besides, we sort of miss you hanging around. You've hardly got time for us since you're dancing all the time."
"Sorry about that," Kyle said.
"Does it really mean that much to you?" Justin said.
"You know it really does," Kyle said.
The final words of the story actually kept Kyle going through his dad's disappointment and through the kidding at school."
"Kyle is really progressing for a student in his first year," Madame Kathryn was quoted as saying in the story. "He and Olivia both have the potential to be among the best students I've ever taught."
Just then, four of his "ballet buddies" as Justin called them came walking up to his locker. It was Beth, Emilee, Claire and Olivia.
"You know, it really does kind of grow on you," Emilee said of the decoration on his locker. "Instead of trying to get rid of the words and the picture, why don't you make it your own?"
"Yeah, I mean you're proud of being a dancer, aren't you?" Claire said.
"Yeah, I am," Kyle said.
"Well then, we'll help you really decorate it," Olivia said. "And we'll decorate our own lockers just like it."
"What if someone comes back to try to mess it up?" Kyle asked.
"We'll just beat them up ourselves," Claire said, pretending to flex her muscles, which brought laughter from everybody.
"Kyle, I do have to admit, your dancer friends are pretty cool," Justin said.
Chapter 17
Olivia called the Nutcracker "a huge deal."
After going through a few of the rehearsals, Kyle was beginning to see what she meant.
There were costume fittings. There was the task of pulling dancers from four different studios together for a performance, not to mention pulling different acts together.
Dancing was only a part of what was going on. His part also required a good amount of acting. What direction he was supposed to go was important, as when he was supposed to be on the stage.
He also saw, in Madame Kathryn's words, "the method to the madness." He began to notice the steps they practiced in class being used in the dances that were being performed.
Kyle was also amazed by the skill of the dancers, especially the ones helping out from a company.
"He's really good, don't you think?” Claire asked him as they watched the man playing the role of the Sugar Plum Cavalier.
"Uh, huh," he said.
"One of these days, you'll dance that role," Olivia said, draping her arm around her friend.
"And one of these days, you'll be the Sugar Plum Fairy," Claire said to Olivia about the role one of their teachers was performing.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Kyle said.
"I think she's incredible, too," he said watching Madame Marie practice her role.
"You can tell she's a good dancer when she's teaching us in class," Olivia said. "But we don't get to see how good until now."
There was a lot of waiting and watching on Saturday. The Nutcracker was a family affair for Kyle and both of his friends. All three of their mothers were guests in the party scene, and Kyle had to admit his mother was a pretty good dancer.
Their little sisters were all playing small, cute roles.
"Are we ready to go?" His mother said when all were done.
"Kyle, you did a good job today," Madame Kathryn said when they were leaving.
"She asked me if you were interested in a little private work after class a couple of days a week," his mother told him. "She believes you're really talented."
Chapter 18
They were just glad to get out of school as they loaded the van.
They were going on a field trip. The note they carried home the night before instructed them to bring "their dance clothes" if they had them.
"Do you have any idea where we're going?" Kyle whispered to Olivia.
Olivia and Claire shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads.
"We have no clue," they said.
The van ride took about a half-an-hour, with Miss Arceneaux telling the van driver which way to turn.
They finally pulled up to a building called the Wilson Community Center.
"Everybody get out," Miss Arceneaux said. "I'll find out where we can change."
A gray-haired lady held the door for them as they walked in and pointed to the locker rooms where they could dress.
"We're really glad you could bring your class, Marie," she said. "The children are really looking forward to this."
After they dressed, the followed their teacher into a very rustic gym with portable barres. Waiting on them were several elementary-age children.
"We had 58 sign-up for the clinic," the woman told Miss Arceneaux, who explained to her students that they would be helping with a dance clinic for low-income children.
Before they started, Miss Arceneaux went over the basics of a ballet class with the children and the dress code, which explained the reason why her students were asked to bring their dance clothes.
She then went over a few routines at the barre, using her students as examples. Miss Arceneaux then asked each of her students to help the children as they went through basic steps at the barre and in the center.
"See, I told you ballet isn't for girls," the gray-haired lady told one of the few boys who attended the clinic as she pointed to Kyle.
"This is fun, isn't it?” Beth whispered to Kyle before showed the children one of their combinations.
