Chapter 7
Cassandra sat at her desk staring absentmindedly at her laptop when her encrypted instant messenger pinged.
mont357: You there?
cap556: Yeah, I’m glad you’re on actually. I need a favor
mont357: You always need a favor, lol. What now?
cap556: I do not! Okay maybe I’m a little needie. Turns out the daughter is an adult.
mont357: Oooh, the plot thickens.
cap556: Yeah, well she doesn’t want to go home, but she won’t say why. She just starts crying and looks like a scared cat.
mont357: We still have assets in the area that keep tabs on him, maybe they can figure something out. I gotta go for now ttyl!
cap556: Laters!
Cassandra closed her messenger and pulled up google. She ran a search for permanent hair removal, and was surprised at the results. “I can’t believe I never looked this up before,” she said to herself. After reading through some of the articles she decided the results still weren’t as fast as she needed. Deciding to see later what experimental procedure she had access to through the government, she turned her search towards finding a therapist that would help her get on hormones. As she was reading through the google results, Zoey came home from class startling the three trained operatives in the living room.
“Don’t shoot!” screamed Zoey throwing her hands in the air, as the other three lowered their weapons.
“Oh hey Zoey,” Cassandra casually replied. “How was your day?”
“It was fine until I nearly peed myself coming through the front door!” she replied.
“Hey you’re a psych major right?” asked Cassandra, completely ignoring Zoey’s outburst.
“Yyyeeeeessss,” she slowly replied. “Whyyyyyyyy?”
“I need hormones,” she stated simply.
“I’m not qualified for that yet,” said Zoey.
“I know, but you’ve got to know someone who is.”
Zoey thought for a moment and sighed. “I suppose I owe you, but going about it this way could get me into trouble.”
“If we get caught I could be in worse trouble. Technically I’m still in the army for another week, but you don’t owe me. If you’re really not comfortable, I’ll find another way.”
“Cass, I know we’ve only known each other for a few weeks, but I think of you as a sort of big sister. How can I say no to you?”
“NNOOO,” exaggerated Sergei from the couch causing Nadia to giggle.
“It’s not that simple, Sergei,” she replied.
“Yes it is,” said Cassandra. “You could simply say no.”
“I suppose I could, but I won’t. I know you need this. I know because I remember how I felt when nobody would help me with the same problem.”
“Wait. You mean you her?” asked Sergei as he pointed from Zoey to Cassie.
Zoey nodded. “You mean you couldn’t tell?”
“Most people can’t, Zo,” said Cassie. “I probably wouldn’t have known if that ogre that attacked you hadn’t called you the names he did.”
Zoey walked over to Cassandra and hugged her. “I’ll make some calls,” she said softly as she disappeared into her room.
Just then Cassie’s messenger pinged again.
mont357: One of our assets just reported in. Apparently Nickolai will be very upset if his daughter is not returned even though, according to my source, he is the one that sold her to that brothel in the first place.
cap556: That’s just like him to play both sides. He knew they’d bring her here, and that I would rescue her for free. I knew he would sink pretty low to make a quick buck, but this is too far.
mont357: I can’t believe you were able to work with a guy like that.
cap556: It was difficult, but most FSB agents, especially former KGB agents have their hands in something illegal. I’m going to need documents for her. A passport and green card at minimum.
mont357: Under an alias?
cap556: No. I want her to be able to use her real name. I’ll send photos and info through the usual channels.
mont357: I’ll process it as soon as i have it.
cap556: Thank you. On an unrelated note, I need a surveillance kit.
mont357: You’re going to get me court martialled. What is it for?
cap556: long story
mont357: It’s always a long story. I’ll see what I can dig up.
cap556: thank you
mont357: You owe me
cap556: yeah but it would never work between us
mont357: What?!
cap556: kidding! it would totally work out between us, only I’m not sure I’m currently available.
mont357: I’m going to go now, I had a lot to do BEFORE I agreed to help you.
cap556: You know you love me
mont357: Yeah in a masochistic sort of way
cap556: Ouch
mont357: lol, ttyl
cap556: laters!
Cassandra turned around in her chair and motioned Nadia over to her and pulled the girl into her lap. “Looks like i get to keep you a little longer,” she whispered as she gently started kissing Nadia just below the ear causing the girl to shudder and smile.
“Thank you,” whispered Nadia. They sat there and held each other in silence until Sergei finally spoke.
“I need some air,” he said as he rose to his feet and walked out the door.
“We should move to the couch,” said Cassandra. The girls relocate to the couch with Nadia curled up next to Cassandra. “Should we watch a movie?”
Nadia slowly nodded yes. “Something romantic.”
“I know just the thing,” said Cassandra as she got up and put Phantom of the Opera in her XBOX. When she sat back down, Nadia put her feet in her lap and wiggled her toes. “Still not feeling well?” asked Cassandra.
“They just feel wierd,” she replied.
Cassandra got the movie going and started rubbing Nadia’s feet. It was times like this when it hit her how small Nadia really was. She continued to massage and caress Nadia’s child sized feet throughout the movie occasionally kissing her toes or the tops of her feet, and eventually nodded off.
Cassandra awoke a while later with a severe case of cotton mouth, which she realized was because her mouth was actually full of cotton, or more accurately a sock. Pulling it out and looking at it she realized due to its size, it could only belong to the lovely redhead grinning at her like the cheshire cat from across the room.
“Hello sleepyhead,” said Nadia with a youthfulness that made Cassandra wonder if she really was the 10 she looked or the 18 she claimed to be.
“What’s this all about?” asked Cassandra holding up the sock she had removed from her mouth.
“You’re always playing with my feet,” replied the young girl. “I thought you might enjoy their taste too.”
This caused Cassandra to blush as she stared at the carpet and slowly nodded her head.
“I thought so,” giggled Nadia.
Cassandra recovered from her embarrassment and got up. “I’ll have plenty of time to play with your feet later,” she said. “Right now we have to get your papers straightened out, which means we need to make you look a little more like an adult.”
Zoey came out of her room with her cell phone in hand. “Cass, are you busy tomorrow?”
“Not unless something crazy happens,” she replied.
“Good. Tomorrow afternoon you’re going to see the doctor then,” she stated as she put her phone back up to her head and disappeared back into her room.
“I guess I’m going to the doctor tomorrow,” Cassandra said to no one in particular before turning back to Nadia. “I think we’re going to have to take you shopping missy. My clothes will swallow you.”
“What will I wear to go shopping?”
“Just put on the clothes you have and we’ll get you something new on the way to the mall.”
“Okay,” said Nadia as she scrambled to get dressed.
Cassandra knocked on Zoey’s door. “I’m taking the squirt shopping, you wanna go?”
“I could always use a new pair of shoes,” Zoey replied grabbing her purse.
“I’m ready,” announced Nadia who was now dressed in the clothes she was rescued in, which happened to be in worse condition than anyone had realized.
“We can’t take her shopping like that,” proclaimed Zoey.
“Yeah those are worse than I thought,” replied Cassandra. “We’ll have to stop at a store and get her something she can change into in the jeep.”
“That should work.”
The girls headed out the door as Sergei was returning from his walk. “Hey Sergei, we’re going to the mall.”
“Have fun,” he replied.
“Don't blow up the apartment while we’re gone,” giggle Cassandra.
“You are no fun,” chuckled Sergei as he went in the house while the girls continued down to the jeep, climbed in, and headed for a local discount store.
At the discount store Cassandra tells the others to wait in the car. She goes in and a few minutes later returns with a blue t shirt, a pair of denim shorts, a package of frilly socks, a package of panties, and a cheap pair of sneakers. She hands the bag to Nadia who proceeds to change in the back of the jeep.
“I’m not a contortionist you know,” she complains from the back seat as she struggled to change into her new clothes.
“I have faith in you,” replied Cassandra. Nadia replied by blowing her a raspberry.
“There, I’m dressed,” replied Nadia.
“Come out and let me see,” said Cassandra. Nadia climbed out of the jeep. “Wow, it all fits.”
“For the most part. Good enough anyways,” said Nadia.
“Back in the jeep,” said Cassandra. Everyone climbed back into the jeep and they headed for the mall. Being a weekday in early autumn they found a parking spot relatively easy.
They entered the mall through one of the major department stores and headed for the little girls section. Cassandra spotted a rack of blazers in the school uniform section.
“What do you think?” she asked as she held the blazer out for Nadia.