"You know, it is," he said.
Kyle was then surprised when Miss Arceneaux told the children they would show then some simple examples of a pas de deux.
She then called Kyle and Olivia to come to the middle of the gym.
"This is Kyle's first year in ballet, so this is new to him, too" Miss Arceneaux told the children. "But Olivia is an old pro with working with a partner."
She walked her two students through a couple of basic moves, much to the delight of the children.
"You know, I think you're a natural," Olivia whispered with a little bit of laugh. She could swear she could see her inexperienced partner blush.
The clinic ended with the gray-haired lady telling the children they would be going to a performance of the Nutcracker for free in about a month.
"And some of these students will be dancing in it," she said.
They were there for most of the afternoon, but it only seemed like a few minutes to Kyle.
Madame Marie told her students she was very proud of them for working with the children.
As they headed down the road, Miss Arceneaux's cell phone rang.
Kyle didn't know it, but life for him was about to change.
"That's too bad," he heard his teacher.
"What is it?" a curious Claire asked.
"Michael's mom was in a car accident," she said. "Michael broke his leg."
She then looked at Kyle.
"You just went from Fritz to being the Nutcracker prince."
Chapter 19
It wasn't like Kyle to miss class or a rehearsal, not with the Nutcracker so close.
Olivia tried to reach him by his cell and found that it wasn't on. She tried calling his house, but the line stayed busy.
She insisted that her mother drive her over to his house. She was sure something was wrong.
"I'm sure there is some explanation," her mother said. "I'm sure you're overreacting."
Olivia rolled her eyes.
"Mom, Kyle is a dedicated dancer and he has such an important part," she said. "He would never miss unless something was really, really wrong."
They both were stunned as drove down the street and saw the police cars with their lights flashing parked at the Thornton’s house.
"I told you something was wrong," Olivia said as her mother parked the car.
They saw Kyle's mother standing at the door talking to a police officer. She had a black eye.
"I'm sorry Judith, should we leave?” Olivia's mom said.
"No, it's ok, Abby, you can come in," she said. "We were just finishing up."
"We'll let you know when we find him, ma'am," the officer said. "We'd advise that you and your children stay somewhere else until we do."
"Thank you," she said. "We'll find some place to go. You have my cell number."
Olivia and her mother found out that Kyle's family had another secret, which had nothing to do with him taking ballet.
Kyle's father could be abusive when he drank. It was one of the things that led to his parents' divorce.
"He had gotten better," Kyle's mother told Olivia's. "But this was the worst it has ever been."
He had come over to the house drunk and got into fight with Kyle's mother. Kyle took his sisters over to Beth's house. He went back over to the house after Beth's mother called police.
He saw his father strike his mother and he lunged at his father to protect her. His father then hit him and fled the house when he heard the police was coming.
Olivia didn't know what to say when she saw her friend sitting on the couch with a black eye and a fat lip.
He looked up and had a faint smile when he saw Olivia.
"How was rehearsal?" he whispered,
"Well, it wasn't the same without you," she said. "Madame Kathryn seemed really upset you weren't there, but you shouldn't worry about that."
"Olivia, help Kyle get his things," Olivia's mother said. "They're going to be staying with us tonight."
"I'll go get the girls things if you can go get the girls over at the Cokers' next door," Kyle's mother told Olivia's mother.
Olivia went to Kyle's room and helped him pack his clothes. He seemed really quiet.
"Where's your dance bag? We’ve got class tomorrow" she said.
"It's over there, everything is in it," he said, pointing to his closet.
They crammed into Olivia's mother's minivan. The police felt it best if Kyle's mom left her car at the house, just in case his father tried to look for them.
Kyle was amazed as they pulled into the driveway at Olivia's house.
"It's pretty nice," he said of the two-story house that seemed like a mansion compared to where he lived.
"Kyle can bunk in the den," Olivia's mother said. "Olivia will show him where the air mattress is."
He helped her put the air in it after she got it out of the closet.
He then looked around the den and saw a picture of Olivia wearing a tutu sitting in her father's lap.
"That's a special picture," she told him. "It was after my last recital before he died of cancer."
It made Kyle realize he wasn't the only one who has had a tough life.