“It could work,” replied the girl as she took the blazer and tried it on over her t-shirt.
“I like it,” replied Zoey. “Now we gotta find her a shirt.”
“What about the matching blouse and skirt?” asked Cassandra.
“You don't think that will be a little too schoolgirlish?” asked Zoey.
“Nah, not if we go with the pink blouse and leave the collar open, or even better, flip the blouse collar over the blazer collar.”
“That might work,” replied Zoey as she grabbed the matching blue skirt and pink blouse. “Here Nadia, go try these on.”
Nadia took the clothes into the dressing room and reappeared a few minutes later.
“Beautiful,” announced Cassandra.
“Not bad,” replied Zoey. “She’ll need some shoes to go with it.”
“I think she needs two pairs to go with it,” said Cassandra.
“Why two?” asked Nadia.
“Versatility,” replied Cassandra. “You could wear it with those socks and some mary janes and look like a schoolgirl, or you could wear it with some hose and heels and look like a business woman.”
“Good point,” she said, and they walked over to the shoes, where they picked out a pair of black mary jane flats and a pair of black mary jane pumps. Nadia changed back into her bargain store clothes and they bought the outfit, and both pairs of shoes before heading out into the mall. They were walking towards a store that caters mostly to preteens when Zoey was pushed from behind and fell to the ground.
“Hey faggot,” a voice called from behind them. It was the linebacker sized asshole that had tormented Zoey the day Cassandra met her.
“Apparently you don't learn,” replied Cassandra turning to face him.
“What are you going to do about it?” he asked as he pulled out a knife.
Cassandra shook her head. “Idiot,” she mumbled. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to pull a knife out in here? In front of all these witnesses, and the security cameras? The major ass kicking that you’re about to receive will be all over the local news, not to mention youtube.”
“I can take you,” he snarled.
“Look this is your last warning,” said Cassandra angrily. “If you leave now and we never see you again, I’ll forget this whole thing ever happened, however, if you attack me, or come near us ever again, you will regret the day you were born.”
Their attacker couldn't believe a woman would dare talk to him this way. He decided it was time to teach these people a lesson. He swung his knife towards Cassandra’s face. She deflected his untrained hand, and jabbed him in the throat just hard enough to make him drop his knife and hold his neck where it hurt.
Cassandra laughed. “If that’s the best you’ve got, I suggest you quit while you’re still breathing.”
“I’ll get you, all of you do you hear me?!” he shouted before he took off running from the quickly approaching rent-a-cops.
“You dropped your knife!” called Cassandra as she bent down and picked it up. “Oh well, guess it’s mine now.”
“Are you ladies alright?” asked the first security guard to reach them.
“Yeah, that asshole has a problem with my friend here, but it’s nothing we can’t handle,” replied Cassandra.
“We can call the police for you if you would like to press charges. We have the whole thing on tape,” he replied.
“Nah, like I said, it’s nothing we can’t handle.”
“But he pulled a knife on you.”
“Aaaand I took it from him,” giggled Cassandra.
“And I suppose if he pulls a gun next time you’ll take that from him too?” the guard asked sarcastically.
“Nope. If he’s dumb enough to pull a gun, he’s dumb enough to get shot,” replied Cassandra.
The guard looked at her like she was crazy. “Allrighty then, If you ladies are okay then we’ll be on our way.”
“Have a good day,” she smiled at them. “You alright Zo?” she asked as she pulled Zoey into a hug.
“Yeah, I’m just a little shaken up. When the FUCK will people like that stop bothering me?!” she shouted. “I’m okay now,” she added more calmly.
“Got that out of your system?” asked Cassandra.
“Yep,” nodded Zoey. “Now let’s go get the squirt here the rest of her wardrobe so I can go home and become a recluse.”
“You’re not going to become a recluse”
“Am too,” replied Zoey sticking her tongue out.
“Come on children,” interjected Nadia causing all three girls to laugh. They continued on to the store for preteens where they proceeded to buy half the store, ensuring that Nadia would have a variety of outfits to make her look like a preteen fashionista. When they left the store she wore a bright blue tank top, denim bermuda shorts, the frilly socks from the discount store, and a pair of bright blue low top converse that matched her tank top. They took all the bags out to the jeep, somehow crammed everything and everyone inside, and headed home.
To Be Continued...