Chapter 20
"How is he holding up?" Claire asked Olivia as they stretched before class.
"Good considering," Olivia said. "They arrested his dad last night. He set fire to their house. They've lost everything. They're going to be staying with us until they get back on their feet.
"Sort of makes what my family's going through seem really small," Claire said.
"What do you mean?" Olivia asked.
"Dad's being deployed to Iraq for the third time," she said. "He's leaving after Christmas."
"At least he'll get to see you in the Nutcracker before he goes," Olivia said.
"Hard to believe it is only two weeks away," Claire said.
Just then Kyle entered the classroom. He sat down next to Claire.
She put her arm around him and gave him a hug.
"I think it’s so cool you stuck up for your mom," Claire said. "You stood up to your dad, that's very brave."
"Yes it was," a familiar voice said. It was Madame Kathryn. "Welcome back."
One by one, the other students entered class.
"Ladies and gentleman, we have much work to do," she said. "The Nutcracker is only two weeks away."
It was an intense class. Madame Kathryn incorporated some of each of them were supposed to in the Nutcracker in the class. She scrutinized their every move.
Even though he kept quiet most of the class, Kyle enjoyed being back. It made him feel free. Dance got him away from his troubles.
"Very nice, Kyle, you worked very hard tonight," Madame Kathryn said. "All of you did tonight."
"Olivia, Kyle, hurry up and get changed," Olivia's mother said the students filed into the lobby. "Your mom is taking your sisters shopping for clothes. Olivia and I are taking you to get some clothes."
Kyle hurried and got dressed, putting on his jeans and shirt and putting his tights and shoes in his dance bag.
He and Mrs. White waited until Olivia and Claire emerged from the girls' dressing room.
"Mom, can Claire come with us?" she asked. "I think she needs some cheering up."
"Sure, what's going on?" her mother asked.
"My dad's going back to Iraq after Christmas," Claire said.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Mrs. White said.
"Um, before we go, Kyle, put your hands over your eyes," Olivia said.
Kyle was puzzled, but did as his friend said. He was curious as he felt Olivia put a necklace around his neck.
"You can open them now," Claire said.
He looked down to see a golden necklace with a cross. It was identical to the ones both Olivia and Claire were wearing.
"Thanks," Kyle said. "But you didn't have to do this."
"Yes, I did," Olivia said. "Claire and I got ours after dance camp last year. To us, it symbolizes God is protecting us."
"He's also protecting you," Claire said as they climbed into Olivia's mother's van.
Chapter 21
"Pretty intimidating isn't it," Olivia said as Kyle walked on the stage at the theater.
He didn't realize the place was so big during dress rehearsals. The seats, his friend exclaimed, were going to be filled on opening night.
"Yeah it is," he replied, not entirely knowing what to expect.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine," she said.
"Easy for you to say, you've done this several times," Kyle said, knowing that Olivia had danced roles in the Nutcracker since she was very small.
"I still get nervous," she admitted. "But there is something magical once you get on the stage."
"Time to get ready, you two," a voice said from the wings. It was Miss Areceneaux, wearing a robe and a towel on her head.
She put her arms around both her students and gave them words of encouragement.
"You'll both be great, I'm so very proud of you," she told them.
"Madame Marie, we're so looking forward to seeing you dance," Olivia said.
"Why thank you! Now go get ready," Miss Arceneaux said. "Kyle, can I walk you to your dressing room?"
"Yes ma'am," Kyle said.
"So how do you feel about this?" she asked. "You've been through a whole lot with your dad, with your friends at school."
"I am a little nervous, and kind of excited, too," he said as they walked down the hall. "I'm really glad I'm doing this.
"You'll be fine," she said, trying her best reassure him. "You've come a long way from the day you walked into my exploratory class."
"Can I tell you something Madame Marie?” he asked. "Promise you won't laugh?"
"Sure, I won't laugh," she said.
"Claire said you're like my muse…" he said. "That day when you described the class, it really made it sound magical. I'm glad those other classes were filled."
She hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"That's really sweet for you to say," she said. "I'm glad to be the muse who awoke the dancer in you. After what your dad did to you and your mom and all the bullying you took at school, I was afraid that dancer was going to go back inside."
"Well he didn't," Kyle said. "Ballet has sort of been my refuge."
"Well, promise me you'll see how far that dancer can go," she said. "You've got a lot of talent. I'd love to see you dance in New York as a principal of a major company."
Kyle blushed as he opened the door to his dressing room, one that he shared with the real male stars, the guys who were dancing the real star roles of the sugar plumb and snow cavaliers.
Sitting on the dressing table was a vase of flowers with a note attached.
"Break a leg Kyle, love Beth and Emilee," it read.
It was kind of ironic. Maybe his friends weren't thinking about what happened to Michael, he thought.
But he also wished they were there to share the experience with him.
Chapter 22
Kyle's heart leaped when the orchestra began to play. It was almost time to go on.
His butterflies felt more like eagles when the party scene began. He immediately calmed down when he saw Olivia and Claire going at it on stage as Clara and Fritz.
They were very good. Of course, they've played the roles before.
He couldn't help but smile at his mom in her role as a party mom in the scene. His sudden interest in ballet also seemed to awaken the dancer in her, one that was buried long ago.
She seemed to be having so much fun on stage, as did Olivia's mom, who played Mrs. Stahlbaum, and Claire's mom, who was also playing a party mom.
He felt a couple of arms wrap around him as the scene played out.
"It's almost your time," a voice whispered. It was Madame Kathryn.
The scene played out just as he remembered when he saw it as a child. Fritz broke the nutcracker. Her Drosselmeir fixes the nutcracker. The party scene comes to a close.
He looked down to see his little sisters, dressed up as mice for his big scene.
Then it was time to go on.
He didn't focus on the crowd, like he was afraid he was going to. He seemed to relax as he got into his sword fight with the Mouse King, also known as Lucas, the only other boy left in the production after Michael's accident.
Lucas seemed to relish the role and almost got a little zealous. Then with a little help from Clara…aka…Olivia, he was able to defeat the oversized rodent.
He and Olivia performed their dance. It was simple, but to him amazing. She was to him an incredible dancer.
The rest of the performance went by pretty quick. It was also, in Olivia's words, and his long ago, magical.
"Wow, how can they do that?” he whispered as the two watched the Snow pas de deux, careful not to make it obvious he was talking to her while they were on stage.
The Arabian and Russian dances, they were fun to watch. They were so cool and so athletic.
He was impressed with Claire during her dance in the Waltz of the Flowers and tried to keep from laughing during his, Olivia's and Claire's sisters next big scene, popping out from Mother Ginger's skirt. It was made even more funny that Mother Ginger was played by Coach Rickard, the head coach of the high school football team.
There was no whispering, no attempts to laugh during the Sugar Plum pas de deaux. Olivia elbowed Kyle when Madame Marie reentered the stage.
Stunning, mesmerizing, incredible.
Kyle couldn't think of enough words to describe the dance of his teacher and her partner, who was equally an amazing dancer.
He understood the thundering applause and the shouts of "Bravo" from the audience. He imagined a time when they would be for him and Olivia, dancing in those same roles as their friend Claire predicted.
He also couldn't believe the applause for him and Olivia when they were brought back on stage for their bows.
It was one of the greatest feelings in the world.
It was a feeling he didn't want to end.
He was mobbed by Olivia and Claire once the curtain closed.
"You guys did so good!" Claire said.
"Us? You were pretty good yourself," Olivia said.
"Especially during the Waltz of the Flowers," Kyle said.
"I thought you all did great," said Madame Marie, who carried a bouquet of roses from her performance.
"Oh, we paled in comparison to you," Olivia said.
"Did we tell you we're honored to be your students?" Kyle said.
"You're just saying that to get an A in English," she said with a laugh.
"Oh no, he's not," Claire said.
"Kyle, we have something for you," Madame Kathryn said walking up to her performers. "All of the other teachers and I chipped in to get you this."
She handed him a plaque.
It read:
To the most courageous dancer in the Parksburg Nutcracker. The Parksburg Ballet Society.
He suddenly found himself surrounded not only by his friends and his teachers, but his mom and sisters.
"Did we tell you that we are so very proud of you?” his mother said.
He really didn't know what to say. It all seemed surreal.
"Just don't let it go to your head," Madame Kathryn said in a stern voice. She smiled and winked.
"We've still got a lot of work to do," she said.
The End